Annotated-Synthesis 20project

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My Short Story

College is For Everyone Even Monsters

My name is Tyronee (Tie-row-knee) I am a blob monster and my only dream is to go to

Monster University. Normally where I come from blob monsters have only one job, and that is to
work in the field of mechanics and machinery. My father is a goo mixing machine worker. His
job is to mix blue goo and red goo to make purple goo. Purple goo is what powers our
automotive vehicles, and without it we could not fly or drive anywhere. Although going into the
goo mixing business with my father would be fun, my true dream is to be a monsterologist. I
would be allowed to travel the world, discover new monsters, and try new types of food. They
have this dish called eyeball stew that I heard is to die for, but it can only be made with curtain
raw ingredients in South Monsica. Yet that is a far place to get too. Let me explain the world I
live in. We live on a plant called Ministros. It’s one giant land cut into 4 square sections
separated by our four major oceans. The 4 lands are called South Monsica, North Monsica,
Ethiopia, and Goobloany where I live. Now to get into Monster University I have to win the
hardest, painstaking challenge. The Monster Gladiator Battle. The winner gets accepted into
college, and Monster University only takes one monster a year. Now the name might sound a
little misleading, but I assure you as monsters we don’t condone fighting. So the Monster
Gladiator Fight is actually a test on which monster of this year's graduating class has the best
Presentation, Budget Making, and Time Management skills. I have done everything to prepare
for this test. Even taking a Monsterversity to Succeed class this year. It’s the last week of May,
and the Monster Gladiator Battle is tomorrow. I’m so nervous, but I hope that I prepared enough
in my Monsterversity to Succeed class that I will be able to win this year. I have learned a lot in
my Monsterversity to Succeed class. It’s hard to believe, but before the class I didn’t know how
to make a Resume for a job, and how to make a budget plan. My favorite part about that class is
when my meacher Mrs. Mostby touched on the subject of dimonsity. That in this world there are
a lot of different monsters and they all do different things. Some fly, some dig; some eat bugs,
and some catch bugs. All these things are at the end of the day just what makes us unique, and
even though we have differences we can still work together to make this world a better place.
Now in class we have learned a lot, but I feel like two strategies that will help me get into
Monster University and prepare for a monster family life of my own are Stress management, and
Testing Strategies. I never thought that getting the max amount of sleep possible before a
monster quiz would benefit me more than staying up all night studying how to remove glober
snot from the spring coil in a shock compressor. Yes there is a whole process, and after many
hours of studying it I still forget to add lubrication grease to soften the snot. Funny fact about
glober snot, it comes from a glober which is like a giant troll that has very sticky snot, but if you
add salt to it will bake into quite the delicious treat. Now I know to get as much sleep as I can
before a monster test and study beforehand. I have a lot of classes this year that can be very
stressful like The history of Mocasocka who is our founder of Goobloany. It’s said that
Mocasocka was one of four leaders that departed at the sea of monsters to settle their land.
Mocasocka built Goobloany from the ground up, and when it began to run smoothly she just
vanished. They say you can find her in a place where all oceans connect and the exact middle
point between any two land masses. It’s also said that Mocasocka still lives,and protects us from
human invasion. Also I had the class Monstermatics, where each monster is tested on the
numbers, and equations that I have not much interest in. I prefer history. These two classes alone
give me lot’s of Mostwork that I have to do at home. I also work with my dad just in case this
Monster University thing doesn't work out, and right after I graduate I can start Goo Mixing. So
the teachings of Stress Management allows me to step back and ask myself what is giving me
extra stress. Like do I need to play Monster ball, which is a sport where you kick a little troll
around and try to shoot in a little moving ring hoop with only your feet. I don’t have to play
Monster ball every day and sometimes I can just work on my Mostwork relieving myself of
some of the Stress on me. I have also learned that stress can be good for me. Like when I felt
stressed to complete my Mosterthesis Project in my Monsterversity to Succeed class, because it
helped me go over the material that we went over in the course of the year and remind me that I
can improve in some of the areas like Goal Setting. Goal setting has never been this monsters
forte, honestly setting plans have never been my strong suite either. Goal setting is very
important, because it can identify areas you would like to improve and ways you would like to
go about obtaining that goal. Becoming a good goal setter can better help me if I get into
Monster University look ahead into the future to see what I would like to improve and how I can
come about this goal. Maybe I would like to remember how solve for Monsterqadics, so I’m
gonna set a goal to go over Monsterqadics every night so that when monster test day comes I will
know the formula. Now it’s late in the night and I’m gonna get some sleep in, because tomorrow
is gonna be a big day, and as I know sleeping will do me more good then staying up all night.
The morning came fast, and most of it was a blur. I got up, got my monster cap and gown that
was green and purple on. Then I ate monster oats, and headed to the coliseum. At the coliseum
there was my entire graduating class of 1,355 ½ if you count Jerrid and his twin brother Mixmot
that share the same body, and have two heads. The Judges were made up of the Blobvnor who
runs all of the projects Goobloany, the scout for Monster University Mrs. Evergreen who is an
Ice monster and controls the glacier department, and lastly my Father who is head of Machinery
and mechanics. The first challenge was my strong suite Making and presenting a slideshow. You
had to make a slideshow that would be given to another student, and you had to present a
slideshow of what another monster student made. I got a topic about Bards breath, that is used to
light forges so we can make tools. I talked about its attributes and importance, while adding
tidbits about important facts not on the slideshow. I made it to round two with 500 hundred other
people. This next monster test is backbreaking, because it narrows down to ten contenders. I was
given a budget of 1200 monster bucks, and was asked if I would pay 10% of my budget the first
year and then 5% of the original for the next 10 years. How much of my original budget do I
have left to spend on food preparation if divided between 3 years. “Crap” I told myself. Math has
never been my strongest subject, and I have 5 minutes to figure it out. “ Okay I can do this,” I
said quietly. I know that if I get too fixated on one part that is a horrible Monster test taking
skills so first break it up. 10% of 1200 is 120 and if subtracted from total is 1080 Monster bucks.
5% of the original for the next 10 years will leave me with 480 Monster Bucks. Now ⅓ of 480 is
160 Monster Bucks. So I said to the judges that you would have 160 Monster Bucks to spend on
food preparation. When they called my name I rejoiced to make it to the final round which is
Time Managing. I was given a series of events and I had to manage my time the right way to
give myself 1 hour and 15 minutes to drive a car past a check mark. If you don’t make it, you
fail. If you’re too early you fail. Good luck, they tell us. I was given the following tasks: Run a
bun from the bakery to the orphanage, head to the laundromat and pick up the Blobvnor’s
matching red socks and give them to his wife, and clean off the Glober Snot on the flag pole
right in the center of the coliseum. I have an 8 hour time limit to do all of my tasks plus drive to
the checkpoint. I wasted no time. I ran to the bakery and grabbed the bun to then give to the
orphanage. It took me 1 and a half hours. I now have 6 ½ hours left. I then traveled to the
laundromat but it was closed and all of the clothing was shipped to another one hour farther. So
already losing 30 minutes I ran back to the coliseum and started on the Snot at 4 hours and 45
minutes. I was about to start tearing at the snot when I remembered that Grease softens it and
makes it faster. So I ran home, grabbed my Lubricant Grease and ran back. By the time I got
back I had 3 ½ hours left, and got off the snot in 30 minutes flat. I have 1 hour and 45 minutes
left before I need to be back to drive. The laundromat I was going to was a 45 minute run so I
bolted. When I got to the store I went through every basket and found one red sock. I now have
50 minutes till I have to be back at the coliseum, and the matching red sock was nowhere to be
found. Then I saw it! In the machine of a dryer on the far left, I snatched it and ran out the door. I
finally got to the Blobvnor’s house and I rang the Monsterbell for their door. Running out of time
to get back with 20 minutes on the clock, when the door opened I greeted the wife of the
Blobvnor and handed the two socks to her and booked it for the hills. Time was on my side when
I got the keys and into the car with 1 extra minute. This extra minute will save my life when out
of nowhere a goo pipe busts in front of the finish line and covers my car. I was so close and was
not about to give up then. I got out of my car 10 steps, 8 steps, 6 steps, 3 steps, 2 steps, one giant
leap. As I landed on the finish line 8 hours struck right on the dot. “I did it,” I shouted. I was
given the certificate, and that day I became the first Blob monster in my family to attend college
at Monster University. 20 years later I’m a successful Monsterologies, I have tried different
foods, and traveled the world. Yet you can find me now back home with my pops mixing goo,
and telling my grandson to never give up on his dreams of going to the College.

If you didn’t get all of the answers to the questions for the synthesis project here is a quick recap
of what I tried to explain in the short story called College is For Everyone Even Monsters.
Detail how you've grown throughout this semester as a college freshman: I have learned
to make a resume, and a budget.
Analyze at least 2 specific strategies you implemented and how they have improved your
chances of success in college: Stress management, and Test taking strategies. Managing
the stress I have on my plate I separate the good stress from the bad and unnecessary
stress. Sleep can help to prepare for a test, and so does studying the test long beforehand.

Identify 1 specific strategy you still need to work on for future semesters and how you
plan to improve in that area: Goal Setting is the area, and I plan to make more goals and
follow them through.

Describe your favorite part of this course and why: I loved when we talked on the subject
of diversity and I liked it because it taught me that we all are different and sometimes
other people judge people for that. Yet the difference is really just unique and that is what
everyone is. Unique.

Add additional commits:I love History, and Mysteries. I’m really good at math, but
portrayed that secretly. I created a monster class that was a replica to our University to
Success class. I love this class.

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