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~ October 2023 ~

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 VIP Nora T. 4 VIP Oliver B. Oliver 5 VIP Rory Sammy 6 VIP Shepard Sophie 7
Oakleigh G.
National Truth &

8 9 10 VIP Teddy Thea 11 VIP Tobias Tyson 12 VIP Yoyo Akeelia 13 VIP Alivia Alyse 14
PAC Pizza
Library Fire Drill Photo Day
Thanksgiving Fresh Air Friday?
Bus safety

15 16 VIP Anneaka 17 VIP Billie Declan 18 VIP Emilee 19 VIP Everett Hana 20 21
Ariya Emma

1/2 day N.I. Day

Book Fair * no school
Library Book Fair
Informal Reports

22 23 VIP Hayden 24 VIP Jackson 25 VIP Lane Leo 26 VIP Maddy 27 VIP Max Maya 28
Huxley Jacob Mattias

Pumpkin Patch Fire Drill

Class /Photo retakes
29 30 VIP Nathan 31 VIP Nora T. 1 VIP Oliver B. Oliver 2 VIP Rory Sammy 3 VIP Shepard Sophie 4
Nora G. Oakleigh G.

Library Halloween

September is over!? But we just got started! We will begin a new round of Sharing soon
so please send your child’s project when finished. Take note of the photo days. Our first
possible Fresh Air Friday will be Oct. 13. Oct. 18th is a part day for teachers to do
informal reports. We will let you know later in the month what those will look like for
K. Dismissal is at 12:40. Our first field trip is on Oct. 23 to Chase. We will have some
pumpkin/ Halloween activities on the 31st. Please label all items that come to school and
remember to send utensils with lunches. Look for notices or notes in zipper bags and
check the class blog weekly at regarding new activities.
Contact us at the school (376-2205), through the blog or via email
Happy Fall!
A. Bowden & C. Farber

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