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 A weighted scoring model evaluates and compares various options or projects based on several
 A weighted scoring model helps us prioritize tasks depending on their weighted scores.

How a weighted scoring model can be used to evaluate four project names: "Global Treps,"
"Change the Laws Campaign," "Wealthy Unite," and "Global Smart Shoppers" based on Criteria
such as project objectives, quality, stakeholder engagement, cost-effectiveness, time efficiency,
and risk factor are all included in the model.

Creating a weighted scoring model:

 Need to list out the projects.
 Identify the specific criteria.
 Assign the weights based on their importance.
 Collect the necessary data and evaluate each option against the assigned weights.
 Calculate weighted scores which help to establish the weighted scoring model.

Weighted Scoring Model Criteria:

 Project Objectives (25%): Project objectives are important because they outline the desired
outcomes and goals of the project. A weight of 25% indicates that it has a significant impact on
the overall rating. The scores assigned to each project name indicate how closely they align with
their objectives.
 Quality (20%): This criterion evaluates the service or product quality. This will have an indirect
impact on long-term economic growth. With a weight of 20%, it emphasizes the necessity of
generating high-quality results.
 Stakeholder Collaboration (15%): Stakeholder cooperation assesses how well a project engages
and collaborates with relevant stakeholders such as team members, clients, and partners. With
a weight of 15%, it emphasizes the importance of stakeholder interaction. The given scores
show the level of participation displayed by each project name.
 Cost Effectiveness (10%): Cost-effectiveness measures how effectively resources are used to
achieve project objectives. Its weight of 10% shows the importance of project cost management.
The scores assigned represent the cost-effectiveness of each project.
 Time Efficiency (20%): Time efficiency measures a project's ability to meet the deadlines,
deliverables, and milestones within the time frame. It weighs 20%, emphasizing the need for
effective time management. The offered scores represent the estimated time efficiency of each
project name.
 Risk Factor (10%): The risk factor evaluates the risk associated with each project by considering
potential problems and adverse outcomes. With a weight of 5%, it recognizes the importance of
risk assessment and management. The scores assigned show the risk level set for each project.
Weighted Scoring Model Table

Weighted Score by Project

Global Smart

Wealthy Unite

Change the
laws Cam-

Global Treps

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Change Global
Global the Laws Wealthy Smart
Criteria Weight Treps Campaign Unite Shoppers
Project Objectives 25% 8 75 55 65
Quality 20% 75 70 60 45
Stakeholder Collaboration 15% 60 55 50 45
Cost Effectiveness 10% 40 50 40 45
Time efficiency 20% 80 30 50 70
Risk Factor 10% 20 50 30 50
Weighted Project Scores 100% 66 57 50.25 55.5
Results after analysis:
 Global Treps: This project received the highest weighted project score of 66, indicating that it
meets the criteria and objectives.
 Change the Laws Campaign: This project ranks second with a weighted project score of 57.
 Wealthy Unite: With a weighted project score of 50.25, this project may not align as strongly
with the specified criteria and objectives as the other projects.
 Smart Global Shoppers: This project ranks third with a weighted project score of 55.5.
 It is concluded that the Global Treps project should be prioritized for Implementation. This
project received the highest weighted score, indicating that it meets the requirements and
objectives and has the potential to be successful.

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