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Embalming II – Lesson 1.

2 – Preparation After Embalming

Study Guide Questions

1. List several post-embalming treatments that are generally carried out after arterial and cavity

2. What are the two types of supplemental methods of embalming?

3. What types of chemicals are used for surface embalming?

4. When applying surface preservative gels, what should be done to reduce fumes and prevent

5. Compare the effectiveness of powders as a surface embalming agent in relation to gels and liquids.

6. What are the two most common methods of incision closure today?

7. What types of areas is hypodermic embalming used to treat?

8. Why should one pull on the thread (rather than the needle) when tightening a suture?

9. List some common potential areas of leakage?

10. What will need to be done to a body that has purged after dressing/cosmetics?

11. Describe the inversion suture.

12. What is the most common type of suture?

13. Which suture is normally used by autopsy technicians to close long incisions?

14. How is the Single Intradermal suture "hidden"?

15. Why does the text suggest that invasive devices such as IV needles or venous catheters be left in
place until after arterial injection?

16. Using the text and the lesson notes, explain how and why a pacemaker must be removed before

17. According to the lesson notes, when should a colostomy bag be removed and what type of suture
should be used to close the opening?

18. According to the lesson notes, when should orifices such as the nasal passages, throat and rectum
be packed?

19. What are some ways that pitting edema can be moved out of an area?

20. What problem often arises after removing edema from the facial tissues or hands?

21. Define Crepitation.

22. List the steps that the text suggests must be taken before incisions are closed.
23. What are some ways to correct wrinkled lips?

24. Define a coverall.

25. Describe a Unionall.

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