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Hi, good day to all my friends. I’m Chong Khai Yu from Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (Cina) Balakong .

My school code is BBC 4034. Today I would like to share the story entitle “The Lazy Duck”. The book
was written by Wong Mee Ling and published by Pan Earth Sdn.Bhd.

The story took place in a village where there once a duckling named Denny. He was very lazy to work
and always sleep after meal. He didn’t want to listen to his mother’s advises and continued laze
around. Denny grown into a duck and he begun to steel food from neighbours and didn’t want to
work for his living even his parent has passed away.

Danny soon be banished by the villagers. So, he sold his parent’s house and leaved the village with a
pack of money which collected by Old Danny, the head of the village from each duck in the village.
He spent his money lavishly by enjoying luxury life and soon his money is finished. He still continued
his laziness by sleeping near a cow shed and wanders around to steal food from villagers until he was
chasing away by the them.

One day, Denny found a farm of human village and settle down there. He could have a good life by
doing some simple jobs, which is look after the female ducks until they lay eggs in order he could get
free foods, drinks and a place to sleep.

But Denny’s attitude never changes. He only wanted to eat and didn’t want to work. Again, he didn’t
accept his friend’s advice and always hides behind the bushes and sleep. At the end, Denny growth
bigger and fatter, he is been taken by the friend of the farm’s owner. From that day onwards, Denny
is never seen again.

The main take away from this story is that we must work hard for our living and should not be lazy
and gain something without doing anything. Besides, there will be a punishment if we did something
against the law.

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