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Name: ....................................................................................................................................... Class: ........................

Osama bin Laden's Second Death If today were April 1 and not May 2, we could dismiss (1) as an April fool's* joke this morning's headline that Osama bin Laden was killed in a firefight in Pakistan and quickly buried at sea. As it is, we must take it as more evidence (2) that the US government has unlimited belief in the gullibility** of Americans. Think about it. What are the chances (3) that a person allegedly suffering from kidney disease and requiring dialysis and, in addition, afflicted with diabetes and low blood pressure, survived in mountain hideaways (4) for a decade? If bin Laden was able to acquire dialysis equipment and medical care that his condition required, would not the shipment of dialysis equipment point to his location? Why did it take ten years to find him? Consider also the claims, repeated by a triumphalist US media celebrating bin Laden's death, that "bin Laden used his millions to bankroll*** terrorist training camps in Sudan, the Philippines, and Afghanistan, sending 'holy warriors' to foment revolution and fight with fundamentalist Muslim forces across North Africa, in Chechnya, Tajikistan and Bosnia." That's a lot of activity for mere millions to bankroll (perhaps the US should have put him in charge of the Pentagon), but the main question is: how was bin Laden able to move his money about? What banking system was helping him? The US government succeeds in seizing (5) the assets**** of people and of entire countries, Libya being the most recent. Why not bin Laden's? Was he carrying around with him $100 million dollars in gold coins and sending emissaries to distribute payments to his far-flung operations?
*April Fools Day = Da de los Santos Inocentes ** gullibility = credulity *** bankroll = finance, provide money **** assets = property

PREGUNTAS (NO RESPONDER EN ESTA HOJA) READ THE TEXT AND ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS. BE CAREFUL TO FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR EACH QUESTION. 1. Link each of the words or expressions listed below with one word or expression in the column (as numbered in the text) [1 mark]. Please copy the correct pair of words on your answer sheet, e.g. common and ... probability grab discard refuge proof dismiss (1) and... evidence (2) and... chance (3) and... hideaway (4) and... seize (5) and... Reading comprehension Choose the best option [0.75 marks]. Please copy the complete correct option on your answer sheet. Bin Laden was supposed to suffer from a mental disease. Bin Laden sent emissaries to finance terrorist attacks with gold coins. Bin Laden was supposedly supported by some financial entity. Bin Laden sent emissaries to obtain gold coins and distribute them. 2.2. Choose the best option [0.75 marks]. Please copy the complete correct option on your answer sheet. Bin Laden used his money to foment peace among the Muslim community. The US put bin Laden in charge of the Pentagon some years ago. Libya is the latest example of the USAs seizing power. The Americans are not as gullible as the Europeans. 3. Complete the sentences using information from the text [2 marks]. It is important that phrases from the text are not reproduced literally, unless this is unavoidable. a) Osama bin Laden was... b) It took ten years... c) Banking systems must... d) The US government... 4. Complete with one or more adequate words [1.5 marks]. Do not copy the complete text on your sheet, only the letter (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f) followed by the word or words that you find suitable for the gap. It is important that phrases from the text are not reproduced literally. The various lies and deceptions, _____(a) as "weapons of mass destruction," of the last several administrations had terrible _____(b) for the US and the world. But not all deceptions ____(c) the same. Remember, the entire reason for invading Afghanistan in the first place was to ____(d) bin Laden. Now that President Obama has ____(e) bin Laden to have been shot in the head by US special forces operating in an independent country and buried at sea, there is no ____(f) for continuing the war. What does the author think about the Americans reaction to Osamas death? (25-50 words) [2 marks]. You are expected to draw information from the text, but please use your own words. Do you think fundamentalist Muslim terrorism will come to an end after bin Ladens death? (25-50 words) [2 marks]. Express your own ideas by using your own words.

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