Research 9

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Republic of the Philippines

Division of Laguna
Nagcarlan District of Laguna
Barangay Banago Nagcarlan, Laguna
S.Y. 2022-2023



Bueno, Nikki Jenah

Casimiro, Kate Ashly

Color, Corine

Sañez, Samantha

Arvesu, Romel

Platero, Russel

Rodellas, EricDave

Suministrado, Emmanuel

Ticzon, Dehnrei


The researcher would like to express their deepest gratitude and love, the
researcher dedicated this work to the people who help them and who has given them
inspiration and contributed to the completion of their work.

To God Almighty, through Jesus Christ, for continuously giving his enormous
guidance, knowledge, understanding, grace, mercy, and strength to finish it.

To our family as they support us emotionally, mentally, and financially.

To Mrs. Liza V. Tuico, our practical research teacher, for her trust and
confidence given to the researcher to finish their research and guiding them to achieve
the completion of their research.

To respondents, for their cooperation and active participation in answering the


To the researchers, who gave their deep appreciation to all those who
supported her in one way or the other in order to accomplish this piece of work.


This research is wholeheartedly dedicated to;

Almighty God who has been so gracious, and for giving them the chance to live every

To their Beloved parents, who has been so supportive in every means;

To our Practical Research teacher, Ms. Liza Tuico, who guided and shared her
knowledge for us to conduct a well-made research study, and to the principal who gave
us the chance to execute this study.

To the next HUMSS Students to have a profound knowledge about The Effect of Being
a Working Student on the Academic Performance of SHS Students.

To all of our classmates, HUMSS OSIAS for all the support

Thanks to all of you!


Page No.

Table of Contents………………..……………..............……………………………………4



Background of the Study……….............………………………………………………….8

Statement of the Problem…………............……………………………………….………9

Hypothesis ……………………………...........…..…………………………………………10

Significance of the Study………………...........……….…………………………………10

Scope and Delimitation…….……….….……...........…………………………………….11

Theoretical Framework………….….………..……...........………………………………11

Conceptual Framework……………………………...........………………………………13

Conceptual Paradigm……………………………………..........…………………………14

Definition of Terms………………….……………………………..........…………………15

Review of Related Literature and Studies………….……………………........……….16


Research Design…………….…...….…………........……………………………………..22

Research Locale……………………..…………........……………………………………..22

Units of Analysis………………….……….….......………………………………………..23

Sampling Procedure……………………….…........………..…….………………………23

Research Instrument………………….….…........…….…………………….……………23

Data Gathering Procedure……......……….….............…….………………….………..24

Analytical Framework……………..….....…….….......………………………….……….24






Summary of Finding……………......................……….…….……………………………37




Chapter 1


Education is a human right, a powerful driver of development, and one of the
strongest instruments for reducing poverty and improving health, gender equality,
peace, and stability. It delivers large, consistent returns in terms of income, and is the
most important factor to ensure equity and inclusion. Education is an important thing
that significantly matters to everyone. It has been said that it is the treasure that we can
bring with ourselves, after of all the hard work that we have gone through. It is the
reflection of our life that we can prove even for now. It is the gate pass to be hired from
all of the company that you will be applying for. However, in this world, we can not get it
for free. Many of the degree holders suffer a lot before getting the degree they want.
They entered the world of working while they were studying in order to support their
needs as a college student. But many of them, choose to work first before studying in
order to have money for their education. Especially that in this time, the education is
changing—unlike before that a little money would help you to finish your study. But now,
it will take a million to finish a degree and this has had an effect on students. Mainly,
they are looking for jobs while in school to help cushion some of those costs and
everyday expenses.

As they wanted to finish their degree to get a high-paying job, they are working
really hard for their future while studying. According to the study that has been
conducted money is one of the important things that would help them to pay for their
debts. Many college students work while attending school to finance their study which in
return has an effect. A recent article has shown that there is a psychological and
physical toll that takes upon student who try to juggle both. From working and attending
school, stress becomes the main setback in which affects their academic performances.
And that working while studying would require an individual’s skills in managing time.
Time management offers individuals the means to structure and control their activities
as stated by Claessens et al., (2004) in Adams & Blair (2019) in which successful time
management means recognizing and improving by encouragement and objective
guidance the commitment needed to solve many areas of learning.

In addition to this, the pandemic had also been the factors of the students to
involve themselves in the line of working students. Therefore, working while studying
help the students to finance their academic expenses yet it also had a disadvantages to
their study. In light of the aforementioned financial difficulties that students face, their
bad financial habits contribute to financial stress and anxiety. Many students struggle to
make ends meet and pay for their education because they have limited income,
inadequate financial literacy, compulsive spending habits, and high debt levels
(Widener, 2017).
Having a part-time job every semester break and buying things that aren’t needed are
two slightly practiced financial practices among the participants in Azer and
Mohammad’s study, whereas avoiding over-spending and enjoying shopping are two
highly practiced financial practices among the participants (2018).

Background of Study

A working student is a student who, in addition to their full-time studies at a

university or a state- accredited university of applied science, is employed by a
company on a more-than-marginal basis. Some students might have to work full-time
and do multiple jobs to cover the expenses of their studies (Goldrick-Rab, 2016). Being
a working student is a hard situation, they always need to balance their time to make
sure that they are doing good in their study and at the same time, at work. At the same
time, they also need to budget their money, because aside from school expenses, most
of them are facing financial problem due to their family situation.
Also, one of the main reason why they need to work while they are studying is
because they need an experience for work. And some are to share their knowledge and
skills, and at the same time, to gain more of it. However, working while studying could
affect their health, studies, and their other priorities. Also, one of the disadvantages of
being a student while holding a job is that they are often short on time and commonly
find themselves with limited time to study, sleep, and maintain healthy eating habits. In
a study conducted by Gorgulho, et al., (2012), one of the main complaints among

working students is that they find themselves without enough time to eat right. Instead
of consuming healthy foods, such as fruit and whole grains, working students often grab
a quick meal comprised of low quality foods that contain sugar and high sodium
(Gorgulho, et al., 2012). They always run out of time to eat because they are too busy
for their job. In conclusion to this, the researchers aim to give solution to the
problems that they had stated above. As it is stated here that working while studying
had affected their health and the way they handle life in every situation. The researcher
would want to give a deeper understanding about the effect of working while studying
and how they could handle it properly.

Statement of the Problem

This research investigated the effect of being a working student in the academic
performance of Senior High School Students in Plaridel Integrated National High School
year 2022-2023. Specifically, it aimed to answer the following questions:

1. What is the main reason why they need to work while studying?

2. What are the difficulties they encounter as a working student?

3. What are the effects of being a working student in their academic


4. How does being a working students help you to continue your study?

5. How did they cope up with the effect of being a working student?


Ha: There is a significant relationship between being working students to their

academic performance on Senior High School Students in Plaridel Integrated National
High School.

Significance of the Study

The researchers believe that this research study will be useful to the following:

Community: This study informs the community about the advantages and
disadvantages of being a working students.

School: This study assists schools by providing the awareness and knowledge about
being a working student that enables them to achieve their goals in the most effective

Teachers: This study helps the teachers to know how to cope with the problems that
are related to the well being of a working students.

Students: This study helps regular students understand the value of education without
having to work.

Researchers: This study helps a lot to future researchers as a reliable source regarding
working students.

Scope and Delimitations

The scope of this study focuses on how working while studying affects the
academic performance of Senior High School students. It covers the difficulties they
encounter and their experiences.
The study is delimited only for Senior Highschool students who are officially
enrolled in PINHS school year 2022-2023. 30 students who were identified to be
working students were used as subjects of the study. It was conducted within the
second semester of the school year 2022-2023. Limitation of time and budget somehow
affected the results of the study.

Theoretical Framework

Students engaged in part-time and sometimes full-time job while studying is

becoming a normal phenomenon everywhere. Job employment will eventually prepare
them for their future career or profession. The majority of the data in this study comes
from experiences, and these data will be examined and explained using several and
specific theories. This study makes use of the Moral Responsibility Theory of P.F.
Strawson, Sociobiology Theory of Edward Wilson, and the Existential Theory by Soren
Kierkegaard and Friedrich Nietzsche.

The Moral Responsibility Theory of P.F. Strawson, published in 1962, presents

the consequences of each action in the pros and cons result. It can be defined in
Philosophy as the status of morally worthy praise, reward, blame, or punishment for an
act performed or neglected by one's moral obligations accompanied by the three
essential elements: accountability, freedom, and results that can be either praiseworthy
or blameworthy. This theory shapes the pros and cons of the life experiences of working
students. As indicated by Watts and Pickering (2000), working part-time and studying
full-time has a variety of positive outcomes and respondents generally viewed part-time
employment as a necessity to survive in the contemporary higher education sphere.
However, the student might experience under pressure due to demands in academics

such as, completing the tasks in the given time and instability regarding with finance.
The work plus studies make these hardworking students sleep deprived, and sleep
deprivation increases the risk factors of insomnia and damage to brain function.
Working students exposed to excessive workload despite the satisfactory salary
eventually lead to bad effects on health and well- being in the long run.

Second, this study also make use of the Sociobiology Theory of Edward Wilson
published in 1975 that talks about the relationship between social behavior and Charles
Darwin’s Evolution Theory. It focuses on the hypothesis that natural selection partly
affects the behavior of an individual. Natural selection is a process in which different
biological traits become more or less ordinary based on the effect that a specific
attribute has. Furthermore, sociobiology investigates and illustrates that the concept of
one’s behavior may be due to by the genes of their parents. This study's idea gives it
shape in a way that makes it possible to provide a reliable highlight to the conditions
surrounding the study subjects, which encourages the choice to work while attending
school to help pay for it. Also, it helps with understanding of how students' behavior
changes when they adjust to a particular things sufficiently fit in that specific societal
development, regardless of whether their decision is inherited genetically or as a result
of environmental factors. This idea suggests that the individuals' experiences and traits
are given context and their decision-making process, significance.

Lastly, this research uses the Existential Theory which is a branch of Philosophy
that focuses on the meaning of life. Existential Theory (also referred to as
Existentialism, Merriam 1828) can be taken as a philosophical theory which means that
someone's development depends on their choice and which emphasizes that everyone
is free and responsible. It is the view of humans that define their meaning in life and try
to make rational decisions despite existing in an irrational universe. The Existential
Theory is categorized into two perspectives: first, a religious perspective which states
that humans' free will is affected by their beliefs. Second, a psychological perspective
which states that everyone has their different mind and will, whatever they decide is
through their own. To relate in this study, working students' possess legal rights and
own action which corresponds to their will. Existential theory aids in further

understanding of the instances such as students might even stop studying to continue
working or studying to stop working and, even, or commonly do both simultaneously.
Existentialism has a certain thing to focus in terms of a human will and supports the
factors that affect the working students' choices and perspective.

Conceptual Framework

Students who hold a full-time or part-time employment in addition to their

studies are referred to as working students. They are regular people without
professional or very lucrative employment. Some of them spend their time working in
school offices, faculty lounges, cafeterias, and libraries. While working long hours, time
is often lost from studying, which can result in poorer grades and less desirable post-
college chances. Working might make it more likely for students to leave school early
or take a little longer to graduate. However, there are many reasons why working as a
student can benefit both your academic and professional life. For example, you can
gain experience, build a network, or earn extra money. Working while enrolled in
classes could also help you develop solid money management skills and budgeting

Conceptual Paradigm

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Working Students Academic


Demographic Profile

Senior High School Students

Figure 1 shows that Senior High School working students are experiencing difficulties
to balance their studies while working. Thus, being a working student has an effect to
their academic performance. Therefore, it will help the Senior High School students to
know how to deal with it.

Definition of Terms

Academic Motivation – The drive or willingness of students to engage in academic

tasks and achieve their educational goals.

Academic Stress - The pressure or tension that students experience in response to

academic demands, such as exams, assignments, and grades.

Education - The process of acquiring knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes through
various forms of learning such as schooling, training, or self-study.

Financial Stability - A state of being financially secure, where an individual's income is

sufficient to meet their expenses and save for the future without incurring debt.

Sleep deprivation - A condition where an individual does not get enough sleep to meet
their body's needs, which can lead to various physical and mental health problems, such
as fatigue, irritability, and decreased cognitive function.

Time management - The ability to plan, organize, and prioritize tasks and activities
effectively in order to make the best use of one's time.

Working Students - Individuals who are pursuing their education while also holding a
job or engaging in paid work.
Chapter 2


This chapter contained the review of related literature that showed the impact of
being a working student in academic performance of senior high school students.

Time Management and Working Students

Based on Simon Willison’s Pickle Jar Theory on Time Management (2002), it

represents our daily life; What keeps us busy and how to divide the time and task during
the day. Most respondents agreed that working while studying had effects on their
academic performance. The most common effect was poor participation in class
activities. However, they could relate work skills to some school activities. On the other
hand, Triventi (2014) mentions that full time workers tend to have less time for
academic studies and school activities. Therefore, an effective time management
enables students to complete their tasks less time, as their mind is still focused and not
wasting on any distraction around them.

According to Moris Triventi's study, he looked into the effect of working in higher
education. He found that working at low-intensity had positive effects but higher-
intensity jobs, 35 hours or more per week, tended to have negative effects. Therefore, it
has been said that the effect of working in higher education has a positive and negative
impact in the life of the students. Part-time workers in this study were able to deal with
the effects of working while in school (Triventi, 2014). It has been said in this study that
working while studying had also increased independence, ability to budget, manage a
schedule, and gain soft skills. However, it also has a negative impact like, dropping out,
delayed graduation rates, and negative effects on academic performance. In conclusion
to this, managing time in an effectively manner could help the working students to have
a successful year.

The study of Elisabeth Hovdhaugen (2015), emphasizes that there are many
possible factors why students leave in a specific university before having the degree of
completion, and one of the most commonly cited reason is being engaged to work while

studying. Therefore, this study has explained that being an employee had affected the
dropout rates to students who are less likely to complete their program due to working
full time alongside studying full time than students working short part-time or not
working at all. However, it does not change the fact that variables known to influence on
dropouts such as gender, grades, and social background, but it adds to further explain
who the possible students may dropout. This has shown that working while studying
might pushed the students to dropout since they are already earning a money or in
other words they could manage the their time.
One of the disadvantages of being a student while holding a job is that they are
often short on time and commonly find themselves with limited time to study, sleep, and
maintain healthy eating habits. Sleep is one constant thing that college students lack. A
recent article on “Delayed Sleep and Sleep Loss in University Students” shows that
50% of student surveyed at a University is sleep deprived. An average amount of
students has a range of from difficulty falling asleep to difficulty staying asleep. This lack
of sleep syndrome is known as sleep phase syndrome is an important problem students
face at school which affects them from a range of academic performance. Sleep is a
necessity but the lifestyle college students acquire from coming into Universities affects
them severely. Our survey shows how lack of sleep can affect student from grades to
their diet (“Delayed Sleep and Sleep Loss in University Students,” 2015). Therefore, this
recent article explains that working while studying could affect the sleeping routine of
the students that would also affect them to have a problem in focusing on their study
and to think in a right manner.

Mitchell (2016), stated that being a working student is stressful most likely in
balancing your social life, time for family, school, and work. Figuring out how to manage
the pressure that pursues with being a working undergrad, and ensuring you have no
less than one night off a week, can bring down your stress levels ten times (Mitchell,
2016). Filipino students are struggling and feel pressure because they need to meet the
standards in their work for them to not lose their job and maintain their academic
performance so that they will not get a failing grade. They need to be wise in managing
their time in order to balance both studies and working.

According to Jinalee, N., & Singh, A. K. A (2018), once a person is aware of time
and its value and importance for aim in life, one is half way down the road to success.
Focus is one of the important part of time management to make sure that individuals
could stick with their schedule so they could reach their goal. This would help the
respondents to know what are the things that could help them properly implement time
management in their life without being distracted by those things that might affect their
work and tasks. It is also implied in this study that if they can focus, they will know how
to manage their time well. ABC theory showed that work needs to be done one by one
so they could not waste some time and they could focus to finish it all. Andic (2009) and
Ture (2013) as mentioned in (Bozbayindir, 2019) suggested that planning is an
important for the effective use of time and a lack of time management and time planning
increased the possibility of falling into time trap. Therefore, it can also be said that
planning might help the respondents to focus on their tasks without thinking about their
other tasks since it was written on their schedule or planner.

Based on the study of Rajeev Darolia (2014), there are a growing number of
students in college that are working and to a greater extent. Using nationally
representative data from the 1997 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, he analyzes
the different effects of working on grades and credit completion for undergraduate
students in the United States. This citation stated that the number of working students
are increasing because of the demand of their financial needs. Darolia also analyzed
that there are different effects of working while studying particularly in their academic
performance. Using a nationally representative sample of undergraduate students in the
US from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 (“NLSY97”) he analyzed the
effect of working on grades and credit completion across genders, races and ethnicities,
and college types (four-year, two-year) for students’ full tenure in college. In addition,
the study provided some of the first estimates of the distinct effects of variation in work
hours on academic performance. Determining the effects of working on academic
performance is difficult, as students may endogenously choose the number of hours to
allocate to work and study. However, a negative relationship between work hours and

credit completion for full-time students. Therefore, students appear to reduce course
loads when increasing work, which may be potentially concerning for policymakers. The
study found little conclusive evidence of effects of working on part-time students,
suggesting that part-time student responses to working are distinct from those of full-
time students.

Balancing the time for studying and working can lead student to suffer from
stress. Time conflicts will always be present, and not getting enough rest can be tiring.
Working students put on doing important school work because they need more time.
Balderrama et al. (2021) mentioned that some working students find it hard to study and
work simultaneously. Student should know how to manage their time and to set their
priorities. The pandemic made it harder for students who were also working. Sleep
deprivation makes it hard to study and work. And therefore, if they were experiencing
sleep deprivation they might be easily distracted by those little things in life.

Financial Stability and Working Students

Stress plays the main role in all factors for these students attending a University
(“Optimism and Risk for Job Burnout,” 2015). In addition, financial problems is one of
the reason why they are experiencing stress. Many college students work while
attending school which in return has an affect because it takes a lot of time
management skills to have focus. A recent article has shown that there is a
psychological and physical toll that takes upon a student who tries to juggle both. From
working and attending school, stress becomes the main setback that affects their
academic performances. Therefore, the researchers assume that those college student
who are working just to have money so they could finance their studies. In addition to
this, academic performance is affected by several factors, whether internal or external
(Bello & Gumarao, 2016). Stress is one of the factors that affect the academic
performance of students. A study conducted by Crego et al. (2016) stated that
academic stress might compromise students’ performance. Another study conducted by
Kötter et al. (2017) mentioned that increased stress leads to decreasing performance,

increasing stress. With this, stress is revealed to have a significant relationship with
academic performance.

According to Balacuit and Lopio (2022), the working students' biggest academic
hurdle is school-related fees. In addition to this, working students were also mentally
challenged by external discouragement and family morale. They damaged their health
which makes them feel stressed and anxious. This condition includes changes in
energy, not getting enough sleep, and not wanting to eat. Students have had health
problems because of these, which has hurt their ability to learn (Verulava &
Jorbenadez, 2022). Students who want to work and attend school must be good time
managers. They need to set priorities that require them to complete their duties. This
might include finishing projects or assignment across many weeks or months (Unitar
International, 2022).

A study led by Endsleigh (2015), showed that eight out of 10 (77%) understudies
are now working part-time to help them in their financial needs in school. This study
stated that working students were still able to support themselves financially and
provide their needs in school although they experience financial problems in their
family. According to The Working Student (2016), to set down the job options of Filipino
working students namely, online jobs, paid corporate internship, fast-food crew, and
school jobs. Filipino students are struggling because they have to meet the standards in
their work so that they will not lose their job and maintain academic performance so that
they will not get a failing grade.

The ECOVIPEU survey carried out in Spain in 2013 (as compensation for not
participating in Eurostudent V), however, showed that this percentage increased up to
46% (Finkel & Barañano, 2014). Therefore, although working while studying is still not a
majority phenomenon in Spain, it is yearly increasing. In reviewing this study, the
research explained that students decide to work and study at the same time and
whether or not certain specific groups with more difficulties are most affected or if this is

a general practice among all university students (Bean & Metzner, 1985; Ozga &
1998; Sanchez-Gelabert & Elias, 2017). The principle explanations for this phenomenon
is that students need to combine work and study to meet the expense of a university
degree and those with less financial resources are most affected. Hence, as
Hovdhaugen (2013); Triventi (2014) stated that young people from less privileged
backgrounds work more hours and they do so out of financial need, while those from
more privileged backgrounds work but less intensely, and they do so because they are
seeking financial independence. Yet in the case of Spain, some research has
suggested that the number of hours spent working varies according to the educational
level and income of the family, as stated by Finkel & Barañano (2014). Therefore,
financial stability has a significant relationship with the working students reason to why
they are working while studying. Student endure not only academic challenges,
particularly in major subjects, but also financial difficulties that harm their well-being
during their college years. According to the results of an international survey conducted
by Citizens Financial Group, Inc. (2021), 70% of college students said that financial
concerns had influenced their plans. A component of the analysis also indicated that
56% of respondents expected their school costs to climb by $8,700 on average (which
covers tuition, room and board, meal plans, travel, and other activities). According to the
findings, students in other nations experienced the same issue of high educational fees.
According to another study of Daud, et al., (2018), higher education expenses in both
public and private educational institutions is continuously rising and students at the
tertiary level demand more money to pay for the cost of study and living at universities.
Therefore, this study also proved that financial difficulties have contributed to the factors
to why does the students have to work while studying is to finance their needs issue of
high educational fees. According to another study of Daud, et al., (2018), higher
education expenses in both public and private educational institutions is continuously
rising and students at the tertiary level demand more money to pay for the cost of study
and living at universities. Therefore, this study also prove that financial difficulties have
contributed to the factors to why does the students have to work while studying is to
finance their needs.

Chapter 3


Research Design

This study utilized the quantitative method of research. This research used the
causal research design because it is appropriate for the study. It is helpful to measure
the impactor effect of being a working student on their academic performance.
Causal design is commonly used to measure the impact of a particular change
on existing situation or norm. Typically, causal explanations are sought to reflect on
hypotheses testing. Causal effect happens when difference in a phenomenon leads to
significant results.
Finally, this study employed the various processes in analyzing data using
narrative and content analysis. If necessary, the researcher also conduct focus group
discussion to verify findings and results. The results were based on their experiences of
being a working student. The challenges they encountered showed how it affects their
academic performance.

Research Locale

The location of this study is in Plaridel Integrated National High School which is
located at Nagcarlan, Laguna. The study focused on the Senior High School students. It
was chosen as the most appropriate setting for the study because this school has a
higher percentage of working students since it is public school. Considering this fact, it

has been observed that Senior High School students could give the best insight about
the topic because they are aware of what could have been and have not been.

Units of Analysis

The participants of the study were composed of an estimated 50 to 60 students

who have been determined to be experiencing academic difficulties while being working
students based on the pre-survey given to them. Both Grade 11 and Grade 12 Senior
High School students were chosen to be the respondents and sources of evidence
because these students could express their perception of how being a working student
affected their academic performance. Since most working students are in Senior High
School, they were assumed to be experiencing academic difficulties while being
working students.

Sampling Procedure

This study used purposive sampling in selecting the respondents. The individuals
were identified based on their availability since the survey will be processed with the
help of google forms. The selected respondents were students who labor to meet their
needs and desires as well as to pay their educational fees. Therefore, anyone who are
willing and available can participate in this research.

Research Instrument

The researcher conducted a survey to gather enough data on working students

and its impact to their academic performance. It was gathered by gathering related
literatures and studies. It was validated through consultation with the Practical Research

Data Gathering Procedures

After getting the approval of the research adviser, necessary consent and
permissions were obtained before the conduct of the study. Informed consent forms, as
well as assent forms, were also secured to be able to get the participation of the
subjects. The primary data were collected from Senior High School Working Students in
Plaridel Integrated National High School. These data were gathered from the
respondents through online questionnaires, specifically, google forms.

Respondents were given assurance regarding the confidentiality of the data. The
responses of the respondents were organized and analyzed using appropriate statistical

Analytical Framework

Referring to the research instrument that the researcher used to gather

information, which is conducting a virtual survey by using google form, it was useful for
understanding and analyzing the topic more effectively and with facility. The result were
analyzed using the provided graphical analysis of google from the quantitative research
we did. Lastly, the researcher explored the outcome by making a hypothesis concerning
the comparison of students' answers to the survey about the effect of being a working
student on the academic performance of Senior High School.

Chapter IV


This chapter indicated the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of the data
gathered from Senior High School working students at Plaridel Integrated National High
School. It presented a discussion of the study's findings based on the statistical
treatment results. It discussed the impact of being a working student on their academic
performance. The statement of the problem presented in Chapter 1 was answered as


3 %
6 %

Figure 1. Percentage of the respondents in terms of their sex.

Figure 1 demonstrated the percentage of the respondents in terms of their sex.

Based on the data, 38% of the respondents were Male while Females constituted 62%
of the respondents.

Figure 2. Profile of Respondents by Age.

Figure 2 showed the percentage of the respondents in terms of their age. Most of
the respondents were 18 years old, which constitutes 50%. 18% of them were 17 years
old. Followed by 19 years old, which composed 14% of the participants. 6% of the
respondents were 20 years old. 4% were 23, and aged 28 and 16 composed of 2% of
each of the respondents.

Grade Level

Grade 11
Grade 12


Figure 3. Profile of the Respondents by Grade Level

Figure 3 showed that the majority of respondents were Grade 12 students with
90% while the remaining 10% were Grade 11 students.

Figure 4. The Main Reason why you need to work while studying

Figure 4 showed the reasons why the students needed to work while they are
studying. Based on the results, 82% of the students need to sustain their own needs
while 42% of them answered financial problem. Moreover, 12% of the respondents
were independent in life and 6% of them were the bread winners.

One of the primary reasons’ students work while studying is to help pay for their
college fees. On the other hand, financial aids do not sufficiently cover all college
expenses (Mathuews, 2018). Institutional tuition discounts normally cover about 12-20
per cent of college tuition and fees. With the increasing tuition fees, some students even
cannot afford to pay with their saving money from their previous employment
(Carnavale et al., 2015). Even though the college expenses are high, some students
are still pursuing their degree to improve their standard of living through education
(Pusser, 2010). A variety of studies have studied the effects of students’ employment on
their academic studies. The negative impacts of working students are mainly related to
anxiety, depression, and poor academic achievement (Mounsey, Vandehey and
Diekhoff, 2013). Even though there is no proof for significant different on the academic
performance, it was revealed that working students display more anxiety and

depression compared to their counterparts. Most of the studies agreed that students
who choose to work whilst studying at several point of time will suffer from stress and
even leaves less desired time to study (Manthei & Gilmore, 2005; Jogaratnam &
Buchanan, 2004). In addition, working while studying also affects students’ mental
health. Many studies suggested that the biggest detrimental effect of student
employment is mental health, which resulted in negative impact on academic
performance (Hovdhaugen, 2015; Creed, French & Hood, 2015; Darolia, 2014).
Students might desire to achieve higher grades and attend lectures often, but it is not
possible due to their working schedule (Curtis & Shani, 2002). For that reason,
universities should be flexible in accommodating such working students (Curtis, 2007)
so they can acquire both academic success and enhance employability (Watts &
Pickering, 2000). Mental health has become a big issue in higher education (Castillo &
Schwartz, 2013). Working students and mental health are closely related mainly due to
financial stress that drives the students to work and study. Studies showed that financial
stress contributes to decreased grades and levels of health (Bennet et al., 2015; Britt et
al., 2016). Vaughn et al. (2016) acknowledged that employment might pull students
away from their academic. For students who choose to work while studying, there are
various reasons that lead them to undertake this commitment, such as financial issues,
experiences, networking, and many other reasons. Over time, students need more and
more financial support to cover their expenses for living and studying since the price of
every single thing keeps increasing. Based on findings from the survey in the 2008
National Survey of Student Engagement, working while studying can provide positive
impacts on students’ engagement with school work (The Benefits of Working While
Enrolled in College, n.d.). Some significant benefits that work provides to college
students are relatable working experience, time management skills, freedom from debt,
and better academic performance (Caldwell, 2017). Working in a particular place also
provides opportunity to students to expand their social network. However, when college
students devote their time too much to outside work, it can distract them from studying,
make them feel lost along the way, and make their academic performance worse
(Lucier, 2012).

Figure 5. The Difficulties they Encounter as a Working Student

Figure 5 showed the difficulties that the respondents have encountered while
being working students. Based on the result, poor time management, with 56%, is the
top difficulty they encountered while being a working student. Next is stress, with 48%,
and 46% saying lack of sleep. Moreover, 36% of the participants were experiencing a
lack of focus, and 14% of them said that they were prone to sickness. Lastly, 10% of the
respondents thought that exposure to injuries is one of the difficulties they encountered
as working students.

Loads of work and problems from the workplace can distract students from their
study to some extent. According to a recent study, it is reported that students are willing
to give up study time to accommodate term-time employment (Jewell, 2014). When
students invest their time and energy on work, jobs would detract from studying and be
harmful to their GPA (BYU Employment Services, 2006).

Working and studying at the same time are challenging tasks that require
students to invest lots of time on both. Too much academic work and career issues can
make students stressed, which then makes it hard to carry on studying and working at
the same time. The amount of stress varies from one student to another based on the
different institutes and workplaces in which they study and work (Irfan & Azmi, 2014).
Besides deadlines, limited finances, family issues and time, other additional
responsibilities also stress college students out (Martinez, Ordu, Sala, & McFarlance,

Students are expected to manage their time well in order to deal with their hectic
schedules. According to a research study, students have no time to read as their time
available for reading has been reduced because of work-related responsibilities.
Especially during the sales season, or any other special events, students have to work
overtime, hence their assignments are delayed until the last moment (Richardson,
Evans, & Gbadamosi, n.d). In relation to this, they have to be very good at time
management and prioritize the most important tasks first in order to meet the deadline.
However, they barely have time for themselves and families due to their conflicting roles
(Martinez, Ordu, Sala, & McFarlance, 2013). In another case study, students spent an
average of 59-71 hours per week on a combination of study, work and domestic
responsibilities (Gayle & Lowe, 2007).

Figure 6. The effects of Being a working student in their academic

Figure 6 showed the various effects that the working students may experience in
terms on their academic performance. Based on the graph, 52% of the respondents
have experienced distraction in their academic performance. Next is the poor
participation in class with 36%. Moreover, 34% of the participants said that being a
working students gives them academic motivation while 22% of them encounter low
grades and 1% gave other answer.

Working and studying while in college can be rewarding and tiring at the same
time. The number of college students who work and study during college has
dramatically increased over the years. According to a new research study from
Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce, more than 70% of
college students have worked and studied at the same time for over 25 years.
Additionally, the same source also reports that their average working hours are 30
hours per week (Rapacon, &, S. T., 2015). Similarly, research from the
National Center for Education Statistics showed that 79% of college students worked
while studying. Students must be able to have great time management skills to survive

the hectic schedule and maintain a good social life. As a matter of fact, the idea of
whether working and studying at the same time provides more advantages than
disadvantages varies, based on the perspectives of each individual. Some people might
view working while studying as negative while some view it as positive. Nonetheless, as
long as a student commits to do it in a right way, anything is possible.
Working and studying at the same time are challenging tasks that require
students to invest lots of time on both. Too much academic work and career issues can
make students stressed, which then makes it hard to carry on studying and working at
the same time. The amount of stress varies from one student to another based on the
different institutes and workplaces in which they study and work (Irfan & Azmi, 2014).
Besides deadlines, limited finances, family issues and time, other additional
responsibilities also stress college students out (Martinez, Ordu, Sala, & McFarlance,

Figure 7. The Benefit of Being a Working Student in Continuing your Study

Figure 7 showed the benefits gained by the respondents as working students in

pursuing their studies. Based on the results, 68% of the respondents said that being a
working student helped them gain knowledge and experience in choosing their future

careers. Furthermore, 58% of them stated that their job helped them to support their
educational fees, while 30% of the participants said that being a working student helped
them develop their skills. Lastly, 2% of the respondents write different answers.

Working in various fields during school days helps build up students’

backgrounds and experiences, which contribute to gaining a high salary (BYU
Employment Services, 2006). Furthermore, 61% of working students believed that their
current part-time jobs would help them to get better jobs in the future (Robinson, 1999).
Similarly, another research also pointed out that degree-related work and unpaid work
experience increase the likelihood of getting a graduate job (Jewell. S, 2014). Another
research study also illustrated that “Through your job, you’ll become better acquainted
with faculty, staff, and other students. Part-time work allows you to gain career-related
experiences as you clarify goals, acquire skills and self-confidence, and build a network
of contacts” (Benefits of Student Employment, n.d.).
For academic performance, students can learn about the real prospects of the
Real working environment which is a better way to learn more about life (Richardson,
Evans, & Gbadamosi, n.d). Additionally, working and learning can provide better
education when they expose themselves in the job-related fields (Carnevale, P.A.,
Smith, N. Melton, M. & Price, E.W, 2015). Specifically, students who work 20 hours or
less per week tend to have a high chance of finishing college, and those who work on-
campus deal with mostly academic tasks which are beneficial for their studies (BYU
Employment Services, 2006).

Figure 8. The way of how they cope up with the effects of being a working

Figure 8 showed the cope up mechanisms of the respondents being working

students. Based on the result, 54% of them used time management as their coping
mechanism, while 50% prioritized what is more important to them. Moreover, 40% of
the participants said that they cope by working smarter, not harder, and 38% use
managing stress and burnout as their coping mechanisms.

According to Baca (2017), who follows the logic of this definition, individuals with
a positive work-life balance are more prone to enjoying a healthy state of mind and
getting satisfaction from both their work and non-work responsibilities. Greenblatt’s
definition of a successful work-life balance (2002) is contingent on how an individual
attains and manages their resources. Dhas (2015), however, noted that the term “work-
life balance” can also be usefully understood in its metaphorical sense. Figuratively, he
asks us to consider the question of what “balance” means within the work-life
framework. In literal terms, “balance” is suggestive of an equal distribution of mass or
weight on both ends of a scale, and therefore, Dhas (2015) raised the important point

that in the working lives of individuals there are also certain invisible characteristics at
play, such as the physical and psychological costs and benefits involved. Baca (2017)
mentioned that university students under significant stress express that they need more
time to meet their deadlines, but having time is not always the solution. The key seems
to lie in time management. Working students find it very challenging to balance multiple
tasks with competing demands of equal importance within the limited time they have.
Thus, the present investigation sought to better understand the coping mechanisms that
students in this situation use. The ultimate focus is on how organizations and
universities can assist working students in finding balance between their work and study

Chapter 5


This chapter presented the summary and findings of the study, the conclusions
made relevant to the problems stated in Chapter 1 and the corresponding


1. The finding showed that the majority reason of being a working student
are to sustain their own needs and wants with 82%. These finding indicate that
working students work for their wants and needs.
2. The study stated that majority of the working student encountered
difficulties in time management with 56%.
3. The result of the study stated that the most common effect of being a
working student in their academic performance were distraction with 52%.
4. The finding showed that being a working student help to continue their
study to gain knowledge and experience that they can use for choosing their
future career with 68%.
5. The study show that they cope with the effects of being working student by
their time management with 54%.


1. Majority of the respondents were female having 62% while male were only
38%. However, knowing their sexuality does not have something to do with the

entire studies. But this research has also learned that both sexuality engaged in
being a working student.
2. The 82% of the respondents have answered that their main reason for
working while studying were to sustain their own needs and financial problem.
Therefore, the researcher can say that there is a lot of people here in the area
who are financially unstable to sustain their needs and wants due to the
happenings in our country such as, inflation.
3. The difficulties that they have encountered as a working student are poor
time management, stress, lack of sleep and lack of focus. Therefore, we
conclude that being a working student could affect the health of students and
also their academic performance if they work too much.
4. The effects of being a working student in their academic performance are
distraction, poor participation, academic motivation, and low grades. In
conclusion to this, the researchers concluded that being a working student can
still have a positive effect on working students. Academic motivation happens to
them when they realized that they can do working while studying. However, with
that being said, it can also have negative effect in their academic performance
because they have different capacities and way of taking their journey.
5. The advantages of being a working student in continuing their study were
the knowledge and experience that they have gained from their experiences,
development of their skills, and it helps them to support their education. Being a
working student exposed them to the reality of life which helped them to develop
their skills.
6. The coping strategies of the working student were time management,
managing stress levels and burn-outs, working smarter, and prioritizing the
important things.


Based on the conclusions, the following recommendations are offered:

1. The researchers recommend that the working students should learn how
to manage their time wisely.
2. The researchers recommend that the working students should use their
gained knowledge and experience in stepping up in college.
3. Encourage working students to cope up with the effects of working while
studying by prioritizing what is more important and managing stress level and


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