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Notes 2.


Word processing describes creating or editing a document using a word

processor, such as Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or OpenOffice Writer.

 For example, a student could create a book report in a Word

Processor application. Then, the student could print it, save it to a
disk, display it on the screen, or send it over e-mail

How to open a Word Processing File

 How a word processing file opens depends on the type of word

processor used to create the file and its file format. Thankfully today,
most word processors are capable of opening most word processor
files, and as long as you have access to one of them, you can open
the file. For example, a file called "example.doc" was likely created in
Microsoft Word and opens in Microsoft Word or OpenOffice
or uploaded to Google Docs and viewed and edited online.

What was used before word processing?

• Before computers, people used typewriters to write reports or other

documents, which had nowhere near the capabilities as today's word
processors. With a word processor, you can easily edit and make
changes to a document, move text around in a document, add
images, change fonts, check for spelling errors, and much more.

How to Create a Document

• To create a document, you must either have a word processor or a

computer capable of creating a document on an online service.

• Note When we refer to a "document," we're talking about a rich text

document with text formatting (e.g., bold), images, different fonts, and
font sizes, and not a plain text file. For steps on making a text-only
file, see: How to create a text file.

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