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-1HP -1HP -1HP -1HP

-1 -2
Remember to start your game with
the statistics you saved from your +1 1
first INHUMAN adventure and an
additional 1 Crystal.

-1HP -1HP -1HP -1HP

OR 5
-1 -1 - (ALL)

Don’t activate an action die,

+2 move to the next location.

-1HP -1HP -1HP -1HP

3 2 5
+2 +3

Don’t activate an action die,

+2 +3 move to the next location. +3

-1HP -1HP -1HP

You may spend 1 Crystal to increase
your Attack or Defence by 1. Gain
1HP. Save your game status (HP,
4 5 Attack, Defence, food, XP). Start the
next INHUMAN adventure with your
saved statistics and 1 Crystal.

1-4 - 1-2 6 5 1 +1
5 1 3-5 1 3 7 1 +1
6 2 4-6 -1 3 5 7 2 +3
4-6 -1 3 7 7 3
1- -3 6-8 1 1 3 9 1
2 1 9 1 2 1
3 1 9 3 1
4 1 9 2 1
PART 2/3
6+ 1
START - The first location your hero enters. Teleportation - Activate an action die. Spend 2 crystals and move to a location
marked with a
ENEMY - enemy fight. Certain fight - some monsters have a fixed level (without
rolling adventure die). This is a value under the enemy icon Transformation - Activate an action die. Lose 1 Attack and 1 Defence, gain 3
- corresponding to the value in the table. crystals.

TRAP ACTION - Activate an action die of any value. No other effect. Large Med kit - Activate an action die. +1HP or activate an action die. Lose 1
Defence and gain +3HP
HUNT ACTION - Activate an action die of any value (add any modifiers)
and check the result on the hunting table based on the value Living diamond - Activate an action die. Spend 1 crystal and gain +3 Food and +1HP
of the action die you activated.
During movement phase, if you start in a location with this icon, lose 1 HP.
QUEST ACTION - Activate an action die of any value. Roll the adventure die and
check the result on the quest table based on the value of the adventure die. Gain 1 Food Exchange
SEARCH ACTION - Activate an action die of any value (add any modifiers) Gain 1 HP Re-roll a single die
and check the result on the search table based on the value of the action die in the prepared
you activated. If the result fits more than one reward, choose one. Gain 1 XP dice area

CRYSTAL - Activate an action die of any value. Gain 1 Crystal. Gain 1 Crystal Prepare 1 die
Increase your Defence by 1 Prepare 1 die and set
Sacrifice - Activate an action die. Change the value of any die to 1. Gain +2HP.
it to any value
Increase your Attack by 1.


Place the adventure page for the adventure you are 
5 Place the 6 stats markers on the appropriate spaces 1 Movement phase - you must move.
about to play in the middle of the play area. according to the starting values:
Ambush phase - resolve combat if there’s an enemy
Place the adventure details sheet for the current Attack: 2 XP: 0 at location.
adventure somewhere close by.
Defence: 2 Crystal: 0 3
Action phase - perform actions from the current
Place the adventure die to the left side of the
HP: 4 Food: 1
adventure page.
Roll 5 action dice. You may then re-roll up to two 6
Place your hero figure next to the adventure page,
just to the left of the first location.
of them. After that place them in the prepared dice
area below. 7
Optional: Choose one companion.
Check the adventure details sheet to see if there are
any additional setup instructions and carry them out
INHUMAN PART 2/3 if necessary. A4QuestGame thistroygames

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