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Lung Cancer in Indonesia

Oke Dimas Asmara, MD,a,b,* Eric Daniel Tenda, MD, DIC, PhD,a
Gurmeet Singh, MD, PhD,a Ceva Wicaksono Pitoyo, MD,a
Cleopas Martin Rumende, MD, PhD,a Wulyo Rajabto, MD,c
Nur Rahmi Ananda, MD,d Ika Trisnawati, MD, MSc,d Eko Budiyono, MD,d
Harik Firman Thahadian, MD, PhD,d E. Christiaan Boerma, MD, PhD,b
Achmad Faisal, MD,e David Hutagaol, MD,f Wuryantoro Soeharto, MD,f
Fahmi Radityamurti, MD,g Erika Marfiani, MD,h Pradana Zaky Romadhon, MD,h
Fathur Nur Kholis, MD,i Hendarsyah Suryadinata, MD,j
Arto Yuwono Soeroto, MD, PhD,j Soehartati A. Gondhowiardjo, MD, PhD,g
Wouter H. van Geffen, MD, PhDk

Introduction were diagnosed with cancer, resulting in a death toll

Indonesia, situated in South-East Asia, has the world’s of 234,511.7 According to Indonesia Basic Health
fourth largest population and ranks as the fifth largest Research or Riset Kesehatan Dasar (RISKESDAS) 2018,
country in Asia. It has over 270 million people spanning
an area of 1,904,569 km2 divided into 38 provinces.
Notably, Indonesia has more than 17,000 islands, with
*Corresponding author.
Java being the most densely populated island in the a
Division of Respirology and Critical Illness, Department of Internal
world with a density of 1100 people per square km2.1 Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Dr. Cipto Man-
Indonesia increased its life expectancy from 68.68 gunkusumo General Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia, bDepartment of
Sustainable Health, Campus Fryslân, University of Groningen, Leeu-
years in 2010 to 72.32 years in 2023. This progress can warden, The Netherlands, cDivision of Hematology-Medical Oncology,
Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Universitas
be attributed to many recent economic advances as Indonesia, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital, Jakarta,
Indonesia became an upper-middle-income country in Indonesia, dDivision of Pulmonology, Department of Internal Medicine,
Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah
2021, with an average household income of about Mada, Dr. Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, eDivision of
10,089 U.S. dollars/year.1 Cardiothoracic and Vascular surgery, Department of Surgery, Fatmawati
General Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia, fDivision of Cardiothoracic and
According to data from the Ministry of Health, Vascular surgery, Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine Uni-
noninfectious diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, versitas Indonesia, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital, Jakarta,
Indonesia, gDepartment of Radiation Oncology, Faculty of Medicine
cancer, and noninfectious lung diseases are among the Universitas Indonesia, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital,
Jakarta, Indonesia, hDepartment of Internal Medicine, Faculty of
top three causes of morbidity and mortality in Indonesia. Medicine Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia, iDivision of Pul-
In addition, the nation struggles with infectious diseases monary Disease and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal
Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Diponegoro, Dr. Kariadi
such as tuberculosis, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID- Hospital, Semarang, Indonesia, jDivision of Respirology and Critical
19), dengue fever, and malaria, which cause substantial Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine
Universitas Padjadjaran, Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung,
health threats to the population.2 Another important Indonesia, and kDepartment of Pulmonary Diseases, Medical Center
challenge Indonesia faces is posed by unequal access to Leeuwarden, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands.

health care, predominantly driven by unequal socioeco- Disclosure: Dr. van Geffen reports having various roles in ERS and
NVALT outside of the submitted work; and having trials run by his
nomic disparities and geographic location (Fig. 1A–C).3–5 department funded by Roche and Merck Sharp & Dohme. The remaining
authors declare no conflict of interest.
Furthermore, Indonesia has the highest smoking
Address for correspondence: Oke Dimas Asmara, MD, Division of
prevalence among men worldwide, with over 70% of Respirology and Critical Illness, Department of Internal Medicine,
men smoking.6 This alarmingly high smoking rate high- Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo
General Hospital, Jl. Diponegoro Number 71, Jakarta, Indonesia.
lights the major threat lung cancer poses to Indonesia. E-mail:
ª 2023 International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer.
Epidemiology Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
ISSN: 1556-0864
In 2020, as reported by the Global Cancer Observa-
tory, an estimated 396,914 individuals in Indonesia

Journal of Thoracic Oncology Vol. 18 No. 9: 1134–1145

September 2023 Lung Cancer in Indonesia 1135

Figure 1. Map of Indonesia. (A) Population density. (B) Poverty rates among Indonesian Province. (C) Health infrastructure
index.3–5 Data from The Lancet, 393, Agustina R et al, Universal health coverage in Indonesia: concept, progress, and
challenges, 75–102, Copyright Elsevier (2019).5 with permission. HI, health infrastructure; KM, kilometer.
1136 Asmara et al Journal of Thoracic Oncology Vol. 18 No. 9

cancer prevalence in Indonesia has been increasing country’s economy presents challenges in implementing
from 1.4 per 1000 individuals in 2013 to 1.8 in 1000 effective antismoking policies and campaigns.13,14
in 2018.8,9 Because the cigarette industry positioned itself as a
Cancer puts a significant burden on the health care key contributor to Indonesia’s economy, it is even more
system of Indonesia. In 2016, the Social Insurance important to address the negative implications of
Administration Organization reported 1,308,061 treated smoking and promote smoking cessation. Nevertheless,
cancer cases, for a total spending amount of 2.2 trillion various efforts have been implemented by the govern-
rupiahs, equating to $486,960,633 in U.S. dollars. This ment to address public health problems caused by
number puts cancer as the second most substantial smoking. Policies have been implemented to protect the
health care burden after cardiovascular diseases. Among public, particularly children, adolescents, women, and
all cancers, lung cancer has consistently been the leading those facing poverty owing to cigarette consumption.
cause of death in the past decade.8 Indonesia actively follows the MPOWER strategy devel-
In 2020, lung cancer was the most newly diagnosed oped by the WHO. According to MPOWER measures,
cancer in men in Indonesia, with 34,783 new cases Indonesia has made significant progress, especially in
registered, accounting for 14.1% of all cancers. The protecting people at risk from secondhand smoke. A
estimated lung cancer incidence rate among men was total of 459 cities and districts have promoted smoke-
19.4 per 100,000 individuals. As for cancer-related free regulation as of 2022.14 The Ministry of Finance
mortality, lung cancer remains the leading cause of claims that, in the past 10 years, the Directorate General
death, accounting for 13.2% (30,843 deaths).7 of Customs and Excise has helped reduce the number of
Data analysis from 2008 to 2012 from the cancer cigarette factories from 4669 factories to 754 factories
registry at the national referral hospital (Cipto Man- between 2016 and 2022. Consequently, cigarette pro-
gunkusumo National General Hospital [RSCM]) revealed duction had also decreased to 323.9 billion cigarettes in
that lung cancer had the highest incidence in the group 2022 compared with 359 billion in 2019.13,15
50 to 70 years old.10 However, it is important to note
that these data may only represent a fraction of the
actual cases, as lung cancer registry and research in
Health Care System and Infrastructure
In 2014, President Joko Widodo introduced a novel
Indonesia remain limited despite the existence of 14
universal health care system named National Health In-
population-based cancer registries. As these registries
surance (Jaminan Kesehatan National [JKN]) providing
cover only around 14% of the population, the actual
coverage for universal health care. The JKN grew rapidly,
number of lung cancer cases is likely much higher owing
and within 5 years, it covered 203 million people, mak-
to limited diagnosis and registry modalities. This un-
ing it the largest single-payer National Health Insurance
derscores the need for increased efforts to improve lung
in the world. The implementation of JKN has led to
cancer registry and research in the country.
improved health equity and service access.5 In 2021,
Indonesia had a total of 10,292 community health cen-
Smoking and Tobacco Control ters (Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat) and 3112 hospitals to
Smoking has become an integral part of the social and cover an area of 1.9 million km2. In 2016, the govern-
cultural life of most Indonesians. Indonesia ranks as one ment spent approximately 3.4% of the gross domestic
of the world’s largest contributors to the total number of product on health care.16
smokers with approximately 69 million active smokers Most of the diagnostic procedures and treatments for
on the basis of recent surveys. The number of child lung cancer are covered in the JKN with a referral system
smokers in Indonesia is also a subject of concern as in public hospitals (Fig. 2). After the referral process
around 3 million (9.1%) children aged 10 to 18 and from Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat, there are four types
230,000 children below the age of 10 years old are of hospitals on the basis of the type of specialists, sup-
already active smokers. Moreover, it is estimated that 89 porting facilities, and therapies available. These hospitals
million children are exposed to secondhand smoke.11 are categorized as types A and B as tertiary level and
In addition, cigarette consumption is a significant types C and D as secondary level, with type A being the
part of the Indonesian economy, employing around 6.1 most comprehensive and type D being the least
million people and generating more than Rp 170 trillion comprehensive in terms of services and resources.17 The
or 11 billion U.S. dollars in revenue in 2015.12 The Global availability of type A hospitals, which offer comprehen-
Adult Tobacco Survey 2021 survey indicated that sive facilities for the diagnosis and treatment of lung
households in Indonesia spend more money on ciga- cancer, is extremely limited.
rettes, around 300 U.S. dollars/year than on nutritious Some patients with lung cancer in Indonesia are
food. The tobacco industry’s significant influence on the eventually referred to national referral hospitals for lung
September 2023 Lung Cancer in Indonesia 1137

Figure 2. The scheme illustrating the sequential steps of the referral process by JKN that patients with lung cancer undergo.
CT, computed tomography; IHC, immunohistochemistry; JKN, Jaminan Kesehatan National; PET-CT, positron emission
tomography–computed tomography; PUSKESMAS, Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat (community health centers); RSCM, Cipto
Mangunkusumo National General Hospital; RSK Dharmais, Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais (Dharmais National Cancer Hospital);
RSUP Persahabatan, Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Persahabatan (Persahabatan General Hospital); x-ray, radiograph.

cancer: RSCM, Dharmais National Cancer Hospital, and focused on lung cancer is even fewer. As a result, the
Persahabatan Hospital. These three public hospitals are caseload for these health care workers is very high. In
all located in Jakarta. In addition, there are several types addition, these specialists are not evenly distributed
of A-type university hospitals in several provinces that throughout the country, with more than 50% of them
have adequate facilities for lung cancer management. practicing in Java. This situation places a large burden on
Examples of these hospitals include the Hasan Sadikin the hospital and creates long waiting times for patients
General Hospital (West Java), Dr. Karyadi General Hos- to receive necessary examinations and treatments. A
pital (Central Java), Dr. Sardjito General Hospital study of 294 patients conducted by the RSCM revealed
(Yogyakarta), and Dr. Soetomo General Hospital (East that 86% experienced treatment delays of more than 90
Java). However, owing to the need for patients to travel days beyond the appropriate time frame.18
to Jakarta or other major cities in Java for further ex-
aminations and treatment, only those who are financially Lung Cancer Screening
capable of covering the expenses and staying for an Currently, there is no government-mandated lung
extended period can pursue these referrals. Unfortu- cancer screening program in Indonesia. Although it is
nately, patients who cannot afford it may only receive recommended by the national guidelines, lung cancer
symptomatic treatment at the nearest hospital to their screening programs are carried out voluntarily and at
place of residence. the patient’s own expense at private hospitals. Unfortu-
Because of the shortage of hospitals with health care nately, because it is not covered by JKN, the screening
professionals and facilities for lung cancer management, program remains inaccessible to most of the population.
there is a high caseload in referral center hospitals. With In the near future, JKN will also expand its coverage from
a population of more than 270 million people, there are not only curative but also preventive and promotive
approximately a total of 5244 internists that include 80 approaches. Whether lung cancer screening will be
internist pulmonologists and 162 medical oncologists, covered by the JKN remains unclear, and if so, access to
and 1500 pulmonologists available to treat patients with it will remain a problem owing to, for example, a
lung cancer. Moreover, the number of these specialists shortage in computed tomography (CT) capacity.
1138 Asmara et al Journal of Thoracic Oncology Vol. 18 No. 9

Despite these challenges, lung cancer screening has The guidelines also emphasize the importance of pro-
already been incorporated into the national guidelines. moting smoking cessation during every screening visit.8,19
The Indonesian Guidelines for Lung Cancer Management
(Panduan Penatalaksanaan Kanker Paru) recommends Diagnosis
low-dose chest CT examinations for high-risk patients. The infrastructure for diagnosing lung cancer in
High-risk patients are defined as those older than 40 years health care facilities across Indonesia is limited.
with a history of smoking of at least 30 years, or patients Although chest radiographs are the primary radiologic
aged 50 years and older with a history of smoking of at examination used to diagnose suspected lung cancer, CT
least 20 years and the presence of at least one other risk scans are a more effective radiologic examination for
factor. Ex-smokers can also be screened if they quit lung cancer diagnosis. However, their availability is
smoking within 15 years before the examination. Low- extremely limited in many parts of Indonesia, particu-
dose CT examination for screening should meet the larly in the eastern regions. For example, in the Papua
following criteria: (1) at least 16 multislice CT; (2) gantry region, which has a population of nearly four million
rotation time less than or equal to 0.75 seconds; (3) people, there is only one CT scan facility available. Some
received radiation of 3 to 5 mSv (body mass index 30); patients must travel to other islands, such as Maluku or
(4) slice width less than or equal to 2.5 mm (better if 1 Sulawesi, for CT scan examination. Positron emission
mm); and (5) detector collimation less than 1.5 mm. In tomography scans are even less accessible, with only five
limited-resource settings, screening can be conducted by facilities available in the entire country located in three
anamnesis, physical examination, and chest radiograph. provinces and not covered by JKN (Fig. 3).

Figure 3. Sequential diagnostic examinations for the diagnosis of lung cancer. BAL, bronchoalveolar lavage; cfDNA, cell-free
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid; CT, computed tomography; EBUS, endobronchial ultrasound; EUS, endoscopic ultrasound; JKN,
Jaminan Kesehatan National; IHC, immunohistochemistry; PD-L1, programmed cell death-ligand 1; PET/CT, positron emission
tomography/computed tomography; TBLB, transbronchial lung biopsy; TBNA, transbronchial needle aspiration; TTB, trans-
thoracic biopsy; TTNA, transthoracic needle aspiration; x-ray, radiograph.
September 2023 Lung Cancer in Indonesia 1139

As radiologic findings in tuberculosis can mimic lung onset evaluation. However, the availability of endo-
cancer appearances, patients are sometimes treated for bronchial ultrasound procedures in Indonesia is also
tuberculosis, which turns out to be undetected lung limited, with fewer than 10 hospitals in six provinces
cancer. With a lack of other diagnostic options aside offering this procedure. Endoscopic ultrasound exami-
from chest radiographs, there is an unmet need for a nation—typically performed by gastroenterologists for a
cheap point-of-care tool in the diagnosis pathway for gastrointestinal indication—for lung cancer staging is
lung cancer. New techniques, such as the electronic nose, even rarely practiced.
perhaps could be of future use in Indonesia to address Cytology, histopathology, immunohistochemistry
this need.20 (IHC), and molecular testing are also challenging aspects
As tissue sampling is essential for diagnosing lung of diagnosing lung cancer. Not all major hospitals have
cancer, for selected cases a multidisciplinary approach IHC and molecular testing capabilities. Currently, JKN
can be used to plan the sampling procedures. In RSCM, only covers EGFR mutation testing for molecular testing
the top national referral hospital, a Chest meeting is held with a quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase
every week, with regular members consisting of inter- chain reaction panel. Patients who require tests for
ventional pulmonologists, internist pulmonologists, other molecular driver alterations and programmed
thoracic surgeons, oncologists, radiologists, pathologists, death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) IHC testing must seek private
and oncology radiologists. This meeting is only available molecular laboratories. The availability of these crucial
in referral hospitals, and with the recent advancement of tests is a major issue because they are available in less
telemedicine, complex lung cancer cases outside Jakarta than 10 provinces, mostly in Java, and only in tertiary
can be discussed online with the RSCM team. Sometimes public hospitals.8,21
an internist/pulmonologist/oncologist outside of Jakarta
or Java island faces a difficult case that needs an evalu- Therapy
ation from a multidisciplinary team. Before sending the Compared with the limited infrastructure for diag-
patient to Jakarta, a meeting will be held to plan what is nostic facilities, the infrastructure for managing lung
the best strategy to manage the patient. This method can cancer and its complications in most Indonesian health
be implemented not only for diagnosis but also for care facilities is even more limited. This limitation ex-
treatment or more complex interventional pulmonology tends beyond rural areas and also affects large cities in
procedures. Java. Typically, patients diagnosed with lung cancer must
Interventional pulmonologists in RSCM are capable of be referred to larger hospitals for treatment because
performing a wide range of pulmonary procedures for more than 80% of newly diagnosed cases are in the late
tissue sampling, from basic bronchoscopy or CT-guided stage, requiring various treatment modalities. These can
transthoracic biopsy to endobronchial ultrasound include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, tar-
transbronchial needle aspiration, and transbronchial geted therapy, immunotherapy, and palliative care, as
lung biopsy, combined with real-time C-arm and rapid illustrated in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Simplified treatment algorithm for lung cancer management in Indonesia. TKI, tyrosine kinase inhibitor.
1140 Asmara et al Journal of Thoracic Oncology Vol. 18 No. 9

Surgery after resection and platinum-based chemotherapy in

Surgery is a viable option for treating lung cancer patients with stage II to IIIA NSCLC with PD-L1 expres-
stages I, II, and IIIA, encompassing various procedures sion greater than 1% on tumor cells on the basis of the
such as pneumonectomy, lobectomy, segmentectomy, result of the IMpower-010 randomized phase 3 open-
sublobar resection, and also metastasectomy. Whereas label trial.23 The JKN does not, however, cover adju-
an anatomical resection has the highest survival rate, vant atezolizumab at public hospitals, although it may be
patients with cardiovascular comorbidities or lower lung an option for patients with private insurance or if pa-
capacity may undergo segmentectomy or sublobar tients pay for it themselves. Sometimes, clinicians
resection.8 administer neoadjuvant platinum-based chemotherapy
The number of surgeries performed specifically for in patients with resectable stage IB to IIIA with NSCLC
lung cancer treatment in Indonesia is currently un- after multidisciplinary tumor board meetings at public
known. Along with technological advances, thoracic hospitals. Unfortunately, nivolumab is not yet available
surgery in Indonesia has developed into a distinct in Indonesia, preventing its use as neoadjuvant therapy
surgical subspecialty, boosted by the introduction of despite positive results from the CheckMate 816 trial.24
video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery in several public In cases of stage III NSCLC that are unresectable,
hospitals since 2010. Open thoracotomy is reserved for concurrent chemoradiotherapy, or chemotherapy fol-
complex and high-risk cases. Another modality is meta- lowed by sequential radiotherapy is the standard of care.
stasectomy by means of video-assisted thoracoscopic On the basis of the PACIFIC clinical trial, durvalumab
surgery or thoracotomy, used for very selective cases of significantly prolonged progression-free survival as
stage IV. The number of surgeries performed specifically compared with placebo among patients with stage III,
for lung cancer treatment in Indonesia is currently unresectable NSCLC who did not experience disease
unknown. progression after concurrent chemoradiotherapy. How-
The availability of thoracic surgeons has not kept ever, the JKN does not cover durvalumab in public
pace with demand, and 19 out of 38 provinces in hospitals.25
Indonesia do not have thoracic surgeons. Currently, The management approach for advanced NSCLC is a
there are only 200 thoracic surgeons in Indonesia, multimodality one, combining systemic therapy options
mostly based in Jakarta predominantly focused on car- (chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy) with
diac surgery rather than lung surgery. Only two uni- other modalities (such as radiotherapy), with the pur-
versities, Universitas Indonesia in Jakarta and Airlangga pose of providing palliative treatment or prolonging
University in Surabaya have thoracic surgeon education survival.26 For patients with advanced NSCLC without
centers, training only 18 to 20 new specialists annually. targetable drivers, chemotherapy may be prescribed as a
treatment option. The recommended first-line chemo-
Systemic Therapy therapy regimen is platinum-based chemotherapy such
Chemotherapy remains the frontline systemic ther- as cisplatin or carboplatin combined with paclitaxel,
apy for both NSCLC and SCLC in Indonesia, as it is docetaxel, gemcitabine, pemetrexed (adenocarcinoma
covered by JKN. It is used in all lung cancer stages. only), and vinorelbine. A study in Indonesia comparing
Platinum-based chemotherapy is readily available. 1-year survival of patients with wild-type adenocarci-
For early-stage lung cancer, chemotherapy can be noma receiving different chemotherapy regimens
administered as neoadjuvant or postsurgical adjuvant without immunotherapy revealed no significant differ-
therapy. In clinical practice, clinicians administer adju- ence among different drug regiments.27
vant platinum-based chemotherapy (platinum þ vinor- Because the national health insurance JKN does not
elbine/pemetrexed [adenocarcinoma only]/taxanes/ cover pembrolizumab, only very few patients can be
gemcitabine) for resected patients with stage IB, IIA, IIB, prescribed chemotherapy and pembrolizumab for
and IIIA NSCLC every 3 weeks for three to four cycles. advanced NSCLC with unknown PD-L1, PD-L1 1% to
Even though positive result from the ADAURA trial was 49%, or pembrolizumab monotherapy with PD-L1
exhibited with adjuvant osimertinib in EGFR-mutant greater than or equal to 50%.
NSCLC after adjuvant chemotherapy, adjuvant osimerti- In patients with advanced NSCLC with targetable
nib is not administered at public hospitals owing to lack drivers for NSCLC with EGFR mutation, first- (gefitinib
of coverage by JKN. Clinicians can administer adjuvant and erlotinib) and second-generation (afatinib) EGFR
osimertinib at private hospitals, which are either tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) are covered by the JKN.
covered by patients’ private health insurance or paid for At Dharmais National Cancer Hospital, patients with
by themselves.22 advanced NSCLC who were treated with gefitinib, erlo-
In October 2022, the U.S. Food and Drug Adminis- tinib, or afatinib had a median progression-free survival
tration approved atezolizumab for adjuvant treatment of 11 months.28 Patients that progress after first- or
September 2023 Lung Cancer in Indonesia 1141

second-line EGFR TKI and have T790M mutation can be lorlatinib. Sotorasib can be given to patients with KRAS
administered osimertinib; however, the JKN does not yet G12C mutation. The availability of these specific targeted
provide coverage for osimertinib (Table 1). Although therapies is extremely limited and data regarding their
first-line EGFR TKI is found to be effective even in recent use and results in Indonesia is unknown until now.
studies, TKI treatment patterns such as those seen in In general, the choice of treatment modalities in
Japan and Western Europe are not yet realized.29,30 limited-stage SCLC is a combination of platinum-based
Furthermore, laboratories that offer tests for this muta- chemotherapy (cisplatin/carboplatin with etoposide as
tion are limited, meaning, for most patients with lung the first choice and cisplatin/carboplatin with irinote-
cancer, the mutational status remains unknown. can), radiotherapy, and surgery (in very early stages that
Other driver mutations and aberrations are only are eligible for surgery). As for extensive-stage SCLC,
seldom tested, let alone treated. Patients who require the chemotherapy with carboplatin and etoposide or irino-
drugs and tests must pay for them themselves, and they tecan is the main choice with or without palliative ra-
are quite costly. For example, crizotinib, alectinib, brig- diation on primary and metastatic lesions.8
atinib, and lorlatinib can be given to patients with a
positive ALK gene fusion. ROS-1 gene fusions can be
targeted by several drugs, including crizotinib and Radiotherapy
Radiation therapy is a crucial treatment modality for
lung cancer in Indonesia. It can be used in all stages of
NSCLC and SCLC as curative therapy whether definitive,
Table 1. List of Drugs Available in Indonesia for Advanced
NSCLC neoadjuvant, adjuvant, or palliative therapy. Radiation
therapy is also used for superior vena cava syndrome as
List of Drug Available in Indonesia for Advanced NSCLC palliative treatment. The basic technique of radiotherapy
Drugs Available for JKN Not Available for JKN used for patients with lung cancer in Indonesia is
intensity-modulated radiotherapy. When there are more
advanced technologies available, such as volumetric-
modulated arc therapy, image-guided radiation therapy,
Erlotinib four-dimensional CT, positron emission tomography–CT,
immobilization devices, active breathing control, and
stereotactic body radiotherapy, it is recommended to use
Afatinib them instead. These newer technologies will improve the
accuracy and safety profile of the radiotherapy process.8
Radiotherapy became a rapidly growing field in
Indonesia in the past decade. In 1998, Indonesia had less
than 20 radiation therapy centers with 31 radiation
oncologists. In 2022, there were 135 radiation oncolo-
gists with 82 megavoltage (MV) machines in the country,
comprising 60 linear accelerators, 21 cobalt systems,
Pembrolizumab and one tomotherapy unit. By the end of 2030, it is ex-
pected that an additional 78 new machines will be
installed. With 348,809 new cancer cases reported in
Atezolizumab 2018, a total of 379 MV machines would have been
required to ideally meet the radiotherapy utilization rate
(54.3%). However, with an expected 475,502 annual
new cancer patient diagnoses by 2030, the number of
MV machines would need to increase to at least 517.31
Currently, there is only one institution that provides a
radiation oncology residency program—the Faculty of
Medicine Universitas Indonesia in Jakarta. The program
Lorlatinib was initiated in 2008 and followed the International
Atomic Energy Agency syllabus. Most of the radiation
oncology facilities are located on the island of Java and
Bevacizumab 60% of the centers were operating with a single machine
(Fig. 5). As for the other treatment facilities in Indonesia,
access is a challenge for patients; therefore, when a
1142 Asmara et al Journal of Thoracic Oncology Vol. 18 No. 9

Figure 5. Access to oncology radiation service in 2020. Modified from Gondhowiardjo et al.33 MV, megavoltage. JKN, Jaminan
Kesehatan National.

patient comes from a different island, shorter treatment Resistance to palliative care referral is fueled by attitudes
regimen is often being used. However, regardless of such as the following: (1) patient request for curative
these challenges, and even during the COVID-19 treatments at all costs, (2) taboos surrounding death and
pandemic, efforts were in place that ensured the the disclosure of prognosis, (3) family decision-making,
continuation of safe and sustainable radiotherapy and (4) preference or reliance on traditional medicine.
services.31–33 Regional/hospital regulation and basic training on family
caregivers can improve the quality of life for those
receiving palliative care. To address this, in 2016, the
Palliative Care
Ministry of Health established a national standard for
Since 1992, Indonesia has made efforts to improve
palliative cancer management, and this initiative has been
palliative care, with the Ministry of Health implementing
continuously growing since then.34
a policy in 2007 to address this need. Indonesia’s Na-
tional Cancer Control Program began incorporating
palliative care in cancer treatment between 2014 and Challenges for Indonesia
2019. Furthermore, in 2015, the Singapore International One of the most critical challenges that Indonesia
Foundation, in cooperation with Cancer Foundation faces in health care is the uneven distribution of health
Jakarta, provided basic training to 12 hospitals in infrastructure, experts, and supporting facilities. The
Jakarta. Despite these efforts, progress has been slow issue leads to unequal access to health care for all In-
owing to several challenges such as the lack of guidelines donesians, which remains far from achieving the aspi-
and standards, a referral system, and adequate funding. rations outlined in the country’s constitution. The
Certified palliative care is currently only available in constitution stated that everyone has the right to fulfill
major cities with cancer facilities, leaving many areas their basic needs, live in physical and mental prosperity,
without access. According to The Economist Intelligence have adequate housing and a healthy living environment,
Unit’s 2015 Quality of Death Index, Indonesia was and have access to health care, regardless of their loca-
ranked fifty-third for palliative care.34 tion or socioeconomic status. To improve early detection
Other challenges in developing palliative care in and, consequently, the prognosis of patients with lung
Indonesia are linked to government policies, lack of edu- cancer, efforts should be made to enable nationwide
cation, health care professionals’ attitudes, and sociocul- access to standard lung cancer diagnostic tools.
tural conditions. Palliative care is sometimes regarded as Despite being the fourth most populous country in
an option only when active treatment is no longer viable. the world, Indonesia has not taken full advantage of its
September 2023 Lung Cancer in Indonesia 1143

potential to develop a large and diverse cancer database. overall health care outcomes. Continuous efforts and im-
The country has an unequal distribution of cancer reg- provements are necessary to ensure that Indonesia can
istries with relatively few research initiatives compared provide optimal lung cancer management on par with
with other countries with a large populations. To other developed countries.
make the most of this demographic advantage, it is
important to foster better collaboration between in-
stitutions and organizations, such as educational/ CRediT Authorship Contribution
professional institutions and the government. With 92 Statement
medical faculties and approximately 700 public hospitals Oke Dimas Asmara: Conceptualization, Investigation,
throughout the country, there is a viable, but currently Resources, Writing – original draft, Writing – review &
undeveloped, opportunity to pool data and conduct editing, Visualization, Project administration.
multicenter studies. Eric Daniel Tenda: Conceptualization, Resources,
Next to lung cancer, Indonesia is facing multiple Writing – review & editing, Project administration,
health challenges that place a significant burden on its Supervision.
health care system—the triple-burden disease, which Gurmeet Singh: Writing – review & editing,
includes the following: (1) the emergence of new infec- Supervision.
tious diseases such as COVID-19; (2) the continued Ceva Wicaksono Pitoyo: Writing – review & editing,
prevalence of infectious diseases such as tuberculosis; Supervision.
and (3) the increasing incidence of noncommunicable Cleopas Martin Rumende: Writing – review &
diseases. These health challenges often impact the editing, Supervision.
diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer, especially Wulyo Rajabto: Resources, Writing – original draft,
tuberculosis. Writing – review & editing.
Furthermore, the popularity of alternative and Nur Rahmi Ananda: Resources, Writing – review &
traditional medicine not supported by scientific evi- editing.
dence among the Indonesian population presents an Ika Trisnawati: Resources, Writing – review &
additional challenge. It is crucial to address the editing.
dissemination of accurate and trustworthy information Eko Budiyon: Resources, Writing – review & editing.
in the current era. Harik Firman Thahadian: Resources, Writing –
In conclusion, lung cancer remains a significant health review & editing.
problem in Indonesia, characterized by high incidence and E.C. Boerma: Writing – review & editing,
mortality rates. The country faces several critical chal- Supervision.
lenges in addressing this disease, primarily, the uneven Achmad Faisal: Resources, Writing – review &
distribution of health infrastructure, including limited editing.
diagnosis and therapeutic modalities, experts, supporting David Hutagaol: Resources, Writing – review &
facilities, and the current smoking rate among the popu- editing.
lation. Although the JKN provides coverage for lung cancer Wuryantoro Soeharto: Writing – review & editing,
diagnosis and most treatments, there is a need to increase Supervision.
efforts to improve the distribution of cancer management Fahmi Radityamurti: Resources, Writing – review &
services throughout the country. The government should editing.
increase spending on health care and address the uneven Erika Marfiani: Resources, Writing – review &
distribution of health care infrastructure and professionals editing.
to ensure better access to health care services for all In- Pradana Zaky Romadhon: Resources, Writing –
donesians. Better collaboration between institutions and review & editing.
organizations, such as educational/professional in- Fathur Nur Kholis: Resources, Writing – review &
stitutions and government, can help to improve cancer editing, Supervision.
registries and research and foster the potential to conduct Hendarsyah Suryadinata: Resources, Writing –
multicenter studies. Furthermore, more tobacco control review & editing.
measures are needed to reduce the nationwide lung cancer Arto Yuwono Soeroto: Writing – review & editing,
incidence. Despite these challenges, Indonesia has the po- Supervision.
tential to enhance lung cancer management and address Soehartati A. Gondhowiardjo: Writing – review &
other health challenges in the country. By prioritizing editing, Supervision.
resource allocation and by improving collaboration in Wouter H. van Geffen: Conceptualization, Writing –
health care infrastructure, Indonesia can work toward original draft, Writing – review & editing, Resources,
achieving better lung cancer management and improving Funding acquisition, Project administration, Supervision.
1144 Asmara et al Journal of Thoracic Oncology Vol. 18 No. 9

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