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I've just installed the ThingsToDo app. It’s so easy My favourite game at the moment is Balloon Pop. tou which is really important when you've got You select groups of coloured balloons and pop them. lots of things to do and not much time! You just create 've been playing it on the bus every day, because | alist and then add items to it. Once a week it sends always want to get to the next le Syoula list of everything you've dons. dian Enzo its very addictive! Activity Tracker is a great app for running. You just press the start button when you begin your wor Have you heard about SkyWatch? It’s great. You just point your phone at the night sky and it tals you Dut what the stars are, You can also type in the name ofa ‘and the app records your speed, distance and heart Planet and the program tells you where to look for I. rate, After the workout, you can then upioad your Katya ~ CL) Fin eeectaee cite eee ype eae ence with your friends. {'ve never fc this before, Fay app 2s good as Hove Imagograr and I've been using it mare and more recently. You can use different ettects to make photos look different, like old-fashioned photos, or with brightor colours. Then you can store ther shate them with your friends. Paul I've just downloaded Tunéspotter. If you hear a 2 you like ut you con't know what it fs, you an use this app. It identifies the name of the sor and the singer. And if you lke it, you can buy tha song Teally easily. I've had it for a week and I've been using It alot. Martin ine and ‘i StopApp is a really uselul app and I've been ecommmending it to all my friands. If too many apps are open on your ahone, your phone can be really sow. This app tums them off, which can make your phone faster. Anna ve been using Crazy Faces a lot recently Its very silly, but i's fun. YoU just take photos of your iends and then you can change their faces. You can make them look older or younger, fatter or thinner, and you can add beards, moustaches and glasses. I've seen lots of photos where people have put paby faces on adult booies and they make me. laugh every time! Luke Millions of years ago, many kinds of dinosaurs roamed Earth. The name of one kind of dinosaur was Iguanodon (e@-gwan-eh-don). The Iguanodon looked like a giant lizard. It had tough skin. The Iguanodon’s skin must have felt ike leather! Iguanodons ate plants. Directions: Answer these questions about Iguanodons, I. Circle the main idea: The Iguanodon’s skin was like leather. The Iguanodon was a plant-eating dinosaur with tough skin. 2. What kind of food did Iguanodons eat? 3. What animal living today did the Iguanodion look like? Brontosaurus dinosaurs lived in the swamps. Swamps are water areas where many plants grow. Here are the names of the other kinds of dinosaurs that lived in the swamps: Diplodocus (dip-low-dock-us), Brachiosaurus (bracky-o-saur-us), and Cetiosaurus Get-e-0-saur-us). These dinosaurs had small heads and small brains. They weighed 20 tons or more. They grew to be 60 feet long! These animals did not need to have sharp teeth Directions: Answer these questions about Brontosaurus and other big dinosaurs. |. These big dinosaurs did not have sharp teeth. What did they eat? 2. Why were swamps a good place for these big dinosaurs to live? 3. These big dinosaurs had small brains. Do you think they were smart? Why? 4, Name the three kinds of dinosaurs that lived in swamps. One of the biggest dinosaurs was Tyrannosaurus rex (ty-tan-oh-saurus recks). This dinosaur walked on its two big back legs. It had two small. short front legs. From the top of its head fo the tip of its tail, Tyrannosaurus rex measured 50 feet long. Its head was four feet long! Are you taller than this dinosaur's head? Tyrannosaurus was a meat eater. It had many small, sharp teeth. Its favorite meal was a smaller dinosaur that had a bill lke a duck. This smaller dinosaur lived near water. Directions: Answer these questions about Tyrannosaurus rex. |. What is the story about? 2. What size was this dinosaur? 3. When this dinosaur was hungry. what did it eat? 4. Where did this dinosaur find its favorite meal? Triceratops was one of the last dinosaurs to develop. It lived in the Cretaceous (kre-fay-shus) period of history. It was in this time that the dinosaurs became extinct. Triceratops means three-homed lizard. It was a strong dinosaur and able to defend itself well since it lived during the same time period {as Tyrannosaurus rex. Triceratops was a plant-sating dinosaur, Its body was 20 feet long, and its head, including the three homs and bony fri. was another 63 feet. Ditections: Answer these questions about Triceratops. |. Dinosaurs became extinct during the Period of history. 2. What does Triceratops mean? 3. What information above tells you that Triceratops was ble to defend itself? Stegosaurus was a well-equipped fighter. It was covered with large, bony plates and had a spiked tail. As you can probably imagine. this spiked tail was a very important part Of its defense. This was another large dinosaur. the same size as Triceratops. It had four legs, but the two front legs were smaller than the two hind legs, and it had a very small head compared to its body. Have you ever seen a walnut? The brain of Stegosaurus was about the same size. Stegosaurus was one of the many plant-eating dinosaurs. You could call it a vegetarian (veg-e-tair-ee-un). Vegetarians only eat plants like vegetables, leaves, and grass! Stegosaurus lived in the Jurassic period, the middle era Of dinosaur history. Directions: Answer these questions about Stegosaurus. |. Write three things that are the same size as Stegosaurus’ brain. rr 2. The of this important part of its defense. 3. Which set of legs, the front legs or the hind ones, do you think the Stegosaurus used more? Why do you think so? inosaur was a very Directions: Use the pages about Tyrannosaurus rex, Triceratops, and Stegosaurus to help you fill in the chart below. eed Trex Triceratops Stegosaurus Directions: Uso the chart to answer these questions. |. Did Triceratops and Stegosaurus live on Earth at the same time? Yes No 2. Which dinosaur was the largest of the three? 3. Which two of these dinosaurs were plant eaters? ) — 2 Like snakes, dinosaurs were cold-blooded. Cold-blooded animals cannot keep themselves warm. Because of this, dinosaurs were not very active when it was cold. In the early moming, they did not move much. When the sun grew warm, the dinosaurs became active. When the sun went down in the evening, they slowed down again for the night. The sun warmed the dinosaurs and gave them the energy they needed fo move about. Directions: Answer these questions about dinosaurs. |. Why were dinosaurs inactive when it was cold? 2. What time of day were the dinosaurs active? 3. What times of day were the dinosaurs not active? 4. Why did dinosaurs need the sun? How fo Pitch a Tent Follow these instructions fo learn how to pitch a font. These general instructions should allow anyone fo pitch any size or style of tent. Keep in mind that pitching a tent alone, even if you have experience, is dfficut. |. Choose a fiat area on which to pitch your tent. Remove any stones (oF rocks that might poke through ‘the tent’s floor. 2. Take the tent and all equipment out of the storage bag. Lay everything on the ground neatly. 3. Spread a groundcloth over the chosen spot. Then, lay the tent floor over the groundcloth. Fold the edges of the groundcloth under, 30 they do not stick out from the dass of the tent. SSE 4. Make sure the tent door is zipped shut. Then, pound a stake through each loop, pulling snugly as you 0 30 the floor gets stretched to its ful size. 5, Put together the tent poles, if necessary. Thread each one through its loops or channels. Do not step or walk on the tent to do this. necessary, craw! or lie down, ‘on your stomach to reach the center of the tent. aa Raise the poles. If you have a ° Caner work on opposite sides of the tent. taj 7. Pull he guy lines straight out from the sides of the tent. Peg each one. |. What do you know about pitching a tent? Do you have anything to add to these instructions? 2. Number the sentences to show the order of steps to pitch a tent. Spread out groundcloth, Tighten and peg guy lines, Choose and clear an area. Put together tent poles. Lay out equipment. Pound stakes through loops. Raise the poles. 3. If you don’t know or understand what a guy line is, which illustration helps you figure it out? Tell how. 4. Choose one ilustration. Explain what it shows. 5. In the first paragraph, the author says that pitching a tent clone is difficult. Why do you think this is? 6 What is the purpose of a groundcloth? 7. Which two steps explain what to do with the poles? ond 8. Affer reading these instructions, do you think you could pitch a tent? Why or why not? One Tent...What Next? What do the boys expect fo happen? ' “Then, there was the time my brother and Inearly got blown away with the tent! Did I tell you about that one?" Sam shook his head and tried not fo look impatient. His dad had been telling camping stoties for aimost ‘an hour. How can I get him fo slop without saying anything? thought Sam, to himself. He really wanted to get out to the tent. 2 Finally, his dad stopped for a bite ‘of dessert, ond Sam asked fo be ‘excused, When his mom nodded her head okay, it took only four tips to clear the fable. Then. he was off and ‘across the backyard 3 *Caught you!” yelled Sam as he fipped back the tent flop. Kent jumped and tured ted. “Hol [knew itlin the crackers already.” Then, he laughed. “Have you been waiting long?” Kent shook his head because his mouth was full Finaly, he said, "Not long. My dad got home late.” ® Sam shrugged. “Oh. well. We're here now. Lel's get ready.” Ready for what?" asked Kent. 7 “For whatever's going fo happen.” answered Sam. Weil, he must know, thought Kent. He helped Sam straighten the sleeping bags and stash stuf in the comers. They played catch across the tent for alittle while. Ah, the baseball glove, thought Kent. They played badminton with crackers, but then Sam discovered crumbs in his sleeping bag, so they stopped. ° They tumed on the lantem and read, After a while, Sam retold some of his dad’s camping stories. Then, Kent turned out the light, and they listened for noises in the dork. They didn’t hear ‘any for a very long time. °- Finally. Kent heard something at the tent flap. He half crawled and hai flew across the tent to wam Sam, Sam yelled when Kent landed on top of him. © “Hey, are you guys al right?" It was Sam’s mom. "Breakfast is ready.” "Sam and Kent looked at each other in disbelief. They had slept through the whole night. and nothing had happened ‘Which sentence best describes this story? Nothing exciting happens to the boys in the tent. ~The boys have a crazy night in the tent. In the moming, Kent plays a trick on Sam and scares him. . Why did the boys stop playing badminton? Read the sentences below. Wiite F next to sentences that are facts and next to sentences that are opinions. Kent eats foo many crackers. Sam's dad had been teling camping stories for almost an hour. —__— Broakfastis ready. Sam’s dad tels the best camping stories ‘What do you think the boys were hoping would happen? In paragraph 3, why does Kent tum red? . Mite C next fo the sentence below that is the cause. Wie E next fo the sentence that is the effect, Kent landed on top of Sam, ‘Sam's mom startled the boys. . This story has two settings. What are they? and see What is keeping Mikki awake? There were lights flashing outside. No matter what I did, I could see those lights. I couldn't figure out what they ‘wore, so started worrying. Humed away from the window and closed my eyes. But then had to open them, just a crack, fo see if the lights were stil there. Flash-flash off. flash! 8 [rolled toward the window and watched. Maybe I could figure it out. | started lising things. Car lights? Not bright enough. Police car flashers? Not blue and red enough. Spaceships? Not likely. Allright, this is ally bugging me. I have to go ask Mom, | finally concluded, I padded downstairs where my mom was reading a magazine. She was alittle surprised to see me. “The lights are flashing upstairs,” I soi. * “They are?” She soid it with that “this is a great excuse for being out of bed” look on her face. “Ican't figure out what it is” continued, hoping for some comfort. To my relief, she put down her magazine and steered me back upstairs. We laid across my bed on our stomachs and watched out the window. Mom knew right away. * “Nikki, do you remember driving Up to vist Uncle Wat last month?" she csked, Inodded. "Do you temember how long it ook?" Inodded again, “Well, Uncle Walt is having a thunderstorm way up north where his house is, The lightning is sor of shining off the clouds, so we can see the flashing down here. even though the storm is for away from us.” “Oh,” [soid. [ thought to myself, Well that makes sense. After al, what ‘se causes lights to flash in the sky? Aliens? Not likely. ‘What is causing Mikki to worry? . What does Mikki do to try to get to sleop? First, she Then, she ‘What is causing the flashing lights? |. Have you ever been kept awake at night by something that bothered or Puzzled you? Write about it. From whose point of view is this story told? Mom's Miki’s Uncle Walt’s |. Which word best describes Mom in the story? impatient ‘confused kind Is this story realistic? Why or why not? |. Name three things that Mikki thinks the lights could be. ACROSS 1. How many pounds do you ? (2) 5. Hector used this metal ice cream. (2) 6. When the children heard the fire _ they left the building. (2) to serve 9. The opposite of boy is , 10. This piece of wood will the table until we can fix the leg. (2) 11. Rosa threw the ball through the window by . (2) 22 ~=Review for Lesson 2 DOWN 2. The size of this airplane is . (2) 3. The fence has a big where the tree fell on it. (2) 4. The tail on Jaime’s kite got in the tree. (2) 7. We clapped when the did a back flip. (2) 8. Please the ball and throw it to the next player. (2) Lesson Study the words. Then do the exercises that follow. antenna n. 1. One of the two long, thin feelers on the head of many insects and of some animals such as lobsters. The beetle moved one antenna to the leff when Sam touched it. 2. Ametal rod or wire used to send and receive radio and television messages. Let’s pull out the antenna on the radio to hear the station more clearly. balance n. The state of being firm and steady. Tanya lost her balance on the diving board and fell into the pool. v. 1. To stay in a steady position without falling. The acrobat balanced carefully on her partner’s shoulders. 2. To hold something in a steady position without letting it fall. The seal balanced a large ball on its nose. eeseovd082e0e2e@2820@72e@e28R88028020808028028080880808086088888888 888 @ Show your partner how long you can balance on one foot. boulder n. A large, rounded rock that is resting on or in the ground. On our hike, we followed the trail past a boulder as big as a car. Wordly Wise 3000 * Book2 23 AIWDNdNG LON Od: Iss © cliff n. Asteep, high rock face with a sharp drop to the ground below. From the top of the cliff, the hunters watched the buffalo far below. joint n. The place where two parts meet or come together. The elbow is the joint where the upper arm and lower arm connect. © »am Point to a joint in your body with your partner. machine n. An object with moving parts that is used to do certain kinds of work. After we waxed the floor by hand, Jerome used a machine to polish it. motor n. An object that provides the power to make something move or do work. Dad started the motor on the boat by pulling on the cord. So Tell your partner about something that has a motor. muscle n. A part of the body that can be stretched or tightened to make the body move. The day after we ran around the track, my leg muscles were sore. 2 Show your partner where you have a muscle in your arm. 24 si Lesson 3 planet n. A large object in space that moves ina regular path around the sun or some other Star. The rings around the planet Saturn are made up of many pieces of ice. slope n. A surface, a line, or a piece of land that is higher at one point than at another. This ski slope is too steep for beginners. v. To lie at an angle. The land slopes up a little here by the pond. Tell your partner about a time you ran or slid down a slope. Look at the group of words next to the number. Then circle the letter next to the word that has the same meaning. a part of the body that we can stretch or tighten (a) antenna (b) motor (c) muscle (d) balance ) an object that does work (a) machine (b) boulder (c) cliff (d) planet 3) along thin feeler on an insect (a) slope (b) joint (c) motor (d) antenna Wordly Wise 3000 * Book2 25 ILVINdNG.LON Od + ISS © © a state of being steady (a) boulder (b) balance (c) planet (d) joint kee eee OE FORA Ae eee RES ORE SE SSR OE BESS S SIS E ESSE SRS SEE EE SES SESSA ESSER SUE SE SERRE OEE ED TEERD EEF ED ONO EST OROR UOT OE HSH E EST EBDHS HOSEN OES SESISE TESS IDES TS ISIORESSEDEUSP ENTER TSS ER TENE ODES © an object that provides the power to move something (a) cliff (b) motor (c) boulder (d) slope O cliff (a) the sharp nail of a bird (b) a metal rod used to receive messages (c) a steep, high rock face (d) an open space @ planet (a) a small airplane (b) a large object that circles the sun (c) a flat surface (d) a door that swings freely © slope (a) to scratch or dig (b) to spring back after hitting something (c) to stay in a steady position (d) to lie at an angle eee rir rr er iri rire rrr er rier rire rr ert yer reer reer irre er rir rere er eee erate errr err re ty © joint (a) the place where two (b) a glue to hold parts together parts meet (c) the place where two (d) an object that does work streets meet Seen raweererenrereeaorarensenenrr arr eeRe EE PEIELESFOSTIESSSESSESSCSONDERSHORHD SESE GET OOOS EOD TOD ED IDE OHS HOODS OS HESUU BIOS EDS DS SCEEE SE CEEOHSs saber as eteentceceresesuaresesnuaetesecrssoees @® boulder (a) a loose article of clothing (b) a part of the body (c) a large rock (d) a tool like a bowl with a handle SOee re eennaeeceeeranensaruErensarcecneeGaUEGFeHSHOEFETESSONOROSOSEDOSCRSRRUSODE RD HOUSE ROROSEDSESESESES ESESSORSEES SSUES EES OE SSUESOEOE DE EOUE HOE OE Ce seeeeeeseceecenereteesnenesreeecnesesees 26 _~—s Lesson 3 O stone bridge boulder rock @ antenna eyes claw motor ® skin wood muscle bone @ star moon joint planet © balanced steady even afraid @ Which of the following can slope? (a) a yard (b) a song (c) a taste (d) a smell ® Which of the following is a joint? (a) a gap (b) a knee (c) a ball (d) a muscle © Which of the following is not a machine? (a) toaster (b) car (c) computer (d) nail © Which of the following describes a cliff? (a) loud (b) happy (c) high (d) sweet © Which of the following has an antenna? (a) a lobster (b) an elephant (c) a rabbit (d) a plant Wordly Wise 3000 * Book2 27 alWDNdNdG LON Od * ISS © [balance _ | boulder Greetings from Mars You have probably seen pictures of robots. Imagine that a robot could talk to you about itself. It might say something like this. Hello, my name is Curiosity. I didn’t grow from a seed or an egg, as plants and animals do. People made me to explore Mars. Mars is a planet that humans hope to visit one day. That’s where I am now. I set off from Earth in 2012. You and I do many of the same things, but we do them in different ways. When you move around or pick things up, you use your muscles. The power they have comes from the food you eat. Each move I make is caused by a little motor. I have many inside me. Their power comes from electricity. My computer controls all of them. I don’t have eyes. In their place I have television cameras. They send pictures to my computer. I can look to the right or left, up or down, wherever the computer tells me to. If I am exploring a place with many boulders, my television cameras tell my computer. Then it helps me go around them. If I get too close to a cliff, my computer again helps me move out of danger. I don’t have ears either. Instead my antenna picks up messages sent by humans back in the United States. It also sends messages back to them. I do all kinds of work. Some jobs I do better than humans. This is because I never get tired. As long as I have electricity, I keep on working. I can also work in places where it is difficult for people to go. On Mars, there is no air and very little water. Humans need both. I get along just fine without them. Some robots stay in one place. I move around on six wheels. If I find myself going down a slope, my computer keeps me from falling over. If that were to happen, I wouldn’t be able to get back on my wheels again. Just like people, I 28 Lesson 3 have to keep my balance. | don’t want to have an accident while I’m moving about. You have two arms. I have only one. It has joints in it, like your wrist and elbow, but my arm is made of metal. It has a scoop at the end of it that I can use to dig into the ground. Everything I learn goes into my computer. Humans built me to find out what it is like here on Mars. They will use what they learned when the first humans come here. I will never return home to Earth. How do I feel about that? Well, I don’t have feelings. I’m never sad, but I’m also never happy. That’s because I’m a machine. So staying here on Mars doesn’t bother me at all. Answer each of the questions with a sentence. seeeneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoeseeeeeeeeeeeee ewe e eee eee sees eseeeseseeneseseeseseseseeeee @ What happens to the motor of a robot if the electricity is shut off? ® How do you know that Curiosity will probably not fall off a cliff? © What might happen to Curiosity if its antenna breaks off? © What would happen if Curiosity did not have joints in its arm? © How does Curiosity know when a boulder is in its path? Wordly Wise 3000 * Book2 29 ALWDIIdNG LON OG: ISS 30 © Why do robots never have sore muscles? @ What might happen if Curiosity fell down a slope? © What helps Curiosity to keep its balance? © What are some important differences between machines and humans? (@® Would you like to visit another planet someday? Explain your answer. ACT ® Do you know the difference between muscle and mussel? These two words are pronounced the same but have different spellings and meanings. A mussel is a kind of shellfish with a long, slender, dark blue shell. Lesson 3

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