Family 6

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Cheryl Pelt~r~t

JuUfel P~nn OXFORD,



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JL Write the names.

1 Fln · is the DSD Club leader and he is 2 's brother.
is Ed's sister. 4 - - - and 5 are her cousins.
There is a new person in the club. His name is 6 and he is from Canada.

2 look Cll!l11dl complete the sentences.

first aid basketball helped _pki·!_:J·- river time

a The children were=actors in a 1 yJQ.y_

last year.
b · The children cleaned u·p the 2 iY'! the wi~dlife pqrk.
c They did a 3 course. Then they 4 a man
who was in trouble.
d They watched a 5_ _ _ _ _ _ _ game.
e The children made a 6_ _ _ _ _ _ _ capsule.

Starter Welcome-back!
. ;'

3 IReCJJd mod drde the incorrect words. Write wrired se11r!:ef111ces.

1 Last year, the children made new costumes for a~~~~.
Last qear, the children. made n.ew costumes for a p~
2 Jim had the old costumes in his car.

,. 3 There was a map of the country in the children's time capsule.

Lf. The children did a lot of work at the river because it was very clean.

5 A man fell off his horse and the children helped him.

6 The man was a really good piano player.

4 Answer the.questiorns.
1 Where did Kate and Ed go on vacation? To Florida
2 Who had a vacation jn Mexico?
3 What does "DSD" mean?
4 Who is the new member of the DSD Club?
5 Where does Tom come from?

5 Complete Tom's emaul.

capsule cleaned _.C.~ttlJ cousins joined learned

Hi Jack,
How's life in Canada? I'm having a good time here. Today Fin and Libby took
me to the DSD 1 Club andJ met their 2 , Ecj and Kate. T~ey're

very friendly. They -do Lots of.exciting things at the club. Last year they did~
play and they also made a time 3 _ _~ • They
· up
a river and they 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ first 9id. I think it's a great club, so I.
Write sqon!

Welcome bock! Starter


··.!. .. :::;.~-::::··==;,,,;.;;;;;.,.......,;;;;;b;;;;;:b:i~;:;;;;~;;;;;·:;;;;;,;,.;:;;;~..,;.::;;_,.;::,:::::~ ___ ··-~... '

JL Read drde.

Dale Hi, Jake. It's Dale. How are you!'

Jake Hi, Dale. I'm OK. 1 I watch f(fm'-watchin?jjthe game on TV, but 2 I don't enjoy/ I'm not enjoying

it much. My team 3 doesn't win/ isn't winning.

Dale I can't watch TV right now because my sister 4 does/ is doing her homework in the living room
Jake Well, you can watch the game with me if you Like. 5 Do you want/ Are you wanting to come
over here?
Dale Oh, no, thanks. 6 I don't like/ I'm not liking baseball on TV.

Jl Whorl: WIO!S happening when the storm started? Write sentences. Use the past progressive.

1 two boys I kick/ a soccer ball Two boL1s were klckinq a__~ccec ba!.L__
2 a woman/ read/ a book
3 two children/ ride/ bikes
4 a woman/ drink/ coffee
5 a man I carry/ a shopping bag

35 Complete the sentences. Use the simple past or past progres~ive.

1 Hannah called while I was doing__ (do) my homework.
2 We (play) soccer when I hurt my knee.
3 Robbie was having lun~h when Max _ _-_ _ _ _ - (arrive).
4 Dad had an accident while he (drive) to work.
5 They were ha'(ing a picnic when it ____ (start) to rain.
6 Jenny __ (study) when Annie (call).

Starter Simple preseni'. present progressive, simple past, and pasf· progressive .
1 Complete tlhe d-amt. ~Irregular verb list

Verb Past simpl~ . Past participle

1 do d[d
--- -done
2 make ---------------
3 ate
4 - broken
5 speak ----
6 sold ·--·----
7 swum
8 ridden

2 Read andl drde.

1 I've broke /~the plate.
2 I spoke I spoken to my sister this morning.
3 I swam/ swum to the island yesterday.
4 I've did I done my homework already.
· 5 I've ridden I rode a camel.

3 Complete the sentences. ~irregular v~Wlist

I took (take) these photos Susan hasn't - - - - - - - They - - - (wear)

last week. (fly) in a. plane before. costumes for the play.

You've ·_(ride) I've {see) J a n e - - - · - - - {go) to

a horse! this movie three times. China last year.

Irregular pa_st forms Starter

:ll Read the story and complete the sentences.
world know _pe·in·t·- famous impossible walls draw

I@'@ I want each group to Animals are

palnt a mural on one of
the - - - - - to

~~ What about portraits of

what to do!
people from around
the - - · - - - -

2. Match the sentences to the pictures.


~ Read cmd circle.

1 Fin wants the children to ... 2 For this project, the children ...
a clean up the club. a can decide what to paint.
C:0 paint pictures on the ·walls. b have to paint countries.
c paint the Library. c hav<:;to paint animals.

3 Libby doesn't Like the idea of flags or 4 The four children are going to meet ...
maps because they aren't ... a ·at home.
a easy. b at the Library.
b difficult. c at the club.
c exciting.·

4 What would you paint in a mur~l on the theme "Around the world?"

Unit 1 Art project!

~. Complete the C1Jolverrtosemenril:.
· paintings ....o..r.t-§eil:l:-erg- portraits mural Landscape sculptures

On the wall, there is an amazing _ _ _ __

The children at Hill School painted it for their art project.

0 In Room 1 you can see 3_ _ _ _ _ _ by Carol Evans.
She makes animals from stone and wood.
Upstairs in Room 4 you will find lots of different types of
______ by artists from around the world.

0 In Room 2 you can see some interesting 5_ _ _ _ _ __

of people from the past.
0 In Room 3 we have a very famous ______ by the
artist William Lake. It's called "In the Country:'

l Add una or im- to the lfJldjedives to make the mernnong negative,

1 polite lmpolite 2 happy
3 possible 4 friendly

3 Complete the. sentences. Add un- or im- to the adjectives,

possible polite ·_p.o.p~l:ar friendl!:J happy

1 This TV show is unpopular . No orie i!1 my ..class lil~es it.

2 He never says "hello" to anyone. He's very _ _ _ _ _ __
3 . It's very to talk with your mouth full:
4 Ja)nes was --~-----
after the test because he didn't know many of the answers:
5 This math question is . I don't know the answer!

Words Unit 1

1L ~e1C1JCil 10Jnic! mffkh.

1 "You look great in those shoes." OJ a "I'LL come too."
2 "I'm going to town." 0 b "Please tell me! I won't tell anyone els
3 "Sorry, I can't talk now. We're having lunch." 0 c "OK, I'll call you again later."
4 "I've got some amazing news, but it's a secret." 0 d "Really? OK, I won't watch it."
5 "That movie is terrible! It's really boring." 0 e "Good! I'LL make it again."
6 "I like this meal." 0 f "Thanks! I think I'll buy them."

~ Complete the se111tences. Use going to.

1 I'm qoin.g to call (call) Sandra this evening.
2 My parents (paint) the kitchen this weekend.
3 Alan (make) a sculpture of a horse for his art class.
4 We (nfft play) tennis tciday.It's too ho{
5 Lisa ____________ (not come). to the movies with us tonight.
6 We . (start) our next history project soon.

3 CompLetethe convell'sation. Use going to or will.

Tara What are your plans for the weekend? Are you going
to do your homework tomorrow?
Annie No, I don't think so. My cousins 1 are going to go to
the art show in the park tomorrow morning. I think
I go with them.
Tara That's a good idea! 3 I _ _ _ __
come, too! I'd like to see the art show.
Annie Great! 4 We meet you
at the bus stop at ten o'clock.
Tara Fine. I'll be there.
Annie Susan --~------
take some
sandwiches for a picnic lunch. Do you want to bring
some lunch, too?
Tara Yes, 01<. 6. r _·__________ bring some
lunch, too.

Unit l going to and_ will

1 Re()Jd arn:l drde.
,~'Eb~ · C ). .
Hi Maggie, Hi Kathy,
1~/ Do you coming to the Art Club No, sorry, 3 I don't I I'm not coming to Art Club.
meeting tomorrow after school? After Mom 4 is/ are driving me to Newtown at 4:00.
that, 1'111 2 meet/ meeting Leila att~-~ 5
We'll have/ We're having dinner with my
mall. Do you want to come, too? grandma.

l Complete the seli"iltern::es. Use the presenl: progressive.

My class 1 ls het\:'._~'lfL a school trip tomorrow.

6th Grade SCHOOL TRIP Mr. Sanders 2
September 27th · us at the station at nine o'clock, and we
Teacher: Mr. Sanders . ··------------~----
the train
15 minutes Later. The tour of the art gallery
g :00 meet at train station
4 at 9:45.
9:15 catch train to art gallery At 12:00 we 5
g :45 tour of gallery Lunch in the garden, and after that we
6 ________ a boat trip
12:00 have lunch in garden
on the river. That will be fun! IthinlZit
1:30 take boat trip on river will be a really good day!

3 Write questions cmd cmswer~.

1 where/ Tony/ visit/ with his class?
Where ls Tonw visiting with hls class? He's visitlng an art gallery.
2 what time/ tliey / meet? .•

3 how /'they /travel?

4 wh_er.e /they / have/ lunch?

5 what I they/ do/ after Lunch?

Pr~sent progressive with future megning Unit 1


JI. look at the story. Choose the best title. Write the title at the top.
Eeautiful da!:J on the river b) An adventure on the river c) A storm at sea


t was a summer morning. The river was

I calm. The clouds in the sky were light, like smoke.
"I want to go out in the boat," said Jack.
"OK, let's go!" said Harry.
After half an hour, Jack stopped f6-Wihg. The boat
floated quietly on the water. The sun was warm, "9-rab the boat!" Jack shouted. They held
and Jack and Harry fell asleep. They slept for a long on tightly to the boat as the water carried
time. them along.
When they woke up, the sky was dark. There At last, the boat hit some rocks near the
were storm clouds above them. A flash of lightning river bank. The boys felt the ground under
lit the sky. their feet and slowly they got to the bank.
"A storm is coming!" Harry said nervously. And When they looked back, their boat was
very soon, the wind started to get stronger and gone.
stronger. Waves hit the boat with a splash and "Where are we?" Jack asked. "Will
heavy rain started to fall. Jack was rowing when he someone rescue us?"
dropped the oars by accident and they floated away. Then they saw some smoke from behind
Then, a big wave hit the side of the boat. the trees. "Maybe it's a house!" Harry said.
The boat turned over and Jack and Harry were They wallced along the path between the
thrown into the water.

~ Read again and number the pictures in the correct order.

Unit l · Reading: o story

1 Read and drde.

Give me the oars~ny. I'll 1~q?J!,1/ sail.

( Jack! We fell asleep - and we didn't 2 climb/ tie the boat to Cl tree! ~

~ The boat is stiff 3 floating/ swimming. we rnn hold 011 to it. )

( Oh 110! The boat is going to 4 splash/ hitthe rocks! ? '"""'-"""--'---'---"-"-~

"<What are you 5 shouting/ staring at, Harry?)

( Can you see the 6 splash/ smoke in the sky? ?

2 Match the words from page 10 to the definitions.

Lightning oars grab ].

1 bank noun the ground on each side of a river

2 noun long wooden objects that you use to row a boat
3 noun the electricity that lights up the sky in a storm
4 verb to suddenly take hold of something

3 Complete the sentences.

They made a fire on the river Helen held the 3 The stone 5- - - - - - ·
bank . Soon there was ar.d stared at the boat. It was the water three times.
4 Every time, it made a Little
coming out of - - - - in the middle
of the river. "Oh, no!" she said. 6
it, and they were nice and warm.

Words in conte1:t Unit 1

ll Rem! the story Oll1l page 10 again. Whori: were the boys stming at?

can we t1se your phone?

There's a fire in the forest.

. I'
.. 1·

3 Finishtile story.

The smoke wasn't coming from a house. It was coming from a tree.
"It's going to burn down the forest!" said Harry.
"We need to get help! Look, there's a house." said Jack.
The boys went to the house and knocked on the door.

Unit 1 Writing: a story.

'1111'". --- .__....:....-. ::-

Recwl omd drde.
David Will you /(A;;";;·~~o~~-fu)plalJ tennis Later?

Paul Yes, I am.
David Great! 2 I'll I I'm going to meet you at the gym.

( Susan 3
Will you I Ar~ y~~ going to buy your morri a birthday card?

L Lisa No, 4 I won't/ I'm not. 5 I'll I I'm going to make her a card.

Sarah 6
Will you do/ Are you doing anything this afternoon? Emma and I 7 will go/ are going
to the mall at two o'clock.
Katy Good idea! 8 I'll I I'm going to come with you.

2 Write sentences. Use will or won't.

I I help I her I I not wear I this I I paint I the sky I I use I some rope
I'll he1J2

3 Read and circle .

. Picture 1 The woman can't carry the bags. It's 1 impatient/~.

Picture 2 The boy is 2 splashing/ staring at his jacket.

Picture 3 lhe children are painting a 3 mural/ sculpture. It's a .4 la~dscape I portr~it.
The girl is going to paint 5 smoke/ a sun in the sky.

Picture 4 The man is going to 6 hit/ tie the 7 banks/ oars to his i::qr.

Review Unit 1

. -::·
"'~··;:.iL.= ~~·:.·.·=-~.-.~
.. -·~.:.·~~-~~---·-~
JJ. Re1DJd the story OJnd Ill limber the events in the correct order.

a Ed, Tom, and Libby are too busy to draw the pictures tonight. 0
b The children are in the library. OJ
c Kate has time to draw the pictures, but she isn't very good at art. 0
d They need to decide who is going to draw their ideas. 0
e Tom finds a book about sports. 0
::!'. Write True or False.
1 Tom's book is about Australian sports.
2 Ice hockey is a popular sport in Canada.
3 ·People don't play soccer in Brazil.
4 Ed has a lot of homework.
5 Tom's parents never .go ice skating.
6 Kate hates art.

::§ Complete Kate's emCi!iL countries terrible rnurnt ·· Librm!:J World pictures

Hi Beth,
How are you? I'm busy with the DSD Club as usual. Our new project
is to paint a'1 rnura[ for the club wall. The theme is "Around the
_ :_________ ."Today we went to the 3 _ ·_ _ _· ______ to look f~r ideas.
·Tom found a great book about sports in different 4 _____ • Tonight,
I have to draw some of sports, like rugby and football.

The problem is that I'm 6

· _ _ at art! What can I do? Tell me if

you have any ideas.

·From Kate

Unit 2 Sports adventures!

Complete the sentences.
rock climbing caving Jce-&katilf~f skiing paragliding ice hockey mountain biking baseball


In countries with cold Italy and Switzerland is a - - - - - is a

winters, people often go are popular places to game for two teams of fast and exciting game.
lee sl;ati.n.g outside. go _______ nine players.

Any place with lots of - - - - is an You need strong ropes You flg through the air
. hills is good for exciting sport, but you for _ _ __ when you go
have to be very careful.

l Add dis- or in- to the woll'ds to .make the meaning negative.

1 obey disobey ·2 sensitive
3 like ---··- 4 correct ·!fj·

3 Read a111cll drde. ·

· 1 Alex broke the window, but he said it was hls qroth~r: Alex v;,as honest /(q[i.!!.iiii.iJ;.
2 Good world ALL your answers are correct/ incorrect.
..·.f·.JYlike is feeling sad today,.so ple_ase be sensitive/ insensitive whe~ you talk ~o him.
:4, t'h9rlieis d. very bad pej:. He alwa!::fS obeys I disobeys everyone.
5 )Vke most vegetables, but I like I dislike broccoli. -

Words Unh 2
1 ~~ead cmci dwde.
1 If it's sunny tomorrow, we A0".~j~;go to the beach.
2 Toby won't go to school if he isn't/ won't be feeling well.
3 If Fiona invites me to the party, I/ I'll go.
L~ If I don't pass the test, I'm not/ I won't be happy.
5 You/ You'll arrive on time if you leave now.
~ Complete the sentences. Use the flrrst corn:ilitkm1CllL
not go ... rns:ki: wear finish see ]

1 If it snows, we.JLJ:i:wke_. a snowman.

2 If I-----------·----··----- Steve, I'll ask him about the tickets.
3 We·----------- ·---to the movie theater if there's a goocj rr:i9viegD TV.
4 If Diana works hard, she _ ---·.--·her project this evening.
5 ---·-----you _________ your cap if you come to the baseball game?

~ Write serrntences with if.

if I it I rain I we I play/ in the gym if /we/repair/my bike/I/ride/it/this afternc

If it rains, we'U plmL_jll_~the qum ..

if/ the rain I not stop/ the game/ not start if I she I not be I careful I she I fall over

if/ their player/ rntch /the ball I they I win if/ it I not.snow It.his year I we I not go/ skiir

Unit 2 First co11ditio11al

. -
1 Remi1 om«Jl mir::itd1.
1 If I won the art competition, [ill a if we moved to Brazil.
2 Would you be scared 0 b if I had his number.
3 Dylan would be a good basketball player 0 c if you went paragliding?
4 We'd Learn Portuguese 0 d I'd get a big prize.
5 I'd call Patrick 0 e if he trained more often.

2 Complete the sentences. 0 irregular \/e~h list

1 If Darren had lots of money, he .'.Q_Qg_y_ (buy)

a house by the beach.
2 If he ________ (Live) by the beach,
he'd go swimming every day.
3 If he had his own plane, he
(travel) to interesting places.
4 If he (be) a famous actor,
he'd meet Lots of people.

5 If Tess ·-·(play) the guitar,

ion she'd join a band.
6 If she ~-(join) a band,
she (play) in Lots of cities.
7 If she (have) a Lot of money,,.
. :.rt
she·-----·----·- (buy) a spaceship. p:
8 If she _ _ _ _ _ (go) to the moon, '·
she _ _ _ _ _ (take) photos of the
Earth. ' ~'·

. .
· 3 Answer the ~questions abou~· you.
1 If I could go.anywhere in the world, I'd travel to __
2 If I had Lots of money, I'd buy these three things: _ _ _ _ _ __
3 If I Learned a new sport,_I'd' Learn .
4 If I could meet someone famous, I'd choose - - -
5 If I could Live in a different country, I'.d Live in

Second conditional Unit 2

1 look at the mtide. Wl'na'fc is Henry dloing? Check(.!} t!1ie coned omswer.
a) He's studying at college. 0 b) He's working as a diving instructor.
c) He's working for an environmental group. 0 d) He's on vacation.
···-·----- .. ······· .. ··········-··-·. ··-·· --- .. ··--· ... ,._...... -··· -·--- -- ······-····--··-. --~-- ...

18-year-old Henry also tests the water for pollution. This is very
Watson is a volunteer important.
with an environmental "I wanted to do something different before
group called EcoTask. I go to college. I've always loved diving
EcoTask is an and I want to help the environment, so
organization that helps this project is perfect for me;' Henry says.
toprotedtheenvironment. "The underwater llfe in the Andaman Sea is
People with different skills volunteer to work amazing and it's very important to protect it.
for them and EcoTask has lots of interesting Our research helps to do this:'
ways for volunteers to help the environment. He would like to stay in Thailand when
Henry Watson is a talented diver and he is the three months finish. "The best volunteer
using his skills to help protect wildlife under in each group can stay and work here for
! the ocean. another two months;' he says. "I hope it's me!
Henry is spending three months at an I'd really like to stay here longer!"
EcoTask center on the Andaman Sea in
Thailand. The center provides all the diving
equipment he needs and also givestrainingto
people to teach them what to do.
Henry works in a team with 15 other
volunteers. He dives into the ocean and
records what he sees. He writes down the
different types of fish and other sea animals
he sees, and he reports any problems. He

2 !Read again Cilnd write True or False.

1 Henry is working as a volunteer for Eco Task. True
2 Henry is very good at diving.
3 Divers at Eco Task have to bring their own diving equipment.
4 in a team with 14 other volunteers.
5 He doesn't want to go to college.,

volunt~er profile

Unit 2 Reading: 0

~ . .."'"'· ---- -- -~ ~ ·. ·TTr. - - -

·1 Complete the sentences.

Henry loves the 1 freedom he Sometimes he goes He is also a very

feels in the ocean. - - - - swimmer.

EcoTask provide all Henry's Henry is very interested in the Today he found a
· - - - - in the
Andaman Sea.
beautiful 6- - - - - - -

Match the words from page 18 to the definitions.

provide volunteer -~k:lHs-·-- protect
1 -skills
- - - - noun things you can do well
2 verb to give a person something they need
3 _______ verb to keep someone or something safe from danger
. ~-

4 ____ ·noun a'person who chooses to work for' no money

·.,· '~- "

3 Complete the sentences with words from Exercises 1 and 2. . I

1 Amy is working here as a volunteer . She isn't getting any money .
. 2 You don't need to bring any food to the sports camp. They _______ all the meals.
3 If you're going rock climbing, you must take the right _ _ _ _ _ __
4 Margaret is good at everything."She has lots of useful_·- - · - - - -
5 Everyone should help to the environment.

Words in context . Unit 2

:11 L.ook at the concept map. Write the headings in the co1nred place.
Safety What is sailing? How to Learn Equipment
... ....
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . 0 . 0 0 .. 0.,

.. ·-
• ... oooo•o•••O•••D••••••••••o••••o•• ,"

• an e..xcitins water .sport ·.\ -find. a 3ood.'\ 0

' \ ' ' l

• 3ood. . \ • prac..t1~e.. !:)Our .sk.11/.s .~
• 3reat -for .sll.rnrne..r vac..ation \ ,. . / ..;.;~ .
\ .~

• .sail boat
• helrnet
•wear a li-fe..,
• d.on't .sail in bad. weather

2 Complete the brochure about sailing. Use the concept map headings and information.

Sailing is o.n excltlrtq wctl:er ~ort and it ----------·---------

It is also great


You need to find

Th err, after some lessons,...YQ!:!_ need - - - - - - - - --------------

Before you start sailing, you need to buy

It is very important to know how to be safe when-you are sqiling.

and you must never

Unit 2 _Writing: a concept map

.... l:Fr. --- -~-· -:
Complete Uue te)('I:.
ice skating inexperienced snorkeling
dislike equipment baseball s.ndr.-El+rn-btrrg-

Last year, I went on an adventure vacation with my school. On the first day we
went 1 rock gi.mbing_in the mountains. The instructor showed us all the
--'----~---and how to use it. Then, I did r:ny first cli_rnb. It was great!
The next day; some kids stayed at the center and played 3_ _ _ _ _. in the
sports field, but the rest of us went to the ice rink for 4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ • I fell over
six times! I didn't 5 ice skating, but I wasn't very good at it!
On the Last day, we went to the beach to try • I really loved it
even though I'm quite an swimmer.

2 Complete the sentences.

Sadie I'm terrible at math. If the homework is difficult, 1 wlll you~ (help) me?
Annie Of course. Come to my house after s~hool. We 2 (use) Dad's

Thomas If the weather is good, 3_ _ _ _ _ _ you _ _ _ __ (come)

climbing tomorrow?
Brad OK. But what 4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ we _______ (do) if it rains?

Daisy Oh, no! Max 5 ~--(not win) the race if he doesn't run faster.
Lee Don't worry. If Max 6 _ _ _ _ _ _, (be) second, he'll be happy.

3 Complete the sentences. "Irregular 1fliirb list

live/ in Switzerland n.ot /go with them

score/ lots of goals J:Lde_.,LLt...i.P.-tb.@-rnGl:lWtutrrs-

1 If Freddy had a mountain bike, he'd ride lt -in

.the mou.ntalns .
2 He
if he played in the national soccer team.

3 He'd learn ski if he ·------~-----

· 4 If his friends decided to go caving, he

;. ·-
1 Read the story mul complete the sentences.
Likes buildings sports --L(srt:e-- pictures
1 Ed, Libby, and Tom are worried because Kate is Jg.tg__.
2 Kate arrives at thf; club with her
3 Kate has drawn buildings, not ________ _
4 Kate tells the club, "We're going to paint famous _ __ "
5 Fin really the children's ideas.

i Number the pidmes in the coned order.

~ Read cmd drde the iD11correct words. Write correct sentences.•

1 It was~)ifor Kate to draw buildings with a ruler.
It' was easq for Kate to O..raw bulldlnqs with. a. ruler.
2 Kate's friends are surprised when they look at her murals.

3 Fin is unhappy with the ideasJor the murals.

4 The club will have a celebration next month.

5 Everyon€ will bring some traditional ideas to the part_y.


Unit 3 It's festival time!

.. : ,. ....... -- -···:
Complete the sentences.
delicious deserted original .Jr.GJd·i'l:ionut-· bright disgusting

1 In the U.S.A. it's tradi.tlonal to celebrate a birthday with a special cake.

2 Have some of these strawberries. They're _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3 I don't want to eat that! It looks -·-·--------
4 That's a very sculpture. I've never seen one Like that bef9re.
5 The celebration finished at midnight. Everyone went to bed and the streets were
6 I like colors, like red, yellow, and orange.

~ Change the nouns into adjectives. Use -ous.

1 adventure: an exciting or dangerous thin,g to do - the adjective is adventurous .
2 poison: something that can kill you or make you ill if you drink or eat it -
the adjective is
3 fury: a very angry feeling - the adjective is·-

. 3 Complete the sentences. Use -ous to make the no11J111s into adjectives.
hazard poison fury J:l.e-A-ger- fame adventure

· 1 We can't swim here. It's dangerous . 2 He's an traveler.

3 I want to be a pop star! 4 You mustn't eat those! They're
5. Our teacher was 6 This road is in bad weather.

Words Unit 3

. ·····~~1..--- ' - .--,

:JL ReClld and drde.
1 A Would you like some food?
IB No, thanks. I've yet !@~had lunch.
2 A Should we watch this DVD?
IB No, I've just/ already seen the movie. I saw it at the movie theater last year.
3 A Has Jamie done his homework yet I just?
IB Yes, he h~s. He finished it an hour ago.
4 A How was your sister's vacation in Mexico?
IB She hasn't gone already/ yet. She's leaving next week.
5 A Have you tried the new gym?
ra Yes,we went there . this morning. We've just I yet gotten home.

~ Complete the sentences. Use just, yet, already, or before.

Donna is getting ready for her birthday party.
She's excited because she's never had a party
before . She's 2 finished putting
up the decorations - she finished a few minutes ago.
She and her mom have 3 prepared the
food and it's on the table, ready to eat. They enjoy
cooking together and they've made some special
dishes that they've never tried
They have invited her family. He·r family have
5 _______________ .. ______ sent her some presents, but she
hasn't opened them 6 _ _ _ _ _ __

· 3 Complete the sentences. Use the present perfect with since or for. G lrre9ul~r verb list
1 I 've lived (live) in this house sln.ce I was three.
2 We (study} English five years.
.3 I (not see) Steve last summer.
4 It (not rain) here two months.
5 My teacher (work) at the school ~---·-

Unit 3 Pr!O!sent perfect: since, for, already, just, yet, and before

- .
· . ·.JasmineDid you ever go /~to India, Oscar?

· Oscar Yes. My family 2 went I has been there Last year. 3 We rode/ We've ridden on camels.
Did you ever do/ Have you ever done that?
Jasmine No! But I 5 've had/ had a ride on an elephant. That was in Thailand.
Oscar Really? When 6 did you go/ have you been to Thailand?
Jasmine Two years ago. The elephant ride 7 was/ has been a bit uncomfortable, but fun!
Oscar Yes, my camel ride was the same!

2 Look at Oscar's photos. Write questions.

1 he I ever I try I skiing? Has h.? ever tried skUng? Yes, he has.
2 when I he I go I skiing? Wher, dld h.e go sklln.g? In January.
3 he I ever/ see I the Red Sea? ________ Yes, he' has.
4 what I he I do I there? __________ He went snorkeling.
5 he I ever I visit I New York? - - - - - - - - - - Yes, he has.
6 when I he I go I to New York? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - In July ..

3 ~rite sentences about you. Use these words or your._own, ideas. "Jrr~9.ij!~~y~r~lisf ,
ride a horse swim in the ocean read an English book meet a famous person

I've ridden a. horse. ·1've never vlslted a dlfferent country'.

Simple past I pr'¥sent perfect Unit 3

.• ,-=;, .. -:c---·-... '.
:1l 11.ook at the brod1me. Choose the best title. Write the title at the top.
a) How to cook with chillies! b) Celebrating the chilli!

E very year in late August or early September,

there is a special festival in a little town called
Hatch, in New Mexico, U.S.A. The festival lasts
with chocolate! Chilli chocolate is delicious!
In town there are chillies everywhere. PeoplE
decorate the buildings with chillies. They ham
for one weekend, and it celebrates chilli peppers, big bu nchesoutsidetheirhouses.Some peoplt
the mostfamous food from this area. Farmers grow even cover their walls and roofs with chillies
chillies in the local area and in late August or early
Visitors come to the festival from all over thE
September, the chillies are ready to be picked and
U.S.A. There are music groups and traditionc
dances, and you can also watch cooking
and celebrates the chilli!
demonstrations which show you how to mak
You'll know when you dishes with chillies. On both days there are
get close to Hatch, competitions. For example, there is a prize
because you'll smell the everyyearforthe person who can eatthe mo~
chillies cooking over chillies, and another prize for tying chillies int
fires. People eat chillies the biggest bunch. Come to the festival! It's
with everything - even really fun!

l Read again arnd match.

1. The festival lasts for 0 a all over the U.S.A.
2 People use chillies as 0 b decorations for their houses.
3 People come to the festival from 0 c person.who can eat the most chillies.
4 Atthe festival there is 0 · d music, dancing, and food.
5 You can learn how to cook 0 e two days.
6 .There is a prize for the 0 · f dishes with ·chillies in them.

Unit 3 Reading: a travel article

ll. Read mrncl dirde.
I saw this food for the first time at the chilli festival
Last September. A woman showed us how to make
it in a cooking 1~/ decoration. You
make it with meat, beans, tomatoes, chillies,
onions, and 2 jelly I garlic.

Mom cooked it Last weekend, when we 3 bought/

celebrated my uncle's SOth birthday. There were
3·0 people from our family there and the
,i celebration 4 tasted I lasted for five hours.

l Ii
I look at the text on page 26. Cross out the incorrect words.
I. ·1 1 You can hang something on the waU I J?..fl.±-h·e-fl:d7JrI on a clothes line.
II ~
2 You can use balloons/ music I flowers to decornte your house.
3 You can eat I read/ use a recipe to mcike a dish.
e ! 4 You can have a bunch of grapes I flowers I melons.
I )

13 Complete the text.
decorate recipes ·Lasts __c.el@B-rcrre demonstrations

In Cholula, Mexirn; people 1 celebrate bread-making

in a famous festival. They
~ .
build a fireplace in the center.

of the town. Then, bakers g'ive 2 .. to show

how to make bread. They use more than·100 different
_ _ _ _ _ _ . Sometimes they 4 the
bread,. with ·nuts or fruit. :rhe festival
. . is in October and it
_ _ _ _ _ _ for three days.

Words in context Unit 3

. ~-

=======:::-: ...
.. ,,_~.-::::-
·; ·7::0
1 Think of a celebration in your country. Check (if) the things that me special cit that time.
0 candy 0 decorations 0 fo.od 0 fire;ivorks

0 clothes 0 music 0 lights 0 dancing

i Choose two cu:.ljedives for eCJJth thing !:JOU checked in Exercise 1. Use these words or your own
words. Think about the order of the adjectives before you write the complete plhrase.
amazing bright cold colorful· delicious exciting hot Loud new original

colorful new clothes

~~:~~~~ll~W~~{~~ ·
3 Write a Letter to. a friend about~ celebration you went to. Answer these ques~ions first ..
0 What was the celebration?. .• 0 When
.... :....
it.?. On. I. In - ... - - . -.-
.. - ' - -

Q Where was it? In • Whatdid you wear/ see /eat/ do?

Did. you enjoy it? _ _ __,,__ _,--,--.,.-,--

I want to tell qou about a great cetebration!

It- was on I in

Your friend

Unit 3 Writing: a letter

lt"]i:~' :lL CompLeite tile seroitern::es. Use for cnull sirnce.
1 Frankie has had a bike for_ a few years/ slnce he was nine.
2 I've been on vacation Tuesday/ a week.
3 Mrs. Smith has been ill - - - - - - three months I - - - · Februar••.

4 George has been in the library an hour/ ______ four o'clock.

2 Complete the Letter. Use the present perfect or th.e simple past •. ~·lfre9uiaty~Miist>;'

Dear Scott,
I'm on vacation in Japan. We 1 've alr~ady been. (already I be) here for a week, I it's great. I 2_ _ __

(never I taste) such delicious food before.
(ever I try) Japan.ese food? ~
Last n.igh.t, we _ _ _ __ (go) to an unusual festival called "Setsubun:"
the bean festival. You have to .eat the same n.umber of beans as your age, so
I5 (eat) eleven beans! We also 6 (try) the
traditional festival food and I ( it a lot.
We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (meet) some nice people since we arrived, the

hotel is amazin.g.
See you soon.,

dese1ted original bright

weather house sunlight
6 7

an - - - a - - - - - food a - - - - - -
idea costume

Review Unit'3
l ReC11d the story c::md match.

1 Mr. Martin tells the children about [§] a what to draw.

2 The competition is ab.0ut 0 b a competition for Local clubs and schools.
3 The first prize is 0 c transportation for the future.
4 The children can't decide 0 d the Museum of Inventions for ideas.
5 They are going to go to 0 e a ride in a hot-air balloon.

i Complete the poster.

date --f.~:ftne transportation club drawing ideas

What will transportation be like in the 1 future ? ~l!!IBes

The Museum of Inventions wants to know your Each group can only send in one drawing.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _.We would like you and The closing 5 for the competition
your friends to do a 3- - - - - - - is December 22nd.
of a future form of transportation.
H@w 'll'@eliil'll'eli' 1st prize: A_ride in a hot-air balloon
Send your drawing to Mr. Martin at the
211d prize: New equipment for your
Museum of Inventions. You must·also write 6
or school
a paragraph to explain how your form of
Send this with your drawing-.

3 Read the poster again and write True or False.

· 1 Children have to write about their drawing. True
2 The groups can send in,Lots of drawings.
3 Children can't send in drawings after December 22nd. · _ _ _ __
4 There is only one prize.

Unit 4 · Transportation of the future!


Write the worn1s. lhen wmplete the sienrl!:erdces.

hot-air balloon _mgter-i::·!:jcte- helicopter truck · yacht barge


A A 1 motorcqde has two wheels.

A 2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ carries things to stores and businesses.
B A3 has sails.
A 4
doesn't have sails and it travels slowly.
C A is made of metal, Uke a plane, but it doesn't have water wings.
A 6
uses hot gas to get up into the air.

i Match the pictures to the sentences.

1 Thank you for the party invitation. We'll Look forward to it. GJ
2 He will look up the word in the dictionary. 0
3 I;ll look around the art gallery tomorrow. 0
L~ Spotty is my cat I look after her. 0

~s Complete the sentences.

_Look after Loolrnround look forward to· .los!t-ttp-

I need to look up the new words in a dictionary.

2 Grandma has been _in the hospital. Now ·she's staying with us so we can - - - - - - her.
3 I'm going to ________ the Asian section befo~e I Leave the museum.
4 We always _·________ the summer. We Love summertime.

. Words Unit 4
1 Complete the dnmt.
Present Past
The competition is about transportation. - The competition was abou.t tran.sportatlon.
I really want to win!
We're designing a new car.
The submarine can't travel above the water.

In reported speech the pronouns omcl possessive ~djectives change, too.

I-+ he I she my-> his/ her me-+ him I her we-> they our-=+ their us-+ them
Mary "We are designing a new bicycle for our team!"-=+ Mary said they were designing a new
bicycle for their team.

2 Complete the reported speech sentences.

1 ''I'm going to the beach by train." Mandy said she was qoin.g to the beacl1 bq train.
2 "The plane leaves at five o'clock." William said __________
3 "We're going to _be Late!" Gareth said

3 Read the conversC1Jtion. Write whC1Jt Gerry SCllid in reported spe1ech. Change the words in bold.
1 Reporter How are you feeling before your big race, Gerry?
Gerry I'm feeling great! But I have a lot of traveling to do first.
2 Reporter Where are you going to now?
· Gerry I'm goung by train to the airport. I'm flying to the
competition. My plane Leaves a~nine o'clock.
- 3 Reporter What are you going to do on the plane? :.
Gerry I have a good book to read on the plane.
And I'm going to sleep Q lot, tool

1 Gerry said he was feeling great , But he said he_

2 He said~------· Then he _ _ _ _ _ _ _. He said his plane _ _ _ __

3 He said - - - - - - · on the plane. And he said _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a Lot, too!

Unit 4 Reported speech

'-..: -~.
.'"II''~~-· ~
'· .. .
,..._..... -·

1 Write said or told.

. .. l .. Mom. saiQ_ shewas going to drive_ me _to sch_ooL _
2 Dad me to be careful on my bike.
3 Tom _ _ _ _ he was going to buy a motorcycle one day.

j 4 Jill _ _ _ _ us to meet her at the bus stop.

5 The boy he could ride a horse.

2 Read and cirde.

1 Patricia told her parents what her I she wanted for her birthday.
2 Carl said him I he was going away for the weekend.
3 We told the teacher we couldn't find us/ our books.
4 Amy said her I she was getting a new bike.
5 I told the taxi driver where me I I lived.

Complete the reported speech sentences.

- 1 I can't play baseball this afternoon, Mr. Jones.
f~ot-:;. toLd thct he cou.tdn.}t plaq bctsebo.U tha.t aftern.oon..
2 School is finishing early tomorrow, children!
The teacher told
3 Next summer we're going to fly in a hot-_air balloon. -

:J Kirsty said _ __
L~· The bus is late today, so you will have to walk to school.
Itold Joe.- - - - - - - ·

~aid I told and time markers _Unit (i-

:l1 look at the text. Choose the best title. Write the title Clli: the top.
a) Across the desert by camel b) A drive across the desert c) The camel doctors

The desert is one of the most difficult stay healthy. Camels were used to bring
environments in the world to travel p_g.ckag~s of food and other supplies to
through. The ~and__ dunes are difficult faraway villages. Sometimes, camels were
to climb and in the daytime, the sun is used by people who wanted to sell goods in
bright and the temperatures are very high. different places. In more recent times, they
You can travel for many days and weeks carried equipment for building r_ailroa.f!s.
without finding any water or food.
Today, we have :LIC-1 vehicles that can
Long before cars, people used camels to travel over the sand, but cars sometimes
cross the desert. Camels are ideal desert. br~ak down in the hot temperatures.
animals. They can carry heavy loads of Camels can travel long distances to places
up to 450 kilograms and they can walk for which have no roads or railroads. In Mali,
days without water. When they find water, in Africa, camels carry blocks of salt for
they can drink up to 100 liters of water in 800 kilometers over high sand dunes to
ten minutes! Camels can eat almost any Timbuktu, where they are sold. In other
plant they find in the desert. Their milk is places, camels take important medicines to
full of vitamins and so people traveling in desert vilJages. Life in the desert would be
the deser(can drink the camel's milk and much more difficult without camels!

i Read again and write True or Fals·e.

1 It isn't easy to travel across the desert. True
2 Camels were aform of transportation before there were any cars.
3-. Camels can-drink i,ooo liters of water in ten.minutes ..
4 C9mel's milk is very unhealthy.
5 People don't travel by camel now because we bave 4 x 4 vehicles.
6 Camels take medicines to d_esert villages.

Unit 4 Reading: a book extract

.'"".: .._,,.:;; --
:JI. Complete the seilltences.
local private __w.-;:rc( Loads ideal balance

1 In some villages, people use mud from the river to make bricks for building.
_2 ___~onl~~~-~ 9re st~?ng 9nd they can carry heavy _ _.. _..
3 Countries with mountains are ______ for skiing.
4 The hill train is only for tourists. _______ people don't use it.
.. 5 Very rich people sometimes fly alone in planes.
6 It's difficult to keep your _______ when you stand on one foot.

Match the words from page 34 to the pictures.

4 x 4 vehicle railroad


Complete "i:he te>ct.

connects balance )' 4x4 sand dunes packages
· Russia has the longest 1_.r;aUroad Line in the world. It 2___________ Russia with China,
and nearly 10,000 'kilometers long. Trains carry people and 3
A bike with one wheel is called a unicycle. At first, it is very difficult to keep your 4_ _ __
on this bike, but rl]ost people can learn to ride one after practicing for five to ten hours.
In 1903, two Dutch brothers made a racing car that could climb hills. It was the world's first.
The biggest 6_ _ _ _ _ _ _ are in the Sahara Desert in Alg~ri9. They are 4~0.meters high.
'.'··-··· ..., ....... '

Words in conteict Unit 4.

1 look at the pidure. Match the wo!l'ds cuncl number the sentences in the coned order.

1 You sit on the 0 a handlebc

2 You put your feet on the 0 b brake.
3 You hold the 0 c saddle.
4 The pedals turn the 0 d wheels.
5 To stop you press the 0 e pedals.

:2 Write a process diagram to explain howtoride·a bike. Use the inform~tion i~ ~~~rcise 1.

To ride a bike, LJOLl f\low, your feet! Do LJOLl want to

_ _ J:'._: __


---·------- - - -
the handlebars. You're movin.q!

· Unit 4 Writing: a process diagram

. -·---
ReOJd mwl drde.
1 This store is near my house. It's ...
@). ~9s.9t: b pfiyg~~\ c ··trdditiopqp
2 A boat that can travel under the water is a ...
a L~ci?hk;, b . ~~tfo~~: c , firnh19flh~r
irs., 3 When we make plans for the future, we ...
a :T6'dk<lh~dd:
. '.: ;,; ' \; .: ;,...
~: "~'-~ :i
·b :.lBOl(rFti[Jfidi~
1.~. 1.'": ' >:; ;, :".' . . -.... :. ;.
•. ; ' ' .··: '..;'! \ ·.'..·. :.::,·:· ,;
· c 1\.1.0.·.·.·.fl_.·.t_c.i.·b. P.·. ·_·.;:
. ' . . '. ' .

4 This vehicle can carry heavy loads. Ifs a ...

a ' . fo9t9fs~§l,~:" b '::i[~.9,~·l: c .'\h~J,1'.;;qfri.~.9~f2f?2):::
5 My brother is very young, so I help to ...
a :,.t~9.l?'.f.8'rv<i9r~}if8!Fffo; b ;:;:·Lb.81D:Pt9'JWNr:. c . . :~<:@?iHft,~t{FJlli:i°'
l Write reported sentences.
1 Bella said, "I want to watch TV."
Bella said she wanted to watch TV.
2 "I don't like swimming," said Barry.
Barry said
3 "I'm talking to you.!" the teacher said to us.
The teacher told - - -
"I've fixed your bike, Sam," my dad said to me.
My dad told _ _ __
5 "We'll be too tired to go out," I said.
I said - - - - - - -

It's saturilqy tomorrow, Ben, I

won't be here. But you can bring
your book to school anyway! .

Ben told his friend ---~----------backpack. When h~ got. to school, Beri

told ~Miss Smith told
. She said · , but he to
------------- -----
school anyway!

Review Unif 4

. -::·
- - - - - - - - - .-11 ..' ·
:ll. Read the story and drde.
1 The children are at the Museum of Ideas I Achievements ;Cj~~;nti;·~s!
2 The first cell phone was invented in the 1870s / 1880s / l97a;:-··--··-
3 Some early cars had two/ three/ four wheels.
L~The children get an idea for a new type of phone/ hike/ balloon.
5 They want to make something that can fly/ float/ sail.

2!. Read the information and mC1Jtch.

The first hot-air balloon was invented by two

French brothers, Joseph and Etienne Montgolfier.
The.y got the idea when they found that hot air
from a fire mode a paper bag rise into the air.

In September 1783, the brothers made a big

balloon from cloth and paper. They mode a fire
under it. The first passengers were a duck, a sheep,
and a chicken!

In November that year, two friends of the

IV\ontgolfier brothers went up in a similar balloon.
The balloon rose to 150 meters and floated for
nine kilometers over the city of Paris - and it come
down safely.

1 The first hot-air balloon was invented 02] a animals.

2 It was invented by 0 b in 1783.
3 They disco~ered that a paper bag went up 0 c for nine kilometers.
4 The first passengers were 0 d when it contained hot air.
5 The first people in· a hot-air balloon floated 0 e two brothers.

· 3 What cio !jOi.JI think happens next? Check(.!) Oli'lle.

a The children gO in a hot-air balloon. 0

b The children draw a vehicle that can fly. 0
c The children win·first prize. 0
Unit 5 The grea·rest inventions!

.. fl".-·- .-,.__,....
___ =-
·-, ·
-~:· :-.~~-- . '., ,.,.~···.,;·vnyw

~'Time j·o '!·c1!ki '·•· ~~~~~·rrnl'~~·" 'IV6i:~~r:·~·r.i;;'f

CompLete the text.
devices experiments designed -ir:ivented·- discovered inspiration

Boomerangs are well known in Australia, where the!:J been

made b!:J the local people for the past 10,000 !:]ears. However,
boomerangs were 1_ lnvented much earlier and were used in
oth_er parts of the world. A 30,000-!:Jear~old boomerang was
2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ in a cc1ve in _Poland, and in Eg!:]pt, King

Tutankhamen owned some of these interesting

We don't know where the 4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for the boomerang

came frorn, but at first it was 5,______......-~------- for hunting
animals, not for sports. Then, people saw that when the!:] threw
a small boomerang in a special Wa!:J, it flew through the air and
came back to them. After more 6________________ ,,_, the "returning"
boomerang was made. Now it is mainl!:J used for sports.

2 Add -ment to the verbs to make nouns.

1 agree aqreement 2 excite
3 move 4 equip

equipment' agreement achievement excitement

1 Jess and I have made an arrangement to meet after school today.

2 You· don't need a lot of _____ t~ go running._ You onl!:J need a pair of good
running shoes.
3 There was a lot of - - - - - - - - - - when the vacation started!
4 There was an international --~to
try and stop pollution.
5 My sister vyon a science competition. It wcis a great _ _ _ _ __

Words Unit 5

. ,,,..

--------- --·
1 ReOld and circle.
A When 1 is /(~jglue Basketball 3 is/ was played by
first invented? thousands of people all aroun
B In 1750. The glue the world. The game 4 is/ was
is I was made invented by James Naismith
from fish! in 1891.

c A type of skateboard Jeans 7 is/ are sold in almost

is/ was ridden in the every country in the world.
1930s, but the modern They 8 are/ were first made
skateboard 6 isn't/ wasn't in 1873.
developed until 1958.

Z Complete the te){t. Use the present or past IPCllSsive. ~ Irregular verb list

Today, pizzas 1 are enjoLJed (enjoy) all over the world, but this
popular food (invent) long ago. In 1522,
tomatoes 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (bring) from Peru to Europe.
In Italy, the tomatoes 4_ _ _ _ __
(put) on bread.
- - - - - - - - (make).
That's how the first pizza

A pizza restaurant (open) in Naples in 1738.
Soon, pizzas were popular all over Italy.

From 1850 to 1900, thousands of Italians went to live in the U.S.A. and they took the recipe
for pizza with them. Now in the U-.S.A., more than three billion pizzas 7_
(sell) every year!

3 Wirite sentences. Use the present or past passive. Use these words or your own ideas.
[ gla~ses .,P.o.-s-to- tennis the Titanic

Pasta Ls eaten ln. Italy.

Unit 5 The passive (simple present and pas.t)

-·· : '-· . ..,,,.,.... --- -- . .: . .;

1 ·Write A (oictive) or IP (p(J]ssive).
1 The car is being washed. _£__
id The students are doing an experiment.
3 The road is being repaired. _
t~ The rooms are being painted. _
My brother is studying for his exams.

Complete the sentences. Use the present progressive passive.

1 The house near the park is beln.g built (build) for us.
2 Dinner------·----------- (cook) by Dad tonight.
3 The car (wash) at the moment.
4 The walls _(paint). That's what the strange smell is.
5 The.swimming pool _______________ (not use) because it's dirty.

3 Write sentences. Use the p1resent passive progressive. 0 irregular verb list.

..£-~e:!:he-s- A wall Ice cream take mal(e paint

Photos Pizzas · A car repair _.wash-- sell



1 · Cloth:es being_ washed.

---- -------------------------

The passive {present progressive)_ Unit 5

:l1 look at the pidmes and check(.!) two tMrrngs it:il pendL has inside it. Read it:i!nd check yom (1Jfr1SWG
a) graphite 0 b) ink 0 c) clay 0 d} stone 0

We all have pencils in our backpacks and in space was mode in a piece of wood, then
--· ·-····
our homes, but do you know how they are a rod of lead was put in, and then another
made? piece of wood was glued on top. After that,

A pencil is usually made of wood, with pencil the pencil was cut to a sharp point at one

lead inside. Pencil lead is a black material. end. So pencils don't need to have a nib in

It is made with graphite which is mixed with them like pens do.

clay. This mixture is pressed into thin rods to Today, wooden pencils are made by machine:
form the center of the pencil. The thin rod is in factories. Pencils are also made of plastic
the part of the pencil that leaves marks on or metal, and they sometimes have cartridges
the paper when we write. The wooden part filled with lead. There are even pencils with
outside this is the part that we hold. different colors! There are also pencils that

People first discovered the use of graphite for can write underwater!

writing in the 16th century. Early pencils from Pencils are used all around the world. More
this time were just pieces of graphite wrapped than 14 billion pencils are made in the world
in sheepskin or string. Then, in the 18th every year. That's enowgh to go all the way
century, the pencil was changed. A hollow around the Earth 62 times!

2 ReacJl again and cir!-=Le.

1 Graphite is ... (~a black material. b made of clay. c a type ?f wo
2 Pencil lead is put ... a inside the pencil. b outside the pencil. c on the pencil
3 Graphite was first used ... a 2,000 years ago. b 500 years ago.. c 50 years ago
4 A pencil doesn't have ... a a nib. b a sharp point. c a cartridge.
5 Modern pencils·are made ... a of sheepskin. b of string. c in factories.
6 14 billion pencils are ... a broken every year. b made every year. c used underw

Unit 5 Reading: an enc:_yclopedia entry

. -
...dG!:J- sharp reservoir rotates cartridges hollow I
~ Writing first developed in Mesopotamia (modern Iraq.). There wasn't
any paper, so people wrote on blocks of 1_cjgy_ with
_:_ _ _ _ _ _· _
~ The English word paper comes from the word papyrus which was the
plant that the Ancient Egyptians used to make paper.
+ For centuries, a goose feather was the best pen. The center of the
feather is 3_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, so it has a small 4 to
hold the ink.
~ People had to use knives to keep their quill pens sharp. Metal
_ _ _ _ made things easier. They were stronger and Lasted
. Longer.
~ Pencil sharpeners were invented in the 19th century. The pencil
s sharpener 6 ·-------around the pencil to make it sharp.

Match the words from pCllge 42 to the definitions.

~erwater rod press -s.t.r-i-Rg- ]
1 -~lrtg___ noun thin rope, used to tie things together
~ 2 adj below the surface of the water
3 noun a straight, thin piece of metal or other hard material

j 4
verb to push something, often with your hand or finger
· 1

d 3. Complete the sentences with wonils from IExerdses 1 cmid 2.
1 I'm going to.take a fishing rnd so I can catch fish.
2 I've wrapped the package. Now I'm going to tie some around it .
.3 We have .t~e night and the day because the Ea.rth _ _ _ _ _ _ _ once ever,y 24 hours.
4 Sometimes birds butld nests insid,!= trees.
5 You should be careful. That knife is - - - - - - - . . . , - -
·ater. 6 Dolpbins can stay ________ for about ten minutes.

Words in context _ U11it 5

:il Read the information and complete the sentei"llces.

unwefJ1litor: Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922)

~fJ1lve1rr1tiofl1l: the telephone
Born: March 3rd, in Edinburgh, Scotland.
First phones: Made of metal and wood.
18 7 6: First telephone call. Said: "Mr. Watson, come here. I want to see you:'
18 7 7: . Start of Bell Telephone Company, U.S.A.
1877-1880: Telephone systems lines in most American cities.
189].:___fir_st phone call to another country.
20th century: Big changes in phone technology. First cell phone 1973.

1 To begin with, prwr_':f~-- were of metal and wood.

2 In 1876, -----------------------------------------------------------·----·-----------·----
3 Soon after, ----·
4 During the Late 1870s,
5 In 1891, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ·

l Complete the biography of Alel{cmder Graham Belt

.. ····--· -· ' .. -- - ,.., ... ,. ..... --· , .... ,._." .
~ ~


The first 12hone call to another country was made in 1891.

Alexander Graham Bell died in-1922 .

--· -Q
. . 174"". -w- _,. ~-
;ut 5 ~~woe~N
Write sentences. Use the present or piCiis·[ pOJssive; ~Irregular 'verb list
1 glasses I invent I in 1248

- - - -were
--- - - - -ln.- ·1248.
invented ---
today I they I wear I by many people to help them see better

.2 this building/ design/ by a Spanish artist called Gaudf

today I it I visit I by many tourists


3 this machine/ use/ to cut bread

it I invent I in 1928

4 X-rays I discover I in 1895

now I they / use / b!:J to look at bones

l Match the pictures and the sentences from !Exercise 1.


3 ·Read and drde. .

1 Inventions /~are being done to test new mediciries.
2 A ke!:J ring is a device/ machine for keeping your ke!:JS together.
Frogs like to. hide in the grass at the side of a reservoir I cartridge.
The development of writirig 8,000 !:Jears ago was a great movement/ achievement.
S ·You need a lot of equipment/ e>fcitement t? go rock climbing.

Rev:iew Unit 5
1 Read the stoiry m1d rnorkh.
1 The children finish their picture GJ a vern imaginative.
2 Their new form of transportation is good 0 b the hot-air balloon ride.
3 _Mr. Martin's letter says that all the ideas are 0 c for the environment.
4 The children don't win 0 d for their club.
5 The children win a new co~puter 0 e of a bike that can fly.

g Complete the sentell1lces.

This invention travels on the It changes into a flying machine Air goes into the balloon and
road like a normal bike. when the rider --------- the bike off
backwards. the road.

5 / ..-·; .. )"'·•/ '.


It is very useful on a busy road, To come down, the rider The air comes out of
because it a device at the balloon and the
. traffic. the front of the bike. bike

35 Read and circle one incorrred word in each line. Write the coned words.

The DSD Club has ju~t won~~prize· in a competition_ 1

and now they have a new balloon. Clubs and schools
entered a competition to design a form of.traffic for the
future. The DSD Club entry was a design for a car that
can swim. The competition was judged by the Museum
of Science c:ind a letter was sent to the·club to tell
them about their prize.

Unit 6 You've won a computer!

' '
-·:. ···-·'O' . .,.. ....... - -·--
i~. Hi Jasmine,
I've been 1 @fJ!...9)/ connecting to the internet and I've found some information.for our
technology project. I've 2 downloaded/ uploaded some pictures from the internet, too.
I went to the Science Museum at the weekend and I took some photos that we can use .
. I'm 3 connecting/ attaching them to this email. There's one photo of me
using a computer from the 1980s.
Do you want to come over this evening? We can finish our project and 4 download/
upload it onto the school website.
See you soon, Amy

2 MC11tch the words to the definitions. [ . right ..b1::·9- .mouse nail J .

1 noun an insect
noun a problem in a computer program
2 n~un a piece of computer equipment
noun a small animal with a long tail
3 noun a sharp, thin piece of metal with a flat end that you hit
into pieces of wood to attach them together
noun the hard, white covering that you have on the ends of
your fingers and toes
4 adj correct, with no mistc;ike .
adv toward one side, away from the side where your heart is

l Read cmdl check{.!) the correct picture.

1 We used nails to fix the chair.. 2 There's a bug in my printer. 3 This mouse is broken.

Words Unit 6
1 Read cmd drde .
"Don't forget that tomorrow is Science Day and in the morning we'll 1 /fE._7£?J/ he taken
everyone to the Science Museum. You'll 2 collect /he collected from school by bus at
10 o'clock so don't be Late. Please remember tQ bring lunch because food won't
provide/ he provided. In the afternoon, you'll 4 show/ he shown a movie about
robots. At the end of the day, you 5 won't give/ won't he given any homework."

:! Complete the sentern::es. Use the furi:me. adive or passive form. ~Irregular verb list

When I'm older I'll work Every morning, my breakfast My shoes

(work) as an inventor. _________.:__(make) for me. _ _ _ _ (clean).

My car I _ _ _ (win) My inventions

---·-------·-(wash). Lots of prizes.
- - - (use) all over the
3 Write sente~ces. Use the fotme passive.

(:OMP~TITHOB\n ·Wh@twm @11,u· fr&@ tom~ b@ Uk@Jirtth@.fli!ltllllr@?.

Wll'nil'e @ll'il e$s@y @l(il©I woli'il @Hn@lln;tll@y nll'il INJ<S'w 'Yf@ir~d

1 you I take/ to New York/ in a private plane

Yo~t will be ta.ken to New York l11 aprivette plo.n.e.
·2 you I drive I to your hotel in a luxury car

3 you/ give/ tickets for plays and movies

4 the essays I not judge/ until March 1st


Unit 6 The passive {future)

~ . ',,-r. --- · - - -
. , ,. , ..., ~»· .••••• ~· ;: ..... :•• -.-·- •.••

Look cmd w1i0te True oir false.

The television has been .switched off. _ True __
2 The window hasn't been closed.
3 The cups haven't been washed.
The pot has been broken.
The coffee hasn't been made.

Complete the sentences. Use the present perfect

The camera's batteries have been taken out

(take out).
The computer==========-=-
(switch on).
The email
(not write).

(not switch on).

The apple _ _ __

3 Write questions and answers. Use the present perfect passive.


1 the computers I 11se?

Have the computers been used? f\lo, ·they. haven't.
2 the car/ clean?

3 the package /.open?

· 4 the lights in the classroom I switch off?

·. ;, .. -... :.;· The passive (present perfect) Unit6


-~=====-~. ~- ':
:!!. look at the te}(t. Write the l1eodliD1gs i1r1 the conred pl«JJce.

The market for cell phones

The first cell phone for the public
Cell phones today

The first cell call
On April 3rd 1973, Martin Cooper from the Martin Cooper had a dream of people taking
Motorola company talked on his cell phone their phones with them, and being able to
as he walked through the streets of New communicate wherever they were. However,
York. People watched with excitement and in the early days, nobody knew if cell phones
amazement. They had never seen anything would be popular. One company said they
like it before! It was the world's first cell expected a world market of 900,000 by the
phone call. The phone weighed 850 grams! end of the year 2000. They were wrong! By
It was very heavy! Now, cell phones weigh that time, cell phones were cheap enough for
about 130 grams! ordinary people to buy. They were also much
smaller and looked much better than the
DynaTAC! Millions of people were using them.
In the 1970s, cell phone technology was still
experimental. Cell phones weren't available
to the public until 1983, when the DynaTAC Cell phones have changed a lot since the 1980s.
8000X was created. It was huge - 32 We can use them to take photos, watch videos,
centimeters long and 9 centimeters wide! It surf the internet, and do many other things.
took ten hours to charge the battery and you Today, there are billions of cell phones in the
could only talk for 30 minutes. It was also world. Life would be very different without cell
expensive. The phone cost $3,995! phones - they have changed the world!"

l Re01d again and write True or False.

1 The first cell phone call was made in 1973. True
2 The first cell phone weighed 130 grams.
3 The DynaTAC 8000X wasn't very big.
4 People always knew that cell phones would be very popular.
5 In the year 2000, phones were a lot cheaper than the DynaTAC 8000><.
6 There are now over a billion cell phones in the world.

Unit 6 Reading: a website article

- • l!Jr. -~-
Ji Read omd drde.
Camera phones were first~~/ connected in the Late 1990s. At that time, this technology
was still 2 successful /experimental, but now camera phones are sold everywhere. When
you send a photo by phone, the other person gets it 3 early I immediately. There aren't any
complications/ cursors - it's easy! Every year; millions of people around the world buy
a new cell phone, so the 5 president I market for camera phones is 6 huge/ cheap.

~ Complete the sentences with the words from p<Jlge 50.

public available expect _o.r.cU-na·;·g- ]

1 We aren't rich or famous. We're just ordlnary people.

2 The new computer was very popular. The. Loved it.
3 Today more than a billion people have cell phones. They're
·4 I was surprised when Ed called. I didn't _ _ _ _ _ _ to get a call from him.

3 Complete the sentences with words from !Exercises 1 m1cll 2.

. "

Mo'm ! I've 1 created It's 2- - - - · - - -! It fills The design is 3_·._ _ _ _ __

a supercomputer. your whole\ room! I'LL find a way'to make it smaller.

- Look. This car moves the I5_ _ _ _ _ _ that by Oh ·dear! I think there's
4 a6
- - - - - - - on the the year 2050, everyone will ---~---

screen. use this.

Words in context Unit 6


. . .•=-·-=···~·~--·~
.. ~~~--~· :: •• ·_i· •.•
1 Answer the questions.
1 How often do you send a text message?
2 Who do you send text messages to? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2 Read.

'lf~e sfr@rtr o Alex Brenner worked for a cell phone
0 i!j)e~emlbell' 1i;l)92: first text message sent from company in the 1990s. He said "No one
a computer (early cell phones could receive believed text messages would become
but couldn't send text messages) popular. We were all wrong!"
0 J 99S: text messages could be used by everyone 'ii'exil' @lblbrevoC!lil'n@irns
0 IPliy 2@«:»2: over a billion text messages sent eve~y day
G> Because people only have a small spdce

IFl!..Dll'il · to write in, they use
0 A text message is also called an SMS. This is short for abbreviations. Text
"Short Message Service." abbreviations write
0 Texts in English can be 160 characters long. words in the way they
Characters means the letters, spaces, and punctuation. are pronounced, e.g.,
In other languages, there are usually less characters C = see, U = you,
because each letter takes up more space. L8r = later.

3 Write a research report on text messages.

Research report on text messages
Text messages are one of the most popular fonns of c_omrnun.ication. People use_
text messages all over the world. But how long have peo_ple used text ;i:esso.ges?
For mLJ research project,' I decided to find out.

In 1992 wm sent from a computer.· This messQ_gf_

was called an SMs: It means . In English, an
_S_M_S_c_a_n_b_e____________________l_o_n~g_._P_eo,!2Je often. use
te w1·ite words they way they are pronounced.

_ln._1_9_9_5~,_te_x_t_m_es_s_a_..g_es_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~------~--·' and by 2002, ·

every day. Alex Brenner once said,
" " He was wronq about that!

Unit 6 Writing: a research report

·w~·~,;s~~;ti~~·~ir .
. ·- ··- ,.•. ----.. ···~----~ .. ~-~ • .,....,~::,,,. .,, ·~~""; .. , .• 'r'' '·

1 Ree!d IOlnidl drrde. Write A (()]dive) orr P (passive).

1 I<~~Cii'?J>J say that in the future computers will be much faster. QD
2 All computers will be created I connected to a Superweb. 0
3 We will surf I swim the internet much more quickly than before. 0
4 Information will be downloaded I logged on from the Superweb in micro seconds. 0
5 There won't be any mice I hugs in computer programs. 0
2 Complete the te>ct.
immediately market experimental ~_cr..ea'l:ed-· complications president

In the 1950s, the inventor George Devol 1 created a "work

robot" called the Uni mate to help in factories. In 1961,
the first work robot was used in an American car factory.
At first, the of the company was
worried about the robot. The technology was new and work
robots were still -...,.~-~~~-
• But the Unimate was
success fuI and there weren't any 4_ _ _ _ _ __

It took a long time before there was a big

- - - - - - for work robots in the U.S.A. However,

in Japan, Devol's robots were popular 6
Now Japan is the world leader in robots.

~ · W!rote sentences. lLJJse tlhe present perfect [?(J]SSnve. Gi Irregular verb lisf
the soup I make
The soup has been made.
2 the bread I cut

3 the cake I noteat
4 the drinks/ not pour
5 the clothes I wash
Review Unit 6

. ~·

-~--- ... ··
:11 Read a:md complete Fin's instrndions.
compass _e.).(.p.lsrc:rs- flags hours Luck map win aft,er

Irnstrndions The adult with your group will Look

You are all 1 expJorers_ for a day! _ _ _ you if there's a problem.
Your group has a 2 to Look at, The group that finds the most flags in three

and a 3
to see the directions. G will 7 the
You have to use these things to Look for ten competition.
Good 8- - - - - -

dl Re01cll and drde the incorrred words. Write corired sentences.

1 The children need to walk~to find the first flag.
The children need to walk north, to the first flag.
2 Ed shows everyone the way because he has the map.

3 The children come to a lake which is on the map.

4 It is raining and a fire is coming.

5 The children find shelter in a~house.

6 Libby is worried because it's sm_all inside.

3 Wh01t do you think happens next? Check(.!) one.

a The rain stops and they leave the cave. 0 -
b They find something interesting. 0
Unit 7 Explorers for a day!

l Complete the diredions.
binoculars compass east · _01.12p- north south treasure west

To Une rpieli':soirn who fili'Ddls this 1_Q}QQ__.

Follow these directions to find the 2- - - - - - -
You'll need to use a 3 · - - - - - · .Go
4 , towards the mountain. You can't
get across the river, so when you get to the river
bank, go 5 and then walk through
the forest. Climb to the top of the mountain. Now
you'll need some 6_ _ _ _ _ _• Look to the
. You'll see a cave on the
- - - - - - side of the Lake. A boat has been
hidden in there. Go down the mountain and walk
to the cave. Take the boat and row it across the
lake to the little beach. There's a big tree on the left.
You'll find the treasure in that tree. It's hanging in a
bag near the top.

~ Add -er orr -ist to i!:he words to m01ke nouns.

1 explore __g.?.P-lorer 2 novel
3 paint 4 journal

~. Complete. the defi111it0ons. Add -er or -ist to '!:.he words.

paint journal novel j.).<.p!:0re- tour
1 explorer noun a person who finds out about new parts of the world
2 noun a person who writes long books which tell a story
3 noun a person who visits a place on vacation ..
1··· 4 __ noun a person who paints pictures or walls
i ' 5 noun a person who writes for a newspaper .

I ~
.,.,. ,, . . . . . . , Words Unit 7
,;::i:!~i/iii:r;-~ ;_. ·
.. ~···
I . l;gss©llil T!hiw@@ G:r1Qma'il'fi<(~1.' ] i

!·•··· '······"

JI. Read matd1.


1 An explorer is a person (I) a whl~h lives in the desert

2 Journalists are people 0 b who finds out about new places.
3 A lifeboat is a boat 0 c which grow under the ground.
4 Carrots are vegetables 0 d who write for a newspaper or magazine.
5 A camel is an animal 0 e which is used to rescue people at sea.

~ Complete the text. Use who or which.

Deserts are places whlch don't get much rain, and they are
usually hot. But there are als-0 deserts 2 are
cold. Antarctica is the coldest place on Earth and it is also
the biggest desert in the world. One part of Antarctica, called
the Dry Valleys, is an area . _ _ _ hasn't had any rain for two million years.

It wasn't always like this. Scientists .. ___________ work in Antarctica have found the
bones of dinosaurs 5 once enjoyed warm weather there. Now, there are
only a few living things 6 _ _ __
can survive in this cold environment.

~ Write sentences.

1 I'd like to meet -. a bird who .. go to my school.

2 I have \
\ people- which can swim underwater.
3 A penguin is 1~--a person were made in Hong Kong.
4 My friends are some jeans· \'>··- has been to Antarctica.

1 I'd like to meet a person who has been to /1nto.rct[ca.


4 Writ~ sentences. Use your own ideas omd who or which.

1 I'd like to meet

2 I have -----------·----
3 A- - - - - - is an animal
4 are people _ _ _~----------~-~----~

Unit 7 Relative pronouns: who, which

Ibn Battuta was a great traveler@/ which was born in 1304, in Tangier, Morocco. In 1325,
he started on an adventure 2 who /that Lasted for nearly 30 years. First, he joined a group of
people 3 who I which were going to Saudi Arabia. Then, he traveled around Africa, the Middle
East, and parts of Europe, and he went to India, China, and south-east Asia. He traveled much
further than Marco Polo, the famous Italian traveler 4 who I which Lived at about the same time .
. Ibn Battuta described the people 5 that I which he met and the places 6 who /that he explored
in his book called Rihla (The Journ~y). If you love stories of travel and adventure, you should
read this book!

2 Read cmd match.

1 Ibn Battuta was one of the great~st travelers 0 a that he met while he was traveling.
2 He is famous for the amazing journey 0 b that he went on in the 14th century.
3 India and China were countries Q c that we know about from the past.
4 Ibn Battuta talked with interesting people 0 d that he visited.

3 Write sentences •. Use who I that or which I that.

1 Neil Armstrong was an astrbnaut. He walked on the moon.
Neil Armstro11g was· an astronaut who walked on the moon ..
2 Mount Everest is a mountain. It is in !'lepal.

3 The sand cat is a small, wild c~t. It lives in the desert.

4 Marco Polo was a traveler. He went to China in the 13th century.

5 In the museum there tire some maps. They were made by early explorers. ·

Relative pronouns: th'!t I which I who Unit 7

:JL look OJt the te>Ct. Why is the title The Ship of Gold?
a the ship was made of gold
b the ship was carrying gold
c the ship was sailing near the Gold Coast of Australia

~ ReacJJ and check.

r------------·-~----·'-·-·--··-·---··----··---·--··--· -· .. ---·--·--· ·-·~·-··------ .·-- --··-·- ·------- -··--··-- ........ ---........ -.... -·-·-·--·---·--·---~-- ........-·-------··· .,., ____ ....._....... ··-- --··· ........,.
1,, - < ..· •.··'·. . ···• ~· •... .. • ). J
.1 · The Shi~r· of Gold .- · ~( ,,~re'-
. J 1
On a sunny day, September 3rd 1857, the SS
Central America left Panama in-Gentral America,
and sailed north to New York City. On board there
were 477 passengers and 101 crew - and gold.
A few days later, on September 7th, the ship
stopped in the harbor of Havana, where the
passengers and crew went shopping for souvenirs,
and explored the sights of the town. The voyage
continued, with sunny and calm weather.
Then on September 9th, a hurricane hit the More than a hundred years
coast.Water began to cover the ship's deck.The later, in 1986, underwater explorers decided to
passengers and crew tried to get help, but no search for the shipwreck. Passengers' descriptions
help came. gave them clues about where the ship was. The
All night, the passengers and crew tl"ied to explorers used an underwater robot called Nemo,
empty the water from the deck. The .next to find it. Finally, after about a year, Nemo took
morning, they saw two ships nearby. 153 people, photographs which showed 19th century objects
mainly women and children, sailed to the ships in inside the wooden part of a ship. But that wasn't
small boats. That night, the ship sank to the bottom all.They also discovered the real treasure - about
of the sea. 425 people drowned. 7,000 gold coins.

3 ReClld cmd circle.

1. When the ship sail~d from Panama,
. the weather was(9~?N
...____....) bad.
2 The ship stopped at Havana to pick up gold/ for shopping.
3 A hurric:ane hit the coast the Y)ext day /two days later.
4 The ship began to fill with/ empty water.
5 153 people died/ were rescued . .
6 Underwate~·explorers searched for the ship for more than 100 year? I a year.

Unit 7 Reading: an ~ncyclopedia entry


l Complete the text.
clues _j.c.e.8erg-· search shipwreck sanl~ voyage

The Titanic hit an 1 lceber:g__ on its first 2 , in 1912. After just over two and·
a half hours, it 3 to the bottom of t_he ocean. Years Later, underwater .
explorers began to 4 for the 5 of the Titanic. Ma_ny of the
objects they found - clothes, bags, etc. - during their exploration have given them
6_ _· _ _ _ _ _ about who the passengers were.

!R l Complete the text with the words from page 58.


harbor souvenirs · deck

I'll never forget my first voyage on a passenger
?hip. The ship was called the Ocean Queen.
We were sailing to an island for a short holiday.
Once we were 1 on board the crew showed

us where we were going to sleep, and took
us upstairs to the 2 • We stood
there and watched the ship sail out of the
. There was so much to do on
the ship! Just before we got to the island, we
went to the gift shop to buy 4_ _ _ _ __

I bought a pen, with a ship inside it. When you

turn the pen around, the ship begins to move!

3 Co~P.Lete th~ sentences witlh words from Exercises JI. cmol 2.

1 Sir Francis Drake was an explorer who went on a voqage around the world in 1580.
. 2. The weather is getting warmer, and all the are melting.
3 How many people were the ship wher:i. it _ _ _ _ __
4 JYlany divers come to Sharm El-Sheikh to for the treasure of the-~----
the Yolanda .
. 5 ·On the Last day of our holiday we all went shopping for _ _ _ _ __

Words in context Unit 7

. ~·

. ..... =-·=... ~=-··-"""··"""'···=·=·""""·-=·~·-.=

~~~~ ...,--~·----':
JL Complete the sentences. __suGh-as. - for example like for instance

A cave explorer goes underground to explore caves 1 such__ CLS . Jeita Grotto in Lebanon. They look for
clues about the history by looking at parts of the cave, 2_________________ on the walls, or in the rocks.
They can also find out about history by studying things, ________ rock paintings. The rock
paintings in the Kongo Caves in South Africa, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, were made by people many hundreds
of years ago.

:? 11..ook at the different types of eJqpiLorers. Check (.t) one. Menke notes.

three places they go to

three things they do -------------------
three things they see/study

. .

·3l Write abpufan e~plorer you'd U!ce to be.

Paragraph 1: )/\that kind. of e>{plorerwould you like to be? What things would you do?
t) . . . . '· ' ' ..••. ' ·-,' • '

Paragrclph·2: Where wbuld go?Why?

· Paragraph 3; \/Vhat~~w dls~o~ery vvould you like to make?



Writing: a personalized texl'


~::;-:. ·:·· ,; ·.·. :·:~ , . •. a ,:

_;,· QJ.> li'iln! 'Jf ~te'l?'Il~W ·.

:ll. Wll'iil:e senil:em::es.

I 1 _A_rnm. pass-i.s-ar.-i·ristnrrrrent travel on vacation.
2 A novelist is a person sank in the North Attantic in 1912.
3 A voyage is a Long trip who /that writes books.
4 Tourists are people which I that ·-~ hows.-\:J-ULWO.r-tb.,-seu'l:h;-vvest-;-trrrd·ecrst
5 The Titanic was the ship is made by ship.
- ....... ..

1 P, compass is. an Lnstrument that shows you north, south, west, and east.


2 Complete the sentences.

You can follow Ibn Battuta's I Looked back as the ship sailed The first ---~-
journeys on a ~· out of the - - - the world took three years.

This - - - · Lies People are searching for hidden

25 meters under the sea. on the island.

3 Read and drde.

1 Van Gogh was the famous writer !<§."iJ>who. painted pictures of sunflowers.
2 We use clues/ binoculars to see things that are far away.
3 The ship drowned I ~ank in a bad storm at sea.
4 H you sail straight dow·n ·west I south from Austrqlia, you get to Ant~rctica.
5 The tre.asure I voyage lasted for five days.

Review Unit 7
1 Read the story cmd number the events in the correct order.
a The wall of the cave starts to come down. 0
b At the start of the story, the children are in
a cave. [O
c There is a treasure chest inside the
second cave. 0
d Kate sees that the rain is coming into the cave. 0
e The children discover another cave behind
the wall. 0
:;g Read a11d drde.
1 Dad and the children stay near the entrance of the cave because ...
a they are wet. b it's safer. (~) there's more Light.
2 Kate and Ed remember a time when their dad Left their map ...
a in the car. b in a cave: c in Mexico.
3 Water comes into the cave because ...
a it's raining hard. b there's an underground river. c the wind blows it inside.
4 Because of the water, the wall ...
a disappears. b falls down. c stands back.
5 When the wall comes down, the children find a chest which ...
a Looks beautiful. b looks dangerous. c Looks very old.

3 Answer the questions. Use your own ide«JJs.

1 What do you think is in the chest?

2 How.old do you think it is?

3 Why do you think someone put it there?

4 What do y0u think the children will do with it?


Unit 8 It's a mystery!

J :ll. CompLete the mtide.
mysterious fascinating strange evidence .-site- investigation

Police have found some missing jewelry -

in a tree! A bracelet, a necklace, and two
rings disappeared on Monday from a
which archeologists are exploring.
Police started an 2

immediately. They searched the site but

they didn't find any 3_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Max Graham, an archeologist, told
of a robbery. Then an officer saw reporters, "At first, we didn't understand
something shining in a tree. The criminal 4
it. It was so • How
was a bird! could someone come and take these things
while we were here? It was really very
Now we know the answer!"
Since the "robbery", Max has become
very interested in these birds. "They're
G_ _ _ _ _ _ _ " he says.

:! Add -able to the ver1c?,s to make adjectives.

i', 1 advise o.dvtsable 2 use
3 reason Li· believe .:;

3 Complete t~.e sente~ces: Use the verb or the adjective form of the verb.
1 Tim 9oesn't think the story is true, but I _Q_elieve (believe) it.'
2 The teacher thought that my ideas were · (accept).
3 It isn't - - (advis~) to go rock climbing in bad weather.
4· I'm not going to buy that T-shirt..! don't think the price is_·_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (reason).
5 We often (use) the computer in the evening.

Words Unit 8 ·

. ~­

·~ .. =-
.. ----=··"'""'""'-·""'·--=-~=,=
. . . . .=-.:..~..-----~=-..""".;.~. --··-- . .
:it Read mid morl:idn.
1 I was sad 0 a they watched a movie on TV.
2 After we had eaten our ice cream, 0 b after she had spoken to Chris.
3 Jess phoned me 0 c I had lost my favorite book.
4 When I got on the train, 0 d I realized I had forgotten to buy a ticket.
5 After they had washed the dishes, 0 e we left the cafe.

~ Complete the text. Use the simple past orr the past perfect. 0 Irregular verb list

Yesterday wasn't a very good day. On my way to school I suddenly realized I 1 had left
(leave) my art project at home. I ran back to my .house and put it in my bag. I was ten
minutes late, so the clc1ss had started when I 2 (arrive) at school.
The class was awful!The teacbc=r was angry with me because I 3 (drop}
paint on the floor.

After we had finished school, we 4 (go) to my friend Sophie's house. As we

walked in, I saw cards and presents everywhere. Suddenly, I remembered that it was
Sophie's birthday - and I 5 (forgot) to buy her a present!

3 Write sentences.

finish I her homework go/ to the movie theater go/ shopping come/ home
_Ai!_€.!:_~g_rg_had fln.i~hed her homev~9J::L After the girls--------------------·
she went to the movie theater. --------·

travel/ for five hours arrive/ at the airport eat/ lunch visit I their grandma
After Tim - - - - - - - - After Mike and Jess

Pi:ist perfec'f

.. ~
• ·-w.r: -~- - - - - ::-
·~Time to talk! . ·!L~~;~~····.~~~rir c~2'~;ffi~r;;·~'~7_:··· ·:·,
' ,... ...'. ': ·..,.: ...'.. .,: '''" : '. "' -~,: '.; :· ~c...t....:.... ~....::.:~~,~·,, ·-~~.~ ·,,~:".....

1 Complete U1e se1n1il:e1r1ces. Use il:lhe pasil: 1Perfed. f}).!rr(;lgufor verb list

-RB'i:-ch:r not catch not fly not eat not give

1 I suddenly remembered that I hadn 1t done my homework.

2 We were very hungry because we . anything since lunchtime.
3 Liam in a plane before he went to India last year.
4 Julie had some free time because her teacher her any homework..
5 Tim and Helen arrived late because they the 5:30 train.

2 Write questions and m1swers. Use ithe pC11sit perfect.

On December 4th 1872, Oliver Deveau and two other men

went on board the Mary Celeste: When they went inside,
they were surprised by what they found. It was very
mysterious. What had happened before they got there?

1 the ship I hit/ a rock?

Had the ship l1lt a rock? No, lt hadn1t.
2 all the people I disappear?

3 they I leave I money and clothe$ on the ship?

4 the captain/ write/ in his book?

5 the weather I be I stormy?

3 ~omplete the sentences about you. Use had or hadro't.

Before I first English lesson,.:.
I I speak/ English
I I write I words in English
I I hear I people speak English

Past perfect: ne·gative sentence; and qui;istions Unit 8

1 Look at the telCt. How mrn11y statues me on tile islcmcl? Check (.1) the corrired cmswerr.
a) 3,500 0 b) 150 0 c) 800 0
~n'D thus fi111rte1rvncevv~ Airniyi Green t[ll[~·~£ «:abo!L!lt fE<U\§terr gs[tDJrr~dl.

-the past there were more. Some have been

destroyed and others are now under the soil.

No one really knows as there is no written

information about them. However, many
histori_an!) thinktbC1qhey ar~Jigur~s of
important people from the island. The statues
were.mode over a period of 1,000 years.
Historians think the oldest statues were made
in about 1000 AD.

They were made in the quarry from soft

Easter Island is in the South Pacific Ocean, 3,500 volcanic stone. Then, historians think that
kilometers from Chile. People live on the island people moved them on wooden rails.
today, but it is difficult to live there as it is so far However, 150-180 people were needed to
away from anywhere else. Easter Island is made move each statue and some statues were
from three volcanoes, but these don't erupt moved more than 22 kilometers! One third of
anymore. The last time the volcanoes erupted the statues were not moved from the quarry
was over 100,000 years ago. and are still there today.

The island is famous for its mysterious stone

figures.These are known as "Maoi".These Yes, there are stones with ancient carvings,
statues are between three and twelve meters tall sketches <ind writing on them. However, there
and there·is a platform underneath. Today, there isn't anyone who can read the writing and so
are more than 800 statues on the island, but in we-can only guess at the meaning.

2 Read again and circle.

1 ~aster Island is in theCfo7JhPOCif{?y Atlantic Ocean.
2 Easter Island is made from three/ five volcanoes.
3 The volcanoes lasterupted 100,000 / 10,000 years ago.
4 ,The statues were made out of stone/ glass.
5 More I Less than 150 people were needed to move each statue.
6 Historians can/ can't read the writing on the stone carvings.

Unit 8 ~eadin9: an interview

. ~· '

,.,. --·
:JL Replace the words in brnckets with the words with a simiLm mecnning.
[ soil climate figures JMr.aa·i-b-1.t-e- cleared awa!:J historians

The forest that disappeared .

It is 1 (strange) irtcredlble that there are almost no trees on Easter
Island. The 2 (weather) is warm and the 3 (earth)
_ _ _ _ _ _ on the island is good for growing things. There
is evidence that in the past a forest covered the island. So what
happened to it? Some 4 (experts in history) think
that the island people 5 (removed) __ the trees so that
they could move the (statues) .
around the island.
However. none of the pictures on the stones tell the story of what
. happened. so maybe we will never know.

~ Match the words from page 66 to the pictures.

erupt -~ti;i:l:ae-- platform ]


3 Complete the sentences. Write the Letters in the correct order°:.

1 I Love drawing. I've got a book full of sketches . (khts_eces).
2 Smoke is coming from the volcano. I think it's going to (pertu).
3 There's a (atsute) of a far:nous historian in the park.
4 All these buildings are made from stone from a local , (uaqr.yr).
5 The President is standing on the (Ltfoprmo).


Words in context · Unit 8

1l Match the questions and answers.
Great Pyramid of Khufu
1 What is it? [§] a 2.3 million blocks of stone
2 Where is it? 0 b the biggest of Egypt's pyramids
3 How can you get-there? 0 c men pulled and lifted the stones
4 When was it built? 0 d 139 meters tall
5 Who was it built for? 0 e at Giza, on the west side of Cairo
6 How tall is it? 0 f Khufu, an Ancient Egyptian King
7 What is it made from? 0 g by bus or taxi from Cairo
8 How was it built? .0 h about 4,500 years ago

• ' ' < • • • '

2 Write a toiuistbr()chure for the Great P~rarnid. Write the information from Exercise 1 in the
correct places.

What? The Great Pqmmld of Khufu


When was it built?

How was it built?

· What is it made from? ·

How tall is it?

Getting there

Unit 8 Writing: a tourist brochure

• w / 1...: :_::_ .. -_:
···. ' . -
~~t-· _,_,,. , . . .

1 Read mnd drrde.

1 The archeologists are working on the
@.'fJ;! evidence of a 4th century village.
2 A has found some ancient/ usable coins.
3 B is clearing away the investigation I soil.
4 C is looking at some artifacts/ sketches.
5 D has found a stone site /figure.
6 E is talking to a figure/ historian.

:? Complete the sentences. Use the simple pl(JJSt or the p(JJSt perfect.. (!)Irregular verb list.
discover leave _r.@<:kel- tell notfinish ]

1 Ben had read about the Pyramids many times before he visited Egypt.
2 When Oliver Deveau went to the Mary Celeste, he found that everyone
3 I hadn't heard about the Nazca lines before you me about them.
4 The archeologists were disappointed when the site closed, because they
their work.
5 No one had known about the incredible cave paintings until four children·-----·
them in 1940.

31 Write sentences. Use the simple past cmd the p(JJst perfect.

1 .the movie I start I before we arrive

The movle had started before we arrived.
2 when Jack I get I to the. st-ore I It I close
· 1

3 I I realize I I I not switch off I my cell phone ·

4 you I see I a monkey I before you I go I to the zoo?

Review Unit 8
:lL Read the story arrad drde the irn::orrred wo!i"cls. Write the c:orrred worrds.
1 The children open the(d;Qj:;that the!:-] have found in the cave.
2 There are Lots of maps inside. ____________
3 Tom's water bottle is empt!:-). _________ _
4 The!:-] hear Kate's whistle.
5 The childre.n take the treasure to the zoo. --------·-------·-

~ IReC1Jd icmd match.

1 The children are amazed @] a because the rain stops.
2 Dad gives Kate some water 0 b because their photo is in the newspaper.
3 The children leave the cave 0 c because she doesn't have any.
4 Fin uses a whistle 0 d because there are coins in the chest.
5 Tom sa!:-JS, "We're famous!" 0 e because he wants to find the children.

3 Complete the newspCilper mtide.

museum Lost wall searching taken _diseove-re·cr chest

ChUdren find anc~ent treasure~

A group of children 1
dLscovered some 3
_______• When it started raining,
amazing treasure yesterday~ They were they found shelter in a cave.
2_____________ for flags which were hidden Heavy rain damaged the back
in the countryside, but they got - - - - - - - of the cave, and behind
it the children found an old wooden
. It was full of gold coins.
The children are now safe with their
families and the coins were
G_ _:_______ ~ to the History

Experts from the museum are studying

the coiris now. A historian told us,
"We belieye they are coins from the
17th century. This is one of the rnost
exciting collections we have ever seen."

Unit 9 Survival!

·~·''- --·· "'117". --

1 Complete the conversation.
first aid kit fishing line matches needle and thread j/jl.OJ:e.r.-bstt:L-e- whistle

Ned Let's start packing for our camping trip. I think we should both
take a 1
water bottle . We'll get thirsty when we're walking.
Greg Yes. And we'll need to make a fire, so Let's take some

Ned What about a 3- - - - - - - - - - - We might want to ca.tch

some fish.
Greg Good idea! I'm going to take a ' · - - - - - · _,too.
If there's a hole in the tent, I can repair it.
Ned OK. I'll pack a • If we hurt ourselves, we
mightneed a bandage. i
Greg It's a good idea to take a --·---------·------·----' too. If we get
Lost, we can blow it and someone will hear us.

Complete the sentences.

1 We meet my aunt for lunch every Sunday.
meat/ meet
2 I do·n't eat _ _ _ _ , but I eat fish.
3 I get to work _______ train.
buy I by
4 We need to------~-----·· some apples.
5 You have to be at one o'clock.
hear I here
6 Please say that again. I didn't you.

3 IRe(JJd cmcl circle. i
1 I'm going to meat J9my friends at the movie _theater.
2 It's nice to sea I see you again. !'haven't seen I scene you for 9 long tirne.
3 That's a nice picture of a flour I flower. Where did you buy by it? i
4 I need some· I sum new shoes. Can we look in this store here I hear?

Words Unh 9

. -:;'

... ____ ..
.-.--,,_.• -cc__,,..,
Jl Cirde the ..coned
.. ..__

1 You\~!!__?_"!lrlV shouldn't bring a flashlight.

1'M~gs to p<Old< lfofr yolUlrr
2 You ought to I ought not to bring warm clothes.
«:©lmpninlg trrap~
3 You should I ought not to bring an MP3 player.
4 You ought to I shouldn't bring a cell phone. flashlight cell phone 0
5 You should/ shouldn't bring a diary.
i warm clothes GZJ diary
MP3 player ·canie1•a

2 Write advice. Use should/ shouldn't or ought to/ ought not to.
1 "I'm always tired in the morning." You should go to bed earller.
2 "I can't do this homework. It's too difficult." -----·-------
3 "I can't see the writing on the board anymore."
4 "I want to buy a new camera."
5 "There's a new girl in my class. She doesn't know anyone."

J 3 Rel(Jld. Complete the sentern<:es.

It's a good idea to learn some words in the language.

Many people take a dictionary - it can be useful. It's not
a good idea to arrive late in the night. It's not a good
idea to carry expensive items with you when you are
walking in the streets. But carrying a map with you is
a good idea, because then you won't get lost.

1 Yqu __Q_!:!:gl1t to_ learn some new words.

2 You _ _ _ _ _ _ take a dictionary.
3 You arrive late at night.
4 You carry_ expensive items with you.
5 You -carry a map with you.

Modal verbs for obligation


... ~ •. ,,.-·r. - - - - · --·


1 Write might ow must.

Swim between the flags! Monkeys often come here!

Be careful. Children sometimes · Take off your shoes. Danger-falling rocks

cross the road here.

1 You must swim between the flags.

2 Children cross the road here, so be careful.
3 You take off your shoes.
4 You see. monkeys here.
5 Be careful. Rocks fall here.

2 Read cmd drde.

1 I must /(mfghf>go
..... _........
to the party tomorrow.-. I'm not sure .
2 We could/ have to play basketball after school today, if you want to.
3 Look at clouds. it has to I might rain.
4 You have to I might wear a, swimming cap in the pool- it's a rule.
5 We Yl)Ust/ might buy Tom a present it's his birthday.'

3. Complete t~e co_nversation~ Use mig_ht /could err have to.

Anne What are you doing·after school today, Laura?
·laura I'm not sure. I 1 might ·go swimming, if it's hot. Do you want to come?
Anne I can't. I 2_ _ _ _ _ clean my room! ·
·Laura You 3 · clean it after syvimxnlng ..
Anne -Yes, you're right. But I 4 - be home before 5 o'clock.

laura Oh no, Looi{ at the sky! It's very dar~ ..."do you think it 5 rain?
Anne Yes. Now you can't go swimming. You ~-- 6
help me tidy my ~oom If you Like!

Modal verbs Unit 9

-~~~~~----·-~·· ':'
1 look at the text. What is the book aboa.rl:? Check(.!) the correct answer.
a) an accident in the mountains 0 b) surviving after a shipwreck 0 c) a vacation adventure 0
Jsl(lnd Adventvre .··
· · I~lar~Ai;/veQfofe, is. dihs()k
··.'. '· .
dboyf 6 .gr9up' dfs0rvivors
.,',•'. ' ,,· ':•.,., ,·,·.·· ' . ' '" ; .. ;

The main character in the one who can find them and rescue them. The
story is a 14-year-old boy six people have to start a new Life on the island.
called Robert Wilson. At the They collect wood to make fires. They have no
beginning of the story, he food supplies, but they Learn to hunt seals for
Lives in New Zealand with his food and clothing. They cutdoWri trees to build
family. But when his parents die in a mountain wooden huts for shelter against the wind and
climbing accident, Robert is suddenl\:j alone. He rain. But winter is coming, and it is getting colder
decides to Leave New Zealand and go to America and colder. The survivors don't know if they
, where his aunt Lives. She is the onl\:j family he can survive the cold weather. But they will do
has Left. everything they can and fightto survive!

Robert finds a ship that is soiling to America. It is

a Long and difficult voyage. There are storms and
big waves. The wind pushes the ship in a different
direction and the ship gets Lost. Finally, it is
shipwrecked near an island in the middle of the
ocean. When the ship sinks, Robert is one of onl\:j
six survivors who manage to swim to the island. i··

The year is 1870. So, there aren't any airplanes

flying over, or boats passing by and there is no

If you like exciting stories, you'll thi,s book!

':··:····. ·-·-··-··- .. ··· ·-
i Read CJlrid drrde the incorrect words. Write the correct words.
1 The story is about people who survive on an(icfv;~~r~). ls land
---~---J~ ~·

2 Robert goes on the ship to live with his parents in America.

3 The weather is dangerous for sailing because there are floods.
4 Robert survives. with six other people.
5 They learn to hunt dolphins for fpod and clothing.
6 They find wooden huts on the island.

' ., ' Unit 9 Reading: a book review


- -~- -· "'117'. --- --

1l Complete the text.
cut down fence shelter _stern"!" survivors walls

In this picture from Island Adventure, the 1 sto_r:!rl_

_hos gone, but.the weather is very cold. Th_e six
___ from the shipwreck are building
a3 _______ on the island. They have
some of the trees and they have
used the wood to build the four 5
of a hut. Robert is helping the men to put branches
on top. It is difficult to keep the rain out. The younger
children are making a 6_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ around the
hut with tall sticks.

2 Mcatch the words from page 74 to the definitions.

hunt hut alone --&ea·t- ]
1· seal. noun ct sea animal that lives around the shore
2 verb to look for and kill an animal, usually for food
3 adj without ang other people
4 noun a small, simple house

3 Complete the story. cut ck>wn storm hunt -li-61-r-vh10-rs seals hut
Survivors of the storm!
l<qte and dad went for a· walk in the forest. Suddenly a 2_ _ _ __ came and ft
started to rain. "We need to build a - - - - - - - - - - said i<ate. So, they put some sticks

in the ground a~d 4 some leqves' for the roof. It w-as a nice little shelter!
"We're like explorers in th~ South Pole!" said Kate.
"But expl_orers ha've to 5 for food! They eat 6 said Dad.
"But luckily J brought some food!" He gave Kate some chocolate.

Words in context Unit 9

. ~·

.....- .~~--··--..,_ ':
1 Your friend is going to Live in the forest alone for OJ month. She /He ccm only take eight items.
Which me the eight most important items? Check(.!) them.

a flashlight 0 a first aid kit 0 a camera 0

rope 0 a pen and paper 0 a phone 0
a novel 0 needle and thread 0 a whistle 0
a tent 0 a water bottle 0 a pocket knife 0 ·
matches 0 a sleeping bag 0 a fishing line 0

.. . . ·-· .

2 Write one sentence about each item you checked in Exercise 1. Why did you choose it?
What can you do with it?

3 Write cm advice text. Write about the eight items yoiJ chose in Exercise 1.
Give reasons for your choices. Use so that, in order to, cmd because.

[ Eating J _ _ __


[ Shelter


[ Keeping warm ] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

[ Drinking ] _ _ __

Writin9: an advice text •

l Complete the sente1rw.:es.
( ask the teacher for one wear them all dag take an art course

1 "I want to learn to speak English well."

You should soeak En.qlish vvhen~ver you can.
2 "I want to learn to paint."
. __ You_qught
3 "My new shoes are hurting me."
You shouldn't
4 "I can't find my pencil."
You could
~ Complete the sentences.
have to don't have to should --r-wrrsr mustn't ought to

1 You must stop at a red light when you're driving.

2 If you can't see the board, you sit closer to the front.
3 We_·___ · ______ go for a walk today if you're tired. We can go tomorrow.
4 It's our English exam tomorrow. We be late!
5 We _____________ bring our P.E. clothes to school tomorrow, because we've got a P.E. class.
6 You go to the doctor if you're not feeling well.

3 Complete the text.

survivor -5-t:i-pplies- pocket knife matches shelter


---../ ... < Tcmi9ht at .. •·

'7:00' '·. . ,• '
. •·..·. p.m. on TV --
Tonight, Bobby B:ave goes to an island
in the Pacific Ocean. He doesn't have any 1 .-sup121.les
with him, so he will have to hunt for his food. This won't
~!,~ ff'¢~' .
be easy! He has a 2 but it'? small

and it isn't very sharp. Without3

_ _- _ - --~-'
I how will he light a fire for cooking? Will he use a cave
I - - - - - - ' - - or will he build a hut? Will
· 1 Bobby be a 5--~-.
, or will he blow his.
and ask the film~makers to rescue
I him? Watch tonight and find out!

Review Unit 9
l ReCJJd the storry m1d rmmberr the events in tile corred orrcller.
a Next, the children look at a horse. 0
b Fin tells the children to meet again at six
o'clock. 0
c They think that it might be a shark. 0
d The children look at an elephant first. 0
e The DSD Club go to see the sand sculpture
competition. OJ
f The children see something in the water. 0
l Write Libby, Ed, Kate, Tom, or Fin;
1 makes rules and arrangements.
2 is amazed by the sculptures.
3 _____________ studied Spanish at school.
4 _________________ sees something in the water.
5 _______ wants to go closer to look at the animal in the water.

3 Read the advertisement arnd answer the questions.

1 Where do the artists come from?

All over the world.
2 How many sculptures are in the
com petition?

3 Who can you talk to after you have Looked

Come and see sand sculptures by artists from all
at the sculptures?
over the world! This year, we have 50 incredible
sculptures in different shapes and sizes. You r;:an
see a wonderful c:asu-e, an elephant, a horse, and L~ Where can you have a sand sculpture
many other things! class?
After you have Looked at all the sculptures, you
can talk to the artists, and you can even have a ;.
5 What should you write dow~ before you
sand sculpture class on the beach. You can also
.. i·. leave?
help to choose the winner of ~he competition.
Before you Leave, please remember to write down
the name of your favorite sculpture and put it in
the box in the visitor center.

Unit lO Around the world!

'(l,r···'...:,. __ . ........_ -··1

: ~·-- - ·r1,r: --- -- ~
r ~Timeto~·alk! · !L(,;-:s$(Q)~;1\~~:'waf~I~'
.:.,;.·,.,·:' . .,............ -

:Jl ReacJJ 0H11d drde.

Canada has two 1!Q!fictarianguci~/ dialects - English and French. Many Canadians
can speak both of these Languages. They are 2 bilingual/ multilingual. For about 60%
of people, English is their 3 native speaker/ mother tongue. Most Canadians whose
native speaker I mother tongue is French, Live in the province of Quebec.
People from different parts of Canada sound a bit different from each other because they
speak with different 5 dialects I accents. There are different forms of language in different
places, too. These are called 6 accents/ dialects.

2 M(Jltclh the picturres to the defi111itions.

1 discovery noun something 11ou fin,d that 11ou did not know about before (£]
2 nursery noun a place where· children go during the da11 when the11 are too 11otmg to
go to school 0
3 deliver!:J noun a time when something is bought to an address 0
4 bakery noun a store where bread is made and sold 0

~ Complete the sentences. Us~ -ery to make the words into nouns.
[ __dJ,s.GGver· nurse bake deliver brave

1 ·The explorers found _an ancient temple in the forest. It was an amazing ·discoverq .
2 My sister rescued me when I was in danger. I'll never forget ~er _____ _
3 We need some bread. Is there a - - - - - - -· near here?
4 Lucy Likes playing with her friends at _ _ _ _ __
5 The truck brought a _______ to the store.

Words Unit 10

lL Read i01nd dn·de.
1 Adam said he wants j(~o visit Rome.
t' 2 Emily said the food is/ was fantastic.
3 Paul told us he had/ had had lunch at Jamie's house yesterday.
4. Daisy said she went/ had been to Spain.
5 We said that we learned I were learning French .

•.tt: i Read and compLete the sentences •.

My parents are travel writers so I've been to lots of different

countries. I love traveling! Last year, I visited Mumbai in India.
A rt was an amazing experience. At the moment Mom and Dael
are planning a trip to Antarctica. I'm looking forward to it.

1 Charlotte said her parents _were (be) travel writers.
2 She said she (love) traveling.
3 She said she (visit) Mumbai last year.
4 She said her mom and dad _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (plan) a trip to Antarctica.
5 She said she (look) forward to it.

3l look and complete the sentences. (!) Irregular verb list

1 Martin told Holly he Weed her skirt . 2 Mom said she

Holly said Martin's jacket-·----------------· Billy said he __________ _._ ..

3 Dad said he 4 Mia told Megan she ________

Unit 10 Reported speech: statement,s


~~~~T··" ....
:JJ. Complete tlhe table.
subject pronoun reflexive
. pronoun
I 1 ----1:!lY s e lf
you (singular) 2
he 3
.. she ··- .... -· 4
it 5
we 6
you (plural) 7
they 8

~ IRead CJ111d drrde.

l I was thirsty, so I poured~V
yourself a glass of orange juice.
2 Leo and I hurt themselves I ourselves when we fell out of the tree.
3 Maisie and Arthur bought yourselves I themselves some magazines.
4 My Little brother can dress himself I yourself now.
5 The washing machine has turned himself I itself off again!

3 Complete the sentences.

l Look at yourself in the mirror. 2 He's teaching~----- Russian.

Ohl I've covered .
with flour! She's teaching Japanese ..

3 We enjpyed _ _ _ _ _ _ -at the picnic. 4 Look! It's found - - - - - - some food.

The chil?ren enjoyed , too. Children, are you enjoying ?

RefleJCive pronouns 10

• •:f
.... ~:. .
1 look at the text. Write tile questions i111 the corred !Place.
a) What are the official languages? b) How have so many Languages
c) l:lo.\L\UJJCin~Jonguagesa::e0pokcninPapua New Guirieb? survived?
d) Why do people speak English there? e) Where did the Languages come from?

.if~® @~~tmtrnay ®~ m®~ffi'B!J~~I®~~

_Jj_ow nJ:g.J:.~!::L lan.gu_g~s are spoken ln. Pq12u.a_t!_g_'(v' Gulnea? _
Papua New Guinea has a population of just six million people but it has more languages than
any other country in the world. Over 800 languages are spoken there. That's over 13% of all
the languages in the world!

--- ~---------··-·----

The three official languages are Hiri Motu, Tok Pisin, and English. For most people these are
not their mother tongue, but they can be used to communicate with each other when they talk to
I someone from a different group.
English is important as an international language. About 50,000 people speak English as their
first language. English is used in schools and businesses. However, many people speak lots of
languages. !
-- -
The first inhabitants of Papua New Guinea were tribes that arrived from different parts of
Asia more than 50,000 years ago. They brought lots of languages with them. Over time the
languages they spoke developed into the ones that are spoken in Papua New Guinea today.

All these latiguoges are still alive because many people live in very isolated places. Tribes don't
mix with other tribes but keep their own culture, traditions, and languages separate. Only 18%
of people live in cities and there still aren't many roads connecting the villages. So, people stay
in their own groups and speak their traditional languages. That's why Papua New Guinea's
languages have survived.

2· Read ciigain cm·cJJ write True or False.

1 Six million people live in Papua New Guinea. Tru.e
2 There are over son official languages.
3 Most peqple have the same· mother tongue.
4 In schools a_nd businesses people use English.
5 The first pe?ple came to Papua New Guinea 5,000 years ago. ·
6 Most people in Papua New Guinea live in citie?.

Unit 10 Reading: a Question & Answer text

:ll, Complete the sentences.

century disappear Jnter-:qatrorrar continent population altogether

1 People from all around the world speak English. It's an ln.tern.ational language.
2 Asia is the world's biggest_-~--
3 Languages when people stop speaking them.
4 China is the country with the biggest . It has over 1.3 billion people.
5 _ _ _ _ _ _,about 7,000 languages are spoken in the world.
6 Will English still be an international Language by the end of this _ _ _ _ __

~ Complete tlhe serrntences with the words from page 82.

1 The people are part of a tribe that lives in the Amazon rainforest.
2 The of London come from many different countries.
3. People who can't hear, use sign language to _____
4 Their house is in a very ______. _ _ place.

~ Complete the text with woll'ds from !Exercises 1 cmd 2.

The Huli people are a very large? tribe in Papua New Guinea. There are 65,000 people in this group
and the 2 ____ is growing. T.hey have Lived for hundreds of years in 3_ :_ _ _ _ _ _ __
.. . I
villages in the mountains where the 4 _of the· villages didn't often meet other
But life is changing for th~ Huli. Many yo.ung people are moving away from the villqges to the towns
and they are Learning other languages beca'use they want to be ab~e to s_·_ _ _ · ____with ·
· the outside world.

Words in context Uni·r 10

1l Look at the chart and write notes for om advertisement for cm adventure camp.
Where is the camp?
When and how Long?
Who for? . -


Why come?

2 Think about Language. Write a List of positive adjectives to describe yom camp.

. .

3 ~rite cm ~dvertlsementfo~an ~dvent~~e iamp.

·1 Write the name of the camp at the top.
2 Say where it is. Describe the area, using your positive adjectives~
3 Say who the camp is for, and Vlfhat youcandothere. Use your positive adjectives.
4 Say what activities you can do atthe cam'p. ·
5 Give the dates of the camp.
6 Say why people shoL1Ld wme;

Unit 10 Wrilfog: an advertisement

.,""!&: • -- ..,.,,,. --· - .... - - 1f"T'. -- . ·: -,,..._- - - ·-- !IT'. --- ---
l Complete ti'ne internuew.
disappear population bilingual J~1::·e-i1t- centuries ~

Tom Golding is a professor who studies the tribes of the rainforest.

Journalist How do you talk to the different tribes, Professor Golding?
Tom Well, I'm 1 fluent in the four main Languages of this
Journalist Tell me abo~t the tribe that you're studying at the
Tom There are about 4,000 people in this tribe. That's 0.5 % of ·
the country's 2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • The tribe arrived over
nine 3 - - - - - - ago.
Journalist What Language do they speak?
Tom Most young people have studied at school and they are
. They speak their own language
and also Spanish; Some people are worried that the
traditional language will 5_ _ _ , but I don't .

think that will happen.

2 Complete the sentences. Use the information from IExerdse 1. "lrr~9uiClr·vlilr~ list -
1 Tom Golding said he_ was fluent in the main Languages of the country.
2 He said the tribe _____.:________ over nine centuries ago.
3 He said most young people _______.______. __ at school.
4 He said they their own Language and Spanish.
5 He said some people were worried that the traditional Language------------~~..,..--------

3 .Complete the sentences. Use reflexive pro1noums.

· 1"l:~_·:~-_,~
\Cl ~ ~~·

r~ . • / ;

Sue let's get 1_ ourse!v~ something to eat. Jill My dad has bougM 4_______________ a bike.
Tim I've made 2 a. sandwich. Liz And your mom has bought 5__________, ______
Sue Don't cut 3 _ _ _ _ vyith the knife. some new sneakers.
Liz They're enjoying 6__________________________ !

Review Unit 10

..-... ~-.....--....-"__-....•-....-.-.----·--,,.
-_..-.- '·
], look ort the pidurres. Number the events in the coned order.

The children aren.'t sure

what is ln the water~

:e Re<:iid cmd match. Then w~ite the sentences lmder the pictures.
1 The children (I) a is very worried.
2 Libby and Tom pour 0 b aren't sure what is in the water.
3 It's late now, and Libby 0 c the animal is a dolphin.
L; The children discover that 0 d a shooting star.
5 In the sky Tom sees 0 e water on the dolphin.
6 Libby decides how o· f i:o help the dolphin.

:l Answer the q1L1Jestiorns.

1 Do dolphins brea~he air? Yes, theq do. I ..

2 Can dolphins live on land?

3 Do Libby and Tom need help to move_the dotphi~? _ __
4 What are Libby and Tom doing to help the dolphin survive? - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Unit 11 Space travel!

-G . ~r. --- · - - · · :
:!!. Complete the t(;mt.
astronaut cornet ..coJJSte~l-al:imrs- shooting star
'telescope space shuttle

I love looking up at the stars. Sometimes, I try to find all

the 1 constellattons ·I know, for example, the group of
stars called the Bear. Sometimes, I'm lucky and I see a
I - - - - - - · a s it moves quickly across the sky.
At the moment, I'm looking forward to seeing ·a

I - - - - - - - - called Lulin. It was discovered a few

years ago, and it's corning close to the Earth this week.
I've got a really good 4

to watch the sky closely every night.

and I'm going r

I One day, I'd like to be an 5_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • I'd love to

! travel into space in a 6_ _ _ _ _ __

i Match the words to the definitions.
.ro.n:i.<.'H:J'Vt:T come out come in come back

1 come over verb to visit a person or place

2 verb to return
3 verb to appear
4 verb to enter a place

3 Choose the correct words to complete the phmsOJt verbs.

back in out over

1' Call me when you come from vacation.

2 I like looking at the sky when all the stars come _ _ _ _ _.
·3 On.. the weekend, my friends often come and we listen to music together.
4 ·Please come . and have lunch with me and my family.

Words Unit 11 .
!L@S$©ltll 'li"l!nli'~® \(~tliidu~fJ~~~nf(
- ~···.
fl ~Time·{otdk! l
:lL IReCJJd and drde.
1 "What's your address, Alex?" I asked Alex whalti!_;}; he address was.
2 "Anna, why are you unhappy?" I asked Anna why she/ her was unhappy.
3 "Mom! Where are your binoculars?" I asked Mom where her/ she binoculars were.
:I 4 "Who are you writing to, John?" I asked John who he I his was writing to.

!I :! Complete the report.

Where do you work? What skills does a person need
to become an astronomer?

,W Why do you like your job? ~·

1-·--------------- --··-·-------------------------1
I Y'esterela_:J ou.r class went on a trip to the .Science 0 I
l t
I anel we intervieweel an astronomer. l..Ue 1:
ask.eel lier what 1 astronomers did . l..Ue eliscovereel
I.· f"
I that tne.:i stu.el_:J the stars. l.Ue. also ask.eel lier i;·.·
i where 2 • l..Ue ask.eel lier what skills I
I f
! 3
to be.come an astronome.r. lt·"
we also ask.eel ner wn.:i 4 ner job. t
.S/ie saiel, "I love -fineli"3 ou.t abou.t the stars anel [.
plane.ts. It's amaz.i"3, anel it helps u.s to u.nelerstancl i

more abou.t tne E.artn.' l.Ue. ask.eel lier when
·-------·------------ t/ie stars . .Sne saiel she often
slept in tne ela_:J anel stu.elieel the stars at ni3nt.

~ Complete the reported questions.

1 "What is your favorite planet?"
We asked her what her favorite planet wa~--·
'i, 2 "When do you starf work?"·
:I We asked her

3 "What do you like best about your job?"
_; ::. 1
ii We asked her ----~--,----------~-----
4 "Who else works with you?"
We asked her ----~-----------------~~--~-~-~~

Unit 11 Reported speee_h: Wh- questions

---· --- --
:lL Re01d (!]nd d1rde.
1 "Come in!" the dentist said. The dentist told me E.:ii.,}.iN come in.
2 "Please can you help with the cooking," Mom said. Mom asked I told me to help with the cooking ..·
3 "Don't be late!" said Jean's dad. Jean's dad told her to not/ not to be late.
4 "Can you switch on the light, please," Anne said. Anne asked me I to me to switch on the Light.

--······ --- ··~- ·-· 2 -comptete·the· sentences ·in reported speecho

1 Mr. lewis "Frank, can you close the door, please."
Mr. Lewis· asked Frank to dose the door.
2 Kate "Please can you send me the information, Jen."
Kate her the information.
3 Teacher "Ron, can you clean the board, please."
The teacher the board.
4 Dad "Please don't leave your bag in the kitchen, Helen." ·
· Dad her bag in the kitchen.

3 Complete the sentences in reported speech.


Lee's mom told Lee to wash hls hands . Susan's mom


The teacher ----·---------~

Reported commands and re£Juests Unit 11

:!l look OJ'I: the poem. Choose the best title. Write the title at the top.
a) Dreaming of space b) My future job c) The planets

Jack watched the constellations

In his dad's observatory,
And imagined all the wonders
In space that he would see.
The Milky Way and Saturn's rings -
One day he'd visit all these things!

Jack dreamed some amazing dreams

As he lay all cozy in bed.
The moon glowed through the window,
Its beams shone round his head.
A blazing comet traveled by
And stars like diamonds filled the sky.

At school, all Jack's teachers

:i I
Would shake their heads and say:
I "That boy lives in a dream world,·
Imagining the day
When he'll launcb. his spaceship into t~e blue -
That's when his dreams will all come true!"

:! Read C1Jgai01 cmd cirde.

1 Jack wanted to be ... a an artist. (b)an astronaut.
"-..~ ..
c a scientist.
2 When Jack was in bed, he felt ... a comfortable. b lonely .. c worried.
3 Stars like ... filled the_ sky: a pearls . b jevyels .. c di'amonds
4 Jack's ... would shake their heads. a parents b friena~ c teachers

Unit 11 · Reading: a poem

--- ___._ =-: - ,~· - -c·· '1f,JI": --- _.._ ~

:1L Complete the te>cts. bumpy diamonds spins glow _b.eer:l-off surface cozy

At school we watched a movie about the first time people walked on

the moon. We watched the spaceship 1 head off into space. When
- the astronauts landed, we saw that the 2_ _ of the -
moon is really 3
_ __ --~'with Lots of holes and rocks.

I Love lying in my bed at night, 4_ _ _ _ __ and warm,

looking through the window. The Lights _of the town _ _ _ __
outside and the stars shine like ----'----
. The stars
seem to move across the sky, but it's really the Earth that
7 _ _ _ _ _ _ as it goes around the sun.

~ Match the words from page 90 to the definitio!1ls.

beams imagine _J.a.w-Helr observatory
1 lmmch verb to send something up into the sky
2 noun a place with telescopes where people study stars
3 - - - - noun lines of light
4 - - - - - - - verb to make pictures in your mind

3 Complete the crossword with words from E>Ceirdses J!. and 2.

1 The road is very ... You niight fall off your bike if you
go too fast.
2 Divers can stay under the ... of the viiater for a long
3 People collect gold because it's a very ... metal.
t~ I feel ... in my warm coat, scarf, and gloves .

5 A good skater can ... very fast i~ a circle on the ice.

Worqs in conteict Unit 11

1 Complete the similes in the poem. shooting star diamonds drum toast -!'<:ites-· snow

ii The leaves are flying in the wind like 1 kites ,
~I Falling to the Earth, as quiet as 2_ _ _ _ _ _ __

11!1 Raindrops fall, shining in the sunlight like 3_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ •


l'illl·i Thunder sounds like a 4- - - - above us,

A beam of light flashes in the sky like a _ _._ _ _ __

But I am as warm as 6- - -

. ·. ·::', ····,.·· .... ·, ·.' . ,. .. ..,·'"'

. .. .

~ Look at the picture. Answer these questions and make similes to descrii)e it..

Whnt does the rlver I waterfall look I sound llke?

How qreen ls the grass?

11 How hot ls tl1e sun?
i:1· - -looicllke?
What do the flowers ----'-------------
Ii What do the clouds look like?

Unit 11 Writing: a poem .

.. . ""· ----

:.\U~u'h' n utcs\V:u®w .· :
}f~~~~:·: -~" .. . -~· (

t :l!. Complete Uoe sentences. Use reported speech. @ Irregular verb list

Famous sports star visits Littlewood!

(1~ Why are you in Littlewood?
\?f Don't forget to visit our 11ew arena! 1\~) When is your next competition?

., · Please help our local team!

1 The reporters asked the sports star why he was tn Utttewood .

2 They asked him_
3 They told him
4 They asked him
5 They asked him

2 Complete the sentences.

astronauts comet constellation heading space shuttle

l The astronomer is looking through a 1 telescope at a

/. _______ that has just appeared in the sky.
I It can be seen from the Earth once every 40 years. At the
moment it is near the 3 called the Bear.


The 4 · - - - - i s going into space.

The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are inside apd they're

6 off to the moon"!

I 3 Complete the sentences.

r bump~ _p.r.eGiB·l:ls- glowed shooting stars . spun

J 1 Pearls and diamonds are very precious stones.

2 The campfire like an ornnge ramp in the dark night. .
3 , The ice skater - - - - - - - around a·nd around lii<e a wheel.
4 The road is as as the surface of the moon.
5 The fireworks were launched into the sky Like _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the· night.

Review Unit ]]

. .,.
~~~.. -=····=-..=··="-.=·====--~ -·
1 Read the story and complete the se111te11ces.
the rescue team Libby the dolphin J;he-{;f~il:-dreff the ocean

1 The children are trying to save the dolphin.

2 doesn't know how Long it can survive on Land.
3 l<ate and Ed arrive with
4 The rescue team moves the dolphin into _ _ _ _ __
5 finds its family.

~ Read om1dl drde.

It's the end of an exciting day. We were atthe beach, looking at sand sculptures, when
suddenly we saw an animal inthewater.Atfirstwethought itwas@kl seal, but
then we 2 realized! remembered it was a dolphin. It had swum too nearthe shore and
the 3 sand I waves had pushed it onto the beach.
Libby and Tom used their water bottles to keep the dolphin 4 cold I wet. Kate and I
went to find Fin, and he called 5 a rescue team I the police. It was late when we got
back to the beach. Libby and Tom helped the team to 6 push I carrythe dolphin back
into the ocean. Everyone said that we had all saved its life!

3 Re(ijd mid complete the iraformCiltion pcige.

volunt~er hospital,1es- hours equipment dolphins

Wlho caU1l lheip whell1l do~plhum; are Dll1l trnLIJlb~e?

American Divers Marine. Life Rescue (ADM~R) is a charity which
1 and protects sea animals in America. Each team has
a rescue boat and other special for saving
_ _ _ _ , whales, and seals. They even have a special
for sea animals that are very sick. Everyone
who works for ADMLR is a • No one is paid for
their work. Rescue teams are available 24 - - - - - - - -
a day, every day of the 'year.

Unit l 2 Vacation time!

. "
.,., . --- ·---=--
JI, Complete the em«llnL
cheap expensive _hg-s-h:- luxurious stimulating dull

1· This vacation is crazy! The hotel we're staying in nowisvery 1 --baslc ~My room only has a bed·
and a cabinet. We planned to stay in a 2_ · hotel with a swimming pool,
but when we arrived, there had been a mistake and all the rooms were full.

But guess what? We're having a great time! We eat at

' restaurants every day because the food is 3_ _ _ _ _ __
We've been exploring the town and we've seen some amazing
buildings. The museums and art galleries are very
• Who needs to spend lots of money
on hotels when this is more fun?
There's nothing 6 about this place!
See you soon, Lily

I l Cirde the silent Letter.



1 wrong·
(3rite white snow

!· 3 Complete the ~entences. Then drde the silent letters.

hour · snow honest· __ ..wr-ite- ]

1 (vV)rlte "the ~n-swersjn you; book. 2 Jess is an -

· - - - - late!
.3 It's very cold. I think it might_. _ _ _ . 4 You·cqn believe Sam. He's very _______ .

Words Unit l 2
I wish I live I lived in Hawaii. I wish it was I wasn't so windy.

He wishes I/ he could fly. I wish I have/ had some string. I wish he doesn't/ didn't speak
so fast.

2 look CJJl'lld write sente111ces. 0 Irregular verb list

children wishes
1 Amber ~~_1::rt.LJ q[asses weren't broken.
Amber my glasses I not be/ broken
2 Tim
Tim I I be I taller
3 Molly ----------------
Molly my bedroom I be / bigger
4 James
James I I can play I the guitar

I. ~ Match the pidmes omd the sernteli1lces from E>cerdse 2.

rI ,--,--'------,,,,,,

4 Write Hue~ wishes forr yourself.


Unit 12 wish

•.~• - -,,,r, --- - -


!j l IRel()JdJ mad dirde.
1 You're Toby's brother, are you !(~C:!:!J?
3 You don't like peas, do you I don't you?
5 Jenny doesn't go to your school, is
2 Ryan can speak Chinese, can he/ can't he?
4 They were very tired, aren't they/ weren't they?
6 It didn't rain yesterday did it/ didn't it?
she I does she?
2 Complete the sentences. Use question tags.
·--···- -····· ---· ·-- - -
1 Lima is the capital of Peru, lsn't lt ?
2 You didn't walk here,

3 Paul and Dave can s w i m , - - - - - - - - · - - - -

4 Lisa eats fish,

3 Write sentences. l:Jse question tags.

you I Mr. Adams you I not like I cold weather

You're Mr. Adams, aren t you?

we I need I postcards Venice I be I amazing

we I not can /swim here you I go I to Mexico last year

Question tags Unit 12

1 look crl: the te>ct. Number the photos in the conred order.

My name's Bedcy. 8 love traveling m1d on·e food. Thai curry is my favorite meal. I like the
day D'd like to go around the worfrl. VI/hen mixture of sweet and sour flavors.
U'm older and D've finished school, 0 wm ll::rGvef My next stop will be Borneo. I'm interested in
around the world for a year! Ht wm be.gre01t. wildlife and Borneo's forests are the home of
orangutans, rhinos, and leopards. However,
I read lots of books about different places
there are some scary animals in the forest, too,
around the world and I dream about all the
like snakes and poisonous spiders. So, maybe I
places I want to visit. I have already planned
won't spend too much time in Borneo!
where I want to go when I'm older. I know which
countries I want to visit and what I want to see After Borneo, I'll visit Australia. It has sun and
when I'm in each one. beaches, so it's the perfect place to relax. My
favorite sport is surfing and Australia has
First, I'll go to China and walk along part of the
some of the best surfing beaches in the world.
Great Wall. What an experience! Did you know
I could also learn to dive and look at the coral
that it's 6,400 kilometers long!
reefs. The water in Australia is very dear, so. I
After China, I'll go to Thailand. I'd like to travel could see lots of fish. I wish I was there now!
through the busy streets of Bangkok in a . Unfortunately, I have to wait until I'm old
rickshaw. I'll stop at a street market and try the enough!

2 Read again and complete the sentences.

1 Becky's favorite food is cooked in Thailand .
2 The Great Wall is in - - - - - - - - - -
3 Becky can do her favorite sport in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 Becky will travel in a rickshaw in . . . - - C - - - - - - - - -
5 Becky will see Lots of wildlife in
6 Becky is worried about the scary animals in _________

Unit 12 Reading: a travel blog

1 Complete the texil:.
scary flavors spicy·l'la\7\T-- unfortunately rush
,----~ :1;·~~ )~--~ n ~ i:-------·--·-----·--·-···----------------------------··----- -~---------------- - -~I

I Today1 I J.iad my first ride iri a 1

rlckshaw . It \Illas 9reat to look out arid vvatcJ.i everyone J

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ around busy streets. 3
__} Mom didn t enjoy

J.ierself. it \Na5' a bit ···--· becatJS'e of all traffic. tier eyes 1·

\/\/ere closed for vvl-iole ride! !

We stopped at a restaurant for lunch. I cl-iose a. curry. I love 5

food. r

J It \Illas deliciou5'1 full of i11teresti119 6

_________ • For desserlj I J.iad cl-iocolate ice

LCY~~=-----·-·-----------·--·--------·----· --··----·---·--·---··-·-------·-·--------'· · _ _ ·
:?l. Complete the sentences with the words from page 98.

perfect coral reef ...QJJJ.P.§"t;ltafr market

1 I saw an ora11guto.n in a tree. It was so funny to watch!
2 Sitting on the beach with a cold drink and a good book is my
3 When Iwent snorkeling, I watched all the fish swim over the--------";
L,. I went to the to buy some vegetables and fruit.

3 Complete the sentern::es with words from i:xerdses 1 CJJnd 2.
Da"d The 1 market is open all qfternoon. We don't have to

Mom No, Let's take a

This is the 4 place for a summer vacation.

The beach is great for surfing and the 5 is·
great to look at when you are diving or snorkeling.

Words in ~onte1ct . Unit l 2

1 Read the information about exchange programs.
In the U.S.A., many secondary schools have exchange programs with schools from
other countries. This means that students from the U.S.A. go and stay with a family in
the other country for one or two weeks. They go to school and practice speaking the
language. Later, students from the other country come-to stay with American families.

2 Read these sentences about e>echrnrnge programs. Are they.advantages(/) or disadvcmtages (.X)?
You can learn about life in another country. 0 It is difficult if you can't speak the language. 0
You might miss ~our family. (EJ You wi.ll have to make new friends. 0
You tan learn d hew lahguag~. 0 You'll eat different and interesting food. 0

' . ' '

3 Write cm opinion essay about exchange progrnms.

[ Introduction ] Every qear, many 1~merlcan students take part ln school exchange
J2iQ9rnms. But are theq a good idea?

[ Advantages J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Disadvantages J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


[ Condusion·· j. ______________________~_

Unit 1 2 W[iting: on opinion essay·

: ....... 'llJ<: - - ·
- - ·-
•, .,

' '. > ,',

~t-ik~fa:ici'fid ' ,, H,;~~ib~ ~i~&~i·'
ll. Complete tile sentences. @lrr~gularverb list

~'· I wish we coLt[d (can) find the market.

Qifi I wish I _ _ _ _ _ _ (can) understand that board game.

~~ I wish we _ _ _ _ (have) rickshaws at home. >

{~~ I wish this food _______ (not be) so spicy. >.
2 Match the people in the picture to the sentences from Exercise 1.
3 Write the words. Then add question tags.
expensive peaceful -bask--- Luxurious cheap stimulating

Mom This hotel is very basLc , isn.'t it ? Mom Meals are here,
IOc:id Yes! We expected something more ? Look at the prices!

------·-----' -------~---- Ben Let's go to the cafe. We can get a-------··---·--

meal there, - - - - - - - - - -

Dad You Love ____ places, -Mom He gave a very

talk, ________ ?

Review Unit 12

I I'm going to make dinner later. I'm not going to make dinner later.
JIi He's going to do his homework now. He is11it going to do his homework now.
They're going to go to Florida in June. They aren't going to go to Florida in June.

We'll watch the baseballgame to-night - '\/\ie~W~m.'.t watchthe·basebalCg9metcihight.

Jl Complete the sentences. Use going to or will / won't.

1 Tony J? ..9.9._ir}g_ tg p_l_g.~ (play) tennis this afternoon.
2 I feel really tired. I __ ____ . ... . ______________ (not come) to the movies tonight.
3 We ................. (not go) to England. We ··-·---·----------- ____ (go) to Canada!
4 You look tired. Sit down. I ______________________ (make) you a cup of coffee.


:,J We're starting at two o'clock. We're not starting at two o'clock. What time are you starting?

i Write sentences about Tina's plan:?.

1 Tina I meet Mia I at the shopping mall. __ l_ir:t.g__ i_S. ... IJ:l§'_~!_li}9_ ___i_"Jif~ __g!_Jh_€__ s.J~gpp_[_l}g____Q}Ql_l, __
2 they I take I the bus at eleven o'clock
3 they/ not have/ lunch/ at the cafe
4 where I they I have/ lur-ich?

·'1 i



Grammar. Time

'--~ -----· -::-- .


If it rains,

.If Itan't firidihe'bciok;.

,• ' ·,' ···"
'·''' . ', ''•

Wiu yditf:?ijiet()'the p'arj(·i{it's . ~unn~?, · '.·. :Y~~;:t·W(Wi/!K(~7fYli~'r:f~( .,., . .

\/lfilL~hey ~in}he.gdme theyscoredgoal?.•. · ves,i.~h~!:l:wil(/N§;·the~Woh'(,

:ll. Read and circle.

1 If Harry visits us, we go /\We"U.i9}to the museum.
· ....... ~··-··~-·

2 · Will you wash the dishes if I cook/ will cook dinner?

3 If I'm hungry, I 'LL eat/ won't eat a sandwich.

l Complete ~he sentences.

1 If you ...P.JJ:9Jl.e_~L (phone) Evie, you wouldn't be bored.
2 If Fred got up earlier, he .............................................:..................... (not be} _Late for school.
3 ....:................- ............ you---··--··---···-·····-··········-······-,·-·· (eat) Lots of rice if you lived in Japan?

Grammar Time
!! l!Jln-ugt ~ r:1111tEsce1nr& fP>iEil'fo<b·~~ s,111t1t:,e I f@o'
(.'.;'6;,~1~;?!·.-'"I I've been here since one o'clock. J W!!:~J:f;ji!;;:\1 I've been here for two hours.
:lL Write sentences. Use the presen.t perfect and/or orr since.
1 she/ have I her new bike I her birthday §.h.e..'.:>J~c;i. c:Lh<:>r.J~?.10£..f:J.ll,c.E:.. ..S.ll}.C:.1?... h?.r.!?;lgy,. .
2 you/ be ill./ Tuesday ........................................................................................ ...... ....... ........ .... .... . ........................................
3 my parents I work/ in the same job I 15 years

·.... cil~¢(ldy
8ave yoµ
, · ' ··,. .
.. io·r6kyo?
.... . ; ., ,"' . .,.;' •.,: ;

Have you beer1 tcfTo!<.~o ~et?

Have. you be~n tOTokyo bef6re?
···- • " ••• ' " ...... -··. ~·· '"·'" •• ,, •• ' ,._j •• ; •••• , 4 ' . . . . . . ._.,. \ • . . . . .\ ' . . . . , •• ,_ • ·- ••

I've just been to Tokyo: x Have you just been tb Tokyo?

l Read and circle.

1 The children haven't seen the ocean already /b;f~~~'. 2 Have you finished it before/ yet?

3 We've just I yet gotten back from the movie theater. 4 I've yet/ already finished the cake.


I I've seen this movie four times. · I haven't seen. this movie. · Have you seen this
11 3. Read and circle.
I;'.11 1 Yesterday we1:1Jyen~)/ have been to the museum. 2 I' didn't see I haven't seen Ingrid for a long time.
Ii, 3 We lived I have lived in this house for ten' years. 4 Frank went/ has been to Thailand before.

Grammar Time
Pam said th,e~ VI/ere eating their Lunch.""·< ', ,_, .,

l Complete the sentences. Change the tense and the pronouns.

1 Neil: "I Like my picnic Lunch." Neil said .. b:§.Ji1~.?.C.:L.bJS. . P..tC:X1J~j1,.yy:;h,..
2 Harry: "I'm playing my computer game." Harry said ...................................................................................... .
3 Alice: "I'm tired!" Alice said
· 4 Emma: "We're going to the beach." Emma said....... ..................... ........ .. . ...... .. ........ ....... .. ...........................

Jane said she wcis leaving. Jane told us she was leaving;

l Complete the sentences with said or told.

1 Mom ............................. she heeded some help in the kitchen.
2 Ben .......................... , us he was moving house.
3 Amy and Joy ............................. they were going to.the swimming pool.
4 Katy ..................... her mom she was ill.

3 Report what the people said.

1 "I'm going to the movie theater tonight." Fran said ... ~.h.?....Y.\-'..l'.l~....ggl_l}9. ...t.!?.....t..h.?....r.r1:9..\/:i:?....t.h.?.i:ltgr.... t.h.9:LIJ..~9.h.L
2 "It's m_y birthday today." Joe said ..... ,... :: .........................:.· ....:...:.................................................................................:..............................:.............·
3 "We're having our lunch now." The girls said.~.........:...............................:...........................................:.....:.....:.- ........................................... ..
4 "My dad's buying a new car next week." Pete said ................~................................................................. :.....:.......................................

Grammar Time

. ,,.
--0-~~-,-,-~~,..,..,,,--~.-- ...
I i .•!'
i I
I l
~·; -~
j I


:1L Read and circle.

1 Pizza is /(was)invented in Italy.

2 Every day, letters and postcards are/ were sentciround

3 Computers aren't/ weren't used in schools 20 years ago.

A new hotel is being built near t.he beach. A new hotel isn't being built near the beach.
The printer is being used now. The printer isn't beillg used how. ·
:? Write sentences. Use the present continuous passive.
I 1 photos I take I of each class ..P.bg_tgs. qr~ QE;tl-:t9.Jc:tl<.~rt ()f~q~h.~lc:ts.S..:
2 tickets I sell/ outside the stadium
3 the children I not send I home early I today ........................................................... .

i ;' '.
I ' I :~
I, I

Will vye be given lots of horT1ework?

Will the Letter be sent today? .Yes, it will./ No, it won't

:Jl. Read and cirde. · .

, _______
1. You will take 1(v0i[b-;i;/~;rvto
_.., the museum..
2 We aren't I won't be given Lunch. We will hqve to take sa.ndwiches .
. ,, 3 Wil~ children teach/ be taught at-home in the future?

Grammar Time

.. ·-·~ - <i·,,,,. :;...._ - - - --~

'Has'tfie··i<ifC:h~·r1,6e~n··~tei:l!l~tt?:·· ·'.ves/ifl1~~;J~d,;i~·~~5.~~~:"'',<';''i'''°''ir.
Hav~ the'. bl l~~s ~e~n .fi~ed?. ·· · · ·.. Ves'/theY h~v~. /Nc:»i; fh~y hMi:!n!~{;
i Complete the sentences.
1 I Lost my watch, but it ___/1.9:~....!'.2€.?J}JQ_~_D:<?.:.. (find) now.
2 The grass is very long. It ....................................................................................................................... (not cut) for a Long time.
3 .................................................................................... the children .................................................................................................... (take) home?
4 Has he been taken to the station? No,

lUll'ilet 71 Re~tOJto'lff<e [pmil"il@ttms: wfho, whkh

Edrnund Hillarg was an explorer who climbed Mount Everest.",

Nepal is a country which Lies between India and China.

l Complete the sentences. Use who or which.

1 A compass is an instrument ---~y_b._l_~h .. shows you where north is.
2 An architect is a person .........................,:...... designs buildings.
3 A saw is a tool ................................. gou use for cutting wood .

.E.Lla is th~ girtwho sits n~x~:~ome inFLass;

/Ella is the girl t,tlat,~i,ts n~.~ftd, ~e ln ¢la~S;
·.' . . . •'· ' ·. • . ·.·<, , . • ,. ·.: .. '·:·:' •t'•···'··:-· '•":. ''•.' "."
We found .ac(]ve Vlfhk.hgpyt;usshelterfr()rrJ th¢ stOrrri;' ·
We. fo~md a' cave
' '··
g·ave:us shelterfrom the sforn:i.
. .
,· ·' ,· ', ·' "

l Cross out tl'j"e word that can't complete the sentence.

1 Aflashlight is ~om~thing which/ that/ _w/nrgives you light.
2 Can you remember the name of the explorer wflich /that/ who first went to Antarctica?
3 Alexander Bell was the person which/ that/ who invented the telephone.

Grammar Time

. ,,.
l!JJ~~Ht ~ r?@~r& [piiE)li''fi2«:'~

\/\le #ls.covered that somebody had taken the money.

:J1. Read and drde.
1 When I arrived at school, I realized that I forgot f(f-;;i
....... _____
., .. my books .

2 The children all passed the test because they worked/ had worked hard.
3 I had eaten I ate a big lunch, so I didn't want any cake.

\l\fehadj,'t:visi~ed sp9in b~fo~e we went last weelc . Had you \lisited Spain before you Wenflcist. week?
H~ ~~-d.~'.! s~e,nlh~_r,ii()Yi.~_beforc:b~_sailyi~ l~~t riigb.f ..tia~ 'hc:~.5-~.e.~ 1:~e rfigyi_e befC>r.~.h<:! sayvi~ ~as(n.ight?.
.' .'
2 ComlPlete the sentences.
1 I was hungry because I .. h<1.c.lri.'t eaten (not eat) my lunch.
2 Ruby....... . . ......... (not finish) her homework before her friends arrived .
3 . .. . .. they ............................ (eat) Chinese food before they had it on Friday?

you don't hcive to bring your own racquet.

You must finish your homework tonight. , You mustn't be.late for school.

Ii'" You should say "thank you."

You ought to say you are sorry to her.
You shouldn't eat too many sweets.
You ought not to Listen to music that is too loud.
1 !Read and drde.
:· i; . .....,.~ --~- ~
1 You must j(~hol!_~!:!Jtake your camera when you go on vacation.
. ·1 .
2 You mustn't/ don't have to talk during the concert- it's not polite .
3 If you want to get fit, you ought to I shouldn't do more exercise.
Ii' 4 You shouldn't I don't have to wear a swimming cap, but it's a good idea.
II'', 5 You mustn't I shouldn't wear jewelry at school- it's a rule.
1·: ,
6 You don't have to/ ought to eat lots of fruit because it's healthy.


'I ,

Grammar Time

Jr': • ..._ __ • _ __... ...

.-!~ • .j,;r.: ~-- -
rw·: :.


I ,;t'.ITI ·.<l6i n9 a. praJ ~c:~• 9.b9.Qi·q.h.ir9/!·i;·he'sifici>•.····' ·:sh~ kai9 . ?he• wti·~. A§1n9··.6. . proie~t'#~9W~-s'.r ~n?it;·e
II ·_·,;I ?assedciL.fofirJY.~~4r:l)s,'\S,h~sqitj·,: . i .. ·~h~isfi'.id5-H~.~9<liJci~sedalC'()f'h¢.f~@rij~{&3~·\·:3":;·
'~l've been t<:l .~razit;1<~re'~(iid.·: ; · •.. ·:· ··•. i'. ·. ,. <sfie\~pfp ~hci'ii~~ 'beEJl'ito srbziL!\: ,.\•-t// _'.-..• ·;;::.
1 Wr~te the sentences in reported speech.
1 "I want to be a pilot," he said. ..He.. . :s.gi_~Lh.e.. . J?.€. ..Cl:..J?..~~9..L.
I 2 "I need help with my homework," he said. .. ..................................................................................................................................................... ..
3 "We won the game!" they said. .. ................................................................................................................................................................................ ..
I 4 "I'm enjoying this game of tennis," she said. .................................................................................................................................................. .
5 "We've made a great project!" they said.

~tefltel.~llYIE: [plW@fi'il@IUllrn$
I you he she. it we you (pl) they .
myself yourself himself herself itself. ourselves yourselves themselves

i Complete the sentences with the correct reflexive pronouns.

1 Did the children enjoy. tht::.i:D.s..e.JY..?.S.. at the park?
2 I made ·-·-·······························--················ a fantastic sandwich.
3 Dad taught ..................................................... German when he was young.
4 We bought ...................................................... tickets for the game.

1-· · · :"\lvh.atis y9uri1.afo~?" · 'sh~:8.5)~~tj him:'Vifh9~ hl~r9fu~W9s . .

"\/lfhy .·~o you like.~besst >y · '~h<='P?k~g.,hfrf,\':\Af@,h~li~~~~¢h~s~s_. ,
"Who i~· you~:pestfi-iehcJ(", · "'sh~ ·a5kedihi rtiN@P bN .PesF1+1end w~s:········ ·. ·
.· _ ...... . . e_c.·_.•.l. u.·.b· · ·_.?,.:'.•~.'.·;.·.· · ·
il.e, o.•·.····y·.o. .u,"g'' d_to h
'_w." n_'_.._d_ t. isfiifci'~kedi:II'ihwh~rl'h~'wentlo
.;,:,,:;.'·:··:;1··-"' · • .; 1;,• ;c,-,,,:': ,: ·:. ! i '" · .' ;

:JI; Write the questions in reported speech.

1 "Where is your house, Erin?" .asked. Sally. ...~_gJhL9.:S..1~~4 ..!=.r..l1} .Wh.~.U~ .. .h.~.r:.. h.9..L.t~.~--W.9.?.:...
2 "What is.your-favorite song?" Tim asked me. .. ............ ,.:..:............................................................................................................ ..
3 "Why are you crying?" I asked the little girl. ..........................................:.................................., .............................................................
4 "When doe? the bus arrive?" Lily asked a man.

Grammar Time

. ~·

·~~=.=---- .. --..-.·-·--------.--- ':

"Please don't move;'!. The!:J asked us .not to move'.

l Write the commCJJnds and requests in reported speech.

1 "Stop that noise!" the teacher said to the class. _Jh.E;__ t~9:~h.E?.r.. _ _t_()[4Jh.e._ c:Jo..s.:SJ9. _ :5_~gp__t_h_qt___n.:9l~i:;. _
2 "Please close the window," the teacher asked Lay La. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _
3 "Don't forget your book, Polly!" said Annie. _-----······-···········-·-· _........ ____________________ ----------------------·-----
4 "Please turn down the TV," said my mom. _______ -··--·-·····-··· ·--·----------············-· ·········------· ---------------------------------------------------- ______ _


She wishes she was taller.

They wish it wasn't raining. (it is raining)

: i
:lL Complete the sentences.
1 I wish I \l\f.QS._1:1:'_L_ __ (not be) afraid of spiders.
2 I wish I __ (have) a bike.
3 I wish you_ _ _ _____ (can) stay longer.
Li- I wish it (not be) so hot today.

You can't speak French, can you?

You live in New York, don't you? yo~ doil't live in New York, do you?

11 2 Write the question tags.

~ !
' . 1 These pictures look great,_ g91'.l'JJhgy ?
2. You don't eat meat, ?
3 Mia can ski, ?
4 Those boys aren't from our sch_ool,

Grammar Time
S11:airr11:1Elir l!.lllnlnt
Listening 1. Listen and repeat. Listening 3. Listen and repeat.
I go there every year. art gallery, painting, background, portrait, landscape, foreground,
It's always great! sculpture, mural
What are you doing?
I'm looking for your present. Listening 4. Listen and repeat.
When I was walking around, I saw this! I'm going to visit an art gallery this a~ernoon.
I'm not going to go to town this weekend.
Listening 2. Listen and sing Welcome back. I'll come with you!
You're back from your break in the sun. I won't come with you. I'm too busy.
You're sad your vacation's done.
Now it's back to school once more Listening 5. Listen and answer.
And there's lots of work in store. Are you going to meet your friends this weekend?
Will yciu come to my party next week?
You had a good time by the sea
With your friends and your family.
Now your lessons have begun Listening 6. Listen and repeat.
But you can still have some fun. I'm catching a bus.
I'm not doing anything.
You visited people you knew, What are you doing today?
You went on a picnic or two.
But you knew you couldn't stay, Listening 7. Listen and answer.
So welcome back today! Are you going to the movie theater on Friday? ..
What are you doing after school today?

Listening 8. Listen and repeat.

row, borrow, splash, stare, smoke, tie, float, hit

Listening 9. Listen and sing Painting by colors.

I'm going to paint a painting
In colors silver and blue,
Bright stars and oceans,
And maybe a dolphin or two.
I'm going to paint a mural
In colors black and gray,
Dark skies and dark clouds,
A cold and stormy day.

I'm going to paint a landscape

In.colors yellow and'green,
Sunshine and lemon trees,
A sunny country scene.

(followed by karaoke version of song)

Family and Friends 6 Time "to talk! .5-rudent Audio CD Scrip!

i Urrilutt2 Urrnatt 3
h Listening 10. Listen and repeat. listening 17. listen and repeat.
ice skating, skiing, baseball, ice hockey, mountain biking, caving, amazing, awful, bright, delicious, deserted, disgusting, original,
paragliding, rock climbing traditional

Listening 11. Listen and repeat. listening 18. Listen and repeat.
If the weather is good, we'll go paragliding. I've been here since nine o'clock this morning.
If you don't like it, I won't take you again. The festival has been going on for five days.
I won't take you again if you don't like it. The parade has already finished.
Will you come for a walk if the weather is good? I've just eaten some delicious pancakes.
Yes, !will. Have you eaten yet?
No, I won't. I've never been to a festival before.

Listening 12. Listen and answer. Listening 19. Listen and answer.
If it doesn't rain, will you play basketball tomorrow? Have you lived in your house since you were born?
If I get tickets to the soccer game, will you come? Have you been to a festival before?

Listening 13. Listen and repeat. Listening 20. listen and repeat.
If I had a camera, I'd take a picture. I went there last year.
If I had longer legs, I wouldn't play so badly. I've made my costume.
If you took a picture, I'd never speak to you again.
I'd never speak to you again if you took a picture. Listening 21. Listen and answer.
Would you play basketball if you lived in the U.S.f\.? Did you go to a festival last year?
Yes, I would. Have you been to a basketball game?
No, I wouldn't.

Listening 22. Listen and repeat.

Listening 14. Listen and answer. demonstration, filling, garlic, celebrate, last, sweet, harvest, spicy
If you went paragliding, would you be scared?
Would you play ice-hockey if you lived in Canada?
Listening 23. Listen and sing Time to celebrate.
It's time to celebrate,
Listening 15. Listen and repeat. People are out in the street.
pearl, freedom, diving, environment, equipment, talented, They're laughing and dancing and clapping their hands
snorkeling, wildlife To original music and traditional bands.

Listening 16. listen and sing Crazy about sports. It's time to celebrate,
I often play soccer Fireworks are up in the sky.
Or go for a run. They're whizzing and banging and making a scene
And if I went skiing In pretty, bright colors of red, gold and green.
I'd have lots of fun.
It's time to celebrate,
I really love climbing Children have come out for fun.
And caving is great. They're running and jumping, buying food to eat.
If I lived near a rink Amaz!ng cakes and delicious treats.
I'd love to ice-skate.
It's all over now.
I like to play baseball, The streets are deserted again
It's so fun to play. - Parents are holding their children tight.
If I lived by the ocean, They're Sf11iling and yawning and saying goodnight..
I'd go.diving all day.
Bat whatever I do,
Run fast or jump high,
Win or lose races,
I just love to try!

Fa!"ily and Friends 6 Time to talk! Stupent Audio CD Script

!Jr<. - - - . - - - -~ "'"· ~-- -...- --
rw. .

lUJrrnnfi: 4
Listening 24. listen and repeat.
lUJrrna·~ s
listening 31. Listen and repeat.

hot air balloon, helicopter, bus, submarine, yacht, barge, truck,
motorcycle ·
build, design, device, discover, experiment, inspiration, invent,

I Listening 25. Listen and repeat. Listening 32. Listen and repeat.
I "I need a shower:' Many chewing gum flavors are made.
I He said he needed a shower.
i It was made by the Fleer brothers.
! "We're inventing a new car:' The gum wasn't advertised.
I They said they were inventing a new car. Chevving gum isn't always made from trees.
I Listening 33. Listen and answer.
Listening 26. Listen and answer.
What did the teacher say in class today? What things are made in your country?
What did you mom say to you last night? What food is cooked by people in your town?

Listening 27. Listen and repeat. Listening 34. Listen and repeat.
Our teacher told us that she had a surprise for us. My computer is being repaired.

"An airline pilot is coming to the school tomorrow:'
She told us an airline pilot was coming to the school
the next day.
The floor isn't being cleaned.

tonight, today Listening 35. Listen and answer.

I- that night, that day Is your bike being repaired?
this week Is food being cooked in your home?
that week
now Listening 36. Listen and repeat.
then cartridge, clay, rotate, hollow, nib, sharp, ink, reservoir
the next day Listening 37. Listen and sing Great inventions.
next week Who invented ice cream,
the next week Gum and candy bars?
Wl10 designed the bicycle
Listening 28. Listen and answer. And planes and trains and cars?
Did your dad say he was hungry last night?
What did you teacher say will happen at school tomorrow? Who thought of vacations
And visits to the sea?
Listening 29. Listen and repeat. Who invented DVDs
connect, private, ideal, local, mud, log, balance, loads and cartoons on TV?

l/vho built all the hospitals?

Listening 30. Listen and sing My friend told me ... The stores and our schools, too?
I! My friend told me
To travel far.
Who did all these things?
Because I'd like to say thank you!
To see the fields and touch the snow,
To ride in trains, some fast and some slow.

He told me to go
Across the sea.
To feel the wind and see the waves,
· To sail in a yacht_ and lobk for old caves.

He told me to go
Across the sky.
f. To see the clouds and feel the sun,
To fly in a plane and have lots of fun.

Family and Friend~ 6 Time to talk! Student Audio CD Script

ILJJ!l'ilatt6' IL!Jll'ila·~ I
Listening 38. Listen and repeat. Listening 45. listen and repeat.
attach, connect, disconnect, download, log off, binoculars, treasure, north, west, east, south, map, compass
log on, surf, upload
Listening 46. Listen and repeat.
Listening 39. Listen and repeat. He met a man who was more than 120 years old.
You will be given ten new laptops for your school. He met a man that was more than 120 years old.
You won't be given any software. He stayed in a house which was at the top of a tall tree.
Will the computers be sent to our school? He stayed in a house that was at the top of a tall tree.

Listening 40. Listen and answer. listening 47. Listen and answer.
What will you be given for your birthday? Are there many students who play basketball at your school?
Will you be taught English next year? Are there many tourists who come to your town?

Listening 41. listen and repeat. Listening 48. Listen and repeat.
You haven't been switched off. Today there are many climbers who successfully climb Mount
These wires have been disconnected. Everest.
Has your battery been taken out? They come to see Mount Everest which is the highest mountain in
the world.
Listening 42. Listen and answer. .
Have any competitions been organized by your school? Listening 49. Listen and answer.
Have you been given any awards at school? Do you ·know anyone that has visited the U.S.A.?
Is there anywhere in your country that has caves?
Listening 43. Listen and repeat.
create, huge, experimental, market, cursor, complication, Listening 50. Listen and repeat.
immediately, president sank, search, voyage, hurricane, drown, clue,
shipwreck, iceberg
Listening 44. Listen and sing What can you do on your
computer? Listening 51. Listen and sing Exploring wrecks.
You can ... (chorus)
surf the internet, (surf the internet) Swim with me through the shipwreck,
Chat to a friend, (chat to a friend) See the silver and gold.
Write an email, (write an email) See the jewels in the treasure chest
And then press send. And the coins that are very old.
This is the room where the sailors sat
You can ... And the games that the sailors played.
download music, (download music) This is the place where the captain ate
Find a recipe, (find a recipe) And the room where the captain stayed.
Do a fun quiz. (do a fun quiz)
Log on with me! .This is a pan that the ship's cook used,
A cl'.lp and a silver spoon.
You can ... These are the letters which the captain wrote,
. do your homework, (do your h9mework) By the light of the silvery moon .
Buy a book, (buy a book)
Open a website, (open a website)
And take a look.

You can ...

attach a file, (attach a file)
Make up a song, (make up a song)
Upload a photo, (upload a photo)
It doesn't take long.

Family and Friends 6 Time to talk! Student ~udio CD Script

rr. --·
. .,,
ILJJ!l'llfiil:S Uli1lnil: 9
Listening 52. Listen and repeat. listening 59. listen and repeat.
ancient, artifact, evidence, fascinating, investigation, mysterious, rope, water bottle, pocket knife, first aid kit, whistle, needle and
site, strange thread, fishing line, matches

Listening 53. Listen and repeat. listening 60. Listen and repeat.
After they had climbed onto the ship, they saw there was no one You should wear light clothes and strong boots.
there. You shouldn't bring valuables possessions.
They discovered that someone had taken the lifeboat. You ought not to bring a camera.
You ought not to bring jewelry.
Listening 54. Listen and answer. You must stay with ;;our guide.
When you got to school this morning, had your best friend You mustn't walk into the jungle alone.
already arrived?
Had you heard about the Mary Celeste before you read about it in Listening 61. Listen and answer.
your book? What clothes should you wear to
What jobs must you do at home?
Listening 55. Listen and repeat.
They hadn't invented trucks and trains before they built Listening 62. Listen and repeat.
the Pyramids. Your survival suit might be broken.
Had people invented trucks and trains before they built That suit could be dangerous!
the Pyramids? You have to do more experiments.
Yes, they had. I have to do some more work on it.
No, they hadn't.
Listening 63. Listen and answer.
Listening 56. Listen and answer. What things could be dangerous in your country?
Had you taken a shower before you ate breakfast What might you do on your next vacation?
this morning?
What had you done before you ate lunch yesterday? Listening 64. Listen and repeat.
wall, cut_ down, supplies, survivor, storm, sails, fence, shelter
Listening 57. Listen and repeat.
historian, clear away, climate, incredible, sketch, figure, Listening 65. Listen and sing Shipwrecked on
soil, underneath ·
an island.
We're shipwrecked on an island,
Listening 58. Listen and sing Mysteries of the ancient In the middle of the deep blue sea.
world. We have to eat fish for breakfast and lunch,
I know the earth goes round the sun And we are so thirsty.
And I know how flowers grow
But some things about the ancient world, (chorus)
I really just don't know. We went on a voyage
But there was a storm, you see. .
How .did they build the Pyramids? Now we're shipwrecked on an island
Did people study the stars? In the middle of the deep blue sea
How did they transport stones and things,
Wlien they didn't have trains or cars? We're shipwrecked on an island
In the middle of the deep blue sea.
1··. I know the earth is big and round We sleep in a shelter that's made of leaves

I And I know why rivers flow

But some things about the ancient world
I really just don't know. ·
At the top of a very tall tree.

We're shipwrecked on an island,

If Why did they build mysterious sites?
In the middle of the deep blue sea,
But we've made a boat that we think will float
~ -·,
,. Who drew the Nazca lioes( And soon we could be free!
What were those figures and sketches?
Were they just maps and signs?

·Family and Fr:iends 6 Time to tall<! Student Audio CD Script

l\Jlff'iln·~ ·n rn OJlllln·~ ~ ·u
Listening 66. Listen and repeat. Listening 73. Listen and repeat.
accent, bilingual, dialect, fluent, mother tongue, multilingual, shooting star, solar system, comet, space station, constellation,
native speaker, official language space shuttle, astronaut, telescope
Listening 67. Listen and repeat.
"I want to visit all the countries in the world;' he said. listening 74. listen and repeat.
He said he wanted to visit all the countries in the world. "Where are you?"
"I'm looking forward to the trip;' he said. He asked him where he was.
He said he was looking forward to the i:rip. "Why are you in space?"
"I cycled around Africa;' he said. He asked him why he was in space.
He said he had cycled around Africa. "What do you do in space?"
"I've taken lessons in French and Spanish;' he said. He asked him what he did in space.
He said he> had taken lessons in French and Spanish. "Who else is at the space station?"
He asked him who else was at the space station.
Ii Listening 68. Listen and answer. "When are yol.1 landing on Earth?"
Did your teacher say she was going to give an exam? He asked him when he was landing on earth.
Did your friend say he had gone to the movies
last weekend? Listening 75. Listen and answer.
What questions did your teacher ask you in class today?
Listening 69. Listen and repeat. What questions would you like to ask an astronaut?
I can change myself.
Can you change yourself to English now? Listening 76. Listen and repeat.
The machine turned itself off. "Turn off your cell phone!"
He hurt himself when he fell off his bike. He told us to turn off our cell phones.
She cut herself when she was cooking. "Don't touch my computer!"
We bought ourselves lunch in the cafe. He told me not to touch his computer.
Did you enjoy yourselves at the park, children. "Please leave quietly at the end of the movie:'
They dried themselves after their swimming lesson. He asked them to leave quietly at the end of the movie.

Listening 70. Listen and answer. Listening 77. Listen and answer.
Have you ever hurt yourself? What did your teacher tell you to do for homework?
Have you ever bought yourself anything? Did you tell anyone to do anything today?

Listening 71. Listen and repeat. Listening 78. Listen and repeat.
international, century, dominant, continent, altogether, disappear, spun, precious, head off. cozy, diamond, bumpy,
population, predict glow, surface

Listening 72. Listen and sing Around the world. Listening 79. Listen and sing Meeting an astronaut.
My uncle sends us postcards Today I met an astroi'iaut
From the country he is in .. Who said his name was Jed.
He tells us who he's met I asked him where he'd been that day
And he tells us where he's been. And this is what he said.

(chorus) I've been to a space station and back again.

He's traveling around the world. I've seen some wonderful things.
He's sailing on the seas. I've been to the stars and I've flown around Mars.
He's driving over deserts. I've traveled through Saturn's rings.
He's going with the breeze.
Today I met a·n astronaut
He said he'd been to Hanoi, Who said his name was Jed.
And se~n a lot of sights I asked him what he'd seen that day
He told us it was very hot And thi5 is what he said.
In the jungle late at night.
I've seen a comet and a shooting '.;tar
He said he'd learned some Man9arin, Arid a planet that glowed so bright.
·Some French and Germantoo. I've.seen the moon in the afternoon.
He said he'd spoken Spanish It was such an incredible sight.
On a mountain in Peru.

F~mily and Friends 6 Time to talk! Student Audio CD Script

:--~~-\. -.. ·,rT: -- --~---.·--·-,,-"'": -- .,,. ..-: --- .....

Listening 80. Listen and repeat.
· basic, busy, cheap, dull, expensive, luxurious,
peaceful, stimulating

Listening 81. Listen and repeat.

I wish I was taller.
I wish I could fly.
. I wish it wasn't the last day of our vacation.

Listening 82. Listen and answer.

Do you wish you were on vacation?
Whal other things do you wish?

Listening 83. Listen and repeat.

There are lots of robots, aren't there?
You can swim, can't you?
You like strawberry ice cream, don't you?
You packed your sunglasses, didn't you?

Listening 84. Listen and answer.

You like to travel, don't you?
You're twelve years old, aren't you?

Listening 85. Listen and repeat.

board game, flavors, unfortunately, scary, spicy, rickshaw, give up,

Listening 86. Listen and sing I wish

I was on vacation.
I wish I was on vacation
And having lots of fun,
Swimming in the bright, blue, sea
Or sitting in the sun.

I wish I was on vacation

And playing on the sand,
Run:iing around the yellow beach
With ice cream in my hand.

I wish I was on vacation

With friends and family, too.
Smiling, talking, playing games,
And laughing all day through.

I wish I wasn't at the bus stop

And feeling cold and wet.
1·wish I was on vacation
But it isn't summer yet!


Family and Friends ~ Time to talk! Student Audio CD Scripi"

~- .':.
.·. 'ITT: ---· ...
Student Book

Jenny Quintana OXFORD

Simple present Present progressive Simple past Past progressive Irregular past forms

· Present perfect: for I since I already I just I

yet/ before
I've been here since 9 o'clock/ for five days. Listening: Listening for detail in Writing outcome: Writing a letter
The parade has already/ just finished. an interview to a friend (Workbook)
I haven't seen any fireworks yet.
I've never eaten anything so delicious before. Speaking: Asking and answering
questions about food festivals
Simple past and present perfect
I went there last year.
I've made my costume.

Reported speech Writing focus: Using process

"I need to take a shower." He said he needed to I diagrams
Listening: Listening for detail in [ Writing outcome: Using a process
"We're inventing a new car." He said they were an interview diagram to explain how a bike
inventing a new car. works (Workbook)
Speaking: Asking and answering
questions about different forms of

The passive (future) Reading: A w,ebsite article:

You will be given ten new laptops. Computers - Fu11 Facts
The passive (present perfect) (Cross-curriculm link) Writing outcome: Writing
These wires have been disconnected. Listening: Listening for details a research report (Workbook)
about why people use computers

- "" -- - . -.,,;r: --- ..

1Relative pronouns: who, which 1Reading: An encyclopedia entry: Writinq focus: Writinq a
There are many climbers who successfully climb Famous Shipwrecks person-alized text about our
Mount Everest. (Cross-curricular link) dream job
They come to see Mount Everest which is the Listening: Listening for detail in a Writing outcome: Writing a
highest mountain in the world. tour guide personalized essay (Workbook)
Relative pronouns: that Speaking: Asking and answering
He met a man that was more than 120 years old. q_uestions about beir:ig an explorer

Past perfect Reading: An interview: The Nazca Writing focus: Features of a

After they had climbed onto the ship, they saw Lines (Cross-curricular link) tourist information brochure
there was no one there. Listening: Listening for detail in Writing outcome: Writing a
Past perfect q_uestions and negative sentences an advertisement tourist information brochure
Had people invented trucks and trains before they Speaking: Asking and answering (Workbook)
built the Pyramids? q_uestions about mysteries
They hadn't invented trucks and trains before
they built the Pyramids.

Modal verbs: should I ought to I must

You should wear light clothes.
You ought not to bring jewelry. Listening: Listening and ordering Writing outcome: Writing on
You must stay with your guide. events advice text (Workbook)
might, could, have to Speaking: Asking and answering
Your survival suit might be broken. q_uestions about surviving on a
That suit could be dangerous. desert island
I have to do some more work on it.

Reported speech (all tenses) Reading: AQuestion and

He said he wanted to visit lots ofcountries. Answer text: Languages ofthe
He said he was looking forward to the trip. world (Cross-currin1lor link) Writing outcome: Writing an
He said he had cycled around Africa. Listening: Listening and matching advertisment (Workbook)
Words in context: He said he had taken lessons in French and
Languages of the world speakers to statements
Speaking: Asking and answering
Reflexive pronouns: myself, yourself, itself, q_uestions about languages
himself, herself, ourselves, yourselves, and
The machine turned itself off.

Reported speech: Wh- q_uestions Where, Why, Writing focus: Writing a· poem and
What, Who, and When using similes
He asked him where he was. Listening: Identifying missing Writing outcome: Writing a poem
Reported speech: commands and req_uests words in a poem using similes (Workbook)
told/asked Speaking: Asking and answering
He told us to turn off our cell phones. q_uestians about space
He asked them to leave quietly.

Working with words: I wish I was taller.
Silent letters: wand h I wish I could fly. (Cross-curricular link) Writing outcome:
I wish it wasn't the last day of our vacation. Listening: Listening for detail in Writing on essay (Workbook)
Words in context:
My year around the world Question tags on interview -
There are lots of robots, aren't there? I Speaking: Asking and answering
You can swim, can't you?
You like ice cream, don't you?
_ !q_uestions about traveling

lligQ@J iii iiJIMU iN


· - Story

1 listen and read. Where does Tom come from? ~ -01

everyone! This is Tom ...Tom is

cousin, and Libby's of course!
Hi; everyone! ••E!AI~
Tom's from Canada, but
family lives here now.


- .. ,.,,... --- -·- •.::-

He was Jim Fisher - the best
basketball player in town.
He invited us to the game
because we helped him.
Lucky you! I love sports!
I play ice hockey in can

2 Listen to the story again and repeat. Act.

3 Read again and write True or False.
1 Ed and Kate went on vacation to Florida. True
2 Libby and her family stayed at home.
3 Libby is Tom's cousin.
4 Fin had the cos.tu mes for the play in his car.
S Tom enjoys playing sports.
6 Fin gives Tom a bag and a T-shirt.
-· '·' ·~· ·- ,, . .. .i . .': GrCllmmar 1

1 Listen and read. Where did Professor go? ~ 02

Did you enjoy the robot

convention, Professor?

Yes, thanks, Chip. I go I'm looking for your present.

there every year. It's Here it is! When I was :. Yes! It walks and it talks. When I
always great! walking around the robot was sitting on the plane, it said
convention, I saw this! hello to the man next to me!
2 listen and repeat. ~ 03

Use the simple present to talk about habits Use the simple past to talk about actions
and routines. that interrupted o!~er actions in the past.
I go there every year. It's always great! When I was sitting on the plane, it said
Use the present progressive to talk about hello to the man next to me!
actions happening now. Use the past progressive to talk about
What are you doing? actions that were interrupted.
I'm looking for your present. When I was walking.around, I saw this.

3 Read and circle.

1 I@/ am going swimming on 2 My brother watches I is watching TV at
Saturday mornings. the moment.
3 My mom and dad work I were working 4 We had/ are having Lundi yesterday.
last week.
4 Ask arid answer.
sit I on the grass run I home

what was he dping w11et1l

the storm started? j

\ He tCin i'l(Ji"ne. \.__~

• ____,-
1-L.. /\/1.'l'l"i"P"
..J ~I

« - - • ,. - '. '.' ~· - - .1' ;~'

-'Q • ir•r-: --- -· • --· -e - -.,,-,... - - .


, · Grnmmar 2

With some irregular verbs, the simple past and With other irregular verbs, the simple past
the past participle are the same. and the past participle are different.
Verb Past tense Past participle Verb Past tense Past participle
1 buy oouqru: ooLLqnc 1 speak spoiee spoicen

2 hear 2 grow
3 make 3 take
4 use 4 wear
5 keep 5 write
6 have 6 fly
7 catch 7 eat
8 get 8 see
9 find 9 go

1 Complete the charts. (!)Irregular verb list page 119

2 Listen and order the Lines. Sing. ~ 04


·WeU~@m® b@dd
--:. .''.}:::.'\.,-,7'"-,~:···c·
_·1 ··· You're back from your break in the sun.
And there's lots of work in store.
'Di;~ Now it's back to school once more
You're sad your vacation's clone. .

·You had a good time by the sea

' ·L·"with your friends and your family.
I \ . "\:

'i)X f! _~·, But you can still have some fun. ,

· · ' Now your lessons have begun

You visited people you knew,

so welcome back today.
You went on a picnic or two.
But you knew you couldn't stay; . . ·
1 Listen and read. What is the theme for the mural? ~ os

about flags or maps? They're easy.

ink we want somethin more excitin

2 Listen to the story again and repeat. Act.

3 Read again and write True or False.
1 The children are going to paint the walls. 2 The theme is "Around the world". - - -
3 Kate is good at drawing animals. 4 Ed wants to draw people.··
5 Libby Likes Kate's idea. 6 The children don't know what
to do.

Unit i Art proje.:t!


1 Listen a111d repeat. ~ 06

2 Write the words.

1 12aintin.g noun a picture that someone has painted
2 noun a building where you can go to look at paintings and other art
3 noun a picture of a person
4 noun the part of a picture that looks like it's far from you
5 noun an animal, a shape, or a person made from stone, wood, etc.
6 _ _ _ _ _ _ noun a very big picture painted on a wall

popular friendly happy patient possible polite

unpopular unfriendly unhappy impatient impossible impolite

3 Listen and repeat. ~ 01

4 Read and circle.

1 Tom is very friendly /..unfriendly,. He never speaks to anyone.
2 My sister is very popular/ unpopular. Everyone likes her.
3 Jon is a very polite I impolite boy. He always says "please" and "thank you."
4 Why are you so happy I unhappy? Is it because you lost the game?

Words Unit I '~

T '

~~····----·--·-- -"·-·---

l Listen and read. Where do Professor and Chip go? ~ os

I'm going to visit an art

gallery this afternoon.

2 Listen and repeat. ~ 09


Use going to to talk about plans or decisions Use will to talk about decisions or offers
we made earlier. we make as we speak.
I'm going to visit an art gallery this I'll come with you!
afternoon. I won't come with you. I'm too busy ..
I'm not going to go totownthisweekend. Look! 'LL= will won't= will not

3 Read and circle.

1 Our class will /~go to a museum next week..
2 Are you thirsty? I'll/ I'm going to get you a drink.
3 We won't I We're not going to visit our grandparents today. They're on vacation.
4 I'll I I'm going to buy a travel book for my vacation next week.

4 Complete the sentences. Use will or going to.

1 A I'm going to_ buy some ice cream.
B IJL come with you! .
2 A I'm cold.
BI close the window.
3 A I visit Mexico this summer.
B That's an interesti~g country.
4 A I don't understand this question.
8 I help you.

10 Unit 1
going to and will 0 Complete Grammar Time Eitercises 1-3 on page 8 of Workbook 6.

'';: ...... -- -,.,, __

r '':jf
···------·---------- _______________________ _, ______________ ._ii

1 listen cmd react Where does Hmry want to go with Ben? ~ 10

Hi Ben,
What are you doing today? I'm catching a bus into town at 10:15
with Fred. Do !:JOU want to come? We're meeting Jack at 11 o'dod<
at the bus station. Then, at 12 o'clock, we're going to an art
exhibition at our friend's art club.
In the afternoon, Fred is watching a movie at the movie theater.
He already has tickets, but there are no tickets Left, so we can't
go! I'm not doing anything. Do you want to watch a DVD at my
house instead?
See you soon!

2 Listen and repeat. ~ 11

~ Complete the sentences. Use the present progressive.

1 I1m meetlng (meet) Ben at one o'clock this afternoon.
2 We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (catch) a train at three thirty.
3 (you/ visit) your grandparents after school?
4 The children (play) a basketball game at two o'clock.
5 What movie (you/ watch) at the movie theater tonight?

tiJ. Ask and answer.

feed I the penguins

go/ home
have/ lunch
leave I school
visit/ the elephant enclosure
watch/ the dolphin display

What are they

doing at 8:00 a.m.?

At 8:00 a.m., they're

leaving school.

9J Complete Grammar Time Exercises 1-3 on page 9 of Workbook 6. Present c-ontinuous with -future m':1anin9 Unit l :ilJl
1 Look at the story and the paintings. Which painting d_o you think the story is about?

Isla d Adventure
Max was staying with his cousin Ryan by the sea. Every day, the boys went to
the beach and played volleyball or went fishing. But one day, they stood on the
sand and stared across the sea at a small island in the
distance. v
"I'd like to explore that island," said Max.
"Let's borrow my brother's boat and go there," said
Ryan. "We'll be back before he finds out!"
The boys rowed to the island and left the boat on the
sand. They climbed trees, swam in the river and found
some caves. At last, they decided to go home, but when
they went back to the boat, it wasn't there!
"What are we going to do?" asked Max. "Nobody knows
we're here!"
"Let's make a fire," said Ryan. "Someone will see the
"How?" asked Max.
"We can hit two rocks together to make a fire. Come on!"
But it was dark before the boys had a fire.
Suddenly, there was a splash of water. The boys stared
across the sea. A dark shape was coming towards them.
"Run!" shouted Max.
"Hey!" said a voice. "Don't you want to go home?"
Ryan's brother was standing on the beach next to the
missing boat.
"How did you find us?" asked Ryan in amazement.
"I saw the boat floating near the shore, so I swam out to A Small Volcan.o in. Mexican. Coun.tryside
get it. Then I saw your smoke."
"That was lucky," said Ryan.
"Yes," said Ryan's brother, as they rowed back, "but next time tell me before you
take my boat out and always tie it to a tree!"

3 Read again and write the answers.

1 Is Max on vacation? Yes, he is. 2 Do the boys swim to the island?
3 Are there any caves on the island? 4 Do the boys lose their boat?
5 Do they use matches to start a fire? 6 Does Ryan's father find the boys? _ _ __

dl.2 Unit 1 Reading: a story

1 Find the words in the story. Write.

stare JJYi<.I smoke borrow hit splash float tie

1 The man used his boat to row across the river.

2 My brother sometimes lets me his bik~.
3 There was a big when the boy jumped into the pool.
4 I love to sit and at flowers and trees.
5 The from the fire filled the room.
6 I learned to my shoe Laces when I was four.
7 Ducks can on the water.
8 You should never your brother or your sister!

2 Listen. Do the children Like the painting? ~ 13

3 Listen again and circle.

1 The children are Looking at a painting~/ on a wall.
2 The artist of the painting was French/ Italian.
3 The artist painted the picture in 1991/1891.
4 The children think the tiger is in a forest I zoo.
S They think the tiger is hungry I thirsty.
6 They decide to write a poem /story.

Tiger in a Tropical Storm (Surprised!)··..

4 Ask and answer. Use the prompts or your own answers.

Tiger in a Tropical Storm (Surprised!)/
I like
There is/ are a tiger I some trees c:ind plants I a storm I
an island/the sea I mountains I a lake
colorful I exciting/ unusual
Yes, I do/ No, I don't .:_Jt
· · 'sJun/
· · 1t
· "s_interest
· · · ing, ,. · ·· ood
·.·. · /•..I.m,g ... ·.···at
._ ..•·-.
because . painting/I'rnnotver~gooddt.!Jf.lintiriQo:

Words in conte){t: Island Adventure, listening :md speaking Unit J 13

I .

1 Look at the story. What is it about?

There are Lots A Stormy Day at Sea

of things to Harry was on a fishing trip with his
remember when dad. It was cloudy, but it wasn't
we write a story. raining, so they sailed far out from
the shore. The sky suddenly went
We can start a new dark. v
line when someone
new speaks. ~ "I think there's going to be
a storm," said Harry's dad.
We use adverbs to "Should we go back?" said Harry
describe how people --® nervously.
say things and how "It's too late!"
people feel.

When the reader

knows who's
I Harry felt the first drops of rain.
Lightning flashed and there was the sound of
thunder. Waves splashed over them and the boat rocked from
side to side.
speaking, we don't
have to put their "Hold on!" shouted Harry's dad above the sound o"t the wind.

. ;:
name. The storm lasted an hour, but at last the weather changed and
the sea was calm.
We put the speech
and the punctuation Harry was cold and wet but he was excited too. He felt like a·
inside the quotation real fisherman.

3 Read again and answer the q,uesti,ons.

1 How long does the storm last? 2 How does Harry feel after the storm has finish~d?

4 Write this dialog correctly. I

• It's (l be~u.tiful day I said Mandy. Do you want to go to the park?
asked Olivia .. I can'tl. sai~ Man~y Why not? asked Olivia. I have
' •• ' ,. ' •• ,.,,, t • •\ . . . ,· ,,: ., • •• '

l to clean my room, said Mandy sadly. I'll help you I said Olivia. Oh
; thank you I said Mandy happily.

''lfs a beautiful dctLJ!" sald Mandq.

JlJn, Uni·r 1 V\f:'iting: a sto;y

l·@£5©1l'll ~5r;fhit

1 Complete the quiz.

2 Listen and write. Sing. ~ 14

landscape blue clouds ~rrg- green colors black mural

I'm going to paint a 1 ·pain.ting I'm going to paint a 4- - - - I'm going to paint a 7_ _ __
In 2- - - - silver ancl 3- - - - In colars 5 In colors yellow ancl 8
- - - - ancl gray, _ _ __

Bright stars and oceans, Dark skies and clark 6- - - - · sunshine ancl lemon trees,
Ancl maybe a dolphin or two. Acolcl and stormy clay. A sunny country scene.
I• ;!

Review Unit 1
a~. ·1,i··

What about you, l<ate?

Well, if I had the time, I'd do it. Me? Well, I don't dislike
But I have too much homework. but ... I'm terrible at it!
Tom And Libb and I have an ice ska You'll have to do it, l<ate. There's no

2 Listen to the story again and repeat. Act.

3 Read again and write the names. [.--E-d--1<-a-te--L-i-bb_y__li_o_m--..j

1 Eel finds a useful section in the Library. 2 _ _ _ finds a book about sports.
3 - - - - asks who is free. 4 is studying in the evening.
5 and Tom are going ice skating. 6 has time to do the drawing.

16 Unit 2 Sports adventures!

1 Usten and repeat. ~ 16

2 Write the words.

1 ____
skiing_,____ noun a sport that you do on snow in the mountains
2 _______ noun a sport where you go down under the ground to explore
3 _______ noun a sport where you jump off a hill and fly high in the air
4 _______ noun Ill sport where you hit a ballwith a bat, then run around a diamond shape
s _______ noun a sport where you climb mountains using ropes
6 _______ noun a sport where you slide over frozen water wearing special boots

honest like obey correct experienc~d sensitive

dishonest dislike disobey incorrect inexperienced insensitive

3 Listen and repeat. ~ 11

4 Complete the sentences. Use dis- or in-.

1 I really dislike Ben. He's never nice to anyone. ·
2 Liz is avery _honest person. She never tells the truth.
3 This answer is _correct. It's not thirty-two, it's forty-two.
4 My brother is a very _experienced climber. He's only climbed one mountain.

Words Unit 2 :il.iJ


1 listen and read. What sport me they talking about? (§) 1s

Leo What are we doing tomorrow?

Dad If the weather is good, we'll go paragliding.
Leo Cool! But I've never done \t before. What will
I do if I'm scared?
Dad You won't be scared! But, don't worry, if you
don't like it, I won't take you again. Leo· Wowt this is amazing!

2 Listen and repeat. (§) 19

Use the first conditional to talk about things that might Will you come for a walk if
happen in the future. the weather is good?
If the weather is good, we'll go paragliding. Yes, I will.
If you don't like it, I won't take you again.
I won't take you again if you don't like it.

3 Read and match.

1 If I go shopping, W a they won't win the game.
2 If they don't score any goals,0 b I'll buy some new sneakers.
3 We'll buy tickets for the game 0 c she won't go rock climbing.
4 Will they have lessons 0 d if they go skiing next year?
S If she can't find a good instructor, 0 e if our favorite team is playing.

4 Write sentences. Use the first conditional.

1 if I I I finish /my homework I I I visit I my friends
if I finish mq horn.ew~ijs_L I'll visit rn.LI friends.
2 you / not win/ the race I if I you I not run/ fast
3 we/ go I to the park I if I it I not rain I tomorrow
4 if I she I go I to the party I she I buy I a new dress
],$ Unit 2 first conditional 0 Complete Grammar Time Exercises 1-3 on page 16 of Workbook 6.
ll.~!iiS©li'il fiS@Mii" Grnmmar 2
l Usitell'll \Clllt'ldl read. Wlhat sport is Chip playill'llg? e!i& 20

I like basketball, but I rnn't

get the ball into the hoop.

Hmm. If you had longer

legs, you'd jump higher.

2. Listen and repeat. e!i& 21

Use the second conditional to talk about thi~gs th~f , . Would you play basketb~Ll if
are unreal or unlikely to happen in the future. you lived in the U.S.A.?
If I had a camerci, I'd take a picture. Yes, I would.
If I had longer legs, I wouldn't play so badly. No, I wouldn't.
Look! ··Look!
If you took a picture, I'd never speak to you again. . 'd =would
I'd never speak to you again if you took a picture. wouldn't= would not

• • ·~· !"

3 Complete the sentences. Use the second conditional. G1r~~9ti1~rve~b list

1 If I found (find) a little spider in my house, I'd _Qut (put) it outside.
2 If I (Live) in the mountai~s, I (go) skiing every weekend!
3 Ben (buy).a house for his parents if he (have) a Lot of money.
4 I (run) away if I (see) a snake.

4 Ask and answer.

Would he run away
Harry Jon Tim .,,13en ·> if he saw a spider?
run away put it outside run away putit ( f\IO, he WOLlldn't. ~
goto the go to the go to the go to the woi1ld he go to the f[,1tiire if
past future future past he had a time machine?
go on go on ( Yes, he wo[,Jld. ~
buy a bike buy a bike

e Complete Grammar Time Exercises 1-3 on pa9e l 7 of Workbook 6. Second conditional Unit 2 :Jl. ~
·' ,.,~: ,. -

1 Look at the article. Choose the correct title.

a) Working with animals b) The life of a free-diver c) The dangers of the ocean

2 Listen and reaci. ~ 22

Tanya Streeter grew up on Grand Cayman Island in the

middle of the Caribbean Sea. When she was a child, she
loved being in the ocean and she spent as much time as
possible in the water, snorkeling and studying fish and other
, sea life. She also liked diving deep down into the ocean to
look for rocks and shells. This is how Tanya discovered ,a
sport she could do. '
The sport was called free-diving. Thousands of years ago,
people dived deep into the oceans to catch fish and to look
for pearls. They didn't have any diving·equipment to help
them breathe in those days. Today, this kind of diving has
become a popular sport. People dive as deep as possible
with no breathing equipment. They stay under the water for
as long as they can before they have to breathe.

Tanya had one lesson in free-diving and found out

that she was very talented. She had more lessons and
then started to compete against people from all over
the world. In 1998, she broke her first world record
when she dived 113 meters down into the ocean. She
broke many more records after that. Tanya trains
for four or five hours every day in the gym and in the
pool. But the freedom she feels when she's free-diving
makes it worth all the hard work.
Tanya is also interested in looking after the
environment and protecting wildlife. She has worked
hard to tell the world about how dangerous pollution
is for whales and dolphins and she is often on TV.

3 Read again and write True or False.

1 Tanya Streeter lived on an island. True
2 She disliked being in water when she was young.
3 Free-divers dive without equipment.
4 Tanya has only broken one record.
5 Tanya only ever trains in water.

~@ Unit 2 Reading; a spor·~s profile

1 Find the words in the sports profile to match the pictures and definitions.

noun the feeling

that you can do ' noun the
whatever you natural world
want to do

2 ------ 3 ------ 4 -------

adj very good I ~

~~~~::,g l noun animals


6 ------ 7 ------

2 Listen. What sport are they talking about? (§) 23

3 Listen again and complete.

Name: Jon Parks
Co1111lllltry: 1 Australia Diei':
Age: 2 o fruit and vegetables
----- s 4
'irraill'!IBB'lg: -----
Deepesll' «I/five:
0 running - every day -----
e swimming - 3 · hours Next c@mpe1l'i1l'i@Uil:
every day Caribbean - in 6- - - - -
0 gym - four times a week
_,..,. . •. -
·no,,..,.f1'r:.,.-,-,.,~'"'!":~'"C"7"'"'7"''7"- ••. ..., .... _,....,.:-•.•,,·\--;~-:-,...~:;-.·.....,--.•":"",--.,.,,.,~~·~-:-~ .. ...,..,,...,:-·":":----:-;-;~···~·.-:-·~.•ft••..-.···:---=--·"""""7'--'",":·,~·:-·-~·::;o-:-~:--_,......,-_,.,'"1""""·..,...--.·-.·,-;·~...-.-::~·"':'·'-,7"'

4 Ask and answer. Use the prompts or your own answers.

~Id you like to tly fm-divingl
. ,;Yes,JwoylqJl\Jo,.I,w,ouldn't. !.:••........ . ; ,.. · .
·· '·: ·.• "•;• . '...: •. ~ ,; '.. ..C:<:..'..: : :•.. ~-'~'·" :,- . .: .•. L '-' ••:. ·_..~. ,..·:. • : :, •.

3/Whynot? exciting/ amazing I scary I difficult

~at's your favorite sport? soccer /tennis/ swimming/ basketball

What other sports would I'd love to try P(][(]gl,id,i11gL?~iipg [?11.<Jf~t=ling l. ·

you like to try? · ke skating I diving

Words in context: Tanya Streeter, fistenin9 and speaking Unit 2 21

1 Look at the concept map. What sport is it about?
2 R"'n.<l

A concept map is a useful way of organizing information.

You can use concept maps to plan essays, stories, brochures,
and other pieces of writing. ·

1 Think of a topic.
Write the name of
the topic in the
middle of the page.

2 Think of your ideas.

Draw lines from the
main topic and write
them at the end.

3 Think of information
connected to each
idea. Draw lines and
write it at the end.

3 Read again and answer the questions.

1 What kind of sport is caving? 2 What kind of equipment do you need?

4 Complete the brochure with information from thE;? concept map.

fifl©~i'J' ~@ §1\l@ff~ l@rS\l@i~llml®ll'nfi

The best way to start caving is to Light is very important, so you
look on the internet. Look at some need a helmet with a light on it.
\,!IB@i Ii$ (<t1\'W'UWg? pictures and some good websites. It's very cold in caves, so wear
Caving is an exciting adventure After that, you should join a warm clothes and 5 You
sport that is practiced all over the 3
should also take a
world! It involves 1 .. exploring
caves with a group of people. satet!B
It's great fun and you can see Caving can be dangerous. Never
underground 2 , too. go caving alone. Always go with
a4 ond always take the
correct equipment.

Unit 2 Writing: a concept map

---- -~ - .,.. ......, -- --· -


1 Complete the quiz.

~noun) a sport where yau

climb mountains using ropes 'f~Y\,
-~~~'..'.'.'.h~,::: '"·~ .J

Complete the sentence.

You can use a concept
map to plan_.

2 listen and write. Sing. ~ 24

climbing caving diving jump . base~all ice s_~9te ~

··0 lf r ,!:J

Clf@~y @b@l!:!l'll' ~porrt£'i

I o~en play 1 soccer

or go for a run.
And if I went 2_ _ __
I'd have lots of fun.

I really love 3_ _ __
And 4 is great.
. If I lived near a rink,
I'd love to 5- - - -

I like to play 6_ _ __
It's so fun to play.
If I lived by the ocean,
I'd go 7 all day.

But whatever I do,

Run fast or 8_ _ _ _ high,
Win or lose races -
I just love to try!

Review Unit 2
ll®:S$~D~···1~.~!__ ,~!~Y.. __ ,
l Listen and read. What does Kate draw? ~ 2s

Well done! These are all great ideas! Next weel

we'll paint the murals and nave a celebration!
The theme is ... "Around the world"! Please bri
some traditional food from around the world!
··--·•·-:~ ...

2 Listen to the story again and repeat. Act.

3 Read again and write True or False.

1 Kate arrives early at the club. False 2 Kate has told Ed about the pictures ..
3 Kate has changed their idea. 4 Kate tells the club about their pictures.
5 Fin makes the food for the celebration. - - - 6 The wall doesn't look good. I
J2d':J. Unit 3 It's festival time! [·
: ... )

JI, Uste111 a111d repeat. ~ 26

amazillllg adj very good cllisgLDstill1lg adj very bad; horrible

.... M ,. .. 'f

~-.. ......... ...,lQj Vl:J.'hJ bGLl.

lbriglhit adj strong in color from other things

__ dlelidoll.lls adj tasting ver1;1 good tracllitiomd adj something that has always been
dlesertecll adj empty, with no one there · done or made in the same wa1;1

2 Read and circle. b-

1 I wore a~/ delicious red costume to the party.


2 The music was bright/ awful. No one liked it. r

3 The pizza is delicious/ deserted. Can I have some more, please?
4 The costumes are really disgusting/ original. I've never seen anything like them before.
5 I'm sorry, but this rice tastes amazing/ disgusting. I can't eat it .
. 6 Everybody wore deserted/ traditional clothes from their different countries.

poison hazard
dangerous poisonous hazardous

When the noun ends in -y,

we change the -y to an -i and add -ous.
fame adventure fury
famous adventurous furious

3 Listen and repeat. ~ 27

4 Read and circle.

1 My mom was fury /~rio~when I broke the window.
2 Fireworks can be danger/ dangerous, so be careful when you're near them.
3 My brother's really adventure/ adventurous. He loves traveling to different places.
4 The wet floor is a safety hazard/ hazardous. Someone might fall down.

Words Unit 3 ~5
listen and react Where is the reporter? (§) 2s

The festival has been going on for

two clays now and there are still
thousands of people in the streets.
I've been here since nine o'ciock this
morning and it's been great! The
parade has already finished. There
are food stalls everywhere and I've
just eaten some delicious pancakes.
I haven't seen any fireworks yet.
They're going to be on later tonight.

Z Listen and repeat. (§) 29

. Use the pres~rit perfect an~ sine:~ .tQ. tqlk WE! usE! thes.e ti.rn.e words with the present
about past actions after a cert~i~ time or perfect: ,•

date, e.g. 2:00 p.m., Last Saturday, May. The parade has already finished.
I've been here since nine o'clock this morning. I've just eaten some delicious pancakes.
Use the present perfect and for to talk about I haven't seen any fireworks yet.
past actions in a period of time, e.g. a week, I've never been to a festival before.
two hours, a day. Look! These time words are used in
The festival has been going on for two days. different places in the sentence.

3 Read and circle.

1 I haven't been to a festival like t h i s 9 / already.
2 He hasn't cleaned his room already/ yet, so he can't go out.
3 The girls haven't worn traditional clothes just/ before.
4 Have you tried any of the food just/ yet?
5 We've already/ yet seen the fireworks. They were great.
4 Write sentences about Emma. 0 Irregular verb list

1 live I in France I four months

She's lived in. Fran.ce for four mon.ths.
2 have I her necklace I June
3 know I her friend I 2006
4 be I in the cafe /two hours
5 speak I French/ four years

~Complete Grammar Time Exercises.1-3

~I@ Unit 3 Present perfect: since, for, already, just, yet, .:md before
'\;;Jon page 24 of Workbook 6.

-~ - -,,r. --- ·~· ~

.-~- ··. -. -,,r. ~
r 'i?J

1 listen cnrnd !l'eact Where do Chip and Pll'ofessoll' go? ~ 30

Look at this parade! Everyone

has to wear a costume. This
year, the theme is "The Future."

2 Listen and repeat. ~ 31

Use th~ simple pasHo'talk,abco:atactfons Use the present perfect to talk about actions
that startedandfinishedinthE!past. We in the past t~at are still important now. We
often say when the a~tion happened. often don;t say when the'action happened.
I went there last year. I've.
my costume.

3 Complete the sentences. Use the simple past or the present perfect. G Irregular verb lis.t
1 I went (go) to the festival yesterday. It was great!
2 I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (go)to New York three times in my life.
3 We (visit) Brazil last summer.
4 I (have) my lunch at one o'clock.
5 I (eat) Chinese food.
· '4 Ask and answer.
fireworks a basketball game
New York

~ Has he ever seen fireworks? )

(2 months ago) ". '-·~ ... _
e/ .
(last summer) ~·
e/. e/ ----)(--
Ben (3 WE!eks ago) (Last S~turday) (He saw them two months ago.>.
e/ ...... ......
Jon (2 months ago) (Last Saturday) (3 years (]go) Has he ever been to
a basketball game?
...... t/
" (2 wee.ks ago) (Last summer) ( No, he hasn't. >.

G Complete Grammar Time Exercises 1-3 on page 25 of Workbook 6. Simple past I present perfect Unit 3 "1.71
l Look at the article. Which countries are the festivals in?
2 Listen and read. ~ 32


liv~ls ·· ·. .
.ifii1~~i~~i;tl~1li~il~~~t f"
,;, >

1 If you like food, !:JOu'll love the Kimchi Festival. This festival
takes place in October every yea:i; in Gwangju in Korea.
It lasts for five days but what does it celebrate? Kimchi,
of ~ourse! Kimchi is a traditional dish made with onions,
garlic, peppers, and other vegetables. It is very ~' but it
can be sweet, too. It is also very good for you! At the festival,
visitors can taste different kinds of kimchi. There are also
kimchi-making competitions.

2 The Gilroy Garlic Festival is one of the largest food festivals

in the U.S.A. The festival takes place every year in Gilroy,
California. It happens on the last weekend in July and it's
one of the best garlic festivals in the world. So what do
people do during the festival? Well, they eat lots of things
made with garlic including garlic ice cream and garlic fries.
There are also garlic cooking demonstrations, music, and

3 People celebrate the Moon Festival in different parts of

Asia including China. The festival takes place every year
in September or October. It lasts for three days and people
celebrate the end of the summer harvest. So, what do people
eat? The traditional food is moon cakes. These are round,
sweet cakes and they are very popular. The cakes have
different fillings. You can have ice cream, chocolate, or
traditional red-bean paste. People also carry lanterns at the
festival and watch traditional dancing.

3 Read again and complete the chart.

17 '1
Name? The Kimchi Festival The Gilroy Garlic Festival The Moon Festival
Country? South Korea l China
When? 2
July September/ October
How long? 3
A weekend 4

SpecigJJqgd? l<imchi 5 .6
- ' ·-· , ~f

lS Unit 3 Reading: cm article


.. . ...
,,.... -~- -····-·
1 Find the words in the article. Write.

last celebrate harvest garlic spicy ~tnrtiOn · filling sweet

1 Our science teacher gives us a demon.stratlon. when we do experiments.

2 My favorite sandwich is strawberry jelly.
3 Some people put into tomato sauce to give it a better taste.
4 I always_ my birthday with a party.
5 The exam doesn't long. It's only an hour.
6 I love things like chocolate and ice cream.
7 We have lots of fruit and vegetables at time.
8 My dad likes really hot and food.

2 Listen. What food do they celebrate in the festival? ~ 33

3 Listen again and wrjte True or False.

1 The rice festival takes place in France. True·
2 The rice festival is in October.
3 It lasts for one week.
4 You can buy rice dishes in the street.
5 The streets are very quiet during the festival.
6 People ride horses in the streets .

. ,4 Ask and answer. Use the prompts or your own answers.

Which of the places would I'd like to go to
you like to go to? Korea I the USA I China /France

Which food from the festivals I'd like to eat the kimchi /garlic ice cream I moon cakes I
would you like to eat? rice with fish or chicken

What other kind of food festival A pizza festival./ A cake festival. I

would you like to go to? An ice cream festival. I A fruit festival. I
A cheese festival.

Because I like

Words in conteJCt: Top Food Festivals, listening and speaking Unit 3 29

1 look at Danny's letter. What type of letter is it?
a) a thank you letter b) an invitation c) a letter of complaint
2 Read. to thcmk people, to
:~ invite them to an
3a I Floor ~,
4th event, to complain
We start a letter Fo Tan Road, ~ and for many other
with "Dear" and the ij, reasons.
Uong Kong ' t;
person's name.

First we say why Dear Joe fl at the top, on the

we are writing. For ~ Thank you ~o much for inviting me to the Gilroy Garlic ;: right.
example, if we are / Festival. It was so interesting to see all the different ~ . ,.
writing a thank you
food. My favorite part of the festival was the eooking ·~r'. ·: . · We wnte the date
letter, we write what under the address.
we are thanking demonstration when we learned how to make garlic ice fi

them for. cream! I made it for my mom and dad when I came back ... rI.•.

to f.1011g Kong. I also loved the garlic fries. They were !

delicious! ~ When we use two
If we include
something with the I really enjoyed being in California. It was great to stay ( or more adjec:ives:
in that amazing, big, 11ew hotel. I would Love to visit you ~ wed put them in this
letter, like a photo
or present, we write in the U.S.A. again and see some more places. _1_ _ or er:
~ 1
opinion, size, age,
why we've sent it. I have sent you a picture I took at the garlic festival so ~· color.
we always remember it!
t I

We finish a letter ~ Best wishes,
with "Best wishes"
or "From". Danny

3 Read again and answer the questions.

1 What festival did Danny go to? 2 What was Danny's favorite part of the festival?
4 Number the parts of the letter in the correct order. ---1
0 I have sent you an irwitation to my birthday 0 Thank you for inviting me to your town for
party next weekend. I hope you caH come! the Fourth of July festival. It was great!
0 I also liked the fireworks. They were really My favorite part of the festival was the picnic.
The food was delicious!
amazing, huge, red fireworks. A11d I loved the
music the band played. It was a great evening. OJ 10 Spri11g Road,
0 Sunday July 10th Chicago

0 From, 0 Dear Alice,


3((ll Unit 3 Writing: a letter
.. .,. -·- " ...,...~ -- -· '-
·, ·~

Make the word into an adjective.,
. . danger . ,
~ ..... ~_., -~L\,l.A&W:.s::z;;Uti!C'l:<• --. .·r ,"~r,

2 Listen and write. Sing. ~ 34

amazi~--- good night deserted traditional bright .str-eef

I ..
') ~ ~f--
Thml® t@ ~@ff@br@t~§
It's time to celebrate,
People are out in the 1 street .
They're laughing and dancing and clapping their hands,
To 2
music and 3
It's time to celebrate,
Fireworks are up in the sky.
They're whizzing and banging and making a scene,
In pretty 4_ _ _ _ colors of reel, gold, and green.

It's time to celebrate,

Children have come out for fun.
They're running and jumping, buying food to eat,
- - - - cakes and - - - - treats.

It's all over now,

The streets are 7 again.
Parents are holding their children tight,
They're smiling and yawning and saying 8
_ _ __

Review Unit 3 31
1 Look at the pictures. What can you see?

2 Read.

The Olympic ME7dals

There is a ceremony after
The First Modern Games each event. The three
In 1896, a Frenchman called . winners stand together. Their ··, --"'""
Baron 'de· C6ubertin brought · · flags ar€7 rais~d .. The nqti()Qal
them back. He organized . anthem of the winning country is
an international event · played; The.n they are given their
with many of the original medals: bronze, silver, and gold.
traditions. The first modern ·
Olympic Games took place in The Paralympk
Athens, Greece and fourteen Games
countries took part.
Baron de Coubertin The Paralympic Games
first took place in
The Olympic Rings Rome in 1960. They
The Olympic flag was are for people with
first flown at the.1920 . disabilities. Events
Olympics. The five rings include swimmin~ and
represent five world wheelchair basketpall.
continents. Each ring is The Paralympic Games
a different color: red, is now a world-famous
blue, green, yellow, and sporting event.
black. Every country has
one of these colors in its

32 Extensive reading: The Olympic Games

-- - ,.,.. -- -····-
·--· - - . - .,,,r-: ~ - · ·-
3 Read again. Find three sporting events.

4 Read again and answer.

1 Where ·.,-,; the first Olympic GGmes?
2 When were the first modern Olympics?
3 Why are there five rings on the Olympic flag?
4 Where does the journey of the Olympic torch begin?
S How many medals are given after an event?
6 Who can take part in the Paralympic Games?

5 Ask and answer.

1 Do you think the Olympic Games is a good event? Why (not)?
2 Do you Like taking part in sporting events? Why (not)?

6 Do a class survey.
I asked the children in our class
what their favorite Olympic sport
was and I recorded their answers.
The most popular Olympic sport in
our class is swimming. Gymnastics
and basketball are popular, too ...
1 listen and read. What do the children have to do in the competition? ~ 35

~ _,_.

I'm not sure. Maybe we should lo
How about a car that travels around the Museum of Inventions.
at a thousand kilometers an hour? Good ideal But we'll ha'(e to
Ed or a motorcycle that doesn't need ga hurry. we only have twci we
Kate or a truck that can travel on water? and I real! want to win tha

2 listen to the story again and repeat. Act.

3 Read again and write the answers. I

1 Is Mr. Martin from a museum? Yes, he is.

2 Is he talking about a visit to the museum?
3 Do the. children have to draw a form of transportation?
4 Do they have two weeks to complete their work?
S Is the first prize a ride in an airplane?
6 Do the children decide to go to the library?

~4 Unit4 Transportation of the fotu~e!


··e . _,,,.. --- - · · ·-

l listen and repeat. ~ 36

2 Write the words.

1 submarine noun a type of closed boat that travels under the water
2 noun a boat with a sail, often l_Jsed for racing
3 noun a motor vehicle with two wheels, that one or two people can ride on
4 noun a type of Long, flat boat used in the past to carry things along canals
and rivers
5 noun a big, strong motor vehicle used for carrying things by road
6 noun a very big, round, light object full of hot gas, that carries people through··
the air

Phrasal verbs
Look after verb to stay with someone and make sure they are safe
Look up verb to find a word in a book or on a computer to learn its meaning
Look verb to visit a place of interest
look forward to verb to feel excited about something that is going to happen in the

3 Listen and repeat. ~ 31

4 Write the words.

1 I can't go out this evening because I'm looking after my Little brother.
2 My parents looked the museum this morning.
3 I'm really lo~king my birthday party tomorrow!
4 Can you look _____ this word in your dictionary, please?

Words Unit 4 355

il.e:;$@1l'J) 'ifihlir®@ Grammar ]
1 Listen and react What has Professor invented? (§l 3s

At last! I've finished H.·

my special car that :~
cleans itself. Thanks u
for helping, Chip.

That's OK. Now, I need

to take a shower. Ha! Ha! You said you needed
to take a shower.
2 Listen and repeat. (§l 39

Us~ reported speech to rep()rt V1fhat sor;nebody else said.

Direct speech Reported speech
"I need to take a shower." He said .he needed to take a shower.
In reported speech, we change the present to the past.
l .
"I need to take a shower." He said he needed to take a shower.
"We're inventing a new car." They said they were inventing a new car.

3 Read and circle.

1 ( Julie is my best friend. ~ 2 (we want to stay at home. ~
Karen said Julie is /@her best friend. The children said they want/ wanted to stay at home.
3 ( I'm watching TV. ~ 4 (we're goingt~
Helen said she was watching I watched TV. The boys said the!:!. are I were going to a party.

4 What did they say? Ask and answer.

(we're hung;]

CMr plane's late. )

I'm traveling to New York.

I'm calling my sister

in Washington. I

<:) Complete Grammar Time Exercises 1-3 on page 3 2 of Workbook 6 .
Unit 4 Reported speech

~ . ,,,.. --- --··=- --qa . yr-~---·-

IL®5lll@fi'il !r©@rr Grnmmar 2
:Jl listen Cllndl read!. Who was coming to visiit ithe school? ~ 40

Last MoHday, our teacher told us she had a surprise.

for us. She told us om airlif!e pilot was eomi11g to the
seMol the M>ct Olay. SM saio! Ming a pilot was om
exeitiHg job. She said it was hard work, too. She said
it was importaHt to learn about other people's jobs
so we eould thiHk about our future.I

2 Listen and repeat. ~ 41

Use said cm.d to:fr;J .·.When we use reported speech, we SOrl1etimes change the tim~.
.. With reported spJech. ·words. :••:··· ·· ··· ·
Our teacher told· us· "An airline pilot is coming to the schoc>ltomorrqV\(, .· . . .·.. . ••

she had a surprise for She told us an airline pilot was coming to the scho6tth~ next day.
us. · ··.Direct speech Reported speech
She said that being a tonight, today thafnight, that day
pilot was an
exciting .··. this week I month I year that \A/eek/ month I year
now then
tomorrow the nextday
·next week I month I year the next week/ month/ year

3 Read and circle. ,-,•;:;.,

1 Tim said ;@me he liked flying. 2 Our teacher sai~ /told us we w~t~. going on a schopl trip:
3 Mom said I told it was raining. 4 Carla said/ told her friend she was going to the party.
5 The boys said I told they were playing soccer.
4 Rewrite the sentences. Use reported speech.
I'm traveling to school I'm going on a ride in a
by bus this week. hot-air balloon tomorrow.

~ we're going on a school trip tomorrow. ~

~ Nly parents are buying a new car next week.)

our friends are swimming_IJ_()W.

1 Harrq sald he was traveling to school bw bLLS that week.

(D Complete Grammar Time Exercises 1-3 on page 33 of Workbook 6. said I told Unit 4 3/l
1 look at the pictures and the text. What are the three types of transportation?
2 listen and read. ~ 42

In desert areas, camels have trapitionally been used as a form

of transportation. They are ideal for traveling across the desert
because they can survive for a week or more without water.
Also, their ears and noses can shut tightly to stop sd.11d going
into them. They are known as "the ships of the desert" because
of their ability to carry heavy loads for long distances. There
isn't any other animal that could survive so long in the desert,
carrying heavy things.

The city of Venice was built on a group of 118 islands. There are
about 400 bridges which connect the islands. The only way to
get around is on foot or on the water. There are no cars or trucks.
The gondola is a traditional row boat and for centuries gondolas
were the main form of transportation. Today, they are still popular .
with tourists but most local people travel by water buses or private

Large areas in Asia have thick forests that are difficult to explore
on foot. For thousands of years, humans have used elephants
to help them go into these places. Elephants walk on their toes
which means they can keep their balance even on wet mud. They
are strong, so they ccin clear a path through plants and bushes.
Today, people still use elephants to transport 129.s in areas where
it's difficult for trucks to go.

3 Read again and correct the words in bold.

1 People used horses to travel across the desert. Peopl.e used came(s to travel across the desert.
2 Camels can survive for a year without water.
3 You can explore Venice by car and on the water.
4 Local people in Venice travel by water buses or by private gondolas.
5 Elephants help people in Asia clear paths in the mountains.
6 People also use elephants to transport mud.

Unit 4 Reading: a book extract

-- -1:\i!J ""Y'f"':-- -···-
-"31 . • ·-.-. - - -- :
l Find the words in the text to match the pictures and definitions.

verb to join two . adj they live in

places so that adj not for • adj the best ; the place you
you can go
everyone to use : possible thing , are talking
. from one to the
other · ! about

1 connect 2 -----'---- 3 ------ 4 -----

5 ------ 6 ------ 7 ------ 8 -----

2 Listen. What does Mr. Jones do? ~ 43

3 Listen again and write True or False.

1 Mr. Jones has been flying helicopters since he was 18. False
2 He sometimes takes people to the hospital.
3 He dislikes working with famous people.
4 He took an African prince to his house.
5 He hates being so high in the sky.
6 Some of his work starts very. early.

4 Ask and answer. Use the prompts or your own answers.

Which form of transportation I'd like to travel on a camel/a gondola I anelephctht/
~"Id yo" like to travel on? · a helicopter/ <l hot-air ballodri' .': .

~?'------~ fun/ amazing I exciting I fast I interesting

do you normally
to school? on foot I by car I by bus I by train I by bike

~t other forms of transportation I've traveled on a .· · •. boat/shi.ptplar~/tfdifr/' : .• :;,, ;'.':.i

have you traveled on? ·./hike /horse•/ rriotorcyde;. \, } ,):x i:!

Words in context: Transport around the world, listening and speaking Unit 4 39
1 Look at the diagram and text. What type of transpor~ation is it?
We can use process
~ Read. "• " ~ .. ""' ., Rn - .. -~ - .-.· t. h h
_ _ _ _ _ __,.~ u u-v .. """'"" """"""'"""'"'"'""" .... ~·-·--·-·-------···--······· .... ...... ..,iagrams .o s ovv OY.J
People have been flying hot-air balloons for over 200 years. But how do they work? \
-~ :\~. I
something complicated
I N'-----------' f'
~ Write an introduction i
to explain what the ' ,

subject is.

Draw a diagram to
ti show something that

re is explained.inth.e text.

~~!Ei1iiil!Ed_ r~~;~~~·~~~~.~~l'"'
Step 3: The pilot can't '· Write labels on the
turn the balloon. The diagram to show what
balloon goes in the same .,; things are called.
Step 1: To move the Step 2: To move the direction as the wind. 1
' balloon up, the pilot balloon down, the pilot However~ Use however to give
releases gas. The burner pulls a rope. The rope in different directions at if· information that [
heats it. Hot gas moves opens the envelope and different heights. If the If:
contrasts with what t
up, so the balloon lifts off hot gas goes out of the pilot wants to move one ~·
you've already written. r
the ground. The more gas balloon. When there is less way, he can go up or ~'.
that is released, the higher hot gas in the balloon, the down until he finds a wind ~; t.·
the balloon goes. balloon moves down. blowing in that direction. ~: Use so to give the result
~.t~~~,'1\'f,-\~~!·iff,\.i~fi!·..$,,;,,'.',0:$J,.•.>;"'.,%.:•.•~~~"i'tl°':t~~"i"":""'f"''n'i'?"'; - .. ---·--
. ' ".' ·.".'·-· ·'·'·-·'······"·---
.. -
...•.. .....~.~
·· ""'"''- ...... ~
... .. -
- ·- ...... .-... ·.• ·"·--.--··.•.·.~
1c.:·'.'.<''f·•,,-,,,--,._., ...·...~~:·
'~''-' >:''n."."W
of what you've already
3 Read again and answer the q,uestions. rr
1 How does the pilot move the balloon up? 2 How does the pilot move the balloon down?
4 Complete the sentences with so or However.
1 The milk from camels is full of lots of different vitamins that are good for our
bodies,~ this is a very healthy drink.
2 Barges were built to move things around the country by river. ___.• trucks
are used more often now.
3 Submarines can travel under the water or on top of the water. _ _,they
travel faster when they are underwater.
4 Wind speed is very important when flying hot-air balloons, _ _ the pilot
must always check wind speeds and the weather before flying.

4(1] Unit 4 Writing: a proce$s diagram

Umint 4 R@wil@w
,__. ..... ----.--·-~·,··:····-···-··· ..·--·-··•·< ... ----·-"".''

1 Complete the quiz.

(noun) a type of boat that
travels under the water
Wl1u·~ is ihe wurd?
'h.,\f'lf'- """'''

tomorrow, " said Jess.

Jess said she to
New York tomorrow.

2 Listen and order the Lines. Sing. ~ 44 ·

· My frri@lftld t@Bd m®
My friend told me
To ride in trains, some fast and some slow.
To travel far.
To see the fields and touch the snow,

He told me to go
To sail in a yacht and look for old caves.
To feel the wind and see the waves,
Across the sea.

He told me to go
To ~yin a plane and have lots of fun.
Across the sky.
To see the clouds and feel the sun,
·' .\. .,_._.

Review Unit 4 41
1 listen and read. What kinds of transportation do the children see in the museum? ~ 45


... r

It could be attached to a hot-air

balloon and when you push on so
kind of device, the balloon fills up. come on! We've still got to do ou
Libb wow! That would be cm cichieveme design! Think of that hot-air balloqn ride!"'

2 Listen to the story again and repeat. Act.

3 Read again and write the words. a brick a bike a hot-air balloon ~19-crrres front 1880s
1 Telephones were invented in 1876. 2 The first cell phones were as big as _ _ __
3 Bikes in the 1870s had big wheels. 4 The car was made in the - - - -
5 Tom suggests designing _ _ __ 6 Their bike will be attached to - - - - ·
42 Unit 5 The <greatest inventions!

--- -- - .,,.r: - - -·-·-

"'!3t - . 'Ill""- --- ------- =-

1 listen CllB"lldl repeat. ~ 46

lbui[d verb to make something by putting pieces together

1rerh ID drc.1W l:JOUr id<.::u for hu\\' ::;umt.:[hin!:J will be metde
device noun a simple tool or piece of equipment that is made to do a job
,discover verb to be the first person to find a place or thing
experiment noun a scientific test to see how something works or if something is true
inspiration noun a good idea that you think of quickly
invent verb to be the first person to make a new type of thing
machine noun something with moving parts, that is made to work for people

2 Write the words.

1 Let's in.ven.t a new ice cream flavor!
2 They're going to _________ a new school in our town.
3 We're doing an in our science class today.
4 For my school project, I looked for in the museum.
5 This is so useful! It makes the job much easier!
6 Scientists want to _________ a car that is good for the environment.

equip achieve arrange move

excitement equipment achievement arrangement movement . agreeme'nt

3 Listen and repeat. ~ 47

4 Read and circle.

1 Can youS/ movement your books, please? I need to use my desk.
2 There was a lot of excite/ excitement when the children went on their trip.
3 There is an agree/ agreement to work together.
4 Let's arrange I arrangement to meet on Friday at six o'clock.
5 I have a helmet. What other equip I equipment do I need for rock climbing?

Words Unit 5 43
1 Usten l(lJndJ 1read. Where dices c:hewnll'llg gum come from? E'.i& 43

.. .. . .

.J.~·:~l)~ient tiITle.s, p~ople chewed gurh frolTI trees,··

· bul:the gum hcia Little flavor. Iii the l86os, 9Urri
Mexico. At first, it was used as rubber. Then, in
the 1880s, it was made into chewing gum by the
fleer brothers, It wqs covered with.sugarand
named chiclets.' . ' ' .
The gum wasn't advertised so people didn't know
about it. In the mid-1880s, factories were opened.
Then chewing gum became ~ppular. Today,
many chewing gum flavors are made. However,
chewing gum isn't always made from trees. Some

2 listen and repeat. E'.i& 49

Use the passive when you don't know the Negative sentences:
subject of a sentence (who does an action). The gum wasn't advertised. .
Many chewing gum flavors are made. Chewing gum isn't always made from trees ..
Or when the object of a sentence is more Simple present passive = is/ are (not)+ past participle
important than the subject. Simple past passive = was I were (not) +
It was made by the Fleer brothers. past participle

3 Complete the sentences. Use the present passive. G Irregular verb list I
1 Tea [s11't qn.. \Nn (not grow) in England.
1 2 Magazines (not sell) here.
3 Jeans (wear) by a lot of people. 4 Thousands of emails _ _ _ _ (send) eve~y day. -1
5 A lot of pizza (eat) in the U.S.A. 6 These T-shirts (not make) in China.
4 Write the sentences. Use the past passive.
1 the first chocolate bar I not eat I in Europe
The flrst chocolate bar wasn't eaten ln. Euro~
2 televisions/ invent/ in the 20th century
3 our school/ not build I this year
4 the first video games I make I in the 1970s
5 the boy/ drive I to the hospital

44 Unit 5 The passive {simple presen·r and past) G Complete Grammar Time Exercises 1-3 on page 40 of Workbook 6. I

. ···17'1"'. --~ -- . .....,, .. . ~

1 Usten cu1d reC11d. Why cm1't ClhUp work? ~ 50

Why aren't you inventing Well, the kitchen ~oor is dirty.

anything today, Professor? But the ~oor isn't being cleaned
because your mechanical mop

My computer is being repaired and :':::

my lab is being painted. l don't
have anywhere to work. what's
happening in the kitchen?

2 Listen and repeat. ~ 51

Use the passive with the present progressive.

My computer is being repaired.
The floor isn't being cleaned.

; '· •• ~· 1 , '

3 Read and circle.

1 My jeans are washing f<iiii}eing was~at the moment.
2 The boys are cleaning/ being cleaned the car.
3 A new train station is building/ is being built in our town.
~- 4 Tom is using/ being used the computer at the moment .
. S The class is teaching/ is being taught the passive tense.

4 Talk about the pictures. fjl Irregular verb list

a hospital/ build
a motorcycle_)Jix
a rocket I launch
some jeans/ wash
a house/ paint
a car /wash

1 ~A hospital is being built.)

( It's Pict~ire J. ~

e Complete Grammar Time Exercise 2 on page 41 of Workbook 6. The passive (present progressive) Unit 5 45
l Look at the text. Find the names of four types of pens.
2 listen and read, ~ '"'-

·..... ' ::;: :.·,:;.·,~:::.:''.' ',,. ···' ~-·'·•··· \'. ·.\. /,';,,: ·< v'.)
,~,·~:'.)'::·.~:·• ;,:'".,'' ..'··-»·'·· .· .; '·'",'• ·~!- ··:.i' •.... ·:·. ,_ ... ··.-:::,-;-:·.

· .• •· · .· developed Writing ··s~ste~~.~ey· needed~ci~ething beh~~-:td.Wtit~·~tJi'._.·:·····
· •; .·•.•.·.Tue Egyptians
- ' •. ' .... . . ·:. ' !
ihven,t~.d tl:te fitst PC1P~r.
i ., ' ~
~tw(lscalled papyrus.It was
.. •'.•', - ;'. ,':.: ,.'.,·· . . -
mad¢ froiti: pJcmts •·•:••
< ' .,·:' . '•. /,. ·, ·.; .. -·-·:~'
.. ,-:, ••. ·!. •. ;·,; ·.,._•"'> ; ·' " l .. , "'. ' ·: - • . :· .. ·_., . • ' i; ., .. ' :}·

··:-cajl~dreeds ..• .........': ..... '•··><::':/:\;{:£{'···" .··· ..·. ...... ···•·.:\:.: ..·.,,,·,;:.·.· ·.•
· · dm reeds::Drie''end'Of the .Jioll6w
.·w'.'·•.·,a·._:_·.'s'·~,.··'_.c:·;.:_. :_, :m·.··._ ·wi_·.~a·.' :.r_·~-.ilp:.,_'.·:'o~_-.:_.m-I ·.,_~:~·.~- ·-.•·.e ·. · · · 16.'·.'i;_· .:~.':'i c•':.·.,: ,:.:•·_-.·.·..·
_'';n.:t_·.•. . •. . •. .... l,:.'.·

\V4s'filled\Vith'writing liqllid. · . . · - . -..-.· . . . . . . ·.·· . : ,:.,·;;_;·_c ::;<\ >!.:• ,i;

People used liquid from plants to write with'. Then i:he Chineseinveni:ed blqc~ ilik:; Idvas· ·: (
·: \, mci<ie from soot fro111. fire, oil, and .animw bqn~s.Todqy this is)µ,qde with. differ(!nt tlti119~, ;
,. :.lfiih~ 7th cerit1tl;9····· . • · · . ,,· ·;·:·,, "'.
<.·. · ._. ,:.-~','><•·•\' ?•>:· .. ' :··,:: :·(Li/:/:~•· I,
. : Peol'le µsed quill pens.·. quill pens .were·1R-mie 'from. the hollow feathers bf birds. Tpey .·• . • ,.,_, ..·.. ·~
••. worked better than reed pel:(s because they were softer cirid you could cleaµ th~Il1 q.pd use . 1
ilie~ni~r~ often. . ··· · · · · ..·. · ·· ···· · .· , :

Inth.¢·1()thce!ltury ·•· . •·. ·:· . ··. . ._ . . ···.·.·· .·.··•·····.·.··.•. (:;\

The first fountain pen \V_as 111g~e. Th~ p~nlwlci ink in.,a reservoir_ insi4e, ir-(U}d fu~:ipk:/:}/ . . ,
. .. trav~led. down to the nib. Howevet, sometimes drops of ink carne otit 9fthe OI1d . ·· · pen
·.··.•· ··fome,dtliepaper; ,. ;.~/• >··· . . '"·.·.•· ·._ :L '' .:'/:.:\,;,\ .~~~'Ji; 1\·:cL,i;•,.j;,,J:;~ . : ,, -~,.:: .J..
1938 > ' .· " ' <t '.!·
'...·. ; ',L<lszl6 Biro invented the hali!Jbirit 'pe1f)t 4g~· ti tillh }Jqti}~)t{ilp wi1i.cKr8i:cl1ed'q~ fr, ·.:Vi'/']
. ·moved along the paper and p1cked ~p ink fr~m a cartridge lnsid~. Ir.'*drked\~ell b~~&~'se >)
; r•.-.itwas.cleantouse.'.• ... '' ...·;: 'J:)/i;:,; •/~\Ci., :\.,(1::;'.: ·:,; . ' •. : I
i~~~pdce Penwdsffivente;~,~~~f;P~~~4;tji1'~~t~i~~;~~~~do~ffi.i,i;J ,·· f
·. . . . eictrerne temperanfres I at. z~to gravity! Ai;ti;~naut~ \18e4 tii~ro ig spgce/it .·_.·. ' .·_.·.· · · ~~,•;: ,-;

·. · !!'~:~•~'" f~···~~!·~~~~~~7g:E~~l~~w~~~~~1~,~~i1t~,~f;;~1
3 Read again and write True or False.
1 People used stones to draw pictures in caves. True
2 Reed pens were made from boi:ies.
3 Black ink was invented in China.
4 Quill pens were made from plants.
5 The first ballpoint pen had no ink.
6 Space Pens only work in space. r
46 Unit 5 Reading: c1 timeline
-· .-..... ~ - -- 'fl r. --- ------- -=- --· --!i' ... ,,..,... - - - - · ·-
l Find the words in the text to match the definitions.

1 i"iOUi'i u LliuL lwids Lhtll!:JS likt.' ink rr.:r prinrm:J , r

---- 1.;1.1!JLUll!t'.r

for a camera
2 - - - - noun heavy earth that is soft when wet and becomes hard when
3 - - - - verb to go around and around
4 - - - - adj with a hole or empty space inside
5 - - - - noun the point at the end of a pen that you write with
6 _ _ __ adj with an edge or point that cuts or makes holes easily
7 - - - - noun colored liquid that is used for writing and drawing
8 - - - - noun a place where liquids are stored

2 Listen to the children. Which four inventions do they talk about? ~ s3

. 3 Listen again and match.

Speaker 1 @) a It has changed the way
people work.
Speaker 2 0 b It has helped us learn
about history.
Speaker 3 0 c It lets you see different
and interesting places.
Speaker4 0 d It lets you contact your
friends and family easily.

4 Ask and answer. Use the prompts or your own answers.

Which clo you think is the most . TVs~ I Pens. I The telephone./.. . <
important invention? The airplane./ The com put~~~/ Fr;idges.

Bemuse it teaches us about hisfof.y I helps ·

communication/ lets people travel/
improves work/ is fun I keeps food fresh
What clo you think are other
important inventions? Cars. I MP3 players. I CDs. I DVDs. I
Bikes. I Space rockets.
What clo you think wfll be
the important inventions
of the future? ~7'dgi 19i~r~~~~~~\t~P~~!l~~~~f~~
Words in context: The History of the Pen, listening and speaking Unit 5 141/
1 look at the text. Who invented "night writing"?
?. Reo.d.
Write the dates when
the person was born Louis Braille (1809-1852)
i:o i:al.k about the rnain
events of someone's Life. ,_____
and died.
Louis Braille was born in France in 1809. In 1812, he
had an accident and went blind. When he was ten,
Write the most he went to a school for blind children.
important things
To begin with, Louis was very unhappy. The
that happened in the
school had books with raised letters made with
person's life.
metal, vYhich blind people could feel with their
fingers. But it was very difficult to read and
. Use to begin with there· were only .14 books in the school.
to introduce a subject. Soon after, a man called Charles Barbier visited
the school. He showed the boys his invention, called
Use soop after or later "night writing". It was a code of 12 raised dots. It was
to say what happens also very difficult to read, but it gave Louis an idea! ···
next. During the next three years, Louis invented a new code, which only used
six raised dots. Today we call it Braille. It was very simple and easy to use.
Use during to show Later, Louis became a teacher for blind people. He also translated many
what happened over a books into Braille.
period of time. Now, Braille is used in 9lpjb,~,t
Jn1. Jf_p. ~':"' .!t~ ~~!;n., .'
Finish by repeating
the person's . il!I> ~ ,...
,,; . - "l' .b•.
lb ~··: ..
most important lib. Jll>l!i:·~


3 Read again and answer the questions.

1 How many special books for blind people did the school have?
2 What job did Louis do when he finished school?

4 Read and circle.

1 Sneakers were invented to begin with ;E_~he 1960s.
2 Cell phones were first sold in the 1970s. To begin with, /Soon after, they were as big as bricks.
3 Black and white TVs were becoming popular. Soon after, I During color TVs were invented.
4 The first plane flight was in 1903. Soon after, I During airplanes became popular.

~181 Unit 5 Wri·tir19: a biography

~ • . "'117'. --- -- =- ':_- ·-.rai • Tl/i"'. --- ~--··--- ·- --·;o;s

l. Complete the quiz.

Make the verb into a noun. orrangP

Complete with the correct

words. I started Learning
Spanish. it was easy.

2 Listen and order the Lines. Sing. ~ s4

Who invented ice cream,

_.2_ Who designed the bicycle
_:\.. And planes and trains and cars?
!L Gum and candy bars?

_·1 Who thought of vacations

_J Who inv~nted DVDs
'l-- And visits to the sea?
--.:11:: And cartoons on TV?

_1 Who built all the hospitals,

_2 The stores ancl our schools, too?
_:i. Because I' cf like to say thank yoU!
-1. Who did all these things?

Review Unit 5 49
lb@;&$@ll'il One Story .
~-·~-P••'~MW"•---·-:--•••••-••----- ·~-~-····----·~·-- ,>

1 Listen and read. Do the children win first prize in the competition? ~ 55

··· you've won a new computer for our club. g;
cool! Let's log on to the internet a ·' ""::".', ·.
download some information about
hot-air balloons!

2 Listen to the story again and repeat. Act.

3 Read again and write True or False.
1 The bike can fly. True 2 The bike is good for the environment. _ __
3 Mr. Martin has written to the club. - - - - 4 The DSD Club has won first prize.
5 The second prize is a trip in a helicopter. _ _ __ 6 Tom doesn't want to use the
computer. _ _ __

!$0 Unit 6 You've won ,CJ computer!


1 Uste1111 «:mcll ir:epeat. ~ 56

cnttcndhi verb to send a photo or file with an email

cllisco11mect verb to stop -your computer being joined to the internet

~owD11locnd verb to cop-y a file from the internet onto -your own computer
log off verb to stop using a computer, email, etc.
log 0D11 verb to give a password to start using a computer, email, etc.
surf verb to look at lots of different websites on the internet
o..11ploodl verb to cop-y a file from -your own computer onto the internet

2 Write the words.

1 I always disconn.ect the computer when I've finished using the internet.
2 I always when I've finished reading my email.
3 I can't to the internet. Is it working?
4 I'll send you an email and the file you need.
5 I'm going to some photos onto my webpage so my friends can see them.
6 I often _ _ _ _ _ _ the internet. I like finding interesting music websites.

Homonyms are words that have the same spelling but different meanings:
nail noun right adj left pt mouse noun saw pt bug noun
nail noun right adv Left adv mouse noun saw noun bug noun

. :

3 Listen and repeat. ~ 57

4 Match the homonyms.

4 ,0 j
Words Unit 6
l listen and reClld. Wlhat lt'llll'e tlhe three prizes? tSJ 58

!First conec1l' all'ilsweD'

Your school will be given ten new
~eC@ll'lli611 ©Oli'li'ec'il' <Qlll'llSWSff
Your school will be sent some
exciting new language software!
What did Tim Berners-Lee Third conec1l' answer
invent? Your school won't be given any
G the first computer laptops or software, but it will
be sent a printer!
9 the internet
G the telephone

2 Listen and repeat. tSJ 59

Use the passive with the future.

You will be given ten new laptops for your school.
You won't be given any software.
Will the computers be sent to our school?
Future passive = will I won't+ be+ past participle

3 Read and write A (active) or P (passive).

1 Children will be given lunch on the school trip. p
2 Trains won't be used in the future.
3 People will travel in flying cars in the future. INFORMATION
4 The class will be taught to swim. School trip to the Computer Museum
S People will go on vacation to the moon.

4 Write the words in the correct order.

1 will/ at 9:00 a.m. I by bus I the children I be collected
The chlldren. wlll be collected bq bLts at 9:00 a.m.
2 be provided /will I each student I with a packed lunch
3 on a tour/ the class I be taken I of the museum I will
4 be given I a booklet I will I each student
S by the teachers I will I the trip I be filmed .
/Please arrive at school !by 3:45 a.m.

SldZ Unit 6 The passive (future) 0 Complete Grammar Time Exercises 1-3 on pa9e 48 of Workbook 6.

~ . •r. --- ---- ":

1 listen and ireacll. What's wrong with Chip? ~ 60

You haven't been switched off ...

Has your battery been taken out?

Chip? chip? Why aren't

you working? Have you
been switched off?

2 Listen and repeat. ~ 61

Use the passive with the present perfect.

You haven't been switched off, ·
. )
wires have been disconnected .
Has your battery been taken out?

3 Read and circle. "Irregular verb list

1 Computers have used ;<fiii: been ~in offices for many years now.
2 A bag has found/ has been found in the classroom. Is it yours?
3 Has someone disconnected/ been disconnected the internet?
4 They haven't eaten/ haven't been eaten breakfast today.
S Have you/ Have you been grown? You look very tall.

4 Talk about the pictures.

The w.iriZIO,w has
the garbage/ not collected the cookies/ eaten the window/ broken been brol<en.
the store I closed the floor I not cleaned

e Complete Grammar Time Exercises 1-3 on page 49 of Workbook 6. The passive (present perfect) Unit 6 !53
1 Look at the text. What was invented on these dates? a) 1964 b} 1990

Why us '11 moll.llse <t@Ued 11.11 molUls<e?

Who 01111ve111ted the computer?
The first computer
In 1833, a British inventor,
mouse was invented
Charles Babbage made
by Douglas Engelbart
plans for a math machine.
in around 1964. It
It was the beginning of the
was a little wooden
first computer. Babbage
box on wheels that
spent 37 years trying
could move an on-screen cursor. It was called a
to build his machine,
mouse because the wire that connected it to the
but there were many
computer looked like crtail. Luckily, a computer
complications and he died
mouse is much smaller now and it is usually
before he finished it. The
made of plastic. However, it still looks like the
first computer was finally
. first mouse that was made.
created in 1946. It was
called The Small-Scale
\Mhreau da.~ the l\.#Vo1rld ~/kl<e '1Veh b:ggirJ'?
Experimental Machine.
The World Wide Web (WWW) was invented by
Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau in 1990. It
How big was the was immediately successful and in four years,
fksil: c.omptUJt~r·? 50 million people were using it! It is difficult to
The first computer imagine life without it as the World Wide Web
was huge. It filled has changed the world!
a large room and
ll"~ow mi!:llll1!:Jl c.omplUJters <tilirre Hnerre ·iau the
weighed the same
as six adult male ·~vc·d.d to.i:k1:Jf?' .
elephants! Luckily, In the early 1940s, the president of the computer
as technology company IBM said, "I think there is a world
has improved, market for about five computers." However, today
computers have there are more than one billion computers in the
gotten smaller. world! Computers became much more important
in the world than anyone ever expected!

3 Read again and match.

1 Charles Babbage 0 a was very heavy.
2 The first computer 0 b invented the World Wide Web.
3 The first computer mouse 0 c never built a computer.
4 Two men 0 d didn't think computers would be popular.
5 In the 1940s, the President of IBM 0 e was a box on wheels.

54 Unit 6 Reading: a website article

~ - . 'lllr: ---- --- ~ ~ . 'fl",Y.. --- - - .'::"

- ...
l Find the words in the article. Write.

cornplication ~te huge experimental cursor immediately president market

1 Chefs Like to create new dishes when they cook.

2 Harry's house is _________ It's much bigger than ours.
3 The new robot is . We're not sure what it can do yet.
4 There is a big for chocolate. Lots of people buy it.
5 I moved the around my computer screen.
6 There was not a single . It went very well.
7 The ice cream was melting, so we ate it __________
8 The new gave a talk to everybody in the company.

2 Listen. How many people does the radio presenter talk to? ~ 63

3 Listen again and check (.!) what they use a computer for.
···'· ··- .
Uses the· . play • l . . •

look for··· download··
c~rilpJ1:er information ·
send emails
write sto~les
. I
fo ... games·



4 .Ask and answer. Use the prompts or your own answers.

How o~en do you use I use a computer
a computer? every day I quite a lot I very little

Yes, I do./ No, I don't

sending emails I surfing the internet I

doing my homework/ playing CDs I
downloading music
What kind of .websites I like - - - - - -
do you like best? websites best.

Words in conteJct: Computers - Fun Facts, listening and speaking Unit 6 5!$
1 Look at the research report. What is it about?
We write research reports to
2 Read. show what we have discovered

First, we write an
introdL1ction e~p~ainiqg For my research proj.ect, I wanted to find out how the internet works.
the research report is about'. Everyone around the world can use the internet. But how is this
We 2cm ~rite h~Odirl:g~ ,fdr Internet cables
each section of the report. ~omputers around the world are connected to the World Wide Web by
cables that go to every country and bring them the internet. ,
,We cgn, L1~t::9,.lJ!'!.~.tigr:i~9~ . Where are the cables?
· headings when.w~war:ffto. The.cables need to reach all the countries, but there are huge oceans .·
givethe answers i~ (] seC:tion

of the t~port· >

We can give quotes from
people who know a lot about
. . .. . · 1 in between the countries. The cables lie on the bottom of the ocean!

~~s'.~~ec~:~r:s~~:~~~eu~~J often, but the int;rnet doesn't stop working.

The scientist, Brad Jennings, explains why. "There are lots of cables, so
when one cable breaks, it isn't a problem. It's only when they all break
the topic. at the same time that the internet stops workirng."
Why do the cables break?
We can put facts or figures They can break because of earthquakes, fishing nets, or even shark
in the report, but we must· bites! Normally, a cable breaks every year at some point and needs to
check that they are true! be repaired.

3 Read again and answer the questions.

1 Where are the internet cables?
2 How often do the internet cables break?

4 Match.
· 1 Robots (!) a a quote
2 Every cable has seven layers of plastic to protect it. 0 b a heading
3 My research report is on how internet cables are repaired. 0 c a fact
4 Ken Smith says: "Robots are very important in repairing breaks." 0 d a question as a heading
5 How do robots repair breaks in the cable? 0 e an introduction

56 Unit 6 Writing: a research report

1 Complete the quiz.

Is it active or passive?
The children have

2 Listen and write. Sing. ~ 64 log on email homework .s1::1-tr upload book attach download i

Wh@'ll' ~@ll'll y@M d@ @rm

}f@fYHi" (£:@IT!ilJ[p}M'El'®l'i'?
You can ... surf the internet,
. Chat to a friend,
Write an 2- - - - -
And then press send.

You can ... music, ·

Find a recipe,
Do a fun quiz.
- - - - - with me!
You can ... do your 5- - - - -
Buy a 6- - - - -
Open a website,
And take a look.

You can ... a file,

Make up a song,
a photo,
It doesn't take long . .

Review Unit 6 ~7/

2 Read.

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang was written by Ian Fleming. He ·
wrote it as a book, but it has also been made into a movie and
a. musical stage show.
Commander Potts is an inven!or. He lives with his two children, Jeremy
and Jemima. The Commander 1nvents many.interesting things. bne
day, he invents and sells some amazing candy that makes a whistling
sound. The Comman~er buys a very old car with the money and fixes
it. The family lov~ the car and give it u name. They call it Chitty
Chitty Bang Bang because of the noises it makes.
The car has many levers and buttons and e\,'en Commander Potts
doesn't know what they are all for. Then one day, the family are
driving to the beach. There are lots of cars on the road and there is a
long traffic jam. Suddenly, one of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang's levers
starts to flash. It says the word "Pull". The Commander pulls the lever
and two wings slide out from the sides of the car. Chitty takes off
like an airplane and flies over the cars in front!
At last, the family arrive at the beach and have
a picnic. But then, they fall asleep and the
tide comes in. They wake up and see water
all around them. They get in the car and
a different lever flashes. The Commander
pulls it and Chitty turns into a boat.
They sail across the ocean to France
where they have· many more adventures.
Based on a story by Ian Fleming .. : ·

58 Extensive reading: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

--·· --!= ··-y·r: - - - - · · ·-

3 Read again. What two things can Chitty Chitty Bang Bang turn into?

4 Read again and answer the questions.

1 What is Commander Potts' job?
2 What amazing invention does he sell?
3 Why do the family call their car Chitty Chitty Bang Bang?
4 Where do the family go for the day?
5 What is the problem on the road?
6 What happens when the family fall asleep at the beach?

5 Ask and answer.

1 Did you enjoy the story? Why (not)?
2 Would you like to be an inventor? Why (not)?

6 Research your family's dream inventions. r

Project: dream inventions

1 Listen and read. Why do the children decide to go into the cave? ~ 6s

I think this is the river which is on

the map. We can find our wa no How about this ca
l<ate oh no! It's starting to rain. Are you sure? It's
Tom And it looks like a storm. We n come on! It's ine!

2 Listen to the story again and repeat. Act.

3 Number the events in the correct order.
a Each group gets a compass. 0 b The children decide which flag to look for. 0
c It starts raining. 0 d They discover they're lost. 0
e They go in a cave. 0 f Fin gives instructions. OJ
.60 . Unit 7 Explorers for a day!

.--~ - \!1-T'. --- --- ::"' ·~ • \!IP. -- ---.--· =-- -~ . -,,r. --- ---- =-
.1 Ljsten and repeat. ~ 66

2 Write the words.

1 ___n._0_1-t_h_ _ noun the direction towards the top of a map
2 noun the direction towards the bottom of a map
3 noun the direction towards the right of a map
4 noun the direction towards the left of a map
S noun an object that you use for finding which direction to go in
6 noun a collection of special and valuable objects

We add the suffix Qer to some When a verb ends in -e, we

.verbs to make nouns. only add -r.
paint explore write
paintefl' explorer writer
And we add the suffix Qist to some nouns to make new nouns.
journal novel tour
journalist novelist tourist

3 Listen and repeat. ~ 67

4 Read and circle.

1 I'd like to be an explore /~and tra~el around the world.
2 My sister's a novel I novelist.
3 My uncle's ujournal /journalist on a newspaper.
4 The tour I tourist starts at 9:00 a.m.
S I want to paint/ painter a picture of the mountain.

Words Unit 7 61
Les$@tl'il T!kitr®e Grammar 1 r
1 Listen and read. Who first dimbed Moll..llnt Everest? ~ 68

epa is a country which tourists from all over the world

visit. They come to see Mount Everest which is the·
highest mountain in the world. Edmund Hillary
and Tenzing Norgay were the first known
people who climbed to the top of the
great mountain. Today, there are
:inany climbers who successfully
limb Mount Everest.

2 Listen and repeat. ~ 69

Use relative pronouns to give more information about nouns.

Use who for people. Use which for things.
Today there are many climbers who They come to see Mount Everest which is the
successfully climb Mount Everest. highest mountain in the world.

3 Circle the relative pronoun in each sentence. Write who or what it refers to.
1 A guide is a person@takes people on trips. a qtJide
2 Pearls are jewels which form inside shells.
3 Scuba divers are people who explore underwater.
4 I ate some chocolate which tasted very good.
5 I met a person who had visited 50 countries.
6 A backpack is a type of bag which climbers carry.

4 Talk about the pictures.

is striped can swim is very tall works in a hospital works with children makes food

It's an animal
which can swim.

( It's Picture 2. ;__~

~. lt'~w~1 ~~~~on j

62 Unit 7 Relative pronouns: who. which 0 Complete Grammar Time Eicercises l-4 on page 56 of Workbook 6.

~ - 'I/I,/"'. --- --- ':!"'"

1 Ustern cmdl read. What me Chip andl IPwofessor Looking at? ~ 10

. Look at this! He went to the middle

, of a rainforest! He met a man that
was more than 120 years old! And
he stayed in a house that was at
the top of a tall tree!

so, he was an explorer,

It's my grandfather's diary. My but he was also an
' grandfather was a great explorer. · . inventor ... just like you!

2 Listen and repeat. ~ 11

. . . . .~
Use that or who for people. Use that or which for things.
He m~t (l, mq~who yva,sroh~~~rpn}7.Q ~~a rs old~ . He stOy:ed, in a house which was at the top
He met a rrian that was more tran 120 years old .. of a ta LL tree:
He stayed in house that was at ~he top
of a ta LL tree. .

3 Read and match.

1 He's ~he boy 0 a which is popular in the U.S.A.
2 Pizza is a type of food 0 b that goes to New York Leaves in five minutes.
3 The.Kapok tree is a giant tree 0 c that grows in the rainforest.
4 The train 0 d who is nice to everyo~e.
~·. S She's a friendly person 0 e that started at our school last week.
4 Write sentences. Use which, who, or that. Match.

1 animal/ lives in the ocean

It's an animal which lives in the ocean.
2 person I works in a restaurant
3 animal I is very big and gray
4 person I works in a library
S person I helps sick people
6 a flower I grows in Peru

G Complete Grammar Time Exercises 1-3 on page 57 of Workbook 6. fi3-. ·

Relative pronouns: that I which I who Unit 7
l Look at the pictures. When do you think each ship sailed?
2 Listen and read. ~ 12

The Atocha was a Spanish ship that sank The Titanic 'Nas ci pO:~senger shiphuilt in
in a terrible hurricane in 1622. It was 1911.'rtwas called the "unsinkable ship"
carrying gold, silver, and jewels. People because of its amazing design. No one
were sent to get the treasure because it believed it could sink. On April 10th 1912, the
was very valuable. However, the ship was Titanic left England for New York City on its
lying deep under the ocean. At the time, first voyage. Four days later, the ship hit an
it was very difficult to dive down so far. iceberg in the Atlantic Ocean. The ship sank
Then, in the same year, another hurricane and over 1,000 people drowned. For a long
destroyed the shipwreck and the treasure time, underwater explorers searched for the
was lost. The treasure stayed beneath shipwreck. In 1985, they discovered it. The
the sea for over 360 years. In 1969, a man wreck was broken and it was impossible ,__ -- '· f
named Mel Fisher started to search for to move, but they were able to bring back 1
the treasure. This time, divers had better thousands of items, such as clothes and I
equipment. After 16 years, he found parts letters. These items have helped historians I '""
of the wreck and most of the treasure. He understand more about the people who
put the treasure in a museum in Florida, sailed on the Titanic.
where you can see it now.

3 Read again and write Atocha or Titanic.

1 It sank in 1622. Atocha 2 It only sailed once.
3 It had lots of treasure inside. - - - - - - - 4 It was sailing in the Atlantic.
5 It was built in 1911. 6 It was lost for over 360 years. - - - - - - -

(i4 Unit 7 Reading: an encyclopedia entry

~ ~ - - .,,,Jr<. - - - - ·-- ....""=' -

1 Find the words in the text to match the pictures and definitions.

noun a storm
, pt went down noun a long ' with strong
verb try to find · journey by ship
: underwater
, winds ·

1 sank 2 3 4 ______
·-··· ·--··-

~·-----·- ····-~··
noun a piece of
verb to die
information that '
after being
helps you find
underwater for
: an answer or an
too long
; explanation
,.,. ·• ·''"

s 6 7

2 Listen. What ship is the man talking to the children about? ~ 13


3 Listen again and choose.

1 The children are a . 2 The children are given a ticket. It has
a tj(c(h1~5.~um .Ji in tiiefr>schooL a onit.
3 There were_ people on the Titanic. a number . hpas~eng~r11ame_ .·

c1· '84~~-·· ·-~2;228;: 4 There were_ people that survived.

S The Titanic sank_ after it hit the iceberg. a 10s b6os
a 2 hours and 40 minutes <b S hours and 30rninutes

4 Ask and answer. Use the prompts or your own answers.

l ~on~lcl you like to be an Yes, I would. I No, I wouldn't.
~clerwater explorer?

I How would you feel if you w.ere excit~d /frightened/ nervous /amaz~d
_2 deep under the water?
an octopus I a shipwreck I
~t would you like to see? I' cl love to see treasure/ lots of fish
. ___{VVhcitpther places would you l'cl like to explore
~ like to explore? the cl~s~r{/ space/the rainfo~esi:sO'
Why? animals /the stars and the moon I
interesting plants
Words in context: Famous Shipwrecks, listening and speaking Unit 7 ;J~$ ,
1 Look at the text. What type of explorer would Fred Like to be?
2 Read.

I'd love to be an underwater explorer

· · d:in
' :'"'uselots'of
, :'' ' ,., different
' '"· , ' '"':· because I love seeinn:1 new places

I think it would be fantastic to look at the bottom of the ocean.

Underwater explorers do differentthings~ gome explorers are
scientists. They do scientific research, for example, looking at
underwater volcanoes. They also make maps..~f different areas. Other
When w~ qr~ hnd,gill_i~g.
underwater explorers are historians. They examine shipwrecks and
what ci situati()n'mightpe the objects inside them like treasure and ancient possessions. They
Like,we use.would. For fads learn lots of things about the past, for instance, how people used to.
or things we kno\IV are true, live. gome underwater explorers ; '
we use the simple present. are environmentalists. They
study how animals live beneath
the ocean and check for pollution.
I think all of these things would
Wefihishby giviri'g dfinal
reason for . be really interesting to do. That's
why I'd love to be an underwater

3 Read again and answer the questions.

1 Why does Fred want to be an explorer? Give three reasons.
2 What three types of explorers does Fred talk about?

4 Match.
1 I enjoy doing sports @] a for instance, why it rains.
2 At weekends, we often go to places 0 b for example, apples and bananas.
3 I eat a lot of fruit, 0 c like the movie theater and the park.
4 We learned a lot in our geography lesson today, 0 d such as soccer and basketball.

66 Unit 7 Writing: a personalized text

...... - - -Tlr. --- ·--..--· =- ~ ... ,.,""' -- ---~·-- -:: -~·

1 '',!f

1 Complete the quiz.

Complete the se'1tence.

This is the mountain
we climbed.

Complete th~ sentence- :

I'd like some new clothes, ·
_ _ example, jeans and
a T-shirt.

2 Listen and order the Lines. Sing. ~ 74

lt}~[pfl@rrg!fil~ Wff@d«$
1 swim with me through the shipwreck,
_ And the coins that are very old ..
· _ See the jewels in the treasure chest
_ see the silver and gold.

· 1 This is the room where the sailors sat

_ And the room where the captain stayed.
_ This is the place where the captain ate
_ ' And the gam,es that the sailors played.

1 This is a pan that the ship's cook used;
_ A cup and a silver spoon .
._ By the light of the silvery moon .

These are the letters which the captain wrote, <


Review Unit 7 67
'Lesson Oli'\le Story .;
... ... . .... '-···- ___ :___,:::..... ....: ..:......
;_:,.,..,:.,.._;...,-~~..:.:.,:.. ~ ~ , ": ,_.~:.. :- ~

1 listen and read. What do the children find in the cave?. ~ 1s

Hey! There's another

Tom And there's somethin
like a treasure chest!

2 Listen to the story again and repeat. Act.

3 Read again and write the names. [___E_d__K_a_t_e__L_ib_b_y__~_o_m__,]
1 Libby doesn't like the dark. 2 and explored a cave in Mexico.
3 _ _ _ looks at the map. 4 - - - - describes the weather.
5 sees that the cave wall 6 sees the treasure chest.
is coming down.

6$ Unit8 It's a mystery!

1 listen and! repeat. ~ 76

ancient adj very old

Olli"tofocct noun an object that was made by a person
ev~idlell'llce noun facts that make you believe something is true
fosdncntill'llg adj very interesting
investigation noun something to try to find out what happened
mystericllll.11s adj that nobody can understand or explain
site noun a place where a building used to be, or where something happened
strange adj unusual and difficult to understand or explain

2 Write the words.

1 It is a very strange cave painting. There is nothing else like it.
2 They found an interesting in the cave.
3 history is about things that happened very long ago.
4 I think it's_·_ _ _ _ _ _ to know how people lived in the past.
5 The story is very . Nobody can explain it.
6 There is that shows how people used to live.

When a verb ends in ae,

we remove the -e and add -OJble.
accept comfort reason advise believe use
ac<;:eptalble comfortable reasonable advisable believabLe ... usable

3 Listen and repeat. ~ n

4 Read and circle.

1 lihis chair's very comfort !@o7ia®I'd like to stay here all day.
2 We advise I advisable people not to go climbing when the weather is bad.
3 Our teacher gives us a reason/ reasonable amount of homework each week.
4 We think the price for the car is accept/ acceptable.
5 Ted's story was very believe/ believable.

Words Unit 8 ~i~~}'I

l~ss@ll'il Tikir®® Grammar 1
! .
1 Listen and read. When was the Mary Celeste fo11..11111d? ~ 1s

The Mary Celeste was a mysterious ship. In Nove:mber 1872, the

ship left New York for Italy. The captain, his wife, their daughter,
and the ship's crew were on board. In December 1872, a passing
ship found the Mary Celeste floating in the ocean. After the crew
had climbed onto the ship they saw there was no one there! They
explored the ship and discovered thcit someone had taken the
lifeboat and a few.other things. But the ship wasn't damaged.
There hadn't been a storm. What happened to the people?
·No one knows! It's a mystery!

2 listen and repeat. ~ 79

Use the past perfect for something that happened in Use the past perfect for the
the past before another thing happened in the past. earlier thing that happened and
After they had climbed onto the ship, they saw there the simple ·past for the thing that
was no one there. happened after that.
Past perfect had (not) + past participle They discovered that someone had
Look! 'd = had taken the lifeboat.

3 Complete the sentences. Use the simple past or the past perfect. (!; Irregular verb list
1 I went out after I had finished (finish) my homework.
2 When I got home, I remembered I (leave) my bag at school.
3 After we had finished the exam, we (go) home.
4 My fish were hungry because I (forget) to feed them.
5 When they (get) to the movi«;! theater, the movie had already started.

4 Talk about the pictures.

taken/ the sandwiches drunk/ the juice eaten I the cake
a few I a lot of I a LL of a little of I half of I all of none of I a little of I half of

When she
arrivecl, U1e
1 d1ilcln::,1 haci

dr~~~<i~~~ of_)

.70 e I
Unit 8 Past perfect Complete Grammar Time Eicercises 1-3 on page 64 of Workbook 6 .

--· -~ • ·7"". --- -··---


1 Ustell1l irmd read. What do Chip cmdl 1?1rofes:soll' wall'1lt to kll1low? ~ so

How did the Egyptians build the

Pyramids? How did they get all This contains information on J~
those big stones there? Had they all the history of the world!
invented trucks and trains before Let's test it. what is the biGJaest
they built the Pyramids? Pyramicl in Egypt?

No, they hadn't invented trucks

and trains before they built the
Pyramids. I don't know how they
built them. But I have an ideal

2 Listen and repeat. ~ a1

3 Complete the questions. Use the past perfect. @Irregular verb list
i .
~· 1 Had the movie already start eel (start) when you got to the movie theater?
2 _ _ _ _ Sam _ _ _ _ (finish) his homework when you arrived at his house? \.
3 the boys (visit) England before they went to London?
4 your mom (cook) lunch when you arrived home?
4 Write sentences.
1 Billy woke up late because he hadn.'t gone to bed earlw (not go/ to bed early).
2 He was hungry because he (not eat I any breakfast).
3 The teacher was angry because Billy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not do/ his homework).
4 When Billy's friend arrived, he (not finish/ his lunch).
S Billy and his friend went to the park as they (not practice/ for the game).
6 Billy and his friend didn't buy ice cream as they (not bring/ any money).

e Complete Grammar Time Exercises 1-3 on page 65 of Workbook 6. Past perfect: negative sentences
and questions
Unit8 71

Less@mi Five _..;,Wii!Jll'~Willllrs

. ....-........ ....---···· ~ .
.... _,_,...., ............- .,..,..- .....-; ,

1 Look at the interview. When were the Nazca Lines discovered?


'".·.:.. ····".".\·;,:;,,;,
...... ; .. '.·.:.. ,'
.. _

3 Read again and match the questions with the answers in the interview.
a Did they only draw lines? b How can we see them today?
c How long did it take to draw them? d How did they make the lines?
e Who were the Nazca people? f What are the Nazca lines?

'1'l. . Unit 8- Reading: an interview

··~ . ····,,-: --- -·--·- - -.- --1:D
l Find the words in the interview to match the pictures and definitions.

verb to move
adj really
noun a person something to a noun the amazing;
who studies different place • normal weather
difficult to
history . because you • that a place has
. believe
•. don't need it
'· ., .. '·'·· H· . . • < .t
1 historian. 2 ------ 3 ------ 4 -----

s ------ 6 ------ 7 ------

2 Listen. What is the advertisement for? !SJ s3

3 Listen again,and complete.

1 Flights leave at 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. every day.
2 Each plane takes _ _ _ _ _ _ people.
3 Trips last one hour and minutes.
4 A guide will meet you at the in Nazca.
S The guide shows you a _ _ _ _ __
6 People should wear _ _ _ _ _ _ clothes in the desert.

4 Ask and answer. Use the prompts or your own answers.

would you like to visit
~he Nazca lines?

ancient culture/ myst~ries /amazing art
The story of the Mary Celeste. I
_{Which other stories do you The building of the Pyramids.
p i n k are mysterious?
~are t~ey mysterious? ·7·\T?'.:·[~~~~~'~f~~~a~~~}!~r~y'·'?'iT '
Look for archeological clues I read more
_fiow do you think people ~ They could _ _ __ about the subject/ visit the sites
~could solve these mysteries?

Words in context: The Nazca Lines, listening and speaking Unit 8 73

1 Look at the text. What is Stonehenge?

::q:~;-~~i01~·-fiD~4i$''. . l?rfo®s · Where is it?

9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (winter) £6.40 for adults Salisbury, England
9:00 a.m. - 7:oo·p.m. (summer) £3.20 for children...
\Are ~xplain wh~tt,he , .. ·.·
· touristattraction isAlr1d' ' , . Wh@t us Stm11e~ell1lge?
·why it i~'i,j,portant. ' · · · Stonehenge is a huge and mysterious circle of stones in the south of
England. No one is sure who built Stonehenge or why, but it is thought that
people began building it around 5,000 years ago. Some historians think that·
the circle was built for festivals. Other historians think that it is a kind of
ancient calendar. This is because of the way the sun falls on different stones
at different times of the year.

·,'· .. ···.,,;:~?~~::r·.~~·\:L:: .. <:>·. ':J -'·:·,. ,· ... ,'.:·~·:· :·· ~-:~~

We finish d tourist •. ·. ·.
:r ., · W~y visut?
' ' " .•' . c l ' · '• · · Stonehenge is an incredible sight. It is amazing because of the size of the
infotm<:Jtioh b.r8~h~re··.by .• .·. . • stones. The tallest stone is more than six meters high. The stones came from
.giving an ~xciting}eason · a long way away. People didn't have transportation then so how did they
why touri~ts ~hp~~qNi~it... · . move them? No one really knows! Come and visit and see what you think! ·

3 Rea·d again and answer the questions.

1 Wh~ is St~meh:ngf!? . r 2 How 1id the stones get to Salisbury?
4 ii \
-\ \(
\. ( Q,! l c.___ ;. ,"-( 1!
·~ \j .c::}.J Vi! ! :-- (H,
r ·I
:, 1_

Visit the Statue of Liberty!

1 Opening times [8 a New York, U.S.A.
2 Prices CJ b 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (all year)

3 Where is it? CJ c You can climb to the top and see all of New York City!
4 What is the Statue of Liberty? 1ft] d It is a huge statue of a woman holding a torch.

5 Why visit? 0 e $12 for adults, $5 for children

74 Unit 8 Writing: a tourist information brochure

l Complete the quiz.

2 Listen and order the Lines. Sing. ~ a4

I know the Earth goes round the sun

I really just don't know.
rl, But some things about the ancient world,
2 And I know how ~owers grow.
How _did they build the Pyramids?
- Diel people study the stars?
When they didn't have trains or cars?
How clicl they transport stones and things,
know the Earth is big and round
0.- I really just don't know.
~ And I know why rivers ~ow.

- But some things about the ancient world,

Why clicl they build mysterious sites?
?': What were those figures and sketches?
Who drew the Nazca lines? I
were they just maps and signs?
\·,.- ,.·1'r\'.: ..

Review Unit 8 i!S

. Story ··l

1 listen and read. Where is the treasure at the end of th.e story? ~ ss

Are you all right? What's in

: Tom well, we didn't find any fla
, did find some treasure!

2 Listen to the story again and repeat. Act.

3 Read again and write True or False.
1 There are coins in the treasure chest. True 2 Kate's water bottle is full.
3 The rain doesn't stop. 4 Kate sees Fin before she hears his whistle. - - -
5 The children are in the newspaper. 6 Ed is pleased they got lost.

16 Unit 9 Survival!
1 listen cmidl 1repeat. ~ s6

2 Write the words.

1 You use a flshin.q line to catch fish. 2 You can climb up a - - - - -
3 You can drink from a - - - - 4 You use - - - - - to light a fire.
5 You blow a - - - - to make a sound. 6 You can use a to cut things.

Homophones are words that sound the same but have different spellings and
flour noun hear verb buy verb seen pp meat noun
floweir noun here adv by prep scene noun meet verb

3 listen and repeat. ~ s7

4 Write the words.

1 buy/by 2 hear/ here
A I'm going to~ some new jeans today. A Please come . I need to speak to you.
B We live _Im_ the library. B Listen! Can you a noise?
3 meat I meet 4 flour I flower
A My friend Jenny doesn't eat _ _ _. A You need eggs and to make a cake.
B I would Like you to ____ my friend, Tom. B A rose is a beautiful, red - -

Words Unit 9 77 ·
1 listen and read. What is the information for? ~ 88

., You . should wepr light clothes and strong a ,,You should bring a small backpack. You shouldn't carry a

boo,ts. Y?u should ~lso w:ar a big hat as.. _,.•;\!:;;1 ~;Your guide will have f~od and drin~ •. b.urx~u ought to bring
.. ,fl,~ ~un 1s very hot 10 ~hE! JUngle. .· . · snacks. You should bnng yqµr P~,gjwate~:;!)ottle, too. ..
6 You shouldn't bring any valuable p'hssessi~ns sGch as jew''
·t:"?:;:.?~:-_ .Y:>· . ought to bring a ,g,amera. You will want to tak~ lots of photo
: ,\r ~: •. ,.: '.~ .~ .,,j~,':} .1. ~:.: \~1'.;'.·:'. '. ..
:~;··i . · . . ::f;:rn~!:t!\·:; ·:· · . ._. 1
;k;t :.:> -. . : ... : .':s:;~/;;·>·· ~. . . :, >1 .. i•.1c~.
JRemeriufh)ew;~>You must stay with yOur'g~ide at all times. You mustn't walk inhthejungle alone.
: · .,., .·, . -~l~:t:~"j~:·~c .:.~.~-~\Ji~~~::·~:.. -~:/ - :. .y· _; . ·<·.i.~·.:·'.. .. :1

2 Listen and repeat. ~ 89 \'

Use should/ shouldn't or ought to/ ought not to

for advice. You must stay with your guide.
You should wear light clothes and strong boots. You mustn't wall<: into the jungle alone ..
You shouldn't bring valuable possessions.
You ought to bring a camera.
You ought not to bring jewelry.

3 Read and circle.

1 "I'm bored." "You-/ shouldn't watch TV."
2 "I'm tired." "You ought to/ ought not to stay up Late."
3 "I want this book." "You should/ must pay for it."
4 "I don't understand." "You ought to/ ought not to Listen in class."
5 "I want to drive the car." "You mustn't/ shouldn't drive. You're only ·twelve!"

4 Ask and answer.

ought to/ take a hat ·should I take sandwiches

ought not to I take money ought to I take a camera
mustn't/ Leave Litter mustn't I feed the animals
should/ take a water bottle ought not to I take jewelry

78 Unit 9 Modal verbs for obligation e Complete Grammar Time Exercises 1-3 on page 72 of Workbook 6.

'1!11"'. --- ·-- :::-


:11 Uste!l1l icmdl iread. Wlhat 1hC1Js Pirofessoir D!l1l'Vell1ltedl? ~ 90

This is my new survival suit.

It will keep me warm in the
Arctic and cool in the desert!

You're looking too cold,

Professor. I think your survival You're right ch ... Ch ... Chip.
suit might be broken. I'm freezing! I have to do some
m ... m... more work on it.
2 Listen and repeat. ~ 91

Use might/ could to talk ab.out something Use have to to talk about something that is
that is possible. · necessary.
Your survival suit might be broken. You have to do more experiments!
That suit could be dangerous! I have to do some more work on it.

3 Read and circle.

1 You might ~listen to your teacher. It's important!
2 If it's hot tomorrow, we could/ have to go to the beach.
3 You have to/ could close the window. It's starting to rain.
4 I have to I might go swimming this afternoon. I'll decide later.
~ 5 My mom says I have to/ could go to bed early because I'm.tired.
4 Write sentences about Ellie.

-- ~
To do tomorrow ...
go to the park ?
do some homework ./
go shopping with Mom ./
watch TV?
send some e-mails ?

1 .=i12 iTtLCJht qo to the ocu·k.

e Complete Grammar Time Exercises 1-3 on page 73 of Workbook 6. Modal verbs Unit 9 '1,9 i
1 Look at the text. What happened to Robinson Crusoe's ship?

2 Listen and read. ~ 92

Robinson Crusoe
by Daniel Defoe
lolbi11i1sol1il Crnsoe was saalillil4J to Afroca whelill Ms slhiip Mt
some 1roclcs il1il a teriroble sto1rm. ll=lle swam t@ the shore ali'ild
doscovered he was the @lillDy s1111rvivor. The next day he swam
@Mil' to Ms sho~wr®ck. Rt Wltils ©fi'il the roclks llile«iltr the Dslc!lllild.
ll=lle lbrol!.!lglhit lb@clk t@oDs t!llfi'ild oil'her Msefimi ~- Thellil he
~©@llce©l for t!ll pD@ce 11'© lbimuDd ©J shcsiHtell'.

I walked to the top of the highest hill and looked down.

I was very unhappy, because I saw then that I was on an
island. There were two smaller islands a few miles away,
and after that, only the ocean. Just the ocean, for mile
after mile after mile. I was all alone.
After a time, I found a little cave in the side of the hill. In
front of it, there was a .good place to make a home. I used
the ship's sails, rope, and pieces of wood, and after a lot of
hard work I had a very fine tent. The cave at the back of
my tent was a good place to keep my food, and so I called
it my "kitchen". That night, I went to sleep in my new home.
The next day, I thought about the possible dangers on the
island. Were there wild animals on my island? I didn't know,
but I was very afraid, so I decided to build a very strong
fence. I cut down young trees and put them fn the ground,
in a half-circle around the front of my tent. I used many of
the ship's ropes, too, and in the end my fence was as strong
as a stone wall. I felt safer when I'd finished the fence. No
one could get over it, through it, or around it.

3 Read again and wrife the answers.

1 Was Crusoe sailing to America? !\Jo, he wasn't.
2 Was hethe only survivor from the ship?
3 Did he take some tools from the ship?
4 Did he keep his-food in his tent?
5 Was he worried about wild animals?
6 Did he make his fence from stones?

Unit 9 Reading: a story extract
1 Find the words in the story. Write.

storm survivor supplies shelter sails fence cut down .watr

1 There is a - - around our house.
2 My dad the tree because it was too tall.
3 We had plenty of ; Lots of food and good tools.
4 When the boat sank, there was only one _ _ _. Everyone else drowned.
5 There was a _ _ _ with strong winds and rain.
6 We put up the on the boat.
7 We have a little white around our garden.
8 We made a from Leaves and sticks.

2 listen. What food did Robinson Crusoe make to eat? ~ 93

3 Listen again and number the events in the correct order.

a He made his own food. 0
b He grew something. 0
c He learned to make furniture. OJ
d He put fruit in the sun to dry. 0
e He found some fruit trees. 0

4 Ask and answer. Use the prompts or your own answers.

How would you feel if you were I'd feel . .

shipwrecked on a desert island? '---=---=======:::;-;= frightened I lonely/ brave

look for food and water/ build a home/

explore the island
I'd use
leaves I wood I trees/rope
I'd eat
fruit/fl¥/ plriht; /meat
I'd build a raft or d ·boat/ make a fire to
attract passing ships

Words in context: Robinson Crusoe, listening and speaking Unit 9 81

l Look at the text. What is it about?
2 Read.

We can write to give·

advice about
\ 1 ':;: <·:,-:. :-:.
:~:·.;:•• /:,,-:... ~ ·.";. :.,.·.~ ;·;·:.''.··~~;·.:.;;::\ ~·

. things~ \/\fe <:an use a · • ·

conc~pt 1T1a1ho plan
a text.
: : .. . ' .' . ~
Yoµ need to find fresh water! Walk along the beach until you find a river.
Use pullet poin~s to show
Follow it away from the ocean and you will usually find faster moving water
each piece of advice that you can drink. ·
. clearly .. '.. ...... ·
• Next you need to eat. You will find plants around the river. There will also
;:;.l,J.~.~·jffi.~g~!;iJ.9~.£~.,,p:!9'.~~ .•.·.. be fish. Make a fishing line so that you can catch them. You can use thin
·:i:he infbrmdi:ion E!as~lto pieces of wood and thread from your clothes. ···
find. sumPING
• And what about somewhere to
sleep? You will need a shelter.
Use in order to and so Use rocks, leaves, and parts of
that to explain vyhy we a tree to build a small home.
need to qo something .. KEEPING Willlltl
Make a fire in order to stay warm.
You can also use it for cooking and
Use imperativesto give for keeping wild animals away.
··instr1Jct;iqns: 1yJ;:v .. '· · '· :
GE'l"l'ING llES(~UEn
You will want to be rescued! If you
Keep sentences shbrt put plants on your fire, they will
and simple and avoid make a lot of smoke. Someone
·unnecessary a~j~ctive~. might see it and come and find

3 Read again and answer the questions.

1 What's the best place to get fresh water? 2 Why should you make a fire?

4 Match.
How to survive in the mountains.
1 Take a lot of clothes so that 0 a see at night time.
2 Take match~s in order to 0 b light a fire.
3 Take a flashlight in order to c you don't get cold. ,'t

4 Take plenty of water so that 0 d you don't get thirsty.


82 Unit 9 Writing: an advice text

~:. '"4
!---·------··--· :
1 Complete the quiz.

Circle the correct

answer. We have to I
might go to the park
tomorrow. I don't
·. know yet.

Circle the correct answer.

Take an umbrella so that/

2 Listen and write. Sin~; ~ 94 '1

storm float shelt;;r ..2blp.vv-r-e-ck-ecf voyage boat sea tlee

. ~ f '~ ) 1
Slfm0pwre~k@d a~S@tl'!ld
· • @ffl @fl]

we're 1 shipwrecked on an island,

In the middle of the deep blue 2_ __
We have to eat fish for breakfast and lunch,
And we are so thirsty.
we went on a 3- - -
But there was a 4 , you see.

Now we're shipwrecked on an island

In the middle of the deep blue sea
We're shipwrecked on an island
In the middle of the deep blue sea
we sleep in a 5 that's made of leaves
At the top of a very ta/1 6 _ __
We're shipwrecked on an island,
In the middle of the deep blue sea,
But we've made a 7 that we think wi/1 8- - -
And soon we could be free!

Review Unit 9 83
1 Look at the pictures. What do you think the story is about?
2 Read.

Over one l_tundred year~ ago,tlie Ingalls family lived in Wisconsin, a, state
in the U.S.A. There was Pa, Ma, Mary, Laura, Baby Carrie, and their dog;
Jack. One day, they traveled west and built ci. little house on the prairie.
Life was exciting,-but dangerous, too, and one night, Laura heard a wolf
howling .•• -
Laura got out of bed. Pa turned his head and saw her standing there.
"Do you want to see them, Laura?" he asked, softly.
' Without saying. anything Laura walked over to Pa. He put down his gun and lifted
her up to the window.
Ther~ in the light of the moon sat a half circle of wolves: They looked at I,,aura,
and she looked at them. The biggest was taller than Laura. His coat was g_ray and
- his eyes were shining and green. Laura looked and looked at that wolf.
"He's awfully big," Laura said into Pa's ear.
"Yes, and see how his coat shines," Pa said into her hair. "They're in a circle
around the house."
Laura went with him to the other w:indow. There she saw the other
half of the circle of wolves. The big wolf lifted his nose to the
sky and howled. All the other wolves answered him;
The noise filled the wide prairie.
"Now go back to bed, Laura," Pa said. "Go to sleep.
Jack and I will take care of you all."
So Laura went back to bed .. She heard the wolves
howling and trying to smell them through the
cracks in the walls of the house. It was a long
time before she fell asleep.

'(,I~>,: Extensive reading: little House on the Prairie

3 Read again. Who else is awake when Laura sees the wolves?

4 Read again and answer the questions.

1 Which state did the family live in first?
2 How many children were in the family?
3 Where did they move to? .
4 Where did Laura see the wolves?
5 What color eyes did the biggest wolf have?
6 What were the wolves doing when Laura went back to bed?

5 Ask and answer.

1 Did you enjoy the story? Why (not)?
2 Do you think the family was brave? Why (not)?
6 Make an Expedition Pack collage.

If we went on an expedition to the

jungle we would take our hats
we would take our cameras to
because it would be very hot. we
take photos of all the animals
would take lots of water because and birds. we would take a
we would get very thirsty.
pocket knife and matches to
start a fire for cooking.

Project: an Expedition Pack collage

1 Listen and read. Why is the DSD Club at the beach? ~ gs


2 Listen to the story again and repeat. Act.

3 Read again and circle.
1 Fin wants everyone to meet at the horse /@0sculpture.
2 The children look at the elephant I giraffe sculpture first.
3 The horse sculpture was made by a French/ English person.
4 Tom can speak English and French I Chinese.
5 The children are meeting Fin at five I six o'clock.
6 The children think the animal is an octopus/ a shark.

$~. Unit 10 Around the world!

. -·- . d Jr<. .:.,...__ --- ~


., les;s~mi Tw@ w~.rds:Y' ··

- -· - .;,.,.: ... : .......... ·- -·-. .·. ., .. .'.:~.~-~·. __ :_.~ . :~.~-' ··~·-~·--- . ~--·""

1 listern Cllli1ld n-epeat. ~ 96

accent noun a way of pronouncing a language that is connected with the place you
come from
lbm1111g1U1al adj able to speak two languages perfectly
dicu&ect noun a form of a language that is spoken in part of a country
fluent adj able to speak a language very well and easily
mother tongue noun the first language you learned to speak as a child
multilingual adj able to speak many languages well
native speaker noun a person who speaks a language as their first language and hasn't
learned it as a foreign language
offudal lromg1U1age noun the language that is used most for communication in a country

2 Write the words.

1 The Spanish teacher is a native speaker . She's from Spain.
2 The of China is Mandarin, but people also speak many other languages.
3 Maria's because she speaks Spanish, French, and English.
4 Luis doesn't have a strong Spanish . Most people think he's English.
5 Natalia's from Russia, so her is Russian, but she's also learned French
and Italian.
6 My dad speaks English and French perfectly. He is_·_ _ _ _ __

We add the suffix -ery to some words to make nouns.

When a word ends in -er, or -e, we only add -y or -ry.
deliver discover bake 'brave nurse
delivery discovery bakery bravery .nursery

3 Listen and repeat. ~ 97

4 Read and circle.

1 Historians€c~/ discovery things about the past.
2 ·we sometimes bake/ bakery bread at home.
3 My little sister goes to a nurse/ nursery.
4 Mailmen deliver/ delivery letters to houses.
5 My dad is very brave I bravery. He rescued a boy from a fire.

Words Unit 10 ·,\87'<:

1 Uste111 a111dl read!. How is Oscar !Brown going to trnveL aro1Lu1dl itlhle world!? ~ 9s

Uscar tlrown lS gomg on u Lll!J u1uu11J. Lii.1.; vvui.h..i. ~i(,; i.vld

us he was really looking forward to the trip. He said he
had cycled around Africa last year. He said he had loved
his time in Africa but he wanted to travel to more places.
He told us he was planning to travel around Europe,
North and South America, Asia, and Australia. He said
he had taken lessons in French and Spanish. What a
fantastic journey it will be. Good luck, Oscar!

2 Listen and repeat. ~· 99

Use reported speech to report what someone else said. In reported speech we change the tense.
"I want to visit all the countries in the world," He said he wanted to visit all the countries in
he said. ~the world.
"I'm looking forward to the trip," he said. )P He said he was looking forward to the trip.

"I cycled around Africa," he said. He said he had cycled around Africa.
"I've taken lessons in French and '~~~~
He said he had taken lessons in French· and.

3 Read and circle.

1 "I love sailing," said Jack. Jack said he love ;Qsailing.
2 "I went to the movie theater yesterday," said Louise.
Louise said she went/ had gone to the movie theater the day before.
3 "I'm learning French," said Ben to his teacher.
Ben told his teacher he was learning/ had learned French.
4 ''I've finished my book," said Liz to Jessica.
Liz told Jessica she finished I had finished her book.

4 Ask and answer.

~ (Colin )
I wantto learn I've seen a r visited my r like chocolate.
French. crocodile. grandparents
at the weekend.
~ ,-le .:L~id he likecl c/rioco!atr:. J l, It's Jim. /'

· 88 Unit 10 Reported speech: statements G Complete Grammar Time EJCercises 1-3 on page 80 of Workbook 6. .

- ~ - - "r. -- --- ·~
... ·... "" '· -· ,.t

lle$$@im JF@l!!lll' . Grci~m~r'il> .{..:)

.:: :.~:~~-H~~ .:[. :~:..:.:.~: ~~ ~: :::~ ~.~. h,.;; :,:r
1 lliste111 a1111dl read. What has !Professor invented? ~ 100

This is my new multilingual machine! EXcellent! EXcellent! OK, chip. can

When I press this button, you start you change yourself to English now?
speaking in a different language!
Let's change you to French.
~~-. --~

oh yes! I can change myself! J

Bonjour! Bonjour! I
2 Listen and repeat. ~ 101

I can chahge myself.

Can you ..~hange yourself Engtishnbw? to
The m~chineturned itself off./ .•• ·. •.· ··
.He hurt hirhself when he fell off his bike.

· 3 Read and choose.

1 Look! I bought _g_ a present! 2 We bought_ some tickets for the concert.
· ;1£\~In~g:~~~~rJ'c~~~~~MI~:f~!tJ ~gr1r~~1t.:; E~F~E~~~i~J~~j~J ;·illJI§~~I~~~ti~~I1. ·E~EEt~:r:§~lY~K.:: . .,.
3 Did you teach_ Spanish? 4 He hurt_ when he was playing baseball.
·'19IBifffs::~m,.:; : '1(~:~g2fuir~~~~-:1 ·.::~~Ifa~fa~~ts ~i\:9it11~iITiii ·I'·~~Bn:m·~~~f:D r•\.S:L@·Tu~~~tt>
5 The bird is washing_ in the river. 6 They enjoyed _. at the party.
5;gc:r:~'f~;~k~~1) !:~~~filJif:t5-~~~;·i) rf·~~f~!~~L~f~·;: ::i;:~·;.~r,i~JF1!ty~0\ i~f~l9~@§"[W~?:}c\;: (i:]rz~~~~~I~~~~:}·:,
4 Complete the sentences. Use reflexive pronouns.
1 He hurt himself playing basketball.
2 She looked at in the mirror.
3 I taught to pla.y the guitar.
4 Did you make _ _ _ _ a sandwich?
5 We drew pictures of in art.
6 Have you all enjoyed today?

@Complete Grammar Time Exercises 1-3 on page 81 of Workbook 6. Reflexive pronouns Unit 10 ,';'&,~
l Look at the text. How many people in the world speak Arabic?

2 Listen and read. ~ 102

A There are around 7,000 languages spoken in

the world. Some of these languages have almost A The reason is perhaps because English is spoken on
disappeared and only have a few speakers left, but so many different continents. People in the U.S.A.,
others are still spoken by millions of people! There the U.K., Australia, Canada, Ireland, and N~w
are many languages which were widely spoken in Zealand speak English as their first language.
the past and which no one speaks anymore, for It's also· recognized· as an official lan·guage in more
example, Latin or Ancient Greek. than 70 countries around the world!

A International companies often have businesses in

A Mandarin is the most widely spoken language in different countries. This is one reason why young
the world. It's the official language of China and people in these countries may learn the more
about 900 million people living there speak it as dominant languages of the world and stop learning
their native language. Mandarin is als.o spoken in their own languages.
other Asian countries such as Singapore, Malaysia,
Indonesia, and Thailand. So, altogether, Mandarin
is spoken by almost 15% of the world's population!
A Some scientists predict that half of the languages
spoken in the world today will disappear by the
end of the century, as young people stop learning
A Hindi, English, and Spanish are each spoken by the language of the country they come from.
over 300 million native speakers. Portuguese, Ill

~: Russian, Arabic, Japanese, German, and French

each have 100 - 300 million speakers. That's a lot
of people!

3 Read again and match.

1 7,000 0 a The number of people that speak Hindi, English, and Spanish.
2 900 million 0 b The number of countries where Eng(ish is an official language.
315% 0 c The percentage of the world that speaks Mandarin.
4 over 300 million 0 d The number of people that speak Mandarin in China.
- S more than 70 0 e The number of languages spoken in the world .

.. ~Q·· Unit 10 Reading: a Question & Answer text

... ,,,.. -- __
__, ::-
- -~ . ''llT: --
1 Find the words in the text to match the definitions.

2 noun one hundred years

3 adj the most used, most powerful, etc.
4 noun one of the seven main areas of land on Earth, for example,
Europe, Africa, etc.
S adj in total
6 verb to go away and not be there any more
7 noun the number of people that live in a place
8 verb to say that you think something will happen

2 Listen. Are the children all Learning the same Language? ~ 103

3 Listen again and match.

Speaker 1 [ill a The speaker wants to travel to English-speaking countries.
Speaker 2 0 b The speaker wants to go to college in New York.
Speaker 3 B c The speaker wants to communicate with her grandparents.
Speaker 4 0 d The speaker wants to use English in her job one day.

4 Ask and answer. Use the prompts or your own answers.

:$at languages do you speak? I speak Mandarin I English I l(orean I Spanish I
Portuguese /Vietnamese
:ou enjoy learning
languages? Yes, I do. I No, I don't.
Because I find it
)$.(~n-ot-)7------... interesting I boring I easy I difficult I fun

~ou 1
W~ ch new language w.ould
most like to learn?
I'd like to learn

Why do you think learning Because you can speak to people in different countries/
languages is useful? learn a~out other cultures I get a good job

Words in context: Languages of the world, listening and speaking Unit 10

--- ___
_;., ..__
1 Look at the advertisement. What is it for?
2 Read.

,~m~!1~iorma .6h'ili~ ),

::y~~;rJ1~t~iH~,~~~1~~a~i,~t1:.·~u:c.> Would you like to study English in one of

peopl¢ int~r~~~e~ iJ(it ·. . . . . · ·
.the most exciting cities in the world?
···yhi~~~~~u~!~~<>ur 1rciJ·§~i:?.· Then come to New York City and study atThe English School!
Use.different sized>
", ._ : \:: •. '. '!_;.• :-;~:,,\~ ,, 1 ··• ....... .·:·. ·' ~ '
0 l'We offer summer courses for students aged 12-18 years.
· heading~ailddiff~rent·. . · " Our teachers are native speakers from the U.S.A., Canada, and Britain.
~1f~l9r~;... ' . >.-:. •• Lessons are fun and lively and the courses are interesting.
0 There's an exam at the end of the summer so you can
find out how much you have learned!
-'i~w~:r4.a~ji'~-~Bf~taijr~~~"s{s·Jt; " Students stay with friendly, local families so they
practical information. can learn about American culture and practice
People need to kriow speaking English every day .
•wha(you are offeririg. " We take students on trips around the city.
You will see all the famous sights!
Please call or write for more information,
Qr look on our website.

f,::WJs~~J!t]~~·i!aD ,-,:i~.~F·'·;:

remember Olfr,C:\ · ·· .
<:· ·
: ·.''·', ·:··,···.-··,_:·'.'.r,:11l.:'\:·;, ;.-"·.

aqvertisemeht> ·•· · ··

3 Read again and answer the questions.

1 Where do the teachers come from? 2 Where dothe students stay?
4 Write a, b, or c. a layout b persuasive language c important information

1 Our language school is definitely the best language school in Boston. W

2 f:;)in tllnd Entellf'tann ment 0
3 Courses are in June, July, and August. 0
. 4 Boston is a beautiful and historical cit-y. 0
S Students stay with local families. 0

~2 Unit 10 Writing: an advertisement


Uimnil' H:Jl Re'lfu®w, . .. .' .

- . ..........
. .,.,.,.,._.
. .
·-··~.,.,..,_..., ......... ,~,........;..~,..,...~_,,,.,_..,.,..._ .....

1 Complete the quiz.

Circle the correct

answer. The boys
bought ourselves I
themselves ice cream.

2 Listen and order the Lines. Sing. (SJ 104

My uncle sends us postcards

And he tells us where he's been.
From the country he is in.
He tells us who he's met
He's traveling around the world.
He's driving over deserts.
He's sailing on the seas.
He's going with the breeze.
He said he'd been to Hanoi
In the jungle late at night.
And seen a lot of sights.
He told us it was very hot
He said he'd learned some Mandarin,
on a mountain in Peru.
Some French and German, too.
He said he'-d spoken Spanish

Review Unit 10 93
l Listen and read. What is in the water? ~ 10s

It's getting dG1rk.

Yes, but the stG1rs Gire bright. Look
Is thC1t GI comet or GI shooting stG1
Libby I don't know, Tom. Let's just kee
uttin WG1ter on the dolphin.

2 Listen to the story again and repeat. Act.

3 Read again and write True or False.

1 Ed sees first that it is a dolphin. True 2 The water is too deep for the dolphin.
3 Kate and Tom go and tell Fin. 4 Libby saw an interview about dolphins.
5 Libby is interested in the stars. 6 Tom tries to carry the dolphin by himself.

94 · Unit 11 Space travel!

2 Write the words.
1 shootinq star noun a piece of rock in space that burns with a bright light
when it gets near Earth
2 noun a tube that you Look through to see things that are 1
(?' far away, for example, stars
3 noun a group of stars that has a name
·4 noun a person that travels in space
5 noun the sun and all the planets
6 noun a place where people Live and work in space

Phrasal verbs . come back to return

come in to enter a place
come 01L1rlt to appear
come over to visit a person or place

3 Listen and repeat. ~ 101

4 Read and circle. /

1 Come1.~~,/ out! You forgot your cell phone!
2 The rain stopped and the sun came out/ in.
3 Hello! How are you? Please come in/ back and sit down.
4 Do you wantto come over/ out to my house this afternoon?

Words Unit 11 ~!$

~~&>1il©llll 'f'hrree Grnmmar 1
1 ........... .

1 listerra and read. Who was i01terviewedl 001 the 011ews? ~ 10s

jack on the news last night a reporter interviewed an

astronaut in space!
Ben Wow! What did he ask him?
Jack First he askecl him wnere he was. 1 Yie astroriuut saia
he was at the International space Station. Then the
reporter asked the astronaut what he did in space.
Ben What did he say?
Jack He said he had fixed a satellite and done some research.
Ben What else did the reporter ask?
Jack He asked him who was at the space station with him
and he also asked him when he was landing back on
Earth. The astronaut said his work was nearly finished
and that he was landing on Earth in four days!

2 listen and repeat. ~ 109

When you report Wh- questions the word order changes.

Direct speech: Reported speech:
"Where are you?" He asked him where he was.
"Why are you in space?" He asked him why he was in space.
"What do you do in space?" He asked him what he did in space.
"Who else is at the space station?" ~He asked him who else was at the space station.
"When are you landing on Earth?" ~He asked him when he was landing on Earth.

3 Read and circle.

1 "What's your name?" Sarah asked. 2 "Where do you live?" Tess asked.
Sarah asked her what was her name/~ Tess asked him where he lives/ he lived.
3 "What is your favorite: food?" asked' Josh.
4 "Why is Sandy sad?" asked Jon.
Josh asked him what his favorite food is/ was. Jon asked me why was Sandy/ Sandy ~as sad.
4 Talk about the questions. (!)Irregular verb list

what is your favorite

space food?

When are you going The child asked him )

into space again? why he liked his jo~
@'11,,imber 3! ;-...__,_,
Where do astronauts
sleep in space?

96 Unit 11 Reported speech: Wh- questions e Complete Grammar Time Exercises 1-3 on page 88 of Workbook 6.

.. -·~ . - d Jr<. ---- - - - -~

l Usite111 Cllll1d li'eClld. Why tlCllli'll'it Chip hem !P1Tofessor? ~ 110

2 Listen and repeat. ~ 111

:>. .·~"';:· ,'.'><·,-:,, ~· ~ •:....::·~- '·:"\,;:::·. ·;:" :·· ·, •.. . '.:::; <>.: ~:··'1 ·> :·.: ·, -,.

. ~(~tt~~~~;t~~~•d'.~·~~i~~~(~~~~¢W .
I '·;:.:.' '.·',!.:,'

.. '. U~e t~ld wtfih ~eported. c6mmqnds ..

•pired spE!ech: ·Repol-tecfspeeC:h: ·
u-flJr~ 0# ijour cell Hetofiflis 1:oturn off ''Pl~(]seleay¢ quietly · He asked us.tO'>':
· at the erid bf t~e. movie.~,' , l~aye ,quietly .qt ,..
<~&J~~s~~\D~~';~Y . •·• · ''~1£Jt~·~fA~~io·· ', ' th~ e~d of the ' I '

:'; · tadc:.hhis tprnputer.

· 3 Read and write asked or told.

1 "Sit down!" said the teacher. 2 "Please can you clean your room?" said Alan's mother.
The teacher told the class to sit down. Alan's mother him to clean his room.
3 "Don't eat the cake!" Jane said. 4 "Please can you buy some milk?" said Jim's mom .
. Jane _ _ _ Ray not to eat the cake. Jim's mom him to buy some milk.
4 Write the sentences in reported speech.
1 "Turn off the TV!" said Fin's mom. Fin's mom told him to tum off the TV.
2 "Please listen carefully,"· said the museum guide. - - - - - - - the children ----~

3 "Please can you sit down?" said the teacher. ~------

the class·- - - - - - - '
4 "Don't be late!" said Harry's mom. ~--·----
him -~----~~

5 "Can you help me with my homework?" said Marie - - - - - - - his dad ----~--

e Complete Grammar Time E1<ercises 1-3 on page 89 of Workbook 6. Reported commands and requests Unit 11 ;..~? .
1 Look at the poem. Does the boy's mother believe he went into space?
2 Listen and read. ~ 112

The stars were as bright as diamonds The next thing, it was morning.
In the darkness of the night. I was safe and cozy in bed.
The moon shone like a precious pearl. I told my mom about my trip.
It was an amaz~ng sight! "What a nice dream," she said.

I flew through the rings of Saturn,
I circled the Earth below.



3 Read again and write the answers.

, I
1 Does the boy see a comet? Yes, he does.
2 Does Neptune look green?
3 Does the boy land on Venus?
4 Does the boy hear anything on the moon? _ _ _ _ __
5 Does the boy find anything on the moon? _ _ _ _ __

6 Does the boy have a moon rock?

.~8 Unit 11 Rl;!(lcfi119: a poem

111"'. --
1 Find the words in the poem to match the pictures and definitions.

pp to go around adj very verb to start going

adj warm and
and around expensive and in the direction of
very fast . special a place

1~ 2 3 4

5 ------ 6 ------ 7 ------ 8 ------

2 Listen. What is the astronauts' destination? ~ 113

3 Listen again and complete. [ walks stars .s.pac:e by home fly

~ .

. ·,~ ' .;·· ,•
·_." ;-·~!:'':,,/: t·'.:i :·. :·,'' ·.:
•<.::.<;!.;", ;·:~T''·' ...
Mercury~Venus, and Mars. . And travel backto Ii , \• :: · ,: ·ec•'.::- > ;':'

4 Ask and answer. Use the prompts or your own answers. I


Yes, I would./ No, I wouldn\t.

exciting/ amazing I frightening I

fascinating/ dangerous
Flying in a spaceship./ Living on a space
station./ Going on a moon walk.

The planets. /The stars. /The moon. I

A comet. I Asatellite.

Words in context: Dreaming in a spaceship, listening and speaking Unit 11

1 Look at the text. Match the times of day with the vers~s. [ evening night afternoon morning
2 Read. rM.:a;:;;:;;Q
~~~nr~1.r.;:,~:·~.:t~;'N;;1 1;:~

There are Lots of ways of

making poems sound. more
beoutiful and interesting . .
The sky is as dark as black paint.
The moon is as white as snow. We use similes to make
The sfors sparkle like silver jewel.S writing more interesting and•·.
And all the planets glow. create strong images i.n th,e.'
reci'der's mind. ' . '· ..
.. .~.·.... Asimile is the comparison of
· The sky gets lighter quickly.· -- ... two things. .
The sun comes up in the sky. We use like;.; or as ... as to .
The birds all sing together. compare two things.
You can hear a rooster cry.
Ji~· sometimes w;ite different
verses. There are four verses
in this poem.
The sun is as hot as burning fire. oYv"L /
The sky is as blue as the sea. ~ I
We usually start each new
The clouds are as fluf~ as new-born chicks
line-with a capital letter.
And the birds rest in a tree.

Wi; S()rnetimes use rhyming

words. In this poem, the
The world is as quiet as a sleeping child.
rhyming'words are in the
There's a very gentle breeze. second and fourth lines of
The sun falls slowly from the sky each verse.
And the moon shines on the seas. Avoid forced rhyme- using
words that rhyme but don't i

make sense.
3 Read again and answer the questions. Ii
1 What two sounds can you hear in the morning? 2 Where are the birds in the afternoon?

4 Complete the similes.

a cheetah diamonds .:fife- chocolate ice a tortoise

1 The sun is as hot as fire . 2 My cold hands feel Like

3 This train is as slow as _ _ _ __ 4 You run sq fast! You're like _ _ _ __
5 , His eyes are as brown as _ _ _ __I 6 The stars look Like - - - -

iQQ: Unit 11 Wri!l.1'!9: a poem


1 Complete the quiz. I

Circle the correct
answer. "Where are you
from?" He asked me
where I am I was from.

r I

. . " .
2 Listen and write. Sing. ~ 114 moon been

_ _ _ that day

I've been to a 3 and back again.

I've seen some wonc(erful things.
l'vi= been to the stars and I've ~own around Mars . .·.
I've 4 through Saturn's rings. ··
Today I met an astronaut
Who said his name was Jed.
I asked him what he'd 5- - - - that day

I've seen a 6 and a 7- - - -

And a planet that glowed so bright.
I've seen the 8 in the a~ernoon.
It was such an incredible sight.

.· . Review Unit 11 101
1 Listen and read. Why is Libby so happy at the end? ~ .m

It's gone! -· "

I hope it's all right out there. Look! It's the dolphin! It lo
It'll be fine, now: You saved its life. It very peaceful in the ocean.
be busy finding its family again now.
.~-. ···-
Fantastic! It's fo,!;!n~ !!s fam_ily agai

2 Listen to the story again and repeat. Act.

3 Read again and match.
i Tom is tired because he's been W a back into,the ocean.
2 Libby is worried because she doesn't know 0 b pouring water on the dolphin.
3 Kate, Ed, and Fin arrive0 c its family.
4 They carry the dolphin 0 d the children saved the dolphin's Life.
5 The man thinks 0 e how Long the dolphin can Live on Land.
6 The children see the dolphin with 0 f with a rescue team.

~.. ' ,.'' ~ :.:-;
Unit l 2 VacgJj9n time!

~ . -,,."' -- -- -~ --. - . --- 1rr. --- ---- =-


ll.®S$@Ull Two Words

1 listen and repeat. ~ 116

basic adj not very comfortable, with only the necessary things
!busy adj full of people and activity
cirllecup adj costing only a little money
dll.OU adj boring, not interesting
expensive adj costing a lot of money
lU1xurious adj very comfortable and full of beautiful things
peaceful adj quiet, with little or nq activity
stimulati111g adj interesting and exciting

2 Read and circle.

1 We had nothing to do. It was a very~J!J! stimulating day.
2 The hotel was very basic I luxurious. It had a pool, restaurants, and very big rooms!
3 It was very quiet and beautiful in the mountains. It was so busy/ peaceful.
4 We didn't have much money, so we found a cheap/ expensive restaurant. ·
5 The tow~ was very busy/ peaceful. There were a lot of cars and a lot of people.
6 New York is a very stimulating I dull city with lots of things to see and do.

Some words have silent letters. We don't pronounce

these letters when we say the words.
write know wrong snow
what honest white hour

3 Listen and repeat. ~ 111

4 Circle the silent letter.

1 Look at the sno9 It's· beautiful. 2 Tim is a very honest boy.
3 The lesson lasts an hour. 4 What's her name?
5 I'm going to write a poem. 6 This question is wrong.
7 She's wearing a white dress. 8 Do you know Susie?
less©ll'il 'fhwe<e Grammar ]
1 Listen and reacll. Es the fomily on vacation? !$} 11s

I wish it wasn't the

clay of ourvarntion.
2 Listen and repeat. !$} 119


Use wish to talk about situations you would like to be different .

. I wish I was taller. (He isn't very tall.)
I wish I could fly. (She can't fly.)
I wish it wasn't the Last day of our vacation. (It is the Last day of their vacation.)
I wish I wasn't scared of heights. (He is scared of heights.)
Look! wish + simple past

3 Complete the sentences. G Irregular verb list
1 I wish we could (can) go on vacation today. 2 I wish I _ _ _ (have) a surfboard.
3 I wish we (be) on the beach. 4 I wish it (not be) raining.

4 Ask and answer. can I run fast have I a new dress can I speak French
not have I a Lot of homework not be/ short not be'/ raining

104 Unit 12 .wish. e Complete Grammar Time Exercises 1-3 on page 96 of Workbook 6.
' :_;/

ll.ess@01 !r@l!llli' Grammar. 2

1 listen and read. Where are Chip and Professor going on
their vacation? ~ 120
OK, Chip. You packed your We're going on
sunglasses, didn't you? vacation to a robot


Yes; Professor! They're In There will be lots of robots, Yes! This is going to be
my bag. won't there? a fllntastic vacation!

2 Listen and repeat. ~ 121

·. '·Y~~".~u~~~toNJcigs:g~~1H·~ ~fi~:.~f sentences to mean''Am I right?'.' or "Do you agree?"

~r;i.s¢ntf:!~<;~~wit~.t~~. V,~t~~P¢.and ca11 we repeat
•. ;:,\,;: 1.. ;,-~::· :..!i:i~~~.~ h' '•~:,:;~ •!?~ ".:,:!::'. '.'~,J ~-y\;~~': ~-~;\ \;•.,\·~\ 11:<'.':.:}~.·,:;r.~L·:;.(·.:.' ;t,' -.·:. ··.'-~· y,.',-:• ; . ·. ,- ' ·....._.: .,. ., ·,,
the VE,!rbJn\he question
.; : . . . ·." .'··· .:;.- :_( ·. ·~ : ..':' : .':. :.~ "· :· :_.,":."·"::·· .. : . · •
. • :·:· ."· \
;'. There'.Q'f,Effots'dfiobots;§reh't1:here? · •You can swim,i:an't you? • ·.· ... · < . .
. In ~~rit~~ces '1\rith rntl~f ciih~·:·~~rbs we us~ do (not) I did (not) in the question tag. •·
Yoq like strawberry ice cre~m, don't you? You packed your s1,mglasses, didn't yoU?

3 Read and match.

1 New York isn't in Asia, 0 a didn't you?
2 It wasn't warm yesterday, 0 b can't you?
3 You don't like fish, 0 c was it?
You traveled to Australia last year,
You can speak Korean,
4 Write the sentences with question tags.
:~~lt~l1 :,
.f!i/';.J ··
': . ' ; .

1 It isn't cold today, ... It isn't cold todaq, is it? 2 The studen:tS work hard, ...
. ft.
3 You didn't go to the beach yesterday, ... 4 T"'ie!:l .did'n'~ read that book, ...
5 Your sister is a doctor, ... 5 The-vacation was great, ...

Le Complete Grammar Time Exercises 1-3 on page 97 of Workbook 6. Question tags Unit 12 105
l Look at the travel blog. Which countries does Sarah talk about?
2 Listen and read. ~ 122

On-Da~T1, we flew to Delhi, in India. What an amazing placer: ____ _

It was so busy and noisy. There were hundreds of rickshaws,
motorcycles, and cars driving around and people shouting and
rushing everywhere. We spent three days in Delhi and then went
by train all the way down the coast to Kerala. The journey took
four days!
We stopped in a fantastic town called Varkala. There were a lot of
palm trees on the beach, white sand, and great sunshine. We went
on an elephant ride! We traveled through the jungle and across
rivers. It was so exciting! It was quite scary being so high up on an
elephant, but it was still great fun. Unfortunately, my brother Dan
hated it because he doesn't like heights!
After Varkala, we spent four days on a house boat traveling down
a river. We stopped once at a village and met a local family who
invited us to eat with them. The food was traditional food from
Kerala. It was ~ and full of different flavors. After that, the local
children taught us a traditional Indian board game called Carroms.
We're going to spend a few days more in Kerala and then we're
going to Sri Lanka. I'll write an update on my blog again when I
arrive there!
f ¥&& £&69 l '!S!/ZtwW@· •e aw; & e &

3 Read again and write True or False.

1 The family is traveling for a year. True
2 The family traveled by plane to India.
3 The train journey to Kerala took a week.
4 Dan enjoyed the elephant ride.
5 The family spent one day on the house boat.
!i 6 Local children taught them a new game.

~(,l,6,; Unit l 2 Reaging: a travel blog

-·-~ . ""· :;..._ --- .- ~ - - -- "'!TY'.----

1 Find the words in the text. Write.

give up rush scary unfortunately spicy flavors _board ~ame

1 I'm playing a board gam~

with my brother.
2 My favorite ice cream _______ are chocolate and strawberry.
3 We went to the beach, but the weather was bad.
4 I didn't like the movie. It was too - - - - - - -
5 I love food.
6 I traveled in a - - - - - - - when I was in India.
7 I'r:n going to chocolate. I eat too much!
8 Don't We aren't late.

2 Listen(fWho is the interviewer talking to? ~ 123

3 Listen again and match.

;~,9i4'n!~Nj;1 ~:.;~9Y:0iJI~fffm~:~~)
1 India 0 a a mountain
2 China 0 b the rainforests
3 Australia 0 c the animals
4 South Africa0 d NewYork
5 South America 0 e the food
6 North America 0 f the Great Wall


4 Ask a.nd answer. Use the prompts or your own answers.

would you like to travel Yes, I would. I No, I wouldn't.
around the world?
· One month./ Six months. I One year. I
Three years.
. . As.ia /Africa/ Europe I Australia I
;:_.;North :.;·:";"·',:'America/ South
' ,\ ,,.' ..... ··:-- '·'·,. America
.. . .

l'cl take my
:-·z1~;::~~~j·l~.~B~.~~~~~rJ~~lf~fX4~·~??. <':.·
·------ ·• ... ··.. ~ •.. ;. '.c.;:':.:<:c,:.:~'...,·..;'!:.,~ ..; • .,,,.".·1..:'-·..:.--• ·• '. •·. 1 ' ; ,. .••..•. ,_.,. -·~- ·,,

What would yo!J miss? friends I TV I computer I clubs I ·

favorite food

Words in context: My year around the world, listening and speaking Unit 1 2 1~1
j '-'~· _,,_,....,

1 Look at the essay. What is it about?

2 Read.

We ccinwrit~ an essay to .. Tourism

discuss the advantages.
and disadvcmtages of . . Every year, millions of people travel
somethi!1g. We divide the· .. around the world to visit the islands ··~·-~-~~~-·~-...-,.'=~=i
essay into four paragraphs. in the Caribbean sea. But is this a good thing? . ·
\'There are some very good things about tourism in the Caribbean islands. ·
Paragraph l:
the introduction (where we Firstly, it is good for people to see the culture and history of o~her
introduce the top.~c) · ·places; ~eeondly; tourists spend money in hotels;· restaurants, and
stores. This is good for local people. Thirdly, tourism often means that
· Paragraph 2:. ·. . . better roads and airports are built, which is also good for local people.
the advantages (where we
explain the good things Uowever, not everything about tourism in the Caribbean islands is good.
about the topic) . Firstly, tourists can make peaceful places busy and noisy because there
are more people, ears, and planes than before. ~eeondly, tourism can
Paragraph ;3: destroy wildlife because hotels are sometimes built on their natural
the disadvantages (w~ere habitat. Finally, many foreign businesses own the hotels, stores, and
we explain the. bad things restaurants, so sometimes big companies get all the money, not the
about the topic) local people.

Paragraph 4: < ·..... ·. .. .· . It seems to me that although tourism can be good for islands in the
tne condusio.11 (vvhereyve Caribbean, it can have bad sides too. In my opinion, it's always important
make our final decision for tourists to respect the local culture.
about our opinion) . ·

3 Read again and answer the questions.

1 Where do tourists often spend money? 2 How does tourism hurt wildlife?
4 Look at the sentences which come from another essay. Which paragraphs do you
think they come from?
1 Climbers often Leave a Lot of litter. Paragraph 3
2 In my opinion, people should respect the environment.
3 Climbing is a popular sport, but is it a good one?
4 You can see some fantastic scenery.
5 Exercise is very good for your health.

108 Unit 12 W.riting: an opi.nion essay

- .. ··~ • - . #'1". ---- - - - ':'!"


Is this sentence about an

advantage or a disadvantage
of snorkeling? You can see
some amazing sealife.

2 Listen and order the Lines. Sing. ~ 124

I wish I was on vacation

or sitting in the sun.
And having lots of fun.
swimming in the bright, blue, sea
1 I wish I was on vacation
with ice cream in my hand.
Running around the yellow beach
And playing on the sand,

.1 Iwish I was on vacation

With friends and family too.
And laughing all day through.
smiling, talking, playing games,

1 I wish I wasn't at the bus stop

I wish I was on vacation
And feeling cold and wet.
But it isn't summer yet!

Review Unit 12 10~

1 Look at the pictures. What are the astronauts doing?

2 Read .


October 16th
I got up when I heard the wake-up call. We sleep in
.sleeping bags in compartments ~md strap ourselves in.
There's no gravitbl in space so if something isn't tied down,
it floats away!

I had bread and jellbJ for breakfast. We have different tl:Jpes of food in space. We have
food that's readbJ to eat, like cookies. We have food that bJOU add water to, like·soup:
We also have food from cans.

We had our dailbJ planning conference with Mission Control on Earth and found out
what work we had to do.

I went on a space walk to check for damage to the space station. First, I put on ml:J
space suit. Space suits protect us from danger and provide us with the oxl:Jgen we
need to breathe. I didn't find anl:J damage todabJ.

There was soup and bread for lunch followed bbl canned fruit
and cookies. After that, we cleaned up and had a rest.

We used the space shuttle's robotic arms to pull in a
damaged satellite. We successfullbJ repaired it and will return
it to orbit tomorrow.

I went on the exercise machines. I do two hours of exercise
everl:J dabJ. On Earth, we use our bones and muscles to move
against the force of gravitbJ. In space, there is. no gravity, so
our bodies don't need to work so hard. We can become verl:J
weak. That's why exercise is so important in space.

After dinner, I listened to music, wrote mbJ diarl:J and looked
at the amazing views. I'm lucky to be an astronaut. It's great!
- ..,.._,..,-..
,..............,.,,..,.,..,.t''i""''__,...-,........,.,,..,.,-,.r;,.---.--·-~---.---...,......... ,,.n:<"'_,....~.~-~· ...,.-.••..,.........,.._..,_...,......, •• ,._...~.-.·-·,.--."'""'-'"'"'-•'-·"""-·•,--..,.,-,--·•...,----:_,..___,,....,........._,.,-:-";_.,.....,~-r--··,.·-·•••....,...-•-,.····--~··-·,,._-...,, .... - .• ~·r·--··-•

111(), Extensive re(IQ.in_g: The diary of an astronaut

•· '(fl-r. --- ___,_ "='"'

Yl7': ---
.. _... .. "lf/T'. ---
3 Read again. Find six foods that astronauts can eat in space.
4 Read again and answer.
1 Where does the astronaut sleep at night?
2 Who does the astronaut speak to every morning on Earth?
3 Why did the astronaut go on a spacewalk?
4 ,How did they pull in the satellite?
5 How much exercise does the astronaut do every day?
6 What does the astronaut do during free time?
5 Discuss.
1 Do you think exploring space is a good idea? Why (not)?
2 Would you like to be an astronaut? Why (not)?

6 Plan your day in space.

6:00 I wake up and get out of my
sleeping bag. I have canned fruit,
bread, and jelly for breakfast. 7:00 I talk
to Mission control on Earth. They tell me
I have to do a spacewalk today ...

Project: a day in space <ll;D;,

4 ic 4 vehicle noun a car, truck, etc. arrangement noun something believable adj If something is
that can drive over difficult land, for that you have planned to do with believable, you think it could
example on rocks, sand, or someone be true.

.. '::J. - --·-·- ·.:t:/b_. ;;;-·· ........... _ .. _

you can go to look at paintings and something, you think it is true.
A other art
bilingual adj able to speak two
accent noun a way of pronouncing a artifact noun an object that was languages perfectly
language that is connected with the made by a person
binoculars noun an object that you
place you come from astro.naut noun a person that hold in front of your eyes to see
accept verb If you accept something, travels in space things far away
you agree that it is 01<. \' attach verb to send a file or photo board game noun a game that you
acceptable adj If you think together with an e-mail play on a flat surface w,ith shapes,
something is acceptable; you agree . words, etc. printed on it
available adj If something is
that it is 01<. available, it is there and can be used borrow verb If you borrow
achieve verb to finish doing if needed. something from someone, you use it
something that is very difficult and tben give it back to them.
awful adj very bad
to do brave adj A brave person will do
achievement noun something that something dangerous without being
you finish, that was very difficult
B afraid.
to do background noun the part of a bravery noun actions that are brave
picture that looks Like it's far
adventure noun an exciting or bright adj strong in color
from you
dangerous thing to do
bake verb to cook something, for bug noun a problem in a computer
adventurous adj An adventurous program
example bread or cake, in the oven
person Likes doing exciting or
bug noun an insect
dangerous things. bakery noun a store where bread is
made and sold bumpy adj going up and down;
advisable adj If something is
not flat
advisable, it is the best thing to do. balance noun the ability to stand up
without falling bunch noun a group of bananas,
advise verb If you advise someone,
flowers, or other things that
you tell them what you think they bank noun the ground on each side
grow together
should do. of a river
bus noun a big motor vehicle used
agreement noun a situation where barge noun a type of long, flat boat
for carrying people by road
you have the same idea or opinion used in the past to carry things
as another person along canals and rivers busy adj full of people and activity

alone adj without any other people baseball noun a sport wh.ere you hit buy verb (pt bought, pp bought) to
a ball with a bat, then run around a pay money to have something
altogether adv in total J
diamond shape · by prep next to
amazing adj very good
basic adj not very comfortable, with
ancient adj very old
arrange verb If you arrange to do
only the necessary things
beam noun a Line of light
cmtridge noun a container that
something, you make plans with
holds things Like ink for printing
someone to do it.
or film for a camera

Dictionary a-c

... ··--,,.,,-: -- _ ......


caving noun a sport where you go compass noun an object that you delicious adj tasting very good
down under the ground to explore use for finding which direction to
deliver verb to take something to an
go in
celebrate verb to have a oort11 or mirlrP~~

delivery noun a time when

day or time is important that makes things difficult, and
something is brought to an address
not simple
centu~y noun one hundred years
demonstration noun If you do a
connect verb to join two places
ct.«ap adj costing only a Little demonstration, you show people
so that you can go from one to
money how to do something.
the other
clay noun heavy earth that is soft deserted adj empty, with no one
connect verb to join your computer
when wet and becomes hard when there
to the internet so that you can
use it design verb to draw your idea for
clear away verb to move something how something will be made
constellation noun a group of stars
to a different place because you
that has a name device noun a simple tool or piece of
don't need it
equipment thqt is made to do
continent noun one of the seven
climate noun the normal weather a job
main areas of land on Earth, for
that a place has
example Europe, Africa, etc. dialect noun a form of a Language
clue noun a piece of information that is spoken in part of a country
coral reef noun an underwater
that helps you find an answer or an
environment with beautiful diamond noun a valuable stone
structures made by very small found under the ground, that looks
come back verb (pt came back, sea animals Like shiny glass
pp come back) to return
correct adj If something is correct, disconnect verb to stop your
come in verb (pt came in, pp come in) it is right, with no mistakes. computer being joined to the
to enter a place Internet
cozy adj warm and comfortable
come out verb (pt came out, discover verb to be the first person
create verb to make something
pp come out) to appear to find a place or thing
cursor noun a Line that comes and
come over verb (pt came over, discovery noun something you find
goes to show your position on a
pp come over) to visit a person that you did notlfoow about before
computer screen
or place
disgusting adj ~~r·y bad; horrible
cut.down verb (pt cut down,
cpmet noun an object in space that
pp cut down) to make something dishonest adj A dishonest person ·
Looks Like a bright star and has a
fall down, for example a tree sometimes says things that are not
true, or tries to trick people.
comfort noun a nice feeling
you have when your body has D dislike verb If you dislike something,
you do not like it.
everything it needs and is relaxed danger noun something that could
hurt you or damage something disobey verb If you disobey rules
comfortable adj If you are
or instructions, you do not do what
comfortable, your body has dangerous adj If something is they say.
everything it needs and is relaxed. dangerous, it could hurt you or
damage something. diving noun a sport where you swim
communicate verb to speak and
deep down under the ocean
Listen to someone so that you decorate verb to make a room Look
understand each other special by putting flowers, balloons, dominant adjthe most used, most
etc. in it powerful, etc.

Dictionary c-d 113 ·

download verb to copy a file . explore verb to travel the world freedom noun the feeling that you
from the Internet onto your own looking for places that nobody can do whatever you wcint to do
computer knew about before
furious adj very very angry
rlr_"'""" verb tn rliP nftpr hPinn Pimlorer noun n oerson who finds

dull adj boring, not interesting

garlic noun a vegetable in the onion
E fame noun being known or talked
family that has a strong taste and
about by many people
east noun the direction towards the smell
right of a map famous adj A famous person or
give up verb (pt gave up, pp given
place is known and talked about by
entrance noun the door or gate up) If you give something up, you
V many people.
where you go into a place stop doing it, eating it, etc.
fascinating adj very interesting
environment noun the natural glow verb to produce light and heat
world fence noun something built out of
grab verb to suddenly take hold
wood or metal around a piece of
equip verb If you equip yourself, of something
land, for example to stop animals
you get all the things you need to
getting in
do an activity.
figure noun a shape of a person H
equipment noun the things you
hang verb (pt hung, pp hung) to
need for an activity or sport filling noun what is inside
attqch something to a place that is
erupt verb When a volcano erupts, high up
fire and stones come out of it. first aid kit noun medical equipment
harbor noun a place where ships
that you carry with you to use if
evidence noun facts that make you can be tied up safely by the shore,
someone has an accident
believe something is true where there are no high waves
fishing line noun a long, very thin
eiccite verb If something excites you, harvest noun the time when food
piece of strong thread that we use
you like it very much and think it is that is grown, for example corn, is
to catch fish
very interesting. picked or cut down
flavor noun the taste that
excitement noun the feeling you hazard noun something that could
food has
have when you like something very be dangerous
much and think it is very interesting float verb If something floats, it
hazardous adj If something is
stays on top of the water and does
expect verb If you expect hazardous, it could be dang_erous ..
not go under.
something, you think it will happen.
,[ head off verb to start going in the
flour noun white powder made from
'I expensive adj costing a lot of money direction of a place
corn that is used to make bread
experienced adj An experienced biscuits, etc. ' hear verb (pt heard, pp heard) to get
person can do something well sounds in your ears
flower noun the colored part of
because they have done it for a long
a plant 'helicopter noun a flying vehicle
·1: wi:h no wings, but with two long,
I. fluent adj able to speak a language
,,! .I experiment noun a scientific test thin parts on top that go round fast
very well and easily
I to see how something works or if
here adv in this place where you are
i something is true foreground noun the· part of a
experimental adj done as-a test, to
picture that looks like it's near you
see what happens

l~§{:. Dictionary d-h


hist~cfan noun a person who studies impossible adj If something is

history impossible, it cannot happen. l
landscape noun a picture of the
hit verb (pt hit, pp hit) If you hit incorrect adj If something is
something, LIOU make sudden, incorrect, it is not right, or has

how many minutes, hours, days, etc.

hollow adj If something is hollow, it incredible adj really amazing;
something is there for.
has only empty space inside it. difficult to believe
launch verb to send something up
honest adj An honest person does inexperienced adj An inexperienced
into the sky
not say things that are not true or person cannot do something well
try to trick people. because they have only done it for a Left adv towards the side where your
short time. heart is, the opposite of right
hot-air balloon noun a very big,
round, Light object full of hot gas, inhabitant noun a person who Lives left pp the past participle of Leave
that carries people through the air in a place Lightning noun the electricity that
hour noun sixty minutes ink noun colored Liquid that is used lights up the sky in a storm
huge adj very .very big for writing and drawing Load noun something heavy that
insensitive adj An insensitive person is carried
hunt verb to Look for and kill an
animal, usually for food is not interested in other people's Local adj If someone is local,
feelings and problems. they Live in the place you are
hurricane noun a storm with
strong winds inspiration noun a good idea that talking about.
you think of quickly Log noun part of a tree that has
hut noun a small, simple house
international adj worldwide; used in been cut into pieces
all parts of the world log off verb to stop using a
I invent verb to be the first person to computer, email, etc.
ice hockey noun a game that is make a new type of thing Log on verb to give a password to
played oh an area of ice by two
investigation noun something to try start using a computer, email, etc.
to find out what happened look after verb to stay with
ice skating noun a sport where you
isolated adj An isolated place has someone and mc:i.l<e sure they
slide over frozen water wearing
no other places near it. are safe ··
special boots
look around verbto visit a place of
~ ,. iceberg noun a very big block of ice
that floats in the sea
journal noun a book where you Look forward to verb to feel excited
ideal adj the best possible thing
write what you did each day about something that is going to
imagine verb to make pictures in happen _in the future
your mind journalist noun a person who writes
for newspapers or magazines Look up verb to find a word in a book
immediately adv If something or on a computer to Learn
happens immediately, it happens its meaning
the next moment, without a wait. K
know verb (pt knew, pp known) to
impatient adj An impatient person
doesn't Like waiting. have information about something
in your mind map noun a drawing that shows
impolite adj An impolite person where places are
does not always speak in a nice way
to other people.

market noun a place where people nail noun the hard white covering
come to buy and sell things that you have on the ends of your
fingers and toes package noun a Lot of things that
match noun a small, thin piece of
are wrapped together, ready to
wood with a colored end. that LIOU native speaker noun a person who ,..,,... ·-:::-:·:r,r

Language and hasn't Learnt it as a painter noun a person who paints

meat noun the parts of animals or
foreign language pictures or walls
birds that we eat.
needle and thread noun a thin, painting noun a picture that
meet verb (pt met, pp met) ta come
sharp piece of metal with a hole someone has painted
together with someone
and cotton, that you use for
paragliding noun a sport where you
mother tongue noun the first sewing
jump off a hill and fly high in the air
Language you Learned to speak
nib noun the point at the end of a
as a child 1' pen that you write with peaceful adj quiet, with little or
no activity
motorcycle noun a motor vehicle
north noun the direction towards
with two wheels, that one or two pearl noun A small, round, white
the top of a map
people can ride on object that grows inside a type of
novel noun a Long book that tells seashell. Pearls are beautiful and
mountain biking noun a sport where
a story very ~xpensive to buy.
you ride fast down hills on a bicycle
novelist noun a person who writes perfect adj completely right, not
mouse noun (pl mice) a piece of
Long books that tel.La story having anything wrong
equipment that you put your hand
on and use to move around nurse noun a person whose job is to platform noun a flat surface, higher
a computer screen Look after people in hospital than ground level, that you stand
on to speak in public
mouse noun (pl mice) a small nursery noun a place where children
animal with a tail go during the day when they are pocket knife noun (pl pocket knives)
too young to go to school a small knife with parts for cutting,
move verb to change your position
opening bottles, etc., that folds
or change the position of something
away safely
movement noun an action that 0 poison noun something that can kill
changes your position or changes oars noun long wooden objects that you or make you ill if you drink or
the position of something you use to row a boat eat it
mud noun soft, wet earth · obey verb If you obey rules or poisonous adj If something is
multilingual adj able to speak many instructions, you do what they say. poisonous, it .can kill you or make
languages well observatory noun a place with you ill if you drink or eat it..
mural noun a very big picture telescopes where people study stars polite adj A polite person always
painted on a wall official language noun the speaks in a nice way to other
language that is used most for people.
mysterious adjthat nobody can
understand or explain communication in a country population noun the number of
orangutan noun a Large animal like 'people that live in a place
a monkey with Long red hair, that
N lives in trees
portrait noun a picture of a person

nail noun a sharp, thin piece of possible adj If something is possible,

ordinary adj normal, and not special it can happen.
metal with a flat end that you
hit into pieces of wood to attach original adj new and interesting, precious adj.very expensive and
them together and different frorri other things special

'il~. Dictionary m-p


predict verb to say that you think rod noun a straight, thin piece of shelter noun a small building that
something will happen metal or other hard material keeps you safe from bad weather,
president noun the Leader of a rope noun very thick, strong string
country that does not have a king or that is used for tying, for Liftinq shipwreck noun an old ship that

the water
press verb to push something, often rotate verb to go around and around
with your hand or finger shooting star noun a piece of rock in
row verb to move your boat through
space that burns with a bright Light
private adj not for everyone to use the water using oars
when it gets near Earth
protect verb to keep someone or rush verb to do something as fast as
site noun a place where a building
something safe from danger possible
used to be, or where something
provide verb to give a person happened
something they need
sketch noun a simple drawing
public adj to be used by ordinary sails noun big pieces of material on of something
people a ship that the wind blows into to skiing noun a sport that you do on
move it
snow in the mountains
sand dune noun a hill made
skills noun things you can do well
of sand
quarry noun a place where stone,
smoke noun the white gas that you
sand, etc. is dug from the ground sank pt went down underwater
see in the air when there is a fire
saw pt the past of see
snorkeling noun a sport whare you
saw noun a flat piece of metal with swim under the ocean wearing a
railroad noun the metal Lines that sharp teeth along one side and a mask and a breathing tube
trains travel along · handle, used for cutting wood
snow noun soft white pieces of
reason noun words that say why scary adj If something is scary, it frozen water that fall from the sky
something happened, why you did makes you scared. in cold weather
something, etc. scene noun one part of a movie, soi.l noun earth that plants or trees
reasonable adj If something is that happens in one place can grow in
reasonable, you think it is right and sculpture noun an animal, a shape, solar system noun the sun and all
not silly. or a person made from stone, wood, . · the planets
recipe noun instructions how to etc .
. r ,
south noun the direction towards
make a type of food sea noun the salt water that covers the bottom ofa map
reservoir noun a place where Liquids most of the Earth; the ocean
space shuttle noun a special plane
are stored that carries pepple into space and
seal noun a sea animal that Lives
rickshaw noun a taxi with two around the shore back to Earth
wheels, pulled by a bicycle search verb try to find space station noun a place where
right adj correct', with no mistakes people Live and work in space
seen pp the past participle of see
right adv towards one side, away spicy adj If food tastes spicy, it feels
sensitive adj A sensitive person is
from the side where your heart is hot in your mouth ..
able to understand other people's
rock climbing noun a sport where feelings and problems. splcish noun a small amount of
you c;:Limb mountains using ropes water that falls onto something
sharp adj with an edge or point that
cuts or makes holes easily spin verb (pt span, pp spun) to go
around and around very fast
Dictionary p-s HIY
stare verb to look at someone or
something for a long time, for
tour noun a visit to a place, where
you travel around to see different v
example because you are surprised parts valuable adj If something is
tourist noun a oerson who visits a
valuable, you could sell it for a lot
l•l\..IU'- , J v l • : -''""'"'''-<:.Jo'''~"'"'~

volunteer noun a person who

stimulating adj interesting and traditional adj something that has
chooses to work for no money
exciting always been done or made in the
same way voyage noun a Long journey by ship
storm noun sudden very bad
weather with strong winds and rain treasure noun a collection of special
strange adj unusual and difficult to
and. valuable objects w
understand or explain tribe noun a group of people who wall noun something built out of
\ live in the same place and speak the stones or bricks around a piece of
string noun thin rope used to tie
same language Land, for example to stpp animals
things together
truck noun a big strong motor getting in
submarine noun a type of closed
vehicle used for earring thi~gs by water bottle noun a bottle that you
boat that travels under the water
road use for carrying water
supplies noun the things you
west'noun the direction towards the
need to have with you to live,
such as food u Left ofa map

surf verb to look at a number of underneath prep below something, what determiner a question word
differerft websites on the internet at a lower level used to ask for information

surface noun the outside part of underwater prep below the surface whistle noun a tube that makes
something, that you can see and of the water a very Loud, high sound when air
touch blows through it
unfortunately adv a word we use
survivor noun a person that lives to show that-we are sorry about white adj the color of snow or milk
after something dangerous happens something
wildlife noun animals and birds
to them unfriendly adj An unfriendly person
write verb (pt wrote, pp written) to
sweet adj If food is sweet, it has a doesn't behave in a kind and open
make words on paper with a pen
taste like sugar. way.
or pencil
unhappy adj not happy
writer noun a person who
T unpopular adj if something is writes books
unpopular, most people don't like it.
talented adj very good at doing wrong adj If something is wrong, it
something upload verb to copy a file from your is a mistake and not correct.
own computer to the internet
telescope noun a tube that you look
through to see things that are far use verb If you use something, you y
away, for example, stars do something with it.
, yacht noun a boat with a sail, often
temple noun a building where useoble adj If something is useable, used for racing
people go to pray you can use it to do something.
tie verb If you tie one thing to
another, you attach it using a rope
or string.

118.' Dictionary s-y

Base form Past simple Past participle Base form Past simple Past participle
be was/were been leave left left
become became become lose lost lost
bi~:.~ b!t t;itt2n rnc:b: n1adi:: n~adc
break broke broken mean meant meant
bring brought brought meet met met
builcj built built pay paid paid
bury buried buried put put put
buy bought bought read read read
catch caught caught ride rode ridden
choose chose chosen ring rang rung
come came come run ran run
cut cut cut say said said
dig dug dug see saw seen
do did done sell sold sold
draw drew drawn send sent sent
drink drank drunk show showed shown
drive drove driven sing sang sung
eat ate eaten sink sank sunk
fall fell fallen sit sat sat
feed fed fed sleep slept slept
feel felt felt slide slid slid
find found found speak spoke spoken
fly flew flown spend spent spent
forget forgot forgotten spin spun spun
get got gotten steal stole stolen
give gave given stick stuck stuck
go went gone/been study studied studied
grow grew grown swim swam swum
hang hung hung take took taken
have had had ._.
teach ······taught · · .. ·taught
'." · hear heard heard tell told told
hide hid hidden think thought though,t
hold held held try tried tried
hurry hurried hurried understand understood understood
hurt hurt hurt wake woke woken
keep kept kept wear wore worn
know knew known win won won
learn · learned learned write wrote written

~rregular verb list llll<9J

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