Credit Instrument

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Special endorsement – specifically made

out in the name of the person to whom it is
Credit Instrument – an oral agreement to transferred.
settle an obligation can be drawn into a written
contract. 3. Restricted endorsement – restricted by
writing the phrases “For deposit only” or “For
2 Specific Characteristics of Credit Instrument: Person X only”. The endorser affixes his
1. Presence of risk involved in the payment signature at the back of the paper which stops
deferred to a later date being negotiable.

2. The debtor-creditor relationship is stressed. 4. Qualified endorsement – limits the liability of

the endorser.
There are obvious advantages attached
to a credit instrument. The obligation of the Presentment – proper presentation of the
debtor and rights of the creditor are set in clear instrument either for payment or for acceptance.
and definite terms. The rate of interest charged A check is usually presented to a bank for
is fixed in the contract. encashment. If, however, the instrument is not
payable on demand, the holder brings the same
Credit instrument may be transferred to of the drawee for acceptance after which the
third parties through negotiation. instrument is presented at maturity for payment.
Negotiation – the transfer of an instrument in An instrument may be honored or dishonored. If
terms of possession and title. An instrument is paid or accepted by the drawee, it is honored.
negotiated either by mere delivery or by Credit instruments are classified
endorsement and delivery. If payable to order, according to the acceptability of the
negotiation is affected by both endorsement and instrument, the form it takes, its function, and
delivery. even perhaps its source and the parties
For an instrument to be negotiated, it has to: involved, as well as its negotiable character.

1. Be put down in writing. As to Acceptability

2. Be signed by the maker or drawer. An instrument may either be of limited or

unlimited acceptance.
3. Contain an unconditional promise or order to
pay a definite sum of money. Unlimited acceptance – instruments that pass
from hand-to-hand without question as to its
4. Be payable in demand or at fixed or source, and which in effect possess the
determinable future time. characteristics of money.
5. Be payable to order or bearer. Limited acceptance – acceptability is predicated
on the credit standing of the issuer.
Endorsement – of a negotiable instrument
provides a complete record, and, unless an As to Form
endorsement is “qualified”, it imposes a
secondary liability upon the endorser in case, for The credit instrument may either be
any reason, the drawee fails to pay. orders or promises to pay.

4 types of Endorsements: Order to pay – the order of one person to

another to pay a third person money on demand
1. Endorsement in blank – transferable when or at a definite future time.
the credit instrument is “endorsed” or signed on
its reverse side. When the endorsement 3 Parties involved:
appears on the surface of the instrument, it a. Drawer – who gives the order
becomes payable to the bearer.
b. Drawee – who is ordered to pay
c. Payee – who is to receive payment
Promise to pay – a vow of one person to pay drawn against it or for its account, by a specified
another money on demand or at definite future beneficiary or his order, under the specifications
time. contained in the letter of credit. This instrument
is used widely in financing foreign trade.
2 parties involved:
Letters of Credit may be classified as follows:
a. Maker – the person promising to pay
1. According to mode of transmission
b. Payee – the one to receive payment
a. Circular – opening bank issues a letter
Orders to pay or promises to pay are addressed generally to persons or companies
payable either on demand or at a future indicating its intention to honor the drafts of
determinable time. beneficiaries under specified terms.
Orders to pay: checks, drafts, acceptances, b. Specially advised – opening bank notifies the
postal money orders beneficiary directly or through a notifying bank.
Promises to pay: open book accounts, 2. According to duration of the submission
promissory notes, collateral promissory notes, of credit
letters of credit and bonds
a. Revocable – the bank withdraws or modifies
As to Function the credit substituted for the buyer by using
Credit instruments are classified into: phrases as “good until cancelled” or “good until
(a certain period of time)”.
a. Credit money – a medium of exchange
b. Irrevocable – the bank waives its right to
b. Commercial credit instruments – facilitates cancel the credit or revoke the same prior to the
the use of credit in short-term commercial date specified.
3. According to obligations assumed by the
c. Investment credit instruments – used for bank
long-term credit
a. Confirmed – advising bank assumes the
As to Negotiability obligation to perform the undertaking stipulated
Credit instruments are either negotiable in the letter of credit.
or non-negotiable. b. Unconfirmed – advising bank does not
COMMERCIAL CREDIT INSTRUMENTS assume any other obligation except of notifying
the beneficiary.
Commercial credit instruments are
subdivided into promises to pay or orders to pay. 4. According to method of reimbursement

Promises to Pay a. Simple method – opening bank carries an

account in the currency to be paid with the
1. Open book account – one of the common paying bank.
forms of credit instruments, this constitutes the
implied verbal promise of the debtor when he b. Reimbursement method – paying bank
buys consumable goods on credit. prefers to receive the reimbursement by draft, or
when the two banks have no interbank
2. Promissory Notes – an unconditional written accounts.
promise of the maker to pay a sum certain in
money to the bearer on order or demand at a 5. According to the method of payment
future determinable time. a. Negotiation – payment is termed if it is a
3. Collateral Promissory Notes circular letter of credit.

4. Commercial Letters of Credit – a written b. Straight – if it is specially advised.

promise on the part of the bank to honor drafts
c. Sight – payments are made with sight or “Certified” followed by his signature and the date
demand drafts. of certification across the face of the check.
d. Acceptance – payments are affected with d. Traveler’s check – variation of the traveler’s
time drafts subject to acceptance. letter of credit.
e. Local currency – stipulation directs that the e. Crossed checks – meant for deposit or for a
drafts be paid in the currency of the seller. specified purpose only.
f. Foreign currency – payment should be made f. Post-dated checks – dated beyond the date of
in foreign currency. the deposit or actual issuance.
g. Assignable – exporter may not necessarily be g. Stale checks – check was to be deposited or
the manufacturer but may request to transfer by presented for payment six months after.
assignment to a third party.
h. Rubber or bouncing checks – those returned
h. Back-to-Back – original letter contains no to the drawer because they are not sufficiently
provision for assignment. covered with funds.
i. Red-clause – importer has complete i. Cancelled checks – the depositor’s check is
confidence in the exporter to withdraw funds to finally cleared and paid by the bank.
purchase the goods.
2. Drafts – orders to pay and likewise drawn
j. Revolving – order to effect control in the use against a drawee to pay a third person a sum
of credit. certain in money on demand or future
determinable time.
k. Traveler’s letter of credit – use to provide
travelers with funds enroute. a. Money order – order is drawn by a bank on
another bank or its branch to pay a specified
Orders to Pay payee (bank money order); order is from one
1. Checks – an order of a depositor to his bank post office to another (postal money order).
to pay a sum certain in money to a third person b. Bank draft – order of a bank to another bank,
or himself on demand. or that of the depositor to his bank, to pay a third
a. Personal checks – a business check, has the person a definite sum of money.
same definition as the general check, most c. Trade or commercial draft – order to pay used
widely used by both private individuals and by merchants.
businessmen. It is distinct in that its drawer is an
individual. d. Sight or demand draft – payable on sight upon
presentation to the drawer.
b. Cashier’s/manager’s/treasurer’s check – also
an order to pay; when the cashier of a bank, in e. Time draft – order to pay sets a definite future
his official capacity, draws the order against the time for payment.
bank’s fund (cashier’s check); when the drawer
is a company manager and the funds belong to 3. Acceptance – an order to pay; a time draft.
the company (manager’s check); when the a. Trade acceptance – an order of the seller to
drawer is the treasurer of an organization and the purchaser to pay a certain sum of money at
the funds against which it is drawn owned by a stipulated future time.
any one of these organizations (treasurer’s
check). b. Banker’s acceptance – when the bank
accepts an order that is presented to it, and
c. Certified checks – a personal check; bank accepts the terms thereon. The bank
certification is required by the recipient of the representative stamps the word “Accepted” on
check to enhance its acceptability in case of the face of the instrument, signs and dates it.
doubt. The check is then brought to the bank
and the bank representative stamps the word
INVESTMENT CREDIT INSTRUMENTS 2. in the supply of the commodity
In the realm of investment credit, the 3. in the demand for money
instruments used are promises to pay, which are
in the form of bonds, long-term notes, and 4. in the supply of money
evidences of ownership in a corporation. The first two changes the alter of the
Bonds – long-term promissory notes issued value of the commodity, and the last two
under a corporate seal, usually in large sums changes directly affect the value of money and
and in a series. subsequent price levels.

Long-term promissory notes – only distinction Influence of Credit

is the length of payment. Any circumstances tending to increase
Stock certificate – instrument evidences part the use of credit of limited acceptability such as
ownership of a corporation’s capital through checks, bills of exchange, and promissory
purchase of a share or shares of stocks. notes, lower the value of money and raise the
level of prices.
Stock right – pre-emptive right attached to
ownership of a share of stock. The original
stockholder is given to purchase additional
shares of stocks at the new issue price before
such stocks are offered to the public.
The purchasing power of money varies
inversely with the level of prices.
Price Index – measures the behavior of prices
of an aggregate group of products or a “market
basket”. An indicator is capable of measuring
changes in cost of living, consumer prices,
construction materials, labor wage rates, and
other economic factors.
Types of Index Numbers
1. Simple arithmetical average – constructed
by simply taking the average of total
percentages in the base year and the year in
2. Weighted arithmetical average – individual
commodities are assigned relative weights and
the change in price relatives show the
importance of one commodity over another.
Prices and Money Supply
The price of any particular good is
influenced by alterations either in its own
intrinsic value or in the value of money. Such
changes may be brought about by
corresponding shifts:
1. in the demand for the commodity

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