The Business Proponents

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What is Business Proponent in Business Plan?

Business Proponent refers to the third section of the business plan, which contains information about the
business proponents or stakeholders.

How do we define Proponent?

According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, the word proponent is defined as the person who argues in favor
of something. In simple words, a proponent is someone who advocates about a certain idea, project or proposal.

Four types of Business Proponents:

Organizer/Top manager are the one who will lead and think on strategies to run the business. They will handle the
problems which will be encountered.

Financers are the people who have an access on the finances of a business. They list down the total expenses, sales, and
net income of a business

Sellers are in charge on selling the product with a goal to earn a profit

Producers are the one responsible for making or processing the raw materials into our final product

Four Types of Stakeholders

1. Resource mobilizers and financial backers

2. Technology providers and applicators

3. Governance and top management

4. Operating and support team

If the business plan readers are the resource providers, then they will want to know who else are on board to share the
burden of raising money to see the whole thing through.

If the business plan readers are the technology providers, they will want to know if there will be sufficient funds to pay
for the technology.

If the business plan readers are the governance and top management team, then they will want to know what strategies
and performance indicators are being proposed.

If the business plan readers are the implementing operating, and support teams, they will want to know what programs,
activities, tasks, and resources would be in place.
Description in the Example Part

The first paragraph indicated the number of people involved in the business. Furthermore, it was elaborated that each
of the proponents has their own designated tasks based on their skills and capabilities.

The second paragraph described the role of resource mobilizers and investors in a business. It was shown that the
investors are the ones who provide the capital for the business.

The third paragraph emphasized the functions that technology providers and employers perform. Based on the given
statement, technology providers and employers are the people involved in analyzing the technology that a business
needs and its capacity to provide that kind of technology.

The fourth paragraph talked about the governance and top management team of a business. As stated, the governance
and top management teams are responsible for managing and leading the staff of a business.

The last paragraph showed the responsibilities of the operation and support teams. According to the statement
specified above, the operation and support team refers to the business proponents who engage in the running of the
business. They handle all the business operations, including production and sales.

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