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Date of planning 04/09/22

Date of teaching


Period 10: A closer look 1
I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to :
1. Knowledge:
- Use the lexical items related to the topic of life in the countryside.
- pronoun correctly words containing the clusters / bl/ and /cl/
+ Vocabulary: : put up, hay, pole, camel, cattle, blackberries, block.
+ Structures: Comparative forms of adj/adv
2. Skills: Reading, listening and speaking.
3. Attitude: Students love talking about some activities in the countryside.
4. Competence development orientation:
- Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence.
II. Preparation
1. Teacher: Computer, extra- board, plan
2. Students : Studying- cards, book, notebook
III. Procedure:

Teacher’s and students’ activities The main contents

A. Warm- up
Goal: To help Ss to pay attention in the lesson.
T calls two students go to the board 1. Listen and repeat the words.
and then plays the tape (three times) Slow, colourful, friendly, hard, brave, boring,
Each student listens and write words inconvenient, vast, peaceful, nomadic.
The student which writes right
words is the winner
T introduces the lesson

B. Presentation
Goal: Ss can pronoun correctly words containing the clusters / bl/ and /cl/ and know some
new words about the topic: “Life in the countryside”
T gives examples words containing 1. Pronunciation
the clusters / bl/ and /cl/ Ex 5. Listen and repeat
Ss copy and read Ex 6. Listen then complete you hear
T plays the tape. * Keys
Ss listen and repeat. 1. blame.
Ss read the words before the class. 2. blast
T asks Ss to listen and complete the 3. blue
words they hear. 4. clock
Ss listen. 5. close
T asks some Ss to read the answers. Ex 7. Listen then repeat
Ss do it. 2. Vocabulary
T checks and corrects. put up: dựng
T plays the tape. hay: cỏ
Ss listen and repeat. pole: cột
T introduces the new words. camel: lạc đà
Ss listen and take notes. cattle: gia súc
blackberries: quả mâm xôi
block: khóa
C. Practice
Goal: Ss can know more new words to discribe peple, life and scenery.
T asks the Ss to put the words in 1 Ex2. Put the words in 1 into the appropriate
into the appropriate category. (work category.
in groups of 8. People: friendly, nomadic, brave, boring, colorful.
Ss do it in groups of 8. (studying- Life: slow, colorful, hard, boring, inconvenient,
cards) peaceful, nomadic
T asks some Ss to give the answers. Scenery: vast, colorful, peaceful.
Ss give the answers.
T checks and corrects. (extra- board)
D. Further practice
Goal: Ss can find more words related to the topic “Life in the countryside”
T asks the Ss to do exercise in pairs. Ex3. Match the nouns and noun phrases with
Ss do it. each verb.
T asks them to compare the answers * Keys
with the others. Ride: a horse, a camel.
Ss do it. Put up: a pole, a tent
Ss give the answers. Collect: water, hay
T checks and corrects. (extra- board) Herd: the buffaloes, the cattle
T asks the Ss to complete the Pick: wind flowers, apples
sentences. (work in groups of 4). Ex4. Complete the sentences.
Ss do it in groups of 4. (studying- * Keys
cards) 1. picking
T asks some Ss to give the answers. 2. inconvenient/ collect
Ss give the answers. 3. herd
T checks and corrects. (extra- board) 4. ridden/ brave
5. peaceful
6. nomadic
7. vast
8. put up, hard.
E. Production
Goal: Ss can use words to apply in the life
T asks Ss to use the words to describe
about countryside
Ss work individually
* Homework.
- Do exercise 1,2 in workbook.
- Prepare A closer look 2.

Date of planning 04/09/22

Date of teaching


Period 11: A closer look 2
I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to :
1. Knowledge:
- Review comparative form of adjectives.
- Use comparative form of manner.
+ Structures: Comparative forms of adj/adv
2. Skills: Reading, listening and speaking.
3. Attitude: Students love talking about some activities in the countryside.
4. Competence development orientation:
- Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence.
II. Preparation
1. Teacher: Extra- board
2. Students : Studying- cards
III. Procedure:

Teacher’s and students’ activities The main contents

A. Warm- up
Goal: Help Ss review comparative form of adjectives.
T asks the Ss to do exercise. (Extra- Write comparative form of the adjectives below.
board) Tall-
Ss do it. Big-
T asks some Ss to write their answers Good-
at the board. Expensive-
Some Ss write, the others give Key:
comment. Tall- taller- tallest
T checks and corrects. Big- bigger- biggest
T asks them to retell about Expensive- more expensive- most expensive
comparative form of adjectives.
Ss do it.
T introduces the lesson
B. Presentation
Goal: Ss can know how to use comparative form of manner
T introduces the comparative form of 1. Comparative form of manner.
manner 1. Adverb ending in ly:
Ss take notes. more/ less+ adverb + than
2. Adverb + er: is the form of comparative for adverbs
of manner with the same form as adjectives
Fast- faster
Early- earlier
Late – later
Hard -harder
3. Some irregular forms
well- better
badly- worse
C. Practice
Goal: Help Ss do exercise about comparative form of adjectives.
2. Exercise
T asks the Ss to do exercise. Ex 1: Complete the passage.
Ss do it. * Keys
T asks some Ss to compare their 1.higher
answers with their partner. 2. easier
Ss do it. 3. better
T asks some Ss to read their answers. 4. more exciting
Some Ss read 5. more convenient
T checks and corrects. 6. happier
T asks Ss to complete the sentences 7. more friendly
with suitable comparative forms 8. fast
Ss work in dividually and share their 9. safer
answers 10. best
T corrects Ex 2. Complete the sentences with suitable
T asks the Ss to do exercise in pairs. comparative forms
Ss do it. 1. more slowly
T asks them to compare the answers 2. more soundly
with the others. 3. less traditionally
Ss do it. 4. more generously
Ss give the answers. 5. more healthily
T checks and corrects. (extra- board) Ex 3. Finish the sentences below with a suitable
T asks the Ss to complete the comparative form.
sentences. (work in groups of 4). * Keys
Ss do it in groups of 4. (studying- 1. better.
cards) 2. faster
T asks some Ss to give the answers. 3. later
Ss give the answers. 4. harder .
T checks and corrects. (extra- board) 5. worse
6. earlier
4. Underline the correct comparative forms.
1. more optimistically
2. Popularly
3. less densely populated
4. more quickly
5. more easily
6. better
D. Further practice
Goal: Ss can use comparative form of manner to answer the questions
T asks the Ss to write the answer for 5. Write the answer for the questions below.
the questions below. 1. The countryside is more peaceful. / The
Ss do it. countryside is more peaceful than the city.
T asks some Ss to compare the 2. A computer works faster at calculus. / A computer
answers with their friends. works faster at calculus than a human being.
Ss do it. 3. Life in a remote area is harder. / Life in a remote
Ss give the answers. area is harder than that in a modern town.
T checks and corrects. 4. Ho Chi Minh City is more expensive. / Ho Chi
Minh City is more expensive than Hue.
5. Animals can smell better than human beings.
E. Production
Goal: Ss can make a sentence using the comparative.
Play game: Play game:
- Divide the class into two teams.
- Each member in each team will
make a sentence using the
- The team which speaks right
sentences is the winner.
* Homework.
- Do exercise 5 in workbook.
- Make 10 sentences with the comparative
- Prepare Skill 1.

Date of planning 04/09/22

Date of teaching


Period 12: Communication
I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to :
1. Knowledge:
- Read about lifestyle in the countryside through visitors’ eyes.
- Talk their opinion about the benefits of the countryside
+ Vocabulary: Disturbing; beehives; vast; excite
+ Structures: Comparative forms of adj/adv
2. Skills: Reading and speaking.
3. Attitude: Students love talking about some activities in the countryside.
4. Competence development orientation:
- Linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence.
II. Preparation
1. Teacher: Extra- board
2. Students : Studying- cards
III. Procedure:
Teacher’s and students’ activities The main contents
A. Warm- up
Goal: To help Ss to pay attention in the lesson.
T asks Ss to talk about the activities
in the countryside.
Ss do it.
T corrects and remarks
B. Presentation.
Goal: Help Ss know more about vocabularies.
T asks Ss to read some online posts 1. Read the posts on “Holiday in the Countryside”.
from people all over the world. Elicit Extra vocabulary
from the Ss where these people live. Disturbing: phiền hà
Then ask Ss to check that everybody Beehives: tổ ong
understands the meaning of Vast: không gian
vocabulary and each post before Excite: hào hứng, thích thú
moving on. *Questions:
Ss take notes. - What could Dennis do?
T asks Ss some qs to make sure that - Is this the most interesting vacation Julie has ever
they understand the posts. had? What did she do?
- Why can’t Phirun stay in the countryside any longer?
- Why will Lan always remember her trip to the
- How does Bob feel about the countryside?
C. Practice.
Goal: Ss can understand the conversation and do exercise
T asks Ss to do exercise. 2. Tick (v) the appropriate box.
Ss do it. Key:
T asks some Ss to compare their Positive Neutral Negative
answers with their partner. Dennis ✔
Ss do it. Julie ✔
T asks some Ss to read their Phirun ✔
answers. Yumi ✔
Some Ss read Emi ✔
T checks and corrects. ✔
Bob ✔
D. Further practice
Goal: Ss can reply to the posts in 1
T asks Ss reply to the posts in 1 Eg:
Ss talk @Bob: In my opinion, the countryside has benefits that a
T coreects and mistakes boring person would never discover.
E. Production
Goal: Help the Ss talk their opinion about the benefits of the countryside.
+ Groupwork Eg: it is very peaceful and quiet as there are no traffic
- Divide the class into two groups. jams. The country is less polluted. you don't need to
- Write about the benefits of the worry about your health condition, so the air is fresh,
countryside and water is clean.
- The group which write right
sentence is the winner
T asks students to practise speaking
about their opinion about the
benefits of the countryside
Ss: Practice
T gives some advices for
students. They should have aware of
protecting the environment of the
* Homework.
- Write their opinion about the benefits of the countryside
- Do exercise 5 in workbook.
- Prepare Skills 1.

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