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Seminars in Cardiothoracic

and Vascular Anesthesia

Volume 11 Number 1

Surrogate Markers for Neurological March 2007 59-65

© 2007 Sage Publications
Outcome in Children After Deep
hosted at

Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest

Scott D. Markowitz, MD, Rebecca N. Ichord, MD, Gil Wernovsky, MD,

J. William Gaynor, MD, and Susan C. Nicolson, MD

Improved survival for infants with congenital heart disease be detected for years, the evaluation of a surrogate marker
(CHD) has led to increased focus on the most significant takes a long time. Thus, identification of surrogate markers
morbidities that are neurodevelopmental. Neurologic is in its infancy. Serologic proteins, seizures, magnetic res-
injury in neurodevelopmental outcome may have many onance findings, cerebral oxygenation, and the neurologic
causes in children with complex CHD undergoing car- examination have all been studied. Continuing innovation
diopulmonary bypass and deep hypothermic circulatory in the use of magnetic resonance imaging techniques and
arrest, including genetic syndromes, abnormal blood flow the application of physiologic measures including near-
patterns, prenatal insults, and hemodynamic instability. infrared spectroscopy currently pose the greatest potential
Although gross neurological injury can be detected in the for advances. This article summarizes the state of the art
perinatal and postoperative period, more subtle injury may and an admission about how far we have yet to travel as we
not be identified until much later. Disabilities in speech strive to make the neurodevelopmental outcomes of
and language, motor skills, and attention deficit disorder patients with CHD comparable to their healthy peers.
are present by school age in up to 50% of the complex CHD
population. It is imperative that the mechanisms of these Keywords: congenital heart disease; deep hypothermic
injuries be identified to enable the application of neuropro- circulatory arrest; neurodevelopmental outcome; surrogate
tective interventions. To facilitate clinical investigation, markers; near infrared spectroscopy; serological markers;
evaluation of surrogate markers for these longer term “real” electroencephalography; magnetic resonance imaging;
outcomes continues. Because some abnormalities may not magnetic resonance spectroscopy

s the survival with congenital heart disease therapy. Perhaps 50% or more of school age children
(CHD) has improved with advances in under- who underwent cardiac surgery as young infants have
standing, technique, and technology, increasing detectable abnormalities on formal testing.1 Other
focus is placed on the morbidities of CHD and the outcomes which have been or need to be addressed
treatment of these children. With better cardiovascular include quality of life into adulthood, educability,
outcomes from surgical and medical interventions and employability, and insurability. Research continues into
deeper understanding of the disease course of congen- the nature of the disabilities surrounding CHDs and
ital heart lesions, children have been functionally able their treatment, the causes, and the interventions that
to participate in school and other activities to a fuller may prevent some of these injuries.
extent than ever before. This outcome increased recog- Research is essential if we are to determine the
nition of neurodevelopmental sequelae of CHD and its causes of these injuries and to assess preventive or
therapeutic measures. Clinical research involving the
From The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, The University of neurologic and developmental outcome of children
Pennsylvania, PA. who undergo cardiac interventions as neonates and
Address correspondence to: Scott D. Markowitz, MD, Department young infants is compromised by the limited predictive
of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Suite 9329, The validity of testing performed in the early years after
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, 34th Street and Civic Center
Boulevard, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104; e-mail: markowitzs surgery. Important domains for school age children, such as attention, behavior, visual–motor integration,

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60 Seminars in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia / Vol. 11, No. 1, March 2007

and executive function have no correlate in the young Neurological Examination

infant, and no developmental tests in toddlers to date
can predict dysfunction in these domains that dramat- Several studies have reported suspect or frankly abnor-
ically affects quality of life. It is, therefore, prudent to mal neurologic examination during the first postopera-
consider the important long-term outcomes (true out- tive week in 5% to 60% of subjects.5-7 Abnormalities
comes) and to identify short-term outcomes or mark- include depressed level of consciousness, diffuse tone
ers that will enable early identification of potential abnormalities (mostly hypotonia), transient chorea, and
longer term problems so that appropriate interventions depressed neonatal reflex behaviors. Clinical neurologic
can take place. In addition, identification of early examination of an infant who has recently under-
markers for late dysfunction will allow timely comple- gone surgery with CPB for CHD poses several chal-
tion of clinical trials of neuroprotection. These short- lenges in its performance and interpretation. Findings
term markers, called surrogate outcomes, would be are confounded by recent general anesthesia and deep
clinical findings and diagnostic tests that are easily hypothermia, the effects of CPB per se, and the effects
measured and highly predictive of the true outcome of postoperative sedatives, analgesics, and neuromuscu-
(outcome of interest). lar blocking drugs. Moreover, many infants have preop-
Outcomes such as stroke, seizure, physical limita- erative abnormalities, some related to the preoperative
tions, attention deficit disorders, speech and language cardiac lesion itself, and others related to other noncar-
disabilities, and learning disabilities represent short- diac congenital anomalies or prematurity. Evaluation of
and long-term outcomes, only some of which can be true “cortical” function in an infant under these cir-
measured at an early stage. Well-correlated surrogate cumstances is limited to an assessment of conscious-
outcomes can reduce the cost of a clinical study by sig- ness in an all-or-none fashion. Other truly “cortical”
nificantly shortening the time to acquire subjects, the functions of the very young infant, such as auditory ori-
follow-up period necessary to determine a difference enting or visual processing, cannot be examined. Almost
in outcome, and sometimes in limiting the require- all other components of the clinical examination,
ments for other consultants or the risks of other diag- including cranial nerves, tone, limb movement, and
nostic studies. Postoperative length of stay, duration of reflexes, are mediated by spinal cord, brainstem, and
cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) or deep hypothermic subcortical structures. It comes as no surprise, there-
circulatory arrest (DHCA), and perioperative seizures fore, that the clinical examination through the first
have all been investigated with some correlation to week of life has almost no predictive significance for
adverse neurologic outcome.2-4 It has proven difficult neurodevelopmental outcome.
to address study design concerns in dealing with mul-
tiple interdependent predictors of outcome that can
include preoperative factors that may play a role in
Serologic Markers
determining duration of CPB or the use of DHCA,
Certain serologic markers have been examined as
severity of heart disease, coexisting disease, and post-
markers of neurologic injury after DHCA. Serologic
operative factors that may affect length of stay.
markers of tissue injury can be substances that are
To date, several studies have investigated markers
released from damaged cells or proteins that are
that may predict neurological injury after CPB and
secreted in response to cellular stress. In the area of
DHCA in infants and children. These markers fall
neurologic markers, creatine kinase isoenzyme BB (CK-
into broad categories: the neurologic exam, electroen-
BB), protein S-100 β subunit (S-100β), neuron-specific
cephalogram (EEG) abnormalities such as abnormal
enolase (NSE), and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)
background, ictal activity and burst suppression, sero-
are potential markers for neurologic injury and have to
logic markers, and neuroimaging including magnetic
some degree been investigated in the setting of cardiac
resonance imaging (MRI), magnetic resonance spec-
troscopy (MRS) and near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS).
Importantly, these signs and diagnostic tests have been
evaluated, to varying degrees, as outcome measures in Creatinine Kinase
and of themselves of neurologic damage and neurode-
velopmental disability, rather than predictive surrogate The BB isoenzyme of creatine kinase is present in
markers. astrocytes as well as intestine, lung, and prostate.8

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Surrogate Markers / Markowitz et al. 61

There have also been measurements of CK-BB in adults,17,18 and investigators have examined S-100β as a
myocardium at autopsy study.9 Because of the lack marker for perioperative neurologic injury after CPB
of specificity for neuronal tissues, no published and DHCA in infants. Lindberg et al found the protein
pediatric studies have shown promise for the use of to be elevated in relation to increasing perfusion time
this marker to predict brain injury after surgery for and the use of DHCA and inversely to age, although
CHD. In fact, Newburger et al identified a higher they failed to find a relationship to weight, temperature,
CK-BB in patients having undergone DHCA com- or trisomy 21 status (the β subunit of S-100 is found on
pared with low-flow CPB; however, this difference chromosome 21, and children with Down’s syndrome
did not predict outcome at later examination.10-13 have more intracranial cells that contain S-100).18,19
Jensen et al also found a correlation with duration of
NSE bypass, but found the postoperative increase to be tran-
sient.20 Neither study correlated the change to neuro-
NSE is a glycolytic enzyme that has been used to pre- logic injury or seizures. Bokesch et al compared the
dict long-term neurologic outcome after cardiac arrest S-100β levels at 24-hours postoperatively to preopera-
in adults. In pediatric patients, NSE is used as a tumor tive values and found that postoperative increases did
marker for certain neuroendocrine malignancies. NSE not correlate with 30 day mortality.21 Erb et al and
is located in the cytoplasm of neurons, as well as in red Lardner et al both examined the application of a delayed
blood cells and platelets. NSE increases proportionate or persistent elevation of the protein as a marker for
to the degree of neurologic injury after cardiac arrest, neurological injury. Erb et al identified two children
but is confounded by hemolysis during and after extra- with postoperative neurologic injury who did not have
corporeal circulation, making the use of this marker an increased S-100β level, but did identify a 7-day
after neonatal heart surgery of questionable value.14 In delayed rise in S-100β associated with new-onset
a study intended to compare neurologic outcome seizure activity in one subject, suggesting that S-100β
markers after normothermic versus DHCA in pediatric can be a screening tool for postoperative seizures that
patients undergoing surgery for CHD, all patients had can be difficult to detect clinically in the early postop-
increased levels of NSE, and no difference was seen erative period.22 Lardner hypothesized that because
between the two groups.15 In their study, Rasmussen S-100β was also present in thymic and adipose tissue
et al measured NSE at 12 and 24 hours after CPB. this would confound the post-CPB assays because
Because the estimated plasma half-life of NSE is 48 these tissues would introduce the protein into the car-
hours, it may be possible to revisit this marker in a diotomy suction; therefore, a delayed assay at 48 hours
delayed measurement after bleeding and hemolysis would be a better time to identify a rise in S-100β solely
have stabilized. No such studies have been published on the basis of neurologic injury. In their study, Lardner
in the neonatal literature. et al found a strong association between a rise in S-
100β at 48 hours and neurologic injury, although they
did not specify the nature of the injury nor the method
β Protein
S-100β of diagnosis.23 Importantly, no published studies after
neonatal and infant heart surgery have demonstrated a
The αβ and ββ isoforms of the S-100 proteins are
correlation with long-term neurologic findings. Although
found in astroglial cells and have a short plasma half-
S-100β may have clinical utility if measured 24 hours
life. Neonates and infants have an increased serum
after CPB, a study to correlate the findings to early and
concentration of these proteins compared with adults,
late clinical neurologic outcomes is needed. The CK-
which may represent increased permeability of the
BB and NSE have not been shown to produce consis-
blood–brain barrier. Additionally, newborns have the
tent results that could be used to study their predictive
highest serum levels. Infants with CHD, especially
value in neonates after CPB and DHCA.
those with lesions obstructive to antegrade aortic flow,
have increased preoperative S-100β, which have been
hypothesized to be markers of preoperative cerebral GFAP
injury. The biological half-life of S-100β is 133 min-
utes, and the protein is metabolized in the kidney and The GFAP is only found in the astroglial cells of the
excreted in the urine.16 central nervous system. Currently, no studies have
Protein S-100β has been shown to be a spe- examined the utility of GFAP serum levels after CPB
cific marker for traumatic or ischemic brain injury in or DHCA in infants.

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62 Seminars in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia / Vol. 11, No. 1, March 2007

Seizures and EEG Abnormalities be dependent on hematocrit and temperature.29 In this

and other studies using NIRS during DHCA, the
Two large prospective studies of perioperative EEG hemoglobin saturation decreases and plateaus early in
findings in infants undergoing open-heart surgery have the DHCA phase, and in the cases where it has been
been published. In the Boston Circulatory Arrest study, examined, the CytOx continues to decrease throughout
134 infants underwent continuous EEG monitoring the early phases of DHCA, indicating continued metab-
for 48 hours after arterial switch operations for trans- olism using oxygen and inadequate oxygen delivery even
position of the great arteries.24 Electrographic seizures during deep hypothermia. Several studies have identi-
occurred in 20% and were associated with an increased fied a delay in recovery of baseline oxygen metabolism
risk of abnormal brain MRI and lower Psychomotor that is dependent on minimal temperature and dura-
Developmental Index scores on the Bayley Scales of tion of DHCA.30,31
infant development at 1 year and with increased risk of The use of postoperative physiological parame-
abnormal neurologic exam and lower intelligence quo- ters to predict long-term outcomes has shown some
tient at age 4 years. In contrast, Gaynor et al reported utility in the case of children after the stage I oper-
that postoperative electrographic seizures affected only ation for hypoplastic left heart syndrome. In a neu-
11% of a larger cohort, which included a variety of rodevelopmental outcome study, 13 neonates having
heart lesions and did not affect the risk of a lower undergone the stage I operation and then neurode-
Bayley score at 1 year.25 Differences that may explain velopmental testing at age 4 showed that lower post-
the discrepancy in results include advances in care over operative systemic venous oxygen saturation was a
the 10 years separating the two studies, differences in significant risk factor for later abnormalities in
underlying heart lesions, and universal treatment of motor, visual–motor integrative, and composite neu-
seizures in the cohort studied by Gaynor et al. Several rodevelopmental scores (including cognitive, motor,
smaller studies have reported on the significance of behavioral, and visual–motor integrative outcomes).
EEG background abnormalities. Limperopoulos et al
conducted the only one of three studies with a positive
relationship, showing that background slowing or Magnetic Resonance
amplitude suppression were common in the first post-
operative week (50% to 75%). They reported that a nor- MRI can detect structural abnormalities and stroke-
mal background predicted a normal neurological status type injuries to the brain. MRS can determine the
at follow-up, whereas severe background suppression presence or relative level of certain substances
was associated with death or severe disability.26 Other in the brain tissue. Because these techniques require
studies have not observed this kind of association. immobility of the subject, sometimes for a prolonged
period, the young patients usually require general
anesthesia to accomplish these scans. The use of
NIRS and Systemic Venous MRI/MRS to study perioperative infants with heart
Oxygen Saturation disease poses challenges to the design of a clinical
trial and the timing of cardiac surgery and has impor-
NIRS is a noninvasive method using the measure- tant implications to the practice of the anesthesiolo-
ment of the wavelength-specific absorption of light to gist. With patient safety of paramount importance,
determine the concentration of specific chromophores research trials have been limited to centers with a sig-
in tissue. Typically, NIRS can be used to measure nificant experience with anesthetizing this patient
oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin and oxidized population. With the limited published studies avail-
cytochrome a,a3 (CytOx). Animal studies have sug- able, generalization is difficult, but we have identified
gested that the use of NIRS during and after DHCA pre-existing brain injury that will confound the deter-
can predict neurologic injury with a correlation in min- mination of the additional effect of extracorporeal cir-
imum CytOx level to the amount of histologic brain culation, with or without DHCA, on the neurologic
injury in piglets.27 In a study in rabbits, Abdul-Khaliq outcome in these children.
et al suggested that hemoglobin saturation and CytOx In a study by Miller et al examining 10 infants pre-
using NIRS were important for monitoring delivery and operatively and postoperatively from surgical correction
receipt of oxygen to the brain, respectively.28 Sakamoto of transposition of the great arteries, the investigators
et al used NIRS to identify a “safe” period of DHCA to found a 40% incidence of abnormalities preoperatively.

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Surrogate Markers / Markowitz et al. 63

These findings were felt to suggest abnormal brain Additionally, Dent et al recently confirmed a 23% pre-
metabolism in these subjects before surgical interven- operative incidence of ischemic MRI lesions in babies
tion and CPB/DHCA, and only one new injury was with hypoplastic left heart syndrome.38 Also, the inci-
identified postoperatively.32 dence of postoperative cerebral injury in this study is
Mahle et al evaluated 24 infants with CHD by similar to that found by Mahle et al despite the former
MRI/MRS before and after surgery with CPB and using regional low flow perfusion instead of DHCA.33
found an elevated brain lactate in 53% of the patients Using MRS to identify the n-acetylaspartate, crea-
studied, as well as tissue loss (infarction) in 8% and tine compounds, and lactate in the brains of nine
periventricular leukomalacia (PVL) in 16%.33 Postoper- infants who had undergone surgical correction for
atively, 48% of subjects had new PVL; 19% had new CHD and who had been diagnosed with severe central
areas of infarction, and there was new parenchymal nervous system insults, mostly as a result of cardiac
hemorrhage in 33% of subjects, suggesting that intra- arrest, Ashwal et al found that those with both a
operative and postoperative factors play a greater role n-acetylaspartate/creatine compound ratio reduced by
than previously suggested in Miller et al’s study. No at least 50% and positive lactate had severely impaired
comments on neurologic deficit or developmental neurologic outcome at 6 and 12 months by the Glasgow
abnormalities were made in this study, which followed Outcome Score.39 Although the Glasgow Outcome
subjects up to 7 months postoperatively. In longitudinal Score is a gross tool for the identification of more sub-
studies of premature infants found to have PVL, tle neurologic outcomes, the study shows that there are
the pattern of school-age disabilities is similar to that degrees of severity identifiable by the MRS technology
reported in CHD, suggesting a similar response to and suggests further studies are warranted.
injury. PVL may thus be a reasonable predictor surro-
gate variable, but as mentioned previously here, acqui- Conclusion
sition of adequate imaging requires considerable
resources and coordinated logistics to ensure patient The high incidence of neurodevelopmental abnormal-
safety. ities in the current school-age survivors of neonatal
More recently, Galli et al identified a very high inci- and infant heart surgery is concerning. It is important
dence of PVL in postoperative patients, whereas in a to recognize that intraoperative and perioperative
study of preoperative patients, Licht et al using pulsed- techniques have changed considerably in the past
arterial spin label perfusion identified severe impair- decade, and children repaired in the current era may
ment of cerebral blood flow of a similar patient have considerably different outcomes. Nonetheless,
population.34-36 The implication of these findings is that modifying the long-term neurodevelopment of patients
these patients are at increased vulnerability for periop- is a major focus of research. It is highly impractical
erative neurologic injury and that aspects of preopera- to enroll newborns in clinical trials—either random-
tive and postoperative management, in addition to ized trials of neuroprotection strategies or registries
intraoperative management, can potentially have signif- used to track long-term outcomes—and wait 8 to 15
icant influence in the neurodevelopmental outcome of years to determine the effects of our current manage-
these patients. Although the correlation between PVL ment strategies. The identification of surrogate vari-
and neurodevelopmental outcome in CHD patients has ables, measured in the early postoperative period, is
not yet been established, it warrants the attention of essential.
researchers. A combination of structural and functional meas-
A recent article by McQuillen et al identified bal- ures is likely to assume increasing importance in the
loon atrial septostomy (BAS) as a major risk factor for coming years, including the use of MRI/MRS, bedside
preoperative focal brain injury in babies with dextro- EEG, and NIRS. The recent use of MRI, MRS, and
transposition of the great arteries. In this study of 29 other advanced magnetic resonance techniques have
neonates, 12 of 19 who underwent BAS were diag- offered insight into the preoperative and postoperative
nosed by MRI with preoperative brain injury; none of state of the brain in the neonate with CHD and have
the neonates who did not undergo BAS had preopera- identified potential markers that may predict longer
tive brain injury.37 In earlier work, the incidence of term developmental outcomes. Bedside techniques
MRI lesions in patients 1 year after correction of dex- such as signal-averaged EEG and NIRS show promise,
trotransposition of the great arteries was 14% of 142 but further studies to validate the predictive ability for
patients, all having undergone preoperative BAS.12 longer term function will need to be accomplished

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64 Seminars in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia / Vol. 11, No. 1, March 2007

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