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Name : Lia Aftanty

Class : B

NIM : 21202241042


1. D. meaty substance

2. B. it resembles a face

3. B. coconut trees have many uses

4. A. coconut palms are a valuable plant

5. C. helium balloons

6. D. foods

7. C. nearly every part of the tree is useful to mankind


The coconut is a fruit with 1000 purposes. This plant has many benefits to daily requirements for human
life and every part of the tree has a useful life philosophy. The trunk of a coconut tree can grow up to
30m high. People use trunks to build houses. A useful life philosophy is everyone must to a dream as
high as the sky and straight with glorious, honest and stand upright not easily swayed by something. The
roots of a coconut tree grow strong on the ground. These roots can prevent abrasion and prevent the
flood. A useful life philosophy is we have a strong foundation although the world is full of suffering, it is
full also of overcoming it. The coconut tree can produce a lot of fruit. The coconut shell is the strongest
part covered in a coconut fruit. When a fruit falls from a tree, it is not easily broken. The analogy of the
fruit is "seed of goodness" still "whole and quality" can grow and spread wherever.


8. B. order by topic & cause and effect

9. C. Your local energy company will send an energy auditor at your request

10. A. There are many things a homeowner renter can do to save energy and money

11. D. Locate a variety of flaws that may result in energy inefficiency and fix them
12. A. are energy efficient


I have done to save money or to my expenses by set savings goals. One of the best ways to save money
is by visualizing what my saving for. If I need motivation, set saving targets along with a timeline to make
it easier to save. I use coupons and shop for sales, turn off the lights when not in use and unplug
appliances to reduce my electric bill, and eat meals at home instead of going out. When I want to go
outdoor activities with others, I use a bike or walk. It’s good for my health, and I get to save money.

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