OPT A2 Unit Test 2 Standard

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2 UNIT 2 TEST | Standard A2

1 UT Track 2 You will hear Abbey talking to
Pete about types of entertainment. Write
the different words Abbey and Pete use to
say the underlined words.
1 Abbey: Yes, we saw a very good band.       
So you prefer entertainment that’s
2 Pete: 
3 Abbey: It’s a bit different and maybe
a little unusual.       
4 Abbey: … but I find a lot of games very difficult!
5 Abbey: … but the videos all look very similar.       

2 UT Track 2 Listen again. Which person

does Abbey do the activity with?
1 watch a band     A sister
2 watch a play     B aunt
3 play computer games     C cousin
4 watch comedy D brother
programmes     E grandpa
5 watch music videos     F father
G friend
H mother

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2 UNIT 2 TEST | Standard A2

Grammar Vocabulary
3 Choose the correct word or phrase to 5 Match the sentences (1–6) to the place the
complete each sentence. speaker is going (A–F).
1 We’re playing / We play video games at the 1 I want to see some of Picasso’s paintings.    
moment. 2 I’m interested in things from the 18th century.
2 He doesn’t understand / He isn’t understanding    
why people enjoy going to art galleries. 3 I’d like to see a Shakespeare play.    
3 They’re usually going / They usually go to a 4 I want to play online with kids in other countries.
concert on a Saturday night.    
4 Are you wearing / Do you wear your football kit 5 I want to take Dad to see some classical singers.
5 She’s smiling / She smiles in the photo of her 6 My favourite band is playing here next week!
with her favourite band.    
6 Does he agree / Is he agreeing with me?
A opera house D theatre
7 I’m knowing / I know lots about the history of my
B gaming café E museum
C art gallery F concert hall
8 We never spend / We’re never spending a lot of
money on going out.

9 The boy doesn’t cross / isn’t crossing the road,
because there are lots of cars. 6 Complete the sentences with the correct
10 Camille speaks / is speaking French with her preposition.
parents most of the time. 1 She doesn’t like looking at / in art in books – she
prefers going to galleries.

2 I’m staying in / on this evening to study.
4 Tick the correct sentences. Underline the 3 He tried with / on the jumper, but he didn’t like it.
mistakes in the incorrect sentences and 4 My parents went to the opera house because
write the correct word(s). they love listening at / to music.
1 He watches a band with his friends tonight. 5 We’re seeing a play at the theatre on Friday – my
 brother’s acting with / in it!
2 She watches a band with her friends every 6 I want to go out / on with my friends tomorrow,
weekend. but I’m visiting my aunt.
 7 Did you play at / with toys when you were young?
3 Do you go on holiday next Saturday? 8 He plays football with / on his club every week.
 9 Are you going out / on this evening?
4 Are you play board games later?

5 They’re playing volleyball tomorrow.
7 Complete the sentences with one word
from box A and one word from box B.

6 Does he go to school every day? A board | cinema | DVD | newspaper | TV

B article | games | player | programme | screen
7 Do they cooking dinner tomorrow night?
 1 Are we watching the film at my house? We can
8 At the weekend, I’m making a list of music to watch it on my dad’s               .
play at the party. 2 He’s staying in tonight and playing       
        like Risk and Carcassonne.

9 Where are you going for your cousin’s wedding 3 I like going out with my friends and watching
in March? films on a               .

 4 We’re writing a               about

our local area. Do you want to read it later?
10 Next month, my brother and I are visit my
grandparents in France. 5 They’re watching a              
about the Sydney Opera House.

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2 UNIT 2 TEST | Standard A2


Street theatre
Have you seen street theatre in your town? Street theatre is when entertainers do activities, usually in crowded
places, for people to watch. These entertainers often play instruments and sing, but they sometimes do more
unusual things like eating fire or riding a bicycle with one wheel.
Robbie does street theatre in London. He started dancing 10 years ago, but started doing street theatre two years
ago. He says, ‘When I was younger, singing and dancing were my hobbies, so now I do both!’ He doesn’t feel
anxious when he does street theatre. ‘The people watching are like friends – they’re nice and want to enjoy it.’
People often give money to street entertainers like Robbie. He usually uses a hat to collect it, but now he’s
using a box because he lost the hat. He is saving the money to go travelling. ‘I’m in college now. I want to go to
Europe when I’m older, but I’m going to South America next year. I’m visiting Rio de Janeiro because it has lots
of street theatre and I want to learn from those entertainers.’
After travelling, Robbie wants to be an actor. He says, ‘My dream is to work in a theatre and street theatre is
good practice because you need to be comfortable in front of new people’.
His advice if you want to be able to do street theatre is: ‘Think of something different to do, so people walking
past are interested. And then just practise, practise, practise!’

8 Read the text quickly and then choose the 9 Read the text again. For each question,
correct word or phrase to complete choose the correct answer.
each sentence. 1 What usually doesn’t happen in street theatre?
1 The text is probably from an advert / A Someone rides an unusual bike.
a magazine.
B Someone starts a fire.
2 The text is for young people / tourists.
C Someone sings and plays music.
3 The text describes a free time activity /
gives information about a job. 2 How long has Robbie been a dancer?
4 The text might interest people who A since he was two years old
want to travel / like entertainment. B for the last ten years
5 In general, Robbie seems happy / sad. C since last summer

3 What does Robbie want to do next year?

A He wants to go to college.
B He hopes to travel to Europe.
C He plans to visit South America.

4 What does Robbie say about doing street

A He makes friends with lots of people.
B It has always been his dream.
C It may help him get his dream job.

5 Who does Robbie say must practise a lot?

A People who want to do something different.
B Anyone interested in becoming a street
C Street performers who want to be more

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2 UNIT 2 TEST | Standard A2

Speaking Language in Use

10 Choose the correct words to complete the 12 Choose the correct word to complete the
sentences. sentences.
1 My friends and I sometimes watch / look at / 1 I read some very interesting sights / stories on a
take a film on Friday evenings. news website yesterday.
2 I usually visit my grandparents in / on / at 2 We spent the evening watching videos / photos
Sundays. on YouTube.
3 My friends and I don’t often play volleyball, but 3 Over 50% of websites across the world are in
we usually / sometimes / never do. English / colour.
4 I go swimming at / to / from 9am to 12pm on 4 Most people use social media / magazines to
Saturday mornings. stay in touch with friends.
5 I’m going / doing / making mountain biking 5 Over 1,000 people borrowed this book /
with my cousin this weekend. newspaper from the library last year.


11 Complete the answers with the words in 13 For each question, choose the correct answer.
the box. Top Tips for writing a blog
about | because | boring | but | exciting First of all, it is important to know who the blog
is for. Is it for friends and family to find out your
favourite | never | prefer | usually | watched
(1)     or do you want to write about (2)    
A: W
 hat’s your (1)        film? that lots of people will find interesting?
B: It’s X Men: Dark Phoenix. The story is really Next, you need to think about what you are going
(2)        and the special effects to (3)     . Have you had a new experience
are amazing. that you want to share with the world? The best
bloggers often talk about their feelings.
A: What was the last film you (3)        ?
Include lots of (4)     in your blog. These will
B: It was Spider-Man: Far From Home. The acting make it look more exciting, and too much text is
was great, but I thought the story was a bit difficult to read.
(4)        at times.
Finally, answer any blog comments you get. Your
A: What do you (5)        do in your free readers will be pleased that you took the
time? (5)     to answer them and will keep reading.
B: I often play video games and I sometimes play 1 A things B news C stories
volleyball with my friends. Unfortunately, we
(6)        play it at school. 2 A subjects B details C types
A: T
 ell me (7)        what you did in your 3 A think B say C speak
free time last weekend. 4 A text B ideas C images
B: I went shopping with my mum, (8)        5 A time B effort C moment
I didn’t buy anything.
A: D
 o you (9)        going shopping in a 
large shopping centre or small shops?
B: I like shopping centres (10)       
there’s a lot more choices.

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2 UNIT 2 TEST | Standard A2

14 Match the phrases (1–5) to the phrases 15 You are going to a show with your English
(a–e) which have the same meaning. friend Alex tomorrow evening. Write a note
1 It will be really good. to Alex.
2 It starts at 5 o’clock. Say:
3 Let’s … • what time the show starts.
4 You’ll love it! • where you want to meet.
5 After that we can … • what you want to do afterwards.
a Why don’t we … Write 25 words or more.
b You’ll really enjoy it! Use these ideas to help you.
c It will be excellent! The show starts/begins at …
d Afterwards we can … Let’s meet at/Why don’t we meet at …
e It begins at 5pm. Afterwards/After that we can …


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