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Sorsogon National High School


1st Quarter; School Year 2020-2021

Name of Learner: ____________________________________ Grade Level & Section: _________________

TITLE OF THE LESSON: Identifying the Research Problem

At the end of the lesson, learners are able to:
1. Identify and discuss a quantitative research topic /problem
2. Evaluate a researchable topic/ problem
3. Assess the quality of quantitative research problem and research questions
4. Apply the guidelines in stating a quantitative research problem and research questions.


In life, you will find difficulty in knowing or finding answers or solutions to questions causing you worries or
perplexities that we call “problem.” It is human nature that we immediately find ways and means to find
solutions of this problem. However, if we resort this problem through a systematic process like research, this
problem becomes something that nurtures in our mind to do an empirical investigation where we search
answers by collecting and analyzing data or information to find the right answer. One question that guides us
to identify a research problem is, “Is it researchable?” To sum it up, it requires us to adopt an empirical attitude
towards the problem in a way that we depend on our sensory experience, conduct experimentation, or perform
a scientific method in arriving at the truth. Also, this becomes a quantitative research instead of a qualitative
One of the following could give rise to a quantitative research problem:
1. Agencies of the government, or any non-government institutions
2. Your own experience or genuine interest in something
3. Previous research findings which you want to validate or consider as studies suffering from some
inconsistencies or discrepancies
4. Present political social or economic issues in society
5. Review of related literature


Thinking of a research problem or a topic to research on is a beginning act in research. Another initial
research act is asking a set of specific questions or identifying sub-problems about your research problem.
These specific or sub-questions, called Research Questions is to specify the scope and the method in
collecting and analyzing data. It will give you the right direction in your research and give further definition or
explanation of the research problem as they will stress the fact that they elicit answers to clarify or solve the
research problem, which is the main problem of the research.
Sample Research Problem:
Interrogative Statement: What percentage of Manila private universities consider the use of grammar textbooks as the
most effective way to help college students attain communicative competence?
Declarative Statement: The main objective of this study is to find out the percentage of Manila private universities
considering the use of grammar text books as the most effective way to help college students attain communicative
Sample Research Questions:
Interrogative Statements:
1. What are the common grammar textbooks used in the Manila private universities?
2. What are the components of the grammar textbook that address communicative competence development?
3. What is the level of effectiveness of the grammar textbook to the communicative competence development of
college students of Manila private universities as perceived by:
a. College Students
b. Language Professors

No portion of this activity learning sheet may be reproduced without the expressed consent of the
writer, and of Sorsogon National High School. November 10, 2020
Declarative Statements:
1. Identify the common grammar textbooks used in the Manila private universities
2. Identify the components off the grammar textbook that address communicative competence development
3. Measure the level of effectiveness of the grammar textbook to the communicative competence development of
college students of Manila private universities as perceived by:
c. College Students
d. Language Professors


1. Formulate a research problem that is researchable; meaning, open to empirical investigation.
2. See to it that you state your quantitative research problem clearly, concisely, and possibly, if under
APA referencing style, not beyond 12 words.
3. Have your research problem focus on a general understanding of your research topic.
4. Construct a research problem that mirrors the importance of carrying out the research for finding
answers or solutions to a problem.
5. Let your quantitative research problem state the variables and their relationships with one another
6. Construct an introductory statement to present your research problem, which is the main problem of
your research.
7. State your research questions or sub-problems, not in the form of yes-or-no questions, but in
informative questions.
8. Express your research problem and research questions either in an interrogative or declarative
manner, but some research books say that the former is more effective than the latter form.


A. PRACTICE TASK 1: Mental Exercise. In 3 sentences, explain the following concepts in your own words
(RUBRICS: Students must use their own words – 2; Ideas and statements should be concise, clear, coherent and accurate – 3 points)
1. Research questions vs Research problems
2. Researchable problems
3. Nature of quantitative research problems
4. Quantitative Research problems
B. PRACTICE TASK 2: Researchable or Not Researchable. Consider this statement to identify if a problem
or question is researchable of not: “It requires us to adopt an empirical attitude towards the problem in a
way that we depend on our sensory experience, conduct experimentation, or perform a scientific

What is the level of acceptance

of autocratic management
among the respondents?
How many students are in the
Modular Distance Learning
Relationship of employee
benefits to work productivity

How many watched the movie,

C. PRACTICE TASK 3: Let’s do this ! Take a look at the pictures below. Using the guidelines, draft a
quantitative research problem and 3 quantitative research questions.

1. 2. 3.

No portion of this activity learning sheet may be reproduced without the expressed consent of the
writer, and of Sorsogon National High School. November 10, 2020
IV. GENERALIZATION: Discuss in one paragraph 3 concepts that you find difficult to understand and how
were you able to comprehend them completely.

V. EVALUATION. Using the guidelines and the research topics you submitted. Choose one topic and present
it in quantitative research problem and quantitative research questions. Please formulate more than three
research questions.
(RUBRICS: Research problem and research questions should be quantitative – 4 points; Research problems should be specific to the
research problem – 3 points; Research problem should pose a researchable, relevant and thematic to your strand – 3 points)


In this part, you can tell your teacher what confused you, what part did you find difficult or what you
learned about.

Prepared by ANDREA F. DETERA, Teacher II

Language Critic: RHEA J. DOLLESIN, Teacher II

Content Editors: FRANCOIS L. DETERA, Master Teacher I

ANNE E. MANCIA, Assistant School Principal II for Academics
MARILYN B. DIVINA, School Principal IV

No portion of this activity learning sheet may be reproduced without the expressed consent of the
writer, and of Sorsogon National High School. November 10, 2020
Prepared by ARMANDO M. AYO, Teacher II

Language Critic: RHEA J. DOLLESIN, Teacher II

Content Editors: FRANCOIS L. DETERA, Master Teacher I

ANNE E. MANCIA, Assistant School Principal II for Academics
MARILYN B. DIVINA, School Principal IV

No portion of this activity learning sheet may be reproduced without the expressed consent of the
writer, and of Sorsogon National High School. November 10, 2020

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