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The following data refers to the na�onal income of a par�cular country.

Items RM millions
Private investment 2200
Export 600
Private expenditure 1600
Corporate taxes 400
Personal income taxes 250
Government expenditure 3050
Indirect taxes 180
Import 450
Property gain from abroad 350
Property paid abroad 500
Employment Provident Fund (EPF) 50
Capital consump�on 110
Transfer payments 5000
Social Security contribu�on 200
Subsidy 120
Change in inventory 730


a) Gross domestic product at market price

(3 marks)

b) Gross national product at factor cost

(3 marks)

c) National income
(1 mark)

d) Personal income
(2 marks)

e) Disposable personal income

(1 mark)

The table shows na�onal income data for a country with a popula�on of 10 million people.

Items RM(million)
Private domes�c investment 23,000
Government expenditure 35,000
Public consump�on 15,000
Transfer payment 9 000
Exports 17,000
Indirect tax 12,000
Private consump�on 38,000
Personal Income tax 2 500
Imports 19,000
Change in stock -10,000
Subsidies 8,000
Deprecia�on 6,000
EPF 11 000
Net income from abroad 20,000
Corporate Tax 3 000

a) Calculate:

i) Gross domes�c product at market price.

(4 marks)
ii) Gross na�onal product at market price.

(3 marks)
iii) Na�onal income.

(3 marks)
iv) Na�onal income per capita.

(2 marks)

v) Disposable income

(3 marks)

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