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Name: Juniel B.

Maghanoy Section: CEA-CE-3S


Assignment – 1.

1. Define building and plumbing systems and codes.

Answer: Building and plumbing systems and codes pertain to the infrastructure and regulations
governing plumbing and water-related systems within buildings. These systems include pipes,
fixtures, water supply, drainage, and sewage disposal. Building codes are there to establish
safety standards and guidelines to ensure these systems work well and protect public health.

2. Describe the principles of water supply and distribution systems in buildings

Answer: The principles of water supply and distribution systems in buildings involve providing
clean, safe water to different fixtures and appliances. Typically, a building connects to a water
source (like a city supply or well) through a main supply line. Water is then moved throughout
the building using pipes, valves, and pumps to ensure it reaches faucets, showers, toilets, and
other outlets with consistent pressure and flow.

3. Explain wastewater collection and drainage systems within structures.

Answer: Wastewater collection and drainage systems inside buildings are responsible for
carrying used water and sewage away from sinks, toilets, and other fixtures to a sewage
treatment or disposal system. This involves a network of pipes, traps, and vents to maintain
proper flow and prevent the release of harmful gases. Wastewater either moves by gravity or is
pumped into the main sewage line, which leads to a municipal sewage system or septic tank,
depending on local regulations. These systems need to be designed and maintained correctly to
prevent clogs and ensure safe disposal of wastewater.

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