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Part 1:

Flash the examples eme in fast forward

This is Mathematics!
It’s everywhere and it’s used in virtually everything we do. Let me show you how.

Math is the science and study of quantity, structure, space, logic and change.
Basically, we use math to measure the things around us. But what about that?
Imagine a world without measurements, quantifications. Progress would be
impossible, and in today’s world, the absence of such information may be
cataclysmic. You may have hated math but you can’t deny its immense usefulness.

To give you an idea of how much mathematics is influencing your life, let me give
you some examples.
Part 2:

(magshow ug examples, like museum)
This is how patterns work. (pause) ( vid ni jonah)
In this world full of designs. Patterns seen in every space your eyes capture.
It creates ideas that will be useful in designing houses, products, clothes,
infrastructure, and most especially architectural designs. (vid nasad sa examples
nga ga show og patterns)

(ditso dayun flash sa eifel tower)

One of the common and most visited architectural tower that showcases patterns
through its structure, in which amuses each existing being - EIFFEL TOWER

snap (for transition) (vid ni Jonah)

On the other side, mathematics also contributes in boosting our rational
thinking through problem solving. (vid ni Jonah)
(show vid nga ga solve)

Most college students are having a hard time solving their problems,
especially in their academic work. We as a college students exert our skills
but there are times we are struggling to do the specific task that will lead us
to ignore the other tasks. (vid sa college students nga ga struggle)

And it resulted in failing the other task because we are struggling to find a
solution to the specific task that we are striving for. (fail na clip)

This is how problem-solving comes in, to find a solution first, we need to

analyze and understand the problem, which means determining whether
the tasks are difficult or easy and knowing what is your goal. (Jonah nga

Next is to devise a plan, this is how you arrange your task accordingly by
making a chart depending on all the possibilities per task and identifying it
depending on its difficulties.
Then carry out the plan, working the task carefully and tracking whether
the plan is working or not, to minimize wasting time. (vid sa tao nga ga
formulate og plan)

Lastly, to look back and check, this way is to ensure that your solution or
plan on finishing your task is accurate and ask yourself whether there are
generalizations of the solution that could apply to other problems. (vid ni

Transition( I labay ang camera)

According to Mark Twain, “Facts are stubborn, but statistics is more pliable”. When
data is virtually, it is up to us to utilize them for our own benefits. But, how? With
the help of statistics, the science of collecting, analyzing, presenting, and
interpreting these data, the applications are endless.

One area in which statistics have been proving very useful, and in fact live-saving, is
in matters concerning health.
Measuring the contagiousness and the fatality of diseases in a given population is
impossible without the aid of statistics. through the implementation of various
statistical tools, government agencies can mitigate the spread of these fatal diseases,
and in effect, they could save countless lives. That is amazing! This happened during
the previous years when the pandemic occurred. Furthermore, clinical trials are
commonly done with the help of inferential statistics to determine if a certain drug
is really effective in treating a particular disease. They greatly rely on statistics to do
these important inferences.
On the other side of everything, statistics is also crucial for doing business. How?
From market research to sales forecasting, math is vigorously used in these steps of
business planning and operations.
In order to assess the target market and their reception to the proposed product, a
comprehensive market research is done to gain insights on the probable
performance of a business. Using inferential tools, a company can decide whether to
continue on launching a product or which set of products or price ranges are more
effective. During business operations, regression analysis is crucial to predict the
future financial performance of the company. With this, the management can
allocate their resources more efficiently and generate higher profits by utilizing
Without the mathematical rigor provided by statistics in our studies, the world we
live in today would cease to exist. So, if you ever see a drug or use a product or
service provided by companies, we have statistics, math, to thank for.

Another transition, sa part ni Jonah

Show mga vids nga naay geometric design

Another transition para sa part ni lyka

(vid about modular arithmetic)

Modular Arithmetic
An unnoticed mathematical skill Importance •Time In the 12-hour clock,
(vid sa clock or time)

in which the day is divided into two 12-hour periods. If the time is 5:00
now, then 8 hours later it will be 1:00. Simple addition would result in 5 + 8
= 13, but clocks "wrap around" every 12 hours. Because the hour number
starts over at zero when it reaches 12, this is arithmetic modulo 12. -
Everytime we think about time, we use modular Arithmetic as it deals with
cycles of integers and remainders just like a clock. (vid about arithmetic)

Applications in the Modern World - This is used to detect errors in

identification numbers. For example, credit cards, bank accounts, or
product barcodes all involve long strings of numbers. These numbers need
to be correctly exchanged by computer systems. Think about using your
credit card to buy something online. Imagine if two of the digits were
switched or typed improperly. Modular arithmetic is used to detect these
kinds of errors. A check digit can be found in many significant numbers to
aid with error detection. Usually, this is the last digit of a number. It is used
to examine the number for errors as a component of a modular arithmetic
algorithm. One that is frequently employed is the mod 10 or Luhn
algorithm. In order to use this procedure, all of the digits must first be
doubled before being added together. If the total modulo 10, indicating that
it is a multiple of 10, is equal to 0, then the number is valid.

- Public key cryptography systems, which are vital for modern commerce It
offers finite structures known as "rings," which can be easily built with
current computer hardware and which feature all the standard integer
arithmetic operations. These processes carry out encryption and decryption
or signature and verification for appropriately selected circumstances.

Computer science - Music theory, modulo 12 arithmetic is used to analyse

the 12-tone equal temperament system, when notes separated by an octave
of 12 semi-tones are treated as equivalent.

(naa na diri ninyo ibutang inyuhang mga examples)
Part 3:
Well, that is how much math your life has.

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