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Design and Construction of Micro Hydropower Generator

at Sto.Tomas, Tingloy, Batangas

A Research Paper Presented to

the Faculty of STI Academic Center-Batangas
Senior High School Department

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Strand of
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

By Group 2:

Daiz, Alexa Cassandra P.

Dalisay, Casheille Kirstie R.
De Austria, Alfred Anthony Louis G.
Esguerra, Sheen Mira D.
Eugenio, Rachelle Anne F.
Fortaleza, Rodjjove Gerard Jose B.
Garcia, Kimberly Mekylla P.
Gomez, Jan Dairiell M.
Honor, Maria Christine M.
Lagman, John Rhafy A.

January 2023


First and foremost, praise and thanks to God, the Almighty, for His showers of

blessings throughout our research work, which enabled us to successfully complete the


We would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to our research advisor, Ma'am

Dianne R. Ebora, and all collaborative teachers involved in this study for providing us

with the opportunity to conduct research and invaluable guidance throughout this process.

We have been deeply inspired by your dynamism, vision, sincerity, and motivation. You

taught us the methodology for conducting the research and presenting the findings as

clearly as possible. Working under your direction was a great privilege and honor. We are

deeply grateful for what you have provided for us.

In addition to our research advisor, we would like to thank our homeroom advisor

for her encouragement, insightful comments, and suggestions. As a result of her

guidance, we were able to write our paper correctly.

As the leader of our group, I, Alexa Cassandra P. Daiz would like to thank my

classmates or co-researchers in Group 2: Dalisay, Casheille Kirstie R., De Austria, Alfred

Anthony Louis G., Esguerra, Sheen Mira D., Eugenio, Rachelle Anne F., Fortaleza,

Rodjjove Gerard Jose B., Garcia, Kimberly Mekylla P., Gomez, Jan Dairiell M., Honor,

Maria Christine M., Lagman, John Rhafy A., for the stimulating discussion, for the

sleepless nights we were working together before deadlines, and for all the fun we have

had in the last 4 months.

Finally, we would like to thank our family, particularly our parents, for their

unwavering support throughout this journey.


Preliminaries Page

TITLE PAGE..............................................................................................i


TABLE OF CONTENTS...........................................................................iii

CHAPTER I: THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND...........................5


Statement of the Problem.............................................................................7

Scope, Limitation, and Delimitation............................................................7

Significance of the Study.............................................................................9

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE................................10

Conceptual Literature...................................................................................10

Research Literature......................................................................................15


Conceptual Framework...............................................................................21

Definition of Terms.....................................................................................23

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY............................................25

Research Design..........................................................................................25

Materials and Equipment...........................................................................26



A. Micro Hydropower Construction.............................................33
B. Construction of Drainage Canal Simulator..............................34

Flow Chart..................................................................................................36

Initial Sketch of Prototype..........................................................................38

A. Parts of Prototype....................................................................38

B. Design of Prototype..................................................................39


Design and Modeling Project …...............................................................41

Micro Hydropower Construction…...........................................................43

Construction of Drainage Canal Simulator…...........................................47

Parts and Function of Micro Hydropower Generator…............................49

Testing Procedure…..................................................................................51

Distinctive Project Design….....................................................................52

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...............................55

Summary of Results…...............................................................................55




Appendix A…................................................................................................

Appendix B…...............................................................................................



This chapter contains the introduction, statement of the problem, the scope,

limitation, and delimitation, and the significance of the study.


Electricity is a necessary part of modern life and plays an important role in our

daily lives. It is used in everyday life by people for lighting, heating, cooling, refrigeration,

and running appliances. Because of electricity, more people are able to do what they need

to do, and it provides comfort to people because it is used to work things that require

electricity, which are commonly used in our modern society.

Electricity is widely used throughout the country; however, power outages can

occur as discrete incidents resulting from technological malfunction or malicious action, or

as a result of a precipitating disaster such as a storm or flood. Widespread electrical power

outages pose a serious risk to modern societies. Whatever their cause, the consequences

can be severe. It has been identified multiple possible impacts ranging from those which

pose a direct threat to health such as increased traffic accidents, difficulties distributing

medicines, loss of medical records, water shortages, spoilage of foods, and public disorder,

to indirect impacts such as loss of financial services, reduced working hours, transport

disruption, and loss of communications, and lastly, operational challenges for government

agencies which are reduced ability of personnel to attend work, loss of communication

between agencies, and difficulties in procuring essential supplies.

Long-term power outages can have an impact on both households and

communities. Residents of Tingloy, Batangas City, specifically the barangay of Sto. Tomas

was frequently affected by this power outage. Furthermore, one of the researchers from

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Sto. Tomas frequently experienced power outages, especially when a typhoon is in the

area. The researcher's business suffered as a result of this. Other residents reported power

outages in their homes. Aside from losing power, the most common problem for

homeowners is losing central air conditioning or heating. This could mean a few things

depending on the time of year. If the outage occurs during the hot summer months, the

internal temperature of the home can quickly rise. A rapid temperature rise can result in

heatstroke and is also hazardous to family pets.

A power outage also means that no electricity is being pumped into the refrigerator,

which keeps everything cool. Furthermore, it may result in the loss of power to streetlights.

Street lighting is nominally important because it serves as a source of light. which is a

basic requirement in all parts of the world. Not only that, but it is also an important factor

in preventing traffic accidents caused by poor visibility. Unfortunately, these accidents are

quite common during power outages.

On the other hand, the use of renewable energy is increasing because it benefits

both the people and the environment. As a result, the Philippine government enacted

legislation that aims to enable the country to move quickly toward its goal of becoming

60% energy self-sufficient by 2010 by developing and utilizing resources such as solar,

wind, hydropower, ocean, and biomass energy. This act is known as Republic Act 9513,

also known as the Renewable Energy Act. It aims to accelerate the exploration and

development of renewable energy resources while also increasing their utilization by

institutionalizing the development of national and local capabilities in the use of renewable

energy systems and promoting their efficient and cost-effective commercial application

through fiscal and non-fiscal incentives (IEA, 2017).

As a result, the researchers decided to build a sufficient thing capable of producing

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renewable energy. This will help to promote the law of R.A 9513 and encourage people to

be resourceful.

The researchers' goal is to assess the generation of electricity during power outages.

The researchers also aim to determine whether the current study will provide new

information about hydropower. Furthermore, to assess how the current study will provide

new knowledge about how the researcher's prototype will function, which may benefit the

residents of Sto. Tomas, Tingloy, Batangas during a power outage. Furthermore, the

researchers' goal is to provide an alternative new source of electricity by designing and

constructing a prototype.

Statement of the Problem

This research study aims to determine the design and construction of micro

hydropower generator at Sto. Tomas, Tingloy, Batangas.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the materials needed for micro hydropower generator to work?

2. What are the methods in the construction of micro hydropower generator?

3. What are the processes in the conversion of energy from the flowing water in

drainage canal using the water wheel?

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a micro hydropower generator?

5. Based on the findings, what are the improvements that can be made when

constructing the micro hydropower generator?

Scope, Limitation, and Delimitation

This study focused on the design and construction of a micro hydropower

generator at Sto. Tomas, Tingloy, Batangas. The study will cover the following: materials,

methods, the conversion of energy, and the improvements that can be made for the design

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and construction of the prototype. Furthermore, the researchers will determine the

advantages and disadvantages of the prototype's construction for the residents of Sto.

Tomas, Tingloy, Batangas especially during power outages in the area. A qualitative

approach will be used to gather information from secondary sources such as books,

publications, internet articles, and scholarly articles. The researchers will also use a

descriptive research design that does not adhere to specific methods, but rather "borrows"

appropriate methods from other designs, which allows the researchers to select methods

that are best suited to the current study. The study will be conducted for approximately 8

months; it began on September 22, 2022, with the goal of finishing in the last week of May


On the other hand, Sto. Tomas, Tingloy, Batangas is a remote location, which

limits the available literature regarding the topic. This is due to the fact that there is very

little information or published articles about this location that specifically discuss the other

innovation that other researchers conducted. The same is actually the case for the current

study; there is less information about using hydropower generators in the area, which limits

the researcher's ability to gather data at the site. As a result, it may have an impact on the

study's findings as well as the precise process or improvement that should be used in the

construction of the micro hydropower generator. Furthermore, the researchers' prototype

will be built in a drainage canal, making it impossible for the researchers to control the

water current, which could limit and affect the study's findings.

The researchers excluded some factors when creating the micro hydropower

generator, such as the cost of the prototype construction. The study also restricts electricity

generation to only Sto. Tomas, Tingloy, Batangas, and will not cohere with other locations.

Other renewable energy sources will not be discussed. This study will also not investigate

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the prototype's marketability.

Significance of the Study

This research is done to help and to provide information and give knowledge

regarding the chosen topic, which is the design and construction of micro hydropower

generators at Sto.Tomas, Tingloy, Batangas. The findings of the study will be of great

benefit in the following:

To the community, this study will help with generating electricity during a power

outage utilizing the micro hydropower generator. It provides information to create an

improvise source of electricity during power outage in the community. The utilization

of recyclable materials to construct water turbine can help the community to lessen the


To the economy, the findings of the study can be a great help to lessen the use of

fossil fuels which dangers the environment. The high demand of electricity can be solved

by supplying enough electricity in the community. Additionally, it will help to get the

satisfaction of the low cost of energy which is one of the problems of the economy.

To the researchers, the findings of the study will be beneficial to all researchers to

have a justification on the design and construction of micro hydropower generator at Sto.

Tomas, Tingloy, Batangas. Moreover, this study will be of great help for them to uplift

their skills and knowledge in applying new methodologies in conducting research

wherein researchers seek and expand knowledge through understanding.

To the future researchers, the findings of this study may contribute to the existing

body of knowledge those other researchers can use as reference material to identify gaps

in the literature for future studies on relevant topics.

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This chapter presents a comprehensive review of existing literature based on a

collection of published books, journals, unpublished research papers and studies from both

local and international settings, as well as online references. It covers conceptual literature,

research literature, synthesis, conceptual framework, and definition of terms. Those

included in this chapter will provide a profound appreciation and a broader perspective on

the paper undertaken, which can stimulate in familiarizing information that is relevant and

similar to the current study.

Conceptual Literature

The study includes a summary of the researcher's readings and concepts relevant

to the study in relation to the current problem. The readings present the relationship

between their ideas and how they relate to the current study.

Materials needed in the construction. The material used in the creation of

anything plays an important role in making it comfortable, durable, valuable, precious, and

beautiful. Physical or structural materials such as cement, sand, bricks, plastic, and wood

are required in the construction of any building, as are nonphysical or functional materials

such as visual comfort, temperature control, noise control, occupancy, site condition,

surrounding environment, shape, and overall dimension (Jamal, 2017).

The material used to construct a structure denotes its structural existence. It

demonstrates the presence of aesthetic sense in a design and thus defines the structure's

practicability. The use of construction materials in the design of a structure is symbolic of

its existence in the field of architectural visualization. It contributes to the establishment of

a link between visual quality and structural stability in architecture. There was a time when
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entire structures were constructed from a single building element. Today, things have

progressed to the point where different elements are used in various nooks and corners of

the same structure (Mishra & Das, 2014).

Furthermore, the building material influences the vision of a structure because it

deals with the structure's appearance-related qualities. It also has an effect on the structure's

durability. As a result, the quality-quantity relationship of the building material used

determines the character of the architecture. It also has an impact on the theories of

simplicity and complexity in architectural design. It has also encouraged innovation.

Using the researchers' prototype, the researchers decided to follow a reference

made by Multi Creative in 2020. Plywood, sealant, truss head machine, aluminum flat bar,

nuts, round aluminum tube, DC motor, dynamo, AC/DC converter, circuit breaker, battery,

electrical tape, stranded wire, bearing, large bike gear plate, screw, wire extension, small

gear plate, and bicycle chain were all used by Multi Creative. As previously stated, Multi

Creative used plywood for their water turbine blades; however, the researchers decided to

use polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes to construct the paddles.

The researchers will also incorporate an innovation in the construction of a water

turbine, known as the adjustable water turbine, in order to adapt to the environment in

which they have decided to build their water turbine.

Methods in the construction of a water wheel. Hydro turbines are devices used

in hydroelectric power plants to generate electricity by transferring energy from moving

water to a rotating shaft. These turbines rotate or spin in response to the introduction of

water into their blades. These turbines are essential in the field of hydropower, which is the

process of generating electricity from water.

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According to a study conducted by Energy Education (n.d.), turbine construction

is the same. A row of blades is attached to a rotating shaft or plate. Water is then passed

through the turbine over the blades, causing the inner shaft to rotate. This rotational motion

is then transferred to a generator, which produces electricity. There are various types of

turbines that are best used in different situations. Each type of turbine is designed to

provide the most output possible in the circumstances in which it is used.

Furthermore, the type of turbine chosen for any given hydropower project is

determined by the height and speed of the incoming water, referred to as the hydraulic

head, and the volume of water that flows, referred to as the hydroelectric discharge.

Efficiency and cost are also important considerations.

Meanwhile, according to Dan (2007), the construction sequence of the rapid

construction method for the penstock of a large-scale hydraulic turbine is as follows: the

spiral case of the hydraulic turbine is installed first, then the penstock is arranged in turn

from the intake section of the spiral case upwards along the water flow direction. To

facilitate installation, the penstock is assembled and welded on a roll welding rack or on a

penstock pallet car in segments.

These are some of the methods used by other researchers conducting a

hydropower study, which includes the processes required to build a water turbine. In line

with the researchers' study, the researchers will follow a reference made by Multi Creative

in 2020, but with new variables such as materials, equipment, and, most importantly, the

innovation in the construction of a water turbine known as the adjustable water turbine.

To begin, the materials and equipment are needed to be gathered to construct the

water wheel. Second, the four 20-inch small metal rods must be attached to the edge of the

1" PVC pipe. Third, after attaching the metal rods, the semi-cylindrical 1-1/4" PVC Pipe

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must be secure to the water turbine's metal rods with a screw and nut. A metal rod should

be inserted inside the 1" PVC pipe and must be tightened with screws for the water wheel

to rotate. Fifth, the adjustable tube should be attached to both sides of the canal using an

electric fan stand. Following that, two bearings should be attached to the adjustable tube.

The metal rod is then inserted into the bearings and secured with nuts. Ninth, the dynamo

generator will be installed near the bike's gear plate. The smaller bike gear plate must then

be attached to the dynamo generator. The smaller bike gear plate attached to the water

wheel will then be connected to the smaller bike gear plate attached to the dynamo

generator. Finally, the water wheel will be tested with actual water flow, and a wire

extension to the dynamo generator will be connected.

Conversion of energy. Electric energy conversion is an important issue in today's

society because our daily lives rely heavily on energy supplies. According to Thorburn

(2006)'s research, there are two energy sources for conversion: ocean waves and


According to Renene (2017), natural motion, such as ocean waves, can play a

significant role in tomorrow's electricity production, but the construction requires media

adaptations. Engineers designing hydropower plants have always used natural conditions

like fall height, flow rate, and geometry as basic design parameters and constructs.

As per Energy (n.d), Hydropower, also known as hydroelectric power, is a

renewable energy source that generates electricity by altering the natural flow of a river or

other body of water using a dam or diversion structure. Hydropower relies on the water

cycle's never-ending, constant recharging system to generate electricity from fuel-water

that is not reduced or eliminated in the process. Hydropower converts kinetic energy

into electricity using turbines and generators, which is then fed into the electrical grid to

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power homes, businesses, and industries.

Further, at the plant level, water flows through a pipe, also known as a penstock,

and then spins the blades in a turbine, which spins a generator, which eventually produces

electricity. Most conventional hydroelectric facilities, including run- of-the-river and

pumped storage systems, operate in this manner.

Advantages and disadvantages of micro hydropower generator. Micro

hydropower can provide clean, renewable energy at a low cost. They can be built anywhere

there is enough water flow and head to make energy generation feasible, including in rural

or undeveloped areas. Natural water sources such as streams and rivers, as well as existing

man-made infrastructure such as water distribution networks, wastewater collection and

treatment systems, and dams, can all be considered. Small-scale hydropower can thus use

existing infrastructure to generate power while minimizing environmental impact

(Kucukali, 2011).

Constructing a micro hydropower generator in Sto. Tomas, Tingloy, Batangas has

some benefits for its residents as well as the environment. Because most micro

hydropower schemes are run-of-river or integrated into existing water infrastructure, the

impact on the local environment is minimal. Run-of-river systems return water to streams,

reducing the impact on stream ecosystems, whereas systems integrated into existing

infrastructure merely use existing water flows (UN-HABITAT, 2012).

Furthermore, micro hydropower is a non-polluting, renewable energy source.

Micro hydropower, unlike large hydropower schemes, does not require a reservoir and

thus does not produce methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Micro hydropower schemes also

take up little space. Because no reservoir is built, the impact on nearby communities in

terms of displacement is minimal. Furthermore, the use of this type of power plant avoids
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excessive water wear because it is collected from drainage schemes at a point and returned

to the channel in a lower bound, transforming their energy once through the turbine. On

the other hand, it is notable for its indigenous nature, which is why its development entails

reducing reliance on foreign energy and strengthening supply security. As a result, there

are opportunities to connect hydropower to other uses, such as agricultural irrigation.

Individual users' investment costs can be reduced as a result, expanding their opportunities

for income generation and development.

However, there are still drawbacks to installing a micro hydropower generator in

the area because it may not be appropriate for all locations. Before installing a micro

hydropower system, certain basic conditions must be met. These parameters include flow

rate, output, water head, stream size, and the distance between the power source and the

area where power is required (Green Living Nation, n.d). Furthermore, future expansion

options are limited because it will be installed in a specific location, which is the drainage

canal. The potential for future growth is limited. Unlike other options such as solar power,

where you can add more panels to meet rising power demands, there is no such option for


Research Literature

This section included research literature from several studies that might be used to

support this paper.

In the study conducted by Dela Rosa (2018), their aim was to design a pico-

hydro Pelton Turbine bucket using Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) bottles, PET bottles

such as mountain dew bottles coke bottles or sprite bottles. The study only searched at

PET bottles as an alternative. Bucket material for Pelton turbines. The selected PET

bottles underwent Computational Fluid Dynamics processes, including designing and

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developing a Pelton turbine prototype to test the bucket's performance and efficiency.

Moreover, the result of the study is that the maximum efficiency of the Pelton wheel

with the PET bucket design was lower than the standard design. But only insignificant

differences were obtained when compared to the standard design. This study demonstrated

that a PET bucket-designed Pelton turbine can be a viable alternative for renewable

energy production, as well as making recommendations for further design improvements

and advancements.

However, the study lacks with the demonstration to the actual water flow. It

suggests testing the PET bottles in an actual flowing water to determine which is the best

PET bottle to use in a pico-hydro Pelton turbine. Also, the water flow must have different

intensities to test the durability of each Pelton Wheel using different PET bottles. The

flowing water can be torrential which may affect the effectivity of the Pelton Wheel.

Contrary, calm flowing water can test the effectiveness of Pelton wheel in such slow-

moving water.

As stated in the study conducted by Suryatna (2021), they have investigated the

potential use of water flow from mountain water sources, particularly in the Village of

Kwadungan, Kalikajar Wonosobo, to build a micro hydropower plant (MHPP). MHPP

built with a waterwheel because the water discharge is relatively small and based on

observations of the use of turbine in MHPP found that MHPP was not durable and easily

damaged by flooding. Water wheels are a sustainable and efficient method of generating

energy. The study's findings were the Prototype Model of Micro Hydro Power Plant

(MHPP) for small water discharges (less than 10 Liters per Second), namely the MHPP

waterwheel and the Speed Converters from waterwheel to Dynamos, dubbed "MHPP”


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In conclusion, the use of these wheels is a solution to ensure that the MHPP

prototype is long-lasting and not easily damaged by flooding. Evidence that MHPP is

more durable is that prototypes MHPP one, two, and three have been used for more than 9

years and continue to produce stable and undamaged electricity. The MHPP component of

the millwheel is made up of six parts: a 4–5-meter diameter reversing wheel from the mill

to the dynamo called "converter," a dynamo, a house where the MHPP prototype is, a

conductor network connecting the MHPP to the houses, and a safety cistern and conduit.

Moreover, it recommends the study to test the prototype in a small water discharge such as

drainage canal system.

In accord with the study by Yildiz (2019), they stated that Run-of-the-river

(RoR) hydroelectric stations are a more captivating and environmentally sustainable

alternative to dam-based facilities. These plants redirect water from flowing river to a

turbine without the need for a reservoir. Despite having a low impact on the environment

and communities, the potency of RoR plants has not been thoroughly explored and

exploited. In the United States, for example, it is estimated that RoR plants could annually

produce MW, or about 13% of total electricity consumption in 2016.

It is mentioned that RoR is not thoroughly explored and exploited yet there are a

lot of RoR in the Philippines. The study lacks to other foreign studies which they can use

in their study. It recommends to search in depth to support their study. RoR depends on

the river they will utilize; hence, simulation can be the best method to test the

hydroelectric station. It can be used to test the durability of the water turbine in a different

water flow of the river. Simulation can be done digitally using advanced technology.

In accordance to the study by Hameed (2019), their paper focuses on the power

plant's implementation using the Undershot Water Wheel model, providing a low-cost
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power generation solution for the purpose of supplying electricity. This is accomplished

by combining a waterwheel and a dynamometer, which converts mechanical energy into

electrical energy via a belt and reel arrangement. The rectifier allows electricity to be

transmitted in its most efficient form across the entire bridge. The regulator regulates

current, and the battery stores it. Their study’s findings were calculated. Efficiency and

other parameters were calculated for undershot water wheels with maximum efficiencies

ranging from 71 to 76% over a wide range of flows. Water wheels appear to be efficient

and environmentally friendly energy converters.

It recommends the study for an application to a house or community. With these

the capacity of the Undershot water wheel to generate electricity can be calculated and the

future researchers can be aware of the limits of these wheels. Also, the design of the water

wheel must be presented to let the future researchers improve the current design. Water

flow can be a basis to improve the current design, for example, when the water flow is not

constant and varies depending on the weather, the future researchers can improve the

water wheel to avoid damage to the wheel.

As reported in the study conducted by Azimov (2022), the study covers the

objectives to identify extensive and efficient use of existing resources in Central Asian

region to develop small-and Micro-scale hydropower solutions, which are currently either

inefficiently used due to aging network and equipment or still unexploited. Furthermore,

Small- and micro-scale hydropower is a viable solution for the Central Asian region to

address local and cross-border energy and water challenges at the same time. It will be

possible to integrate geographical, hydrological, environmental, and socioeconomic data

from the region to design high-performance and cost-effective small- and micro-scale

hydropower plants using a systematic knowledge-based and decision-support system

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There are a lot of other water wheel models, and the study lacks different types

of water wheel. Especially, the study must utilize the suitable water wheel model for the

water sources such as stated is Rivers. Different models can help the current researchers to

seek the suitable water wheel model in the current study. The study lacks with these types

of water wheel model: Undershot Water Wheel Model, Overshot Water Wheel Model and

Horizontal Water Wheel Model.


This focuses on the review of related literature and related studies to "Design and

Construction of Micro Hydropower Generator at Sto. Tomas, Tingloy, Batangas." The

information gathered enabled the researcher to support the study with a broader

understanding. The information gathered demonstrates the similarities and differences

with other earlier studies that were conducted.

Insights and information obtained from studies conducted by Bolden (2013),

Multi Creative, Stanley (2020), Renene (2017), Energy (n.d), Dela Rosa (2018), Yildiz

(2019), Hameed (2019) were successfully applied to the study. According to Bolden

(2013), recycling waste construction materials saves natural resources, energy, solid

waste, pollutants in the air and water, and greenhouse gases.

The researchers focus on producing electricity from the water flow of drainage

canal systems however Renene’s 2017 stated that ocean waves are the main source that

can play a significant role in tomorrow’s electricity production. Energy (n.d) study stated

that the most conventional hydroelectric facilities include run-of-the-river and pumped

storage systems. In the study conducted by Yildiz in 2019, they stated that Run-of-the-

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river (RoR) hydroelectric stations are a more captivating and environmentally sustainable

alternative to dam-based facilities. They tackled about the efficiency of using rivers,

specifically the flow of water in rivers that are used to produce electricity. However, in the

researchers’ study they chose to build their water turbine in a drainage canal system,

gathering hydroelectric power from a different source than the study conducted by Yildiz

in 2019, Renene in 2017, and Energy (n.d).

Despite the discrepancies, there are certain aspects on Renene's study that are

similar to the researchers' study, such as the environmental factors that engineers take into

account when developing a hydropower plant. Specifically, flow rate and geometry, which

have a significant impact on the researchers' selection of the materials and the location.

The researchers’ decided to follow a reference made by Mutlti Creative in 2020,

however Multi Creative, used plywood as their paddles, on the other hand the researchers

decided to use PVC pipes to construct the paddles. The researchers believed that utilizing

PVC pipes is more convenient to use because PVC pipes are lighter than plywood which

will make it easier for the paddles to rotate. As a result, the water wheel can generate

energy more easily than a water wheel with heavier blades.

Another reason supporting the decision of the researchers to use PVC pipes is that

it’s sturdier than plywood. The blades of the water turbine will be submerged in water for

long periods of time. If the researchers decided to use plywood as blade for the water

wheel there will be a possibility that the plywood will grow molds as it is brittle and as a

result break. This is the second reason why the researchers decided to use PVC pipes as

material in the making of the paddles instead of plywood which were used by Multi

Creative in 2020. The researchers’ will also add new innovation in the construction of a

water turbine, known as the adjustable water turbine, to adjust with the environment that
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the researchers’ decided to build their water turbine.

In the study conducted by Dela Rosa (2018), the study only searched PET bottles

as an alternative. Bucket material for Pelton turbines. The selected PET bottles underwent

Computational Fluid Dynamics processes, including designing and developing a Pelton

turbine prototype to test the bucket's performance and efficiency. Similar to the current

study, the researchers will create a water wheel using recyclable materials. Despite the

similarity, their study was somewhat different from the researcher’s current study.

Conceptual Framework

The goal of this study is to assess the design and construction of micro hydropower

generator at Sto. Tomas, Tingloy, Batangas. The study is anchored with the concept of

generating electricity to help the residents of Sto. Tomas, Tingloy, Batangas during power

outages when a typhoon strikes their area. Furthermore, this study will utilize a few

recyclable materials for the construction of their water wheel that will not just cause the

researcher’s innovation for their study, but also for the improvement of the environment.

The researchers believed that utilizing recyclable materials may lessen the pollution.

Through this study, the researchers will not only lessen the pollution that could lead to

health risk but will also sustain the purpose of creating a new source of electricity.

Moreover, the Model of Input-Process-Output is applied in the study. Thus,

represent the flow of the study and is provided to gain better understanding of the research


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 Materials Qualitative-descriptive
needed method
 Methods in
the  Data
construction Gathering
of water wheel  Analysis
 Conversion of  Integration of
Energy concept Design and Construction

 Advantages  Sketching of of Micro Hydropower

and Prototype Generator

Disadvantages  Design and

of Micro Concept
Hydropower Development
generator  Construction
 Improvements of the water
that can be wheel

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Figure 2. 1

A Research Paradigm on Design and Construction of Micro Hydropower Generator at

Sto. Tomas, Tingloy, Batangas

Figure 2.1 present the conceptual framework used by the researchers through the

IPO model. The first box, called the Input box, contains the descriptive version of the

statement of the problem. It covers the materials needed for the construction of micro

hydropower generator to work; methods in the construction of micro hydropower

generator; processes in the conversion of energy; advantages and disadvantages of micro

hydropower generator; and lastly, improvements that can be made when constructing the

micro hydropower generator.

Aligned is an arrow drawn to the second box called the Process box. It contains the

necessary processes in making the research paper.

The last box or the Output box present the result of the processes made by the

researchers. Through comprehensive literature review, the researchers will assess the

design and construction of micro hydropower generator at Sto. Tomas, Tingloy, Batangas.

Definition of Terms

The following are the terminologies defined conceptually and operationally.

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Electrical Energy. Is the movement of electrical charges. Everything is made of

tiny particles called atoms (Annual Energy Review 2008). In this study, it is defined as the

energy used to power or operate streetlights, which will provide lighting during power


Kinetic Energy. Is motion––of waves, electrons, atoms, molecules, substances,

and objects (Annual Energy Review 2008). In this study, the term refers to the energy that

the drainage canal possesses while it is flowing.

Mechanical Energy. Potential and kinetic energy are accounted for by mechanical

energy. Modern mechanical energy storage systems transform electrical energy into

mechanical energy and store the latter as potential energy in the form of pumped water or

as kinetic energy in the form of a rotating wheel (Burheim, 2017). In this study, it is an

energy produced by the water wheel to generate electrical energy.

PVC Pipes. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a thermoplastic resin present in many

common consumer products ranging from pipes, flooring, window frames and wire

insulation to adhesive taping, medicine packing, raincoats and rucksacks (Turner 2021). In

this study, these are the materials that will be used to build the water wheel, specifically

the paddles.

Water Wheel. A water wheel principally operates on the rotational motion that

undergoes the energy conversion from kinetic to mechanical energy, and the

accompanying generator converts mechanical work into electrical output (Renewable

Hydrogen Production, 2022). This is the equipment that will be used in this study to

convert the energy from flowing water into kinetic energy, which will then be converted

into mechanical energy and then electrical energy.

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This chapter comprises discussions of the current project's methodology and

processes. Moreover, it covers the research design, materials, tools, and equipment, as

well as the processes that will be employed in the study.

Research Design

The study employs a qualitative method and draw its data from secondary sources

such as books, publications, internet articles, and scholarly articles. Qualitative research

entails gathering and analyzing non-numerical data such as text, video, or audio in order to

better understand concepts, opinions, or experiences. It can be used to gain detailed

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insights into a problem or to generate new research ideas (Bhandari, 2022). Furthermore,

according to Pascale (2011), qualitative research does not seek to measure anything; thus,

the assumption that there is an objective way to study a particular phenomenon does not


Furthermore, the researchers determined the advantages and disadvantages of the

prototype's construction for the residents of Sto. Tomas, Tingloy, Batangas especially

during power outages in the area. A qualitative approach was used to gather information

from secondary sources. The study will be conducted continously for approximately 8

months; it began on September 22, 2022, with the goal of finishing in the last week of

May 2023.

The researchers, on the other hand, used a descriptive research design, which

provides a thorough summary of events in everyday terms. The sampling, data collection,

analysis, and representation techniques used in qualitative descriptive designs are typically

an eclectic but reasonable combination. When precise descriptions of phenomena are

required, qualitative descriptive research is the method of choice (Sandelowski, 2000).

Furthermore, unlike other qualitative designs, descriptive designs do not adhere to specific

methods; rather, descriptive designs "borrow" appropriate methods from other designs. A

descriptive design allows researchers to select methods that are best suited to a practice-

based research purpose due to the methods' flexibility.

Materials and Equipment

Given below is the list of materials and equipment necessary for creating water

turbine utilizing recyclable materials to generate electricity during power outages in Sto.

Tomas, Tingloy, Batangas.

To produce the water turbine, the researcher proposed the utilization of the

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A. Materials


Micro Hydropower Construction

Figure 3.1.1
” PVC Pipe

Figure 3.1.2

Figure 3.1.3

Figure 3.1.4
Truss Head Machine

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Figure 3.1.5
Flat Bar

Figure 3.1.6

Figure 3.1.7
Aluminum Round Tube

Figure 3.1.8
DC Motor/Dynamo

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Figure 3.1.9
Electrical Tape

Figure 3.1.10
Stranded Wire

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Figure 3.1.11
Adjustable Tube of Electric Fan Stand

Figure 3.1.12

Figure 3.1.13
Large Bike Gear Plate

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Figure 3.1.14

Figure 3.1.15
Wire Extension

Figure 3.1.16
Small Gear Plate

Figure 3.1.17
Bicycle Chain

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B. Equipment

Figure 3.2.1

Figure 3.2.2
Electric Drill

Figure 3.2.3
Philips Screwdriver

Figure 3.2.4
Welding Machine

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Figure 3.2.5
Wire Splicer

Figure 3.2.6
Long Nose Plier

Figure 3.2.7
Lineman’s Plier

Figure 3.2.8

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A. Micro Hydropower Construction

1. Using a pencil, score a line in the 2" PVC pipe that needs to be cut. The line

must be vertical that must be cut using hacksaw to form a semi-cylindrical 1"

PVC pipe with a length of 10 inches. The researchers must repeat this

procedure for 8 times as the needed paddle is 8 pieces.

2. Using an electric drill, the researchers must puncture a hole into the right and

left center of the PVC. This is where the screws will be place at later.

3. A metal flat bar should be measured using measuring tape. The metal flat bar

must then cut into 5 inches long only. Sixteen (16) metal flat bar must be made

which are the required number of flat bars needed. This cut flat bar must then

be welded using welding machine into the center of the round metal tube which

is 20 inches long. Each side of the round tube should be welded by two (2)

metal flat bar placed at the right and left corner of the round tube.

4. The cut PVC pipe will be attach using screws into the metal flat bar welded into

the round tube. The truss-head machine screws were tightened using Philips

screwdriver and nuts.

5. A metal flat tube must be scored using a pencil to determine an accurate line to

where it should be cut. It must be cut into two (2) pieces of 20 inches long and

six (6) pieces of 5 inches--wide. The 2 pieces of 20 inches long and 2 pieces of 5

inches long will then be welded in the corner to connect them to each other

forming a rectangular shape. The other pieces of the 5 inches long of metal flat

bar must then be placed inside with space between them filling the space of the

rectangular shape which was created earlier. It must then be attach using a

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welding machine.

6. For the base, a round tube should be cut into 20 inches long and 5 inches long.

Each of the measured length correspondence into 2 pieces. These four cut round

tubes will be welded and connected by welding machine.

7. For the stand, 20 inches long of round tube will be cut. But 10 inches long is also

needed to cut, it is because it will serve as an adjustable tube that will be place at

inside the outer round tube. Each of the round tube must be score a line using

pencil to determine the exact placed that will be drilled. Using an electric drill,

the researchers must puncture a hole into the plotted mark which they make sure

that it was not punctured or goes on to the other side.

8. Next is that the researchers must attach the large bike gear plate into the left

corner side of the round tube placed at the center of the water turbine. This large

gear plate will then be connected to the sprocket that will be found at the side of

the alternator. It will be connected using the bike chain.

9. A 4 mm2 (12 AWG) stranded wires must be use. It must be splice at both ends

using wire splicer, long nose plier, and lineman plier that will be use later. The

researchers must connect the stranded wire to the motor fan using soldering iron.

Then, they concealed it using electrical tape.

10. Lastly, connect the wire to the switch. The wire from the switch will then be

connected to the light bulb which will then be light up through the energy

generated from the motor fan.

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Flow Chart

A. Micro Hydropower Construction

Cut the 2" PVC pipe lengthwise 8 times.

Using an electric drill, make a hole in the right and

left center of the PVC.

Cut a sixteen-foot (16) metal flat bar and weld it to the round tube.

Screw the cut PVC pipe into the metal flat bar.

Cut two (2) pieces of metal flat bar,20 inches long, and six (6) pieces.
5 inches wide.

Cut the round tube into two pieces, 20 inches long and
5 inches long, then weld the four pieces together.

Insert the 10” round tube into the 20” round tube.

Use the bike chain to connect the large gear plate to the sprocket.

Connect the wires to the light switch and the light bulb.

Figure 3.3.1. Micro Hydropower Construction

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Initial Sketch of Prototype

A. Parts of Prototype






Figure 3.4.1 Simulator and Hydropower Generator Parts



Figure 3.4.2 Water Wheel Parts

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B. Design of Prototype

Figure 3.4.3 Design and Concept of Prototype

Figure 3.4.4 Front View

Figure 3.4.5 Back View

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Figure 3.4.6 Top View

Figure 3.4.7 Side View

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This chapter presents the design and construction of micro hydropower

generator. This section of the paper also contains the parts and functions of the micro

hydropower generator as well as the obtained results from the experiment that was


Design and Modelling of the Project

Figure 4.1.1: Front view of prototype

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Figure 4.1.2: Top view of prototype Figure 4.1.3: Side view of prototype

The researcher arrived at the finalized prototype after several trials, modifications,

and revisions. Most materials used were sourced from items found in their homes and

hardware stores, as they included materials not commonly found in houses.

Safety measures and precautions:

 Throughout the project's development, a wide range of sharp tools and materials

were used. Cutting, drilling, and other tasks requiring the mentioned tools were

assigned to skilled researchers.

 Welders must wear clean, dry welding gloves and overalls when welding metals.

To avoid any unintentional situations, overalls or other clothing should be worn to

reduce the amount of bare skin, particularly on the arms and legs. It is

recommended that this be done by a professional welder or skilled worker in this


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 Because the project is too large and heavy, preliminary testing was conducted in

an open area, outdoors. It also has one component that uses a lot of water, which

is why it should be done outside to avoid leakage in rooms or closed areas.

Micro Hydropower Generator Construction

Below are the images and procedures for the construction of micro hydropower

generator. The materials as well as the equipment necessary for the construction of micro

hydropower generator were indicated in this section.

Figure 4.2.1 Figure 4.2.2 Figure 4.2.3

The first step in making the prototype is to create 8 pieces of paddles out of PVC

Pipes. A line was scored with a pencil in a 2” PVC pipe that needed to be cut, then the

PVC pipe were cut in lengthwise with a hacksaw following the marked line to form a semi-

cylindrical pipe with a length of 10 inches, this procedure was repeated 8 times since the

prototype is requiring 8 pieces of paddle.

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Figure 4.2.4 Figure 4.2.5

The electric drill was used to pierce a hole in the right and left center of the PVC,

where the screws will be installed later.

Figure 4.2.6 Figure 4.2.7

The metal flat bar was measured with a measuring tape. This will serve as the

holding mechanism of the paddle. The metal flat bar was then cut to a length of 5 inches

since it is the most suitable length for the wheel to reach the water beneath prototype. Also,

it is not too long for the prototype and increase the weight of the water wheel. Sixteen (16)

metal flat bars were made, which was the required number of flat bars needed.

Figure 4.2.7 Figure 4.2.8 Figure 4.2.9

The cut flat bar was then welded into the edge of the round metal tube, that will

serve as the holding mechanism of the paddle, which is 20 inches long, using a welding

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machine. Two (2) metal flat bars were placed at the right and left edge of the round tube to

weld each side of the round tube.

Figure 4.2.10 Figure 4.2.11

The cut PVC pipe was screwed into the metal flat bar that was welded into the

round tube.

Figure 4.2.12 Figure 4.2.13 Figure 4.2.14

The next procedure is the making of pedestal into the upper portion of the

generator where the motor fan will be placed. This is where the DC Motor will be place

and it is connected to the water wheel. A pencil was used to score the metal flat bar to

determine an accurate line to where it should be cut. It was then divided into two (2) pieces

of 20 inches long and six (6) pieces 5 inches wide. The two 20-inch-long pieces and the

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two other pieces of 5-inch-long were welded together in the corner to form a rectangular

shape. The other 5-inch-long pieces of metal flat bar are then placed inside with space

between them, filling the space of the rectangular shape that was created. It was then

attached using a welding machine.

Figure 4.2.15 Figure 4.2.16

A 20-inch-long round tube was cut for the stand. The stand is where the water

wheel will be connected. Also, a 10-inch-long tube was also required to be cut because it

will serve as an adjustable tube that will be placed inside the outer round tube. Each round

tube has been scored with a reference line to determine the exact location that will be

drilled. An electric drill is used to pierce a hole into the plotted mark to ensure that it was

not punctured or went on to the other side.

Figure 4.2.17 Figure 4.2.18

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The large bike gear plate was attached into the left edge of the round tube placed

at the center of the water turbine. This will serve as the mechanism to rotate the motor fan

since it is linked by bicycle chain.

Figure 4.2.19 Figure 4.2.20

This large gear plate will then be connected to the sprocket located on the motor

fan's side. The bike chain will be used to connect the large gear plate to the sprocket. Since

it is connected to each other, once the large gear plate spins, the sprocket also spins and

eventually generate electrical energy.

Figure 4.2.21 Figure 4.2.22

Stranded wires with a diameter of 4 mm2 (12 AWG) were also used. It was spliced

at both ends with a wire splicer which will be connected to the motor fan using soldering

iron. It was then covered up with electrical tape.

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Figure 4.2.23 Figure 4.2.24

The wire was used to connect the switch and the light bulb, which will be lighted

by the energy generated by the motor fan.

Parts and Functions of Micro Hydropower Generator

The prototype consist of two main parts, the water wheel and the generator. The

mechanical energy required to convert to electrical energy will be generated by the electric

fan motor. The mentioned parts were connected by a gear chain to transport the energy that

is needed to convert to have electrical energy. Beyond these parts and connecting system

are various features for it. Below are labeled figures of the proposed design, rendered, and

modelled through the help of ThinkerCad.

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Figure 4.3.1: Design perspective view with labels

Figure 4.3.2: Design right isometric perspective view with labels

 DC Motor. The electrical machine used to convert mechanical energy to electrical energy

is referred to as the "generator" for this prototype. The shaft of the generator generates

mechanical energy from the sprocket, which is connected to the big bike gear plate via a

gear chain. The prototype cannot function properly or convert mechanical energy to

electrical energy to power the light bulb without the use of the DC Motor.

 DC Motor Pad. The section of the prototype that holds the alternator from the top,

allowing the alternator to be located above and have a good connection with the sprocket

and gear chain. It also provides height for the alternator because water from the drainage

canal could reach it and damage the electrical wirings as well as the alternator.

 Gear Chain. Once the motion in the water wheel starts, the gear chain will also rotate

causing the sprocket that is connected to the Electric Fan Motor to spin. Its purpose is to

connect the spindle gear and the sprocket that will also help to transfer the mechanical

energy from the water wheel to the electric fan motor so the mechanical energy will be

converted to electrical energy.

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 Height Adjustment Tube. A solid steel tube connected to the prototype's main frame. It

enables the entire water wheel to move up and down in response to the height of the

flowing water in the drainage canal to extract more energy from it. Additionally, its

adjustable height feature allows for optimal positioning of the turbine in different water


 Paddle. To produce a falling force through the blades, which will allow the flowing water

to rotate. The water will be able to drop further with the assistance of the turbine's paddle.

The mechanical energy created will be generated from the energy produced by the paddles.

 Paddle Holder. Paddle holders are placed where the paddle will be so that it will be in a

good and strong position. It also gives a solid foundation for the paddle so that it will not

tremble when the flowing water hits it.

 Steel Round Tube. In the prototype, a steel round tube serves as the frame for the paddle

and paddle holder. Its function is to keep the primary paddle balanced in general. It will

also be used to uplift and lower the water turbine because it is connected to the height

adjustment tube.

 Spindle Gear. The spindle gear is linked to the aluminum tube and sprockets by a gear

chain, which rotates when water hits the paddle. This is also linked to the chain, which

moves the sprocket to generate electricity, as it is linked to the generator to convert energy.

 Sprocket. The sprocket is a smaller version of the spindle gear that is attached to the

generator. As the chain moved, the generator rotated, and the generator produced


Testing Procedures

Prototype setup

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Before testing, they also ensured that detachable parts were properly aligned and

placed. The water wheel, which was securely attached to the stands and kept at an

appropriate distance from the drainage canal simulator, the stranded wire, which was

properly aligned and connected to the other parts such as the motor fan and the switch, and

the correct attachment of the large gear plate to the sprocket using bike chain are examples

of such parts. To avoid discrepancies, the screws and nuts embedded in the stands onto the

base and to the paddle were also checked.

Prototype testing begins with the rotation of the water wheel. The researchers

made a simulation resembling the flow of water of a drainage canal, the kinetic energy

from the running water will help rotate the water wheel which will be converted to

mechanical energy. Then it will be converted to electricity, which will travel through the

stranded wire connected to the motor fan.

However, each testing goes at different pace. The researchers needed to make sure

that every part of the water turbine is working properly before assembling it as a whole.

First trial for the prototype

The constructed Micro Hydropower Generator is evaluated by manually rotating

its turbine. A light bulb was connected to the DC motor to test the effectiveness of the

Micro Hydropower Generator. Mechanical energy is produced by manually rotating the

paddles. The mechanical energy produced by the turbine will be sent to the DC Motor

through the gear chain that connects the DC Motor and the turbine. It will then be

converted into electrical energy, which will be used to generate electricity. As the turbine

rapidly rotates, the light bulb will eventually light up.

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Figure 4.4.1 Figure 4.4.2

Distinctive Project Design

The prototype’s design originated from two different models and mechanism:

Figure 4.5.1 Figure 4.5.2

Referring to figures 4.5.1 and 4.5.2, these designs were integrated to create a new

model and mechanism of hydropower generator. The researchers decided to emulate the

model from figure 4.5.1 and materials from figure 4.5.2. The materials from figure 4.5.2

were utilized in substituting the material from figure 4.5.1. The use of polyvinyl chloride

(PVC), bicycle chain and, gears motivated the researchers in creating their prototype. By

combining these concepts, the researchers constructed the design and model for the


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Figure 4.5.3 Figure 4.5.4

The constructed Micro Hydropower Turbine took the design from the referenced

model and alter some of its materials. The reference model uses undershot water wheel

type model that uses water flow from beneath the turbine to generate electricity which is

similar to the researcher’s prototype. However, the researchers utilized different materials

in constructing Micro Hydropower Generator. Instead of using wood planks the

researchers used PVC as its paddle. The alteration of wood planks plays a vital role to

lessen the weight of the paddle and the turbine.

The second reference model contributed significantly to the researcher’s

prototype. The use of parts from the bicycle inspired the researchers to do the same. Also,

the utilization of PVC gives idea to the researchers to use the same material and use

similarly as a paddle, however, the way it was split is completely different. Apart from

that, the researcher’s prototype differs in terms of length because the prototype must fit in

the drainage canal to achieve its effectivity. Lastly, the researcher’s prototype has a lesser

quantity of paddles which only requires 8 paddles due to its design unlike to the reference


The designed and constructed prototype is the integration of two different D.I.Y.

Hydropower Turbine. Both reference model falls on the same type of water wheel which is

undershot water wheel model. The researchers pursue to excavate more capabilities

through combining concepts and ideas – a Micro Hydropower Turbine placed in a drainage

canal that has an adjustable feature. Hence, the paramount feature of the researcher’s

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prototype is its adjustable feature. The adjustable feature was inspired from the stand fan

which has height adjustment feature using two sliding pipes. Additionally, it is to modify

the height of the turbine according to the level of the waterflow. Even though, the

prototype is experimental, its capabilities can still be evaluated.



This chapter presents the summary, conclusions, and recommendations of the study.

Summary of Results

The study entitled "Design and Construction of a Micro Hydropower Generator at

Sto. Tomas, Tingloy, Batangas" sought to assess the viability of using D.I.Y micro

hydropower to power a household or a community, particularly during typhoons. To

supplement the question asked here, the researchers used an experimental method or

design to collect data.

1. Materials needed for micro hydropower generator to work.

The study refers to the researchers’ prototype that uses a variety of materials,

including recyclable materials and hardware tools. Discussed in the previous chapter, the

researchers chose to recreate the model of Multi Creative (2020). The materials they used

were considered by the researchers, however, the materials were not suitable for the

construction of the prototype. As a result, the researchers decided to use other materials

that are more compatible with water and will not cause any dispersion. The researchers

also used materials from Creative Channel (2021), such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC),

bicycle chain, and gears. These materials contributed significantly to the researcher's

prototype because they are regarded as the primary materials that enable micro

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hydropower generators to function.

In the final prototype, the following materials were also used: PVC pipes, nuts,

primer, truss head machine screw, metal flat bar, round metal tube, dc motor, electric tape,

stranded wire, bearing, large bike gear plate, screw, switch, small gear plate, and finally a

bike chain. When there is a material, there is also a tool or equipment that can assist in the

assembly or disassembly of the output parts. The researcher's prototype was built with both

non-powered and powered tools, including a hacksaw, electric drill, philips screwdriver,

welding machine, wire splicer, long nose plier, lineman's plier, and a wrench.

2. Methods in the construction of micro hydropower generator.

The method for building the micro hydropower generator has been changing to

accommodate more suitable and accurate procedures that were required for the prototype's

efficacy to produce electricity. Based on the researchers' careful consideration, trials and

studies for the prototype's accurate methods, the researchers come up with methods

inspired by the construction of the hydropower generator by Multi Creative (2020) and

Creative Channel (2021). The researchers use Multi Creative as a model or design of the

prototype, which is an undershot water wheel located in a canal.

Using these two references as the model and the materials needed to construct the

micro hydropower generator, the researchers develop more accurate methods that will be

more suitable in the construction of the researchers' prototype. A hacksaw was used to cut

a 2" PVC pipe lengthwise, forming a semi cylindrical pipe, which must repeat 8 times.

Using an electric drill, make a hole in the right and left center of the PVC. Next is cut a

sixteen-foot (16) metal flat bar and weld it to the round tube. Screw the cut PVC pipe into

the metal flat bar. Cut a metal flat bar into two (2) and six (6) pieces that are 20 inches long

and 5 inches wide, respectively. Two 20-inch-long pieces and two 5-inch-long pieces were

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welded together in the corner to form a rectangular shape. Place the remaining 5-inch-long

pieces of metal flat bar inside with space between them, filling the space created by the

rectangular shape. For the base, cut the round tube into two pieces, each with a length of 20

inch and 5-inch. Using a welding machine, weld it together. For the stand, cut a 20-inch

round tube with a 10-inch-long tube inside of it that will be used as an adjustable tube.

Furthermore, use the bike chain to connect the large gear plate to the sprocket. Connect the

wires to the light switch and the light bulb.

3. Processes in the conversion of energy from the flowing water in drainage canal

using the water turbine.

The researchers’ prototype is a hydroelectric power that can generate between 5

and 100 kW of electricity using the natural flow of water. These installations can provide

power to a remote home or small community, or they can be linked to electric power

networks, especially where net metering is available. Hydro means water, so hydropower

is something that uses water to generate energy.

In line with the researcher's prototype, the flowing water from the drainage canal

will push against the paddles of the water wheel. The flowing water possesses kinetic

energy that gives torque to the paddles to rotate. Kinetic energy will be converted into

mechanical energy. Mechanical energy occurs as the water wheel rotates. The mechanical

energy produced by the water wheel will be converted into electrical energy by the

generator. The Corps of Engineers explains how this generator works in considerable


"A hydraulic turbine converts the energy of flowing water into mechanical energy.

A hydroelectric generator converts this mechanical energy into electricity. The

operation of a generator is based on the principles discovered by Faraday. He

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found that when a magnet is moved past a conductor, it causes electricity to flow.

In a large generator, electromagnets are made by circulating direct current through

loops of wire wound around stacks of magnetic steel laminations. These are called

field poles and are mounted on the perimeter of the rotor. The rotor is attached to

the turbine shaft and rotates at a fixed speed. When the rotor turns, it causes the

field poles (the electromagnets) to move past the conductors mounted in the stator.

This, in turn, causes electricity to flow and a voltage to develop at the generator

output terminals." (Corps of Engineers, n.d).

4. Advantages and Disadvantages of a micro hydropower generator.

The researchers determined the benefits and drawbacks of the prototype through

experiments and product testing in accordance with their cited literatures and studies. They

were able to confirm and expand on the previously known benefits and drawbacks of using

micro hydropower generators.

As noted in both literatures and through testing, a primary benefit of a micro

hydropower is the ability to provide low-cost electricity and can be an alternative energy

source capable of supplying power over time to an isolated home or small community such

as Sto. Tomas, Tingloy, Batangas.

Furthermore, the study's findings, like the cited literatures, considered the micro

hydropower (MHP) to function as a 'run-of-river' system. In comparison to large

hydropower, MHP has a minimal environmental impact. Negative socioeconomic effects

are even minor in comparison. Other benefits include low distribution and operating costs

(no fuel required and only minor maintenance), as well as local implementation and


Despite the numerous advantages of micro hydropower, there are several

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(043) 702-4395 57
drawbacks that must be considered. MHP plants require specific site conditions and thus

cannot be used in any location. A suitable location is required to fully exploit the electrical

potential of small streams. Furthermore, as power demand grows, the size and flow of

small streams may limit future site expansion. During the summer, there will most likely

be less flow and thus less power output. To ensure adequate energy requirements are met,

advanced planning and research will be required.

5. Improvements that can be made when constructing the micro hydropower generator.

Based on the study's findings, there are still improvements that could be made

when constructing the micro hydropower generator. The researchers suggested that

changing the location where the water turbine for drainage canal system will be installed

may be preferable because other areas still require this type of innovation. Furthermore,

because Sto. Tomas Tingloy, Batangas is a remote location, the available literature on the

subject is limited. As a result, the researchers proposed that the study's location be changed

because it may make it easier for future researchers to find more related literature in their

study. Furthermore, the research focuses on the materials needed to construct a water

turbine. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) was used as the primary material for the water turbine's

paddles by the researchers. According to the researchers, this material can be improved or

other recyclable materials, such as gallon water bottles, can be used, despite the fact that it

is the most commonly used recyclable material. However, with future researchers'

improvement and innovation, it will not be a barrier to using it.

Based on prototype testing, the rotation of the water wheel was affected because

the round tube in which the water wheel was placed was not smooth, causing difficulty in

rotating. As a result, the researchers proposed improving the rotation of the water wheel by

affixing a bearing to it rather than simply using a grease that may dry over time. Bearings

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reduce friction between rotating and stationary components. The water wheel's type or

design, on the other hand, can also be changed. There are numerous types of hydropower

wheel that can be consider such as reaction and impulse. Other deciding factors include

turbine depth, turbine efficiency, and cost.


1. The researchers used two references: Multi Creative (2020) as the model and Creative

Channel (2021) as the materials based, which uses materials such as polyvinyl chloride

(PVC), bicycle chain, and gears, which significantly contributed to the researcher's

prototype because they are regarded as the primary materials that enable the micro

hydropower generator to function.

2. Based on the researchers' careful consideration, trials, and studies for the prototype's

accurate methods, the researchers come up with methods inspired by Multi Creative's

(2020) and Creative Channel's construction of the hydropower generator (2021). The

Multi Creative was used as a model or design for the prototype, which is an undershot

water wheel located in a canal, and the materials used by Creative Channel in the

construction of their hydropower generator were used by the researchers.

3. The turbine can generate electricity for as long as there is energy in the moving water

to convert into mechanical energy, which the generator can subsequently turn into

electrical energy.

4. A primary advantage of micro hydropower is its ability to provide low-cost electricity

and can be an alternative energy source capable of supplying power over time to an

isolated home or small community such as Sto. Tomas, Tingloy, Batangas. In

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(043) 702-4395 59
comparison to large hydropower, MHP has a low environmental impact. Negative

socioeconomic effects are even minor in comparison. Other advantages include low

distribution and operating costs (no fuel required and only minor maintenance), as

well as local implementation and management.

5. Several disadvantages must be considered when constructing a micro hydropower

generator because it requires specific site conditions and thus cannot be used

anywhere. The distance between the power source and the location where energy is

required, the size of the stream, including flow rate, output, and drop, and the balance

of system components are all factors to consider. Furthermore, there will most likely

be less flow and thus less power output during the summer. Advanced planning and

research will be required to ensure adequate energy requirements are met.

6. Based on the study's findings, there are still improvements that could be made when

building the micro hydropower generator, such as considering the location, the

materials that will be used, the rotation of the water wheel, and the type of water



Based on findings and conclusions gathered, the following recommendations are


1. It is preferable to change the location of the water turbine for the drainage canal

system that will be installed because other areas still require this type of innovation.

2. To make it easier for future researchers, the study's location should be changed to a

less remote location with more available literature and subject.

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(043) 702-4395 60
3. The materials can be improved through using other materials than using PVCs using

other recyclable materials, such as gallon water bottles, can be used, despite the fact

that it is the most commonly used recyclable material.

4. Based on the results of the prototype testing, it is necessary to improve the rotation of

the water wheel by affixing a bearing to it rather than using a grease that dries over

time. Through using bearings, it reduces friction between rotating and stationary


5. The type and design of the water turbine can also change by using other types of

turbines that are more suitable for the location and flow of the water, depending on the

height of standing water and the flow, or volume of water over time, at the site.

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(043) 702-4395 61

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111045 - Wire Stripper & Cutter, 18-10 AWG / 0.75-4mm2 Capacity Wires.
11045 - Klein Tools - Wire Stripper & Cutter, 18-10 AWG / 0.75-4mm2 Capacity

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stainless-a4 2000046253?

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Center, G. I. (n.d.). Stanley Phillips Cushion Grip Screwdriver with Different

GIGATOOLS Industrial Center

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DECATHLON SPORT PHILIPPINES. Bike chain. (n.d). Retrieved from: chain?

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GBM 350 Drill | Bosch Professional. (n.d.). GBM 350 Drill | Bosch Professional.

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ZOODMALL. Bicycle wheel chain. (n.d.).
110bcd-3550t-chain- wheel-bike-ultralight-ellipse-chainring- plate/?


Schematic Diagram of Micro Hydropower Generator

A. Isometric Projections

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(043) 702-4395 66
Figure 1.1: Right Isometric View

Figure 1.2: Left Isometric View

Figure 1.3: Right Rear Isometric View

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(043) 702-4395 67
Figure 1.3: Left Rear Isometric View

B. Orthographic Projections

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(043) 702-4395 68
Figure 1.4: Front Orthographic View Figure 1.5: Right Orthographic View

Figure 1.6: Back Orthographic View Figure 1.7: Left Orthographic View

Figure 1.8: Top Orthographic View

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(043) 702-4395 69


NAME : Alexa Cassandra P. Daiz

ADRESS : Tulo, Batangas City

DATE OF BIRTH : September 7, 2004

PLACE OF BITH : Batangas City


SEX : Female




SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL : STI College – Batangas

National Road, Kumintang Ibaba, Batangas City

Academic Track – STEM

S.Y. 2021-2023

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL : Casa Del Bambino Emmanuel Montessori

National Highway, Alangilan, Batangas City

S.Y. 2017-2021

ELEMENTARY : Tulo II Elementary School

Tulo, Batangas City

S.Y. 2011-2017

Kumintang Ibaba, Batangas City

(043) 702-4395 70

NAME : Casheille Kirstie R. Dalisay

ADRESS : San Isidro, Batangas City

DATE OF BIRTH : October 06, 2005

PLACE OF BITH : Batangas City


SEX : Female




SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL : STI College – Batangas

National Road, Kumintang Ibaba, Batangas City

Academic Track – STEM

S.Y. 2021-2023

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL : Batangas National High School

Rizal Avenue, Batangas City

S.Y. 2017-2020

ELEMENTARY : Dumantay Elementary School

Dumantay Batangas City

S.Y. 2011-2017

Kumintang Ibaba, Batangas City

(043) 702-4395 71

NAME : Alfred Anthony Louis G. De Austria

ADRESS : Sto. Tomas, Tingloy, Batangas

DATE OF BIRTH : October 09, 2004

PLACE OF BITH : Sto. Tomas, Tingloy, Batangas


SEX : Male




SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL : STI College – Batangas

National Road, Kumintang Ibaba, Batangas City

Academic Track – STEM

S.Y. 2021-2023

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL : Tingloy National High School

Poblacion 14, Tingloy, Batangas

S.Y. 2017 – 2021

ELEMENTARY : Tingloy Central School

Poblacion 14, Tingloy, Batangas

S.Y. 2011 - 2017

Kumintang Ibaba, Batangas City

(043) 702-4395 72

NAME : Sheen Mira D. Esguerra

ADRESS : Sorosoro Ilaya, Batangas City

DATE OF BIRTH : October 06, 2003

PLACE OF BITH : Batangas City


SEX : Female




SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL : STI College – Batangas

National Road, Kumintang Ibaba, Batangas City

Academic Track – STEM

S.Y. 2021-2023

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL : Tinga Sorosoro Integrated School

Sorosoro Ibaba, Batngas City

S.Y. 2017-2021

ELEMENTARY : Sorosoro Elementary School

Sorosoro Ilaya, Batangas City

S.Y. 2011-2017

Kumintang Ibaba, Batangas City

(043) 702-4395 73

NAME : Rachelle Anne F. Eugenio

ADRESS : 258 Barangay Sto. Niño Taysan


DATE OF BIRTH : June 24, 2005

PLACE OF BITH : San Jose Batangas


SEX : Female




SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL : STI College – Batangas

National Road, Kumintang Ibaba, Batangas City

Academic Track – STEM

S.Y. 2021 – 2023

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL : Batangas State University Main Campus I

Pablo Borbon, Rizal Avenue Batangas City

S.Y. 2017 – 2021

ELEMENTARY : Batangas State University Main Campus I

Pablo Borbon, Rizal Avenue Batangas City

S.Y. 2011 – 2017

Kumintang Ibaba, Batangas City

(043) 702-4395 74

NAME : Rodjjove Gerard Jose B. Fortaleza

ADRESS : Gulod Labac, Batangas City

DATE OF BIRTH : January 11, 2005

PLACE OF BITH : Batangas City


SEX : Male




SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL : STI College – Batangas

National Road, Kumintang Ibaba, Batangas City

Academic Track – STEM

S.Y. 2021-2023

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL : Batangas State University Main Campus I

Pablo Borbon, Rizal Avenue Batangas City

S.Y. 2017– 2021

ELEMENTARY : Kumintang Elementary School

Kumintang Ilaya, Batangas City

S.Y. 2011 – 2017

Kumintang Ibaba, Batangas City

(043) 702-4395 75

NAME : Kimberly Mekylla P. Garcia

ADRESS : Mapulo, Taysan, Batangas City

DATE OF BIRTH : August 18, 2004

PLACE OF BITH : Batangas City


SEX : Female




SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL : STI College – Batangas

National Road, Kumintang Ibaba, Batangas City

Academic Track – STEM

S.Y. 2021-2023

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL : Taysan High School and Child Development Center

J. P. R. Street, Poblacion West, Taysan, Batangas City

S.Y. 2017 – 2021

ELEMENTARY : Mapulo Elementary School

Taysan – Lobo Road, Mapulo, Taysan, Batangas City

S.Y. 2011 – 2017

Kumintang Ibaba, Batangas City

(043) 702-4395 76

NAME : Jan Dairiell M. Gomez

ADRESS : 2025 Sta. Cecillia Street Aguda

Homesite Alangilan Batangas City

DATE OF BIRTH : January 17, 2005

PLACE OF BITH : Batangas City


SEX : Male




SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL : STI College – Batangas

National Road, Kumintang Ibaba, Batangas City

Academic Track – STEM

S.Y. 2021-2023

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL : Batangas National High School

Rizal Avenue, Batangas City

S.Y. 2017-2021

ELEMENTARY : Alangilan Central Elementary School

National Highway, Alangilan Batangas City

S.Y. 2014-2017

Kumintang Ibaba, Batangas City

(043) 702-4395 77

NAME : Maria Christine M. Honor

ADRESS : Bolbok Batangas City

DATE OF BIRTH : July 4, 2005

PLACE OF BITH : Bauan Batangas City


SEX : Female




SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL : STI College – Batangas

National Road, Kumintang Ibaba, Batangas City

Academic Track – STEM

S.Y. 2021-2023

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL : Sta. Rita National High School

Sta Rita Karsada Batangas City

S.Y. 2017-2021

ELEMENTARY : Bolbok Elementary School

Bolbok Batangas City

S.Y. 2011 – 2017

Kumintang Ibaba, Batangas City

(043) 702-4395 78

NAME : John Rhafy A. Lagman

ADRESS : Conception, Batangas City

DATE OF BIRTH : October 8, 2005

PLACE OF BITH : Batangas City


SEX : Male




SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL : STI College – Batangas

National Road, Kumintang Ibaba, Batangas City

Academic Track – STEM

S.Y. 2021-2023

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL : Casa Del Bambino Emmanuel Montessori

National Highway, Alangilan, Batangas City

S.Y. 2017-2021

ELEMENTARY : Bucal Elementary School

Bucal Batangas City

S.Y. 2011-2017

Kumintang Ibaba, Batangas City

(043) 702-4395 79

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