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Table of Contents


3.0 Introduction..........................................................................................................................1

3.1 Research Philosophy............................................................................................................1

3.2 Research Approach...............................................................................................................2

3.3 Research Strategy.................................................................................................................2

3.4 Research Methods................................................................................................................3

3.5 Data Collection.....................................................................................................................4

3.6 Analytical Approach.............................................................................................................5

3.7 Reliability and Validity.........................................................................................................8

3.8 Ethics Considerations...........................................................................................................9

3.9 Conclusion..........................................................................................................................10




3.0 Introduction
In this chapter, we delve into the methodological framework that underpins the
comprehensive investigation of the impact of leadership styles on the organizational
performance of Nestle Nigeria Plc during the lockdown period. Building upon the research
aim and critical research questions, this chapter outlines the systematic approach employed to
achieve a deep understanding of how leadership practices influenced the organization's
performance during the lockdown necessitate by the COVID-19 pandemic.

As outlined in the research aim, our study aims to critically analyze the impacts of the
leadership style on the overall organizational performance of Nestle Nigeria Plc during the
lockdown. This endeavor is driven by the imperative to discern not only the effect of diverse
leadership approaches but also the underlying mechanisms that contributed to the observed
outcomes. Central to our investigation are the following critical research questions:

How did different leadership styles within Nestle Nigeria Plc influence the overall
organizational performance during the lockdown period?

The methodology chapter serves as the compass that guides us through the multifaceted
terrain of our research. It delineates the methodological strategies and tactics employed to
address each research question rigorously. To encapsulate the research objectives and
approach, the chapter is organized as follows:

3.1 Research Philosophy

Research philosophy encompasses a structured framework of foundational beliefs and
underlying assumptions that delineate the process through which knowledge is cultivated and
expanded within the context of academic inquiry (Saunders, et al., 2019). Research
philosophy includes Positivism, Critical realism, Interpretivism, Postmodernism, and
Pragmatism. However, in the pursuit of understanding the impacts of leadership styles on the
organizational performance of Nestle Nigeria Plc during the lockdown, our research
philosophy is aligned with pragmatism. Although pragmatism has been criticized as a
philosophy in general and for not addressing the differing assumptions of the quantitative and
qualitative paradigms, it remains the most common philosophical justification for the mixed
research approach (Maarouf, 2019).

Pragmatism serves as the most suitable research philosophy for our study due to its inherent
alignment with the practical and dynamic nature of our research context. In the face of a
complex and rapidly evolving crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic, our research aims to
not only theorize but also provide actionable insights for real-world decision-making within
Nestle Nigeria Plc. According to Ihuah and Eaton (2013) pragmatism lays emphasis on
practicality. Hence, its relevance resonates with our goal of exploring the impact of
leadership styles on organizational performance during this unprecedented crisis.

3.2 Research Approach

The abductive research approach is adopted for this study. The approach aligns with the aim
of critically analyzing the impacts of leadership styles on the overall organizational
performance of Nestle Nigeria Plc during the lockdown. According to Saunders, et al. (2019)
research approach can be inductive, dedcutive or abductive.

Deduction Induction Abduction

Association Positivism Interpretivism Pragmatism
Logic valid premises established facts are established premises
guarantee a valid employed to derive are employed to
conclusion. unverified formulate verifiable
inferences. hypotheses.
Generalisability Moving from Moving from Deriving
general to specific. specific to general. generalizations from
the interplay
between specific and
Use of data Collecting data to Collecting data to Data collection
assess assertions investigate a serves to investigate
related to an phenomenon, a phenomenon,
established theory. uncover recurring identify recurring
themes and patterns, themes and patterns,
and establish a situate them within a
conceptual conceptual
framework. framework, and
validate this

framework through
successive data
collection iterations
and similar
Theory Testing or The creation and The formulation of
confirming a theory. development of new theories or the
theories. adaptation of
existing ones, with
due consideration of
relevant preexisting
theories, to construct
novel theoretical
frameworks or refine
current ones.
Source: Adapted from Research Methodology for Busimess Students (Saunders, et al., 2019)

Abductive methodology is characterized by its emphasis on combining inductive and

deductive reasoning to develop plausible explanations for complex phenomena (Vila-
Henninger, et al., 2022). It recognizes the need to navigate between empirical observations
and theoretical concepts, making it particularly suited for exploring multifaceted relationships
within real-world contexts.

The choice of an abductive approach is driven by the nature of our research questions, which
seek to unravel the impacts of leadership styles on organizational performance in the context
of the COVID-19 lockdown. This approach allows us to integrate empirical insights from the
case study, survey responses, and interview data with established leadership theories and
organizational performance concepts.

3.3 Research Strategy

Experiment, Survey, Archival Research, Case Study, Ethnography, Action Research,
Grounded Theory, and Narrative Inquiry. All these are examples of research strategies put
forward by Saunders, et al. (2019). However, the research strategy chosen for this study is
Action Research, a dynamic and participatory approach that aligns seamlessly with the aim of

critically analyzing the impacts of leadership styles on the overall organizational performance
of Nestle Nigeria Plc during the lockdown.

While the case study approach provides the opportunity for comprehensive and multifaceted
examinations of intricate issues within their authentic contextual environments, action
research emerges as a more fitting choice for this study, given its alignment with the dynamic,
problem-centric, and action-driven characteristics inherent to the research context. Action
Research is characterized by its iterative nature, involving collaboration between researchers
and participants to identify practical solutions to real-world challenges (Stewart, 2023). This
strategy resonates with our objective of producing actionable insights for leadership practices
in the face of crisis.

The adoption of Action Research is driven by the need for an approach that goes beyond mere
observation to actively engage with the complexities of the research context. Given that our
study revolves around understanding the impacts of leadership styles on organizational
performance, Action Research provides a participatory framework that enables us to
collaboratively explore, assess, and implement potential strategies for enhancing performance
within the organization.

Action Research at Nestle Nigeria Plc involves collaborative problem-solving between

researchers and stakeholders, identifying leadership and performance issues through
collaborative efforts. The cyclical process of Action Research aligns with research goals,
enabling iterative investigation of leadership effects and adaptable strategies based on
findings. This approach emphasizes practical implementation, suggesting leadership practice
adjustments informed by empirical insights for tangible change.

Within the context of this study, the Action Research strategy involve a collaborative
engagement with stakeholders within Nestle Nigeria Plc. This engagement encompasses:

Collaborative Data Collection: Through surveys and interviews, we will actively involve
employees, managers, and leaders in sharing their experiences and perspectives on leadership
styles and their impacts on performance during the lockdown.

Joint Analysis and Interpretation: By involving key stakeholders in the analysis and
interpretation of data, we ensure that insights are grounded in practical realities and
organizational context.

Co-Development of Recommendations: The Action Research approach facilitates the co-
development of recommendations for adapting leadership practices based on our findings.
This collaborative effort aims to align recommendations with the organization's unique
challenges and goals.

In essence, the Action Research strategy serves as a dynamic framework that enables us to
actively engage with Nestle Nigeria Plc's challenges, collaborate with stakeholders, and foster
a meaningful impact on leadership practices and organizational performance. Through this
approach, our study endeavors to bridge the gap between theory and practice, contributing to
the enhancement of leadership practices in the face of unprecedented challenges.

3.4 Research Methods

The research methods employed in this study embrace a mixed-methods approach. A mixed-
methods approach acknowledges that complex research questions often require the
integration of both quantitative and qualitative methods to yield a more complete
understanding of the phenomenon under investigation (Bryman & Bell, 2014; Dawadi, et al.,

Mixed-methods approach in this study brings together quantitative data, captured through
structured survey questionnaires, and qualitative insights gleaned from semi-structured
interviews. This integration allows us to explore not only the statistical relationships between
leadership styles and performance metrics but also the nuanced experiences, perceptions, and
contextual factors that contribute to these relationships.

By combining both quantitative and qualitative data, the depth and breadth of our
understanding of the research topic is being enhanced. Quantitative data provide numerical
insights, offering a comprehensive overview of trends and patterns across the organization
(Sarker, 2021). Qualitative data, on the other hand, uncover the 'why' and 'how' behind these
trends, unraveling the intricate dynamics of leadership practices and their effects on
organizational performance during the lockdown (Tenny, et al., 2022).

The mixed-methods approach enables us to engage in methodological triangulation. By

corroborating findings from different data sources, we strengthen the validity and reliability
of our research outcomes. Triangulation ensures that the conclusions drawn from both
quantitative and qualitative analyses converge, reinforcing the overall robustness of our study
(Dawadi, et al., 2021).

3.5 Data Collection
There majorly two data collection techniques – primary and secondary data collection
technique (Kabir, 2016). Primary data involves the collection of an unaltered firsthand
information for specific research purposes. As such, it inherently offers greater validity,
reliability, objectivity, and authenticity compared to secondary data; Secondary data on the
other hand, refers to information obtained from pre-existing sources, originally collected for
different purposes but repurposed for research (Taherdoost, 2021).

Source: Data Collection Methods (Taherdoost, 2021)

We adopt the blend of both primary and secondary data collection techniques as follows:

3.5.1 Primary Data Collection Techniques

Through primary data collection techniques, we directly engage with participants within
Nestle Nigeria Plc to obtain firsthand insights into their experiences, perceptions, and
attitudes. This involves:

Structured Survey Questionnaires: We administer structured survey questionnaires to
employees, managers, and leaders. These questionnaires are carefully designed to capture
quantitative data on various aspects of leadership styles and organizational performance
metrics. The data garnered from the surveys offer a quantitative foundation for our analysis.

Semi-Structured Interviews: Conducting semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders

within the organization, including top management, department heads, and employees. These
interviews delve into the qualitative nuances of leadership practices, providing a rich tapestry
of narratives and viewpoints that complement the quantitative data.

3.5.2 Secondary Data Collection Techniques

Complementing our primary data collection methods, we harness secondary data collection
techniques to access existing information that informs the context and backdrop of our study.
This includes:

Internal Documents and Reports: We explore relevant internal documents, reports, memos,
and communication archives within Nestle Nigeria Plc. These sources provide valuable
historical and contextual information regarding leadership initiatives, strategies, and
responses during the lockdown.

Published Literature: We review published literature, academic papers, industry reports, and
case studies that shed light on leadership styles, organizational performance, and crisis
management in similar contexts. This external perspective enriches our understanding and
positions our findings within the broader scholarly discourse.

The integration of both primary and secondary data sources enables us to triangulate our
findings, validating and enhancing the credibility of our results.

3.6 Analytical Approach

3.6.1 Analytical Approach for the Primary Data

Our analytical approach is a dual-pronged strategy that harmonizes the distinctive nature of
quantitative and qualitative data. To unravel the impacts of leadership styles on the
organizational performance of Nestle Nigeria Plc during the lockdown, we employ analytical
techniques tailored to the characteristics of the data collected. Analytical Approach for Primary Data

For the quantitative data collected through structured survey questionnaires, we employ SPSS
(Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), a robust statistical analysis software. The
application of SPSS enables us to carry out:

Descriptive Analysis: We employ descriptive statistics to provide a comprehensive overview

of key performance metrics, leadership styles, and other quantitative variables. Measures
such as means, frequencies, and percentages offer insights into trends and patterns within the
data (Cooksey, 2020).

Correlation Analysis: By running correlation analyses, we investigate the relationships

between different leadership styles and various organizational performance indicators. This
allows us to quantify the strength and direction of these associations, revealing potential
trends and dependencies (Senthilnathan, 2019).

Regression Analysis: Regression analysis is a statistical method used to ascertain the

connection between a sole dependent (criterion) variable and one or more independent
(predictor) variables (Palmer & O'Connell, 2009). Regression analyses help us identify
potential predictors of organizational performance. We explore how leadership styles, when
considered alongside other variables, contribute to explaining variations in performance
metrics. Analytical Approach for Primary Data

For the qualitative data gathered from semi-structured interviews, we adopt a thematic
analysis approach. Thematic analysis is employed in this study and applied in the following
steps as outlined by Maguire and Delahunt (2017):

Data Familiarization: We immerse ourselves in the qualitative data, gaining a deep

understanding of the narratives, insights, and perspectives shared by interview participants.

Coding: We systematically code the qualitative data, segmenting it into meaningful units and
labeling them with codes that capture the essence of the content.

Theme Generation: By grouping codes into overarching themes, we uncover recurrent

patterns, ideas, and concepts that emerge from the qualitative data. Themes encapsulate the
shared experiences and perceptions of participants.

Interpretation and Synthesis: Themes are interpreted in the context of the research questions
and the broader organizational context. Through this process, we derive insightful narratives

that enrich our understanding of the impacts of leadership styles on organizational
performance during the lockdown.

The dual analytical approach ensures that we address both the quantitative and qualitative
dimensions of our research.

3.6.2 Analytical Techniques for the Secondary Data

Our analytical approach for the qualitative data obtained from secondary sources involves
employing content analysis and narrative analysis. These techniques are tailored to
uncovering insights and themes embedded within internal documents, reports, and published
literature, allowing us to construct a comprehensive understanding of the impacts of
leadership styles on the organizational performance of Nestle Nigeria Plc during the
lockdown. Content Analysis

Content analysis involves a systematic examination of textual and visual materials to identify
patterns, themes, and trends (Gheyle & Jacobs, 2017). In our study, we employ content
analysis to:

Identify Key Themes: We systematically review internal documents, reports, and other
written materials related to leadership initiatives, strategies, and responses during the
lockdown. By identifying recurring themes and topics, we gain insights into the predominant
leadership approaches and their influence on performance.

Quantitative Representation: Content analysis allows us to quantitatively represent the

frequency of certain themes or topics. This numerical representation enhances our
understanding of the prevalence and significance of different leadership-related aspects
within the organization. Narrative Analysis

Narrative analysis focuses on the stories and narratives present in qualitative data sources
(Thuv, 2023). In our study, narrative analysis serves to:

Capture Contextual Insights: By examining narratives present in documents and reports, we

gain a nuanced understanding of the historical context, challenges faced, and strategies
employed by Nestle Nigeria Plc's leadership during the lockdown.

Identify Patterns: Narrative analysis helps us identify recurring narratives, storytelling
techniques, and rhetorical strategies employed within the materials. This identification of
patterns provides a deeper insight into the narratives shaping the organization's responses.

The insights gleaned from content analysis and narrative analysis are integrated with the
primary data findings, creating a comprehensive narrative that spans both internal and
external perspectives. This integration allows us to validate and enrich our primary data
findings by situating them within the broader organizational context and scholarly discourse.
By incorporating content analysis and narrative analysis into our methodology, we expand
our analytical scope to encompass a wide array of textual sources. This approach enriches our
understanding of the contextual factors, leadership strategies, and organizational responses
during the lockdown, fostering a more holistic perspective on the research topic.

3.7 Reliability and Validity

Reliability pertains to the consistency of obtaining identical responses when utilizing the
same measurement tools on multiple while Validity in research refers to the degree to which
scientific research methods and criteria have been adhered to throughout the process of
generating research outcomes (Dudovskiy, 2011). Ensuring the reliability and validity of our
research findings is of utmost importance to uphold the integrity of our study (Oliver, 2010).
Rigorous measures are implemented to enhance the credibility and trustworthiness of our
research outcomes.

3.7.1 Reliability and Validity of Data

Ensuring the reliability and validity of data is crucial for the credibility of our research
findings. To address this, we employ several strategies:

Reliability of Data: We enhance the reliability of data by using consistent data collection
methods throughout the study. Surveys and interviews are administered in a standardized
manner to minimize variations in responses. Additionally, the triangulation of data from
multiple sources, including surveys, interviews, and content analysis of secondary data, helps
corroborate findings, improving the overall reliability of the data.

Validity of Data: Data validity is maintained through the use of well-validated measurement
instruments, carefully designed questions, and a systematic review of secondary data sources.
To enhance content validity, we engage experts to review our survey instruments and

interview protocols. By ensuring that our data accurately represents the constructs and
phenomena under investigation, we bolster the validity of our findings.

3.7.2 Reliability and Validity of Instrument:

The reliability and validity of our research instruments, including surveys and interview
protocols, are fundamental to the integrity of our study:

Reliability of Instrument: The survey questionnaires and interview protocols are designed
with precision and are pretested to gauge their reliability. Pilot testing and conducting test-
retest reliability analyses help ensure that the instruments consistently measure what they are
intended to measure.

Validity of Instrument: The content validity of our instruments is ensured through expert
reviews, as well as the alignment of questions with established theories and constructs related
to leadership styles and organizational performance during lockdowns. This ensures that our
instruments accurately capture the intended variables.

3.7.3 Reliability and Validity of Instrument Used to Analyze the Data:

In the context of measuring constructs and variables related to leadership styles and
organizational performance, we focus on:

Reliability of Analytical Instruments: For quantitative data analysis using SPSS, we ensure
reliability by employing standardized statistical techniques. The consistent application of
these techniques enhances the reliability of the analysis.

Validity of Analytical Instruments: Validity in the analysis is maintained by utilizing

established statistical techniques that align with the research objectives and theoretical
frameworks. We employ content analysis and thematic analysis for qualitative data, ensuring
the validity of our interpretations.

3.8 Ethics Considerations

Our research is underpinned by a strong commitment to ethical principles and the protection
of participants' rights. The article of Fleming and Zegwaard (2018) on ethical considerations
serves as the framework for ethical consideration in our study and it is applied as follows:

Informed Consent: In line with ethical guidelines, all participants, including employees,
managers, and leaders of Nestle Nigeria Plc, are provided with clear and detailed information

about the research objectives, procedures, potential risks, and benefits. Informed consent is
obtained before their participation, ensuring their voluntary engagement and understanding of
their role.

Confidentiality and Anonymity: We prioritize the confidentiality and anonymity of

participants' information. Survey responses, interview transcripts, and any other collected
data are coded to ensure that individual identities remain protected. Confidential data is
securely stored, and only aggregated information is used in the reporting of results.

Privacy Safeguarding: During data collection, interviews, and surveys, all personal and
sensitive information is handled with care. Data transmission and storage adhere to industry-
standard security measures to prevent unauthorized access.

Respect for Autonomy: Participants have the autonomy to withdraw from the study at any
stage without facing any consequences. Their decision to participate or not is fully respected,
and they are assured that their choice will not impact their relationship with Nestle Nigeria

Approval and Ethics Review: Our research has received ethical approval from relevant
institutional review boards, ensuring that the study adheres to established ethical standards
and guidelines.

3.9 Conclusion
In crafting a comprehensive and robust research methodology, we have carefully considered
various elements that align with our research aim of critically analyzing the impacts of
leadership styles on the organizational performance of Nestle Nigeria Plc during the
lockdown. Our methodology encompasses a blend of philosophical, theoretical, and practical
approaches to ensure a holistic exploration of the research topic.

By adopting a pragmatist philosophy, we emphasize the practical relevance of our study and
align it with the dynamic nature of leadership challenges during crisis situations. This
philosophy finds its resonance in the pragmatic integration of both primary and secondary
data collection techniques, allowing us to capture real-world experiences from multiple

Our research approach, rooted in Action Research, is participatory and responsive, engaging
with stakeholders within Nestle Nigeria Plc to co-create insights and recommendations. This

approach complements our mixed-methods strategy, which bridges quantitative and
qualitative dimensions, enriching our understanding and generating multifaceted insights.

The analytical techniques we employ, whether for primary or secondary data, reflect our
commitment to thoroughness and depth. From quantitative analysis using SPSS to thematic
and narrative analyses for qualitative data, each technique is selected to draw out nuanced
insights that contribute to a holistic understanding of the research question.

As we navigate our research journey, we uphold the principles of reliability, validity, ethics,
and reflexivity. These principles guide our actions and decisions, ensuring the credibility,
integrity, and ethical conduct of our study. By adhering to these principles, we strive to
produce findings that not only contribute to academic knowledge but also have practical
implications for leadership practices in times of crisis.

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