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The Effectiveness of Chili

Pepper as Pesticide

Project proposal by:

Chapter I


Background of study

According to Jared M. Lacar (2019) pesticides are any substance that is used to repel pests. How -

ever, exposure to it poses a real threat to human health and to the environment. Capsaicin is a hy -

drophobic substance, which acts on epithelial cells of animals. It is not poisonous and naturally occurs in

the environment as a defense mechanism.

Pesticides making is so popular nowadays. It is very helpful in our world especially in the field of

agriculture. Consequently, many people like agriculturist continue to experiment and make their own

pesticides to produce a better quality and quantity to their agricultural crop production. Furthermore, it

can be appertaining to the treatment of organisms such as crops compromised by the insect pests.

Attacks on agricultural crops are one of the constant problems on insect pests. One of the major

concerns of the farmers and/or the agriculturist to have their own growth of plants is the fact that there

are possible numbers of pest that is destructive to the rapid growth of plants. Pesticides are one of the

chemical effective tools that can help to maintain the rapid growth of plants upon the destruction of an

insects and this chemical can rarely be used as originally manufactured.

The researcher will conduct the study to find if there is feasibility to use chili pepper (capsicum

annum) as pesticides to improve the economic progress and elevate the growth of crop production. By

the help of chili pepper (capsicum annum) to be experimented as pesticides, it can help to decrease the

number of pests from the crops. In addition, making pesticides that come from chili pepper (capsicum

annum) are arising today, that is why the study is suitable in our generation up to the next.
Objective of the Study

This study is all about determining the effectiveness of chili pepper (capsicum annum) as a feasi-

ble pesticide for crop production. In addition, the researcher aims to answer the following queries:

a. Is chili pepper (capsicum annum) effective as pesticides for crop production?

b. Can chili pepper (capsicum annum) be utilized to elevate the rate of crop production?

c. Will chili pepper (capsicum annum) help to eliminate the number of pests?


Ho: There is no difference between chili pepper (capsicum annum) pesticides and commercial

pesticides in terms of efficiency in the rapid growth of plants.

Ha: There is significant difference between chili pepper (capsicum annum) pesticides and com-

mercial pesticides in terms of efficiency in the rapid growth of plants.

Significance of the study

The study is worth conducting because it provides new information that will contribute meaning-

fully to the general knowledge in the world of agriculture by the use of chili pepper (capsicum annum) as

pesticides. Furthermore, the study can benefit the following:

Businessman. It gives chance to the market to create new inventions based on the principles of

this study especially to the developing countries like Philippines.

Farmers. It provides opportunity to the low-income farmers to make their own pesticides by the

used of chili pepper (capsicum annum) to their crops against damaged by the pests.

Agriculture. Problem on too much pests will be lessening in a small period of time by using these


Researchers. It has a possibility in developing the study into complex studies that can be more

useful. It can also be served as a citation for other related studies.

Scope and limitations

The main goal of the study is to test and compare the efficiency of chili pepper (capsicum annum) as

pesticides to the other commercial pesticides. Chili peppers (capsicum annum) that came from the farms

and markets will be used in the whole duration of the study. The study is designed to take place for a


Definition of Terms:

Chili pepper (capsicum annum) – is an organic spicy flavored fruit that will be used to experi-

ment as a pesticides to help preventing the maximum amount of pest that destroys the rapid growth of


Crops – is a plant to used, in which pest easily compromised it. It used as a subject to test the

effectiveness of chili pepper as pesticides.

Pesticides – is used for chemical control. It is an effective tool that can kills insects (e.g. ter-

mites, mosquitoes, borers etc.). It will not kill all insects but it helps to repel most insect or other pest

that damaged the crops.

Pest – a numerous small animals that causing problems for people especially to the farmers by

damaging the crops.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

This chapter contains about the review of related literature that is based on the studies which is

“The effect of chili pepper (capsicum annum) as a feasible pesticide for crop production”. It includes the

following: Pepper (annum) as organic pesticides, the insecticidal potential of chili pepper (capsicum an-

num) leaf extract against termites and it contains the chili (capsicum) properties, and the benefit of us -

ing chili pepper (capsicum annum) to the low-income farmers and its related studies.

Pepper extract as organic pesticides

G.F Antonious, J.E. Meyer, J.A Rogers and Y. Hu (2007) farmers around the world provides a pesticide

that can be used to exclude the number of pests and insects. Pepper (annum) as organic pesticides has a

feasibility to control the highest quantity of pests and to have a highest rate of crop production. Conse -

quently, it can help to the quickly growth of fibers and plants. Today, chili pepper (capsicum annum)

grow widely in many parts of the world as an important commercial crop that can be tested to produce

an organic pesticides without bad effect to the health of the people and also that is eco-friendly.

The insecticidal potential of chili pepper leaf extracts against termites

According to Romano (nd) chili is sharply flavored fruit of a pepper plant that can be experimented as

pesticides. Insecticidal chili pepper (capsicum annum) has a potential to diminish the number of termites

that destroys furniture or anything made of wood and also other insects pests. On the other hand, chili

pepper (capsicum annum) as everyone knows it, is a favorite spice of many people around the world in -

cluding the Philippines. In contrary, chili (capsicum) also contains a natural facts and health benefiting

properties that can be used as functional medicines. Regardless of its spicy taste, it is very practicable to
conquer LDL cholesterol levels in obese individuals. Chili pepper (capsicum annum) has amazingly high

levels of vitamins and minerals.

Nutrition Facts of Chili Pepper

Chili peppers (capsicum annum), despite their fiery hotness, are one of the very popular spices known

for their medicinal and health benefiting properties. The chili actually, is a fruit pod from the plant be -

longing to the nightshade family (Solenceae), within the genus, capsicum. (Berke and Shieh, 2000)

Health Benefits of Chili Pepper

Chilies, contains health benefiting alkaloid compound like capsaicin, which gives them strong spicy pun -

gent character. Fresh chili peppers, red and green, are rich source of vitamin-C. 100g fresh chilies pro-

vide about 143.7g about 240% of RDA. Vitamin-C is a potent water-soluble antioxidant. It is requires for

the collagen synthesis inside the human body. They are also good in other antioxidants such as vitamin

A, and flavonoids like B-carotene, a-carotene, lutein, zea-xanthin, and cryptoxanthin. These antioxidants

substances in capsicum help protect the body from injurious effects of free radicals generated during

stress, diseases conditions. (USDA National Nutrient data base)

Chilies carry a good amount of minerals like potassium, manganese, iron, and magnesium. Potas -

sium is an important component of a cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood

pressure. Manganese is used by the body as a co-factor for the antioxidant’s enzyme, superoxide dismu -

tase. Chilies are also good in B-complex group of vitamins such as niacin, pyridoxine (vitamin B-6) ri-

boflavin and thiamin (vitamin B-1). These vitamins are essential in the sense that human body requires

them from external sources to replenish. (USDA National Nutrient data base)
Benefit of using Chili Pepper to the Low-income Farmers

According to Gianessi and Williams (2012) chili pepper (capsicum annum) is very popular in every

country, including India. Three-fourths of India’s farmer had use chili (capsicum) as pesticides to protect

or even secure the certain level of crop yield. In addition, it can also help to minimize risk of crop failure

and losses and to deplete the higher number of insect pests such as borers, thrips and etc. also, it pro -

vides tremendous benefit of using pesticides include increased food production, increased profits for

farmers and the prevention of diseases. (Ahmed, 2010)

Increased Food Production

As the human population increases, the amount of food produced is very important. Due to the high loss

of food production, pesticides are often used to try to combat the problem. By the help of chili pepper

pesticides, it is possible to decrease the number of pests and produce larger quantities of food.

Increased Profits for Farmers

In using pesticides, farmers can produce more crops that can help to increase profits by having

more produce to sell. Pesticides also increased farm profits by helping the farmer save money on labor

costs. Using pesticides, it reduces the amount of time required to manually remove weeds and pests

from fields. (Kenya, Ghana, 2007)

Prevention of Diseases

Saving crops and livestock, pesticides have also a direct benefit to human health. It is estimated

that since 1945, the use of pesticide has prevented the deaths of around seven million people by killing

pests that carry or transmit disease. Malaria, which is transmitted by infected mosquitoes, is one of the

most commonly known and deadly diseases that has decreased in prevalence due to the use of pesti -

Related Studies

Pesticides and Repellents

These natural pesticides used to repel and eliminate harmful pest. The chili pepper (capsicum an -

num) extract has a potential to use as an organic pesticide that can eliminate the high number of pests.

Natural pesticides can combat insects upon contact or through ingestion. Use as part of an integrated

Pest Management Program which includes traps for monitoring and capturing pests and beneficial in-

sects and organisms to control pests in their developing stages. Enhancing fertility programs with natu -

ral fertilizers and soil amendments will increase plants’ health and resistance to all types of pests in your

home or gardening including weeds and diseases. (Kumar et al., 2009)

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Chili pepper as pesticides Growth of plants

Figure 1. Showing the schematic diagram on the relationship between the independent and dependent


This figure represents the two variables that are related on the study. The independent variable is the

chili pepper pesticides while the dependent variable is the growth of plants. It may or may not affect

each other.
Chapter 3


This chapter presents the research procedure of the study. It includes the research design, re -

search locale, research materials, research procedure and statistical treatment.

Research Design

This research will use of Experimental Research Design. This study will test the effectiveness of

chili pepper (capsicum annum) as feasible pesticides and how researchers will solve the specific num-

bers of pest.

Research Locale

This study will be conducted in Caestebanan National High School’s Garden This place is suitable

for our study and the materials are easily accessible for our experimentation.

Research Materials

The instruments that will be used to conduct this study are the followings:

1-5-gallon bucket with lid, 1 knife, 1 cheesecloth or coffee filter, chili pepper (leaf or fruits), water,

1 cheap blender (optional), containers- 2 liter bottles work great.

To test the effectiveness of these pesticides, the following instruments that will be used are

sprayer, water and crops.

Research Procedure

This is the steps on how to experiment chili pepper (capsicum annum) as pesticides:

1. First, cut the peppers into chunks and add them to the blender. If you don’t have a blender, go

ahead and dice them, then add them to the bucket.

2. Second, add water. If you have a blender, go ahead and blend them into a puree, then add the

mixture to the bucket.

3. Third, cover the bucket and let sit for at least 24 (twenty-four) hours.

4. Fourth, strain or decant is very important if you are going to apply the pesticides by spray bottle

or fumigator as the pulp will get caught in the nozzle.

5. Fifth, store for use and used 2 liters, get a second cap with a drilled hole in the top and it works

almost as well as a spray bottle. Then, apply this to the whole plant as a fine mist but do not

over apply.

6. Lastly, repeat application every 5 to 7 days or after pouring water.

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