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Social Studies

2 term

Class: Two
Table of contents
Topic Name Page Number
 Weather and Season 3-4

 When Nature Gets Angry 5-6

 Friends of our Nearest Country 7-8

 Tribal Groups of Bangladesh 9

 Be Safe on Roads 10-11

 Our school: Our Duties 12

 Liberation War of Bangladesh 13

 National Symbols of Bangladesh 14

 Largest, Smallest, Longest and 15

Highest of Bangladesh

 Human Body 16-17

 Mammals 18-19

 Birds 20-21

Date: Day:
Weather and Season

1. Circle the correct answer:

a) It becomes very hot in –

o February and March

o March and April
o April and May

b) In June, July and August, all the places of Bangladesh have rainfall.
It is called?

o Fall season
o Monsoon season
o Summer season

c) Different kinds of flower blooms in –

o Winter
o Spring
o Summer

d) Which months are the coldest in Bangladesh?

o November and December

o December and January
o January and February

Date: Day:

2. Look at the picture and write the name of the season:

3. Colour the things we need in winter season:

Date: Day:
When nature gets angry

1. Look at the picture and explain the scenario:









Date: Day:

2. Answer the following questions:

a) What happens when nature gets angry?




b) What is cyclone?





c) What are the sufferings of earthquake?




Date: Day:

Friends of our nearest countries

1. Circle the correct answer:

a) Which countries are our nearest friends?

o India and Pakistan

o India and Myanmar

o Myanmar and China

b) What is the second largest population of India?

o Shikhs

o Christians

o Muslims

c) State language of India is____.

o Hindi

o English

o Urdu

d) What are the popular games played in India?

o Hockey and Cricket

o Football and Badminton

o Tennis and Cricket

Date: Day:

2. Fill in the gaps:

1. ______________ is surrounded by India.

2. India is a __________ country.

3. Hindi is their state ______________.

4. Men from many areas wear ______________and dhuti-punjabi.

5. Hockey is the national ___________ of India.

3. Compare between Bangladesh and India:

Bangladesh India

Main language

Religion of maximum

National game

Dress of men

Dress of women

Date: Day:

Tribal groups of Bangladesh

1. Fill in the gaps:

a. They cultivate their lands on ________.

b. Their past home land was in _____________ province of Myanmar.

c. Chakmas are very fond of ________ and __________.

d. They are very ________ working.

e. Chakmas are divided into ______ clans.

f. They wear their ________________ dresses.

2. Answer the following questions:

a) Write five names of main tribal groups of our county.






Date: Day:

Be safe on roads

1. Look at the signals and write what each light represents:

Red -

Yellow -

Green -

2. Look at the picture and write what is it:




Date: Day:

2. Fill in the gaps:

a) Yellow light tells us to ________.

b) We must follow the _________ rules of the road.

c) _________ and _________ move on the road.

d) Dhaka is a big ________.

1. Write the answers of the following questions:

a. Which city is the capital city of Bangladesh?



b. When do we have to cross a road?



Date: Day:

Our school: Our duties

Date: Day:

Liberation war of Bangladesh

1. Fill in the gaps:

a. The Liberation War of Bangladesh started on _______________________.

b. The Liberation War continued for about ___________________________.

c. _______________________________________ was the commander in-chief

of the Liberation War of Bangladesh.

d. About _________ people accepted martyrdom in the Liberation War of


e. On 25th March 1971 Pakistani Army launched a military operation called


2. Identify True and False from the following sentences:

a. There were 12 sectors in Bangladesh during the Liberation War.

b. The Liberation War of Bangladesh started on 16th December, 1971.

c. Pakistani Army launched a military operation on 25th March 1971.

d. Major Ziaur Rahman first read the declaration of independence.

e. India entered the war on 3 December, 1971.

Date: Day:

National symbols of Bangladesh

1. Fill in the blanks:

a. __________________________ is the author of our National Anthem.

b. __________________________ is the National poet of Bangladesh.

c. National day of Bangladesh is _______________.

d. National Monument of Bangladesh is ________________________________.

e. ______________________ is the National River of Bangladesh.

2. Circle the correct answer from the followings:

a. The National Flag of Bangladesh was first hoisted at ______.

 Chittagong University.

 Dhaka University.

b. Who is the designer of our National Flag?

 Kamrul Hassan

 Moinul Hassan

c. What is the national Mosque of Bangladesh?

 Baitul Mukarram Mosque

 National Jame Mosque

Date: Day:

Largest, Smallest, Longest

and Highest of Bangladesh

1. Identify True and False from the following sentences:

a. Bangabandhu National Stadium is the largest stadium of Bangladesh.

b. The smallest mosque of Bangladesh is Baitul Mukarram.

c. Garo hill is the highest hill of Bangladesh.

d. City center is the smallest commercial building of Bangladesh.

2. Circle the correct answer from the followings:

a. Which is the largest hospital of Bangladesh?

 Sylhet M.A.G. Osmani Medical College and Hospital

 Dhaka Medical College and Hospital

b. Which is the longest river of Bangladesh?

 Surma River

 Jamuna River

c. Which is the smallest district of Bangladesh?

 Meherpur

 Moulvibazar

Date: Day:

Human Body

1. Fill in the blanks:

a. The scientific name of human is ______________________.

b. There are over _______ bones in human body.

c. ___________ gives orders to the whole body.

d. ____________ mineral is good for our bones.

e. The thin things which grow out of our skin is ____________.

2. Circle the correct answer from the followings:

a. Which sense organ covers the entire body?

 Hair
 Skin
 Bones

b. How many bones are there in our rib?

 24 bones
 30 bones
 32 bones

c. Which is the largest internal organ of the human body?

 Heart
 Lungs
 Liver

Date: Day:

d. Which is the hardest organ of the human boy?

 Bone
 Tooth
 Nail

e. How much portion of human body is water?

 About 51%
 About 70%
 About 71%

3. Write the answer of the following question:

a. How many kinds of blood cells in the human body?




b. What is the function of stomach?


c. What is Kidney?



Date: Day:


1. Match the sentences with the correct animal:

World’s largest mammal

Largest meat eater land

Blue Whale
Noisiest creature in the
Amazon jungle

Slow moving mammals in the

Polar bear
Mammal that sleeps the


Can spit like man

Date: Day:

2. Circle the correct answer from the followings:

a. Which is the world’s tallest animal?

 Zebra

 Giraffe

b. Which is the world’s fastest land animal?

 Cheetah

 Lion

c. Which is the world’s largest animal?

 Rhinoceros

 Elephant

d. Which animal has a horn on its snout?

 Yak

 Rhinoceros

e. What is the fastest marine mammal?

 Blue whale

 Killer whale

Date: Day:


1. Fill in the blanks:

a. ___________ is the world’s most intelligent bird.

b. World’s loudest bird is ____________________.

c. ___________ can rotate its head 180 degree on either side.

d. _____________ can run fast.

2. Choose the correct answer:

a. Which bird can imitate the human voice?

 African grey parrot

 Indian peacock
 Crow

b. Which bird can walk on water?

 African grey parrot

 Black heron
 Western grebe

c. Which bird is called artist bird?

 Western grebe
 Humming bird
 Weaver bird

d. Which is the largest hunter bird in the world?

 Black heron
 Andean condor
 Western grebe

Date: Day:

3. Match the sentences with the correct animal:

Black heron

Fastest flier in the animal


Considered as natural sweeper


Can fly backwards or upside


Can use its wings like an


Eats its own feather


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