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FEBRUARY 12, 2022

INTRODUCTION patient's skin and the incision which is

made using a lancet (fleam).
Phlebotomy – It is the process of collecting blood
o An alternative medicine procedure
through the vein by using incision or puncture
to help ease pain and inflammation
methods to draw blood for analysis or as part of
and other health related concerns.
therapeutic or diagnostic measures under the physician’s
request. It is derived from the two Greek words.
• Phlebos meaning “vein”
• Temnein means “to cut”
• Venesection – The other name of Phlebotomy.
The Evolution of Phlebotomy
• Humans used crude tools to cut vessels
and drain blood from the body.
Stone Age • It is thought to be an effort in getting rid of
evil spirit or cleanse the body of Note: The typical fleam was a wide double-edged
impurities. blade at right angles to the handle. Eventually,
multiple fleams were attached and folded into a
1400 BC • Ancient Egyptians also practiced this as a
brass case for easy carrying. Fleams were also
form of bloodletting.
used for general phlebotomy to open a vein, or
• Hippocrates, a Greek physician, believed sometimes an artery, to remove large amounts of
that a person’s health was dependent on blood. The blades were wiped clean with only a
the balance of the four humors which are rag; therefore, they undoubtedly transmitted blood-
as follows: borne infections from patient to patient.
o Blood and Brain – Earth
• Leeching or Hirudotherapy – It involves
o Phlegm and Lungs – Air placing a drop of milk or blood on the
o Black Bile and Spleen – Fire
patient's skin and introducing Hirudo
460 to 377 BC o Yellow Bile and Gallbladder – medicinalis (medicinal leech) to the site,
allowing it to engorge and fall off.
• Excess humor or blood is removed by • This is a method that uses leeches for
bloodletting. bloodletting and is currently used for
• It was thought that disease resulted from an microsurgical replantation.
excess of one or more of these substances, o Milk or blood is dropped to the
and that removing the excess would restore skin to encourage attachment of
health. the medicinal leech.
• The most common surgical technique used o Leeches secrete important
for bloodletting was called venesection. substances in their saliva and are
• Withdrawing large quantities of blood from a as follows:
patient while trying to cure or prevent illness ▪ a local vasodilator – a
or disease was common. substance that increases
• Barber-surgeons performed bloodletting as the diameter of blood
part of the treatment for some illnesses. vessels.
• Trivia: Barber pole represents the rod that ▪ anesthetic
the patient held tightly to show the barber ▪ hirudin – an
where the veins are located. anticoagulant which
o Red and white stripes: prevents blood clotting.
Middle Ages Represent the bloodied and clean The practice of phlebotomy continues to this day;
or Medieval bandages used during the however, principles and methods have improved
Period procedure. After the procedure, dramatically. Today, phlebotomy is performed to:
they will be washed and hung • To obtain blood for screening and
outside which will be twisted by the diagnostic purposes and to monitor
wind forming the familiar spiral prescribed treatment.
pattern. • To remove blood for transfusions at a
o Blue: signifies the color of the donor center.
vein. • To remove blood for therapeutic
17th to 18th • Phlebotomy was treated as a major purposes, such as treatment for
Century therapy. polycythemia, a disorder involving the
o Anyone willing to claim medical. overproduction of red blood cells.
o training could perform phlebotomy. • Diagnostic Purpose: The collection of
• Lancet – A tool for cutting veins, was the Today blood samples for laboratory analysis to
most prevalent medical instrument of the diagnose and monitor medical conditions.
time. • Therapeutic Phlebotomy: used as a
o The usual amount of blood treatment for blood disorders such as
withdrawn was approximately 10 hemochromatosis, sickle cell disease,
mL, but excessive phlebotomy and polycythemia vera.
was also common. o To remove extra red blood cells
• Cupping – It involves the application of seen in hemochromatosis.
special heated suction cups on the
o Remove unusually shaped red • Collect venipuncture and capillary
blood cells in sickle cell disease. specimens for testing following nationally
o Remove extra iron in the blood recognized standards and institutional
seen in hemochromatosis. procedures.
o This procedure is performed to • Prepare specimens for proper transport,
minimize patient discomfort and ensuring the integrity and stability of the
with aseptic techniques. sample.
• There are two main methods used in • Adhere to all HIPAA and confidentiality
Phlebotomy: guidelines, including all Code of Conduct
o Venipuncture – It is the method of and Integrity programs instituted by the
blood collection using a needle employer.
inserted in a vein. • Transport and dispatch samples efficiently
o Capillary Puncture – through by prioritizing specimens to ensure desired
puncturing the skin with a lancet or turnaround times.
special incision device. • Comply with safety rules, policies, and
The Roles and Responsibilities of a Phlebotomist as Per Ebuen guidelines for the area, department, and
• Person trained to obtain blood samples institution.
primarily by venipuncture and • Provide quality customer service for all
microtechniques. internal and external customers.
• The only personal contact a patient has is • Assist in collecting and documenting
with the laboratory. monthly workload and recording data.
• Phlebotomists leave a lasting impression of • Perform quality-control protocols as
the quality of the laboratory. specified in standard operating procedures
• It is important for a phlebotomist to be and perform and document instrument and
Phlebotomist familiar with the anatomy and physiology equipment maintenance.
related to laboratory testing and phlebotomy • Participate in continuing education (CE)
techniques. As well as the collection and programs such as Quality, Safety, Lean/Six
transport requirements for tests performed in Sigma, and Customer Service.
all sections of the laboratory, the • Collect and perform POCT following all
documentation, patient records, healthcare standard operating procedures.
systems, and interpersonal skills needed to Traditional • Prepare drafts of procedures for laboratory
provide quality patient care Duties tests according to standard format.
• Assesses the patient’s physical status. • Perform appropriate laboratory computer
Phlebotomist • Review the test order forms. information operations.
Duties •
• Determines the best puncture site for the Provide proper instruction to
Overview patients/customers for container specimen
• Knows the right order for drawing blood collection.
samples. • Perform front office duties required by
• Uses the right tubes for each test. institution including scheduling, coding,
• Monitors the patient for signs of any itinerary updates, and obtaining Advance
complications. Beneficiary Notice (ABN).
• Labels the test tubes and sends them to the • Train new technicians and students in duties
laboratory for analysis. and responsibilities.
• Correct identification and preparation of Patient-Client Interaction
the patient before sample collection. • Factors that are critical in providing a
o 2 identifiers: birthday and name healthcare service that meets the needs
• Collection of the appropriate amount of of diverse populations:
blood by venipuncture or capillary puncture o Health-related needs of
for the specified tests. patients and their families
• Selection of the appropriate sample related to the environments
containers for the specified tests. where they live.
• Correct labeling of all samples with the Recognizing o Beliefs and values that shape
required information. Diversity a person’s approach to health
• Appropriate transportation of samples and illness.
Traditional back to the laboratory in a timely manner. o Knowledge of customs and
Duties • Effective interaction with patients and traditions related to health
hospital personnel. and healing.
o Pleasing personality o Attitudes toward seeking help
• Processing of samples for delivery to the from a healthcare provider.
appropriate laboratory departments. •
• Performance of computer operations and • It is the conduct and qualities that
recordkeeping pertaining to phlebotomy. characterize a professional person.
• Observation of all safety regulations, • General Appearance and Grooming
quality control checks, and preventive directly influence whether the
maintenance procedures. Professionalism phlebotomist are perceived as a
• Attendance at continuing education professional.
programs. • A phlebotomist should display attitudes,
The Roles and Responsibilities of a Phlebotomist According to personal characteristics, and
McCal behaviors consistent with accepted
• Prepare patients and site for specimen standards of professional conduct.
collection following nationally recognized • All patients in a healthcare setting have
Typical Duties standards and institution’s guidelines. Patients’ rights rights and should be informed of these
rights when care is initiated.

• Privacy of medical records and the ability • Dependable, observe proper work ethic,
to get a copy from them. Dependability and take personal responsibility for their
• The healthcare provider must: actions.
o Recognize that all patient Ethical • They display a good ethical behavior by
information is private and Behavior conforming with the standards to avoid
confidential. harming the patients in any way.
o Bound by ethical standards
Confidentiality and various laws to maintain
the confidentiality of each
person’s health information.
o All questions relating to patient
information should be referred
to the proper authority.
Health Insurance • Required all healthcare providers to
Portability and obtain a patient’s consent in writing
Accountability before disclosing medical information
Act of 1996 such as patient’s test results, treatment,
or condition to any unauthorized person.
• Defined as the means by which
information is exchanged or transmitted,
communication is one of the most
important processes that takes place in
the healthcare system.
• Communication involves using words, TESTS AND PROCEDURES IN CLINICAL ANALYSIS AREAS
Communication sounds, writing, or other means to Clinical Area Examples of Tests and Procedures
Skills express or exchange information when • Hematocrit (Hct) – Hemoglobin level
interacting with one or more persons. and red cell count.
• Effective communication in the • Hemoglobin (Hgb) – values that rule
workplace can improve productivity, out anemia.
reduce errors resulting from • Red Blood Cell (RBC) Count –
miscommunication, and help Erythropoietic activity.
organizations run smoothly. T • White Blood Cell (WBC) Count –
• There are three components: Leukocyte response.
o Verbal Communication – • Platelet Count - chemotherapy and
expressing your ideas through radiation conditions
words that can be easily • Differential White Blood Cell Count
understood by the patient. – changes in the appearance or
o Non-verbal communication Hematology – It quantity of specific cell types
– observing patients’ facial focuses on blood • Indices – show the changes in RBC
expression and other and blood-forming size, weight, and Hgb content
nonverbal cues which could • Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin
tell something. (MCH) – weight of the hemoglobin in
o Active Listening – ability to the cell
listen and comprehend what is • Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) –
being told. size of the cell
Telephone Skills • To maintain a professional image, every • Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin
person given the responsibility of Concentration (MCHC) -
answering the phone should review concentration of the hemoglobin per
proper protocol. unit volume of RBCs
• Each one should be taught how to • Red Blood Cell Distribution Width
answer, put someone on hold, and (RDW) - size differences of the RBCs
transfer calls properly. • Activated Partial Thromboplastin
Qualities of Professionalism Time (APTT) - adequacy of heparin
• Professional appearance should be
• D-dimer - thrombin and plasmin
Professionalism • Phlebotomists should wear conservative
clothing and observe proper personal • Fibrin Split Products (FSP) - amount
Coagulation – ability of fibrin degradation products (FDPs)
hygiene always. of blood to form and in the blood
• Phlebotomists must have self-confidence dissolve clot. • Fibrinogen Test - fibrinogen levels in
especially because they would be
the blood
directly expressing their decisions and
Self-Confidence • Prothrombin Time (PT) or
judgements to patients and fellow co-
workers. International Normalized Ratio (IN) -
liver diseases or deficiency in Vitamin
• It is the ability to trust your personal
decision and judgement
Chemistry – • Alanine Aminotransferase Test
Integrity • Exhibits honesty and consistency in
amounts of certain (ALT) - liver damage
their actions, beliefs, and values.
chemicals in a blood • Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) - alpha-
• Sensitivity to the needs of others, and sample. fetoprotein levels in pregnant women
Compassion the ability to stay calm, and maintain a
during the second trimester of
helpful demeanor towards those in need.
• It is having the positive attitude and the • Alkaline Phosphatase (AP) Test -
initiative to follow through tasks and amount of alkaline phosphatase
Self-Motivation continuously look for areas and enzyme in the bloodstream
• Ammonia - measures the level that • Vitamin B12 and Folate Tests - used
could indicate cirrhosis and hepatitis to check for anemia and diseases of
• Amylase - checks the enzyme level the small intestine
that could indicate liver disease, Serology or • Bacterial Studies
cholesystitis, etc. Immunology – o Antinuclear Antibody
• Aspartate Aminotransferase Test serum and (ANA) - shows autoimmune
(AST) - levels of aspartate autoimmune disorders such as systematic
aminotransferase enzyme that may reactions in the lupus erythematosus
indicate liver damage blood. o Antistreptolysin-O (ASO)
• Bilirubin Test - amount of bilirubin Titer - indicates
levels in the bloodstream that could streptococcal infection
indicate red blood destruction o Cold Agglutinins - checks
• Arterial Blood Gases (ABG) - acid- cases of atypical pneumonia
base balance by measuring the ph, o Febrile Agglutination Test -
partial pressure of the carbon dioxide shows the presence of
and oxygen antibodies to specific
• Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) - amount organisms
of urea nitrogen found in blood, which o FTA-ABS - confirms syphilis
could determine impaired renal o Rapid Plasma Reagin
function (RPR) - when positive, it is
• B-type Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) indicative of syphilis but it still
Test - levels of the BNP hormone in needs confirmation
the blood which could indicate o Rheumatoid Factor (RF) -
congestive heart failure indicates rheumatoid arthritis
• C-reactive Protein High Sensitivity • Viral Studies
(hs-CRP) - level of CRP o Anti-HIV - screens human
• Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) immunodeficiency virus
Test - CEA protein levels in the blood o Cytomegalovirus Antibody
that may help diagnose and manage (CMV) - a confirmatory test
certain types of cancers for CMV antibody
• Blood Calcium - total amount of o Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) -
calcium in the blood, which could help checks for the presence of
determine or monitor the effects of heterophil antibody, which
renal failure indicates infectious
• Total Cholesterol - indicates risk of mononucleosis
cardiovascular diseases o Hepatitis B Surface
Antigen (HBSAg) - checks
• Cortisol - shows adrenal hypofunction
for the presence of hepatitis
and hyperfunction
antigen on the surface of the
• Creatine Kinase (CK) - used to check
red cells
muscle damage
• General Studies
• Creatinine - checks for cases that
o C-Reactive Protein (CRP) -
indicate renal impairment or muscular
indicates inflammation when
levels are increased
• Drug Analysis - monitors therapeutic o Human Chorionic
range to avoid toxic levels for drugs Gonadotropin (HCG) Test -
• Electrolytes (sodium, potassium, the hormone is present when
chloride, CO2) - show the sodium patient is pregnant
values that determine disorder of the Urinalysis – tests • Physical Evaluation
kidney and adrenals urine specimen o Color indicates the presence
• Glucose - used to check diabetes, of blood melanin, blirubin, or
liver disease, or malnutrition urobilin in the urine
• Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase specimen.
(GGT) - used for diagnosis of liver, o Clarty/transparency shows
specifically hepatobiliary problems the presence of fat, chyle, or
• Hemoglobin A1C - determines bacteria
glycosylated hemoglobin level o Specinc gravity suggests
• Lactate dehydrogenase - checks renal tubular Involvement or
lung, kidney, and liver dysfunction ADH deficiency, which affect
• Lipase - shows the level that could the turbidity.
lead to either pancreatitis or pancreatic • Chemical Evaluation
carcinoma o Blood - hematuria could be
• Prostate Specific Antigen (PS) - test due to hemorrhage,
that screens patients for the presence intection, or trauma
of prostate cancer o Bilirubin - helps differentiate
• Total Protein - used to check liver and between obstructive
kidney disorders jaundice and hemolytic
• Triglycerides - serve as index in the jaundice
evaluation of atherosclerosis and lipid o Glucose - glucosuria may be
metabolism disorder a result of diabetes mellitus,
• Troponin I - used for early diagnosis renal impairments
of small myocardial infarcts o Ketones - uncontrolled
• Uric Acid Test - used to check levels diabetes mellitus or
that indicate gout and renal problems starvation

o Leukocyte - indicates
urinary tract infection if there
is a lot of neutrophils
o pH - indicates the acid-base
o Protein - proteinura is an
indicator of renal dystunction
or disorder
o Nitrite - positive results
could mean bacterial
o Urobilinogen - increases in
amount when the patient
suffers from hepatitic issues.
• Microscopic Evaluation – shows the
status of the urinary tract, hematuria,
pyuria, etc.
Microbiology – • Acid-Fast Bacilli (AFB) - used to
microorganisms in monitor the treatment for TB
body fluids or • Blood Culture - checks for the
tissues. presence of bacteria indicative of
bacteremia or septicemia
• Campylobacter-like Organism
(CLO) Test - shows the presence of
Helicobacter pylori
• Culture and Sensitivity (C&S) -
indicates infection if there is growth in
the pathogenic microorganism
• Fungus Culture and Identification -
used to determine the type of fungi if
• Gram Stain - it is done to allow
antimicrobial therapy while waiting for
culture results
• Occult Blood - checks for blood in the
stool which could result from
gastrointestinal bleeding
• Ova and Parasites (O&P) Exam -
solves "etiology unknown" intestinal
• Antibody (Ab) Screen - agglutination
means presence of abnormal
antibodies in the blood.
• Direct Antihuman-globulin Test
(DAT) - determines transfusion
Blood Bank or incompatibility.
Immunohematology • ABO and Rh Type - shows the ABO
– blood for and Rh blood groups.
transfusion • Type and Crossmatch - shows the
blood group and screens for antibodies
in the recipient's blood
• Compatibility Testing - detects
antibodies and antigen in both
recipient's and donor's blood.

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