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1. This bridge (complete) by the end of this year.

2. He (question) by the police at the moment.
3. These cups (break) before we arrived.
4. At this time next week, all of the students (sit) for their examination.
5. You (find) the key which you (lose) yesterday?
6. Neither the director nor his assistant (come) yet.
7. At last the bus came. We (wait) for half an hour.
8. So far four bridges (build) in our area.
9. The injured miners (take) to hospital before the ambulance.
10. Martha told me that she (be) late for the meeting the following day.
11. Last night when we got to the theatre, the tickets (sell) out.
12. The preparations (finish) by the time the guest (arrive).
13. My mother is always the first person (get) up in the morning.
14. He said he (read) a book when the robber broke into the house.
15. I (come) and (see) you before I (leave) here tomorrow.
16. The criminal admitted (kill) the innocent child.
17. Mary said, “I regret (not meet) him earlier in her life.”
18. Until yesterday, I never (hear) of it.
19. When I (tell) Tim the news, he seemed (surprise)
20. Merge’s children are used to (pick) after school every day. They don’t have to walk home.
21. Housework has ___________ been regarded as women’s work.
A. traditional B. traditionally C. tradition D. traditions
22. The bank refuses to accept ___________ for the mistake.
A. responsibility B. irresponsibility C. responsible D. irresponsible
23. “I didn’t know you could play badminton so well.” Thank you. ___________ I wish I could play half as
well as you.
A. That’s a nice compliment B. That is not your fault
C. You’re welcome D. I certainly play very excellent
24. I don not think is a real ___________ between men and women in society.
A. equal B. equalize C. equally D. equality
25. Victoria’s ___________ to her cousin was not welcomed by her family.
A. marry B. marriage C. married D. marrying
26. Good children should be ___________ to the elderly.
A. naughty B. obedient C. impolite D. rude
27. When too strange people are first introduced to each other, they often say “__________”
A. Nice to meet you B. Shut up! C. You’re welcome! D. Never mind
28. You should __________ more attention to what your teacher explains.
A. make B. get C. set D. pay
29. The last time I saw Jonathan, he looked very relaxed. He explained the he’d been on holiday the ________
A. ago B. following C. next D. previous
30. Make sure the ropes are _________ fastened.
A. security B. secure C. securely D. insecure
31. – What an attractive hair style you have got, Mary! - _________.
A. Thank you very much. I’m afraid B. You are telling a lie
C. Thank you for your compliment D. I don’t like your sayings
32. She has played a _________ role in a peace negotiation.
A. decided B. decisive C. deciding D. decision
33. When he was at Oliver’s flat yesterday, Martin asked if he _________ use the phone.
A. can B. might C. may D. must
34. The more he fails, the more he loses _________ in his abilities.
A. confide B. confident C. confidence D. confiding
35. The girls looked _________ for moment and then answered.
A. thought B. thoughtful C. thoughtfully D. think
36. Jack asked me ________.
A. where do you come from B. where I come from C. where I came from D. where did I come from
37. She asked me _________ I liked music.
A. who B. if C. while D. what
38. Two tablets _________ twice a day to have you recover from the illness quickly.
A. must be taken B. must have taken C. must be taking D. must take
39. I said that I had met her _________.
A. yesterday B. the previous day C. the day D. the before day
40. I wanted to know _________ return home.
A. when would she B. when will she C. when she will D. when she would
41. My brothers love joining my dad in _________ things around the house the house at weekends.
A. mend B. mended C. to mend D. mending
42. I _________ able to play tennis since I _________my arm.
A. wasn’t/ broke B. haven’t been/ had broken C. wasn’t/ hadn’t broken D. haven’t been/ broke
43. The woman wonders _________ doing well at home.
A. whether her children are B. Whether her children were C. if her children were D. her children
are if
44. My mother is going _________ this house.
A. sold B. to be sold C. to sold D. to sell
45. the traffic policeman said, “Show me your driving license, please.”
A. The traffic policeman asked to show me your driving license, please.
B. The traffic policeman suggested to show him your driving license.
C. The traffic policeman suggested showing him my driving license.
D. The traffic policeman asked to show me his driving license.
46. Education _________ to be the most important element to develop a country.
A. often be considered B. can often consider C. can often considered D. can often be considered
47. Peter said he was leaving for Paris _________.
A. next week B. the week previous C. following week D. the following week.
48. I asked him _________ , but he said nothing.
A. what the matter was B. what was the matter C. the matter was what D. what’s the matter
49. He drove off as soon as the light _________ green.
A. turned B. has turned C. is turning D. was turning
50. I _________ to get through to Jack for days now. Either she’s way or her phone’s out of order.
A. tried B. had tried C. am trying D. have been trying
51. Last night a tornado swept through Rockville. It _________ everything in its path.
A. was destroyed B. was being destroyed C. destroyed D. had been destroyed
52. Excuse me. Could you tell me _________?
A. what time is it B. what is the time C. what time is it D. it is what time
53. We wonder _________ from his office after that scandal.
A. why did he not resign B. why he did not resign C. why he not resign D.
why didn’t he resign
54. I had always been _________ by the idea of working abroad.
A. attractive B. obedient C. attraction D. attractively
55. Teachers expect complete _________ from their pupils.
A. obedience B. obedient C. disobedience D. obediently
56. In the 18th century jean cloth _________ completely from cotton.
A. made B. has made C. was made D. was making
57. This is the first time I _________ Thailand.
A. has visited B. visit C. visited D. have visited
58. His neighbors sometimes wondered _________ he did for a living.
A. why B. when C. where D. what
59. The boy seemed to be so _________ about his coming birthday.
A. excitement B. excited C. exciting D. excite
60. The town is _________ situated on the river Thames.
A. attractive B. attracted C. attraction D. attractively
61. “She is my friend”, I said to Nam.
A. I said to Nam she is my friend B. I told to Nam she was my friend
C. I told Nam she was my friend D. I asked Nam if she was my friend
62. The room _________ once a day.
A. has been cleaned B. should be clean C. is being cleaned D. should be cleaned
63. You’re tired although you stayed up too late to watch TV last night.
64. Martine asked me that I liked classical music.
65. All the main streets in this city will be widening.
66. “Why don’t you put better lock on the door, Barbara?”
→ John suggested
67. I haven’t eaten this kind of food before
→ This is
68. The architect has drawn plans for an extension to the house.
→ Plans
69. You can’t visit the USA unless you have a visa.
→ If you
70. She started working as a secretary five years ago.
→ She has
71. “Can I borrow your typewriter, Janet?” asked Peter.
→ Peter asked
72. They think the owner of the house is abroad.
→ The owner
73. It started to rain at 2 o’clock.
→ It has been
74. My French friend finds driving on the left difficult.
→ My French friend isn’t
75. Did Tom do something suspicious?
→ Did you notice
76. My shoes need to be cleaned before the interview.
→ I must have
77. The book is good enough to read.
→ The book is worth
78. The boy was caught by the cashier. He was stealing the money from the drawer then.
→The cashier
79. “May I smoke here?” → Do you mind
80. “The child said that he hadn’t stolen the money.
→ The child denied
81. I haven’t talked to him since his 15th birthday.
→ The last time
82. It’s years since we decorated this room.
→ This room
Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
1. Some high school students take part in ……the handicapped.
A. helping B. to help C. help D. being help
2. The mission of this society is …………community education for street children.
A. to provide B. provide C. providing D. provided
3. Shy people often find it ........................ to take part in group discussions.
A. difficult B. difficulty C. difficultly D. be difficult
4. I am unable......................... to the meeting on Monday evening, please apologise for my absence.
A. to come B. come C. coming D. to be come
5. ....................... it several times, he didn’t want to read it once again.
A. Reading B. To read C. To have read D. Having read
6. ......................... that he was poor, I offered to pay his fare.
A. Knowing B. Known C. Knew D. Having knew
7. ....................... photographs of the place, I had no desire to go there.
A. Being seen B. Seen C. Saw D. Having seen
8. I hate ....................... a child ........................ .
A. see/ crying B. see/ cry C. seeing/ to cry D. seeing/ cry
9. I notice the lorry ........................ down the hill.
A. to come B. came C. coming D. having come
10. I observed a blue car ...................... very fast towards the motorway.
A. having driven B. driven C. driving D. to drive
11. They left the restaurant, ......................... two hours over lunch.
A. spending B. spent C. after spend D. having spent
12. The police accused him to the building but he denied the area on the night
of the fire.
A. setting/ being B. setting/ having been C. set/ be D. having set/ having been
13. Someone told us ........................... sit on the stairs.
A. don’t B. not C. not to D. to not
14. “Don’t forget to ring me”
A. I advised David to ring me B. I reminded David to ring me
C. I offered to be run D. You promised to ring me
15. The doctor advised him ......................... and to take up some sport.
A. stop smoke B. stop smoking
C. to stop smoking D. to stop to smoke
16. I have told him never ........... to buy some potatoes on the way home.
A. come B. comes C. came D. to come
17. Professional people expect ................... when it is necessary to cancel an appointment.
A. you to call them B. that you would call them
C. you calling them D. that you are calling them
18. The conductor asked ......................... in the bus.
A. them to please not to smoke B. that they should not smoke
C. them not to smoke D. them not to smoke
19. I’d rather ........................... at home.
A. to stay B. staying C. stayed D. stay
20. They noticed him .......................... the agreement.
A. sign B. to sign C. signing D. signed
21. Jack admitted ....................... the money.
A. steal B. to steal C. stealing D. stolen
22. Don’t ......................... him to arrive early. He’s always late.
A. think B. judge C. hope D. expect
23. I wouldn’t ..................... of going to the party I hadn’t been invited to.
A. dream B. intend C. depend D. rely
24. The instructor warned the students ............ sailing alone on the lake.
A. on B. for C. of D. against
25. Her mother prevented her ..................... going out tonight.
A. against B. from C. about D. at
26. I apologized ........................ the book at home.
A. for leaving B. to leaving C. leaving D. to leave
Choose the underlined part in each sentence (A, B,C, or D ) that needs correcting.
1. After Mrs. Wang had returned to her house from work, she was cooking dinner
2. Jimmy threw the ball high in the air, and Betty catching it when it came down.
3. Linda has worn her new yellow dress only once since she buys it.
4. Last week Mark told me that he got very bored with his present job and is looking for a new one
5. Having fed the dog, he was sat down to his own meal.
6. When I turned on my computer, I was shocked to find some junk mail, and I delete it
7. They are going to have to leave soon and so do we.
8. The boss laughed when the secretary has told him that she really needed a pay rise.
9. The telephone rang several times and then stop before I could answer it.
10. Debbie, whose father is an excellent tennis player, has been playing tennis since ten years

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