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New Insights Into the

Development of Maximal
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Sprint Speed in Male

Robert W. Meyers, PhD,1 Jon L. Oliver, PhD,1,2 Michael G. Hughes, PhD,1 Rhodri S. Lloyd, PhD,1,2
and John B. Cronin, PhD2,3
Youth Physical Development Unit, Cardiff School of Sport, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff, United Kingdom;
Sports Performance Research Institute, New Zealand (SPRINZ), AUT University, Auckland, New Zealand; and
School of Exercise, Biomedical and Health Science, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia

ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION performance for boys (58). Although

printing is considered a fundamen- these spurts in sprint performance are
S tal movement that underpins
successful sports participation
(27,36,46). Sprint speed is also recog-
based on chronological age, a matura-
tional effect for the development of
sprint speed has also been proposed
SESSED DURING TALENT IDENTI- nized as a key component of youth phys- (33,52). Peak height velocity (PHV) is
FICATION TESTING PROTOCOLS, ical development programs (26) and is often used as an indication of maturity
YET, LITTLE IS UNDERSTOOD a common performance assessment in and is defined as the maximum rate of
ABOUT THE FACTORS THAT strength and conditioning programs growth in stature during the adolescent
UNDERPIN THE NATURAL DEVEL- and talent identification batteries (36). spurt (28). Peak improvements in sprint
OPMENT OF MAXIMAL SPEED The development of speed in boys speed have been reported to occur
THROUGHOUT CHILDHOOD AND throughout childhood and adolescence between 8 and 18 months before the
ADOLESCENCE. THIS ARTICLE has previously been considered (40); period of PHV (58,63). Conversely, it
REVIEWS THE ANTHROPOMETRIC, however, the authors noted that little has been reported that peak changes
KINEMATIC, KINETIC, AND ASYM- was understood about the factors that in sprint speed may occur in time with
METRY VARIABLES THAT CON- underpin natural developments in maxi- the period of PHV (43,56); however,
TRIBUTE TO SPRINT mal sprint performance in youth. Given decrements in speed may be noted in
PERFORMANCE, WHILE EXAMIN- recent developments in the pediatric lit- the 12 months before PHV (43), thus
ING THE IMPACT THAT GROWTH erature pertaining to the development reinforcing the nonlinear nature of speed
AND MATURATION MAY HAVE ON of maximal sprint performance development. Recent cross-sectional
ALL FACETS OF MAXIMAL SPRINT (22,32–34,45,51,52), this review aims data have suggested that maximal sprint
to examine key variables that facilitate speed does not change between groups
the development of maximal sprint of boys who were between 1 and 3 years
speed in boys throughout childhood pre-PHV, but significant increases in
and adolescence. speed are observed between circa- and
post-PHV groups (33).
DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS FOR SPRINT SPEED IN BOYS monitored over a 2-year period, boys
MALE YOUTH. In boys, maximal sprint speed is known who advance from 13 to 15 years old
to develop in a nonlinear fashion
throughout childhood and adolescence KEY WORDS:
(28), with the suggestion of a preadoles- asymmetry; kinematic; kinetic
Address correspondence to Robert W. cent spurt (5–9 years old) and adoles- maturation; stiffness; velocity
Meyers, cent spurt (12–14 years old) in

2 VOLUME 39 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2017 Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association

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(;circa-PHV) improve sprint perfor- whereas leg length exerted a positive of these characteristics in youth sprint
mance up to twice as much as those influence on step length in postpuber- performance. Recent longitudinal data
advancing from 15 to 17 years old tal boys (32). Furthermore, very strong indicate that changes in anthropomet-
(;post-PHV) (11), whereas boys expe- relationships have been reported ric variables over a 21-month period
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riencing the period of PHV produce between leg length and contact length were not related to, nor acted as signif-
significantly greater increases in maxi- (distance traveled by the center of mass icant predictors of, changes in maximal
mal sprint speed (10.4 versus 5.6%) during ground contact) (22), which sprint speed over the same period (45),
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compared with boys remaining may highlight one of the key mecha- which may further highlight the
pre-PHV (45). Collectively, these ob- nisms for improved step length with importance of nonanthropometric var-
servations confirm the presence of increasing leg length. iables on maximal sprint performance
a maturational effect on the develop- in youth.
ment of speed (32,33,52); however, to APPLICATIONS FOR THE For practitioners working with youth
facilitate appropriate training prescrip- STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING athletes, it is imperative that changes
tion for the development of maximal COACH
in these variables as a consequence of
sprint speed in youth, it is important Collectively, these results suggest that natural growth and maturation are reg-
for practitioners to understand the practitioners should devote their atten- ularly monitored and are factored in
kinematic and kinetic underpinnings tion to offsetting the negative influen- when designing training for youth ath-
of these observations and the manner ces of mass seen as a consequence of letes. It is suggested that changes in
in which natural growth and develop- natural growth and maturation. anthropometric variables (standing
ment may influence the development Although increases in muscle mass height, sitting height, leg length, and
of these characteristics. should be an expected positive conse- mass) are monitored regularly
quence of maturation, increases in fat (approximately every 3 months) (19)
ANTHROPOMETRY AND MAXIMAL mass would have a negative influence for each individual youth athlete so
SPRINT PERFORMANCE on force production. Resistance train- that coaches can detect periods of
Throughout childhood and adoles- ing may be the most effective means rapid growth and maturation and
cence, boys experience nonlinear by which to overcome the negative be mindful of the consequences of
growth patterns for almost all anthro- influence of mass by enhancing force- these for maximal sprint speed and
pometric characteristics (28). The production capabilities while also other aspects of physical performance.
period of PHV is characterized by eliciting favorable changes in body
rapid increases in stature; however, it composition to maximize relative max-
is important to note that the greatest imal force (7). Meylan et al (37) re- KINEMATICS OF MAXIMAL SPRINT
increases in leg length are observed in ported that vertical strength and PERFORMANCE
the early phases of the adolescent power helped to explain differences Fundamentally, speed can be deter-
growth spurt, with more rapid in- in sprint time in boys of advancing mined by the product of step length
creases in trunk length and overall maturation, with strength and power and step frequency, with the theoreti-
standing height observed in the latter explaining the majority of differences cal aim to concurrently enhance both
portions of the growth spurt (28). Very between boys who were pre- and characteristics to enhance sprint per-
few studies have investigated the role mid-PHV. In line with youth physical formance. Conversely, a negative inter-
of anthropometric variables on sprint development models, these observa- action between step length and step
performance in youth. In a large sam- tions may serve to highlight the impor- frequency has been proposed in adults
ple of boys aged 11–15 years (n 5 355), tance of early introduction into (12), and it has been further suggested
negative relationships between body resistance training for boys wishing to that elite adult sprinters may be reliant
mass and maximal speed as well as step enhance their maximal speed (26). It is on one of a combination of these char-
length have been reported; while important to note that the somatic var- acteristics to elicit their best 100-m
increased body mass was related to iables discussed here were only able to sprint performance (54). Clearly, the
elongated ground contact time (33). explain a small proportion of the total interactions between step length and
Furthermore, when examined in matu- variance in the kinematic characteris- step frequency are not as well defined
rity groups, mass exerted a negative tics of maximal speed (11–57%) (32), as the equation for speed may suggest,
influence on speed, step length, step leaving a large proportion of unex- especially in pediatric populations. Fur-
frequency, contact time, and flight time plained variance to be accounted for thermore, additional factors such as
in prepubertal boys, as well as a nega- by other factors. In boys of advancing growth and maturation throughout
tive influence on speed and step length maturation, the majority of variance in childhood and adolescence serve only
in postpubertal boys (32). It is impor- sprint performance may be accounted to increase the complexity of the devel-
tant to note that standing height ex- for by the combination of anthropo- opment of sprint speed in youth.
erted a positive influence on speed metric variables, strength, and power Step length has been reported to
and step length in prepubertal boys, (37), further reinforcing the importance increase throughout childhood and

3 Strength and Conditioning Journal |

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The Development of Maximal Sprint Speed

adolescence (33,55), with the sugges- however, for boys moving from pre- mass (39,56) and resultant strength
tion that these changes may be propor- PHV to post-PHV, small increases in (31,47), and power (1,24) during the
tional to changes in leg length (55). It step frequency (2.7%) and decreases in period of PHV.
has been proposed that increases in contact time (23.6%) were observed
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contact time and concomitant decre- (45). Furthermore, consistent increases APPLICATIONS FOR THE
ments in step frequency may occur in in step length were seen in boys who STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING
the prepubertal years, resulting in remained pre-PHV and boys moving COACH
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unchanged maximal sprint speed dur- from pre-PHV to post-PHV (7.8 and Practitioners should be aware of the
ing this period (33). Conversely, the 8.0%, respectively) (45). Importantly, expected increases in step length and
majority of youth literature actually changes in step frequency and contact limited changes, or potentially slight
suggests that step frequency seems to time were below the threshold of mea- decrements, in step frequency as
remain unchanged throughout child- surement error for these variables a result of advancing age and matura-
hood (55) and between boys of (CV 5 4.3 and 4.9%, respectively) tion. Recent evidence has suggested
advancing maturity (32,45,52). Fur- (34). These data highlight that the reli- that plyometric training may be the
thermore, it has been consistently re- ability of the optical measurement sys- most effective approach to elicit im-
ported that no significant differences in tem used in this study is not sufficient provements in sprint performance in
flight time have been observed with to attribute the longitudinal changes in prepubertal boys (21,53). Practitioners
advancing maturation (32,33,52). step frequency and contact time to should refer to previously published
These observations serve to highlight actual performance changes over and guidelines related to the prescription
the importance of focusing on the above the error of the data collection of plyometric training in youth popu-
period of ground contact to elicit im- process. Conversely, the reliability re- lations to ensure the safe and effective
provements in step frequency that do ported for step length (CV 5 3.9%) implementation of this training modal-
not occur naturally as a result of (34) is considerably lower than the ity (2,23). The use of plyometric train-
growth and maturation. observed longitudinal change in perfor- ing in prepubertal boys would seem to
mance, and therefore practitioners can target positive adaptations in musculo-
It is important to note that the study
be more confident that real changes in tendinous stiffness and neurological
by Rumpf et al (52) used a nonmotor-
performance are being observed over factors such as neural firing rates, pre-
ized treadmill. It is known that the
and above the system error. On this activation, and the stretch reflex, which
inherent resistance in a nonmotorized
basis, step frequency and contact time are known to be naturally developing
treadmill reduces the maximal speed
in male youth may be viewed as rela- at this time (9,15,17,25,41). Further-
obtained compared with overground
tively consistent before and around the more, the step frequency reliance seen
sprinting (16,38). Consequently, the
period of PHV, whereas consistent in- during the prepubertal period may also
kinetic and kinematic parameters of
creases in step length may be observed be accounted for by the natural devel-
sprint performance may also differ
for boys who have experienced the opments in neural characteristics and
between a nonmotorized treadmill
period of PHV. sensitivity to training of a high neural
and overground sprinting. For instance,
stimulus. It has also been observed that
a comparison of studies suggests that Whole-group analyses of boys aged postpubertal boys may be more step-
maximal speed, step length, and step between 11 and 16 years and separate length reliant, and therefore it could be
frequency are ;27–60% lower and pre- and post-PHV groups have re- suggested that combined strength and
contact time is ;48–80% longer in vealed stronger relationships between plyometric training may be the most
boys sprinting on a nonmotorized speed and step length, compared with effective training approach to enhance
treadmill versus overground conditions step frequency (33,34). Furthermore, sprint performance in postpubertal
(32,33,52). On this basis, practitioners multiple regression analyses have sug- boys (21,53). It would seem that this
should be mindful of interpreting data gested that boys who are pre-PHV may approach effectively harnesses the con-
from nonmotorized treadmills in be more reliant on step frequency tinued enhancement of neural charac-
youth, as they may not truly reflect the (;58% total explained variance of teristics (42), while also targeting
kinematics and kinetics associated with maximal speed) to elicit maximal enhancements in force generating
maximal sprint performance. sprint speed, whereas boys who are capability alongside the natural devel-
Currently there is a paucity of longitu- post-PHV may be more step-length opments in muscle cross-sectional area
dinal data pertaining to the kinematic reliant (;54% total explained variance (39,56) and pennation angle (3) that are
changes in sprint performance in of maximal speed) (32), highlighting also observed throughout adolescence.
youth. Recent data collected over the differential impact of maturation Furthermore, the significant increases
a 21-month period have shown small on sprint performance. The shift in in testosterone in the PHV period
decrements in step frequency (22.4%) reliance from step frequency toward (58) create an enhanced anabolic envi-
and small increases in contact time step length may also in part be ex- ronment that may be the foundation of
(2.3%) during the period before PHV; plained by the increases in muscle the observed increases in strength

4 VOLUME 39 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2017

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(31,47) and power (1,24) at this time. force-production capabilities in youth step frequency. In youth populations,
The approach to training physiological (22). Of note, absolute maximal force it is especially important to ensure
qualities that are known to be develop- during sprinting increases with advanc- that anthropometric variations are ac-
ing through natural growth and matu- ing maturation (22,48,52), and therefore counted for by normalizing stiffness
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ration has been termed “synergistic it seems that concomitant increases in to both leg length and body weight
adaptations” (7) and should be a key mass also observed with advancing (30) to produce a relative measure.
consideration when designing youth growth and maturation (28) may pre- Maturity is suggested to have an influ-
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physical development programs. clude increases in relative force produc- ence on relative vertical stiffness on
ing capabilities. Interestingly, research a nonmotorized treadmill, with in-
KINETICS OF MAXIMAL SPRINT on a nonmotorized treadmill has sug- creases (;17–30%) observed between
gested that horizontal force and power boys of advancing maturation (48).
Research on the kinetic determinants may be the best predictors of maximal Conversely, cross-sectional data from
of maximal sprint performance in
sprint velocity in pre- and post-PHV vertical hopping and overground sprint-
youth is somewhat sparse; however,
boys (r2 5 0.98–0.99), whereas vertical ing suggest that relative vertical stiffness
data from nonmotorized treadmills
force is more important for boys who does not change between 11 and 16
suggest that maximal force and power
are mid-PHV to overcome increases in years old (22,24), although longitudinal
may be important predictors of sprint
mass (52). data suggest that there may be some
performance in prepubertal, midpuber-
Vertical power has been shown to have small increases in relative vertical stiff-
tal, and postpubertal boys (37,52), with
a large impact on sprint performance ness around the growth spurt (45). Dur-
the ability to both produce (concen-
in boys, especially those classified as ing overground sprint performance,
tric) and absorb (eccentric) horizontal
power viewed as key determinants pre- or mid-PHV (37). On a nonmotor- increases in step frequency and de-
(48). Furthermore, in a small sample ized treadmill, large increases in hori- creases in contact time have been related
(n 5 11) of postpubertal boys (;16 zontal power have been reported to higher levels of relative vertical stiff-
years), vertical stiffness during bilateral between boys of advancing maturation, ness in boys (22). These observations
hopping was strongly related to maxi- while relative horizontal power may may help to explain the role that relative
mal overground sprint speed, and hor- increase in pre- and mid-PHV boys vertical stiffness may have during maxi-
izontal power on a nonmotorized yet decline in the postpubertal period mal sprinting and further highlights the
sprint treadmill (4). Recent cross- (52). Furthermore, eccentric and con- potential importance of developing rel-
sectional (22) and longitudinal data centric power development have been ative vertical stiffness characteristics for
(45) obtained during overground reported as the strongest predictors of sprint performance in youth.
sprinting have also suggested that rel- sprint speed in male youth (48,52). Leg stiffness is different to vertical stiff-
ative vertical stiffness, relative maximal Power absorption (eccentric power) ness, as it accounts for the magnitude
force, and relative leg stiffness are and power production (concentric of leg compression during ground con-
important determinants of maximal power) are indicative of storage and tact rather than center of mass dis-
sprint speed in youth, collectively utilization of elastic energy and there- placement. Although these variables
accounting for between 79 and 98% fore indicators of the strength shorten- are identical in vertical motion such
of the total explained variance. ing cycle (SSC) function. Importantly, as jumping, they differ during horizon-
greater power production during tal motion such as sprinting (29). Max-
Based on the adult literature, it is per-
shorter eccentric and concentric peri- imal leg compression and relative leg
haps not surprising to find that the
ods is observed with advancing matu- stiffness have been shown to be con-
application of force relative to body
ration (48), highlighting the improved tributors to multiple regression models
mass (relative force production) (61)
SSC function with advancing age and for enhanced sprint performance in
is an important determinant of sprint
maturation (25,28). cross-sectional (22) and longitudinal
performance in youth; however, it is
interesting to note that in both cross- A small number of studies have also studies (45) of boys. The mechanisms
sectional and longitudinal analyses of investigated the role of vertical stiff- driving the contribution of these varia-
boys, relative force production may ness in youth sprint performance bles seem to be associated with the
not naturally increase, and may even (4,10,22,45,48,55). Vertical stiffness concept of contact length (distance
decline, between and within groups may be of particular relevance to traveled by the center of mass during
of advancing maturation (22,45). Fur- sprint performance, as it reflects the the period of ground contact) (60). An
thermore, relative maximal force has ability to tolerate and overcome grav- almost perfect negative relationship
a very strong relationship with step itational forces. Greater vertical stiff- has been reported between maximal
length and flight length (distance trav- ness is reflective of reduced vertical leg compression and contact length,
eled by the center of mass from toe-off displacement of the center of mass, whereas very large positive relation-
to touchdown), further highlighting which in turn would allow for shorter ships exist between leg length and con-
the importance of developing relative ground contact times and increased tact length (22). These observations

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The Development of Maximal Sprint Speed

highlight that those boys with higher maturation improving this quality into during jumping may elicit a 2% improve-
levels of leg compression and longer the second decade of life. Instead, the ment in sprint performance in youth
leg lengths may also elicit greater con- use of resistance training is strongly (37), again highlighting the nature of
tact lengths that would consequently recommended. Research has shown the positive impact that strength and
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benefit overall step length. Although that improvements in force production conditioning coaches can have on sprint
the argument for longer limbs enhanc- are associated with enhanced sprint performance in youth.
ing step length may seem intuitive, performance in youth (5,37), especially The importance of optimizing vertical
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increasing leg compression (decreasing when combined resistance training displacement and development of rel-
leg stiffness) at the same time as methodologies are used (7,13,18,50,53). ative maximal force to elicit enhance-
enhancing vertical leg stiffness, as dis- Furthermore, regression modeling has ments in relative vertical stiffness has
cussed earlier, does not seem plausible. suggested that 10% improvements in been outlined. Improvements in rela-
Interestingly, an explanation for this force production in boys would result tive vertical stiffness have been shown
may be offered by examining the limb in 1.6–4.2% increase in sprint perfor- in 12- and 15-year-old boys (;pre-
angle at touch down and the resultant mance (22,37), highlighting the positive and post-PHV) after just 4 weeks of
leg sweep during ground contact. It has impact that may be achieved through plyometric training (20), and therefore
been suggested that leg stiffness de- modest improvements in strength in this may be deemed an appropriate
creases with a more horizontal orien- youth athletes. Interestingly, a recent strategy for developing maximal sprint
tation of the leg at touchdown (greater 6-week training study using resisted sled speed in youth. Furthermore, the
limb angle from the vertical) (30). It is towing elicited no improvement in max- increase in relative vertical stiffness re-
therefore theoretically possible to imal sprint performance in the pre-PHV ported in this training study (;8%)
maintain levels of vertical stiffness, boys, while the combined mid- and (20) would result in ;1.3% increase
while increasing leg compression with post-PHVgroup demonstrated enhanced in maximal sprint speed based on
more horizontal lower limb angle at sprint velocity, step length, step fre- regression modeling (22), further rein-
touchdown to elicit enhanced contact quency, leg and vertical stiffness, horizon- forcing the positive impact of this
length and step length. tal and vertical force, and power (50). approach to training youth.
It is important to point out that relative While the sled resistance in each group Although enhanced vertical stiffness is
vertical and leg stiffness are different was relative to body mass (2.5–10%), pre- associated with enhanced speed, this
qualities to relative muscle–tendon vious research has suggested that the may not be the case for leg stiffness,
stiffness measured around the joint. In same relative load can reduce the sprint which represents a separate quality.
isolated contractions muscle–tendon speed of pre-PHV boys by as much as Recommendations related to leg stiff-
stiffness increases with age (9,17,59), 50% compared with post-PHV (49). ness and leg compression are difficult,
but no study has directly measured These data not only highlight the bene- as it seems that decreases in both var-
relative musculotendinous stiffness in fits of resisted sled towing for midpuber- iables are observed with natural
youths while sprinting. If the large in- tal and postpubertal boys but also growth and maturation, which in turn
creases in relative muscle–tendon stiff- highlight the importance of determining have been linked to enhanced sprint
ness that are observed with advancing resisted loads appropriate to different performance via increases in contact
age contribute to speed development, stages of maturation. length. It is plausible that technical
this might be through facilitating in- training may be able to influence leg
Power development is also an impor-
creases in step length rather than step compression and leg stiffness, although
tant determinant of maximal sprint
frequency, as the latter does not increase this claim remains speculative and fur-
speed in youth (37), and although nat-
with age while the former does. It is ther research is required before practical
ural developments in power expression
important to note that no study has recommendations can be generated.
and SSC function may be seen with
measured all these variables concur-
advancing maturation, these character-
rently in a youth population to confirm
istics should still be developed during ASYMMETRY AND MAXIMAL
these assertions or have previous studies
training. Combined horizontal and ver- SPRINT PERFORMANCE
in this field accounted for maturation in
tical plyometrics have been shown to The literature examining the concept
their analyses, and therefore further
elicit the greatest enhancement in of asymmetry in youth is somewhat
research is required to establish the value
sprint performance in 11-year-old soc- sparse, and only 2 studies have exam-
of these contentions.
cer players (;pre-PHV) over a 6-week ined asymmetry in boys during sprint
APPLICATIONS FOR THE training period (44) and therefore may performance. Rumpf et al (51) exam-
STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING be deemed a suitable stimulus to ined kinetic asymmetry during sprint-
COACH enhance power development during ing on a nonmotorized treadmill with
Relative maximal force is a determinant sprint performance in boys. Further- results indicating an average of 17%
of maximal speed, but practitioners more, regression modeling has sug- asymmetry for force, power, and work
should not rely on growth and gested a 10% improvement in power in a noninjured youth population, with

6 VOLUME 39 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2017

Copyright ª National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
significant difference between matura- data presented in the present review; PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS
tion groups only evident for work. It is however, it is important to note that Strength and conditioning practitioners
important to note that limb dominance further research is required to formalize working with youth athletes wishing to
was not assessed in this study (51) and the links between asymmetry and the enhance their maximal sprint perfor-
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asymmetry calculations were based on concept of adolescent awkwardness, as mance should be mindful of the growth
the ratio of asymmetry between legs. this issue has not been fully explored. and development that occurs with
This observation may be important Monitoring of asymmetry was previ- advancing age and maturation, and the
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given the assertion that during locomo- ously the preserve of biomechanics lab- predictors of sprint performance in
tion, one leg may act as a “propulsive” oratories with expensive force plate or youth that may highlight important
leg (greater positive work), whereas the optical measurement systems; however, training foci. From the available evi-
other may act as a “stick” leg (greater a new generation of app-based software dence, the Table provides an overview
stiffness) (6), resulting in the masking is facilitating coaches to collect this of the changes in key sprint performance
or inflation of individual asymmetry information in the field. Although issues variables with advancing maturation.
due to limb dominance during group still exist surrounding the validity and This information is critical to help prac-
comparisons. More recently, asymme- reliability of some systems (8), the titioners disentangle where gains in
try of kinematic and kinetic variables advent of new smartphone-based tech- speed are as a result of effective pro-
has been assessed during overground nologies, such as Runmatic and My gramming of training or due to the con-
running in a large cohort of noninjured Sprint, certainly represents a positive siderable influence of growth and
boys (n 5 344) (35). The results of this move to enhance coaching knowledge maturation. Long-term systematic train-
study reported the magnitude of asym- in the training environment and facilitate ing in a youth soccer academy resulted
metry across all variables ranged from easier and more regular monitoring of in greater increases in speed compared
2.3 to 12.6%, and that, predominantly, sprint performance. with control (;9 versus 4%) (62) over
the magnitude of asymmetry was not
different during age and maturity
group comparisons (35). Furthermore, Table
the same study revealed that there Changes in characteristics of maximal sprint performance with advancing
were no strong relationships between
the magnitude of asymmetry in any Pre-PHV Circa-PHV Post-PHV
kinematic or kinetic variable and max-
Speed z or [ [[ [
imal sprint performance (35).
Step length [ [ [
APPLICATIONS FOR THE Step frequency z z z or [
COACH Ground contact time z z z or Y
Existing data might suggest that the
Flight time z z z
concept of asymmetry is of no concern
for those working in youth populations. Contact length [ [ [
However, if asymmetry is monitored
Flight length [ [ z or [
throughout childhood and adolescence,
any changes in the magnitude of asym- Step reliance Step frequency Step length Step length
metry may present “red flags” for practi- Absolute vertical force [ [[ [[
tioners to investigate further, as changes
may not be expected as part of normal Relative vertical force z or Y z or Y z or Y
growth and development (35). At pres- Horizontal force [ [ [
ent, there is little evidence to inform the
exact magnitude of change or threshold Absolute horizontal power [ [[ [
of asymmetry that may represent an Relative horizontal power [ [ Y
injury risk in youth, and therefore more
longitudinal research in this field is Absolute vertical stiffness [ [ [
required to enable practitioners to make Relative vertical stiffness z z or [ z
more informed decisions. Interestingly,
the concept of “adolescent awkward- Absolute leg stiffness z z z
ness” (24,43) that has previous been used Relative leg stiffness z z z or Y
to explain decrements in performance
around the time of the growth spurt z 5 approximately equal or no change; [ 5 trend toward increases; [[ 5 trend toward
large increases; Y 5 trend toward decreases; PHV 5 peak height velocity.
may not be supported by the asymmetry

7 Strength and Conditioning Journal |

Copyright ª National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The Development of Maximal Sprint Speed

a 3-year period, whereas similar im- should focus on the development of neu- long-term youth physical development
provements (;19%) were observed for romuscular qualities through modalities programs.
controls and academy players over a 6- such as plyometric training and tradi-
Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding:
year period (56). These data reinforce tional resistance training. Owing to the
The authors report no conflicts of interest
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the importance of knowledge about lack of circulating androgens in prepuber-

and no source of funding.
the impact of growth and maturation tal boys, these training methods should
to interpret the changes in sprint perfor- facilitate enhancement in force produc-
X1AWnYQp/IlQrHD3i3D0OdRyi7TvSFl4Cf3VC1y0abggQZXdtwnfKZBYtws= on 06/16/2023

mance in male youth. tion and stiffness via neurally mediated Robert W.
The Figure provides an overview of the adaptations, and if combined with a clear Meyers is a
key predictors of maximal sprint speed in focus on technical competency and pri- principal lecturer
youth, with suggested training stimuli mary speed training, should allow prepu- in Strength and
and resultant influence on maximal sprint bertal boys to achieve a strong Conditioning and
performance based on the current litera- foundation of movement efficiency for Programme
ture. Relative force, relative vertical stiff- sprint performance. Director within
ness, and vertical and horizontal power Although strength and conditioning Cardiff School of
seem to be key predictors of the deter- practitioners should expect greater en- Sport and head of
minants of sprint performance in youth, hancements in maximal sprint speed coaching within the Youth Physical
independent of advancing age and mat- around the period of PHV, it is espe- Development unit at Cardiff Metropoli-
uration, and therefore should be key cially important that physical qualities tan University.
training foci for all youth sprint athletes. associated with relative force produc-
Importantly, strength and conditioning tion and relative vertical stiffness are
practitioners should include primary addressed, as rapid changes in stature Jon L. Oliver is
sprint training as a key method for devel- and mass observed around and imme- a reader in
oping sprint performance (14,57); how- diately after the period of PHV could Applied Pediatric
ever, there is a paucity of research in negatively impact these qualities. Post- Exercise Science
youth that actually investigates the pubertal boys should also focus on within Cardiff
impact of primary sprint training on maximizing gains in relative vertical School of Sport as
sprint performance in male youth (53), and horizontal force production and well as co-founder
despite it being the most specific form power because of the developmental and head of
of training for sprint performance. Fur- increases in testosterone and muscle research within
thermore, although it is important to mass witnessed at this stage. It is there- the Youth Physical Development unit at
understand that all physical parameters fore clear that while combined training Cardiff Metropolitan University.
may be trainable at all stages of develop- methods may be recommended for all
ment (26), there may be opportunities to stages of development, the effectiveness
develop certain physical qualities at spe- of neural-focused training methods in Michael G.
cific times to enhance the “synergistic the prepubertal period and force- Hughes is
adaptations” with naturally occurring production training methods in the a senior lecturer
developmental processes (7). On this postpubertal period (21) provides useful in Physiology and
basis, the training of prepubertal boys guidance for practitioners developing Health within
Cardiff School of
Sport at Cardiff

Rhodri S. Lloyd
is a senior lec-
turer in Strength
and Conditioning
within Cardiff
School of Sport as
well as the co-
founder and
director of the Youth Physical
Figure Predictors of maximal sprint performance in male youth with suggested Development unit at Cardiff
training stimuli and projected performance outcomes. Metropolitan University.

8 VOLUME 39 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2017

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10 VOLUME 39 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2017

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