Strength and Conditioning Considerations For The.12-1

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Considerations for
the 100-m Sprinter
John M. Cissik, MBA, MS, CSCS*D, NSCA-CPT*D
Texas Woman’s University, Denton, Texas

SUMMARY the world record for the 100-m sprint is front leg has left the block (10). The
9.58 seconds for men (Usain Bolt) and angle of the starting blocks may impact
10.49 seconds for women (Florence the velocity with which the athlete is
Griffith-Joyner). leaving the blocks. In a small study
VIDES UNIQUE CONSIDERATIONS (9 sprinters, mean 100 m, time of 10.86
FOR THE STRENGTH AND CONDI- Gaffney (10) divides the 100-m sprint
seconds), Mero et al. (20) examined the
TIONING COACH. THROUGH into the following phases: reaction
effects of 2 different starting block angles
UNDERSTANDING THE CHARAC- time, block clearance, acceleration,
(40 and 65°) on block velocity. They
TERISTICS OF THE EVENT AND maintenance of maximum velocity,
found that those athletes with a smaller
WHAT PHYSIOLOGICAL CHARAC- and deceleration. Over the years,
front starting block angle achieved
TERISTICS LEAD TO IMPROVED a great deal of research has been done
a higher velocity getting out of the
PERFORMANCE, ONE CAN DESIGN on each of these phases of the sprint.
blocks, although this increase had dis-
One of the foci of these papers is
AN EFFECTIVE STRENGTH AND appeared by the 20-m point in the
whether any particular phase or tech-
CONDITIONING PROGRAM. sprint. This difference disappeared early
nique will positively influence the out- in the sprint in the Mero et al. study, but
come of the event. This section of the a different group or athletes (for exam-
INTRODUCTION article will briefly review that research. ple, elite sprinters) might have been able
he 100-m sprint is an explosive

T fast event. This article will first

summarize the literature that
analyzes the 100-m sprint. Next, it will
Reaction time refers to the time from
when the gun is fired until the rear leg is
lifted off the block (10). According to
Schmolinsky (22), reaction time should
to take advantage of the higher velocity
and translated it into a faster race.
Another important observation for the
describe the physical qualities that strength and conditioning coach is that
range from 0.12 to 0.18 seconds. Theo- both legs do not exert an equal amount
make an athlete successful at the event.
retically, possessing a faster reaction to of force to get out of the starting blocks.
Third, this article will provide recom-
the gun would give an athlete an When analyzing the first 2 steps of
mendations for a strength training
program based on the analysis of both advantage in the race because they would a 100-m hurdle’s block start, Coh et al.
the event and the physical qualities that be able to start the race faster than his or (6) found that the rear leg exerts 61% of
make an athlete faster. Finally, a sample her competitors. Research suggests that the force that the front leg exerts to get
program will be provided. gender differences among elite sprinters out of the blocks. In this study, block
with regard to reaction time exist. When clearance was largely achieved through
studying the 2004 Olympics, Babic and recruitment of the erector spinae, vastus
Delalija (2) found that elite men had lateralis, and gastrocnemius muscles (6).
The 100-m sprint is an event that
a faster reaction time (0.164 seconds)
requires an athlete to react quickly to
the starting gun, leave the starting than elite women (0.184 seconds). The
blocks explosively, accelerate maxi- authors did not provide a rationale on
why this difference might exist. KEY WORDS:
mally, and maintain velocity for as sprinter; program design; pennation
long as possible until the end of the Block clearance begins when the rear leg
angle; fascicle length
race. As of the writing of this article, is lifted off the block and ends when the

Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association Strength and Conditioning Journal | 89
Considerations for the 100-m Sprinter

According to Letzelter (18), after considered to be the product of stride field coaches train this quality with 30-
clearing the blocks, the 100-m sprint length 3 stride frequency (4). In other to 300-m sprints with full recovery (24).
is organized in a similar manner when words, if one or both can be increased Deceleration is the period of time
comparing elite to junior sprinters. through training, technique, or both, during which velocity decreases to-
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There is a phase where velocity is then maximum velocity will be in- ward the end of the sprint. All sprinters
increased (i.e., acceleration phase), creased. Analysis of the 100-m finals in reach this phase in the 100-m sprint.
velocity is maintained, and then veloc- the 1991 International Association of Possessing speed endurance will help
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ity decreases (18). The lengths of these Athletic Federations World Champion- to minimize the amount of decelera-
phases and the sprinting strategies vary ships showed that elite sprinters may tion, but it will still occur. When
as a result of ability level, however. increase their stride length until they are comparing the finalists of the men’s
Acceleration is the time from when the 80 m into the race and their stride 100-m sprint in the 1991 World
front leg has left the block until the frequency until they are 60 m into the Championships with 8 slower sprint-
athlete has reached his or her maxi- race (19). When comparing faster ers, Mackala (19) noted that the elite
mum velocity (10). According to Coh sprinters to slower sprinters, stride length sprinters peaked at 11.70 m/s around
et al. (8), this is the phase where the is greater for faster sprinters (7,19). For the 80th meter of the race. But by the
kinematic parameters change the most some athletes, stride frequency is greater end of the race, they were running at
dramatically, including stride fre- for the faster athletes (19) but not in all 11.22 m/s. This trend occurred with
quency, stride length, duration of studies (7). It is unclear if this result is the slower sprinters but at the 60th
the flight and braking phases, and the because of the level of ability used in the meter in the race.
body’s center of gravity (8). According research, for example, Mackala (19)
to Coh et al. (6), much of this is because compared elite sprinters like Carl Lewis ATHLETE ANALYSIS
of the activity of the gluteus maximus, with average level sprinters. However, Understanding why athletes are suc-
rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus Coh et al. (7) compared 2 groups of cessful at the 100-m sprint can help to
medialis, biceps femoris, and gastroc- national-caliber sprinters. direct strength and conditioning pro-
nemius. In the Coh et al. (6) study, the Interestingly, male and female sprinters grams. This section of the article will
electromyographic data demonstrated may have different running mechanics. review the research on physiological
that during acceleration, the gluteus Analyzing the 2003 World Champion- characteristics of athletes that make
maximus and vastus medialis are most ships, Paruzel-Dyja et al. (21) found them successful at the event. Many
active while the foot is on the ground, a statistically significant correlation athletes use sprinting in their training
whereas the biceps femoris, rectus (r = 20.39) between stride frequency or as part of their sport, but as this
femoris, and vastus lateralis are most article is geared toward the 100-m
and 100 m time for female sprinters.
active when the foot is in the air. sprinter, the analysis below is going to
This correlation did not exist for male
limit itself to sprinters.
Faster athletes have a longer accelera- sprinters. Rather, there was a statisti-
tion phase than slower athletes (18,19). cally significant correlation between To the extent that it has been studied,
For example, Letzelter (18) compared stride length and 100 m time for male the cross-sectional area (CSA) of the
junior sprinters (mean 100 m; time 12.78 sprinters (r = 20.43), which did not type II muscle fibers seems to have
seconds) versus elite sprinters (mean exist for female sprinters. To reinforce a relationship with 100-m sprint perfor-
100 m; time 11.03 seconds) and found this, analysis of the 2000 Olympic mance (14,15). In a series of studies,
that junior sprinters achieved their peak games found that the male athletes authors have noted the decline in
velocity at 28 m into the race, compared tended to run by striking the ground performance of sprinters from the age
with their mid foot, whereas the female of 18 through the age of 84. Interest-
with 52 m for the elite sprinters. Mackala
athletes ran by striking the ground with ingly, fiber type percentage (i.e., type I
(19) also examined this, comparing male
their forefoot (16). versus type IIa, IIb, etc) does not
sprinters (mean 100 m; time 11.18
change, but the CSA of those fibers
seconds) with participants in the 1991 Maintenance of maximum velocity changes (by between 6 and 11% per
World Championships (mean 100 m; refers to the period of time that the decade depending upon the type of
time 9.97 seconds). The slower sprinters athlete can maintain his or her maxi- fiber). Along with this, there are marked
achieved peak velocity at 60 m, com- mum velocity. This phase of the race changes in sprint performance (6% per
pared with 80 m for the elite sprinters. tends to be shorter for faster sprinters decade), vertical jump performance
Faster sprinters have a higher velocity at because of the fact that they are (11% per decade), rate of force de-
all points during the acceleration phase spending a longer time accelerating. velopment (9% per decade), maximal
(see Coh et al. (7) and Mackala (19) for Success in this phase is influenced by force (8% per decade), stride length (4%
examples). the ability of the athlete to maintain his per decade), stride frequency (1% per
Why are these differences occurring? or her speed, which is a quality called decade), and even 1 repetition maxi-
Maximum velocity is traditionally speed endurance. Typically, track and mum (RM) half squat (9% per decade)


(14,15). Implementing a 20-week perio- (mean 100 m; time 11.04 seconds) and 5. Sprinters use multiple training
dized strength training with these slower male sprinters (mean 100 m; time modes beyond strength training
master sprinters, however, increased 11.64 seconds) and found no difference Because the event only lasts 10–13
the CSA of the type II fibers by as in pennation angle. Theoretically, if seconds, its primary fuel source is going
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much as 40%. This lead to an increase in muscle CSA is increased too much and to be from adenosine triphosphate and
1RM half squat, squat jump perfor- if this increases pennation angle too creatine phosphate stored in the muscles
mance, triple jump performance, pro- much, then this could ultimately reduce and glycogen via anaerobic glycolysis.
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pulsive ground reaction forces, rate of the sprinter’s performance. This means that the majority of training
force development, stride length, and Another debatable variable for perfor- needs to focus on shorter duration and
a decrease in ground contact time (9). In mance is the length of the muscle higher intensities allowing for full recovery.
other words, increasing the CSA of fascicles (i.e., bundles of muscle fibers). Because of the importance of the type II
particularly the type II muscle fibers Theoretically, longer fascicles would muscle fibers for sprinting performance,
would seem to increase a 100-m sprint- have a greater velocity of shortening, training needs to focus on both maximal
er’s performance, although this would be potentially resulting in better perfor- strength and exercises that develop
limited by one’s genetic potential to mance in the sprint (17). The studies by explosiveness (plyometrics, weightlifting
develop type II muscle fibers. Abe et al. (1) and Kumagai et al. (17) variations, etc).
A coach should be careful with in- that have been described earlier found Sprinters exert force against the starting
creasing the CSA area of the muscle that faster sprinters had longer muscle blocks and the ground. As a result, the
fibers too much. There seems to be fascicles, and they also found that there focus of any program needs to be on
a relationship between the CSA of the was a statistically significant correla- training the athletes to exert force against
muscle fibers and the pennation angles of tion between the length of the fascicles the ground. Squats, deadlifts, Romanian
those fibers (the angle of the fibers and performance on the 100-m sprint. deadlifts, cleans, pulls, snatches, jerks,
relative to the tendon), although it is Stafilidis and Arampatzis (23) did not and so on should be prioritized ahead of
unclear how trainable this is. Muscles find this relationship. It is unclear if this exercises that do not train the athlete to
with a larger CSA have a greater quality is trainable of inherited. exert force against the ground.
pennation angle of those muscle fibers Muscle stiffness, that is, resistance to a Analyzing block clearance and running
(13). Muscle fibers with a greater pen- change in length, is believed to have an technique shows that there are periods
nation angle generate more force (13). impact on sprinting (3). Theoretically, where either 1 leg is in contact with the
Theoretically, it would be advantageous muscle stiffness would influence rate of ground (during running) or when 1 leg is
for a sprinter to have muscle fibers with force development, elastic energy stor- exerting greater amounts of force than
a lower pennation angle as the nature of age and utilization, stride length, and the other (block clearance). Some time
their orientation would result in a faster stride frequency (3). This seems prom- should be devoted to exercises that
velocity of shortening (17). Studies have ising. For example, Harrison et al. (11) emphasize 1 leg over the other (e.g., split
noted a relationship between pennation compared sprinters with endurance squats, lunges, split cleans/snatches, etc).
angle and speed. Abe et al. (1) compared athletes and noted that the sprinters
100-m sprinters with distance runners demonstrated greater leg stiffness than Finally, sprinters do more than just lift
and noted that the distance runners had the endurance athletes. Hypothetically, weights, and all this training has
a larger pennation angle of their muscle strength training and eccentric training a cumulative effect on the athlete. An
fibers. Kumagai et al. (17) compared would increase stiffness (3). approach for linking track training to
strength/conditioning is to synchro-
faster sprinters (mean 100 m; time 10.58
nize the training together by energy
seconds) with slower sprinters (mean 100 CONSIDERATIONS
system and/or biomotor ability
m; time 11.37 seconds). They found that Analyzing both the event and the
(see Cissik (5) and Hoey (12) for more
the faster sprinters had a lower pennation athletes that are successful at this event
information). This allows the athlete to
angle at the vastus lateralis (19 versus lead to several important considera-
recover fully, rather than overstressing
21.2°), medial part of the gastrocnemius tions that should be kept in mind when
the same energy systems and abilities.
(21.4 versus 23.5°), and lateral part of the developing a strength and conditioning
gastrocnemius (14 versus 15.2°) than the program for the 100-m sprinter. These The final part of this article will apply
slower ones and that there was a statis- are as follows: the above considerations to a sample
tically significant correlation between 1. The 100-m sprint takes 10–13 seconds strength and conditioning program for
pennation angle and performance on 2. Given the fast explosive nature of a freshman collegiate 100-m sprinter.
the 100-m sprint. Not all studies, how- the event, sprinters need to develop
ever, have found this relationship be- their type II muscle fibers PROGRAM
tween pennation angle and 100-m 3. Sprinters exert force against the ground Figures 1–4 show a hypothetical pro-
performance. Stafilidis and Arampatzis 4. Only 1 leg is in contact with the gram for this sprinter based on the
(23) compared faster male sprinters ground at a time preceding analysis and considerations.

Strength and Conditioning Journal | 91

Considerations for the 100-m Sprinter
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Figure 1. Early off-season training (September and October).

The year is broken up into early off- volume, intensity, and exercises would Acceleration, maximum velocity
season (September and October), late be modified from week to week and sprinting, and speed endurance are all
off-season (November to mid- month to month, and this is not emphasized equally. Ample recovery
December), preseason (mid-December reflected Figures 1–4. days are included to get the athlete
through January), and in-season (Feb- In the early off-season, the focus on the used to the demands of training. The
ruary through July). Only an overview track is on developing the foundation strength training seeks to compliment
of the workouts is presented. In reality, for the sprinter to be successful. this with Monday being a heavy day

Figure 2. Late off-season training (November through mid-December).


Strength and Conditioning Journal |
Figure 3. Preseason training (mid-December through January).

Figure 4. In-season training (February through July).

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Considerations for the 100-m Sprinter

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Friday (endurance) focuses on higher Recreation at
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