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Weekly Newsletter 24 September, 2023

Artwork by Cookie Rivera

Visit ARC Website

“ Not one of us can rest, be happy, be at home, be at peace
with ourselves, until we end hatred and division.”

— John Lewis

Embracing Multiculturalism:

“Books Foster Dialogue about Tough Topics”

By Diane Goldsmith
August 17, 2023

Look for our new column "Seeing Diversity in Students, Teachers, and
Parents" this Thursday. Meet and speak with the author next Sunday.

Read Our Column in the

Westerly Sun


This Week
Several months ago Corey Fyke, editor of the Westerly Sun, invited
Westerly ARC to write a monthly column. Since our first column in April
six members of ARC have shared their personal journeys of their
growth and understanding of racism. Each one told a story which
began in childhood and brought them to where they are today - on
the steps of the Westerly Post Office every Sunday. Their writings were
filled with honesty as the authors traced their steps which brought
them greater knowledge of history and led to a deep compassion for
the Black and Brown members of our society.

With the expert guidance of our editor Geoff Serra, who helps to bring
out the best in each person’s story, the ARC columns have become a
much-anticipated monthly read. You can read our column on the
third Thursday of the month. In addition, you can hear more from the
column’s author on the Sunday gathering after their piece is
published. By sharing these stories we hope that our community will
learn and be inspired to take action to reverse the continued forms of
racism we witness today.

This week Christine Davidson, a teacher and school principal,

recounts her story of being a young teacher in Central Falls, RI and
how being Polish taught her a valuable lesson. In her column “Seeing
Diversity in Students, Teachers and Parents” she shares her struggles
with her own assumptions and judgements. Please join us this Sunday
for the opportunity to chat with Christine. The program will begin at
12:00 pm.

Last Week
Those of us who were lucky enough to be at last Sunday's gathering
were entertained by our local musician and Town Council member
Kevin “Big Lux” Lowther. Kevin answered questions about the latest
Town Council business and then broke into song and stories teaching
us how music continues to bring people together.

With violin in hand he entertained everyone with songs remade from

the past like “Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You” by Lauryn Hill which is a
remix of a Frankie Valli song. Kevin said he chose the song because it
demonstrates how two very different cultures listen to these versions
but everyone enjoys the song. “Mo Money, Mo Problems” by Notorious
B.I.G. was one of the most popular songs when Kevin was in High
School in Westerly. “It’s timeless and also samples the Diana Ross gay
anthem ‘I’m Coming Out,’" he said. His last song was an unplanned
encore that left everyone smiling and enjoying the sense of
community that only music can bring.

Support Commuter Rail in Westerly

Senator Victoria Gu has been working diligently on extending
Shoreline East (the commuter rail) to Westerly. She has continuously
been at the forefront in the fight for equity as well as equality. “The
benefits of commuter rail and public transit are huge in terms of
equity and access to jobs,” she said in a recent correspondence.

Senator Gu is asking local citizens to make public comments in

support of extending the commuter rail. We know that many people
have to turn down jobs or limit their job search because of access to
transportation. The deadline for final public comment is October 20th.
See this site for more information.

Deadline for final public comment: October 20th, 2023

You can email your comment to: or attend one

of the in-person information sessions to provide your comments.

Mental Health Community Forum

Mental Health
Community Forum
Oct 7, 10:00 AM -12:00 PM

Westerly Library Auditorium

Join Town Councilor Mary

Scialabba along with special
guest speakers to discuss mental
health and well-being resources
now available through the new
facility opened up at 68 Pierce
Street (the old Police Substation location). They will welcome
community feedback as well as answer any questions about the new
mental health resource center and what it provides.

Peace Show at the Artists’ Cooperative

Gallery of Westerly
We meet every Sunday from 11:00-1:00 on the steps of the
Westerly Post Office on High Street. Join us anytime!


Town Meetings & School Committee Meetings

Westerly ARC encourages those who can to attend Westerly Town
Council and School Committee meetings. Your presence and
involvement is an important way to show our elected officials that
creating a more equitable and
inclusive town and school
system must always be a priority.

Sept 25 Town Council Meeting,

5:30 pm

Oct 2 Town Council Meeting, 5:30


Oct 4 School Committee Meeting, 5:00 pm

Oct 16 Town Council Meeting, 5:30 pm

Oct 18 School Committee Meeting, 5:00 pm

Here is the link to meeting and agendas and minutes:

How You Can Help View our Calendar

Share Donate Show Up

Spread the news! ARC advocate Stop by one of our
Forward this Amanda Dunn weekly gatherings,
newsletter to at continues to collect join one of the events
least one person you toiletries, personal listed in this
think might be care items, and non- newsletter, attend a
interested in it. Ask perishable food to town meeting, etc.
them to sign up for distribute to our
“We must always take sides.
our newsletter on the community. Please
Neutrality helps the
Westerly ARC bring your donations
oppressor, never the
website. to Amanda at our
victim. Silence encourages
Sunday rallies. Your
Don't forget to like, the tormentor, never the
kindness and
subscribe, comment, tormented.”
generosity are
and share on our ― Elie Wiesel
greatly appreciated.
social media posts!

What We're Learning
Have you read, listened to, or viewed a book or video that has
inspired you or taught you something new relating to anti-racism or
social justice? Contact us to share what you have learned and we
might feature it in our newsletter. You can talk to Tim or Madeline on
Sunday, email, or fill out this Google Form.
Sharing your knowledge is one way to participate in Viral Justice!

This Week in History

Understanding the history of
past injustices can inform us as
we advocate for justice and
equity today. Let us know what
you think of the articles we share
and send us your ideas!

We are all familiar with the story

of the Little Rock Nine, the nine
Black students who were the first
to integrate Central High School
in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1957. The images of white protesters
screaming at these children as they are escorted to school by the
National Guard show just the beginning of the intense resistance
these brave students faced.

One part of the story of the resistance to integration shows us how

racism hurts everyone. After a year of fighting integration, white
voters in Little Rock voted to close public schools in Little Rock for the
1058-59 school year rather than have their children attend integrated
schools. Read more about this story in this article: White Little Rock
Voters Choose to Close Public Schools Rather Than Integrate.

The Lost Voices of Smith's Castle

Up Next

Calendar of Events

Town Council Meeting, Westerly

Sept 25
Town Hall, 5:30 pm

Multicultural Committee Meeting,

Sept 27 5:30 pm, Town Hall Municipal

Town Council Meeting, Westerly

Oct 2
Town Hall, 5:30 pm

School Committee Meeting,

Oct 4
Westerly Town Hall, 5:00 pm

Poetry Sunday at the Westerly

Oct 8 ARC gathering, Westerly Post
Office steps, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Town Council Meeting, Westerly

Oct 16
Town Hall, 5:30 pm

School Committee Meeting,

Oct 18
Westerly Town Hall, 5:00 pm
This edition of the Westerly ARC newsletter was written, edited, and compiled by

Madeline Labriola, Tim Flanagan, Geoff Serra, and April Dinwoodie.

Westerly Anti-Racism Coalition

Join our weekly gatherings
Sundays 11-1
Downtown Westerly Post Office steps You received this email because you signed
up on our website or at one of our events.


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