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A "jelly" is a transparent or translucent fruit spread that is made from sweetened

fruit (or vegetable) juice. The fruit juice is boiled down with sugar to release pectin, a

naturally occurring thickening ingredient found in fruit and its liquids because certain fruits

contain more pectin than others, jelly makers may need to add extra pectin to achieve the

desired texture (Montemarano, 2022). Based on survey data compiled by statistic over the

previous five years. Strawberry was the next most popular flavor in America, but grape

jelly was consumed 2.7 times more frequently (Carouters, 2017). In the Philippines guava

jelly is more popular here they used as a spread due to its unique sweet and savory flavored.

Nowadays, existing jelly products made by commonly used fruit which are too

expensive, some of them were too much in calories, carbohydrates and high sugar content,

it might lead to serious health issues which affects your blood glucose levels additionally,

consuming too many calories might damage your bones and cause weight gain (Petre,

2017). Among this tomato can addressed such concern because tomatoes are rich in

antioxidant, fiber, mineral, lycopene, folate and vitamins however tomatoes are sensitive

because of they are susceptible to spoilage due to their watery composition, prolonged

storage, and lack of refrigeration and also tomatoes ripen quickly, and after that they will

wither and rot and they will be wasted and useless. Due to oversupply there are so many

tomatoes available, many of them are not sold which leads to being wasted many tomatoes

are thrown away like in more than ten tons of tomatoes were thrown in landfill (Bulan,


Hence, utilizing tomato as an alternative jelly spread would help to address the

above-mentioned challenges. The objective is to produce jelly spread out of tomato and to

determine the acceptability in terms of consistency taste and texture. (Josh, 2020) the ideal

flavor profile for jelly is sweet, and the texture of jelly should be firm and smooth as well

as the consistency. In comparison to existing jelly spread product.

When tomatoes were heated, the vitamin c concentration reduced as cooking time

increase. Tomatoes cooked for 2 minutes had 10% less vitamin c than uncooked tomatoes,

and those cooked for 30 minutes had 29% less vitamin c. However, the lycopene

concentration in tomatoes was the inverse. After 2 minutes of cooking, they had 54% more

lycopene, and after 30% minutes, they had 164 more. Even if you cook tomatoes, you still

get a lot of antioxidant and lycopene, which has been linked to a lower risk of cancer, heart

disease and deteriorating eyesight (Amidor, 2022) Medium tomato can provide around

28% of the daily recommended consumption of vitamin an important antioxidant and

nutrient, the vitamin (phylloquine), which is essential for blood clotting and strong bones

is also a good source of vitamins A. (Bjarnadottir, 2019). Tomato processing a variety of

items for use and storage at home or as value-added goods to generate income not only at

home but also in the market (Busines Diary n.d.) and provides the opportunity to earn

money by selling tomato jelly. This also give an avenue to the small farmers by giving

them support and buying their products so that the tomato is no longer wasted and can be

sold. It helps them to earn money, and help them prevent the waste of tomatoes so everyone

can benefit.
General objectives
To utilize tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum) as an alternative jelly spread.

Objectives of the Study

This study is conducted to utilize Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) as an alternative

spread. Specifically, it aims to:

1. produce jelly spread out of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum);

2. determine the acceptability of tomato spread in terms of consistency taste,

texture; and

3. compare the tomato spread to existing spread in terms of consistency, taste and

Significance of the Study

The result of this study “Utilization of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) as an Alternative

Jelly Spread”. Will be beneficial to the following:

Consumer. This product may provide them with numerous health benefits; an

alternative jelly spread that is healthy and delicious

Entrepreneur. The results of this study may open the door to the production of

jelly from tomato and can be used to manufacture jelly for consumers.

Farmers. This research will help farmer to give new avenue where tomatoes can

be sold additional source of income

Students. The result of this research can help the student in the field of food

production in utilizing cheaper alternative ingredients during laboratory activities, which

will also enhance their resourcefulness.

Future researchers. This study will provide a reference in utilizing various local

fruit products in creating jellies that healthy (alternative local products)

Operational Definition of Terms
The following terms are defined personally and for a better understanding of the


Appearance. Clear appearance and a firm texture of tomato jelly

Aroma. It refers to the good smell of tomato jelly

Consistency. The consistency of jelly quite firm, and smooth.

Honey. Purpose of honey to add sweetness in the tomato jelly

Jelly. A sweet, transparent, semisolid spread preserve made from thickened fruit

juice and sugar

Sugar. Serves as preserving agent, contributes flavor in tomato jelly.

Taste. This refers to the tastes of jelly, where it is sweet

Texture. Is the firmness, smoothness and also it would be transparent this good

appearance of jelly

Tomato jelly. A sweet product produced by boiling tomato fruit extract with sugar

Pectin. A soluble gelatinous substance from ripe tomatoes and used as a setting

agent in jellies

Theoretical Framework

The project study is anchored on Spencer's theory (1929), which explains the

formation of pectin jellies by sugar, as stated by (Belle Lowe N.D.), where the theory

explains the precipitation of pectin and sugar as a precipitating agent. Fruits contain pectin

naturally. For gel formation, pectin, sugar, acid and correct heating are required.

Commercial pectin products can be used to aid minimize cooking time and ensure proper

gel formation also contributes structure to the setting of the jellies.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 present the conceptual framework of the study is the schematic diagram

showing the Input, Process, and Output. Input consist of raw materials such as Tomato,

sugar, honey, lemon, vanilla extract, water and using the kitchen tools such as bowl,

colander, cheese cloth, knife, pot, glass. After that the process it’s all about gathered

ingredients, mise-en-place, creating of the product, testing, revising, and evaluating of the

product, the output will be accepted tomato jelly spread compared to existing spread in

terms in taste, texture and consistency. This lead to hypothesis that tomato jelly has

significant change in term in taste, texture and consistency comparable to existing jelly.

Input Process Output

Sugar 1. Gathered all the

Honey ingredients

Lemon 2. Mise-en- place

3. Creating of Accepted tomato
product jelly spread
Vanilla extract compared to
4. Testing
existing spreads in
Bowl 5. Revising terms of taste,
6. Evaluating texture and
Cheese cloth




Figure 1. Conceptual framework diagram showing the Conceptual Framework of the


Scope and delimitations of the study

This study will be limited to utilization of tomato (Solanum lycopersicom) as main

ingredients in producing jelly as an alternative spread. The sensory quality of tomato jelly

was also evaluated in terms of consistency, taste and texture of the product. The nutritional

value of the product will be considered in this study.

Review of Related Literature

This chapter contains literature that is pertinent to the research. The topic includes

the history of jelly, a description of tomatoes and their nutritional value, as well as

description of jelly, the problem encountered in making jelly, determinants of jelly quality

and cooking of tomato to retain its nutrient

History of Jelly

It is a transparent fruit spread produced with boiled fruit juice, sugar, and potentially

pectin that helps create a gel and thicken the spread. Jelly is the name of a confection made

of gelatin. Clear jams like blackcurrant and apple are also referred to as jelly. During a

festival or Sunday roast in the UK, lamb, game meat, turkey, and goose are frequently

served with jelly as a side dish. In Canada, there are two varieties of jelly: jelly with pectin.

Jelly for them is produced from fruit, fruit juice, or fruit concentrate. A minimum of 62%

of the solids in it must be water soluble. However, pectin-containing jelly must have at

least 62% water-soluble solids and 32% fruit juice. certain fruit. To make up for the fruit's

inherent acidity, it could also use an acid component.

People in the Middle East started producing jam and jellies a long time ago. The

aroma and rich, fruity flavor of centuries old jellies have made them famous around the

globe. The French word “gelee”, which means to congeal or gel, is the source of the English

term “jelly” (Hood, 2021).

Making jelly has never been simple due to the challenging and pricy task of finding

a sweetener. Fruits were preserved back then using sugar cane that was cultivated naturally.
Sugar is preferable even if honey can be used to sweeten jam and preserves. (Patruzello,


Description of Tomato

Tomato is an edible berry that grows on the (solanum lycopersicum) plant, also

referred to as the tomato plant. The species first appeared in south America, Mexico and

central America. The Spanish tomate, which later became the English word tomato, was

derived from the Mexican nahuati word tomato. It is possible that Mexico’s indigenous

peoples were responsible for domesticating the plant and using it as a cultivated food

(Rubsley, 2022).

A flowering plant belonging to the nightshade family (Solanacea), the tomato

(Solanum Lycopersicum) is commonly cultivated for its edible fruits. For nutritional

purposes, tomatoes are categorized as vegetables since they are rich in the phytochemical

lycopene and vitamin C common uses for the fruits include eating them raw in salads,

cooking them as vegetables, adding them to a variety of prepared foods, and pickling them.

The majority of the tomato crop grown worldwide is processed into goods including canned

tomatoes, tomato juice, ketchup, puree, paste, and "sun dried" tomatoes or dehydrated pulp

(Petrruzzello, 2018).

According to (Beneda, n.d) The tomato plant produces tiny, yellow flowers with

five angular lobes on the corolla. The actual fruit is green when its immature and most type

turn rich crimson when they are fully ripe. The color of the fruits varies shade like green,

orange, yellow and red. The fruit of tomato is edible sour and juicy and the number of seed

per fruit typically ranges about 150 to 300 or more seed per fruit (Mccormack, 2004)

Plate 1. tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) Plate 2. Tomato fruits

Description of Jelly

Jelly is transparent, typically colored dish called it also consumed as a dessert. A

soft resilient, partially transparent, semisolid, gelatinous food made by cooling fruit juice

that has been boiled with sugar or meat juice that has been cooked down, jelly is typically

spread on bread. It is made of gelatin fruit juice and sugar. Jelly is a sweetened preserved

from fruit. Buttered toast with thickly spread strawberry jelly might be your favorite

breakfast. Jelly is a close cousin of jam and preserves; jelly is typically more translucent

than its fruitier cousins and is sometimes made with juice rather than whole pieces of fruit.

In north America jelly is a gelatin-based dessert (Mifflin, 2016).

Jelly is derived from the old French gelee, which means “jelly” as well as” frost

“from the verb geler, which means “to congeal “, and its Latin root gelare, which means to

freeze. the juice of several fruits or vegetables, either alone or in combination, is filtered

and then sweetened before being cooked, simmered, congealed and frequently with the

help of pectin, gelatin, or a related ingredient (Tikkanen, 2022).

Nutritive Value of Tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum)

Tomato is an important crop and common throughout the world. This popular

vegetable is known as a major source of important nutrients (Kaya, 2018).

The tomato is considered a protective food because of its nutritive value, as it

provides important nutrients and hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives, thus fruit is good for

anti-oxidative activities and anti-cancer function (Raiola, 2014).

Tomatoes are highly nutritious tomatoes are good source of Antioxidant, lycopene,

Potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium, Cobalamin, Mineral. It also contains vitamin C,

Vitamin K, Vitamin B, Vitamin B9, Vitamin A, and vitamin D. These contain linked to

many health benefits (Bjarnadottir, 2019).

Table 1. Nutrient Composition of Tomatoes

Nutrients Amount/100 grams

Protein 0.8 g/100 g

Fat 0.1g/100 g

Total carbohydrates 3.47g/100 g

Sugar 3.31g/100 g

Fructose 1.78g/100g

Galactose <0.10g/100 g

Glucose 1.53g/100 g

Lactose <0.10g/100 g

Maltose <0.10g/100 g

Saccharose 0.10g/100 g

Fibre 1.4g/100 g

Energy (KJ) 88Kj/100 g

Energy (kcal) 21 kcal/100 g

Sodium <0.002g/100 g

Lycopene 27 mg/kg

Source: Analytical report, NutriControl 19 May 2016

Problem Encountered in Jelly Making

The problem revolves around a lack of acid or pectin, the addition of too much

sugar, cooking below the end point, and cooking beyond the point. Lack of pectin or acid,

if the fruit from which the jelly is manufactured lacks pectin or acid, the jelly may not set.

It might also not set because the fruit wasn’t cooked enough, which led to insufficient

pectin and acid extraction. If there is too much sugar added to pectin-rich extracted juice it

can be fixed. if the cooking is halted before the sugar concentration reaches sixty-five

percent, the jelly may not set and instead be sticky and extremely soft. Cooking past the

point of no return If the jelly is heated past the point of no return, it hardens due to

overconcentration. This happens when there is not enough sugar present and the juice has

a high pectin and acid content. If here is too much acid present, the pectin disintegrates and

a jelly-like liquid is created. Setting problems can have a variety of causes, such as using

too much sugar inadequate pectin usage because there were either overripe or under ripe

fruits. When jam or jelly was created, it was overcooked. The jam and jelly difficulties in

a bad set are among the simplest to resolve (Bethany, 2020).

Test for Pectin

The pectin content of the fruit using in a jam or jelly recipe is crucial since it affects

how will the product sets. The pectin content of each common fruit listed below is classified

as high, medium, or low. It also offers a way to gauge pectin levels if your preferred fruit

isn’t among those mentioned. Denatured alcohol or methylated spirits, along with a tiny

jar, are all you need to get started. The pectin content being known. One teaspoon of the

juice from the chosen fruit should be placed in a small jar. Three tablespoon of denatured

alcohol or methylated spirits should then be added to the jar. Afterward, the fruit should be

simmered in a small amount of water. Shake it softly, then set it down. Wait one minute,

then check to see how big the jellied lump gets in the jar. You can tell that a fruit has a fruit

has a lot of pectin if you see a big firm clump. A medium level of pectin can be determined

by two or more three smaller, softer lumps. The fruits low pectin content can be determined

by its abundance of small soft lumps (Geljon, 2022).

Test for Acid

Acidity varies from fruit to fruit and to some extent depending on the variety of a

particular fruit. Acid helps to extract the pectin from the fruits during the cooking process.

It helps to form a gel that will not takes place unless the fruit is acidic.

How basic or acidic a solution is determined by the Ph scale, which ranges from 0

to 14. pH 7 describe the neutral media. Acidic solutions correspond to values under 7. Since

the bulk of fruit contain different organic acids, their pH. Values lie between 2 and 6. Fruit

acidity can be very easily measured using pH paper. Particularly for those with digestive

or dental issues, avoiding high –acid fruits and foods may be beneficial. Fruits should be

washed in water and dried with paper towels with the knife, slice a piece of fruit in a half.

Place the plates two halves on it. Cut a piece of pH paper that is 1-1/2 inches long. Pick up

a fruit half, and press the pH paper piece firmly on the side of the fruit. The acidity of this

fruit can be determined by comparing the color of the paper strip with the specified standard

pH scale on the pH paper pack. For the additional fruits, repeat step 2 through 5 (Fox,


Determinants of Jelly Quality

Consistency-or density denotes the quantity of serum-suspended particles; in

others word, the ratio of the solid to liquid phase is made up of insoluble tomato–derived

particles. In the commercial processing of tomatoes, measuring consistency is a

fundamental detection technique used to assess the product’s quality (Tauferova et al,


Taste- refers to the proximal sense that relies on direct contact between food stimuli

and the tongue to assess the quality of the food consumed. Basic tastes like umami, sour,

sweet, bitter, and salty are crucial in identifying foods that are high nutrients. Sweet tastes

denote a high concentration of carbohydrates, specifically monosaccharides, while salty

and savory tastes are linked to proteins and electrolytes.

On the other hand, unripe fruits and foods that could be harmful when consumed

are associated with bitter and sour tastes. Children typically have a high tolerance for salty

and sweet tastes and a low tolerance for salty and sweet tastes and a low tolerance for sour

bitter foods. Small changes in the food flavors can have a significant impact on a child

tolerance due to increased palatability (Maina, 2018).

Texture-is a multimodal, sensory aspect of food. Characteristic. The fictional and

sensory aspect of it are describe. Manifestation of mechanical, structural and surface

properties of edibles that can be felt, seen, heard, and tasted also touch. conceptualizing

this food’s sensory quality various means, including thickness, creaminess, firmness,

crunchiness, and smoothness the texture like flavor and aroma food acceptability and

significant determinant of food quality. Depending on their preferences, appear to consume

various types of texture. For example, liquid foods are typically consumed in large

quantities as compared to solid foods. This is because, hard and chewy foods are consumed

slowly and in smaller quantities as compared to foods with softer textual (Maina, 2018).

Cooking of Tomato Retain its Nutrients

When tomatoes were heated, the vitamin c concentration reduced as cooking time

increase. Tomatoes cooked for 2 minutes had 10% less vitamin c than uncooked tomatoes,

and those cooked for 30 minutes had 29% less vitamin c. However, the lycopene

concentration in tomatoes was the inverse. After 2 minutes of cooking, they had 54% more

lycopene, and after 30% minutes, they had 164 more. Even if you cook your tomatoes, you

still get a lot of antioxidant and lycopene, which has been linked to a lower risk of cancer,

heart disease and deteriorating eyesight (Amidor, 2022).


This chapter includes the Research design, Materials and Equipment, Bill of

Materials, Tools and Equipment, Cost of the Project, Recipe of the Project, Calculation

Formula, Procedure, Evaluation of the Product, Construction Schedule, Cooking

Procedure, Safety and Control Measures.

Research Design

The researcher are determined the existing problem of jelly to produce jelly out of

tomatoes to addressed such concern about existing jelly and compare the tomato spread to

existing spread that would ensure the good quality in terms in taste, texture and consistency

of tomato jelly spread, the research design to be used will be the applied research.

According to (Cherry, 2020) applied research is scientific research and study that aims to

solve practical problems.

Materials and Equipment

The various tools and materials that we used for creating, testing, and revising the

project are covered in this part. The tools and supplies were separated into groups based on

what they were used for.

Bill of Material

The ingredients required for the project are listed in Table 1 by the researcher, who

will also detail all of the items required to make jelly spread. with the total of materials

amounting to seven hundred forty-four.

Table 1. Bill of Materials

Total Item no. Quantity Unit Description Unit

1 4 Kilogram Tomato 120

2 1½ Kilogram Sugar 165

3 250 Grams Honey 439

4 3 Tablespoon Vanilla 20


Materials and Equipment

The tools and equipment used in utilizing of this project with its function show in

Table 2. Tools

Tools Function

Bowl Used for serving or eating food others for cooking

Colander Used to primly to rinse vegetable or strain

Cheesecloth Used to strain stocks and custards and remove whey from cheese

Knife Used for cutting chopping dicing slicing peeing other ingredients

Pot Used to cook ingredients in cooking methods that used in cooking jellies

Cost of the Project

The researchers developed the projects intended during and after creation when the

project was being made. Table 3 shows the project cost such total cost of materials

amounting seven hundred forty-four pesos and miscellaneous one thousand pesos the total

amount of one thousand seven hundred forty-four pesos.

Table 3. Cost of the Project

Total cost of materials 744.00

Miscellaneous 1000


Recipe of the Product

Tomato jelly


 Tomato

 Honey

 Sugar

 Water

 Vanilla

Calculation Formula

To get the correct consistency of tomato jelly use the proper measurement.

2kls of tomato = 7 cups of tomato extract = 3 cups of sugar =3 tablespoon honey

=3 tablespoon vanilla

Procedure of Construction

With a projects objective, the researcher obtains the necessary introduction of

procedures phase 1-6 information from the internet and also ask the guidance of our teacher

to assist us in creating the jelly product. We are also aware of the equipment and utensils

required for the project, as well as the methods for cooking jelly spread.

Phase 1: Gathered all the ingredients -The first step was to collect all the of the

ingredients to make sure that the all ingredients is complete in creating the tomato jelly


Phase 2: Mise-en-place – After gathering all the ingredients it should be arrange in the

kitchen table to make sure that the all ingredients and equipment’s are complete in creating

jelly products

Phase 3: Creating of the product – in creating of the product we have 10 process in

making jelly spread first wash and slice the tomato, boiling tomato in 30 minutes, cool the

tomato, squeeze the tomato, filtering the tomato juice, obtain a second pot, wait until its

boiled, and stir it, cooked until the jellying point is reached, cooked the jelly 10 minutes,

store the jelly container.

Phase 4: Tasting – if the jelly is cooked, you must taste it to determine the satisfactory,

taste plays a significant role in influencing food preferences.

Phase 5: Revising – If the tomato jelly tastes bad, you should revise it and always

remember what are the factors that affect the bad taste of tomato jelly and avoid using it to

achieve its good taste and quality.

Phase 6: Evaluating – determine the flavors also to fsm teacher and consumer so that we

can determine if the taste of jelly is acceptable to them, to ensure food quality, a longer

shelf life, and a good taste in the jelly, it is vital to evaluate food quality

Evaluation of the Product

The product will be evaluated through a survey questionnaire to assess the product

in terms consistency, taste, texture. Chiefs, fsm teachers and consumers with background

and experience to evaluate the product.

Survey Questionnaire

Direction: Put a check in the box that correspond to your answer using the prepared


Legend /Guide

Scale Description Interpretation

4 Very Satisfactory Highly Accepted
3 Satisfactory Accepted
2 Somewhat Slightly Accepted
1 Unsatisfactory Not Accepted

Taste 4 3 2 1

1. The taste of tomato jelly is better compared to

the existing jelly products.

2. The use of ingredients in the product is balanced.

3. Dominance of the main ingredients.

4. Richness of the product.

5. Sweetness of the product.


7. The texture of tomato jelly is better compared to

the existing jelly product.

8. The product is smooth.

9. The product is easy to be consumed.

10. The lumpiness of the product is acceptable.

11. There is greasiness on the product when



12. The Consistency of tomato jelly is better

compared to the existing jelly product.

13. There is a thickness on the product.

14. The product is easy to be taken out of the


15. The thickness can be feel inside the mouth.

16. The product is easy to be spread.

17. There is a uniformity on the product.

17. There is an equal distribution of solid and liquid


Construction Schedule

Table 4 show the schedule of the gathering, mise-en-place, creating, testing and the

project evaluation in a number of a days. The gathering took 3 days, mise-en-place 1 day,

creating of the product 1 day, testing 2 days, revising 2 days, evaluating 4 days.

Table 4. Construction schedule

Scope of Work Week No

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17







Cooking Procedure

The procedures for making jelly were followed. The tomato fruit was thoroughly

washed and cut into cubes, then boiled for 30 minutes on low heat, cooled the tomato juice,

squeezed the tomato using cheesecloth, and filtered the tomato juice to ensure that no seeds

were included, before cooking the fruit extract and other ingredients needed to make jelly

in a separate pot, wait until it's boiled and stir it to avoid the jelly sticking to the pot. Cook

until the jellying point is reached, after which you need to cool the jelly for 10 minutes and

spread it in the container.

Safety and Control Measure

A. In utilizing a new product, safety and control measures must be considered:

5E’s in food safety

1. Sort- a more effective, streamlined process is created by using a centralized storage

concept from which ingredients and materials are drawn.

2. Systemize- having a designated location for quick access to cooking tools and


3. Shine – a person is designated to clean, sort, and check each workplace.

4. Standardize- work standards and using visual transparency.

5. Self-discipline- individuals and teams working in a kitchen require a strong sense

of self discipline in addition to good habits, practices, and values.


This chapter includes the presentation of the study, analysis, and interpretation of
the data gathered by researcher. The data our shown in tabular and descriptive form with
their corresponding interpretations.

Determinants of tomato jelly quality

Tomato Jelly Taste Interpretation and Discussion

The table 1 Shows the result of the mean distribution of taste as determinants in

Utilization of tomato as an alternative jelly spread. It was revealed that question number

obtained the respondent’s highest response, with has a mean value of 3.76 and very

satisfactory description, which was interpreted highly accepted. This means that the

respondent was very satisfied with the taste of tomato jelly compared to the existing jelly

product. the general weighted mean was being 3.68 with description of very satisfactory

and interpreted as highly accepted.

Table 1 Taste

Question Mean Description Interpretation

1. The taste of tomato jelly is better compared 3.76 Very Highly

to the existing jelly products. Satisfactory Accepted

2. The use of ingredients in the product is 3.63 Very Highly

balanced. Satisfactory Accepted

3. Dominance of the main ingredients. 3.65 Very Highly

Satisfactory Accepted
4. Richness of the product. 3.65 Very Highly
Satisfactory Accepted
5. Sweetness of the product. 3.69 Very Highly
Satisfactory Accepted
Very Highly
Weighted Mean 3.68
Satisfactory Accepted

Range Description Interpretation

3.26-4.00 Very Satisfactory Highly Accepted

2.51-3.25 Satisfactory Accepted

1.76-2.50 Somewhat Satisfactory Slightly Accepted

1.00-1.75 Unsatisfactory Not Accepted

Tomato Jelly Texture Interpretation and Discussion

The table 2 Shows result of mean distribution of texture as determinant in utilization

of tomato jelly. it was revealed that question 1 and 4 obtained the respondent’s highest
response with have a mean value of 3.71 and very satisfactory description which was
interpreted as highly accepted this means that the respondent was very satisfied with the
texture of tomato jelly and the product that is easy to be consumed. the general weighted
mean was 3.68 with description of very satisfactory and interpreted as highly accepted.

Table 2 Texture
Statement(Texture) Mean Description Interpretation

1. The texture of tomato jelly is better 3.71 Very Highly

compared to the existing jelly product. Satisfactory Accepted

2. The product is smooth. 3.69 Very Highly

Satisfactory Accepted
3. The product is easy to be consumed. 3.71 Very Highly
Satisfactory Accepted
4. The lumpiness of the product is acceptable. 3.69 Very Highly
Satisfactory Accepted
5. There is greasiness on the product when 3.57 Very Highly
consumed Satisfactory Accepted

Very Highly
Weighted Mean 3.68
Satisfactory Accepted


Range Description Interpretation

3.26-4.00 Very Satisfactory Highly Accepted

2.51-3.25 Satisfactory Accepted

1.76-2.50 Somewhat Satisfactory Slightly Accepted

1.00-1.75 Unsatisfactory Not Accepted

Tomato Jelly Consistency Interpretation and Discussion

The table 3 Shows result of mean distribution of texture as determinant in utilization

of tomato jelly. it was revealed that question 7 obtained the respondent’s highest response

with has a mean value of 3.84 and very satisfactory description which was interpreted as

highly accepted this means that the respondent was very satisfied with the texture of tomato

jelly and the product that is easy to be consumed. the general weighted mean was 3.75 with

description of very satisfactory and interpreted as highly accepted

Table 3 Consistency
Statement ( Consistency) Mean Description Interpretation

1. The Consistency of tomato jelly is better 3.78 Very Highly

compared to the existing jelly product. Satisfactory Accepted

2. There is a thickness on the product. 3.69 Very Highly

Satisfactory Accepted
3. The product is easy to be taken out of the 3.76 Very Highly
packaging. Satisfactory Accepted

4. The thickness can be felt inside the mouth. 3.65 Very Highly
Satisfactory Accepted
5. The product is easy to be spread. 3.73 Very Highly
Satisfactory Accepted
6. There is a uniformity on the product. 3.80 Very Highly
Satisfactory Accepted
7. There is an equal distribution of solid and 3.84 Very Highly
liquid ingredients. Satisfactory Accepted

33.75 Very Highly

Weighted Mean
Satisfactory Accepted


Range Description Interpretation

3.26-4.00 Very Satisfactory Highly Accepted

2.51-3.25 Satisfactory Accepted

1.76-2.50 Somewhat Satisfactory Slightly Accepted

1.00-1.75 Unsatisfactory Not Accepted

Summary of Tomato Jell Interpretation and Discussion

Table 4 Shows the overall mean descriptive and interpretation of each determinant,

the taste, The texture and consistency. it revealed that the taste had an overall mean of 3.68

and has a very satisfactory description, which was interpreted as highly accepted as one the

determinants, the texture had an overall mean of 3.68 with the description of very

satisfactory, which was interpreted as highly accepted. and the last determinant, which is

consistency had an overall mean of 3.75 with the description of very satisfactory, which

was interpreted as highly accepted. the overall weighted mean was 3.70 with the

description of very satisfactory, which was interpreted highly accepted. this means that the

the tomato jelly is very satisfactory and highly accepted by the respondent in terms of taste,

texture and consistency.

The 4. Summary of the determinants of the utilization of tomato jelly in terms

of taste, texture and consistency.

Table 4 Overall
Indicator Mean Description Interpretation

Taste 3.68 Very Highly

Satisfactory Accepted
Texture 3.68 Very Highly
Satisfactory Accepted
Consistency 3.75 Very Highly
Satisfactory Accepted

33.70 Very Highly

Weighted Mean
Satisfactory Accepted


Range Description Interpretation

3.26-4.00 Very Satisfactory Highly Accepted

2.51-3.25 Satisfactory Accepted

1.76-2.50 Somewhat Satisfactory Slightly Accepted

1.00-1.75 Unsatisfactory Not Accepted


This chapter deals with the summary of the result of the findings in which the

researcher present the conclusion and recommendation based on the result of the data.


This study aims to Utilization of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) jelly as an

alternative jelly spread, determine the product acceptability in terms of taste, texture and


This study was geared to satisfy the following objective:

Produce jelly spread out of tomato; determine the acceptability of tomato spread in

terms of consistency, taste and texture; compare the tomato spread to existing spread in

terms of consistency, taste and texture.


Based on the result of the analysis using the weighted mean of determinants were


The result of this study revealed that the overall mean of 3.68 with the description

of very satisfactory was interpreted as highly accepted from the respondents’ response on

determining the quality in terms of taste.

The result of this study revealed that the overall mean of 3.68 with the description

of very satisfactory was interpreted as highly accepted from the respondents’ response on

determining the quality in terms of texture.

The result of this study revealed that the overall mean of 3.75 with the description

of very satisfactory was interpreted as highly accepted from the respondents’ response on

determining the quality in terms of consistency.

Finally, analysis of the study revealed that most of respondent were satisfied with

product consistency than the taste and texture, which has lower overall mean.


Based on the findings these conclusions were generated:

The findings of the study led the conclusion that the respondent are very satisfied

and highly accepted the utilization of tomato jelly spread in terms of taste, texture and


The utilization of tomato jelly consistency give the very highest level of satisfaction

followed by taste and texture.

Finally, the respondent of the study prefers the taste, texture and consistency of the

tomato jelly.


For future academics interested in the study of tomato jelly in research suggests the


1.Improve the appearance and labeling of the product.

2.Upgrade the tomato jelly in different ways to improve the product's quality.

3. Ascertain the shelf life of the jelly using different techniques.

4.Future research should make use of a larger sample and asses it acceptance on large skill.

5. In addition, conduct a comparative study of this study to existing product.


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McCormack, J (2004) tomato seed production.


Mifflin (2016) Jelly-definition of jelly by the

Montemarano, K (2022) What’s the difference between jams, jellies, and other fruit spreads

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NAME: Tia irah D. Rivera

Nickname: yang2X
Date of Birth: December 30, 2001
Place of Birth: Purok 5, Barangiran, Alamada, Cotabato
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single
Home Address: Purok 5, Barangiran, Alamada, Cotabato
Ethnic Group: Ilonggo
Religion: Catholic
Fathers Name: Reynaldo c. Rivera jr
Occupatio: Farmer, driver
Mother Name: Marivic D. Rivera
Occupation: House wife

GRADUATED Name of School Year
TERTIARY i-Link College of Science and Technology 2024
Bachelor of Technical Vocational Teacher Education(BTVTED)

SECONDARY Alamada National High School 2018

junior high

Alamada, National High School 2020

Senior High

PRIMARY Barangiran Elementary School 2014


Food and Beverage (NCII) 2019
Bread and pastry (NCII) 2019


NAME: Ainee C. Sordilla

Nickname: Ainee
Date of Birth: October 16, 2000
Place of Birth: Purok 1, Malitubog, Alamada, Cotabato
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single
Home Address: Purok 1, Malitubog, Alamada, Cotabato
Ethnic Group: Visaya
Religion: Catholic
Fathers Name: Henry T. Sordilla
Occupation: Farmer
Mother Name: Nelly C. Sordilla
Occupational: House keeper

GRADUATED Name of School Year
i-link college of science and technology 2024
Bachelor of Technical Vocational Teacher Education(BTVTED)

SECONDARY Kitub-bao High School 2018

junior high

Camp Siongco 2020

Senior High

PRIMARY Malitubog Elementary School 2013


NAME: Shenny Mae Ates

Nickname: Shenny
Date of Birth: August 14, 1999
Place of Birth: Rangayen Alamada, Cotabato
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single
Home Address: Barongis Libungan, Cotabato
Ethnic Group: Visaya
Religion: Catholic
Fathers Name: Allan A. Ates
Occupation: Farmer
Mother Name :Liezl S. Toman gong
Occupation: House keeper

Graduated Name of school Year
TERTIARY i-Link college of Science and Technology 2014

SECONDARY Barongis High School 2016

Junior high i-Link college of science and technology 2018

PRIMARY Barangiran Elementary high school 2012

Food and beverages NCII 2018


Title: Utilization of tomato (solanum lycopersicum) as an alternative jelly spread

Direction: Put a check in the box that corresponds to your answer using the prepared

Legend /Guide

Scale Description Interpretation

4 Very Satisfactory Highly Accepted

3 Satisfactory Accepted

2 Somewhat Slightly Accepted


1 Unsatisfactory Not Accepted

Taste 4 3 2 1

1. The taste of tomato jelly is better compared to

the existing jelly products.

2. The use of ingredients in the product is


3. Dominance of the main ingredients.

4. Richness of the product.

5. Sweetness of the product.


7. The texture of tomato jelly is better compared
to the existing jelly product.

8. The product is smooth.

9. The product is easy to be consumed.

10. The lumpiness of the product is acceptable.

11. There is greasiness on the product when



12. The Consistency of tomato jelly is better

compared to the existing jelly product.

13. There is a thickness on the product.

14. The product is easy to be taken out of the


15. The thickness can be feel inside the mouth.

16. The product is easy to be spread.

17. There is a uniformity on the product.

17. There is an equal distribution of solid and

liquid ingredients.


i- Link College of Science and Technology, Inc

Uptown Crossing Poblacion 8, Midsayap, North Cotabato
No. (064) 229-8045/2229 LINK

August 26, 2023

i- Link College of Science and Technology, Inc
Midsayap, North Cotabato

Dear Ma’am
Greeting of Peace!
In compliance with the requirement for the degree in Bachelor of technical
Vocational Teacher Education, I- Link College of Science and Technology, Inc. would like
to conduct a survey to the teachers of College of Teacher Education Department. The data
that will be gathered will be necessary for completion of our undergraduate research
proposal entitled “UTILIZATION OF TOMATO (Solanum lycopersicum) AS AN
In line with this, we would like to ask permission from your office to allow
us to conduct a survey from the selected respondent we are looking for your approval thank
you very much and god bless.

Respectfully yours,
Tia Irah D. Rivera
Shenny mae Ates
Ainee Sordilla

Noted by Approved by
Flordeliz D. Canja Fienna Mae Blanca L. Requizo,LPT
Thesis Adviser Program Head

i-Link College of Science and Technology, Inc.


Uptown Crossing, Poblacion 8, Midsayap North Cotabato 9410


Contact No: 0938-705-8318

APRIL 26,2023


Vice President for Administration
This is to inform you that Tia Irah D. Rivera, Shenny Mae Ates and Ainee C.
Sordilla, third year FSM students are conducting their in titled “UTILIZATION OF
In line with this, I would like to ask permission from your good office to let the
students enter the school campus and allow them to use the HRM laboratory to perform
the final products of our study, on Tuesday, April 26, 2023 from 11:00 am-5:00 pm.
We hoping for your positive response on the stated matter. Thank you

Research Adviser
Noted by: Approved by:


Program Head VP Admin

Received by:

VP for Academics

i- Link College of Science and Technology, Inc
Uptown Crossing Poblacion 8, Midsayap, North Cotabato
No. (064) 229-8045/2229 LINK

Dear Ma’am/Sir
Greeting of Peace!

We,Tia Irah D. Rivera, Shenny Mae Ates and Ainee C. Sordilla,are third year
college Student Taking Bachelor of Technical Vocational Teacher at i-link College of
Science and Technology. One of the requirements for the degree at this time is that we
complete our undergraduate thesis.
The title of our study is "UTILIZATION OF TOMATO (Solanum
Lycopersicum) AS AN ALTERNATIVE JELLY SPREAD”. to be conducted in
Poblacion 8, Midsayap, Cotabato Through the sensory evaluation process, data for the
study are gathered.
In this regard, we are inviting you as one of the judges to assess our product tomato jelly
guided by the hedonic scale attach.
We hoping for your positive response on the stated matter. Thank you.

Tia Irah D. Rivera
Shenny Mae Ates
Ainee Sordilla
Research Adviser Program Head


Research Coordinator


i- Link College of Science and Technology

Uptown Crossing Poblacion 8, Midsayap, North Cotabato
Tel No. (064) 229-8045/2229 LINK


I have been asked to be a respondent in the study entitled “Utilization of (Solanum

lycoprsicum) as an alternative jelly spread”. I understand that we will be involved in

this research and I am aware of the purpose of the study. My participation is voluntary and

I can withdraw anytime without any penalty.

Name (Optional) and Signature of the Respondent


Expenditures Proposal Defense Final Defense

Printing Materials/Photocopy Ᵽ 1000 Ᵽ 1500

Plastic Folder & Clips Ᵽ50 Ᵽ70

Snacks/Meals for Research Panel Ᵽ 350 Ᵽ 600

Materials/Ingredients for Laboratory Ᵽ 900 Ᵽ 900

Transportation Ᵽ 650 Ᵽ 650

Adviser/Research Panel Members Ᵽ 1,950 Ᵽ 1,950

Statistician Ᵽ 500

Grammarian Ᵽ 500


Total Ᵽ 4,900 Ᵽ 6,770


Tasks December February March April May June



and Analysis

Writing of

Final Oral

Binding and


Title Page page

Approval sheet i
Acknowledment ii
Table of content iii
List of Tables iv
List of Figures vi
List of Plates vii
Abstract viii


introduction 1
Objectives of the study 3
Significance of the study 3
Difination of terms 4
theoretical/conceptual framework 5
Scope and delimitations of the study 6
Review of related literature 7
History of Jelly 7
Description of tomato 8
Description of jelly 9
Nutritive value of tomatoes ( solqnum lycopersicum) 10
Problem encountered in jelly making 12
Test for pectin 12
Test for acid 13
Determinants of jelly quality 14
Cooking of tomato retain its nutrients 15

Research Design 16
Bill of material 17
Tools and Equipment 18
Cost of the project 19
Procedure 20
Calculation formula 21
Evaluation of the product 22
Demographic profile of the evaluators 23
Construction schedule 27
Safety and control measure 28


Taste 28
Texture 29
Consistency 31
Summary 33

CHAPTER 4 Summary, Conclusion, Recommendations 35

Summary 35
Conclusion 36
Recommendation 36


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