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Q: Wealthy nations should assist poorer countries with humanitarian relief during natural disasters.

Do you agree or disagree?

IELTS Writing: Task 2

Word Count: 262

It is argued that developed countries should cone to the rescue of developing and least developed
countries during times of natural calamities affecting the later severely. This essay agrees with the
statement because of the moral obligation developed countries have towards developing and least
developed countries and also because developed countries are responsible for the natural calamities
taking place in different parts of the world.

The developed countries have the moral obligation to support the developing and least developed
countries during natural calamities. It is the duty and responsibility of the developed countries to
come forward to help the nations going through disaster. For instance, in the last climate change
summit in Egypt, world leaders have agreed to contribute and establish a loss and damage fund for
the affected nations.

The developed countries are responsible for the natural calamities taking place. Natural calamities
occurs mainly due to climate change. The developed countries causes more damage to the climate
change than any other country by releasing greenhouse gases and heavy chemicals to the
atmosphere. A recent study found that developed countries like USA, China, and EU releases more
harmful gases to the atmosphere and therefore are more responsible for the climate change.

In conclusion, the developed countries should be penalized by means of relief and loss and damage
fund to the disaster affected nations because being developed countries, they feel that it is their duty
to support the affected poor nations. And also, since the developed countries causes climate change
which in turn causes the natural disaster to take place in different places.

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