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Closure formats

S. No. Formats Details Yes/No

1 Format A Executive Summary Yes

2 Format B Certificates Yes

3 Format D Abstract - Scope of work and estimated cost Yes

Details of Expenditure / Fund received under DDUGJY

4 Format F Scheme

5 Format G Utilization Certificate Yes

7 Format H(2) New Feeder Lines (excluding spur lines) constructed

under the Project

8 Format J1/J2 Village-wise details of Infrastructure created Yes

9 PCC Project Completion Certificate Yes

10 Annex.-IV Undertaking Yes

Executive Summary
Name of State : Punjab Discom / Utility : Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd.

Name of District(s) : Hoshiarpur Project Implementing Agency (PIA) : Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd.

Name of Scheme : DDUGJY-New Project Management Agency (PMA) : Medhaj Techno Concept Pvt. Ltd.

A. Financial Details: (Rs. in lakhs)

Project cost Total Project
Sl.No. Particular PMA Remark
excl PMA cost incl PMA
1 2 3 4 5=3+4 6
1 Sanctioned cost as per approved DPR 2407.086 12.035 2419.121

2 Award Cost 2389.594 11.948 2401.542

3 Total funds reeceived under the Project(s) 1689.812 10.469 1700.281 From Format-F

4 Total completion cost (excl State Taxes) 1873.999 10.212 1884.211 From Format-F

5 State Taxes (to be borne by State Govt) 168.395 0.000 168.395 From Format-F

6 Total completion cost (incl State Taxes) (4+5) 2042.393 10.212 2052.605

B. Physical Details:
Covered in Final
Quantities as per Quantities Balance Reasons for variation
S. No. Particular addition to Completed
Sanctioned DPR Executed Quantity agreed by State Govt.
Sanction Quantities
1 2 3 4 5=3-4 6 7=4+6 8

1 Un-Electrified Village (Nos.) 0 0 0 0 0 Not In Scope

Intensive Electrified Village As Per Site
2 250 148 102 236 384
(Nos.) Requirement
As Per Site
3 SAGY Village (Nos.) (#) 2 2 0 0 2
4 New 33/11 KV Substation (Nos) 0 0 0 0 0 Not In Scope

5 Aug. of Power Substation (Nos) 0 0 0 0 0 Not In Scope

6 Service connections (Nos.) 0 0 0 0 0 Not In Scope

(a) BPL Connections (Nos.) 0 0 0 0 0 Not In Scope

Other than BPL HHs (Eligible for
free connections as per SECC
(b) 2011 data in Saubhagya 0 0 0 0 0 Not In Scope
Guidelines) (Nos.) (*)

Other than BPL Households (Not

eligible for free connections as per
(c) Saubhagya Guidelines) (Nos.) (**) 0 0 0 0 0 Not In Scope

It is certified that the infrastructure created under other State/Central schemes has not been claimed under present proposal and vice versa.

(#) As per decision of Monitoring Committee meeting held on 12.12.2018, villages covered in the list circulated by Ministry of Rural Development (MORD) have
only been considered under SAGY component.

(*) As per Saubhagya guidelines (Chapter -II, Clause no.2.7), "in case entities are not able to find adequate number of BPL households in the project area under
DDUGJY, to meet the target of BPL households electrification already sanctioned under DDUGJY, PIAs are allowed to release electricity connections to
equivalent nos. of remaining households in accordance with Saubhagya. Such Households shall not be claimed under Saubhagya.

** As per Saubhagya Guidelines, any un-electrified Household not found eligible as per SECC data, would also be provided Electricity connection. An amount of Rs.
500 per HH would be recovered for release of connection by the Discom/Power Deptt in ten (10) installments of Rs. 50 each. An amount equivalent to such recovery of
applicable charges from the Households shall be deducted from the eligible Grant from Govt of India payable to Discom / Power Deptt.

Sr.XEN/Non-APDRP Cell, Engineer-in-chief Chairmain & Managing Director

PSPCL Jalandhar RE & APDRP, PSPCL Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd.,
Patiala Patiala

Principal Secretary to Govt. of Punjab

Department of Power
Name of State: Punjab
Name of Scheme: DDUGJY-New
Name of District: Hoshiarpur

A General Certificates Remarks

The Project has been implemented as per Office Memorandum 03.12.2014/Scheme Guidelines/Sanction Letter and Procedures issued by
1 Yes
MC/MoP/REC from time to time.
2 The electrification of all villages has been done as per the gudielines issued by MoP/Govt. of India, time to time. Yes

3 Only those SAGY villages that are listed by Ministry of Rural Development (MORD), are covered under SAGY component Yes

DISCOM/PIA has ensured necessary arrangements for maintenance of the assets created under the scheme, revenue sustainability at the
4 Yes
DISCOM level.
All willing BPL households have been given free electricity connections in connections for other than BPL Households (if any) have been given
5 No household
as per Saubhagya Guidelines.
electrification work
Access to electricity to all rural households has been ensured. The Service Connections released duly segregating BPL & other than BPL (SECC has been covered
6 under DDUGJY
poor and non-poor as per Saubhagya Guidelines) has been submitted and will not be claimed under Saubhagya again.

Technical specification of Standard Bidding Documents (SBD) / REC Construction standards have been followed generally during
7 Yes
implementation of DDUGJY project. The deviations, if any, are approved by Competent Authority of PIA.

Quality Assurance Mechanism has been implemented as per the guidelines issued by REC. All observations/defects under Quality Control
Mechanism have been complied with/rectified. If there are any pending rectifications/ compliances, appropriate deductions shall be made from
8 Yes
the payment to be made to the contractor and the balance rectification works shall be completed by PIA. The amount so deducted shall utilised
by PIA for this rectification work and no additional amount shall be claimed from REC against the same

The interest earned on unutilized subsidy has been remitted to Ministry of Power Bank Account on regular basis. Also, Accrued interest on final
9 Yes
release of capital subsidy (if any) shall be remitted to MoP’s account

B. Certificates towards Contractual Obligations

The assets created under the Scheme are erected, tested, commissioned and energized. These assets are taken over by PIA from contractor and
1 Yes
handed over to the O&M team.
All claims and issues with contractor(s) have been settled and at present there is no litigation/arbitration pending in any Court with respect to
2 works undertaken by Contractor Yes

3 Interest income towards initial advance, penalties, permanent deduction, LD have been credited to project account. Yes
In case any liabilities to the Contractor arise in future, the same shall be dealt according to the Contract and shall not be claimed from REC.In
4 case any amount is to be recovered from the Contractor in future viz. CPBG, LD etc., the same shall be remitted to REC/MoP. Yes

All payments including Taxes & Duties and Fees (both central & state) have been claimed on actual basis. REC shall not be liable for non-
5 payment of any bills to contactor and taxes & duties to any statutory authority. Yes

Final time extension has been determined and Liquidated damages, if any, has been settled as per contract and with approval of competent
6 Under process
authority of the PIA.

Accounts Officer,
M/S PP industries Pvt Ltd. Bathinda Non-APDRP, PSPCL, Patiala

Sr.XEN/Non-APDRP Cell Engineer-in-chief

PSPCL, Jalandhar RE & APDRP, PSPCL, Patiala
Abstract - Scope of works and cost
State: Punjab Name of Discom Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd.
Name of District : Hoshiarpur Name of PIA Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd.
Project Code: PB-DG-STG-588-16-11623-S
Project cost as per executed work Total Project cost as per completion
Sanctioned Parameters Awarded Parameters
(Turnkey Execution) Proposal
Sr. No. Item of Work Unit Cost per unit Cost per unit Cost per unit Cost per unit
Qty Total Cost Qty Total Cost Qty Total Cost Qty Total Cost

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 16 17 18
1 Village Covered Nos. 252 386 386 386
a.UE Villages Nos. NA NA NA NA
b. IE Villages Nos. 250 384 384 384
c. SAGY Villages Nos. 2 2 2 2
2 Total HHs Electrified Nos.

A. Electrification of UEV - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0
Total Cost of (A) Electrification of UEV 0 0 0 0
B. Feeder Separation Nos. - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0
Total Cost of B. Feeder Separation Nos. - - 0 - - 0.000 - - 0 - - 0

C. Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana *

1 New 11 KV Line DTR - - 0 - 0.000 - - 0 - - 0
i Distribution Transformer-New 1Ph. 10KVA Nos. 0.761 - 0.000 - - 0.000 - - 0 - - 0
ii Distribution Transformer-New 3Ph. 63KVA Nos. 1.683 6 10.098 1.832 6 10.992 1.882 5 9.411 1.882 5 9
iii Distribution Transformer-New 3Ph. 100KVA Nos. 2.123 4 8.492 2.255 4 9.018 2.261 3 6.784 2.261 3 6.784
Total (1): DTRs - 18.590 20.010 16.195 16.195
2 New 11 KV Spur Line -
New 11 kv Feeder With 50sq.mm. (Rabbit) Ckt. Km. 4.995 0.000 - - 0.000 - - 0 - - 0
New 11 kv Feeder With 80sq.mm. (Racoon) Ckt. Km. 5.590 5.925 5.590 1.250 6.988 4.785 1.402 6.708 4.785 1.402 6.708
Total (2):New 11 KV Line 6 - 6.988 6.708 6.708
3 New LT AB Cable -
Total (3): New LT Line
4 Aug of DTRs -
i From existing capacity to 63 KVA Nos. 1.096 3 3.288 1.645 3 4.935 1.609 2 3.217 1.609 2 3.217
ii From Existing capacity to 100 KVA Nos. 1.454 6 8.724 2.075 5 10.375 1.988 7 13.915 1.988 7 13.915
Total (4): Aug of DTRs Nos. 12.012 - 15.310 17.132 17.132
5 Aug of 11KV Lines -
Augmentation of 11 kv Feeder With 80sq.mm. (Racoon) Ckt. Km. 4.214 6.000 25.284 4.575 6.000 27.448 3.784 10.293 38.944 3.784 10.293 38.944

Augmentation of 11 kv Feeder With 50sq.mm. (Rabbit) Ckt. Km. - - 0 - - 0.000 - - 0.000 - - 0.000

Total (5): Aug of 11KV Lines 25.284 27.448 38.944 38.944

6 Aug of LT Line
i Augmentation of LT Line With 50sq.mm. (Rabbit) Ckt. KM 2.430 - 0.000 - - 0.000 - - 0 - - -
ii Augmentation of LT Line With 80sq.mm. (Racoon) Ckt. KM 3.260 - 0.000 - - 0.000 - - 0 - - -
iii New LT Line with ABC 3Cx50+50sq.mm. (bare messanger cum
neutral) Ckt. KM 5.290 0.000 4.501 1.570 7.067 2.871 0.133 0.382 0

iv Conversion of Existing overhead line to ABC

Ckt. KM 4.006 - 0.000 - - 0.000 - - 0.000 -
3Cx50+50sq.mm. (bare messanger cum neutral)

Page 4 of 16
Project cost as per executed work Total Project cost as per completion
Sanctioned Parameters Awarded Parameters
(Turnkey Execution) Proposal
Sr. No. Item of Work Unit Cost per unit Cost per unit Cost per unit Cost per unit
Qty Total Cost Qty Total Cost Qty Total Cost Qty Total Cost

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 16 17 18
v Conversion of Existing overhead line to ABC
Ckt. KM 5.883 3.50 20.591 - - 0.000 0.000 -
3Cx95+70sq.mm. (bare messanger cum neutral)
Total (6): Aug of LT Line 20.591 - - 7.067 0.382 0.382
7 Distribution Transformer-R&M (Earthing) Nos. 0.039 11 0.429 0.064 18 1.145 - 0.000 -
Total (6): Distribution Transformer-R&M (Earthing) 0.429 1.145 0.000 0.000

Total Cost of C. SAGY (In Rs.) 82.831 77.967 - 79.361 - 79.361

D Connecting / Un-Connecting HHs - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0
Total Cost of D. Connecting/unconnected HHs - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0

E Metering
1 Feeder Metering Nos - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0
2 DTR Metering Nos - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0
3 Consumer Metering - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0
i. New meters Nos - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0
ii. Shifting of meters Nos - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0
iii. Replacement of meters Nos. 0.025 60,872 1521.800 0.007 35,268 245.076 0.007 35,226 244.784 0 35,226 244.784
Total Cost of E. Metering (In Rs.) 1521.800 - 245.076 244.784 244.784
F. System Strengthening -
1 New 33 KV or 66KV or 22 KV s/stn Nos. -
Total (1): New S/stn -
2 11KV Bay With VCB Nos. 5.432 - 0.000 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0
Total (3): (In Rs.) -

3 New 11 KV Line DTR -

i Distribution Transformer-New 1Ph. 10KVA Nos. 0.761 - 0.000 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0
ii Distribution Transformer-New 3Ph. 25KVA Nos. 1.486 16 23.776 - - 0 - -
iii Distribution Transformer-New 3Ph. 63KVA Nos. 1.683 128 215.424 1.831 257 470.658 1.882 271 510.070 1.882 271 510.070
iv Distribution Transformer-New 3Ph. 100KVA Nos. 2.123 75 159.225 2.255 136 306.625 2.261 131 296.230 2.261 131 296.230
Total (3): DTRs 398.425 - 777.283 806.300 806.300
4 Aug of DTRs -
i From existing capacity to 63 KVA Nos. 1.096 - 0.000 1.645 27 44.423 1.609 22 35.390 1.609 22 35.390
ii From Existing capacity to 100 KVA Nos. 1.454 - 0.000 2.075 64 132.807 1.988 61 121.259 1.988 61 121.259
Total (4): DTRs aug 0.000 - 177.229 156.649 156.649
5 New 11 KV Line -
i 7.570 37.812 0 17.551 17.551
New 11 kv Feeder With 50sq.mm. (Rabbit) Ckt. Km. 4.995 - - 4.152 4.227 4 4.227

ii 60.100 335.959 445.803 184.058 184.058

New 11 kv Feeder With 80sq.mm. (Racoon) Ckt. Km. 5.590 5.590 79.750 4.785 38.468 4.785 38.468

Total (5):New 11 KV Line 373.771 - 445.803 201.608 201.608

6 Aug of 11KV Lines
i - 0.000 119.000 544.388 3.784 134.303 508.181 3.784 134.303 508.181
Augmentation of 11 kv Feeder With 80sq.mm. (Racoon) Ckt. Km. 4.214 4.575
ii - 0.000 - 0 - - 0.000 0 0.000 0.000
Augmentation of 11 kv Feeder With 50sq.mm. (Rabbit) Ckt. Km. 3.100 -

Total (6): Aug of 11KV Lines - - 0 544.388 508.181 508.181

Page 5 of 16
Project cost as per executed work Total Project cost as per completion
Sanctioned Parameters Awarded Parameters
(Turnkey Execution) Proposal
Sr. No. Item of Work Unit Cost per unit Cost per unit Cost per unit Cost per unit
Qty Total Cost Qty Total Cost Qty Total Cost Qty Total Cost

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 16 17 18
7 New LT Line -
i 3.960 - 0.000 0 0 0
New LT Line With 50sq.mm. (Rabbit) Ckt. Km. - - - - - -

ii 4.890 - 0.000 15.916 0 0

New LT Line With 80sq.mm. (Raccon) Ckt. Km. 3.979 4.000 - - - -

Total (7): New LT Line 0.000 16 0 0

8 Aug LT Line
i Augmentation of LT Line With 50sq.mm. (Rabbit) Ckt. KM 2.430 - 0.000 - - 0 - - 0 - - -
ii Augmentation of LT Line With 80sq.mm. (Racoon) Ckt. KM 3.260 - 0.000 4.293 12.000 51.517 - - 0 - - -
Total (8): Aug of LT Line 0.000 51.517 0 0
i New LT Line with ABC 3Cx50+50sq.mm. (bare messanger 5.290 5.720 30.259 0 0
Ckt. KM - - - - -
cum neutral)
ii Conversion of Existing overhead line to ABC 4.006 - 0.000 0.000
Ckt. KM - - 0.000 - - - - -
3Cx50+50sq.mm. (bare messanger cum neutral)
iii Conversion of Existing overhead line to ABC 5.883 - 0.000 0.000
Ckt. KM - - -
3Cx95+70sq.mm. (bare messanger cum neutral)
Total (9): LT ABC 30.259 0.000 0.000 0.000
10 Distribution Transformer-R&M (Earthing) Nos. 0.039 - 0.000 0.064 484 30.777 - - 0 - - 0
Total (10): DTR R&M (Earthing) Nos. 0.000 30.777 0 0
802.455 2042.913 1672.738 1672.738
Total Cost of F. System Strengthening (In Rs.)

G. Total (A to F) (incl all taxes) Rs. In Lakhs 2,407.086 2,365.956 1,996.884 1,996.884

(i) Others (Cost Of GSM and GPRS Modems) Nos. - - - 0.047 502 23.638 0.047 330 15.539 0.047 330 15.539
H. (ii) CEI Fees - - - - - - - - 6.052 6.052
(iii) Price Variation - - - - - - - - 23.918 - - 23.918
Total Cost of H. Rs. In Lakhs - 23.638 45.509 45.509
I. State Taxes (to be borne by State Govt) - - - - - - - - - - - -
a. SGST - - 183.591 - - 180.454 - - 165.908 - - 165.908
b. VAT - - - - - - - - - - - -
c. Works Contract Tax (WCT) - - - - - - - - - - - -
d. Entry Tax - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - -
e. Building & Other Construction Workers Welfare Cess - - - 2.487 - - 2.487

f. Any other Tax (Please Specify) - - - - - - - - - - - -

Total State Tax (I) Rs. In Lakhs 183.591 180.454 168.395 168.395

J. - - 2,223.495 2,209.140 1,873.999 1,873.999

Total Project Cost excl State taxes (G+H-I) Rs. In Lakhs

K. PMA Charges @ 0.5% of Project cost including all the - -

12.035 11.948 10.2120 10.212
Taxes Rs. In Lakhs
L. Total Project Cost (incl PMA charges & excl state taxes) 2,235.530 2,221.088 1,884.21 1,884.211
(J+K) Rs. In Lakhs
* The villages appearing in MORD List and corresponding infrastructure shall only be considered under SAGY component.
It is certified that :
1. All payments have been made as per the rates defined in the LOA and based on quantities as per site and same have been adopted in closure

Page 6 of 16
Project cost as per executed work Total Project cost as per completion
Sanctioned Parameters Awarded Parameters
(Turnkey Execution) Proposal
Sr. No. Item of Work Unit Cost per unit Cost per unit Cost per unit Cost per unit
Qty Total Cost Qty Total Cost Qty Total Cost Qty Total Cost

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 16 17 18
2. Individual item in each component executed under the project are as per guidelines of the scheme. No item which is not part of the project, has been claimed under the proposal
3 The cost of DT meters is already included in the cost of activity of Installation of DT, so no separate head for Dt meters activity was made.

Project Manager JE/Non APDRP Cell AE/Non-APDRP Cell Sr.XEN/Non-APDRP Cell Engineer-in-chief
M/S PP Industries Pvt.Ltd. Bathinda PSPCL Jalandhar PSPCL Jalandhar PSPCL Jalandhar RE & APDRP, PSPCL, Patiala

Page 7 of 16
Format F
Details of Expenditure / Fund received in of the project

Name of State: Punjab

Name of Scheme: DDUGJY (New)
Name of DISCOM: Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd.
Name of District: Hoshiarpur

A. Fund Received Amount in Rs.

I. Grant Received:
Serial No.Instalment No. & Date of receipt
1 Ist Tranche (Part-1 dated 1.02.2018) 8665510
2 Ist Tranche (Part-2 dated 26.02.2018) 5777006
3 Ist Tranche (PMA dated 27.03.2018) 120354
4 IInd Tranche (excluding PMA dated 6.09.2018) 28885032
5 IInd Tranche (PMA dated 6.09.2018) 240709
6 IIIrd Tranche (Part-I dated 23.08.2019) 0
7 IIIrd Tranche (Part-I dated 13.01.2020) 34181170
8 IIIrd Tranche (Part-I PMA dated 13.01.2020) 348724
9 IIIrd Tranche (Part-II dated 31.03.2020) 38482952
10 IIIrd Tranche (Part-II PMA dated 31.03.2020) 337148
Grant received (I) 117038605

II Loan/ State Contribution

1 Loan-I (dated 16.05.2019) 9400900
2 Loan-II (dated 26.07.2019) 2410554
3 Loan-III (dated 8.11.2019) 3888806
4 Loan-IV (dated 12.12.2019) 11799105
5 PSPCL Share 25326306
Total loan/state contribution 52825671
Total Amount Received (I+II) 169864276
B. Amount accrued on account of Interest/LD/Mobilization Advance/infructuous
inspection/Penalty due to Inspection not attended by Contractor, etc
Sno. Description/Date of receipt
(Rs in lakhs)
1 Interest accrued on capital subsidy as tallied with Bank 0
Account not remitted to MOP bank Account
2 Amount against Liquidated Damages already settled and
finalized with Contractor after completion of work/PENALTY

3 Interest amount recovered / accumulated from Contractor's

Bills on Interest bearing Mobilization Advance given to 0
4 Amount deducted towards infructuous inspection calls 100000
5 Recovery of Rs. 500/- per connection, which are not eligible
for free service connection as per SECC data 2011 (As per 0
Saubhagya guidelines)
Encashment of Contract performance Guarantee (CPG) 0
7 Amount deducted towards penalty on Inspection Calls not
acknowledged by Contractor
8 Permanent recovery on account of non-compliance of
Quality Assurance observarions and adherance to the
approved technical specification of the projects works 0
provided, such works are technically accepted to PIA.
9 Any other recovery (as PSPCL share) 63847
Total (B) 163847
Total Fund made available for the Project (A+B) 170028123
C. Expenditure
C.1 Detail of Payment made to the contractor/vendor
Invoice no/Dt. (including all Taxes) Gross Amount
1 RB-01(60%) dt. 08.03.2018 1111973
2 RB-02 (60%) dt. 03.04.2018 341086
3 RB-03(60%)/01.05.2018 525543
4 RB-04(60%)/16.05.2018 522863
5 RB-05(60%)/11.06.2018 141613
6 RB-06(60%)/26.07.2018 10901108
7 RB-07(60%)/24.08.2018 2165929
8 RB-08(60%)/03.10.2018 8098501
9 RB-09(60%)23.10.2018 2566211
10 RB-10(60%)/12.11.2018 4598473
11 RB-11(60%)/10.12.2018 6330112
12 RB-13(60%) dt.30/01/2019 2255251
13 RB-12(60%) dt.14/01/2019 2259623
14 RB-14(60%)/11.03.2019 8016412
15 RB-16(60%)/09.04.2019 767211
16 RB-15(60%)/22.03.2019 541376
17 RB-17(60%)/25.04.2019 5923466
18 RB-18(60%)/08.05.2019 6859508
19 RB-19(60%)/31.05.2019 6066501
20 RB-20(60%)/22.07.2019 5376900
21 RB-21(60%)/06.09.2019 2555183
22 RB-22(60%)/17.10.2019 1051607
23 RB-24(60%)/11.12.2019 1385787
24 RB-23(60%)/15.11.2019 7399032
25 RB-25(60%)/03.01.2020 7121281
26 RB-26(60%)/27.01.2020 2962636
27 RB-27(60%)/07.02.2020 3590264
28 RB-28(60%)/28.02.2020 8333866
29 RB-29(60%)/04.06.2020 3790747
30 RB-30(60%)/02.07.2020 2494871
31 RB-31(60%)/31.07.2020 4665673
32 RB-32(60%)/08.10.2020 4025856
33 RB-01(30%)/31.05.2019 1116445
34 SUPP.BILL-19(30%)/30.07.2019 46840
35 RB-02(30%)/30.07.2019 3079267
36 RB-03(30%)/06.09.2019 2221967
37 RB-04(30%)/11.10.2019 2380954
38 RB-05(30%)/01.12.2019 3281378
39 RB-07(30%)/28.02.2020 1406921
40 RB-06(30%)/20.02.2020 319071
41 RB-08(30%)/04.06.2020 1190167
42 RB-09(30%)/02.07.2020 1487295
43 RB-10(30%)/01.07.2020 2349077
44 RB-11(30%)/27.07.2020 1561250
45 RB-13/02.09.2020 3595680
46 RB-12/02.09.2020 1400305
47 RB-14/08.10.2020 4976910
48 RB-15/10.11.2020 623855
49 RB-16/10.11.2020 1693997
50 RB-17/17.12.2020 4081529
51 RB-18/22.12.2020 721940
52 RB-19/08.02.2021 6927783
53 RB-1(90%)/31.05.2019 391826
54 RB-02(90%)/30.07.2019 1217774
55 RB-03(90%)/18.09.2019 999802
56 RB-04(90%)/11.10.2019 967682
57 RB-05(90%)/01.12.2019 1575975
58 RB-07(90%)/28.02.2020 698754
59 RB-06(90%)/20.02.2020 120675
60 RB-08(90%)/04.06.2020 546329
61 RB-10(90%)/01.07.2020 1479339
62 RB-09(90%)/30.06.2020 562505
63 RB-11(90%)/27.07.2020 609868
64 RB-12(90%)/02.09.2020 529604
65 RB-13(90%)/02.09.2020 1617269
66 RB-14(90%)/08.10.2020 2177024
67 RB-15(90%)/10.11.2020 391313
68 RB-16(90%)/10.11.2020 640680
69 RB-17(90%)/17.12.2020 2038851
70 RB-18(90%)/22.12.2020 273042
71 RB-19(90%)/08.02.2021 3990984
72 RB-20(90%)/29.04.2021 15627
73 CEI Fees 605200
Total (C.1) 190659217
Details of outstanding Bills certified eligible for payment
to Contractor (incl all taxes)
1 10% final Bill 20.12.2021 9634372
2 Others (cost of GSM & GPRS Modems under DDUGJY) 1553914
Total (C.2) 11188286
Total (C = C.1 + C.2) 201847503

D State Taxes & Duties (to be borne by State Govt)

1 Entry Tax 0
2 VAT on Supply Portion of Contract 0
3 WCT on Erection Contract 0
Building and other Construction Workers Welfare (BOCW)
Cess @ 1% on Erection Contract 248694
5 SGST (State GST) 16590756
Total (D) 16839450

E Expenditure excluding State Taxes (C-D) 185008053

Price adjustment due to variation in value of IEEMA/RBI Material/Labour

Indices (In case of Negative Price Adjustment, please mention amount with a
F negative (-) sign) [Please ensure submission of Price Adjustment Invoice by
the Contractor] *

i Outstanding Price Variation Bill 20.12.2021 2391836

Total (F) 2391836

Expenditure including Price Adjustment and excluding State 187399889

Taxes (E+F)
PMA Charges (0.5% of Total project cost including taxes) 1021197
I Net Eligible Project Cost (G+H) 188421086

J Net Fund recoverable [(A + B) -I] -18392963

K Net Fund payable [(I- (A + B)] 18392963

Following supporting documents need to finished:

1.Payment Statement of the implementing agency duly signed by HOD of Finance
Division indicating
2. Audit report from date of release,
Chartered amountduly
Accountant released,
the a of payment,
copy Nameby
of Format-F ofthe audito

(Sign & Seal of Auditor)

It is Confirmed that the account has been linked with PFMS and all the entries have been
made on the PFMS
(*) i. Applicable portalsupply of materials as per SBD.
on direct
Ii. There is no cost overrun due to grant of extension of time for execution due to

( Sign & Seal of HOD finance of Implementing agency)

(Authorised Signature of Implementing Agency)


Name of State:- Punjab

Name of Scheme:- DDUGJY New

Name of DISCOM/PIA:- Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd.

Name of District:-Moga

Sl.N Lr No.and Date Disbursed

o. Amount

Ist Tranche (Part-1 dated

1 3,041,633
1.02.2018) (A) Certified that out of Rs.
4,86,76,906/- of grants-in-aid
Ist Tranche (Part-2 dated sanctioned, Rs. 4,32,05,194/- has
2 2,027,755 been received for the Moga District
under DDUGJY New project in
favour of PSPCL as per the details
Ist Tranche (PMA dated
3 42,245 given in the margin. A sum of
Rs.4,32,05,194/- has been utilised
for the purpose for which it was
IInd Tranche (excluding PMA sanctioned and that the balance of
4 10,138,776
dated 6.09.2018) Rs.Nil remaining unutilised at the
time of closure has been
IInd Tranche (PMA dated surrendered to REC Limited.
5 84,490
6.09.2018) Further interest earned on
unutilised grants-in-aid has been
IIIrd Tranche (Part-I dated remitted to Ministry of Power's
6 4,322,257 Bank account on regular basis.

IIIrd Tranche (Part-I dated

7 8,198,903

IIIrd Tranche (Part-I PMA dated

8 76,335

IIIrd Tranche (Part-II dated (B) Certified that I have satisfied

9 15,146,065 myself that the conditions on
which the grants-in-aid was
sanctioned have been duly/are
IIIrd Tranche (Part-II PMA
10 126,735 being fulfilled.
dated 31.03.2020)

Total in Rs. 43,205,194

Financial Advisor
PSPCL, Patiala

Chairmain & Managing Director

Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd.,

Principal Secretary to Govt. of Punjab

Department of Power

Page 12 of 16

Name of State:- Punjab

Name of Scheme:- DDUGJY New

Name of DISCOM/PIA:- Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd.

Name of District:-Faridkot

Sl.N Lr No.and Date Disbursed

o. Amount

Ist Tranche (Part-1 dated

1 4,660,005 (A) Certified that out of Rs.
6,93,53,122/- of grants-in-aid
sanctioned, Rs. 6,67,66,368/- has
Ist Tranche (Part-2 dated
2 3,106,671 been received for the Faridkot
26.02.2018) District under DDUGJY New
project in favour of PSPCL as per
Ist Tranche (PMA dated the details given in the margin. A
3 64,722
27.03.2018) sum of Rs.6,67,66,368/- has been
utilised for the purpose for which
IInd Tranche (excluding PMA it was sanctioned and that the
4 15,533,352 balance of Rs.Nil remaining
dated 6.09.2018)
unutilised at the time of closure
has been surrendered to REC
IInd Tranche (PMA dated
5 129,445 Limited. Further interest earned
on unutilised grants-in-aid has
been remitted to Ministry of
IIIrd Tranche (Part-I dated
6 8,728,598 Power's Bank account on regular
23.08.2019) basis.

IIIrd Tranche (Part-I dated

7 10,473,889

IIIrd Tranche (Part-I PMA dated

8 97,835

IIIrd Tranche (Part-II dated (B) Certified that I have satisfied

9 23,777,683 myself that the conditions on
which the grants-in-aid was
sanctioned have been duly/are
IIIrd Tranche (Part-II PMA
10 194,168 being fulfilled.
dated 31.03.2020)

Total in Rs. 66,766,368

Financial Advisor
PSPCL, Patiala

Chairmain & Managing Director

Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd.,

Principal Secretary to Govt. of Punjab

Department of Power

Page 13 of 16

Name of State:- Punjab

Name of Scheme:- DDUGJY New

Name of DISCOM/PIA:- Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd.

Name of District:- Hoshiarpur

Sl.N Lr No.and Date Disbursed

o. Amount

Ist Tranche (Part-1 dated (A) Certified that out of Rs.

1 8,665,510
1.02.2018) 13,46,13,182/- of grants-in-aid
sanctioned, Rs. 11,70,38,605/-
Ist Tranche (Part-2 dated has been received for the
2 5,777,006 Hoshiarpur District under
DDUGJY New project in favour of
PSPCL as per the details given in
Ist Tranche (PMA dated
3 120,354 the margin. A sum of
Rs.11,70,38,605/- has been
utilised for the purpose for which
IInd Tranche (excluding PMA it was sanctioned and that the
4 28,885,032
dated 6.09.2018) balance of Rs.Nil remaining
unutilised at the time of closure
IInd Tranche (PMA dated has been surrendered to REC
5 240,709
6.09.2018) Limited. Further interest earned
on unutilised grants-in-aid has
IIIrd Tranche (Part-I dated been remitted to Ministry of
6 - Power's Bank account on regular
IIIrd Tranche (Part-I dated
7 34,181,170

IIIrd Tranche (Part-I PMA dated

8 348,724

IIIrd Tranche (Part-II dated (B) Certified that I have satisfied

9 38,482,952 myself that the conditions on
which the grants-in-aid was
sanctioned have been duly/are
IIIrd Tranche (Part-II PMA
10 337,148 being fulfilled.
dated 31.03.2020)

Total in Rs. 117,038,605

Financial Advisor
PSPCL, Patiala

Chairmain & Managing Director

Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd.,

Principal Secretary to Govt. of Punjab

Department of Power

Page 14 of 16
Annex. 4

Name of State Punjab

Name of District/Project Hoshiarpur/DDUGJY-New
Name of DISCOM/PIA Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd.
Scheme/Plan DDUGJY-New

With regards to closure of above mentioned project and release of final installment as per closure cost, Punjab State
Power Corporation Limited(PSPCL), hereby undertakes that:-
Accrued interest on final release of capital subsidy (if any) shall be remitted to MoP’s account.
b). Village-wise infrastructure created under the project shall be uploaded in online web portal i.e.,
ddugjy.gov.in by PIA/DISCOM.
c). In case any liabilities to the Contractor arise in future, the same shall be dealt according to the Contract
and shall not be claimed from REC.
d). In case any amount is to be recovered from the Contractor in future viz. CPBG, LD etc., the same shall be
remitted to REC/MoP.
3-Tier Quality Control Mechanism has been implemented as per the guidelines. All observations/ defects
under Quality Control Mechanism have been complied with/rectified. No any rectifications/compliances
are pending.


Name of State:- Punjab

Name of Scheme:- DDUGJY New

Name of DISCOM/PIA:- Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd.

Name of District:- Ludhiana

Sl.N Lr No.and Date Disbursed

o. Amount

Ist Tranche (Part-1 dated

1 6,047,219 (A) Certified that out of Rs.
9,49,37,831/- of grants-in-aid
sanctioned, Rs. 8,41,45,727/- has
Ist Tranche (Part-2 dated
2 4,031,479 been received for the Ludhiana
26.02.2018) District under DDUGJY New
project in favour of PSPCL as per
Ist Tranche (PMA dated the details given in the margin. A
3 83,989
27.03.2018) sum of Rs.8,41,45,727/-has been
utilised for the purpose for which
IInd Tranche (excluding PMA it was sanctioned and that the
4 20,157,396 balance of Rs.Nil remaining
dated 6.09.2018)
unutilised at the time of closure
has been surrendered to REC
IInd Tranche (PMA dated
5 167,978 Limited. Further interest earned
on unutilised grants-in-aid has
been remitted to Ministry of
IIIrd Tranche (Part-I dated
6 3,854,930 Power's Bank account on regular
23.08.2019) basis.

IIIrd Tranche (Part-I dated

7 20,995,775

IIIrd Tranche (Part-I PMA dated

8 194,761

IIIrd Tranche (Part-II dated (B) Certified that I have satisfied

9 28,372,831 myself that the conditions on
which the grants-in-aid was
sanctioned have been duly/are
IIIrd Tranche (Part-II PMA
10 239,369 being fulfilled.
dated 31.03.2020)

Total in Rs. 84,145,727

Financial Advisor
PSPCL, Patiala

Chairmain & Managing Director

Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd.,

Principal Secretary to Govt. of Punjab

Department of Power

Page 16 of 16

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