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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Focus Group Discussion (FGD)

Teacher’s Reflection Note

Name of Teacher: CIRILO B. BORNILLA JR. School Year: 2022-2023

Topic : Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on RPMS

Date : February 23, 2023
Venue : LR, Grade Six Building
Resource Speaker/s : Maria Donna V. Marquez
Sonny L. Atanacio, PSDS, District VIII


RPMS Tools stands for Results-based Performance Management System Tools. They are
assessment instruments used to ensure quality teacher performance at different career stages.
These tools provide a systematic process for evaluating and monitoring teacher effectiveness, with
the goal of improving the overall quality of education. It also describes the duties and
responsibilities of teachers across career stages which is the Key Result Areas (KRA’s) for the
realization of those duties and the specific objectives to attain the KRAS.
The mainly purpose of RPMS portfolio is to administer, track and assess performance of
the teacher to pinpoint organizational and personnel management needs to enable continual work
growth and personal growth.
Mam Donna discussed to us the rating sheet and the corresponding objectives on it. She
emphasized more on the objectives on how she will rate us in a classroom observation using the
said rating sheet. She also discussed the different means of verification (MOV’s) that we will be
using in each KRA and in corresponding objectives. She also said that it is important to have a
clear objectives in the RPMS and the role of verifications in ensuring it effectiveness. Verifications
serve as a means to assess and validates whether the teacher have met the established
performance standards and targets. Verifications are conducted through various means, such as
classroom observations, test, portfolios, communication with parents and stakeholders, reflection
of our students and self-assessments. The purpose of these verifications is to ensure that
teachers are effectively implementing the required teaching strategies and methodologies, as well

Address: Southville 5A, Langkiwa, Biñan City, Laguna

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as using appropriate instructional materials and resources. Verifications also help in identifying
areas for improvement and providing constructive feedback to teachers.
The discussion on the objectives and means of verification in RPMS highlighted the
significance of aligning performance targets and standards with the overall goals of the education
system. Verifications serve as a means to assess and validate whether teachers are meeting
these standards, ensuring the effectiveness of the RPMS in enhancing teaching quality. We
agreed upon that we will accomplish the MOV’s attachments needed in RPMS so that they will get
a high rating. They will encourage each learners to participate during the lesson and in every
activity inside the classroom which also help them to develop their hidden talent. We need also to
check student performance and provide follow-up instructions for the slow learners.

Address: Southville 5A, Langkiwa, Biñan City, Laguna

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