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A Journal

Submitted as the Partial of the Requirement for Bachelor’s Degree (S. Pd.) in
English Education Program Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
University of Mataram




Ika Putri Nurman Damayanti, English Education Program, Language and Art
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University Of Mataram

Factors Causing Students’ Speaking Anxiety in EFL Classroom: Descriptive Study

of 6TH Semester Students at English Department University of Mataram Academic
Year 2017/2018


This study entitled “Factors Causing Students’ Speaking Anxiety in EFL

Classroom: Descriptive Study of 6TH Semester Students at English Department
University of Mataram Academic Year 2017/2018” is aimed to describe factors
causing students’ speaking anxiety and to describe students’ strategies to lessen
their speaking anxiety. The method used in this study was descriptive qualitative.
The population of this study was forty eight from sixth semester students morning
class in English department at University of Mataram but only eleven anxious
students were selected as the participants. The data were gathered through semi-
structured interview and questionnaire. The result of the study shows that
Communication Apprehension, Test Anxiety and Fear of Negative evaluation were
the three factors causing students’ speaking anxiety in English as a Foreign
Language in classroom. Then, students’ strategies to lessen their anxiety is
Preparation, Relaxation, Positive thinking and Peer seeking meanwhile,
Resignation is not consider as a strategy that students use to decrease their

Key words: Student’s Anxiety, speaking, EFL (English as a Foreign Language

Ika Putri Nurman Damayanti, Factors Causing Students’ Speaking Anxiety in EFL Classroom: Descriptive Study of 6 Th
Semester Students at English Department University of Mataram Academic Year 2017/2018

Introduction no enough time to express their mind,

giving opinion and so on in classroom.
Learning English as a foreign It can be said that being able to speak
language for students of English fluently is essential in students’
department at University of Mataram language learning to communicate
has always been a problem. Even both inside and outside the classroom.
though they had been taught English This is why out of the other skills that
subject when they were at senior high most students surface anxiety is
school, yet some of the students are speaking skill, based on Young (1990:
struggling to learn English on first 539) “Speaking in the foreign
semester. To be able to communicate language is often cited by students as
with other people in the target their most anxiety producing
language, students of English experience”.
department at University of Mataram
are expected to master speaking skill Students’ language anxiety
because speaking is a challenging task may come from some components.
for students, not like the other skills Horwitz, Horwitz, and Cope (1986)
that can be practiced alone, for describe three components that cause
speaking skill students need to make students’ language anxiety these are
an effort for it and cannot practice it communication apprehension, test
alone. In addition for learners of anxiety and fear of negative
English as a foreign language the main evaluation. Lecturer should aware
goal of learning English language is to about students’ language anxiety and
master good communication skills in they are not close their eyes over this
the language (Mai, 2011: 1). situation which always happens during
the learning process to any English
In English as a Foreign students. On the other hand, the
Language (EFL) classroom not all the students must find the best strategies to
students of English department at resolve their own problems in order to
University of Mataram are able to decrease their speaking anxiety.
speak in English. Horwitz, Horwitz,
and Cope (1986) point out since These are the reasons why the
speaking in the target language seems researcher is interested to conduct this
to be the most threatening aspect of research on students’ speaking anxiety
foreign language learning. The reason in EFL classroom at English
why students’ anxiety emerges when Department University of Mataram to
speaking English is because they have find out the causes that overcome from
anxiety also to find out the strategies
that students use to lessen their anxiety factors and these can emergence
at sixth semester students at English students anxious in class any time.
department University of Mataram
Horwitz, Horwitz, and Cope (1986)
academic year 2017/2018.
identify three main components of
Literature Review
foreign language anxiety these are
Maclntyre and Garden (1989) communication apprehension, test
view that anxiety as feeling of worry anxiety, and fear of negative
and emotional reaction that arises
evaluation. Horwitz et al (1986: 128,
while learning and using a second
language. English is a foreign cited in Tanver, 2007: 11) define
language for students of English communication apprehension as “a
department at University Mataram. . In
type of shyness characterized by fear
classroom there is also factors that can
emergence student’s anxiety, based on or anxiety about communication with
my own experience it may come from other people” which means that not all
student’s himself/herself, from lecturer
the students have the same
for example the way one lecturer
teaches students are different from characteristics and how they act in
other lecturer and the atmosphere of classroom some of them might feel shy
the classroom. to communicate in target language
According to explanation
even though they talk with their friend
above that is why it is very common
beside her/him meanwhile some of
situations in EFL classroom students
them are not. The second component is
have faced a problem called anxiety
test anxiety, described by Horwitz at
when it comes to speak in English.
al. (cited in Tanveer, 2007: 12) a type
Uncomfortable feeling that they feel
of performance anxiety stemming from
such as nervousness and worrying
a fear of failure to pass elements of
being in an EFL classroom that make
assessment, students experienced
them unable to concentrate during
anxiety when they face particular test
learning process. EFL learners feel
such as oral presentation, pair work
anxious while learning and particularly
and so on. They are afraid of failure to
speaking English in some situations.
pass the test, although the students
They faced both internal and external
already prepare very well before the

Ika Putri Nurman Damayanti, Factors Causing Students’ Speaking Anxiety in EFL Classroom: Descriptive Study of 6 Th
Semester Students at English Department University of Mataram Academic Year 2017/2018

test but when their anxiety comes, thinking, peer seeking, and
suddenly what is already in their mind resignation.

is gone. Fear of negative evaluation Research Method

refers to feelings of apprehension
This current research uses a
about others’ evaluations, avoidance of descriptive qualitative research design.
evaluative situations and the Descriptive qualitative research has
expectation that others evaluate one been chosen in order to know in-depth
about the phenomenon of students’
negatively (Horwitz and Young 1991:
anxiety in EFL class of English
31). Students tend to avoid talking Department at University of Mataram.
during the learning process, it is In order to collect the data that
is needed in this research, there is
clearly because she/he does not want
more than one instrument used and
to get evaluate negatively by other those instruments are questionnaire
students when she/he makes mistake and interview. The questionnaire for
this research is used to find out
while she/he performances in front of
strategies that students use to reduce
the class because students get stressed their anxiety in speaking English. The
over if their friends ridiculed her/him, questionnaire consists of both close-
in result she/he won’t get involved in ended questions and open-ended
questions. Questions from the
any speaking practice anymore. questionnaire are divided into 5
categories on how students reduce
When students are dealing with
their anxiety suggested by Kondo and
a situation that they think made them
Ling (2004).
anxious, the first think that comes out
The data is also obtained
from their mind is to avoid the
through interview to gather
situation. In fact use avoidance is not a
participant’s answer and in order not to
good option because they are expected
lose information. From the scale that
to find other way to cope with the
has been distributed to the sample of
anxiety. Kondo and Ling (2004)
this study, the result shows that they
investigation toward 209 students from
are 11 students who have highest
two universities in Japan, they
anxiety among the others, so the 11
discovered 70 strategies used by the
students have been chosen as the
students to reduce their anxiety. These
participants to interview with. The
70 tactics were put into five strategy
type of the interview is a semi
types: preparation, relaxation, positive
structured interview and the questions
are based on three factors by Horwitz, questionnaire. The question is about
Horwitz, and Cope (1986) that has students’ strategies to lessen their
been explained in the previous chapter anxiety according to their own
before, focusing on to find out the experience so that they can explore
factors which cause students' anxiety more about their strategies which is
in EFL classroom. not provided in the close-ended
Technique of recruiting questions. The process of analyzing
subjects of research. Foreign Language data from interview is divided into
Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) three main components based on
based on Horwitz, Horwitz, and Cope framework of qualitative analysis
(1986) distributed to the sample of the developed by Miles and Huberman
study along with one of the (1994). They are data reduction, data
instruments that I use in this research display and drawing and verifying
which is questionnaire. Actually, there conclusions.
are 33 questions in FLCAS but I adopt
only 15 questions because these 15 Discussion
questions which are suitable with the
classroom setting and FLCAS is The findings suggested that
translated into Indonesian in order the they are three factors causing students’
students easily to answers the anxiety in speaking English. They are;
questions. Communication Apprehension, Test of
Analysing the data from Anxiety and Fear Negative Evaluation.
questionnaire which is the percentage It is indicated that those factors were
for close-ended questions is calculated not only come from internal factors but
by using the following formula from also it comes from external factors that
Prihartini (2014) as follows; students feel when they have to deal
with their anxiety.
∑ Yes/No Communication apprehension,
whenever the student asked to speak in
P= N X 100% target language in front of the class it
made her/him anxious especially when
they have to speak individually
P: Score percentage because everyone in the class pay
∑: Number of statements “Yes/No” attention to the speaker, as T said “I’m
N: Number of respondents so nervous when lecturer asked me to
100: Constant number speak in English in front of the class”.
Therefore it’s difficult for
Next, there is one question in student to express their thoughts when
open-ended question in the they had anxiety attack based on

Ika Putri Nurman Damayanti, Factors Causing Students’ Speaking Anxiety in EFL Classroom: Descriptive Study of 6 Th
Semester Students at English Department University of Mataram Academic Year 2017/2018

Cubukcu (2007) communication instructors, classmates or others; may

apprehension in foreign language negatively view their language ability.
learning derives from the personal As it said by S “I made mistakes when
knowledge that one will almost I speak English in classroom so
certainly have difficulty understanding everyone is laughing at me and it made
others and making oneself understood. me feel embarrass” which make most
In line with one of the respondents’ of them not actively get involved in
statement SRD responded that “I feel speaking practices.
anxious whenever I try to convey my Here the result for students’
ideas in English because I’m afraid strategies that they use to decrease
that my classmates misunderstand their speaking anxiety. The result
what I’m trying to say” this is the comes from two parts, first result
reason why students remind silent to comes from close-ended questions and
avoid speaking in English. second one comes from open-ended
Test of anxiety, in form of questions. The result of close-ended
failing the test in EFL classroom all questions shows the variety of
the respondents said that they were students’ answer toward provided
afraid of failing the test even though questions in questionnaire which is
they have prepared very well. Student related to five strategy aspects by
NA says based on her own experience, Kondo and Ling (2004). Those are;
before an oral test was held the Preparation, Relaxation, Positive
lecturer gave students topic to talk to Thinking, Peer Seeking and
so that they can prepare but when I had Resignation.
an oral test and have to face to face Moreover, the result of open-
with the lecturer it made me anxious, ended question which is about
in result I cannot give my best students’ strategies to lessen their
performance. Tanveer (2007) anxiety based on their own experience
described this test anxiety is found to that they use when they were having
have a detrimental effect on students' anxiety attack in EFL classroom. The
ability and confidence. strategies are also classified based on
Fear of negative evaluation. Kondo and Ling’s (2004). However,
Students tend to keep silent during the not all the strategies that found in
learning process because others’ students’ answer on open-ended
opinion influenced them especially if it question, those strategies are only
was negative opinion towards the Preparation, Relaxation, Positive
speaker. Liu (2007) explains that Fear Thinking and Peer Seeking.
of negative evaluation is the anxiety
associated with the learner’s
perception of how other onlookers;
Even though this research was
Conclusion and Suggestion carried out to a small number of

From the findings and discussion respondents, the result provides useful

presented earlier, it is concluded that: information that can be used by

students and others to improve their
There are three factors that may speaking skills. Based on the result of
contribute to students’ anxiety. They the study, there are a number of
are Communication Apprehension in suggestions the following.
that students’ anxiety has increased
when they have to speak in front of the For the Students, hopefully, this

class. This is particularly true when research help the students to know

they have to speak alone and the about their weaknesses related to

pressure is even greater. In the context factors that cause the anxiety and

of Test of Anxiety, students are afraid recognize their situations so that they

of consequence of failing in speaking can change and improve their skill in

test especially when they have oral order to decrease their speaking

test. The last cause is Fear of Negative anxiety by using suggested strategies

Evaluation, the situation when students to deal with their anxiety.

fear negative opinions that come from For the Lecturers, they should not
their peers or lecturer in particular. ignore the fact that students’ anxiety

Furthermore, there were various exists in learning specifically in

strategies that students of sixth English Foreign Language classroom.

semester in English department at It is hoped that lecturer’s awareness

University of Mataram academic year over this phenomenon can help the

2017/2018 used to lessen their anxiety students to cope with their anxiety by

in speaking English. They are applying appropriate teaching process

Preparation, Relaxation, Positive and always encouraging them because

Thinking, Peer Seeking and making mistakes is natural part of

Resignation. language learning.

Ika Putri Nurman Damayanti, Factors Causing Students’ Speaking Anxiety in EFL Classroom: Descriptive Study of 6 Th
Semester Students at English Department University of Mataram Academic Year 2017/2018

For future researchers it is English Classroom: A Case

Study in China. Indonesian
necessary to find more about factors
Journal of English Language
causing students’ speaking anxiety due Teaching, 3: 119-134.
MacIntyre, P.D. and Gardner, R.C.
to limitations of this research, which
(1989). Anxiety and Second
can be further explored in the future. Language learning: Toward a
theoretical Clarification.
On the other hand, hopefully this study
Language Learning, 39: 251-
can be used as a comparative study to 275
Mai, L. T. (2011). An investigation
give a better and deeper understanding
into factors that hinder the
of the issue of students’ anxiety. participation of university
Students in English speaking
References lessons. M.A Thesis.
University of Languages and
Cubukcu, F. (2007). Foreign language International Studies.
Anxiety. Iranian Journal of Tanveer, M. (2007). Investigation of
Language Studies (IJLS), the factors that cause language
Vol. 1(2), 133 – 142. anxiety for ESL/EFL learners
Horwitz, E. K., Horwitz, M, B., & in learning speaking skills and
Cope, J. (1986). “Foreign the influence it casts on
language classroom anxiety” in communication in the target
Willey Blackwell. Retrieved language. Unpublished
March 3, 2017, from Doctoral Dissertation. University of Glasgow. United
317 Kingdom.
Kondo, D., & Ling, Y. (2004). Young, D.J. (1990). An investigation
Strategies for coping with of students' perspectives on
language anxiety: the case of anxiety and speaking. Foreign
students of English in Language Annals, 23, 539-553.
Japan. ELT Journal, 58(3).
Liu, M. (2007). Anxiety in Oral

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