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Void Bequests

1.Sec. 67. Effect of gift to attesting witness. -A will shall not be deemed to be insufficiently attested by reason
of any benefit thereby given either by way of bequest or by way of appointment to any person attesting it, or to
his or her wife or husband; but the bequest or appointment shall be void so far as concerns the person so
attesting, or the wife or husband of such person, or any person claiming under either of them.

Explanation.--A legatee under a will does not lose his legacy by attesting a codicil which confirms the will.

2. Sec.89. Will or bequest void for uncertainty. -A will or bequest not expressive of any definite intention is
void for uncertainty.

3. Sec.112. Bequest to person by particular description, who is not in existence at testator's death.-Where
a bequest is made to a person by a particular description, and there is no person in existence at the testator's
death who answers the description, the bequest is void.

4. Sec. 113. Bequest to person not in existence at testator's death subject to prior bequest.-Where a bequest
is made to a person not in existence at the time of the testator's death, subject to a prior bequest contained in the
will, the later bequest shall be void, unless it comprises the whole of the remaining interest of the testator in the
thing bequeathed.

5. Sec. 114. Rule against perpetuity.-No bequest is valid whereby the vesting of the thing bequeathed may be
delayed beyond the life-time of one or more persons living at the testator's death and the minority of some
person who shall be in existence at the expiration of that period, and to whom, if he attains full age, the thing
bequeathed is to belong.

6.Sec.115. Bequest to a class some of whom may come under rules in sections 113 and 114.-If a bequest is
made to a class of persons with regard to some of whom it is inoperative by reason of the provisions of section
113 or section 114, such bequest shall be void in regard to those persons only, and not in regard to the whole

7. Sec. 116. Bequest to take effect on failure of prior bequest.-Where by reason of any of the rules contained
in sections 113 and 114, any bequest in favour of a person or of a class of persons is void in regard to such
person or the whole of such class, any bequest contained in the same will and intended to take effect after or
upon failure of such prior bequest is also void.

8. Sec. 117. Effect of direction for accumulation.-(1) Where the terms of a will direct that the income arising
from any property shall be accumulated either wholly or in part during any period longer than a period of
eighteen years from the death of the testator, such direction shall, save as hereinafter provided, be void to the
extent to which the period during which the accumulation is directed exceeds the aforesaid period, and at the
end of such period of eighteen years the property and the income thereof shall be disposed of as if the period
during which the accumulation has been directed to be made had elapsed.

9. Sec.118. Bequest to religious or charitable uses.-No man having a nephew or niece or any nearer relative
shall have power to bequeath any property to religious or charitable uses, except by a will executed not less than
twelve months before his death, and deposited within six months from its execution in some place provided by
law for the safe custody of the wills of living persons.

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