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CHAPTER 9: ENTERPRISE ENTRY STRATEGIES Buying an Existing Business - This can be an

Starting business from Scratch - It involves attractive option for entrepreneurs who want to
identifying a need in the market, developing a hit the ground running and take advantage of an
business plan, and building a company from the established customer base, brand recognition,
ground up. Some key considerations to keep in and existing infrastructure. However, it's
mind when starting a business from scratch essential to do your due diligence before
include identifying your target audience, purchasing a business to ensure that it's a good
securing financing, developing a marketing investment and that you have a solid plan for
strategy, and building a strong team. how to grow and improve the business moving
Advantages forward.
• Business can be designed to meet personal Advantages
goals. • Market demand Already Exists.
• Policies and Procedures are formulated • There is available experienced personnel.
according to personal desire.
Disadvantages • The New Entrepreneur may have to adjust
• Extensive time and energy are required to his own business goals to those of the firm
study the business idea. to be purchased.
• It is often difficult to attract customers to a • Policies and procedures which he might find
new product, service, or company. questionable may be difficult to change.
• Market Demand is Uncertainty.
Obtaining a Franchise - franchising can be an
Taking over family business - If you have a attractive option for entrepreneurs who want to
family business that is already established, this start a business with a proven track record and
can be an excellent opportunity to continue the established support system. When you obtain a
legacy and build upon the existing foundation. franchise, you're essentially buying the right to
However, it's essential to approach this strategy operate a business model that has already been
with caution and to ensure that you have a clear successful in other locations. However, it's
understanding of the business's strengths and important to keep in mind that there are often
weaknesses before taking over. It's also significant upfront costs associated with
important to be mindful of any family dynamics franchising, and you'll typically be required to
that could impact the success of the business. follow strict guidelines and operate within a
Advantages predetermined framework.
• Business Guidance from the family is Advantages
available. • The franchisee is able to go into business
• Market has been established. even without previous experience.
Disadvantages • Product or Service is Already known in the
• It might be difficult to introduce changes in Market.
an already established business. Disadvantages
• The new owner may have to make do with • Relatively higher capital investment is
existing facilities. needed, including franchise fees and other
• Operating decisions must conform to 2. Social Responsibility - Entrepreneurs are
established systems giving the franchise expected to incorporate social
limited autonomy. responsibility in their business practices,
ensuring that their activities align with
Running a business from home - This can be an ethical and moral standards. Social
excellent approach for those who want to responsibility also offers opportunities for
minimize overhead costs and have the flexibility entrepreneurs to differentiate their
to work on their own terms. However, it's products and services in the market,
important to keep in mind that running a thereby attracting socially conscious
business from home requires discipline and a consumers.
strong work ethic to ensure that you stay 3. Inclusive Growth - It aims to provide
focused and productive. opportunities for all individuals, regardless
Advantage of their background, to participate in
• allows for a great deal of flexibility. You can economic activities. This trend has created
work from the comfort of your own home, new opportunities for entrepreneurs to
which means no more commuting, no more develop products and services that cater to
office politics, and no dress code. You can underserved markets, such as low-income
also set your own hours and work at a pace communities, women, and people with
that suits you, which is particularly helpful disabilities. Inclusive growth has also
for those who have other commitments, provided a platform for entrepreneurs to
such as caring for children or elderly create innovative solutions to social
relatives. problems, thereby contributing to overall
Disadvantage economic growth.
• It can be difficult to separate work from 4. Globalization - has created opportunities
home life. It can be challenging to stay for entrepreneurs to expand their
focused and motivated when you're businesses beyond their national borders,
surrounded by the distractions of home, providing access to new markets and
and it can also be hard to establish customers. However, globalization also
boundaries with family members or poses challenges such as increased
roommates who may not understand the competition, cultural differences, and
importance of your work regulatory hurdles.
5. E-commerce - has transformed the way
CHAPTER 10: ENVIRONMENTAL AND businesses operate, enabling
ECONOMIC TRENDS AFFECTING entrepreneurs to reach a global audience
ENTREPRENEURSHIP through online platforms. E-commerce has
1. Technological Evolutions - has reduced barriers to entry for
revolutionized the way businesses operate, entrepreneurs, providing a low-cost
providing opportunities for entrepreneurs alternative to traditional brick-and-mortar
to develop new products and services. businesses.
Advances in technology have enabled 6. The Cyberspace - has provided
entrepreneurs to create innovative entrepreneurs with new opportunities to
solutions to societal problems, making it reach customers and market their products
easier for them to market their products and services. The emergence of social
and services. media platforms has created new channels
for entrepreneurs to engage with Collaboration and Networking - Engage in
customers, build brand awareness, and conversations and collaborations with other
create communities. However, cyberspace entrepreneurs, industry professionals, and
also poses challenges such as cybersecurity experts. Sharing ideas, brainstorming together,
threats, intellectual property theft, and and leveraging collective knowledge can create
online reputation management. new opportunities.
7. Franchising Trends - providing
Observing Trends - Stay updated on current
entrepreneurs with the opportunity to
trends and emerging technologies. Observe
start their own business with the support
changes in consumer behavior, advancements in
of an established brand. Franchising offers
technology, and shifts in market dynamics. By
entrepreneurs a proven business model,
identifying trends early on, you can capitalize on
marketing support, and training, reducing
new opportunities before they become
the risks associated with starting a new
business. However, franchising also poses
challenges such as high initial investment
Problem-Solving Approach - Look for problems
costs, limited flexibility, and the risk of
or challenges in various industries and sectors.
brand reputation damage.
Consider pain points, inefficiencies, or unmet
8. Green Economy - has emerged as a trend
needs that can be addressed through innovative
in entrepreneurship, providing
solutions. This approach involves identifying a
opportunities for entrepreneurs to develop
problem and then brainstorming potential ideas
products and services that promote
to solve it.
sustainability. The green economy has
created new markets for entrepreneurs to OPPORTUNITY EVALUATION PROCESS
develop innovative solutions to
environmental problems, such as climate Market Analysis - Conduct a thorough analysis
change, pollution, and resource depletion. of the target market. Identify the size of the
However, the green economy also poses market, the potential customer base, and the
challenges such as regulatory hurdles, high overall growth prospects. Analyze competition,
investment costs, and limited consumer industry trends, and any regulatory factors that
awareness. may impact the opportunity.

CHAPTER 11: Entrepreneurial Ideas and Customer Validation - Validate the demand for
Opportunities your product or service by gathering feedback
- refer to innovative concepts and from potential customers. Conduct surveys,
potential ventures that individuals can interviews, or prototype testing to gauge their
pursue to create value and generate interest, needs, and willingness to pay. This step
profits helps ensure that your idea solves a real
Some Factors to consider in relation to problem and has a viable market.
personal preferences: Feasibility Assessment - Evaluate the feasibility
Likes and Dislikes of your opportunity by considering various
Family Concerns factors, including financial feasibility, technical
Age and Health Issues feasibility, resource availability, and scalability.
Personality Assess whether you have the necessary
Financial Need
resources, skills, and infrastructure to bring the IMPORTANCE OF ENTREPRENEURIAL IDEA AND
opportunity to fruition. OPPORTUNITIES
Economic Growth - Entrepreneurship plays a
Idea generation Techniques - Employ
vital role in driving economic growth by
brainstorming techniques, such as mind
fostering innovation, creating new jobs, and
mapping, SCAMPER (Substitute, Combine,
promoting competition. New ventures and ideas
Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate,
can lead to the development of new industries,
Reverse), or the Six Thinking Hats method to
increased productivity, and enhanced overall
generate a wide range of ideas. Encourage
creativity and think outside the box.
Problem solving - Entrepreneurial ideas often
Competitive Advantage - Identify and analyze
emerge from identifying gaps, inefficiencies, or
your potential competitive advantage.
unmet needs in the market. By addressing these
Determine what sets your idea apart from
problems through innovative solutions,
existing solutions or competitors.
entrepreneurs have the opportunity to make a
significant impact on society while building
Risk Assessment - Evaluate the potential risks
successful businesses.
and challenges associated with pursuing the
opportunity. Consider factors such as market Personal Fulfillment - Entrepreneurship allows
volatility, regulatory constraints, technological individuals to pursue their passions, interests,
barriers, and financial risks. Identify mitigation and personal goals. It offers the freedom to
strategies to address these risks and ensure the create and shape their own ventures, enabling
long-term sustainability of your venture. them to have a sense of autonomy and
fulfillment in their work.
Financial Analysis - Conduct a thorough financial
analysis to determine the revenue potential, PROMISING ENTREPRENEURIAL
cost structure, and profitability of the OPPORTUNITIES
opportunity. Estimate the initial investment - E-commerce and Online Marketplace -
required, projected sales, and anticipated - Sustainability and green technologies
expenses. This analysis will help you assess the - Health and wellness
financial viability and return on investment of - Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Automation
the opportunity. - Personal Development and education
- Financial Technology (FinTech)
SWOT analysis - Perform a SWOT analysis
- Aging population solutions
(Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)
to assess the internal and external factors that
can impact your opportunity. This analysis helps
you understand the strengths and weaknesses
Basic Guidelines in Business Start Up
of your venture and identify potential
• a. Identify your passion and expertise
opportunities or threats in the market.
• b. Conduct market research
Decision Making - make an informed decision • c. Define your value proposition
about pursuing the opportunity. Consider the • d. Establish a business structure
alignment of the opportunity with your goals, • e. Secure necessary permits and licenses
the overall market potential, feasibility, and the
level of risk involved.
Business start-up checklist
a. Define your business idea:
b. Create a business plan:
c. Identify funding sources:
d. Build a professional network
e. Develop a marketing strategy
f. Set up your infrastructure
g. Hire the right team
h. Obtain insurance coverage

The Planning Stage

a. Market analysis
b. SWOT analysis
c. Financial planning
d. Operations planning
e. Marketing and sales strategy

Starting the enterprise

a. Register your business
b. Location of the Business
c. Recruit and train your team
d. Launch your marketing campaigns
e. Monitor and adjust

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