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Success Recipe


Ingredients: Steps for Cooking:

5 Cups of Determination In the mixing bowl, combine 4 ounce of
1 honesty, 2 tbsp of confidence, and 3 tsp of
2 tbsp of confidence
3 tsp of Positivity Positivity. Marinate for 10-15 minutes to
½ cup of trust allow flavors to develop.

2 pinch of collaboration 2
Heat a pan over medium flame. Add ½ cup
1 gallon of challenges of trust, 2 pinch of collaboration, 3 cups of
hard work. Sauté until toasted.
3 cups of hard work
1 pinch of consistency Preheat oven to 400°F In a medium bowl,
5 grams of persistence 3 whisk together 1 pinch of consistency, 5
grams of persistence, and 3 liters of
3 pinch of creativity
creativity. Bake until golden for 15 minutes.
4 ounces of honesty
Top with 3 pinch of creativity and bake 20
minutes more.

Lastly, garnish with determination and

challenges before serving.

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