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Subject: Marketing
Lecturer: MBA. Bùi Huy Hải Bích
Class: CC01 – Semester 223
Performance: Group – ASC

No Last name First name Student ID

1 Nguyễn Thị Huỳnh Khuê 2153489
2 Nguyễn Thụy Khánh Linh 1952319
3 Nguyễn Xuân Nam 1852598
4 Nguyễn Như Phúc 1852667
5 Đặng Nguyễn Mai Uyên 2252892

Ho Chi Minh City, August 8th, 2023

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 1
1.1. Definition of Content Marketing ................................................................................1
1.2. Classification of Content Marketing ...........................................................................1
1.2.1. Blogs ....................................................................................................................1
1.2.2. Social Media ........................................................................................................2
1.2.3. Email ....................................................................................................................3
1.2.4. Copywriting .........................................................................................................4
1.2.5. Video ....................................................................................................................4
1.3. The change from traditional marketing to content marketing ....................................6
1.3.1. From mass media to targeted platforms ...............................................................6
1.3.2. From interruption to attraction .............................................................................6
1.3.3. From product-centric to customer-centric ...........................................................6
1.3.4. From one-way communication to interaction ......................................................7
1.3.5. From short-term campaigns to long-term strategy ..............................................7
1.3.6. From limited analytics to data-driven insights ....................................................7
1.3.7. From high costs to cost-effectiveness ..................................................................8
1.4. Distinguish between content creation and content marketing ....................................8
CHAPTER 2: WHY IT IS IMPORTANT TO THE MARKETERS? ............................ 10
2.1. Building brand awareness .........................................................................................10
2.2. Push up the website traffic and potential customers.................................................10
2.3. Encouraging customer loyalty ..................................................................................11
2.4. Competitive...............................................................................................................12
CHAPTER 3: HOW IS IT APPLIED IN MARKETING? .............................................. 13
3.1. Boosting sales ...........................................................................................................13
3.2. Distributing and promoting content ..........................................................................13
3.3. Cost-Effectiveness and Long-Term Impact ..............................................................15
3.4. Adapting to Changing Consumer Behavior..............................................................15
3.5. Supporting Social Media and Digital Marketing Effort ...........................................15
CHAPTER 4: SPECIFIC CASES ...................................................................................... 18
4.1. “Ride to Happiness" content marketing campaign of HONDA ...............................18
4.1.1. Objectives of this marketing campaign .............................................................18
4.1.2. Overview of the campaign .................................................................................18
4.1.3. Execution activities ............................................................................................19
4.1.4. Results ................................................................................................................24
4.2.1. The background of that content marketing campaign .......................................26
4.2.2. The goal of the brand .........................................................................................28
4.2.3. Campaign overview (campaign overview) ........................................................28
4.2.4. Campaign execution...........................................................................................29
4.2.5. Campaign results ................................................................................................31
CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION ............................................................................................ 32
REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 1-1: Atlassian’s Work Life blog ................................................................................. 2
Figure 1-2: DuoLingo’s TikTok account ............................................................................... 3
Figure 1-3: Starbuck’s newletters .......................................................................................... 4
Figure 1-4: Apple’s “Dear Apple” video series ..................................................................... 5
Figure 2-1: Impact of Monthly blog posts on Inbound Traffic (Source: Hubspot) ............. 11
Figure 2-2: Video continues to be used by an overwhelming majority of businesses (Source:
Wyzowl) ................................................................................................................................12
Figure 3-1: Measuring the campaign’s effectiveness on social media [1] ........................... 16
Figure 3-2: Coca-Cola use social platforms to raise a campaign” Share A Coke” and always
reply all comments ................................................................................................................ 17
Figure 3-3: The fanpage of “ Share A Coke” campaign of Brand Coca-Cola in Twitter ... 17
Figure 4-1: “Mang tiền về cho mẹ” music video [2] ........................................................... 19
Figure 4-2: Đen Vâu's speech during the Honda Vietnam livestream introducing the new
Winner X ...............................................................................................................................21
Figure 4-3: “Winner League X Đen” trip 2021 ................................................................... 21
Figure 4-4: Winner league 2022 kien giang: chiến hữu đồng hành – vang danh tự hào [3] 22
Figure 4-5: Honda's Promotional Posts on Facebook for the Campaign ............................. 23
Figure 4-6: Honda's Promotional Posts on Digital newspaper for the Campaign ............... 24
Figure 4-7: Outstanding achievements of MV “Đi về nhà” ................................................ 24
Figure 4-8: Best 10 marketing campaigns on Social Media in December 2020 ................. 25
Figure 4-9: Starbucks new limited-edition Mermaids Cookie. [1] ...................................... 26
Figure 4-10: Starbucks #WhatsYourName Campaign ........................................................ 27
Figure 4-11: A special edition Mermaid Cookie in stores (Winter/Spring 2020) .............. 27
Figure 4-12: Starbucks ad makes a push for transgender acceptance in the UK ................. 28
Figure 4-13: Starbucks’s campaign #whatsyourname website [1] ...................................... 29
Figure 4-14: Starbucks LGBT+ Channel 4 Diversity Award 2019 | Every name’s a story
(Extended Version). [2] ......................................................................................................... 30
Figure 4-15: Retweeters give positive comments under the brand's video promotion post.[5]
SUBJECT: MARKETING Lecturer: MBA. Bui Huy Hai Bich

1.1. Definition of Content Marketing
According to the Content Marketing Institute, a daily source of how-to insight for
content marketing education, events, and consulting, content marketing is thusly defined as

“Content marketing is a marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable,

relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience – with the
objective of driving profitable customer action.” [21].

Content marketing is a subset of inbound marketing. Instead of directly promoting a

good or service, content marketing's primary mission is to enlighten, amuse, educate, or
otherwise help the audience with their problems. By doing this, content marketing hopes to
boost potential customers' trust, credibility, and loyalty, which will ultimately result in higher
brand awareness, customer retention, and conversion rates.

1.2. Classification of Content Marketing

Content marketing encompasses various types of content, each serving different
purposes and engaging different audience segments. In an article called What Are the 5 Types
of Content? [7] published on DemandJump, a marketing strategy platform, the author stated
that most sorts of content used in content marketing fall into the 5 categories including blogs,
social media, email, copywriting and video.

Blogs are written articles or posts published on a website regularly. They offer valuable
information, insights, tips, and solutions to the target audience's problems. Blog content
marketing relies on regular publishing of blog posts, which help drive organic traffic to the
website through search engines and social media shares. For example, Atlassian’s inspiring
Work Life blog contains stories and advice designed to lead a team to greatness. The blog is
well-optimized, offers helpful insight on team building, opens discussion on leadership style,
and draws on experience from inspirational leaders worldwide.

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Figure 1-1: Atlassian’s Work Life blog

1.2.2.Social Media
In this approach, businesses utilize various social media platforms like Facebook,
Instagram, TikTok, etc. Social media content marketing involves various content formats
tailored to each platform's unique features and audience preferences such as eye-catching
images, engaging and informative videos, live streams, polls and surveys or even partnering
with influencers. One of the most successful social media marketing strategies is Duolingo’s
TikTok. Although Duolingo's amusing memes about the app's continuous push notifications
that encouraged users to learn their chosen language has already connected the audience, the
company wanted to control over the content and decided to employ their green owl mascot
on the business's TikTok page during the outbreak. Duolingo's TikTok now has millions of
viewers in 2023 and hundreds of amusing videos.

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Figure 1-2: DuoLingo’s TikTok account

Email marketing aims to engage the audience by delivering relevant and valuable
content directly to their inboxes. This can include blog updates, newsletters, special offers,
and more. Email marketing can be highly effective when done right, as it allows businesses
to deliver targeted messages to a receptive audience. Let’s have a look at Starbucks. They
entice clients to read their news by sending emails with attractive pictures. The majority of
their mailings include mouth watering images of dishes from their menu coupled with
tempting incentives. Their email copy is succinct and unambiguous, with emphasis placed on
key phrases. That will definitely catch the interest of their subscribers.

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Figure 1-3: Starbuck’s newletters

Copywriting content marketing is a specific approach within content marketing that
focuses on creating persuasive and compelling written content, often called "copy".
Copywriting content marketing's main objective is to persuade the audience to act in a way
that is consistent with the company's objectives. A variety of marketing materials, such as
website landing pages, social media postings, commercials, product descriptions, and others
frequently include this kind of content.
This approach involves using videos to communicate a brand's message, showcase
products or services, deliver valuable information, entertain, and establish a connection with
the audience. Video content is known for its ability to capture and retain audience attention
better than text-based content as well as a powerful storytelling medium that can evoke
emotions and create a strong emotional connection with the audience. Apple’s “Dear Apple”
Campaign successfully demonstrated how their apple watches provide emergency support for
users via a series of videos that introduces real-life scenarios of people trapped by a bear, a

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plane crash, and other distressing situations. By taking the advantages of video marketing,
Apple did not need to publish a lengthy post to describe how the Apple watches work.
Moreover, this series of videos help visualize the watches’ usages.

Figure 1-4: Apple’s “Dear Apple” video series

According to a statistic related to Content Marketing on Search Engine Journal [12], the
top three types of content being created by marketing teams in 2022 included videos, blogs,
and images. However, the author of What Are the 5 Types of Content? stated that “The most
popular types of content are blogs and videos that rank on the first page of Google and
YouTube search results. There are an estimated 5.6 billion searches made on Google
everyday, while videos on the most popular social media platform, YouTube, receive about 5
billion daily views”.

In 2023, a research published on Hubspot Blog [13] stated that, among various types of
content, short-form video takes center stage. 90% of marketers using short-form videos will
increase or maintain their investment in 2023, and 21% plan to leverage short-form videos
for the first time in the same year. Moreover, 73% of consumers prefer to watch short-form
videos to learn about a service or product.

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1.3. The change from traditional marketing to content marketing

The shift from traditional marketing to content marketing involves a change in the
fundamental approach, strategies, and channels used to promote products and engage with the
target audience.

1.3.1. From mass media to targeted platforms

The most obvious difference between traditional and content marketing is their applied
channels. With traditional marketing, businesses use conventional methods and mass media
to promote their products or services. These methods have been used for years and frequently
require communicating with a large audience without having any personal interaction. Some
common channels of traditional marketing include television (TV) commercials, broadcasts,
outdoor advertising (e.g., posters, billboards), printed promotional materials (e.g., flyers,
brochures), etc. Meanwhile, content marketing channels emphasize engagement, interaction,
and building relationships with the audience and its channels refer to the various digital
platforms and channels including company websites, social media, podcasts, webinars, etc.
1.3.2. From interruption to attraction
Traditional marketing relies on interruptive advertising, in which messages are
broadcast to a large audience and frequently interfere with their activities, such as TV
commercials that run during shows or pop-up ads on websites. Contrarily, content marketing
aims to draw in the audience by producing interesting, helpful, and valuable information that
they actively seek out and interact with.
1.3.3. From product-centric to customer-centric
In traditional marketing, the focus is frequently on the brand, its offerings, and features.
Content marketing shifts the focus to the audience, understanding their interests, pain points,
and needs, instead of just promoting the business. In The Shift from Product-Centric to
Customer-Centric Marketing in Today's Digital Age [14] published on LinkedIn, Mirko
Spinella, the author, stated that: “The key to success in today's marketplace is to prioritize the
needs and preferences of customers above all else. By adopting a customer-centric approach,
businesses can create happier customers, drive positive word-of-mouth referrals, and build a

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foundation for long-term success.”. This statement outlined the reasons why content
marketing is gradually overtaking traditional marketing.

1.3.4. From one-way communication to interaction

Traditional marketing typically involves non-personal communication, where the brand
speaks to the audience without necessarily encouraging interaction. Content marketing
encourages two-way communication and engagement with the audience, fostering a sense of
community and relationship-building. For example, content marketing thrives on social media
platforms, where brands can interact directly with their followers through comments, likes,
shares, and direct messages. Social media becomes a channel for real-time interaction and
communication with the audience.

1.3.5. From short-term campaigns to long-term strategy

Traditional marketing campaigns often have a short lifespan, with promotional
messages running for a limited time. For example, a television commercial promoting a
limited-time sale will have a set period of airing or broadcasting. Content marketing, on the
other hand, aims to provide ongoing value to the audience through valuable and relevant
content assets such as blog posts, videos, podcasts. The content created for content marketing
often remains relevant and valuable to the audience over an extended period. For example, a
blog post that provides a comprehensive guide to a topic or a video that explains a product's
features and benefits can continue to attract audiences and provide value long after its initial

1.3.6. From limited analytics to data-driven insights

The tracking and analytics capabilities of traditional marketing may be restricted,
making it difficult to determine the specific impact of efforts. Content marketing, especially
in digital environments, enables more thorough data collecting and analysis, offering
insightful information about audience behavior and content performance. For example, data-
driven insights allow content marketers to segment their audience based on various attributes
like demographics, behavior, interests, and preferences, or enable content marketers to
understand how users interact with their content.

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1.3.7. From high costs to cost-effectiveness

Content marketing has evolved from being perceived as a high-cost endeavor to
becoming a cost-effective marketing strategy for businesses. This transformation is largely
attributed to the shift towards digital channels, advancements in technology, and the ability
to reach a broader and more targeted audience with lower investment. Content marketing
predominantly takes place on digital platforms, which often have lower costs compared to
traditional media channels, and it also helps eliminate physical production and distribution
expenses. Digital platforms allow businesses to share content with their followers at no extra

Overall, the shift from traditional marketing to content marketing represents a more
customer-focused, interactive, and data-driven approach. By providing valuable content and
building genuine connections with their audience, brands can establish themselves as trusted
authorities and create long-lasting relationships with their customers.
1.4. Distinguish between content creation and content marketing
Content creation and content marketing are two essential components of a successful
marketing strategy, and they work together to achieve specific objectives. In the world of
digital marketing and content creation, content creation and content marketing are distinct but
interconnected elements of a comprehensive marketing strategy.
Although both content creation and content marketing involve leveraging various
channels and platforms to deliver the valuable content to the right audience at the right time,
they have different purposes. The main objective of content creation is to benefit the audience
by addressing their needs, interests, and problems. It involves crafting content that educates,
entertains, or solves problems or establishing the brand as an authority in its industry.
Meanwhile, content marketing aims to attract and nurture leads, increase brand awareness,
build customer loyalty, and drive customer engagement.

Moreover, Content creation occurs before the actual content marketing campaign. It
involves ideation, planning, research, and production of content assets. Content marketing
takes place after content creation. Once the content assets are ready, the content marketing

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uses the content developed by content creators as a tool for brand promotion or consumer

In conclusion, content marketing is the deliberate process of strategically advertising

and spreading such material in order to effectively reach and engage the target audience.
Content creation is the act of creating valuable and pertinent content assets.

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This section provides a comprehensive analysis of the importance of content marketing,
supported by data and references, to highlight its significance in modern marketing strategies.
By exploring key aspects such as building brand awareness, driving website traffic, fostering
customer loyalty, competitive advantages, cost-effectiveness, and long-term impact, this
section presents a compelling case for businesses to embrace content marketing as a critical
component of their marketing arsenal.
2.1.Building brand awareness
Content marketing plays a pivotal role in building brand awareness. It involves creating
and disseminating content that introduces the brand to a wider audience, establishes its
identity, and fosters positive perceptions. There are 86% of B2B marketers consider brand
awareness as their top content marketing goal. A well-executed content marketing strategy
increases a brand's visibility, credibility, and reach, thus creating a lasting impression in
consumers' minds [4]. Building brand awareness through content marketing is a dynamic and
multifaceted process that requires the business to understand the target audience’s
demographics, preferences, needs, and pain points. Beside that, business should produce
content that addresses their audience's challenges, educates them, and provides valuable
insights. Maintain a consistent content publishing schedule to keep the brand visible and top-
of-mind is also help building brand awareness. For instance, regularly sharing content helps
reinforce their brand message and keeps their audience engaged.
2.2.Push up the website traffic and potential customers
Content marketing is also a potent driver of website traffic and potential customer
acquisition. Driving website traffic and attracting potential customers through content
marketing is a crucial aspect of the strategy. Content marketing leverages valuable and
relevant content to attract, engage, and convert website visitors into potential customers. The
State of Marketing Report 2021 posted on Hubspots found that businesses with active blogs
received 55% more website visitors than those without. Additionally, these companies
reported an impressive 97% more inbound links, significantly boosting their search engine
rankings and attracting potential customers [18].

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Figure 2-1: Impact of Monthly blog posts on Inbound Traffic (Source: Hubspot)

As illustrated in Figure above, businesses that publish 16 or more blog posts per month
receive 3.5 times more traffic and 4.5 times more leads than those that publish 0-4 posts [8].
2.3. Encouraging customer loyalty
Customer loyalty is a critical component of sustainable business growth, and content
marketing is well-suited to foster it. Content marketing allows businesses to stay connected
with their customers beyond the initial purchase. By consistently providing valuable content,
companies keep their customers engaged and interested, reinforcing their brand in the minds
of the audience. Through content marketing, businesses can tailor content based on customer
preferences, behavior, and past interactions. Personalized content makes customers feel
valued and understood, enhancing their loyalty to the brand. Content marketing is an excellent
tool for educating customers about the products or services they've purchased. Educated
customers are more likely to appreciate the value of their purchases and become repeat buyers.
Content marketing also allows brands to tell stories and share experiences that resonate with
their audience on an emotional level. Besides that, high-quality and informative content
positions the brand as a trusted authority in its industry. Customers are more likely to remain
loyal to a brand they trust and believe provides value. Emotionally engaging content fosters
a sense of connection and loyalty among customers who identify with the brand's values and

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2.4. Competitive
Content marketing has become increasingly competitive as more businesses recognize
its effectiveness in reaching and engaging audiences. According to a study by the Content
Marketing Institute, the companies they surveyed spend an average of 26% of their total
marketing budget on content marketing. In addition, on average, a small business may spend
around $1000-$5000 per month on content marketing, while larger companies may spend
$10,000-$50,000 or more per month. [9]. To remain competitive in the content marketing
landscape, businesses must focus on several key strategies such as differentiation, audience –
centric approach, adapting to trends and platforms. For example, 86% of businesses use video
as a marketing tool according to Wyzowl, as shown in Figure below.

Figure 2-2: Video continues to be used by an overwhelming majority of businesses

(Source: Wyzowl)

Standing out from the competition is crucial. Businesses need to identify their unique
selling points and core strengths and use them to create content that sets them apart.
Differentiating content can be achieved through innovative formats, in-depth research, or a
distinct brand voice. In addition, use storytelling to create emotional connections with the
audience. Craft compelling narratives that resonate with their emotions and values, making
the content more memorable and shareable. Besides that, content marketing evolves with
changing consumer behavior and emerging platforms. Stay abreast of trends and adjust
content strategies to engage audiences effectively on new platforms and formats.

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3.1. Boosting sales
Content Marketing caused positive impact on the brand step by step

Step 1: Brand Positioning

• The reputation of a business is not only built by the quality of products and services, but
also reflected in the precise marketing strategy.
• Content Marketing is an integral part of that marketing strategy.

Step 2: Increase website traffic

• Reality shows that when a website has attractive content which appeals and brings useful
information to users. It will easily increase the amount of customers who get access to
this website and gain the belief of them.

Step 3: Boosting sales and saving costs

• The more customers get access to this website, the more sales of the business. These
days, it is becoming increasingly popular for customers to have a smart brain and be
interested in websites, fanpages, and blogs of businesses. That's the reason why Content
Marketing must be focused above all.
• When creating valuable content, you need to bring valuable information and
differentiate it from the competition. In addition, these customers will recommend your
site to friends and relatives once you have created a reputation with them. This helps
your business attract more customers.
• Using Valuable Content Marketing will help raise website rankings on Google search
engines. At the same time create a source of passive customers.

3.2. Distributing and promoting content

When it comes to distributing and promoting content, there are several key strategies
and channels that content marketers typically use:

Social Media Marketing:

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• Nowadays, it has become increasingly popular for almost type of people to use social
• Sharing content on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn,
and others is an effective way to reach a wide audience.
• Social media allows for engagement through likes, shares, comments, and direct
messaging, increasing the content's visibility.

For example: Coca-Cola uses social media as a great tool to create unique and
innovative content (Content Excellence); mini games to attract attention, like and share from
users. Coca-Cola calls these as "liquid content".

Email Marketing:

Sending email campaigns to subscribers is an excellent way to distribute content directly

to your audience. Email marketing allows for personalized and timely content delivery.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

Optimizing content for search engines helps improve its visibility in organic search
results. By using relevant keywords and following SEO best practices, content marketers can
attract organic traffic to their website or blog.

Content Hubs and Websites:

Maintaining a central content hub, such as a blog or resource center on your website, helps
to establish authority and credibility within your industry. Regularly publishing valuable
content on these platforms can attract and retain an audience.

Guest Posting and Partnerships:

Publishing content on other reputable websites or collaborating with influencers and

industry partners can expand your reach to a new audience and enhance your credibility.

Paid Advertising: Utilizing paid channels like Google Ads, social media advertising, or
sponsored content can accelerate the content's exposure and reach, particularly when starting
or launching a new campaign.

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Influencer Marketing: Partnering with influencers who have a significant following in your
niche can help amplify your content's reach and increase brand visibility.

3.3. Cost-Effectiveness and Long-Term Impact

Content marketing is known for its cost-effectiveness compared to traditional
advertising methods. While creating high-quality content might require an initial investment,
the long-term impact of content marketing can be substantial.

Valuable content continues to attract and engage audiences over time, even without
ongoing ad spend. As your content gains traction and becomes evergreen, it can generate leads
and conversions for an extended period, providing a higher return on investment (ROI) than
traditional ad campaigns with fixed lifespans.

3.4. Adapting to Changing Consumer Behavior

Consumer behavior is constantly evolving, especially in the digital age. Content
marketing allows businesses to adapt and tailor their content to meet the changing needs and
preferences of their audience. By staying attuned to customer feedback, social media
interactions, and data analytics, content marketers can identify emerging trends and topics of
interest to create content that resonates with their target audience.

Flexibility is a key advantage of content marketing. Content formats can be adjusted,

new topics can be explored, and content distribution channels can be fine-tuned based on
shifting consumer behaviors.

3.5. Supporting Social Media and Digital Marketing Effort

Content marketing and social media matching together. High-quality content serves as
the foundation for effective social media marketing. When you create valuable content, you
have something meaningful to share on your social media channels, increasing engagement
and interaction with your audience.

Furthermore, content marketing supports broader digital marketing efforts. Search

engines favor websites with relevant and informative content, leading to better SEO rankings
and increased organic traffic. Effective content can also be repurposed across various digital

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channels, such as email newsletters, online ads, and webinars, maximizing its value and
Content marketing is a cost-effective approach that offers long-term impact, adaptability
to changing consumer behavior, and strong support for social media and overall digital
marketing effortsFor example: Gain some experiences from the marketing strategy of Coca-
Cola :
Interaction is not only about customers asking and you answering, but also connecting,
giving users the best support. Coca-Cola understands that social networking is a convenient
means for two-way interaction between businesses and great customers.

Figure 3-1: Measuring the campaign’s effectiveness on social media [5]

In terms of Coca-Cola, it is evident that during the period from 28th April to 12th May,
approximately 51% of the Twitter users in the UK were exposed to a mention of Coca-Cola.
This indicates a growth of 3% compared to the two weeks leading up to the launch of the

When considering Facebook, it becomes apparent that Coca-Cola achieved relatively

higher success during this timeframe as it reached around 40% of the Facebook users in the
UK. This signifies a 5% increase in reach compared to the two weeks preceding the campaign.

The only way to understand your customers is to listen to them. All social networks have
a comment function – to get feedback, feedback, and a reply function – to respond to

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comments Demonstrating this interactivity, in May 2014, on the social network Twitter,
Coca-Cola tweeted in 1994, for example, more than 60 tweets a day on average. However,
Coca-Cola always prioritizes responding to customer feedback, and up to 83% of tweets have
been responded to by Coca-Cola [3].

Figure 3-2: Coca-Cola use social platforms to raise a campaign” Share A Coke” and always
reply all comments

Lesson learned: always respond to customer feedback in the most sincere and fastest
way, that's the way to improve customer interaction and understanding.

Figure 3-3: The fanpage of “ Share A Coke” campaign of Brand Coca-Cola in Twitter

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4.1. “Ride to Happiness" content marketing campaign of HONDA
The Lunar New Year is the biggest holiday of the year, the reunion festival that every
expatriate family will look forward to returning to their homeland. Younger than anyone else
is a group of people who are under a lot of pressure, worry about success and failure, suffer
from peer pressure), they always want to give the best for their home. . And the motorbike is
their companion on the way to achieving their goals, or experiencing the daily "rice and
money" scene. HONDA has exploited this factor to create a campaign "Đi về nhà" in the Tet
holiday in 2021 to launch the new generation Winner X car product.
4.1.1.Objectives of this marketing campaign
❖ Goal of media communication
- To enhance brand recognition, presence, and love among the mass audience in general
and the young customer segment in particular.
- Emphasize Honda's vision and goal as a brand that has been, is, and will continue to
accompany the people of Vietnam on every journey.
- Increase brand relevance with the potential Gen Z customer group.
❖ Goal of marketing
- Build trust and credibility among potential customers about the product Winner X of

4.1.2.Overview of the campaign

❖ Campaign strategy

Honda understand that high-value products like motorcycles require an extended

research period allows brands within this industry to implement strategies that gradually
influence customer perception through diverse interactive channels. By employing a multi-
channel approach combined with personalized communication and consistent messaging over
time, brands can increase persuasion levels among potential buyers and ultimately drive more
sales conversions.

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Honda has determined, following data analysis, that both their current customers and the
younger customer segment tend to consume information on social media platforms and derive
pleasure from watching music videos featuring their preferred artists. Consequently, Honda
has made the decision to persist in utilizing the home-coming platform as a means of
effectively communicating its message with the aim of reinforcing and highlighting its
mission and brand worth. The task at hand involves embracing an alternative approach.
❖ Creative idea
“Mang tiền về cho mẹ, đừng mang ưu phiền về cho mẹ” [19]
During the second Tet campaign, Honda maintains its choice of Den Vau as the brand
ambassador. The common traits shared between Den Vau and the brand include their
simplicity with a unique character, determination in achieving goals, and a strong emphasis
on teamwork as demonstrated by Den's team.
Despite having the opportunity to utilize the "National" homecoming platform during
Tet, Honda has decided to prioritize delving into the emotional aspect and addressing
concerns of individuals who are distant from their hometowns.
4.1.3.Execution activities
❖ Content video

Figure 4-1: “Mang tiền về cho mẹ” music video [6]

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SUBJECT: MARKETING Lecturer: MBA. Bui Huy Hai Bich

The music video "Mang tiền về cho mẹ" effectively captures authentic emotions,
concerns, and determination while also highlighting the enduring qualities of the product, the
spirit of teamwork, and compassion. These values are consistently emphasized by Honda in
its communication campaigns.

In order to resonate with the audience, Den Vau assumes different roles representing
various professions. This particular aspect serves to elucidate Den's perspective and worries,
as well as the concerns of those who are far from home.

The image of the Honda Winner X motorcycle traversing the mountainous landscapes
in Lam Dong province in "Đi về nhà" is not just about capturing stunning flycam shots, but it
also carries a special implication: "On the journeys of every young person, there is always
Honda as a companion."

This scene showcases the Honda Winner X's capability to conquer challenging terrains
and symbolizes the support and reliability that Honda provides to young individuals on their
personal journeys. It signifies that no matter how tough or uncertain their paths may be, they
can rely on Honda as a trusted companion.

The visual representation of the motorcycle overcoming obstacles in nature's beauty

reinforces the idea that with Honda by their side, young people can confidently navigate
through life's challenges and reach their desired destinations.

❖ Event
To enhance the bond with the younger customer segment, particularly those using the
Winner X motorcycle series, Honda arranged a live concert event named Winner League x
ĐEN - Chiến hữu đồng hành. This event effectively employed diverse emotional strategies
through music to establish a stronger connection and relevance with the target audience.

During the livestream, MC Dustin Nguyen not only entertained the audience with
engaging and exciting performances but also engaged with enthusiastic "warriors" who have
a deep affection for the Winner X motorcycle. He actively encouraged them to share their
personal experiences with this product line. Additionally, banners displaying information
about the distinctive selling points (USPs) of the product and promotional programs were

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strategically presented throughout the livestream to ensure that viewers receive and retain this
information effectively.

Figure 4-2: Đen Vâu's speech during the Honda Vietnam livestream introducing the new
Winner X

Figure 4-3: “Winner League X Đen” trip 2021

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SUBJECT: MARKETING Lecturer: MBA. Bui Huy Hai Bich

Figure 4-4: Winner league 2022 kien giang: chiến hữu đồng hành – vang danh tự hào [22]
❖ Media
To enhance the marketing objectives, Honda Vietnam's social media platforms are
actively engaging with the target audience. The fanpage shares posts introducing the standout
features of the Winner X, using hashtags such as #HondaVietnam and #WinnerX. These posts
are widely shared by community pages and personal accounts, contributing to increased
visibility and reach for the campaign, brand, and product.

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Figure 4-5: Honda's Promotional Posts on Facebook for the Campaign

❖ PR
The music video garnered significant traction on social media, and it sparked widespread
interest on major news websites, generating discussions about both the MV and Honda's
campaign. Many articles primarily delved into Den's relatable life story, as well as his astute
wordplay and rhymes showcased in the video. Moreover, Honda Vietnam and the Winner X
product received prominent coverage in leading newspapers, effectively reaching the
campaign's intended audience such as: Cafebiz, Tạp Chí Doanh Nghiệp, kenh14, Thanh Niên.

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Figure 4-6: Honda's Promotional Posts on Digital newspaper for the Campaign
4.1.4. Results

Figure 4-7: Outstanding achievements of MV “Đi về nhà”

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SUBJECT: MARKETING Lecturer: MBA. Bui Huy Hai Bich

The campaign "Đi Về Nhà" during the Lunar New Year served as a reaffirmation of
Honda's enduring connection with the Vietnamese people throughout their journeys. The MV
"Đi Về Nhà" has surpassed both the brand's and the production team's expectations, achieving
remarkable success [17]:

- Attained the top trending position on YouTube within one week of its release.
- Reached the milestone of 50 million views within one month of its release, eventually
reaching nearly 100 million by March 2021, a record-breaking number for any Tet
- Secured the #1 spot in the Buzzmetrics' ranking of the top 10 standout social media
- Won the "MV of the Year" award at the Cong Hien Awards.
- Generated over 100 news articles and received more than 5 million online interactions
on social media platforms.
- Noticed a remarkable 19% increase in brand mentions within the first two weeks of
the music video's release.

Figure 4-8: Best 10 marketing campaigns on Social Media in December 2020

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In place of the unspoken thoughts and feelings that parents may have, the brand helps
convey messages to their children, serving as a reliable source of encouragement and positive
energy from the family. Just like the Honda Winner X motorcycles accompanying young
riders on every road, the brand's support remains steadfast and enduring.

The "Đi về nhà" campaign has not only affirmed the success of a brand but has also
deeply embedded and spread positive human values within the community, leaving a
significant mark on the Lunar New Year in 2021.


4.2.1. The background of that content marketing campaign
Starbucks has a history of launching advertisements that highlight the uniqueness of each
person and tell their real stories. This campaign has been introduced since then, it probably
forms a part of Starbucks' continuous initiatives to foster an environment of workplace that is
more tolerant and inclusive.
In January 31st, 2020 – Starbuck’s had partnered with creative agency “Iris” and an non-
profit organization called “Mermaid”, then launched the #whatsyourname campaign to
convey the message: "Starbucks welcomes you, whoever you are and whomever you want to

Figure 4-9: Starbucks new limited-edition Mermaids Cookie [15].

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Figure 4-10: Starbucks #WhatsYourName Campaign

The #whatsyourname campaign from Starbucks honors this identifying behavior and
the significance it may have for some transgender and gender nonconforming individuals as
they go by their new name in public. The advertisement, which was produced in collaboration
with the creative agency Iris, was motivated by the experiences of real transitioners (LGBT+).
In addition, Starbucks also partnered with Mermaids (British charity that supports
gender-diverse children and young people and their families) to conduct an advertisement to
raise £100,000 for charity by selling rainbow cookies (Mermaid Cookie) during the day

Figure 4-11: A special edition Mermaid Cookie in stores (Winter/Spring 2020)

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SUBJECT: MARKETING Lecturer: MBA. Bui Huy Hai Bich

4.2.2. The goal of the brand

- Build a brand reputation for caring about diversity of the supporting customer
- Raise awareness of the importance of identity mission to life
- Welcome diverse client files
- Influence consumers to consider supports young trans people and their families
who are so desperately in need of access to information and reassurance by raising
fund (Mermaid Cookie).

4.2.3. Campaign overview (campaign overview)

❖ Target audience of the campaign

Figure 4-12: Starbucks ad makes a push for transgender acceptance in the UK

“Every name’s a story” is Starbucks’ campaign towards the LGBT+ community. By the
end of 2020, this communication objective is to help transgender youths in the UK and also
Through the campaign-related product sales – Mermaid Cookie funds: It raised charity
and get money to support the transgender community.
❖ Tactics of the campaign
Starbucks takes advantage of a unique feature of its service process – putting customers’
names in glasses – to give the transgender community the freedom to use the name they like
and be true to their gender identity.
In the process of ordering drinks at Starbucks, the staff will ask the customer’s name,
write the name in the glass of water, and read the name aloud every time the drink is ready. It

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is part of the Starbucks Experience and creates a moment of connection between baristas and
This will not occur in Starbucks locations whenever members of the transgender
community are still prohibited from using their gender identity in administrative processes or
if their families have not acknowledged them. Each customer can boldly introduce themselves
to the personnel using the name they want, and immediately feel at ease and recognized.

4.2.4. Campaign execution

❖ Campaign execution method
Social Media is one of the effective platforms for businesses to reach the right potential
customers and increase conversion rates. Understanding that insight, Starbucks took full
advantage of the social network and successfully promoted this campaign with:

Figure 4-13: Starbucks’s campaign #whatsyourname website [11]

Content video:
The agency team designed a one-minute short film that depicts a day in the life of a
transgender person to improve the impact and authenticity of this important message. The
character in the video is visibly uncomfortable, sad, and pitied when compelled to use the
previous gender name in administrative procedures or when still called by the old name.

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However, the character was able to confidently and with a delighted smile say the name that
corresponds to his gender identity upon entering the Starbucks establishment.

Figure 4-14: Starbucks LGBT+ Channel 4 Diversity Award 2019 | Every name’s a story
(Extended Version) [16].
Promotion/ PR:
The internet community, particularly the transgender community, has enthusiastically
supported little activities and straightforward but powerful statements. The first transgender
referee in the world, Lucy Clark, and nonbinary author Amanda Jetté Knox both retweeted
positive comments under the brand's video promotion post.

Figure 4-15: Retweeters give positive comments under the brand's video promotion post

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4.2.5. Campaign results

- The content video also shows a wide spread in the community when Mermaids urges
transgender people to speak up if they have had a similar experience to the character in
the video. In just the first 24 hours, 30 people boldly called and told their stories.
- The video also shows a wide spread in the community when Mermaids urges transgender
people to speak up if they have had a similar experience to the character in the video. In
just the first 24 hours, 30 people boldly called and told their stories.
- The brand has just won the Gold Award in the Creative Strategy Lions category at
Cannes Lions 2021 and the Channel 4's Diversity in Advertising Award for its campaign
“What's your name?”. This is considered an impressive milestone for Starbucks' 50th
birthday - a journey to honor the connecting power of coffee in the community. This is
also emonstrating how moments of connection can have real impact, while also helping
to address the transgender community's lack of representation in UK advertising.
- By the end of 2020, the Mermaid funds earned 100,000 pounds to a charity that supports
the transgender community.

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SUBJECT: MARKETING Lecturer: MBA. Bui Huy Hai Bich

Content marketing is an important stage that requires assessing the success of a
campaign, looking at key metrics and making inferences that will guide future work, as well
as building relationships. Having meaningful relationships with your target audience requires
constant improvement and adaptability in content marketing.

More and more marketers are moving from advertising to content marketing. So a
change of mindset is a necessity. Instead of delivering value proposition messages, marketers
should also deliver useful and valuable content to customers (Starbuck is an example).

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SUBJECT: MARKETING Lecturer: MBA. Bui Huy Hai Bich

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