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BIO405 Reading 2

other bats can have a doppler shift

bats producing a soudn tat is slightly lower; lower CF sound than CF tuning of their
fovea; the closer to the object, increase hz. So they are deaf to the sound they are
making, but then doppler shift allows it to be hearing
long call allows it to pickup multiple wing glints; ifthey capture mltiple glints per call, its
wayyy better info, can get speed and etc
Doppler shift
allows to call outside of their own fovea
still uses time; they know when they produce their call, but they receive at same time
doppler shift lets them in real TIMEl during echo production, how the relationship
between them and the insect is changing
using doppler shift tot tell whether te insect or you are getting closer or further apart;
How the insect ITSELF is moving, in real time - improved tracking and flutter detection
high duty cycle and simltaneous transmit and receive; during the call, they are
also doing more extra steps to make them more sophisticated
in LDC, calls from insect are masked from calls from the background
but, hdc can hunt in deep clutter bcause of the unique flutter glints
Bats can dampen sound as they get close because it is loud
ldc thing; bats make themsleves more deaf as they approach
as bats hone in on target, they lower intensity of calls and widen bandwidth

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