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Recently, the hashtag #LetTheEarthBreath got trending in social media and in the whole

world. According to social media and website 12 News, climate change protests took place

on April 8, 2022. Scientists protest for a climate emergency they wish to have and it is all

about climate change. According to NASA a shift in the regular weather found in a location is

referred to as climate change. This might be due to a difference in the amount of rain that a

location typically receives in a year. It might also represent a shift in a location's normal

temperature for a month or season. The United Nations stated that the causes of climate

change are generating power, manufacturing goods, cutting down forests, using

transportation, producing food, powering buildings, and consuming too much. With these

causes, climate change occurs and climate change has a huge impact on the planet it also

has different effects to different countries. According to NASA (2022) climate change

effects are; temperatures will continue to rise, frost-free season (and growing season) will

lengthen, changes in precipitation pattern, more droughts and heat waves, hurricanes will

become stronger and more intense, sea level will rise 1-8 feet by 2100, and arctic likely to

become ice-free. The Germanwatch institute presented the results of the Global Climate Risk

Index 2020 during COP25 in Madrid. According to this analysis, the countries most affected

by climate change are Japan, Philippines, Germany, Madagascar, India, Kenya, SRI Lanka,

Ruanda, Canada, and Fiji. Climate change is most evident in 2016 and 2020, these years are

tied for the warmest year on record according to NASA. As shown in some evidence, climate

change needs to be prevented. It can cause the earth to give up and end it. There are simple

ways everyone can do to prevent climate change according to Kerlin (2019) an

environmental science writer and some of them are, turn off some lights, walk or bike than

drive, plant something, reduce the use of plastic, save water, and vote wisely like a

government representative about environmental issues. With these simple ways climate

change can be prevented. These ways are low budget and can be done by everyone. As
François Hollande, the former president of France said, “We have a single mission: to protect

and hand on the planet to the next generation.”


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