Jenoside Le BADDD

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Jenoside Le BADDD

1. Thesis

That genocide is evil and we have a responsibility to put up a constant effort to make sure it never
happens again

2. Points

 Genocide is an evil
 Genocide is a topic that needs to be talked about in a respectful manner
 That victims of these atrocities should be helped, but usually don’t get any due to the amount of
victims being too large
 Genocide is still happening in less democratic nations such as china and Indonesia
 The solutions to stop genocide from happening
 Hat speech
3. Introduction

Good morning everyone and today I would like to present a speech that I wrote for my per dev
presentation which is about “The Horrors of Genocide”. Forewarning, because this speech is about
topics that is very serious I don’t mean to insult any of the victims of genocide or try to offend anyone
with this speech, and I also hope that I can do this topic justice with this speech. To discuss the topic

4. Body

First lets discuss the definition of genocide and some historical examples. According to the UN
convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime on genocide, Genocide is a crime against
humanity committed with the intent to destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious group in whole or in

Some historical examples are the holodomor which was a man-made famine in ukranie during 1932-
1933 where atleast 3.5 million starved to death, the rwandan genocide which was a mass execution of
minorites and anyone who opposed this action by the hutu military where 500k rwandans were killed,
and the most horific example of them all is the holocaust which entailed the extermination of 6 million
jews by way of mass shootings in cities and villages and the use of poison gas chambers where jews
would be shipped from countries occupied by germany during world war 2 using trains to transport
millions of jews to execution centers where 5 killing centers contributed to killing more than 2 million
jews. The as a heinous act against humans and how hatred and prejudice can harm society in such a

As the examples show, genocide is an evil crime on humanity that has killed millions and made many
more suffer from the burning hatred by the monsters that carry out and perpetuate those horrors of the
past. The perpetrators of these crimes against humanity all have a common defect, a corruption, which
is the hatred of a people, the way people men, women and children are thought of beneath them, as
subhumans or as animals.
We have to remember that hate crimes such as genocide are preceded by hate speech. Because the
rwandan genocide didn’t start with executions, and the holocaust didn’t start with gas chambers they
start with cultivating hate, the hatred of people, using hate speech to do this.

Which is why we should stop the hatred of people, because people should be judged by the content of
their character not by their origin or nationality or any of these characteristics, and we should oust this
kind of thinking from our cultures everywhere. Where has this thinking gotten us, history has shown
time and time again that it leads to a path of blood and death. This time we have already

After world war 2, germany undertook a massive shift in culture, education, and government. Germany
took a large effort in austing the influences hatred had on the nation in large part by reforming its
education system from teaching hatred to the future generation and instead teaching them to be
different from the ones that came before them. Which is why i think it is important that we focus on
teaching the new generations to be better.

5. Conclusion

Today all over the world in schools and outside as well, the new generation will be taught, this history,
reflect on the history of humanity and be better then our forefathers whose hatred seared many people
and to learn to never tolerate this kind of action ever again. With this the new generation harbor a hope,
a hope for a future that is rid of genocide and other crimes on humanity. Thank you.

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