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Drugs for Pain

class name Indications action side effects nursing considerations

local anaesthic- ends in ●Lidocaine; Painful procedures, blocks Na+ channel in axon, Systemic absorption--> palpitations, watch out for systemic absorption s/s; use
"caine" cocaine,benzocaine localized pain/discomfort NO CONDUCTION= NO tachycardia, & hypertension >BP; . with a vasoconstrictor (like epi!) to limit drug
SENSATION absorption to vasoconstrict bv

Opioid Analgesics - Agonist, ●Morphine-(agonist) Binds to opiate receptors in pin-point pupils, constipation, 1- hold if rr is <12.
moderate to severe pain- ●Codeine ●Meperidine the CNS, alters sedation, <bp, <cough reflex, 2. encourage fluids, walking.
"ine"/"one" ●Fentanyl ●Oxycodone pain perception produces bradypnea <rr; <HR, hypotension, 3. assess vs & prevent falls.
●Hydrocodone a general CNS depression - headache, urinary retention, nausea, *highly addictive, take caution with head
●Hydromorphone <RR & HR, <bp emesis, itching injury patients- can >ICP
●Oxymorphone **Antidote = naloxone

Methadone-agoinst Pain, opioid withdrawal Binds to opiate receptors in Long half life
the CNS & alters perception ●Very slowly titrate down
of pain **does
not cause euphoria

Opioid Agonist-Antagonists Buprenorphine (opioid Lower potential for abuse and less powerful
addiction); analgesic effects
Suboxone (opioid WD)

Opioid Antagonists Naloxone/naltrexone Treats opioid overdose, reverses analgesia, sedation, immediate withdrawal
relief of opioid-induced euphoria, resp depression
constipation, reversal of
postoperative opioid

Non-Opioid Analgesics- cox-inhibitors- stops enzyme from acting on body

NSAIDS- Naproxen, reduce inflammation, gastric ulceration/bleeding/
ibuprofen, ketorolac, vasoconstriction/renal
aspirin/asa, celecoxib impairment/reduced inlammation
/reduced fever/analgesia

ibruprofen- cox-inhibitors <inflammation-RA/OS/ Blocks prostaglandin which d/t bleeding- avoid in trauma and surgical
arthritis; mild to. causes inflammation, pain, clients ; -
moderate pain; fever and fever. Monitor BUN/Cr d/t Renal impairment s/e

Aspirin/Acetysalic acid. Pain -joint, muscle, head < prostaglandins--> < of fever d/t Risk of bleeding
Antipyretic, non-opioid pain, arthritis), & inflammation, < platelet ○Don’t administer with other anticoagulants
analgesic fever, aggregation --> a < in ○D/c 5-7 days prior to surgery
protects against MI, ischemic diseases ●Caution with pediatric clients
stroke- thrombotic ○causes Reye’s syndrome in kids with viral
disorders infections
○use only in peds with Kawasaki's disease
○ASA toxicity--> tinnitus-hold & call hcp),
sweating, headache, dizziness, metabolic

*No anti-inflammatory Acetaminophen- antipyretic, Pain, fever blocks prostaglandins < pain Overdose, or taking with alcohol, --> Max daily dose = 4g- 3g daily for long term
properties analgesic signals and fever response toxic metabolite to build up-->major use; Antidote = n-acetylcysteine
liver /hepatic damage assess liver enzyme
fxn-alt/as ; do not give to
pts with hepatitis/cirrohosis-


class name

Antihypertensives Ace inhibitors- prils Enalapril/aptopril

Indications action side effects

HTN/CHF decrease
nursing considerations

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