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How are art and history
How are art and history related?
Art can can provide
many useful many useful
insights into historical
insights trends.
into historical trends. While
While many historians rely
largely historians
on written texts, theyrely largely on
can also better texts,
understandthey thecan also better
values of historical figures
understand or
the values of historical
time periods by also
considering or time periods by also
paintings, sculptures,architecture,
film, and paintings,
& other forms film,
of Art. and plays.
How are art and history related?
Art can provide many useful
insights into historical trends. While
many historians rely largely on
written texts, they can also better
understand the values of historical
figures or time periods by also
considering architecture, paintings,
sculptures, film, and plays.
As long as we humans have been
able How
to useare
ourart andwe
hands, history
have related?
beenArt can provide
creating art. Frommanyearly useful
cave insights
to the ceiling oftrends. While
the Sistine
many Chapel,
largely on
expression can tell us a lot about
written texts, they can also better
the lives of the people who
create the values
it. To fully appreciate theof historical
cultural, or and
social, time periods by also
significance architecture,
of different artworks, paintings,
you need film,ofand
to be aware the plays.
broad art history timeline.
How are art and history related?
Art can provide many useful
insights into historical trends. While
many historians rely largely on
written texts, they can also better
understand the values of historical
figures or time periods by also
considering architecture, paintings,
sculptures, film, and plays.
How are art and history related?
Art can provide many useful
insights into historical trends. While
many historians rely largely on
written texts, they can also better
understand the values of historical
figures or time periods by also
considering architecture, paintings,
sculptures, film, and plays.
How are art and history related?
Art can provide many useful
insights into historical trends. While
many historians rely largely on
written texts, they can also better
understand the values of historical
figures or time periods by also
considering architecture, paintings,
sculptures, film, and plays.
How are art and history related?
Art can provide many useful
insights into historical trends. While
many historians rely largely on
written texts, they can also better
understand the values of historical
figures or time periods by also
considering architecture, paintings,
sculptures, film, and plays.
How are art and history related?
Art can provide many useful
insights into historical trends. While
many historians rely largely on
written texts, they can also better
understand the values of historical
figures or time periods by also
considering architecture, paintings,
sculptures, film, and plays.
How are art and history related?
Art can provide many useful
insights into historical trends. While
many historians rely largely on
written texts, they can also better
understand the values of historical
figures or time periods by also
considering architecture, paintings,
sculptures, film, and plays.
How are art and history related?
Art can provide many useful
insights into historical trends. While
many historians rely largely on
written texts, they can also better
understand the values of historical
figures or time periods by also
considering architecture, paintings,
sculptures, film, and plays.
How are art and history related?
Art can provide many useful
insights into historical trends. While
many historians rely largely on
written texts, they can also better
understand the values of historical
figures or time periods by also
considering architecture, paintings,
sculptures, film, and plays.
How are art and history related?
Art can provide many useful
insights into historical trends. While
many historians rely largely on
written texts, they can also better
understand the values of historical
figures or time periods by also
considering architecture, paintings,
sculptures, film, and plays.
How are art and history related?
Art can provide many useful
insights into historical trends. While
many historians rely largely on
written texts, they can also better
understand the values of historical
figures or time periods by also
considering architecture, paintings,
sculptures, film, and plays.
How are art and history related?
Art can provide many useful
insights into historical trends. While
many historians rely largely on
written texts, they can also better
understand the values of historical
figures or time periods by also
considering architecture, paintings,
sculptures, film, and plays.
How are art and history related?
Art can provide many useful
insights into historical trends. While
many historians rely largely on
written texts, they can also better
understand the values of historical
figures or time periods by also
considering architecture, paintings,
sculptures, film, and plays.
How are art and history related?
Art can provide many useful
insights into historical trends. While
many historians rely largely on
written texts, they can also better
understand the values of historical
figures or time periods by also
considering architecture, paintings,
sculptures, film, and plays.
How are art and history related?
Art can provide many useful
insights into historical trends. While
many historians rely largely on
written texts, they can also better
understand the values of historical
figures or time periods by also
considering architecture, paintings,
sculptures, film, and plays.
How are art and history related?
Art can provide many useful
insights into historical trends. While
many historians rely largely on
written texts, they can also better
understand the values of historical
figures or time periods by also
considering architecture, paintings,
sculptures, film, and plays.
How are art and history related?
Art can provide many useful
insights into historical trends. While
many historians rely largely on
written texts, they can also better
understand the values of historical
figures or time periods by also
considering architecture, paintings,
sculptures, film, and plays.
How are art and history related?
Sculpture Painting Print Making
Art can provide many useful
insights into historical trends. While
many historians rely largely on
written texts, they can also better
understand the values of historical
figures or time periods by also
considering architecture, paintings,
sculptures, film, and plays.
The printing press was arguably
one of the most revolutionary
How are art and history
inventions in the history of the
Art canworld.
early modern provide
the useful
insights into
Fifteenth-century historical trends. While
goldsmith and publisher,
many historians
Johannes Gutenberg, is
rely largely on
heralded texts, they
for his creation of a can also better
mechanical thethat
printing press values of historical
allowed for the mass-
figures or time periods by also
production of images and texts,
the technology architecture,
of movable type paintings,
was first pioneered muchfilm, and plays.
earlier in East Asia
In early eleventh-century
China, theare art Bi
artisan and history related?
Art canthat
discovered provide many useful
he could
historical trends. While
many from baked clay
historians rely largely on
to create a system of
written texts, they can also better
movable type. Later, in
understand the
thirteenth-century Korea,
values of historical
the first knownor metal
time periods by also
movable type wasarchitecture, paintings,
sculptures, film, and plays.
Increased contact and exchange
between cultures in East Asia and
EuropeHow are
by way artSilk
of the andRoad,
history related?
starting canthirteenth
in the providecentury,
to theinsights
spread of such
historical trends. While
innovations. Indeed, by the mid-1400s,
Gutenberg washistorians rely largely
in a prime position to on
devisewritten texts,process
his mechanical theyforcan also better
printing multiples of the
understand same
the textualof historical
sources and visual representations,
thanks toor thetime periods
portable and by also
more affordable paperarchitecture,
support, meant paintings,
they could be circulated
sculptures, widely,
film, and plays.
serving as an early mode of mass
communication in the pre-digital age.
Styles of Modern Art
How are
Modern art art and history
includes artistic related?
work can provide many
during useful
the period
extending into historical
from the trends. While
many to historians
the 1970s, and
largely on
the styles and
written philosophies
texts, they canof also better
the art produced
understand during
the thatofera.
values historical
The term is usually associated
figures or time periods
with art in which the traditions
by also
the past havearchitecture,
been thrown paintings,
aside in a spiritfilm,
of and plays.
These modern movements
How areNeo-Impressionism,
art and history related?
Symbolism, Fauvism,
Art can provide many useful
Cubism, Futurism,
insights into historical trends. While
many historians rely largely on
written texts, they can also better
Metaphysical the values
De of historical
Stijl, Dada,orSurrealism,
time periods by also
Social Realism, architecture,
considering Abstract paintings,
Expressionism, Pop art,
sculptures, film, andOp
art, Minimalism, and Neo-
Postmodern Art

How are art

Postmodernism and history related?
is an
Art can
eclectic, provide
colourful stylemany useful
insights into
of architecture andhistorical
the trends. While
many arts that rely largely on
writtenfrom the late
texts, they can also better
1970s and continues in
understand the values of historical
some form today. It
emerged as aor time periods by also
to Modernism andarchitecture,
the paintings,
Modern Movement film,
andand plays.
the dogmas associated
with it.
Postmodernism is best understood
by defining the modernist ethos it
How are
replaced art
- that of and history related?
the avant-garde
who canactive
provide manytouseful
from 1860s the
1950s. The various
insights artists in thetrends. While
into historical
modern period were driven by a
radical rely largely on
forward thinking
approach, texts, they can also better
of technological
understandand grand
values of of historical
Western domination and progress.
The arrival or time periods
of Neo-Dada and Popby art also
post-war America architecture,
marked the paintings,
beginning of a reaction
sculptures, film, andagainst this
mindset that came to be known as
How are art Philippine Art Styles
and history related?
Art can provide many useful
and Movements
insights into historical trends. While
many historians rely largely on
written texts, they can also better
understand the values of historical
figures or time periods by also
considering architecture, paintings,
sculptures, film, and plays.
The traditional arts in the
How are art and history related?
Philippines include folk
Art can provide
architecture, many useful
insights into
transport, famoushistorical trends.
sculpture in While
the historians
Philippines, rely largely on
carving, texts, they can
performing also better
folk (oral) literature,
understand folk of historical
the values
figuresand plasticperiods
or time arts, by also
ornament, pottery, and other
considering architecture, paintings,
artistic expressions of
traditional film, and plays.
Notable Traditional Artists in the Philippines
How are art and history related?
Art can provide Amorsolo:
many useful“Lavanderas”
insights into Luna: “Spoliarium”
trends. While
Carlos “Botong”
many historians Francisco:
rely largely on “Bayanihan”
Guillermo Tolentino: “Oblation”
written texts, they can also better
Napoleon Abueva: “Kaganapan”
understand the
Felix values of historical
Resurreccion Hidalgo: “Las Virgenes
figures orCristianas
time periods by also
Expuestas al Populacho”
considering architecture,
Mauro paintings,
Malang Santos (Malang): “Street Fight”
sculptures, film,Masalon Dulo: B’laan Ikat Master Weaver
and plays.
How are art and history related?
Art can provide many useful
insights into historical trends. While
many historians rely largely on
written texts, they can also better
understand the values of historical
figures or time periods by also
considering architecture, paintings,
sculptures, film, and plays.
How are art and history related?
Art can provide many useful
insights into historical trends. While
many historians rely largely on
written texts, they can also better
understand the values of historical
figures or time periods by also
considering architecture, paintings,
sculptures, film, and plays.
How are art and history related?
Art can provide many useful
insights into historical trends. While
many historians rely largely on
written texts, they can also better
understand the values of historical
figures or time periods by also
considering architecture, paintings,
sculptures, film, and plays.
How are art and history related?
Art can provide many useful
insights into historical trends. While
many historians rely largely on
written texts, they can also better
understand the values of historical
figures or time periods by also
considering architecture, paintings,
sculptures, film, and plays.
How are art and history related?
Art can provide many useful
insights into historical trends. While
many historians rely largely on
written texts, they can also better
understand the values of historical
figures or time periods by also
considering architecture, paintings,
sculptures, film, and plays.
How are art and history related?
Art can provide many useful
insights into historical trends. While
many historians rely largely on
written texts, they can also better
understand the values of historical
figures or time periods by also
considering architecture, paintings,
sculptures, film, and plays.
How are art and history related?
Art can provide many useful
insights into historical trends. While
many historians rely largely on
written texts, they can also better
understand the values of historical
figures or time periods by also
considering architecture, paintings,
sculptures, film, and plays.
How are art and history related?
Art can provide many useful
insights into historical trends. While
many historians rely largely on
written texts, they can also better
understand the values of historical
figures or time periods by also
considering architecture, paintings,
sculptures, film, and plays.
How are art and history related?
Art can provide many useful
insights into historical trends. While
many historians relyThings
written texts, they can also better
understand the values of historical
figures or time periods by also
considering architecture, paintings,
sculptures, film, and plays.
Art App Activity:
How are art
1. Mag andng
bigay history
limang related?
(5) Pilipinong contemporary
Art can provide
artist many dito
na nakilala usefulat sa ibang bansa sa
insights into historical trends. While
larangan ng sining. (any kind/type of Art)
many historians
2. Anong rely largely
Art style on
at Art medium ang kanilang
written texts, they can also better
understand the values of historical
3. Ano ang kanilang inspirasyon sa kanilang sining?
figures or time ng
4. Maglagay periods by alsong kanilang mga likhang
considering architecture, paintings,
sining, dalawa bawat Artist.
5. Sagutinfilm,
tanong gamit ang wikang
How are art and history related?
Art can provide many useful
insights into historical trends. While
many historians rely largely on
written texts, they can also better
understand the values of historical
figures or time periods by also
considering architecture, paintings,
sculptures, film, and plays.

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