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Tawan Chusrithong 6312102770 AVE-1

Extended Range Twin-engine Operations (ETOPS)

ICAO Requirements for Extended Range Twin-engine

Operations (ETOPS)

have been in place since 1985, when they were

introduced to apply an overall level of operational safety for
twin-engined airplanes which was consistent with that of the
modern three and four-engined airplanes then flying, to which
no restrictions were applied. As airplane reliability and range
improved, it became clear that all multi turbine-engined aircraft
were pushing the boundaries of flight away from nearby
alternates to increasingly distant ones and a review of the
existing arrangements for ETOPS began.

After many years of discussion about how to broaden the

facilitation of international flights for all large transport airplanes
which necessitated tracks with no close-by diversion
aerodromes (or could be more efficiently routed with the use of
these tracks), led in 2012 to changes to ICAO Annex 6 Part 1
under Amendment 36. This introduced the Extended Diversion
Time Operations (EDTO) regime in place of ETOPS. However
since then, although the EDTO regime has been widely
accepted, the term EDTO has not been universally adopted;
the continued use of ETOPS is explicitly allowed for in Annex 6
provided that EDTO concepts "are correctly embodied in the
concerned regulation or documentation". Given this flexibility,
the term 'ETOPS' has been retained by the FAA and others by
redefining it as an abbreviation for 'ExTended range
OPerationS' rather than as previously 'Extended range Twin
OPerationS'. EASA currently continues to use ETOPS as
originally defined and the abbreviation 'LROPS' (Long Range
OPerationS) for extended range operation by three and
four-engined aircraft.

The new ICAO guidance

Annex 6, and particularly Attachment D to that Annex, now

contains guidance on extended range operations for all
turbine-engined airplanes which are conducted beyond 60
minutes from a point where it is possible to fly to an en-route
alternate aerodrome. The main change is that a distinction is
drawn between such operations which do not exceed an
established 'Threshold Time' defined as "the range, expressed
in time, established by the State of the Operator to an
en-route alternate aerodrome, whereby any time beyond it
requires an EDTO approval from that State". ICAO uses the
flying time at the one engine out speed in ISA and Still Air to
convert Threshold Time to distance for airplanes with two
engines but the all engines operating speed in ISA and Still Air
for the same conversion for airplanes with more than two
engines. However, note that the FAA uses the one engine out
speed as the basis for all airplane type EDTO approvals
Non-EDTO flights are expected, without any detailed
specification, to be subject to flight planning principles which
are additional to those for 'normal' operations in respect of:

● Operational control and dispatch procedures

● The identification of alternate aerodromes
● The provision of comprehensive and current information
on aerodromes to be used as alternates
● The assurance to the extent possible for twin-engined
airplanes only that an aerodrome will be available if its use
as an alternate becomes necessary
● The inclusion of appropriate content in relevant personnel
training programmes.

EDTO flights are subject to a process of explicit approval

which, as with the former Extended Range Twin Operations
system, has both airplane type design and airplane operational
requirements. System Safety in EDTO Extended Range
Operations is based, as it was in the case of the original
ETOPS concept, on two fundamental principles:

● Precluding the need for an en-route diversion by designing

reliable airplane engines and critical systems and then
implementing specific maintenance precautions prior to
● Protecting any en-route diversion which might become
necessary by implementing, at the design level, system
reliability which is able to facilitate a safe diversion and
then having operational systems in place which will ensure
that airplane management during a diversion secures the
completion of such a diversion.

These principles are satisfied as previously by:

● An Aeroplane Type Design Assessment of the

airframe/engine combination to ensure that the likely
continued airworthiness of an aircraft used in such
operation is compatible with the extended range
operations which it is permitted to fly. This must be
approved/validated by the Type Design Authority.
● An Operational Safety Approval for each airline which
wishes to use airplanes they operate on EDTO to ensure
that the way in which those operations are conducted is
appropriate. This is issued by the State of the Operator.

Although the first of these principles is founded on the reliability

of the airplane engines, other considerations such as cargo
compartment fire suppression or containment capability are
also important as are the reliability / redundancy associated
with systems other than those directly related to propulsion
such as the reliability of the pressurization system. The second
principle requires the existence of an operational process which
manages the risk involved in EDTO so that it is no greater than
the risk of any other flight.
LEAP (Leading Edge Aviation Propulsion)

is the well-deserved name for a new engine that

represents a major technological advance and is setting the
aerospace industry on fire.
At a time when all eyes are turned to environ-mental issues, the
LEAP engine is providing operators with a 15 percent reduction
in fuel consumption and CO2 emissions as well as a 50 percent
reduction of NOx emissions compared to the CFM56 engine.
The CFM56 is the world’s best-selling aircraft engine with more
than 29,000 engines delivered to date, powering single-aisle
airplanes for more than 550 operators worldwide. The LEAP
engine also reaches 99.98 percent dispatch reliability and
complies with the tightest noise emission requirements, and it
retains the reliability and low maintenance costs of the CFM56.
LEAP was designed entirely from scratch, a rare occurrence in
aeronautics. As a fully-fledged innovation, it has created
enormous enthusiasm amongst all who have worked for
several years on the project.
“Our suppliers do play a major role in satisfying the
requirements of the three keystones of operational performance
– quality, delivery and cost”, says Hélène Moreau-Leroy, First
circle SKF sponsor and former CEO of Safran Transmission
Systems. She has lived this industrial adventure to the full,
working in close partnership with the SKF Aerospace Business
Unit teams.
“In 2014, Safran initiated the inner circle approach in order to
build a very close partnership with a selected group of its main
suppliers,” says Moreau-Leroy. “Within this circle, SKF is the
only supplier of engine main shaft bearings and transmission
Safran is an international high-technology group operating in
the aircraft propulsion and equipment, space and defense
markets. The group has a global presence, with more than
58,000 employees worldwide, and logged sales of 16.5 billion
euros in 2017.
Safran is listed on Euronext Paris and is part of the CAC40
index, as well as the Euro Stoxx 50 European index.
In February 2018 Safran took control of Zodiac Aerospace,
significantly expanding its aircraft equipment activities. Hélène
Moreau-Leroy, First circle SKF sponsor and former CEO of
Safran Transmission Systems, has been appointed director of
the Zodiac integration project.
The role of the First circle SKF sponsor is to act as a guarantor
vis-à-vis the operational teams. The sponsors have to check
the strategic alignment of activities on both sides as well as the
proper flow of information, and they have to make sure there is
good synergy amongst the different players. In addition, says
Moreau-Leroy, “it’s crucial that projects in Research and
Technology are all directed towards the challenges of the
Confidence is at the center of the relationship with the inner
circle suppliers. “In order to achieve performance, we must
explain to them how our needs are evolving,” says
Manufacturers such as SKF are able to assure us of their ability
to cope with a rise in the production rate.
“Fortunately, key manufacturers are able to assure us that they
have the ability to increase their production rate. Indeed, they
will be improving their production facilities in the months and
years ahead.”
This is exactly what happened in the case of SKF, given the
tremendous commercial success of LEAP. “It was a huge
challenge,” says Laurent Peinetti, global account manager for
the Safran Group at SKF. “In order to enable this rapid step-up
in production, we’ve harnessed all our expertise and made high
levels of investment. The LEAP programme has led us to totally
transform and improve our production facilities.”
That’s how, by late September 2017, SKF managed to deliver
its 1,000th engine mainshaft bearing for LEAP engines to
Safran. And this tempo is not slowing down. As of today, the
LEAP engine is already powering a few hundred
new-generation aircraft – Boeing 737 MAX and Airbus A320neo
– and it has logged more than 14,000 orders or stated
intentions to order from about 170 operators.
As for the future, Safran and SKF are already working jointly on
engine projects as far ahead as 2030. These will be even more
fuel-efficient, quieter and with a higher level of performance.
Beyond that, visions of the future of aeronautics belong in the
realm of science fiction.
Aeronautics finds its strength and reliability in day-to-day life.
“The main thing,” says Moreau-Leroy, “is the here and now.
Aeronautics finds its strength and reliability in day-to-day life.
We carry hundreds of thousands of passengers every day. This
must be what determines our way of working. Precision, rigor,
operational excellence, the ability to secure all of our activities,
our performance – this is what we fundamentally care about at
all times.”

Aircraft engines in the Future

Safran provides the world’s leading airframers with innovative
and reliable propulsion systems. Our efforts today focus on
decreasing fuel consumption and maintenance costs, while
designing more eco-responsible systems. Through CFM
International (the 50/50 joint company between Safran Aircraft
Engines and GE) we produce the LEAP turbofan, successor to
the best-selling CFM56. The LEAP powers new-generation
single-aisle commercial jets: the Airbus A320neo, Boeing 737
MAX and COMAC C919. Safran, along with its partner GE, has
adopted the Revolutionary Innovation for Sustainable Engines
(RISE) program to develop a new generation of engines for
short- and medium-haul planes. Safran aims to reduce fuel
consumption by 20% compared to LEAP with an engine
compatible with 100% sustainable fuel or hydrogen in order to
move towards carbon neutrality in 2050. We’re also a leading
military aircraft engine manufacturer, supplying the whole M88
engine for the Rafale fighter, and as part of a consortium
making the TP400 turboprop engine for the Airbus A400M
transport aircraft


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