Human Values in Relation To Evolution

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Human Values in Relation to Evolution

Author(s): H. J. Muller
Source: Science , Mar. 21, 1958, New Series, Vol. 127, No. 3299 (Mar. 21, 1958), pp. 625-
Published by: American Association for the Advancement of Science
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21 March 1958, Volume 127, Number 3299 S CI ENCE

were laid down. The same principles of

blind mutation, genetic recombination,
and natural selection as have been in-
ferred to underlie the evolution of other

Human Values physiological as well as morphological

peculiarities are equally applicable to the
genesis and establishment of the so- called
in Relation to Evolution affective traits. It is therefore not surprising
that the present-day emotional and affective
equipment of any species provides the basis
for an intricately in- terrelated web of
If genetic natural selection applies to likes responses that are all nicely adjusted to the
and dislikes, what is the true status of values? service of the same major end—species
survival and expan- sion—even as is true of
all other bodily functions.
H. J. Muller This by no means implies, however,
that each species is constructed in the
best possible way for leading its own
By something of value we mean, of clarity and assurance regarding our own of life in its own kind of niche nor even
course, something desirable, to be striven aims and if we would order and shape that there is any one best way for doing
for, and from the attainment of which we these aims in such wise as to attain, in so. For of course the products of evolu-
presumably derive satisfaction. The value human living, a more harmonious inter- tion, although displaying within them-
of a thing, in other words, is its property of play of strivings and of activities, and a selves amazing coordination, are patch-
being desirable. If it is un- desirable, its deeper sense of fulfillment. The pursuit works thrown together bit by bit without
value may be said to be negative. By these of this project, however, has unfortu- long-range foresight. Time and again
definitions, all ani- mals that can pursue nately been hampered by the prevalence they have had to be remodeled oppor-
conscious purposes recognize values in of two tenets that are incompatible with tunistically, in one small way after an-
given situations, val- ues partly built in as it. The earlier, historically, of these ten- other, as new emergencies or opportuni-
such and partly channelized and modified ets holds that values for man are prop- ties have arisen. Undoubtedly, if the or-
by experi- ences, and these values are of erly determined only by some higher ganisms could have been made from
different degrees, so that they could be authority, external to him. The second blueprints designed from the first to
repre- sented on a scale. Probably only tenet, often thought of as an alternative to enable them to lead their present types
man, however, of animals on this earth, has the first and yet related and recon- cilable of lives under their present circum-
reached the stage of pondering over val- with it, holds that, for each indi- vidual, Stttnces, diverse disharmonies, indirec-
ues, and singling them out, as it were, questions of value are purely his own tions, and complexities that are now in-
by speech symbols. And so only he has private matter, shared only with those corporated solidly in their structures
attempted classifications for grouping who already agree with him, as in the could have been avoided, with consider-
things of related value together and has case of some schools of artists, and that able gain in effectiveness.
arranged these groups in hierarchies, these questions cannot profit- ably be In the case of a species which, like man,
with higher rank accorded to those ex- argued about. My discussion is not has changed its mode of life rather recently,
pressing certain general psychological directed to those who are irrevo- cably in terms of geological time, the
principles, such as heroism or truth. committed to either of these views. remodelings are still relatively crude,
Nevertheless, even the nonhuman ani- conspicuous, and on occasion trouble-
mal, like the young child, often acts ac- some. Thus more friction, both inner and
cording to much the same principles, Biological Significance of Values outer, would be generated in such spe-
but without abstracting them. cies than in the far more numerous ones
When the matter is regarded in this There are no grounds in evolution that had kept running in pretty much
way, it becomes evident that values are theory for regarding the likes and dis- their old established ways. All this may
as legitimate a subject of scientific in- likes of nonhuman animals, their emo-
The author Is Distinguished Service professor in
tional reactions and drives, or their re- the department of zoology at Indiana University,
vestigation as any other phenomena per- sultant desires and valuesi as being de- BlOOming ton. This ar ticle is based on the conclud-

taining to living things. In fact, it is im- . ing address in a symposium, “Human Behavior in
termined by processes any different +> Relation to Evolu tion,” sponsored by the Society
perative. that they be investigated by sci- essentials from the evolutionary mecha- low the Study of Evolu tion and cosponsored by the
Cienetics Society of America, which was held at
entific methods if we would seek greater nisms whereby their other characteristics Stanford University, 27 August 1957.

2t MARGN 1958 625

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be expected to hold in the realm of “be- siderable experience, analysis, and asso- though it has elements in common with
havior,” including that of desires and ciation of sensations and perceptions be- or similar to those in the parental, filial,
values, just as it does in the other modes fore one arrives at the concept of one’s and communal forms of attachment, it
of functioning of the organism. However, self and of other selves, yet it seems is misleading to represent it as difleren-
in higher forms and more especially in much as if there were a mechanism ly- tiated from the others, or them from one
man, the plasticity of their behavior ing in wait to attach positive affective another, solely as a result of experience.
would tend to conceal defects in its values to these concepts when or shortly Moreover, in addition to the inherent
bases. after they appear. Perhaps this effect affective tendencies included under a few
A consideration of the values that, in represents only the combination of the general headings such as those men-
any species, are attached to diverse ex- values already attached to the compo- tioned, there are many that do not fit
periences, in situations involving rela- nents of the concept, plus those later under any of them, such as those that
tively little modification by conditioning added by association. However that may participate in our multiform experiences
or association, necessarily involves some be, self-esteem may become developed of beauty and revulsion, of exhilaration
understanding of the entire complex sys- much more strongly in one person than and depression, and so on.
tem of drives, response potentialities, in another even though the experiences Finally, it should be realized that, con-
thought processes, and sensations, along of the two seem to have been essen- trary to the assumption of some authors,
with the affective mechanisms, includ- tially similar, and even though one may the fact that a given psychological trait
ing emotions, attached to these activities, seem to have had no more attachment appears later than at birth by no means
in a creature of the given type. Science for the separate elements out of which affords evidence that it is purely an
is at present woefully far from a de- the ego conception was built than the acquirement gained by experience. In-
tailed analysis of these matters. It has other person has had. herent afiective traits, like all other char-
been generally conceded that in insects We are far from understanding the built- acteristics of organisms, tend not to at-
there are indeed a multitude of highly in mechanisms by which such results come tain manifestation before a given stage,
particularized and often intricate pat- about, but their efficacy is attested in peculiar to that trait. However, because
terns of behavior that are to a very large varied ways, both in man and in other of the enormous influence that is also
extent genetically determined. Moreover, more-or-less intelligent animals. Among exerted by experience in the manifesta-
fish and especially birds are hardly be- dogs, for instance, such differences in tion of traits, the disentanglement of the
hind insects in this respect, even though temperament, as we call them, have long processes at work in the case of a given
their reactions are more open to modifi- been observed to be associated with par- trait often becomes very difficult.
cation by experience. In the case of ticular breeds, even when the young are Despite a large amount of agreement
mammals, it has been widely held that taken from their parents so early that between different species of mammals in
the genetic behavior patterns are less spe- the behavioral traits in question could not regard to their constellation of afiective
cific, both in regard to their instigating have been acquired purely by experi- ence. tendencies, and the way in which these
stimuli and to their methods of response, At the same time, an acknowledg- ment of attain expression, there are of course
and that in man they have virtually dis- this situation should not lead us to considerable differences between species
appeared, to make way for reactions de- minimize the enormous role of experi- and even subspecies in the relative
termined almost completely by experi- ence, especially in man, in channelizing strengths of these tendencies, in their
ence. and shaping the modes of expression of mode of expression, and, more espe-
Closer scrutiny shows, however, that these feelings, and in determining what cially, in the stimuli that evoke them, in
despite the enormous increase in the situations call them forth. adaptation to the differences in the or-
effectiveness and complexity of associa- It would be presumptuous and fatuous, ganisms’ modes of life and capabilities.
tions in man, his nature provides him in our present ignorance, to attempt To this extent, each type of creature
with a great number of unlearned pre- here to list or classify the numberless in- pursues somewhat different values from
dilections and aversions. These range herent affective tendencies—that is, nat- the other creatures and diflerent imme-
from those on a purely sensory level. ural predilections and aversions—observ- diate aims. It pursues some of these for
such as a liking for sweets, diverse sa- able in mammals, the great majority of their own sake, with due compromise
vories and fragrances, feelings of soft- which also appear to be present in some amongst them. These subjective ends
ness and smoothness, warmth, harmon- degree in man. It should be noted, how- are so adjusted that, for each species and
ies, color combinations, varied kinesthetic ever, that in those classifications that in- subspecies of animal, although of course
and other bodily feelings, and so forth, clude only a few general categories, such not for each deviant individual, this com-
and a dislike for their opposites, to those as fear, anger, love, and curiosity, each promise tends to work in the direction
on a perceptual and perhaps even a con- item really represents a complex group of the ultimate objective end of the spe-
ceptual level. of natural tendencies that are in some cies: its maintenance and spread. But
manner related. For instance, under fear the creature does not recognize this end
would come fear of heights, which re- as such, nor does it recognize even the
Genetically Based DiBerences in Values cent experiments with nonhuman mam- more limited end of “self preservation”
mals have shown to be expressed in that is popularly attributed to it.
Of course perceptions and conceptions them in the absence of previous experi-
are gained only by learning. Yet, curi- ence, and which undoubtedly evokes
ously enough, individuals display marked somewhat different emotions as well as Genetic Foundation of Altruistic Values
inheritable differences in regard to the responses from those found in other in-
strength of feelings attached to certain nate fears, such as fear of loud deep Of course, the subjective ends of a
concepts, such as the feelings that have tones having the quality of thunder or a creature may be far from purely selfish.
been denoted by the terms egotism and growl. Again, sexual love is itself very First Darwin, and later Kropotkin,
sociabilit y. For example, it requires con- complex in its inherent basis, and al- pointed out that natural selection is not
626 SCIENCE, VOL. 127

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just a tooth-and-claw struggle. Insofar genes that predispose them to helping the wherever he judged he could get away
as cooperative behavior furthers survival, members of other families will be able with it. A community of such individ-
natural selection has promoted emotional appreciably to foster the survival and uals could not hang together indefinitely.
bonds and a spirit of service among spread of their community as a whole. Still less would they voluntarily organ-
members of the same family and the This community, being small and inter- ize themselves into a socially behaving
same community. However, this form of group, devoid of genetic sheep. The ad-
related, will usually contain a higher
selection is limited to situations in which vantage of mutual aid to a group thus
proportion of genes of the type in ques-
an individual, in helping others, by these depends in the main upon its individ-
tion, that lead to this cooperative action,
very acts somehow assists in the survival uals practicing it even where they them-
than another community in which there is
of its own genes, or of the same or simi- selves do not reap any profit other than
less cooperation and which there- fore is
larly acting genes in the other individuals the intrinsic reward of such acts to those
less successful. Thus the co- operative
—that is, genes of the type that led to for whom such behavior is a primary end.
individual tends to further the survival and
these cooperative acts. Obviously the Once such a feeling is present, how- ever,
spread of genes like his own even though
nurturing and protection of the young its expression can be reinforced by various
he himself is sacri- ficed. However, as this
belongs in this category, since the indi- accessory motivations, such as pride in
very process and the cultural evolution
vidual is thereby fostering genes derived following out the rules of the community.
attending it cause these groups to grow
from itself. However, many ways of life put
larger, the power of this strictly ittter-
a premium on early dispersal of the young
group selection di- minishes. Perhaps the
and in these cases maternal care is kept Cultural Elaboration of VaIuef
resultant slowing down of natural selection
minimal. Similarly, “rugged indi-
for social traits affords a partial
vidualism” rather than altruism among
interpretation of the relatively low \Ve cannot enter here into the manned
adults would tend to win out in the in which, in increasingly intelligent ani•
development of the broader social
numerous species in which dispersal of mals, the pattern of behavior, and of
impulses in present-day man.
adults is advantageous, or in which affective tendencies, is more and more
As has often been pointed out, social
means of mutual aid, in the sense de- modified by experience. Still less can we
insects which have only a few reproduc-
fined above, are hard to come by. here review the truly revolutionary inno-
ing individuals per colony do not suffer
Fortunately for the mammals, their vation in method whereby, in man, ex-
from this self-limitation of natural selec-
mammary glands, apparently originally perience becomes transferred, symbolized
tion for social traits when the number
derived from the more generalized seba- in speech and otherwise, accumulated,
of sterile workers per colony increases.
ceous glands that serviced their fur, pro- codified, and sanctified. It is important,
These workers represent only somatic ex-
vided a ready means of nourishing the however, to realize that it is a func-
tensions of a very restricted colonial col-
young, and thus laid the physical basis tion of these processes of modification,
lection of genes. Thus the gene compo-
upon which a high development of all whether by individual or by group ex-
sition has the high inter-colony variabil-
the maternal impulses, including espe- perience, to extend the inherent afiective
ity of small numbers, and a high degree
cially maternal love, became practicable. tendencies to situations which the experi-
of self-sacrificing behavior on behalf of
It is evident that in many cases some ex- ences have shown to be somewhat con-
the colony reflects and tends to perpetu-
tension, with suitable modifications, of nected with the ones that originally
ate and spread the kind of genotype that
these feelings and modes of response to aroused the given feelings. Thus, for
has produced this behavior. In this way
the relations between father and young. each individual or, where experience is
these insects have been able to attain a
father and mother, and finally among transferred, for each group, a pattern of
far higher degree of genetically based
all immediate relatives, must have feelings and responses becomes built up
socialization than has man. Nevertheless,
proved helpful to the propagation of the that has, so to speak, been recut so as
their potentialities are of course far more
genes concerned in these developments. better to meet the set of circumstances
limited, by their inordinately lower in-
Under certain circumstances, including peculiar to that individual or group. Yet
telligence and capacity to learn, their in-
those of ground-dwelling primates, which the old feelings are in large measure still
ability to accumulate culture, and their
are relatively defensel ess individually, there, and in many cases they are still
inability to attain a realization of what
there proved to be comparative safety evoked by the original stimuli, as well as
the fuss is all about.
from predators in numbers, and also by the associated ones.
It has sometimes been held, as for in-
other advantages, as in hunting, when it It is true that the associations form ex-
stance by some schools of Communists,
emerged, in sharing fire, and in sharing tended chains, or rather webs, yet the
that the development of social feelings
services and abilities. From then on, ge- motivations that trigger the decisions to
in man is merely an expression of en-
netic variations leading to associations act or not to act are in the last instance
lightened self-interest associated with his
among families, and to a partial exten- based in the ingrained affective compo-
intellectual, technical, and cultural de-
sion of the affective family ties to the nents that are directly or indirectly at-
velopment, without any important basis
other members of the community, were tached to elements in any given web,
in his inherent affective or emotional
rewarded by enhanced survival and mul- and that have now become more or less
peculiarities. A genetically asocial but
tiplication. All this meant a step-by- suffused throughout that web. It should
intelligent man, if already living in a
small-step development of the genetic also be noted that, within any web, not
group where social feelings and practices
bases of social feelings and behavior— all affective components need work in
prevailed, would doubtless try to camou-
that is, of the complex sometimes com- the same direction. Thus the attainment
flage himself, for his own good, into a
prised under the term brotherl y lone. of the final decision may entail consid-
seeming replica of his fellows. But this
It is important to note, however, a self- erable inner friction.
would not prevent the lone wolf in
limiting feature of the genetic process The transfer and accumulation of ex-
sheep’s clothing from practicing self-ag-
un- derlying this development. So long as perience—that is, cultural evolution—
grandizement at the expense of others
the communities are small, variants 6Z7
21 MARGH 1958

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was of course possible only because of the so on, and in laying down rules of con- there was a growing adherence to ab-
intelligence, social disposition, and duct that were made to seem dependent stract conceptions that were supposed to
manipulatory, vocal, and other special on the interpretations themselves. Our embody universally valid higher values,
proclivities of genetic origin that had laid modern scientific knowledge makes the such as Plato’s “Goodness, Beauty, and
a basis for it. For a very long time, while intellectual fallacies and the technical Truth.” However, these terms were sel-
culture was being accumulated, this imperfections of these primitive systems dom defined concretely enough, in view
genetic basis also must have been so glaring that we tend to forget the of the innumerable interpretations which
strengthened by natural selection, and positive role they played until we see could be given them, to provide un-
the cultural process must have been fa- a primitive people lose all interest in equivocal solutions to problems of actual
cilitated thereby. More recently there has life and disintegrate when modern civili- living on the part of either the individual
probably been a slowing down of the zation deprives them of their Rock of or the group. Thus, Plato regarded slav-
genetic advance, caused by the forma- Ages. ery as fundamental for his system of
tion of fewer, larger groups and by the The religious and ethical systems of Goodness, Beauty, and Truth.
greater efficiency of mutual aid in help- nonscientific peoples expressed the values It is high time for modern man, every-
ing the less fit. that they overtly recognized, but in doing where, again to revise his concepts of
Another factor that must have facili- so they gave opportunity for the satis- values, in accord with the utterly new
tated cultural evolution in the past is a faction of the peoples’ actual affective view that science, and especially evolu-
kind of nongenetic natural selection needs and resulted in behavior condu- tionary science, has given him of the
operating between different groups, and cive to the survival and extension of nature of the world and of his actual and
between portions of a group, so as to the group. Despite marked differences potential relations to it. We must admit
favor more the continuance and spread among these systems, in viewpoint and that it is much too early for detailed
of those whose cultures (as distinguished methods, remarkable similarities are also formulations of the place to be accorded
from their genes) were more conducive to the diverse major and minor values that
displayed, especially among the more
to their own survival and increase. This flow out of his numerous inherent affective
successful ones, reflecting the underlying
process, emphasized in its intergroup tendencies and out of the pos- sibilities of
likenesses in human psychological and
aspects by S. J. Holmes, tended to pro- interconnecting them, modi- fying their
physical needs, combined with plasticity
mote the more functional cultures and modes of instigation and ex- pression,
in adjustment to these needs.
to curb the biologically unsounder ones All the more successful social systems enhancing some and subordinat- ing others.
that went ofi on cultural tangents by a emphasized by precept and training the For this purpose we have as yet far too
kind of inner inertia. Undoubtedly this importance of service to others, not only little knowledge of just what these
natural selection of cultural features also in the family (which of course had pri- tendencies are, and of their genetic and
went on within the group, to favor the ority) but also in the group as a whole, acquired variations, in neurological,
survival and multiplication of those and, later, more especially, to the lead- psychological, and sociological terms.
whose tradition s of value and conduct ers. Moreover, those specific attitudes Yet we can already discern clearly cer- tain
were more functional, even as, within major features that lead to im- portant
and practices were fostered that tended to
our own society, the Shakers, whose re- general conclusions.
make that service more effective: practices
ligion forbids them all to reproduce, Man is not made with any one inher-
such as veracity, integrity, self- control,
have virtually died out. The situation is ent affective tendency or drive and asso-
industry, and courage. In addi- tion, devices
of course different with a celibate priestly ciated value, that can normally provide
caste since this is automatically replen- were used for arousing ecstatic emotional
experiences that deep- ened and intensified a clearly overriding aim for all his ex-
ished from the rest, although it can of istence. It is true that de privation of the
the individual’s sense of forming a part of
course result in the gradual depletion of opportunity to pursue a given drive may
a greater fam- ily, dominated by a greater
superior genetic material in the group cause its value to become overriding. But
father, who provided greater rewards and
as a whole. be this drive sexual love, love of ofi-
Nevertheless, the development of cul- more frightful punishments. These
spring, of his fellows, or of himself, be
experiences also enhanced the individual’s
ture proceeds primarily through its Owl it joy in domination, or in subordina-
operations. Although the core of these sense of privilege and achievement in
tion, be it love of variation or ot the
is the joint accumulation of experience, participat- ing in the activities of this
familiar, or of good eating, or anything
most of that experience until modern supernal fel- lowship.
else, man is normally a great bundle of
times has consisted of purely empirical natural and acquired wishes and values,
observations and familiarity with rule- of- interrelated in a pattern that is partly
thumb operations, with little under- Revision o1 Values under Civilization
individual but very largely a product of
standing of the nature of the matters his group’s cultural evolution, including
Until some 2500 years ago community
involved. The artificial interpretations, the contributions made by great and lit-
loyalty was usually accompanied by a
almost always animistic, that were grad- tle thinkers of his past. This entire com-
then healthy suspicion and even hostility
ually fabricated regarding the nature of plex has in its general lines been framed
toward other communities, especially those
the world and man, and the associated so that the working of this system tends
with different cultures, and often by a
rituals, witch-doctoNng, and institution- on the whole to promote the survival and
zeal in striving against them that matched
alization of supers ition, did however multiplication both of his family and of
and nourished the intragroup cohesion. But
fill the important general function of his larger group. Thus his values tend to
with the rise of the great empires that
reinforcing the social solidarity of the be realized more fully when this objec-
embraced many previously separate
group and promoting their cooperative tive end, even if not understood, is pro-
peoples, doctrines of brother- hood among
behavior. They also played important moted by him.
all mankind bt gan to gain increasing
technical roles in healing, in advantage- It is natural that this should be the
acceptance. Along with this
ously regulating hunting, planting, and case, since in the first place natural selec-
628 SCIENCE, VOL. 127

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tion has worked to provide him with pre- pation in a joint endeavor far greater among psychological needs, and we may
dilections and aversions that under than his own that is more solidly based accord the highest value to, for one
primitive conditions would combine to and more buoying to his spirits than that thing, the gratification of curiosity—that
lead to this result. In the second place, gained by obedience to a tenuous supe- is, the pursuit of truth for its own sake,
his culture has on the whole worked to rior power. by methods of the most effective kind
modify the directions of these wishes and As between individual and social val- (the kind used by science) —and, for an-
struggles so as to lead to this result under ues (or welfare) there is no ultimate other thing that is no less important, the
the conditions of that culture. In recent contradiction for beings who have the fulfillment of love in its varied aspects.
times, however, human understanding natural feelings that lead to mutual aid. Among other values, the cultivation of
and the conditions of human living and However, until we have gone further in which is also highly important, we may
association have been changing so fast the development of these feelings, mention here as a few examples, largely
that our systems of values and ethics, through both training and genetics, there overlapping with one another and with
education, and social relations have will be many situations calling for diffi- the two already given, the zest for mak-
fallen behind and are not well enough cult compromises on our part. It is im- ing one’s own decisions ( that is, for the
adjusted to our present needs and knowl- portant in such connections to remember exercise of freedom ) , for achievement,
edge. that those men who have had better op- creativity, variety, and adventure, and
What kind of reorientation is needed? portunities for all-round development the appreciation of nature, art, and arti-
Obviously, one in which our motivations and zest in life, as a result of their per- fice. All of these overlapping values can be
are reshaped in accordance with our sonal experiences and activities, and harmonized with one another, and the
modern knowledge of the world and our- who have a significant voice in the de- seeking of them will play major functional
selves. termination of their own destinies, can roles in our objective as well as
Among the deeply and complexly also give better service to the subjective progression.
rooted inclinations of men is their community. It has been. rightly said that biological
readiness to accept the challenge of any
evolution is multidirectional and cruel
situation confronting them, if it affords
and that the vast majority of lines of de-
a hope, through struggle, of winning
Higher Values scent end in pitiful anticlimaxes. Yet it
through to greater life for themselves
is also true that intelligence and co-
and for those with whom they identify It may here be objected that we have operation, culminating in ourselves, have
themselves. With the shrinkage of the not yet given an opinion as to what not merely constituted one of the lines
world, and the suicide that is being com- should be considered the higher subjec- of nature’s development, but the one which,
mitted by war, if it does not murder us tive values that are most to be striven through its increasing control of the rest of
first, each man must ever more strongly for. If objectively we take survival and nature in its own interests, has become
identify himself with humanity in gen- extension of the species to be the end, by far the most prominent. But this
eral. The visions that he has obtained of as set by evolution, then we find that development is only beginning. It is our
the unimaginable progression already in our own line of descent the two groups business to take it as much farther as
accomplished in past evolution, of the of psychological characteristics that have we can, in the creativity of our
unprecedented powers which he himself been the most important in putting us coordinated, voluntary efforts. Through the
has now gained through science, and of into our dominant position were those unprecedented human faC- ulty of long-
the fathomless reaches to which man making for intelligence and those range foresight, jointly serv- iced and
may go, in terms of greater life, by the making for cooperative behavior. More- exercised by us, we can, in securing and
rational use of these powers in behalf over, despite the revolutionary changes advancing our position, in- creasingly
of himself and posterity, afford an over- wrought by our culture since its creation avoid the missteps of blind nature,
all directive for his efforts that is in of modern science, it is evident that these circumvent its cruelties, reform our own
accord with the objective end of the species two functions, especially when enhanced natures, and enhance our own values.
—namely, its survival and ex- tension— through cultural measures and, I believe, The foregoing conclusions represent, I
and also with most of his own more eventually through genetic measures also, believe, an outgrowth of the thesis of
immediate subjectively based val- ues. will continue to provide the most im- modern humanism, as well as of the study
Enough can thereby be gained for the portant means of meeting the evolution- of evolution, that the primary job for
individual, in enhanced richness and ary test of survival and extension, while man is to promote his own welfare and
harmony of life, to recompense him on at the same time they will render us advancement, both that of his members
a personal basis to a degree unparal- ever more capable of filling not merely considered individually and that of the all-
leled in the past, especially if we will our physical but also our psychological inclusive group, in due awareness of the
take advantage of already existing psy- needs—that is, of achieving and advanc- world as it is, and on the basis of a
chology and psychiatry. At the same ing our values. naturalistic, scientific ethics.
time, he can attain a sense of partici- In accordance with this thesis, we
may place in the foremost positions

21 MARCH 1958

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