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Basic Education Department

Caloocan Campus



Senior High School

University of the East
Basic Education Department
Caloocan Campus

University of the East
Basic Education Department
Caloocan Campus

You will do numerous activities on this subject; you need to know what is
expected of you as a researcher by your groupmates and teachers.

Read the duties and responsibilities of a researcher in the discussion part of

this module. Sign the pledge card found on the left, if you agree and understood the
duties and responsibilities of a researcher.

The Capstone research process is one of the partial graduation requirements

of STEM Senior High School students. It is therefore important that the researchers
must be aware of their duties and responsibilities.

Responsibilities of a Researcher

beginning researcher, you are expected to abide by the following duties and
 Develop an appropriate CRP (Capstone Research Project) plan such as a
research proposal following the format required by the school.
 Consult and discuss your concerns with your research adviser regularly.

University of the East
Basic Education Department
Caloocan Campus

 Attend required research orientation sessions, accomplish research forms,

and comply with other research protocols before the conduct of
 Accomplish preparatory activities ahead of schedule.
o Prepare all the materials in advance
o Familiarize yourself with the procedures and their alternatives
o Attend a training session on the use of special equipment (if needed)
o Obtain necessary permits (when needed)
o Consult experts for the procedures and details of the experiment
o Review rules and regulations in the laboratory where you will be
 Manage and sustain the progress of the research.
o Follow details of protocols as stated in your research plan
o Observe appropriate laboratory practice
o Keep a record of all experimental activities and result
o Ensure that your Gantt chart is followed as scheduled
o Regularly report all results to the research adviser
o Observe proper protocol and ethical standards in the conduct of your
o Protect the safety and privacy of your subjects
o Attend laboratory meetings and present progress reports.
 Prepare the final research paper following the format of the school
o Analyze and interpret your results accurately and appropriately
o Do not plagiarize. Ensure that the research paper is original with
properly cited references
o Submit the research paper draft on time for evaluation and revise as
needed following the prescribed format of the school.
o Comply with intellectual property policies of the school (as needed)
o Submit the final manuscript following the prescribed format
 Disseminate your CRP result following the guidelines of the school
o Follow the school guidelines for research defense and presentation
o Be guided by the appropriate authorship rules and guidelines

University of the East
Basic Education Department
Caloocan Campus

o Be open to criticism and comments from peers and experts

o Discuss with your research adviser your plans for publication and

Budget Proposal
A budget proposal is an essential factor in research. It allows a researcher to
pursue funding in different government and private entities. Without funding, finishing
good research will be extremely difficult. This money will be used in buying or renting
laboratory equipment and supplies, in traveling for data collection, in giving
compensation to people involved in the research process.

Thus, it is important for a researcher to project the total cost of the research.
Creating a budget proposal will allow the researcher and the institution to assess and
justify the research. There are two basic categories of budget proposal:
 Direct Cost
o directly involved in the accomplishment of the research.
o Costs are absolute because prices are publicly known and always
o Examples are:
 Equipment
 Consumables such as chemicals, disposable containers, paper,
ink, etc.
 Fees for laboratory analysis (if serviced from other labs)
 Indirect Cost
o A supplemental cost that is indirectly involved in the completion of

University of the East
Basic Education Department
Caloocan Campus

o It is sometimes difficult to ascertain.

o This is usually shouldered by the institution.
o Examples are:
 Facility/laboratory fee (if serviced from your own school’s lab)
 General supplies (tissue, water, soap, etc)
 Phone/internet bills
 Utilities and maintenance

Gantt Chart
There are numerous
activities that the
researcher must do to
complete the research.
Sometimes, one might
forget that the procedures
employed are time-
consuming and require meticulous preparation. This is problematic especially if the
researcher needs to complete the study in a timely manner.
A Gantt chart is a popular and useful way to show and plan the activities
needed to finish a task or project. This is commonly used in research and business
management. This chart will allow you to see:
 Activities needed to accomplish
 A time frame of each activity
 Order of activities and how they overlap
 Beginning and end date of the entire research

University of the East
Basic Education Department
Caloocan Campus

Directions: Create a Gantt Chart and Budget Proposal of your APPROVED Topic.

 Budget Proposal:
1. List all the expenses from the start of the research process until the
2. Only include the direct cost. For internet connection, if you have an
internet subscription, no need to include it. But if you subscribed to
data internet for research only, include it.
3. The total expense should be within the budget of your group.
4. For items that are already available put “0” as the cost

Pointing System:
Completeness All expenses are included. 5pts
The cost of each item is
Accuracy of Price accurate. The total 8pts
expense is within budget
All computations are 2pts
TOTAL 15pts

 Gantt Chart:
1. List all the activities that you will do from the start until the end of the
entire research.
2. Identify the time frame of each activity by shading the cell in the table
3. The chart should show the order of activities, if there are tasks that will
overlap (same day) it should be evident.
4. Shade the cell in each week for the task you need to accomplish, use
the color below:
a. Green for finished tasks
b. Blue for future tasks
5. You may use the list of possible tasks listed in the template. You may
add more or remove tasks as you see fit in your research.

Pointing System:
Completeness All activities are included. 5pts
Feasibility of assigned All tasks are feasible to 5pts

University of the East
Basic Education Department
Caloocan Campus

accomplish with the given

time frame
TOTAL 10pts

Prepare for the Title Defense. Your group will defend your partially approved
topic in front of an audience/panel.

 Create a PowerPoint presentation containing the following:
o Working title
o Short background
o Gap in knowledge
o Short significance
o Research Methodology and Design
o Sampling Procedure
o Materials & Procedure in making the prototype (for experimental)
o Variables and Set-up (for experimental)
o Variables and instruments (for other designs)
 Record you and your group while presenting your proposed topic.
 The title presentation should only take a max of 10mins. If possible try to
finish the discussion for 5mins to provide more time in the Q&A.
 Submit your PPT and Recorded video to your teacher
 Be ready to answer any question.
 You will be graded using the rubric below:

University of the East
Basic Education Department
Caloocan Campus

Since the start of this subject, you are working with your groups, and you will
work with them until the end of the semester. It is thus important to understand that
each member of the group is important in the success of the project. Choose
between the roles below that you can contribute to your group.

University of the East
Basic Education Department
Caloocan Campus


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