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Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 201 : Intense Desire

Shen Zechuan could not get up; the inside of his thighs were all covered with teeth marks. He
slept with Xiao Chiye on top of him, pinning him down, until the third quarter of the hour of si.
When Fei Sheng came to call him, Shen Zechuan had still yet to wake. Xiao Chiye lowered his
head to kiss him from behind, his kisses so intense that Shen Zechuan near about gave up the

“Please spare me…” Shen Zechuan strained himself to struggle before he eventually sprawled
back onto the bedding. He narrowed his eyes and said to Xiao Chiye in a hoarse voice, “I…
mind’s in a whirl… can’t think at all…”

Shen Zechuan was red everywhere. There were the bite marks, and then there were the pinch
marks. His nape was the most piteous of all, having borne the brunt of it. Xiao Chiye’s chest
pressed against him, making him so hot that he was sweating.

The most intense of all last night had been sitting in an embrace—in Xiao Chiye’s arms, with the
crooks of his legs held down in place, and all he could do was to lean against Xiao Chiye’s

Amidst the jolts and thrusts, Shen Zechuan forgot all about the part about it being a clandestine
affair as he cried out “A-Ye” and “Ce’an” repeatedly until he came, even wetting the bedding
under him later as he lay prone on the pillow. He could not remember how many rounds they had
gone through, only that his tears had run out. Towards the end, he was all dazed and dizzy, but
Xiao Chiye was still not done; he continued to thrust into Shen Zechuan, making him moan
softly like he was begging for mercy. The way his moans trailed off tantalized Xiao Chiye right
in the heart, causing such an insatiable itch that Xiao Chiye was stirred into biting him yet

“Poor thing.” Xiao Chiye clung close to him and whispered, “I’ll hold you up.”

◈ ◈ ◈

Yin Chang got up early today and waited at the foot of the veranda to seek an audience with the
Prefectural Lord. Fei Sheng saw the old man looking utterly uncomfortable as he glanced left
and right. Fearing that he might make a fool of himself later, he said, “You’ve already met him
yesterday. Why are you still nervous?”

The icicles on the eaves had been knocked off to reveal just how distinguished the man in the
room was. Yin Chang’s feet were a little numb. He tugged at his sleeves and said, “I feel
uncomfortable everywhere. They rubbed me so hard with such big bars of soap when giving me
a bath yesterday that my skin’s about to get all wrinkly!”
On hearing this, Fei Sheng wanted to laugh. Seven or eight young male servants were sent to
attend to Yin Chang yesterday. They bathed him for a full four hours, and even changed out
several big tubs of hot water. It was only in the middle of the night when everyone left the
banquet that the old man made his escape, holding up the legs of his pants as he ran while
evading the servants.

“Bathing is good,” Fei Sheng said. “You look spirited. I think you look just like my elder brother

“Don’t fucking lie to me.” Yin Chang did not have a good night’s sleep. He murmured to Fei
Sheng, “You lad, have a glib tongue.” Having said that, he looked around furtively again, “Is the
Second Master in the room too?”

“Uh-huh,” Fei Sheng replied. “He rushed back just to meet you.”

“Then can I go to Libei?” Yin Chang hurriedly asked. “I’d like to meet General Lu.”

Fei Sheng was in a predicament. He did not know how to reply to him. Yin Chang’s desire to see
Lu Guangbai was only to be expected. That formation of his was adapted from the Bianjun
Commandery Garrison Troops, but Libei was fighting a war at present, and the areas along the
Chashi River were unstable, so how could Yin Chang run around as he pleased?

As he was thinking about it, there were movements on the other side.

“Let’s see His Lordship first,” Fei Sheng said. “We’ll talk about it again after meeting him.”

◈ ◈ ◈

A window was opened from inside to ventilate the room. The weather was not considered cold
today, but Shen Zechuan was especially sensitive to the chill, so he layered up with a coat.
During the journey back, Fei Sheng had checked up on Huo Lingyun’s background and reported
it all in its entirety to Shen Zechuan, regardless of significance. Shen Zechuan did not have the
time to read it before sleeping the night before, so he looked through it carefully now.

“The firearms seized by Fei Sheng were handed over by Huo Lingyun himself.” Shen Zechuan
turned the folding fan between his fingers around and rested it on the side of his hand. “This
person is interesting; I do have to meet him.”

All that separated Xiao Chiye from Shen Zechuan was a small table. With his arm propped up,
Xiao Chiye looked a little playful, but the expression in his eyes was wicked. Just a glance over
was an invasion. His eyes swept back and forth between the words “male lover”, “bitten to
death” and “arson”. He said, “he’s a tough nut.”
If Huo Lingyun had not thrown a monkey wrench into their plans with the firearms, Yin Chang
would have been able to take down Fanzhou during his first battle; he would not have given
Shen Zechuan the opportunity to even tell him to bring his own head on a platter to meet him.
Afterward, Yin Chang employed the use of verbal provocation to launch an attack on the city,
thereby stepping onto the battlefield for real this time. But Huo Lingyun’s acts of arson
diminished the battle in Fanzhou. With merits and demerits offsetting the other, Yin Chang’s
reward was once again reduced by half.

Perhaps Huo Lingyun genuinely wanted to throw in his lot with Shen Zechuan, but he did not
use the most optimal strategy. Instead, he fought a battle with firearms with the intent of letting
Shen Zechuan know he was useful and even more valuable than the current commanding general
of Cizhou. People who climbed their way to the top by trampling over others were all tough nuts
to crack.

Yao Wenyu was the first to enter while they were in the middle of their conversation. Kong Ling
followed behind him, pushing his wheelchair, and finally, Yu Xiaozai stepped through. The
various gentlemen bowed to Shen Zechuan, who prompted them to take a seat.

“It’s so cold,” Shen Zechuan said to Yao Wenyu, “You should have asked Qiao Tianya to come
over and drop me a note, and I would have shifted the meeting venue to your courtyard so that
you wouldn’t have to make the trip.”

Yao Wenyu did not sleep well the night before, and his eyes were slightly bloodshot. He had
even brought his cat along today. “It’s just a stone’s throw away; there’s no need to go to the
extent of having Your Lordship put everyone to the trouble. I saw Elder Yin and Fei Sheng both
waiting at the foot of the veranda. Will you let them in for an audience now?”

“Let them in,” Shen Zechuan said. “I’ve kept Elder Yin waiting for almost an hour.”

Fei Sheng led Yin Chang in to pay their obeisances to Shen Zechuan and Xiao Chiye. No matter
how worried he was about Yin Chang, he did not dare to glance over at this moment, lest the
master noticed.

Xiao Chiye looked at Yin Chang and asked, “Did Elder Yin sleep well last night?”

This was the first time Yin Chang was meeting Xiao Chiye. He had not taken a good look
yesterday, but now that he had a closer look… holy moly, he thought to himself, isn’t this
Second Master way too tall? His legs as he sat on the couch were almost as long as two of him!

Yin Chang tensed up again. Wringing the hem of his clothes, he vaguely answered, “not, not too
“Elder Yin, take a seat too.” Shen Zechuan was aware that Xiao Chiye was an imposing
presence, and he did not come across as an easy one to get along with; thus, he spoke to Yin
Chang gently, “We will be discussing some military affairs with the various gentlemen today.
With the troops soon to be deployed to Duanzhou, Fanzhou cannot be left unattended.”

“Based on the report, Huo Lingyun is inextricably tied to this battle at Fanzhou.” Kong Ling was
familiar with Dengzhou. “He could be considered to have come from a military family. His
father was Huo Qing, the commander-in-chief of Dengzhou who repelled the bandits in the
territory during the sixth year of Xiande. The feud with Yang Qiu and the rest of Dengzhou’s
bandits was probably formed during that time.”

“I have some impression of Huo Qing.” Yu Xiaozai picked up the thread of conversation after
taking his seat. “During the suppression of bandits in the sixth year of the reign of Xiande, he
submitted a memorial that could be considered a report of victory to the Ministry of War.
However, in the next few years, the Prefectural Prefect of Dengzhou impeached him for being a
headstrong and conceited commander who resorted to arms without due consideration, which in
turn caused the bandits in the territory to seek revenge on the commoners, subsequently plunging
Dengzhou into extreme misery. The Ministry of War deliberated over and over again before they
finally did away with the notion to promote him.”

Shen Zechuan got Fei Sheng to stand up as he addressed the gentlemen. “The local governments
are a mixed bag. From the time the two factions of Pan and Hua took over control of state power,
the impeachments that came from the lower levels were a mess, with the majority of them arising
from personal grudges. The procedures in which the cases were handled during the reign of
Xiande can’t be counted as valid, so this Huo Qing might not necessarily be a headstrong and
conceited person.”

Shen Zechuan was right. Apart from the reason for his dislike for Emperor Xiande, it was true
that both factions were as irreconcilable as ice and fire when they were in power. At that time,
Qudu depended on side-taking to distinguish between enemy and ally, and the dividing line in
the local governments was even rigid. So a conclusion on whether Huo Qing’s impeachment was
legitimate could not be made based on just those few memorials.

“Huo Qing is Huo Qing. Huo Lingyun is Huo Lingyun.” Xiao Chiye had now drawn a clear
distinction between father and son. “You people were the ones who detained him and escorted
him back. What did you think of him during the journey?”

Yin Chang was an honest man with a one-track mind. Fei Sheng did not let the old man speak,
but he could tell from Xiao Chiye’s words that the Second Master did not like this Huo Lingyun.
He did not like Huo Lingyun either.

Fei Sheng served Shen Zechuan, and he had plenty of opportunities to render meritorious service
in the future when they established a light cavalry, but Yin Chang might not necessarily have the
chance. The old man’s hair and beard were all white now, and he only got to battle this one time
after waiting several years. But then, a male consort appeared out of nowhere and took most of
the old man’s credit with that bit of dirty, underhanded tricks of his.

Fei Sheng was displeased deep down, but his expression was natural as he said, “For the sake of
revenge, this person could endure great hardships and steel himself to achieve his goals. He sure
is something, and I respect him as a man. But when I arrived at the Fanzhou’s yamen, I saw the
furs of the mastiffs King Yi reared all glossy. Only when I asked around that I found out Huo
Lingyun had fed King Yi and Cuiqing to the dogs. Since he has a feud with King Yi, why didn’t
he communicate with us earlier?”

By bringing up Huo Lingyun’s feeding of people to the dogs at this point in time, he was
tactfully telling Shen Zechuan in a roundabout way that it was hard for this person to be of great

Contrary to Fei Sheng’s expectations, Shen Zechuan did not go along with it. Instead, he said
after a moment’s pause, “Since everyone is here now, call him over.”

Huo Lingyun had been in the cell for two days, and the wardens who delivered his meals to him
never spoke to him. Fei Sheng took special care of him and tampered with his fetters and
shackles so that it was much heavier than the usual ones the others used. But he hardly moved
around and merely remained in the same spot, as though he had countless never-ending thoughts
on his mind.

Huo Lingyun stepped into the courtyard, and Gu Jin sensed something amiss from the sound.
With Ding Tao and Li Xiong in tow, he watched from under the eaves as Huo Lingyun walked

“So heavy.” Li Xiong pointed at Huo Lingyun’s feet and said to Ding Tao, “it’s the set of chains
I wore!”

“Seems to me he can move freely.” Ding Tao told on Huo Lingyun to Gu Jin. “Jin-ge, he’s
trained in martial arts!”

He was far from just “trained”.

Gu Jin lifted a finger and motioned to the guards hidden in the courtyard to be on the alert. He
patted Ding Tao and Li Xiong on their backs and pushed the two children to a side, while he
stood by the hanging screen himself and signaled to Qiao Tianya, who was on the other end, with
his eyes.

Qiao Tianya turned his head aside to stare at Huo Lingyun’s back. In a deep voice, he said, “He’s
a rather formidable one.”
Shen Zechuan did not size Huo Lingyun up. However, Huo Lingyun did not shy away from
sizing up Shen Zechuan first.

The Prefectural Lord was twenty-two years of age this year. He was a beautiful one, with the
upturns of the corners of his eyes just perfect; any higher, and they would give him a come-hither
look. Even so, they looked like they were swimming in emotions at a quick glance. Yet, he was
extraordinarily cool and detached. His gaze, when he did look over, was chilling. He was an
unfathomable, bottomless pit that looked all the more dangerous the longer you laid eyes on him.
Huo Lingyun did not know if it was because Shen Zechuan had been in a top dog position for a
long time, but Shen Zechuan had an overpowering air to him when he did not speak. Not the
kind that came assaulting head-on in the face, but the kind that gradually grew ice-cold as it crept
along your limbs to your heart.

This was Shen Zechuan.

Since Shen Zechuan did not open his mouth, the gentlemen present did not dare to speak. Silence
momentarily reigned in the room, making Huo Lingyun appear undaunted instead.

Xiao Chiye nudged his thumb ring. His posture remained unchanged, but his imposing aura was
like a kick dealt to Huo Lingyun’s face. He looked askance at Huo Lingyun with an air so
oppressive that the other man almost could not lift his head.

Shen Zechuan was the precious jade Xiao Chiye held between his fangs. Any sort of prying eyes
must die before they ever get within a few steps of Shen Zechuan. This was an affront to Xiao
Chiye, and he was now offended, even if the other party was perhaps only looking out of

The gentlemen in the room could hear nothing amiss, but they could sense that the Second
Master was not very happy now. Very subtly, the atmosphere began to grow heavy, so much that
it crushed down on their chests for no rhyme or reason, suffocating them until they could not
take deep breaths.

“Your confession statements leave out the details.” It was only at this moment Shen Zechuan
looked at Huo Lingyun. “You reported the firearms, but you didn’t explain their origins. It’s
most pointless to say things halfway.”

As someone who had traversed both the overland and water routes,1 Huo Lingyun could figure
out a little something from the expression in Xiao Chiye’s eyes. He retracted his gaze, and the
shackles on his hands clanged. “Naturally, there are many matters that can only be discussed
when I’ve seen the Prefectural Lord,” he said with a calm expression.

“If what you say makes me unhappy,” Shen Zechuan said with cool detachment, “there can only
be one outcome whether or not you get to see me.”
“There will be the Scorpions in addition to the Biansha Cavalry in Duanzhou during Cizhou’s
use of military forces in the second month.” Huo Lingyun looked towards Xiao Chiye without so
much a trace of fear. “Without Xiao Fangxu, can the Libei Armored Cavalry still make it?”

The break in the thumb ring stopped between the pulps of the fingers. Xiao Chiye finally moved.
Very slowly, he leaned over, and his shadow enveloped Huo Lingyun from top to bottom,
forming a trail of a phantom wolf with an injured eye across the ground.

Fei Sheng, who was standing at the side, swiftly dropped to one knee on the ground and lowered
his head without uttering a sound. Beside him, Yin Chang felt the pricks of fear running down
his back. With his heart thumping, the old man almost slid to the ground as he kneeled after Fei

Dead silence descended, inside and outside.

Xiao Chiye was angry.

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 202 : Connecting the Dots

Huo Lingyun had seen wolves before. In the wilderness of Dengzhou, those wolves that were all
skin and bones had their tails between their legs as they ran on King Yi’s hunting grounds, their
eyes glowing with ravenous hunger. But at this moment, the wolf he was seeing was one that
hailed from Libei; not only did this wolf possess a strong physique, but it also had an aura so
oppressively intimidating that he gripped his chains tight. Even the muscles on his back had
tensed up with tension.

Huo Lingyun must not gasp for air, because if he opened his mouth again, Xiao Chiye would
throttle him and snap his throat. Xiao Chiye completely dominated the atmosphere around him as
he remained kneeling in place. It conjured the illusion of being pinned down by the back of his

Xiao Chiye wanted Huo Lingyun on his knees, with his head down.

Huo Lingyun broke out in a sweat as he simmered in that unending silence. He did not want to
compromise, but by the time he returned to his senses, he had already averted his gaze and
bowed his head.

Since that bout of heavy snowfall, the Libei Armored Cavalry had never won again. The battles
they were fighting on the battlegrounds at present all proved to be aggravating. Gone were the
days when the Armored Cavalry reigned over the battlefield. Huo Lingyun initially planned to
crush Xiao Chiye’s spirit and level the playing field for both parties during the negotiations. Yet
he had run right smack into an iron plate and was now being held down to the ground by Xiao
Chiye instead.

Xiao Chiye’s shadow did not shift. His lowered gaze locked on to the back of Huo Lingyun’s
head as he repeated with cold detachment, “Can it?”

Huo Lingyun clenched his teeth as he deflated and swallowed down his indignation.

To think he had gotten afraid!

Xiao Chiye was completely poles apart from Shen Zechuan. He would not feign civility at
certain moments; instead, he would dominate and dictate. He would hold down the heads of all
of those who provoked him and offer them only one way out. The Imperial Army in its earlier
days knew this very well from experience.

Shen Zechuan covered the teacup with the lid and tapped his fingers against it intermittently. He
possessed the ability to warm up the atmosphere after a cold spell, and through this subtle action,
he curiously unraveled the tension in the hall, allowing Fei Sheng, who was still kneeling, to
resume breathing.

Outside the door, Gu Jin exhaled lightly and released his grip on the hilt of his blade.

It was only until Huo Lingyun’s entire back was drenched in sweat that the shadow enveloping
him pulled back. Xiao Chiye did not withdraw his gaze; he merely leaned back into his comfort
zone, as though he had lost interest in the Huo Lingyun who had his head down.

It was at this moment Shen Zechuan opened up the lid and said in between sips of tea. “You’re
very well-acquainted with the situation in Duanzhou.”

These two men took over from one another seamlessly, yet they both exuded a dangerous aura.
Huo Lingyun’s palms were all sweaty; he retracted his contempt, all the more certain that he had
been right in his decision to come.

“The Scorpions came looking for King Yi before,” Huo Lingyun decided to show his sincerity.
“During the twelfth month last year, he instigated King Yi to ambush Chazhou and cut off your
contact with Qidong. To that end, he gifted King Yi with a shipment of firearms.”

In a flash, both Shen Zechuan and Xiao Chiye thought of the White Scorpions. These Biansha
spies concealed themselves deep in Da Zhou, collaborating with Amu’er from within and
without to pierce through the heart of Da Zhou.
The twelfth month of the previous year was the turning point when the Libei Armored Cavalry
switched from offensive to defensive. Had King Yi been gutsy enough to launch a surprise attack
on Chazhou at the Scorpions’ instigation, Shen Zechuan would undoubtedly be held in check by
this diversion and reduced his aid to Libei. Additionally, they only had to cut off the route to
Chazhou, and Qi Zhuyin would have to make a detour from the eastern side of Tianfei
Watchtower to head up north, where she was bound to pass through the territory of Fanzhou.
With the Scorpions lying in ambush en route, the Commander-in-chief’s life would be in peril.

“They’re keeping a close watch on Commander-in-chief Qi.” Shen Zechuan looked at Xiao
Chiye, the expression in his eyes conveying all the words he left unspoken.

Hasen’s encirclement of Xiao Fangxu to kill him was not only to deal a blow to Libei, but also to
capitalize on the opportunity to lure out Qi Zhuyin. As expected, Amu’er knew Da Zhou like the
back of his hand.

“But King Yi didn’t make his move. He was most willing to remain in Fanzhou like a cowering
coward, and then he had his head blown off by you with a gun.” Xiao Chiye’s words were
scathing. “So, did the Scorpions come looking for you?”

Huo Lingyun stared at both his knees. “No.”

“You’re lying.” Shen Zechuan skimmed the tea foam and raised his eyes to say with certainty
through that willowy spiral of steam, “You’ve had contact with the Scorpions before.”

When Shen Zechuan was in the Imperial Bodyguards, he successively served as the Southern
and Northern Judge, and the amount of time he had spent in the imperial prison was not exactly
short. He naturally had his own means of interrogating people, just like how he had once tricked
Ji Lei and Xi Hongxuan through his conversations with them. He was adept at using
environments to manipulate the atmosphere.

Sometimes, one had to keep their words short without revealing more than necessary, and the
other party would naturally let his thoughts run wild.

Huo Lingyun had to remain clear-headed. If he so much as gave a wrong answer again as he
kneeled here, he might end up literally losing his head. He held up against the pressure from both
men and exhaled deeply, as if exhorting himself to remain calm. He was already at a dead end,
and the worst that could happen was happening now. Thus, when he lifted his head once again,
he regained some of his composure.

“That’s right,” Huo Lingyun said. “I’ve had contact with the Scorpions long before King Yi. My
father fought a winning battle during the sixth year of Xiande, and he dispatched someone over
to persuade my father to give up Fanzhou. He also promised my father a noble title, but my
father turned him down.”
Shen Zechuan inclined his head slightly, concealing the lingering redness at the corners of his
eyes under the slanting, backlit shadows. “You said ‘he’.”

Not “they”.

Huo Lingyun recalled the night a few years ago, when the horse carriage from Qudu brought
along a valuable letter of significance. Huo Qing stood by the candlelight and opened it, where
he touched the heavy promise within.

If the Bianjun Commandery was the most wretched station for troops in Qidong, then Dengzhou
was the poorest prefecture of Zhongbo. These two places were similarly poor. Dengzhou’s one
and only advantage was that it did not have to face the onslaught of attacks from the Biansha
Cavalry all the time like the Bianjun Commandery had to. After the Zhongbo’s troops’ defeat,
the rampant banditry put Huo Qing in a terrible fix, and he remained stranded in this corner,
unable to get any assistance from the imperial court.

That letter was the last chance Huo Qing had to get out of his predicament, but he did not take it
and ended up as dinner in the dogs’ bellies.

“Yes, ‘he’.” Huo Lingyun enunciated the word through clenched teeth. “This man is hiding right
in Qudu, and he’s by no means an ordinary person if he can make such a promise. After my
father refused the bribe, he was impeached by that Peng dog. Consequently, the Ministry of War
refused to promote my father. They believed that cursed Peng’s one-sided lies and stopped
giving Dengzhou the military funds it was due. That was when the Dengzhou bandits resurfaced.
Yang Qiu went to Fanzhou and joined hands with Cuiqing to set up a brothel trade and got back
into the business of selling women. He also took the opportunity to make contact with Lei
Changming of Mount Luo.”

The dots were all connecting now!

Shen Zechuan remembered his puzzlement when he was checking the Yan Clan’s accounts in
Dunzhou. How did Biansha not leave any traces behind when they stole away such a large batch
of resources from Da Zhou? The reason was that they were not on the Dunzhou, Mount Luo, and
Duanzhou route at all. From start to end, Lei Changming and Lei Jinzhe had merely been a
smokescreen Amu’er set up in the northeast of Zhongbo.

No wonder Yan Heru was so sure about this—he had indeed never touched these goods before.
However, he must have been in the know, because the merchants in his hands all had dealings
with Cuiqing. Coupled with what Yu Xiaozai had said about Peng Fangmiao’s impeachment of
Huo Qing during the sixth year of Xiande, Shen Zechuan was even more certain of his guess.

“The goods were transported from Fanzhou.” Shen Zechuan held the teacup in his hands. “They
sent the goods directly to the banks of Chashi River without even passing through Dunzhou.”
“He” initially wanted to use a noble title to bribe Huo Qing into being a White Scorpion and turn
the Dengzhou Garrison Troops in Huo Qing’s hands into delivery escorts for the goods. After
Huo Qing turned him down, “he” sought out the Prefectural Prefect of Dengzhou, Peng
Fangmiao, who accepted the bribe and subsequently started to impeach Huo Qing vehemently.

“Youjing.” Shen Zechuan suddenly asked Yu Xiaozai. “Which year was Peng Fangmiao
transferred down to Dengzhou? Before that, whose student was he?”

Yu Xiaozai racked his brain, but all he had to say was, “… I can’t remember. Zhongbo was
negligent in its administration after the fourth year of Xiande, and the prefectural prefects in
Duanzhou, Dunzhou, Fanzhou, and Dengzhou changed frequently. All I can remember is the
impeachment memorial…”

The officialdom was as vast as the sea, with innumerable key positions of varying importance
just in Qudu alone; the trivial posts in the local governments were even more complex. Even
without Qudu in the mix, it was impossible for Yu Xiaozai to remember all the various vice
magistrates under the Thirteen Cities of Juexi, not to mention minute details such as the year the
other party was transferred or the person they had received advice from.

It had to be known that in Qudu, when someone sent in a visitation card to call on a powerful
household in Qudu, all it took was for the head of the clan to be willing to see said person and
exchange a few words, and said person could proclaim themselves as the other person’s
“student” the moment they stepped out of the door; they were also sure to address the other as
“teacher” whenever they met. On top of that, the Hua and Pan factions had countless of lackeys
after the reign of Xiande, when both factions plunged the imperial court into turmoil.

“Ding Tao,” After a moment of silence, Xiao Chiye called out. “Come in.”

Ding Tao anxiously stuck his head out. Frightened by Xiao Chiye’s expression, he walked in
with the same side of his arm and leg moving in tandem. Everyone in the hall looked towards
Ding Tao. He opened his eyes wide, wanting to look at Shen Zechuan, but not daring to.

Xiao Chiye was in no hurry. He shifted his arm slightly, then asked Ding Tao, “Do you still
remember the name ‘Peng Fangmiao’?”

Ding Tao shook his head blankly.

Outside, Qiao Tianya had a sudden brainwave and piped up, “Tao-zi, this person should be in the
Ministry of Personnel’s reference list after the fourth year of Xiande. Think again. Hua Siqian,
Wei Huaigu, or even Pan Rugui.”

During the fourth year of Xiande when the Biansha Cavalry slaughtered the city, the people left
in Dengzhou were Tantai Hu and the others, all of whom were taken into the Imperial Army by
Xiao Chiye. The original Prefectural Prefect of Dengzhou had also died during that massacre, so
Peng Fangmiao could only be a court official assigned over after the fourth year of Xiande.

Other than his exemplary ability in writing, Ding Tao’s memory was also rather astounding. His
family’s notebook was modeled after the record-taking of the Imperial Bodyguards, and Ding
Tao had grown familiar with the procedure during the times he tagged along with his father.
Back in Qudu, Qiao Tianya had once visited the residence of the Prince of Libei at night but was
turned away by Ding Tao and Gu Jin. Ding Tao could tell the origin of the concealed weapon he
had tossed out at just a glance, a feat that Qiao Tianya still remembered to this day.

Ding Tao fished out his little notebook, staying silent amidst the rustling of pages being flipped.

At this sight, Yu Xiaozai also began to remember. Without realizing it, he spoke out, “Our Chief

Ding Tao’s eyes abruptly lit up. He bookmarked a page. “Chief Surveillance Bureau! That’s
right, the Chief Surveillance Bureau! Young Master,” Ding Tao looked towards Shen Zechuan as
though he was seeking praise. “The assassination case in Qudu! The Imperial Bodyguards and
Chief Surveillance Bureau wanted to investigate Master at that time. There was someone
surnamed Fu. That’s him!”

Fu Linye.

Of course Shen Zechuan remembered the assassination case. He had sensed something amiss
with the Quancheng silk while he was investigating that case. At that time, the person who had
shirked responsibility for searching the Prince of Libei’s residence and passed it on to him was
the Right Censor-in-chief, Fu Linye.

Yu Xiaozai suddenly slapped his thigh and even stood up. He was so miffed with himself he just
had to laugh at the ludicrousness of it. Chortling himself silly with Ding Tao, he said, “I
remembered it now too. Your Lordship, before the assassination case, everyone thought that Fu
Linye was an official of humble origins! It was precisely because of Fu Linye that Second
Master suffered so much back then. So that son of a bitch had long been colluding with Wei

The tussle between the noble clans and those of humble origins happened after the fourth year of
Xiande. Back then, Hua Siqian led the Grand Secretariat, and he also had the help of the Empress
Dowager and Pan Rugui. Hai Liangyi thus had no choice but to rely on the Chief Surveillance
Bureau’s evaluations of the various officials for promotion and delegation to hinder the minions
of the Hua and Pan clans from running amok in the local regions‘ governments. Fu Linye, who
was at that time pretending to be a gentleman of worth, had considerable influence over Hai
Liangyi and the other officials of humble origins’ consideration of those on the Ministry of
Personnel’s reference list.
“If Fu Linye was the one who assigned Peng Fangmiao to Dengzhou,” Shen Zechuan paused for
a moment, “then Wei Huaigu and even Xi Hongxuan could be this ‘he’.”

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 203 : Songyu

Huo Lingyun obviously did not know who exactly “he” was, or he would have been able to voice
out the name the moment he opened his mouth. However, regardless of whether it was Wei
Huaigu or Xi Hongxuan, they were all already dead.

“During the sixth year of Xiande, only the Hua and Pan factions had the capability to make
promises of noble titles to Huo Qing.” Yao Wenyu stroked the back of the cat’s neck with two
fingers. “At that time, Xi Hongxuan had yet to join the imperial court, and Wei Huaigu was far
from having the ability to do so. Why did Your Lordship put your guess on these two people?”

“Noble title.” Xiao Chiye stressed the two words. “Trace this promise up the hierarchy, and you
don’t even need to guess to be able to list out the few who could do so. It’s as good as not
covering it up.”

“Based on the speculation of Peng Fangmiao’s official career afterward, the promise of a noble
title is very likely a sort of disguise. The real bribe used was something else.” Talking about the
Scorpions had made half of Kong Ling’s body break out in a cold sweat. “Although Qian Jin was
the Minister of Revenue before the eighth year of Xiande, it was still Wei Huaigu who held
genuine control over the Ministry of Revenue starting from the first year of Xiande.”

Qian Jin was dismissed from office along with Hua Siqian during the rebellion at the Nanlin
Hunting Grounds. However, the key to Da Zhou’s money still did not fall into Hai Liangyi’s
hands. Wei Huaigu stepped forward immediately right after and took over the office of the
Minister of Revenue, where he continued to go around in circles with Hai Liangyi. It was not
until Wei Huaigu was imprisoned during the Libei’s military provisions case that the noble
clans’ embezzlement of state treasury during the reign of Xiande, which resulted in a deficit that
eventually led to the Zhongbo troops’ defeat, finally surfaced.

This was an intricate, complicated web that involved not only the officials from Qudu but even
the officials of the various Da Zhou local governments. Think about it. If “he” had used the same
method to plant covert pawns and chess pieces in Juexi and Qidong, then how many of them now
were Scorpions?

“It makes one’s blood run cold,” Kong Ling could not refrain from blurting out. “This is

Corroding Da Zhou from within!

“Panic not.” Shen Zechuan looked around at the various gentlemen. The calm tone he used
flicked away the anxiety that was beginning to permeate the air. “It’s all too easy to give
themselves away when there are too many threads of clues. Even the most astute scheme is
bound by the limitations of the mortal body. Manipulating such a game is time-consuming and
labor-intensive, and having too many people involved will only prove to be counterproductive.
After all, too many cooks spoil the broth.”

Juexi and Qidong were both not the same as Zhongbo. Zhongbo was the result of a lax
administration, while Juexi had Jiang Qingshan who, during his investigation of the deficit with
Xue Xiuzhuo, did everything in his power to thwart the noble clans and the Scorpions.
Meanwhile, Qidong had Qi Zhuyin, the commander-in-chief who was in charge of all the
territories in Qidong. She had her own core team under her command, as well as Qi Shiyu to
assist her in governmental affairs. She would never collude with the Scorpions. But Shen
Zechuan was certain at this moment that the person who had tampered with the Bianjun
Commandery’s grains was a White Scorpion hiding in Qudu, and this Scorpion had not been
trying to force Lu Guangbai into rebelling, but to drive him to his death.

Xiao Chiye, however, once again fixed his eyes on Huo Lingyun. “Since the Scorpions were the
ones who gave the firearms to King Yi, then who’s the one who taught you to use it?”

Firearms were not broadswords and swords. As a native of Dengzhou, Huo Lingyun would not
have had the chance to come into contact with them before this, so he would have had to undergo
training if he wished to use them with proficiency. Xiao Chiye had sniped and touched them
before in Qudu, and thus he knew them like the back of his hand. Leaving aside the question of
whether King Yi himself knew how to use it, if he had known that Huo Lingyun knew how to
use it, he would not have kept Huo Lingyun by his side without so much as a precaution against
the latter.

Huo Lingyun pursed his lips, his expression solemn in the silence. After a moment, he answered,
“Old Fang the Tenth.”

This was one of the reasons why Old Fang the Tenth had been willing to join hands with Huo
Lingyun to remove King Yi from the equation. He was a fast learner when it came to using
firearms, and he was able to move around by King Yi’s side. What’s more, he could pump him
for information on the money vault, as well as keep an eye on King Yi’s movements.

“After Dunzhou was reclaimed, Yang Qiu and Old Fang the Tenth started feeling uneasy,” Huo
Lingyun continued. “By the time Cizhou reached an agreement with Libei and Qidong, Fanzhou
and Dengzhou were already facing the situation of having armed forces being sent to quell them.
They were afraid that King Yi could not hold up under threat and ended up opening the gates to
surrender, so they thought of making the first move to do away with him and empty out the
money vault.”
Huo Lingyun used the money vault as bait and burned Yang Qiu and Old Fang the Tenth to
death. This sum of money was now in his hands, and he was the only one who knew where it
was. This was also what gave him the confidence to dare to negotiate with Shen Zechuan and
Xiao Chiye.

Huo Lingyun’s gaze alternated between Shen Zechuan and Xiao Chiye. “I can use firearms, and
I can teach the Libei Armored Cavalry and the Cizhou Garrison Troops.” He looked at Xiao
Chiye. “You want to attack Duanzhou in the second month. You can swap me over to the
vanguard squad. I can lead the remaining garrison troops of Dengzhou.”

Kneeling at the side for a long time, Fei Sheng’s countenance promptly changed. It was only
after he composed himself for a moment that he said, “It’s not my place to interrupt before
Master, but this matter concerns the safety of both Duanzhou and Second Master, so I’m left
with no choice but to say a few words. This man is dodgy, and it’s inappropriate to put him by
Second Master and Master’s sides. Second Master has no lack of generals either. Besides, there’s
also Elder Yin following along this time.”

Fei Sheng was really exercising due diligence now. His misgivings towards Huo Lingyun were
not without reason. Yin Chang was clearly the one who conquered Fanzhou! If not for this Huo
Lingyun’s underhanded tricks, Yin Chang would not have gotten a dressing-down. This was just
great now. Yin Chang took down Fanzhou, but Huo Lingyun ended up getting the lion’s share of
the credit, making it look like it was only because of Huo Lingyun’s act of arson that they
managed to take down Fanzhou.

And that was not all. Fei Sheng found Huo Lingyun to be a man who could endure and dared to
be ruthless. When he made his move, he struck with efficiency and decisiveness. His
vindictiveness was almost on par with Shen Zechuan. Such a man had both capability and a mind
of his own. To let Huo Lingyun remain by Shen Zechuan’s side was to threaten Fei Sheng, and
Fei Sheng had no desire to give Huo Lingyun the opportunity to stand out and steal the show.

Fei Sheng was very clear on how things worked, and he also knew where his own opportunities
lay. He dared to speak up to interrupt now because he could tell for sure that Xiao Chiye did not
like Huo Lingyun.

Sure enough, Xiao Chiye did not want to answer Huo Lingyun at all. He needed the firearms, but
he did not need Huo Lingyun. Duanzhou could only be his – Xiao Ce’an’s – playground. He had
stopped over in Cizhou for such a long time, spending every single day at the Beiyuan military
drill grounds and donning heavy armor to train with Hairigu’s Scorpions, all just to find a
breakthrough that could change the current situation in Libei and turn the tide in its favor. If he
were to change the vanguard to Huo Lingyun, then it would undoubtedly be a heavy punch to the
guts of the Libei Armored Cavalry, whose morale was already low to begin with.

Shen Zechuan’s waist and back started aching after sitting for a long time. The swollen teeth
marks on the inside of his thighs had yet to subside. What he had told Xiao Chiye in the morning
about his mind being in a whirl was not a lie. And now, his mind was in a fog all over, no thanks
to the White Scorpions. They still had to start sending provisions to Dunzhou in the afternoon,
and the rations needed for the battle in Duanzhou had to go first… Then, there was also the
thorny issue of whether Huo Lingyun could be put to use—or not.

“Since Young Master Huo has his mind set on it…” Yao Wenyu said to Shen Zechuan. “Your
Lordship, the Imperial Bodyguards have been recruiting new recruits recently, haven’t they?”

That’s right.

Shen Zechuan understood Yao Wenyu’s intent right away.

Put Huo Lingyun in the Imperial Bodyguards, and Huo Lingyun would not be able to act as he
pleased given Fei Sheng’s misgivings of him, and with Qiao Tianya at the side watching over
them, Fei Sheng could not go too far trampling over Huo Lingyun either. Not only could they put
him at a distance away from Shen Zechuan by doing this, but they could also put him to use
instead of letting him go to waste. What’s more, leaving both Qiao Tianya and Huo Lingyun as
double restraints to hold Fei Sheng in check could also serve as a warning to Fei Sheng, who was
gradually becoming more and more “aloof”, reminding him not to let success go to his head.

“Fei Sheng,” Shen Zechuan said, “Pick from the remaining Dengzhou Garrison Troops. We’ll
take everyone who meets your recruitment standards, including this Young Master Huo.”

Fei Sheng only had to think about it to understand the intent of this order. His heart sank, but he
had to put on a show of accepting it gladly. “I shall respectfully follow Master’s arrangements.
But these Dengzhou Garrison Troops are all Huo Lingyun’s old acquaintances. They may not
necessarily be willing to serve in the Imperial Bodyguards.”

“That will be because you are not rewarding them enough.” Xiao Chiye raised his left hand and
turned the ring on his right thumb back to its original position. There was no smile in his eyes.
“Once they join the Imperial Bodyguards, they are no longer natives of Dengzhou. Their names
in the previous military register of Dengzhou can be struck off.”

Xiao Chiye said just enough to make his point.

The Imperial Army the Second Master took in during his early years was even harder to deal
with than the Dengzhou Garrison Troops, and his way of managing his subordinates had been
none other than to be fair in meting out rewards and punishments. Xiao Chiye was reminding Fei
Sheng that these remaining soldiers of Dengzhou could break away from their registered place of
origin once they joined the Imperial Bodyguards and even be exempted from field taxes in
Cizhou. As long as he could do a good job carrying out the task Shen Zechuan had instructed
him, what could he not achieve?
Fei Sheng understood what he meant and hurriedly acknowledged his orders.

◈ ◈ ◈

It was already late by the time the meeting was over. Qiao Tianya pushed Yao Wenyu back to
their courtyard.

The slab stone paths in the courtyard had all been cleared, with not even a speck of snow on it.
They had gone out of the way to sprinkle salt too, for fear that the wheelchair might skid while
going up. The newly planted plum blossoms had all withered, the fallen red dead in the embrace
of its branches; encased in ice and snow, they presented a scene that appeared particularly bleak
and desolate. The road today was damp, so Qiao Tianya walked slowly, keeping the wheelchair
stable and steady as he pushed it along.

Yao Wenyu’s cat was called “Hunu”.1 If it were not stretching itself and licking its paws under
the eaves, it would be nestling on Yao Wenyu’s knees, sleeping soundly with its belly exposed.
At present, it was a little bundle of energy as it kneaded its paws on Yao Wenyu’s sleeves and
nuzzled itself hard against Yao Wenyu’s palm.

Yao Wenyu lowered his fingers to scratch Hunu. The lanterns at the sides shone upon the sides
of his face. He had gotten a little fleshy lately, and he looked a lot better as compared to the time
when he had first arrived. This was the Yao Yuanzhuo of distinguished demeanor and ethereal

Qiao Tianya did not speak. His gaze shifted to Yao Wenyu’s collar before he averted it to the
cuff of Yao Wenyu’s sleeves.

They had not exchanged a single word today.

The wheelchair entered through the door, and the attendant under the eaves headed in to deliver
hot water. Yao Wenyu sat in the inner chamber and read his books, while Qiao Tianya took off
his blade and stood outside to look at his own seven-stringed zither.

A long time elapsed, and the servants all withdrew from the room and closed the door gently.
Usually, Qiao Tianya was the one who personally bathed Yao Wenyu without any help from the
others. Yuanzhuo liked to be clean, and he would not sleep if he did not bathe. Every time Qiao
Tianya wiped his hair, he would sit quietly.

He seemed to have accepted the sorry figure he was currently cutting, but only to the extent that
no one else other than Qiao Tianya was permitted to look. This was the limit of what he could
Qiao Tianya stood for close to an hour before he finally heard Yao Wenyu call out in a low voice
from inside. “… Qiao Songyue.”

Qiao Tianya’s fingers that had been strumming faintly across the zither strings came to a halt,
but he did not respond, as though he had not heard him.

After a moment of silence, Yao Wenyu continued. “… time for bed.”

The wind chimes beneath the eaves stirred, drawing in the loneliness in the wind as well. Yao
Wenyu saw through the hanging drapes Qiao Tianya’s shadow cast upon it. He seemed to have
stood there for quite a long time. On hearing Yao Wenyu, he paused for a moment before lifting
the drapes to enter.

The candlelight was very dim. The Yao Wenyu of this hour did not yearn for light, for this was
the beginning of his frailty and helplessness every day. Hunu burrowed into the bedding and
swatted playfully at the corner of the blanket, completely unaware of the awkwardness in the

Yao Wenyu had yet to school the expression in his eyes when Qiao Tianya bent forward with
calm and composure to carry him up from the wheelchair. Their clothes touched, and Qiao
Tianya placed Yao Wenyu’s arm on the back of his shoulder. At the same time Yao Wenyu
made contact with Qiao Tianya’s back, his fingers curled slightly.

Yuanzhuo was a very reserved man; that was the effect of his upbringing as a gentleman of

Qiao Tianya untied Yao Wenyu’s hair. It was at this moment the expression in his eyes was
focused… so focused that Yao Wenyu could not bring himself to meet them. All he could do was
to lower his own eyes to avoid Qiao Tianya’s gaze. When he had been stripped down to his inner
garment, Yao Wenyu muttered softly, “don’t.”

Qiao Tianya paused for a moment without letting go of the belt he had been pulling at.

Yao Wenyu suddenly clenched his collar with an expression similar to indignation. He repeated,

“Don’t what?” Qiao Tianya, who had been silent this whole time, looked at him, his face a
picture of calm.

Yao Wenyu’s “don’t touch me” caught in his throat. He stared at Qiao Tianya with bloodshot
eyes, as though Qiao Tianya was some great scourge. His palms trembled slightly, yet the word
that came out of his mouth was still, “… don’t.”
Yao Wenyu pursed his lips tightly and started to struggle. He pushed against Qiao Tianya’s
chest, rejecting the latter’s touch.

The rattan chair creaked. Flashes of green and white shook in the blurred mirror as wide-sleeved
robes and black hair struggled in the crooks of Qiao Tianya’s arms, like spring leaves that were
all too anxious to make their escape with the wind. Qiao Tianya let him make a scene as he
pleased. Just when Yao Wenyu was about to slide onto the ground, Qiao Tianya suddenly
overturned the rattan chair, grabbed Yao Wenyu’s wrists, and pinned him down forcefully onto
the woolen carpet.

“What do you want?” Qiao Tianya held down Yao Wenyu’s wrists with one hand and gripped
Yao Wenyu’s face with the other hand to correct its direction. “Do you want me to throw you in
like this, or throw you here?”

Yao Wenyu was forced to tilt his head up. His breaths quickened as he shut his eyes, biting down
on his lip until it went pale. Qiao Tianya released the hand that was grasping his chin and pressed
them between his lips to prevent him from biting down on them. He wedged his fingers in, only
for Yao Wenyu to clamp down on them as if he was venting his anger.

“What are you afraid of?” Qiao Tianya let him bite, his expression slightly cold. “That wasn’t
your fault.”

The intoxicated Yuanzhuo of last night was very different. He briskly forgot the pain of his legs
and had a reaction to being touched in the bathtub. A noble young master was still human; what
he had lost were his legs, not all that made him a man. He was still so young, and he still had all
the same unspoken desires that he kept secret. But he did not even have the opportunity to
pleasure himself, and yet he was laid bare and exposed in Qiao Tianya’s eyes every single night
—even so, he never accepted such a powerless self.

“What’s wrong?” Qiao Tianya asked in a harsh voice. “Feeling aggrieved because I’m not a
woman? My handjob can’t be that bad, right?”

“Stop it,” Yao Wenyu’s face betrayed his agony. All he could do was to yell dispiritedly as he
lay here, “Don’t say a word more!”

The rattan chair that had rolled to one side knocked into a small clothes rack, which tilted over
and smashed into Qiao Tianya’s back. Qiao Tianya did not even blink. Under the flickering
candlelight, Qiao Tianya did not know which part of him was in a rage either.

“How do you see yourself?” Qiao Tianya asked. “Do you think of yourself as a banished
immortal?2 Is it wrong to have desires? You—”
“I don’t!” Yao Wenyu’s eyes had gone thoroughly red. His voice trembled as he struggled to say,
“I don’t have that sort of… I don’t need them!”

He could not sink to such lows and have his very last shred of dignity destroyed. What would he
be left with then? He only had this bit of dignity left, and it was this bit of dignity that sustained
him so that he could sit before the others in this weak and frail state and accept all of their pity.

As Yao Wenyu trembled, tears trickled out of his eyes. They did so against his will, but his tears
were beyond his control, just like his crippled legs. He was ashamed to face this side of himself,
just as he did not dare to face whatever remained of his desires.

Qiao Tianya’s chest heaved. He abruptly flipped Yao Wenyu over.

With a sense of foreboding, Yao Wenyu’s eyes widened in panic as Qiao Tianya pulled him into
his arms from behind and undid his inner garment. Yao Wenyu struggled violently, pushing
against Qiao Tianya’s arms as he resisted. “I don’t want to! Qiao Songyue, release me, let—”

Qiao Tianya groped for Yao Wenyu’s hand, pulled it into his palm, and led it down to hold Yao
Wenyu’s object of shame with his hand over the latter’s. It was in this way he embraced Yao
Wenyu and heard Yao Wenyu crying when he was neck to neck with him.

The dim candlelight went out as they clung close to one another in this space. Yao Wenyu’s face
was to the woolen carpet, his cheeks wet with tears from the unbearable shame and indignation.
A suppressed cry escaped his throat, a cry for the dignity he lost in Qiao Tianya’s hands, and for
the self he had gotten a clear look of. He panted for breath in between his sobs, his free hand
clutching tightly at Qiao Tianya’s sleeve as the pleasure of being defiled and broken into pieces
in Qiao Tianya’s masterfully sliding palm washed over him.

“Kill me…” A choke escaped from Yao Wenyu as he rasped, “Qiao Songyue… I hate you to the

All the while that Qiao Tianya’s palm was gliding up and down in that darkness, he was pressed
up against the side of Yuanzhuo’s face, listening to Yao Wenyu’s sobs and ramblings, as well as
Yao Wenyu’s pants and rasps.

“You’re not in the wrong.” As Yao Wenyu shuddered, Qiao Tianya whispered into Yao Wenyu’s
ear, his voice raspy as he said in all seriousness, “Hate me all you want.”


1. 虎奴, literally tiger slave

2. 谪仙 literally, an immortal who has been banished from heaven to live on earth; an epithet for
exceptional individuals such as the Tang poet Li Bai (who also wrote the poem, Qiang Jin
Jiu). i.e., a wayward genius

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 204 : Empress Dowager

Xiao Chiye deployed troops to Duanzhou in the second month, and Shen Zechuan had the grain
wagons set off first. Tantai Hu, who was in Dunzhou, was all prepared and ready. To the north,
Xiao Jiming dispatched Wu Ziyu to lead 5,000 Libei Armored Cavalrymen to standby at the
northern side of Mount Luo. Once there was a change in situation, they would be able to
combine forces with Shasan Camp to jointly attack Duanzhou.

Fine snow danced at the spurring of the breeze on this day. The outskirts of the city stretched on
into the distance, where a panoramic view of the empty, boundless horizon provided a treat for
the eyes. Xiao Chiye was clad from head to toe in his heavy armor, which sank into the thin
snow. He looked just like a block of wall standing before Shen Zechuan.

“There are still bandits remaining on Mount Luo.” Shen Zechuan, wrapped securely in his coat,
gazed at him. “You have to be careful when passing through the territory.”

Meng landed on Xiao Chiye’s shoulder. “I’ll remember it. This has to be a quick battle. I’ll be
back in the third month at the very latest. If the soldiers you send to Dengzhou aren’t enough, let
the Commander-in-chief know. She can transfer soldiers from Tianfei Watchtower. No problem

Snow brushed past the hair on Shen Zechuan’s temples and landed on his collar. Xiao Chiye
raised his hand to set his palm down on the top of Shen Zechuan’s head. A quote inexplicably
came to his mind.

For my wife is still in the springtime of life; and tender are the words to comfort my beloved

Lanzhou was only twenty-two of age this year, and he would be by his side for decades to come.
Xiao Chiye, however, would be fighting battles on all fronts in the days to come, regardless of
life or death. Overthinking and dwelling too much on it would only serve to make him timid.

Shen Zechuan was the reason Xiao Chiye became tough. He was also the reason that Xiao Chiye
mellowed. Xiao Chiye wanted to protect this man until the very end of his life, and as such, he
was willing to give his very best in every single battle. But even the strong, like Xiao Fangxu,
would also come to an unpredictable end. Xiao Chiye thought plenty after that incident. He loved
this man, but he also worried for this man.
Perhaps other people in this world did not need him, Xiao Ce’an, that much. But Shen Zechuan

“I’ll wait for you here.” Shen Zechuan raised his palm to caress Xiao Chiye’s cheek. In a soft
voice, he said, “Don’t fool around with others on the way. Not even a glance.”

All of a sudden, Xiao Chiye hugged Shen Zechuan. In this snow, as he huffed breaths of hot air,
he felt as if he owed Lanzhou too, too much; the latter clearly could not even leave him in his

“Ensconce yourself in the throne at the Hall of Distinction,”1 Xiao Chiye nuzzled against Shen
Zechuan’s temple and whispered, “and let not the snowstorm come unto you.”

Without waiting for Shen Zechuan to answer, Xiao Chiye released him. He put on his helmet,
flipped atop Lang Tao Xue Jin, and turned his horse around to lead the Libei Armored Cavalry
into a gallop east.

Seeing that Shen Zechuan did not move, Fei Sheng held up the umbrella to shield the Prefectural
Lord from the falling snow. Shen Zechuan stood in the snow, clutching his blue handkerchief
until it was silent all around.

◈ ◈ ◈

Qudu experienced consecutive days of clear skies, and one could occasionally catch a glimpse of
the birds flying in diagonal formations between the double-eaved roofs of the imperial palace.
The heir apparent was a fast learner. Although she still did not possess the authority to make
decisions, she was allowed to listen in on the discussions on state affairs in Mingli Hall. She
rarely spoke up, yet in that pair of eyes of hers, Cen Yu saw her dedication to government

Other than reading and practicing calligraphy in the past six months, Li Jianting had no other
hobbies. She rose early each day and did not even slack off on the days when she fell ill. The
Chief Surveillance Bureau, which used to lecture Li Jianheng in the past, gradually could not
find any shortcomings in Li Jianting they could admonish her for. In the eyes of these fastidious
censors, this heir apparent was one who was the most like a proper crown prince since the Crown
Prince of the reign of Yongyi. Even Kong Qiu, who was initially quite critical of her, no longer
took to talking about her lightly.

No one knew how Xue Xiuzhuo had done it, but he had completely destroyed “Ling Ting”, and
now, only Li Jianting existed in this world.

The Empress Dowager had been plagued by headaches lately. Initially, incense had been lit in
the hall, but she had Matron Liuxiang snuff it out as the scent made her feel unwell. The amount
of gray hair along her temples had increased; old age was eroding this person of power who had
a hand in the storms and turmoil of Qudu for as long as thirty years. In the face of Li Jianting’s
youthful appearance, she felt all the more willing in spirit but lacking in strength.

“Yesterday, Han Cheng presented a memorial to the throne. He’s still requesting for troops to be
deployed to Cizhou.” The Marquis of Helian sat below and groused to the Empress Dowager.
“Conflicts are now abound between people on our own side. Why is he still thinking about

The Empress Dowager let Matron Liuxiang massage her shoulders as she leaned back on the
couch. She looked over Han Cheng’s memorial, then said, “Shen Zechuan has taken down
Fanzhou, and now he even intends to use military forces in Duanzhou. After spring, he will
become the tiger of Zhongbo. He harbors a deep-seated hatred towards Han Cheng for the
murder of his teacher. It is only natural for Han Cheng to be afraid.”

The Marquis of Helian did not want to bother with Han Cheng’s personal feud at all. What he
was currently worried about was of another nature. After the ninth month last year, the practical
doers faction led by Xue Xiuzhuo collaborated with the Chief Surveillance Bureau to investigate
the crop fields of the eight cities in preparation for the resurveying of the crop fields. This had
always been the case for the past years, but those had been merely done for show. The officials
going on inspection tours simply went through the motions and visited the eight cities as a mere
formality to get things over and done with, then submitted a figure that everyone had agreed on
beforehand to the Grand Secretariat to muddle their way through the process.

But it seemed that Xue Xiuzhuo was serious about it this time.

“I told all of you in the past to tell the rural manors you have in your names to restrain
themselves. But did anyone listen? How many people froze to death in winter last year? Other
than the three cities of Dicheng, Jincheng, and Quancheng that provide disaster relief to save the
people, everyone else would rather be cowering cowards.” The Empress Dowager tossed the
memorial onto the small table. The eastern pearls by her ears swayed along with her voice. “Why
did Pan Lin have to antagonize Xue Xiuzhuo? Now Xue Xiuzhuo is going to work with Cen Yu
and the rest to investigate the accounts. Was this not an opportunity Pan Lin himself served up to

The Marquis of Helian married Commandery Princess Zhao Yue to Pan Lin’s younger brother,
so their Fei clan and Pan clan were now both in the same boat and would sink or swim together.
He had initially thought the marriage would be an insurance against future troubles given that
three members of the Pan clan – Pan Xiangjie, Pan Lin, and Pan Yi – were all significant
officials of the imperial court, but who would have expected this Pan Lin to be such a pain in the

The Marquis of Helian did not dare to take the blame for Pan Lin, but he could not let Pan Lin
continue with his ways either. Pan Lin was currently stuck in the opening that was the Minister
of Revenue. The job he did was significant and crucial, yet he did not receive a promotion in
name. Everyone was wrought with anxiety, fearing that Pan Lin would keep on getting defeated
in this tussle between both sides and ended up handing the Ministry of Revenue on a silver
platter to the officials from humble origins.

“Chengzhi is impatient by nature. I have no idea how he offended Xue Xiuzhuo.” The Marquis
was restlessly burning with so much anxiety he was like an ant on a hot pan as he pleaded. “But
Pang Xiangjie and Pan Yi are both loyal to Your Majesty. You have also watched our Zhaoyue
grow up into a lady. She and the Third Missy are—”

“The gall of you!” The Empress Dowager cut him off and even righted herself to berate him.
“How dare you push political disputes of the court onto my little baby?! Back then, when I
wanted Zhaoyue to marry a lad of the Han clan, you refused and insisted on coveting that bit of
petty advantage the Pan clan could offer you. Now that things have gone south, you have to
shoulder the responsibility for it yourself!”

The Empress Dowager rarely flew into a rage like this. The palace maids and eunuchs both
inside and outside the hall hurriedly fell to their knees and bent low over the ground, holding
their breaths. How would the Marquis still dare to sit? He fell to his knees in a fluster, shuffled
forward on his knees, and slapped himself several times as he pleaded, “Your Majesty, please be

“The Third Missy has already been married away to Qidong,” the Empress Dowager declared
solemnly. “She is the first lady of Qi Shiyu. With a proper rank now, every word she says and
every action she makes comes under close scrutiny. The encroachment of the commoner’s fields
by the rural manors under you people has nothing to do with her, so don’t bring this up again.
You’re already at such an advanced age. Do you still need me to teach you to watch your

“You, you’re right…” The Marquis of Helian was not a man with guts to begin with. The only
lawful descendants of the Fei clan in this generation were the younger Marquis Fei Shi and the
Commandery Princess Zhaoyue. Fei Shi spent his days fooling around, and even now, he still did
not hold a proper official position. Because of this, the Marquis of Helian hesitated over the
Commandery Princess Zhaoyue’s marriage for a long time over every little thing. Who would
have known that trouble would still come knocking on his door?

The Empress Dowager rose to her feet. With Matron Liuxiang supporting her, she made her way
over to the Marquis of Helian’s side. The Marquis was up in years, and for what it was worth, he
was still a noble; it was a disgrace for him to keep kneeling like this. The Empress Dowager
calmed down some and said, “Get up. This is so unbecoming of someone your stature.”

The Marquis of Helian scrambled to his feet and stood helplessly by the Empress Dowager’s
side, not daring to stand too close.
The Empress Dowager raised her head back slightly to look along the palace eaves at the bright
and clear sky. After thinking for a moment, she said, “Fei Shi has also come of age. If his
inclinations do not lie in scholarly studies, then he can join the military. There are so many
vacancies in the Eight Great Training Divisions; let him learn from them. He doesn’t need to
carve out a distinguished career, as long as he can temper himself and settle down. Once he has
put in the hours and has the record of service to prove it, he will naturally be promoted to the
Ministry of War.”

The Empress Dowager had pointed out the Marquis’ sore spot. He only had Fei Shi, this one son,
and he had kept him sheltered back at home ever since the latter was young. After Fei Shi
entered society, he was adept at all things related to the drinking of wine and the soliciting of
courtesans, except for learning. What’s more, he was an obstinate one who was close friends
with Pan Lin. To date, he was not even willing to show Xue Xiuzhuo due respect. He spent his
days wallowing in vice on Donglong street, typically listening only to what the courtesans had to

The Marquis of Helian’s eyes momentarily grew moist. He lifted his sleeve to wipe his tears.
“Your Majesty is the compassionate mother of all in the world; your graciousness knows no
bounds. This humble subject originally wanted him to join the Eight Great Training Divisions as
well, but with that temperament of his… alas!”

The Empress Dowager was fed up with the Marquis of Helian. She knew what he meant. The
Eight Great Training Divisions were no longer a glamorous, lucrative post that managed Qudu’s
patrols. Given its proximity to Zhongbo, they might even be deployed to fight wars in the future.
The Marquis of Helian was reluctant to send his son in to give his life for the cause for fear that
Fei Shi might meet with a mishap on the battlefield, so he was hoping the Empress Dowager
could get Fei Shi into the Six Ministries instead.

But Qudu was now no longer the playground of the noble clans. Domestic strife and foreign
invasion were imminent. Shen Zechuan was not eliminated from the equation, and in just a short
six months, he had become the overlord of Zhongbo, working in collusion with Libei. If not for
the pressing threat of the Biansha Cavalry, he would have already fought his way to Qudu by
now. Qi Zhuyin, on her end, had also written a letter to Qudu saying that she was going to use
military force against the Qingshu Tribe in the fourth month. Meanwhile, Xue Xiuzhuo was
pressing in on them every step of the way. Although he professed it to be a private feud with Pan
Lin, his impeachment memorials were all legitimate. The eight cities did indeed encroach on the
people’s fields, and it would be a tough battle once investigations started after spring.

The situation was already at such a stage, and the Marquis of Helian and a few others were still
only thinking of themselves and those small tracts of fields their rural manors have for fear that
they would be confiscated.

The Empress Dowager recalled the times during the reign of Xiande. From Hua Siqian to Wei
Huaigu, which of them was not a capable minister or general? And now, the Marquis of Helian
was a bungling oaf who was good for nothing, Pan Xiangjie was a fence-sitter who swayed
where the wind blows, and Han Cheng was a rapacious one with wild ambitions. Dealing with
the Grand Secretariat exhausted the Empress Dowager, both physically and mentally.

“Xue Xiuzhuo’s investigation of the eight cities’ fields is meant to pave the way for the Heir
Apparent to ascend to the throne.” The expression in the Empress Dowager’s eyes was deep.
“It’s still not time for the Heir Apparent to step into the limelight. Go back and make it clear to
Pan Xiangjie that he should open up the granaries in Dancheng and Chuancheng to distribute the
grains as aid relief while the snow has yet to melt. Clean up the accounts in his hands as well,
and return all those unnecessary fields to the people. Xue Xiuzhuo does not have the power to
abuse as yet. If he wants to investigate, then let him investigate.”

Alarmed, the Marquis of Helian exclaimed, “if those accounts were to fall into this hands, it’d be
hard to exculpate ourselves!”

The Empress Dowager looked at the Marquis of Helian and said, “Pan Lin has served in the
Ministry of Revenue for so long, and the appraisals of him have been good. He also has capable
men working under him. Xue Xiuzhuo wants to assist the Chief Surveillance Bureau, but even
so, he can’t sidestep the Ministry of Revenue. The previous year’s field records are all in the
Ministry of Revenue, which also manages the auditing of the account books. Pan Lin can avoid
arousing suspicions; just get him to appoint someone he can trust over. Get through this, and Xue
Xiuzhuo won’t have any way to force the issue.”

The Marquis of Helian pondered it over for a brief period. “Pan Lin has a man named Liang
Cuishan under him. He was originally promoted by the Emperor Tianchen during the public
ditch incident, and he has also been guided by Pan Lin before. This person’s appraisal last year
was outstanding, and he also has a good reputation with the officials of humble origins. His
home is in Qudu, and he doesn’t have much of a history, which makes it most convenient for us
to hold him in our grasp.”

“As long as the Pan clan can survive this,” the Empress Dowager said, “they will be able to come
out of it for the better.”

Since there were problems with the fields in the eight cities, then just how clean could the Xue
clan’s Quancheng be? Xue Xiuzhuo’s audacity in touching the eight cities’ fields account was
tantamount to laying a hand on a slice of the noble clans’ pie. This matter concerned the future
interests of the noble clans, and no doubt heads would have to roll if the field taxes were to be
investigated. The Empress Dowager wanted Pan Lin to use Liang Cuishan to choke off the
opening in Dancheng. As long as the investigation could not move forward and the bookkeeping
was messed up, they could make things difficult for Xue Xiuzhuo on the imperial court and turn
the tables around to investigate his Xue clan’s Quancheng first.

Under the sunset glow of the setting sun, the Empress Dowager took off the prayer beads on her
wrists and tossed them on the couch. Incense smoke from the prayer hall behind her rose in
spirals, accentuating the Empress Dowager’s dignified and poised appearance that almost belied
her old age had it not been for her gray hair.

Credits: Special Thanks to MaruChan for proofreading! <3

Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2021


1. 明堂 or mingtang, a ceremonial hall in a palace where the emperor issued governmental

instructions, declared punishments and rewards, and carried out large ceremonies. Other
names used include Hall of Light/Brightness/ Brilliance.

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 205 : Duanzhou

It was not until the second month that Qi Zhuyin received a reply to the memorial she sent to
Qudu. She read it over while she was at the residence in the Cangjun Commandery, then said to
Qi Shiyu, who was lying on the bed, “I said to fight the Qingshu Tribe, but the Ministry of War
dismissed the notion. The Empress Dowager told me to wait as she’s concerned about the
military expenses, but Zhongbo is already at war now. I’ll miss the golden opportunity if I wait
any longer.”

Qi Shiyu was getting much better these days, although he stuttered a little while lying on the bed,
and he had to clutch a handkerchief in his hands when he spoke. “H-hurry.”

Qi Zhuyin distorted his meaning and set the letter down. “That’s right. I’m in a hurry. How could
I not? When it all comes down to it, the defeat of Libei’s troops will not benefit Qidong in any

Only then did Qi Shiyun complete his earlier words, “What’s the h-hurry?!”

While leaning back in her chair, Qi Zhuyin heard her father’s concubine in the courtyard wailing
and making a commotion. She had ridden for half the night on her horse last night before
arriving, and here she was now, sitting and relying on strong tea to keep her spirits up.
Furthermore, she still had to ride back later. Vexed on hearing the cries, she said to Qi Shiyu,
“Can you tell her to shut up?”

The concubine in the courtyard had given Qi Shiyu a son before, and now she was the picture of
a tear-stained beauty as she leaned against her maidservant and sobbed out loud in the direction
of the room, “Old Master… Can’t you even let me see the Old Master? Commander-in-chief,
how very heartless of you!”

Qi Wei stood still under the eaves as he watched that particular concubine cry until her eyes were
all red and swollen and she was almost sliding to the ground. He clicked his tongue lightly and
shuffled his feet around to face the wall. Listening to her was giving him a headache.

Qi Shiyu could tell which concubine this was. Before he had a stroke, he was a tender one
towards the fairer sex. He clenched the handkerchief tightly, his chest heaving violently as he
shouted with all the might he could muster, “I-I’m telling you to sh-shut up!” He then paused to
catch his breath for a moment and covered the corner of his mouth with the handkerchief as he
addressed Qi Zhuyin, “Li-Libei, has no…”

“That was so many years ago.” Qi Zhuyin took over the conversation for him. “You’re already at
such an age, and you still want to sulk about His Old Lordship? The commanding generals of
Libei’s battle camps are quite the interesting batch. They are no longer the same as they were a
decade or so ago.”

“Then, then Xiao Jiming, and, Xiao Chiye…” It was a strain on Qi Shiyu to speak, and even he
had to frown on hearing himself. He tried his best to speak more coherently. “Can they beat A-
Amu’er? By deploying troops now to clean up their mess, the Empress Dowager will view you
with suspicion. Once the battle is over, watch how Qudu takes you to t-task!”

Several decades back, Qi Shiyu was the prince charming of many Da Zhou ladies. He came from
a distinguished background, and he was handsome. Of the Four Great Generals during the reign
of Yongyi, he was the earliest to make his name in Qidong. Even Feng Yisheng was a high-
ranking military officer under his command. At first, he had hopes of being conferred the title of
a prince, but who would expect Xiao Fangxu to rise to prominence in Luoxia Pass all of a
sudden? The Libei Armored Cavalry elbowed out the Qidong Garrison Troops’ military glory,
trampling over Qi Shiyu for life.

There was no enmity between them, although they loved to pit against each other and had even
fought before in Qudu. Qi Shiyu made little of Xiao Fangxu’s humble origins, and Xiao Fangxu
once called Qi Shiyu names for being just a pretty face that was all looks and no substance. Feng
Yisheng was the oldest among them when he was still around, and it was all because he went to a
lot of effort – with Lu Pingyan following his lead – that Qidong and Libei could stay brothers for
so many years.
Qi Shiyu rose to the challenge to prove his worth, but never could he have expected himself to be
without a son and heir of lawful birth. At first, he had the idea of having Qi Zhuyin marry Xiao
Jiming, but he felt rather awkward deep down and eventually did not broach the topic.

“Take me to what task?” Qi Zhuyin removed her blade. “If Libei is gone, so is Zhongbo, and if
Zhongbo is gone, Dancheng will be a goner too. Who is the Empress Dowager going to take to
task? Herself? For all their shortcomings, Xiao Jiming and Xiao Chiye are both His Old
Lordship’s sons. With that bit of capability Han Cheng has, does he have the ability to stop the
Biansha Cavalry when the time is nigh? Everyone might just as well let the state perish.”

Qi Shiyu was rendered so speechless by her that he wheezed for breath.

Qi Zhuyin poured a cup of tea while she was at it and continued, “You should rest for a while.”

“No!” Qi Shiyu’s obstinate nature took center stage as he childishly tossed the handkerchief at
Qi Zhuyin. “You foolish woman! Bar, bargain with the Empress Dowager. At least have a noble
title to your name before you g-go to war!”

Qi Zhuyin fell silent for a moment. She knew Qi Shiyu’s heart was aching for her. She had
served as the commander-in-chief of the military forces of Qidong’s Five Commanderies for
quite some years, but she still had no noble rank. If she were to get injured or disabled in the
future, all Qudu needed was a transfer order on paper, and they would be able to remove her.

“At the very least, you’d have a reputation in life, and…” Qi Shiyu’s voice started trembling,
“status in death!”

Otherwise, a hundred years on, she, Qi Zhuyin, would just be “a woman of the Qi clan”. No
matter how illustrious her military achievements had been, she could never leave her rightful
name and title behind.

Qi Zhuyin held the teacup with her fingers and studied the patterns on it. “A soldier only knows
to die on the battlefield for his country; what need is there to concern himself with the return of
his body home after?1 If I were to really die in battle, etch my name on a memorial tablet2 at
home—it’s all the same.” She raised her head and smiled at Qi Shiyu. “Our Qidong is under the
control of others, and we have to discuss every single matter with Qudu. As long as the Empress
Dowager is willing to give us military provisions, I can do away with a title. It is what it is.”

Whether it was because of his old age or not, no one knew, but Qi Shiyu suddenly started
shedding tears. He would not even let Qi Zhuyin wipe it away for him as he hung his head down
and choked with sobs. “If only you were a boy…”

Qi Zhuyin folded the handkerchief and set it down beside the bed. When Qi Shiyu was a little
better, she continued, “Brothers who have died before in battles are aplenty, but can each and
every single one of them leave their name behind in history? General Feng was not conferred a
title either, was he? I’m telling you this so that you know how things stand. We are really going
to war this year. Before the turn of the year, I heard that Chen Zhen was in ill health. It’s also
because of his powerlessness that the Ministry of War did not agree to my deployment of troops
this time. Once he retires, we will have no one else in Qudu. I’m worried that it’ll be even harder
to ask for military salaries and provisions. We should save on the various expenses in the
residences as much as we can. Stop getting swayed by all those pillow talks. Those concubines
of yours have the manors they want and the shops they ask for. Even if I die, they and those sons
of yours won’t starve to death.”

Qi Shiyu said, miffed, “All, all the manors I gave you…”

“Were used to make up for the shortfall.” Qi Zhuyin thought for a moment before comforting
him. “There’s a small plot of land left though. My mother used to plant flowers and herbs there,
and I couldn’t bear to sell it off. I can still make a living with it in the future.”

The concubine outside went silent. It was an overcast afternoon, with thick clouds covering the
sky, and it was even dimmer inside the room with the drapes let down. Qi Shiyu looked at his
daughter from the couch, her skinny shoulders set against the weak light from the window, and
his late wife’s hairpin in her hair.

Qi Zhuyin resembled her mother, and she looked charming when she smiled, especially when her
imposing aura did not dominate her facial features—the Commander-in-chief was not as full of
heroic spirit as the rumors made her out to be.

Qi Zhuyin waited until Qi Shiyu fell asleep before she left. She changed her shoes under the
eaves, then stepped into the snow with her deerskin boots to ask Qi Wei, “Where is she?”

“Madam invited her away.” Qi Wei answered as he followed behind her.

Qi Zhuyin had yet to see Hua Xiangyi upon her return, and she hesitated for a moment. As she
passed by Hua Xiangyi’s courtyard, she heard sweet, delicate voices like the pleasant trillings of
orioles and sparrows from within. From where she was on the other side of the moon gate, she
saw Hua Xiangyi in between that plum blossom branch.

Hua Xiangyi was bundled up in a fox fur robe today. Going by the quality of the material, she
had most likely brought it along from Qudu. It was pure, unadulterated white. Fluffy fur lining
the sides of her cheeks accentuated her clear-as-autumn-waters eyes, bringing out the vividness
in them and making them appear even more distinct. She looked just like someone’s pampered
daughter. The fingertips on the plum blossom branch were fair and dainty, never having been
tarnished with a single speck of dust before in this life.

Qi Zhuyin inexplicably inclined her head and watched for a long time.
“The in-house accountant has prepared the account books and is waiting for you in the office.
Our residence’s expenditure last year…” After saying a bunch, Qi Wei looked up to see that Qi
Zhuyin had not moved, so he followed her gaze over.

Qi Zhuyin raised Zhujiu and blocked Qi Wei’s view with its sheath.

On the other end, Hua Xiangyi picked up the plum blossom branch with her fingers. A petal-like
flower embellishment lay between her brows.3 She laughed as her maidservant whispered in her
ear, then turned sideways where she was hidden from view.

Without turning her head, Qi Zhuyin said to Qi Wei, “Let’s go.”

Qi Wei, having not seen a thing, repeated, “Let’s go?”

Qi Zhuyin lifted her foot and left. Qi Wei, not making head or tail of what was happening and
not daring to ask either, followed after her. Qi Zhuyin headed straight to the office to reconcile
the account books with the accountant. She did not have the time to sit and settle down, so she
simply stood and flipped through a couple pages.

“Has there been a change of steward?” Qi Zhuyin suddenly asked.

The accountant hunched over and answered in a small voice, “To answer the Commander-in-
chief, no.”

“That’s strange.” Qi Zhuyin turned a few more pages. “The balancing of accounts has always
been a mess in the previous years, with records that couldn’t be more vague than the last. So why
are last year’s accounts so clear?”

These accounts were more than just clear. Even this year’s advances had been separated out in a
separate book, with the expenses of the various branches of the family all listed out clearly. Her
father’s concubines’ cosmetic spending had also been halved at Qi Zhuyin’s request, while the
manors Qi Shiyu could not explain were also listed on it. This was simply done more beautifully
than the Ministry of Revenue’s accounts.

“The accounts in our residence were originally diverse and complicated, and with the various
concubines unable to give a detailed account of their spendings, the various gentlemen were all
at a loss where to start.” The accountant took the teacup and held it out with both hands to Qi
Zhuyin. “The Commander-in-chief wanted the residence to be more frugal, but we couldn’t get a
clear count of the rural manors in our name, and the monthly tributes were a mess when
combined with the logistical expenses.”

Qi Zhuyin raised her eyes to look at the accountant.

“This time, it was Madam who did the accounts.” Afraid of incurring Qi Zhuyin’s displeasure,
the accountant hurriedly added, “Madam manages domestic affairs, so she has to look through all
the accounts of the various concubines. She specifically sent someone to tell us that these
accounts were too messy, and we had to redo them for the sake of your upcoming military
salaries and provisions expenses. We rushed to redo them a few times, but we couldn’t stand up
to the commotion the various concubines kicked up. Many of them had manors hidden, and they
refused to tell the truth…”

This was true.

Her father’s concubines were all afraid that Qi Shiyu would kick the bucket, and so they kept a
tight hold on the manors and shops in their hands. They even kept fishing for more from the
residence, and none of them spoke the truth when it was time to settle the accounts. Qi Zhuyin
did not live at home in the back courtyard, and her trusted subordinates like Qi Wei were all men
that did not belong to the immediate family, so it was inappropriate for them to intervene. That
was why these accounts had always remained a mess. She got a headache every time she thought
of it.

So it seems that this Hua the Third is a rather capable one.

Qi Zhuyin took the account book and said, “And the concubines listened to her just like that?”

“At first, they pulled a long face and gave her a hard time.” The accountant said. “They are all
mothers to the young masters, and they counted on the Old Master’s affections to refuse to hand
over the accounts. They even wanted to head over to the Old Master’s courtyard to kick up a
ruckus. Didn’t the Commander-in-chief put Miss Hongying at Madam’s disposal? So she had
Miss Hongying send the concubines who cried until they fainted back to her courtyard and called
for a physician to take a look at them. The physician couldn’t tell what was wrong, so she had
them all buried in the courtyard.”

It did not immediately sink in for Qi Zhuyin. After being stupefied for a moment, she parroted,
“buried in the courtyard?”

“Buried in the courtyard!” The accountant said. “This was just great. The concubines cried
themselves a river and said they were going to complain to the Commander-in-chief.”

“Huh,” Qi Zhuyin said, “Complain to me?”

“So she gave them horses and opened up the gates to let them go.”

These concubines typically had to be waited upon even when they were getting dressed, so who
would know how to ride a horse? Qi Shiyu did not fancy women of such ilk! It was such a cold
day to boot, and yet Hua Xiangyi would bury anyone who dared to go wailing at Qi Shiyu’s
courtyard like she was planting radishes. In no time, the concubines passed out from the freezing

The matrons by Hua Xiangyi’s side were all old hands the Empress Dowager had carefully
selected. If the concubines dared to make a scene, then they would dare to switch tactics to teach
those concubines a hard lesson. The concubines kneeled in the walkway and waited in
attendance, but they could not even get a glimpse of Hua Xiangyi’s face. When the concubines
returned in tears to their own courtyards, their sons took over.

“Oh, it’s the young masters,” Hua Xiangyi sat behind the screen and said in a gentle tone. “I
heard that you have yet to repay the debt of several hundred taels of silver you owe someone
outside several days back, and they have already come hounding us at the residence. How would
that do? As the lady of the house, I feel sorry for you brothers, so I asked the matrons to make
the repayment first. Don’t be afraid. The memorandums of debt with handprints and signatures
are with me for safekeeping in case the creditors claim not to have received the payment and go
looking for the Old Master later… Young masters, are you leaving already?”

“And that was how it went.” The accountant was done mimicking Hua Xiangyi for Qi Zhuyin’s
benefit. “Madam has the young masters’ debts in her hands. She only has to report to us, and the
young masters’ shops will all be transferred under her name as collateral. Who would still dare to
make a commotion now?”

Qi Zhuyin closed the account book and stood for a moment before opening it again. “That’s
quite the temper she has there.”

This account had indeed been tidied up beautifully. Qi Zhuyin could not help but wonder if she
would still need to fear those wily old foxes from the Ministry of Revenue if the military
accounts out there could be this well done. But Hua Xiangyi was, after all, the apple of the
Empress Dowager’s eye. So, after thinking about it, she dropped the idea.

◈ ◈ ◈

The snow gradually abated in the second month, and the number of sunny days in Cizhou saw an
increase. Once Shen Zechuan had free time, he brought Yao Wenyu to the outskirts of the city
for a stroll.

It was cloudless for miles around today, with the bright, clear sky in a shade of azure blue. The
snow in the forest had already begun to melt, and thawing stream water tinkled as they ran.
There were already signs of wildlife to be seen. Ding Tao had to let Feng Ta Shuang Yi out to
pasture, so he brought Li Xiong along to play at the edge of the forest.

“You don’t look too well these few days.” Shen Zechuan wiped his hands with snow and cast a
glance at Yao Wenyu. “Are you not sleeping well at night?”
Yao Wenyu’s pale side profile was reflected upon the frosty leaves. He smiled at Shen Zechuan.
“It’s cold, and my legs are hurting, that’s all…” He paused. “It has been half a month since the
Second Master arrived in Dunzhou. Has Your Lordship received any news yet?”

“Tantai Hu discovered that there were still leftover bandits wandering on Mount Luo, so Ce’an
was delayed for a few days there. It was reported the night before that the Mount Luo bandits
have already been cleared out, and the Libei Armored Cavalry have occupied Mount Luo.” Shen
Zechuan had changed into a jade-colored narrow-sleeved robe with a long, velvet outer garment
today that made him look even younger. He was wearing the dogskin arm guard on his right arm,
and as he raised his arm, he whistled. Meng came spiraling down from the forest and landed on
his right arm.

Meng was too heavy, so Shen Zechuan could only let it perch for a while. He fed this messenger
which had been traveling to and fro on both ends some white meat before letting it go off to

“There’s no need to worry over Mount Luo.” Yao Wenyu watched as Meng flew away. “The
difficulty lies in Duanzhou.”

The entire Duanzhou battle line was directly facing the Chashi River, and it had been completely
infiltrated by the Biansha Cavalry these few years. No one knew exactly how many Scorpions
lurked within. Xiao Chiye only brought 5,000 Imperial Army soldiers along. The rest were all
from the Libei Armored Cavalry. He was unwilling to completely give up the Libei Armored
Cavalry, so no doubt he would have to find a way to deal with the Scorpions in the battle of

Shen Zechuan’s heart was hanging on tenterhooks over Duanzhou.

“Now that the connection between the relay stations is running smoothly again, we will be able
to send reinforcements immediately even if there is a change in the situation.” Seeing Shen
Zechuan’s grave expression, Yao Wenyu said soothingly, “Besides, Second Master is a man
blessed by Heaven.”

“Lu Guangbai said that Amu’er is planting grains on the opposite bank of the Chashi River.”
Shen Zechuan pushed aside the withered branch beside his ear. “My concern is that he has long
been wary of Zhongbo, and his placement of the crop fields near Gedale is meant to situate them
in a better position to fight a protracted war with Duanzhou.”

Libei could not afford any delays now. If they could not take down Duanzhou, then the Shasan
Camp would be in a rather perilous situation. Furthermore, Zhongbo was unable to completely
shut their gates. Amu’er had set his sights so far and wide that Shen Zechuan even felt that
nothing from south to north could miss his eyes.
Think back to last year’s battles. Amu’er first used Huhelu to hold down Guo Weili and give
Hasen time to head up north. The Scorpions’ infiltration of Zhongbo to smuggle supplies back
then was to prepare for the time they stormed and seized Libei’s battle camps. Now that he had
used Hasen to take Xiao Fangxu out and reduce the pressure on the northern battlefields, he
would have more confidence to face up against Qi Zhuyin. He relied on the Scorpions to hold
Libei in check, then depended on the cavalry to engage Qi Zhuyin in a deadlock. Zhongbo was
the weak and vulnerable belly. As long as he could free out another leg, he would be able to
stomp down the battle line that had only just been stabilized.

The battle in Duanzhou would be a tough one.

Yao Wenyu was just about to say a word when Fei Sheng spurred his horse over. He dismounted
to pay his obeisances to Shen Zechuan. “Master, Yan Heru is here.”

Shen Zechuan knew that Qudu was just done investigating Hezhou’s transportation of grains by
water to the capital, so presumably, Yan Heru was here to whine about it. Besides, they still had
yet to come to an agreement regarding the new Port of Liuzhou in Juexi. Thus, he turned around
and said, “Let’s head back.”

◈ ◈ ◈

Yan Heru was indeed here to whine and grouse. He arrived too late, and Zhou Gui and the rest
sat with him and briefly discussed some Liuzhou matters with him. He only got down to business
when Shen Zechuan returned and told him all about the issue with the shipments of grains by
water in Hezhou.

“The official from the Ministry of Revenue who was initially in charge of the transportation of
grain shipments in Hezhou is called Liang Cuishan. He also led the collection of taxes on salt in
Juexi. Last year, he put the thirteen cities in order with Jiang Qingshan. The reason our business
has been difficult is all thanks to these two people.” Yan Heru disliked how hard the chair was
and shifted in his seat before he said, all bright and chipper, “Oh man, Your Lordship, I’m telling
you, I really got worried there! This person is not an easy one to deal with, and he isn’t one to
accept bribes either. But guess what happened? Before I could think of a plan, he was transferred
away. They said it was to investigate the crop fields of Dancheng with the Court of Judicial
Review. The imperial court has really done me a great favor~”

Shen Zechuan found this name to be a familiar one. He repeated, “Liang Cuishan?”

“Liang Cuishan, courtesy name Chongshen.” Yan Heru sprawled face down on the table and
winked at Shen Zechuan. “Do you know him? You should’ve said so sooner! Then I don’t have
to worry about him anymore.”
Naturally, Shen Zechuan knew him. After all, Shen Zechuan was the one who had Xiao Chiye
recommend Liang Cuishan for office. He promptly asked, “they had him transferred to
Dancheng to investigate the fields?”

“That’s right. Pan Lin is currently fighting it out with Xue Xiuzhuo. Xue Xiuzhuo is truly a real
man to be stirring up the hornet’s nest.” Yan Heru said enigmatically. “Your Lordship, guess
how many fields have the eight cities seized over the years? If Xue Xiuzhuo were to really get to
the bottom of the accounts, even the Empress Dowager would be taken to task for it, let alone the
Pan clan. At present, the noble clans all want him dead.”

The noble clans’ appropriation of the commoners’ fields had led to an increase in the numbers of
displaced refugees. Those who had flocked to Zhongbo last year were all commoners who had
been forced to leave. Qi Huilian relied on the implementation of the census registers4 to curb the
problem, but it proved to be ineffective in the eight cities, and now, Xue Xiuzhuo was using Yao
Wenyu’s matter as an opportunity to deal the first blow to the Pan clan of Dancheng.

Even Yao Wenyu had to concede that Xue Xiuzhuo had guts.

“Liang Cuishan was promoted by Pan Lin.” Shen Zechuan understood it in a flash. “The noble
clans want to rely on Liang Cuishan’s use of his Ministry of Revenue authority to obstruct Xue
Xiuzhuo from investigating the lands and drag things out until the beginning of spring.”

“What a fine show of battle between those in power. Let them kill their fill in the bloodbath.”
Yan Heru clapped his hands lightly and said to Shen Zechuan with a smile. “Best if they fight
until Zhongbo is stable, and Your Lordship will be able to free a hand to teach them a lesson!”

“Then I fear you’d be disappointed.” With his folding fan, Shen Zechuan pushed away Yan
Heru’s fingers that had made their way before him. “This Liang Cuishan…”

A commotion suddenly broke out under the eaves. Shen Zechuan stopped talking, and the
gentlemen in the room all looked over. Zhou Gui rose slightly and inquired, “What’s all the din
about? A discussion is currently underway in the hall!”

Fei Sheng lifted the hanging screen with a hand. His gaze moved past the others to land on Shen
Zechuan, his face pale as he called out, “Master…”

Wind escaped from the dark vault of heaven, blowing over the corner of the hanging screen with
such force that the various gentlemen all raised their sleeves to shield their faces. Shen Zechuan
stood up. The expression in Fei Sheng’s eyes gave him a sense of foreboding. He even took a
few steps forward as he stared at Fei Sheng under the flickering candlelight.

“Incoming message of utmost urgency,” Fei Sheng said in a solemn voice, “Second Master—”
Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 206 : Glacial River
Xiao Chiye’s communications with Duanzhou were completely cut off three days after he left
Zhongbo. They vanished in the snow after Achi’s return in resounding victory. Tantai Hu’s
scouts could no longer find any traces of him. This squad of vanguards seemed to have
disappeared into thin air.

The Biansha Cavalry had set up a perimeter to the west of the Chashi River, and this squad of
vanguards had walked into the encirclement trap, where they were hemmed in by Achi at the
Chashi River. Tantai Hu had no way of searching the battlefields, but even as he waited
anxiously, he had to deliver the news truthfully to Dajing and Cizhou.

If something untoward had happened to Xiao Chiye, then Wu Ziyu would have to immediately
notify Guo Weili of the Shasan Camp. They had to head down south to block off access from the
opening that was Mount Luo. Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Shen Zechuan did not take the horse carriage, but rode on Feng Ta Shuang Yi instead. When he
arrived at Mount Luo, it was already late at night. Wu Ziyu trotted out to receive him and saw no
expression on the Prefectural Lord’s frozen blue face.

“Your Lordship.” Not daring to engage in idle chatter, Wu Ziyu cut to the chase and followed
Shen Zechuan into the campground. “The encirclement is located in the southeast of Duanzhou.
It’s mainly to stop Tantai Hu, who is still in the west, from proceeding further, and to deprive us
of the chance to snoop around. For this reason, Second Master must still be in the southeast.”

Shen Zechuan stood at the entrance of the camp, his shoulders covered in snow. “Who are the
Attendant Officers tagging along?”

“Gu Jin, Yin Chang, and Hairigu,” Wu Ziyu answered. “Second Master only had Tantai Hu stay

“Master,” Fei Sheng spoke up behind him. “Why not let the Imperial Bodyguards hurry over to
Tantai Hu’s camp? We can serve as scouts. By tomorrow night…”

Shen Zechuan had already turned around. He got on his horse once more and said to Wu Ziyu,
“Write a letter to Yu Xiaozai and Kong Ling. Tell them to seal off all the Zhongbo’s bridle paths
heading west right now and have all the merchants traveling to the mutual trade market take a
detour from Cizhou.”

Yan Heru had just gotten off the carriage. His backside had not even gotten comfortable when he
heard Shen Zechuan’s words. He still wanted to do business with Fanzhou and Dengzhou,
especially now that these two places were suffering from a shortage of grains and clothing! Thus,
he hurriedly ran a few steps after the horse and lifted his head to say, “Your Lordship, come on,
let’s discuss this. Can the grains from Hezhou to the two prefectures still be allowed access? If
so, why not…”

“Sure.” Shen Zechuan’s eyes were thin and icy. He bent down and patted Yan Heru’s cheek with
the horsewhip. “But only grains. If your company of merchants dares to smuggle anything else
other than grains to the east of Zhongbo before I give my approval, I will hang your head up at
the city gate tower of Hezhou.”

The remaining bandits in the two prefectures of Fanzhou and Dengzhou had yet to be completely
eradicated. So who knows if Yan Heru would play tricks again? Shen Zechuan was too
preoccupied now to watch Yan Heru, but he had ways to make Yan Heru behave himself and
stay put.

Yan Heru did not dare to move. He meekly swallowed his saliva, not even daring to blink his
eyes. It was only after Shen Zechuan turned his horse around that Yan Heru realized his legs
were trembling.

◈ ◈ ◈

The saker falcon soared through the dancing snow and wandered around the banks of the Chashi
River. The sky at the hour of you was dark and dreary, and the snow looked more like crushed
grains of rice the closer they got to the ground. It felt uncomfortable to have them sticking to
one’s temples. The Gobi desert stretched on endlessly into the horizon. Bayin, from where he sat
on horseback with a book under his arm, looked out into the distance before him.

“There will be a snowstorm tonight.” Bayin muttered in the Biansha tongue.

The world was presently a picture of frozen landscape. Bayin could not bear the cold even when
he was all bundled up in fur. Yet, Achi was squatting on the Chashi River washing his face with
water from the hole cut in the ice. He rubbed his fingers clean, staining the water bloody red.

“I’ll send you across the river tonight.” Achi’s right arm had a scorpion tattooed on it. His face,
which was as dark as Bayin’s, appeared a little good-natured.

Bayin was the brains by Hasen’s side. He initially worked under Huhelu, but was now
transferred over to Achi’s side to observe the Duanzhou battle. He was the eyes Hasen put here.

Seven days ago, Xiao Chiye arrived at Duanzhou. Their siege on the city was unsuccessful. The
Biansha Cavalry had already learned to use the weapons from within the city of Duanzhou itself.
With the advantage they had from their occupation of the city, they left Xiao Chiye out in the
cold outside the city gates to wear him down. Three days ago, Xiao Chiye launched a surprise
attack, and Achi left the city to give chase. He chased them down near the Chashi River, where
he annihilated the left flank squad of the Libei Armored Cavalry.
Bayin turned his head back and said to Achi, “Perhaps I should stay for a few more days.”

“Hasen needs you.” Achi stood up and lifted the Libei head in his arms as he said to the
Scorpions on the bank of the river, “The Libei Armored Cavalry is already at the end of their
tether. This pack of wolves is helpless against us. Last night is the proof. They can’t withstand a
single blow just like they couldn’t before the new year.”

Achi threw away the head in his hand.

“The Armored Cavalry is no longer our medal of honor—they are not worthy.”

The Scorpions, who were mingling among the cavalry, followed Achi’s lead and boo-ed as they
threw away the heads at the side of their horses. They were collecting the helmets of the Libei
Armored Cavalry, using them as nighttime chamber pots in the wilderness.

Achi turned to Bayin. “We are elites of the Scorpions. It’s not a good idea for the Hero to put us
in Zhongbo. If I kill Xiao Chiye, you have to tell Hasen to transfer me back to the northern
battlefields. That is where I should be.”

This unit was the elites Amu’er left in Duanzhou. Achi was the leader of the Black Scorpions,
having taken Hairigu’s place. After Jida’s death, he became the undisputed despot of Duanzhou.
He wanted to obtain lands, and so he had to think of ways to render meritorious military service.
For this reason, he was already displeased with Amu’er’s arrangement to leave him in Duanzhou.

“You are all the natural enemy of the wolf pack.” Bayin placated Achi. “The Hero naturally has
his own considerations for his arrangements.”

“His arrangement is to make me clear out the position for Hasen.” The expression in Achi’s eyes
was gloomy. “Hasen stole the credit from the Scorpions.”

Bayin did not have the numbers and strength to back him up, so he could not start a dispute with
Achi here. He swallowed his frustration and watched as Achi got up his horse and stepped onto
the frozen ice surface of the Chashi River with the Scorpions.

The Chashi River would freeze over in winter, and the layer of ice was strong and solid enough
to bear the weight of the Biansha Cavalry. They liked to pass through the territory during winter
in the past, as this would allow them to cross the Chashi River without having to take a long
detour. The “slender waist” of the Chashi River was close to Gedale. If they moved fast, they
would be able to arrive in one night.

The snow started to intensify. Worried that his book would get wet, Bayin kept it back in his
leather bag. He wore a leather hat and a fur collar that covered his nose and mouth tightly, but
even so, it was still so freezing cold that his exposed ears turned red.
“Spring had better come soon.” Achi’s horse trotted beside Bayin. “Many people in Gedale have
died of starvation this winter. They gave all the grains they grew to the northern battlefields.”

“This battle is a must for Biansha’s transformation into a lion.1 We have too few fields.” Bayin
said in a muffled voice. “There is no extra land in the desert to grow food. It’s only by attacking
our way west that we can survive. Zhongbo is a good place… you actually don’t have to hate it
that much.”

“If my unit puts down their iron hammers, they will once again be reduced to being slaves of the
various tribes.” The iron hammer at the side of Achi’s horse was stained with blood all over. He
shook his head. “We will not till the land.”

As the Scorpions’ leader, Achi had once negotiated with Amu’er. The Scorpions wanted lands
and names. It would be best if they could be merged into the Twelve Tribes and not serve as
slaves. But Amu’er rejected him. He required the Scorpions to completely crush the Libei
Armored Cavalry in this battle, and it was only when Libei fell would he consider Achi’s

Bayin was merely part of Hasen’s retinue and could not question the Hero, Amu’er, but he
understood Amu’er’s intent. Amu’er was unwilling to give the Scorpions names because he
wanted to hold them captive in his hands. Only then would these homeless bastards truly put in
their best efforts.

The troops walked on the ice for four hours, and the snowstorm obscured the directions in the
night. Achi came next to the route markers the Biansha Cavalry left behind and did not
immediately stop. He wanted to escort Bayin to the opposite bank as soon as possible, then head
back to annihilate the remaining Libei Armored Cavalry and clean up the Duanzhou battlefield.

Xiao Chiye was a nobody, but he was a wolf pup through and through. It was to the regret of
Biansha that Hasen did not bring back Xiao Fangxu’s head. Achi had his eyes locked on Xiao
Chiye. He wanted to use Xiao Chiye’s head to negotiate with Amu’er again. They attacked Libei
relentlessly and without reservations, for they were already fed up with the stalemate in the
northern battlefields.

Bayin lifted his fur collar and drank a couple mouthfuls of water. The wind and snow blew so
hard that he could not open his eyes. As he attempted to cover himself, he shouted at Achi.
“Let’s stop for now and rest here. The snow is too heavy!”

The saker falcon was unable to continue flying and had already landed on its master’s shoulder.
The wind blew the snow on the ice into slopes, which gave off creaking sounds with every step
taken. Achi dismounted to scout the path ahead. He swept off ice that had formed on the route
markers, only to discover footprints before him.
Given how intense the snow was, there could only be two reasons why there could still be tracks
left behind. The first was that they were too heavy and had compacted the ice underneath; the
second was that the other party had left not too long ago and was very likely standing right next
to them across the curtain of snow.

“The wolf is here,” Achi estimated the depth of the footprint with his fingers, then lifted his head
to shout, “the armored cavalry has been here!”

Bayin waded through the thick snow, huffing and puffing as he kneeled and lay in front of the
footprints. “But they were heading west. That’s the way back to Zhongbo.”

These footprints were all facing the direction that they had come from.

“Three days ago, you took out the left flank of the Libei Armored Cavalry.” Bayin looked
towards Achi. “But their vanguards aren’t dead yet. It is very likely that Xiao Chiye led them to
escape their way onto the frozen Chashi river. They’re looking for the way back.”

“It could also be a cover-up.” Achi prodded at the snow. “They could have walked backward so
that they would be able to hide ahead of me and set up an ambush.”

Bayin shook his head lightly, frowning as he watched the snow. “It doesn’t benefit them to head
east. That’s where our territory lies.”

Achi swiftly swept aside the snow along the footprints and saw that these footprints were all
heading westward. He knew how Xiao Chiye had taken Huhelu out of the picture. In his heart,
this person was adept at bluffs and ambushes; the more obvious the footprints were, the more he
was certain that Xiao Chiye was right in front of them.

“We’ll take a detour.” Achi got to his feet. “Even if Xiao Chiye stays on the ice, he can’t go
without water to drink. They will definitely leave traces behind. We’ll go after them by
following their tracks.”

Bayin thought it was not the opportune time tonight to cross swords with the Libei Armored
Cavalry. He chased after Achi. “If we can’t stop here to rest, we should still continue to head
east. Achi, Da Zhou has a saying, ‘do not pursue a beaten enemy too far’.2 Don’t get led astray
by them. Let’s return to Gedale first before making our plans.”

Achi shoved Bayin aside, exposing the scorpion on his right arm. His eyes were filled with
murderous intent as he said, “the wolves are right here in this heavy snow. If we let them go, it
will not bode well for us. You have absolutely no idea how to fight a war at all. By letting Xiao
Chiye remain on the Chashi river, our unit could end up getting ambushed by him tomorrow
As Bayin watched Achi mount his horse, he reached the end of his forbearance and could not
help but shout out, “I once advised Huhelu, but he didn’t listen to me. In the end, he didn’t even
leave a corpse behind!”

“Was this how you advised Hasen?” Achi turned his horse around and spat with contempt, “So
that was why he lost the King of Wolf’s head; it was all to preserve his own life.”

Having said that, Achi cracked his horsewhip and headed southeast.

“Achi!” Bayin chased a few steps after him, then spat hard and cursed under his breath. “Bastard,
you won’t be able to tell the directions once you veer away from the route markers!”

Achi galloped among the snow without turning back. If he could not find his way around, then
neither could Xiao Chiye. But he was more familiar with the Chashi river than Xiao Chiye was.

The wolf was close by.

And Achi was going to catch him.


1. 雄狮 literally lion, also a metaphor for a strong or powerful tribe/nation/figure, etc.

2. 穷寇莫追 One should not press a defeated enemy so hard (lest they turn and make a last-ditch
counterattack in desperation.) i.e., Don’t force people into a corner, as they may fight
back desperately like cornered rats.

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 207 : Played for the Fool

Gu Jin lay prostrate on the ice for an hour. Hail that came with the snowstorm rained down his
armor, making clunking sounds. He remained motionless. If not for his eagle eyes still blinking,
Yin Chang would have thought that he had frozen to death.

Yin Chang huddled in the snow and took small sips of his wine. It did not take long for the wine
in the wine bag to run out. He shook the empty bag and drained the last few drops into his
mouth. Flying flakes of snow pelted his cheeks. The old man’s hair and beard were all white;
only his nose remained red.
The wind wailed and howled in the night, making such a terrible racket that the tips of the
Imperial Army’s ears went numb. The rations in their bellies were almost gone, and even though
limbs would naturally stiffen after such a long time of sprawling, very few of them moved.

Yin Chang turned his head back to cast a glance at the Imperial Army and marveled to himself.

The Imperial Army did not even blink when they faced up against the Scorpions a few days ago.
Without Xiao Chiye’s order, they would never act arbitrarily on their own. Who could still
associate these men with the ruffian soldiers who did manual labor in Qudu? If the Cizhou
Garrison Troops could be rallied to the same degree as the Imperial Army had been, then Yin
Chang would even dare to fight Gedale, let alone Duanzhou.

A pity these were not his soldiers.

Yin Chang pouted regretfully and put the wine bag back on his waist.

Snow had accumulated on Gu Jin’s back. He was not wearing a helmet, and the snow fell onto
his nape, where it melted and trickled down along his neck. It was amid the violent gale that he
detected those slight movements. Fragments of ice swirled and rustled across the snow. Gu Jin’s
hand, which had been pressing down on the snow, suddenly clenched into a fist. His eyes bore
through the flying sand-like snow before locking onto a certain spot in the darkness.

“Here they come!”

Yin Chang prostrated his body and lightened his breathing as the sounds of horses’ hooves
approached. The old man’s palms were sweating as he counted in silence, fearing that he might
start shaking his legs out of overexcitement.

The kickup of snow turned the snowy fog in the sky into thick clouds; the ponies’ hooves were
almost about to trample over their faces. Yin Chang let loose a bellow. In the twinkling of an
eye, he had already sprung up.

But the other party’s ponies came to a stop!

Yin Chang had not even drawn his blade when a Scorpion’s hammer came swinging over inches
from his face. Yin Chang did not have the same arm strength Li Xiong possessed, so naturally,
he did not dare block the blow. All he could do was roll into the snow and cut a sorry figure as
he dodged it.

“Motherfucker, that’s some fine arm strength there!” Yin Chang cursed as he steadied himself.
The Imperial Bodyguards behind him leaped out of the snowfield. At first, they had wanted to
imitate Yin Chang and spring up in one suave move, but on seeing the old man bested, they all
gave up the idea and opted to draw their blades without all the fanfare.

Once the Scorpions’ hammers came up against the Imperial Army, they knew they had fallen for
the trap. This was not the Libei Armored Cavalry at all, but a bunch of imposters in helmets!

“Helmets off!” Gu Jin clambered up the pony that was speeding past him and held onto the
saddle as it brought him up. With both legs scraping across the snow, he slammed the hilt of his
blade hard into the side of the Scorpion and turned over to forcibly seize the pony. Once again,
he commanded sternly, “Helmets off!”

Helmets clattered noisily into the snow, and the Imperial Army leaped into the unit of cavalry.
They were like mice who did not care how these Biansha Cavalrymen ran as long as they could
startle the ponies. The snow under the hooves fell away as a hoop of rope net rose from its hiding
place, bringing down a number of cavalrymen in the process.

Snow and sand came assailing them in the face. Achi’s soldiers took several mouthfuls of ice and
snow in the mouth as they tumbled.

The Imperial Army’s blades were short. Once they came in close before the Scorpions, the iron
hammers would prove tough to fight with. Regardless of whether the Scorpions extended or
retracted it, the Imperial Army’s short blades would out-speed them, giving them no time at all to
parry the blows.

Gu Jin rapidly observed the battlefield, but he did not catch any sight of Achi. His heart promptly
sank. But before he could voice a warning, a branch of cavalrymen came dashing out from his
left at a speed so fast Gu Jin could not even dodge.

The Imperial Army seemed to be bitten down by a vicious beast that had materialized from
across the sky, breaking them up in front and at the back. This unit of cavalrymen did not use
iron hammers, but they directly knocked Gu Jin straight off the pony with their swift and sudden
advance. At the same time Gu Jin landed on the ground, it neighed, and a hot burst of fresh blood
sprayed all over Gu Jin’s head.

“Cunning!” Achi rebuked Gu Jin in the Da Zhou tongue. He brandished his own scimitar,
flinging the remaining droplets of blood onto Gu Jin. “But that’s all there is to it.”

The scimitars Achi’s elite scorpions used were larger than those used by the common Biansha
Cavalrymen. When held in hand, they looked like thick, silver hooks. Get caught in them, and
one would meet their end, whether they were humans or beasts.
Achi had smelled a rat while he was following the trail. There were simply too many clues left
for him along the way; it was like they were exposing the enemy’s presence and location to him.
Very quickly, Achi’s windblown brain calmed down. He used his advance guards unit to probe
the way ahead, and sure enough, he had baited the Imperial Army out of hiding!

Gu Jin inclined his head to wipe away the blood on his face and spat lightly, “Is that so?”

Yin Chang, who was on the other side, gave up resisting. Surrounded by the cavalry, he spread
his arms open, his half-crouching body looking like he was going to lift something as he said at
the top of his voice, “Time to get up—!”.

The layer of ice under the cavalry’s hooves shook violently. They thought the Imperial Army had
smashed open a hole here and instantly reined their horses in and retreated in fright. However, as
soon as they retreated, they saw Yin Chang lower himself in a roll along with the Imperial Army.
They sprang their way out between the hooves, then dragged up their blades and took to their

We’ve been had!

Achi’s fury blazed, and he cussed in mixture of Da Zhou and Biansha expletives. But he did not
immediately give chase; he was still keeping his wits about him at this point, thinking that there
must be a trap somewhere. It was only when Yin Chang and the Imperial Army fled further and
further away that it finally hit Achi.

They’re really fucking fleeing for real!

“Split up and give chase.” Achi cracked his horsewhip. “Hack off their heads!”

The cavalry was split into two flanks, with Achi in the center, presenting a claw shape that
overlooked the squad, one that seemed to clutch the Imperial Army within. The two flanks
advanced first and went around the left and right to come before the Imperial Army. As long as
they could join up with the other, they would be able to form an encirclement ring. When the
time comes, Achi would lead the center unit to barge their way into the Imperial Army from
behind, and then it would be a slaughterhouse with the scimitars set loose within.

Seven years ago, Amu’er used this type of battle formation to ram the Duanzhou Garrison
Troops into the Chashi Sinkhole. Achi, thus inspired, was extremely fond of this formation. It
was also with this formation that he shredded the left flank of the Libei Armored Cavalry into
pieces near Duanzhou a few days ago.

Both flanks, moving hard and fast, had already overtaken the Imperial Army to circle to the
front. They turned their horses, and their units looped around like a long snake to the center,
intending to block the Imperial Army’s way out and to hem them in.
But a familiar figure was standing in the center.

The battle steeds did not neigh in the darkness of the night, although cloudy puffs of hot air
spouted from their iron muzzles, and their armors looked particularly ferocious in the pitch-black
surroundings. The Armored Cavalry towering motionlessly on horsebacks loomed large amid the
raging snow and wind, cutting off the sounds of slaughter with their silence.

The vanguards on both flanks, having crossed swords with the Armored Cavalry before, were not
afraid, so no one shouted the command to stop. The ponies kicked up snowy haze as they came
attacking from both sides in a pincer attack, while the Scorpions who served as the vanguards of
both flanks simultaneously swapped over to their scimitars.

They wanted to throw the Armored Cavalry off their horses with one swing of their hammer at
the very moment of impact, relying on their horses’ hooves and arm strength to smash the
Armored Cavalry’s helmets in like they had done so countless times before.

Xiao Chiye sat on the back of Lang Tao Xue Jin, which was presently digging into the ground
with its hooves. Xiao Chiye was clad in heavy armor, and with steel obscuring his face, no one
knew the expression he was presently wearing. He was like a stabilizing force amid the chorus of
shouts all over, steadying the morale of the soldiers before and behind him.

Gu Jin exhaled deeply the very instant he saw Xiao Chiye. He braked to a stop almost at the
same time that Yin Chang did, then turned around together with the latter amid the waves of
snow to assume a fighting stance while facing Achi’s pursuing soldiers.

The wind stirred up by the Biansha Cavalry swept through the whole field. Their scimitars and
hammers had been driving away the men of Da Zhou. From Libei to Zhongbo, no one could
survive the assault of their hooves.

Xiao Chiye expelled a breath of hot air between his thin lips.

The Scorpions on both flanks swung up their hammers. At the moment of collision, the smell of
gunpowder assailed their noses. Flashes exploded in the snowstorm, and the Scorpions, who
were caught totally off-guard, were blown off their horses by the firearms, while their horses
collided into one another in panic upon hearing the thunderous blast.

The muzzles of the guns started smoking. Xiao Chiye had only brought along thirty firearms.
They were of little use when facing the main forces of Biansha head-on, but it was the key to
blowing away the heads of the two cavalry flanks at this moment. That oppressive power
promptly blindsided the cavalrymen of both flanks to the extent that the Scorpions at the rear
could not even catch what was happening.
Xiao Chiye made the first move, and the Libei Armored Cavalry behind him followed suit to
bare their brand new fangs. These heavy armors were like vicious wolves that had been let out of
their cages, so ravenous their eyes glowed with insatiable hunger. As they split into their
respective columns, they leveled out their long blades in unison.

Although Achi’s center unit was obstructed by the Imperial Army, he had already seen the
Imperial Army’s blades. It was already too late for the two flanks of the scorpions to pick up
their hammers again. The battle steeds raised their hooves and trampled over the tumbling
bodies, splashing sprays of erupting blood onto their armors.

The scorpions at the back of these two flanks surged forth to outflank them. Xiao Chiye followed
up by shrinking the Libei Armored Cavalry into a “war chariot” battle formation that swiftly and
aggressively went ramming into them. Their structure of strung-up blades on all four sides
prevented the hammers from inching any closer. As the Armored Cavalry started lunging, they
resembled a “battering ram” charging into the battlefield. Xiao Chiye was at the pointed end of
this formation. They were an unstoppable force when they came together as a cohesive whole.

Reining in the battle steed beneath him, Achi snarled furiously from a distance away, “swing
your hammers!”

As long as they had hammers, the Libei Armored Cavalry would be tofu all the same.

The hammer of a Scorpion swung from the side towards the head of the Armored Cavalry at the
fringe of the formation. It was too late to avoid the attack, but a resonating and heavy “thud”
rang out as Hairigu used an iron hammer to deflect the hammer from atop the Libei Armored
Cavalry horse he was on.

“Traitorous betrayer,” Achi gnashed his teeth in rage. “Hairigu, you’ve become a slave to Libei!”

With swift, dexterous moves, Hairigu heaved up the hammer to knock over the other party and
landed on the ground at the same time the other man did. While the other person was still
cussing, Hairigu lifted his hammer and slammed it down with precision onto the man’s skull
without so much as a second glance.

Achi’s center unit was caught in a dilemma moving forward. The left and right flanks he had sent
ahead had respectively gotten their “heads” hacked off and were now nothing more than headless
chickens. And with military commands hindered and obstructed by the Imperial Army, he could
no longer freely mobilize the two flanks into returning.

Bayin had only just rushed into the vicinity. He was aware of Achi’s importance to Duanzhou.
The remaining scorpions in Zhongbo all heeded Achi’s deployment orders, and for this reason,
he could not abandon Achi to escape on his own.
Bayin panted in the snow as he scanned the battlefield and chased after Achi on horseback.
“Achi! Turn the horses around and head back. The Libei Armored Cavalry won’t be able to catch
up to us!”

As long as they followed the route markers and retreated west, then by daybreak at the latest,
they would be able to make it back to the southeast of Duanzhou where they had stationed a
large number of troops. By then, the only path that awaited Xiao Chiye would still be death.

Achi tugged at the reins of his horse hard and cracked his whip loud and clear. He did not refute
Bayin and led the remaining scorpions out of the entanglement with the Imperial Army.

He was clear about his priorities. If he lost to Xiao Chiye here, then Amu’er would mete out the
harshest punishment on him and skin him for the rash deployment of troops. His defeat was a
small matter, but if this carelessness escalated into the loss of Duanzhou, then even if he could
live to escape back to Gedale, Amu’er would not spare his life.

This battle did not count.

Achi whipped his horse hard to spur it on.

This was merely just him being made a fool of!

«back to top»

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 208 : Return of a Nightmare

Achi fled towards their original path in a hurry. Along the way, the Scorpions let loose their own
saker falcons. Lang Tao Xue Jin pressed forward and did all it could to catch up amid the
clanging sounds of the heavy armors. The collective sound of the Libei Armored Cavalry’s
hooves in hot pursuit was so intense that it unnerved the Scorpions, who feared the ice beneath
their feet would crack. What’s more when that sound was catching up just right behind their

Achi clenched his teeth and looked back in the wind in humiliation. All he could see was that
one heavy armor.

Xiao Chiye!
Bayin suddenly pulled in the reins on the head of his horse as he bumped into Achi from the side
and barked sternly, “Retreat, retreat, retreat! Achi, stop looking at him!”

The snowstorm that resembled flying willow catkins transformed Heaven and Earth into a
sacred, untainted realm. The Biansha Cavalry charged madly in the wind for a little less than an
hour before they managed to throw off the Libei Armored Cavalry. Even so, they did not dare to
stop. On returning to their original path, Bayin suddenly piped up, “Pull out the route markers.
Don’t leave them behind for Xiao Chiye!”

They charged with all they could along their original path, heeding Bayin’s instructions not to
leave behind route markers for the Libei Armored Cavalry.

“Deploy troops to counterattack tomorrow morning.” Bayin was covered tightly in his fur collar,
and his eyelashes had been dyed white by the wind. He could barely even open them. “Xiao
Chiye will not be able to escape out of the Chashi River once he loses all sense of direction.”

Achi was livid. His rage blazed so intensely that his chest felt uncomfortable. He had been
played for a fool by Xiao Chiye even before they came face to face with one another. No matter
what, he could not take this lying down.

“Listen, Achi.” Bayin chased after the lightning-swift Achi and pulled down his collar to shout,
“Don’t fall for his goading, you hear me? He did it on purpose.”

“He wiped out both of my flanks!” Unable to contain himself anymore, Achi screamed back at
Bayin. “He’s flaunting his military might to me. That son of a bitch!”

Three days ago, Achi took down Xiao Chiye’s left flank troops, and today, Xiao Chiye stood
there and blew out Achi’s left and right flanks. The vanguards of both flanks were all elites.
Achi’s heart was dripping blood. He felt this to be a warning from Xiao Chiye, and the threat
was now rubbing it into his face.

“I’m going to kill him!” Achi lost control and growled. “I will kill—”

With one fist, Bayin punched Achi off his horse. Having lost its master, the horse slowed down
and stopped ahead. Achi rolled in the snow, his chest heaving violently.

“The Hero knows all. If you still want to merge the Scorpions into the Twelve Tribes, then finish
Xiao Chiye off tomorrow morning.” Bayin said in a deep voice. “Losing your mind will reduce
you to being a jackal, and a jackal can’t bite a wolf to death. You’d best clear your head up!”

Achi lay on the snowfield and grabbed a handful of snow to wipe his face with. He climbed to
his feet and caught up to his horse without so much as another word.
The atmosphere surrounding the cavalry was glum and heavy. With Achi and Bayin no longer
speaking, those at the back did not dare to open their mouths either. They ran in the snowstorm
for another two hours, and their battle steeds were all exhausted to the point they were panting.
Fortunately, the route markers indicated they had reached the end.

“The saker falcon will notify the reinforcements to hurry this way.” Achi slowed his horse and
stepped onto the bank. “We can wait here.”

Bayin was feeling uneasy deep down. Due to his introversion, he took particular notice of his
environments. The boundless expanse of snow obstructed the world from view and prevented
him from getting a clear look at the situation a few steps away, but he could keenly sense that
this was not the southeastern part of Duanzhou from where they came.

“We went the wrong way.” Bayin muttered and squinted his eyes to keep out the gale. Amid the
fog of snow that was being blown away, he indistinctly caught a glimpse of what lay ahead.
“This place is…”

A horse at the back that had yet to step ashore suddenly lost its footing, and its hind hooves slid
into a hole in the ice. The Scorpion on horseback yanked at the reins in the blinding snowstorm,
intending to drive the horse back on ice, but in its panic, it broke its hind knees against the edge
of the ice and neighed as its entire body overturned into the water!

The unit was promptly thrown into disarray. The horses all started panicking, and the Scorpions
berated them to no avail. Fearing that they would slide in too, they could only lash out with their
whips hard. Achi heard the sound of heavy armors among the noise. He initially thought it was a
misperception, but not long later, the pitch-black Armored Cavalry materialized for real in the

No matter how dumb Achi was, he could also realize what was happening by now. He retreated
and shouted, “Get on your horses and move fast!”

This particular route marker was genuine enough, but Xiao Chiye had long shifted it away from
its original location. The footprints were indeed a diversionary cover-up; Xiao Chiye’s real
intention had been to herd them towards this place.

Seeing Bayin still in his original spot, Achi bumped into him hard and cursed, “Get on your
horse! Snap out of your fucking daze!”

Bayin turned his eyes to look at Achi. As if sensing it too, Achi looked ahead, and the color
drained from his face in horror.

The pitch darkness ahead was none other than the Chashi Sinkhole.
Achi wiped the sweat at his temple and looked out as far as he could, only to see that both flanks
of the Libei Armored Cavalry had already surrounded them from both sides and were now ahead
of them. He turned his head back and saw Xiao Chiye.

Seven years ago, the Biansha Cavalry buried 40,000 Duanzhou Garrison Troops alive here.
Seven years later, on the same snowstorm night, Xiao Chiye used the same battle formation to
push them before the Chashi Sinkhole. Achi did not know Xiao Chiye, but in this instant, he
strangely understood Xiao Chiye’s intent.

Bayin’s Adam’s apple bobbed. He squeezed his cowhide-bound book and muttered Hasen’s
words, “… returning the favor, tit for tat.”

Xiao Chiye was the wolf that was the toughest to deal with. Bayin knew Xiao Chiye would even
bite Hasen to death in order to retrieve Xiao Fangxu. Once an opponent like this committed his
scars to mind, he would retaliate and tear away at his foes with his fangs on his own terms.

“Reinforcements will be here in a while.” Achi unexpectedly calmed down at this juncture. He
stared at Xiao Chiye. “Hang in there until then, and this place will still be our slaughterhouse.”

Achi had never seen Xiao Chiye’s real appearance before today, but through that helmet, he
seemed to sense Xiao Chiye’s scoffing. Achi did not believe in the Biansha gods; he believed in
his own tattoo. As a Scorpion surviving in difficult circumstances between the gaps, he would
not concede defeat until the very moment his head took leave of his body.

However, Xiao Chiye similarly believed in his tattoo. That was his father, and also his Libei. The
scar Hasen left behind burned all the time. He had suppressed it for far too long, so long he could
even hear Langli Blade howling in its sheath.

The violent gale under the snowy dome rode roughshod over the snowflakes, tearing them into
pieces of willow catkins flying in the wind. At the moment when the swarm of white blinded his
eyes, Achi saw the Armored Cavalry charge. Their armors were like dusty blades, charging
head-on towards the Biansha cavalry with the momentum of a tempestuous storm that brushed
away all the dust on them to reveal sharp blades that glinted coldly in all its glory.

The moment the iron hammer came swinging, Xiao Chiye parried it with Langli Blade. His horse
did not stop as he led the Armored Cavalry to crash head-on into the Biansha Cavalry amid the
screeching sound of friction as blade scraped against blade. Meanwhile, the armor-clad Lang Tao
Xue Jin, clad in heavy armor, threw its head back and knocked askew a pony that was blocking
the way.

The Biansha Cavalry was like a canteen that had been crushed until it burst. They resisted Xiao
Chiye’s onslaught of heavy blows for just a mere few blinks of an eye before they were
repeatedly rammed back in a retreat by the “war chariot” battle formation. The sinkhole stretched
across them a short distance away; if they retreated again, they would no doubt plunge into it.
Achi lifted the iron hammer that weighed a hundred jin.1 In this short period as they crossed
swords, he had come to recognize Xiao Chiye as the most vital part of the Libei Armored
Cavalry. He knocked over an Armored Cavalryman before him with a swing of his hammer and
heard the other man’s head slam into the snow with a “thud”. Hooves stepped over the body, and
in a split second, he was already swinging his hammer right in Xiao Chiye’s face.

But he struck at empty air!

Achi thought Xiao Chiye would follow up his victory with an attack, but Xiao Chiye did not. He
retreated back in front of the Libei Armored Cavalry, and this “war chariot” instantly underwent
a transformation.

Bayin crowded at the back with his book in his arms and got a clear look as the Libei Armored
Cavalry transformed.

Was that the Libei Armored Cavalry?

That was a heavy-duty war chariot!

Xiao Chiye was unwilling to give up on Xiao Fangxu’s heavy armors; he did not want to prove
his old man wrong. It was through Lu Guangbai, Qi Zhuyin, and Yin Chang that he acquired a
whole new Libei Armored Cavalry.

Xiao Chiye cast away the former long blades of the Libei Armored Cavalry on the basis of them
being “heavy” and equipped the Libei Armored Cavalry under his command with new blades.
These were the real long blades, with a length so long that there was no way for the iron
hammers to get close. He had observed Lu Guangbai’s infantrymen at the battlegrounds. The
“war chariot” battle formation was able to conceal their weakness of not being fast enough. Xiao
Chiye directly cut off their need to give chase; he wanted the Biansha Cavalry to come lunging
into them themselves.

That offensive and defensive battle Qi Zhuyin fought in the war zone was skillful in its swap
between light and heavy cavalry. Xiao Chiye consolidated the Imperial Army and the Libei
Armored Cavalry together. As long as they appeared on the same battlefield, they would have
erratic and unpredictable ways of fighting. Hasen did not reign supreme when it came to field

The last was also the most crucial point—Yin Chang’s “dagger” squad.

Yin Chang modified Lu Guangbai’s “war chariot” battle formation and split the soldiers into
“daggers” to advance onwards. Hairigu secretly learned this move on the sly, allowing Xiao
Chiye to find a new opportunity back at the Beiyuan Hunting Grounds to turn things around.
Xiao Chiye then incorporated the “dagger” into his own “war chariot” formation, thereby giving
rise to the current Libei Armored Cavalry of tremendous might and formidability.

Very quickly, Achi came to understand that the iron hammers were now useless, as they could
not avoid the long blades to get close to the Libei Armored Cavalry. But when he swapped out
the iron hammers, the Libei Armored Cavalry would attack in columns. It was just like several
bayonets suddenly flicking out of a box to stab at the Scorpions until they could not even fend
for themselves.

Those bright, shiny edges of the blades extended and retracted at will.

This was equivalent to a heavy-duty war chariot, one that discarded the wooden structure of the
common siege weapons, was completely forged with iron and steel, and came with improved
mobility. As long as Xiao Chiye was willing to give the go-ahead, the Libei Armored Cavalry
could even dismantle on the spot and switch over to field squads to lay ambushes.

Even though it was still in its infancy and was even a little raw around its edge, it was
undoubtedly a Libei Armored Cavalry that completely belonged to Xiao Chiye.

Achi saw defeat looming right before his eyes, but then he heard a falcon’s cries among the
snow. His saker falcon retracted its wings and circled its way down the heavens, bringing with it
the reinforcement troops he had been waiting a long time for.

“Why are there so many soldiers?” Yin Chang was about to sit on the ground to pour away the
watery blood in his boots when he saw the cavalry swarming out from the southwest like ants.
He hurriedly clambered to his feet and stomped his feet into his boots. “We’re done for. This is
almost fucking three times our military strength!”

The Scorpions’ morale was instantly boosted. Sounds of killing crashed over them like the
roaring waves as both parties engaged in a battle of life and death before the Chashi Sinkhole.
Gleaming blood splattered through the snow. The Libei Armored Cavalry and Imperial Army
went all out. The only chance they had to break out of the encirclement was now. If they missed
the opportunity tonight, they were as good as dead!

Gu Jin lifted Hairigu by his back collar and kicked him into the crowd of people. Seeing Yin
Chang limping a little, he leveled his blade to strike away the Biansha Cavalry and shouted to the
old man. “Elder Yin, are you injured?!”

Yin Chang wrinkled his red nose, rotated his ankle a few times self-consciously, and answered,
“My, my foot is itching from all that soaking.”
Hairigu nimbly dodged the scimitars from where he was in the crowd. Every now and then, he
even had to flash his little golden token to the Imperial Army, who had gone berserk from the
killing. “We’re on the same side!”

On the other end, Achi, who was far more adept at wielding the scimitar than the hammer, was
already battling it out with Xiao Chiye. The trampling and stomping in the tussle between both
parties’ troops caused the ground to shake. No one knew whose horse flipped over first, but
following that, the edges of the sinkhole collapsed entirely, sending everyone tumbling into it in
one jumbled mess.

The Imperial Army ingested several mouthfuls of mud and popped their heads out from among
the dense mass of enemies to shout to each other. “Fuck! Did Second Master get jostled down
there too?!”

As Lang Tao Xue Jin rolled and sank into the bottom of the pit, Achi pounced from a rock.
Unable to get to his feet in time, Xiao Chiye lifted his foot to kick Achi in the chest, causing
Achi to stagger back a few steps from the impact. Meanwhile, Xiao Chiye had already
straightened up. The hammer came swinging almost in his face, and as Xiao Chiye dodged the
blow, he used his arm guard to block the attack.


Feng Ta Shuang Yi knocked over the old and dilapidated wooden fence as Shen Zechuan
galloped across the snowstorm with his overcoat flapping in the wind. Frosty snow flew between
his facial features, his side profile reflecting a somber, forbidding harshness.

Fei Sheng, not daring to be complacent and careless on the battlefield, followed closely behind
Shen Zechuan’s horse with the Imperial Bodyguards.

Tantai Hu, not daring to let Shen Zechuan take the lead either, led his troops to chase after the
Prefectural Lord with such haste that he was almost standing on his saddle. He shouted at Shen
Zechuan across the gale, “Your Lordship! It’s right in the northeast—the Chashi Sinkhole!”

Sprays of flying snow erupted under his horse’s hooves. Shen Zechuan had gripped the reins
until it was soaked. He had not made a single stop on the journey here, and Feng Ta Shuang Yi
was already exhausted.

Chashi Sinkhole!

All that Shen Zechuan passed by on his way was a white, boundless expanse of wilderness. But
the moment he entered the vicinity of Chashi Sinkhole, that nightmare came surging to the
surface like a tidal wave, and the familiar stench of blood choked his nose and throat. Shen
Zechuan gasped for air, unable to see Xiao Chiye in the bloodshed.
Shen Zechuan shouted in a grim voice. “Xiao Ce’an—!”

Fei Sheng surveyed the surroundings and saw Yin Chang, who in turn saw the Prefectural Lord
all dressed in white from afar—a rather conspicuous sight here. He jumped up and down, waving
his blade as he shouted. “The sinkhole, in the sinkhole, Second Master is in the sinkhole!”

In that instant, Shen Zechuan’s face turned a shade of ghastly white. With icy-cold limbs, he
rolled off the horse; even his hands that were holding onto Yang Shan Xue were trembling.
Blood seeped through his white robe, wetting it as he stepped over the corpses. All he could see
was the sinkhole that appeared in his nightmares millions of times.

Shen Zechuan could not bother with anyone else. He stumbled along the sinkhole and slid down.
Heavy snow filled all over the sky. He trembled as he shouted, “Xiao Ce’an…”

Nightmare and reality overlapped. Shen Zechuan had seen his own body strewn among the
corpses here before, but he had never imagined that Xiao Chiye would be among those lying

Fei Sheng had never seen the Prefectural Lord in such a state. He hurried over to help him up,
but Shen Zechuan refused. He dug up the body before Lang Tao Xue Jin among the bloodied
mountain of corpses, raking so hard with his hands that they both turned slick with blood. The
‘corpse’ suddenly raised a hand, and grabbed hold of Shen Zechuan’s wrist with speed and

“Lanzhou,” Xiao Chiye felt suffocated under the helmet. “Lan…”

Shen Zechuan had already pushed off Xiao Chiye’s helmet. In that whirling snow, he got a clear
look at Xiao Chiye’s face, and with no regard for the bloodstains, he hugged Xiao Chiye’s head
tightly in his embrace.

Xiao Chiye backhandedly stroked Shen Zechuan’s back. He wanted to say something, but in the
soughing of the wind, he heard Shen Zechuan call out over and over in a small voice.

“Xiao Chiye…”

Xiao Chiye’s heart ached with such ferocity that it broke into pieces.

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 209 : Embrace

Chashi Sinkhole was Shen Zechuan’s darkest hour.

When he first entered Zhao Zui temple, the insides of the temple were old and dilapidated, with
broken windows that could not keep out the chilly wind. Ji Gang kept the only spot that was
sheltered from the wind for him to sleep, and he would rest his head on his arms, not daring to
tell his shifu that he could not fall asleep.

Back then, Shen Zechuan could still remember Ji Mu’s face. There were shadows of Hua
Pingting in his big brother, a handsome man with delicate features. The number of matchmakers
coming to play go-between while he was still at home was enough to break their threshold from
all those coming and going.

“I’ve been thinking about my promotion,” Ji Mu was squatting in the courtyard, picking up
dumplings to eat. “Let’s move to the eastern side once I’m promoted.”

Shen Zechuan imitated him and stuffed himself with dumplings until his cheeks were bulging.
He nodded and slurred his words with his mouth full, “I’ll watch sister-in-law for you.”

Ji Mu had a childhood playmate, a maiden who originally lived next door to them and later
moved away to the east. This maiden’s father played up to those in power and was always
thinking of marrying his daughter off to someone in the yamen. In order to prove himself, Ji Mu
enlisted in the military and worked hard all day attending to official duties, hoping to wed the
maiden before she was married away.

Ji Gang did not earn much. Their family was not well-off. With two sons to raise, Hua Pingting
even saved her own dowry as funds for her sons’ future weddings. Seeing as Ji Mu was already
of age, she and Ji Gang contemplated engaging a matchmaker.

Winter in Duanzhou was a scene of desolation. The Chashi River lay to the east. When they were
a little younger, they would go onto the ice in winter to pull sleds. Shen Zechuan was a smart
one, and he always coaxed the little rascals who tagged along to be the horses while he himself
played the old master sitting on the sled as he directed them to run all over the place.

Ji Mu told Ji Gang at that time, “My younger brother will definitely go far in the future.”

Hua Pingting treated Shen Zechuan as her own son, and so Ji Mu treated Shen Zechuan as his
own kin younger brother. When Xiao Chiye and Xiao Jiming were in Libei riding horses and
drawing bows, Ji Mu was still taking Shen Zechuan running around all over the mountains and
plains. Shen Zechuan was very sloppy in his training of the Ji Clan boxing style before he was
fifteen years old, but Ji Mu always covered for him and would not let Hua Pingting admonish

In the third year of the reign of Xiande, Ji Mu was promoted to Squad Commander. The entire
family was delighted, and Hua Pingting started making arrangements by counting the family’s
savings over and over again as she and Ji Gang prepared to hire a matchmaker to propose
marriage to the maiden in the east.
At that time, Ji Mu had to be on duty. Shen Zechuan took the food Hua Pingting packed for him
and went to the garrison troops camp to deliver the meal to his elder brother. That night was the
last time Shen Zechuan saw Hua Pingting. His shiniang stood at the entrance of the courtyard,
where she fastened his lined jacket for him and put on his fur collar. She covered him up
securely and gave him the instructions to “leave and return early.”

Ji Mu secretly gave Shen Zechuan wine to drink, and Shen Zechuan drank it by dipping his
chopsticks in it, looking very much like a green radish wrapped in a lined jacket sitting among a
row of tough and muscular soldiers. When the snow fell, these rugged men said that the timely
snow was an auspicious omen for a good harvest; Duanzhou was going to have a bumper harvest
next year.

Ji Mu rapped his chopsticks on the porcelain bowl and sang the tune “A Song for Peaceful and
Tranquil Times”.1 At that time, he was only twenty years old and was about to marry and bring
home a pretty wife. Both brothers got along harmoniously with one another, and their parents at
home were free from illnesses and worries. He was right in the prime of his life.

Every time Shen Zechuan thought back to that night, tears would stream down his cheeks. He
lost the courage to reminisce and walk down memory lane when he was in Zhao Zui Temple; he
no longer dreamed of those times again. Over the course of seven years in which he was plagued
by nightmares, Ji Mu turned into a grotesque skeleton. Shen Zechuan forgot what his elder
brother looked like; he could not even remember their last conversation.

Why didn’t he pull Ji Mu up?

Shen Zechuan crawled his way out, then fell back in again. In the first few years, he would still
lie within and cry inconsolably. And so, “Shen Zechuan” was left behind here. He stood up and
saw the snow burying himself.

Military boots trod upon the snow, making slight noises.

Shen Zechuan apathetically turned his head back and saw a travel-worn Ji Mu in the snow. Ji Mu
was clean this night, without a trace of injury on him. He held on to the hilt of his blade and
approached Shen Zechuan.

Ji Mu had not changed at all even after seven years. His cheeks were slightly red from the
freezing cold, and he huffed breaths of hot air as he walked. All that hostility during the struggle
in the sea of blood vanished without a trace. Shen Zechuan looked at him and remembered the
“Song for Peaceful and Tranquil Times” he sang before his departure.

Shen Zechuan, who was already as tall as Ji Mu, called out wearily, “Ge.”
Ji Mu stood still before Shen Zechuan. As the snowstorm tousled the messy hair on his temples,
he asked, “Why aren’t you going home?”

“The snow is too heavy. I forgot the way,” Shen Zechuan answered.

Ji Mu laughed as he looked at Shen Zechuan. “Silly lad. Mother’s looking for you.”

Shen Zechuan looked back and saw Hua Pingting on the other end. Shiniang was carrying a
lantern in the heavy snow, the hem of her skirt swaying in the wind. As he watched her, the tears
started to gush from his eyes.

He remembered everything. That was why he wanted to forget it all.

Ji Mu held his blade steady and passed through Shen Zechuan to walk towards Hua Pingting.

Shen Zechuan suddenly could not contain himself and shouted, “Ge!”

With a teary voice, Shen Zechuan disconsolately attempted to grab Ji Mu. But Ji Mu did not turn
back. Shen Zechuan chased after him. Every step he took, the blood under his feet rose an inch.
He hastily started running, but he could not break free of his shackles. Eventually, he fell into the
pool of blood, where he was bogged down by corpses. He shouted himself hoarse after Ji Mu,
“Come back!”

Ji Mu was already about to vanish in the snow.

Shen Zechuan failed to grasp hold of anything as the blood swallowed him up in the inundated
sinkhole. The terror of drowning swept over him. He could not breathe. All he could do was
struggle and look on helplessly as that faint light died out.

“Shen Lanzhou—!”

Xiao Chiye scooped up Shen Zechuan. Those sturdy shoulders of his could stand up against the
assault of the storm. He brought with him the light of the blazing sun, and he used the strong
wind to sweep this dark, gloomy world clean, dispelling the snowstorm. He was scorching hot,
so scalding that there was no room for anything else around Shen Zechuan.

Shen Zechuan abruptly returned to his senses. He was soaked all over through and through. Xiao
Chiye cupped his cheeks, touched the tip of his nose to his in the darkness, and kissed him
soothingly. Still gasping for breath, Shen Zechuan wrapped his arms around Xiao Chiye’s neck,
his eyes turning damp as they clung to each other in a snuggle.

Xiao Chiye leaned in closer to coax him, “Lanzhou, come back. Come back to me.”
With his heart still palpitating, Shen Zechuan nodded. He bumped his forehead against Xiao
Chiye’s and gazed at Xiao Chiye with panicky eyes. Xiao Chiye wiped the corner of his eyes
with his thumbs and caressed his cheeks.

“Everything is alright now.” Xiao Chiye dropped him a kiss each time he spoke. “Give me a

The military tent was newly erected. The fire in the charcoal brazier did not burn strong enough
and went out in the middle of the night. Both of them slept on a simple plank bed, padded with a
thin mattress underneath, and with an overcoat blanketing them. Fearing that Lanzhou would fall
sick, Xiao Chiye grabbed his icy hands, stuffed them into his clothes, and pressed them against
his own chest.

Shen Zechuan’s breathing calmed as he grasped at Xiao Chiye’s clothes until they wrinkled. Not
once had Xiao Chiye’s arms ever let go of him, and it was in this position he covered them with
the overcoat and whispered to him underneath.

“Are you cold?” Xiao Chiye asked.

Shen Zechuan buried his face in the crook of Xiao Chiye’s neck and answered in a quiet voice,

Xiao Chiye embraced Shen Zechuan tightly and pressed down in the center of the top of his head
with his chin. With eyes half-closed, he said, “Stick a little closer, and you won’t be cold

Both of them clung to each other for warmth, like a pair of mutually dependent cubs relying on
each other for survival. Shen Zechuan reached out to feel his way to Xiao Chiye’s back, his
touch so icy-cold that Xiao Chiye inhaled sharply. Touching that wolf set Shen Zechuan’s mind
at ease. His touch was careful and delicate, as though he was stroking a wolf’s fur.

The stroking of the prominent muscles on Xiao Chiye’s back tickled him, but there was nowhere
for him to hide, so he could only tilt his head back slightly and endure the waves of tingling
sensation washing over the small of his back. Eventually, he could no longer bear it and lifted a
hand to grab hold of Shen Zechuan’s wrist before turning over to pin Lanzhou down beneath
him. His breathing was slightly heavy as he pressed up against him without moving.

Shen Zechuan sulked in a huff. “Didn’t you want to hug?”

“Is that what you call a hug?” Xiao Chiye leaned in closer to press down on him, then repeated
his question in a whisper. “Is that what you call a hug?”
Shen Zechuan was of the opinion that this voice was one that escaped from his throat. He looked
at Xiao Chiye, seeming to be choked with silent indignation.

Xiao Chiye released Shen Zechuan’s wrist and slid his hand down along the latter’s waist, his
touch turning Shen Zechuan’s face a shade of red. That was ticklish. Initially, he could endure it,
but Xiao Chiye pressed against him with his chest, stirring him up so much that his expressive
eyes gradually glazed over with water again. In between short, urgent breaths, he tilted his head
up and smiled.

Xiao Chiye loved Lanzhou’s smile to the moon and back—when those half-shut eyes rippled
with tidal surges of emotions, with his Xiao Ce’an’s silhouette drowning in them.

Shen Zechuan smiled until his neck turned damp and his clothes clung to his back, soaked with
sweat. He felt tired as he calmed his breathing to welcome Xiao Chiye’s kiss. It was warm under
the overcoat, so stifling that Shen Zechuan forgot all about the snowstorm.

Xiao Chiye knew Lanzhou did not sleep well, but tonight, he was here.

And he was burning with the ambition to make sure that he was all Lanzhou ever dreamed of
from now on.

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 210 : Qingshu Tribe

The snowstorm was still raging the next day at the hour of mao, and the charcoal braziers in the
military tents had all gone cold. Various generals gathered around a map on the table in the tent
and waited for Xiao Chiye to speak.

The battle over at the Chashi Sinkhole was not considered a tough fight, but it was rather
perilous. Xiao Chiye took advantage of the snowstorm and led Achi away on ice from the
southeast to the Chashi Sinkhole, where the deployment of Biansha troops was relatively weak.
Achi’s reinforcement troops came so quickly because there was still a relay station in Duanzhou,
but as he had shifted his focus to the southeast and was helpless against Xiao Chiye’s Libei
Armored Cavalry, he gave Tantai Hu, who always had his eyes on the movements in Duanzhou,
the opportunity to provide diagonal support.

Xiao Chiye had already removed his armor last night. After the military medic withdrew from
the tent, he moved his shoulders and arms a little and looked around at them. “We are not here
this time to fight a showdown battle with them but to wrest Duanzhou from them. Now that Achi
is dead and a large number of their troops are still stationed in the northeast, the number of
troops in Duanzhou is less than 10,000. It’s an excellent opportunity.”

Fei Sheng brought the medicine to Shen Zechuan and stole a few glances at the latter, noting the
Prefectural Lord to be in passable spirits.

“Quite a number of cavalrymen escaped yesterday.” Yin Chang pressed a finger down to the
southeast of Duanzhou. “The troops here will suspect we are going to attack Duanzhou once they
receive the news. They will definitely move to intercept us first.”

The old man feared no one during military discussions. He even casually tied his messy beard
together. It was just that he did not dare to drink in Shen Zechuan’s and Xiao Chiye’s presence
and could only rely on strong tea to satisfy his cravings.

Xiao Chiye did not reply immediately; instead, he left the opportunity to Tantai Hu.

In these two years, Tantai Hu had gradually come to gain some insights and opinions of his own.
He pondered over the Second Master’s meaning and raised a hand to point at Duanzhou’s
location. “We are now at the Chashi Sinkhole, which is some distance away from Duanzhou. If
the troops in the southeast come here to intercept us, then the military strength in the city of
Duanzhou will remain unchanged.” He looked at Xiao Chiye with some apprehension and
continued when he saw Xiao Chiye’s neutral expression. “Get Wu Ziyu, who is stationed in
Mount Luo, to make a detour to the west gate of Duanzhou when that happens, and we will be
able to launch a surprise attack directly.”

Xiao Chiye nodded as an indication that Tantai Hu was right.

With a slightly heavy expression, Gu Jin looked at the Chashi River and said, “We can lure all
the troops to the Chashi Sinkhole by being bait, but Master, the Chashi River lies right behind us.
The moment Amu’er seizes the opportunity to mobilize troops for a sneak attack, or if Hasen is
deployed over from the south, then we will end up being attacked from the front and rear. By
then, Wu Ziyu would have already gone around to the west of Duanzhou. We will be left without

“By saying that, you’re breaking the hearts of those in the war zone.” Xiao Chiye watched Shen
Zechuan drink his medicine in between speaking. When he was done, he continued, “Is the
Shasan Camp not reinforcement?”

Gu Jin paused for a moment, then shook his head. “I can’t trust Guo Weili.”

Xiao Chiye did not continue the thread of conversation. He raised his hand and patted Gu Jin
lightly on his back. “My eldest brother has a clear view of the situation from where he is in
Dajing. We must obtain Duanzhou at all costs. There’s still Lu Guangbai and shifu on the
battlegrounds. The Three Great Camps will certainly do their best to stall Hasen. As for
Amu’er…” Xiao Chiye smiled derisively. “The tribe he can deploy at such urgent notice is the
Qingshu tribe.”

Qi Zhuyin wanted to send troops to attack the Qingshu tribe. The Empress Dowager and the
Ministry of War did not consent, but did that mean there was absolutely nothing she could do
about it?

“Qidong’s military provisions are being supplied by the Yan clan, and the carriages are already
heading for the Cejun Commandery three days ago.” All Shen Zechuan could taste in his mouth
was bitterness. “Commander-in-chief Qi should have already eaten her fill by now.”

As long as they could let Qi Zhuyin eat her fill, she would dare to play games with Qudu. She
did not venture into the capital the last few years to contend with those wily old foxes because
she did not want to go looking for trouble. But now that the scimitars were almost right before
her eyes, all those concerns went flying out of the windows.

“The speed of the cavalry’s advancement in the snow is not as fast as it usually is. We still have
time here to prepare,” Xiao Chiye said. “The current campground is rather rudimentary. Have the
Dunzhou Garrison Troops dig horizontal trenches in the vast expanse of open ground. Take turns
to carry out night patrol duty, and send the falcons out for reconnaissance too. The Imperial
Army and Libei Armored Cavalry have been fighting hard for several days, so rest up whenever
possible. We have to conserve our strength and stall the enemies long enough for Wu Ziyu.”

With the heavy snow obstructing the roads, it would be too late to deliver the message on
horseback to Mount Luo. The good thing was that the Libei Armored Cavalry all brought along
their own falcons, which could deliver the message by flying northwest for a few hours.

Everyone responded in the affirmative. When they started to discuss among themselves, Xiao
Chiye reached under the clothes on his chest and groped around for a moment. Shen Zechuan set
down the medicine bowl and grasped the folding fan in his sleeves when something suddenly
sprang onto him between his sleeves. He fixed his eyes on it—it was a piece of candy wrapped in
oil paper.

Xiao Chiye looked at the map with a straight face, looking as if he was not the one who had done

◈ ◈ ◈

Wu Ziyu slept in Mount Luo until he was awakened by the deputy general at midnight. He
opened the letter the falcon delivered, read it by the candlelight in the tent, and was instantly
wide awake. Not even daring to sleep anymore, he rose to put on his armor. “Where’s that Yan

He had only just said that when Yan Heru popped his head out from the side of the hanging
screen and answered, “Here!”

Wu Ziyu clutched the letter and said gruffly, “Is everyone dead? How can you let him enter as he

“Aye, come on now, don’t be mad.” Yan Heru made his way in with his hands around his little
golden abacus. “His Lordship told me to wait here, so I did. What can I do, man? Master Wu,
aren’t you being a tad too cautious?”

“Marching troops to war is different from merchants transporting goods. If something goes awry,
we will literally lose our heads.” Wu Ziyu had dealt with the Mount Luo bandits before when he
was preparing military provisions for the Libei Armored Cavalry last year, so he was not
flustered to encounter those like Yan Heru. He put away the letter first before saying, “I’m going
to mobilize troops soon. The Mount Luo bandits have only just been eradicated, so it doesn’t
reassure me to leave you here. Let’s do this. Go and pack up quickly. You’ll be leaving with

Yan Heru had conducted deals with the Biansha people before. There would be no one to watch
him if they were to leave him in Mount Luo, and Wu Ziyu found it inappropriate. He had to keep
an eye on him.

Yan Heru was so frightened that his face turned a shade whiter. Hugging his abacus to his chest,
he followed behind Wu Ziyu and said, “Blades and swords have no eyes, Master Wu. Why are
you taking me with you? My family’s businesses all depend on me, so I can’t have anything
happen to me. You know about Qidong’s military provisions? I’m the one delivering them now.
I’ll just stay behind. Or how about you assign someone to send me back to Cizhou? Dunzhou is
fine too!”
“Don’t tell me we aren’t capable of protecting you given how many soldiers we have.” Wu Ziyu
bared his frightfully white teeth at Yan Heru. “I’ll send you back after the battle. You won’t go
wrong going with the Prefectural Lord. I assure you it will not hold up your affairs.”

Then, without waiting for Yan Heru’s reply, he yelled for the guard outside to stuff Yan Heru
into the horse carriage and secured him to take him away with the troops.

Wu Ziyu exhaled deeply at the entrance of the tent. It was dark. He took out the crumpled letter
earlier to read through it again. The candlelight from the tent fell upon his back. He stared
blankly at the word “surprise attack” for a long time.

Launching a surprise attack on Duanzhou concerned Xiao Chiye’s safety. This battle had to be
fought not only quickly but also steadily. Two men who were inextricably linked to the war
situation were now both at the Chashi Sinkhole, and Wu Ziyu could not afford to take
responsibility for the loss of either one of them; he had to shoulder the load of this weight.

But I’m just an escort in the convoy squad.

Deep creases formed between Wu Ziyu’s brows as he frowned. He gazed out through the long
night and recalled the first time he met Xiao Chiye.

“Aren’t you the Libei Armored Cavalry?”

Under the blazing sun, Xiao Chiye partially looked back with eyes deep and quiet.

To this day, Wu Ziyu still did not dare to answer Xiao Chiye. He seemed to have tacitly agreed
that all he could do was to escort the supply wagons, but at the same time, he was loath to accept
it. In his early years, he had been sent to Bianbo Camp as a punishment by Xiao Jiming for
drinking on the job. He watched as Zhao Hui became the Commanding General of the Three
Great Training Divisions of Liuyang, and now he was watching as Chen Yang and Gu Jin were
successively entrusted with heavy responsibilities. Meanwhile, Xiao Chiye held him back in
Bianbo Camp, never putting him at the forefront.

Wu Ziyu spat and stuffed the letter back into his bosom. He took two steps in the snow before
suddenly leaping up and swinging his clenched fists around in the air a few times.

Since Xiao Chiye dared to give him the opportunity, then he would dare to stake his life and all
that he held dear to fight a battle for Second Master!

◈ ◈ ◈

The snow gradually lightened at the hour of you the next day.
Xiao Chiye put on his heavy armor in the military tent. His armor had taken some damage from
the assaults of the iron hammers the day before. The left and right arms were the most severely
battered, especially the left arm which had repeatedly taken the brunt of Achi’s iron hammers; it
was even somewhat dented.

“Wu Ziyu has already arrived at the western side of Duanzhou. Last through this night, and we
will be able to make a simultaneous attack from the front and back with him tomorrow
morning.” Xiao Chiye appeared visibly taller when he was in armor, so much so that he was
almost blocking off all the light before Shen Zechuan.

Shen Zechuan sat on the plank bed. In the eyes of the others, his presence here had a far deeper
purpose. Xiao Jiming’s current daringness to pull out all the stops and let the Three Great Camps
in the war zone assist Zhongbo in the battle of Duanzhou was not just because Xiao Chiye was
here, but also because Shen Zechuan was here; this was the sincerity Libei saw.

“Fei Sheng, in leading the Imperial Bodyguards to follow after Hairigu, can make up for the
temporary lack of scouts.” Shen Zechuan looked on as Xiao Chiye put on his arm guard. “If you
don’t come back tomorrow, then the remaining troops will be put at the forefront of the battle.”

The troops that Xiao Chiye left behind were meant to serve as a protective barrier for Shen
Zechuan. If something unexpected were to happen, these people would escort Shen Zechuan up
north. When the time came, Shasan Camp would naturally come to receive him.

Xiao Chiye’s hand that had been securing the arm guard paused slightly. He looked at Shen
Zechuan, understanding what Shen Zechuan meant. Shen Zechuan motioned for Xiao Chiye to
squat down. It was inconvenient for Xiao Chiye to squat in his armor, so he simply withdrew a
leg and kneeled on one knee on a spot near Lanzhou.

Snow outside the tent fell like light willow catkins. Intermittent sounds of Fei Sheng lecturing
Yin Chang about his drinking drifted through the air. Meanwhile, the Libei Armored Cavalry in
their heavy armor stepped in the snow and moved in concert with one another. It was noisy all
around. Inside the tent, tea that had been set above the charcoal brazier with firewood burning in
it started to boil.

The expression in Xiao Chiye’s eyes was penetrating. Of late, the dazzling brilliance of his talent
was becoming harder and harder to conceal. “Wait for me here.”

“As a matter of fact, I would like to go.” Shen Zechuan’s overcoat slipped off his shoulders.
Imitating Xiao Chiye’s past action, he pinched Xiao Chiye’s chin and cocked his head slightly.
“But I don’t have that capability. All I can do is to remain here as the wife who shares hardships
with his husband.”

Xiao Chiye, who had been letting Shen Zechuan pinch as he wished, burst out laughing on
hearing him.
Shen Zechuan listened as Gu Jin stopped outside the tent. He took the helmet over and put it on
for Xiao Chiye. In that brief exchange of glances, he and Xiao Chiye exchanged a kiss across the

“After tonight,” Xiao Chiye’s icy iron fingers caressed Shen Zechuan’s cheeks, his voice low
and deep as he said, “my Lanzhou will be the overlord of Zhongbo.”

◈ ◈ ◈

Xiao Chiye tested his new blade on Achi, but it was far from enough. He was so ravenous he
could devour the north and south battlefields. Every battle was a trial; he wanted to hone his
blade even faster here.

The Biansha’s massive troops in the southeast numbered 25,000, of which 5,000 were the
Scorpions. The remaining cavalrymen lacked horses, so many of them could only stand in
temporarily as infantrymen. They lost their commanding general, and they were unable to obtain
updates from the opposite bank of the Chashi River. Obstructing Xiao Chiye was a measure they
were forced to take in order to ensure the safety of Duanzhou.

What Xiao Chiye wanted was for them to be forced into doing so. Once these 25,000 men
moved, the western side of Duanzhou would be completely vacated, and Wu Ziyu could
immediately begin his attack on the city. The advantage in having Shen Zechuan seal off
Zhongbo would then become apparent—Duanzhou would not get any form of assistance, and
since their grains had already been supplied to Achi’s 20,000 soldiers, the 8,000 troops
remaining behind to keep guard on Duanzhou would all have to meet the enemy’s attack on
empty stomachs.

When the battle in Zhongbo started, it was in the dead of night over at the Bianjun Commandery.

News of Achi’s defeat had yet to make it to the Qingshu tribe, whose night patrol squad was
presently roaming around the Bianjun Commandery. The commanding general of the Qingshu
tribe was called Sumeng, who used to be Hasen’s deputy general and could also partake in the
discussion of official affairs when he was under Amu’er command. But because his tribe was not
powerful enough, he lost the opportunity to follow Hasen up north. He had also crossed swords
with Lu Guangbai here before.

The Bianjun Commandery was devoid of snow tonight. From afar, Suotian Pass looked like a
sleeping beauty lying in slumber upon the city. There were bits of floating snow in the air, while
no trace of the moon could be seen when one raised their head.

Sumeng felt the Bianjun Commandery to be too silent tonight. It made him feel ill at ease, so he
increased the number of people on night patrol, keeping all eyes on the eastern front of the
Bianjun Commandery in case of a surprise attack from the garrison troops.
During the latter half of the night, the night patrol squad set up a bonfire in the wilderness, where
they filled their stomachs with melted snow as they roasted the dried meat jerky they carried with

“The Scorpions in the north have been winning battles.” A cavalryman of the Qingshu tribe said
in the Biansha tongue as he broke off the dried meat jerky. “They’re about to merge into the
Twelve tribes and become a tribe near the north. By then, will we still be able to get our hands on

Sumeng drank the melted snow, shaking his head as he said, “The Hero will never allow the
Scorpions to become a tribe of their own. They are the slaves of the Liaoying tribe.”

The mothers of the Scorpions were all natives of Da Zhou, and with the emergence of traitors
like Hairigu, it would be difficult to convince the masses even if they were victorious in battles.
Moreover, the person who all the tribes in the desert answered to was Hasen.

“If they can give us Gedale,” the cavalryman smiled at Sumeng, “then we won’t have to worry
about starving in the future anymore.”

Sumeng gulped down the melted snow and did not answer immediately. He had sounded Amu’er
out before, but did not receive a response. The Qingshu tribe was not a powerful tribe, and the
Liaoying tribe of today was no longer the minor tribe it had been in the past. In addition, the
Huiyan tribe had thrown in their lot with Libei, leaving their Qingshu tribe behind here to choke
on sand with the Bianjun Garrison Troops. But who would have expected the Bianjun
Commandery Garrison Troops themselves to take off in the end? After being stationed here day
in and day out, Sumeng could not see a future. He pinned all his hopes on his son, but as it
happened, his son came to a premature end at the beginning of spring this year.

“There is purpose in waiting.” These were the only words of comfort Sumeng could offer. “At
least we won’t face reprisals from Libei if we stay here.”

The cavalrymen burst into laughter.

Halfway through the bonfire, a cavalryman saw several stray dogs behind him. He brandished a
withered branch at them and shoo-ed at them to drive them away. But these stray dogs were so
starving they were drooling and panting warm air as they circled the cavalry.

“Chase them away,” Sumeng ordered.

So the cavalryman stood up, grabbed his scimitar, and started to stomp his feet as well. The stray
dogs cowered back for a moment, and the cavalryman, with his bulging belly, turned back to
suggest to Sumeng. “We can hunt them. Dogskins can—”
Before the cavalryman could finish his words, the stray dogs pounced. It was as though they had
gone mad as they tore at the cavalryman with their fangs and dragged him with such force that he
fell over to the ground. The dogs latched onto his arm that had been holding onto the scimitar.
The leather could not withstand the sharp fangs of the stray dogs, and the pain cut so deep that it
sent him screaming.

Sumeng promptly stood up, and the cavalrymen on night patrol caught up to the cavalryman in
distress and kicked out at the stray dogs as they dragged him back. Sumeng noticed that the eyes
of these dogs were oddly red with rage, so to be on the safe side, he told the cavalrymen, “Shoot
them to death with the bows. Something’s wrong with these dogs.”

A few faint cries of a Chinese francolin reverberated through the night. As if sensing danger, the
stray dogs turned tail and fled as the cavalrymen got on their horses and drew their bows. The
dogs ran westward in a panic, and the cavalrymen followed in hot pursuit.

A stray dog took an arrow to the leg and limped as it continued to flee onward. The cavalryman
behind it drew his scimitar and leaned down with the intention to end the stray dog with one
slash in between the sprinting of his horse. They galloped wildly, splashing froths of snow in the
air. An explosive “whoosh” rang out, and a long arrow came hurtling from the west. The
cavalryman instantly fell off his horse. His legs, however, were still hanging from the saddle, and
he ended up getting dragged by the horse across the demarcation line.

Oh, shit!

Sumeng swore to himself, feeling a sense of foreboding. Amu’er had long instructed them not to
engage Qidong in battle at this moment. As long as they did not attack, Qi Zhuyin could not step
to the fore. He immediately reined in his horse and shouted, “Fall back!”

But the torches ahead lit up all of a sudden, illuminating the surroundings brightly.

“Qi Zhuyin!” From where he was on horseback, Sumeng decried in the Da Zhou tongue,
“Women are devious—”

Qi Zhuyin stood in front of the combat-ready garrison troops in full battle array. As she crushed
the snow beneath her foot, she leisurely said, “Light up the beacon tower. Inform Qudu that the
Qingshu tribe has breached the boundary line and invaded our territory.”

The Qidong Garrison Troops abruptly lined up their shields, and the cold steel of their blades
glinted and flashed.
Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 211 : Heavy Frost
Warning: Animal Abuse :V

A boundless expanse of thick clouds swarmed forth and swallowed up the sunlight. Falcons from
Libei soared across the vast horizon. Meng was the first to swoop down. Under the cries of the
falcons, it spread its wings, dispersing the thin fog as it looked down upon the stretch of pure
white snow. The saker falcons came from the south like a volley of sharp arrows shooting
straight towards the falcons. Letting out a long, loud cry, Meng spun and brushed past the
military banner beneath. The sound of war drums instantly reverberated through the sinkhole.

Cavalrymen surged towards them with the momentum of a tidal wave incoming from the south.

The Armored Cavalry remained still. Once the scimitars of the Biansha Cavalrymen could be
clearly seen, Yin Chang drew his old blade with a loud clang and roared at the sky, “Unveil the

The Imperial Army, who had been lying prostrate in the snowfield, promptly released their grip
on the ropes at both ends, exposing the newly dug trenches. Meanwhile, the Biansha Cavalry,
renowned for their speed, was charging long-distance towards them when they crossed the
trenches. Unable to stop in time, the horses fell into the trenches, and cracking sounds instantly
rang out as their front knees broke on impact.

The vanguards of the Biansha Cavalry tumbled into the trenches, throwing the array at the head
into disorder. The Imperial Army instantly drew their blades and pounced like wolves to engage
this batch of vanguards in the trenches. Without losing speed, the Biansha Cavalry at the back
spurred their horses into leaping over the trenches to continue with their charge forward.

Even as Yin Chang hacked down the Biansha Cavalry, he still had to dodge the hooves leaping
over his head, or he might just get his head kicked into a bloody pulp in a moment of inattention.
He bent over and shouted over to the other end, “Laohu, what’s wrong with you? You dug this
way too narrow!”

Tantai Hu’s palms were slick with sweat. He heard Yin Chang’s shouts as he fixed his eyes on
the Biansha Cavalry galloping over, but he did not dare to divert his attention to answer.
Gripping his own twin blades, he silently recited Tantai Long’s name to himself.

A Biansha cavalryman’s scimitar was already swinging towards him when the ponies were right
about to reach him. Tantai Hu rolled forward, and Xiao Chiye, who was behind him, stuck out
Langli Blade in a flash, making use of the cavalryman’s momentum to stab through him. Blood
splattered. Leading the garrison troops, Tantai Hu crouched and slashed his blade across to cut
off the ponies’ legs.
The ponies screamed and threw back their heads as they toppled over to the ground, like wild
geese that had lost their wings. The cavalrymen fell off the ponies and rolled. Tantai Hu wiped
the blood from his face, lifted both blades, and roared, “Revenge avenged!”

After getting thwarted again and again, the Biansha Cavalry decreased the momentum of their
charge, no longer willing to advance rashly. But the distance between them had already shrunk.
They wanted to retreat, but Xiao Chiye was now advancing.

Xiao Chiye tapped gently on the abdomen of his horse with the back of his blade, and Lang Tao
Xue Jin charged forth. The sound of the Libei Armored Cavalry’s hooves was as resounding as
muffled thunder as they pushed forth urgently with the snowstorm moving in tandem. They
rammed into the Biansha Cavalry, breaking the latter’s battle array into tatters. The “war chariot”
formation left the Biansha Cavalry with no time to catch their breaths. As long as they were
slammed over to the ground by the heavy armors, the iron horseshoes of the Libei Armored
Cavalry would trample over flesh and blood as they steamrolled over the Biansha cavalrymen’s

A saker falcon swept past overhead, with the wind trailing in its path as it attempted to flee east.
Meng swooped through the snow and grabbed hold of the saker falcon with its talons. As it
passed by Libei’s wolf banner, it ripped off one of the saker falcon’s wings before flinging the
saker falcon away.

The Biansha Cavalry retreated like the receding tide, and one of its young generals galloped on
horseback and yelled a series of swift commands. He withdrew the regular cavalry, then chided
the Scorpions in the Biansha tongue for them to advance. The scimitars were instantly drawn
back as the cavalrymen retreated with their eyes on the Libei Armored Cavalry.

Xiao Chiye slowly returned to the battle formation, and the protruding columns on all sides
followed suit and merged back swiftly. The Scorpions took the place of the vanguards. The iron
hammers they swung no longer faced up to one Armored Cavalry, but a group of Armored

Xiao Chiye led the charge. As he sped forth, he suddenly kept away Langli Blade. Following his
action, the Armored Cavalry behind him unleashed those new blades of terrifying length. Xiao
Chiye bent over slightly as they stabbed hard into the ranks of the Scorpions like a flash of cold
glint in the night.

Xiao Chiye flipped the longer hilt with both hands and took away a Scorpion’s head as his horse
passed by. To reduce its weight, the sharp steel of the long blade was thinned down, and it took
just the blink of an eye for throats to be slit. A spray of blood instantly spattered towards his
heavy armor along its iron arm before spilling onto the ground.

The iron hammers could not keep up with the speed of the long blades, and they were not long
enough to swing and hit the Armored Cavalrymen themselves either. All they could do was
watch helplessly as the Libei Armored Cavalry killed their way into their formation and cut
down their own ranks into two halves.

Lang Tao Xue Jin broke through the Biansha Cavalry’s encirclement and snorted as it turned
around on its hooves. Xiao Chiye held his long blade at a slanting angle and shook off the
viscous blood on its blade.

Scorpions on both sides gasped for air as they watched all of their center unit tumble off their
horses. Everywhere Xiao Chiye passed, streams of flowing blood formed. His long blade
practically sliced off the heads of everyone who stood in his way.

A Scorpion pulled at his reins as he murmured in the Biansha tongue, “Chidaqi…”

The Libei Armored Cavalry spurred on their horses once more, and the Scorpions, no longer
willing to continue fighting, turned their horses around at the sound of that muffled thunder.
When the young general of the Biansha Cavalry at the back saw the Scorpions retreating, he
hurriedly brandished his blade to berate them, but to no avail. Fear had already been sown in the
hearts of the Scorpions. Following the loss of their leader, they had been reduced to mere
sacrifices on this battlefield.

Lang Tao Xue Jin galloped out of the pack, while the Libei Armored Cavalry followed close
behind on its trail.

The Biansha Cavalry on the south side of the sinkhole were too powerless to resist, as their
scimitars were unable to pierce the heavy armors. Those who lost their ponies scrambled over
themselves to run like mad in the snow, their urgent breaths of white air resembling a wave of
floodwater breaching its dam. Surfaces of snow quaked as the Libei Armored Cavalry made its
passage through. A Biansha Cavalryman who was falling behind the rest fell to the ground, and
his scimitar went flying from his hand. Before he could even reach out a hand to draw out his
piked dagger, he was swallowed up whole under the hooves of the Armored Cavalry.

Xiao Chiye charged out from the fringe of the battle formation and chased after the Biansha
Cavalry like Xiao Fangxu had done so thirty years ago, showing no mercy under the iron hooves
of his horse. The Libei Armored Cavalry ran on a rampage as they assaulted and massacred their
way forward. Heavy armors gravely traversed the battlefield, turning into heavy blades in the
midst of emerging from their sheaths in Tantai Hu’s eyes.

As the Scorpion galloped on his horse, he shouted sharply, “Chidaqi!”

Vicious wolf!
Seven years ago, Xiao Jiming led the troops down south, earning himself the name “Glacial
River Armored Cavalry”, and tonight, Xiao Chiye chased after the Biansha Cavalry for twenty li,
the echoes reverberating through the lands he stepped on.

“Damn…” Yin Chang’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he wiped the blood off his face and recited
silently to himself,

The passage of heavy frost through the landsleaves not a blade of grass in its wake.

◈ ◈ ◈

Shen Zechuan was boiling tea in his tent. The Prefectural Lord, inept as he was in the art of tea,
simply stuffed the tea leaves into the teapot, filled it with water, and set it on the fire to boil. His
folding fan was resting on his knee, and there was a stack of piled-up documents on the desk at
his side, yet his eyes were fixed on that tea as he watched it gradually start to boil and bubble

Hairigu squatted at the entrance of the tent and peeked through the gap. “It’s not drinkable if you
boil it like this, or is it?” he asked Fei Sheng.

Fei Sheng did not have a favorable impression of this Scorpion, so he looked ahead with his arms
folded and listened to the urgent beats of the war drums. “It’s not like you are going to be
drinking it, so what are you worrying about?”

Shen Zechuan stared blankly for a long time, and by the time he returned to his senses, the tea
had almost evaporated. He lifted the teapot off, added more water, and continued to boil it. The
sound of boiling water could cover up some of the drumming from the war drums, which was
putting him in a dazed trance. He had not done any work today either.

Seeing as it was late, Fei Sheng lifted the flap to enter. He said softly to Shen Zechuan, “Master,
how about taking a quick nap? As soon as there’s news from the battlefront, I’ll call you.”

Shen Zechuan lowered his eyes and did not answer him.

Fei Sheng understood that the Prefectural Lord was reluctant to do so, so he dared not persuade
him further and retreated to the entrance of the tent to wait in attendance. The tea in the military
tent boiled for the entire night. When it was almost dawn, Shen Zechuan heard the war drums

Shen Zechuan rose and pushed aside the flap. Fei Sheng hurriedly draped a cloak over him and
accompanied Shen Zechuan out of the tent. They made their way outside, where Shen Zechuan
waited again for a moment in the snowy fog bathed in the first glimmer of dawn. It was
extremely frigid in the morning, so frigid that the tip of one’s nose would turn red from the
freezing cold if one stood for too long out there. The north wind pounced on their faces like
sharp knives. After a little less than an hour, Shen Zechuan suddenly heard the rising sound of
hooves, followed by rows after rows of emerging silhouettes overlapping one another. Meng was
the first to return to camp.

Fei Sheng heaved a sigh of relief as if he had been relieved of a heavy load. He immediately
congratulated Shen Zechuan, “Master, it’s a success!”

Meng circled in the air, wanting to land on Shen Zechuan’s arm. Shen Zechuan was not wearing
his arm guard today. Just as he lifted his arm, a whistle sounded from the other end.

Xiao Chiye broke through the boundless expanse of heavy fog and spurred his horse on without
stopping. The moment he rushed into the campgrounds, he swept up Shen Zechuan. Lang Tao
Xue Jin slowed and turned its hooves around to gallop away into the fog again with both men on
its back. Meng, which had pounced on empty air, landed on the military banner and wiped its
talons clean as it watched them run further away into the distance with a sidelong glance.

Yin Chang, with arms cradling his war trophy, wanted to say something, but Fei Sheng held him
back and did not give him the chance to open his mouth. The rest of them wore a wide array of
expressions. Tantai Hu spat on his palms and rubbed them together to warm them up a little. “…
Let’s enter the tent first. Military affairs can be reported a little later. There’s no hurry to do so
right now.”

With that, he repeated it once more, only to make what he had been trying to cover up all the
more conspicuous.

“No hurry to do so now.”

“Whatcha’ mean? No hurry?” Yin Chang craned his neck to look around him and said in
bafflement, “We have to head back to the city at the hour of mao. His Lordship’s very much in a

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 212 : Dredge (Up The Past)

Lang Tao Xue Jin galloped away from the campgrounds, but did not go far. It came to a stop on
a snowy slope at the northern end of the Chashi Sinkhole. The humid fog and snow made Shen
Zechuan appear to be situated amidst the vast expanse of misty, rolling waves on the lake’s
surface. All his eyes could see where they roamed was white.
Xiao Chiye rolled off his horse and removed his helmet. There was sweat along his temples as he
panted slightly, yet his eyes were full of spirits. “Can you see Duanzhou?”

As Shen Zechuan held onto Lang Tao Xue Jin’s reins, he handed the blue handkerchief in his
sleeve over to Xiao Chiye. He could only catch a glimpse of the abandoned relay station’s
watchtower in the far distance amidst the visible clouds of his breath, but he understood Xiao
Chiye’s jubilation. “Looking at Duanzhou now is just like looking into what’s already in my

Xiao Chiye lifted his chin slightly, and beads of sweat trickled down. He smiled. Shen Zechuan
gazed at him, realizing that he still retained the unyielding and untamable attitude he possessed
during their time in Qudu; this was the spirit that Shen Zechuan desired to have in his possession.

Shen Zechuan leaned over, breathing onto Xiao Chiye’s cheeks. The tip of his nose pressed right
up against Xiao Chiye and edged up along the latter’s temple as he licked the latter’s sweat like
he desired. Those beads of astringent, salty sweat dissolved in Shen Zechuan’s mouth. As his
Adam’s apple bobbed slightly, he said, “This will be your, Xiao Ce’an’s, riding track from now

Xiao Chiye raised a hand over Shen Zechuan’s nape, covering it, and the iron fingers of the
armor he had yet to remove were icy and hard as they lay over the soft, fair neck, leaving behind
a touch that resembled the cold steel of a blade.

“I don’t want a riding track.” The straight bridge of Xiao Chiye’s nose nuzzled along the spot on
Shen Zechuan that had been bobbing earlier. He watched fixedly as Shen Zechuan narrowed his
expressive eyes. His words had an edge of danger to it as he said, “I want Shen Lanzhou.”

Shen Zechuan breathed out a puff of hot air at Xiao Chiye. Xiao Chiye thought Shen Zechuan
wanted to kiss him. He did not expect Lanzhou to grab the chance to pull back the blue
handkerchief in his hand. Shen Zechuan then straightened up and wrapped the overcoat tightly
around himself. The Prefectural Lord, who was sensitive to the cold, revealed only his eyes and
the reddened tips of his ears as he said in a muffled voice, “Shen Lanzhou’s freezing to death.”

Xiao Chiye, his arms empty, had still yet to realize what just happened.

Shen Zechuan watched Xiao Chiye’s expression undergo several changes. Xiao Chiye looked as
though he was going to make a grab for him, so Shen Zechuan immediately shook the reins to
urge Lang Tao Xue Jin into returning back to camp. Xiao Chiye cradled his helmet in his arms.
There was still a lingering warmth from where he had been licked on his temple. He touched it,
gradually getting riled up as though he were a maiden of a decent family who had been
disrespected by a frivolous philanderer.

“Shen Lanzhou…” Xiao Chiye watched as Shen Zechuan fled. With a stride of his long legs, he
slid down the snowy slope and yelled, “Heartless cad!”
◈ ◈ ◈

Achi, who had been confident of success, had been defeated at the Chashi Sinkhole, and the
Biansha people, who had been winning battles in the north for half a year, never expected Achi
to lose to Xiao Chiye. The remaining soldiers in Duanzhou were no match for Wu Ziyu’s
surprise attack. Consequently, the six prefectures of Zhongbo all fell under Shen Zechuan’s
command. Qudu received news of it only seven days later. At the same time, the military report
of Qi Zhuyin’s mobilization of troops into battle with the Qingshu tribe also made its way into
the palace.

The Empress Dowager sat in Mingli Hall behind the hanging curtain and flung the memorial
onto the seat across the luminous pearls. The eastern pearls swayed beside her ears as she held
back her rage and barked at the ministers in the hall, “Did the Ministry of War reject Qidong’s
request to deploy its troops or not? Chen Zhen, you handle military affairs, and you can’t even
make yourself clear?!”

The Minister of War, Chen Zhen, immediately kneeled on the ground, knowing that the Empress
Dowager was venting her anger. Qi Zhuyin now had a strong and well-trained military, and
Qudu was unwilling to act rashly and offend them, so they could only take it out on the easy
games like him. He listened expressionlessly until she was done speaking before saying, “In the
first month of the year, Commander-in-chief Qi presented a memorial to the imperial court,
hoping to deploy troops to fight the Qingshu tribe. We rejected her request on the grounds that
we were lacking in military provisions. The Grand Secretariat kept a copy of the
correspondences for archival records. The Senior Grand Secretary and the various other
ministers are all aware of it.”

The Empress Dowager understood that this was in no way authorized by the Ministry of War,
but she was still fuming. After a moment’s pause, she continued, “So why did she go ahead with
it this time?”

“Seven days ago, the Bianjun Commandery’s night patrol encountered a surprise attack by the
Qingshu tribe.” Chen Zhen lifted his head slightly at this point. “Commander-in-chief Qi was
thus forced to mobilize troops.”

“Amu’er is at war with Libei in the north. Why would the Qingshu tribe provoke Qidong for no
rhyme or reason?” Han Cheng had been at the receiving end of Qi Zhuyin’s frostiness when he
escorted Hua Xiangyi to her new home. Sitting in the hall now, he suddenly bared a smile and
said, “Then again, it’s really such a coincidence that Commander-in-chief Qi happened to be in
the Bianjun Commandery just when the Qingshu tribe launched their surprise attack. This battle
was such a swift and abrupt one that the report of victory and request were both presented
together. Even if she was at fault, she had already succeeded.”

Kong Qiu, who had fallen ill after the new year, sat in the hall with his complexion all ashen as
he covered his mouth and coughed. “We cannot listen to only one side of the story. If the
Qingshu tribe had genuinely crossed the line, then Commander-in-chief Qi’s mobilization of
troops was an act of emergency. For the past years, the situation at the frontiers has been
unstable. When Lu Guangbai was still stationed at the Bianjun Commandery, the Qingshu tribe
often invaded as well. The details of the matter still need to be presented by Commander-in-chief
Qi. What is of utmost urgency now is how long this war will continue? We are right about to
enter the plowing season in spring, and the thirteen cities of Juexi are still waiting for the
arrangements to be made. The supply of military provisions is of major concern.”

Pan Xiangjie timidly folded his arms up his sleeves. Xue Xiuzhuo wanted to investigate their Pan
clan of Dancheng, and this matter had been stuck at an impasse for a long time. Given that the
fields were still in dispute, he did not dare to butt in now for fear that the Grand Secretariat
would apportion the shortfall of military provision to them.

The Empress Dowager did not consent to send their troops to war because Qidong’s deployment
of troops at this moment was akin to supporting Libei, and also because Xue Xiuzhuo had been
too impatient in chasing the accounts. The Eight Great clans were presently in a situation where
one slight move could lead to major consequences for all of them. Fields were their roots, and
the young masters of the eight cities all depended on these fields to survive. If an investigation
were to be launched, then the noble clans would suffer debilitating effects just by having to
return the fields to the common folks and make up for the arrears in taxes. Not to mention that
there was also the risk of dismissal and prosecution as well as imprisonment. Qi Zhuyin’s battle
with the Qingshu tribe meant that the expenses for the Qidong’s Five Commanderies’ military
salaries and provisions would have to go through the accounts of the Ministry of Revenue. Once
the state treasury ran out of money, all the past events during the reign of Yongyi were going to
get dredged up again. The Empress Dowager was acting in place of the crown prince, and there
was still the Heir Apparent beside her eyeing the throne, so she dared not act rashly without
careful consideration.

Whether Amu’er was a rapacious aggressor or not, the noble clans did not know, but they knew
it was inadvisable to keep delaying given the current situation. Zhongbo had already grown to be
a thorn in their sides, and getting themselves stuck in a stalemate with the Heir Apparent and the
Grand Secretariat would not do the noble clans any good.

“Since it was the Qingshu tribe that invaded, Qi Zhuyin can just repel them; there is no need to
mobilize troops again to penetrate deeper into the enemy’s territory.” The Empress Dowager’s
fury had subsided. She deliberated it over and said, “I know that it’s bitterly cold and
impoverished at the frontiers. No doubt the battle with the Biansha people must be fought, but
not now. Just as the Grand Secretary has said, the spring plow season is right around the corner.
We should place the commoners as our priority. Not all of Juexi’s territories last year had
bumper harvests either, and the granaries in Qudu have still yet to be filled to the brim, so where
would the imperial court have the spare grains to give Qidong to fight wars? This matter has to
be conveyed properly to Qi Zhuyin. As someone who assists in the government affairs of the
Five Commanderies, she should have long known about this.”
Silence descended upon Mingli Hall for a moment. The hanging screens at the entrance were all
securely tucked in to keep the wind out. Because of Qi Zhuyin’s mobilization of troops, the
atmosphere in the hall was grave and heavy.

In truth, Kong Qiu and Cen Yu approved of Qi Zhuyin’s wish to wage a battle against the
Qingshu tribe. But they were presently duking it out with the noble clans. Pan Lin was the one
who had the Ministry of Revenue in his grasp, but he presently had his hands too full with Xue
Xiuzhuo incriminating him to jointly discuss the matter of Qidong’s military salaries and
provisions. Moreover, it was precisely because the Pan clan was the first to bear the brunt that
Pan Xiangjie did not dare to let his son get too involved with the Grand Secretariat at this

Pan Xiangjie was used to playing fence-sitter. It was all thanks to this ability to sway where the
wind blows that he could survive until now. He did not want to offend Xue Xiuzhuo, and he did
not want to offend the Empress Dowager either. As long as there was no victor in the tussle for
power in Qudu, he was unwilling to let the Pan clan follow another’s lead easily. In the past, he
threw in his lot with Hua Siqian and Wei Huaigu, but these two men both used him as a
scapegoat. Now wary and guarded, he trusted none of these three parties.

Cen Yu sighed lightly. He rarely spoke up in Mingli Hall now. Yu Xiaozai left the capital with
the letter he wrote to Shen Zechuan, but Shen Zechuan never replied, and he understood what
Shen Zechuan meant by that. Everyone had drinks in his house a year ago, and he still
remembered the distinguished figures Shen Zechuan and Xiao Chiye had cut then. He found it a
pity the way things had turned out.

Cen Yu shifted his gaze to Li Jianting, who was sitting upright at the side staring at the tea before
her, as if she had not heard the discussion in the hall. After the court session was dismissed, Cen
Yu and Kong Qiu walked along the long path that had been cleared of snow.

The palace eaves on both sides hung low, turning the paths oppressively dim. The eunuch in
front was holding a lantern. As Cen Yu walked, his sleeves flapped in the wind. The wind blew
his short, newly grown beard all over, and he lifted a hand to stroke it.

“Why didn’t you say a word today with something this big happening?” Kong Qiu asked.

Cen Yu lifted his eyes. “Her Majesty’s mind is already made up. The result will be the same,
whether or not I speak up.”

It was already dark by the time both men walked out of the palace gate. Cen Yu did not get into
the horse carriage. Instead, he carried the lantern himself and stepped on the snow as he walked
on the level path with Kong Qiu.

“Xunyi, you seem to have a lot on your mind today.” Kong Qiu scrutinized him. “What are you
thinking about?”
“Thinking about today last year,” Cen Yu answered, “when Vice Commander Shen and Marquis
Xiao were both still in Qudu…”

If Emperor Tianchen had not been assassinated, perhaps Shen Zechuan and Xiao Chiye would
still be in Qudu today. Cen Yu had always been one to cherish talents. He once thought of having
Shen Zechuan join the imperial court as an official, but alas, things did not go the way he wished
—the weight of Shen Zechuan’s crime was too heavy.

Kong Qiu let out a long sigh and thought of Hai Liangyi again.

“If Emperor Tianchen possessed even a fraction of a crown prince’s disposition, would you and I
be reduced to such a state? I’ve been feeling more and more out of my depth lately. There are
simply too many situations that are beyond my ability to salvage. They do not consent to the
current war Commander-in-chief Qi is waging with the Qingshu tribe for fear that the military
provisions would drag the eight cities’ fields into it. But I can tell that the war in Libei is at a
tense and critical juncture. Even the Prince of Libei, Xiao Fangxu, met his end in battle. The
strength and the capabilities of the Biansha can no longer be underestimated.” Cen Yu could see
it all clearly, but it was pointless. He could not solve the conflict in Qudu just with his eloquence
alone. It was simply a tall order to get the noble clans to relinquish their existing interests.

Both of them had not gone far when they saw a man standing under a bamboo umbrella ahead of
them, waiting. Cen Yu and Kong Qiu traded looks and looked at Xue Xiuzhuo.

Xue Xiuzhuo’s official robe was brand new, and he was not wearing a lined jacket. He stood in
that spot all by his lonesome self, like a floating leaf among the torrential currents even as the
wind sent his sleeves fluttering. He kept away his umbrella and bowed in greetings to Cen Yu
and Kong Qiu.

“Why are you standing here? Is something the matter?” Kong Qiu asked.

Xue Xiuzhuo straightened up as floating snow sporadically danced past. “This humble official
has been waiting here for both gentlemen to discuss the issue of Dancheng’s fields and taxes in

Cen Yu frowned slightly and said, “Affairs of the imperial court should be settled on the imperial
court itself. There is no reason to discuss them in private. This case, in particular, should avoid
having aspersions cast on it. If others were to see this, rumors and slanders would inevitably start
making their rounds. You should go back first. We’ll discuss it in the Grand Secretariat’s office
tomorrow morning after the morning court session.”

“If not for the urgency of the matter, this humble official would naturally not dare to bother both
of you.” Xue Xiuzhuo’s expression remained unchanged. “At the beginning of the month, Her
Majesty drew up a decree to have a key official from the Ministry of Revenue tag along to
investigate the case, and Pan Lin appointed Liang Cuishan, who is in charge of salt taxes in
Hezhou and Juexi.”

Kong Qiu and Cen Yu both knew who Liang Cuishan was. Xiao Chiye had vouched for him and
recommended him for an official position during the collapse of the public ditches. He was a
Ministry of Revenue official who had been personally appointed by Emperor Tianchen to
investigate Wei Huaigu in the case of the military provisions. He was very talented in the
administration of financial affairs and taxes. Last year, he sorted out the old accounts of the
thirteen cities with Jiang Qingshan in Juexi, and for a period of time, he even managed the
transportation of grains by water from Hezhou to the capital.

Yan Heru told Shen Zechuan that it was tough to do business via the waterways. The Yan clan’s
goods heading for Juexi were all subjected to rigorous checks, and Liang Cuishan was the reason
for this. This man was smooth and diplomatic in his work, but he was not a slippery character. In
his position, the amount of tax money passing through his hand every day numbered tens of
thousands of silver. Yan Heru wanted to pull strings and make backdoor deals with him, but his
attempts were all rebuffed.

“Liang Cuishan has already returned to the capital and will enter the palace tomorrow morning to
seek an audience.” Xue Xiuzhou held his umbrella in his arms. “But he had a narrow escape this
trip and must meet both gentlemen tonight.”

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 213 : Turn of Events

Liang Cuishan was not wearing his official robe; instead, he had on a sheepskin-lined jacket over
his upper garment with overlapping collars and a pair of green cloth shoes. He was the total
antithesis of “His Excellency Chongshen” as town rumors went, with a short beard, squarish
face, and a tanned complexion from being on the go outside all day. His hands also did not seem
to be the kind that held brushes, but hoes. Cen Yu almost took him for an errand-runner when he
stood under the relay station’s lantern to meet Kong Qiu and Cen Yu.

“Why does Chongshen look like this?” Cen Yu asked in astonishment.

Liang Cuishan led them upstairs and waited for them to take their seats before he answered. “It’s
a long story. This humble subordinate is truly indebted to both of Your Excellencies for your
willingness to come—I can die a hundred deaths without regrets now!” With that, he gave Xue
Xiuzhuo a long bow. “Your Excellency saved me from calamity today. This humble subordinate
shall never forget this kindness for as long as I live!”

Xue Xiuzhuo wiped his hands with the hot handkerchief in the room and took a seat at the side.
He merely said, “It’s a matter of urgency. You should discuss it in detail with both His
Excellencies first.”

“What is it?” Kong Qiu sized up Liang Cuishan. “Going by the dates, you should arrive in Qudu
only the day after tomorrow.”

“The superiors are rushing me, so this humble subordinate dare not delay on the road. To tell
Your Excellency the truth, it is also to pull the wool over the eyes of others that I dressed up like
this.” As Liang Cuishan spoke, he fished out an account book from under the clothes on his
bosom and set it down lightly by Cen Yu’s hand. “Your Excellency supervises the Ministry of
Revenue’s audits of accounts all year round, and you would have seen this kind of account book
before. Please take a look.”

Cen Yu flipped the account book open and looked through it for a long time before hesitatingly
asking, “isn’t this the account book the City of Chuancheng submitted to the Ministry of
Revenue at the beginning of the year?”

“That’s right. It’s the account book of the Marquis of Helian from the City of Chuancheng.
Along with the accounts from the rest of the seven cities, it was handed over to the Ministry of
Revenue at the beginning of spring to be reviewed. The aim was to straighten out the details of
their taxes and expenditures with the assistance of the Chief Surveillance Bureau. There was no
issue with it at that time.” Liang Cuishan fished out another account book from his bosom. “This
account book, on the other hand, has been tidied up by this humble subordinate these few days.”

Cen Yu’s countenance changed the instant he read the beginning of the book. “How did you sort
out this account?” he asked Liang Cuishan.

With a solemn expression, Liang Cuishan organized his thoughts and said, “Her Majesty drew up
an imperial edict last month, and Vice Minister Pan wanted this humble subordinate to assist the
Court of Judicial Review in investigating the City of Dancheng’s accounts. But this humble
subordinate was in the City of Yongcheng in Juexi at that time reviewing the thirteen cities’ sales
taxes with His Excellency Jiang.”

Within a few days, Liang Cuishan received a visitation card from the Tax Circuit Intendant of
Juexi at the relay station. Liang Cuishan never received visitors when he was attending to official
duties, but this Tax Circuit Intendant took the opportunity to leave Liang Cuishan a “small gift”.
Liang Cuishan opened it to find gold inside.

“Juexi is connected to the city of Dicheng and the prefecture of Hezhou through the waterways,
and the Tax Circuit Intendant is in charge of the administration of all affairs relating to grains
and the transportation of grain by water in between. It’s a lucrative job, but this humble
subordinate was based in the Provincial Administration Commission of Juexi, which has the
Provincial Administration Commissioner, Jiang Qingshan, overseeing matters, so I dare not act
rashly and inadvertently alert the perpetrator.”

The position of Tax Circuit Intendant shared some similarities with Liang Cuishan’s position,
except that it did not hold as much authority of office as Liang Cuishan had from concurrently
holding the position in two places. Even so, the Tax Circuit Intendant wielded considerable
influence when it came to a place like Juexi. Liang Cuishan did not dare to act without due
consideration and end up tipping the perpetrator off, as he suspected at that time that this person
had come to offer bribes at Jiang Qingshan’s behest.

Liang Cuishan was a very cautious man. It had not been easy for him to finally see better days
after all the hard times he had to go through, so he was extremely careful when navigating the
official circles. He wanted to be a capable minister, but at the same time, he also wanted to keep
himself alive. Juexi was Jiang Qingshan’s territory. If he had immediately submitted a memorial
to impeach this Tax Circuit Intendant, then his memorial might not even have made it out of
Juexi before being detained. In addition, Jiang Qingshan’s opening up of the granaries to
distribute relief grains in the fourth year of Xiande and his taking full responsibility for the
matter had sent shock waves through the imperial court and the common people. He was well-
loved and held in high esteem in all thirteen cities of Juexi. Liang Cuishan had no chance of
winning against him just based on this point alone. Furthermore, anyone with a discerning eye
knew that Jiang Qingshan was Xue Xiuzhuo’s weapon.

“This humble subordinate spent sleepless nights in the relay station. Naturally, the gold cannot
be accepted, but there was also the concern of sowing the seed of disaster if it was hastily
returned.” At this point, Liang Cuishan cast a glance at Xue Xiuzhuo. “Moreover, His
Excellency Jiang has an unimpeachable reputation out there, and this humble subordinate, having
worked with him for quite some time, more or less has some understanding of his character. For
that reason, this humble subordinate went ahead and summoned that Tax Circuit Intendant

This was a dangerous and risky move. Liang Cuishan, who did not dare to make a rash move,
had to find other traces from this breakthrough point. At the very least, he had to figure out if
Jiang Qingshan was the mastermind behind the Tax Circuit Intendant.
“The Tax Circuit Intendant handles the matters pertaining to taxation of the transportation of
grains via the waterway of the thirteen cities. Getting money is not a difficult matter for him.”
Kong Qiu said. “But the Censor-in-chiefs under the Chief Surveillance Bureau also have their
eyes on the accounts, and the origins of those ships are all clear. How could he have been able to
get away with the deception?”

“This is where this humble subordinate has doubts,” Liang Cuishan said. “This humble
subordinate pretended not to dare accept it and asked the Tax Circuit Intendant to take the gold
back. He then told me that those golds were clean and were not items on record in the Juexi’s

“He is in charge of the transportation of grains by water. Since it’s not an entry in the Juexi’s
accounts,” Cen Yu closed the account book, “then it must be from…”

The City of Dicheng or the Prefecture of Hezhou.

“Yan Heru of Hezhou is a thieving and unscrupulous merchant. He attempted to bribe me when I
went to check on the transportation of grains by water in Hezhou last year. But this man is
immensely wealthy, and there is no need for him to take the risk and embezzle money from the
imperial court’s internal account books.” Liang Cuishan was even more careful when he came to
the part about the City of Dicheng. “The Prefectural Prefect of Dicheng is the son of a concubine
from the Fei Clan who married into the Hua clan.1 He is very much in the Empress Dowager’s
good graces, and his track record of political achievements in the yearly appraisal these few
years have been outstanding too. This humble subject dare not incriminate him without any
evidence and could only contend with that Tax Circuit Intendant in the hope of obtaining more

A bribery meant that there was something to be done in exchange, especially for someone in
Liang Cuishan’s position. He initially thought that the Tax Circuit Intendant was Jiang
Qingshan’s man, and that he had come to offer a bribe because of the Juexi’s salt tax they were
auditing at that time, but very quickly, he discovered this to be not the case. Since these golds
were not on record in the Juexi’s accounts, then it meant that there was someone else behind the
Tax Circuit Intendant, and this person could only be a high-ranking official of a noble clan close
to Dicheng.

Liang Cuishan would never bring up the Hua clan of Dicheng, because this was the empress
dowager’s clan and birth home. When Hua Siqian fell from power, the only property the imperial
court confiscated from the Hua clan was Hua Siqian’s manor. In less than a year, the Empress
Dowager had staged a comeback and was presently in charge of the administration of
government affairs. Even if Liang Cuishan was every inch a dauntless and gutsy one, he would
not dare to incriminate the Empress Dowager.

But Liang Cuishan only had to think of this matter from Qudu’s perspective, and he could
understand what these golds were supposed to buy. Who would be the most flustered during the
time when the Empress Dowager drafted up an edict to have Liang Cuishan check the fields in
Dancheng with the Court of Judicial Review? The Pan clan of Dancheng.

At this point, Cen Yu had already figured it out. After going around in one big circle, it turned
out to be Marquis of Helian who bribed Liang Cuishan through the Tax Circuit Intendant in
order to preserve the Pan clan. The Marquis of Helian’s daughter, the Commandery Princess
Zhaoyue, had married a lad from the Pan clan, and his common son born of a concubine was
betrothed to a maiden from the Hua clan. He was the only one who matched the profile, except
that this move of his was truly unwise.

Liang Cuishan owed Pan Lin a debt of gratitude for the kindness the latter had shown him by
promoting him. Pan Lin had initially granted that favor at Xiao Chiye’s behest, but Liang
Cuishan later went on to prove himself to be capable, and that was why Pan Lin was willing to
let him step into the limelight. As long as Liang Cuishan had a smidgen of selfish interest, he
would, for the sake of this kindness, think twice before acting when it came to the matter of
Dancheng. This was something he could not refuse. But this was just great now. The Marquis of
Helian sent someone to bribe him. Liang Cuishan only had to skip reporting this to the top, and
he could be considered to have repaid Pan Lin’s kindness to him. Subsequently, he would no
longer be encumbered when checking Dancheng’s accounts in the future.

And that was not all. Liang Cuishan even secretly re-examined the eight cities’ accounts
following along the trail of this bribe and repeatedly reviewed the accounts of the Marquis of
Helian’s Fei clan of Chuancheng. The so-called money that could not be found in the account
books actually came from the invisible checkpoints the noble clans set up within their own cities
when ships or caravans of traveling merchants passed through the checkpoints. In order to transit
through, the merchants could only pay private taxes to the noble clans at double the price. Later
on, men like Yan Heru joined the fray. He wanted to get back all the money he had forked out,
so he took the Xi clan’s place and started to resell the copper, iron, and salt within the territories
on behalf of the noble clans and the local officials of various ranks, thereby bypassing the tariffs.
The small trade market of Dunzhou was thus established.

Cen Yu reopened the account book Liang Cuishan had put into order and looked at the sum of
silver for a dizzying moment. They had been caught in a tussle with the noble clans all these
years in Qudu, and many a number of capable officials had all successively met their ends in
their quest to get to the bottom of the accounts. The two account books of Hua Siqian and Pan
Rugui that Hai Liangyi recovered during the reign of Xiande had been merely the tip of the

Even though the resurgence in the reign of Yongyi had been short-lived, the taxation system it
had left behind in the various regions made up for the largest share of the state treasury’s annual
revenue. Da Zhou’s rapid decline in just over a decade was inextricably linked to bad debts; it
had been internally dug clean, with this lot of money flowing into the pockets of the noble
Cen Yu could barely remain steady in his seat. Even his hands that were holding onto the
account book were trembling.

Other than the tax money, there were also the crop fields. Cen Yu did not even have to do the
math, and he could already imagine just how colossal the outflow of money was.

“When Libei resorted to arms during the reign of Xiande, it did not receive any military salaries
and provisions. Xiao Jiming could only rely on whatever bits of grain farmed by the Libei
military garrison who also did farming duties2 to head down south and fight the Biansha Cavalry
back.” Cen Yu’s breathing quickened as his trembling hand flipped the pages. “Qidong did not
receive any military salaries and provisions then either. Lu Guangbai supplemented
reinforcements up north using Qi Zhuyin’s dowry, and for the past few years, Qi Shiyu has spent
all the money from his estate on the garrison troops. Then, there was also the time during the first
year of the reign of Tianchen, when the Qingshu tribe fought their way to the entrance of the
Bianjun Commandery. Lu Guangbai’s army was so starved they had to eat sand!”

Every time. Every single time.

The reason the commanding generals of the north and south entered the capital was to ask for
money. Qi Zhuyin was even forced into fraternizing with the ruffians-cum-loansharks in Qudu.
Meanwhile, Lu Guangbai did not even manage to get a single audience with the emperor during
the reign of Xiande. How many people died when Juexi was suffering from drought? Jiang
Qingshan gritted his teeth and opened up the granaries to distribute relief grains to the people,
and his octogenarian mother even had to weave cloth to pay off the debt. The six prefectures of
Zhongbo were helpless in the face of the empty coffers, forcing Zhou Gui, Luo Mu, Huo Qing,
and the rest of them to submit to and grovel before the bandits.

This was the “poor” the Ministry of Revenue bemoaned.

Clenching his teeth in hatred, Cen Yu flung the account book onto the table. “The private crop
fields appropriated by the eight cities haven’t even been included. This is all blood money…” At
this point, he started to get choked up. “The Secretariat Elder pursued the matter to such an
extent… The country was already heading for ruin in the reign of Xiande… is it still
salvageable? No, it isn’t!”

The room fell silent. Liang Cuishan hung his head in silence. He was drifting duckweed without
roots and connections. If he wanted to continue delving deeper into this matter, he needed a
powerful backer. He first communicated with Jiang Qingshan, through which he was granted a
meeting with Xue Xiuzhuo. It was only then he finally managed to see Kong Qiu and Cen Yu.
He did not accept the gold from the Marquis of Helian, but it was useless to merely keep it sealed
on hand. Someone had to vouch for him. Otherwise, he would have to die as long as he did not
forge the accounts as Marquis of Helian wished once he arrived in Dancheng. Not even Pan Lin
would be able to protect him.
The handkerchief Xue Xiuzhuo had set at the site had gone cold. “I should avoid doing anything
that might cast suspicions on me when it comes to this, but this concerns Chongshen’s safety,
and it also involves the investigations of the fields in Dancheng, so I can only discuss it here with
both gentlemen.” As he spoke, he poured tea for Cen Yu and Kong Qiu. “I heard news today of
Qidong’s use of military forces, and I presume the Ministry of Revenue is going to shirk
responsibility again. With all the bad debts from the various areas thrown together into one big
mess, I fear that the spring plowing and Qidong’s military provisions will be delayed.”

Kong Qiu had misgivings about Xue Xiuzhuo. Xue Xiuzhuo’s move with the Heir Apparent had
been too daring and dangerous. What’s more, he used the storm the Imperial College stirred up
to suppress and edge out the officials of humble origins, which left a bad taste in Kong Qiu’s
mouth now that the practical doers faction was in full swing. His intuition from all his years of
service in the Ministry of Justice told him in no uncertain terms that Xue Xiuzhuo would never
ever be at his wits’ end, so he said, “surely you did not call us here just to look at the account

“A matter discussed, a matter concluded.” Xue Xiuzhuo changed his form of address for Kong
Qiu. “The Senior Grand Secretary did not question Commander-in-chief Qi’s use of military
forces on the Qingshu tribe during the discussion in Mingli Hall. I presume you approve of it, but
the Ministry of Revenue is indeed hard-pressed to bear the expense for military salaries and
provisions due to the depleted state treasury. That was why you did not discuss it in detail with
Her Majesty.”

“That’s right.” Kong Qiu was even more composed now compared to the time when Hai Liangyi
was still around. “Commander-in-chief Qi’s use of military force on the Qingshu tribe at this
time may seem to be removing foreign aggression for Libei, but in fact, it is to sweep Da Zhou
clean of invaders. Amu’er has wild ambitions. No egg stays unbroken when the nest is
overturned; likewise, no one can escape unscathed if Da Zhou is invaded. Helping Libei now is
helping Da Zhou.”

Xue Xiuzhuo retrieved a booklet3 from his sleeve and pushed it beside Kong Qiu’s hand. “This
is a rough estimate of Qidong’s expenses for military salaries and provisions. Deploying troops
long distance is not as cheap as stationing garrison troops in the Bianjun Commandery in the
past. Just the consumption of grain wagons is enough to eat up the tax silver of the entire
Baimazhou territory last year.”

Kong Qiu looked at that booklet and said, “a portion of the silvers was used up last year to
provide relief in the disaster-stricken areas. Furthermore, it’s nearing the beginning of spring
now. Whether the spring plowing in the eight cities can be carried out without a hitch is a major
issue we have to consider too. If the noble clans aren’t willing to return the commoners’ fields
and make up for the arrears in land taxes, the Grand Secretariat has no way of giving
Commander-in-chief Qi an official written reply with regard to her request to deploy troops. No
matter how clear your estimates are, it’s pointless.”
“I do have an idea.” Xue Xiuzhuo looked at Kong Qiu. “The Xue clan can bear Qidong’s
expense this time.”

Not only were Kong Qiu and Cen Yu stunned when the words left his mouth, but even Liang
Cuishan was too.

It was common knowledge that the Xue clan of Quancheng were already showing signs of
waning since the last generation. The lawful son of the principal wife, Xue Xiuyi, was a
hypocrite who pretended to be virtuous and lofty. He kept getting hoaxed by a group of
charlatans from the martial fraternity into chalking up debts everywhere. To date, their
household only had one Xue Xiuzhuo who was capable enough to stand on the imperial court. So
where on earth would the Xue clan have money?

It suddenly dawned on Liang Cuishan, and he remembered Shen Zechuan before Xi Hongxuan
came to his mind.

Kong Qiu gazed at Xue Xiuzhuo in astonishment and uncertainty. “It’s such a large sum. We
might not be able to repay it even if I issue a memorandum of debt to you in my capacity as the
Senior Grand Secretary of the Grand Secretariat.”

“There is no need for the Senior Grand Secretary to issue me a memorandum of debt.” Xue
Xiuzhuo poured a cup of tea for Kong Qiu and said with a severe countenance, “all I ask is for
the Senior Grand Secretary to join forces with me to audit the eight cities’ field taxes.”

The lanterns outside the relay station started swaying as the wind swept away the tattered notices
on the road. The indistinct reed pipes music from the Donglong Street of Qudu wafted through
the long road of the relay station until it was obstructed by the palace walls, where it then
disappeared among the double-eaved roofs. Li Jianting, who was within those palace walls, sat
by the edge of the couch and recalled her past under the tinkling of the metal wind chimes.

Fengquan was putting down the drapes for Li Jianting when he suddenly heard the Heir
Apparent ask, “do you wear earrings?”

With her black hair cascading over her shoulders, Li Jianting gazed at the deep and quiet
bedchamber and continued as if answering for both Fengquan and herself.

“I abhor earrings.” Her eyes that so resembled Emperor Guangcheng turned towards Fengquan,
gradually curving into a smile under the darkness. “Wearing it makes one look like livestock—
the kind that lies at the mercy of others.”
Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 214 : Commander-in-chief
On this day when the sun was shining high in the clear sky, the entrance of the Duanzhou city
gates was a riot of noise. Damp snow on the ground went splattering all over under the hooves of
the horses. The wheels of wagons transporting provisions skidded between the stone slabs,
dragging the horses until they skewed their bodies and neighed, obstructing the path in the
process. The Libei Armored Cavalry behind them was unable to enter, so they had no choice but
to dismount their horses to lend a hand.

“This cursed weather…” Yin Chang urgently needed to answer the call of nature, and his face
was all red from holding it in as he wrung the belt of his pants. “… keeps changing at the drop of
a hat. It was so freezing cold a few days back that someone died, yet it’s so blazing hot today it
scalds my ass.”

Horses ran along the path, splashing wet snow over the people until they were dirty all over. Fei
Sheng bundled up his robe and tucked it into his belt. He lifted a hand to pinch his nose and
groused, “Why do these Biansha ponies stink so bad?!”

“They roam the Gobi desert, where they poop as they please.” Just as Tantai Hu was speaking,
the Biansha pony before him stuck up its tail to take a dump. That steaming hot dung plopped
into the damp snow. Tantai Hu scraped his boots, wanting to pull this horse farther away. Before
he could move, a few people on horseback sped past him from behind, spattering hot dung all
over them.

Fei Sheng’s face was already green from holding his breath. It was so stinky it made him hop.
The moment he saw the fresh dung assailing towards them, he dove behind Yin Chang, using the
old man as a shield and letting him bear the full brunt of the hit.

“The balls of you to run!” Yin Chang yelled at the Libei Armored Cavalrymen who had sped
past him and wiped his face before turning back to snap at Fei Sheng, “The balls of you to

Wu Ziyu tugged at the reins, meaning to turn around and head back here when Tantai Hui wasted
no time in brandishing his hands and cursing, “Motherfucker, get off your horse!”

Wu Ziyu had just changed into a new pair of boots, and the filthy, muddy figures they all cut
were enough to deter him from getting off his horse. He slowed his horse and trotted over to
them to ask, “Why is it just the few of you? Where are the Second Master and the Prefectural

“They went in first.” Fei Sheng’s breathing was ragged as he said in a nasal tone, “Why wasn’t
this snow cleared earlier? Now the entire path is obstructed. Look how filthy it is. My master’s
white robe would be ruined if it so much as touched the ground!”
Wu Ziyu had fought a victorious battle and was feeling pleased as punch with his success. He
was just thinking about inviting them out for drinks one of these days. Despite being cussed at,
he was not at all angry. Smugly, he said, “I’m busy, okay?”

Before he was done laughing, a snowball from the other end flew over and smacked him right in
the face.

Gu Jin’s nose could not bear the stench any longer. His expression was livid as he broke out in a
string of curses after swinging a ball at Wu Ziyu, “The balls of you to laugh! If this hot weather
persists, the snow in the city will melt. Just you wait for the sewage in these rotting public
ditches to start overflowing. The entire city inside and out will stink to high heavens then.”

Gu Jin was usually a man of few words who rarely cussed since he also shouldered the heavy
responsibility of raising Ding Tao. He did not even lose his temper when he was humiliated by
Guo Weili at the Tudalong Banner last year, but the stench was so overwhelming it almost
knocked him out from where he stood a short distance away.

Wu Ziyu used to be quite attentive and thorough in his work, but his victory in the battle this
time had gone to his head, leading him to expose his shortcomings and leave behind loose ends
in trivial matters. If Chen Yang were here, he would no doubt remind him. But to Gu Jin,
scolding him was more straightforward.

The three men still standing at the back were all struck dumb. Yin Chang held in his pee and
stood in a row with Tantai Hu, all just waiting for Gu Jin to give the command to dismount and
get to work immediately.

Fei Sheng murmured, “Oh, how familiar this curse sounds.”

Tantai Hu vaguely hinted, “Balls, he said.”

“Bah,” Yin Chang stooped over and denied, “it wasn’t me who taught him that!”

Wu Ziyu had already obediently rolled off his horse.

◈ ◈ ◈

Duanzhou had never suffered a great fire as Dunzhou had, and its streets all still looked the same
as they did seven years ago. Stores and restaurants had long since closed. Achi had only kept a
few cooked meat shops around; the Scorpions loved the braised beef here. The Biansha troops
had resided here for a period of time, and they had slaughtered everyone in the residential areas
in the east and west. However, they retained the night market to the north.
“It was here Lei Jingzhe carried out his deals with the Scorpions.” Shen Zechuan stepped on the
pile of obsolete junk and leaped onto the collapsed courtyard wall. He could see the night market
in the north standing here at the top. “Shifu used to love to come to this place in the past as he
could buy stuff that could not be found on the market.”

“What’s to the south?” Xiao Chiye strode up and looked south. “… Biansha’s riding stables.”

Shen Zechuan exhaled. “So, this is an empty city.”

Shen Zechuan once worried about the overwhelming numbers of refugees swarming to Cizhou
and Chazhou from Dancheng, but it now seemed that Zhongbo, with its depopulated population,
was a good place to take in the refugees from the eight cities.

“It’s time to reorganize the Yellow Registers.”1 Xiao Chiye watched Meng soared on the
horizon. The warmth of the sun was making him lazy. He was not wearing his armor today, just
his arm guard. “It was primarily administered by the three prefectures last year. The garrison
troops of Chazhou and Dunzhou were lacking in numbers, so the registrations were all jointly
handled by the lesser functionaries. But now that the six prefectures have fallen under our
command, it’s time to separate the civilian and military registries.”

The civilian registry fell under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Revenue; it actually could not
be integrated and jointly managed with the military registry. Xiao Chiye held the post of the
Imperial Army’s Viceroy back in Qudu, and the Imperial Army’s office compound had a place
specifically dedicated to the overall management of the Imperial Army’s military registry. This
was one of the reasons the Imperial Army and the Eight Great Training Divisions were
irreconcilably antipathetic to one another. It was not that easy a job to be the overlord of
Zhongbo. There were already not enough Cizhou advisors to go around; the six prefectures all
needed yamens for government administration, warden’s offices for military affairs, as well as
the corresponding investigation censors of the respective circuits.

“All of these won’t pose that much of an issue. Yu Xiaozai has the authority to go on a tour of
inspection in the six prefectures, which is akin to being an investigation censor. I actually meant
to make him the Surveillance Commissioner of Zhongbo. His appraisals in Qudu are all
excellent. Moreover, his job in Qudu encompasses fieldwork in various areas, so he’s well-
acquainted with the tricks and maneuvers in the yamen. And while Chengfeng isn’t willing to
serve under me, he’s willing to assist in the governmental affairs of the remaining five
prefectures, which more or less resolve my most pressing needs.” Shen Zechuan watched Meng
fly back as he continued, “We have no lack of lesser functionaries. As long as the various
prefectural yamens are willing to open up opportunities, people will naturally come. What we
lack are key officials that can govern and administer government affairs in the prefectures.”

Not only that, Shen Zechuan lacked generals too.

At present, the military affairs in Chazhou were temporarily managed by Luo Mu. It was no big
deal if it was just for a short while, but Shen Zechuan would never let him continue with it for
long. This was because Luo Mu had three powers – legislative, executive, and judicial – in his
hands now. The Imperial Bodyguards were temporarily standing in as censors, but they did not
have the authority of office to interfere with the government administration of Chazhou. If Luo
Mu harbored ulterior motives, then it was possible for him to hide it from Shen Zechuan’s eyes
as long as he did it covertly enough. To avoid this kind of incident from happening again, Shen
Zechuan had to confirm the candidates for the various prefectures as soon as possible.

Meng landed on Xiao Chiye’s arm. “We lack a treasurer too.”

Shen Zechuan thought of Liang Cuishan when Xiao Chiye brought up this matter. He looked at
Xiao Chiye and said, “A pity about Liang Cuishan.”

“Liang Cuishan has work to do under Pan Lin’s command, so it’s not really a waste of his
talents.” Xiao Chiye soothed Meng’s feathers. “I heard from the reports a few days back that Xue
Xiuzhuo is going to check the Dancheng’s fields? If this can be successfully carried out, none of
the eight cities will be able to escape unscathed, and that will be a heavy blow to the noble

“No definite news yet,” Shen Zechuan said as he leaped off the wall. “We will have to wait for
them to come over before we can know the details.”

They walked back along the path. When they arrived before the house they were lodged at, only
Fei Sheng was there waiting. There were no signs of Gu Jin or the others.

“They all went to clear the snow.” Fei Sheng’s words took an about-turn in his mouth. He
added, “It’s Gu Jin and Wu Ziyu’s turn to take over this time.”

What he meant was that he was not loafing on the job—he just happened to be taking a break.

Shen Zechuan knew Fei Sheng’s temperament, and he had no plans to pursue it further either, so
he merely said to Xiao Chiye, “The public ditches in Duanzhou have to be re-inspected. We
don’t know the state they are in, so we have to make plans for it as soon as possible.”

Xiao Chiye cast a glance at Fei Sheng but said nothing. Fei Sheng had done a fairly decent job
playing it safe in his handling of Huo Lingyun’s matter. He had held his temper in check and did
not attack the other man, and even if he could not stand the sight of Huo Lingyun, he did not go
around creating trouble for him. As a result, Xiao Chiye was now finally willing to remember
and recognize him.

Fei Sheng did not dare to let both of them remain standing at the entrance, so he led the way
inside and had the Prefectural Lord take his seat first. This place was the residence of the former
Duanzhou’s commander of the Zhu clan, the same Zhu clan in which Lei Jingzhe was born. It
had fallen into disuse here, and Wu Ziyu had tidied it up to receive both of them from their
journey afar so they could take a rest.

The clearing of snow at the city gates continued until the hour of xu. These were all men who
had led troops to fight wars, so Shen Zechuan did not call them over for a discussion all night.
The kitchen had long prepared the dishes, and everyone took a few bites before getting on with
their rest. Fei Sheng, who shared a dwelling with Yin Chang and Tantai Hu, fainted right there
and then as soon as these two men took off their boots.

Shen Zechuan and Xiao Chiye had only just finished their meals when Gu Jin, who had been
waiting outside, entered.

Seeing something amiss with Gu Jin’s expression, Xiao Chiye set down the light read in his hand
and asked, “What’s the matter?”

Gu Jin took out the letter from his bosom and presented it to Xiao Chiye. “There is a letter from
Libei to Master.”

Xiao Chiye noted that there were two letters—one was official business Xiao Jiming wrote, and
the other was a private letter Chen Yang had sent over. He first looked at Xiao Jiming’s letter.
His eldest brother mentioned the horses would be able to arrive at Mount Luo at the end of the
second month, which was also when Xiao Chiye was slated to return to the battle zone. Xiao
Chiye had long known about this, but there was one mention of interest worth ruminating over.

When Gu Jin left the room, Shen Zechuan popped his head out from behind and set his chin
down on the top of Xiao Chiye’s head. He lowered his eyes to read the letter, then said in a calm
tone, “So, a surprise from your eldest brother.”

Xiao Chiye read that part a few times. “He transferred Guo Weili over to my Sha’er camp, a
move that is meant to free up the Shasan Camp for my shifu. Guo Weili isn’t used to fighting at
Hasen’s rhythm. It’s too aggravating for him to remain in Shasan Camp.”

In all fairness, Guo Weili did indeed possess the talent to lead troops. The fact that he could
defend the Tudalong Banner for so long was proof enough of his capability. However, this man
had a short fuse and a bad temper, and he was extremely impulsive. He was not an easy man to
get along with, especially when he was unconvinced or unwilling to concede defeat and would
be all belligerent and combative when he opened his mouth. Last year, he wounded Gu Jin and
even stripped Gu Jin of his military rank. For that reason, his relationship with Xiao Chiye was
rather delicate, and his soldiers repeatedly clashed with the Imperial Army in the Shasan Camp
after Xiao Chiye took down said camp.

The commanding generals of the Three Great Camps in the battle zone were on rotation this
year. Both Xiao Chiye and Guo Weili were unaccustomed to each other’s troops. Ever since his
arrival at the Sha’er camp, Guo Weili had hardly touched and mobilized the Imperial Army. He
found the Imperial Army a slippery bunch who played dirty. They relied on their Qudu origins to
throw their weight around and had no respect for their superiors. Because of Xiao Fangxu’s
incident, he no longer acted acrimoniously or created a scene even if he could not stand the sight
of Xiao Chiye, but the issue with Gu Jin remained unresolved, like a thorn that stood between

This person was difficult to use.

There was also a deeper meaning to Xiao Jiming’s arrangement. The other two camps could both
communicate and work with Guo Weili; whether it was Zuo Qianqiu, Lu Guangbai, or Zhao Hui,
none of them would get into a dispute with Guo Weili. Yet Xiao Jiming just had to transfer him
to Xiao Chiye’s Sha’er camp.

After a moment of silence, Xiao Chiye said, “As expected of my eldest brother.”

This arrangement was truly a blow that hit right at the crux of the matter where it hurt.

After this battle in Duanzhou, Xiao Chiye’s words would carry a lot of weight once he returned
to the battle zone. He did not get along with the Libei Armored Cavalry, but both of them could
slowly get used to each other. Much like this occasion, no army would reject a commanding
general that could lead them to victory. Moreover, not only was Xiao Chiye fair in meting out
rewards and punishments, but he was also a man of his word. However, if he wanted to put the
Libei Armored Cavalry to full use, he would have to overcome the obstacle that was Guo Weili.
Otherwise, a lack of unity among the generals who were not of one mind would surely lead to

Shen Zechuan felt sleepy in the room. With his eyes half-closed, he murmured softly. “Ce’an,
the vastness of the ocean comes from its acceptance of hundreds of rivers.2 This is an
opportunity your eldest brother is giving you.”

Under the dim light, Xiao Chiye recollected the campfire in the snowstorm. Xiao Fangxu had
clenched his fist right before his eyes, and amidst the flickering light of the fire, his old man had
asked him:

“You want this position, but are you truly qualified enough?”

1. 黃冊 Huangce or yellow registers/yellow book served during the Ming Dynasty to provide
basic data for taxation and recruitment based on the household’s classification according
to their occupation. It was mainly divided into three categories: civilian, military, and
2. 海纳百川,有容乃大(; 壁立千仞,无欲则刚。) A couplet written by Lin Zexu (林则徐).
i.e. the greatness of a man lies in his tolerance of others, just like the vast sea can
accommodate a hundred rivers.
Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 215 : Iron Fingers
Hasen stood in the vast wilderness and watched the girl leap off the horse a short distance away.
Without even removing his scimitar, he spread his arms open to catch that beautiful red figure
pouncing towards him in a steady grip.

Duo’erlan gasped softly, her red skirt fluttering as she was spun around, her laughter, clear and
melodious. “May the gods bless my heroic eagle!”

Hasen hugged his newlywed wife with a slight blush on his face. He brushed away the snow off
Duo’erlan and responded, “And may the gods bless my Duo’erlan.”

Hasen had only just gotten married at the beginning of the year, a marriage bestowed upon him
by Amu’er. His beloved Duo’erlan was a girl from the Hulu tribe deep in the desert. She wore a
jujube-red pleated skirt, and was as beautiful as the morning dew on the shores of Lake Chiti.
She was the most intense filly of the Twelve Tribes. Hasen was head over heels in love with her.

Duo’erlan scrutinized Hasen. “Bayin broke his promise to me. You’ve lost weight.”

Hasen laughed in spite of himself. “He can’t always stay by my side.”

“Then he shouldn’t have promised me.” Duo’erlan landed on the ground and took Hasen’s
hands. “I brought fresh goat’s milk.”

“It’s too far.” As Hasen was led away by Duo’erlan, he gazed at her. “Let Chagan do all this
work next time.”

Hasen rested for a mere two days after his marriage before returning to the battle zone. It was
hard for Duo’erlan to see him, and she could only depend on the opportunities to deliver supplies
to meet him here. She happily showed Hasen the food she brought along, and Hasen gobbled up
the flatbread she made with her own hands.

“I want to come here and see you.” Duo’erlan sat on the sack and watched Hasen eat. “I miss
you so much, just like the morning dew misses the sun. Will you go back when the snow melts?”

Hasen took a sip of the icy cold milk and met Duo’erlan’s eyes. The color of her pupils was a
light shade of green. Each time Hasen gazed into them, it was like gazing into the clear,
shimmering waters of Lake Chiti. He would think of everything wonderful, which made it
impossible for him to say “no” to Duo’erlan. He lovingly caressed Duo’erlan’s cheeks and
answered, “If the war ends.”
“You avenged Gegenhasi. Father is grateful to you. You’re not only the Hero of the Hanshe
Tribe, but also the Hero of the Hulu Tribe.” Duo’erlan cupped his face. “The heroic eagle shall
fly across the Hongyan Mountains. I’ll always be waiting for you at Lake Chiti.”

The “heroic eagle” Duo’erlan spoke of was more like a term of endearment. In the entire desert,
only she and Hasen’s mother could call him that, for Hasen would be shy. Gegenhasi was
Duo’erlan’s elder brother. He was also Hasen’s brother that Xiao Fangxu killed.

The wind in the wilderness was too cold. After Hasen finished his milk, he brought Duo’erlan
back to the camp. A fire was burning in the military tent, and it was here Duo’erlan steeped milk
tea for Hasen. They both liked unrefined tea.

“If the Huiyan Tribe was still around,” Duo’erlan sipped her milk tea, “we would have a never-
ending supply of tea to drink in winter.”

Hasen had just finished slicing the roast meat for her and was in the midst of wiping his dagger.
With a serious expression, he answered, “They will come back.”

Duo’erlan would be leaving with the squad escorting the supplies tomorrow, so Hasen did not
stay with the soldiers tonight. As briefly separated newlyweds who just reunited only to part
again soon, they retired for rest very early. Snow suddenly fell in the middle of the night. Hasen
was sleeping soundly when he suddenly heard the call outside the tent. He got up carefully, put
on his robe, and stepped out.

Snow lunged full-on at Hasen as soon as the tent flap was lifted. With his hair loose around his
shoulders, he patted his robe as he asked the soldier before him, “What’s wrong?”.

“Bayin is back!”

Hasen turned his head over and saw the remaining cavalry.

Bayin, who had been galloping on the road for days, rolled off his horse and landed on the snow-
covered ground with legs gone weak. Refusing support, he first snatched the water canteen at the
side and tilted his head back to gulp the water down. It was only after the front of his robe was
drenched that he appeared to have caught his breath.

“What happened?” Hasen picked up Bayin’s scimitar, then looked at Bayin again with a slightly
heavy expression as he said with certainty, “Achi has been defeated.”

Bayin rubbed his frozen cheeks and exhaled deeply. He cut an extremely sorry figure, with both
his legs covered in mud. He tossed the canteen back into the arms of someone beside him,
looking particularly haggard as he stood before Hasen. “Xiao Chiye lured us on the frozen river
to Chashi Sinkhole. It was there he killed Achi.”
As he spoke, he reached out to tug hard at the left side of the horse saddle. Achi’s head tumbled
off in response and bumped into Hasen’s foot facedown.

“Xiao Chiye let me go.” Bayin’s voice trembled as he said with lips blue with cold. “He had me
bring this back.”

Hasen gradually pursed his lips into a grim line—a warning sign of his looming fury. He looked
at Achi’s head, and fire blazed in his eyes again. There was dead silence all around, with only the
gale continuing on with its rampage. The chill Hasen inhaled swiftly coursed through his limbs.
He turned his gaze away and looked into the far distance, where the snowflakes danced.

“Duanzhou has been taken over by the pack of wolves; they’re making peace and colluding with
a fox from Zhongbo. Hairigu is there too. He has become Xiao Chiye’s slave.” Bayin’s Adam’s
apple bobbed as he recollected the terror of being pursued by the Libei Armored Cavalry that
day. He continued in a hoarse voice, “Xiao Chiye has gotten his hands on a new blade, and the
scorpions have become weeds in the Gobi desert in the face of his Libei Armored Cavalry.
Hasen, the hammers can’t hold him back. That’s no longer Xiao Fangxu’s armored cavalry.”

“That has long since ceased to be Xiao Fangxu’s armored cavalry.” Hasen abruptly turned his
gaze back and took a step closer towards Bayin. “The pack of wolves needs a new alpha wolf—a
new King of Wolves. Xiao Jiming will deploy him back to the north, and I will be here waiting
for him and his new blade.”

A sound suddenly rang out behind him. Duo’erlan stood at the entrance of the tent, watching
them worriedly. Hasen curbed his fury and turned back to look at Duo’erlan, but did not smile.

He should have killed Xiao Chiye.

Hasen thought once again.

Back during that autumnal rain hunt, he should have killed Xiao Chiye.

◈ ◈ ◈

The courtyard was silent in the middle of the night.

Xiao Chiye had just finished washing up and was rummaging through the small box by the
candlelight, picking pearls and jade. Shen Zechuan’s folding fan was resting on the edge of the
table; its owner was still soaking in the bath.

“The horses will arrive at Mount Luo in a few days,” Xiao Chiye picked out the agate he had
placed inside yesterday and said to Shen Zechuan, who was behind the screen. “Are you going
with me for a look?”
Shen Zechuan was exhausted these few days. Even though he did not fall sick again, he had also
never touched Yang Shan Xue again. Soaking in the water, he said, “Going to Mount Luo is a
must. It’s also more convenient for you to return to Libei from there.”

The days were passing too quickly; Shen Zechuan merely had a few rounds of discussions and it
was already the end of the second month. Tilting his head back, he closed his eyes in
contemplation. The curve of his neck was beautiful, its luster smooth and luminous bathed under
the dim light filtered through the screen.

“Has the candidate for Secretary of Duanzhou been picked?” Xiao Chiye turned the orb of agate
between his fingers as he casually asked.

“Yes,” Shen Zechuan said, “a talent.”

Xiao Chiye looked over and offered, “Kong Chengfeng?”

Shen Zechuan raised his dripping wet arm to prop his head against it. He cast a sidelong glance
at Xiao Chiye’s shadow and responded, “nope, guess again.”

“Yuanzhuo has limited mobility and isn’t suitable.” Xiao Chiye genuinely could not think of
anyone else. “Who else could there be?”

Shen Zechuan got to his feet and wiped himself dry with a towel at the side. Xiao Chiye did not
look in this direction; Shen Zechuan brought the washed blue handkerchief to the tip of his nose
and sniffed it lightly. He answered, “Shen Lanzhou, of course.”

The thickest wall of all of Zhongbo was going to be built in Duanzhou, and Shen Zechuan did
not feel all that assured to hand the job over to anyone else given the connection between Mount
Luo and Libei. He had to stay here and build up this wall with his own hands. What’s more, by
heading south from Duanzhou, he could also directly bypass Tianfei Watchtower to arrive at the
Bianjun Commandery. Shen Zechuan found this location to be excellent; by establishing a
reserve depot here that was comparable to Cizhou, he would be able to provide reinforcements to
both the northern and southern battlefields in the future.

“Do you still remember the ‘steel needle’?”1 Shen Zechuan put the handkerchief back, his
fingertips lingering, reluctant as they were to part with it. He continued, “Qiao Tianya is the most
suitable candidate to lead this, but he presently has to take care of Yuanzhuo and is unable to
leave Cizhou. But if I were to use Fei Sheng, this place is so far from the reach of the central
administration that I don’t feel at ease leaving him here without anyone to keep him in check.”

The ‘steel needle’ referred to the light cavalry, one that would be deployed to the banks of
Chashi River as Shen Zechuan’s eyes and ears. They would also stay at a Duanzhou that could
go on to become the central hub of both places. Whoever could be the commander-in-chief of
this place would be a key official concurrently in charge of both military and governmental
affairs. He would also have money coming and going under his hand when the Yan clan’s
business expanded over after spring, and Yan Heru was no honest man.

Shen Zechuan did not really have much to fault Fei Sheng on, but he had to assess in his heart
just how long Fei Sheng’s loyalty would endure. He could not gamble it all on the words “share
weal and woe, through thick and thin”. Never mind if it was just for a year or two. But once Fei
Sheng had been stationed here for a long time, he would have gotten a taste of the benefits that
came with the convergence of the north and south. With this “steel needle” in his hand and with
Yan Heru on the sidelines doing his utmost to butter him up, how much of today’s master-
servant bond through their shared tribulations of life and death would remain? By then, Shen
Zechuan would no longer be the sole party Fei Sheng could fall back on. As long Fei Sheng had
so much as an ounce of inclination, he was dangerous.

In this world, authority was not something that could be bestowed on its own. Qi Huilian had
long warned Shen Zechuan before, the cornerstone of the “art” of governance and rulership was
checks and balances.2 Leading a group of outstanding men was akin to overlooking a game
match. One should never be biased for private, selfish reasons.

Why did Huo Lingyun have to be placed in the Imperial Bodyguards? It was precisely to fill out
the position left by Qiao Tianya. He posed a threat to Fei Sheng and could make the latter knock
senses into himself and draw a line in the sand. Similarly, why did Yao Wenyu offer up this
suggestion? It was meant to push Qiao Tianya back into the game and remind Shen Zechuan,
who was lacking subordinates, that Qiao Tianya was indispensable. If Fei Sheng wanted to
advance a step further, Shen Zechuan had to deliberate his moves carefully. In other words, as
long as Fei Sheng was promoted up a level, Qiao Tianya would also be discreetly promoted in
the same manner. He was the chain that held Fei Sheng in check; Shen Zechuan would never
allow Fei Sheng to surpass Qiao Tianya and hold “sole” authority in his hand.

Fei Sheng had said to Qiao Tianya that in Shen Zechuan’s eyes, the latter was the most suitable
candidate to be deployed to command the light cavalry in Duanzhou. This was because everyone
mutually understood one another; Qiao Tianya was a sentimental man who placed importance on
relationships. This was both Qiao Tianya’s strength but also his weakness.

Shen Zechuan slipped on his robe and stepped out from behind the screen.

Xiao Chiye was sitting at the edge of the desk with his long legs all stretched out. Upon hearing
footsteps, he clenched his fist and hid away that agate gem, then looked at Shen Zechuan and
said, “Then I just so happen to have something to tell you.”

Shen Zechuan’s belt was tied rather loosely. When he stepped over the rug, the soles of his feet
felt a little ticklish. With his collarbone exposed, he sipped on his tea and nodded at Xiao Chiye
to motion for him to continue.
Xiao Chiye then said, “The Biansha ponies that we’ve seized this time will also be placed at
Mount Luo. You want a light cavalry, so give these ponies a try. They are swifter than the battle
steeds of Libei, and they have great endurance and stamina in the Gobi desert.”

Shen Zechuan held the teacup with both hands and thought about it for a moment.

“Libei can’t use these ponies anyway. Our battle steeds are all specifically born and bred on the
Hongyan Mountains for the armored cavalry; it took several generations to produce the
exceptional horses of today that are able to bear the weight of heavy armor.” Xiao Chiye spread
his legs apart so that Shen Zechuan could stand before him. He propped an arm up and watched
Shen Zechuan contemplate it over.

“Let Fei Sheng take a look at the Biansha ponies here first,” Shen Zechuan said. “Use the riding
stables Achi left here.”

“That’s my riding track.” Xiao Chiye pinched Shen Zechuan’s chin and pulled it close. “When
will you give Shen Lanzhou to me?”

Under the force of the grip pinching him, Shen Zechuan remembered Xiao Chiye’s iron fingers
from that day, as well as the hard, solid sense of touch of those iron fingers caressing his nape.
His breathing hitched slightly; he wanted to avert his gaze, but Xiao Chiye was holding him in
place. It was hot inside the room, and tiny beads of sweat began to materialize on the temples of
the Prefectural Lord who had just soaked in a bath.

Staring at Shen Zechuan, Xiao Chiye leaned closer and said, “You got all excited when I touched
you that day, didn’t you, Your Lordship?”


1. Refer to chapter 163 for recap.

2. The Art of Rulership/Governance of the Sovereign: The technique of checks and balances was
one of the most common political tools used by the emperors in ancient China to govern
their officials.

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 216 : Damp Night

The address of “Your Lordship” for the Prefectural Lord was usable by all, and for this reason,
these two words became even more clandestine coming from Xiao Chiye. It was like they were
hiding secret codes in their words in plain sight of the crowd, hinting at a certain kind of
unmentionable pleasure and intimacy. Desire was the rising surge of tidal waves, spreading and
flowing to the parts where they touched, exuding a thin layer of sweat.
During the day, the Prefectural Lord sat high above the rest and gazed down at the group of
outstanding men. His folding fan obscured the rest of his emotions, giving rise to a cold
indifference in his eyes, a sharpness that could, with a single glance, send alarm bells ringing in
warning of danger. But right now, his mouth was slightly parted as he bit down on Xiao Chiye’s
finger. That soft tongue, that overflowing saliva, and that expression of a shame he was silently
enduring. They all carried with them a “come-hither” undertone.

Xiao Chiye desired him.

He not only desired his fair neck, but also his wet, slippery tongue.

His calloused finger rubbed against Shen Zechuan’s gums, and given that Shen Zechuan had just
drank hot tea, the lining inside his mouth was sensitive. His eyes were now wet with tears, and
he had gone so incoherent from the storm Xiao Chiye was stirring up in his mouth that he could
not answer Xiao Chiye.

Secreted fluid spilled as the tip of Shen Zechuan’s tongue probed along the pulp of Xiao Chiye’s

They faced the wall, with Shen Zechuan leaning forward while being pinned by Xiao Chiye’s
chest on his back. This position made Shen Zechuan feel as though every thrust went in deep to
the hilt. He braced himself against the wall, resting his forehead against it as his tears fell in
never-ending torrents. And when he lowered his head, he exposed his nape that Xiao Chiye once
again bit. The robe beneath crumpled into a ball.

Shen Zechuan could not answer Xiao Chiye sitting on their heels like this. The initiative to call
the shots lay in Xiao Chiye’s hands.

The tip of Xiao Chiye’s nose nuzzled imperceptibly along Shen Zechuan’s nape, seeming like
both a demand and a coercion. His dangerous gaze lingered on Shen Zechuan’s side profile,
where he saw the seductive temptation hidden in the upturned corners of Shen Zechuan’s eyes.

Shen Zechuan did not know what trouble the corners of his eyes were courting. He was so very
innocent, so much that even his grunts on being bitten were exceedingly soft. But Xiao Chiye
was so savage that he turned Shen Zechuan’s entire person into a small boat adrift amidst the
great billowing waves. Turbulent waves crashed over him, not permitting him to even struggle
under the intricately woven sound of water permeating the room.

Seeing the intermittent drops of Shen Zechuan’s falling tears, Xiao Chiye turned his head aside
to drop a kiss on the corner of his eye.

Shen Zechuan sobbed in that kiss and accidentally smeared his robe wet. He turned his gaze
towards Xiao Chiye, his voice trembling, “It’s all, all—hngh, your fault…”
Xiao Chiye bit down on the tip of Shen Zechuan’s ear and whispered, “Oh, so you’re blaming
me now, huh.”

This thrust went so unimaginably deep that it left Shen Zechuan too breathless to even grunt out

Shen Zechuan was all drenched in sweat after taking Xiao Chiye in several times, and his robe
remained soaked even after a wring. Xiao Chiye pinned him against the rug and made to kiss
him. Too exhausted to tilt his head up, Shen Zechuan stuck out his tongue lazily.

Xiao Chiye engulfed it in his mouth and remained in this way, pressing down against Shen

The rug in this room was unlike the one at home; it was not as soft. Instead, it resembled a little
brush with fine bristles. Xiao Chiye tore off Shen Zechuan’s robe that had long been soaked
through, and the friction of the entire bare front of Shen Zechuan’s body against the rug proved
too much for him to bear.

“No,” Shen Zechuan strained to plead for mercy in between his sobs, “Xiao’Er, I can’t.”

Pinning him down, Xiao Chiye took that soft tongue back into his mouth again so that all Shen
Zechuan could do was cry.

How could Shen Zechuan withstand an onslaught like this? That chafing of his front was making
his waist and legs weak, and it was also so brutal back there. He was entirely consumed by Xiao
Chiye in between his ragged, hectic breathing, so much that he was incoherent. His face flushed
red, and he cut a sorry sight as he vaguely muttered, “Turn, turn over, Ce’an!”

“Hush.” Xiao Chiye stretched out his arms to hold down Shen Zechuan’s sliding arms. His entire
chest pinned him down, making all of him sink into the fine fur of the rug. “My wife’s about to

Why’s he still harping on about this?!

With his cheek partially buried, Shen Zechuan cried in a small voice, “Y-you, mn.”

Xiao Chiye pressed the tip of his nose against Shen Zechuan’s soaked temple, his breaths
lingering in his ear. The candlelight in the room had long gone out. Light reflecting off the snow
penetrated through the window paper, glowing brighter than usual. This exceedingly pure
radiance spoke not of gentleness as it incited the beast inside the room, allowing Xiao Chiye to
see even more clearly how Shen Zechuan was jade that could not be concealed. A branch outside
the window pressed low by the snow hung horizontally from the side. Occasionally, birds would
come disturbing, sending the branch swaying and the snow rustling off. But no matter how hard
they tried, they received no attention from the men in the room. Subsequently, the branch turned
bare, appearing all the more lonesome. Shen Zechuan rubbed against the rug until it was all
soaked, and the rug chafed against Shen Zechuan until he was very nearly wet.

Xiao Chiye was almost on the cusp of orgasm as he grasped Shen Zechuan’s hand and bit him.
Veiled words, dim light, dampness, and the intensity of lovemaking… Xiao Chiye always had a
way of making Shen Zechuan cry.

“I—” With tears in his eyes, Shen Zechuan said vindictively, “I’m going to t-tell your wife! Y-

“Sure.” Xiao Chiye let loose a muffled laugh. “Tell him you get all excited on seeing me.”

Shen Zechuan could not hold out any longer. Xiao Chiye was pounding him so hard it was
making him tremble. Shen Zechuan clenched the rug with his fingertips, already nearing his
climax. The arc of his neck seemed to be a concession of defeat, except that even his posture of
surrender was so maddeningly titillating it drove Xiao Chiye crazy.

Xiao Chiye scored a full victory tonight, as he always did, but he was never complacent, only
content. This was a scene he would never tire of watching.

The snow on the branch outside the window rustled off again. Shen Zechuan could indistinctly
hear a few cries of a night crow. The crow flew away, and Shen Zechuan turned into snow. The
heat in the room melted him into water, leaving him too preoccupied to even breathe. There was
so much he remembered in his mind, but every time it came to this moment, all that was left in
there was Xiao Chiye.

Xiao Chiye, A-Ye. A—

Xiao Chiye grasped Shen Zechuan by the cheeks and kissed him, and Shen Zechuan ejaculated
until he was completely spent.

And forgot all about finishing his words from before.

◈ ◈ ◈

The next few days were all sunny days. Spring hung in the air in Zhongbo as the third month
approached. The snow had not only melted in Cizhou but also somewhat in Duanzhou. Gu Jin
and Wu Ziyu cleared out the roads and reported the public ditches that ought to be repaired at the
first opportunity.

As Shen Zechuan could not return to Cizhou for the time being, Yao Wenyu could only come
over to Duanzhou. His mobility was limited, and health, poor, so the horse carriage moved
slowly on the way over. Kong Ling and Yu Xiaozai waited for him in Dunzhou, after which all
three of them arrived together in Duanzhou.

Fei Sheng received them outside. He sent the gentlemen in first, then followed Qiao Tianya to do
an inventory count of the supplies that they brought along. When he came to the front, he saw
Huo Lingyun, so he whispered to Qiao Tianya, “Why did you bring him too?”

The weather was neither cold nor hot today, so the roads were cleared quickly, and there was no
mud to be stepped on when they stepped outdoors. Fei Sheng was initially in a good mood, but
all that was left was impatience when he saw Huo Lingyun. There were many people unloading
the cargos around them, and with that many eyes around, Fei Sheng had no wish to fall out with
Qiao Tianya over Huo Lingyun. If this made its way to his Master’s ears, then his loss would far
outweigh his gains. Thus, he endured it and followed behind Qiao Tianya, hoping to seek
clarification on the matter.

“Once he hangs up his authority token, he’s a legitimately conscripted Imperial Bodyguard.”
Qiao Tianya jumped onto the horse carriage in a few steps. “Should I not have brought him

Sunlight shone down upon them. Fei Sheng rubbed his slightly icy cold hands, feeling irritable.
His gaze on Huo Lingyun was too blunt and undisguised. Qiao Tianya looked over too. On the
other side, Huo Lingyun sensed their gaze and turned his head over to meet their eyes, in
particular Fei Sheng’s.

“This man spells danger if placed close at hand.” Fei Sheng shifted his gaze away without a
smile on his face. He had no wish to pay Huo Lingyun any attention. “Duanzhou is not like
Cizhou. Who’s going to take responsibility for it if something goes wrong?”

“I will.” Qiao Tianya squatted down and fished out his pipe. As he struck up the fire, he cast a
glance at Fei Sheng and said with well intentions, “Don’t be too smart for your own good and
play mind games with Master.”

Qiao Tianya was already making it very clear with his words.

Fei Sheng was none too pleased on hearing it. “Ever since he joined us, I’ve never caused any
trouble for him. So why get all so aggressive?”

“What are you angry about?” Qiao Tianya puffed on his pipe and paid no mind to Fei Sheng’s
tone. He understood Fei Sheng. “I’m simply telling it as it is. By leaving him idle on the
sidelines, are you waiting for Master to use him instead? When the time comes, he will no longer
be under your charge.”
Shen Zechuan retained Huo Lingyun and did not kill him because he wanted to use him. If Fei
Sheng were to keep Huo Lingyun idle like this now that the latter had been set before him, then,
like Qiao Tianya said, once Shen Zechuan grew impatient, Huo Lingyun would no longer be
under Fei Sheng’s charge. When that happened, it would be humiliating for Fei Sheng.

Fei Sheng cast another glance at Huo Lingyun and let Qiao Tianya’s words sink in. But those
words were adding fuel to the flames in his heart, making him even more displeased. He held
back his resentment, having no outlet to vent. He still wanted his dignity before Qiao Tianya, and
he was unwilling to lower and demean himself too much. He and Qiao Tianya both served in the
Imperial Bodyguards, and he understood all that Qiao Tianya had said; he just could not stand it

“Your origins formally trace back to Qudu.” Qiao Tianya weighed up his pipe in his hand.
Feeling that it had to be said, he continued to persuade him. “He is not trained for this at all. His
bond with Master is not the same, and neither is his bond with the Imperial Bodyguards. So what
the frick are you scared of? You can one-up him with just this mouth of yours alone.”

“You’re disparaging me with this.” Fei Sheng retracted his gaze and thought for a moment
before speaking the truth. “This person is both scheming and capable. As long as he remains, it’s
only a matter of time before he comes out on top.”

Shen Zechuan now wanted to remain in Duanzhou to establish a light cavalry. That was not a job
that could be secured with just a glib mouth. Fei Sheng initially thought he would definitely be
the one in charge on this end, but he never expected Shen Zechuan to directly transfer Yao
Wenyu over, along with Qiao Tianya in tow. Fei Sheng did not dare to delve too deeply into it.
He knew what was good for him. This was his strong point.

“You are capable too,” Qiao Tianya said. “But keep dwelling on this matter, and you will only be
holding your own self back. Is there anything that can escape Master’s eyes? What’s meant to be
yours will eventually be yours.”

Fei Sheng did not want to talk about this matter in detail with Qiao Tianya. They were not birds
of the same feather that flock together, and he did not count on Qiao Tianya to stand with him
against a common adversary either. He frowned as he looked at the pipe in Qiao Tianya’s hand.
Waving away the smoke drifting before him, he asked, perplexed, “Why have you started
smoking again?”

“Nothing to do.” Qiao Tianya put it out, but did not continue with his words.

He appeared to be somewhat taciturn, unlike before, and after rising to his feet, he did not engage
in further conversation on the topic and merely watched carefully as the others unloaded the

◈ ◈ ◈
Shen Zechuan held his folding fan upside down and tapped it gently on the table. He had just
changed to a new earring, an agate earring that accentuated the fairness of his complexion. It was
so conspicuous that the others dared not keep looking at it.

“I’ve transcribed a copy of Luo Mu’s account book.” Yu Xiaozai presented the book to Shen
Zechuan. “Your Lordship, please look it over.”

There was a withered tree branch in a vase on the table. Ding Tao was the one who picked it up
and brought it back to put in the vase. Yu Xiaozai did not know that and originally thought of
saying a few words of praise, but he was afraid of barking up the wrong tree and finding himself
in a predicament he could not get out of. Shen Zechuan nodded for Yu Xiaozai to sit, so Yu
Xiaozai took his seat again and calmly concentrated without another glance at that withered

Unaware of this, Shen Zechuan looked over the account and said, “The spring plowing is just
around the corner. Pick someone to go over and assist Luo Mu in his official duties. He’s only
one man after all, and it’s tough on him to be running around on both ends.”

What he meant was that they could no longer allow Luo Mu to have a monopoly on power in
Chazhou this year. They had to send someone over to keep him in check. And Kong Ling was
the one who knew best the kind of man Luo Mu was.

“I do have a candidate in mind,” Kong Ling said from the side. “I went down to Dengzhou on
Your Lordship’s orders this time and encountered an old acquaintance of the Second Master

“An old acquaintance of Ce’an?” Shen Zechuan closed the account and thought for a moment,
but no one came to mind.

What old acquaintance would Xiao Chiye have in Dengzhou? He was rarely in Zhongbo.

Seeing as Shen Zechuan did not remember, Kong Ling reminded him. “Wang Xian. Does Your
Lordship still remember this person? He was originally the Secretary of the Ministry of Revenue
in Qudu, who managed the Imperial Army’s expenditure during the eighth year of the reign of
Xiande. He had several encounters with Second Master.”

It was only then Shen Zechuan remembered.

Come to think of it, this Wang Xian was initially on bad terms with Xiao Chiye, and he had
handled the Quancheng silk matter too. During the assassination case, he was framed by Xiang
Yun for bribing Xiao Chiye, and as a result, he was demoted and relegated. Before leaving the
capital, Xiao Chiye went to the Ministry of Revenue to pull a few strings so that Wang Xian did
not completely lose his official position and was merely sent to Zhongbo to handle affairs.
Even Xiao Chiye himself had forgotten all about this matter, much less Shen Zechuan.

Not long after Wang Xian arrived in Dengzhou, the bandits took them by storm, and he fled the
yamen by feigning madness, only to be stranded in Dengzhou along with the refugees. It was not
until Kong Ling went to inspect the yamen after Yang Qiu’s death that Wang Xian could come
to the fore and make a fresh start again.

“Going by Second Master’s intent, this person was originally meant to come over to our Cizhou,
but shortly afterward, something cropped up,” Kong Ling said tactfully, “so the Ministry of
Revenue changed his posting and sent him down to Dengzhou. He suffered a lot in Dengzhou,
and the kindness Your Lordship and Second Master showed him was still on his mind when he
saw me.”

Shen Zechuan thought about it carefully for a moment. “Since he’s willing, assign him to
Chazhou. His original position was that of a Ministry of Revenue official, so he won’t be a
stranger to assisting on taxation matters in Chazhou.”

Shen Zechuan could not trust Luo Mu, so this was just perfect. By putting a Wang Xian who was
proficient in taxes in Chazhou, he would be able to bring Luo Mu’s account books under strict
control. What really mattered most in Chazhou at present was money. As long as he had the
money in his grasp, Luo Mu would not be able to rebel.

It was still early, so after settling this matter, Shen Zechuan set aside the miscellaneous affairs of
the three prefectures and asked Yao Wenyu, “How is Yuanzhuo doing these few days?”

Yao Wenyu, whose knees were covered with a woolen blanket, answered upon hearing him,
“Thank you for Your Lordship’s concern; it’s nothing serious.”

“Although there is a bridle path from Cizhou to Duanzhou, it’s still a long distance away. I was
worried you would catch a cold on the way, but seeing as you’re fine, I can now put my mind at

Yao Wenyu waited for Shen Zechuan to finish with the pleasantries before he said, “I’ve brought
a message from Cizhou for Your Lordship.” After a moment’s pause, he continued, “There’s a
rumor in Dancheng a few days ago saying that Pan Lin and Pan Yi have been dismissed from
their posts pending prosecution and have been handed over to the Court of Judicial Review and
the Ministry of Justice to await trial.”

Shen Zechuan’s eyes swiveled to Yao Wenyu. “So soon?”

Three members of the Pan clan of Dancheng – Pan Xiangjie, Pan Lin, and Pan Yi – were all
significant ministers of the imperial court. What’s more, they were connected to the Fei clan of
Chuancheng via a marriage alliance. They carried a lot of weight among the remaining noble
clans at present. If the Empress Dowager still wanted to monopolize state power, then she could
not do without the Pan clan’s valuable assistance. For this reason, Pan Lin’s dismissal was the
Empress Dowager’s loss.

“As soon as Liang Cuishan and Xue Xiuzhuo arrived at Dancheng, they immediately set about
auditing the fields’ accounts,” Yao Wenyu said. “They did not ask for Pan Yi to submit the
original accounts, but assigned someone down directly to measure the lands personally.”

Pan Yi initially thought that with Pan Xiangjie and the Marquis of Helian as guarantors, and with
the assistance of Liang Cuishan whom Pan Lin had assigned to act as an intermediary, they
would be able to fool their way through the audits of the accounts this time, or at the very least,
hang in there until spring was over, but who could have expected Liang Cuishan to come here for
the deliberate purpose of checking the accounts?

“In the meantime, there was a memorial impeaching Xue Xiuzhuo with the demand to check the
Quancheng accounts, but Kong Qiu overruled it.” Kong Ling said.

Shen Zechuan’s folding fan paused on the table. His brows slowly furrowed into a frown. “It has
not even been a year since the storm the Imperial College stirred up last year. Kong Qiu and Cen
Yu were both successively denounced in writing then, and they were at daggers drawn with Xue
Xiuzhou, so why did they so quickly…”

“The Tax Circuit Intendant of Juexi has also been imprisoned, with the Chuancheng accounts
implicated as well. There is talk that something is off with the tariffs. He is now impeached by
the Chief Surveillance Bureau. Even the City of Dicheng is feeling the repercussions.” Yao
Wenyu, having been born of a noble clan, was far more perceptive to the “thread of clue” than
others. He continued, “The Tax Circuit Intendant of Juexi, by all reasonings, has nothing to do
with Chuancheng, but the Chief Surveillance Bureau impeached them together.”

“The Marquis of Helian of Chuancheng is close to the Hua Clan,” Shen Zechuan said. “But he
apparently doesn’t concern himself with the Chuancheng accounts. Cen Yu’s impeachment of
him now means that he has a handle against the Marquis of Helian in his hands.”

He caressed the edge of the fan with the pulp of his fingers and thought it over.

“There’s something fishy about this matter… Where’s Yan Heru? Call him over.”

There must be a reason Kong Qiu was willing to bury the hatchet with Xue Xiuzhuo. Shen
Zechuan’s eyes were blocked off outside the city of Qudu, but he had to be cognizant of what
Qudu was doing at all times. If Pan Lin was really taken down because of this, then it would not
only mean that the noble clans had suffered a setback, but also that the Empress Dowager was
now all on her own in the struggle for power in Qudu.
As soon as Yan Heru’s butt touched the bench, he rambled, “Oh man, these days have been
stifling the life out of me! Your Lordship, if you hadn’t called for me, that Wu Ziyu wouldn’t
have let me go out. Qidong’s military provisions have yet to be fully delivered. I was so anxious,
my temper rose. This Duanzhou is so rundown… can I have a cushion or not? This seat’s killing
my ass…”

Yan Heru’s voice gradually trailed off under Shen Zechuan’s gaze. He shifted his body.

“… Bribery, of course,” Yan Heru said in a small voice. “What other handle would the Marquis
of Helian have on this? He’s a marquis with a sinecure that has practically no obligations. For the
sake of his son’s future, he runs all over and usually likes to gift others a little something. That
Liang Cuishan is going over to Dancheng, isn’t he? The Marquis of Helian must have had his
head slammed by a door to ask the Tax Circuit Intendant of Juexi to deliver a bag of gold to
Liang Cuishan. Isn’t that just playing into the hands of others? I told you Liang Cuishan is not an
easy man to mess with. He’s cut from the same cloth as Jiang Qingshan. See what happens now?
This one bag of gold from the Marquis of Helian screwed over an entire bunch of people…”

“Bribery?” Yao Wenyu suddenly piped up and looked at Shen Zechuan. “Pan Lin’s willingness
to assign Liang Cuishan means that he sees Liang Cuishan as his trusted aide. Why would the
Marquis of Helian make the redundant move of sending him gold?”

“He’s foolish, I guess.” Tapping the teacup lid, Yan Heru recalled how Fei Sheng had pressed
down his head. Still bearing a grudge, he said, “The Fei clan are fools. They aren’t all that bright.
That Junior Marquis Fei Shi is already of age,1 yet he’s still a loafer. Is their household even
capable of being up to any task?”

“For what it’s worth, the Marquis of Helian is on the Empress Dowager’s side, and he did not
even die when Hua Siqian fell from power.” The light in Shen Zechuan’s eyes dimmed slightly.
“Even if he wants to have Liang Cuishan in his grasp, he shouldn’t have sent him gold. He even
turned it over to the Tax Circuit Intendant of Juexi. He is simply delivering himself with a ribbon
to Liang Cuishan. What is he trying to achieve?”

“Who knows…” Yan Heru suddenly hit upon a thought and straightened up in his seat, then he
leaned over the table, showing Shen Zechuan an astonished expression. “If this was not done by
the Marquis of Helian himself, then he’s really too tragic! This simply allows Xue Xiuzhuo to
deal a direct stab to his clan and drag the entire Pan clan down into hot water at the same time!”

In a flash, Shen Zechuan connected the dots. The folding fan smacked down on the tabletop with
a “thud”, startling Yan Heru so much that a shiver ran through his body.

Yao Wenyu suddenly broke out in a coughing fit. He covered his mouth, clutching the
handkerchief. With his back slightly arched over, he recovered and continued, “What a brilliant
scheme… Xue Yanqing, well-played!”
Note:This is a combination of the uncensored version and the revised (censored) version on
JJWXC. We took some liberty in rearranging the sentences and/or paragraphs in order to bring
you the best of both worlds. (There are whole chunks of paragraphs in the censored copy but
removed in the revised, and newly added paragraphs in the revised but not in the original.) As
usual, the final version will be based on the uncensored traditional Chinese physical copy when it
is released in 2075. In the meantime, please bear with us. Thank you! <3


1. 及冠 or 弱冠, a man’s 20th birthday, i.e., coming of age at 20 for a male.

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 217 : Hewei

It was sleeting heavily in Qudu today, with a chill that cut deep. The Marquis of Helian had been
kneeling in the hall until his legs had gone numb and his sleeves were soaked through with his

“That Xue Yanqing is so shameless and unscrupulous he would stop at nothing to frame me.
How is it possible for the Tax Circuit Intendant of Juexi’s act of bribery to implicate our
Chuancheng? That’s Jiang Qingshan’s territory, so if one were to dig to the bottom of it, it’s
Jiang Qingshan who is the instigator!” The official hat that the Marquis of Helian had taken off
was resting by his knees. He cried, “And then there’s that Cen Xunyi who keeps incriminating
me relentlessly. He’s clearly colluding with Xue Yanqing to set up a trap and dispose of those
who stand against him. They shamelessly engage in shady deals for personal gains, yet Kong
Boran still wants to tolerate and abet them. It’s the imperial court’s ethos they are ruining!”

“Stop trying to fool me with such words!” The Empress Dowager was in a towering rage. “If you
had behaved yourself, would Xue Xiuzhuo have been able to track down the issue with the
accounts? The Tax Circuit Intendant of Juexi has been engaging in his fair share of corruption in
the City of Chuancheng. If you had not backed him in this, would he have the capability to do

It was brightly lit inside the hall. All the palace maids and eunuchs had retreated outside the
doors, leaving only Matron Liuxiang kneeling in attendance at the side. The Marquis of Helian,
having come to apologize, was flimsily dressed, and now he was trembling with fear and
trepidation under the wrath of the Empress Dowager.

After the death of Emperor Tianchen, the Empress Dowager has been covering up for the noble
clans’ failings from this position of hers, and she was already bone-weary having done so all this
time to such an extent. She sighed in disappointment across the beaded curtain at the Marquis of
Sensing that it did not bode well on hearing her sigh, the Marquis of Helian hurriedly shuffled
forward on his knees and said, “Your Majesty, please be appeased. The wise strategy now would
be to sacrifice the pawn to save the rook. No matter what, we have to first preserve Pan Lin.”

Pan Lin was Pan Xiangjie’s lawful son and a key official of the Ministry of Revenue. They lost
Wei Huaigu last year, and now they only had Pan Lin who could still get a foothold in the
Ministry of Revenue. If they were to lose Pan Lin at this point, then the noble clan would be
without a money-keeper.

The Empress Dowager said, “Even if we can save Pan Lin’s neck, we can’t save Pan Yi.”

Pan Yi was the husband of the Commandery Princess Zhaoyue. Without Pan Yi, Zhaoyue would
be widowed. Momentarily grieved, the Marquis of Helian bent over the ground and choked with
sobs. Wiping his tears, he said, “As a father, how would I cast aside such a fine son-in-law had I
not been forced into such a desperate situation? I have no other choice. I would rather have her
widowed than have her get implicated in this.”

The Empress Dowager’s face behind the beaded curtain was haggard. Eventually, she merely
said, “Go back and have Zhaoyue and Pan Yi mutually agree to a divorce.”

Sleet outside the palace drummed against the palace eaves, blanketing the top of the vermillion
walls with white snow, while the mournful wails of the ancient watchtower bell pushed their way
into the joint hearing hall. Pan Lin was an official of rank, so he did not have to kneel and pay
his obeisances to the various presiding judges in the hall.

“After the reign of Yongyi, the City of Dancheng no longer received rewards of fields, but the
land surveyance conducted by the Ministry of Revenue threw up a wholly different total amount
of land than was reported by the City of Dancheng.” Xue Xiuzhuo sat upright and looked at Pan
Lin. “As the Prefectural Prefect of the City of Dancheng, Pan Yi concealed the additional fields
from the Ministry of Revenue instead of reporting it. Meanwhile, you have the important duty of
presiding over taxation matters in the Ministry of Revenue, and you have never voiced any
doubts about the field taxes discrepancies in the audits all these years. Let me ask you, were you
aware that the City of Dancheng was forging accounts for its field taxes?”

Pan Lin had been locked up for a few days, and his official robe was wrinkled as he sat across
the table and looked at Xue Xiuzhuo without answering.

Xue Xiuzhuo faced off against Pan Lin in confrontation.

Pan Lin was not an easy man to put on trial. These kinds of top-rank imperial court officials were
all familiar with the investigation process. The smart ones would maintain their silence when
interrogated and cross-examined by the Court of Judicial Review and Ministry of Justice. This
was because the presiding officials were all proficient in the art of probing, and it was too easy to
trip up and give them a handle against oneself when contending with them. Pan Lin was
obviously a smart man, as he held his silence in response to all of Xue Xiuzhuo’s questionings

If the case were to get stuck at an impasse here without any headway made, then the remaining
seven cities would have sufficient time to clean up their accounts and get rid of the evidence of
their sordid deeds before Xue Xiuzhuo focused the investigation on them. Xue Xiuzhuo had lied
low in wait for many years before he managed to get this opportunity. He could not let Pan Lin
get away with it at this point.

“Pan Xiangjie’s original position remains untouched.” Xue Xiuzhuo laced his fingers. “Her
Majesty commended him for being a minister of significance who assists in the governance of
the state. He is expected to be transferred out of the Ministry of Works after the imperial
examination held in spring. This is a hint that he will be promoted to the Grand Secretariat. Get
yourself locked in a stalemate with me here, and his appraisal after spring is bound to get

Pan Lin leaned over and gave a contemptuous spat. “You manipulated the Tax Circuit Intendant
into carrying out bribes and made use of the chance to build a bridge to Kong Qiu of the Grand
Secretariat. You want to take down our Pan Clan only because I let Yao Yuanzhuo go. You’re
but one twisted common son born of a concubine, so what’s with this capable pillar of the state

Xue Xiuzhuo’s expression remained unchanged as he said, “Before Pan Xiangjie took up the
post of Minister of Works, your Pan clan was already appropriating the common folks’ fields in
the City of Dancheng. During the reign of Yongyi, Cao Chong, a commoner of Dancheng,
entered the capital to lodge a complaint of injustice, but he was trampled to death by Hua
Shisan’s horse on Shenwu Street, and his octogenarian father killed himself by banging his head
at the entrance of the Dancheng’s yamen—you are right. I’m indeed taking down your Pan clan
because of Yao Wenyu, but Yao Wenyu was merely an opportunity you handed me. Even
without Yao Wenyu, the Pan clan still has to pay their dues.”

Pan Lin’s limbs were icy cold. He leaned back in his chair and avoided Xue Xiuzhuo’s gaze.

“During the reign of Xiande, Secretariat Elder Hai received orders from the Emperor to audit the
City of Dancheng’s field taxes. The official assigned was a man named Jiang Jun, a fellow
official of mine in my position as the Chief Supervising Secretary of the Ministry of Revenue.
There were already signs of issues with the Dancheng’s field taxes at that time, but Jiang Jun fell
off his horse and died on his way back to the capital to submit his report, and the account book
he had on him vanished without a trace.” Xue Xiuzhuo said calmly. “In the second year of the
reign of Xiande, when the Secretariat Elder continued digging into the accounts, Hua Siqian
thought we had evidence in our hands, and so he ordered the noble clans to make up for the
deficit in taxes. You people were unwilling to cough up the money from your own private
coffers, so you intensified efforts to encroach on even more land in the eight cities in order to
make up for the sum. In that year, seven households in the City of Dancheng successively
consumed poison to commit suicide. You know why, right?”
Of course, Pan Lin knew why.

That year, Hua Siqian was pushed into such a corner that even Pan Xiangjie grew anxious too.
Thus, at the same time he appropriated even more of the commoners’ fields, he had the original
fields taxes split up between the commoners in the city. These common folks had lost their fields
that could feed them, and they were still burdened with hefty amounts of taxes to pay. Unable to
have this gross injustice redressed, they could only seek death.

This was not exclusive to the City of Dancheng. It was a common scene in the eight cities after
the reign of Xiande.

There was no longer anyone else left in the hall by the time Xue Xiuzhuo spoke to this point. He
continued, “later on, Juexi was hit with a disaster, and Jiang Qingshan… Do you know why
Jiang Qingshan refused to wallow in the mire with Hua Siqian at that time? Because Jiang Jun
was his brother from the same clan. There’s karmic retribution in this world.”

Pan Lin’s throat tightened, and he forced a laugh. “Then aren’t you afraid of retribution by
framing the innocent now?”

“Innocent? Is the Tax Circuit Intendant of Juexi innocent? He was able to take up the post of Tax
Circuit Intendant because you people vouched for him. Then the Ministry of Revenue gave him a
favorable appraisal and had him placed in Juexi as a counterbalance to Jiang Qingshan. Using
this position, he had dealings with the Yan Clan of Hezhou, reselling copper and steel in the
territory on behalf of the two Cities of Chuancheng and Dicheng. The tariffs he obtained from
embezzlement and corruption are enough to rebuild this office compound.” Xue Xiuzhuo rose to
his feet. His official robe appeared dark in the hall. He continued, “If the Tax Circuit Intendant
had no connections whatsoever to the Marquis of Helian, how would he have heeded the hint and
hurried over to make a heavy bribe? You people called this a frame-up, but this is merely a
‘tactic’ all of you habitually used in the past. I’m just following your example.”

Pan Lin gulped. Anxiety started to burn in him. “You go to great lengths and efforts in an
attempt to support the Heir Apparent ascend to the throne, but I fear it will all be for naught in
the end, much like trying to draw water with a bamboo basket.”

“My Heir Apparent to the Throne1 is called Li Jianting, not Li Jianheng.” Xue Xiuzhuo braced
himself against the edge of the table and looked down at Pan Lin. All of a sudden, he asked, “do
you know about the Scorpions?”

The expression in Pan Lin’s eyes was blank. He maintained his silence to refuse to fall into Xue
Xiuzhuo’s trap again.

“Zhongbo’s troops suffered a military defeat in the fourth year of Xiande, giving Hua Siqian a
chance to catch his breath. Whether it was Shen Wei’s evasion of the battle or the Biansha’s
invasion, Heaven seems to be helping the noble clan escape a calamity,” Xue Xiuzhuo said. “But
you know what? I don’t believe that.”

Pan Lin had no idea what Xue Xiuzhuo was talking about at all, but he smelled danger. He could
remain tight-lipped and evade the topic on the appropriation of the commoners’ fields, but he
could not just breeze past the subject when it came to colluding with the foreign foes. This kind
of matter would be a catastrophe leading to their ruin once it reared its ugly head!

“Are you trying to frame me again?” Pan Lin snapped. “You ingratiate yourself with the Heir
Apparent for power and position, yet you get rid of those who challenge you in the imperial court
and bend the law to suit your own purposes! If you truly have the state’s interest at heart, then
why do you have to force Lu Guangbai to turn against the state?”

“Who exactly was it that tampered with the Bianjun Commandery’s military grains?” Xue
Xiuzhuo abruptly flung away the confession statement in his hand. “And who was it who
misappropriated and embezzled nearly half of Qidong’s military salaries and provisions? You
people repeatedly suppressed Qi Zhuyin and let the military power of a single clan in Libei grow
so unchecked that their 120,000 Armored Cavalry soldiers overran the northeast. Without Xiao
Chiye, who would have been able to tether Xiao Fangxu and Xiao Jiming and keep a hold on
them? Why don’t you ask yourself how the Secretariat Elder has been remedying all of your
transgressions all these years?! The Empress Dowager holds sway over the imperial court and
the common people, and yet even now, she is still unwilling to give up the noble clans to make
up for the shortfall in Qidong’s military funds!”

Xue Xiuzhuo’s chest heaved. He turned his head to calm down some.

“I’m indeed getting rid of all those who stand against me.” Xue Xiuzhuo looked at Pan Lin once
again. “I want to weed out the dregs of society like you people at its roots, along with that

◈ ◈ ◈

Yao Wenyu, having suffered a cold from traveling a long distance, collapsed on the first night he
arrived in Duanzhou. Seeing as Yuanzhuo was quick to fall ill but slow to heal, Shen Zechuan
had the physician remain on standby in the courtyard.

Xiao Chiye was having his meal when he saw that Shen Zechuan was about to go over, so he
said, “Let’s go together. I’ll go pay him a visit too.”

After their meals, both men draped on their overcoats. Fei Sheng followed far behind them,
while Xiao Chiye held up the umbrella and walked with Shen Zechuan to Yao Wenyu’s
Shen Zechuan saw it was empty under the eaves, so he asked the maidservant who came over to
receive them, “why aren’t all of you inside waiting on him?”

The maidservant bowed in greetings and answered in a hushed tone, “the Mister doesn’t want
anyone to wait on him at night.”

Xiao Chiye held Shen Zechuan’s hand and motioned for the maidservant to take her leave. He
shook the umbrella and said, “Yuanzhuo is a man of pride.”

“I don’t see Qiao Tianya around.” Shen Zechuan looked around before his eyes stopped on the
principal room. “Let’s knock.”

Both men were in the midst of talking when the door opened. Qiao Tianya was in his regular
clothes. He bowed slightly in greetings to both of them and made way for them. “Yuanzhuo…
Mister has yet to retire to bed. He’s waiting inside the room for Your Lordship and Second

Yao Wenyu was already up. His washed face was resting against the back of the chair. Hunu
scratched away at the book on his knee until it fell to the ground. Xiao Chiye bent over to pick it
up for him and took a look at it in passing. “Oh, an atlas. There is a set in the study of your Plum
Blossom Residence.”

“Second Master had spent such a large sum of money that it’s a pity to leave that residence in
Qudu.” Yao Wenyu’s voice was like the tinkling of jade. He had already schooled away his
fatigue. Turning around his wheelchair, he motioned for Xiao Chiye to take a seat.

Shen Zechuan removed his overcoat and observed Yao Wenyu’s complexion. “You have been
on the go for such a long distance. I shouldn’t have summoned you to the hall today.”

“With the snow melting of late, falling sick is inevitable and just a matter of time.” There was no
one else around, and Yao Wenyu could be considered to be long-time friends with Xiao Chiye,
so he was naturally much more relaxed than usual. He poured tea for Shen Zechuan, showing no
sign of suffering from a chronic ailment in his movements. “Your Lordship must be still thinking
about Qudu right now.”

“The spring plowing is just around the corner.” Shen Zechuan pressed his index finger against
the teacup. The agate gem on his ear swung under the dim light. “If the Dancheng case continues
to be investigated, the remaining seven cities will be affected too. This matter has a bearing on
the granaries in Da Zhou.”

“Sacrificing a pawn to save the rook is a habitual practice of the noble clans. If Xue Xiuzhuo had
truly pushed them into a corner, then their throwing away of a Pan Lin,” Xiao Chiye rearranged
the remaining chess pieces on the small table at the side, “… is not entirely impossible.”
“Xue Xiuzhuo killed three birds with one stone this time. He used gold to pull Liang Cuishan
over to his camp, push Dancheng’s field taxes onto the agenda, and set the stage for future
investigation into Chuancheng’s tariffs,” Yao Wenyu said. “What’s so brilliant here is that such a
thing had indeed gone down between the Tax Circuit Intendant and the Marquis of Helian. The
Empress Dowager would be hard-pressed to voice her woes. However, this must not be the only
reason Kong Qiu was willing to lend him a helping hand.”

Seeing Hunu running over to the side of his foot, Shen Zechuan quietly shifted aside a little and
looked at the cat as he said, “… Qi Zhuyin’s mobilization of troops against the Qingshu Tribe
was of pressing urgency. The Empress Dowager held back the Ministry of War in her refusal to
give permission because she feared another investigation into the Ministry of Revenue’s
accounts. Had Xue Xiuzhuo been willing to give the Grand Secretariat several millions of taels
of silver at this juncture, Kong Qiu would naturally not turn it down.”

Hunu set its paws on Shen Zechuan’s boots and stuck its butt up in the air as it stretched itself. It
“meow-meowed” a few times and nuzzled itself against Shen Zechuan’s calf. Just as it was about
to paw at Shen Zechuan’s robe, Xiao Chiye picked it up by the scruff of its neck.

Xiao Chiye looked askance at it and said, “oh right, I almost forgot. Xue Yanqing still has a sum
of silver in his hands.”

Hunu turned around in the air. On seeing Xiao Chiye, it shrank its ears back, put up its front
paws, and dared not move again. Xiao Chiye tossed it back, and it landed deftly on the ground.
With its tail sticking up, it moved over to the side of the wheelchair and climbed back onto Yao
Wenyu’s lap for a petting.

Yao Wenyu stroked Hunu and said, “Commander-in-chief Qi is much obliged to Xue Xiuzhuo
for making up for the shortfall in military salaries and provisions this time. If the Empress
Dowager keeps up with her wait-and-see attitude, she’s going to lose her chance to make a
preemptive strike.”

“This matter is also an easy one to resolve.” Shen Zechuan raised his eyes to look at both of
them. “The Empress Dowager only needs to arrange a marriage for Commander-in-chief Qi, and
Qidong’s military powers can be split into two.”

“Marry Commander-in-chief Qi…” Xiao Chiye said, “even so, he has to have a noble title, and
the few old men with noble ranks in Qudu at present are all not suitable, nor can they hold her in

“Since the Marquis of Helian is already implicated in the City of Chuancheng’s saga, might as
well kick him out.” Shen Zechuan took the chess piece in Xiao Chiye’s hand and set it down on
the chessboard. “The Junior Marquis, Fei Shi, still doesn’t have an official post, does he? Let
him marry Commander-in-chief Qi and go over to Qidong to play the role of a pretty ‘vase’.
Military power that has been divided away to him can then be handed over to the Empress
Dowager’s charge. What’s more, Fei Shi and Pan Lin are bosom friends. With this layer of
relationship, Pan Lin will have a chance to stage a comeback as long as he doesn’t die.”

The Hua Clan had been marrying off their girls for nearly a hundred years, and now, it was
finally the Empress Dowager’s turn to “marry” off boys. Just as Xiao Chiye had said,
abandoning a pawn to protect the rook was a tactic the Empress Dowager habitually used, only
that the pawn she was going to cast aside was not just Pan Yi but also the Marquis of Helian.
Xue Xiuzhuo already had a handle against the City of Chuancheng in his grasp, and Liang
Cuishan had the City of Chuancheng’s accounts in his hand. Since it was Chuancheng’s
accounts, then let Chuancheng bear responsibility for it.

The Empress Dowager was at the mercy of others in the earlier half of her life. Being passive
was not necessarily a desperate situation to her. Rather, she was already used to dealing out
passive strikes. There was only one supreme ruler in the world. Since the Heir Apparent, Li
Jianting, could be one, then why not her, Hua Hewei?

“To date, the Li clan has, through the hands of the Empress Dowager, lost Emperor Guangcheng,
Emperor Xiande, Emperor Tianchen, and the Crown Prince of the Eastern Palace during the
reign of Yongyi.” Xiao Chiye looked at the white piece in his palm. “If she loses again this time,
Da Zhou will really change hands to a different master.”

◈ ◈ ◈

With her cloak draped around her, Li Jianting stood in the sleet and faced the Empress Dowager
from afar through the curtain of snow.

The Empress Dowager looked at the young Heir Apparent and saw shadows of Emperor
Guangcheng in Li Jianting’s facial features. That was the husband who had held her in check for
half her life, and also the shackle who had her trapped in the harem. Now that she stood at the
pinnacle of supreme power, she no longer feared these eyes.

The Empress Dowager smiled benevolently at Li Jianting and soundlessly thought,

Vile spawn of incest.


1. Note: to clarify, the term used here specifically refers to “Crown Prince” or in Li Jianting’s
case, a “crown princess” or heir apparent/successor to the throne. Using the latter since it
sounds more “neutral” :V
Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 218 : Preparations (for a Rainy Day)

In the blink of an eye, it was already the end of the second month. The Dancheng case became a
major case known to all in Qudu. No headway was made even with Pan Lin cooped up for half a
month in the joint hearing hall. Discussions were rife among the students on the streets. They
pinned their hopes on Xue Xiuzhuo, and the memorials impeaching Pan Xiangjie in the imperial
court increased by the day.

When the snow stopped, a row of merchants from Juexi also arrived in Qudu.

Xiaowu1 was all wrapped like a dumpling, yet he was extremely agile as he leaped from the
carriage and stood at the checkpoint to chat merrily with the minor functionary in charge of tax
collection. The drapes of the carriage behind him lifted, and Ge Qingqing, who had grown a
short beard, stepped off.

Ge Qingqing flicked up a copper coin with his thumb and caught it with a steady hand. He
smiled at the minor functionary. “With these goods of ours coming and going all the time, we’ve
long grown to be on familiar terms. I hope my lord will grace us with your presence at Donglong
Street tonight. I have to thank you properly for looking out for my younger brother last year.”

The minor functionary with the book of taxes under his arm knew that this person was a
merchant from Juexi. When Xiaowu had escorted the goods to and fro last year, he had forked
out a considerable sum of money. Now that the minor functionary had finally met Ge Qingqing,
he was all chummy with him despite it being his first time meeting the latter.

The minor functionary jumped off the wagon with an exclamation of surprise and cupped his
hands at Ge Qingqing as he said with a merry laugh, “I’m just a lowly clerk doing menial work.
How would I presume myself worthy of being called ‘lord’ by Master Ge? You are the master—
our master!”2

Ge Qingqing, having returned to Qudu again after a year, noted the many checks being carried
out at the entrance of the city gates in which they were carefully scrutinizing the travel permits
and registers of the coming and going companies of merchants. Without batting an eyelid, he
said to the minor functionary, “It’s such a chilly day. How long do you have to stand here? The
queue of merchants in the back still seemed rather long to me.”

Standing at the side, the minor functionary accepted the tobacco Ge Qingqing passed him. He
had received a substantial amount of “ice respect” bribes3 from Ge Qingqing, so he was
naturally more than willing to socialize with him. He promptly started grousing half in jest. “I
have to stand here until the city gates close! If it wasn’t for the lack of other capabilities, who
would be willing to stand like a pole around here? You may not be aware of this, but around a
hundred or so merchants pass through the checkpoints in a single day, and a great number of
them resort to various means of skulduggery to evade taxes.”
“They are really scums.” Ge Qingqing took the opportunity to carry on the conversation. “Isn’t
this a deliberate attempt to hinder all of you from carrying out your duties?”

“Exactly!” The minor functionary paved the way for Ge Qingqing as he met the latter’s eyes.
“I’ve been collecting taxes here for so long. Of all the people that I’ve met, you, Master Ge, are
the most righteous.”

Ge Qingqing patted the minor functionary on the shoulder and offered a few words of comfort.

The minor functionary asked, “Did Master Ge make this trip in person this time because of a big

Ge Qingqing was presently smoking a pipe. He never did so during his time in the Imperial
Bodyguards, but these were indispensable tools for socialization in Juexi. He answered in the
affirmative, then turned his head aside to exhale smoke. “It’s not easy to do business now. The
various regions are strict with their checks, so we have to go through the city of Dicheng if not
the city of Chuancheng. The taxes for transporting large shipments of goods through the
territories are too exorbitant. I’ve long lost hopes of making a fortune.” After he finished, he
lamented again, “All of you are in a much better position. You won’t go wrong working for the
imperial court, and you look mighty imposing doing it too.”

“Master Ge hasn’t been here much.” The minor functionary sucked on a pipe as he continued,
“there are some arrogant sons of a bitch that don’t even see us as human beings just because they
have money. They throw their weight and boss us around when they pass through the
checkpoint. There have been many incidents of them trampling all over us.”

The words spoken by the minor functionary were laced with half-truths and half-lies. Tax
collection was a lucrative job; the people he dealt with day in and day out were all merchants
who hailed from various lands. What’s more, there were few troublemakers given that it was the
honorable capital city of the Son of Heaven, and the slightly more discerning merchants would
all take the initiative to grease the officials’ palms. That was why the minor functionaries who
could be stationed at this checkpoint typically had someone in the higher authorities to look out
for them. But it was also true that they could not afford to offend those like the Xi clan when
they occasionally came across them.

“It has been hard on all of you, brothers.” Ge Qingqing waved his hand at Xiaowu to signal him
to bring the goods in. “Then let’s do this. I’ll host a banquet at Yanyu Tavern on Donglong Street
and wait for you there. Once you and the other brothers are off duty, head straight over. We shall
drink to our heart’s content then.”

The minor functionary answered, “Master Ge is too kind. Then I shall not stand on ceremony and
accept the invitation!”
Ge Qingqing smiled and followed the company of merchants into the city. Xiaowu led the horse
over and asked, “Qing-ge, why are you giving them a treat? They’re all rats, and extremely
greedy and corrupt ones at that!”

“Master said to go fishing.” Ge Qingqing tossed the copper coin between his fingers to Xiaowu.
“How are we to hook a fish without bait?”

The tariffs at the city gate checkpoints were administered by the Qudu Commercial Tax Office
that fell directly under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Revenue. The minor functionaries were
mediocre and unqualified, relying solely on their backers in the higher authorities to vouch for
them. Even if they embezzled silver here, they had to consider the gravity of it. For instance, the
large shipment of goods that Ge Qingqing had transported last year was easily several thousands
in private taxes. How would the minor functionaries have the guts to swallow it all? They only
dared to embezzle a small fraction of it, for the majority of the tax still had to be handed over to
the “higher-ups”.

It was on Shen Zechuan’s order that Ge Qingqing returned to the capital this time to fish for
these “higher-ups”.

“Let’s go,” Ge Qingqing patted Xiaowu on the back as he looked at the fresh snow on the glazed
tiles, “and get back our ‘old residence’ first.”

◈ ◈ ◈

Yao Wenyu’s illness did not take a turn for the better, and taking multiple bowls of medicine did
not help any. It was only today when the Imperial Bodyguards were testing out the new horses
that he had the opportunity to venture outdoors to enjoy the breeze. Fei Sheng, being meticulous,
had already prepared a screen before Shen Zechuan gave his orders. He had also placed a
charcoal brazier under the shack to keep Yao Wenyu from freezing.

Shen Zechuan saw Xiao Chiye standing at the very front, saying something to Hairigu about
something. Without shifting his gaze away, he simply tilted his head slightly to say to Yao
Wenyu, “It’s inevitable for Ge Qingqing to be homesick after having been in Juexi for a long
time. As a native of Qudu, he still has kinfolks at home.”

The agate on the Prefectural Lord’s bright and clear earlobe swayed as he moved and brushed
against his fur collar, appearing all the more breathtakingly captivating. Red suited him. All
those white fur robes of his diminished the dazzling gorgeousness of his facial features, giving
him an overly amicable appearance when necessary. Only red could draw out his sharp,
penetrating edge. This was a process of “honing the blade”. The higher he sat, the more
conspicuous those sharp edges hidden away in the depths would become.

“All the officials in key positions in the Qudu Commercial Tax Office are from the noble clans.”
Yao Wenyu was unwilling to reveal even a hint of frailty in the presence of outsiders, so he had a
blanket over him and appeared sufficiently spirited. “Since Your Lordship intends for Ge
Qingqing to start making his move here, you can make use of Xi Hongxuan’s old

“That won’t do.” Shen Zechuan watched as Hairigu got on the horse. The Imperial Bodyguards
on the other end got on their horses too. Fei Sheng was leaning over to speak to Qiao Tianya. He
continued, “Most of Xi Hongxuan’s old acquaintances are involved with Xue Xiuzhuo. Xi
Hongxuan could enter the capital during the reign of Xiande because Xue Xiuzhuo went to a lot
of effort. These people are a motley crew, so we have to screen and select them carefully before
using them.”

“With Pan Lin dismissed from his post,” Yao Wenyu said, “Liang Cuishan is now the pawn with
the most promising future. I only fear that Ge Qingqing won’t be able to make it in time for the
Dancheng case if he is to explore a new pathway of clues under his watch.”

“We can’t intervene in the Dancheng’s case.” Sensing something moving at his waist, Shen
Zechuan lowered his eyes and saw Hunu reaching its paw out for the tassel on his folding fan. “It
is of no benefit to me regardless of who wins or loses in this game that is the Dancheng’s case. I
had Ge Qingqing return to Qudu not to have him stir up a storm in the Dancheng’s case, but to
wait for a winner to emerge.”

Yao Wenyu did not notice Hunu; his eyes were on Qiao Tianya on the riding tracks.

The recruitment criteria of the Imperial Bodyguards of Zhongbo were set according to Qiao
Tianya. All dressed in a body-fitting outfit4 today, he bent over and lowered his arm to pick up a
boisterous Ding Tao who was running all over and tossed the latter to Gu Jin, who was behind
him. Then he hooked Li Xiong’s collar with his horsewhip and tossed Li Xiong to Gu Jin too.

“… The fifth month is when the busy farming season ends,” Yao Wenyu said. “Libei is still
fighting a war. Your Lordship is planning ahead in preparation for a rainy day.”

The end of the busy farming season meant that farm work such as plowing and the like would be
wrapped up, and the pressure on the Grand Secretariat would subsequently ease, leaving them
with enough energy to start confronting Zhongbo and Libei. Shen Zechuan had to ensure that his
supply line would not break. He had to shoulder the military provision supply for three parties
this year, but he had lost the Xi Clan’s copper mine in Juexi, and the Liuzhou’s port which he
was planning for with Yan Heru was only in its fledgling stage this year. If they were to get
further contained by Qudu, then the battle zone would become even more perilous.

“If Xue Yanqing wins,” Yao Wenyu looked at Shen Zechuan, “where will Your Lordship look
for his weakness?”

“I can’t find one.” Shen Zechuan swung the tassel. “I couldn’t find Xue Yanqing’s weakness
even way back in Qudu. There is nothing this person can’t forsake. He cut me off from Xi
Hongxuan’s money vaults, and yet he’s still willing to wear old official robes and head down to
the local areas to carry out fieldwork. He has my admiration.”

Lang Tao Xue Jin sped past the field, and cheers erupted. Xiao Chiye pulled the reins and smiled
at Shen Zechuan from afar.

The frostiness in Shen Zechuan’s eyes disappeared. He turned the folding fan over.

“He did a clean job with the Quancheng’s silk case too. I can’t catch him… but no man is an
island, himself included.”

◈ ◈ ◈

Xue Xiuyi pressed the handkerchief down to blow his nose. He prided himself on being a
virtuous and lofty man of letters, yet his actions were rather crude. His official robe was slovenly
worn, with the corners black and wrinkled. Xue Xiuzhuo was now at the height of his career and
the peak of his power, but Xue Xiuyi had only muddled his way into a sinecure post. Having
squandered away the family fortune in his early years, he now even had to think twice just to eat
a bowl of noodles worth a copper coin.

The fellow official at the side was fed up with Xue Xiuyi, but he dared not show it openly and
merely said, “You’re still sick, so it’s fine even if you rest at home for two days. Why push
yourself so? I’ll call for a physician to take a look at you later.”

Xue Xiuyi felt as if he had lost face when he heard that. He was the lawful son of a noble clan,
and yet the way his fellow official put it made it seem like he could not even afford to pay the
fees of a physician, so he crumbled up his handkerchief and said at the top of his voice, “I have
an in-house physician waiting in attendance at home! When have we ever lacked a physician at
home? I’ve just been so busy with my official duties that I forgot about it. I’ll call for him to take
a look when I get back later.”

His fellow officials all knew he was just pretending to be leading an extravagant life when he
was, in fact, so poor that he was fighting with his wife over it all day long at home. Furthermore,
all his maidservants and whatnot had already been sold off. So they simply mumbled a few
vague words in a perfunctory attempt to beg off the conversation and no longer bothered
themselves with him.

It was getting dark at this point in time, and people were leaving the office compound one after
another. Xue Xiuyi sat on the cold bench facing the stove with the intent to dry his wet boots, but
as it turned out, the candle was blown out. He was used to a life of luxury when he was young,
and there were always the maidservants – young and old – to accompany him even when he
slept. He feared the dark, so on seeing the candle gone, he hastily stood up and hurried outside.
Several fellow officials were standing around in the courtyard smoking their pipes as they made
plans to go drinking later. Xue Xiuyi walked over to the door with great haste and heard them

“Isn’t it obvious enough? I’ve long heard that the Xue clan treated their common-born sons
extremely harshly, especially this Xue the Eldest.” The fellow official said in a hushed tone.
“Back then, during the reign of Yongyi, the Old Master of the Xue clan was willing to let His
Excellency Yanqing study with him precisely because Xue the Eldest was really not cut out for
it. Mister Changzong even called him a hopeless case beyond teaching!”

Xue Xiuyi’s heart went cold. He was particular about his reputation, so he promptly shrank back
behind the door and put up with the shame as he listened to them continue the conversation.

“That’s why Xue Yanqing is reluctant to promote him now,” someone said, “and just had him
placed in a yamen position with practically no obligations. His monthly salary can’t even be
compared to the beggars outside. It would have been fine if the heirs of their clan had noble title
to inherit just like the Fei Clan, but unfortunately, that’s not the case.”

“The men Xue Yanqing recommended for office all seemed to me to be unaffiliated scholars5
from the Hanlin Academy. Most of these people were successful candidates in the imperial
examinations held in the spring in the previous years and have passed the palace examinations.6
They are all virtuous talents. How is this Xue the Eldest going to get promoted? He knows nuts
about nothing. I told him to sort out the old court cases, and he can even somehow transcribe
eight words on one piece of paper wrong.”

They put their heads together and snickered.

Both of Xue Xiuyi’s hands trembled. He gripped his drenched robe, wanting to charge out and
rage at these despicable people mocking him behind his back. But he was not the same person as
he used to be back then; he had no part of the Xue clan’s honor and glory, and he relied on this
bit of salary to make a living. He did not dare to shoot his mouth off like he had done so when he
humiliated Pan Lin back then.

Who does Xue Yanqing think he is?

Xue Xiuyi craned his neck and spat.

Contemptible common-born son of a concubine!

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 219 : Reward

Lang Tao Xue Jin was invincible on the riding tracks. It was the undisputed, uncrowned king of
the Hongyan Mountains, and even when faced up against the Biansha battle ponies, those that
could rival it were few and far between. After having his fun for two laps, Xiao Chiye called it a
day and dismounted to drink up Shen Zechuan’s remaining tea on the table. Still lingering on the
rim of the cup was the Prefectural Lord’s warmth.

“A day like today is hard to come by.” Xiao Chiye finished the tea and took a hot handkerchief
to wipe his hand. “Let’s put up a reward and let them have their fun.”

“Ready-made rewards are aplenty.” Shen Zechuan turned his head and said to the maidservant
before him, “Tell them I have a big reward for them if they win the race.”

Xiao Chiye sat down, his long legs crowding up all the space until Shen Zechuan barely had the
legroom to put his own. He asked, “What’s the reward?”

Shen Zechuan smiled without answering.

The few of them who were riding their horses on the field stopped in their tracks. Tantai Hu was
entertained to hear that there was a reward. “This is taking unfair advantage of our Zhongbo.”

The various generals of Libei were all adept in the art of horsemanship, but the guards of
Zhongbo were not. As far as the prize was concerned, Gu Jin and Wu Ziyu would be expected to
win it; there was no suspense at all to this race.

Fei Sheng, who was sitting on horseback, said to Qiao Tianya, “Why not you participate?”

Qiao Tianya pulled the reins, greeted Gu Jin at the back, and answered, “You represent the
Prefectural Lord. Aren’t you ashamed to surrender without a fight? Tao-zi, come on up. Do a run
with your Laoshi-ge.”1

Ding Tao grasped over the reins and said to Fei Sheng, “Don’t be afraid. Jin-ge has never outrun
me back in Libei. I’ll block him for you later. You just focus on racing Wu Ziyu.”

“I’m not afraid.” Fei Sheng saw Qiao Tianya withdrawing and hurriedly added, “Then you can’t
retreat either. Us brothers have to work as one.”

Qiao Tianya pointed at the back with his horsewhip. Fei Sheng took a look—Huo Lingyun was
there too. Qiao Tianya said, “The last track is narrow. Don’t over-engage with Wu Ziyu. Just
shut your eyes to everything else and spur your horse on. There will be no lack of people behind
you to help you block the others.”
By this, he meant to give Fei Sheng a leg up with Huo Lingyun and hand Fei Sheng the
limelight. For a while, Fei Sheng did not know what to feel. He cupped his fists at Qiao Tianya
and said, “You’re truly a real brother in my time of need!”

Yao Wenyu could not hear their conversation, but on seeing Qiao Tianya backing away, he
understood what they meant to do.

Holding the teacup with his fingers, Xiao Chiye looked at the track and ruminated it over. “This
Qiao Tianya is way too self-effacing.”

The horse race was a spur-of-the-moment affair, meant for everyone to just have fun. But it did
not mean that the Imperial Bodyguards could lose too badly and make a disgrace out of
themselves. The Libei Armored Cavalry and the Zhongbo Garrison Troops were both present
too, and yet Qiao Tianya still handed the opportunity to Fei Sheng.

The Second Master was saying that Qiao Tianya had no drive and spirit.

With Hunu in his arms, Yao Wenyu looked at Qiao Tianya and said nothing.

Shen Zechuan spread his folding fan open a little and closed it again. He looked as if he had it all
figured out as he maintained his silence and remained calm.

“Xiaosheng!” Yin Chang stepped on the fence and straddled it as he let loose a heartrending
shout at Fei Sheng, “Quick, run! Faster! Win, and this old man will take you drinking—”

Before Yin Chang could finish his words, Gu Jin’s horse went racing past like a whirlwind. The
old man ate a mouthful of dust and got all so anxious he very nearly bolted to his feet.

Gu Jin and Wu Ziyu worked hand in glove to obstruct Fei Sheng’s path ahead. Fei Sheng was
half a step too slow and could not overtake them. Behind him, Ding Tao spurred his horse on and
passed by Fei Sheng to block the backside of Gu Jin’s horse from the outer flank. He pressed so
close that Gu Jin had no choice but to slow down and give way to Wu Ziyu.

“Jin-ge! Did you hide a tael of silver in your old boots? It’s soaked through! Before I set off, Liu-
shen2 at the entrance of our residence even asked me when you’d be paying for the wine you
took on credit. That was so embarrassing!” Ding Tao spoke with increasing gusto as he
continued, “So I took the liberty of taking the money out of your boots and paid off half of it.
Half! Can you imagine? Exactly how much of a tab did you rack up? My accounts are all a mess

Driven beyond the limit of his forbearance, Gu Jin turned his head aside and yelled, “Shut up!”
The instant his attention was diverted, Fei Sheng took over the inner lane. Gu Jin treasured
horses and was unwilling to force his way through. Both of them raced neck to neck with one
another for a while and gained in on Wu Ziyu until Wu Ziyu could feel the chill on his ass.

The width of the riding tracks differed. Once they cleared this distance, a slightly wider bend lay
ahead. Gu Jin wanted to close in on Fei Sheng and push him back here, while Fei Sheng wanted
to overtake Gu Jin here. Both of them shut their mouths tight and galloped in the dust. Seeing as
the bend was just right in front, Gu Jin clamped down hard on his horse’s belly. Ding Tao had
long withdrawn behind him, and Huo Lingyun had taken over his place now.

As soon as Huo Lingyun approached, Gu Jin realized that this man’s horsemanship was pretty
decent; he was a more intimidating rider than Fei Sheng was. The bend turned abruptly, and the
head of Gu Jin’s horse veered over. Unexpectedly, Huo Lingyun, who was catching up from the
side, suddenly accelerated. His pony’s sturdy foreneck turned direction as well, pushing Gu Jin
towards the inner lane.

Gu Jin urgently pulled at his reins, but the horse could not brake in time. It was cornered so
aggressively that it slanted sideways and was about to bump into Fei Sheng, who was in the
innermost lane. With his spot suddenly narrowing, Fei Sheng subconsciously tightened his right
grip on the reins in an attempt to avoid a collision. His horse promptly turned its head aside and
scraped against the fence, breaking the wooden rails as it tore along it. Alarmed, the horse
tripped over the rails in its haste and instantaneously went falling head first.

“Fuck!” Tantai Hu jerked to his feet.

The horse twisted its front knees when it fell over. Fei Sheng acted quickly amidst the kickup of
dust and immediately hugged his head to protect it as he rolled on the ground, so startled was he
that he broke out all over in a cold sweat.

Gu Jin, having already stopped, dismounted first and pulled Fei Sheng to his feet.

Fei Sheng kicked out his legs as he stood up. His robe was full of mud and soil all over. He
wiped the sweat off his face and turned his head aside to spit out a tooth, then assured Qiao
Tianya behind them, “I’m fine!”

Huo Lingyun cracked his horsewhip, vaguely looking as if he was going to overtake Wu Ziyu on
the gradually narrowing track.

Having heard the commotion, Wu Ziyu said as Huo Lingyun pressed in towards him, “isn’t that
rather underhanded, buddy?”

Huo Lingyun half-bent his body down as he shot forth like a sharp arrow slicing through the
wind. The momentum of his forward charge was too swift and fierce, and he was so bent on
overtaking Wu Ziyu that he totally disregarded the fences on both sides of the track and simply
let his calves scrape against the railings until they drew blood.

Wu Ziyu’s stirrup scraped against the fence until fragments of wood broke off. He cursed
gruffly, “motherfucking…”

This half of the fence was already teetering on the verge of collapse after Fei Sheng’s incident.
Wu Ziyu heard a “crash” as the fence broke apart on impact. Not daring to race to the death with
Huo Lingyun, he promptly turned around and led his horse out of the track.

Wu Ziyu gave a light spat and bent over to hug his horse’s neck, his voice hoarse as he said
comfortingly, “this is so aggravating for my Cangwei!”

Huo Lingyun was unstoppable as he galloped across this last stretch of track. His breathing
slightly urgent, he tossed all the noise to the back of his mind as he sped in the wind. All his eyes
could see was the finishing line.

He had to fight for his future!

No one here was his brother, and no one was his old acquaintance either. He knew what his
placement in the Imperial Bodyguards meant, but it was far from enough. His aspirations lay in
the battlefields. He had to fight a path out for himself in Shen Zechuan’s presence, and only then
would he be entrusted with heavy responsibilities.

Yin Chang was so antsy that he slapped his thigh. He was burning with the desire to break into a
run and chase after this lad. He hollered, “No cheating! How can you do that to your own

Horse hooves suddenly sent mud splattering as they followed hot on Huo Lingyun’s heels, like a
bolt of lightning breaking through the dust.

“Qiao Tianya!” Tantai Hu excitedly leaned out of the fence and roared, “QIAO TIANYA!”

Yao Wenyu’s throat was parched. He seemed to hear the sound of solid ice cracking open as he
saw Qiao Tianya’s wildly fluttering hair in the gale of wind, as well as the proud and bold spirit
in his brows.

Huo Lingyun frowned slightly when he saw Qiao Tianya closing in on him out of the corner of
his eye.

Qiao Tianya held back the taste of soil on the tip of his tongue and barked out a short laugh at
Huo Lingyun. Both men simultaneously lowered their bodies as they squeezed onto a single
track between the unsteady fences.
Qiao Tianya rarely seemed to have the impulse to “win”, but in this boisterous din today, he was
once again the lad of the Qiao clan who galloped his horse all over Qudu ten years ago.

A riotous racket of intense shouts thundered through the riding track. The rich multi-colored silk
ball was hanging just right ahead. Fences fell over one after another like dominos under the rapid
beats of horse hooves.

Huo Lingyun gritted his teeth. The gale whipped the dust all over the sky, where they swirled
and danced. His chest was almost bursting with the desire to win. Right at this moment, a
horizontal bar of iron suddenly materialized before him. The force of the impact of a direct head-
on collision would have been sufficient to knock a person over to the ground.

Huo Lingyun made a split decision and let go of his hand to flip over. As the horse continued
sprinting, he dropped and rolled onto the ground, avoiding the iron bar. But after he landed, he
heard Qiao Tianya still continuing on his charge ahead. He could not help but blurted in
astonishment, “Qiao—”

The burgundy red battle steed charged over the iron bar with no one on its back.

Yao Wenyu gripped the handles of his wheelchair. His breathing came to a standstill.

A brief moment later, Qiao Tianya swiftly flipped back into position from the side of his horse.
A hubbub of voices instantly broke out on the field.

Xiao Chiye said, “beautiful.”

As the Imperial Bodyguards pounced at him, Qiao Tianya took down the multi-colored silk ball
and burst into hearty laughter. The bright, sunny day dissolved away all that was downtrodden
and disillusioned of him into glistening sweat as he sat on horseback, looking the very picture of
a valiant, dashing hero.

Yao Wenyu’s calm and composed face betrayed almost nothing as he released his grip, only to
realize that Qiao Tianya was looking in this direction.

Qiao Tianya withdrew his gaze and dismounted. He bumped shoulders with Fei Sheng and
blocked Fei Sheng’s line of sight that was drifting towards Huo Lingyun. Fei Sheng did not say a
word. The race was over, and now they had to go before Shen Zechuan to receive their reward.

Carrying his folding fan in hand, Shen Zechuan cut a tall, graceful figure as he said, “Since I‘ve
said it’s a big reward, then I naturally can’t use money and material commodities to fob all of
you off. The commander-in-chief position of the Duanzhou Imperial Cavalry has been vacated
all this time.” He paused for a moment. “Today, this seat shall be handed over to Qiao Tianya.”
Exactly as expected!

Fei Sheng, who was kneeling, lowered his head, all crestfallen. There were people all around
here. He could not pull a long face at his master, but his disappointment was real. He could only
manage with some difficulty to raise his spirit and maintain the composed expression on his

“Fei Sheng is transferred to assume the post of the Imperial Cavalry’s Vice Commander. Same
goes for Huo Lingyun. The Zhongbo Imperial Bodyguards are thereby renamed ‘Imperial
Cavalry’.3 You still have the authority to make urgent reports directly, and you are not
subordinate to the Duanzhou Garrison Troops.” The tassel of Shen Zechuan’s fan swayed in the
wind. He continued, “You belong directly to me, Shen Lanzhou.”

A private cavalry!

Tantai Hu and Gu Jin exchanged glances in slight astonishment. Everyone knew about the
preparation for the establishment of the Imperial Cavalry, but they thought that this light cavalry
would be merged into the Duanzhou Garrison Troops to be placed under the charge of the
Duanzhou Prefectural Prefect’s yamen.

A private cavalry meant that the posts of the Imperial Bodyguards practically remained
unchanged; they were still a troop directly under Shen Zechuan’s command. They were not
subjected to the supervision and inspection of the Six Prefectures of Zhongbo; in fact, they even
had the authority to supervise and inspect the Six Prefectures of Zhongbo. Unlike military forces
with progressive ranks like the garrison troops, they would only serve and pledge loyalty to Shen

Xiao Chiye propped up the teapot and drank another cup of hot tea. Seeing as it was already late,
he said, “Tend to the horses first before sending them back to the stables. Take good care of

Fei Sheng immediately rose to his feet and instructed the others to clear away the screen and
charcoal brazier, while Shen Zechuan and Xiao Chiye took their leave first. Yao Wenyu bent
over to take Hunu into his arms. When he straightened up again, he saw Qiao Tianya standing
before him.

Blocking Huo Lingyun, Qiao Tianya pointed to Fei Sheng on the other end, and said, “Once
you’re done cleaning up, wait in the main courtyard for your orders.”

The atmosphere around Huo Lingyun did not bode well. He gave an indifferent nod of his head
and stepped around Qiao Tianya.
Yao Wenyu was looking at the cat when a colored silk ball suddenly fell into his arms. He raised
his eyes—Qiao Tianya was still looking at Huo Lingyun. Yao Wenyu grasped that multi-colored
ball; it still had Qiao Tianya’s sweat on it.


1. 老十哥 Old (Fei the) Tenth-ge

2. 六婶 sixth auntie
3. 锦衣骑 is based on 锦衣卫, or the Imperial Bodyguards also more literally known as the
Embroidered Uniform Guards or the Brocade Guards. So in the same vein, 锦衣骑 could
also be considered the Embroidered Uniform Cavalry or Brocade Cavalry.

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 220 : Figure

While the Prefectural Lord and Second Master were having their meal, Kong Ling and the other
gentlemen were drinking tea in the side hall waiting for them. Yu Xiaozai said quietly to Kong
Ling, “I just hope that everyone will get along today and not dampen His Lordship’s spirits.”

All of them were present at the riding tracks, where they had a clear look of the fierce battle that
had gone down between formidable foes on horseback. Fei Sheng’s reputation among the
Imperial Bodyguards was not one to be trifled with, and he had also previously rendered
meritorious service serving under Shen Zechuan. Huo Lingyun could not afford to shoulder the
blame for offending him.

Kong Ling covered his mouth with a handkerchief and set aside his chopsticks. “Since His
Lordship did not say a word about it, there’s no way anyone can kick up a commotion about this
incident. You should not belittle Qiao Tianya either. He naturally must have his strengths for His
Lordship to value and respect him to such an extent.”
Kong Ling had the clearest idea of what Shen Zechuan was thinking, having already figured him
out. This horse race might have been a spur-of-the-moment idea, but the Prefectural Lord’s
awarding of reward was not. Fei Sheng took credit for risking his life to protect the Prefectural
Lord before, and then he had the tangible result to show for as the attendant officer in the taking
down of Fanzhou. No doubt Shen Zechuan would put Fei Sheng to use somewhere more
suitable, but at the same time, Shen Zechuan would not let Fei Sheng get a monopoly on power
either. He had to simultaneously mobilize Qiao Tianya and Huo Lingyun so that these three
people would form an iron triangle of a powerful trio who mutually held each other in check
under his command. The outcome of today’s horse race was exactly as the Prefectural Lord

Shen Zechuan drew a clear distinction between his personal relations and official business. From
the Imperial Bodyguards to the Six Prefectures, he was in the process of quietly establishing an
equilibrium of power imbued with checks and balances. Shen Zechuan was not as forceful and
striking as Xiao Chiye was when it came to the management of his subordinates, but he always
remained securely seated at the peak, holding every single subordinate firmly in the palm of his
hand as he had them achieve a delicate balance.

Kong Ling could not help but sigh ruefully as he thought to this point.

Qi Huilian truly was the teacher of the emperor.

◈ ◈ ◈

Shen Zechuan tapped the chess piece as he played a game against Xiao Chiye. They had
rekindled an interest in it after the last round in Yuanzhuo’s residence and were presently sitting
around digesting their meals.

“What happened with Qiao Tianya was not in the cards,” Xiao Chiye said. “Seeing how he made
no attempt to vie in Cizhou, I even suspected that he had already seen through the secular world
and was on the verge of renouncing himself from the pursuit of fame and fortune.”

“I had the same sentiments.” With his fingertips, Shen Zechuan turned around the chess piece
that was cold to the touch. “But opportunities abound everywhere in life. There’s always light at
the end of the tunnel.”

Xiao Chiye propped his arms on his knees and gave the Prefectural Lord his undivided attention.

Shen Zechuan set the chess piece down. “Qiao Tianya was a Vice Commander in the Imperial
Bodyguards who could even take the liberty to mobilize the Imperial Bodyguards back then
when he apprehended you at the Nanlin Hunting Grounds. This in itself is evident of Ji Lei’s
preferential treatment of him. Even as an official slapped with a crime, he could eke out a spot
for himself in Qudu and one-up Fei Sheng. To be able to do that, he can’t do without both
craftiness and drive. My guess is that he bowed out in Cizhou because of Yuanzhuo’s
debilitating health, but despite his desire to retreat, Yuanzhuo pushed him back into the game.”

Shen Zechuan hesitated over Huo Lingyun’s placement when Fanzhou scored a great victory. At
that time, Yao Wenyu proposed to place Huo Lingyun into the Imperial Bodyguards. As long as
Shen Zechuan agreed, he would have to put Qiao Tianya to use again, because Huo Lingyun
could not hold Fei Sheng in check in the Imperial Bodyguards.

“Both of them sure are interesting.” At this point, Xiao Chiye remembered the Venerable Master
Yideng of whom there had been no traces of for a long time. “Yuanzhuo’s chronic ailment is a
tough one to heal…”

Shen Zechuan nodded slightly. “This is the reason Yuanzhuo pushed Qiao Tianya back into the

After a moment of silence, Xiao Chiye said, “The paths of talented men never run smooth.”1

The atmosphere was slightly heavy as Shen Zechuan nudged the chess piece under the
candlelight and said, “The medicine Yuanzhuo is taking can’t cure the illness once and for all at
its root. Physicians come and go, but not a single one of them dares to give a definitive answer.”

“The poison he was fed with in Dancheng was meant to take his life.” Xiao Chiye tossed the
chess piece between his fingers into the chess box. “The Venerable Master Yideng became
untraceable after the tenth month last year. I asked shifu back in Dajing, and he had no idea
either. The Venerable Master made it clear when he left Dajing that he would return after the
new year to check on my eldest brother again. But it’s already almost the third month, and
there’s still no sign of him.”

Shen Zechuan’s health was a constant worry to Xiao Chiye, and seeing Yao Wenyu so frail and
weak now, he could not help but feel as if Shen Zechuan would share the same fate. He rose to
his feet and pushed aside the chessboard, disregarding the chess pieces bouncing all over the
table as he stubbornly stroked Shen Zechuan’s cheek.

“By the fourth month at the very latest,” Xiao Chiye’s gaze spoke volumes as he said in a deep
voice with his palm on Shen Zechuan’s cheek, “I’ll find the Venerable Master, even if I have to
dig to the very center of the earth.”

◈ ◈ ◈

Lanterns hung high in the office compound, with the slab stones swept so clean that there was
not a single speck of dust on them. This courtyard was newly selected. Several years ago, it was
a compound for the officials of the Duanzhou yamen to rest their feet while on duty, and now it
had been vacated out for the Imperial Bodyguards to use as an office compound, with several
rooms excavated to form a main central hall.

Fei Sheng sat inside with one foot on a stool drinking his wine. Several of his fellow brothers
surrounded him and dug into the wine dishes until the plates were a mess. Every one of them was
glancing outside.

Huo Lingyun was squatting on the steps with his back to them, eating dry rations with cold
water. He was midway through when a cuju ball2 suddenly came flying over from the side and
smashed into his water canteen, which fell to the ground and wetted the corner of his robe. He
swallowed the ration in his mouth and turned his head over to look.

The Imperial Bodyguard under the tree grinned at him. “It’s dark in the courtyard. I didn’t see

Huo Lingyun reached out an arm to pick up the ball, then rose to his feet and wiped his mouth.

The Imperial Bodyguard teased Huo Lingyun. “At the count of two, throw it back to—”

Before he could finish his words, Huo Lingyun threw the cuju ball out. That leather ball flew
over the wall, and in no time, disappeared from sight.

Huo Lingyun rubbed away a handful of snow and answered, “It’s dark in the courtyard. I didn’t
see clearly.”

Fei Sheng picked up the food and ate without turning his head around. Meanwhile, the Imperial
Bodyguards beside him had all stood up. The one across from him crossed past the branch and
went over to bump into Huo Lingyun, scolding in jest, “Son of a bitch, throwing it that far. You
going to pick it up?”

One of the lanterns in the courtyard suddenly went out, casting a veil of darkness over this side.
Huo Lingyun felt a blow to his abdomen. He rolled up his sleeve and threw out a fist. The steps
were slippery, and the few of them tripped him, causing his punch to strike at empty air. The
next moment, Huo Lingyun was thrown down to the ground. He protected his head and took a
few more blows.

Qiao Tianya strode in from the courtyard entrance and kicked them one after another without
even lifting the hem of his robe. His voice was frosty as he berated them, “Get up, all of you!”

“What’s going on here?” Fei Sheng shifted his butt and turned his head aside to look down the
stairs with a placid expression. “Why are you creating a scene here?”
Huo Lingyun was still protecting his head. He had been kicked until he was covered in shoe
prints all over. He spat out a mouthful of blood from the gap between his arms and leaped to his

Qiao Tianya looked at Fei Sheng, who said, “I didn’t hear a thing. Xiaohuo, why didn’t you
shout for me?”

It was all ice fragments in Huo Lingyun’s mouth. He spat out several more mouthfuls of them,
paying no heed at all to Fei Sheng.

“A few years ago when we received our authority tokens…” Qiao Tianya pulled off the authority
token on the waist of the Imperial Bodyguard before him and held it up for everyone in the
courtyard to see. He raised his voice. “I bloody said that we have to be of one heart and one
mind, to be brothers—take off your tokens now, all of you!”

Not daring to hesitate, the Imperial Bodyguards in the courtyard raised their hands in unison to
remove their authority tokens.

The Imperial Bodyguards’ authority token was a symbol of their identity, one they had to hold
on to carefully; even loaning it out was out of the question. They once wore the tokens when
they basked in those days of glory back in Qudu, and they also wore the tokens when they
followed Shen Zechuan in his rise to power in Zhongbo. The authority token itself was an
embodiment of their own honor and dignity.

“Go on, throw it.” Qiao Tianya tossed the authority token down at his feet and kicked it away
without so much as a look at it. He looked around at everyone. “Or are you keeping it to trample
all over it? I said, throw!”

The Imperial Bodyguards tossed their authority tokens on the ground, none of them daring to
meet Qiao Tianya right in the eyes. They lowered their heads in dejection and stood at the side
like wooden statues.

Fei Sheng’s smile faded. Wiping the corners of his lips, he said, “Isn’t that too much of you?
What is there that you can’t sit and talk over instead of having to throw everyone’s dignity to the
ground to trample on?”

“Whose dignity are you talking about?” Qiao Tianya asked Fei Sheng. “Everyone’s? Or yours?”

The flames of the fury that Fei Sheng had been forcibly suppressing suddenly leaped up high. He
pushed back the chair with a clatter as he stood up and said, “Is my dignity what he’s trampling
on today? He’s clearly trampling on me as an individual! What? So it serves me right to be a
stepping stone for someone else? You, Qiao Tianya, had it all worked out, didn’t you?!”
Qiao Tianya ordered, “Get out.”

The Imperial Bodyguards in the courtyard immediately withdrew, leaving only the three of them

Fei Sheng flung the chopsticks in his hand into the wine cup. His unwillingness to take it lying
down blazed along with his fury. He kicked over the table with a foot and turned around to point
at Huo Lingyun. “Does it feel good to trample on me, hm? You have to snatch the limelight,
make a grab for Master’s rewards, and even take credit for the venerable old man’s military
achievements before. You really don’t give a shit about anyone, huh?!” Then he pointed at Qiao
Tianya and questioned in an icy tone, “Did you already have it all planned out with him?”

“Oh yeah.” Qiao Tianya straightened up. “All to plot against you.”

The candlelight in the hall shone bright, and it was here Fei Sheng stood, while Huo Lingyun
stood outside in the pitch-black darkness. Meanwhile, Qiao Tianya stood on that boundary line
between black and white, partially blocking off both parties. A dark crow on a snow-tipped
branch of an old tree cawed a few times. Fei Sheng’s chest heaved. He took a few sudden steps

“I put my life on the line being on the go with Master, and you screwed me over with this son-of-
a-bitch of a newcomer!” Fei Sheng pointed at himself, so overwhelmed with resentment that
both his eyes went red. “I was the one who opened the gates of Qudu, defended Wuxian Peak in
Dunzhou, and took down Fanzhou with the venerable old man! So why can’t I assume this
position? On what grounds does it have to be you, Qiao Tianya?! To think I even consider you as
my fucking brother!”

Qiao Tianya pressed in a step closer. “You think of me as your brother, and yet you say I plotted
against you? I told you a long time ago, don’t keep dwelling on this matter. What’s meant to be
yours will eventually be yours!”

Fei Sheng immediately retorted, “Shouldn’t this position be mine?!”

The startled night crow on the snow-tipped branch promptly took off. The remaining lanterns
swayed in the courtyard, distorting the shadows on the ground. In this tense, antagonistic
atmosphere, Fei Sheng shoved Qiao Tianya aside, descended the stairs in a few steps, and
ignored the shouts as he headed right for the exit.

He could not stay here for even a moment more!

Fei Sheng ignored everyone else after stepping out of the courtyard. Having consumed quite a
fair bit of wine, he supported himself against the wall as he walked. He slipped a few times and
bumped his head, bruising it. All of a sudden, he squatted at the foot of the wall and wiped his
eyes in aggrievement as he lashed out at whoever, “Fuck…”

Sobering up a little, Fei Sheng blew his nose. Someone ahead blew his nose too. Startled, Fei
Sheng jerked to his feet and saw a head popping out in front.

Yin Chang had his hands folded under his sleeves as he leaned up ahead to wait for him. He
smacked his lips a few times and asked, “The heck you crying for?”

Fei Sheng did not move even after having discerned that it was the old man. He merely remained
motionless in place and said nothing.

“Come on, let’s go.” Yin Chang urged as he stomped his freezing feet. “We’ll find a place to
drink. It’s rather cold to be standing around like poles here!”

Fei Sheng did not want to. He could be rather bullheaded when he was being stubborn, and he
was still fuming inside.

Yin Chang rubbed his arms. “It’s just one tooth that got knocked off, man. Why get into a hissy
fit with them over it?”

Fei Sheng tossed away the handkerchief he used to wipe his hands, his expression as capricious
as the weather. Eventually, he forced out a smile and said, “What’s there for me to get into a fit
with them over?”

Yin Chang craned his neck to look at Fei Sheng’s expression. The reach of the light from the
lanterns ahead did not extend to this spot. Fei Sheng stood with his head lowered and averted his
head away in refusal to show the old man.

Yin Chang was so cold he could not stand it. Taking small, brisk steps, he said, “Since that
position has already been given to him, then so be it. The way I see it, you’re formidable too! Gu
Jin is a man of outstanding abilities, and only you in our Zhongbo can compare to him. Qiao
Tianya doesn’t have the capability to. We still have a future, so why insist on getting in a huff at
him here? Mind that His Lordship doesn’t see it, or he’ll rebuff you for being petty.”

Fei Sheng’s fury blazed with even more vehemence.

Yin Chang took no notice of him and continued, “You oppress Huo Lingyun to the extent it is so
unwarranted and unbefitting of the occasion. How can you convince and win over the others?
There are still those from the Dengzhou Garrison Troops in the Imperial Bodyguards! Would
they not feel disillusioned? What does a commander-in-chief do? He oversees an entire army. So
how can this position be given to you if you can’t show a little tolerance?”
Fei Sheng raised his voice. “Only Qiao Tianya can do it. Only Qiao Tianya is capable!”

“When it comes to people, Qiao Tianya does indeed have the capability.” Yin Chang sighed and
went around to the other side of Fei Sheng. The old man was short, so when he stood near Fei
Sheng, he was several heads shorter. “Look at him. He didn’t vie with you in Cizhou, yet his
prestige remains intact. Has he or has he not advised you not to keep oppressing Huo Lingyun?
Alright, don’t say a word! I know you’re going to say that you didn’t oppress Huo Lingyun, but
have you ever assigned him to any of the Imperial Bodyguards’ tasks? No, right?”

Fei Sheng said, “I’m his mother? I even have to take care of all his needs from eating to drinking
and pissing to pooping?!”

Yin Chang leaped up to whack him. “You dope, why don’t you get it? You yourself know best
what you did!” With that, he shoved Fei Sheng. “Move it, now!”

Fei Sheng staggered under the force of the shove.

Yin Chang kicked his ass and cursed, “I’d totally whip you if you were my son!”

Fei Sheng tugged at his dirty robe. He was so pissed he turned back and yelled, “I have a fucking

“Keep your eyes on the road! If you want this position that badly, I’ll go beg His Lordship
tomorrow and kowtow to him until you get it back. See if that shames you!” Yin Chang took a
few steps and added, “I have a fucking son too!”

This was something new to Fei Sheng. In all the time Yin Chang was in Cizhou, he rarely spoke
of his past.

“If my son were still alive, he would be of the same age as you.”

After keeping his mouth shut for a while, Fei Sheng suddenly asked, “So how did he die?”

Yin Chang’s feet crunched noisily on the snow; he was finally able to get a clear look of the path
with aid from the starlight overhead. He shrank his neck and answered, “Starvation.”

Fei Sheng held on to the wall, not daring to talk back to the old man again.

When Yin Chang was young, he used to hang around the marketplace. He was a lad of lowly
origins, with no trade skills and education. To earn his bread, he went to great efforts to enlist in
the army. At that time, the registration of households in the census registers4 that Qi Huilian
implemented had just come to Cizhou, and Yin Chang made it in time to exploit the last loophole
to join the garrison troops where he stayed for thirty years. He lived hand to mouth, one day at a
time, in the garrison troops. Although he was illiterate, he got himself well-acquainted with the
terrains. It was just as he had boasted to Fei Sheng. As long as it was in Zhongbo, he would not
go the wrong way even with his eyes closed. Ordinary bandits were no match for him at all.

Yin Chang did not want to bring up his wife and son because they died of starvation during the
reign of Xiande. That was the prelude to Yin Chang’s problematic drinking. He looked back on
his past and felt himself to be like the mud beneath his feet, one who had never amounted to
much in this life.

“You have a future serving His Lordship, and you have so much more promise than me.” Yin
Chang looked at the road under his feet. “Xiaosheng, one has to be down-to-earth in their
journey through life; you can’t just look upward. You know it better than I do that the wiser and
mightier the master is, the harder he is to serve. You can’t fool His Lordship, and you can’t hide
what you’re thinking from him. Do you think His Lordship doesn’t know about this temperament
of yours? Didn’t he still go ahead and put you to use by his side? That’s because you have talent.
You fixed your eyes on Qiao Tianya and Huo Lingyun, but they both don’t walk the same path
as you. You’re an intelligent lad, albeit a silly one. Don’t bear a grudge against them over this bit
of trivial matter and ruin the bond you have forged with His Lordship and wreck your future

Fei Sheng felt even more aggrieved at this point. He walked up ahead and wiped his face.

Fei Sheng’s father was the common son of a concubine from the Fei Clan. By the time it came to
Fei Sheng, he had become so far removed from the legitimate lineage that he could not even
benefit from a connection to the Marquis of Helian from his very same clan. What’s more, his
father was a gambler. Had he not died early, Fei Sheng would probably not have been able to
hold on to his position of the Assistant Commander of the Imperial Bodyguards. Fei Sheng had
served under many a number of people. In order to make connections with the Marquis of Helian
back then, he spent all day bootlicking the Junior Marquis, Fei Shi. Then he followed Han
Cheng, who kept bossing him around like he was his son.

He was not a gentleman of virtue. He was not anything. He merely wanted to come out of his
ordeals stronger and etch out a name for himself.

The old man said, “You make little of Huo Lingyun, but I heard he is also of decent origins. His
father was someone who fought the bandits. It’s not easy to survive and stay alive. Don’t keep
giving him such a hard time.”

Fei Sheng said, “He stole your military credits!”

“Then just give it to him.” Yin Chang walked behind Fei Sheng and looked up at Fei Sheng’s
back while the latter was unaware. After a long time, he said, “How many years more do I have
to live? It’s pointless for me to hold on to it anyway.”
Fei Sheng was still young, with a tall stature and a strong, healthy physique.

Without realizing it, Yin Chang stopped. It seemed as if this was only as far as he could go. Even
if he refused to concede defeat to old age, he could not catch up with the pace of the younger
generation. It was another world ahead of them. For a long time, he watched as Fei Sheng
continued walking forward along this road.

“Xiaosheng, this old man is a good-for-nothing who can’t even keep his son alive in his lifetime.
But believe me, I can tell that you will live to a hundred years and retire with merit to your
name! So keep walking.” Yin Chang paused for a moment and suddenly shouted, “Onward and

Fei Sheng looked back at Yin Chang, finding the old man’s gaze foreign. In this life of his, he
had never been gazed upon this attentively by his father, so he did not understand the hope and
expectation that lay behind this gaze. He stopped in his tracks and said, “Keep walking too,

Yin Chang inexplicably started to laugh. He smoothed up his messy white hair to reveal his
weathered and worn face. “I’m already old.”

◈ ◈ ◈

In the end, the Imperial Bodyguards did not stir up a commotion. Even if Fei Sheng was
displeased, he knew his place. The next day, as he handed the medicine to Shen Zechuan, he
heard Shen Zechuan ask, “Did you drink?”

Fei Sheng saw that the Prefectural Lord was still approving the cases and was not looking up at
him. The latter seemed to be just asking in passing. Feeling unsettled and unable to figure out
Shen Zechuan’s intent, Fei Sheng could only answer truthfully, “… I drank a little last night.”

Shen Zechuan handed the cases he had finished approving over to Fei Sheng and said, “Head
over to the office compound yourself to forfeit your salary as penalty.”

It was not Fei Sheng’s turn to be on duty yesterday. Unable to make any sense of it, he took the
cases and gingerly attempted to explain, “It wasn’t my turn yesterday to…”

“Didn’t I tell you to handle the recruitment?” Shen Zechuan finally raised his eyes to look at Fei
Sheng. “This job is not complete so long as the register of names has not yet been submitted.”

Fei Sheng was taken aback, and then delight took over. Grasping the cases, he fell to his knees
with a “thud” and said, “Master is wise. I’ll get it done right away!”
With the Imperial Cavalry’s commander-in-chief position given to Qiao Tianya, Fei Sheng
thought that his previous assignments would be handed over to Qiao Tianya too. This was an
important assignment that involved the vetting and recruitment of soldiers, which carried a lot of
weight in the newly established light cavalry. He never expected the task to fall to him still.

Shen Zechuan exercised his neck a little and cast a sidelong glance at the window. It was sunny
days on end in Duanzhou now that it was nearing the third month, and the snow in the courtyard
had more or less melted. Faint light filtered through the window paper and shone upon his right
ear, creating a gorgeous but tiny glow swaying on his neck.

Xiao Chiye was standing in the courtyard at this time, having received new information on Qudu
from Gu Jin.

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 221 : Quandary

Xiao Chiye pulled open the bamboo blinds upon entering the room, and Fei Sheng took his
leave. Bringing with him a trail of cool breeze from outside, Xiao Chiye placed the opened letter
on Shen Zechuan’s desk. “In the second trial of the Dancheng case, the Pan clan had an errant
servant from their manor take the blame. They intend to extract Pan Lin out first on grounds of
Pan Yi’s lapse in management.”

Shen Zechuan read the letter. “The Pan clan misappropriated the commoners’ fields, and it’s now
a scene of desolation everywhere in Dancheng with nine out of ten houses standing empty. All
they need to do is to check Dancheng’s census register, and they will know that the displaced
commoners left destitute and homeless last year numbered in the thousands. Just handing over an
errant servant alone isn’t enough to plug in the missing pieces. Pan Lin manages the eight cities’
taxes in the Ministry of Revenue. It’s impossible for him to be unaware of how much is

“The men in charge of the matters pertaining to the Pan clan’s field taxes have already been
thrown in prison.” Xiao Chiye blocked out some of the light. “All these people insisted they were
blinded by their own obsession for money and that they did not do so at the Pan clan’s behest.”

Shen Zechuan gently rubbed the paper with his fingertips. “Pan Xiangjie, that wily old fox.”

Pan Xiangjie had seen firsthand just how formidable Hua Siqian and Wei Huaigu were, so he
had long made preparations in order to take precautions against such a day. The men he arranged
to be in charge of the Dancheng’s field taxes were all sons of his servants1 who shared a common
interest with the Pan clan. Protecting Pan Lin at this juncture was akin to protecting the lives of
their whole family, young and old. Naturally, they would be willing to keep their mouths sealed
and take the blame.

Xiao Chiye said, “Since Xue Xiuzhuo dares to strike at this moment, he must have a handle that
could be held against the Pan clan in his hand.”
“He was even able to bring Kong Qiu and Cen Yu on board, so it’s not entirely out of the
question for him to have Dancheng’s real accounts in hand.” Shen Zechuan thought for a
moment. “But he didn’t show his hand.”

This case already had the Three Judicial Offices conducting a joint trial. Pan Lin had also been
dismissed from his position pending prosecution. Xue Xiuzhuo only had to instruct Liang
Cuishan to present the evidence as per procedure, and they would have emerged victorious. Even
if only one Pan Lin was taken down in the end, it also had a pivotal effect on the current division
of power in Qudu.

“I thought about it, and the only thing that can hold Xue Xiuzhuo back from making a move is
the spring plowing.” Sunlight filtered out from behind and spilled onto the side of Lanzhou’s
face. Xiao Chiye raised an arm to block it, refusing to let it peek. “The spring plowing of the
Thirteen Cities of Juexi is right around the corner.”

“But Juexi didn’t suffer from a disaster last year, and the granaries of the thirteen cities are in
abundance.” As if unaware of Er-lang’s possessiveness of him, Shen Zechuan said, “They didn’t
allocate military provisions to the Five Commanderies of Qidong in winter and merely
replenished Qudu’s granaries, so they should still have reserves for spring plowing. What is Xue
Xiuzhuo afraid of?”

“There’s naturally no issue going by the original plan.” Xiao Chiye sat at the table’s edge and
looked at Shen Zechuan. “But what if something went awry in between?”

A hint was all Shen Zechuan needed to make the connection. He set down the brush. “Looks like
the Empress Dowager wants to use Qi Zhuyin’s mobilization of troops to shift and empty out
Juexi’s granaries.”

The requisition of military provisions was what enabled Qudu to empty out Juexi’s granaries at
this moment. If Xue Xiuzhuo acted arbitrarily now and insisted on continuing to dig deeper into
the matter, then there was no way the spring plowing in Juexi this year could be carried out. The
meals of tens of thousands of people were hanging over Xue Xiuzhuo’s head, putting him in a
situation where he had to beat a retreat even if he did not want to.

“What the Empress Dowager is doing here is getting the better of him by letting him strike first
before launching a counterattack.” Xiao Chiye said. “If Xue Xiuzhuo agrees to the requisition of
military provisions, then the Juexi’s granaries will be left vacant. For the sake of the spring
plowing, Juexi must borrow the grains from the Eight Cities that still have reserves. In that case,
Xue Xiuzhuo can’t offend the noble clans now. He has to cease pursuing the matter of the field
taxes and make peace with the Empress Dowager, who represents the noble clans. If Xue
Xiuzhuo refuses the requisition of military provisions, there will be no one to replenish the
military provisions of the Five Commanderies of Qidong, and Qi Zhuyin will not be able to
mobilize troops.”
Juexi not only had to shoulder the load for Qudu’s granaries, but also Qidong’s military
provisions. If they lacked grains during the spring plowing season, the various prefectural
prefects of the various areas would have to report the exact amount of grain shortage in the
territories to the Provincial Administration Commission. As the Provincial Administration
Commissioner of Juexi, Jiang Qingshan would have to think of ways to make up for these
shortages. Under normal circumstances, the Ministry of Revenue would proceed to coordinate
based on the harvest situation in the various local areas last year, and Jiang Qingshan would
issue memorandums of debt to the Provincial Administration Commissioners of the nearby
regions that had bumper harvests last year to borrow grains. When the time came, everyone
would make their own negotiations as to whether to exchange those grains with their own
territories’ agricultural products or with silver. However, at this time, only the Eight Cities could
loan out grains to Juexi. To convince the Empress Dowager to loan them grains after Juexi’s
granaries were emptied for the requisition of military provisions, Xue Xiuzhuo had to drop his
investigation into the field taxes of the Eight Cities, and even Dancheng’s.

“Even if he has the money, he won’t be able to buy grains. The whole thing about the field taxes
has already alerted the perpetrators. If he missed his opportunity now, it would be even harder to
investigate it in the future. Besides, this case has drawn the attention of the Imperial College. If
Xue Xiuzhuo were to beat a retreat, the students would denounce him in writing.” Shen Zechuan
slowly leaned on the table. “This trap the Empress Dowager laid out is brilliant. She merely
seized the opportunity to move around the chess pieces, and she managed to put Xue Xiuzhuo on
the horns of a dilemma.”

The Empress Dowager also drew from Shen Zechuan’s influence here. The military provisions
Shen Zechuan supplemented Qidong with were all “stolen” grains Yan Heru consolidated from
the Hezhou and Juexi’s granaries. With the requisition from Qudu, Juexi was no different from
having undergone two rounds of military grain replenishment in just half a year. Of course its
granaries would not be able to bear the burden.

Xiao Chiye covered the top of Shen Zechuan’s head and said, “And so, Xue Yanqing, ever so
meticulous and thorough in his strategies, found himself trapped in a deadlock.”

“There is still a way out.” Shen Zechuan raised his eyes and said guilelessly to Xiao Chiye, “If I
were in his shoes, I’d simply just take the Empress Dowager out of the game.”

◈ ◈ ◈

With the snow in Qudu melting fast in the past few days, water started trickling off the eaves
along the streets. Fortunately, the public ditches had been newly repaired last year, so a repeat of
the cloggage incident did not occur. The location of the Xue residence was not remote, but it was
too close to the abode next to it, and the foot of the walls of both homes ended up so waterlogged
they collapsed.
Xue Xiuzhuo had been staying over in the Court of Judicial Review of late. When he returned
home to get a change of clothes, he saw that the courtyard wall had already been rebuilt anew, so
he asked the steward-in-charge serving in residence, “When was it repaired?”

Xue Xiuzhuo did not bother with the unnecessary formalities in the management of his
household. The steward, already getting up in the years, was still respectful and deferential as he
followed at Xue Xiuzhuo’s side. He answered truthfully. “The eldest madam came back a few
days ago to visit Jin’ge-er.2 Seeing that the courtyard wall had collapsed, she brought up the
matter to the eldest master on her return, and he called for someone to come over and repair it.”

Upon hearing those words, Xue Xiuzhuo’s eyes darkened slightly. He pondered it over for a
moment, finding his eldest brother Xue Xiuyi’s actions unusual. Xue Xiuyi did not get along
with Xue Xiuzhuo. He had squandered away his remaining family fortune after dividing up
family property to live apart. Benefiting from his relationship with Xue Xiuzhuo, he held a
sinecure position in the Ministry of Revenue, where he could barely make ends meet, so where in
the world did he get this disposable money to help Xue Xiuzhuo repair the courtyard wall?

“Get the accountant to reimburse him accordingly,” Xue Xiuzhuo said, “and ensure that the
eldest madam doesn’t visit Jin’ge-er again for no reason.”

Jin’ge-er was Xue the Eldest’s lawful son. He was eight years old this year. Xue Xiuzhuo kept
him by his side to raise him, and even when Xue the Eldest divided up the family property and
left to live apart, Xue Xiuzhuo did not return Jin’ge-er to Xue the Eldest and his wife. Xue the
Eldest came to ask for him back several times, but as he always failed to see Xue Xiuzhuo, he
could only give up.

The steward acknowledged his order with an “understood”.

Xue Xiuzhuo’s bundle3 was light. He never wore silk and satin, and his most ornate clothing was
his official robe, so it was quite convenient for him to pack them up. He often stayed over in the
office compound, with only a mute lad following by his side to prepare the ink for him. He had
no maidservants and usually ate plain, simple fares. These were all habits he had retained from
working hands-on at the local levels as Chief Supervising Secretary of the Ministry of Revenue.

Xue Xiuzhuo had to return to the office compound once he was done packing. The steward held
up the umbrella for him and gently advised him, “Third Master always stays over at the
compound without anyone to serve you. This weather is given to such sudden changes that you
still need to put on thick clothes.”

When Xue Xiuzhuo reached the entrance, the mute lad stepped forth to take over the umbrella
and spoke to him, making “uh, uh” sounds. Xue Xiuzhuo nodded to indicate his
acknowledgement and turned back to the steward. “I’ll leave all household affairs in your hand.
My monthly salary will be sent back on time. See if there’s anything we can acquire for the
residence, and you can just go ahead and buy it.”
Ever since Xue Xiuzhuo was promoted, he never took the sedan again; instead, he walked to and
fro on foot. Now that he was done giving his instruction, he turned around to walk into the
drizzle, with the mute lad holding up the umbrella. When he arrived at the office compound, he
saw Liang Cuishan, who had already been waiting for a while.

“Your Excellency Yanqing.” Liang Cuishan descended the steps to meet and pay his obeisances
to Xue Xiuzhuo.

Xue Xiuzhuo dismissed the mute lad and said to Liang Cuishan, “We’ll talk inside.”

Liang Cuishan slowed down a few steps and followed Xue Xiuzhuo into the house. It was lit
inside, but the charcoal brazier was empty. Liang Cuishan found the chair cold when he took his
seat. While waiting earlier, he had taken a look at this house. It was simple and unpretentious,
and the only thing of worth here was the deceased Old Master Yao’s writings hanging on the
wall. Other than that, the table, chairs, and benches were all standard furniture.

Who would have expected Xue Xiuzhuo to be capable of shouldering the Qidong’s military

“Chongshen, no need to hold back.” Xue Xiuzhuo opened a window and sat down. He spoke in a
mild tone, “You’re here today regarding the Dancheng field tax case, right?”

Xue Xiuzhuo’s stature was tall, and his demeanor, poised; being around him made one feel as if
they were standing amidst the spring breeze. He was now a significant official in Qudu, but
Liang Cuishan felt very comfortable in his presence. He not only lacked the haughtiness of a
noble family’s descendant, but also did not have the reservations of an official of humble origins.
What’s more, he had the tendency to impress upon the others a favorable impression when he
spoke frankly and in measured tones.

“That’s right.” Liang Cuishan took out a securely wrapped account book in his arms. “This
humble subordinate is here precisely because of the Dancheng’s field taxes case.”

Xue Xiuzhuo waited for his next words.

Liang Cuishan continued, “The Empress Dowager issued a decree last time for Third Missy Hua
to return for a visit. Commander-in-chief Qi will have to accompany her in her father’s stead. In
my humble opinion, she meant to hurry His Excellency.”

No doubt the Empress Dowager called for Qi Zhuyin to enter the capital at this time to put
pressure on Xue Xiuzhuo. The requisition of military provisions was still stuck in limbo, and
time waited for no man.
Xue Xiuzhuo said, “The Grand Secretariat has already drawn up the writ to allow Commander-
in-chief Qi to mobilize troops against the Qingshu tribe, but the Empress Dowager kept putting
off the approval. It is not entirely a bad thing for Commander-in-chief Qi to enter the capital at
this time.”

Liang Cuishan replied, “But the requisition of military provisions is still up in the air. If this
drags on, I fear it will delay Juexi’s spring plowing.”

The dilemma here was the reason Xue Xiuzhuo had not rested for days. He and Jiang Qingshan
went to great lengths to straighten out the account books of the thirteen cities of Juexi so as to
prevent Juexi from falling into the displacement problem that was plaguing the eight cities. The
Empress Dowager held his Achilles heel in her hands; this was not a move he could afford to
make rashly.

Even if Liang Cuishan did not come to see Xue Xiuzhuo today, Xue Xiuzhuo would still have to
go and meet him. He said, “Chongshen, you are in charge of all affairs pertaining to salt taxes in
Hezhou and Juexi. Why don’t you tell me the details of Hezhou?”

This implied an intention to borrow grains from Hezhou.

Liang Cuishan looked hesitant. “This humble subordinate shall be direct. It will prove difficult
for Your Excellency to borrow grains from Hezhou. While it’s true that Hezhou had a bumper
harvest this year, the public grains are being supplied to Qudu, and the remaining grains will also
have to be kept in reserve for the spring plowing. We can only borrow from the Yan clan. That
Yan Heru is a tough nut to crack, and he’s also overbearing because of his wealth. He may not
necessarily be willing to loan the grains even if we give him money. My fear is that he will take
the opportunity to demand something else and end up being the fly in the ointment that ruins the
entire game in Hezhou.”

Xue Xiuzhuo contemplated it over.

His struggle right now was over grains and not money, and the crux was that he could not
purchase grain even if he had the money. Had it been Qidong’s military salaries he was fretting
over at present, he could still raise the tariffs in Hezhou and Juexi and fleece the merchants for
this sum of money. But it just had to be grains they were lacking.

Hai Liangyi’s plans had been to transfer Jiang Qingshan over to restore Zhongbo. By doing so,
they would be able to round up some grains this year and put together more from Huaizhou when
the time came. Resolving their predicament over the military provisions was not hard. However,
Zhongbo was now Shen Zechuan’s territory, and the commercial route between Cizhou,
Huaizhou, and Chazhou had cut off a relatively large portion of Qudu’s grain supply.

“When Commander-in-chief Qi enters the capital,” Xue Xiuzhuo said, “I’ll discuss it with her.”
Author’s Note:I see a few of you can’t distinguish between Xue Xiuzhuo and Xue Xiuyi, so I’ll
be using Xue the Eldest (pinyin: Xueda) from now on. Thank you for reading.

Lianyin’s Note:For those who can’t remember characters, check out the new searchable
character list!

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 222: Bluff of a Move

Horse hooves stirred up the mud and came to a stop at the entrance of the city gates.

With a cloak hung over her arm, Qi Zhuyin looked at the towering city walls of Qudu with her
back to the overcast sky. Day had yet to break at this time, and the young general of the Eight
Great Training Divisions stationed at the top of the city wall instantly drew out his voice in a
shout, “OPEN—THE GATE. Our respectful welcome to Commander-in-chief Qi!”

A few city soldiers shouted in unison as they pulled the gate open. The mechanism issued a
muffled noise, and the mottled city gate slowly rose. The Eight Great Training Divisions soldiers
in the city stood solemnly on both sides, their faces to Qi Zhuyin at the entrance as they held
down their swords in greeting.

Qi Zhuyin raised an arm, and the Qidong cavalrymen behind her stepped back in unison, leaving
a considerable distance between them. She shook the reins and led Hua Xiangyi’s horse carriage
onto the public road of Qudu.

The soldiers on both sides stood with solemn respect, their eyes never once wandering.

Qi Zhuyin was wearing court attire today. Although she was not conferred a noble rank and title,
the Empress Dowager’s personal appointment of her gave her the right to wear the court attire of
a marquis. The court attire had a scarlet base, with a baize1 representing the transcension of ranks
embroidered on the mandarin square.2 She had also swapped out the liangguan headgear3 that
went with the male attire into a wuzhu ornament4 that swung in the air along with the horse’s

Court officials who were there to welcome them waited right ahead of the public road, while the
Imperial Bodyguards’ Commander-in-chief, Han Cheng, and palace eunuch, Fuman, stood at the

Both sides exchanged pleasantries before they had to lead Qi Zhuyin into the palace.

The streets had been cleared out, and no one made a ruckus. Qudu was so silent that all that
could be heard was the melodious chirps of a lone sparrow. Han Cheng mounted his horse and
followed at Qi Zhuyin’s side. With a smile, he said, “Commander-in-chief Qi has performed a
valuable service now that the Bianjun Commandery has scored a victory. There’s bound to be
tremendous rewards on your entry into the capital this time.”

Although these words were spoken genially, they hit Qi Zhuyin’s sore point. She had never been
conferred a title despite having rendered meritorious service several times. Now that Libei had
revolted, Qi Zhuyin and the Qidong’s Garrison Troops’ standing rose, and they became the
Empress Dowager’s support on the outside. Qi Zhuyin seized the opportunity to remove the
eunuch serving as Army-inspecting Censor and subsequently became the thorn in the southeast
that could threaten Qudu into making concessions; she had long incurred the displeasure of the
Empress Dowager. Then, there was the war with Biansha. The noble rank and title was the
Empress Dowager’s chain to hold Qi Zhuyin in check, so there was no hope of conferment in the
foreseeable future.

Qi Zhuyin did not get along with Han Cheng, and their previous encounters had all been
unpleasant. Feigning cordiality with Han Cheng now, she said, “I hope it is as you say.”

Both of them socialized on horseback. When they arrived at the palace gates, Fuman, who had
been following them the entire way from behind, hurriedly rolled off his horse and personally
came over to take over Qi Zhuyin’s reins. The Eastern Depot fell into decline after the death of
Emperor Tianchen, and the twenty-four yamen no longer had a eunuch of significance like Pan
Rugui who had the world at his command. Thus, Fuman behaved himself and kept a low profile.

Qi Zhuyin did not have a good opinion of the palace eunuchs. Shuangxi, whom the imperial
court had assigned to them as Army-Inspecting Censor, was still locked up in a cell in the
Cangjun Commandery. In order not to incur Qi Zhuyin’s ill will, Fuman had gone to the special
effort of dressing up. Only daring to go for simplicity, he wore a gourd-patterned mandarin
square, a coral duozhen5 on his head, an outer covering of an high-ranking eunuch on the outside,
and a pair of black boots on his feet.

Fuman bent at the waist to take the reins from Qi Zhuyin and was all smiles as he said, “This is
our Da Zhou’s ‘warhorse’.6 This humble slave gives his assurance that he will feed it well on
behalf of Commander-in-chief Qi.”

Qi Zhuyin nodded and cast a look back at the horse carriage. She stood in front and waited for
Hua Xiangyi.

Han Cheng tossed his reins to the eunuch at the side and snorted when he heard Fuman. Pointing
at Fuman, he said with a laugh, “You sneaky old crook, kissing up to Commander-in-chief Qi
seeing how she’s about to be rewarded.”

Understanding Han Cheng’s character, Fuman immediately said, “Commander Han, you’re
making this humble slave ashamed!” He lowered himself and drew closer to toady up to Han
Cheng. “This humble slave usually depends on Commander Han. Say, when will you be able to
fulfill this humble slave’s wish?”

“You’re the same age as me, and you call me grandpa,” Han Cheng said. “Even I’d feel so
embarrassed if this were to get out.”

Fuck you!

Fuman dissed him inwardly. This motherfucker kept putting on air all day, saying he’d feel
embarrassed, but doesn’t he still treat others like wrenched bastards when bossing them
around? But heaven has eyes and made him sonless; there’s divine justice after all. How very

Fuman soothed his chest and said with a merry laugh, “When the Lao-zuzong7 was still around,
this humble slave was the ‘son’. So won’t I need to address you as ‘grandpa’ going by

Han Cheng despised these buffoons who served as eunuchs, but he was more than happy to boss
them around like dogs. After the reign of Yongyi, the eunuchs were all zuzong. Back then, when
Pan Rugui led the Eastern Depot to oppress the Imperial Bodyguards, Han Cheng was not yet its
commander, and it had filled him with envy to see Ji Lei acknowledge Pan Rugui as his ‘father’.
Now that the tables had turned, he was naturally gratified to watch Fuman bowing and groveling
before him.

Having attended the Eunuch School, Fuman was literate. During Emperor Tianchen’s time, he
joined forces with Xiao Chiye to work from both within and without and managed to get into the
Directorate of Ceremonial. Later on, when Emperor Tianchen was assassinated by Mu Ru, he
instantly switched sides. Under Han Cheng’s orders, he summoned Xiao Chiye into the palace
with an imperial edict, and consequently, Han Cheng framed Xiao Chiye for regicide. With this
credit under his belt, Han Cheng was willing to continue letting him manage the important affairs
of the inner palace. Fengquan had stepped down from the stage now anyway. Fuman just had to
rack up some experience and build up his record of service, and he could be a “lao-zuzong”

Seeing that Hua Xiangyi had yet to get off her carriage, Han Cheng asked Fuman as if in passing,
“How has the Heir Apparent been lately?”

Han Cheng made a bad move in the imperial prison back then and failed to kill Li Jianting. As a
result, his own attempt to support a Han clan’s descendant ascend to the throne failed to come to
fruition, and he made an enemy out of Xue Xiuzhuo. Thus, he specifically arranged for Fuman to
keep an eye on every single move the Heir Apparent made in the palace.

Turning his body sideways as a cover, Fuman answered in a hushed tone. “It’s all as usual.”
“Xue Yanqing’s recent investigation of the Dancheng’s field taxes has thrown the imperial court
into chaos.” Han Cheng looked at Fuman. “The Empress Dowager has been grieving over it day
and night, and she’s now in ill health. See if you can drop a hint to the Heir Apparent to get Xue
Yanqing to cool it down a notch.”

Fuman was momentarily taken aback before he lowered his head in acknowledgment.

The key point in this sentence was to make Xue Xiuzhuo “cool it down a notch”. As for how,
that was for Fuman to figure out.

Li Jianting was no longer young, yet the Empress Dowager still showed no intent to return power
to the Heir Apparent. She sat in place of the Son of Heaven, acting on his behalf and banishing
Li Jianting outside the imperial court. Li Jianting’s right to sit in on the proceedings was all at
the suggestion of the officials participating in the classics colloquium.8 And now Xue Xiuzhuo
was pushing them into such a corner in the outer court. The Empress Dowager meant to teach
Xue Xiuzhuo a lesson.

Fuman’s heart pounded, but he dared not let his expression betray his emotion and remained
bowing until Han Cheng left.

◈ ◈ ◈

Water dripped off the eaves, turning the windowsills damp again, while the old books on the
table started to crease. Yao Wenyu drew up his wide sleeves and flipped the pages open to dry.

In the third month, when the ice and snow melted, Duanzhou suddenly turned warm, and
everywhere was damp all around. Shen Zechuan stood beside the table and casually looked at
those old books of Yao Wenyu.

“Xue Yanqing has to have a detailed discussion with Commander-in-chief Qi regarding the
requisition of the military provisions.” Yao Wenyu smoothed the creased corners with the pulps
of his fingers. “Only the Bianjun Commandery of Qidong fought a war last year, and the military
provisions at that time were supplied by Qudu. The remaining four commanderies’ garrison
troops that also worked on the fields9 suffered no loss either. Xue Yanqing keeps a book of
accounts in his mind; he will not fall for the Empress Dowager’s trap easily.”

“It’s easy to stump him.” Shen Zechuan did not raise his eyes, looking as if he was pondering
over the content in the book. “The specifics of Qidong’s harvest have yet to be reported. If
Commander-in-chief Qi insists that it’s insufficient for their use, he won’t be able to force it

The longer Yao Wenyu stayed by Shen Zechuan’s side, the easier he found it to distinguish
between the Prefectural Lord’s moods. Like how Shen Zechuan was clearly jesting now. This
kind of shameless denial could not fool Xue Xiuzhuo, who was proficient in the art of auditing

Yao Wenyu was in no hurry. Instead, he asked, “In Your Lordship’s opinion, what bargaining
chip should Xue Yanqing use in his discussion with Commander-in-chief Qi?”

“Naturally, his biggest trump card.” Shen Zechuan said without hesitation. “He has the Heir
Apparent in his hand, so on certain occasions, he has more of a leg to stand on than the Empress
Dowager. Qudu is a stickler for ethics and virtues. Even if the Empress Dowager is effective in
her administration of the state, she’s merely a stand-in for the Son of Heaven and is not the real
Son of Heaven.”

The Empress Dowager was dependent on Qidong, but she married Hua Xiangyi over, then
suppressed Qi Zhuyin by refusing to promote her. At the same time, to ingratiate herself with Qi
Zhuyin, she treated Qi Zhuyin with magnanimity to the extent that she could. Qi Zhuyin turned a
blind eye to Qudu’s deployment order during Shuangxi’s and Lu Pingyan’s incidents last year,
and the Empress Dowager tolerated it all the same without calling her to task. This was to
maintain the status quo of both parties. She kept Qidong pinned down under her own control at
all times, so that Qi Zhuyin would remain at her own disposal and, at the same time, unable to
fall out with her since she would be handicapped by her lack of a noble rank.

But Li Jianting did not have this misgiving. She was Da Zhou’s rightful Heir Apparent, with the
Grand Secretariat guiding her on the inside and her prestige as a student to bolster her on the
outside. She also had the full support of the practical doers faction helmed by Xue Xiuzhuo. It
was perfectly justified for Qi Zhuyin to pledge loyalty to her. As long as Li Jianting could hold
up against the censors’ impeachments, conferring a title upon Qi Zhuyin was just a matter of
words. And this happened to be something the Empress Dowager could not do given the
awkward position she was in.

Shen Zechuan closed the page. “Qidong’s military power remains unstable for each day
Commander-in-chief Qi isn’t conferred. Being without a noble rank and title is the root source of
Qi Zhuyin’s inability to become ‘legitimate’. Imagine if she were to die on the battlefield or
resign due to injuries suffered. Her brothers of common birth in the family would be able to grab
the opportunity to seize Qi Shiyu’s title. The Commander-in-chief of the Five Commanderies’
armies sounds impressive, but without a noble rank, she’s merely a temporary guest in that
position who could not inherit everything Qi Shiyu had. The Empress Dowager fears that Qidong
would become a second Libei, so she dare not bestow a noble rank upon her, and this ‘dare not’
is the Empress Dowager’s greatest weakness.”

What did Li Jianting lack the most now?

Military power.
The noble clans lost Wei Huaigu, and then they found themselves at a disadvantage with Hai
Liangyi’s remonstration to his death. The Empress Dowager could still stand on an equal footing
with the Grand Secretariat and Xue Xiuzhuo in this game because she held Da Zhou’s remaining
two major military powers firmly in her grasp. Whether it was Kong Qiu or Xue Xiuzhuo, they
were all civil officials who only had the authority to engage in military discussions but not
deploy troops.

If Xue Xiuzhuo gave Qi Zhuyin the promise to confer the rank and title of a marquis on her at
this moment, then Qi Zhuyin could give up going around in circles with the Empress Dowager
and switch camp to the Heir Apparent. The Qidong military forces would then naturally pledge
allegiance to Li Jianting, and this would be akin to hacking off an arm of the Empress Dowager.

“Money makes the mare go.” Yao Wenyu took the book Shen Zechuan returned to him. “If Xue
Yanqing didn’t have the Xi clan’s money vaults, then he would not be able to convince
Commander-in-chief Qi with just a verbal promise. But now that he is bearing the expenses for
Qidong’s military salaries, Commander-in-chief Qi would have to deliberate over it carefully.”

The above hypotheses were based on the premise that the Qidong’s garrison troops who also
worked the fields were truly able to be self-sufficient and did not need to forcibly requisition
grains from the Juexi’s granaries. However, Qidong’s military provisions this year were, in fact,
in Shen Zechuan’s hands. Qi Zhuyin had to take Zhongbo into account, and she had to weigh it
over carefully. If Shen Zechuan were to be displeased with her decision to switch sides to the
Heir Apparent, then the Yan clan could sever the supply of Qidong’s military provisions, and Qi
Zhuyin would still need to ask Qudu for grains. Xue Xiuzhuo would be back to square one,
where he would have to face his initial dilemma all over again.

“Xue Xiuzhuo. Hua Hewei.” Shen Zechuan smiled as he tossed Yao Wenyu’s spent brush into
the brush holder. “Who should I play with?”

Shen Zechuan’s wrist bone bathed under the sunlight. He held in his hand an invisible thread,
one that could steer the situation in Qudu without so much as a sound.

Yao Wenyu straightened the brush and said with certainty, “Your Lordship already has a plan.”

◈ ◈ ◈

Day had yet to break. Palace maids stood waiting in attendance under the palace eaves, keeping
out of the way while silently carrying lanterns in hands to illuminate the path. Qi Zhuyin entered
the palace for her audience with the empress dowager. She had to head for Mingli Hall, while
Hua Xiangyi had to wait in the Empress Dowager’s bedchamber, so both of them could only
walk together for a brief distance.
As Hua Xiangyi could not stand the cold, she wore a wotu fur hat10 on her forehead as well. She
had such excellent deportment that not even the tinkling of her jade ring pendant could be heard
when she walked, and when she stood beside Qi Zhuyin, she was only a little shorter.

Qi Zhuyin had been spending all day in the Bianjun Commandery back in Qidong, and to date,
she had barely spoken more than a few words to Hua Xiangyi. Finding it a little stifling, she was
just about to speak when Hua Xiangyi asked,

“Has Commander-in-chief Qi taken a look at the household accounts?”

It was then Qi Zhuyin remembered. “I looked through it when I returned home the last time.
Thank you…” She stuck on the word “mother” for a long time, truly unable to voice it out as she
looked at Hua Xiangyi’s face that was two years younger than her. All she could do was to
hastily skip it over and continue, “… for going to the trouble.”

Hua Xiangyi covered the hand warmer and watched the crow flit across the dark, gloomy sky. In
the blink of an eye, it disappeared among the palace eaves. This was a sight familiar to her. She
responded, “You’re welcome, Commander-in-chief.”

Qi Zhuyin glanced out of the corner of her eye at the stalk of a small sunflower embroidered on
Hua Xiangyi’s collar. It was like a kind of delicate charm hiding under a dignified veneer, and it
was completely out of place in the deep, silent inner palace. For that reason, it appeared
particularly exquisite and lovable.

All of a sudden, Hua Xiangyi turned her head and looked at Qi Zhuyin for just a brief moment
before she averted her gaze. Softly, she said, “The reasons my aunt summoned Commander-in-
chief Qi is, firstly, for the mobilization of troops against the Qingshu Tribe and, secondly, for the
requisition of military provisions. Both of these matters can be consolidated into one.
Commander-in-chief Qi needs to make a decision.”

Qi Zhuyin could not figure out Hua Xiangyi’s intent in telling her these right now. Her entry into
the capital this time was being used by the Empress Dowager as a weapon to coerce Xue
Xiuzhuo and the Grand Secretariat. Qi Zhuyin had long heard about the issues with Dancheng’s
field taxes.

But Hua Xiangyi changed the topic and said, “Qudu is a stormfest all year around. Even if one
were to stand at the top of the building, one still can’t get a clear look at the splendor before its
stairs. What’s more, the weather is so cold. Many a number of stores on Shenwu Street have
closed, and those who drink themselves drunk at night are those with empty stomachs.”

Slightly stunned, Qi Zhuyin looked at Hua Xiangyi, who had already stopped in her tracks. The
latter turned sideways to the silent Fuman behind them and said with a smile, “Like neutered
Fuman’s mind was in a whirl himself. He vaguely heard the word “cold weather” and so he
wasn’t really registering what was being said. He saw Hua Xiangyi standing all daintily ahead of
him and felt Third Missy Hua to be a beauty too peerless to be gazed at up close, so he lifted the
lantern and said with an apologetic smile. “This humble slave was afraid of putting a damper on
Your Ladyship and Commander-in-chief Qi’s mood and so did not dare to make a din.”

“Since we’re already here,” Hua Xiangyi said to Qi Zhuyin softly, “Commander-in-chief Qi may
go on ahead.”

◈ ◈ ◈

Thin frost hung over the newly planted flowers and plants at the side of the stairs to Mingli Hall.
The front of the hall was wide and spacious, with the floor so polished they gleamed. The inside
of the waiting hall announced her name, and a eunuch led Qi Zhuyin up the stairs. She felt the
chill under her feet stepping up those stairs. This was a sensation she could not get used to no
matter how many times she had gone through it.

The curtain in the hall opened to both sides, and Qi Zhuyin strode in.

The various court officials waiting inside rose to their feet. Qi Zhuyin looked at no one as she
paid her obeisances to the Empress Dowager. Without letting down the beaded curtains, the
Empress Dowager said with a smile, “I have not seen Zhuyin for only two months, and already I
miss her. It’s bitterly cold over in the Bianjun Commandery. Rise, and let me have a closer

Qi Zhuyin raised her head. In the periphery of her vision, she saw the Heir Apparent standing at
the side.

The Minister of War, Chen Zhen, stood with his sleeves brought together and looked at Qi
Zhuyin with somewhat worried eyes. Cen Yu did not look too good. Only Kong Qiu could be
considered to be his usual self. The atmosphere in this hall was odd, just like those newly planted
flowers outside which looked to be joined at the stems but were, in fact, merely a show on the
surface, for its roots had long been damaged by the freezing cold.

The Empress Dowager was confident of victory and was in no hurry to cut to the chase. After
exchanging pleasantries with Qi Zhuyin for a while, she said, “You are stationed at the frontier
all year round, rain or shine. I heard you even refuse a maidservant. Even the most robust of
health can’t withstand such torment without someone to attend to your needs.” Without waiting
for Qi Zhuyin to answer, she said to the Marquis of Helian with a sideways glance, “Just look at

The Marquis of Helian met the Empress Dowager’s eyes and lamented, “Seeing Commander-in-
chief Qi reminds this humble subject of that good-for-nothing son of mine, Fei Shi. He may be
born a man, but he has no ambitions to speak of. This truly worries me.”
“Fei Shi has only just come of age. There has to be someone at his side to supervise and guide
him, or even a good-natured child will go wayward.” The Empress Dowager looked at Qi Zhuyin
again. “Zhuyin, do you still remember your Fei-didi?”

Qi Zhuyin answered, “Vaguely. He’s Zhaoyue’s younger brother.”

She seemed to be used to being forthright as she answered offhandedly. But even the
Commandery Princess Zhaoyue had to address her as jiejie. By doing this, she was pulling apart
the gap in seniority between her and Fei Shi.

But the Empress Dowager said, “Fei Shi is young, and the lack of people to teach him is
worrisome. You are the commander-in-chief of the Qidong military forces, and he admires you
very much. He keeps talking about Qi-jiejie all day long and is only dying to run over to Qidong.
You are on good terms with Zhaoyue, and both of your families aren’t strangers to one another.
If you have the time these days, share with him anecdotes from the frontiers to satisfy that
fascination of his.”

Fei Shi was already of age, so what was there that he couldn’t do and needed her, Qi Zhuyin, to
teach him? Furthermore, Fei Shi was just a junior marquis who still had yet to inherit the
Marquis of Helian’s noble rank and title, and he had no official post either. He was so way down
at the bottom of the rung compared to Qi Zhuyin that calling her jiejie was simply messing

The Empress Dowager’s intent was clear. She intended to appoint Fei Shi in marriage to Qi
Zhuyin in order to hold her down. For the sake of the military salaries, Qi Zhuyin could not fall
out with the Empress Dowager either. She said, “Given that it’s Your Majesty’s instruction, I
ought not to decline, but I did indeed enter the capital this time for military affairs. The issues at
the frontier are of utmost urgency. It’s inadvisable to delay any further.”

The Empress Dowager sat back slightly and did not put her further into a spot. Instead, she rolled
with it and said, “Of course. The military report last month gave an account of the Qingshu
Tribe’s invasion. You won the battle. You deserve a reward.”

Qi Zhuyin had a clear handle on the filthy side of Qudu. By stuffing Fei Shi to her at this
juncture, the Empress Dowager meant to remind her to behave at the same time she dealt a blow
to Xue Xiuzhuo. The issue of the military provisions was a knotty issue—that is, if she did not
have Shen Zechuan’s supply.

Qi Zhuyin abruptly recalled those words Hua Xiangyi had spoken earlier.

Qudu is a stormfest.

What was Hua Xiangyi hinting at her?

“I’ve already taken a look at the memorial you submitted to the Ministry of War. It is not wrong
to press home the attack and strike while the iron is hot, but it’s not the right time now.” Unable
to get Qi Zhuyin to compromise, the Empress Dowager continued, “The third month happens to
coincide with the spring plowing. If Qidong wishes to go to war, the fields the military garrisons
work on will have to be left idle, and that means the supply of grains is bound to see a reduction
after autumn. The shortfall will have to be obtained from other granaries, but it’s no longer
possible to make up for it as the common folks of Juexi have to eat too. The imperial court has
its own difficulties. Bellicose militarism is never a wise policy; the ones to suffer will still be the
common people.”

The Empress Dowager did not mention the granaries of the eight cities, which meant that she
was leaving it to Qi Zhuyin to bring it up on her own. Qi Zhuyin only had to broach the subject,
and the problem could be kicked over into Xue Xiuzhuo’s court. Everyone would be caught in a
deadlock when the time came, which meant that they still had to heed the Empress Dowager’s
arrangements. If Xue Xiuzhuo did not drop the case and Qi Zhuyin would not marry, then
Qidong would neither be able to deploy its troops nor receive grains.

The sudden silence in the hall was so deafening one could hear a pin drop. No one on either side
made a sound, while Qi Zhuyin ruminated over Hua Xiangyi’s words from where she was in the

“The Ministry of Revenue reported on the harvest status in each region at the beginning of the
year.” Li Jianting, who had never interjected before in Mingli hall, suddenly spoke up out of the
blue. “If Juexi is unable to bear the burden, we can consolidate with the granaries of the other
prefectures to make up for the shortfall.”

The Empress Dowager rebutted, “The Heir Apparent doesn’t manage court affairs and so does
not know the ins and outs of the matter. Hezhou already had its turn last year, and they still have
to supply grains to Qudu with Juexi this year. The various regions are all in a difficult position.”

In their exchange, they serendipitously avoided bringing up the eight cities. Qi Zhuyin had a
sudden flash of insight.

The eight cities surrounded Qudu; were they not Qudu’s ‘splendor before the stairs’? Hua
Xiangyi spoke of not getting a clear look—what was it that one could not get a clear look at? The
detailed data of the eight cities’ harvests! Since the Dancheng field taxes could be falsified, then
how many of the remaining cities’ field taxes were even genuine? The fields were not even
thoroughly surveyed, and there were plenty that could be concealed within. Hua Xiangyi’s final
words mentioned those with empty stomachs. There were countless refugees from Dancheng last
year, all of whom had fled with their stomachs empty. Pan Yi clearly knew he would not be able
to hide this fact, so why did he not set up booths immediately to hand out porridge to the poor?

Sweat was already trickling down Qi Zhuyin’s temples in just those few brief moments, and she
inwardly exclaimed, what a close call!
◈ ◈ ◈

The rattan chair rocked slightly, with folds of meandering snow-white sleeves lying on the knees
in it. Shen Zechuan opened his folding fan to block out some of the sunlight. Yao Wenyu was
still tidying up some old books on the table. It was all quiet in the courtyard.

Shen Zechuan looked at the mottled plum blossoms leaves above his head in tandem with the
rocking. The dappled light fell upon him, and he reached out with his folding fan to catch it and
hold it before his eyes to scrutinize it.

Yao Wenyu flipped to a stack of cases amidst the old books. He opened it and saw that it was
Chazhou’s earliest grain records. He had seen this previously, but by some curious coincidence
this time, he flipped to the back page, then turned his wheelchair around to speak to Shen
Zechuan, who was by the door. “The exorbitantly priced grains of Chazhou for the past years
have been grains from Hezhou, but last year, Hezhou even had to bear the burden for both the
military provisions and Qudu’s granaries. As I see it, the goods being transported and traded in
this account book are all large shipments. Suppose Yan Heru still has to shoulder the grains for
the bandits of Mount Luo, then even if Hezhou enjoys a bountiful harvest every year…” He
slowly straightened out the account book. “… it should be just about empty by now.”

“I initially suspected that Yan Heru stole the grains from Juexi and Hezhou to sell. But when
Fanzhou’s account was released, I realized that the granaries of these two places had no surplus
grains left for him to trade.”

“Liang Cuishan started to take charge of all affairs pertaining to taxes in Juexi and Hezhou last
year. Yan Heru said the last time that he did not manage to get through to Liang Cuishan.”
Holding on to the door frame for support, Yao Wenyu’s expression shifted slightly. “Then where
did the grains he sold last year come from?”

Shen Zechuan turned his head and locked eyes with Yao Wenyu for a moment.

“The granaries of the eight cities. The grains Yan Heru resold last year to the various prefectures
in Zhongbo came from the eight cities.” Yao Wenyu swiftly flipped through the book in his lap.
“The exorbitantly priced grains in Fanzhou and Dengzhou were sold through Cai Yu’s hands.
Your Lordship killed Cai Yu, and Yan Heru did not tell the truth.”

The folding fan in Shen Zechuan’s palm suddenly closed. He was still leaning back, gazing at the
sunlight. Enlightened in that instant, he said, “That means the Empress Dowager did not have
enough in reserves to shoulder Qidong’s military provisions. She was making empty

This bluff of a move completely had Xue Xiuzhuo trapped. The eight cities’ accounts were too
corrupted. Even Pan Lin himself would not necessarily know which were genuine and which
were forged. The Dancheng fields that Xue Xiuzhuo investigated were indeed off, and the
harvest data that Pan Yi had handed over to the Ministry of Revenue at the earliest was fake too.
However, the grain surplus that the noble clans had submitted was real. They misappropriated
the commoners’ fields, and yet they did not have grains, because the grains had been rerouted
over on the sly to Yan Heru to resell at a profit.

The eight cities’ granaries had always been empty.

“Hua Hewei…” Shen Zechuan laughed aloud, unable to refrain from marveling with a sigh,
“Outstanding of the Empress Dowager!”

If Xue Xiuzhuo were forced to drop his investigation into the Dancheng fields due to the
requisition of military provisions and take a step back to express goodwill to the Empress
Dowager, then by the time he was done doing it, he would realize that the Empress Dowager had
no grains at all, and Qidong could still not mobilize their troops. When the time comes, Xue
Xiuzhuo would not only lose his current advantage but also bear the risk of a revolt from the
Imperial College. He would even find himself doubted and being called into question by the
practical doers faction.

Hua Hewei was not an official of the imperial court.

She had her own way of playing among this group of shrewd and astute men.

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 223 : Tide

The gears turned rapidly in Qi Zhuyin’s mind in that instant as she weighed up the relative
importance of both sides. She had to find the most suitable ally for Qidong in this tussle for
power. The victory and defeat of this game were equally important to Qidong; it even determined
just how long Qi Zhuyin could remain in the commander-in-chief position in the future.

Qi Zhuyin made up her mind and said, “This humble subject has yet to have an in-depth
discussion with the various excellencies from the Ministry of War and Ministry of Revenue, so
I’m not familiar with the reserves situation in the various regions’ granaries. However, the
harvest in the four commanderies of Qidong last year was decent. So if the troops are mobilized,
we can manage with some difficulty to hang on for two months assuming we consolidate the
grains from the other granaries.”

“You are a general; naturally, you understand it more than I do that it takes a month just to
advance the troops if you want to continue penetrating deeper into the desert.” The Empress
Dowager spoke softly. “It’s already the third month now. If you hold up the spring plowing of
the four commanderies, but still fail to return after two months, then you will end up delaying the
autumn harvest in the seventh month. Zhuyin, it’s not that I’m unwilling to mobilize troops, but
that I can’t.”
Qi Zhuyin seemed to be stumped, and once again, silence descended upon Mingli Hall.

The Empress Dowager rose to her feet slowly and held her sleeves together1 as she looked at the
various ministers in the hall and advised in all earnestness. “Were the Da Zhou’s granaries in full
abundance, I’d have fought this battle even if Zhuyin didn’t ask to. But the imperial court is
hard-pressed for money at present and is really in no position to fight a war. Besides, food is the
number one necessity of the people. Fight this war, and the commoners of three regions will have
to go hungry. Isn’t that getting our priorities all wrong? Boran, you saw the Ministry of
Revenue’s report at the beginning of the year, and you understand the situations in the various
areas like the back of your hand.”

With Qi Zhuyin in the hall, how would the court ministers dare to speak frankly and refute her?
The Empress Dowager was so calm and composed as she forced them to bring up the eight cities.
Kong Qiu stood at the side, clutching his own memorial without so much as an expression.

After a moment, Kong Qiu said, “Qidong’s mobilization of troops is no small matter. There
should have been a specific procedure in place. Commander-in-chief Qi has just entered the
capital. Since she has yet to discuss in detail with the Grand Secretariat, why not wait for us to
finish the discussion tonight before making a decision?”

By this, Kong Qiu was stalling for time without going along with the Empress Dowager or
making a decision for Xue Xiuzhuo. He had transcribed a copy of the account book Liang
Cuishan had straightened out. It was truly a pity to have it in hand, yet still be unable to take
down Dancheng.

After the court session was dismissed, everyone stepped out of Mingli Hall in successive order.
Fengquan stood in front to drape the overcoat over Li Jianting, who slowed down a few steps to
wait for Kong Qiu to emerge. Kong Qiu raised an arm to guide the way for Li Jianting. He led
the Heir Apparentdown the stairs and into that open and spacious area.

“Your Highness pulled no punches today,” Kong Qiu said. “The suggestion to consolidate the
various areas’ granaries is indeed an option.”

Li Jianting pursed her lips a little before smiling as she said to Kong Qiu, “The Senior Grand
Secretary spoke to me about it a little at the start of the year. Naturally, I wouldn’t dare to forget
about it. It just seems to be too tough to gather sufficient military grains at present.”

The day had already broken. Water puddles on the ground invertedly reflected the blue dome of
heaven, while the upturned eaves covered up that last dim light of the night.

Li Jianting took a few steps and said, “His Excellency Chongshen is truly outstanding. I heard
his mental arithmetic is both fast and accurate, and there would never be a mistake with the
accounts that pass through his eyes. Since Dancheng’s field taxes case is temporarily deferred,
why doesn’t the Senior Grand Secretary ask him to calculate the various areas’ surplus grains? If
the three areas aren’t enough, there are still the eight cities. Let everyone work as one.”
Kong Qiu said with a bitter smile, “The requisition of military grains now has to come from
Juexi, and the quandary right now is broaching the subject of borrowing grains from the eight

Kong Qiu suddenly stopped talking and turned his head aside to look intently at Li Jianting.

What Li Jianting said was to get the Grand Secretariat to calculate, not to get the Grand
Secretariat to investigate, and yet there was a whole world of difference in the meaning of this
one word. Whether or not the Empress Dowager agreed to the former, the Grand Secretariat
could get Liang Cuishan to do a count of the eight cities’ surplus grains. As the Dancheng’s
accounts were problematic, and Pan Lin was still locked up in prison, the Ministry of Revenue
now ought to do a recount of the eight cities’ surplus grains; this was the duty of the Ministry of
Revenue, and they were not wrong to do so.

The flower embellishment2 between Li Jianting’s brows was brilliantly red, and yet it did not
detract from the Heir Apparent’s spirited demeanor. She seemed to have just mentioned it in
passing, even looking to be a little at a loss under Kong Qiu’s gaze.

◈ ◈ ◈

As soon as Qi Zhuyin stepped out of the palace gates, she saw Xue Xiuzhuo standing a short
distance away. She pulled the overcoat off her shoulders and tossed it to Qi Wei, who had come
over to receive her. Then she pointed ahead to Xue Xiuzhuo as an indication to talk as they

“I heard from Minister Chen earlier that you were the one who forked out the military salaries
this time,” Qi Zhuyin said. “Thanks a lot.”

Naturally, Qi Zhuyin’s word of thanks was not so simple. Xue Xiuzhuo heard the intent behind it
and walked for a while with Qi Zhuyin before saying, “Commander-in-chief Qi is mobilizing
troops to keep Amu’er in check. The war in the north is at a critical stage. This war ought to be

Steering clear of the fact that she already had military provisions, Qi Zhuyin said, “Before I enter
the capital, I heard that the military provisions this time have to be requisitioned from Juexi.
Jiang Qingshan won’t agree to it, will he? You people have your own difficulties too.”

The mornings in Qudu were no longer that cold, and the vendors on the streets started bustling
around. As both of them were wearing official robes, no one around them dared to approach. The
common folks all kept their distance. Once the pair of them walked past, they looked at Qi
Zhuyin again and whispered among themselves.

The Wind Guiding the Scorching Plain, Qi Zhuyin, of the legends was merely tall and lanky. She
did not have a herculean physique, nor was she majestically imposing, but she had a certain calm
and composure that could stand up to these pryings and speculations.
“But you are right. This battle ought to be fought.” The wuzhu ornament Qi Zhuyin was adorned
with swung in the wind, and her slightly messy hair at her temples brushed against the side of her
cheeks. She continued, “Libei may have revolted, but the Libei Armored Cavalry is still Qudu’s
impenetrable fortress in the northeast. The Prince of Libei died in battle, and the battle zone has
yet to receive reports of success this year. The fight is indeed tough. You people are far away in
Qudu and have limited knowledge of the Biansha Twelve Tribes. Just a few military reports are
not enough to fully depict the scale of Amu’er’s ambitions. Don’t keep thinking that they really
can’t breach the defenses and invade.”

Qudu was the capital of the Son of Heaven, the culmination of Da Zhou’s hundred years of
golden age. Unlike the worn and weary frontiers, it had never been under attack. Only seven
years had passed since the military defeat of Zhongbo, yet there were no longer any signs of the
panic that had been prevalent at that time in Qudu. Here, the fear of the Biansha Cavalry had
long faded.

“Amu’er has already taken command of the six tribes, and he’s imitating Da Zhou’s military
farming system, in which the stationed garrison troops carried out farming duties, in Gedale. If
Qidong doesn’t deploy troops this year, Qudu will no longer be able to detach themselves from
the matter. I’ll be frank. My soldiers can’t outrun the Biansha Cavalry. If Libei falls and Luoxia
Pass can’t hold up, then even if the Biansha Cavalry slaughters their way into Qudu, I won’t be
able to hurry over in time.”

The wind intensified. Qi Zhuyin stood still and turned to look at Xue Xiuzhuo. Towering behind
her were the vermillion walls with its stacked tiers of upturned eaves soaring into the clear sky.
There was not even a cloud overhead. It was in this way Qudu lay bare and exposed to the first
light of the day.

“I must mobilize troops.” There was no joy in Qi Zhuyin’s eyes.

Qidong rarely participated in Qudu’s political affairs. Qi Shiyu was smart. Whether it was
handling Qidong’s relationship with Libei, or maintaining Qidong’s amity with the noble clans,
he could always find the most appropriate time to pick sides. But not so for Qi Zhuyin. She did
not possess the kind of patience Qi Shiyu had. She would rather risk being dismissed and
prosecuted by Qudu to attack the Qingshu Tribe, because she knew that the war situation was far
more pressing than the political situation.

The trap in which the Empress Dowager set to coerce Xue Xiuzhuo into giving in was brilliant,
but she also coerced Qi Zhuyin to get married with Fei Shi, which meant that she would not be
giving Qi Zhuyin any noble rank. In fact, she had even shown signs of wanting to split up the
military power in Qi Zhuyin’s hands.

Perhaps there were indeed people who were more capable of fighting wars than Qi Zhuyin was.
However, at this time, at this moment when the battlefields in the north and south were at stake,
Qi Zhuyin would never hand over Qidong’s military power to anyone else but herself. Since the
Empress Dowager already had the thought of moving her, she would never sit still and resign
herself to her fate.
“As long as the memorial to mobilize troops can be approved and the deployment order from the
Ministry of War can be issued before I leave,” Qi Zhuyin suddenly smiled, “then the military
provisions that are keeping you at a standstill isn’t hard to deal with; I won’t forcibly make a
requisition for Juexi’s food.”

Xue Xiuzhuo brushed aside the willow branch that came flying towards him and said, “Deal.”

◈ ◈ ◈

The incense in the hall was a tad strong, and it made Hua Xiangyi feel sick after smelling it for a
long time. Matron Liuxiang hurriedly had the maids open the windows. She helped Hua Xiangyi
sit on the couch near the window and said ardently, “Third Missy has left for only half a year,
and this humble slave can see how much thinner you have become. That Qidong lies close to the
desert. It has been hard on the Third Missy.”

Hua Xiangyi clutched her handkerchief and said, “Auntie is the one who has lost weight.” She
turned her eyes to look at the small prayer hall in the inner chamber.

Matron Liuxiang said, “Her Majesty misses the Third Missy, and she prays to the Bodhisattva
every day to ask for blessings for the Third Missy. Last time, she caught a cold in the night and
wanted to see the Third Missy. Taking medicine didn’t work either, so she had this humble slave
lit the lamp to read the letters Third Missy sent.”

They were in the midst of conversing when the eunuch outside gave a shout to announce the
arrival of the Empress Dowager. Hua Xiangyi walked over to greet the Empress Dowager, but
the Empress Dowager dispensed with the formalities and held her hands as she stood at the
doorway to look Hua Xiangyi over carefully. “Why have you lost weight? Are you not used to
the food in the Qi’s residence? I picked a few chefs from our Dicheng for you. Take them with
you when you leave.” The Empress Dowager grew so emotional speaking that her eyes
indistinctly glistened with tears. She stroked Hua Xiangyi’s temple. “Is my baby girl all well?”

Hua Xiangyi held the Empress Dowager’s hands back and choked slightly with sobs as she
answered, “I’ve been missing my aunt.”

The Empress Dowager led her inside, her heart breaking on hearing her. She would not let Hua
Xiangyi sit at the side when she took her seat on the couch, instead insisting on having her sit
next to her. “Does that Qi Shiyu treat you well? What about Qi Zhuyin? I heard those concubines
of his are a restless lot who don’t know their places. If anyone dares to affront you, get the
maidservants to tie them up and send them away. I’ll back you up.”

Hua Xiangyi broke into a smile through her tears.

The Empress Dowager hugged her like a child and said, “I used to think that I could still send
letters when you marry over. Only now do I know how it feels to be so far apart.”
The Empress Dowager originally wanted to pick the best husband for Hua Xiangyi, but never in
her wildest dreams would she have expected Hua Xiangyi to be eventually married away to Qi
Shiyu. To the Empress Dowager’s mind, Qi Shiyu had at least been a hero for a lifetime, and
except for his age, he could be begrudgingly said to be worthy of Hua Xiangyi. But who knew he
would suffer a stroke in the end? The Empress Dowager regretted making this move and wished
with all her heart to give all that was good to Hua Xiangyi as she faced her now.

Hua Xiangyi leaned against the Empress Dowager and asked once the latter was done
reminiscing, “Is Auntie all well?”

“The principal hall is in such a mess that I can’t eat or sleep well.” The Empress Dowager
paused for a moment before continuing self-derisively. “I’m old, after all. My mind and spirits
are not as they were before.”

Hua Xiangyi slowly straightened up a little and said in a gentle voice, “Why do you have to go
so far as to work so hard? There’s the Grand Secretary to assist in state affairs. I heard that the
Heir Apparent is a keen learner too.”

The Empress Dowager supported Emperor Xiande, so she could also support the Heir
Apparent now. In Hua Xiangyi’s opinion, Li Jianting was far more reliable than the previous
two. Although she was physically in Qidong, she was very well aware of all the major
happenings in Qudu.

The Empress Dowager gave a long sigh. She recalled the way Li Jianting looked earlier when
she spoke up in Mingli Hall earlier and felt even more on guard against the Heir Apparent. “You
are looking at it too superficially. How is that Heir Apparent easy to get along with? She’s
merely a cheap, lowly lass from out there whom a few scoundrels instigated to challenge me.”

After a moment of silence, Hua Xiangyi said, “Having married over to Qidong, I have some
understanding of Biansha and Zhongbo. Auntie, Shen Zechuan is now in power in Zhongbo, but
he isn’t bad by nature. Reclaiming Duanzhou and drawing up the fields again are all good
things… I asked Zhaoyue last year how the situation in the City of Dancheng was, and she said
Pan Yi couldn’t say for sure either. Too many people have died of starvation. The pair of them
had the thought to provide aid relief to the refugees, but with the granaries void of grains, there
was nothing they could do either.”

The Empress Dowager gradually shut her eyes. After listening for a while, she said, “I know you
have a kind heart, but this is the moment that decides whether we succeed or fail.” The Empress
Dowager opened her eyes once again and looked at Hua Xiangyi. “You lived in the palace away
from Dicheng, and there are things you don’t know. Our family properties were confiscated
during the reign of Xiande, and I was stranded and trapped in the harem. During those periods,
even the eunuchs of the inner court’s yamen dared to come before my palace and blackmail me
for silver. There are plenty waiting to humiliate and trample over us had the Marquis of Helian
not bribed them. Look at that Xue clan. The legitimate son of lawful birth is a good-for-nothing
who squandered away all his family properties and is now being bossed around. Where are his
nobleman’s dignity and respectability? Then look again at that Xue Yanqing. He’s the most
bastard of all bastards. His desire to audit Dancheng’s field taxes means he wants to use us as a
stepping stone for the Heir Apparent. How many of those from the eight cities will be able to
escape if we were to be investigated by him for real?”

The Empress Dowager straightened up in her seat too.

“Without the noble clans, what else can I use to vie with them? If there’s a problem with the field
taxes, I will square the accounts myself in the future. No one else has the prerogative to interfere.
And that Shen Zechuan, acting in cahoots with Xiao Chiye. I can tell what they are thinking of
doing. You think he’s looking at the land under his feet, but he’s clearly eyeing the throne.
Traitors of such ilk seek fame in everything they do. Shen Wei’s treachery is still hanging over
his head!”

The words Hua Xiangyi said were already tactful. She watched as the Empress Dowager’s chest
heaved and knew that the Empress Dowager’s mind was already made up. She would never be
willing to co-exist with the Heir Apparent. Hua Xiangyi made as if to speak, but stopped as she
heard the sudden sound of rain starting up outside; to her surprise, a sun shower had started to

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 224 : Abrupt Change

The sun shower stopped as abruptly as it came. Liang Cuishan’s swiftly-moving boots were
covered in specks of mud. He lifted the hem of his robe and strode through the door, where the
officials waiting in the office of the Ministry of Revenue were already all ready to go. He
listened as the sound of the rain outside came to a sudden stop and took out his handkerchief to
wipe away the thin film of sweat on his face. Succinctly, he announced, “Start the count.”

The sounds of abacus beads being flicked noisily in the room started up, as if the sudden rain
earlier had begun to fall again inside the office.

Carrying the Grand Secretariat’s writ in his bosom, Liang Cuishan sat on the taishi chair1 and
reopened those eight cities’ account books that had been stacked up into a pile and buried his
head in them to do his recalculations. His mental arithmetic was outstanding, and he understood
how taxes worked, so he was pretty fast going through the accounts. But to be on the safe side,
he still had an abacus, brushes, and paper prepared within hand reach.

The “rain” in the Ministry of Revenue’s office fell throughout the night. Only errand runners
went in and out during this time to brew strong tea for the various gentlemen to perk themselves
up. In the midst of this din, however, the Empress Dowager did not sleep a wink.
Smoke from burning incense inside her palace spiraled upwards. The Empress Dowager turned
the prayer beads in her hand as she reclined on the couch, while Matron Liuxiang pounded her
legs in a massage. There was no one else inside this hall. The Empress Dowager, having already
removed her eastern pearls, looked rather haggard as she shut her eyes for a nap.

“Commander Han has already communicated with Fuman.” Matron Liuxiang reassured her in a
soft voice. “There should be movements on the Heir Apparent’s end by now.”

The Empress Dowager opened her eyes slightly. “The Heir Apparent butted in while we were
discussing affairs in Mingli Hall today. I can see that Kong Boran has a change of heart towards
her; he really thinks of her as a student now.”

“Isn’t this all instigated by Xue Yanqing?” Matron Liuxiang massaged with rhythmic finesse.
“She was raised outside the palace. How would she understand political affairs?”

“She doesn’t know when to stop pushing it, and she has no sense of propriety. Even if she wants
to interfere in the affairs of the state, she has to have the capability to. Qi Zhuyin’s reluctance to
accede to me today must be because she thinks Xue Xiuzhuo still has a way out. Since they are
so anxious to do a count of the eight cities’ surplus grains,” the Empress Dowager scrutinized her
hand that had the prayer beads wound around it, “then, by all means, go ahead.”

Under the slightly dimmed lights, the Empress Dowager appeared calm and unruffled, without so
much as a semblance of panic.

◈ ◈ ◈

The more Liang Cuishan did his calculations, the more alarmed he was. He maneuvered the
abacus several times under the noisy sound of its beads being flicked, but the result was the same
as his mental calculations. There was no problem with the reserves of the Dancheng’s granaries
that the Ministry of Revenue was rechecking. According to the calculations of the quantity of
these surplus grains, the granaries in the Eight Cities were now Da Zhou’s most abundant

How could that be?

Liang Cuishan pushed away the abacus and stood up, once again wiping the sweat from his face
with his handkerchief.

◈ ◈ ◈

Pan Lin sat back in his chair, his face pale under the candlelight. He had been locked up here for
several days. If nothing else, the creased corners of his robe only served to show just how
wretched a sight he cut for a young master of a noble clan. He pushed himself to hang on and
looked at Xue Xiuzhuo with tired eyes.
“You knew the detailed situation of the eight cities’ granaries when you audited their field taxes
at the start of the year.” Xue Xiuzhuo was tired too. He covered his eyes with a damp
handkerchief for a moment to gather himself. “The granaries of the eight cities have long been
vacant, am I right?”

Pan Lin answered with silence.

“Chengzhi.” Xue Xiuzhuo switched over to calling Pan Lin by his courtesy name. “You let Yao
Yuanzhuo go because you are still kind at heart. You are not of the same ilk as Wei Huaigu, so
why work for them against your conscience? So many people starved to death in the City of
Dancheng last year. If the imperial court is unable to resurvey the fields and return them to the
commoners, many people will still die of starvation in Dancheng next year.”

Pan Lin’s Adam’s apple bobbed. He tilted back his head a little and stared at the pitch-dark roof.

“Qi Zhuyin made repeated trips into the capital to ask for the military salaries, and even at this
time, the Qidong Garrison Troops still have no way of dispatching their troops. The Biansha
Twelve Tribes have already fought their way to the Bianjun Commandery.” Xue Xiuzhuo’s
bloodshot eyes from the lack of sleep revealed his struggle, as if he was being tormented. He
continued, “Chengzhi, I need grains.”

A moth flew out of nowhere and rested on the window. In the long, endless silence, it took flight
once more and lunged into the night. It wandered in the dark, brushing past a speeding horse
carriage that came to a stop before a residence. Hua Xiangyi leaped off the carriage just as
Hongying lifted the carriage curtain.


Hua Xiangyi lifted the hem of her skirt and broke into a run after striding through the main gate.
The pearls that adorned the hairpin in her hair swung violently as she ran. Gasping for breath,
she passed through the labyrinthine front courtyard and long walkways, ignoring the startled
shouts around her as she ran into Qi Zhuyin’s courtyard.

Qi Wei was talking to the attendants when he suddenly saw Hua Xiangyi running over. Startled
and thinking that there was an assassin, he promptly shouted, “Protect the Commander-in-

In a split second, the guards in the courtyard drew their blades, their glints mutually standing out
in sharp relief with Hua Xiangyi’s swaying pearls, masking the cold frost of the moon. Pearls
strewed over Qi Zhuyin the moment she opened the door. Hua Xiangyi hastily held up the hair at
her temple, which was already covered in a thin sheen of sweat amid her slightly urgent

“The Dancheng’s granaries are empty. No matter how much surplus grains the Ministry of
Revenue comes up with in their rechecks,” Hua Xiangyi was still clutching her skirt as she
looked at Qi Zhuyin, “… they are all a smokescreen.”
Qi Zhuyin returned the hairpin she had caught to Hua Xiangyi and looked at Qi Wei.

Qi Wei immediately stepped back, turned around to hurry out of the courtyard, and sent someone
to relay the information to Liang Cuishan.

At this time, it was nearing the third quarter of the hour of chou. At the second quarter of
the hour of yin, the various imperial court officials had to be ready to wait outside the palace
gates. They would then enter the palace for the morning court session at the hour of mao on the
dot. Time was of pressing urgency, and no one dared to tarry.

◈ ◈ ◈

Pan Lin fell completely silent after Xue Xiuzhuo said his piece. He was a man well-versed in the
Confucian classics, and he could not bring himself to look directly into Xue Xiuzhuo’s eyes. He
gazed at the roof and saw the timeworn traces of years of disrepair on the beams. The parts that
had not been covered by the new paint lay exposed outside, its exterior dotted with fine insect
holes, rotten to the core.

It was in here Pan Lin sat, yet he felt the wind as he silently counted those small holes, killing
himself with a blunt blade in that silence. He understood that Xue Xiuzhuo’s expression might be
just a disguise, and yet he also knew that what Xue Xiuzhuo had said was the truth. In all these
days he had been in his cell, his silence had not been all about avoidance.

“Let me ask you.” Pan Lin was slow to react as he turned his head around, finally willing to look
Xue Xiuzhuo in the eyes. “Why do you want to kill Yuanzhuo?”

Xue Xiuzhuo leaned back in his chair and similarly looked at Pan Lin in the eyes too.

“You want to assist the Li clan, and so did the Secretariat Elder Hai. Both of you supported
Emperor Tianchen and replaced Hua Siqian.” Pan Lin shifted his shackled hand onto the table.
“But then, you killed Emperor Tianchen for the Heir Apparent… Xue Yanqing, you hide under
the waves. I can’t tell if you are a loyal sage or a treacherous sycophant at all.”

Pan Lin needed an answer. With this question, Xue Xiuzhuo could clear up the unbecoming part
of him that went against the principles of the virtuous gentlemen. He only needed to give Pan Lin
a justifiable reason, and he would have won a landslide victory tonight.

But Xue Xiuzhuo said, “I want to kill Yao Yuanzhuo because he deserved to be killed.”

He no longer looked as prim and proper after having stayed up all night. In fact, he was even
willing to loosen up his tightly fastened official robe as he sat across the table.

“The noble clans are always thinking that they still dominate this imperial court. However, they
had already long lost control of this carriage towards the end of the reign of Yongyi. Look at
your father. If the noble clans had been tough and fearsome enough, would he have needed to be
in two minds under the pincer attacks of both the noble clans and those of humble origins? The
Zhongbo’s military defeat during the reign of Xiande made me understand one thing.” Xue
Xiuzhuo lifted a finger and pointed to the ground. “At the same time the noble clan is infiltrating
Da Zhou, they are also being infiltrated by others. Hua Siqian thought he could outplay Amu’er
in the east, but in truth, he was just a jackal Amu’er trapped while spying on Da Zhou. The most
ludicrous thing was that even right up until his death, Hua Siqian thought he was the one holding
the chain.”

“Secretariat Elder Hai and I watched the Prince of Libei rise to power. The Libei Armored
Cavalry became a valiant army in the northeast, but they did not place themselves at the Li clan’s
disposal; their surnames were Xiao. No matter how loyal Xiao Fangxu and Xiao Jiming were,
the Libei Armored Cavalry no longer accepted commanding generals from Qudu. They call
themselves a pack of wolves, and even term themselves an iron wall. That’s right, they are
indeed an impenetrable fortress, but at the same time they block out the Biansha Cavalry, they
also block Qudu. Had the Empress Dowager not undermined and corrupted state politics,
Emperor Guangcheng would have long gotten the Libei Armored Cavalry to disperse during the
later period of the reign of Yongyi. It was when they were still called the Luoxia Cavalry that
they were truly subordinated to the Li clan’s army. Would Xiao Fangxu not understand that?
Even so, he was still unwilling to hand over his military power. He believed in himself. He might
not have been wrong, but he couldn’t control the gradually solidifying armored cavalry.”

“Many people denounced Qudu for being paranoid, but who could guarantee that such a large
and powerful army would keep on having a clear-headed commander-in-chief for eternity? Even
Xiao Fangxu himself knew it was impossible. What is needed to be sitting here is not verbal
promises or personal trust, but a real balance and control of power. Xiao Fangxu had long
understood that he would have to hand over a son to Qudu, and Secretariat Elder Hai looked for
an appropriate opportunity for him to do so in consideration of Libei’s friendship and dignity.
But before he could act, Hua Siqian, in a bid to make up for the state treasury deficit, handed the
Six Prefectures of Zhongbo over on a silver platter to Amu’er. As a result, the reason for Xiao
Chiye’s entry into the capital became Qudu and Libei’s sore point.”

“Do you understand now? There are Scorpions from the desert in these waters. Amu’er relied on
them to stir up the situation and make Da Zhou rot from within. Yet the noble clans feigned
ignorance about it. Secretariat Elder Hai and I went through a lot of trouble to support Li
Jianheng to ascend to the throne in the hope that Li Jianheng could clean up and sort out the
imperial court, but he turned out to be a good-for-nothing through and through!”

“Yao Yuanzhuo’s reputation has been built up to a terrifying level, but he would never put it to
use for Qudu. If I don’t kill him, he will inevitably be used by others. All of you kept Yuanzhuo
alive for the sake of the so-called cardinal principles of righteousness. You can now see for
yourself the surge of scholars with a literary reputation in the world flocking towards Zhongbo,
where he is now giving counsel to Shen Zechuan.”

Xue Xiuzhuo paused for a long time before he continued expressionlessly, “I’m neither a loyal
sage nor a treacherous sycophant.”

What exactly was he?

He did not know.

He received Mister Changzong’s guidance during the early years of his education and thought he
would be able to become a gentleman of virtue himself. In the past several years, he held Qi
Huilian in high esteem and even had exchanges with him before. He thought Qi Huilian could
understand his aspirations, but the latter rejected him. He respected Hai Liangyi and was willing
to put himself at the latter’s beck and call. To this day, he still wanted to address Hai Liangyi as
his teacher. However, Hai Liangyi staunchly believed that Li Jianheng could become emperor
under his guidance, and Xue Xiuzhuo could wait no longer. He wanted to install on the throne a
sovereign that could create a new world. If there was no such candidate, he could only press on
and go all out.

He did not need compassion, nor did he need to justify himself. He was willing to pay an
exponential price for all that he had done. He had only one life, and he gambled it on Da Zhou’s
twilight years. Whether or not the dawn that broke after the night was the one that he sought, he
was still willing to risk his life to pursue it with all his might.

This was Da Zhou’s last chance, as well as his own.

Pan Lin raised both his hands to cover his face before the table. After a long time, he spoke up.
“I was already aware that Wei Huaigu was falsifying accounts when I served as the Vice
Minister in the Ministry of Revenue. I also knew there was something wrong with the Dancheng
field taxes.” He revealed his eyes that were lined with fine wrinkles. “But my name is Pan Lin,
and I can only…”

Pan Lin did not continue. He rubbed his face hard a few times.

Hurried footsteps rang out from outside the cell. Pan Lin and Xue Xiuzhuo sat in silence,
listening as that noise pressed in towards them.

At the very last moment the door opened.


Pan Lin said wearily.

“The eight cities are all empty.”

Xue Xiuzhuo sprang to his feet. Before the functionary opened his mouth, Xue Xiuzhuo made a
clean sweep of his fatigue and fastened back his collar, then gave a slight nod at Pan Lin and
said, “Thanks.”

Shadows moved around outside the cell. Just as Xue Xiuzhuo was about to leave, Pan Lin
suddenly piped up, “You subdued your selfish desires to such an uncompromising extent that
you are already beyond what the average person can tolerate. As you said it yourself, what is
needed here is checks and balances… and what do you have that could let the Heir
Apparent hold you in check?”

Xue Xiuzhuo looked askance at him and did not answer.

Pan Lin seemed to have understood something. He watched Xue Xiuzhuo leave. The door to the
cell closed with a creak, leaving only him sitting alone in there. Thin ray of morning light peeked
through the small window at the side, but did not shine on Pan Lin.

Pan Lin had already done his best.

◈ ◈ ◈

Pan Xiangjie rummaged through his chests and cupboards in a search of the account books.
Those old account books that had accumulated at the bottom of the chests were all sharp
weapons that could bring about his downfall! He had heard the news when he woke up, and he
had to burn all the incriminating evidence before Xue Xiuzhuo made his way here.

The reign of Yongyi. The reign of Xiande. The reign of Tianchen!

Pan Xiangjie bundled up all of these accounts neatly. He kneeled before the chests and untied the
rope with his bare hands before throwing all the account books into the copper basin.

There were too many of them for him to burn it all on his own.

Pan Xiangjie’s panic was giving him acid reflux. He could never have imagined the breach to be
his own son. He had already been driven to a dead end—he could not leave the matter at that!

“The reign of Yongyi…” Pan Xiangjie traced the entries in the accounts with his finger and read
them out. “The Hua clan… The Han clan…”

Everyone is in here.

Pan Xiangjie was wild with joy. As long as everyone was in here, his Pan clan would not perish.
The sound of running military boots suddenly erupted from the courtyard. Pan Xiangjie clutched
the account book tightly and rose to his feet using a chest as a support. Unsteadily, he made his
way to the door.

But the one who came was Han Cheng.

Faking composure, Pan Xiangjie covered the book with his wide sleeves and said to Han Cheng,
“Things have not come to a head yet, and already the Empress Dowager can’t contain herself?
Abandoning the pawn to protect the rook is absolutely not the wisest strategy! Xue Xiuzhuo and
the noble clans are on antagonistic terms. Even if you cut off my Pan clan today, the others will
not be able to escape unscathed either.”
Pan Xiangjie had spent a lifetime pretending to be a senile, old duffer who cowered behind Hua
Siqian and Wei Huaigu and fell to his knees at every turn to beg for mercy in the imperial court,
yet here he stood today, speaking with lucidity and eloquence.

Han Cheng gripped the hilt of his blade. “Your execution now gives everyone some room to
catch their breaths. Who would dare to disregard your kindness? I guarantee your legitimate line
of descendants will not die. They will still have an opportunity to stage a comeback one day.”

As Pan Xiangjie watched the glint of the blade pressed in towards him, he could not help but
raise his voice, “Kill me today, and you’d be merely forcing Xue Xiuzhuo’s hand! Once
Dancheng is gone, how much longer can Chuancheng last?”

“Cut the crap!” Sweat had also broken out on Han Cheng’s forehead. He waved a hand to give
the order. “The Empress Dowager has long known that you would leave a way out for yourself.
These accounts are in such a mess, and yet you can still remember them so clearly. Burn this
courtyard down!”

Pan Xiangjie held onto the door and saw his family members wailing. In that bedlam, he hollered
out. “I’ve long gotten Chengzhi to transcribe these accounts. Go ahead and burn them! Even if
you kill me now, these accounts will still fall into Xue Xiuzhuo’s hands!”

“Pan Lin’s treason is already an established fact.” Han Cheng drew his blade out, “Didn’t he
secretly let Yao Wenyu go? Yao Wenyu is now Shen Zechuan’s strategist! The evidence proving
your Pan clan’s collusion with the rebels is conclusive. So how credible can his words be? He is
the spy Shen Zechuan left in Qudu!”

Caught in the thick of the pushing and shoving, Pan Xiangjie fell to the ground. He shouted out,
“You cast aside your pawns once they have served their purpose, and you eliminate them once
they outlived their usefulness.… like cooking the hounds for food once the hares have been
hunted and casting aside the bows once the birds have been shot down! I was a willing lackey for
you people, yet this is how it ends today! Han Cheng, even if I die today, how much longer can
you live?!”

Being on duty with his Eight Great Training Divisions authority token with him, Han Cheng
could wait no longer. He walked towards Pan Xiangjie as the fire blazed and raised his blade for
the kill. Unexpectedly, the Qi Wei behind him was even faster. Instead of going around the
walkway, he leaped over the ridge of the roof and swooped down from above to knock over Han
Cheng, sending the latter tumbling along with him.

Pan Xiangjie took this opportunity to suddenly raise the account book and yell towards the
courtyard entrance. “Commander-in-chief Qi, save me!”

In the thick of the scuffle, Han Cheng tossed out the Eight Great Training Divisions’ authority
token and shouted as well, “The Capital Command Troops hold the most authority at the foot
where the Son of Heaven is! Qi Zhuyin’s troops shall go no further than the outskirts of the city.
How dare you obstruct my Eight Great Training Divisions from carrying out its duties?!”
“I asked Commander-in-chief Qi to arrest the criminal minister. I possess both the warrant of
arrest from the Ministry of Justice and the deployment order from the Ministry of War. So why
wouldn’t I dare to?” Xue Xiuzhuo flicked aside the hem of his robe and barked in a stern voice,
“Put out the fire and arrest him. Take Han Cheng in as well!”

Han Cheng said, “I am here on the Empress Dowager’s decree. You dare to arrest me?!”

The Eight Great Training Divisions soldiers in the courtyard instantly drew their blades and took
a threatening step towards Xue Xiuzhuo.

Qi Zhuyin pushed the blades aside with the sheath of her blade and said from the back, “Since
the Eight Great Training Divisions are the Capital Command Troops, they are the Son of
Heaven’s army. The Heir Apparent has asked me to assist in the case, yet you’re electing to obey
the Empress Dowager instead?”

Han Cheng had initially thought Pan Xiangjie was bluffing him. Who would have expected Qi
Zhuyin to really show up?! The reason he dared to kill Pan Xiangjie before Xue Xiuzhuo showed
up was that he had the Eight Great Training Divisions in his hands and could use it to strong-arm
the Grand Secretariat. But with Qi Zhuyin’s troops presently parked right outside the city, he
would no doubt be on the losing end if a fight were to break out.

Han Cheng’s arrogance deflated some, and he hissed through clenched teeth, “Of course, I shall
do as the Heir Apparent says.”

The Eight Great Training Divisions returned their blades to their sheaths and watched Qi
Zhuyin’s guards enter to detain Pan Xiangjie and Han Cheng. That fire did not burn for too long
before it was easily extinguished. Xue Xiuzhuo waved away the smoke and dust and picked up a
few of the account books that had not been fully burned.

◈ ◈ ◈

The Empress Dowager was taken aback by the unforeseen developments. On hearing that Xue
Xiuzhuo had taken the account books away, she could not help but collapse onto the couch. A
deep furrow materialized between her eyebrows as she spitefully lamented, “Pan Xiangjie, that

In order to save his own life, Pan Xiangjie had dragged everyone down into hot water!

“Where is the Heir Apparent?” The Empress Dowager regained her composure. “Well, then. Xue
Xiuzhuo certainly is capable. Since he wishes to fight me to the death, then let him find out for
himself if the ‘Destined Son of Heaven’ in his hands is tough enough.”

As the Empress Dowager spoke, she jerked the prayer beads off her hand and chucked them into
the burning copper basin, sending up countless splutters of soot.

◈ ◈ ◈
After his capture, Han Cheng shut his eyes and went to sleep with his face to the wall. He
ignored everyone else, sure that Xue Xiuzhuo would not dare to touch him yet. Pan Xiangjie
reverted to his previous ways, clutching onto his sleeves as he sat sobbing on the other side of
the table.

“Yes, yes… I’ll account for it all…” Pan Xiangjie wiped his tears, “but let me have a bite first.
Yanqing, I’m starving.”

This cunning old fellow meant to stall for time by using the account books to blackmail the
Empress Dowager and wait for her to rescue him.

Although Liang Cuishan was in charge of taxation, he had also seen such trials before and was
aware that these old fellows were not easy to interrogate and put on trial. Having stayed up all
night, he took two sips of the strong tea and said after receiving Xue Xiuzhuo’s implied consent,
“It also takes time for a meal to be prepared. Your Venerable Excellency can take your time to

Pan Xiangjie glanced at Liang Cuishan, who did not appear to be angry. “Chongshen, you are on
such good terms with Chengzhi, so you know me.” He stroked his belly and pulled a long face.
“I’m unaccustomed to going hungry at home, so my mind is currently in a mess.”

“How would I dare to put Your Venerable Excellency to the trouble?” Liang Cuishan set his tea
aside. “All you have to do is answer me. I audited the surplus grains in Dancheng yesterday and
discovered that the granary was full. Tell me, did you purchase grains from elsewhere to pass
them off as the surplus grains just before the Ministry of Revenue’s rechecks?”

“Look, I don’t manage the grains.” Pan Xiangjie innocently spread his hands apart. He seemed to
be panicking. “I’m in charge of the Ministry of Works! For the details regarding these grains,
you’ll have to ask the Tax Circuit Intendant of Dancheng, or Pan Yi.”

“I asked them long ago.” Liang Cuishan flipped open the account book and showed it to Pan
Xiangjie. “They’ve all confessed. You people sold the grains to Yan Heru. Since Dancheng sold
its stock, the other seven cities must have too, right?”

“I’m not even sure about the Dancheng accounts, so how would I know about the other seven
cities?” Pan Xiangjie knew that this information was likely brought up by Liang Cuishan to trick
him. “Since they’ve already confessed to it, Yanqing, go by the books! Report it to the Grand
Secretariat and have the Senior Grand Secretary take a look too.”

Xue Xiuzhuo said, “Given that we have to discuss it during the morning court session, it was
already reported before the hour of mao.”

For a moment, Pan Xiangjie could not tell whether Xue Xiuzhuo was telling the truth or not
when he heard that it was already reported.
Liang Cuishan fished out the writ from his sleeve. “Otherwise, how could we have managed to
request your presence here? We naturally followed the procedures in accordance with the
constitution of the law; the Ministry of Justice has already given their authorization.”

Pan Xiangjie stared at the document for a long time.

Xue Xiuzhuo leaned in closer and looked at Pan Xiangjie as he said, “Your Excellency is in
charge of the administration of the Ministry of Works. I noticed that the dams of Kailing River
were well-repaired when the public ditches case happened during the reign of Xiande. This
shows that Your Excellency is a practical man who does concrete work and is willing to share
the burdens of the common people. My target this time isn’t Your Excellency. Chengzhi is fine.
It has not come to the point where he needs to be executed. There’s only a little blip on the Pan
clan’s accounts. You’ll still have some leeway left after we sort this out.”

These words were telling Pan Xiangjie that if he continued to remain indecisive, then even this
bit of leeway would be gone.

Pan Xiangjie let out a few sobs, his beard drooping as he said to Xue Xiuzhuo, “I really am not

Xue Xiuzhuo said, “Then it appears that Dancheng is the ‘private city’ of the Pan clan. You
deceived the imperial court and colluded with Pan Lin from the Ministry of Revenue to
appropriate the commoners’ crop fields in Dancheng and falsely report the field taxes. You also
resold public grains and conspired with the wealthy merchant Yan Heru of Hezhou, leading to
the deaths of countless of citizens. Your Pan clan is solely culpable for all of this.”

Listening to him filled Pan Xiangjie with fear and trepidation. Realizing that Xue Xiuzhuo was
being serious, he hastened to call out, “Yanqing…”

“The account books and the confession statements have all been transcribed verbatim and
submitted to the Grand Secretariat.” Xue Xiuzhuo ignored Pan Xiangjie, “Corrupted men like
you who pervert the course of justice deserved to have your family properties confiscated to
make up for what you owe in taxes and your entire family executed!”

“The account books have not been straightened out yet!” Pan Xiangjie followed suit and stood
up. Both his hands were trembling as he pleaded. “Yanqing, Yanqing! We can discuss this over.
I haven’t given my statement yet!”

Xue Xiuzhuo turned back.

Pan Xiangjie could only say, “These accounts—”

The prison door behind Xue Xiuzhuo suddenly opened, and the clerk, not knowing what had
happened, stood up in response. Xue Xiuzhuo looked back and could not help but break out in a
cold sweat when he saw that it was a eunuch from the palace.
This out-of-breath little eunuch did not dare to look an imperial court minister in the eyes as he
kneeled on the ground and hurriedly shuffled forth on his knees a few steps before saying in a
fluster, “Your, Your Excellency! The Heir Apparent suddenly fainted before the court session
was to start. The Senior Grand Secretary has urgently summoned the imperial physician over. At
this moment…”

Just one step shy.

Xue Xiuzhuo’s limbs were icy cold, and the hand in which he was clenching the book broke out
in a cold sweat. Pan Xiangjie instantly shut his mouth and sat back.

Strikes where it hurts.

The Empress Dowager was truly one tough nut!

Xue Xiuzhuo dropped the account book in his hands and squeezed the words out through
clenched teeth, “Set off for the palace.”

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 225 : Adversary

Warning: Depiction of child abuse/rape

Fengquan kneeled by the side of the couch and personally sampled the medicine that was about
to be fed to Li Jianting.

Li Jianting’s face was pale, and her temples were covered in a cold sweat as she lay trembling on
the couch. She was covered with a quilt, yet she looked like she was being crushed beneath it.
Faint whimpers and sobs escaped her throat alongside her urgent gasps for breath.

The imperial physician inside the palace did not dare to be careless with his diagnosis. He took
Li Jianting’s pulse again and again through the lowered bed-curtains and wiped his sweat from
time to time as he repeated the prescription to the people beside him.

Kong Qiu had faced this kind of situation twice with Hai Liangyi, but this was the first time it
had happened since he took charge. His hidden hands under his sleeves were slicked with sweat,
and even when his sweat dripped into his eyes, he did not dare to blink.

If the Heir Apparent were to pass away.

Kong Qiu did not dare to think of the repercussions. He closed his eyes with some effort and
thought back to that downpour during the public ditches incident. Just how much of a resolve did
Hai Liangyi have to steel himself with to say those kinds of words.


Kong Qiu could not help but clench his teeth.

If only Teacher was still around.

Kong Qiu was at such a loss for words now that he was even overwhelmed by the intense sense
of powerlessness as he listened to the Heir Apparent’s breaking-up voice.

The medicinal decoction was poured down Li Jianting’s throat. Her eyeballs were still swiveling.
It was as if she was being bound in place by her nightmare. Fengquan kneeled for an entire day.
During the interval of time when the palace maids at the sides retreated, he plucked up the
courage to gently brush away Li Jianting’s damp hair and watched as Li Jianting’s expressions
underwent a myriad of changes.

The casualties of this game extended far beyond to the innocent bystanders caught in the
crossfire. Whether or not the Heir Apparent survived, the palace maids and eunuchs serving
the Heir Apparent in her palace were already condemned to death.

Fengquan had to find a way out in this pressing emergency. He still had unfinished business; Li
Jianting must not die.

“Your Highness…” Fengquan quietly called out to Li Jianting in a whisper. Due to the close
proximity, he saw the tiny hole in Li Jianting’s earlobe. He steeled himself and said, “Your
Highness struggled to get out of the pleasure quarters and is merely just a step away from the
imperial throne. If you lose heart now, you will fail at the last hurdle just when success is within
reach… Your Highness!”

It was as if Li Jianting could not hear him. Her fingers clutched at the bedding tightly. She might
have been lying in this exquisite splendor, but her mind was still trapped in the world’s foulest

A whimper of a sob lingered in Li Jianting’s throat—that was a plea for mercy she made when
she was being beaten.

Heavens made a fool of her, giving her such an identity, but had her born a girl. The jingling of
earring blended into the din of tables and chairs toppling over. She fell among them countless
times, dragged by her hair before those repulsive men.

Xiangyun was a good procuress. She knew how to make the most out of her girls.

◈ ◈ ◈
Ling Ting was a girl adopted by Xiangyun, but she was not special, for Xiangyun had adopted
many a number of children. Xiangyun would lift their heads by the chin to scrutinize them
carefully, and from then on, the trajectory of their future paths was decided.

Ling Ting was a pretty one, but she was not likable. As Xiangyun looked her over, she found
these eyes of hers surprisingly loathsome.

“You look quite pretty, but also much too fierce.” Xiangyun tapped her pipe. “Might as well
blind these eyes. Only then will them cloudy eyes inspire pity in the various lords.”

Ling Ting was thin and small. Xiangyun fed her food and did not really blind her eyes, and for
that, Ling Ting was very grateful to Xiangyun. Every day, she watched the men going in and out
of Xiangyun Villa to please the courtesans in the brothel. She had no designated master. Instead,
she spent all day running barefoot in the corridors serving tea and water for the courtesans,
watching them as they applied rouge powder and perfume.

Girls really smell so nice.

Ling Ting kneeled by the door with her hands on the rug as she sneakily sniffed at the fragrance
inside like a little puppy. She watched those ample, voluptuous bodies drape themselves with
outfits of silk and satin, and watched as those long and slender fingers put on bracelets of gold
and jade. She also listened as those courtesans spoke in their sweet, delicate voices, like the
pleasant trills of orioles. They fascinated her, making her yearn for the world of women.

With a gorgeous, colorful shawl over her shoulders, Xiangyun stopped beside Ling Ting ,
looking much like a willow branch swaying in the wind. She had drunk wine, and there was a
thin sheen of glow on her face as she chuckled dreamily and bent over to cup Ling Ting ’s face.
“Doggie… Here, I’ll put an earring on you.”

A pearl that was dangling from that golden thread slid down coldly along the contour of Ling
Ting ’s ear and fell onto the rug. Ling Ting stared at Xiangyun in a daze. Xiangyun, having
already straightened up, laughed as she walked off.

“Madame has an important guest today.” A courtesan inside tossed a vermillion hairpin into the
jewelry box. She looked like she could not hold her liquor as she continued, “The Second Young
Master of the Prince of Libei.”

A chorus of giggles rang out from the inner room.

Ling Ting did not know who the Prince of Libei was, nor did she know who the Second Young
Master was. She carefully picked up the pearl earring and quietly grasped it in her hand.

Drinks were to be served in the brothel in the evening. Ling Ting followed the maidservants in
and saw Prince Chu reclining on the couch. He was so drunk he was babbling nonsense. Several
noble clans’ young masters had been invited along as well, but Xiangyun ignored them all. She
sat demurely beside a person’s chair, so prim and proper was she that she resembled a fine lady
from a distinguished family.

Xiao Chiye was wearing raven blue-colored regular wear, although this way of dressing could
not put a muzzle to his frivolousness. He seemed to have drunk wine too, sitting with his arms
put up on the chair as he played dice with the young master at the side.

Ling Ting stood in attendance by the side to pour wine for the distinguished guests, doing so for
half a night until everyone at the table was drunk. Li Jianheng kept tugging at Xiangyun to keep
pestering her to drink up, while Xiao Chiye seemed to have played to his heart’s content,
although he had never once touched the courtesans at the feast.

Reeking of wine, Li Jianheng pointed out Xiao Chiye to Xiangyun. “This is my… buddy! The
son of the Prince… Prince of Libei… He’s been on the battlefield…” He belched and giggled
cheekily. “Ce’an is the real… deal.”

Xiao Chiye burst out into hearty laughter. He lowered his long fingers to toss the dice into the
wine vessel,1 and said with a dismissive, laid-back attitude, “The battlefield stinks to high
heavens. How could it be as comfortable as lying in the arms of beautiful women? This Second
Young Master is going to drink himself into a drunken stupor here.”

Li Jianheng pushed Xiangyun over. Xiao Chiye’s hand slipped, and he moved to catch the falling
golden vessel. Subsequently, Xiangyun fell into the arms of another. They drank until they
puked, and when they finally retired for a rest, the room was a scene of total mayhem.

Under the sounds of the snores, Ling Ting remembered the earring she still held in her palm. She
saw a corner of a mirror exposed in the inner room, so she stood on tiptoe and quietly held up the
earring to her earlobe in the mirror.

The pearl swung among the fine strands of her hair, glowing resplendently.

So pretty.

Ling Ting was just thinking this when she suddenly heard the sound of wine being overturned,
which startled her so much she hastily retracted her hand. As she peeped, she realized that the
Second Young Master from Libei was still awake.

Xiao Chiye did not look at anyone. He was clearly right smack in the middle of all this dazzling
opulence, and yet he also seemed distant from it all. He did not head into a room, nor did he ask
for the courtesans to accompany him. His arm was still hanging over the chair as he gazed out of
the opened window in the direction of Libei with a piercing expression and sober eyes.

Ling Ting retreated out of the door and wiped the sweat-stained earring clean. She kept it away,
close to her body, and slept with it hidden under her clothes. Not long later, Xiangyun recalled
the earring she had cast away.
She summoned Ling Ting to her. While doing her makeup in the mirror, she twisted around and
suddenly smiled, “Already twelve years old now, I see.”

Li Jianting vomited out all the medical decoction in her throat. The palace maids brought over
clean hot water, and Fengquan rinsed the handkerchief in it to wipe down Li Jianting. The world
before a semi-conscious Li Jianting was a blur. She felt the hot handkerchief wipe over her
temples, the water droplets dripping down like tears.

The Heir Apparent did not wear earring, but Ling Ting did.

“Livestock…” An agonized voice escaped between Li Jianting’s teeth.


That pretty golden thread of the earring Ling Ting wore flowed among her tears. She struggled to
break free, but she was dragged back again and again. She cried and shouted as her head was
pressed down, the banging of which caused her forehead to bruise.

Let me go.

Ling Ting sobbed, her raised face wet with sweat and tears. She stared at the closed door,
attempting to find a gleam of hope there.

“Madame…” Ling Ting shouted herself hoarse. “Spare me…”

Only the sound of a slap answered her.


Li Jianting’s trembling fingers clenched the bedding until it creased. Her chest heaved violently.
In those never-ending wails, she recognized herself for who she was.

She was livestock. From the very moment she was born, she was reduced to being nothing more
than a sacrifice abandoned in the world’s filthiest place, where she became trapped in this narrow
and cramped room in the end. Through the crack, she realized everything she had seen in the past
was but a mere illusion. Not one of those girls had escaped such a fate. They were all… livestock
at the mercy of others.

Ling Ting raised her hand and dug into the crack with her broken nails.

Why was she born a girl?

This body was so nauseating!

Ling Ting raked away at that crack like a madwoman and howled outside through those streaks
of blood, “Madame…” she said with vehement hatred, “Kill me!”
If she survived this.

If she could live like a human being.

“I…” Ling Ting pressed against her forehead as she cried and laughed at the earring on the

She would kill herself, peel away this layer of skin and flesh, and discard all that had to do with
being a girl. She would fight, tear her foes apart with her fangs, and claim back what was
rightfully hers!

If only she was given a chance.

“Your Highness!”

Fengquan could not help but raise his voice when he saw Li Jianting vomiting again.

The imperial physician in the outer room had already stood up. Kong Qiu’s heart went cold, and
he staggered a few hasty steps back. Cen Yu held him in support.

“If…” Kong Qiu could not bring himself to say it.

The hanging screen at the door lifted with a swish. Xue Xiuzhuo’s breathing was still ragged. He
heard the movement in the inner room and understood what Kong Qiu had left unsaid. However,
he was not a physician who could perform miraculous recoveries; he was too powerless in this

The atmosphere in the palace was so heavy and somber that the court officials did not even dare
to breathe loudly. The palace maids went in and out carrying the medicine in their hands.
Fengquan kept feeding Li Jianting medicine one bowl after another. Li Jianting mumbled to
herself. Unable to hear what she was saying, Fengquan could only kneel and lower his head close
to Li Jianting’s lips.

“Fail…” Li Jianting’s lips quivered. “… last hurdle.”

Sweat water saturated Fengquan’s eyes under the dimness of the lowered bed-curtain. He
covered his lips and said softly, “Your Highness is the true phoenix2of this world. As long as you
can hang in there and survive through this, you will definitely be able to turn misfortunes into

Li Jianting’s urgent breathing hitched, as if she could finally hear what Fengquan was saying.
The whimpers and sobs in her throat gradually subsided. The medicinal decoction was poured
down her throat before she choked and coughed it out through her mouth and nose. The palace
maids were in such a state of panic that they prostrated themselves on the ground and cried.
Ignoring everyone else, Fengquan kept watch by the bed and fed the Heir Apparent her medicine
◈ ◈ ◈

Liang Cuishan, who was still keeping watch on the prison cell, was burning with anxiety. He
finished up an entire pot of tea and stood outside to wait for updates. The stars overhead shone
bright and resplendent, although he was too preoccupied to admire the moonlight in the
courtyard, for he had heard the storm of footsteps coming from outside the courtyard.

“What is this?!” Liang Cuishan could not help but take two steps when he saw the Eight Great
Training Divisions enter.

The man at the head raised his authority token and said, “The warrant from the Ministry of
Justice clearly states to arrest Pan Xiangjie, yet you people dared to abuse your public position
for private interests. Our Viceroy Han is supervising the case on orders of the Empress Dowager,
so release him now!”

Liang Cuishan knew this to be the critical moment. Release Han Cheng, and they would not be
able to hold on to Pan Xiangjie and Pan Lin too, so he gritted his teeth, squared his shoulders,
and raised his head. “I am here on the Heir Apparent and the Senior Grand Secretary’s orders to
investigate Han Cheng. Without a writ from the Heir Apparent and Senior Grand Secretary, I
will not release him!”

The man pressed a few steps closer towards him. “Heir Apparent? The current ruler of the world
is the Empress Dowager!”

Laing Cuishan looked at him in horror. Seeing the Eight Great Training Divisions bearing down
on him menacingly, he stepped back. “What are you people planning to do…”

“Spies from Zhongbo have infiltrated Qudu. We have sealed the city gate.” The man hung his
authority token back at the side of his waist. “Naturally, we have to conduct a careful search.
Search the compound!”

Everyone from the Eight Great Training Divisions came armed with their blades, so this “search”
was obviously not as simple as it literally sounded. Liang Cuishan understood it in an instant.
The Dancheng case was pushing the Empress Dowager into such a corner that she was driven to
take desperate measures the way a cornered dog would jump over a wall; she could no longer
tolerate and accommodate them.

“I am… an appointed official of the imperial court…” Liang Cuishan repeatedly retreated in the
face of those sharp blades.

The three ministries’ officials who were also in charge of hearing this case fell back too. They
were all civil officials, so how could they hold their own against such intimidation? Their past
experience at the Nanlin Hunting Grounds during the reign of Xiande returned to haunt the
officials, who already had the premonition that a storm was brewing.
“Commander-in-chief Qi is still in Qudu, and yet you dare to be so lawless.” Liang Cuishan,
having already retreated to the entrance of the prison, bluffed. “Guards of Qidong, show
yourselves now!”

The Eight Great Training Divisions men at the entrance promptly drew their blades and surveyed
their surroundings with part anxiousness and part skepticism. Qi Zhuyin’s guards were all battle-
hardened, and there were also thousands of Qidong Garrison Troops standing guard outside the
city. The Eight Great Training Divisions merely wanted to seize the opportunity while the Heir
Apparent was critically ill to get a head start and kill off these court officials under the pretext of
them being spies from Zhongbo. Once day broke, the Qidong Garrison Troops would be too
powerless to save the situation even if they charged into the city.

Liang Cuishan took the chance to retreat into the prison and secured the chain around the door
from inside. He spread his arms apart and pushed back the officials behind him, and everyone
fled inward in a panic.

The Eight Great Training Divisions’ blades twisted their way into the chain, pushing so hard
against the door that it clattered noisily.

The man said with a malignant smile through the door, “Doggone official! Do you think you are
safe just by locking the door? Light the fire!”

Pan Xiangjie, who was in the innermost part of the prison, exclaimed in a panic, “Stop! Don’t set
fire! Commander Han is still in here. You can’t burn us all down!”

Liang Cuishan raised the oil lamp and continued, “Those two corrupted officials deserved to be
burned to death! However, the flames will surely attract the attention of the garrison troops
outside the city, and when the garrison troops fight their way in, it will be you rebels they kill!”

The man outside drew back his blade from the crack with a gloomy and uncertain expression on
his face. The Empress Dowager did indeed give the order not to alert the Qidong Garrison
Troops outside the city. The Heir Apparent’s life was hanging by a mere thread. He estimated the
time and reckoned that since there was still no news from the palace after all this time, the Heir
Apparent was likely already dead. Thus, he set his mind at ease, and his expression brightened
up a little.

“Your Excellency Liang.” As he spoke, he raised a hand to motion for the squad behind to circle
around. “You currently serve in the Ministry of Revenue, where you see shiny money rolling in
and out all day, and yet you are still staying in a rundown courtyard. Why do this to yourself?
You might as well take this opportunity to cross over to our side where the pastures are greener
and your future is bright.”

Liang Cuishan’s heart pounded. Happy to stall for time, he said to the other man, “With that bit
of salary I have, I’m content to live in a rundown courtyard.”
“It’s only when you have a great tree backing you that you can relax in the shade.” This man was
Han Cheng’s trusted aide. Pacing, he said unhurriedly, “It’s a raging storm out there. How many
more days of peace does Qudu still have left? Serve a good master as soon as you can. Only then
can you continue to serve the imperial court in the future.”

“We don’t walk the same paths. The Son of Heaven is who we pledge our loyalty to. That is to
say, Da Zhou—the empire of the Li clan. If we were to switch to someone else, then wouldn’t
that be a subversion of ethics and virtues?”3 The oil lamp in Liang Cuishan’s hand was about to
burn out. He continued, “I’d advise you to lay down your blade and repent. It’s not too late to see
the errors of your ways now. When the Heir Apparent ascends to the throne, she will still
remember this meritorious service of yours.”

The man “tsked” lightly. “In that case, you can see yourself to hell alongside the Heir

He had only just said that when Liang Cuishan heard the small metal window on the wall being
broken open. The Eight Great Training Divisions threw a smoking bundle of straw inside. Smoke
instantly filled the interior of the prison, choking the officials until they covered their mouths
with their sleeves and coughed with tears in their eyes.

Pan Xiangjie was even more certain that the Empress Dowager wanted to kill him. With shackles
on his hands, he held onto the bars and yelled under the sounds of coughing, “Chongshen,
Chongshen, open, coughs, open the door!”

Han Cheng was startled awake too. He knocked over the teapot on the table and wetted his
sleeves to cover his nose and mouth.

Liang Cuishan was choked to the point he could barely stand firm on his feet. The officials
behind him knocked over the table and chairs. All of them stumbled into the prison, holding their
breath for just a moment before stepping onto the table and chairs to hold on to the metal
window in an attempt to breathe. The moment their heads popped into sight, the Eight Great
Training Divisions soldiers waiting outside jabbed their blades in to stab them.

“You’re a low-level functionary from the public ditches case who later went on to be promoted,”
the man said. “And Shen Zechuan was the Imperial Bodyguardwho came down to work together
with the Ministry of Revenue at that time, so it seems that you’re the greatest spy Zhongbo
planted in Qudu. Vice Minister Pan had you investigate the case, and you colluded with Xue
Yanqing to tamper with the accounts books on the sly to frame Vice Minister Pan and throw him
into prison. You did so to muddy the waters in Qudu, am I right?!”

Liang Cuishan had indeed been promoted by Shen Zechuan, but he had no involvement
whatsoever with Zhongbo. Regardless of his position in Juexi or Hezhou, he had gone by the
book. Not once had he ever corresponded via letter with Shen Zechuan. So on hearing the other
man putting it this way, he promptly rebuffed, “Slander!”
This smoke was really going to be the death of them. Pan Xiangjie had already started to smash
the door, pleading as he coughed, “Chongsh-shen, open the door quick!”

It was not just Pan Xiangjie who could not stand it; even the officials beside Liang Cuishan
could not stand it either. Everyone was forced into a dead-end, trapped between the devil and the
deep blue sea here. If things did not take a turn for the better soon, they were going to suffocate
to death.

Several wardens pulled at the chains. Unable to stop them in time, Liang Cuishan watched as the
prison door opened wide and the men around them scrambled over themselves to flee their ways
out. They bumped into him, causing him to stumble, but before he could shout, he heard the
blood-curdling screams of the officials who had run out as the Eight Great Training Divisions
men beheaded them on the spot.

“Mad…” Liang Cuishan supported himself against the wall and covered his face. “You people
have gone mad!”

As he was saying so, he received a heavy blow on his back as someone behind him kicked him
over to the ground.

Han Cheng spat at Liang Cuishan, covered up his nose and mouth again, and said in a muffled
voice, “It’s you band of rebels who are being purged tonight!”

The branches that had begun to sprout in the courtyard rustled as the wind blew up the scattered
pages of the account books on the ground and sent them flying all over. Han Cheng’s black boots
broke the brush he stepped on. He kicked away the corpse at the side and patted away the dust
and ashes on his robe under the stench of smoke and blood.

Liang Cuishan was hoisted out with blades pressing against his neck. His wusha hat4 had long
fallen off, and his hair was a disheveled mess. Gasping heavily, he said, “…Even if the Empress
Dowager kills the Heir Apparent, this empire will not belong to her… You bunch of treacherous
court officials, destroying the hundred year legacy of our Li clan’s empire…”

He was so overwhelmed with grief and sorrow that for a moment, he could not continue.

Liang Cuishan initially thought he would meet his maker today for sure, but the wind
unexpectedly and suddenly brought with it a swift whistle. Then, sunlight broke through the
horizon, and the golden glazed tiles of Qudu’s palace instantaneously started to glint. Qi Zhuyin
spurred her horse on at full speed and with a raise of its hooves, broke open the gates to the
courtyard. As she reined in the horse, she raised her authority token.

“I’m here on the order of the Heir Apparent,” she stared down Han Cheng as her horse’s hooves
landed on the ground, “to supervise the Capital Command Troops’ search of the city.”
Han Cheng did not believe her. He forced a smile and said, “The Heir Apparent’s life is in
imminent peril. How would she have been able to give orders to you? I know you are anxious to
save them, but you mustn’t falsify the orders of the Heir Apparent.”

Qi Zhuyin took out the deployment order from her sleeves and tossed it into Han Cheng’s arms.
“The Heir Apparent’s writ. Do you recognize it?”

Han Cheng looked at the skewed writing in red ink on the document, which was clearly an order
someone approved by holding onto the Heir Apparent’s hand. He fell silent for a moment, his
mind parsing over the situation in Qudu. The city gate had already been sealed off, and the Eight
Great Training Divisions still had 20,000 men. Qi Zhuyin had traveled light into the capital, and
there were only 2,000 soldiers from the garrison troops accompanying her on the journey.

If he made a move right now, they would still have a chance of emerging victorious.

“Before I set off,” Qi Zhuyin bent over, and her wuzhu ornament swung smoothly in the air, “I
specifically instructed my old father at home to send someone to pick me up if I didn’t return in
half a month.”

Han Cheng clenched the deployment order between his fingertips and looked Qi Zhuyin in the
eyes. “Commander-in-chief Qi once said the same thing at the Nanlin Hunting Grounds.”

“My head is not my own.” Qi Zhuyin smiled. “I have to be careful somehow.”

“Back then, the Empress Dowager stood her ground over the dissenting views to fulfill
Commander-in-chief Qi’s wish.” Han Cheng put on a fake smile as he stuffed the deployment
order into his sleeve. “How could she have thought it would end like this… Oh, well.”

Liang Cuishan fell to the ground. He picked up his wusha hat in his arms and bowed to Qi
Zhuyin. “We have Commander-in-chief Qi’s foresight to thank for. Otherwise, it’d have been a
bloodbath today!”

Qi Zhuyin said nothing as she watched Han Cheng retreat. It was only when the Eight Great
Training Divisions withdrew as well that she moved away the hand that had been pressing down
on Zhujiu.

What foresight could she have? She was merely scaring Han Cheng.

Qi Zhuyin’s heart sank slightly. A 20,000-strong Capital Command Troops were indeed a thorny
issue. The Empress Dowager dared to act this way today only because she was sure that they
would hold back from taking action lest the innocents were caught in the crossfire; she knew
they would not dare to gamble on Li Jianting’s life.

◈ ◈ ◈
Li Jianting’s breathing had already stabilized. All the eunuchs and maidservants in her palace
had been rounded up and taken down to prison. The poisoning of the Heir Apparent was by no
means a trivial matter. For all the safety precautions Xue Xiuzhuo had in place, he still did not
manage to guard against the Empress Dowager. The inner palace was a place far beyond his

Kong Qiu said outside the palace, “These eunuchs are all narrowed-minded and short-sighted.
They would dare to claim the life of the Son of Heaven if they had suffered indignities before the
master and had been instigated by others. This incident has to be rigorously investigated, and the
perpetrators, severely punished once they have confessed it all.”

Kong Qiu used to manage the Ministry of Justice, and he did not get along with Pan Rugui and
the rest of the eunuchs. Influenced by Hai Liangyi, he abhorred the eunuchs to the core. He
finished up the strong tea in his hand and said to Xue Xiuzhuo, “Since the thieves have been
caught with the loots in the Dancheng’s case, then once the fields have been re-surveyed, go by
the books and weed out the Six Ministries. See exactly how many people are implicated in this!”

Xue Xiuzhuo’s spirits lifted. He understood that Kong Qiu meant to settle the full score with the
noble clans, so he nodded his head in acknowledgment.

Cen Yu, who was at the side, seemed as if he had something to say. But in the end, he did not
voice it out.

◈ ◈ ◈

The curtain had only just fallen on the battle in Qudu when Shen Zechuan, who was far away in
Duanzhou, received the news.

The sun was shining bright high up in the sky today. Ding Tao and Li Xiong were sitting on the
veranda having a match, throwing fruit pits that had been gnawed clean into water puddles. Fei
Sheng was unable to free his hands as he was holding on to a bowl of medicine. Qiao Tianya
lifted them up directly by the back of their collars.

Ding Tao covered his head with his arms. “We’ll pick them up right away!”

“I’ve been sitting here watching for half a day.” Qiao Tianya flicked his forehead. “Aren’t you
already seventeen or eighteen of age, Tao-er? Why do you look to me like you still have yet to
wean off milk?”

The fruit peel still in Ding Tao’s mouth was so astringent that he frowned. He responded with the
self-righteousness of one who was not in the wrong, “None of you would send me on
assignments, so I can only sit here and munch on seeds.”

“Munch on seeds.” Li Xiong parroted.

Qiao Tianya gave each of them a kick and ordered them to hurry and pick up the pits. He stood
under the eaves and watched. A guard at the side came closer to say a word, and he turned back
to see Shen Zechuan drinking his medicine and Yao Wenyu in the midst of talking, so he nodded
his head to the guard to give the go-ahead.

Not long later, Yan Heru joyfully entered. His daily attire was never of the same pattern, but they
all had to be embroidered with ingots and copper coins that shone so brightly he resembled a
peacock striding proudly with its head high when he passed through the courtyard.

“Greetings, Commander-in-chief Qiao. Congratulations on your promotion.” Yan Heru wrapped

his arms around his golden abacus before going up the steps. He craned his head to peer inside
and whispered, “How has His Lordship been lately?”

Fei Sheng just happened to step out with the empty bowl in hand. He looked at Yan Heru with
cool detachment and said, “Go on in and meet him and you’ll know, won’t you? Hurry up. His
Lordship is waiting.”

Yan Heru’s dimples promptly materialized. As he went up the stairs, he said, “Of course I’ll
have to meet him. I’ll miss him so much if I don’t see him for a day.” He smiled at Fei Sheng,
squared his shoulders, and walked past Fei Sheng’s side at a distance away before making his
way inside with a “whoosh”.

“Your Lordship!” Yan Heru called out warmly. “I’ve been looking forward—”

The expression in Shen Zechuan’s eyes seemed to be a little frosty as he looked at Yan Heru
from where he was before the window, forcing Yan Heru to swallow back his words. Yan Heru
quietly drew his feet back and asked in fright, “Greetings… Your Lordship?”

Sitting beside the table, Yao Wenyu drank his tea and did not look at him even when he heard

Shen Zechuan lifted his folding fan slightly and said, “Sit.”

How would Yan Heru dare to sit? He was here today to apologize and admit the error of his
ways. He immediately pulled up a chair and gestured ardently for Shen Zechuan to take his seat

It was presently midday. An unknown species of a bird perched among the branches chirped
intermittently. It got a little dry when the temperature rose outside—just the time for sleep. Shen
Zechuan ignored Yan Heru’s ingratiating attempts and stood by the window, slightly back-lit by
the light. The thin breeze brushed his cheeks, sending the agate earring swaying imperceptibly
like the rippling waves under the glow of spring.

Yan Heru saw nothing beautiful about this scene; all he could see was the terrifying expression
in the Prefectural Lord’s eyes, so intimidating was it in his silence that Yan Heru could barely
stand steady on his feet.
See, for a man like Shen Zechuan.

Yan Heru tried his best to let his mind wander and groused inwardly to himself.

Once the fear of him had taken root, one would find this beauty of his a blade. The more one
looked at him, the more afraid one would be… It was absolutely baffling!

“I heard Qudu is currently investigating the fields in Dancheng.” The pulps of Shen Zechuan’s
fingers rested against his folding fan. “Have you heard any news of it?”

Yan Heru had come prepared; he knew the Prefectural Lord was waiting for him to answer for
his actions on his own. He immediately began. “Sure I do. How would I dare not know? Your
Lordship, the granaries in those eight cities are all a bluff. They had me sell the grains inside to
Mount Luo and Fanzhou. The bandits all love to purchase them.” At this point, he paused
meekly, as if clueless about the matter. “Didn’t Cai Yu tell you about this?”

Of course Cai Yu had not said a thing. Cai Yu did all the manual work in Chazhou for Yan Heru,
so how would he know where the grain he handled every year came from? Yan Heru did not
reveal a word of this to him and merely fobbed him off by saying that they were grains from the
Hezhou’s granary each time. All Cai Yu wanted was money, so he would not probe deeper into it
at all.

At any rate, you can’t go wrong laying the blame on the dead!

Yan Heru’s eyes curved into a smile.

Even if Shen Zechuan was all-powerful, he could not bring Cai Yu back from the dead.

“This was also an oversight on my part. I forgot to notify Your Lordship of this.” Yan Heru put
on an act. “Punish me, Your Lordship. I didn’t think this matter was of importance.”

Now that he put it that way, it did indeed seem to be the case. In any case, they were doing
business in the east and would not be reselling grains in the future, so the page on past matters
ought to have been turned. But if one delved deeper, that would no longer make any sense. What
Shen Zechuan had been forcing down in Zhongbo was the price of grains that Yan Heru had
raised. Since the refugees from the eight cities had fled into Zhongbo, Shen Zechuan had to
estimate the surplus stock of the eight cities before he could compete with them.

Shen Zechuan seemed to be considering something. He turned his head back to continue to look
out of the window. “You shifted away and emptied out the grains in the eight cities’ granaries.
With the commoners’ fields issue unable to be resolved by this year, the eight cities
and Qudu can only requisition grains from Juexi, Hezhou, and Huaizhou. So it turns out you’ve
been holding their lifeline in your hands all along.”

To Yan Heru’s ears, it sounded like Shen Zechuan was complimenting him, but he did not dare
to answer rashly because Shen Zechuan was indeed a cunning one. Who knew if he was waiting
for him to fall into a trap somewhere. Yan Heru responded, “I’ve turned over a new leaf after
throwing in my lot with Your Lordship. I’m not into that business anymore, and they have long
forgotten about me.”

“You were able to obtain grains from Juexi in the past while hiding it from Jiang Qingshan.
Unlike the situation in the eight cities, you counted on Xi Hongxuan.” A bug landed on the edge
of the window. Shen Zechuan watched as it dodged here and there under his folding fan and
continued, “It only came to my mind recently. Xi Hongxuan was reselling public grains too. If
both of you were to happen to run into each other in Juexi, how would he have been able to
tolerate you?”

Xi Hongxuan was the lawful son of a noble clan. What’s more, he had his money vaults as
surety, so it was not unusual for him to be highly sought after in the official circles. It was too
hard for Yan Heru to butt into the public grains trade in Juexi. He had to have an unconventional
gambit before he would have a fighting chance. Shen Zechuan knew from reviewing that
Dunzhou name list that the officials Yan Heru bribed were all crooked men who had resold
public grains and copper ores with Xi Hongxuan before. With this leverage in hand, Yan Heru
followed behind Xi Hongxuan, scavenging whatever he could, but it could not fill his stomach,
and so he dipped his hands in the eight cities’ granaries.

“It was a coincidence.” Yan Heru grinned. “That fat slob Xi the Second had such a tight hold
over Juexi all thanks to his own money vaults, so I could only seek an alternative way out.”

The Eight Great Clans wanted to level the playing field among themselves, so naturally, they
would not be willing to let Xi Hongxuan eat up this sum of windfall profits; the Xi clan was
already rich enough from lining their pockets. The Yan clan of Hezhou was just the opposite.
Yan Heru was young, and there was no one in his clan who served in the imperial court. It was
simply a cinch for the noble clans to hold him under their thumb. But this lad was so crafty that
he made a sizable fortune as an intermediary and threw the pittance of profit he did not give a
hoot about to the noble clans. That way, the noble clans still thought that they had profited.

The interior of the hall fell silent after Yan Heru was done talking. Yan Heru seemed not to have
noticed the murderous undercurrent of killing intent running beneath Shen Zechuan’s silence as
he continued with his hands behind his back. “At the end of the day, His Lordship is also happy
to see it happen, yes? Xue Xiuzhuo is so vicious to want to re-survey the eight cities’ crop fields.
I don’t even have to do any calculations to know that they will not be able to make up for the
arrears in field taxes. It’ll be a dog-eat-dog fight once they are pushed into the corner, and when
the time comes, Your Lordship will be able to take down Qudu effortlessly.”

Shen Zechuan turned slightly sideways to look at Yan Heru again. Softly, he said, “Oh, so I’m
supposed to be thanking you, huh.”

Yan Heru’s hair stood on end. His dimples faded as he met Shen Zechuan’s eyes and responded,
“… I’m just saying.”

“And that’s the end of it?” Shen Zechuan asked.

Yan Heru almost wanted to laugh out loud, but he did not dare to. He knew it. Shen Zechuan
wanted to seize the opportunity to fleece a sum of money out of him.

Damn it.

Yan Heru fumed inwardly to himself.

How much silver had Shen Zechuan successively allocated away from him after the seventh
month last year? Sure, the trade route was valuable, but Yan Heru had his eyes set even farther.
He knew he could clearly earn more. Leaving aside the grain business Shen Zechuan had pulled
the plug on… the grains to be transported to Qidong this year were the real money drainer. Then
there was the new port they were building right now in Juexi… Shen Zechuan was really going
all out to rip him off!

But he, too, had a way to push back.

“I heard last year that the Second Master was looking for the Venerable Master Yideng.
Coincidentally, my men picked him up in Hezhou last month. I rushed over without stopping this
time precisely to inform the Second Master of this.” Yan Heru flicked the beads on his golden
abacus. “Does Your Lordship want him or not?”

Shen Zechuan raised his head slightly to look at Yan Heru. Very softly, he started to chuckle.

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 226 : Magnanimity

The scorching sun blazed so hot that the Armored Cavalrymen on the military drill grounds were
dripping with sweat all over.

A chill ran down everyone’s spines at the twang of the Conqueror Bow being drawn. Following
right after, three arrows struck the target one after another, their heavy, dull thuds reverberating
through the military drill grounds. Xiao Chiye lowered his arm and reloaded an arrow.

“The new blades Master wanted have arrived.” Chen Yang stood by the side, lifting the quiver
for Xiao Chiye. “I have checked over the goods with Wu Ziyu this morning; they’re all quality
blades forged by the military craftsmen from Dajing.”

Xiao Chiye raised his arm and stared at the target. The arrow struck the bullseye with a “thud”.

Chen Yang handed over an arrow and waited for Xiao Chiye to empty out the quiver before
passing him a towel. With the sun hanging over his head, Xiao Chiye wiped his sweat and asked,
“Is he here?”
Chen Yang looked back towards the entrance of the camp. “Should be by now.”

It was presently midday. Snow that had melted in the Sha’er Camp flowed into the ditches. It
was so hot that waves of heat were visibly radiating off the ground. A boundless expanse of
withered and yellow grassland stretched on infinitely outside the entrance of Sha’er camp.
Propping himself against the camp wall, Gu Jin saw billowing waves of flying sand on the

“Open the camp gate.” A soldier stationed above shouted below. “General Guo is entering the

Guo Weili had already led the Armored Cavalry before the camp while the gate was gradually
being hoisted. He pulled the reins of his horse and removed his helmet, then ran a hand through
his soaked hair as he waited for the bridge to fall over the ditch before the campground.

The falcons Guo Weili had brought over hovered before the camp, hesitant to advance ahead,
while a commotion broke out in the falcon cage within the campground. Meng monopolized the
very top of the watchtower, where it stared down the newly arrived falcons.

A change began to come over the atmosphere in the campground. The Imperial Army, who were
initially squatting by the foot of the wall to relax in the shade, all rose to their feet to watch the
camp gate open with a myriad of expressions. Gu Jin did not move as he locked eyes with Guo
Weili, neither of them willing to give way.

It was common knowledge that Guo Weili and Xiao Chiye did not get along. Guo Weili’s
framing of Gu Jin at the Tudalong Banner was the thorn that stood between them both. In
addition, he had repeatedly clashed with the Imperial Army at the Shasan Camp. Tension was
stretched so taut between both mutually antagonistic parties that it was at a snapping point. Who
could have expected Xiao Jiming to transfer Guo Weili over to Xiao Chiye’s command with one
deployment order?

Wu Ziyu came out of the tent and stood far away, not wishing to get caught in the crossfire.

Guo Weili’s present commanding general was Xiao Chiye, and this meant that whether or not he
would still be able to step onto the battlefield was now entirely at Xiao Chiye’s discretion. Gu Jin
was Xiao Chiye’s guard, so it was impossible to simply turn the page on the framing incident and
let bygones be bygones. No one knew if Xiao Chiye would make life difficult for Guo Weili or
deploy him out of the main battle squad. No matter the decision, neither boded well for a Sha’er
camp that had only just been rebuilt.

Once the bridge was fully lowered in place, Guo Weili steered his horse across and led his squad
into Sha’er camp. Gu Jin walked down the steps and stood in the middle of the stairway to watch
them enter.

Xiao Chiye did not turn back. He set the arrow he had retrieved onto the bowstring again and
concentrated his attention on the target.

Guo Weili heard the sound of the target being struck. He held his helmet in one arm and saw the
Conqueror Bow glinting under the sunlight. After a moment, he turned and dismounted.

Chen Yang led his men over to receive him. Guo Weili handed over his token, and Chen Yang
looked it over before raising his head to say to him, “The original squad can no longer be used
and has to be disbanded on site. Head over to register in the tent at the east end. We will assign
the members into open vacancies.”

“Hasen came a few days ago,” Guo Weili said. “The wall on the eastern side of Shasan Camp
has completely collapsed. Find an opportunity to report it to Dajing. We need military craftsmen
to repair that portion.”

“Did Hasen bring along the stone catapults?” Chen Yang clamped the book under his arm. After
Guo Weili nodded, he turned his head towards the Imperial Army on the other side and yelled,
“Go get Meng Rui and tell him to bring the military craftsmen over.” Chen Yang then looked at
Guo Weili again. “I’ll arrange for the military craftsmen to head down to Shasan Camp to repair
the wall right away. You go on ahead and report to the Second Master.”

Guo Weili pressed the tip of his tongue against his canine tooth that was missing half of it and
turned around to face Xiao Chiye. Xiao Chiye paid him no attention. He seemed focused on the
Conqueror Bow, almost piercing through that particular target with his shot.

The weather in Libei this year was abnormal. It was only the middle of the third month, and yet
the battle zone was as hot as it was in the fourth or fifth months in previous years. Guo Weili did
not take off his armor and simply stood there roasting in the scorching sun until he was
perspiring profusely. His inner garment was so damp he could even wring water out of it. It stuck
to his body, working hand in hand with the heatwaves to make him irascible.

Guo Weili wiped his face and suddenly shouted at the top of his voice, “Guo Weili of the Shasan
Camp is here to report to Second Master!”

Xiao Chiye stayed his hand and did not fire the last arrow.

“Hasen launched a sudden assault on Shasan Camp four days ago. The right flank of the
Armored Cavalry was wiped out, and the eastern side of Shasan Camp suffered heavy damage.”
Guo Weili stepped back. “The above are the military updates General Zuo wants me to relay.”

Without even wanting Xiao Chiye’s response after saying his piece, he turned around to leave.

Even if Xiao Chiye were really going to abuse his power and deliberately make things hard for
Guo Weili, Guo Weili would also resign himself to his fate, blast it all. There was nothing for
him to say. As long as he could—
Before Guo Weili got to finish his thought, an arrow hurtled past his ear with a “whoosh”,
bringing along with it a menacing sharpness that his ear could clearly sense. The arrow stabbed
into a pillar a few steps away. Had Guo Weili been walking too fast earlier, this would have been
his head.

Bloody hell!

Guo Weili instantly looked back with a livid expression. “If Second Master wants to kill me, just
say it outright!”

Xiao Chiye’s expression was scathingly frosty and grave as he held the Conqueror Bow in hand.
“So you know I want to kill you too? Guo Weili, last year when Gu Jin escorted the military
grains to the battlegrounds, he encountered an ambush near the Tudalong Banner. He traversed
across the marshland to return to Changzhu Camp, where you shield the patrol squad under your
command and indiscriminately had him bound to apply torture on him. You even stripped him of
his military rank and framed him for colluding with the Biansha Cavalry—so tell me, based on
all the above, should I or should I not kill you?”

Gu Jin accepted the arm guard handed to him and descended the steps.

Guo Weili had framed Gu Jin for Xiao Jiming’s sake. Everyone was perfectly aware of this. But
Xiao Chiye found him a reason that could be taken out into the open. By this, he meant to deal
with him.

Guo Weili flung away his helmet. “That’s right. I did it. Kill me if—”

Gu Jin approached him from behind and hauled Guo Weili by the back of his collar. At the same
time Guo Weili looked back, Gu Jin threw a punch that knocked him to the ground.

This one punch was so violent that Guo Weili felt the remaining half of his canine tooth begin to
shake. He spat out the blood froth in his mouth and cursed, “Fuck!”

Without waiting for Guo Weili to stand up, Gu Jin kicked him in the chest. Guo Weili went
rolling, his entire face smeared full of yellow sand. He wiped hard at the sand on his face. Gu Jin
yanked him up and elbowed him over to the ground once again.

Guo Weili felt as if his cheeks were going to split apart from the blows, but not once did he fight
back as he let Gu Jin pummel him until the metallic taste of blood saturated his mouth.

“This is what you owe me.” Gu Jin waited until Guo Weili was bent over the ground, gasping
heavily for breath before he removed the arm guard and tossed it at his side with a noisy clang.
Recovering from his slightly ragged breathing, he continued, “And now you’ve repaid it all.”

Not only was Guo Weili stunned, but even Wu Ziyu, who was standing a distance away, was
struck dumb too.
Guo Weili propped himself up with both arms, spat out all the blood in his mouth, and staggered
to his feet. Chen Yang tossed his helmet to him. Guo Weili was still feeling flummoxed.

That’s it?

But he almost lashed Gu Jin to his death.

Gu Jin took a few steps back and said, “The personal grudge between you and me is written off
as of today. If you have anything to say, lay it all out on the table. You’re Second Master’s
soldier, and I’m Second Master’s guard. When we step out of Sha’er Camp hereafter, you and I
are kin brothers who have each other’s back. The day we part ways will be the day this war

The scene everyone expected to play out did not materialize. Libei’s morale was low this year.
As Xiao Chiye’s guard, Gu Jin was unwilling to let Xiao Chiye lose the hearts of Shasan Camp’s
soldiers any further because of this matter. Xiao Chiye gave Gu Jin the authority to handle it as
he deemed fit, and Gu Jin was willing to use such a method to resolve the issue because he was a
real man who could not and would not play dirty.

Guo Weili initially thought that he would be injured if not dead today, but who knew Gu Jin
would be this magnanimous? Even he felt small standing before Gu Jin. He rubbed at a bruise on
his face, and despite feeling a little reluctant to concede defeat, he was also a little impressed.

He who can tolerate his shame and endure humiliations is a real man of character.

Guo Weili was usually a game drinker who drank to his heart’s content and a valiant fighter who
fought like there was no tomorrow. He boasted of being a man among men, and so would not
easily speak of the word “concede defeat” to another. Gu Jin suffered such great humiliation at
the Tudalong Banner, and yet he could use such a method today to defuse the awkwardness
between both parties. He not only saved Guo Weili from punishment but also won over Shasan
Camp’s heart for Xiao Chiye. Gu Jin was representative of Xiao Chiye; his actions reflected
upon the latter, and whether on a personal or professional level, Guo Weili truly had to hand it to
him for de-escalating the conflict in this way.

Xiao Chiye raised an arm to let Meng perch. In the wind, he recalled the words his old man had
said before he left. Gu Jin went to such lengths all to smooth the path ahead for Xiao Chiye. He
was telling everyone in the battlegrounds:

Second Master was not an intolerant man who could not accommodate others.

◈ ◈ ◈

When the sky darkened, Guo Weili sat by the campfire and roasted his field rations. His face was
decorated with bruises all over. Wu Ziyu sat across from him with a rice bowl in hand. Guo
Weili cast a glance at Wu Ziyu but said nothing.
“Meals are provided in the camp.” Wu Ziyu snatched Guo Weili’s field rations away. “Go over
and ask for it. Why are you squatting here gnawing on field rations instead?”

Guo Weili covertly clenched his now empty hands and said testily, “Are you that much of a
busybody? What the fuck has it got to do with you?”

“Don’t tell me you’re too embarrassed and awkward to do so?” Wu Ziyu stuffed two spoonfuls
of rice into his mouth. “Gu Jin already said it’s all water under the bridge now.”

Guo Weili picked up a piece of firewood and poked the campfire.

The Imperial Army was having a whale of a time on the opposite side; this group of army
ruffians was still the same as ever.

After a moment of silence, Guo Weili said, “Second Master attacked and killed the Duanzhou’s
Scorpions at the Chashi Sinkhole?”

“What’s more, he defeated them while outnumbered.” Wu Ziyu gestured with his fingers.

Guo Weili scoffed, “And the main force comprises the Imperial Army, right?”

“Bullocks. Just how many Imperial Army soldiers went?” Wu Ziyu did not share that much
camaraderie with Guo Weili, and he had been rubbed the wrong way many times by Guo Weili
before, so he said, “Be reasonable, will you? Which part of the Second Master doesn’t cut it?
Second Master was the one who took back Shasan Camp, and the person he cut down that time
was Huhelu, who was your nemesis for half a lifetime. And now, he’s killed off the head
Scorpion of Duanzhou. Second Master is still willing to use you after what happened with Gu Jin
—this is what I call magnanimity. So cut it out with your ungrateful attitude!”

Guo Weili stabbed at the campfire until sparks spluttered all over. He lifted the smoking stick of
firewood and pointed it at Wu Ziyu.

Wu Ziyu was not in the least bit afraid of Guo Weili. He used to be in the convoy squad in the
past, so there was nothing he could do about being overshadowed. What’s more, he had no
opportunity to step onto the battlefield, and all that holding back had turned him into a good-for-
nothing. But it was different now. He was the one who seized back Duanzhou. Although credits
also went to Xiao Chiye’s diversionary tactic in luring the enemies away from their base, he did
indeed fight the battle to reclaim the city, regardless of the number of people he used.

“There have not been any victorious battles this year. You butted heads with Hasen before, and
our Armored Cavalry isn’t on par with the Bianjun Commandery Garrison Troops currently
stationed at the Shayi Camp.” Wu Ziyu set down his chopsticks. “Can you beat the Scorpions in
a fight? No, you can’t. Can Zhao Hui? He can’t do it either. So why not follow under Second
Master’s command?”
“Am I not doing just that now?” Guo Weili was a bad-tempered man who spoke in a very blunt
tone. “How else do you want me to follow him? By shadowing him hot on his ass? Bloody hell,
how did the Armored Cavalry dodge the iron hammers?”

“It was epic.” Wu Ziyu gave him a thumbs up. “You can bloody well go figure it out yourself.”

Guo Weili watched Wu Ziyu walk away. When Wu Ziyu was almost engulfed in the darkness of
the night, Guo Weili suddenly jolted to his feet and cursed, “My rations!”

Wu Ziyu had long fled.

◈ ◈ ◈

Xiao Chiye looked at the newly delivered blades under the candlelight. These longer and thinner
blades required the Libei Armored Cavalry to adapt to them. He lined up a formation in Sha’er
Camp, and repeatedly thought about what he had obtained from the Chashi Sinkhole.

On the other end, Chen Yang and Gu Jin entered the tent, and Xiao Chiye caught the aroma of

“Master, there’s a letter from the Prefectural Lord delivered along with the supply wagons.”
Chen Yang set the letter from Duanzhou on the small table at Xiao Chiye’s side. “The Mount
Luo riding stables are beginning to take shape, and the repairs of the Zhongbo bridle paths are
coming along so fast that access will be available by the end of the fourth month.”

Shen Zechuan was dumping hordes of money on it, so how could it not be fast?

At this thought, Xiao Chiye remembered Qudu. He kept the blade away in its sheath and tore
open Shen Zechuan’s letter in between sips of his milk tea.

“The Venerable Master Yideng is in Hezhou…” Xiao Chiye hesitated for a moment before
looking at Gu Jin. “Why is the Venerable Master Yideng in Hezhou?”

Gu Jin, who had a new robe hung over his arm, thought for a moment after hearing the question,
then shook his head and answered, “Why would the Venerable Master Yideng go to Hezhou?
Master, the Venerable Master left his home in Hezhou in his early years to become a monk. All
these years, he has only been willing to roam around our Libei.”

“That’s really strange.” Xiao Chiye inexplicably felt displeased. “I dug to the center of the earth,
and I couldn’t even find him. How could he have fallen into Yan Heru’s hands?”

Chen Yang collected the empty bowl and said, “That Yan Heru is a coward who is mortally
afraid of death, and Zhongbo was in such mayhem last year, so he wanted to seek out the
Venerable Master as an insurance to preserve his life…”

Chen Yang’s voice gradually trailed to a stop. Silence reigned in the tent for a long time.
Xiao Chiye was looking for the Venerable Master Yideng. There were already rumors of this
spreading around since the sixth month last year. If Yan Heru already had the Venerable
Master’s whereabouts a long time ago, then why did he not say a word instead of keeping it quiet
until now?

“I’ll be at Sha’er Camp these few days.” Xiao Chiye folded the letter. “Gu Jin, spur your horse
down south tonight to Duanzhou to keep watch over the Prefectural Lord. Come back if the
Venerable Master arrives without a hitch. If not…”

Xiao Chiye’s eyes were an abyss of darkness.

◈ ◈ ◈

Yan Heru sneezed several times in a row. Clutching his handkerchief, he blew his nose and
rubbed it until its tip was red. He sat on the chair with his head craned to watch Yao Wenyu
writing. “This character of Mister Yuanzhuo can be likened to flying eagles and darting hares.
Not only are the strokes strong and firm…”

Yan Heru launched into a series of flattery and smiled at Yao Wenyu again when he was done.

“Mister, wanna crack melon seeds? It’s rather boring to be sitting here. When will His Lordship
be done handling the cases? Is he this busy every day? In that case, he has to take care of his
health. It’d be bad if he were to burn his body out. However, the Venerable Master Yideng is
already on the way. Going by the schedule, I reckon he will more or less arrive in a few days.
When the time comes, I’ll get the Venerable Master to take a look at your legs. No doubt he will
be able to make you stand up on your feet again.”

Yao Wenyu’s brushstroke skewed aside, although he showed no trace of anger on his face and
merely looked at the paper regretfully.

Feeling out Yao Wenyu’s expression, Yan Heru leaned over the edge of the table and said, “Do
you hate Xue Yanqing for subjecting you to such a misfortune? He’s really wicked, man. Why
not you team up with me to set up a trap for him? We’ll take advantage of the chaos to off him
and hang his exposed corpse up in Qudu for several days to appease your hatred!”

With a slight frown on his face, Yao Wenyu set down the brush and said, “Such an act is too

Yan Heru revealed a look of understanding and said, “You’re a scholar, and scholars are all
sticklers for this, but not so for merchants like us. A fool is the one who does not avenge a
vendetta. The more you double down on settling the score and making him pay for it, the more
gratifying it is.”

Yao Wenyu felt his words to be loaded with meaning. At the same time he rolled up his sleeves,
he made to speak.
But Yan Heru raised an index finger and hushed him with a quiet “shh”.

The interior of the room fell silent, making the sound of footsteps in the courtyard particularly
clear. Shen Zechuan, who had been in the principal hall, seemed to have stepped out and was
now standing under the eaves listening to someone who had come to submit his report.

Qiao Tianya had originally been standing on the side, but upon hearing the report, his expression
changed. He repeated, “Overturned?”

“Overturned!” The Imperial Bodyguard delivering the message said as he wiped his sweat.
“Your Lordship, the horse carriage was stuck outside Fanzhou. Luo Mu did not even have the
time to send men to receive the guests in it when the carriage overturned!”

Fei Sheng pressed in a step closer and asked with urgency, “Where’s the Venerable Master?”

Inside the room, Yan Heru covered his mouth, and with his eyes darting around, said regretfully
to Yao Wenyu, “Heaven be my witness. This has nothing to do with me at all. I’ve been right
here in front of you and His Lordship.”

His doe eyes were so harmless, but they sparkled with malice within.

“Heaven help us all now.”

Credits: Thank you Alex for being our sounding board & Neon & MaruChan for spotting the
typos! <3

Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2022

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 227 : Child Prodigy

“The horse carriage from Hezhou had already arrived when the men we sent to receive them
reached Chazhou’s borders. They were being chased by the Hezhou yamen and did not dare to
stop for a break on the way. The carriage overturned on the old bridle path outside the city of
Chazhou and plunged into the stream.” The Imperial Bodyguard hesitated a little before
continuing, “It broke to smithereens on impact… There were no survivors.”

The guards in the courtyard all fell as silent as the cicadas in winter. Only the sound of running
water could be heard. The bamboo tube knocked against the rock, and newly replaced water
from the pond washed over the rock’s surface, turning the remaining mosses black.

Fei Sheng’s heart sank. He instantly looked at Shen Zechuan.

Contrary to expectation, Shen Zechuan’s expression was calm. After standing under the eaves
for a moment, he asked, “Why was the Hezhou yamen chasing after the horse carriage?”

“They exposed their whereabouts when passing through the checkpoint and lied that they were
relatives of the Yan Clan,” The Imperial Bodyguard reported. “But who knew that Qudu had
issued an imperial edict in recent days, and the entire Hezhou is on the hunt for Yan Heru. The
moment the yamen heard they were relatives of the Yan clan, they thought they were absconding
to flee punishment.”

It was so much of a coincidence that it seemed as if even Heaven was hampering the Venerable
Master from arriving in Zhongbo.

Fei Sheng did not believe this coincidence, and neither did Qiao Tianya. The people assigned to
receive the carriage were all elites. If they said the horse carriage overturned, then it really
overturned and was not tampered with—at least, no tampering that was noticeable at a glance.

Shen Zechuan had already concluded that the Venerable Master Yideng had likely met with a
mishap even before the Imperial Bodyguard answered. Otherwise, they could jolly well resolve it
themselves instead of reporting it to Shen Zechuan. If Yan Heru had treated the Venerable
Master as his trump card, then he had shown his card too eagerly this time, so much that Shen
Zechuan found it hard to believe right from the start that he would really hand over the
Venerable Master.

If that was the case, where did Yan Heru get the guts to do so?

Shen Zechuan put up his folding fan to stop Qiao Tianya from speaking. He glanced at the side
hall and said, “It’s already so late now. Go and get ready.”

With a solemn expression on his face, Qiao Tianya retreated.

◈ ◈ ◈

When Shen Zechuan lifted the hanging screen and entered, Yao Wenyu had already gone out.
Yan Heru was shaking his leg as he fiddled with his golden abacus. He was not proficient at
mental arithmetic, but pretty adept in doing calculations with the abacus, flicking away at the
abacus beads noisily without even messing up the numbers in his mind.

“What happened to the Venerable Master Yideng?” Yan Heru flicked the last bead away. When
Shen Zechuan sat down, he leaned over and said to him across the table, “I heard commotion.”

There was no one waiting in attendance inside this room, so Shen Zechuan poured himself a cup
of hot tea. Amidst the willowy, spiraling steam of the scented tea, he succinctly answered, “The
carriage overturned.”

Yan Heru let loose an exclamation of surprise. “How?! Is the Venerable Master alright? I’ve
been reminding them to be careful, and I even specially sent my best men at home to tag

Shen Zechuan did not drink the tea. Instead, he pulled over the empty porcelain saucer on the
table and poured the tea in as if he was rinsing the cup. With a gentle shake of his head, he said,
“They said the carriage plunged into a stream in its frantic escape from the pursuit of the
Hezhou yamen. Everyone in it was killed on the spot. What a pity. I was waiting for the
Venerable Master to extend my lifespan this year.”

Yan Heru’s expression underwent a slight shift. “The Venerable Master is gone?”

Shen Zechuan pressed the scalded, empty cup between the pulps of his fingers and raised his
eyes to look at Yan Heru. He repeated, “The Venerable Master is gone.”

There was originally no ripple of emotion in Yan Heru’s eyes, but with Shen Zechuan looking at
him, uncertainty gradually washed over his expression. Tentatively, he pointed out, “… I’ve
already handed him over.”
Shen Zechuan loosened his grip, and the empty cup fell onto the table, where it rolled several
times and bumped against the edge of Yan Heru’s golden abacus. The lights in the room were all
at the back, partially obstructed by the hanging bamboo blinds. Shen Zechuan did not speak for a
long time. He scrutinized Yan Heru with interest, unable to find the slightest trace of
concealment on this face. Just on this point alone, Yan Heru was better than Xi Hongxuan.

At this thought, Shen Zechuan smiled. He lowered his folding fan and propped it up on the
tabletop. “This is an unexpected misfortune; how can I blame you for it?”

Contrarily, Yan Heru could not figure out what the Prefectural Lord was thinking when Shen
Zechuan did not fly into a rage, but he had come to have some understanding of Shen Zechuan in
this past six months, and he knew this was not the moment to get anxious and rush the matter.
Shen Zechuan was best at psychological warfare and playing mind games. He only had to drop
his guard a little, and the Prefectural Lord might do an about-face and turn hostile.

“Your Lordship is magnanimous. As expected of someone worthy of being an overlord,” Yan

Heru said. “I’ve seen so-called heroes elsewhere, but none of them come close to being as astute
as Your Lordship. What should we do now that the Venerable Master is of no more? I can see
Mister Yuanzhuo’s illness worsening by the day. We have to get it treated, man.”

“A physician is easy to find, but not a highly-skilled one that can work miracles.” Shen Zechuan
seemed to be curious. “How did you find the Venerable Master?”

“Hezhou, of course.” Yan Heru’s expression relaxed. “Your Lordship may not know it, but
Hezhou was the Venerable Master’s home as a layman before he became a monk. Ever since I
found out Second Master was looking for the Venerable Master, I sent men to keep an eye on his
former house. As luck would have it, the Venerable Master really went back. What a pity I didn’t
make it in time. Had I come a few days earlier, the Venerable Master would have been in
Duanzhou by now.”

“It wasn’t meant to be,” Shen Zechuan said. “That can’t be helped.”

“But I know of some elder imperial physicians in Juexi. They are all masters of their trade, and
they used to treat Emperor Guangcheng in the past.” Yan Heru picked up the empty cup. “Their
reputations are on par with the Venerable Master, and they have also made quite a name in the
thirteen cities. Many a number of high-ranking officials and noblemen are all seeking to receive
medical treatments from them. If Your Lordship wishes to meet them, I can bring them along
next time?”

Unexpectedly, Shen Zechuan picked up the teapot and poured tea for Yan Heru. “The medical
fees cost a fortune, don’t they?”

“It’s not an issue at all if a few ten thousand silvers can make His Lordship happy.” Seeing as the
tea was about to overflow, Yan Heru raised a hand to stop him. “It makes me happy to spend
money as a sign of respect to Your Lordship.”
A gush of night breeze leaked its way in from somewhere, sending ripples across the surface of
the tea, creasing it.

Holding this position, Yan Heru lowered his voice. “I heard Xi the Second set a trap in Qudu
with the intent to surround and kill Your Lordship, but he ended up committing suicide right
before Your Lordship’s eyes. Tsk, tsk. His blood spilled all over the ground. How very tragic.”

Shen Zechuan did not set down the teapot. With a smile, he said, “He who is unrighteous is
doomed to bring about their own downfall. I can’t stop him even if I wanted to.”

“But as I see it,” Yan Heru said. “Your Lordship is no man of honor either…” He drawled and
chuckled. “I’m already on familiar terms with the Imperial Bodyguards in your residence. Your
Lordship, why do you still ask them to surround me?”

The candle flames in the room flickered violently. It was quiet in the courtyard; the guards had
all seemed to have disappeared.

Yan Heru retracted his hand. Unafraid, he said, “See, I have never learned martial arts, and I
don’t even know any fancy strokes for show. So why make a big hoo-ha if you want to kill me?
Draw Yang Shan Xue out of its sheath and slash me to get it all done and over with.” At this
point, he smacked his thigh and said as though he had just remembered, “Oh, I forgot. Your
Lordship can’t hold a blade now. No wonder Second Master is using every means possible to
find Yideng, by hook or by crook. How anxiety-inducing it must have been for him.”

This little scumbag.

Fei Sheng, who was crouching in wait on the rooftop, spat soundlessly.

“How could I bear to kill you?” Shen Zechuan set down the teapot. “Qidong is still counting on
you to supply their military provisions after the fourth month, and the expenses for the Liuzhou
port are also all borne by you. Without you, who is going to handle affairs on my behalf?”

“I didn’t think Your Lordship would bear to kill me either.” Yan Heru deftly tapped the handle
of his chair with his fingers as he shook his leg. “But it can’t be helped, man. You were ripping
me off so bad a while back, and now you are staking half of your assets on me. But let me say a
word in all honesty, okay? I can’t bear to fall out with Your Lordship either. Where am I going
to find such a good-looking and intelligent master like Your Lordship in the future? This whole
saga about Yideng really came out of left field to me. If Your Lordship agrees, I’ll give Mister
Yuanzhuo more than ten thousand silver as an apology. Would that work? Being happy is what
matters most in life. Only then will there be meaning in living.”

Just as it seemed as if the atmosphere in this room was about to ease up, Shen Zechuan
unexpectedly changed the topic. “The Venerable Master Yideng died a long time ago, am I

Yan Heru looked abruptly at Shen Zechuan with a smile still on his face. “That can’t…”
“If he were still alive, how could you have been so willing to throw him to me this easily?” Shen
Zechuan raised a finger to caress his folding fan and slowly said as he contemplated it over, “The
eight cities’ granaries are nothing. Even if I were to take it seriously to heart, I wouldn’t kill you.
But it’s hard to say when it comes to the Venerable Master.” Shen Zechuan’s expressive eyes
were as dark as ink as he looked at Yan Heru. “Ce’an put in so much effort in an attempt to find
the Venerable Master. If he were to really find traces of him only to find out that the Venerable
Master had died in your hands, then even the heavenly emperor himself can’t save you even if he
were to come and intercede on your behalf. So you have to get rid of this hot potato as soon as

Yan Heru’s trip here this time was to apologize and admit the error of his ways. But what
mistake did he have to apologize for? The eight cities’ granaries. Qudu’s investigation led it to
the City of Dancheng, and Xue Yanqing emerged the victor for the time being in that game. Yan
Heru had long known that he would definitely be wanted by the imperial court. Thus, he had to
feign handing over the Venerable Master Yideng to give the Hezhou yamen an opportunity to
chase after them in hot pursuit, so that the chain of events would logically lead to the overturning
of the horse carriage.

This was a card Yan Heru had been reluctant to throw out, but he truly had no other better tactics
to deploy. He had indeed found the Venerable Master in Hezhou and kept him prisoner in his
residence since the beginning of the year. How was he to expect the Venerable Master to really
die?! This leverage that could be used to threaten Shen Zechuan instantly turned into a scourge
that meant certain death for Yan Heru. Once Xiao Chiye found a trail leading to the Venerable
Master, Yan Heru would not even have the chance to deal with him. It was only by facing Shen
Zechuan would he be able to use the lure of benefits to get a fighting chance at survival.

“You’re so smart.” Yan Heru had never been one to be stingy with praises. He clenched his
abacus. “But since Your Lordship is willing to sit here and talk to me, that means you’re willing
to go easy on me and leave me a way out. I’ve done some calculations on the accounts earlier.
The six prefectures of Zhongbo can’t afford to supply military provisions to the northern and
southern battlefields for an entire year. What’s more, Your Lordship still wants to restore the
people’s livelihood in the six prefectures… I’m not the same as Xi Hongxuan. Your Lordship
can’t do without me every step of the way.”

“You are indeed different from Xi Hongxuan, so why compare yourself to him?” Shen Zechuan
found Yan Heru interesting. “You are excessively extravagant in the way you handle matters,
and you are all decked out in gold and silver. Your robes have to be embroidered with copper
coins and ingots, and your neck has to have a golden abacus hung around it. You can’t wait to
announce to the entire world that you love money, but do you really love money?”

Xi Hongxuan was also an ostentatious man given to showing off, but never to such an extreme
extent. Compared to Yan Heru, Xi Hongxuan was more like a study of a noble clan’s
descendant. Going by the deposits in both households’ money coffers, Xi Hongxuan could even
be considered a dutiful son who was frugal. But Yan Heru was just the opposite. All his business
transactions required money to be invested first. Rather than say he wanted money, one might as
well say he was obsessed with the process of earning money.
With a sudden windfall of profits from the Chazhou grains, the Yan Clan enjoyed a meteoric rise
as well. Yan Heru expanded the small mutual trade market in Dunzhou and joined hands with the
noble clans to resell public assets. He earned so much money he could not even spend them all in
three lifetimes, and he never held back when it came to spending them. Throwing in with Shen
Zechuan was an excellent opportunity for him to wash his hands off his former trade. His past
deals were all clandestine transactions done under the table. To wash himself clean, he only had
to behave himself and supply military provisions and salaries to the northern and southern
battlefields, as well as pay his respects to the Prefectural Lord in person from time to time. Once
the war was over and Shen Zechuan really made it to the top, no one would be able to lay a hand
on him on account of his merit in supplying military grains alone. When the time came, he would
metamorphose into an official who had rendered meritorious service.

But Yan Heru was not willing to.

It was precisely because of this restlessness in his bones that he could have the boldness of vision
to come up with ideas like building a new port.

It wasn’t that this lad was not smart. Like his reputation that preceded him, he was a child
prodigy; he was too intelligent, so much so that he was an old hand at exploiting the various
tricks in the book. Did he not play the Eight Great Clansfor fools too? To date, they were still
following behind his arse and picking up money after him. It did not matter if you were a
minister in power or a man of ambitions. He was not afraid at all.

Carrying his golden abacus in his arms, Yan Heru curled up in his chair and laughed nonstop
with his dimples showing. After he was done laughing, he sighed and said, “Your Lordship, why
do you want to be an overlord? Come and do business, man. Then I won’t be lonely anymore.”

Shen Zechuan sighed too. “I wasn’t born at a good time.”

Yan Heru tilted his head and said innocently, “Same for me too. If I had been born twenty years
earlier, there’d be no room for Xi Hongxuan now. Fatso is so dumb that he played all the best
cards of the Xi clan to ruins.” He raised his chin a little arrogantly. “I see they keep changing the
emperor around. If the opportunity were to fall in my hand, I want to swap a few for fun too,

Seeing that Shen Zechuan was not showing any murderous intent, Yan Heru took a sip of tea and
continued after hydrating his throat. “Me, I admire Your Lordship so much that it borders on
worship, but somehow we are always a little… different. You know my mother? She was a
fisherwoman from Hezhou who never had enough to eat at home and still had to raise her good-
for-nothing brothers for her parents. Fed up with getting beaten up and scolded, my mother
jumped into the water in a fit of pique and ran away. She disguised as a man on a boat for over
ten years, going where it went, before moving on to expand her initial tea business in Hezhou
with her sworn brothers. Everyone had no family, and so after a discussion, they all decided to
simply take on the surname Yan. How nice, right? With money in hand, you can be doing
whatever your heart desires.” He laughed again. “The other households took women in as
concubines, while my mother went around picking a husband. She loved all the good-looking
men in Hezhou, and my father was the most handsome one. But my mother died young, and my
father became Master Yan. He did business too, but he was always cowering and was afraid of
everything. Heck, he did not even dare to raise his head when he saw the shopkeeper of the Xi

Yan Heru was literate, and he had also read the books of sages, but the talk of benevolence,
righteousness, morals, and virtues in it was but mere rhetoric that had nothing to do with him.
Didn’t all those who spoke of benevolence and righteousness die young? In the days to come
later, he became more and more certain of one thing, and that was, it did not matter how long he
lived, as long as he lived to his heart’s content.

He looked like he was afraid of everyone. Level a blade before him, and he would shiver, yet the
businesses he conducted were all deals that those who held blades for real in their hands would
not necessarily dare to do.

What kind of money was Zhongbo making? Yan Heru knew it all too well. He saw refugees
strewn all over the lands when his horse carriage passed through the territory. How pitiful. But
what did all of this have to do with him? He was merely having fun in these turbulent times. If
someone really starved to death, it couldn’t be pinned on his head; there were many other people
standing before him to take the blame.

Where was his fault in this?

Yan Heru leaned over the edge of the table and repeated the question to Shen Zechuan. “Where
does my blame lie in this? The military defeat of Zhongbo has nothing to do with me, man. That
was all Shen Wei’s fault. As for reselling grains… Well, if I don’t do it, others will do it. Rather
than let other people waste all these silvers, I might as well use it to build a mutual trade market.
The money has to be in circulation, see. It’s most meaningless to hide them away in the coffers,
as the Xi clan did in their money vault.”

Shen Zechuan wanted to kill him, so he had the Venerable Master Yideng hidden away. Was he
wrong to do so? It just so happened that the Venerable Master did not survive through it.

Yan Heru said, “Given the Venerable Master’s lot in life, he will still die once old age catches up
with him even if I don’t take him in. What’s more, he’d die in the middle of nowhere.”

Yan Heru was too young. He was, in certain aspects, just as naïve as he looked. It wasn’t that he
had no one to teach him, but that the people who taught him were all not as intelligent as he was.
He called Cai Yu “grandpa”. Cai Yu was a bandit in Chazhou, but in his early years, he had also
been a righteous man who gave generously to the old and weak, women and children in the
territory. In the end, he still did those unconscionable deals against his conscience with Yan

“The people in this world all like to preach about morality and righteousness, but it’s all just
talk.” Yan Heru jumped off the chair, still hugging his abacus. “Profits come and go. Money is
meant to be spent. Spend it, and you have everything. It’s true that I don’t give a hoot about this,
because I earn much, much more. There’s no business that I can’t have my fun with.”

The room was a little quiet. Yan Heru found Shen Zechuan too silent. He deliberated it over and
said to Shen Zechuan, “Regarding what happened to the Venerable Master Yideng… since Your
Lordship wants to settle the score, then it can’t be helped. I made a bad move, so naturally, I’m
willing to make up for it. Just go ahead and let me know what medicinal herbs the residence
needs. I’ll continue to deliver Qidong’s military provisions this year, so can we just turn the page
on this matter?”

Shen Zechuan looked at him. “You should go back.”

Yan Heru remained fixed in place for a moment. As if wanting to explain himself and make it
clear to Shen Zechuan, he said again, “The port of Liuzhou is at a critical juncture. Your
Lordship, I’ll come to call on you again the day after tomorrow and show you the bylaws.”

Shen Zechuan did not utter a word.

The candle flame in the room was dark and gloomy. Yan Heru unwarrantedly felt a little afraid.
This was different from the fear he had felt in the past—it was cool icy fear that seeped deep into
his bones. He knew the kind of man Shen Zechuan was. Shen Zechuan would not kill him,
because intelligent people would not do so. What he had was confidence.

Yan Heru took a few steps back. When he reached the door, he flashed a smile at Shen Zechuan
and turned around to lift the hanging screen before stepping out. A maidservant was waiting
under the eaves with a lantern in hand. Yan Heru looked at that deathly white lantern, and his
hair stood on end.1

The candle flame in the room went out, and it was so quiet in the courtyard that not a sound
could be heard.

Yan Heru did not let the maidservant see him out. He grabbed over the lantern and walked down
the walkway with increasing speed until he eventually broke into a mad run, as if something was
chasing him. Gasping for breath, he ran desperately for all he was worth. At this moment, he had
to admit that he was still afraid of death after all!

“I, I have… Qidong’s 800,000 silver…” Yan Heru heard the sound of feet landing on the ground
behind him. He looked back in a panic and saw nothing, but still, he cried, like a child who had
broken a vase and felt aggrieved at the inconsequential mistake. He yelled, “SHEN ZECHUAN

Shen Zechuan sat in his chair and poured away Yan Heru’s unfinished tea, just like the cup he
poured for Xi Hongxuan back then.2

The tea leaves lay on the rug, drying up in no time.

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 228 : In The Future

Fei Sheng was quite meticulous in dealing with the aftermath. The guards washed all traces of
blood away from the hallway the fastest they could, and the entire affair was over in merely the
time it took to finish a cup of tea.1 When Fei Sheng lifted the hanging screen, he saw
the Prefectural Lord dozing off with his eyes closed. He lowered his voice. “Master, it’s been

Shen Zechuan seemed to be semi-conscious as his half-lidded eyes stared at the candle flame that
was about to burn out, giving off an unapproachable aura as he sat there. After a long while, he
asked, “Where is Gu Jin?”

Fei Sheng answered, “He should have arrived at Mount Luo by tonight.”

Looking as if he was now awake, Shen Zechuan breathed out a nasal acknowledgment and said,
“Tell him to go back.”

Fei Sheng half-kneeled by the entrance with his upper body partially bending over. He paused
for a moment, not daring to overdo his words lest it appeared too woeful, so he said, “He has
Second Master’s letter with him. Master, Mount Luo is not that far away from Duanzhou. It
won’t take much time.”

Shen Zechuan was not in a good mood this night and did not respond. Fei Sheng promptly shut
his mouth and wisely took his leave. In the time that it took to burn through two sticks of
incense, Qiao Tianya arrived, pushing Yao Wenyu in his wheelchair.

The bamboo blinds opened and closed. Shen Zechuan said, “Why hasn’t Yuanzhuo retired for a
rest? It’s already so late.”

Yao Wenyu released his grip on the book he was holding and covered himself properly with the
thin blanket. “Without Yan Heru, the shops in Hezhou are going to be thrown into chaos. Since
Your Lordship is here alone tonight ruminating over countermeasures to deal with this situation,
why not hear out my humble opinion?”

As someone who used to excel at philosophical discourses,2 Yuanzhuo’s voice was like the
murmuring of spring waters—suitably soothing, and extremely pleasant to listen to.

Shen Zechuan inclined his head. “Light the lamps and prepare the tea.”
A maidservant entered the room to remove the tea-stained rug and replaced the lamps, finally
brightening up the room’s interior a little. Fei Sheng made a special point of getting the
maidservant to brew stronger tea so as to perk up the Prefectural Lord and his advisor.

“Kill Yan Heru, and the shops in Hezhou will be thrown into chaos for a time. Let Yan Heru
live, and all the businesses under the sky will be in turmoil for a lifetime.” Shen Zechuan did not
drink the tea, instead forcing himself to stay focused. “Moreover, Yan Heru was so certain that I
wouldn’t take his life. If I accede to his wishes, there will be no end of trouble in the future.”

Shen Zechuan had no patience for naughty kids. A long time back when Yan Heru brought up
the Venerable Master Yideng, Shen Zechuan had already decided his fate. Shen Zechuan could
be made a fool of, but he could not be coerced. The truth was that Yan Heru did not understand
Shen Zechuan or Xiao Chiye at all. He had not the slightest clue which one of the pair was
actually the sheath of the blade.

In addition to this, Xiao Chiye was so anxious to find the Venerable Yideng because he had just
been through a parting by death. Shen Zechuan only had to think about how Xiao Chiye would
feel after learning of the news, and he had no intent to let Yan Heru live for another second

Yao Wenyu waited for the maidservant to leave before speaking up. “Yan Heru did not bring an
entourage along with him this time and left his trusted aides behind in Hezhou, all to inspire fear
and misgivings in Your Lordship.”

It was as Yan Heru had said. He did not even know any fancy martial arts strokes for show. He
dared to take it a step further and strut into the inner chamber to threaten Shen Zechuan because
he was confident of success. He left his trusted aides in Hezhou. If he did not make it back home
as scheduled, the Yan clan would choke off the bottom end of the trade route between Huaizhou,
Cizhou, and Chazhou and refuse access to the merchants of Zhongbo. This would force Shen
Zechuan into having no choice but to go past Huaizhou, take a detour over to the vicinity of
Dicheng, and pass through the Port of Yongyi to finally make it deep into Juexi. This route was
not only a toll on time and energy; they also had to go to painstaking efforts to deal with the
checkpoints along the way. Even the slightest slip-up could set them up for failure.

“All the merchants in the world are in it for profit,” Shen Zechuan said. “Zhongbo is the key
transit point for both Libei and Qidong. What the Yan Clan choked off will not be just my trade
route, but also that of the merchants who have already invested in it. These people have all now
tasted the finer delicacies. Tell them to return to consuming edible wild herbs and vegetables,
and no matter how it tastes, their unsatiated stomachs will not agree.”

Shen Zechuan was unlike the bandits Yan Heru had encountered. He had legitimate power in
hand in the east, and it was something that neither Cai Yu, Lei Jingzhe, and the likes could hold a
candle to. He could finalize the tariffs in both regions in the east, and he held a vice grip on the
three strategic points of Luoxia pass, the mutual trade market, as well as Dengzhou. Even if Yan
Heru wanted to rely solely on business to coerce him, it also depended on whether or not Shen
Zechuan was willing to play along.
The Zhongbo garrison troops were in severe need of large amounts of military armament this
year, and it was impossible for Shen Zechuan to produce them himself. The copper mines were
all in the west. Those merchants who had been stealthily scalping copper meant for
governmental use still had last-year stock in hand, and they were now all burning with anxiety
and desperation to hop onto the ship that was Zhongbo. There was no need for the Prefectural
Lord to go knocking on their doors. As long as His Lordship said the word, these people would
be willing to make the long journey over to sell their stocks. It had to be known that Liang
Cuishan and Jiang Qingshan were currently conducting strict checks on the goods passing
through. If the copper for governmental use still being hidden in these merchant’s warehouses
were to be exposed, they would be as good as dead. The only person in the world who could
swallow up this volume of stocks in one go was Shen Zechuan.

As for the Qidong’s military provisions, Shen Zechuan was not worried either.

Initially, when Shen Zechuan took over the Xi clan’s shops, he had gone to quite the effort,
counting on Xi Dan and Ge Qingqing. As the Xi clan was a noble clan that was particular about
the bequest of its inheritance only to those of their surname, he spared the life of the Eldest
Madam Xi. But this was not the case for the Yan clan, who had established themselves through
the tea trade and consisted of a den of sworn brothers from the martial arts fraternity. There
might have been sentimental ties during Yan Heru’s mother’s generation, but when it came to
Yan Heru’s time, it was the capable ones who ruled the roost. Without Yan Heru in the picture,
the brothers at sixes and sevens beneath him would all be willing to negotiate with
the Prefectural Lord. Shen Zechuan did not even need to say a word about the Qidong military
provisions, and he would still have people to provide the supplies for him.

Yan Heru was important, but he was nowhere near as significant as he thought himself out to be.

“The port in Liuzhou is under the sole charge of Yan Heru,” Yao Wenyu said, “the details of
which we are indeed unclear about. However, there’s still Xi Dan in Juexi to manage the
businesses on Your Lordship’s behalf. Get him to assign a few men over to take charge. There’s
no need to be too overly concerned. What is of utmost urgency at present is the substantial
amount of silver required for the construction of the port. I’m afraid it will prove difficult to
proceed if the cost is solely borne by Zhongbo.”

Shen Zechuan asked in response, “What Yuanzhuo means is…?”

“Your Lordship has to return to Qudu eventually. By then, all the merchants in the world will
still be Your Lordship’s merchant.” Yao Wenyu took a moment to catch a breather, continuing
only after his cough subsided. “The business deals that will be conducted upon the completion of
the port will profit everyone. So why not Your Lordship let the merchants fork out this sum of
money to finance the port—let them have the honor of doing the favor and claim a stake in it at
the same time? Your Lordship only needs to open up Liuzhou in the future and adjust the tariffs
accordingly, and these people will be the treasury of the new dynasty, as well as the coffer of
Your Lordship.”
And that was not all. Yan Heru’s idea of building a new port in Liuzhou was a brilliant one. The
bay could accommodate a sizable number of ships, and the revival of Liuzhou and the towns in
its vicinity was right on the horizon; this was a fertile field that was on the point of being
reclaimed and put under the plow. As long as these merchants were not muddleheaded fools,
they would be unequivocally happy to throw in with Shen Zechuan and get a share of the pie

Yao Wenyu could even imagine that when that day came, the malady that was the noble clan
would have been eradicated, and the nation would begin its recuperation and rehabilitation.
Liuzhou would become Shen Zechuan’s largest port linking up the southeast, and even the first
major port to connect to the rest of the world. That would be the day…

Yao Wenyu suddenly covered his mouth and started to cough violently. In his haste, he knocked
over the teacup, and piping hot tea sloshed and splashed onto his thin blanket, soaking both of
his legs.

Shen Zechuan had already risen to his feet. He caught the teacup and bent over to call out,

Yao Wenyu did not finish his sentence. He had so many words left unspoken in his chest, but
they were all choked off by his coughs. As he covered his mouth and nose, he raised a hand to
signal that he was fine.

“Fei Sheng!” Shen Zechuan saw blood seeping through Yao Wenyu’s sleeve and immediately
barked, “Summon the physician!”

Outside, Fei Sheng acknowledged his order and turned around to shout for someone. The instant
Qiao Tianya heard the crash, he felt an ill sense of foreboding. Without even waiting for Shen
Zechuan to call for him, he lifted the hanging screen and entered.

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 229 : Pan Lin

Gu Jin received the letter from Duanzhou when he was at Mount Luo. At that time, he was just
about to get on his horse to continue on his way. With a complicated expression after reading the
letter, he turned to look at Huo Lingyun, who was on his way to transfer horses, “Is this the letter
His Lordship wrote just before you set off?”

Pulling his own horse, Huo Lingyun gave a nod of his head and unscrewed the water canteen to
take a swig. “It was written just last night.”

Gu Jin kept the letter away in his bosom and took out another one to hand to Huo Lingyun. “This
is from Second Master to His Lordship… What exactly did the Imperial Bodyguard who went to
examine the horse carriage say?”

“That the Hezhou yamen was in such hot pursuit that it forced the carriage driver into a desperate
corner, and as he drove along the bridle path that had fallen into disrepair, it plunged into the
stream.” Huo Lingyun hung the water canteen back and carefully kept away Xiao Chiye’s letter
in his bosom. “A few men went down to the stream and checked for four hours. No survivors.”

Gu Jin’s expression gradually darkened. He had come over on orders to watch over the
Venerable Master Yideng on Xiao Chiye’s behalf, but he did not expect the Venerable Master to
be gone just like that. Gu Jin stood rooted in place, feeling perplexed as he muttered to himself,
“What is the Venerable Master doing in Hezhou?”

“Isn’t that where his home was as a layman?” Having ridden for an entire night, Huo Lingyun
was now reeking of sweat all over. “Going by what Yan Heru said, the Venerable Master died of
illness. If he did not expect to live long, he would have returned home to see his family.”

“The Venerable Master cut ties with the secular world when he left home to become a monk, and
the ones still left in his family are all collateral relatives, not his kin brothers.” At this point, Gu
Jin thought of Dajing. He continued, “Besides, the Venerable Master agreed to return to Dajing
this year. If he didn’t expect to live long, he would have fulfilled his promise first.”

Huo Lingyun never had any interactions with the Venerable Master Yideng before. Seeing the
sun rising, he said, “I’ve rested enough. It’s time for me to hit the road.”

Gu Jin led his horse aside a little to give way. After turning his horse around, Huo Lingyun said
to Gu Jin, “When you reach the battle zone, remember to tell Second Master that Tantai Hu
wants to try out his new blades too.”

Gu Jin did not answer him, but said, “Tell Laohu to write a letter to Second Master himself. I’m
not returning.” He scuffed the mud off the soles of his boots, flipped onto his horse, and pointed
in the other direction with his horsewhip. “I’m going to make a trip to Hezhou.”

◈ ◈ ◈

Physicians crowded under the eaves, silent as cicadas in winter, not daring to make a racket.
Seeing as this was not the place for discussion, Fei Sheng hurriedly arranged for the physicians
to head over next door.

Kong Ling did not enter to disturb Yuanzhuo’s rest, but followed behind Fei Sheng and asked,
“What did the physicians say?”

Fei Sheng cast a glance at the still bamboo blinds, and lifted an arm to guide Kong Ling to the
side. He whispered, “They are all afraid. Their prescriptions can’t be compared to the ones our
Imperial Bodyguards prescribed. None of them dare to go too heavy on the potency and dosage
of the medicine.”

Kong Ling might have been widely read, but he indeed was not well-versed in the art of
medicine. He remained still for a moment with a slightly stunned expression. “Then…”

Fei Sheng could not say for sure either. Before, everyone had their hopes pinned on the
Venerable Master Yideng, and this one move of Yan Heru caught all of them off guard. He
avoided the newly sprouted branches and merely said, “His Lordship wrote a letter to Ge
Qingqing last night to get them to search for physicians in the thirteen cities of Juexi. They will
be able to arrive in Duanzhou after the sixth month.”

But how were they to survive through these three months?

Fei Sheng did not dare to speak irresponsibly. He was on tenterhooks too, seeing the physicians
coming and going last night. Yao Wenyu typically pushed himself to hang in there. Earlier in
Cizhou, he had drained his energy to placate the scholars who had come to throw in with Shen
Zechuan. At the same time, he also held discussions with Kong Ling and the rest for nights on
end to settle arrangements for the six prefectures’ yamen. Then he traveled from Cizhou to
Duanzhou. In fact, his illness had never taken a turn for the better since his arrival in Duanzhou.
Kong Ling stood for a moment before saying gravely, “Wait for a moment. I’ll update His
Lordship. His Lordship has not slept for a night, and he’s still waiting in the hall for news.”

“Then you have to persuade my master too.” Fei Sheng was shaken by the sight of Yao Wenyu
coughing up blood. He chased a few steps after Kong Ling. “I heard yesterday that the Venerable
Master is gone. Master seems to be in rather low spirits, on top of his worries of Advisor
Yuanzhuo. Mind that he doesn’t fall sick. There’s Qiao Tianya and I to keep watch here; nothing
serious will happen.”

Kong Ling hurriedly answered in the affirmative and lifted the hem of his robe to leave the
courtyard. When he arrived at Shen Zechuan’s courtyard, he saw the Prefectural Lord standing
under the eaves listening to Ding Tao.

On seeing Kong Ling, Shen Zechuan gestured to Ding Tao with a nod of his head to stop for a
moment. Ever since that incident in Dunzhou, Ding Tao had been very well-behaved. He
promptly shut up and retreated to the side to make way for Kong Ling.

Kong Ling deliberated over his words. “He has just fallen asleep, and they are now decocting the
medicine in his courtyard. Qiao Tianya is keeping watch at the side, so there’s no need for Your
Lordship to be too worried.”

It was peaceful and quiet in the courtyard. Shen Zechuan came down the steps and asked, “None
of the physicians gave a definite answer?”

Kong Ling noted Shen Zechuan’s displeased expression and followed at his side. “These
physicians are all from the countryside. They have never seen a figure like Yuanzhuo, so
naturally, they do not dare to fool us with common prescriptions. They are also very cautious in
their speech, but they are all willing to do their best. No one dares to be sloppy.”

Being the astute man he was, Shen Zechuan knew on hearing Kong Ling’s words that no one
among this group of physicians could treat and cure Yuanzhuo. All they dared to do was to nurse
him with rest and nourishment, and try their best to avoid risks.

“Send another urgent letter to Yu Xiaozai.” Shen Zechuan stopped in his tracks. “Tell him to
keep an eye out for the physicians in the various prefectures when he’s on his inspection rounds.
Send all the ones he can find to Duanzhou. Take the physicians’ fees from my private coffer.
Give whatever is needed.”

Kong Ling stopped too. He saw the guard on the other end come over to hand over the letter and
made no further sound to disrupt Shen Zechuan from reading his letter.

Shen Zechuan turned over the letter and saw Ge Qingqing’s personal seal on it. He opened it to
read, after which he handed it to Kong Ling and said, “The war in Qudu is over.”

Kong Ling read it at the side for a moment. “At present, Commander-in-chief Qi does not lack
military provisions. What she lacks is a noble rank and title. The Empress Dowager clearly
realizes this, yet she still wants to stubbornly persist in coercing her. She ends up giving Xue
Yanqing a helping hand instead.”

“She who rides a tiger finds it difficult to dismount—she has no other way to back down,” Shen
Zechuan said. “Deep down, she wants to use Qi Zhuyin, but she indeed has no more bargaining
chips to take out. If they were really to come to blows, no one could beat Han Cheng’s 20,000
Capital Command Troops.”

What Shen Zechuan had spoken of at the beginning of “befriending a distant state while
attacking one nearby”1 had long taken an about-turn. Qudu’s fatigue was evident. To the east
where they faced Zhongbo and Libei, they only had the Eight Great Training Division to send
reinforcements in an emergency, and with the issue of the commoners’ fields in the City of
Dancheng blown up to such proportions, they had no military defenses to speak of. Qi Zhuyin
herself was the last straw Qudu had to clutch at.

Kong Ling slightly sucked in a breath when he reached the end of the letter. “Pan Xiangjie and
Pan Lin are dead.”

“The Empress Dowager’s current adversary is Xue Xiuzhuo.” Shen Zechuan looked at the
overcast firmament of heaven, which looked like it was about to rain. “So how could she escape

◈ ◈ ◈

Rain was falling in Qudu; this was the beginning of the rainy season.

The Grand Secretariat wanted to hold Han Cheng accountable. Han Cheng kept to his narrative
that the officials the Eight Great Training Divisions killed in the prisons were all spies from
Zhongbo. Both sides launched into a war of words on the imperial court, and it was at this time
news of Pan Xiangjie’s death was reported.

It was then Liang Cuishan recalled no one paid Pan Xiangjie any heed when he cried for help
that day while locked up in the innermost part of the prison. Everyone had been at daggers drawn
with one another at that time, and Pan Xiangjie had suffocated to death from the smoke in his
cell. It was only when the wardens were cleaning up the cells that his death was discovered.

“Pan Lin was the one who spilled the beans on the granaries.” Xue Xiuzhuo spoke up in Mingli
Hall. “He was also the one who turned over the Ministry of Revenue’s current detailed accounts.
This man’s crime is not so heinous as to deserve death.”

Cen Yu found what happened to Pan Lin regrettable; thus, he nodded. “That’s not to say he
should be exonerated. Justice cannot be tampered with, but can be tempered with mercy. He still
has to be punished, for the law cannot be violated, but discretion can be exercised in light of the
Kong Qiu pondered it over for a moment and looked over the confession statement presented by
the Ministry of Justice. “Although Pan Lin confessed, it was only after the imperial court began
pursuing the matter. He was already an accessory to crime since the day issues started cropping
up in the accounts a long time back. He can be spared the death penalty, but not punishment.”

In the end, the Grand Secretariat decided to dismiss Pan Lin from his position, demote his status,
and exile him to Huaizhou. But as the Dancheng case was temporarily still unresolved, Pan Lin
had to remain at the relay station and wait to be summoned.

Unlike the descendants from Pan Xiangjie’s generation, Pan Lin studied to be an official and saw
himself as a scholar. He was a little arrogant, so he did not get along with Xue the Eldest and the
others. But now, he was reduced from being the young master of a noble clan to a commoner
guilty of a crime, and he had also lost his father to death. This abrupt change in his family
circumstances compounded his plight in the relay station, where he was given the cold shoulder
treatment and handed only cold leftovers for his meals.

Xue the Eldest once had a verbal dispute with Pan Lin during the banquet celebrating Xiao
Chiye’s conferment, but in the spirit of visiting, he made a special point of bringing along
delicacies to see Pan Lin, hoping to bury the hatchet with the latter before they parted.

The errand-runner at the relay station led Xue the Eldest in. Seeing the narrow and cramped
room, he asked the errand-runner, “Is this where Pan Chengzhi is staying? He’s the legitimate
young master of the Pan clan and the Vice Minister of the Ministry of Revenue… How can you
people let him live here?”

The errand-runner opened the door with the key and slickly said, “Wasn’t the properties of the
Pan clan seized and confiscated? He’s a criminal, and this is the arrangement made by the
imperial court, so how would us small potatoes dare to defy?” He pushed the door open and
instructed, “My lord, please don’t stay for too long. We will be held accountable if the Ministry
of Justice were to get wind of this!”

Xue the Eldest’s skinny and wizened body hunched over as he craned his neck to look in from
the side of the door. He saw Pan Lin sitting by the window. This room was extremely dark, and it
was leaking rain everywhere; even the floor was soaked through.

Pan Lin’s robe was damp, as were his boots. He was still wearing the same clothes as he did in
prison, and he had some stubble on his face. He looked much too haggard.

Xue the Eldest strode through the door carrying the food container2 in hand and called out in a
soft voice, “Chengzhi… I’m here to see you.”

Pan Lin turned his eyes and looked at him for a long while before he said, “Have a seat.”

Xue the Eldest set the food container on the table and sat near the chair. He surveyed the
surroundings. “At the very least, you are… I’ll go and talk to them later. Even a change to
another room is fine too.”
Pan Lin’s eyes reddened. He cut a forlorn sight as he sat all drenched under the rain that was
leaking in.

Xue the Eldest fidgeted and shifted a little. Before things got too awkward, he took the initiative
and said, “I’m not here today to… to mock you. You’re going to Huaizhou, and it’s so far away.
Once we part… we won’t see each other again in the future. I wanted to see you off…”

Pan Lin remained unmoved.

For some reason, Xue the Eldest was gripped by a feeling of sadness. He was of legitimate birth,
as was Pan Lin. But how could lawful sons of legitimate birth like them end up in such a state?
With tears in his eyes, he hesitated for a long time before continuing, “Chengzhi… About what
happened during the Marquis’ banquet last year to celebrate his conferment… I’m sorry. I heard
you let Yuanzhuo go, and I… I’m very impressed. You have talents, but your family brought this
all on you. The Senior Grand Secretary is willing to exempt you from the death penalty because
he treasures talents. Once you arrive in Huaizhou, you’ll still have the chance to show your
mettle again…”

But even Xue Xiuyi himself did not believe these words of his. They were all men who depended
on their clans for survival. With this big of a mess the field taxes had created, Pan Lin would be
reviled by all and used as a doormat once he arrived in Huaizhou.

After a moment of silence, Pan Lin spoke up, “Pingjing.”

Xue Xiuyi’s courtesy name was Pingjing. Like Xue Xiuzhuo’s Yanqing, they were all given by
Old Master Xue. He hurriedly responded with an “ay”.

“Back then, when I assumed the post as the Vice Minister of the Ministry of Revenue and had
the account books in hand, I hesitated for a long time, but in the end, I did not hand them over to
Secretariat Elder Hai. I played jackal to the tiger and abetted the villains, bringing untold
sufferings onto the common folks of the eight cities. My death is not to be regretted, and there’s
nothing for me to explain to vindicate myself. The storm in Qudu has been ongoing for many
years, and now that there is Xue Yanqing,” Pan Lin looked at Xue Xiuyi, as if he was looking at
his own self who still had a chance many years ago, “the glory of the Eight Cities has come to an

Xue the Eldest heard a deafening crash of thunderbolt that lit up Qudu for an instant. He thought
Pan Lin would give him some heartfelt advice, but Pan Lin eventually said, “I think you should

Xue Pingjing pushed the food container over to Pan Lin. “I brought you some food…” He fell
silent too and sat here until the rain gradually grew heavier and the errand-runner outside came a
few times to hurry him up.

When Xue Pingjing rose to his feet, his robe was wet too. He bowed in farewell to Pan Lin. Pan
Lin stood up, straightened his clothes, and returned the bow.
Xue Pingjing did not dare to look any further and turned around to leave. In that corridor, he
could not tell which way was out.

Pan Lin listened to the receding sound of footsteps and sat back down at the table. Through it all,
he never touched the food container Xue Pingjing brought. He took up his brush and neatly
wrote the words “Statement of Guilt”.

This letter was not for the imperial court, but for Pan Xiangjie. It was the bidding of farewell
between father and son. Pan Lin wrote a very long letter, as if he did not know how to face his
father. He wept when he put his brush down, and then he cleaned himself up and lay down on the
tattered mat with his clothes in order.

He never opened his eyes again.

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 230 : Spring

Qiao Tianya leaned back into the rattan chair, biting down on a red thread between his lips as he
deftly braided it with his fingers. Moonlight – thin during the hour of chou – streaked across the
side of the bridge of his nose, making his lidded eyes appear rather lonely.

The seven-stringed zither rested on the table, covered with silk. It had not been touched in days.

Yao Wenyu did not make a sound when he woke up. He turned his head aside to look at Qiao

Qiao Tianya was like the solitary, lonesome moon that had come to a standstill between the deep
valley after a sudden rainstorm—limpid and faraway. That unbridled wind turned into an old
dream of last night, leaving a ghost of a shadow on him. Yao Wenyu still kept that colored silk
ball of that day, but he had long come to understand that he could never walk over to his side.

This was the first march of spring, one that came to nothing in its passing.

Qiao Tianya took off the red thread and finished up the tail end beautifully. He reached out for
Yao Wenyu’s hand and put the braided red thread on Yao Wenyu’s wrist.

Hidden behind the lowered drapes, Yuanzhuo peeked through the gap at this person who was
well within his reach. Soundlessly, he started to laugh, but gradually, the side of his pillow grew
Qiao Tianya did not lift the hanging drapes open. They relied on merely their fingers to convey
the warmth between them, as though this was the closest they could ever get to intimacy; any
closer, and it would all vanish.

Throughout it all, Yao Wenyu never spoke a word. It was as if he had never woken up at all.

◈ ◈ ◈

When Shen Zechuan came the next day, Yao Wenyu was already up. He bent slightly towards
Shen Zechuan in what could be considered a bow.

“My illness flared suddenly yesterday and held up official business.” Yao Wenyu lowered his
fingers to pick up the cluttered mess of chess pieces. “So I should finish saying my piece while
I’m still feeling up to it today.”

Shen Zechuan took his seat. “Your illness is only starting to show improvement. It’s fine for you
to rest for half a month first before discussing it.”

“Idling while sick is still idling; I have nothing to do anyway.” Yao Wenyu contemplated it for a
few moments. “The port of Liuzhou is, in fact, a matter of priority. Having this place may be
likened to having a place in Juexi to talk.’

What Yao Wenyu was thinking about was different from Kong Ling and the rest. He was much
more far-sighted, and in this current mutually antagonistic situation, he was more inclined to take
in virtuous talents for Shen Zechuan than to kill off every single one of Da Zhou officials.

“You think you lack generals, but in my view, it’s just the opposite.” Yao Wenyu put the chess
pieces in place. “Valiant generals are just what the three lands in the east won’t lack most in the
future. Be it Wu Ziyu or Tantai Hu; they are all capable of assuming sole responsibility and
taking complete charge. Your Lordship has nothing to worry about over the territories in the east
with them stationed at the frontiers once the war subsides. What Your Lordship lacks are capable
ministers and officials. Although Chengfeng is decent, he isn’t willing to leave Zhongbo, and
while Zhou Gui is loyal, he isn’t up to taking on great responsibilities. On the other hand, Juexi
has gone through several years without falling into the noble clans’ hands, and that is precisely
because this place has a capable minister—Jiang Qingshan.”

“The real reason Xue Yanqing could stir up a storm in the imperial court is because of the people
from the practical doers’ faction who support him; the Heir Apparent is only an opportunity.
These people are not of high ranks, but they are the key that decides whether the reforms can be
pushed through. They work for the good of the people in Juexi, wanting to revitalize the Li
clan’s empire and bring about the resurgence during the reign of Yongyi again. They are scholars
with far more boldness of vision than the officials in the capital, and they are also the last worthy
officials of Da Zhou.”

Being enthroned as the supreme ruler was no easy feat. A change of dynasty and government
meant that innumerable scholars had to sever their dreams of the past. The state of affairs in the
imperial court had already degenerated to such an extent, but Hai Liangyi and Xue Xiuzhuo had
never once harbored the idea of replacing the Li clan. This was because doing so was
comparable to the crime of patricide. Under the principles of social order constituting the
cardinal relationships between the ruler and his subjects and the father and his sons,1the Li clan
was and had been the Son of Heaven for centuries. This not only represented the need to shout
“long live your majesty” as per the code of ethics, but also symbolized generations of people
following a legitimate lineage of descendants.

If Shen Zechuan set foot into Qudu again, then what the “Prefectural Lord” would be defeating
was the legitimate Son of Heaven that towered tall and majestic over them all. He had to obtain
the Heaven-bestowed right to kill the sovereign before he could strip himself of the “treacherous
traitor” label. Yet, this was far from enough. He must employ a suitable way to make the
surviving officials of the Li clan put themselves at his disposal willingly. Otherwise, even if he
won over the empire, he would not be able to achieve the flourishing era of prosperity that Qi
Huilian had once spoken of.

“Xue Yanqing’s cleaning up of the eight cities’ field taxes was originally a good thing, but he
was too hasty in going about it. A significant portion of Qudu’s taxes now is all tied up in the
eight cities’ field taxes. Now that he has decisively removed the Pan clan of Dancheng, he has
two routes to take. The first one is to push on and continue to investigate the remaining seven
cities and resurvey the lands as fast as he can, and the second one is to slow down and give the
remaining seven cities a chance to pay the overdue taxes. In the former option, the fields have to
be returned to the commoners, but the commoners of the eight cities have long left their homes to
make the long journey to Zhongbo. If he re-records the households in the census registers, he
will hold up the plowing this year. When that happens, the issue of keeping the common folk fed
in three lands of Da Zhou after autumn will fall to Juexi and Hezhou to resolve. In the latter
option, the field tax deficits will be apportioned between the eight cities, and the eight cities will
naturally continue to split the amount between the commoners. A cruel regime that oppresses
and exploits its people causes more distress and pangs than tigers with their ferocious claws and
fangs. So it’s really no different from before.”

“By the time Juexi gets tired of the requisitions, the commoners of the thirteen cities would have
barely enough to fill their stomachs. If Your Lordship uses the port of Liuzhou as an opportunity
to build an east-west waterway and link up to the north-south bridle path, Hezhou and Zhongbo
would be able to alleviate Juexi’s burden.”

By the time Yao Wenyu spoke to this point, the area under the eaves was already bathed in
sunlight. Holding a chess piece between his fingers, he took a breather before continuing, “Your
Lordship presumably has a plan in mind long before you killed and removed Yan Heru from the

“Hezhou is close to Qidong.” Shen Zechuan set down a chess piece after Yao Wenyu. “If I can’t
get my hands on this land, I won’t be able to sleep at night.”

All Yan Heru thought about was business, but Shen Zechuan had far more than business on his
mind. Qi Zhuyin joined forces with Xue Xiuzhuo in the Dancheng case, which meant that the
Heir Apparent would be bestowing a noble title upon her. In that case, she would be a marquis of
Da Zhou in the future. The Garrison Troops of the Five Commanderies of Qidong were right to
the south of Zhongbo. Shen Zechuan must choke off the key supply route of Qidong to the west,
of which Hezhou was a necessary route they had to pass through.

Shen Zechuan was blunt with his words. If Qi Zhuyin were to go all out to protect the Li clan,
then Dengzhou of Zhongbo would be Shen Zechuan’s weakest link. He had to seize control of
Hezhou, which was even more important to Qidong. Only then would he be able to sit at the
same table and on equal footing with Qi Zhuyin at all times.

“Qi Shiyu is already advanced in age, and Qi Zhuyin is a far more suitable candidate than anyone
else to be the Commander-in-chief.” Shen Zechuan continued. “Lu Guangbai remains in Libei
because he no longer wants to be a general of Da Zhou, and Qi Zhuyin has to mend the gap left
in Qidong by the Bianjun Commandery herself. Qudu wants her to become a soldier who
protects the emperor, but even so, she has to be able to run over.”

Perhaps Qi Zhuyin could really run her way over. That was why Shen Zechuan choked off the
roads too.

“Commander-in-chief Qi has been in a predicament over money in recent years. Her willingness
to mobilize troops against the Qingshu Tribe was because she was assessing the situation too.”
Yao Wenyu started to cough softly.

Shen Zechuan thus stopped bringing up official affairs and merely said, “Qiao Tianya now has to
govern the Imperial Cavalry, and he’s at the military drill grounds during the day, so negligence
on his part is inevitable. I’ll write a letter to shifu and ask him to come over to Duanzhou to take
care of you.”

Yao Wenyu did not refuse. He wiped his mouth with his handkerchief and said, “It’s so far away.
I shall have to impose on shifu to make the trip over.”

Shen Zechuan saw the red thread on Yuanzhuo’s wrist, which was concealed by his sleeve when
he raised his hand. He did not ask about it and saw Hunu, which had just woken up, brushing
against the door as it made its way over.

“Qudu is your old home,” Shen Zechuan said. “I heard Xi Hongxuan say before that you always
return to the capital in spring every year. Next year… or perhaps a few years later, you will be
able to take a good look at the springtime scenery.”

Yao Wenyu knew Shen Zechuan was comforting him. He flashed a slight smile and did not
answer him, but said, “Since the case of Dancheng is coming to a close, where is Pan Lin going
to be exiled to?”

Shen Zechuan lowered his folding fan to block Hunu. “Kong Qiu meant to exile him to
Huaizhou, but he went on a hunger strike at the Qudu relay station and starved himself to
Yao Wenyu sat in silence for a long time.

Pan Lin achieved success young, and his career as an official was smooth-sailing. The remarks
he made to Xue Xiuyi back then during the feast to celebrate Xiao Chiye’s conferment turned out
to be prophetic after all, and he ended up dying of starvation. Encumbered by his lineage, he was
now finally free.

Qudu was his former home.

Yao Wenyu shifted his eyes to look at the courtyard.

But there were no longer any sights worth going back for.

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 231 : Feigns

At the time Pan Lin died, Li Jianting pulled through. The maids and eunuchs serving in her
palace barely had time to weep for joy when they were taken into prison. The Heir Apparent was
poisoned, so the Condiment Service1 was promptly sealed off, while all the eunuchs on duty
were imprisoned. Fuman, given his experience during the reign of Emperor Tianchen, took
charge of this case and put them through heavy torture.

“Zuzong!” The junior eunuch could not stand the severe beating and cried out as he sprawled
over the bench. “Please have mercy!”

Dressed in a python-patterned yisan robe2 and yandun hat3 , Fuman stood with his hands on his
back while he scrutinized the calligraphy on the wall.
The eunuchs with the flogging paddles were all leftover members from the Eastern Depot.
Skilled in the art of torture, they flogged the palace eunuch until he almost fainted.

“Please spare my life…” This junior eunuch choked with sobs.

Fuman turned his head back. “The Heir Apparent was poisoned while you people were serving
her. If you want to live, you have to give me a clear account of what happened.”

These inner palace eunuchs entered the palace after Emperor Tianchen. To date, they still did not
know what the Heir Apparent was poisoned with, so there was nothing at all they could account

Fuman patiently said, “Think about what the Heir Apparent ate or wore that day. There are so
many people in the Condiment Service, so perhaps a couple with ulterior motives sneaked their
way in. All of you have close contacts with them, so why can’t you think of any now?”

The eunuch caught the hint in his words, but he dared not be so presumptuous as to speculate, so
he hemmed and hawed without saying a word still.

Fuman flung his sleeve, as if exasperated with the eunuch for failing to come through, and had
the old eunuch with the paddle continue with his flogging. The beating was so brutal that blood
saturated the eunuch’s mouth. Digging his fingers into the bench, he whimpered and sobbed,
“Stop, stop it! I’ll tell you!”

Fuman paid no attention to him.

The eunuch gulped down the blood froth. “That Condiment Service… and that Garden
Service4… all had new faces I don’t recognize…”

Only then did Fuman turn to the side and coax him softly, “You have contacts with them?”

The eunuch shook his head hard, not daring to answer this question. He raised his eyes
tentatively to get a feel of Fuman’s expression and sobbed in a small voice, “I don’t recognize

“If you don’t recognize them, how do you know which services they belong to?” Fuman
intentionally guided him. “Someone must have told you, and that was how you knew.”

The eunuch answered, “The one who, who stands guard at the door to the palace…”

“Tch,” Fuman bent down. “Can someone who stands guard at the door get close to the Heir
Apparent? Whoever serves the Heir Apparent is usually the one who knows it best.”

The eunuch did not dare to breathe heavily as he followed along and answered, “Fengquan is
usually the one serving her…”
Fuman clapped his hands lightly at him and said, “There you go. Easy, isn’t it.”

◈ ◈ ◈

With the case in Fuman’s hands, the chances of identifying the real culprit were zero. He had
planted his men in Li Jianting’s palace at Han Cheng’s instigation. The poison had nothing to do
with the Condiments Service. The problem lay in the chopsticks Li Jianting used for her meal
that day. Chaos had broken out in the palace when the Heir Apparent collapsed, and Fuman had
long gotten someone to steal and replace the original chopsticks to clean up the traces.

Fuman stepped out of the hall, but before he could walk out of the courtyard, he saw several
sedan-bearers standing outside under the Chinese scholar tree waiting for him. The supervising
officials from the Ministry of Justice had just left, so Fuman was on guard as he lifted the hem of
his robe and strode out with a smiling face. “Who is this distinguished person looking for me?
You just need to send me a message; there’s no need to go to the extent of coming over to invite
me! Coincidentally, I have a case to attend to now and can’t get away…”

The curtain opened, and Han Cheng sneered. “It has been a few days since I last saw you, and
you son of a bitch has started to put on airs in imitation of your ‘grandfather’. What? I’m not
worthy enough to invite you now?!”

This motherfucker again!

Fuman obediently bent at the waist. “This humble slave thought it was those old fogeys from the
Grand Secretariat who keep sticking to me like glue5 while I’m investigating the case. I was just
feeling vexed over it and never expected it to be you. Look at what you are saying. When this
humble slave sees you, it’s like, what do you call it? Oh, a baby sparrow seeking refuge in the

He played dumb, knowing Han Cheng was a sucker for this.

Sure enough, Han Cheng’s expression brightened a little. Not dwelling any further on the matter,
he threw down the curtain and commanded, “Follow.”

For the entire journey, Fuman cursed as he walked, keeping it all pent up in his heart. When he
arrived at the place and saw that it was Han Cheng’s private residence, he knew the latter was
certain to ask him about the Heir Apparent’s case. He stepped through the door, but before he
could start toadying up to Han Cheng, he saw the gleaming blades inside. He immediately forgot
what he was going to say and fell to his knees with a “thud”.

“Look at how cowardly you are,” Han Cheng lifted the teapot to pour tea without telling Fuman
to get up, “and you still want to imitate Pan Rugui? Are you even worthy?!”

“No, definitely not worthy!” Bracing himself against the ground, Fuman forced an apologetic
smile. “This humble slave is just a lowly slave. How could I be compared to the lao-zuzong? I
wouldn’t dare to harbor such intent.”
Han Cheng set the teapot back. “I told you to poison Li Jianting. What poison did you give

Fuman’s back was drenched in a cold sweat. He must not hesitate, so he recited what he had
rehearsed to himself countless of times, “This slave did as Commander Han said and gave her
‘swift pursuit’.”

“That’s strange.” Han Cheng said mockingly. “This drug can poison several strong men to death,
yet it can’t kill one woman?”

Fuman felt the chill at the back of his neck. Those were real blades, and they were already
pressing in close to him. The muscles on his face twitched, and he suddenly lifted a hand to slap
himself. With a change in expression, he cried, “You’re hurting my feelings with those words!
How would I dare to plot with outsiders to harm my own ‘father’? Besides, Xue Yanqing, Kong
Qiu, and the few of them detest eunuchs and order me around like I’m livestock. This slave
really did put in ‘swift pursuit’. I still have the chopsticks. I wouldn’t dare to be sloppy.”

Midway through crying, Fuman wiped his tears.

“I’m puzzled too. It’s really mind-boggling. That was ‘swift pursuit’, but the Heir Apparent
unexpectedly got better after puking a few times. If that’s not absurd, I don’t know what is!”

Han Cheng was livid. Li Jianting’s fate – whether she lived or died – determined the direction in
which the situation would develop. He even brought out the Eight Great Training Divisions on
the gamble that the Heir Apparent would die, but who would have expected Li Jianting to be
fine. The fact that the Dancheng case still had yet to reach a conclusion meant that they intended
to continue with the investigation. Without the Pan clan, the next one to be targeted would be the
Marquis of Helian’s Fei clan. Everyone from the seven cities was at risk.

“Have you mentioned the poisoning to anyone else?”

Fuman hurriedly answered, “How would this slave dare?!”

“You’d better not!” Han Cheng suddenly flung away the teacup in his hand. “You’re the one
who botched this, so you have to clean it up now! All those people in her palace can’t be kept
alive. Take this opportunity to kill them all.”

If Li Jianting was poisoned with “swift pursuit”, she would die for certain. So either someone
had swapped out the poison midway, or Fuman did not poison her with “swift pursuit” at all. No
matter what, those people serving her in her bedchamber could not be kept around any longer. It
was very possible some other people had slipped their way in.

The eunuchs were a crafty lot. These despicable castrated bunches were best at trimming their
sails and going where the winds blew. Fuman was no one decent either. Now that the noble clans
had taken a hit and suffered damage, there was no guarantee that Fuman would not get any funny
ideas. Keeping him around any further would be trouble.
Han Cheng was suspicious by nature, and he was now like a tightly wound bird startled by the
mere twang of a bow. He got up and looked at Fuman as he pressed in a few steps closer towards
the latter, his killing intent already ignited.

Seeing as he was about to be decapitated soon, Fuman shouted out in desperation. “The Senior
Grand Secretary—ordered me to investigate the case, so there’s still a chance to turn things
around! The commander need not worry. I’ll surely clean it up. Those supervising officials from
the Ministry of Justice are all my acquaintances. If anything goes awry again, I myself will bring
my own head over to see you!”

Han Cheng could not kill him for real at this point in time, either. Seeing his ghastly pale face
and how he looked so useless, he said, “Mess this up again, and the Empress Dowager will not
keep you alive even if I want to. You want to be the top eunuch, but you also need to have the
capability to!”

Fuman repeatedly concurred, his heart still in his mouth.

◈ ◈ ◈

While it was overcast and rainy for days on end in Qudu, it was still sunny in the battle zone. The
commanding generals of the three camps took turns rotating around the camps. Today, it was
Xiao Chiye’s turn to head over to the Shayi Camp. Lu Guangbai stepped out of the military tent
to receive him, and Xiao Chiye removed his helmet to greet him.

Lu Guangbai jumped to catch Xiao Chiye’s helmet and in doing so, saw the dent on it. “Hasen is
much better than us at playing with the catapults.”

Xiao Chiye handed the reins to Chen Yang and remained standing in place to remove his arm
guard. “The watchtower of Sha’er Camp collapsed after being smashed yesterday. Send a verbal
message to shifu post-haste and have him get the military craftsmen to rush over to Sha’er

“Jiming dispatched a new batch of military craftsmen this way. If you can’t wait, I’ll send the
military craftsmen from the Bianbo Camp over to fill in.” Lu Guangbai returned the helmet to
Chen Yang. “The wall of Shasan Camp was repaired, only to collapse again. Qianqiu-shifu can’t
spare you any extra manpower on his end.”

Xiao Chiye had gotten a lot more tanned during this period of time. He watched Meng hovering
over the camp. “The Biansha Cavalry numbers are increasing.”

After the Duanzhou Scorpions were encircled and annihilated, Hasen started to intensify his
attacks on them. It was most glaringly obvious in the third month. Xiao Chiye realized Hasen
was frenetically assembling men in the east, and the Biansha Cavalry numbers were
skyrocketing. Last year, they could only launch an attack with their main forces while relying on
their remaining soldiers to carry out sneak attacks, but now, Hasen was able to split up his forces
to attack both camps at the same time.
“Amu’er put Hasen in the north, but did not head down south himself,” Lu Guangbai said.
“That’s because he wanted to expand his territory deep into the desert and get the remaining six
tribes to submit and pledge allegiance to him as soon as possible. It’s likely due to Amu’er’s
newly-acquired helping hands that gives Hasen the cavalry to launch simultaneous attacks now.”

Xiao Chiye wiped the dust on his cheeks with a pensive expression.

Lu Guangbai continued, “But Hasen’s fighting of the battles has been very unstable of late.”

Xiao Chiye was the one who killed Achi. Hasen thought that Xiao Chiye would lead the new
Armored Cavalry out into the world when he returned to the battle zone, but Xiao Chiye did not
do so. That meant Hasen had no way of coming face to face with the new Armored Cavalry; it
was as if they had swapped places. What was unknown to him was danger that could not be
forestalled. Xiao Chiye was taking away Hasen’s initiative, one that would allow him to call the

“The battles Hasen fought in the northern and southern battlefields are all battles that he was
assured of victory.” Xiao Chiye turned his thumb ring. “Part of his victories stemmed from his
familiarity with the commanding generals.”

That particular battle Qi Zhuyin fought in the battle zone was proof of this. Xiao Jiming realized
this, and that was why he disrupted the order of the battle zone. It was when Hasen met with the
Libei Armored Cavalry again that he realized what Xiao Jiming was doing.

Xiao Jiming was the kind of commander-in-chief Hasen disliked the most, because Xiao Jiming
would not get flustered if he could not keep up with the pace. He always seemed to be able to
maintain his composure. This was both Xiao Jiming’s character and Xiao Jiming’s style. He
understood he could not beat Hasen, so he never thought of pitting himself against Hasen on the
battlefield to emerge victorious—or not. What he had been doing these few months was to relax
Libei’s rhythm. The Armored Cavalry was in the process of recovery. Even if they could not
win, they would not be led by the nose by Hasen as they had before.

“Hasen will get anxious too when he’s standing so close to the goal,” Xiao Chiye said in a deep,
quiet voice. “After all, he also just wants to win.”

Xiao Jiming wanted to leave the opportunity to Xiao Chiye.

Lu Guangbai looked at Xiao Chiye. “Amu’er has invested all his efforts in him. His win has a
decisive bearing on Amu’er’s dignity in the face of the Twelve Tribes. If he can’t win this battle,
he cannot become the future great ruler of the Twelve Tribes.”

Xiao Chiye did not care why Hasen wanted to win at all; he only wanted Hasen’s head.

As if understanding this point, Lu Guangbai did not continue, but said, “The source of Hasen’s
anxiety and apprehension comes from the south too. With Commander-in-chief Qi fighting the
Qingshu Tribe, they have to face pressure from both sides.”
But was Hasen really restless with anxiety over the north-south battlefield?

Xiao Chiye felt that there was another significance to Hasen’s onslaughts of attack during this
period of time. Perhaps Hasen wanted to use such a diversionary tactic to hide his target. Rather
than fight wars of attrition with Libei and Qidong again, Zhongbo was actually the best place to

Hasen was a master at feigns.

Like a wolf creeping in the darkness, Xiao Chiye stared fixedly at every move Hasen made. His
understanding of Hasen had already far exceeded Hasen’s understanding of him.

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 232: Spring Freshet

“If I were Hasen,” Xiao Chiye squatted down and drew a simple map on the sand, “I’d attack

Shen Zechuan severed Amu’er’s supply route in Duanzhou, and Hasen’s military provision
could only be apportioned to the six tribes in the desert. Amu’er allowed Hasen to marry
Duo’erlan at the beginning of this year precisely because he needed the Hulu Tribe to supply
food to the frontlines. Ever since the sixth month last year, the Biansha Cavalry never got the
opportunity to cross into Da Zhou to loot. This was the source of Hasen’s anxiety.

“In that case, you have to think about it carefully.” Lu Guangbai squatted down too and picked
up a stone to press down on Xiao Chiye’s “Duanzhou”. “As long as you launch a surprise attack
on Duanzhou, Shen Zechuan will mobilize Tantai Hu, who is on standby behind him to engage
in a fierce battle with you in Duanzhou. Then Shen Zechuan will issue a deployment order to the
Bianjun Commandery and Shasan Camp, and the reinforcements from both sides will trap you in
Duanzhou, never to return.”

“I can run.” Xiao Chiye’s index finger circled around the stone. “I have the fastest cavalry. The
goal is not to seize back Duanzhou but to loot Duanzhou’s granaries. I can even mount a surprise
attack on the newly-built riding stables in Mount Luo on the way back. The reinforcements on
both sides won’t be able to catch up.”

“You forgot Commander-in-chief Qi,” Lu Guangbai said. “When you leave the battle zone,
Commander-in-chief Qi will move upstream and take a detour to Gedale to kick your ass.”
“That’s just what I want.” Xiao Chiye moved the stone to the Bianjun Commandery. “If the
Commander-in-chief Qi takes a detour to Gedale, then I’ll give Qingshu Tribe’s territory to the
Youxiong Tribe and let the Youxiong Tribe cut off Commander-in-chief Qi’s retreat route to trap
her in Gedale before crushing her in one fell swoop.”

Lu Guangbai blocked the stone with the back of his hand and said, “Since Commander-in-chief
Qi dares to penetrate deep into the enemy’s territory with an isolated force, she must have
reinforcements. She can transfer the Cangjun Commandery Garrison Troops to the Bianjun
Commandery and get the Cangjun Commandery Garrison Troops to fight back when the
Youxiong Tribe mobilizes their troops to obstruct their path. Besides, the Youxiong Tribe has yet
to pledge allegiance to Amu’er. They might not necessarily be willing to do it if you ask them to
step out as shields to block the spears.”

“They definitely will,” Xiao Chiye said. “Youxiong Tribe’s initial refusal to submit to Amu’er
was because they had the Qingshu Tribe to serve as a wall before them to obstruct the Qidong
Garrison Troops. But the Qingshu Tribe has now been wiped out by Commander-in-chief Qi,
and the Youxiong Tribe can’t hold their own against Commander-in-chief Qi’s next round of
attacks. It’s only by pledging allegiance that they can get reinforcements from Amu’er.”

Lu Guangbai hesitated for a moment and put the stone back at Duanzhou. “Okay, if Commander-
in-chief Qi doesn’t move, then I’ll guard Mount Luo beforehand.”

“I will destroy the bridle path leading from Mount Luo to Duanzhou during the surprise attack,”
Xiao Chiye said. “Without the path, you will have to run in circles on Mount Luo and watch as
my cavalry leaves.”

Lu Guangbai pushed the stone and said, “You have to cross the river on your return journey. I
will lie in ambush at the banks of the Chashi River.”

“Even if you whittle down my military strength at the banks of the Chashi River,” Xiao Chiye
raised his eyes, “my purpose has already been achieved.”

Lu Guangbai touched the bridge of his nose with the pulp of his finger and said with a bitter
laugh, “…How ruthless.”

The Gobi desert and the wilderness lay along the banks of the Chashi River, and the ambushes
Lu Guangbai excelled in relied on the use of the terrains. He had no advantage at the Chashi
River. The “war chariot” battle formation could withstand the attacks of the cavalry, but it could
not pursue an advancing cavalry. Lu Guangbai would not be able to catch up to them.

If Xiao Chiye’s speculation was right, then Hasen would not only be able to obtain supplies in
this round of surprise attacks, but also set up a new obstruction for Qi Zhuyin in the south,
thereby relieving him of the pressure in the north.

Xiao Chiye stretched out his five fingers and covered the map with it. “Hasen still has eyes
in Qudu. He can see the whole picture.”
Twilight closed in on all sides, and smoke from the kitchen rose in the campground. Lu
Guangbai sat on the ground and held that piece of stone in his palm as he watched a hue of
orange wash over the camp walls. Under what remained of the sunset glow, he said to Xiao
Chiye, “You can’t leave.”

With Hasen launching an onslaught of violent attacks at the battle zone, they were all tied down
here with no spare time to be in two places attending to different matters at once.

“That means he’s starting to run out of food.” Xiao Chiye stared at the map between his fingers.
“If he can’t contain us, he will lose a portion of his elites in Duanzhou.”

Hasen was suppressing the main forces of the three battle zone camps. Only by wearing down
the three camps’ main forces to the point of exhaustion would he be able to let his elite forces
mount a surprise attack on Duanzhou. By then, Libei would be too exhausted to respond to the
attack, and the threat posed by the reinforcements would fall. That would be the most optimal
opportunity for him.

Lu Guangbai tossed the stone to Xiao Chiye and said, “This is an opportunity we can

This bout of surprise attack was no longer terrifying as long as they could see through Hasen’s
motives. Hasen could make a feign, but so could the Libei Armored Cavalry. Fighting wars of
attrition was detrimental to both parties, but Xiao Chiye was more confident of success—he had
Shen Zechuan’s supply of military provisions.

To date, the only person who could really threaten Amu’er in the war was Shen Zechuan. His
supply route was just like a cobweb that held the three territories in the east secured and

“Drag it out till the end of the sixth month.” Xiao Chiye caught the stone and placed it on the
messily drawn map. “I’ll lead the elites of Sha’er Camp to Bianjun Commandery. You
and shifu can put on a show of fatigue under Hasen’s attacks. The weakening of his attacks will
be the precursor to a sudden assault on Duanzhou, at which time I’ll be waiting for him in

Three months was just right. When Hasen dispatched his troops to launch a surprise attack, it
would be the season when the granaries were in abundance. He would not miss this timing.

The sky had already darkened by the time both men spoke to this point. Xiao Chiye stood up and
whistled at the sky, and Meng flapped its wings and circled before landing back on Xiao Chiye’s
shoulder a short while later. Lu Guangbai patted the dust off his robe and walked side by side
with Xiao Chiye towards the military tent.

Chen Yang, who was waiting at the entrance, lifted the flap of the tent for them. As Xiao Chiye
entered the tent, he whispered, “Master, the letters from His Lordship and Gu Jin have both
Xiao Chiye took the letters and stood at the entrance to read them.

Lu Guangbai drank half a bowl of milk tea, and when he heard no movement from Xiao Chiye
after a while, he looked back to see Xiao Chiye with a gloomy expression.

◈ ◈ ◈

A few days later, Fuman arrived at the courtyard of the Grand Secretariat office as summoned.
Before entering, he changed out of his damp covering and bundled up his robe to stride in and
pay his obeisances to Kong Qiu.

Kong Qiu sat by the window and merely uttered a sound of acknowledgment as he gestured for
Fuman to get up. Fuman straightened up in a restrained manner and stood waiting in attendance
at the far end. His eyes swept around the black boots at the sides, more or less recognizing the
court officials present.

“…The spring plowing has just ended. Huaizhou bought a batch of grains from Baimazhou, and
Jiang Qingshan sold it to him based on the conversion of grain price in Juexi.” Liang Cuishan
finished his report.

A few of Kong Qiu’s hairs had turned white during this period of time, although they were not
obvious to the eyes concealed under his wusha hat. He said, “Qidong is fighting a war now, so
Qidong naturally has priority for the military funds. The Eight Great Training Divisions’ military
expenses can be reduced as needed.”

Here it comes, Fuman thought. If the Grand Secretariat wanted to continue investigating the
accounts as they wanted, then they had to first pare down Han Cheng’s power.

“That’s what the Ministry of War intends.” The Minister of War, Chen Zhen, tapped his smoking
pipe twice. “But Han Cheng refuses. He wants the writ from the Grand Secretariat.”

“What he wants is endorsement, doesn’t he?” Cen Yu said. “The Dancheng case has yet to
conclude, and to avoid casting aspersions on herself, the Empress Dowager can’t approve it.
Since the Grand Secretariat has brought it up with him, it means that everyone is in agreement
with it. But look at him, refusing to do it so brazenly.”

The Empress Dowager could barely fend for herself, so where would she still have her earlier
authority to endorse memorials? The Hua clan of Dicheng was on tenterhooks now. What was
the Heir Apparent poisoned with? Everyone present knew it all too well. It was to preserve the
last bit of the Empress Dowager’s dignity that Kong Qiu tossed the Heir Apparent’s case to
Fuman and let the inner court investigate.

Han Cheng was still holding the post of the Imperial Bodyguards’ Commander. He meant to take
the path Hua Siqian once took, by relying on the Eight Great Training Divisions to challenge the
Grand Secretariat.
Fuman had been buttering his bread on both sides, waiting for just this moment. He could no
longer remain on the noble clan’s boat, but he could still jump onto the Grand Secretariat’s ship.
He had shown his face before Hai Liangyi, and he had spent the longest time in the Grand
Secretariat’s office compound. The junior eunuch’s address of “zuzong” was not casually given,
but because he really carried this weight among them. He kept such a tight grip on the Heir
Apparent’s case because he wanted to extricate himself clean and to make Fengquan the

Emperor Tiancheng favored Mu Ru, and he incurred the displeasure of the Grand Secretariat
when he made an exception to promote Fengquan. Even the Chief Surveillance Bureau censured
him. Later, when Emperor Tianchen died in Mu Ru’s hands, it was only through Xue Xiuzhuo’s
grace that Fengquan could continue to drag out an ignoble existence.

Fuman did not dare to incur the wrath of Xue Xiuzhuo, but he had come to discern that the Heir
Apparent was the future master of Da Zhou. He had to kick out Fengquan before he could get a
spot for himself beside the Heir Apparent. He was counting on the Heir Apparent for his future
decades of wealth and glory to come.

As for Han Cheng and Kong Qiu, Fuman did not make much of them. Think about Pan Rugui.
Pan Rugui could assemble the Pan Faction and sit on equal footing with Hua Siqian exactly
because he had the trust of Emperor Guangcheng at that time. It was no easy feat being a eunuch,
having to be commanded around like a dog, but find the right master, and you would be a dog
that lorded it over the masses—a dog that everyone had to deferentially address as “zuzong” on

Fuman was just thinking about this when he suddenly sensed Kong Qiu looking at him. He
immediately stepped forward to bow, a complete about-face from his attitude in front of Han
Cheng as he spoke with deference. “This humble slave has traced what the Grand Secretary has
told me to investigate. The seasonal vegetables consumed by the Heir Apparent that day all came
from our Garden Service.”

“Isn’t that specially meant for the palace?” Kong Qiu asked, “Who is the eunuch-in-charge?”

“It’s someone called Yinzhu.” Fuman continued, “This humble slave has carefully interrogated
all the people serving in the Heir Apparent’s palace. None of them have anything to do with the
Garden Service. The rules in the palace are strict, and they do not normally cross paths.”

“Something was wrong with the seasonal vegetables of the Garden Service, and yet it could pass
through so many hands to be served before the Heir Apparent. This would not have been
possible if the perpetrator wasn’t capable.” Kong Qiu was in charge of the Ministry of Justice,
and his train of thought was clear and organized. “Moreover, it is impossible to have such a clear
grasp on the Heir Apparent’s preferences without at least half a year of effort.”

Fuman repeatedly made sounds of agreement and said, “This humble slave did in fact find such a
Kong Qiu locked eyes with Cen Yu. “Who?”

Fuman looked hesitant as he wavered for a moment before answering. “It’s Fengquan.”

Fengquan had once held the position of the Seal-holding Director in the Directorate of
Ceremonial, and the Garden Service was under the jurisdiction of the Seal-holding Director; it
also had ties to the Directorate for Palace Delicacies. He was not only the Heir Apparent’s
attendant, but also the person the Empress Dowager wanted to protect back then. As compared to
a universal flatterer like Fuman, who fawned on everyone he came across, Fengquan could not
be erased of suspicion at all.

Kong Qiu furrowed his brows. “Isn’t this person already dead?”

“That’s right,” Fuman answered softly, “but he stayed by the Heir Apparent side for over half a
year. He looked different, so much that this humble slave did not recognize him when he was
serving in attendance in Mingli Hall.”

Kong Qiu did not respond immediately. All of them had only just gone silent when they heard
the announcement of Xue Xiuzhuo’s arrival from the entrance. Liang Cuishan was well aware of
the art of preserving his life; the matters of the inner court concerned the Heir Apparent and were
not affairs he could meddle in, so he took the opportunity to get to his feet and retreated out just
as Xue Xiuzhuo entered.

Xue Xiuzhuo’s wusha hat1 was slightly damp from the rain. Even when he saw Fuman standing
in attendance at the side upon his entrance into the hall, he did not ask about it and bowed to
Kong Qiu. Kong Qiu did not bring up Fengquan and told Xue Xiuzhuo to take his seat for

◈ ◈ ◈

Chashi River thawed, and the warmth of spring in Duanzhou abruptly disappeared. Drizzle fell
for several consecutive days, pelting the peach blossoms in the courtyard until they had all fallen
to cover the ground in a wet blanket of red. Shen Zechuan had to discuss affairs with the advisors
in the hall, and a sitting typically took several hours, so Fei Sheng added a charcoal brazier in the
hall to dispel the cold.

“Yan Heru has not shown up for so long, and the businesses in Hezhou are now in a mess. The
merchants are making such a ruckus for fear that the deals they agreed on at the start of the year
will fall through. They came to Chazhou in the hope of discussing it over with Your Lordship.”
Yu Xiaozai sat to the right of Kong Ling, near the charcoal brazier. He continued, “There’s also
a need to make contact with the local yamen where the port is. We have to send someone there as
soon as possible.”

Yao Wenyu seemed fine today. He said, “The spring plowing has just ended, so the yamen in the
various lands are all able to transfer manpower over. Then there’s still Wang Xian, who is
familiar with taxation, in Chazhou. There’s no reason for Your Lordship to meet them in

“Stick to however the business was conducted in the past.” Shen Zechuan held the hand
warmer2 between his palms. “A Wang Xian will suffice.”

Wang Xian used to be the Secretary of the Ministry of Revenue who had contended with the
various ministries before. Even Xiao Chiye had hit a brick wall when it came to him. There was
no one more suitable than him to discuss with the merchants.

“The Yan clan was the one greasing the Prefectural Prefect of Liuzhou’s wheels. Ask them if
they can find Yan Heru or not. If not,” Shen Zechuan turned over the document and continued,
“hurry up and push out someone capable of taking on the matter.”

Qi Zhuyin had yet to return to Qidong. The Yan clan had to complete delivery of the remaining
military provisions in the fourth month. No doubt anyone could ever find Yan Heru again. At
present, they were fighting through the roof at home. Shen Zechuan dropped them a reminder to
hand over the grains first before they split up the properties and break up the family.

The matters today were more or less finished being discussed. Seeing that Qiao Tianya had still
yet to return from the military drill grounds, he said, “Youjing spoke about the details of the
various prefectures yamen, the situations of which are extremely complicated and cannot be
lumped together in the same breath. Go back and ready a book for submission. Do it like how
Shenwei does it; keep it brief and concise. Also, shifu is in my courtyard, so Yuanzhuo shall
have his meal together with me today.”

The advisors all stood up one after another and bowed to the Prefectural Lordbefore taking their

Ji Gang was under the eaves, watching Ding Tao train. Seeing the advisors coming out, he sent
Ding Tao to instruct the kitchen to prepare the dishes. Remembering Fei Sheng’s instruction,
Ding Tao left Li Xiong in the courtyard to protect the Prefectural Lord, while he himself leaped
down the steps and dashed off to deliver the message.

Originally, Qiao Tianya was the one pushing Yao Wenyu in his wheelchair, but these days, Ji
Gang had taken over the job. By the time Qiao Tianya returned, it was already dark.

Ding Tao and Li Xiong stood guard at each side like a pair of door deities.3 He folded his arm
and said with cool detachment to Qiao Tianya, “If His Lordship hasn’t summoned you, you can’t

Qiao Tianya pressed down Ding Tao’s head and lifted the hanging screen to cast a glance into
the main room.

“He already left!” Ding Tao broke free. “After the meal, His Lordship asked Grandpa to push
him back.”
“You should have said so earlier.” Qiao Tianya then asked, “Where’s the Prefectural Lord?”

“It’s time for His Lordship to take a break,” Ding Tao answered. “He’s in the bath now.”

“You didn’t even get someone to close the windows in the hall. The wind is strong and cold at
night.” Qiao Tianya scared Ding Tao. “Freeze the Prefectural Lord, and Old Fei the Tenth is
going to nag at you all night when he returns later.”

Ding Tao had indeed forgotten about this, but he said, “I remembered. I was just about to close

Having said that, he turned and made his way into the hall to close the windows one at a time. As
he withdrew out of the room, the back of his head bumped into something hard. He reacted
quickly and covered his head, thinking Fei Sheng was back. He looked back and was just about
to speak when he shrank his neck back and shut up.

Xiao Chiye set down Langli Blade, which was blocking Ding Tao, and inclined his head slightly
to look for Shen Zechuan. His face was damp, both from the rain and his sweat, and the heavy
armor on him had yet to be removed. His boots were all dirty too.

This was him riding all the way back in a rush after getting off the battlefield.

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 233 : To Love And To Fear

The rain was still falling when Shen Zechuan returned to his room. Wearing a wide-sleeved robe,
but without his wooden clogs, he walked on the corridor leading to the bedchamber and heard a
few crashes of muffled thunder. Damp wind pounced on his face through the newly cut window
screen, while the staccato sound of rain dispelled the stifling sensation Shen Zechuan was feeling
from having sat for too long.

Candlesticks stood by the sides of the corridor, making it brighter than the bedchamber itself.
Shen Zechuan stood there without moving, as if wanting to get some air. Shadows peeped
through the bamboo blinds to lay exposed on the rug in the bedchamber, while the orange
candlelight gave his silhouette a glow and rendered the skin slightly to the side of his neck a
shade of vivid red.

The fourth month was the season when crop seedlings sprouted and grew. If this bout of spring
rain persisted, the Duanzhou fields near the Chashi River might end up inundated by the spring
flood. Shen Zechuan gave Kong Ling instructions regarding the Duanzhou dams last month, but
he forgot to ask about it today. Reckoning that Fei Sheng should be back by now, Shen Zechuan
lifted the bamboo blinds and searched the bedchamber for the wooden clogs he had kicked off in
preparation of summoning Fei Sheng over to question him.

Xiao Chiye, having long removed his armor, was lying sleepily on the bed with his head
pillowed on both arms. On hearing movements, he turned over, and at the same time Lanzhou
picked up his wooden clogs, he pushed the lowered drapes aside and poked his head out.

Caught off guard, Shen Zechuan got a fright and dropped the wooden clogs.

With his hands gripping the drapes, Xiao Chiye asked, “Is what happened to the Venerable
Master true?”

Shen Zechuan schooled his expression slightly and nodded.

Seeing Shen Zechuan’s nod, Xiao Chiye’s heart, which had been on tenterhooks the entire way,
plummeted completely into the ditch. He fell back onto the bedding and spread out his arms,
looking as if he was about to die soon.

Supporting himself against the edge of the bed, Shen Zechuan looked at Xiao Chiye and
tentatively probed, “Did you run all the way back for this?”

In order to find Yideng, Xiao Chiye had scoured the entire Libei and watched on as Xiao Jiming
wrote more than a dozen letters to the Venerable Master. But he did not even get to see him, and
the man was now gone. After a long silence, he asked, “Where’s Yan Heru?”

Shen Zechuan made a brutal, slitting gesture along his neck.

Xiao Chiye fell silent for a moment with a frosty and grave expression. He suddenly turned over
and buried his face into the pillow, refusing to show his face to Shen Zechuan. If he had a tail, it
would be drooping on the ground right now.

“We’ll head over to Juexi to look for physicians.” Xiao Chiye paused for a moment before
continuing. “And there’s still the Imperial Academy of Medicine in Qudu.”

Shen Zechuan did not say a word. His icy cold hand covered the side of Xiao Chiye’s neck and
slid up to stroke his cheek. Xiao Chiye grabbed hold of this hand and grasped it in his palm. The
rain doused his wrath, extinguishing it, leaving only disappointment and panic in its wake. He
attempted to soothe his emotions, but this feeling was too complicated.

“Ce’an,” Shen Zechuan called out to him.

Xiao Chiye said, “There are innumerable highly skilled physicians in the world living in
seclusion or retirement. We’ll find as many as there are available. As long as it’s a physician…”
Shen Zechuan suddenly pulled his hand out. The moment Xiao Chiye’s palm turned up empty,
Xiao Chiye made to sit up, but Shen Zechuan pressed him back into place by his back.

“A-Ye.” Shen Zechuan propped himself up with his arms and lowered his head to say with a rare
unyielding toughness, “You heard Qianqiu-shifu’s words before. Even with the Venerable
Master, the illness may not necessarily be eradicated at its roots. But this body is still not in that
terrible of a state.” He slowed and relaxed his voice. “I’ve been taking my medicines on time,
and not once have I fallen sick this year.”

Xiao Chiye’s sprawled back tensed.

Shen Zechuan bumped his head against the back of Xiao Chiye’s shoulder and said in a soft
voice, “I won’t leave you.”

The rain outside the room pitter-pattered down with finely-woven beats. Xiao Chiye’s
chest cavity was all but a damp, clammy expanse. Shen Zechuan stuck the side of his face to
Xiao Chiye’s tattoo through the fabric, where a scar lay.

“You’re lying to me.” Xiao Chiye answered in the same soft voice.

Xiao Chiye once thought that Xiao Fangxu would not leave him, but separation came in such
haste that he did not even get to bid his old man farewell. There existed a hidden boundary line
between man and man. Stride over that line, and that goes what one called parting by death. It
was a whole other world no one could ever catch up with.

“You gave this life to the Grand Mentor.” Xiao Chiye’s voice sounded oppressively heavy in the
darkness. “You made a vow to him to kill his mortal enemies, and you stood alone before the
noble clans without fear. You wanted me to leave back in Qudu, and you hurt yourself in
Chazhou and Dunzhou.”

These were ticking time bombs left behind by those two incidents. They lay hidden in Xiao
Chiye’s heart, ballooning to unbearable proportions after Xiao Fangxu left. Xiao Chiye only had
to think about it to feel the fear after the fact. The source of his panic was not just Shen
Zechuan’s health, but also Shen Zechuan himself.

Xiao Chiye continued, “Lanzhou, you only have to harden your heart, and you’d be able to leave
me behind.”

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Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 234 : Nobody

Raindrops drummed against the door eaves, like an extension of Shen Zechuan’s mood. He could
openly put on a hundred displays of indulging in desires before Xiao Chiye, but he found it hard
to extend this frankness verbally to Xiao Chiye. He was the most eloquent orator in this world,
and also the most inarticulate one.

“I once gave this life to Teacher, because there was no home to call mine in this world. A-Ye,
when I first stood before the halls of Qudu, what I saw was the door to this life of mine. Stride
inside, and Duanzhou would no longer be my hometown. I knew my elder brother would vanish
among my dreams, and I knew that no one in this world would ever forgive me.”

Shen Zechuan had never gone into battle to fight against the enemies, nor had he sat in the
imperial court a far distance away. He was an ordinary man who came face to face with the
scimitars, and it was precisely because he was an ordinary man that the wails of the six
prefectures lingered in his ears every night and the bloodbath in the sinkhole haunted his mind all
the time. He kneeled in the snowstorm raging at the sinkhole and experienced a separation by
death. Overnight, he became the enemy of the entire world.

He had done nothing.

But he was guilty, and his sin went by the name Shen Zechuan.

Shen Zechuan watched the Biansha Cavalry massacre Duanzhou. Thirty thousand men pressed
down on his back, pinning him, and because he survived, he was forever held captive here. His
struggles were insignificant. Those anguished cries of his were worth nothing before thirty
thousand corpses.
Shen Zechuan could not live on.

He was, in that game of chess, a nobody. His pain was merely the puff of dust stirred up by its
players’ coughs. The moment he understood this, he lost what it meant to “live”. Ji Gang told
him to keep living, but the heroes and the sycophants were still mutually tearing into each other.
Keep living, and he would still be reduced to being a pawn someday. He would be dragging on
his miserable existence merely to wait for death to claim him so that he could enter the next
cycle of reincarnation.

Back at the derelict Zhaozui Temple, Qi Huilian raised his arms like a madman and shouted out
for the crown prince, but in this world, there was no longer a crown prince. Were the legitimate
bloodlines of the noble clans the only ones who could become the hands that hold the world in its
control? Were the distinguished, noble-born prides of heaven the only ones worthy of possessing
the power to stir up a storm? If that were the case, then all the innumerable ordinary folks in the
world were the bones of the dead at the foot of the stairs! They were the subjugated ones meant
to be trampled on, the dehumanized ones who suffered no pain, and the silenced ones who would
not moan in anguish. They were nobodies!

“What did we do wrong?”

Qi Huilian cried out this phrase with inconsolable grief.

What exactly did we do wrong?!

Shen Zechuan once lifted Xiao Chiye by the collar in a filthy alley, ripping open his mask of
forbearance to question the same words with his voice breaking.

You and I, what did we do wrong?

If living was a sin, that meant Heaven was holding him down by his head intending for him to
kneel in the dust and continue being a nobody. But Shen Zechuan met Qi Huilian. He watched as
the Grand Mentor acted all demented, and listened as the lone crow let loose a plaintive wail. He
was forced to the edge of the precipice. If he could not take out the courage to burn his bridges
and fight to the death, then he would have to venture down this path Heaven preordained for him
and kill himself once more.

“I am Qi Huilian of Yuzhou. I taught the Crown Prince. And I’ll now teach you everything I
have learned in my life—alright?”

What Shen Zechuan saw was a way to live. That was not only a path where he could kneel and
gasp for breath, but also one where he could stand on his feet. Was victory assured just because
one was born the descendant of a noble clan? The moment in which Qi Huilian went on his
knees was when the paradigm shifted. He had torn down that wall much earlier than anyone else,
even Shen Zechuan.
Qi Huilian was the teacher of the emperor; he would only teach someone heading into that
position. He reached out to Shen Zechuan not only because he was forced into a dead end but
also because this was the most insane of the Grand Mentor’s schemes.

“If Teacher imparts the classics to me, I’ll kill your enemy for you.”

Shen Zechuan’s hatred was scattered all over in Qudu, those faint, blurry lights of untold
numbers. It was Qi Huilian who converged them together with the words “enmity”.

Unruffled is the orchid that grows on stone steps. Boundless is the horizon of the boat that
crosses the sea of misery.

Qi Huilian molded Shen Lanzhou into being, and he pushed a sharp Shen Zechuan back into his
sheath with the aim of obliterating all the self-resentments that sustained Shen Zechuan and kept
him hanging onto life. He wanted to set Shen Zechuan’s path right, so that Shen Zechuan could
see himself for who he truly was.

Xue Xiuzhuo did not make the wrong move; he had simply been a tad too late. Qi Huilian had
long already possessed his own Heir Apparent.

Rainwater washed over the eaves. Shen Zechuan fell silent after he had said those words. He
buried his face into Xiao Chiye’s back, just like how Xiao Chiye had buried his face into the

Shen Zechuan did not value his life; death was not at all scary. The hooves of all those vying for
supremacy would not skirt around anyone. The promised lands of the world were all built upon
the sharpest blades. If he died, then that only went to prove that Shen Zechuan failed in his quest
to win the throne.

He did not care.

Would a hand that had been cut hurt?

To Shen Zechuan, that was for him to find out, but he had to be cut first before he would know
the answer.

Qi Huilian did not manage to tether him. He was a blade without a hilt, one that would spill
blood when held. No one else in the world other than himself could wield it. He strode away
from everything else, all to achieve his aim of “freedom”.

He was free when he killed Ji Lei.

That made Qi Huilian realize for the first time that he had honed Shen Zechuan, but did not keep
him fully sheathed. All Shen Zechuan learned was to deal a fatal blow without making so much a
sound. At that time, Shen Zechuan had his first taste of carnal pleasure, when the battered,
scarred host experienced the mirth of this body; that was the joy of being “alive”. He did not
even realize it to be the prelude to the blade’s return to its sheath.

This squall from Libei swept away Shen Zechuan’s nightmares. Xiao Chiye aggressively
invaded Shen Zechuan’s heart, dominating it. His strong, powerful arms blocked out all the din.
In the deepest recesses of that quagmire, he gate-crashed his way in to catch a sniff of the
fragrance of this gem.

Avaricious wolf.

“Teacher returned this life to me, A-Ye.” Shen Zechuan melted under this familiar scent and
nuzzled his cheek against Xiao Chiye’s back like a young cub that had come searching by
following the scent. “A-Ye…”

Xiao Chiye raised his hand to hold down Shen Zechuan and partially looked back to look him in
the eye.

Shen Zechuan opened his eyes, but there was no hint of joking in those orbs. He moved Xiao
Chiye’s face closer and said, “I am yours, even in death. And you are mine too.” He finally
revealed the part of him that was sharp and ruthless. “I will kill whoever wants to take you away
from my side.”

Not even the King of Hell can do so.

At first, Shen Zechuan thought what he cherished was not life but Xiao Chiye. Gradually, he
came to learn that a cut finger would hurt; however, that finger was not the one in pain, but Xiao
Chiye. Living was tough, but in the process of living, he found even more reasons to live. He
was the continuation of Ji Mu’s life, of Qi Huilian’s, of Zhongbo’s, and of all the nobodies’ in
this volatile, tempestuous storm—they all existed and lived through him.

“I want to live to a ripe old age with you.” Shen Zechuan planted a light kiss on Xiao Chiye’s
temple. “In a place no one can reach.”

Xiao Chiye grabbed back Shen Zechuan’s hand and turned around to take him into his arms.
Then, cupping Shen Zechuan’s cheeks, he closed in for a look.

“Tired from the journey?” Shen Zechuan asked in an undertone.

“Nope.” Xiao Chiye caressed Shen Zechuan’s cheeks. “I get through the days by thinking of
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Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 235 : Scoundrel

Xiao Chiye claimed not to be tired, but he still fell asleep under the murmurs and whispers. He
had been rather pressed for time to rest after being swapped over to Sha’er Camp. It was only
because Mount Luo was close to Duanzhou and the bridle path ran smooth and unobstructed that
he was able to rush back to sleep by Lanzhou’s side.

The rain intensified following several claps of spring thunder in the distance in the latter half of
the night. As Xiao Chiye had something weighing on his mind, he woke up at the hour of yin.
Shen Zechuan nuzzled against his temple, his breathing smooth and even as he slept soundly.
Xiao Chiye listened to the sound of Lanzhou’s breathing for a moment and felt inexplicably
unable to simply resign himself to it.

Half-awake, Shen Zechuan uttered a “hm”. He liked to drag out his nasal sounds, making it hard
to say if he was in pain or feeling good each time. Xiao Chiye bit him, making him rock a little
under his slightly urgent gasps.

“Don’t bite.” Shen Zechuan’s still half-asleep voice was slightly hoarse. He did not even open
his eyes as he muttered indistinctly, “It’s all red now.”

It was indeed red.

Shen Zechuan sobered up a little. Xiao Chiye was pinning down on him, leaving him with
nowhere to hide. It was as if he was being assaulted by the rain in the face of this force. There
was no distance between them. Sweat spread to their chests, soaking the bedding until it was all

Xiao Chiye lowered his head and pressed his ear to Lanzhou’s lips.

Shen Zechuan was on the verge of breaking. He knew what Xiao Chiye wanted to hear in this
clammy atmosphere. He spoke and breathed of love, his expressive eyes misted over as he
shivered intermittently under the pounding of the waves.

The downside about being in such synchronous tune with one another was that even a
momentary separation would stir up a storm of passion that made them crave to be sated and to
use sensual pleasure to make up for the gap in which they were apart.

Xiao Chiye desired.

And still desired more.


Shen Zechuan could not help himself and tilted his soaked neck back—this was a vulnerability
that reared its head when he took Xiao Chiye in.

Under the clamor of the rain beneath the eaves, a person in a straw rain cape approached. When a
knock sounded from the door, Shen Zechuan raised a hand and made to clutch the hanging
drapes of the bed, but Xiao Chiye grabbed his wrist in midair, holding it up as his strong, tanned
arms secured Shen Zechuan in place.

The person outside waited for a moment, then knocked on the door again.

Shen Zechuan kept his voice down, “Not… not Fei…”

Xiao Chiye did not give a damn about who was at the door. His desire was raging. He wanted to
dominate. Only he could see, bite, and exert himself so hard that Lanzhou begged for mercy.

Their breaths intermingled.

“Chuan-er? It’s already the second quarter of the hour of mao! Chengfeng is heading down to the
fields for a look. Are you going? If so, I’ll prepare your overcoat for you. Drink some soup
before you go over.” Ji Gang had woken up early and even trained for a few rounds, after which
he had come over with a bowl of soup in hand.

Xiao Chiye hissed in chagrin and shoved everything that was superfluous away to confine

In too deep.
Shen Zechuan soundlessly mouthed.

A-Ye, too—

He turned his head to the side and buried his gasps in the bedding, hiding them deep under the
roar of the rain.

Xiao Chiye was panting too. Under those heavy gasps for breath, he let loose a dangerous laugh
and admired the flush at the sides of Lanzhou’s neck, all without so much a pause.

This is going to be the death of me.

Xiao Chiye thought diabolically.

Possessing Shen Zechuan in such a way gave him a climactic high.

◈ ◈ ◈

Not hearing any movements, Ji Gang turned to ask Fei Sheng, “What time did the Prefectural
Lord retire to bed last night?”

That’s hard for me to say, man, Fei Sheng inwardly thought to himself. Holding an umbrella
over Ji Gang’s birdcage, he answered, “Quite late… Now that Mister Yu has returned, he has to
report on matters regarding the six prefectures’ yamen to the Prefectural Lord these few days.”

“Didn’t he take his leave early yesterday?” Ji Gang was worried that Shen Zechuan would fall ill
during this spring rain. “Youjing has to stay until the rain stops this time. There is no rush to
complete his assignments now.”

“Exactly.” Fei Sheng concurred. “Shifu, you understand it best.”

Fei Sheng only wanted to send shifu out of the courtyard as soon as possible. Second Master was
still inside, and if they were to cross paths later, wouldn’t the game be over?! He lifted Ji Gang’s
birdcage and said, “Shifu, this bird looks so listless. Could it have gotten frozen from the cold?!”

“It gets sleepy after a meal. This bird is just the same as Ding Tao’s sparrow.” Ji Gang grew
increasingly worried after not hearing an answer from Shen Zechuan for so long. “There’s no
one inside to attend to him either.”

“How about I send you to the side hall for a seat? We’ll drink a few cups of hot tea. Master
should be awake in a while.”

Ji Gang lifted the birdcage back. As Fei Sheng took over the soup, Ji Gang placed a hand behind
his back and said, “I can’t sit still, so I’ll go over to Yuanzhuo for a look. The medicine is still
being decocted. When Chuan-er wakes up later, ask him if he’s going out. It’s raining so hard.
I’ll have to tag along.”
Fei Sheng voiced his acknowledgment of the request and bowed to send Ji Gang to the walkway.
Seeing Ji Gang finally head out, he rushed back while lifting the hem of his robe and whispered
close to the door, “Second Master, it’s already the third quarter of the hour of mao. The advisors
should arrive later during the hour of chen. Our Lordship—”

The door swooshed open to both sides to reveal Xiao Chiye with a loose robe draped over him.
His neck was still flushed and glistening with sweat.

How would Fei Sheng dare to look directly at him? He instantly stepped back and bowed.
“Greetings to Second Master.”

In one smooth move, Xiao Chiye took the hot handkerchief on standby at the side and said as he
wiped the sweat from his neck. “It’s only the hour of mao and you’re already here, prompting.
Your master usually sleeps late, and he’s a light sleeper. How can he withstand you tormenting
him like this?”

Fei Sheng responded, “Second Master indeed thinks of everything!”

Xiao Chiye tossed the handkerchief back into the tray. He was just about to say something when
he saw Ji Gang, who had just left, return the same way. Ji Gang was already standing at the end
of the walkway glaring over at them.

Fei Sheng looked back and inwardly exclaimed, good heavens!

Ji Gang took long strides over. On seeing Ji Gang’s livid expression, Fei Sheng wanted to
retreat, but Second Master is watching! So he plucked up his courage and stepped forward
bravely to stop Ji Gang. With an apologetic smile, he said, “Did shifu leave something behind?
Just send someone over. Why make a special point of walking all the way back? It’s raining so

Unable to get around Fei Sheng, Ji Gang grabbed Fei Sheng by the front of his clothes and
forcibly lifted Fei Sheng, who was a head taller than him, over to the side.

Xiao Chiye called out, “Shifu…”

“I’m not your shifu!” Ji Gang hollered. Both his hands were trembling. Seeing Xiao Chiye all so
wantonly dressed, he hastily took half a step back and pointed at him, sputtering, “How, how
dare you. How dare, you!”

He had already sensed something amiss the last time Xiao Chiye asked to be whipped as
punishment, but he did not dare to think of Shen Zechuan along those lines, so he tried every
means possible to comfort himself. He never expected he would still get slapped with the truth
right in the face.

That was Shen Zechuan!

Ji Gang, his back all drenched from the rain, found it preposterous and felt incensed at the same
time. His ears buzzed, as if he had really been slapped in the face. Unable to remain steady on his
feet, he stood another step back. Fei Sheng reached out to support Ji Gang, but Ji Gang flung his
hand away and bellowed, “You know? Were you in the know about it?!”

Fei Sheng forced a smile. “Uh…”

Ji Gang hurled the birdcage down on the ground, and the bird flapped around in alarm as its cage
took a few tumbles and rolled to the bottom of the steps.1 His hands were shaking badly. He still
had his strength about him, and a strong wind pounced as he threw out the fist and struck Xiao
Chiye with such force that the taste of blood saturated Xiao Chiye’s mouth. Fei Sheng had
already lunged over to grab hold of Ji Gang’s arm. “Shifu, shifu, please be appeased!”

The rain pitter-pattered down in torrents. Xiao Chiye pressed the tip of his tongue against the
taste of blood and said, “I’m willing to take the blows if shifuwants to hit me, and I’m willing to
kneel too if shifu wants me to do so. But if shifu is still thinking of finding a marriage match for
Lanzhou, then it’s a no-go.”

Ji Gang had been dropping hints this year, not daring to push Shen Zechuan too much, but he had
been on tenterhooks, so he had scouted out several maidens in Cizhou and mentioned it to Shen
Zechuan in his letters. Shen Zechuan did not agree to any of them and merely said that he had
someone to care for him by his side. But Ji Gang had never seen this person ever since he arrived
in Duanzhou, and he had been wondering if Shen Zechuan had been merely coaxing him. How
could he have expected there to be such a person!

“You scoundrel…” Ji Gang broke his arm free and bellowed agitatedly, “I’m going to beat you
scoundrel to death!”

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 236 : Twin Jades

In all the time Ji Gang watched Shen Zechuan grow up, he had never expected Shen Zechuan to
become a noble or minister. All he hoped for was for Shen Zechuan to be safe and sound, for
things to go smoothly for him, and to have an abundance of children in the future. Anyone could
forget that one kick from Xiao Chiye in Qudu, but not Ji Gang, for Shen Zechuan was his one
and only remaining son.

It was now Ji Gang recalled those words Xiao Chiye said back in Cizhou. It seemed as if it was
all premeditated. This jerk had long planned to show his hand to him. How ludicrous that
everyone could see that, and yet there he was, deceiving himself and believing his own lies. He
even defended and made excuses for this asshole in every way possible!

Brotherhood? My foot!

Ji Gang threw a few punches at him, but unable to assuage his wrath, he grabbed the horsewhip
that had been set at the side and said, “I invited a wolf into the house1 and believed your lies!
You have had designs on Chuan-er a long time back since Cizhou!” His fury grew the more he
spoke, and he was, at present, totally oblivious to everything that was good about Xiao Chiye; all
he remembered were the old debts. He lashed out with the whip and seethed. “I’ll beat you to

“Shifu, shifu!” How would Fei Sheng dare to let Ji Gang continue striking out at Xiao Chiye? He
attempted to persuade, “Second Master’s willingness to accept a beating from shifu means he
genuinely intends to tell shifu. This matter doesn’t involve outsiders. Let’s all sit down in our
courtyard and have a proper talk. His Lordship is still waiting for you!”

“Get lost!” Ji Gang bellowed., “All of you are a bunch of scoundrels too!”

The Imperial Bodyguards in this courtyard had all received pointers from Ji Gang before, and
they could be considered to be Ji Gang’s disciples. So which of them would dare to stop Ji Gang
on seeing how fierce he was? What’s more, this horsewhip belonged to Xiao Chiye, and it was
much heavier than the one in Cizhou. One lash alone felt like an explosion of searing hot pain
that seemed to rip one apart.

Ji Gang was really enraged now. It was different from that time in Cizhou. Xiao Chiye’s wide-
sleeved robe could not block the blows, and every lash drew streaks of blood. Ji Gang whipped
with such ferocity that Xiao Chiye sucked in a few gasps of the chilly air.

Seeing Xiao Chiye stubbornly refuse to admit his fault, he hatefully spat, “Whether it goes
through or not when I find a marriage match for him is none of your business!”

“No.” Xiao Chiye refused to concede when it came to this. He was not willing to speak a single
word of falsehood. “There are plenty of decent men in the world. Shen Lanzhou is the one and
only one I will not give away to anyone!”

Ji Gang was so incensed he felt dizzy. Pointing the horsewhip at him, he said, “You wanted to
kill my son, and now you even want to cut off his bloodline! If you are not going to marry a wife
and bear children, why don’t you cut yourself off first?!”

The cut-sleeves2 in Qudu were no secret. Ji Gang had seen his fair share of them when he served
as the vice commander of the Imperial Bodyguard. They were inseparable now, deeply attached
to each other like glue, but after several years, they all had to marry and have children.
Furthermore, Xiao Chiye was Xiao Fangxu’s son of legitimate birth. If Xiao Jiming did not take
up the mantle on the battlefield, then it would fall upon Xiao Chiye to assume responsibility for
it. Once he became the alpha wolf of Libei in the future, whether or not he took a wife would no
longer be his own personal affair, but that of the entire Libei Armored Cavalry.

The Xiao clan possessed a 120,000-strong Armored Cavalry. Should the Xiao and Ji households
form a marriage alliance between them, it would secure and stabilize the friendship between
Zhongbo and Libei. Thus, Ji Gang ought to give the nod in both public and private interests, but
this was provided that Xiao Chiye was a maiden. Had that been the case, then even if he was an
outwardly brash one who ran hot and cold, Ji Gang would have been willing to accept him, as
long as Shen Zechuan wanted him.

“If shifu is willing to agree to it, I’ll get my eldest sister-in-law to come over to propose
marriage. If not, I can also marry into the family.” Having been at the receiving end of Xiao
Fangxu’s beatings, Xiao Chiye was not in the least bit afraid of these few lashes from Ji Gang.
Since Ji Gang wanted to settle the score today, then no matter what he said today, he had to get Ji
Gang’s nod.

Ji Gang was so choked speechless that he tilted over backward. Fei Sheng hurriedly supported
him. Ji Gang felt that Xiao Chiye was not proposing marriage, but forcing marriage. He had
never seen such a self-righteous villain!

With hands on both knees, Xiao Chiye pressed home his attack. “Lanzhou accepted my eldest
sister-in-law’s bracelets. He has long been mine, Xiao Ce’an’s! How can shifu find another
woman for him? If he really goes to meet her, then he’d be a heartless cad. Shifu wants children,
and Ding Tao and Li Xiong are both young; they can relieve your boredom by staying with you.
I couldn’t care less if it pleases shifu to raise them until the age of twenty-seven or twenty-eight
before marrying them off.”

Ji Gang noted how Xiao Chiye was spouting nonsense in all seriousness. How were Ding Tao
and Li Xiong still children? They were already eighteen or nineteen of age. It was considered
late now to even throw them out of the house to attend to official duties—this isn’t what it’s
about at all!

“Shifu, please give your assent.” Xiao Chiye propped himself with both hands on the floor and
kowtowed. “If shifu doesn’t give the nod, I’ll call you father.”

Ji Gang could hold such prestige in the Imperial Bodyguards because he was a reasonable man.
For Shen Zechuan, he had put a lot of thought into this matter. Were Xiao Chiye to sit down to
reason with Ji Gang, there would be no way he could convince the latter. Shen Zechuan had a
bearing on the Libei military grains, so Ji Gang was bound to worry if Libei’s consent now was
because of the military grains or the situation.

How in the world would Ji Gang expect Xiao Chiye to be so shameless and thick-skinned to
force him into a quandary right outside the door? It would prove hard for him to walk away if he
did not give the nod today. Ji Gang squeezed the words through clenched teeth. “Stop trying to
dupe me with your sweet words. Even if your eldest sis-in-law really comes, I won’t meet her.”
“Even so, you have to meet Lanzhou.” Xiao Chiye said without raising his head. “Father,
Lanzhou is clueless about all these etiquettes. Without you by his side to watch over him, he will
be tricked by my eldest sister-in-law back to Libei to be…” Xiao Chiye was momentarily
stumped for words, but very quickly, he continued, “… her younger brother-in-law!3 If you wish
to fulfill my wish this way, I’d be happy too.”

Ji Gang flung the horsewhip to the ground, driven beyond the limits of his forbearance. “Shut
up!” He had to refute Xiao Chiye, so he gritted his teeth and said, “Don’t you ever think of
marrying into the family!”

Xiao Chiye’s robe was slightly opened, and the flush on his neck had faded. Ji Gang refused to
let Xiao Chiye enter, and Xiao Chiye did not dispute Ji Gang either. The rain poured in urgent
torrents, and it was chilly under the eaves. Ji Gang’s fury did not diminish, but the overwhelming
rush to his head earlier was gone.

With a solemn expression and a serious countenance, Xiao Chiye said, “All that shifu worries
about has crossed my mind too. My eldest brother and sister-in-law have a harmonious
relationship. They have Xun-er now, and they will still go on to have children in the future. Libei
doesn’t need me to beget another child, and I do not have the intention to either. Shifu watched
Lanzhou grow up and hopes for him to have a blissful family. I know that, and I wish the same
too. Isn’t my loving him, respecting him, and living to a ripe old age with him bliss
too? Shifu can’t trust me and fears that Lanzhou will suffer an aggrievement in the future, so you
want to find Lanzhou a woman. It’s indeed not my place to interfere, but I’ve already given him
this life of mine. His wanting of another person is akin to killing me.”

Xiao Chiye was no ordinary man. He had both the courage and means. They might now be a pair
of twin jades who seemed to get along swimmingly, but what would happen when the war was
over? If he had a change of heart, he had plenty of ways to end this relationship. What Ji Gang
feared the most was Shen Zechuan being all alone by his lonesome self after his passing.
Everyone addressed Shen Zechuan with the honorific address of the Prefectural Lordright now. It
was only to Ji Gang that Shen Zechuan was Chuan-er; there was still much for him to worry

Ji Gang did not dare to make this wager. He could not trust Xiao Chiye.

For a long time, Xiao Chiye did not get an answer. He heard the approaching sound of wooden
clogs behind him and slightly turned his head sideways to see a properly attired Shen Zechuan
with his fan in hand sneaking a glance at him.

“No.” Ji Gang seemed to answer Xiao Chiye, although he was looking at Shen Zechuan, his aged
face weathered and worn as he decisively concluded, “It’s not going to happen.”

◈ ◈ ◈

Yao Wenyu was in the midst of lighting incense in the courtyard next door. He clutched the
incense stick between his fingers, its fumes so intense that Hunu was unwilling to get close to
him. Once the rain these two days came to a stop, mosquitos ought to be making their presence
known. Yao Wenyu could not stand this scent either. He was just scrutinizing the incense when it
was taken away from him.

Qiao Tianya brought the incense to his nose for a sniff. He wrinkled his nose and said, “This
smell is too strong. Where is it from? Send it back to the sender for their own use.”

“It’s from the merchants.” Yao Wenyu turned his wheelchair to face the courtyard. “The
Tathagata incense from the City of Liuzhou sells for an exorbitant amount in Juexi.”

Qiao Tianya pinched the incense to extinguish it. “Reeks of stinky tofu.”

“The folks of Liuzhou have a taste for stinky tofu.” Yao Wenyu lifted a hand to wave away the
smell. “Remind Fei Sheng later not to light up this incense in His Lordship’s room.”

Feeling as if Yao Wenyu was avoiding him, Qiao Tianya jammed a wheelchair wheel with his
foot and said. “You couldn’t have seen him more than a few times, so how are you on familiar
terms with him now?”

“We all attend to official duties for His Lordship.” Yao Wenyu paused for a moment and turned
his head aside to look at Qiao Tianya. “There’s no unfamiliarity to speak of.”

Qiao Tianya was originally in good spirits, but his smile gradually dimmed under the exchange
of gazes between him and Yao Wenyu. Yao Wenyu had never been willing to look Qiao Tianya
in the eyes before. He would dodge him out of shame, as if his embarrassing predicament at
night was always at the forefront of his mind. But now, he was frank and open, as if he was still
that piece of unpolished jade that had never been tainted by the slightest hint of desire.

No unfamiliarity to speak of.

Qiao Tianya was no different from Fei Sheng, Kong Ling, and everyone else whom Yao Wenyu
had met. He was no longer that secret and special one. With a flick of his sleeves, Yao Wenyu
could revert to being a banished immortal.4

“It’s raining heavily today. If you are not in a hurry, take your meal first before you step out.
Chengfeng and Youjing are coming in the afternoon, and it’s also time to report on the matter of
the Imperial Cavalry. See if you want to discuss it with them before heading out.” As Yao
Wenyu spoke, he looked at the wheel of the wheelchair before looking at Qiao Tianya again.
“You’re blocking it.”

His smile was thin, as if resigned but at the same time, self-deprecating.

“Being a cripple who can still skirt around obstacles is not something I can do. Don’t make fun
of me.”
The wind struck against the wind chimes, and a few drops of rain splattered on the thin blanket.
Qiao Tianya shifted his leg away. He had always handled himself with ease, and yet he cut a
sorry figure under Yao Wenyu’s gaze.

Yao Wenyu turned his wheelchair and entered the room. The wheels thumped against the floor,
emitting a string of even noise. He pushed the wheelchair, exposing his wrist amid his
movements. It still had Qiao Tianya’s red thread around it. As he moved, his wide sleeve
bunched up, and the thread, thus covered, vanished among the cloud of white.

◈ ◈ ◈

Ji Gang was resting his head on an arm with his face to the wall, looking as if he was asleep.

Shen Zechuan set his folding fan at the edge of the bed and asked, “Is shifu asleep?”

Ji Gang opened his eyes. “You know shifu is already asleep, and yet you ask.”

Just like the time he was young, Shen Zechuan pulled the chair closer and said, “After I left
Zhaozui Temple, I’ve never have had an all-night chat with shifu.”

“You came tonight for a man.” Ji Gang paused, unable to vent that fury on Shen Zechuan. It
dissipated in his chest, replaced by another kind of self-reproach and sorrow. “What’s so good
about him? Your teacher and I both won’t agree.”

“Teacher praised him before.” Shen Zechuan spoke softly. “A ‘natural-born talent’ is exactly
what Teacher said to me.”

“Can a prodigious talent bring domestic peace to his family?” Ji Gang sat up and looked at Shen
Zechuan. “A prodigious talent has to have the empire in his sights. Are you willing to sit in the
same seat as him in the future?”

Shen Zechuan’s expression was docile as he lowered his eyes and said, “That’s not for me to

Ji Gang heaved a long sigh under the candlelight. After a long time, he bitterly said, “When the
Grand Mentor asked you how you are going to exercise self-restraint when you have the Imperial
Bodyguards in your grasp, I ought to have realized that it was not a question for a student. Who
in the world can hold the Imperial Bodyguards in their control? The Grand Mentor hid it from
everyone and taught you too much. You are such a good learner, so do you not understand? The
twin jades that form a pair today will be the two tigers that fight for power in the future.”

It was not that Xiao Chiye was mediocre, but that he was too outstanding, so much that Ji Gang
could not set his mind at ease.

“If I were a man of use,” the expression in Ji Gang’s eyes was complicated as he gazed at Shen
Zechuan, “and if your brother were still alive, then there’s no harm in staking your bets on him,
but I am old and useless. After my passing, you will have to face everyone in this world alone. It
will be just you, so how can I feel reassured?”

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 237: Heir

The rain in the courtyard came to a halt. Moonlight was late to come, and so it was dim in the

Shen Zechuan’s slightly lowered eyes lay concealed in the darkness. He looked like a moored
travel-weary traveler riding out the long, endless tide of the night. When he looked at Ji Gang
again, it was with a gaze he had never shown before, as if he had stripped off the skin
named Prefectural Lord, leaving behind only a stretch of moonlight.

“Without shifu and Ce’an, I am still me. Only that it won’t be me who fears everyone in the
world, but everyone who fears me. Shen Wei’s blood runs in me. I have no need for heirs.”

Ji Gang’s heart ached so much he nearly shed tears. “You are my son,” he said.

“I’m shifu’s son, but my name is Shen Zechuan. Teacher imparted the classics to me, yet I’m not
an emperor.”


The most supreme being of this world who stood at the very top and overlooked the world – if
not a royal crown or official headgear bearer – was the emperor. The emperor must not only be
versed in the political art of checks and balances, but also possess the broad-mindedness to
accommodate the common people. Emperors in the flourishing eras that had the support of their
people were all unparalleled men of benevolence. Shen Zechuan had in his eyes a storm that was
building up. He was the sudden downpour that swept through the mountains and rivers of the
country, and the sharp blade that shredded heaven and earth to pieces, but he was not an emperor
who ushered in a golden era of prosperity.

“Libei has a 120,000-strong Armored Cavalry; it’s a cinch for their horses to set foot into
Zhongbo, but Ce’an gave me his lifeblood. I have his horses, and his elder brother’s grains. He’s
willing to leave the fields of Libei and ride his horse in my Duanzhou. Shifu, he’s not afraid of
my Garrison Troops, and I am not afraid of his Armored Cavalry. One day, I will hold captive
the ‘deer’ the Li clan cast away,1 and Ce’an will hold me captive. The sun and the moon have
coexisted in Heaven and Earth for tens of thousands of years without going at each other’s
throats. This is the stability the world looks forward to. We are the equilibrium.”
The blazing sun and the luminous moon!

The cessation of the war heralded the beginning of another battle. No sovereign could tolerate
their co-existence in the east. It was only when Xiao Chiye and Shen Zechuan were together that
Libei and Zhongbo would be able to get the opportunity to rest and rebuild.

Shen Zechuan gave his tacit consent when Xiao Jiming built a riding stable on Mount Luo. This
was his concession to Libei, and also the opportunity he gave to Libei. The bridle paths that
Zhongbo was building would break the boundary between both lands, and when they merged
into one, they would become a behemoth entrenched in the northeast.

Ji Gang sat cross-legged in silence. “He’s well-trained in the Ji Clan’s Boxing Fist, and comes
and goes freely. What’s there to fear? Even so, you and he have no heirs. As long as this matter
is left hanging in the air, Libei and Zhongbo can’t last for long.”

◈ ◈ ◈

Xiao Chiye put on his armor and waited in the room for Shen Zechuan to return. The sound of
wheels rose from under the eaves. Fei Sheng lifted the hanging screen for Yao Wenyu and said,
“His Lordship is not yet back.”

The thin blanket on Yao Wenyu’s knees was a little damp. Propping himself up on his
wheelchair, he said, “I’m looking for Second Master.”

Fei Sheng felt a little put on the spot. Xiao Chiye announced from within, “I’m here.”

Yao Wenyu graciously declined Fei Sheng’s offer of help and turned his wheelchair around to
enter himself. Xiao Chiye retracted his legs, sat up straight at the table, and set the military book
aside next to his hand. “What can I do for you, Yuanzhuo?”

“Rarely do I get the chance to see Second Master. There are some things that aren’t convenient
to bring up in letters, so I can only discuss them face to face.” Yao Wenyu took out his
handkerchief and wiped the sweat on his hands. “Is Second Master free?”

Xiao Chiye leaned back. “What matter is there that you have to bypass Lanzhou to discuss with

Yao Wenyu wiped his hands clean and folded the handkerchief before putting it back into place
in his sleeves. He was in no hurry. Under the incessant sound of rain, he said, “It concerns Libei.
Naturally, it’s more appropriate for me to discuss it with Second Master. Now that the Empress
Dowager has suffered a setback in Qudu, Xue Yanqing’s next move will be to remove Han
Cheng’s military power. When the time comes for the Heir Apparent to ascend to the throne, he
will have her confer Qidong a title in order to secure Commander-in-chief Qi and keep her from
interfering with his plans. Does Second Master still intend to keep the appointment to head down
to the Bianjun Commandery?”
Of course Xiao Chiye had to go. The trip to the Bianjun Commandery would determine whether
or not Hasen’s surprise attack on Duanzhou would succeed. Besides, he trusted Qi Zhuyin.

Yao Wenyu got his answer from Xiao Chiye’s silence. Changing the topic, he said, “The
Grandson-Heir…” Given that Xiao Jiming had inherited Xiao Fangxu’s noble title, Xiao Xun
ought to be called the Hereditary Prince now, so he corrected himself and continued, “Does the
Hereditary Prince have a teacher to impart him elementary knowledge in Dajing?”

Xiao Chiye tapped his index finger neutrally on the table. “You wish to teach Xun-er.”

Xiao Chiye was quite a perceptive man. He had an inkling of Yao Wenyu’s intent from the
latter’s change of topic. Xue Xiuzhuo’s heir apparent was about to ascend to the throne, and they
were going to confer a noble title upon Qi Zhuyin too. By the time the war with Biansha was
over, they might part ways with Qi Zhuyin. Shen Zechuan had his eyes on seizing Qudu, and
Yao Wenyu was already considering the issue of heirs.

“Our wolves from Libei,” Xiao Chiye raised his head slightly and said in a quiet voice, “will not
be emperors.”

Xiao Chiye and Shen Zechuan had no children, so their intent in having Xiao Xun come to
Zhongbo to receive the teachings of Yao Wenyu and the rest was clear to Xiao Chiye—Xiao
Xun was to be Shen Zechuan’s successor. This matter was too good a deal for Libei, so much
that Xiao Chiye was not inclined to agree.

“Second Master has His Lordship’s interests in mind and so is unwilling to let the Xiao clan take
His Lordship’s place. But even if it were another child and not the Hereditary Prince, said child
would not go by the surname Shen either,” Yao Wenyu said to Xiao Chiye. “His Lordship would
never let Shen Wei’s name enter the ancestral temple.”

Shen Zechuan wanted Shen Wei to continue as a wandering soul in the wilderness of Dunzhou,
so giving him a place in the ancestral temple to receive offerings and incense was totally out of
the question. What he wanted to choke off was the Shen clan’s bloodline.

Xiao Chiye said, “Xun-er is the Hereditary Prince of Libei. My eldest brother will never agree to

After a moment of silence, Yao Wenyu changed his tone into a conversational one between
friends. “Do you have another option?”

The rain of the night pitter-pattered down, and it was not at all cold in the room. Yao Wenyu,
however, did not look too good.

“There are countless heroes in the world. Know why I came all the way from afar to Zhongbo
and threw in my lot with Lanzhou?”

Xiao Chiye’s eyes were dark and deep.

Yao Wenyu was not afraid of Xiao Chiye. As long as he could finish this game of chess, he did
not fear anyone. He continued, “I watched him flee with you northward, only to stop in Zhongbo.
I thought he wanted to clear Shen Wei’s name, but he did not care about that at all. He did not
treat Zhongbo as his homeland, nor treat Qudu as his refuge. Advance and retreat all hinge on
just one thought of his. I know he is not the man to be an emperor, but I still wanted to assist
him, because he is a natural-born overlord. Your father knew Zhongbo was on a rapid rise to
power and prominence. He granted Shen Zechuan’s entry into Libei, because Xiao Xun is Shen
Zechuan’s one and only option.”

Xiao Fangxu was the King of Wolves who established the Great Territories of Libei—Dajing.
He could catch a whiff of Emperor Guangcheng’s desire standing on Luoxia Pass, and at the
most appropriate timing, he became a conferred prince2 of Da Zhou to hold a massive military
force in his hand. He was far more visionary than his sons. Shen Zechuan had only one future.
Without Xiao Chiye and Xiao Xun, he would never have allowed Shen Zechuan to return to
Zhongbo alive.

“Since Lanzhou dares to head towards that position,” Xiao Chiye enunciated each word, “it’s

“It’s his,” Yao Wenyu said, “but only if he has Xiao Xun.”

Xiao Chiye did not answer under the pattering sound of the rain.

◈ ◈ ◈

The Heir Apparent found the night to be cold. She had not been sleeping well after her bout of
illness and was often startled awake. At present, she was looking at the roof with open eyes,
hanging in there until the hour of mao before she rolled over and got up without even needing the
palace maids to call her.

The palace maids were all newcomers. They kneeled as they straightened out the hem of Li
Jianting’s robes, and when Li Jianting sat before the mirror, they held the jewelry case in hand to
tidy up her hair. During this period of time, Li Jianting had lost a lot of weight, and she looked
increasingly sharp and stern, with not a trace of a woman’s delicateness and gentleness.

Li Jianting had not slept well, and she was also just recovering from a major illness, so she was
inevitably tired. In her trance, she felt a coolness on her ear. Before the palace maid who was
leaning over to put on earrings for the Heir Apparent could react, the Heir Apparent jerked to her
feet noisily with a ghastly pale complexion. Restraining herself, Li Jianting reprimanded in an
undertone, “Take it away!”

The palace maids in the palace all kneeled down in a fluster, not knowing what they had done to
incur the Heir Apparent’s displeasure.
Li Jianting pursed her lips into a tight line and, amid the dead silence, saw her blurred figure in
the mirror. She stared at this self of hers for a long time. “I don’t wear earrings when I’m
receiving lessons from the various gentlemen in the front hall.”

The palace maids kowtowed a few times and answered in timid voices.

Not requiring their assistance anymore, Li Jianting put on her overcoat herself. Those precious
and valuable materials covered her on the outside, like her own suit of armor. She felt better, but
still did not speak. When she stepped out of the door, she saw a familiar figure under the eaves.

Fuman stepped forth to open up the umbrella for Li Jianting. Fawning on her, he said, “It’s
raining so heavily today. This humble slave has prepared a sedan for Your Highness. Your
Highness can take a nap. This humble slave will call you when we arrive before the hall. I’ll
make sure not to hold up matters.”

Li Jianting did not move. She smiled and asked, “Good morning, gonggong. You must be busy
investigating the case, aren’t you?”

Fuman did not dare to rush her either. “How would this humble slave know how to investigate a
case? It’s all at the Grand Secretary’s advice. He specifically sent a few excellencies from the
Ministry of Justice to supervise.”

What he meant was that he was not the sole person passing judgment on the case, since it all
went through Kong Qiu, so it had nothing much to do with him.

Without blinking her eyes, Li Jianting said, “So Fengquan can’t be released?”

Fuman switched tactics and started to put on a worried look. “He’s Lady Mu’s brother, and he
has connections with the Garden Service. The Ministry of Justice is ill-advised to bend the law to
release him. This humble slave made several successive trips to the office compound and has
also mentioned to the Grand Secretary that he’s a good man.”

Fuman reckoned that Fengquan’s return to serve in the palace must have been because he had
attended to the Heir Apparent for a long time and had built up a bond between master and
servant. So he did not slander Fengquan before Li Jianting; he knew that Li Jianting was still
partial to Fengquan. At any rate, he had plenty of time in the future. As long as he maintained
this position, Li Jianting would sooner or later get tired of Fengquan.

Li Jianting said, “I’ve been sick, and have not received any message either. What exactly is
going on?”

Fuman held up the umbrella for Li Jianting while he stood in the rain. “Just investigat—ay, Your
Highness, please watch your feet. The steps here are slippery. Let this humble slave hold you!
The issue with this case lies in the food. This humble slave and the Ministry of Justice checked
Your Highness’s meals that day, and the Garden Service prove to be the most problematic of all.
The people there are a mixed bag, with people harboring ulterior motives lying low among

He downplayed his role in this case and let the Ministry of Department that had been supervising
assume full responsibility. So if Fengquan were to die, it would be Kong Qiu’s problem. The
Grand Secretary was her teacher who decided whether or not she could ascend to the throne.
Even if Li Jianting was displeased, she could not get angry with Kong Qiu.

Li Jianting originally did not plan to get into the sedan chair, but she changed her mind at the last
minute and bent over to enter. In high spirits, Fuman called out to Her Highness to slow down,
then he tucked in the hanging screen of the sedan for Li Jianting and urged the sedan-bearing
eunuchs to hurry towards Mingli Hall. By the time Li Jianting arrived at Mingli Hall, Cen Yu
had already been waiting a long time. Standing under the eaves, he saw Li Jianting coming down
from the sedan and could not help but furrow his brows.

The Heir Apparent had never been one for these before. That was how she could get into the
good graces of the ministers. How was it that the moment the Empress Dowager fell from grace,
she could not even walk even a few steps anymore?

Cen Yu paid his obeisances to Li Jianting, who stood under the eaves and returned the greetings.
Cen Yu did not enter the hall immediately, but said with solemn deference, “Rain in spring is as
precious as oil. The fertile farmlands of the eight cities are all affected by this rain. Your
Highness has yet to ascend to the throne, and has no title to your name, so how can you ride a
sedan in the palace?”

As if enlightened, Li Jianting gathered her sleeves in apology and said, “This student has realized
the error of her ways.”

Fuman had been following behind when he heard this. How could he let the Heir Apparent bear
the blame? He was the one who arranged for the sedan, so he hurriedly said, “Her Highness has
just recovered from a major illness, and her esteemed health is precious. What’s more, this rain is
so heavy…”

Cen Yu’s countenance abruptly changed. He bellowed, “Her Highness and I are in the midst of
conversation as student and teacher. How dare a eunuch interrupt!”

Bemoaning his blunder, Fuman immediately kneeled and kowtowed. “This humble slave, this
humble slave…”

To think that in his anxiety, he had violated the taboo between the eunuchs and court ministers!

Cen Yu and Kong Qiu were both people who had been through the undermining and corruption
of state politics by the Pan faction, so it was with a passion that they hated palace eunuchs
meddling in governmental affairs. Fuman usually moved around in the office compound, and his
merit lay in the fact that he was willing to play dumb and would never butt in. He had just
arrived to serve the Heir Apparent today, and already, Cen Yu could see how he dared to arrange
for a sedan and butt into their conversation. If he allowed him to remain for a few more days,
wouldn’t that lead to an absolute collapse of order?!

“Since you dare to break the Heir Apparent’s habit today, then you will dare to mess with the
Heir Apparent’s court administration in the future!” Cen Yu was flushed with anger. “The
audacity of you, castrated crook!”

Fuman kowtowed until his forehead was adorned with new bruises overlapping old bruises.

Li Jianting piped up, “It was my fault, Teacher…”

Cen Yu promptly said, “Your Highness is the Heir Apparent. The sovereign ought to keep his
distance from the crafty sycophants! Men, strip him of his covering and drag him away!”

Fuman was a eunuch of the Directorate of Ceremonial. According to the rules during the reign of
Yongyi, Cen Yu must never bellow and order him around like this. Hearing the guards’
footsteps, both of Fuman’s hands trembled as he shuffled towards Li Jianting on his knees and
pleaded, “This humble slave deserves death! This humble slave…”

The guards stripped Fuman without so much a word and dragged him to the open space in front
of Mingli Hall. Rain poured down over them. Fuman kneeled in the middle, his lips turning blue
from the freezing cold.

Cen Yu commanded, “Slap his mouth!”

A guard lifted the hem of his robe and stood before Fuman to give him a slap with such force
that Fuman’s left ear rang. He did not dare to dodge or yell. Without giving the order to stop,
Cen Yu turned around to lift the hanging screen and motioned for Li Jianting to enter, leaving
Fuman out cold in the open space.

The sound of slapping never stopped.

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 238 : Burning (with Anxiety)

No one was called to serve in Mingli Hall at this time. Cen Yu lowered the hanging screen and
led Li Jianting to a seat. Resuming his usual expression, he said, “I shouldn’t have asked Your
Highness to come over while Your Highness is still ill, but this is a matter of urgency, and I had
no choice but to rush Your Highness into coming.”
Li Jianting took her seat and said, “Please go ahead and speak your mind, Teacher.”

Feeling uneasy and apprehensive, Cen Yu listened to the continuing sound of slaps outside and
cautiously lifted the bamboo blinds by the window. Only when he was certain no one else was
around that he said to Li Jianting, “The case of the Dancheng field taxes is about to be concluded
soon. It implicates many a number of officials. Liang Cuishan has already started to audit the
City of Chuancheng field taxes, and next up will be the Hua Clan of the City of Dicheng. Your
Highness is alone in the palace, and us humble subjects are all on edge with anxiety.”

The rear palace of the imperial harem was a forbidden zone, and court ministers were all not
permitted to enter. Li Jianting had only just gotten poisoned a while back, and the Grand
Secretariat was worried that the Empress Dowager would be driven to take desperate action and
hold the life of the Heir Apparenthostage against them.

The sides of Li Jianting’s snow-white cheeks were covered with a velvet collar. She frowned
slightly, the flower embellishment between her brows moving slightly in response to the
movement. “We are now at the critical juncture with the conclusion of the City of Dancheng
field taxes and field surveyance. There mustn’t be any delay. The various teachers need not slow
down the process for my sake. Just go by the book.”

Cen Yu used to be prejudiced against Li Jianting, but the Heir Apparent had a dignified bearing
and she was a keen learner to boot. She deferentially addressed them all as “Teachers”, and now
she was even willing to put her life on the line for the commoners’ fields. Emotions welled up in
Cen Yu, and he lifted the hem of his robe to kneel to Li Jianting. As he kowtowed, he said with
an indistinct sob, “Your Highness… this is really… too aggravating an injustice for Your

Li Jianting got out and lightly helped Cen Yu up. “Teacher, please get up quickly.”

Cen Yu wiped his tears with his sleeves. “Your Highness, please look out for your safety in the
palace. If the Empress Dowager dares to coerce Your Highness, we will undoubtedly fight with
our lives.”

Li Jianting sighed with deep feeling. “I’m not deserving of it. But Teacher, the Marquis of
Helian of Chuancheng is an old family friend of the Han clan of Wucheng. This is a perilous task
to undertake.”

Seeing Li Jianting being so frank with himself, Cen Yu remembered Han Cheng and could not
help feeling sorrowful. As court officials, they boasted themselves of being ministers loyal to the
state, and yet they left the Heir Apparent stranded in the palace, leading each day in imminent
danger of death. Tears streamed down his aged eyes as he said, “Han Cheng has the Capital
Command Troops in his control… We do not dare to act arbitrarily. It has been hard on Your

“Han Cheng’s squandering of public funds is common knowledge among the imperial court and
common folks. What’s more, he’s narrow-minded and unwilling to tolerate others. Teacher is the
one being put on the spot. The Eight Great Training Divisions, as the Capital Command Troops,
have been sticking to their old ways in recent years and accomplished nothing ever since the
reign of Xiande when Xi Gu’an was still around.” Li Jianting slowed down at this point. “The
Capital Command Troops and the Empress Dowager share a common lot. It’s indeed tough if the
various Teachers wish to take disciplinary action against Han Cheng.”

Cen Yu did not expect the Heir Apparent to see through it so clearly, thus he said, “Commander-
in-chief Qi is still in Qudu now, and the Qidong Garrison Troops are just beyond the city gate.
The situation is already at a point where there is no time to lose. Us humble subjects have to
remove Han Cheng as soon as possible.”

Li Jianting said, “Commander-in-chief Qi is here to accompany Eldest Madam Qi home for a

visit, so there are only a few thousand Garrison Troops in the entourage. If they were really to
come to blows, I’m afraid Qidong would be too late to come to the rescue, and Qudu would be in
a dangerous situation.”

The Eight Great Training Divisions had 20,000 soldiers. Not only were they familiar with the
streets of Qudu, they also controlled the opening and closing of the city gate. What’s more, Han
Cheng had the Imperial Bodyguards to be his informants. He could keep an eye on Qi Zhuyin’s
movements at all times. Half a month had already passed since the day at the prison when Qi
Zhuyin obscured the facts and deceived Han Cheng. Han Cheng should have already realized it
by now.

Li Jianting stood up and saw Fuman still getting slapped through the gap in the bamboo blinds.
Her expression remained unchanged, but the gaze in her eyes was cold and indifferent. Her tone
towards Cen Yu, however, was still mild and gentle. “I have a plan that can remove Han

“Your Highness, please go on,” Cen Yu promptly said.

“The inner court has been just like an ornament after the reign of Xiande. Han Cheng is
complacent and full of himself now that the Eastern Depot is empty,” Li Jianting said. “To
remove Han Cheng, we need to have the assistance of the palace eunuchs.”1

The color drained from Cen Yu’s face as he said in horror, “The Pan faction undermined court
politics for a mere ten years, and they ruined court discipline to such an extent. The Secretariat
Elder did his utmost in order to get the inner court to relinquish power. Your Highness, these
castrated eunuchs must never be used!”

“Wrong, Teacher.” Li Jianting turned around and said to Cen Yu, “The corruption of state
politics by the eunuch clique is, in truth, the fault of the Son of Heaven. These palace eunuchs
are the domestic slaves of the Son of Heaven. They can be used, but not entrusted with heavy

Li Jianting was taught by Xue Xiuzhuo, so she was very familiar with the Pan faction during the
reign of Yongyi to the reign of Xiande. Like Kong Qiu, Cen Yu, and the rest of the Grand
Secretariat ministers, she had misgivings about the palace eunuchs. But being a minister and
being a sovereign were two separate matters. The forces around authority and power were just
like the surge of undercurrents. They were impossible to eradicate clean, and only by using them
would one be able to hold them in check.

“The Hanshi Festival2 is right around the corner. As usual, the palace has to host a banquet for its
officials. The time when Han Cheng removes his blade and enters,” Li Jianting raised her hand to
pull off the golden hairpin in her hair, “is the time to act.”

As the commander of the Imperial Bodyguards-cum-viceroy of the Eight Great Training

Divisions, Han Cheng had the right to carry his blade with him when he came and went. But
during the reign of Tianchen when Li Jianheng met with an assassination attempt, an exception
was made for Shen Zechuan to become Li Jianheng’s guard. The authority to carry blades was
then split apart, and the blade-bearing guards during banquets were all personally appointed by
the emperor himself. Now that Da Zhou had no emperor, Han Cheng had to attend the banquet
without his blade.

Cen Yu looked at that golden hairpin. The fingers holding the golden hairpin were slender and
pale from having resided indoors for a long time. The Heir Apparent had gotten so thin after this
illness that her bones were prominent, and her wrist, which lay covered under the brocade,
exuded toughness.

Cen Yu lifted the hem of his robe and prostrated over the ground, sobbing. “Han Cheng is well-
versed in martial arts. What are we to do if he gets violent in the face of danger and hurts Your

“Commander-in-chief Qi won a battle at the Bianjun Commandery in spring. The Grand

Secretary can grant her a seat at the feast as a commendation. Han Cheng is the viceroy of the
Capital Command Troops. Let him sit side by side with Commander-in-chief Qi.” Li Jianting
had given this matter careful deliberations. “Have Fuman and Fengquan lead the palace eunuchs.
As long as Han Cheng strides through the palace gate, there will be no return for him.”

It was when Cen Yu listened to this point that he truly got a feel of just how formidable the Heir
Apparent was!

The rivalry between Fuman and Fengquan began as early as Emperor Tianchen’s time. Fuman’s
placing of Fengquan in the forefront of his investigation this time was precisely to eliminate
those who opposed him. He wanted to climb to the top of the inner court and become the Seal-
holding Director of the Directorate of Ceremonial after Li Jianting’s ascension to the throne.
This person was adept in the art of flattery and had repeatedly changed sides several times. If
they were to put him on his own, then it only took a change in the situation and for Han Cheng to
entice him with benefits for him to possibly ruin matters. Li Jianting returned Fengquan to his
place beside her because Fengquan would never work in cahoots with Fuman after his
imprisonment this time. Their mutual misgivings about the other would keep them in mutual
check. In fact, they might even continue to pit against each other in order to win the Heir
Apparent’s trust.
Han Cheng had the military seal of the Capital Command Troops and the authority token of the
Imperial Bodyguards on him. Once he died, the Eight Great Training Divisions and Imperial
Bodyguards would both be thrown into chaos, and the crisis in Qudu would be easily averted.
But if Han Cheng were to attend the banquet without his blade, he would leave his trusted
Imperial Bodyguards outside the hall. The time in which they were able to kill him was rather
short. Should they fail, then once he issued the call for action, the court officials inside the hall
would be in imminent danger.

“This matter has to be carefully planned by Teacher and the Grand Secretary. Not a word of it
must get out.” Saying so, Li Jianting partially bent over to help Cen Yu up. “Success or failure
hinges on this one move.”

The frigid wind abruptly swept up the bamboo blinds. Cen Yu met Li Jianting’s eyes and gave a
severe nod of his head as he answered in a deep, quiet voice, “We will not fail Your Highness for
your overwhelming benevolence!”

Meanwhile, Fuman, who was in the rain, had been slapped until both his ears had temporarily
gone deaf. Blood was trickling out of the corners of his mouth. He was weeping when he saw
Cen Yu stride through the door and watched him with a frosty expression. Dazed, he pleaded,
“This humble slave has realized the errors of my ways. Your Excellency, Your Excellency…”

Cen Yu dusted off his sleeves and said, “If not for Your Highness’ benevolence, I would not let
you off tonight. Forget it. You may take your leave.”

The guards withdrew back and returned to stand at attention under the eaves of Mingli hall.

Fuman shifted forward on his knees and repeatedly kowtowed at Cen Yu. “It is as Your
Excellency lectured. This humble slave dare not commit such a mistake again.”

Li Jianting lifted the hanging screen and stepped out to see the wretched sight of Fuman’s face
stained with tears and snot. As she lowered her sleeves, she said, “You may leave. Clean up and
put on a fresh set of robes. Wait in attendance before the courtyard.”

Fuman raised his arm to wipe at the tears on his face. With eyes on Li Jianting’s shoes, he
kowtowed a few more times. “This humble slave shall do as you command.”

As Fuman got to his feet, he hastily bundled up his soaking wet robe. Through the pouring rain,
he saw no sign of disdain on the Heir Apparent’s face, only a faint hint of compassion.

◈ ◈ ◈

Kong Qiu dared not make it public as he went about the preparations; all of their discussions
took place in their personal residences. They did not gather in groups, but instead used visitation
cards to make individual visits. The rain came and went, and in the blink of an eye, it was
the Hanshi festival.
Fengquan had been recuperating in recent days after having been tortured in prison. Today, he
was helping the Heir Apparent affix her flower embellishment. He bowed over in front of the
mirror, revealing the marks of torture on his wrist when he lifted his arm.

Li Jianting did not shut her eyes. She watched Fengquan, as if scrutinizing him.

Fengquan’s hand trembled slightly under Li Jianting’s gaze and almost affixed the flower
embellishment in the wrong spot. Li Jianting held Fengquan’s wrist with her fingers and guided
the flower embellishment back to the center of her forehead.

“What did the physician say over the last few days?”

Fengquan listened to the sound of the breeze stirred up by the palace maids’ movements.
Avoiding Li Jianting’s gaze, he answered. “My gratitude for Your Highness’ concern. The
physician said that there’s no major issue.”

Li Jianting got to her feet, and the palace maid in attendance behind her helped to put on her
outer robe. Li Jianting turned her head aside to look at herself in the mirror. She always seemed
to be staring at herself in the mirror, as if she was searching for something.

“Update me on the details concerning the Garden Service after the banquet.” Li Jianting adjusted
the golden hairpiece by her temples and turned towards the entrance of her palace, no longer
looking at that reflection.

Fengquan understood and intuitively stepped forward to support Li Jianting.

Li Jianting took a few steps forward and stepped onto the light on the ground. She lowered her
eyes to look at that light. The polished floor reflected the sky outside, making it seem as if she
was standing amidst the clouds, and it was at this moment that she was strangely childlike as she
stood there for a long time, as though she was reluctant to part from this scene.

Fuman, who was outside, bowed as he walked up the steps and waited by the entrance, saying
softly, “Your Highness, it’s time.”

Fengquan felt his shoulders sink slightly. The breeze after the rain swayed the golden hairpin by
the Heir Apparent’s temple. The butterfly spun around in a circle and bumped lightly into her
coiffed, bound-up hair.3

Li Jianting strode out.

◈ ◈ ◈

Han Cheng rode a carriage to the palace gate, where he saw the Marquis of Helian when he
dismounted. The Marquis of Helian had been waiting a long time. When he saw Han Cheng
coming over, he hurriedly went up to greet him and headed into the palace with him side by side.
“Why have you been turning a blind eye these days? The Chief Surveillance Bureau is
impeaching me now, saying that I have forcibly occupied the commoners’ fields. Isn’t this just
using a lie to start a fight?!”

Twirling the walnuts in his hand, Han Cheng said, “Tell that to Cen Yu. Do you think he will be
willing to believe that? Now that he has the accounts Pan Lin gave him in his hands, he has an
estimation of the eight cities’ field taxes.”

“Then we have to think of a way.” The Marquis of Helian followed close behind Han Cheng and
spoke in an undertone, “They want to confine the Empress Dowager. I can’t even get to see her

Han Cheng felt that the Empress Dowager herself was a clay Buddha crossing the river; she
could not even save herself, let alone others. The accounts had already been pursued all the way
to the city of Chuancheng. Looking at Kong Qiu and the others’ stance of fighting to their last
breath, they would not stop and let the matter drop like they had in the past. For this matter, he
had been having sleepless nights. Stroking his growing beard, he said, “I’m anxious too, but will
being anxious help matters?” He cast a glance at the eunuch leading the way in front and
whispered to the Marquis of Helian, “The Heir Apparent fell ill but turned up fine. What can we
do about that?”

“What kind of loyal and righteous thing is Fuman?” The Marquis of Helian walked fast,
sweating slightly. “Eunuchs like them don’t recognize the words loyalty and righteousness. And
given the type of poison ‘swift pursuit’ is? I don’t believe a word he says at all. He must have
tampered with it, not daring to offend the Grand Secretariat. Isn’t he now serving by the Heir
Apparent’s side? They are all a low-down bunch.”

Seeing as they were about to arrive at their destination, Han Cheng tucked the walnuts under the
robe on his bosom at the same time the eunuch withdrew. He gave a slight nod to the guard and
said to the Marquis of Helian, “Follow me to my residence for a discussion after the banquet.
This is not the place to talk with so many eyes around here.”

The Marquis of Helian was burning with anxiety, but he had no choice other than to acquiesce
and follow right on Han Cheng’s heels into the hall.

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 239 : Jianting

Particular attention was paid to the seating arrangements during the Hanshi Festival. When Han
Cheng took his seat, he saw Qi Zhuyin to his left. He held up his sleeves and asked, “When is
Commander-in-chief Qi going to return to Qidong? The rain of Qingming1 comes and goes so
abruptly that it makes traveling on the bridle path tough.”

The eunuch next to Qi Zhuyin was in the midst of pouring wine. The wine vessels of the palace
were all classy and of top quality, and they were a pretty sight to behold when filled with amber-
colored wine. Qi Zhuyin rotated the wine cup and answered as she scrutinized it, “The Bianjun
Commandery has been pressing for our return. I ought to have left a long time ago, but the rain
in Qudukeeps falling. I’m in a spot too.”

Ain’t that the truth.

Han Cheng sneered inwardly to himself. The matter was not over yet, so how would the Grand
Secretariat dare allow Qi Zhuyin to leave? The lives of those like Kong Qiu and their family all
hinged on the Qidong Garrison Troops, and they were hoping that they could remove him from
the equation while Qi Zhuyin was still in Qudu.

Han Cheng said to Qi Zhuyin from a distance, “Head out along the Mount Feng military drills
grounds. There’s a bridle path to the south leading directly to Hezhou. It’s a newly constructed
path that runs along the Kailing River. Discuss it with the Ministry of War later, Commander-in-
chief Qi. It’s much faster to go from here. The war with the Qingshi Tribe may be over, but there
are still the other tribes. The Qidong Five Commanderies’ Garrison Troops are all waiting for
Commander-in-chief Qi’s deployment order. Even I get anxious to hear about it.”

Although Han Cheng was a narrow-minded person, he was well-informed. No doubt he had
some true worth to be able to sit at the same table with Cen Yu and the others. In addition, he
had been to many places for fieldwork, and he was familiar with all the routes, so in this aspect,
Qi Zhuyin would not be able to hide it from him.

“I’ll wait for an opportunity, I guess.” Qi Zhuyin set the wine cup down. “It’s all hard to say at
this point.”

As they conversed, they saw the junior marquis Fei Shi arrive too. Fei Shi and Pan Lin were
bosom friends. He had taken ill these days after getting news of Pan Lin’s death and no longer
went out to have fun. It was not easy to catch sight of him even once.

“Marquis junior went over to join the Eight Great Training Divisions?” Qi Zhuyin asked.

“Pan Chengzhi’s death shook him up, and he suddenly bucked up and wanted to seek a job.” Han
Cheng drank some wine. “There are no vacancies in the imperial court, and only the Eight Great
Training Divisions can take him in, so I had him transferred to the Chunquan Battalion.”

The Chunquan Battalion was equipped with firearms. Qi Zhuyin thought of those firearms from
King Yi of Fanzhou and remembered the Scorpion in Qudu. She heaved a long sigh, finally
willing to look Han Cheng in the eyes. “Commander Han.”

Han Cheng hurriedly leaned forward, making a show of being all ears.
Qi Zhuyin’s expression was grave as she said, “I’m hungry.”

Han Cheng promptly burst out laughing. “Commander-in-chief Qi was not in Qudu for the past
years and did not know that you had to first fill your stomach before the banquet.” He lowered
his voice. “It’s all cold food at the Hanshi Festival Banquet.2 There is more of a spread served
during the Mid-Autumn Festival, with fine wine and crabs. What a beautiful sight it is to be
sitting in the imperial garden admiring the moon and flowers.”

Both of them chatted rather merrily until the eunuch outside the hall announced the Empress
Dowager’s arrival in a resounding, crystal clear voice. Only then did they rise to their feet and
retreat behind the small tables, where they kneeled and prostrated themselves to pay their
respects in unison with Kong Qiu.

The Empress Dowager was wearing a twelve dragons and phoenixes crown inlaid with gold and
precious gems, as well as earrings adorned with eastern pearls. All poised and stately dressed,
she showed no hints of the weariness that came with suffering a setback. She merely said “you
may rise” after she took her seat in a dignified manner and uttered nothing more. The officials
bowed once again, and it was only when they paid their obeisances that the Heir Apparent, Li
Jianting, strode into the hall.

Qi Zhuyin’s capacity for wine was average. The few toasts she made to Han Cheng while
engaged in small talk with the latter during the feast were all politely declined. Han Cheng did
not bring his blade with him, so he was cautious. He kept his eyes constantly on the entrance of
the hall, where he had set up his guards.

Kong Qiu led the officials to toast the Empress Dowager and then the Heir Apparent. The
atmosphere of the feast was in full swing when Fuman commanded the eunuchs to serve the
dishes. The officials from the Hanlin Academy dished out one witty remark after another, the
few jokes they told causing the officials at the feast to bowl over with laughter. Even the
Empress Dowager’s expression had softened and relaxed some.

Li Jianting rose at the appropriate moment and held up the wine cup to toast the Empress

The Empress Dowager looked at her affectionately and said, “My good child does resemble
Emperor Guangcheng so. I feel reassured to leave the empire in your hands in the future.”

Li Jianting was already at this age. What “future” was there to speak of?

Li Jianting stood with a bow and drank up all the wine. A faint flush crept into her cheeks,
making her look bashful. Playing the role of a filial child to the Empress Dowager’s
compassionate mother, she said, “This Imperial Grandchild is dense and has limited knowledge
of political affairs. I do not know when I will see the light, so I will still need Imperial
Grandmother to supervise and exhort me daily.”
Li Jianting had yet to be involved in government and political affairs. Before the case of the
Dancheng’s field taxes, all she was listening to in Mingli Hall were reports the Grand Secretariat
submitted as mere formalities. There were indeed many political issues in which her
understanding was scant. But Kong Qiu and the others taught her out of selfish motives,
analyzing and explaining them to her during lessons, so these words of hers were also merely
polite banalities.

The Empress Dowager drank the wine with Li Jianting.

Before the Heir Apparent ascended to the throne, all government administration affairs should be
decided by the Grand Secretariat led by Kong Qiu, the minister assisting the ruler in governance.
The authority of the Empress Dowager to act in place of the Son of Heaven was originally a
symbolic right to annotate, endorse, and make a decision on a memorial. Still, the Empress
Dowager, in relying on the noble clans and the Capital Command Troops to influence court
administration, had long deviated from the supervisory role Li Jianting spoke of.

Li Jianting bowed and retreated. Once her wine cup was refilled, she toasted Kong Qiu, and
teacher and pupil both mutually bowed to each other. She did the same in successive order down
the ranks until she finally came before Han Cheng.

Reed pipes music was being played in the hall at this time. The hanging drapes at the entrance
were lowered, shrouding the palace door under the shadows. Han Cheng returned the bow. When
he finished his wine, he heard Li Jianting say, “Commander Han is the former emperor’s right-
hand man who also serves as the Viceroy of the Capital Command Troops. I have the highest
esteem for your meticulous work and valuable service.”

As she spoke, Fuman, who was behind her, refilled the wine cup again. On seeing that, Han
Cheng hurriedly said, “Your Highness thinks too highly of this old subject; I’m not deserving of
such high praises.”

Li Jianting smiled. Traces of exhaustion from her illness was still visible in her face, and this one
smile unexpectedly turned out to be rather gentle and mild as she jokingly said, “Teacher is the
Grand Secretary of the Grand Secretariat, and Commander Han is a veteran old-timer of
the Imperial Bodyguards, so how can I favor one over the other?”

Hearing Li Jianting putting him on par with Kong Qiu and piling on words that seemed to be
playing up to him, Han Cheng assumed that the Heir Apparentwas frightened by what happened
the last time and so wanted to ingratiate herself with both sides to play peacemaker.

Han Cheng held up the wine cup with both hands and faced Li Jianting. “This subject is but a
mere soldier. How would I dare to compare myself to the Grand Secretary? Your Highness,
here’s a toast to you.”

Li Jianting looked at Han Cheng as she covered her mouth with her sleeve and drank up the wine
in the cup. Fuman refilled it to the brim immediately right after. The wine vessel3 she had was
different from a wine cup, with a deep base and a large capacity. Just two rounds later, Han
Cheng had already broken out in a sweat and had no wish to drink any further.

“Your Highness.” Han Cheng’s capacity for wine was passable, but when he got a little tipsy and
remembered it was all his men outside this hall, he could not help but let down his guard some as
he said to Li Jianting, “Your Highness is still young. With the administration of governmental
affairs going by the Grand Secretariat’s rulings, you inevitably neglect to inquire about military
affairs. The Grand Secretariat wants to cut the military expenses of the Capital Command Troops
this year. That won’t do, Your Highness. Our Capital Command Troops have the important
responsibility of both patrols and defenses. We don’t even have a decent military drill ground
now, and yet our military expense is still going to be cut. This…”

On hearing this, Kong Qiu, who was standing behind Li Jianting at the side, frowned. He butted
in to cut off Han Cheng. “No political talks during the banquets. Why are you grousing about all
these to Her Highness?”

Han Cheng drank his wine and grasped the wine vessel in his palm. Smiling hypocritically at
Kong Qiu, he said, “Boran, you people drew up the writ wanting me to give in, so I can only
voice my difficulties when I meet Her Highness in person. The Chief Surveillance Bureau has
been pushing the Marquis of Helian hard these days. He is an honest person, but Cen Xunyi
berated him until he has lost all face. Oh, forget it, Your Highness. Just treat it as mere chatter.”

Cen Yu stood up from his own small table and paid his obeisances to both the Empress Dowager
and Li Jianting before saying to Han Cheng, “The Chief Surveillance Bureau is in charge of
impeachments and is commonly known as the ‘imperial censor’. Every matter it brings forth is a
malady of the imperial court. The City of Chuancheng lies close to the Northeast Provisions
Bridle Path and links up to the waterways of the City of Dicheng. If there are issues with
taxation, then we, as imperial censors, have to bring it up. A joint trial has yet to be set up for the
Chuancheng case, and the Grand Secretariat has not really gone into the Marquis of Helian’s
crimes in detail. So how can you say I am the one pushing him into a corner? Seems to me like
he’s the one pushing the common folks of Chuancheng into a corner.”

The music in the hall gradually came to a stop. All the court officials present fell silent.

Han Cheng felt humiliated. He could not stand to see officials from humble backgrounds acting
all so morally upright. Never mind when it happened in the past before he made it to the top.
Now that he held Qudu’s life in his hand, Cen Yu still dared to contradict him in public and
make his blood boil. Forcing himself to hold back, Han Cheng said with a smile, “Xunyi, you
and I are old acquaintances. I understand you. Since Chuancheng has yet to set up a joint trial,
that means the document has yet to be endorsed. Every matter presented still needs to be verified.
You can’t draw conclusions this arbitrarily.”

The Marquis of Helian had no troops and power, and even his accounts had been disclosed to the
Ministry of Revenue. He was now so restless with anxiety that he was like an ant on a hot pan.
Even if he was resentful deep down, he only dared to speak of it in secret. Seeing as they were
about to start a dispute now, he lost his appetite. Setting down his chopsticks, he stood up to
persuade them tactfully, “Let’s not talk about political affairs during the banquet. No political

Han Cheng handed the empty wine vessel to the eunuch and bowed once more to Li Jianting. “I
have marred Your Highness’s enjoyment.”

Li Jianting also handed her empty wine vessel to Fuman. “Why take it to heart, Commander
Han? However—”


Han Cheng looked up in doubt.

A gust of wind blew in from the palace door, and the hanging drape fluttered slowly. Li Jianting
raised a hand to hold up the hair at her temple, which seemed to have gotten mussed up. Her
fingertips came into contact with the golden hairpin, and she said to Han Cheng with words clear
and distinct, “A toast I may share with you; my blade drawn though, yields no mercy.”4

The hanging drapes fell to the ground, and the doors slammed shut with a thunderous bang. Han
Cheng’s eyes widened. He instantly retreated, and in his panic, knocked over the small table. The
wine vessels and utensils fell and shattered to pieces in a split second. He called out, “Your

Without getting up, Qi Zhuyin slammed a fist onto the small table, jolting up the porcelain
plates, bowls, and chopsticks. She grabbed a golden chopstick and thrust it diagonally towards
the side of Han Cheng’s neck. Han Cheng waved his sleeve to block the blow. A “thud” rang out
from the impact of the collision—turned out he was wearing soft armor and arm guards under his
official robe!

Han Cheng picked up the small table by a leg and smashed it right towards Li Jianting. He flew
into a rage. “Lass of a whorehouse! How dare you kill me?!”

Fuman looked at Han Cheng throw his weight around and heard the resounding clatter of
footsteps from outside the hall. Feeling timid, he took a few steps back with the tray in hand.
Beside him, Kong Qiu had already lunged over to shield Li Jianting and ended up getting
slammed in the forehead by the small table. He pushed Li Jianting back with all his might,
paying no heed to the trickling blood. In that startling turn of events, he shouted, “Don’t listen to
his nonsense! If we don’t eradicate this traitor, there will be no peace in the nation! Kill him!

A thunderous crash rang out from the door as the guards outside came slamming into the door
when they heard the shouts. Fengquan led a few junior eunuchs to press down on the door bolt
and hold the door shut. Every single one of the officials in the hall was terrified. The Marquis of
Helian, unable to stand steady on his feet, repeatedly retreated and muttered, “What is this…”
Li Jianting lost her balance while retreating and fell to the ground, her heart pounding. Clutching
the golden hairpin, she watched Fengquan rock from the slamming at the door and barked
sharply, “Block the door! Han Cheng arranged for armored soldiers to surround the palace. His
wild ambition is on display for all to see. If we don’t kill him tonight, every one of you here and
I will die!”

In the panic and confusion, Cen Yu was not paying attention to where he was stepping and
tripped over a wine vessel. Xue Xiuzhuo caught hold of him. He waved his arms towards the
inside of the hall and said in an urgent tone, “As long as Han Cheng dies, the rebel forces will be
without a leader! Commander-in-chief Qi’s reinforcements are right behind. Gentlemen, fear

Having said that, he led by example and pounced at the door, working as one with the eunuchs to
push against the door.

Han Cheng traded blows with Qi Zhuyin several times, getting the better of her with his well-
trained martial arts skills. What’s more, he was wearing armor. He pressed Qi Zhuyin hard,
causing her to flip over and fall to the ground. The wuzhu accessory in her hair promptly broke
and scattered. Not daring to tarry, she swiftly rolled over to leave her original spot. No sooner
said than done, Han Cheng stomped on the spot where she had just been lying on earlier.

“Qi Zhuyin!” Han Cheng spat hard. “I’ve been putting up with you. You really think too highly
of yourself. Want to triumph over me? Get your old man here!”

Qi Zhuyin did not bring Zhujiu with her. She usually stormed the enemies on the battlefields, so
she was at a disadvantage when encountering those proficient in martial arts like Han Cheng. She
led Han Cheng back a few steps and was already at Hua Xiangyi’s table. Just as she was about to
be forced back towards the Empress Dowager, she suddenly picked up Hua Xiangyi’s unfinished
cup of wine and tilted her head back to down it all. Then she smashed the porcelain cup, bent her
index and middle fingers to pinch a broken porcelain piece between them, and wiped her mouth.

“Don’t you know?” Qi Zhuyin told it like it was. “My old man had a stroke.”

Han Cheng threw a fist right at Qi Zhuyin. She turned to the side to dodge the blow and raised a
hand that did not have a porcelain fragment to grab Han Cheng’s arm and twisted it back hard.

Han Cheng did not move a muscle.

Qi Zhuyin, though thwarted, did not let go, but kicked out at Han Cheng in the flank. Han Cheng
knew she usually wielded an executioner blade, but he never expected her to have such strength
to seize and take down a person when she was just a mere woman. He could not break free at all
and took the kick. His murderous nature kicked in, and he let loose a bellow. Thuds rang out
repeatedly as he used his elbow to jolt Qi Zhuyin off his hand.

Both of them engaged in a savage fight, stomping the debris under their feet into smithereens as
they advanced and retreated.
Meanwhile, the imperial court officials blocking the door were all civil officials who relied
solely on their courage to engage in a war of strength with the guards at the other end of the
door. That gap in the door grew bigger and bigger. Fengquan could already see the ferocious-
looking faces of the guards outside. He suddenly spat a mouthful of saliva at the guards and
cursed in a sharp voice, “Despicable bastards wanting to live it up while serving a son of a bitch.
Keep fucking dreaming! Push any further, and I’ll flay you!”

He was delicate and refined by appearance. After following the Heir Apparent into the palace, he
seemed to have a change of temperament. He did not dare to be reckless and unruly, and no
matter who he saw, he was usually all meek and submissive. But he threw all caution to the wind
and went all out today, picking up all the tart and scathing words to swear. The officials, too,
cursed as well, but they were all men of letters, and even if they had to rack their brains, they had
to curse with rhythmic flow, aesthetic sense, and literary grace. And now, hearing Fengquan
rattling off a string of expletives like a machine gun, their morales were greatly boosted.

Han Cheng, who was inside, had no wish to engage further. He twisted Qi Zhuyin’s incoming
fist to a stop and made to remove Qi Zhuyin’s right arm. Going along with the force, Qi Zhuyin
somersaulted and took a blow to the side of her cheek when she landed. The impact from this
strike caused her to turn over and crash into a small table at the side. As she propped herself up
with her arms, she licked blood that made her tooth ache.

This old dog was truly an expert who wormed his way into Ji Lei’s command, hiding his
weaknesses by not making a move and then getting the upper hand when faced up against Qi
Zhuyin. How would it have been so easy for him had she been Xiao Chiye with that kind of
fearsome arm strength and who was versed in the Ji Clan Boxing Fist?!

Han Cheng pressed in, wanting to kick Qi Zhuyin away by the waist. Qi Zhuyin blocked the
blow with both arms and grabbed hold of his leg. She abruptly lifted it up high, turning him over
to the ground. Kong Qiu charged out holding a wine jar above his head. Too late to smash it on
him, he tossed it aside and latched on to Han Cheng’s arm in a death grip.

For a moment, Han Cheng could not break free with Kong Qiu holding down his left arm. He
wanted to turn over and get up, but Xue Xiuzhuo kicked over a small table and kneeled at the
side, holding down two legs of the table to pin down Han Cheng’s right arm.

With the pressure on both arms, Han Cheng’s expression changed. He hissed aloud, “You
despicable lot!”

He jerked himself hard, but Qi Zhuyin leaped to her feet and kicked herself off the ground in a
pounce, slicing the broken porcelain shard between her knuckles towards Han Cheng’s neck.
Han Cheng did all he could to lift his body and took the blow with the armor before his chest.
The shard scraped past his neck, drawing out a trail of blood. He was just about to open his
mouth when another person lunged at him and wrapped his arms around half of his body.

Gasping heavily for breath, Fuman said, “Commander-in-chief Qi, do it!”

On seeing that it was him, Han Cheng said in a frosty voice with both shock and fury, “A
castrated traitor indeed has no righteousness to speak of. I should have killed you a long time

At those words, he really looked as if he was about to stand up, but before he could do so, Qi
Zhuyin slammed a fist so hard into him he was knocked back. The force of the blow caused Han
Cheng’s nose to bleed. He was so full of resentment and hatred that he raised his voice and
hollered, “You people are the real traitors by supporting Li Jianting to ascend to the throne!
She’s merely a whore—”

A squishy plop followed next, and Han Cheng felt an acute stab of pain in his left eye. The pain
was so excruciating that he howled with his head tilted back. Amidst the blur of blood, he saw
the golden butterfly hanging from the golden hairpin swinging by his cheek.

Han Cheng’s voice trembled from the pain. He was already a spent force, like an arrow at the
end of its flight. “You… How dare you…”

Li Jianting pulled out the golden hairpin with a shaking hand. Blood splattered over her, sullying
her regal robe. When she saw that Han Cheng was still not dead, she gritted her teeth and closed
her eyes to haphazardly stab Han Cheng in the face and neck.

Han Cheng continued, “Whore… You…”

His right eye was injured when Meng pecked it during the downpour in Qudu, and now his left
eye was stabbed blind by Li Jianting. He did not look human now, with his facial features a
bloody pulp and mouth opening and closing.

“To think… I… meet… my maker…”

Fuman was still pinned down under Han Cheng’s back. The latter’s blood trickled all over his
face, scaring him so much that he shrieked.

With his heart still palpitating, Kong Qiu released his hand and confirmed that Han Cheng was
dead. Only then did he heave a sigh of relief and fell onto his butt on the ground.

Han Cheng toppled to the ground, his neck skewed to the side, no longer moving.

Xue Xiuzhuo was gasping for breath too. He stared at Li Jianting with disbelief in his eyes. Li
Jianting’s bloodstained golden hairpin fell to the ground, making a clear, crisp sound. Both of her
hands were washed in blood. Looking as if the sight of Han Cheng frightened her, she took half a
step back, holding back the ragged gasps in her throat.

Li Jianting’s fingers were shaking badly as she self-mockingly wiped her face under the dead
silence. It was as if she was wiping her tears, but all that was left behind were the dark red
streaks from her fingers.

I’m not livestock.

Li Jianting met Xue Xiuzhuo’s gaze and slowly clenched her fists. Her eyes reddened as she
revealed a complicated expression in this sudden change, looking as if she was both crying and

“I’m not…” Li Jianting squeezed out the words through clenched teeth. She abruptly turned
around, facing the doors to the hall, and raised her right hand, as if clenching the power that was
once beyond her reach as she enunciated, word for word, “Here stands the Heir Apparent. Who
—still wants to be a treacherous traitor?”

The Empress Dowager held on to the handles of her seat for support. Although she was still
sitting high up there, she seemed to have returned to the very day she entered the palace. That
day, she stood before the towering palace, looking up at Emperor Guangcheng in the prime of his
life. Emperor Guangcheng also once stood at the pinnacle of supremacy in the palace with his
right hand raised as he said to her, “Here stands the Son of Heaven.”

—The Li Clan’s Emperor!

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 240: All Of A Sudden

The heart-stopping Hanshi Festival drew to a close. Xue Xiuzhuo took away Han Cheng’s
authority token. Having lost their commander and fearing the majestic, regal presence of
legitimate royalty, the guards did not dare to charge forth again rashly and retreated under the
impact of Li Jianting’s “here stands the Heir Apparent”.

The Eight Great Training Divisions’ commanding generals awaiting their orders outside the
palace were all keeping watch in the Han residence, where wine was flowing freely as they
mingled. They had not received any news thus far.

“Viceroy Han isn’t back yet. Could he have been retained by that Kong Boran?”

A lad of the Han clan reclining on the couch sucked hard on his pipe and snorted on hearing it.
“Kong Boran may not get along with Viceroy Han, but we have troops in our hands—a 20,000-
strong Capital Command Troops that can surround the palace at the slightest movement. Who
would dare to act recklessly? They are all scholars too weak even to truss a chicken. Are they
really going to pin their hopes on Qi Zhuyin? There’s no escape for her either.”

Hua the Thirteenth listened to the opera singing on the stage and hummed along as he bobbed his
head and rhythmically tapped his folding fan on his palm. “Viceroy Han is a great hero. How are
those few people who are all show and no substance in the palace his match? What are you
worrying needlessly for?”

This Hua the Thirteenth was a descendent of common birth from the Hua clan of Dicheng. He
poked his nose into the Imperial Army affairs a while back and was taught a lesson by Xiao
Chiye. He feared Xiao Chiye the Tyrant, so he fled back home and passed the days by fooling
around and idling his time away in Dicheng. It was only until Xiao Chiye left Qudu that he dared
to step foot in the capital.

“Besides,” Hua the Thirteenth raised his folding fan upright to point up and smugly said, “who
would dare to lay a finger on Viceroy Han with my paternal aunt there?”

The Han clan lad exhaled smoke, traded glances with him, and laughed. They were all bungling
oafs who were good-for-nothing, so there was no disdain to speak of between them.

“Fei Shi will be coming in a few days.” The Han clan lad motioned the maidservant to stuff the
tobacco into his pipe. “The few of us should organize a feast for him to welcome him. He’s been
feeling depressed over Pan Chengzhi’s death.”

Hua the Thirteenth put away his folding fan and turned aside to say, “If you ask me, it’s just as
well Pan Chengzhi died. If he didn’t die, what is he going to do exiled to Huaizhou? He’ll have
to die in our hands sooner or later, and that will ruin our friendship with Fei Shi. It’s tricky.”

Pan Lin handed over the eight cities’ accounts book. This had to be counted.

Not once had it ever crossed their minds that Han Cheng would never return from this trip. Ever
since the reign of Yongyi, the Eight Great Training Divisions had been arrogantly lording it over
Qudu. It was only during the reign of Xiande that the Imperial Army led by Xiao Chiye had ever
threatened their Capital Command Troops’ status, but later, the Imperial Army left, and they
became the Capital Command Troops of Qudu again. They ran brazenly rampant, no longer
playing it cautious.

The few of them drank wine and made merry, the day getting late as they chatted.

Hua the Thirteenth was tipsy. He leaned back against the chair and propped up his legs, then
shouted for the opera singer to give him a leg massage. In his drunken state, he pinched her face
and teased, “Young lady, how old are you? You look unfamiliar.”

The Han clan lad behind hurriedly craned his neck and bragged, “Know who she is? Xi
Hongxuan trained her! She’s a famous figure in Qudu. You won’t find her anywhere else once
you step out of this door.”
They teased that opera singer, deliberately using obscene words on her. Outside, the watchman’s
clapper struck a few times, and the maidservants in the residence went under the eaves to light up
the palace lamps.

Qudu was silent. Qi Wei led the garrison troops to kill the deputy general guarding the city and
snuck into Qudu. He kept an eye on the time, and when it was past the third quarter in the hour
of chou, he raised his hand and signaled for his subordinates to surround the Han residence.

Hua the Thirteenth was feeling sleepy when he suddenly felt the urge to pee. He rose to go to the
latrine, and when he passed through the walkway, he saw a faint light in front. He fixed his eyes
on it—Fire!

Hua the Thirteenth was so scared that he lost the urge to pee. Lifting his pants, he ran backward
and chased after the maidservants to ask, “It’s burning. Why isn’t anyone going to put out the
fire? Hurry! Get the Capital Command Troops waiting in the other courtyard to fetch water to
put out the fire.”

This residence was Han Cheng’s. If he returned tomorrow morning only to see his house burned
down, they would all have to bear the consequences.

While Hua the Thirteenth was looking around, the lad from the Han clan and the others came out
on hearing the noise and stood under the eaves to look out into the distance, only to see the fire

“What’s going on?” The lad from the Han clan tensed up as well. “Why hasn’t the fire been put
out yet?!”

The guard guarding the courtyard came to the door and answered, “This fire is extremely
strange, coming in intermittent waves. Someone must have deliberately set it off. Sixth Master,
please come to the door to take a look. The Capital Command Troops shall heed your

The lad from the Han clan did not dare to be lazy when it came to this matter, so he dragged the
few people beside him and called Hua the Thirteenth to come along. They hurried towards the
entrance, but before they could reach the front, they heard someone ahead yell, “They are killing
their way in!”

The color drained from Hua the Thirteenth’s face. “Killing their way in? Who?!”

The surrounding servants were thrown into confusion. Someone answered, “Can’t get a clear
look. It’s all pitch-dark. They simply killed every one of the Capital Command Troops on sight
upon reaching the entrance. They are pushing their way in.”

The lad from the Han clan was so startled he dropped his pipe. He took a few steps forth,
dragging his robe along, then shrank back and yelled, “Quick, pass on the deployment order and
transfer all the Capital Command Troops at the military drill grounds over as reinforcements!”
But he did not have Han Cheng’s authority token, so there was no way he could mobilize the
Capital Command Troops at the military drill grounds.

The sound of killing in the front courtyard pressed in towards them. The Capital Command
Troops at the entrance, which had tagged along, could not stop them. Seeing that the situation
did not bode well, Hua the Thirteenth paid no heed to the others and ran towards the back with
the servants crowding together. The lad from the Han clan could not even brandish a blade, and
on seeing that, followed suit and took to his heels too.

Qi Wei broke through the door and entered with a fire in hand to look for the men. He
disregarded the chaos in the courtyard and slashed away when he came across men from the
Capital Command Troops. The Eight Great Training Divisions had long resided in Qudu, and
they had never encountered such a tough nut other than the last time they had to wield their
blades when they encircled Xiao Chiye. The few commanding generals cowered back and
withdrew, and the soldiers under them followed them around in circles as the garrison troops
hacked them back into a retreat.

The garrison troops did not let the fire rage for long. The Eight Great Training Divisions were
scattered all over the place, and they had no channels in which to pass on messages to one
another, so if the fire was too strong, it would no doubt arouse suspicions. By the time the fire in
the Han residence was extinguished, a portion of the courtyard interior had already collapsed. Qi
Wei did not let Hua the Thirteenth and the others off and rounded up this bunch of good-for-
nothing young masters. Only the lad from the Han clan escaped by worming his way out of a dog

The next day, when a glimmer of light materialized on the horizon, the court officials escorted Li
Jianting over to Mingli Hall. A series of imperial edicts were then issued, first to depose the Han
clan’s noble title, then to denounce Han Cheng for his crimes. There was also the move to
confiscate the Han clan’s properties and execute the entire Han clan on the grounds of “collusion
with the intent to rebel against the state”. The many descendants of common lineage in the Han
clan’s hometown of the City of Wucheng were a diverse bunch, and on hearing the news, they all
took their valuables and fled helter-skelter.

In just a few short days, the storm in Qudu took a sudden turn. The public on the streets did not
even have time to react when a new master stepped onto the throne in that imperial palace. The
Empress Dowager took to her bed in illness, and despite her busy schedule, Li Jianting still had
to revere and attend to the Empress Dowager as her paternal grandmother, the Grand Empress
Dowager. Every day, she would personally sample her medicine and keep watch by her bedside
to attend to her.

Cen Yu submitted a memorial to exalt the Heir Apparent’s virtuousness and filial piety, and the
imperial court and the people promptly broke out in praise. The Empress Dowager was old and
frail, and the calls for the Heir Apparent’s ascension to the throne gradually grew louder by the

◈ ◈ ◈
“The storm in Qudu has subsided.” Yao Wenyu sprinkled baits to the brocade carps in the pond.
“Commander-in-chief Qi should have returned to the Bianjun Commandery.”

“Ce’an has already returned to the war zone. By the time Commander-in-chief Qi returns, it
would be time for him to head over to the Bianjun Commandery too.” Shen Zechuan turned
aside to face the sunlight and scrutinized the jade pendant in his palm. “Han Cheng died too

This news had only just arrived.

Yao Wenyu’s fingers still had residual baits remaining between them. “The Empress Dowager,
unable to accept that the noble clans have brought about their own downfall, is too powerless to
salvage this hopeless situation. After the Heir Apparent ascends to the throne, she will definitely
confer a noble title upon Commander-in-chief Qi to prepare for rainy days.”

Carrying the jade pendant in hand, Shen Zechuan smiled.

Yao Wenyu continued, “Your Lordship wants Ge Qingqing to return to Qudu and yet would not
permit him to make a move. Presumably, you intend to keep him for a greater purpose.”

“No hurry about Ge Qingqing. This move will not be effective until the Heir Apparent ascends to
the throne.” Shen Zechuan looked at Yao Wenyu. “I’m looking forward to it.”

The branches of the tender willow by the side of the pond swayed as Hunu pounced out after a
butterfly and rolled beside Yao Wenyu’s legs, covered in dust all over. Yao Wenyu lowered his
hand to stroke it. “Your Lordship is far-sighted.”

“Xue Yanqing wanted a ‘sovereign’, and Heaven really gave one to him.” Shen Zechuan smiled.
“But how would a strong, forceful sovereign subject themselves to the mercy of others?”

“Fear,” Yao Wenyu answered softly.

“That’s right.” Shen Zechuan watched as the brocade carps that had swarmed over scattered in a
flurry and floated on the water surface as if satiated. “Xue Yanqing is a powerful minister.”

Xue Xiuzhuo played an indispensable role in supporting the Heir Apparent and auditing the field
taxes. He did not covet, snatch, or seize lands by force, but he was a powerful minister. The wise
emperors of this world did not fear powerful ministers, but they most certainly feared powerful
ministers who had no desires and made no demands.

“If Xue Yanqing is willing to make an effort here, then he ought to give the Heir Apparent a
chance to get a handle on him,” Shen Zechuan said. “Even if he has to fabricate it out of nothing,
he has to give the Heir Apparent a peace of mind.”

The lack of leverage meant that he was not an easy one to control. In addition, there was no way
for checks and balances.
Yao Wenyu pondered over it. “That’s the way Xue Xiuzhuo is. He won’t leave a handle behind
for Heir Apparent to control him with.”

Shen Zechuan said meaningfully, “Then he’s in danger.”

The line between the loyal and the treacherous was sometimes blurred, and the decision-making
power lay in Li Jianting’s hands. Shen Zechuan figured out what happened during
the Hanshi Festival from Ge Qingqing’s report, and the facts proved that the Heir Apparent was
not a mere vase that Xue Xiuzhuo shifted over. She was like a thorn that had taken root on the
throne and was now rapidly growing there with perseverance that far surpassed others.

“Since Han Cheng is dead, there’s no point in keeping Han Jin.” Shen Zechuan seemed to have
just remembered this person. He said to Fei Sheng behind him, “Open Han Jin’s door and let him
go. Send him back to Wucheng.”

Fei Sheng thought Shen Zechuan would retain Han Jin. He never expected Shen Zechuan to cast
Han Jin away just like this. He found it a pity, but did not dare speak out of turn.

“Da Zhou is in shambles. It remains to be seen exactly how many heroes the Son of Heaven can
command.” Yao Wenyu turned his wheelchair. “The Heir Apparent will not get into an internal
conflict with Xue Xiuzhuo at this time. What’s more pressing now is the Bianjun Commandery.
Commander-in-chief Qi is going to storm and seize the Qingshu Tribe’s territory in the fifth
month. The Youxiong Tribe will no longer dare to stand by and watch it go down. I fear it will
be another intense battle when the time comes.”

“Qidong has ample military provisions. Qi Zhuyin is not afraid,” Shen Zechuan said. “But
Zhongbo will not feed men of no worth. Hairigu has been resting for nearly half a year. It’s time
to let him out for a walk.”

Yao Wenyu understood his intention. “Is Your Lordship meaning to send Hairigu to negotiate
with the Youxiong Tribe?”

“I heard Amu’er is the leader of only six tribes. The Youxiong Tribe has yet to submit and
pledge allegiance to him.” Shen Zechuan was still looking at the water surface. “The Qingshu
Tribe’s lands all belong to Amu’er, and their provisions had all been given to Hasen in the
northern battlefields. It’s also for the sake of food that the Youxiong Tribe is being forced to go
into battle, and we do not lack food.”

Amu’er split up Da Zhou with the Scorpions, and now that Shen Zechuan had a batch of
Scorpions in his hands, it was a waste to keep them in his hands. He wanted to make Hairigu put
himself to use.

“The Qingshu Tribe, Youxiong Tribe, Gedale, and the Huiyan Tribe in the north.” Shen Zechuan
looked back. “Bridging these places together is the New Year’s gift I want to send Amu’er.”
What Amu’er stole from Zhongbo, Shen Zechuan could not get back, but he could use a different
way to make Amu’er pay. The line from the territory of the Qingshu Tribe to the territory of the
Huiyan Tribe just so happened to obstruct the riverbanks of the Chashi River.

“Duanzhou doesn’t have a wall of defense thick enough.” The tassel on Shen Zechuan’s
fingertips swayed slightly. “And coincidentally, so does the Youxiong Tribe.”

Credits: Thank you Yen for spotting the typos! <3

Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2022

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 241 : A Fine Woman

Now that the rain in Qudu had come to a stop, it was time for Qi Zhuyin to make her journey
back home. She received Hua Xiangyi at the entrance of the palace. The carriage was right by
the side, but she secured Zhujiu on her and said to Hua Xiangyi, “Let’s go for a walk.”

Hua Xiangyi noted that Qi Zhuyin’s broken wuzhu hairpin still had a golden thread dangling in
her hair, as though this was how it should have been. The commander-in-chief did not cut a sorry
figure at all—that was, if one could overlook her bruised face.
Qi Wei raised a hand to gesture for the carriage to follow behind him. It was only after Qi
Zhuyin and Hua Xiangyi had walked some distance ahead that he followed along.

A warm breeze was presently drifting through the marketplace, where the crowd bustled amidst
air reeking with a blend of sweat and deep-fried food. Spring flowers in full bloom a distance
away seemed to be coated in a layer of grease, making Qi Zhuyin feel stifled.

As they passed by the sugar figurine1 stall, Qi Zhuyin asked Hua Xiangyi, “Want one?”

Next to this stall was a path where people and carriage came and went, sending clouds of dust
flying all over. Hua Xiangyi was the apple of the Hua clan’s eyes. Before her arrival in Qudu,
she rarely went outdoors, instead staying in her courtyard to live a sheltered, pampered life. She
looked at Qi Zhuyin, who fished out her remaining copper coins from her sleeve pocket and
flicked them lightly before her. In the ensuing buzz, Qi Zhuyin said with satisfaction, “I have

This street was not bright enough, but as Qi Zhuyin pulled the corners of her bruised lips to flash
a smile, the lanterns behind her instantaneously lit up in successive order. She was like a young
maiden of eighteen or nineteen of age who had run away from home to play, with nothing on her
mind except this candy.

Clutching her handkerchief, Hua Xiangyi lifted a finger and pointed to one of them. “I’d like this

She felt bashful over her words, and that subtle emotion lay concealed between her eyebrows.
This was something she had never done before, and it was also something she would never have
done before.

Qi Zhuyin tossed the copper coins to the vendor and gave the sugar figurine to Hua Xiangyi. She
did not care if she had no money. She never had money before, anyway. Money never remained
for long in her hands.

Hua Xiangyi carefully held the sugar figurine with her fingertips and kept her composure as she
scrutinized it by the light. She had once caught a glimpse of a sugar figurine past her attendants
in the brief flicker of a moment through the gap of her sedan’s screen when it fluttered. There
were candies in the palace, and the Empress Dowager used to ask Matron Liuxiang to keep them
on hand for her from time to time.

Qi Zhuyin rubbed the bruise on her face with the pulp of her finger and turned sideways to
survey her reflection in the water crock through several overlapping shadows.

Qi Zhuyin was a descendant of a noble, but Hua Xiangyi always felt that she did not look the
part. She was so sanguine and broad-minded that she resembled a wandering traveler. Hua
Xiangyi had been in Qidong for half a year, and she had never seen Qi Zhuyin fly into a rage. It
was as if there was nothing worth Qi Zhuyin getting angry over.
“Does Commander-in-chief Qi come here often?” Hua Xiangyi asked.

“All the ones who dare to play loan sharks in Qudu are here. Whenever I come here, chances are
that it’s to borrow money.” As Qi Zhuyin spoke, she removed the hairpin in her hair and said a
little regretfully, “That wuzhu hairpin was bestowed upon me by the imperial court. All this
while, I never dared to sell it. Had I known that it would end up getting broken in the palace, I
would’ve sold it.”

Hua Xiangyi said, “The manors at home…”

Qi Zhuyin did not wait for Hua Xiangyi to finish her words. “Just what I wanted to tell you
today. The family manors and shops will all be handed over to you to take care of in the future.
You’ll decide whether to rent them out or sell them away.”

She turned around in all seriousness to face Hua Xiangyi.

“Let’s speak our mind here.”

Qi Zhuyin did not move the conversation to the teahouse. She loved the downtown streets and
the marketplace. By standing here, she was making her stance known; she was not afraid to face
up to anyone’s scrutiny.

“I have to thank you for the matter regarding the eight cities’ granaries.” Qi Zhuyin bowed
slightly to her, her long hair spreading behind her. She straightened up again. “Or it’d have been
perilous this time.”

Hua Xiangyi turned to the side, not accepting the bow. “The credit goes to Chengzhi.”

Qi Zhuyin looked at her. “Pan Lin was not the one who told me, so I’ll only thank you.”

At Qi Zhuyin’s gaze, Hua Xiangyi gripped at the sugar figurine until it nearly melted.

“But I shall be blunt too. Did you tell me about the eight cities’ granaries because you wanted me
to do something for you?” Qi Zhuyin was straight and direct to the point, totally forgetting all
about tact.

This Third Missy Hua was a rather strange one too.

Qi Zhuyin spent sleepless nights tossing and turning, but could not figure out why Hua Xiangyi
would reveal the matter about the granaries to her. Had it not been for her reminder in the palace,
the outcome of this game would still be an unknown.

Hua Xiangyi bent her fair neck to look at the sugar figurine amid the babel of voices.
“Commander-in-chief Qi needs not do anything for me. Just… fight against the Biansha.”
Qi Zhuyin gazed fixedly at Hua Xiangyi. All of a sudden, she propped herself on her knees and
tilted her head to look at Hua Xiangyi’s expression.

“Is that all?” She asked in puzzlement.

Qi Zhuyin gave Hua Xiangyi a fright. This posture was just like the last time Qi Zhuyin lifted her
veil, when she had simply charged before her without giving Hua Xiangyi the chance to compose

“You helped Yao Wenyu escape in Qudu…” Qi Zhuyin looked as if she had just woken up from
her sleep. She found Hua Xiangyi pleasant-smelling, with a hint of flower fragrance like she
expected. But when her wandering mind snapped back to reality, she realized Hua Xiangyi was
still holding the sugar figurine, waiting with composure and rapt attention for her to continue.

“…and told me about the granaries.” Qi Zhuyin covered up the fact that her mind was wandering
earlier. “Was that because you married my father?”

Hua Xiangyi answered, “Chengzhi was the one who saved Yuanzhuo.”

Qi Zhuyin shook her head and said with certainty. “It was you.”

Hua Xiangyi pushed the credits to the others on these occasions, as if she could not admit to it.
The boundary line that hindered her was the Empress Dowager’s love and affection. The last of
the sunset glow of the street was swallowed up, and the lanterns shone so bright they looked like
falling stars. Meanwhile, the smell of deep-frying dissipated a little, although the marketplace
was still hot and stuffy. Hua Xiangyi looked out of place here.

“Back during the reign of Xiande, my paternal aunt would set questions for me from time to
time, most frequently during the spring plowing season every year.” Hua Xiangyi lowered the
sugar figurine as if twiddling with the shadows of the past. “In truth, they were all accounts of
the eight cities. The more I calculated, the clearer I became. I once advised my aunt during the
reign of Xiande to let Jiang Qingshan go over, but they thought it was enough for Jiang Qingshan
to oversee the thirteen cities. That year, people dying of starvation became a common sight in
Zhongbo. In the years that followed, the six prefectures took a further beating from the grains
transferred from the eight cities. Too many people died.” She lifted her head gently. “So much
more than when the Biansha massacred the cities.”

Hua Xiangyi lived deep in the palace. She donned exquisite silks, feasted on delicacies,
slumbered on satin, while those on the other end of the vermillion walls dressed in rags, sold
their children for food, and slept in the bitter cold. She stood with the Empress Dowager on the
western tower and looked out into the distance. The illusion of prosperity and glory blinded her
eyes, but very quickly, she realized that these people never had the thought to stop. Hai Liangyi
killed himself in Mingli Hall, and yet the Empress Dowager never thought to change.

“I want my aunt to stop,” Hua Xiangyi said.

The people were the rivers bearing the weight of boats—this was the foundation. Yet the
Empress Dowager still wanted to count on the Eight Great Training Divisions to suppress the
rumors—that was defying the laws of nature.

The rise and fall of the empire did not lay on the sovereign at all. The world needed only an
emperor with the heart that knew to show compassion for all the hardships in this world.

“I’m confined to my chamber, and my abilities are limited. Compared to Yuanzhuo or Chengzhi,
what I can do is insignificant in the grand scheme of things.” Hua Xiangyi slowly returned a bow
to Qi Zhuyin when she spoke to this point. “Commander-in-chief Qi traverses Qidong and
gallops the battlefield. If you can repel the Twelve Tribes of Biansha, that’d be a great service to
humankind. And for that reason, I want Commander-in-chief Qi to walk out of Qudu alive.”

Qi Zhuyin received this bow, looking as if she had just recognized who Hua Xiangyi was.

“You are a fine woman.” Qi Zhuyin paused for a moment. “And I shall repay you with military
accomplishments on the battlefield.”

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 242 : Youxiong (Tribe)

The fifth month was the height of summer, and it was so scorching hot that the advisors could
not stand the heat. All of them hid under the pavilion in the center of the pond, sipping their tea,
smoking their pipes, and fanning themselves vigorously with their folding fans. Yu Xiaozai, after
drinking his fill of cooled tea, was now feeling rather uncomfortable. Just as he was thinking of
making his way over to the latrine, he saw Fei Sheng leading Hairigu over to the courtyard.

“Second Master is going to cross the border within these two days.” Yu Xiaozai wiped the sweat
from his neck with his handkerchief. “Is Hairigu tagging along too?”

“He’s a Scorpion.” Kong Ling, keeping himself in good health, did not consume cold food;
instead, he sat by the cascading water to cool off in the shade. “He can negotiate with the
Youxiong Tribe.”

This was at the Prefectural Lord’s behest, so Yu Xiaozai could not refute. He nodded and sat
next to Yao Wenyu. “I heard the Youxiong Tribe people are all strong and sturdy, and they ride
horses that are big and tall, unlike the other tribes in the desert.”
Gao Zhongxiong had never seen the Youxiong Tribe before either. He stayed his brush, and as
he dipped it in ink, he turned his head and waited with Yu Xiaozai for Yao Wenyu’s answer.

Yao Wenyu closed the book on his lap. “The Youxiong Tribe is a large tribe in the southwest of
the desert. Before Amu’er rose to power, the strongest tribe in the desert was the Hanshe Tribe,
followed by the Youxiong Tribe. The Youxiong Tribe used to be stationed in the east of Suotian
Pass. They have their own horses, so they don’t use the ponies from the Gouma Tribe. The
horses of the Youxiong Tribe are also called the ‘bear horses’.1 They are even bigger than the
war steeds from Libei.”

Gao Zhongxiong initially thought that it was rumors Yu Xiaozai was talking about; he never
expected it to be true. Alarmed to hear it, he said, “I heard rumors of the Youxiong Tribe while I
was in imperial college. Back then, the Feng clan was the one to guard over Suotian Pass. ‘Silver
Spear of the Snowy Pass’, Feng Yisheng! General Feng was the one who fought the Youxiong
Tribe back to the east.”

The four generals of Yongyi were renowned: Silver Spear of Snowy Pass, Feng Yisheng; Iron
Wings of Hongyan, Xiao Fangxu; Thunderbolt of Cangjun, Qi Shiyu; and, Flying Frost of
Bianjun, Lu Pingyan. They were all men the lads of Da Zhou spoke about the most in their early
years. Feng Yisheng, like Xiao Fangxu, came from a humble background. When he was fourteen
years old, he pointed to the continuous range of snowy peaks of Suotian Pass and made a vow to
become Da Zhou’s impregnable bastion of iron. At forty years of age, he buried his youngest,
last remaining son under the snowy peaks. Eventually, he met his end in battle, leaving only his
thumb ring carved out of bone to his adopted son, Zuo Qianqiu.

“Yuanzhuo is indeed widely read and knowledgeable. To think you even know about the
Youxiong Tribe. In fact, Qidong’s earliest battle steeds were bred with the ‘bear horses’.” Kong
Ling said. “When the King of Wolves, Xiao Fangxu, was a junior soldier at Luoxia Pass, all the
horses from Luoxia Pass were transferred from Qidong, and they were also of this breed of

“Whoa,” Yu Xiaozai exclaimed. “That fierce, huh!”

“When Amu’er unified the four tribes of Hanshe, Gouma, Liaoying, and Qingshu, he had the
thought of making the Youxiong Tribe pledge allegiance to him.” Feeling cold, Kong Ling got
up to return to the table. “They fought, and Amu’er ended up with nothing to show for it.”

This time, the interest of the remaining three men was piqued, and they sat around Kong Ling.

Gao Zhongxiong said, “That was the four tribes, elites that would even put the Libei Armored
Cavalry at a disadvantage.”

“These were different places. The Youxiang Tribe was still roaming near Suotian Pass at that
time. They occupied the higher grounds, and it proved to be tedious for the Hanshe Tribe to
storm and assault them. Charge before the Youxiong Tribe, and they would take a beating.”
Kong Ling laughed and enacted it out vividly. “There were always the Youxiong appearing and
disappearing among the endlessly meandering snowy peaks. Wielding scimitars in hand and
sporting leather armors on their arms, they launched an attack from top to bottom and gave the
Hanshe Tribe a kick in the chest. The Hanshe Tribe then tumbled down to the ground and passed

Yu Xiaozai promptly yelled, “Oh, dear me. How terrible!”

Yao Wenyu almost choked and spat out the tea he had not swallowed. Covering his nose and
mouth with the handkerchief in his palm, he coughed a few times before regaining his

Kong Ling said with a smile, “Indeed. They fought until Amu’er was at the end of his rope and
had no choice but to transfer the Qingshu Tribe near the Bianjun Commandery.”

Wiping himself, Yao Wenyu said, “The Youxiong Tribe has its hero too. When General Feng
was still alive, the man who faced up against him in battle was called Suhebashou. He was the
‘Hero’ of the Youxiong Tribe.”

Gao Zhongxiong moved forward. “This Su… I know him! Yuanzhuo, I don’t know if you still
remember, but when I just stepped into the capital, it was the legend of General Feng that I never
got tired of listening to in the teahouse near the imperial college. He and this Suhebashou were
just like… the King of Wolf and Amu’er!”

“He was a hero,” Kong Ling said. “If not for Amu’er, the Hanshe Tribe’s current standing would
have been occupied by the Youxiong Tribe, led by Suhebashou. He was both Feng Yisheng’s foe
and friend. There was this one tale from the teahouses in Dengzhou. I don’t know if it’s
fabricated, but it is said that when Feng Yisheng shot through the Hongying banner2 that
symbolized the dignity of Biansha, Suhebashou applauded in response. Both men looked at each
other across thousands upon thousands of soldiers and horses and roared with laughter. From
then on, they would always mutually send their regards to each other before a battle.”

Gao Zhongxiong gripped his brush between his fingers and struck a pose to imitate that
storyteller. “General Feng, sans his armor, stood amid the snow with his hands at his back and
his white robe flapping in the wind, cutting the very picture of a poised, suave man. Suhebashou,
cloaked with a fur hide, cupped his fists at the General across the curtain of snow and, in a loud,
clear voice, said—”

“Are the grain wagons for the Armored Cavalry ready?”

Gao Zhongxiong paused in mid-pose. Before he could close his agape mouth, he saw Kong Ling
and the others all stand up to bow in unison to Shen Zechuan behind him.

“They are ready,” Kong Ling said. “Fei Sheng has already checked them this morning. Qiao
Tianya will send them out of the city later.”
Shen Zechuan tapped the back of Gao Zhongxiong’s shoulder with his folding fan and said, “I
am Suhebashou, Valiant Tiger3 of the Youxiong Tribe. I’ve brought along kumis4 from my
hometown. The wine is delicious, and I wish to wait for the General to finish it before we fight.”

Gao Zhongxiong put down his brush in a fluster and turned around to bow to the Prefectural

“No need to be nervous,” Shen Zechuan said. “As they say, ‘of dreams the lads of Da Zhou bear
of the snowy pass, who knows not of the Suotian spear?’ Shifuused to love to listen to this tale

Hairigu stood at the entrance of the pavilion and said, “Suhebashou, the Valiant Tiger of the
Youxiong Tribe. I know of him too.”

Fascinated with the story, Yu Xiaozai probed, “What happened to both of them after?”

Kong Ling did not answer. Hairigu picked up a fruit on the table and took a bite before saying,
“Suhebashou killed Feng Yisheng’s youngest son, and he also killed Feng Yisheng. He was then
driven out of Suotian Pass by Amu’er and spent some time in Gedale before retreating behind the
Qingshu Tribe.”

This was a strange man.

Hairigu remembered Suhebashou, the legendary Valiant Tiger and hero. He abandoned himself
to pleasure and merrymaking in Gedale. Every time he was drunk, he always wanted to pound on
the drum and dance in honor of the dead. This tall, strapping man had white in his hair. He was
not old, and yet he looked as though he had already died.

“I had a friend.” Suhebashou drank his wine under the firelight. “He drank my kumis, and killed
my sons. I took my revenge on him, and he left me.”

He turned the wine sachet upside-down—empty.

“We are the brave eagles5 on both sides of the snowy peaks. If we have to die, it has to be at
each other’s hands.”

“A pity he died.” Hairigu finished his fruit. “He caught a cold in Gedale and was too ill even to
get up. The Hanshe Tribe surrounded him. He finished all the kumis in the tent by himself.
Eventually, he took his scimitar with him and died in battle on the Gobi desert. Gegenhasi6 of the
Hulu Tribe cut off his head and offered it up to Amu’er.”

Yu Xiaozai uttered an “oh” and said no more.

The crowd in the pavilion at the heart of the pond all fell silent.
Using Suhebashou’s head, Gegenhasi helped turn the Hulu Tribe into a friend of Amu’er. At the
same time, he also became Hasen’s friend. Several years later, the hooves of Xiao Fangxu’s
horse stomped on Gegenhasi’s neck, breaking it. And several more years later… Kong Ling did
not voice it out.

“With Hairigu going to the Bianjun Commandery, does Your Lordship still want Huo Lingyun to
tag along?” Yao Wenyu skipped over the topic and asked.

“Huo Lingyun is not going to the Bianjun Commandery.” Shen Zechuan turned his head to look
out of the cascading water, where Huo Lingyun stood with his back straightened. He continued,
“His firearms are heading north.”

◈ ◈ ◈

The next day, Xiao Chiye led the Armored Cavalry across the border. Shen Zechuan stood on the
bridle path before the city gate and watched the yellow sand roll in. Meng circled down and
called out twice above Shen Zechuan’s head; it then soared once more and charged southward.

Hearing the thunderous sound of the Libei Armored Cavalry, Fei Sheng stepped forward and
moved to block out the sand for Shen Zechuan. Shen Zechuan held up his folding fan a little and
stopped Fei Sheng from standing before him.

Lang Tao Xue Jin, in its heavy armor, snorted hot puffs of air and drove straight over from the
other end of the bridle path where it was leading the Armored Cavalry. A smile gradually spread
on Shen Zechuan’s face, and he raised his right arm as Xiao Chiye drew closer. His wide sleeve
slid down to reveal the arm guard within.

With eyes in front and without reining in his horse, Xiao Chiye lowered an arm as he passed by
Shen Zechuan. A loud, clear “thud” rang out as both arm guards bumped together and scraped
past in just a blink of an eye.

The wind fanned up Shen Zechuan’s sleeves and robe. He said, “To a resounding victory.”

Xiao Chiye laughed as he continued to spur his horse on towards the blazing sun. In a loud voice,
he responded, “A resounding victory!”

Waves of heat swept across while the windblown sand pounced over the path.

Both men brushed past each other, neither looking back.

Credit: Special thanks to MaruChan for spotting the typos! <3

Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2022


1. Youxiong is a tribe that takes the bear as its totem. The Biansha Tribes’ names are based
on animals. For a list, you can refer to to the Worldmap guide!
2. Literally rainbow hawk/eagle/falcon
3. Literally ferocious tiger, aka brave warrior
4. 马奶酒 kumis, also written as kumiss or koumiss, is an alcoholic beverage traditionally
made from fermented mare’s or camel’s milk.
5. Literally brave eagle, aka heroic fighter.
6. For those who can’t remember him, check out the new searchable character list!

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 243 : Strive

The Bianjun Commandery, in facing the desert, was subjected to encroachment by the
windstorm. Rarely could one see the blue dome of heaven standing atop the city walls. The
dwellings in the territory were all low, and all that could be seen if one were to look into the
distance at the open ground was a vast expanse of earthy yellow. Greenery along the way was
few and far between, and only a few crooked, sickly trees could be seen after a few li on the
horse. Wild grass and weeds spread unevenly among the Gobi, much like an old master over the
age of fifty about to go bald.

Xiao Chiye’s helmet was covered in a layer of dust. He took off his helmet and, with his back to
the setting sun, looked ahead at the Bianjun Commandery’s city walls drifting among the waves
of sand.
“This place really is poor.” Hairigu leaped off his horse, and the accessories around his neck
clanked. He unscrewed his water canteen and tilted his head back to pour water over his face.
With eyes closed, he said, “The Scorpions won’t come here at all.”

The Bianjun Commandery had no fields, and the lands underfoot were too barren and infertile.
They were already exposing signs of cracking apart under the scorching hot sixth month. Xiao
Chiye shifted his military boot away and watched the insect crawling between the crevices in the

“The grasslands east of Suotian Pass that Amu’er went to great effort to obtain were hit by an
onslaught of yellow sands and subsequently turned into a wasteland during the first year of the
Xiande reign. Consequently, the Qingshu Tribe abandoned it and retreated back to the eastern
side of the Bianjun Commandery.” Hairigu brushed back his wet hair. “His Lordship wants me
to discuss with the Youxiong Tribe, but doesn’t give me bait. This business requires brains. And
of that, I have none.”

Hairigu was not honest. He knew how he should negotiate, just like he negotiated with Yan
Heru. This Black Scorpion knew the rules. Shen Zechuan did not give him a definite bait, which
implied that no matter how good a deal he managed to negotiate, Shen Zechuan had the final say
over his rewards. However, Hairigu wanted to glean an opportunity to bargain from Xiao Chiye.

Xiao Chiye did not look at Hairigu as he answered, “You better have one.”

Hairigu rubbed the back of his neck, looking a little embarrassed. The water he poured over
himself soon vanished. His skin, that lay exposed under the sweltering heat, was a shade of
bronze. Hairigu sealed back the water canteen and redoubled his effort. “I’ll give the Youxiong
Tribe food to tide over the winter. With ample food, they’d be able to remain in their territory.”

“If that’s all you can do,” Xiao Chiye’s eyes followed the movements of the shadows and settled
upon the city gate of the Bianjun Commandery, “then anyone can negotiate this deal.”

Having hit a brick wall continuously, Hairigu rubbed his congested nose and said, “Alright then.
I’ll give them new options.”

The gate of the Bianjun Commandery was in the midst of opening. Qi Zhuyin stood before the
hoisted gate with her arms folded and her blade hanging on her waist. She had gone on a night
expedition last night to conduct reconnaissance, and she had only just returned at the end of the
day today. She looked fatigued, having slept for only four hours, and she did not seem that happy
to see Xiao Chiye.

“Yo,” Qi Zhuyin said. “You’re here.”

Xiao Chiye tossed his authority token to Qi Zhuyin, who caught it and offhandedly handed it
over to Qi Wei without even looking at it. Then she turned around and led Xiao Chiye into the
“When I arrived here in the fourth year of Xiande, Lu Guangbai said he wanted to plant trees.”
Xiao Chiye’s heavy armor was scalding hot under the last rays of the setting sun. “So why is the
Bianjun Commandery still so barren?”

“That was wishful thinking on his part.” Qi Zhuyin’s neck was sore from her sleep, so she
exercised her head a little. Watching the lanterns on the streets gradually lighting up, she said,
“The sandstorm was strong during the sixth year of Xiande. He saved up some money to buy a
batch of seedlings from Hezhou and planted them at the border while it was still spring. But they
barely made it to the end of the month before the cavalry trampled over them.”

“Was Hasen the one stationed in the Qingshu Tribe at that time?” Xiao Chiye mounted the steps
and placed his helmet to the side. He then sat with Qi Zhuyin and watched the armored cavalry
enter the city.

“It was.” Qi Zhuyin did not sit, instead leaning against the door with her chin dipped in the
evening glow. “The letter you had Zhao Hui deliver has long arrived. There will be a tough battle
to fight in the sixth month, but only on the premise that Hasen will really turn around and head
south to attack Duanzhou. If he doesn’t come, the Sha’er Camp will have to bear the
consequences of your deployment of troops this time.”

“Amu’er has united with the Hulu Tribe and is still persuading the Youxiong Tribe to pledge
allegiance to him. Meanwhile, Hasen has not much food left,” Xiao Chiye said. “He has to go to
Duanzhou to obtain provisions.”

“You brought along a Scorpion,” Qi Zhuyin said. “What is Shen Zechuan planning to do?”

“When Hasen attacks Duanzhou, his reinforcements have to stop at Gedale on the opposite bank
of the Chashi River. Only the Youxiong Tribe can intercept me in the southeast.” Xiao Chiye
stretched out his legs. “Lanzhou wants to negotiate with the Youxiong Tribe.”

“Then he has to present them with enough sincerity.” Qi Zhuyin stood up straight and raised an
arm to point at the snowy peaks far away in the south. “The bears1 have owned pastures in the
south. Shen Zechuan’s granaries can’t fill their stomachs. They’re greedy in ways you can’t even

Qi Zhuyin—no, starting with Qi Shiyu, Qidong had attempted to negotiate with the Youxiong
Tribe in the hope that they would defect to Da Zhou like the Huiyan Tribe in the north, but it
proved to be too difficult. The Youxiong Tribe was a strong tribe; they were completely different
from the Huiyan Tribe with nothing to their name. They believed that their scimitars and ‘bear-
horses’ could grab them even better lands, and for that reason, they did not even give a hoot
about Amu’er.

“Lanzhou is willing to cede the Hanshe Tribe’s territory to them,” Xiao Chiye said. “They have
been roaming all over after leaving Suotian Pass. This is what they want most.”
Qi Zhuyin squatted down and said to Xiao Chiye, “Right, you guys are really too clever. The
Youxiong Tribe does indeed want territory, but are you the great ruler of the desert? The tricks
Shen Zechuan used on the Da Zhou folks in Zhongbo are useless here. The bears don’t munch on
the pies in the sky—empty promises won’t work on them. I have dealt with them before; they are
far more cunning than the Hanshe Tribe.”

◈ ◈ ◈

Li Xiong was catching lizards beneath the eaves. He kneeled on the polished wooden planks,
carrying a lizard by its tail as he said to Ding Tao, “Grill it. It’s tasty.”

Ding Tao was sitting cross-legged, with a brush in hand, writing and drawing. When he caught
some time to take a breather, he cast a glance at the lizard and said in disdain, “Ew.”

Li Xiong lightly swung the lizard around. “This is a snake of Gedale.”

Ding Tao had not heard Li Xiong bring up Gedale and Lei Jingzhe in a long time. He set his
notebook aside and looked at the lizard. “Doesn’t this look just like the lizards of Cizhou?”

Li Xiong sniffed the air, then answered. “It’s not the same. This one has a smell, the smell of the
desert, of yellow sand!”

“It even went as far as fleeing from Gedale.” Ding Tao held his chin in a pensive pose. “Life in
Gedale must have been tough. Staying here is still the most comfortable.”

Li Xiong answered, “No, it likes to stay…”

Fei Sheng yelled for Ding Tao from where he stood at the other end. Ding Tao scrambled to his
feet in one move and ran over without waiting for Li Xiong to finish his sentence. The sweets
that he had bundled in his lap fell all over the ground.

“… in the same old place.” Looking at Ding Tao, Li Xiong reached out to pick up all the sweets
and stuff them all into his mouth in one go, his words muffled as he said, “I like staying in the
same old place, too.”

◈ ◈ ◈

The current chieftain of the Youxiong Tribe was someone called Dalantai. He was not a relative
of Suhebashou, but his bodyguard. After Suhebashou died in battle in Gedale, Dalantai fled to
the area behind the Qingshu Tribe with the remainder of the Youxiong Tribe’s elite troops and
remained there for many years.

Dalantai sat before the tent and pulled a potato out from the campfire. He broke it apart and ate it
with the sun-dried horse meat. His beard was so thick he appeared rather comedic while
chewing. He was not as imposing and majestic as Suhebashou had been. On the contrary, he was
very short and small, so much that he did not look like a man that hailed from the Youxiong

“Wise one who traverses the desert, you have ridden your horse before my tent and brought
along the exhortation of the Heroic Eagle.” Dalantai swallowed the scalding hot potatoes and
watched Bayin beside the campfire. “But the demands of the Heroic Eagle are too extortionate.”

“Chieftain of the bears beneath the snowy peaks,” Bayin sat cross-legged and bowed to Dalantai.
“I bring with me the most sincere greetings from the Heroic Eagle. The demands are all
negotiable, for the Heroic Eagle sees you as a friend.”

Hasen was the Heroic Eagle of the Hanshe tribe. He had sent over the wise Bayin long before
Xiao Chiye had set out.

Dalantai gave the other half of the potato to Bayin. “The wolf pup of Libei is young and strong. I
heard that he killed Huhelu and Achi, and defeated the proud Scorpions of the Heroic Eagle at
the Chashi Sinkhole. I’m already too old to ride a horse anymore. I’m afraid I can no longer fight
with such a young man.”

Bayin accepted the potato with both hands and hesitated for only a brief moment before replying.
“You are the ‘bear’ of the ‘Valiant Tiger’, Suhebashou, and you lead the Youxiong Tribe to
stand tall in the southeast of the desert. You are a strong man that even the Hanshe Tribe dare not
provoke rashly. The Heroic Eagle has strong faith in your might. The wolf pup of Libei is way
too young. He is far less terrifying than the King of Wolves.”

“If that is truly the case,” Dalantai wiped his beard, “then why hasn’t the Heroic Eagle, who had
hacked off the head of the King of Wolves, slaughtered this wolf yet?”

Dalantai was not lying; he was indeed very old. His hair was not yet white, but both his hands
had already lost the ability to hold on to a blade for long. Even though he did not possess the
spirit Suhebashou had, he could lead the Youxiong Tribe into weathering blizzards and maintain
their dignity as a powerful tribe of the desert. He was not of the same ilk as Huhelu; he
resembled a wise sage more than Bayin did.

“This is the reason the Heroic Eagle sent me to look for you,” Bayin said. “Our mighty cavalry
has yet to break through the defenses of the Libei Armored Cavalry not because we are not
powerful enough, but because we are out of provisions. The King of Wolves is dead. Honorable
and wise Dalantai, you have also seen the future of the desert. We are about to stride into new,
uncharted territory where all the tribes will no longer have to starve. This is the wish of the Great
Hero, as well as the wish of the Heroic Eagle. We need your help.”

The aroma of the potatoes buried in the campfire wafted out. Dalantai prodded them with a tree
branch, not at all moved by Bayin’s deference. “Many years ago, Gegenhasi2 of the Hulu Tribe
resorted to underhand means to kill my chief in Gedale and offered the head of the ‘Valiant
Tiger’ to Amu’er. Amu’er did not reject it.” He picked up a potato again, but did not break it
open. Instead, he wiped away the dirt on it with the rough pulps of his fingers. “Amu’er is a
rapacious vulture. He is not our brother.”

A warrior of the Youxiong Tribe sitting at the other end stood up, a gesture meant to see a guest

Bayin did not move. He faced Dalantai and said, “Honorable Dalantai, that was a foolish mistake
of ours in the past. We now have a common enemy…”

“Who was the one to force this enemy awake?” Dalantai’s eyes, which resembled a line, looked
towards Bayin. “Amu’er intends to conquer every corner where the sun shines upon, and for that
reason, he did not hesitate to use such shameless means to coerce us into leaving from our
homeland. You stupid, low-down lad. To think you would call Suhebashou’s murder a foolish

Bayin said, “I apologize for my words, Dalantai…”

The “bears” blocked the surrounding light off. They stood all around, watching Bayin with a
gaze akin to watching an antelope.

“If Hasen wants our help, he should beg for our forgiveness.” Dalantai peeled off the potato skin.
“If Hasen is willing to kill his wife and let the bastards of the Hulu Tribe pay the price, we will
agree to send our troops to the Bianjun Commandery on his behalf.”

“Don’t do this.” Bayin had already been dragged up. He raised his voice. “Gegenhasi is already
dead. Duo’erlan is an innocent maiden.”

Dalantai looked at Bayin as he devoured the potato all by himself.

Credit: Special thanks to MaruChan for spotting the typos! <3

Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2022


1. Youxiong is a tribe that takes the bear as its totem. The Biansha Tribes’ names are based
on animals. For a list, you can refer to to the Worldmap guide!
2. For those who can’t remember him, check out the new searchable character list!
Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 244 : Snowy Peaks

Chagan kneeled reverently in the tent, his ash-white hair cascading down to the ground as he
pleaded, “Honorable Hero, the Youxiong Tribe is the most crafty bear in the great desert. We of
the Hulu Tribe are willing to double the supply of grains your esteemed self needs.”

The Great Hero, Amu’er, stared at the letter in his palms. Hasen bore some resemblance to him,
but he was far more rugged and stronger than Hasen. Amu’er set down the letter and gently
brushed his thumb with the thumb ring across his slovenly stubble. He looked like a man who
could topple over drunk any side by the side of the road.

“There’s a saying in Da Zhou, ‘act within one’s capabilities.” Amu’er’s voice was low and deep.
“I thank you for your utmost sincerity, but my friend, your sheep flocks have all been sent to the
war zone. If this goes on, many people from the Hulu Tribe will starve to death in winter this

Chagan’s kneeling and kowtowing body appeared lowly and humble as he said, “I’m willing to
trade all my cattle and sheep in exchange for Duo’erlan’s longevity.”

Amu’er raised his head slightly. His thumb ring slid along his Adam’s apple. He laughed in spite
of himself. “Chagan, so you heard those rumors.”

“My son killed Suhebashou. If Dalantai wants an eye for an eye, I can offer up my head. The
Hulu Tribe is willing to pay the price for its contemptible act.” Chagan straightened up his back.
The yellow sand of the desert had added a blackish-yellow tint to his aged face. He continued,
“But he cannot take away my daughter.”
Duo’erlan was Chagan’s only daughter. She was the precious pearl of the Hulu Tribe. The Hulu
Tribe did not have strong, sturdy horses, nor did they have eagles that could soar in the skies, but
they had the protection the Heavenly God of Chiti bestowed upon them. The Hulu Tribe lived
deep in the desert, and it had the most fertile oasis in the desert, Lake Chiti. In the legends, they
were the children who grew up drinking the milk of the Heavenly God of Chiti. Duo’erlan was
born with eyes like the waters of Lake Chiti, and the Hulu Tribe regarded her as the dew of the
morning. She was the most carefree girl of all in the entire desert.

“Duo’erlan married Hasen, so she’s no longer the precious pearl of Lake Chiti, but the precious
pearl of the six tribes in the desert.” Holding on to the handle of his chair, Amu’er stood up, his
broad shoulders shouldering the slanting ray of sunlight leaking in. “If Hasen can’t even protect
his own wife, then he’s unworthy of being Duo’erlan’s husband and does not deserve to have the
allegiance of the Hulu Tribe. Chagan, my good friend, stand up and hold your scimitar tight.
Watch that lad. If he dares to slight your daughter, you can kill him.”

Chagan kowtowed, the wrinkles on his forehead pressing against the ground. “I serve the Great
Hero, and I firmly believe that the Heroic Eagle, Hasen, will not betray Duo’erlan. Because his
father is the most valiant warrior of all in the great desert.”

Amu’er walked slowly. When he reached the flap of the tent, he was still scratching at his
Adam’s apple. He gazed at the yellowing sky awash in the sunset glow. His old thumb ring
rolled over his Adam’s apple, revealing a scar that had been left there. This was a mark Xiao
Fangxu left him more than a decade ago in the eastern mountain ranges of Hongyan.

“The Youxiong Tribe has been blinded by the wind of the snowy pass. Dalantai is still reveling
in their past glory.” Amu’er looked back and said to Chagan. “Without their Valiant Tiger,
Suhebashou, the Youxiong Tribe cannot stop my Hasen at all.”

◈ ◈ ◈

Bayin received a reply from Hasen. He read it over quickly and drank a bowl of milk tea after he
was done. He sat cross-legged before the territory of the Youxiong Tribe, right in the wilderness,
with a book spread open on his knees, as he requested Dalantai to meet him again.

A warrior from the Youxiong Tribe waved his hand at him to drive him away. “Get lost.”

Bayin drew a line before his knees with a finger and said, “I’m in the territory of the Qingshu
Tribe and so have not affronted you.”

“You’re blocking us from taking a piss,” the warrior said.

“Are you going to take a piss like an animal before the eyes of the heavenly gods?” Bayin looked
at his book. “As long as Dalantai would see me once again, this piece of Gobi can be given to
you people to use as a cesspit.”
Bayin was a “wise one”. He carried a book with him, and that meant he was the heavenly god’s
eye of wisdom traversing the great desert. As long as he was not so inclined, no one could pull
down his pants to take a piss before his eyes. Achi and Huhelu did not respect Bayin, and so they
both died. This gave Bayin even more of an air of mystery.

This was the fifth day Bayin had been keeping watch here. Dalantai finally agreed to see him

Bayin gathered up his book and said to Dalantai, “Honorable…”

“The Libei Armored Cavalry has already reached the Bianjun Commandery. There’s not much
time left for Hasen.” Dalantai took off his boots and stepped barefoot on the yellow earth. “Has
he killed his wife?”

Bayin slipped out Hasen’s letter and made to hand it over. Dalantai raised a hand to stop him and
shook his head. “I’m illiterate. You read it.”

“The Heroic Eagle wishes me to tell you,” Bayin said. “He—”

Bayin was midway through when he heard the sound of horse hooves coming from afar. Dalantai
stood up and walked ahead, but before he could open his mouth, he saw a burgundy stallion
charging straight into the Youxiong Tribe’s territory before eventually stopping in front of

“It was by the lakeside of Lake Chiti that I heard the honorable Dalantai wants my head.”
Carrying her horsewhip in hand, Duo’erlan looked at Dalantai amid the restless treading of the
horse. “If you want to use the Valiant Tiger, Suhebashou, to coerce my husband with, you should
ask for my consent first.”

“And so you ride your horse into my territory.” Admiring this Flower of Chiti in the legends,
Dalantai asked, “Because you’ve decided to use your own head to win this victory for your

Bayin jolted to his feet and saw that the warriors within the territory had also stood up. He
hurriedly walked over and raised his arms to protect Duo’erlan’s horse. To Dalantai, he said,
“No, this is not what the Heroic Eagle intends…”

“My elder brother killed your chief.” Duo’erlan raised her hand and wiped the dust on her face
with the back of her hand. She had been on the go for several days. “Gegenhasi is the best
brother in the world, but he is not worthy of being called a hero. If you want to avenge
Suhebashou, you can take away my head, but this is a feud between the Youxiong Tribe and the
Hulu Tribe, not your feud with Hasen. You should speak to me.”

Saying so, Duo’erlan tossed the dagger on her waist to the ground.
“I am willing to use my death to apologize to the Youxiong Tribe for Gegenhasi’s rash act.
Dalantai is a good man. Take up this dagger and kill me, and our Hulu Tribe would have thus
paid off this debt.”

Dalantai picked up the small dagger. It was exquisite and pretty, inlaid with cat’s eye gems, with
a kind of incisive yet innocent beauty, just like Duo’erlan.

“You are very courageous. If Gegenhasi was just as courageous as you, the Youxiong Tribe and
the Hulu Tribe could have become brothers years ago.”

“There is no ‘if’ in this world. Take my head to offer as a sacrifice for the Valiant Tiger, then
pick up your scimitar and pledge allegiance to the Heroic Eagle.” Duo’erlan dismounted from
her horse. The hem of her skirt fluttered in the night wind as she walked a few steps towards
Dalantai. “The opportunity for the Youxiong Tribe is right now.”

Dalantai spread open his palm and held Duo’erlan’s dagger as if he was holding a flower in full
bloom. He looked at Duo’erlan. Strangely enough, the expression in her eyes made it seem as if
he was looking at his own daughter. The frigid wind of the night sent the banner of the Youxiong
Tribe flapping. With the air of a man who had been through the vicissitudes of life, he said,
“Silly girl, this debt can never be repaid.”

Bayin took the opportunity to say, “The Heroic Eagle can promise Dalantai that whether or not
the Youxiong Tribe is willing to send troops to the Bianjun Commandery, he is willing to return
the Youxiong Tribe’s homeland. He will also give the Youxiong Tribe all the cattle and sheep he
owns as an apology on behalf of the Hulu Tribe. But if Dalantai insists on taking his wife away
from him, then he will fight to the bitter end with the Youxiong Tribe at the risk of his life.”

Dalantai’s always narrowed eyes widened a little. He had heard similar words before.

Just two days ago, Hairigu had sat in the tent and said respectfully to him, “The Prefectural
Lord of Zhongbo extends his arms to Dalantai. We’re willing to seize back the homeland for the
Youxiong Tribe, and until then, Duanzhou is also willing to supply sufficient grains to the
Youxiong Tribe.”

These people all knew that the Youxiong Tribe wanted back their homeland. They preferred to
remain in their old place and guard the snowy peaks on Suhebashou’s behalf.

Dalantai clasped his hands and said, benevolently and briskly, “The Youxiong Tribe, in receiving
what it is due, is willing to fight for you.”

It was the same answer he had given Hairigu.

Credit: Thank you Lin and MaruChan for spotting the typos! <3<3

Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2022

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 245: Relay Station

It was the second quarter of the hour of zi, when the stars hung over the vast plains.

Xiao Chiye stood on the sand dune and drank his remaining On Horseback. The strong wine
gushed down his throat, and he swallowed it slowly, letting the pungent spiciness linger in his
mouth for a long time. Once night fell, the wind would intensify, and yellow sand buried Lang
Tao Xue Jin’s hooves. The moment the second quarter passed, Xiao Chiye saw Hairigu

Hairigu dismounted from his horse and removed the veil covering his mouth and nose. Turning
his head aside, he spat a few mouthfuls of sand and said, “Dalantai has agreed to it.”

Xiao Chiye did not speak. Behind him, Chen Yang asked, “What terms did you offer him?”

“We gave him the grasslands to the east of Suotian Pass. That’s the homeland of the Youxiong
Tribe. Dalantai wants to go home.”

“You gave them a vast expanse of grasslands.” Xiao Chiye repeated.

Hairigu lifted both hands slightly and said to Xiao Chiye, “His Lordship wants to give the
Youxiong Tribe the Hanshe Tribe’s territory, which is even more fertile. I think what I’ve
negotiated is even better of a deal.”

“The Hanshe Tribe’s territory is near Libei. Moving the Youxiong Tribe there makes it easier to
control them. This is the outcome Lanzhou wants, but you pushed them back to the eastern side
of the snowy peaks.” Xiao Chiye sealed the wine pouch tight and tossed it to Chen Yang beside
him. “We have no eyes on the eastern side of the snowy peaks to keep watch on them.”

Hairigu chased a few steps after Xiao Chiye and said, “The Youxiong Tribe treasures old ties.
No matter how fertile the Hanshe Tribe’s territory is, it will be hard for it to shake their
determination. Second Master, only the eastern side of the snowy peaks can sway Dalantai.
Besides, the grasslands there are almost gone. They still have to move north, eventually.”

“You’re playing tricks.” Chen Yang turned sideways to block Hairigu with his chest, then raised
an arm to create some distance between them, preventing Hairigu from continuing to chase after
Xiao Chiye. “You didn’t talk to Dalantai about the Qingshu Tribe’s territory.”

As bait, the Qingshu Tribe’s territory was also Zhongbo’s bargaining chip. Going by Shen
Zechuan’s game plan, Hairigu ought to have first discussed the Qingshu Tribe’s territory with
Dalantai before finally throwing out the Hanshe Tribe’s territory, but Hairigu did not do so. He
knew to seek benefits for himself out of this. He wanted to swap out the Hanshe Tribe’s territory
for the grasslands on the eastern side of the snowy peaks, so that he could keep the fertile land
for the Black Scorpions led by himself.

Xiao Chiye had already gotten on his horse. Chen Yang was still blocking Hairigu.

Hairigu could not shove Chen Yang away. He paced restlessly where he was and spread his arms
resignedly at Chen Yang. “You should go and chat with Dalantai yourself and see if he’ll move
according to your presumptions.”

Chen Yang corrected the position of his blade that Hairigu had bumped askew and said, “He’s
already moving according to your presumptions. You want the Hanshe Tribe’s territory, and His
Lordship will naturally give it to you, but not by resorting to such means. You’ve been with His
Lordship for so long, and yet you don’t understand your master at all.”

Looking as if he did not wish to argue with Chen Yang, Hairigu turned his back to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang took a few steps back and made to chase after Xiao Chiye’s horse.

With his face to the plains, Hairigu then said in the Biansha tongue, “The way you are acting all
like a dog is really very devout.”

Having said that, he looked back and flashed a smile at Chen Yang as though nothing had
Chen Yang stepped onto the saddle and flashed a smile at Hairigu too. As he turned his horse
around, he similarly answered in the Biansha tongue, “The envious expression in the eyes of a
bastard is very devout as well.”


The Biansha words Chen Yang spoke in an accent close to the Hanshe Tribe gave Hairigu a
fright. Before he arrived here, no one in Zhongbo understood his words in the Biansha tongue.

“There’s nothing about me that’s outstanding, except that I’m a pretty quick learner of the
Biansha language. What you learned in Gedale was in the Liaoying Tribe’s accent, which, in
truth, doesn’t really sound nice,” Chen Yang politely said. “Bark one word more, and I’ll smash
your head in.”

Caught off guard, Hairigu obediently nodded and watched as Chen Yang rode his horse away
and kicked up dust all over his face.

◈ ◈ ◈

Xiao Chiye returned to the Bianjun Commandery but did not find Qi Zhuyin in the tent. He
circled around and found the commander-in-chief in another tent. Qi Zhuyin had just woken up,
and upon hearing movements, leaned out to whistle at Xiao Chiye.

Xiao Chiye, with Langli Blade in hand, was in a quandary over whether to advance or retreat.

The rouge on Qi Zhuyin’s lips had been partially applied, and the pulps of both her little fingers
were stained with this bit of red. However, she was not applying it herself. Instead, she leaned
over and handed the job over to Hua Xiangyi. Hua Xiangyi rose and carefully applied the rouge
evenly on the commander-in-chief’s lips.

“…This color is really pretty.” Hua Xiangyi’s voice was soft and pleasing. “It suits Commander-
in-chief Qi just right. It’s not conspicuous at night.” She applied that last bit and turned her head
to ask Xiao Chiye with a smile, “Pretty?”

Xiao Chiye folded his arms and looked for a long time. In a rare moment of hesitancy, he
answered, “…Not bad.”

It wasn’t that Qi Zhuyin had never put on makeup before. When she was in her regular wear at
home, or attending a banquet in her court attire, she would put on a little makeup. But no matter
how superb Xiao Chiye’s eyesight was, he could not tell the difference between this rouge and
the one that the commander-in-chief usually applied.

“You don’t understand.” With her slender, delicate fingers, Hua Xiangyi brushed open the
handkerchief on her lap to reveal a small carved mirror inlaid with pearls that had been wrapped
within. She picked it up and held it up for Qi Zhuyin to take a look.
Qi Zhuyin wiped her hands on the handkerchief. She could only see her own lips and chin in the
mirror. She smiled and said, “It’s pretty.”

Xiao Chiye waited for a moment before Qi Zhuyin let down the tent flap and stepped out.

“Eldest Madam is here to work out the accounts for me,” Qi Zhuyin explained.

Xiao Chiye coughed into the expansive night and said, “Oh…”

Xiao Chiye glanced at Qi Zhuyin out of the corners of his eyes. The commander-in-chief was
young, but she also wasn’t young anymore, at least for a woman; she had long passed the
marriageable age. Xiao Jiming and Lu Guangbai were on good terms with her, but they never
asked her about her marriage, because everyone knew that Qi Zhuyin could not get married.

“Third Missy’s mental arithmetic is outstanding. I heard about it when I was in Qudu. The
accounts in your residence are complicated and tedious. With her help, it will be a lot easier.”

“The Empress Dowager has fallen, and her status in Qidong is not like before. Once Xue
Yanqing is done investigating the City of Chuancheng, it will be the City of Dicheng’s turn. The
Hua clan is in imminent danger. I’m worried my father’s concubines at home will create a scene
and stir up trouble if I don’t let her stay by my side.” There was still a lingering fragrance of
rouge on Qi Zhuyin. She did not continue explaining along this line, but instead teased, “And
besides, I am this fond of girls.”

Xiao Chiye stood still. Both of them had already ascended their way up the city wall.

“Your Scorpion is back,” Qi Zhuyin said.

Xiao Chiye pointed to the southeast and said, “The Youxiong Tribe is willing to make way and
open up a path for you. They want to retreat to the grasslands on the eastern side of Suotian Pass,
to return to their original land.”

The fire reflected Qi Zhuyin’s raised face. Hua Xiangyi was right. This color of rouge was
inconspicuous, and it resembled Qi Zhuyin’s natural color when tinted by the color of the night.
With a pensive expression, she said, “Dalantai is foolish.”

Only a fool would give up the Qingshu Tribe’s territory and return to the eastern side of the
snowy peaks that had already been engulfed whole by the yellow sands of the desert.

“He’s not foolish,” Xiao Chiye said. “He makes way for you with the intent for you to take a
detour to Gedale. Once you get there, he will be the hand that chokes off your retreat path, and
when the time comes, he can make any demands of you as he pleases.”

“Then Dalantai is still a fool, because you and I can see through such an obvious and easy-to-
understand tactic.” Qi Zhuyin tapped her fingertips on the side of her arms as she looked out into
the depths of the night. “You’ve been hanging out with Lu Guangbai for a long time and learning
all about his ‘earthiness’. You want to dig deep into the earth when you stand on the ground, and
you itch to commit to heart the terrain stretching for thousands of li all around. However, you
have overlooked the tribe itself.”

Qi Zhuyin skirted around Xiao Chiye. Bracing herself on the battlement, she nimbly vaulted onto
it, then stepped on the opening and bent over to inspect the mechanical crossbow at the top of the

“Dalantai makes way for me. My guess is that he won’t obstruct me. The Youxiong Tribe
doesn’t have that many warriors. Dalantai can only choose to concentrate his military force;
otherwise, he won’t be able to ward off attacks from any party.”

Xiao Chiye thought for a moment. “You’re saying that Dalantai is going to concentrate his forces
to attack some other places?”

“When I leave the Bianjun Commandery, half of the 40,000 garrison troops here have to leave
too. Without Lu Guangbai, there’s no commanding general who can engage in a to-and-forth
battle with them. If they don’t attack now, then what are they going to wait for?” Qi Zhuyin said.

“Even so, it’s not worth it, jiejie,” Xiao Chiye said. “Since Dalantai doesn’t have sufficient
troops, then once he takes down the Bianjun Commandery, you’ll soon be on the journey back.
He will also be attacked by the Cangjun Commandery Garrison Troops from the rear. There’s no
way he can hold on to the Bianjun Commandery at all. If he goes through all that trouble to get
here, it won’t be just for the sake of food, like Hasen.”

Qi Zhuyin straightened up, and as she turned her head aside, the wind mussed up her hair. She
did not continue to make further inferences like Lu Guangbai did, but said, “Then we shall give
it a try.”

◈ ◈ ◈

After Xiao Chiye left the battle zone, Libei started to show signs of exhaustion. However,
Hasen’s onslaught of attack never abated. Lu Guangbai could only hold down the fort and have
Mount Luo increase its vigilance. The eagle eyes of Duanzhou could not see the banks of the
Chashi River. It was at this time Huo Lingyun quietly left Duanzhou.

Huo Lingyun’s squad was small in number. They were all Imperial Bodyguards, taciturn men of
few words who traveled simply and rode the ponies they had captured from Achi. They headed
north along the Chashi River, resting at sunrise and moving after sunset.

The wind was dry tonight. Huo Lingyun finished the last drop of water in his canteen and wiped
his mouth as he sat on horseback with eyes in front.

If only that annoying chap, Fei Sheng, was here.

Huo Lingyun hung the water canteen back on the back of his horse. As he lacked Fei Sheng’s
observational insights, he was very slow to react in the darkness. Yet, he could only make his
moves at night.

“Where exactly are we going?” An Imperial Bodyguard following Huo Lingyun took off his fur
collar and poured water over himself. “We’ve been heading north for five days.”

“We’ll stay here,” Huo Lingyun said, “until we can walk out with our eyes closed.”

Whenever they came within the vicinity of the Shasan Camp while heading north, they would
turn back. However, they would not return to Duanzhou but continue going north on the same
route, and so on and so forth. The Imperial Bodyguards kept silent. Before setting off, Qiao
Tianya had given them a dressing down, so no one refuted Huo Lingyun during the journey.

The ponies had great stamina and endurance. They were not tired even after walking in the Gobi
desert for several days. With their thick necks, they looked stupid, but the Imperial
Bodyguards had already gotten used to their speed, which was at odds with their appearance.
These were all splendid horses.

When it was almost dawn, Huo Lingyun stopped on the riverbank. He let the ponies quench their
thirst, while he himself squatted at the side to wash his face.

The water of the river in the early morning was icy cool, and a splash to the face proved to be

Huo Lingyun opened his water canteen and pressed it into the river. Under the gurgling sounds,
he suddenly saw a flash of dark red lurching out. The fingers he had been pressing down came
into contact with something icy cold but soft. Then, black hair floated up alongside the red.

“A body!” An Imperial Bodyguard who was similarly washing his face shouted in a low voice
and yanked at the hair to drag the body out of the water.

Huo Lingyun turned over the body, whose face was bloated from being soaked in the water. He
wrung out the muddy slit and started establishing the identity of the body.

“He has been stripped of his armor,” the Imperial Bodyguard said quickly. “He died upstream.”

Huo Lingyun pulled apart the clothing on the body and jolted to his feet. “…He’s an Armored

◈ ◈ ◈

An Armored Cavalryman was galloping on the bridleway connecting Mount Luo to Shasan
Camp. He tottered on the verge of falling amid the jolts and bumps, leaving a long trail of blood
on the ground where his horse’s hooves passed. His helmet concealed his face from view. He
was just an unknown junior soldier. His lips moved, but all he could do was to breathe his


The horse galloped into the relay station fifty li south of Shasan Camp. He tumbled off and
crashed into the ground.

“The riding stable requests…”

He hung on until this point, but breathed his last before he could finish his words. As long as he
could reach this place, it was a victory. The Armored Cavalry at the relay station would
immediately convey the news to Shasan Camp, and reinforcements would head south. But then,
the relay station was deathly still. Corpses were strewn everywhere, including the falcons in the
falcon cage. There were no longer any survivors here.

Waves of heat shimmered.

Not even the cry of a bird could be heard.

Credit: Special thanks to MaruChan for spotting the typos! <3

Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2022

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 246: Night Dispatch

Huo Lingyun got on his horse. Pulling his reins, he bellowed, “Head over to the Luosha Relay

The riding stable on Mount Luo was too far away. Even the ponies would not be able to make it
there on time. Huo Lingyun could only opt for the Luosha Relay Station, which was closer. That
place was near the Shasan Camp, and it was a supply station for the transmission of messages
between Mount Luo and Libei.

The ponies’ panting began to intensify. The weather was too hot, and the physically strong and
healthy Imperial Bodyguards all had to pour water over themselves to avoid getting heatstroke.
Huo Lingyun rode northwest from the riverbank of the Chashi River for a full four hours. By the
time he was able to see the relay station, it was already dark.

“Dead bodies.” An Imperial Bodyguard raised a finger to scratch his nose and said from the
back, “It’s all dead bodies here.”

An armored cavalryman sprawled face-down before the open main gates of the relay station. He
had already been dead for several hours, and his blood had soaked the ground black. It would not
be long before the body under the heavy armor would begin to stink.

The Imperial Bodyguard dismounted from his horse. Without turning over the armored
cavalryman’s corpse, he crouched down to examine it for a moment before saying to Huo
Lingyun, “He was a real man.”

Huo Lingyun looked at the arrows on the armored cavalryman’s back and nodded.

There were two arrows on the armored cavalryman’s back. It was with these two arrows in tow
that he had galloped his way to the relay station, where he finally closed his eyes.
The Imperial Bodyguard stood up and covered his mouth and nose. With his other hand, he
shone the torch forward. “This place—”

His voice came to an abrupt halt.

Corpses were strewn all over the relay station. The postal relay stationmaster had been hung up
on the flagpole, like tattered rags hanging out to dry in the silent night. Huo Lingyun took over
the torch and moved in for a closer look, only to realize that the stationmaster’s head had been
hacked off.

“The horses have all been hacked to death,” the Imperial Bodyguard illuminating the stable said.
“Even if someone survived, he won’t be able to make it to Mount Luo and Shasan Camp before
daybreak… The falcons are dead too.”

The door to the falcon cage had not been securely closed. Falcons that had yet to break free of
their ankle chains all had their necks snapped. There were no survivors in the Luosha Relay
Station. Even the stray dogs they had been feeding here had all been slashed to death.

The Biansha Cavalry had been here.

Grasping the torch in hand, Huo Lingyun fell deep in thought.

Mount Luo’s riding stables, after its establishment, became a fledgling information hub between
Libei and Zhongbo. For that reason, Shen Zechuan built it to be exceedingly solid. Eight hundred
people were stationed at the Luosha Relay Station, with not only the Libei Armored Cavalry, but
also the Zhongbo Garrison Troops. It was equivalent to a small-scale military camp. Emergency
reporting points had been set up on the four-way bridle paths, and the watchtower could keep a
watch on three sides. Several days ago, Lu Guangbai had even asked the Luosha bridleways to
step up vigilance. There was no negligence to speak of at all.

“The Biansha Cavalry are skilled at launching surprise attacks,” the Imperial Bodyguard said.
“Back then, they launched a surprise attack on the Bianbo Camp…”

“Bianbo Camp.” Huo Lingyu pivoted around and repeated, “Bianbo Camp… Bianbo Camp!”

In the sixth month of last year, when the Biansha Cavalry mounted a surprise attack on the
Bianbo Camp, they had taken a detour from the south and used the Mount Luo path to pass
through. Shen Zechuan and Xiao Chiye later blocked off all access to that path, but there was no
way the area near the Chashi River to the east could be choked off.

“The Biansha Cavalry came here before during the reign of Xiande, and they know the terrain
here like the back of their hand. The relay station connects Mount Luo and the Shasan Camp,
and it stands right on the path the Biansha Cavalry once used to head for Mount Luo.” Huo
Lingyun jumped up the stairs in a few steps and pushed the door open.
“For them to be able to launch a surprise attack here away from spying eyes, their numbers must
have been small.” The Imperial Bodyguard gave a helping hand and lowered the station master
from the flagpole. “Very likely, the ones who infiltrated their way in are the Scorpions.”

Whether or not it was the Scorpions, Hasen cut off the relay station because he did not want
news of the surprise attack on Mount Luo to make its way to Libei. He was delaying the
reinforcements. But this group of Biansha Cavalry who had launched the surprise attack did not
stop. Based on the direction of the bridleway, Huo Lingyun guessed Hasen planned to have this
group of people continue on south to directly sever the connection between Dunzhou and
Duanzhou, so that Duanzhou would find itself isolated and cut off from help.

“This place is closer to the Shasan Camp.” Huo Lingyun turned around and descended the stairs,
then whistled to summon his horse. “We’ll continue to head north. We can reach Shasan Camp
before daybreak and ask Libei for reinforcements.”

Huo Lingyun could not make it in time to Dunzhou. He could only choose one path, and that was
to get the Libei Armored Cavalry at the Shasan Camp to head south immediately to assist
Duanzhou. But this meant that Duanzhou and Dunzhou had lost all information, especially
Duanzhou, which would be the first to bear the brunt. If anything were to go wrong with Shasan
Camp’s reinforcements, Duanzhou would face complete annihilation.

Huo Lingyun cracked his horsewhip.

Time for him was pressing. He had to be fast!

The Imperial Bodyguards galloped away as if they were chasing after the stars and trying to
catch up with the moon. They broke through the silence on the bridleway and moved fast among
the shadows of the trees. Huo Lingyun’s breathing was slightly urgent. As he had been riding on
the horse for a long period of time, his inner thighs were burning with stinging pain. The saddles
were damp, and their cheeks were slick with sweat. Not having the time to rest these few days,
they were all like strings stretched taut with tension.


Huo Lingyun clenched his horsewhip tightly and raised his arm amidst the jolts and bumps. But
before he could lash out, the horse under him neighed as its knees buckled and it went down.
Huo Lingyun promptly covered his head with his arms and rolled to the ground. Specters dashed
among the shadows of the trees on both sides of the bridle path. Huo Lingyun leaped to his feet
and drew his blade out as he listened to those rapid footsteps breaking through the bushes to
lunge at him.

“Tripping rope!” An Imperial Bodyguard following close behind him reined in his horse and
shouted, “There’s an ambush!”

Huo Lingyun held up his blade to parry the blow, but to no avail. With his body, the other party
slammed Huo Lingyun off his feet. Huo Lingyun turned aside and grazed past the ground to roll
beside the roots of a tree. The moment the rustling of wind behind him sped up, Huo Lingyun
held on to the root with one arm and made use of it to slide up and raise both legs to dodge the
blow from the blade.

Scorpions… no, Huo Lingyun hissed through clenched teeth, “It’s the Biansha Cavalry!”

The elites of the Hanshe Tribe!

The elites moved swiftly as they outflanked them, like a tightly woven net closing in on them.
The rustling of the footsteps was abnormally uniform, like snakes writhing in unison. Even the
traces they left behind while passing through the sandy grounds were so identical it gave one the

The scimitars on the left side slashed towards the knees of the Imperial Bodyguards’ horses, but
unexpectedly, they were intercepted midway by the Xiuchun Blades.1 The Imperial Bodyguards
kicked out at the Biansha Cavalrymen’s chests, then drew their blades out and spun around to
land on the ground. At the same time their soles touched the ground, their blades flashed like a
sudden burst of daylight to slit the Biansha Cavalrymen’s throats. Then they stomped on the
ground and flipped back atop their horses again, completing the entire sequence of action in one
smooth move!

The elites who did not succeed took half a step back in unison. One of them touched his throat
and said, “The Imperial Bodyguards!”

An Imperial Bodyguard turned over his blade and wiped the blood on it on the back of his waist
at the same time he slid his arm out and said, “Imperial Bodyguards? We are now called the
Imperial Cavalry!”

Huo Lingyun’s horse could not stand up in its shock. He dashed a few steps and grabbed the
outstretched arm of the Imperial Bodyguard to leap onto the Imperial Bodyguard’s horse.

“Libei has their hands full right now.” The Imperial Bodyguard tugged at the reins of his horse
even as they were tightly encircled. “Biansha has also laid ambushes here. Even if we make it to
the Shasan Camp, it will be too late!”

“Return—” Before Huo Lingyun could finish his words, he held his blade with both hands and
abruptly swung it in a semicircle to strike away a scimitar that had suddenly come attacking.
“Return to Duanzhou!”

Going to Libei was impossible now!

“Turn around.” Huo Lingyun hastily wiped away the sweat on his face. “Break out of the
encirclement from the south.”

Hasen was too cautious. He slaughtered everyone in the Luosha Relay Station and did not even
spare the horses and falcons. Yet he also left his elites on the bridle path to the north to guard
against survivors who could possibly appear after slipping through his ambush. But this also
gave Huo Lingyun the opportunity, as the number of elites Hasen left here was small.

“Fuck.” The Imperial Bodyguard shook off the drops of blood on his blade. “This blade was
bestowed by the emperor, and now it’s all jagged!”

The horse stomped its hooves, and the Imperial Bodyguard yanked the reins to forcibly turn it
around. The Biansha Cavalry at the side had already lunged over. The saddle slipped to the right,
and unable to bear the weight of the gravitational force, the horse tilted over to the right as well.
Huo Lingyun bent his elbow and slammed it into the Biansha Cavalryman’s face. Meanwhile,
cavalrymen on the left climbed their way up like locusts. The Imperial Bodyguard held his blade
up to parry a scimitar, and was thrown off by the force of the blow.

The Imperial Bodyguard fell to the ground, and several scimitars instantly came hacking down
on him. He bellowed with all his might and propped up his Xiuchun Blade with both hands.
Under that ear-piercing sound of friction as blade scraped against blade, he lifted it up, the veins
bulging on the back of his hands.

“I can’t hold on anymore…” The Imperial Bodyguard shouldered the force of several men as he
lay on the ground with his neck raised, panting heavily and sweating profusely. With protruding
veins on his temples bulging, he strained himself to say, “Buddy… fight…”

Huo Lingyun, however, rode the horse away.

The Imperial Bodyguard almost deflated with disappointment and cursed, “Motherfucker…”

With the horse, Huo Lingyun slammed away the Biansha Cavalrymen. All that lay between his
tightly pursed lips was the taste of salt. That was not sweat, but the blood from having bitten
through his lips. After galloping for some distance, he spun around and kept his blade away into
its sheath. Then he rode straight back, his horse’s hooves trampling through the superimposed
human shadows.

The Imperial Bodyguard’s slipping arms could not block the blow anymore. The Biansha
Cavalryman’s head was almost right in his face. At the critical juncture, the pungent smell of
gunpowder wafted into the Imperial Bodyguard’s nostrils, choking him. The deafening explosion
was accompanied by the splattering of blood that spurt all over the Imperial Bodyguard’s face.

Huo Lingyun leaned down to grab the Imperial Bodyguard’s hand and brought him back onto the

“Break through the encirclement.” Huo Lingyun’s emotions were running at an all-time high as
he took the lead with his smoking firearm and charged his way out from the south, shouting,
“Break through the encirclement!”

◈ ◈ ◈
Yin Chang tilted his head back and downed the wine. He finished it, then belched several times
in succession. Leaning over the battlement, he asked the soldiers guarding the gate, “Any more?
This wine is delicious!”

The soldier guarding the gate shifted a few steps and got a clear look at Yin Chang’s face under
the firelight and moonlight. “Nope. Elder, you should drink less. We are still on duty!”

“I won’t drink when it’s break time.” Yin Chang’s legs felt a little weak. He drunkenly swayed
to his feet and strained himself to look at the torches on the battlements. “Aye, why is it short of
bows and arrows here? Men, fill them in, quick!”

Fei Sheng had yet to walk his way over to the city wall when he heard Yin Chang making a big
hoo-ha. He hid the newly purchased wine underneath, kicked it under a mechanical crossbow,
and pulled a piece of fabric over it. Then he menacingly headed up and lifted Yin Chang by the
back of his collar. “Sure. Someone will do it right away. You go back to bed!”

Yin Chang’s heels slid across the ground as he was carried away like this. He rubbed his
reddened nose and grumbled, “Why isn’t General Lu here yet? I’ve been waiting for so many
days just to see him again, and I even drank so many rounds of wine.”

The last time Yin Chang went to the war zone with Xiao Chiye, he had been very excited to see
Lu Guangbai. He dragged Lu Guangbai to drink with him, drinking until Lu Guangbai puked
thrice in a night and passed out cold in his tent on the second day. Without saying another word,
Zuo Qianqiu dispatched someone to send Yin Chang back.

Fei Sheng, unable to stand the stench of a drunkard, waved his palm as he pinched his nose and
said, “Not another word from you. I’m not going to embarrass myself.”

Displeased, Yin Chang waved his arms and tilted his head back intending to look at Fei Sheng.
Stubbornly, he said, “Is drinking wine an embarrassment to you? Bah, you are a fine one to talk
about being an embarrassment.”

Fei Sheng dragged him to the bottom and exchanged his authority token with the duty room.
Patrols were strict these days, and he had to spend some effort signing in for duty.

Yin Chang took the opportunity to look for wine, using his nose that could not smell to sniff
around as he muttered, “Where is it hidden? Here, right…?”

He tucked away the corner of his robe and kneeled on the ground. With his butt sticking up, he
looked under the mounted crossbow.

Fei Sheng was indeed still a little too green.

Cocking his head, Yin Chang stretched his hand in to reach for the wine, muttering, “My little
precious, aye, why so far away, aye…”
Fei Sheng looked back and set down the brush, ready to shout at the old man to stop, but right at
this moment, he heard a very soft “click”. His ears were so sensitive that he could even hear the
wind clearly. He could not help but turn his head to the side and listen again with bated breath
and rapt attention.

The banner fell, and the wind near the city gate stopped.

Yin Chang finally reached the wine, but instead of raking it out, he maintained his posture and
crouched on the ground to sniff the smell of the land. Before Fei Sheng could react, Yin Chang
bellowed, “ENEMY ATTACK—!”

The heavy rock from the catapult crashed into the top of the wall. A kickup of dust splattered all
over. As Fei Sheng covered his head and avoided the debris, he heard the alarm sound from the
watchtower. A soldier from the garrison troops raised the drum sticks and began pounding on the
drum, shouting, “Enemy attack, enemy attack! Get the fuck out of bed!”

Fei Sheng pushed aside the soldiers and rushed up the city wall. When he got a clear look before
Duanzhou, he sucked in a chilly breath.

Yin Chang climbed to his feet, patted a garrison troop passing through with the sheath of his
blade, and barked, “Light up the beacon and report it posthaste to His Lordship.”

Yin Chang stomped up to the city gate and pulled over Fei Sheng.

“Take your authority token with you and lead the Imperial Cavalry to pack up and protect His
Lordship and the various advisors.” Yin Chang’s reddened nose twitched twice. Without looking
out of the city, he pointed to the smoke signal tower2 at the side. “If the smoke signal here starts
burning, then Xiaosheng, protect His Lordship and head west to Dunzhou!”

Shen Zechuan had yet to go to bed. He was under the lamp, pinching the center of his brows as
he listened to Kong Ling speak on the matter of the dam when he heard chaos break out in the
courtyard. Qiao Tianya lifted the bamboo blinds, and Ding Tao and Li Xiong followed him in.
Kong Ling stood up and asked, “This…”

“Master,” Qiao Tianya secured his blade. “The Biansha Cavalry has mounted a surprise attack.”

The advisors in the hall all stood up with an exclamation of surprise. Yao Wenyu immediately
looked at Shen Zechuan and said, “The reinforcements from Libei aren’t here yet.”

Shen Zechuan put down his arm and stared at the candlelight. After a moment, he said.
“Duanzhou didn’t get any updates. Either the battle zone has fallen into the enemy’s hands, or
Mount Luo is lost to us.”

Everyone in this room was a scholar. Those like Gao Zhongxiong who had never experienced
war looked even more ghastly pale. They all looked at Shen Zechuan—the Prefectural Lord was
everyone’s pillar.
Shen Zechuan could not show fear at this moment. He set the lid of his teacup straight and rose
to his feet. Ding Tao shook open the overcoat and made to drape it over Shen Zechuan, but Shen
Zechuan turned his palm aside to block his attempt.

The Prefectural Lord said, “Get Yang Shan Xue.”

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1. 绣春刀 The Xiuchun Blade was the blade of the Imperial Bodyguardsduring the Ming
2. 狼烟 specifically smoke of wolves’ dung burnt to indicate the presence of hostile forces

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 247 : The Sovereign

“Where are the mounted scouts?!”

“Dead.” The garrison troops who had been startled awake followed closely behind Yin Chang.
“All the scouts in the perimeter were wiped out. No one returned.”
Yin Chang filled his wine bag to the brim and hung it back at the side of his waist. As he slotted
his blade, he spat, “Son of a bitch Hasen.”

No movement from the relay stations, and all the scouts were dead. Unable to get the news out,
the reinforcements would not come.

“Reorganize the scouting squad,” Yin Chang said. “Wait for an opportunity to get out. We have
to light up the smoke signal tower before daybreak. Only then will Libei, Dunzhou, and the
Bianjun Commandery receive the news.”

Duanzhou once suffered a massacre because the scouts could not outrun the Biansha’s horses.
That was why Shen Zechuan imitated the Bianjun Commandery’s Ten Thousand li Beacon
Tower when he established the four-way bridleway of Duanzhou. As long as these three tower
routes were lit, the three parties would know that Duanzhou was in imminent danger.

Yin Chang had only just lifted the flap of the tent when he heard the “thump, thump, thump”
pounding of the battle drums outside the city.

The Biansha Cavalry was sounding the drums!

Yin Chang broke into a run towards the top of the city wall. As he ran, he shouted with all his
might at the top of his voice, “READY—”

The archers between the battlements drew their bowstrings in unison, holding their breaths as
they focused their gaze outside of the city.

Cylindrical drums had been secured on both sides of the Biansha Cavalry’s ponies, its
reverberating beats through the night serving as the first sign of an impending assault. Just as the
drumbeats were about to stop after hitting a feverish pitch, the ponies snorted hot puffs of air and

Yin Chang immediately waved his hands and continued to roar, “Release the arrows!”

Unexpectedly, the charging Biansha Cavalry instantly split into two flanks, revealing the shield-
bearing infantry behind. The infantry moved swiftly against the rain of arrows and pressed in
towards the city gate.

Duanzhou faced the east. Its terrains were open and expansive, and it was near the Chashi River
too. Shen Zechuan was digging canals here to make a trench, intending to construct a moat that
could protect the city. But time was tight this year. Only the ditch at the east-facing main gate
had begun to take shape, and the waters from the Chashi River had yet to be diverted over as
well. Xiao Chiye cautioned Shen Zechuan prior to his departure south, and so Shen Zechuan
removed the square bricks at the bottom of the ditch and replaced them with the caltrops the
Libei Army used.
The city gate opened. Yin Chang led the Duanzhou Garrison Troops and charged out to remove
the passage planks on top of the trench before the Biansha Cavalry stormed them. Without the
passage planks, the Biansha Cavalry would have no way of crossing over the trench to advance
through the city gate.

As soon as the rain of arrows from the top of the city walls stopped, the kerosene cans started

Dragging the passage planks as he retreated, Yin Chang continued to shout, “Smash the cans!”

The kerosene cans on the battlements were smashed in unison, and the flames suddenly flared.
The garrison troops leaned forward and threw the kerosenes cans down with all their might. Oil
splashed all over the infantry’s shields, which went up in flames with a bang, but Yin Chang did
not rejoice, for he had seen the infantry scatter to make way for the concealed head cart.1


This kind of siege wagon was originally used as a cover for the digging of ditches. It had a
screen shield in front, and an assault wagon at the back. The head cart in the middle could shield
soldiers digging the earth from the arrows. Other than that, it also had a prominent function,
which was to extinguish fires. The infantry hidden inside the head cart lifted the roof and
emerged, using their daggers to slash through the cowhide sacks that contained water from the
river. In no time, they were able to contain the fire started by the kerosene cans.

Yin Chang now had a clear grasp on the other party’s aim. Hasen had used the infantry to deplete
the arrows and kerosene cans of the garrison troops, as well as pushed the infantry before the
trench, all to set the stage for the Biansha Cavalry who were poised for action at the back.

“Archers, stand by—”

The words had only just left Yin Chang’s mouth when the infantry raised their shields once
again. But Yin Chang had no intention of releasing the arrows at this moment. He drew his blade
and led the garrison troops in a mad charge forward before the trench, where he sprang out like
an old lion under the astonished gaze of the Biansha Cavalry.

“Block the trench!”

Yin Chang landed heavily on the brick wall of the trench, and his feet slid downward right at
once. He clung onto the edge of the trench and kicked out with his legs a few times to crawl his
way up. The garrison troops followed Yin Chang to fight their way into the infantry camp.

“Release the arrows!”

The rain of arrows came assailing down, and infantrymen who could not free their hands to raise
their shields finally toppled over to the ground.
“Who is that?” A strong and sturdy man riding on a pony craned his head and saw Yin Chang’s
white hair through the crowd. He touched his own scimitar—his bare arm had a lizard tattoo on
it. With considerable interest, he said in the Biansha tongue, “He’s like a hero.”

“The strong and hale Zhuoli doesn’t know him,” a cavalryman following by the man’s side said.
“He’s the commander of the Cizhou Garrison Troops, the old general who captured Fanzhou for
Shen Zechuan. His name is Yin Chang.”

Imitating the Da Zhou language, Zhuoli repeatedly read it out, “Yi, Yi Chang?”

“It means prosperity.” The cavalryman soothed his restless horse.

“He has the courage of a lion.” Zhuoli continued to size up Yin Chang. He clamped down tight
on the horse’s belly and moved forward unhurriedly amidst the swaying. “I want to fight with

The cavalryman turned back to look at the Hongying banner at the back and advised, “Hasen’s
orders have not been issued yet. Now is not the time for Zhuoli to launch an attack.”

Zhuoli exercised his strong, muscular arms and drew out his scimitar. “Hasen wants us to fight a
quick battle. I can’t wait anymore.”

◈ ◈ ◈

The garrison troops assembled the people inside the city. They were going to send the
commoners over to the west gate, where the connecting bridle path led to Dunzhou. This was so
that the commoners would still have the opportunity to flee before the east gate was breached
and the massacre began. The commoners came one after another, looking to be in a hurry as they
dragged their families with them. Occasionally, the wails of infants could be heard, although
they were very quickly stifled. The number of people gathering increased, and repressed gasps
all over followed in the wake of the bombarding from the east gate.

The advisors had long been waiting here. They carried with them simple luggage, as well as
records under their arms—these were the fruit of their painstaking labor. Gao Zhongxiong’s
ghastly pale complexion had yet to regain its color. He tugged his cloth bundle2 tightly and stood
together with the crowd of people.

Kong Ling was pushing Yao Wenyu, who had a bag containing a restless Hunu hanging in front
of his chest.

As Yao Wenyu’s wheelchair passed by the commoners, he heard someone in the crowd sobbing.
He turned his head to the side and fixed his eyes on the other party.

“M, Mister,” a lone widow with her child in her arms covered her mouth and nose. Amid her
sobs, she asked in a small voice, “Is, is there going to be another massacre…”
The young gentleman’s gaze was gentle as he raised his hand to hand her his own handkerchief.
He answered, “There won’t.”

Sobs rose all around. His words seemed unconvincing under the sound of combat and killing

“Humans won’t be able to outrun horses if the city were to be breached. We still have to die.
Everyone will die.” A man squatting in the corner pulled at his only remaining donkey and said
in an accent, “I shouldn’t have come to Duanzhou!”

“Where did the Garrison Troops go?” Someone came up to the gate and slapped on it. “Open the
gate now and let us flee to Dunzhou. Every person who can flee before the city is breached is
still a life saved!”

A clamor broke out among the crowd as they jostled their way towards the west gate. An air of
uneasiness pervaded the night. Gao Zhongxiong had no choice but to lurch forward under the
force of the pushes and shoves. Hugging his bundle close to him, he turned aside and jostled his
way towards Kong Ling.

“Please don’t trample.” Gao Zhongxiong protected his bundle and tilted his head high to say,
“Everyone, please don’t…”

The jostling crowd could not hear his voice at all. Someone’s elbow hit Gao Zhongxiong in the
stomach. Losing his grip on his bundle, he watched as his paper and brushes scattered over the
ground. He hurriedly bent down to pick them up, but there were too many people, and before he
could reach them, the brushes broke under the trampling of feet.

Gao Zhongxiong said in an urgent voice, “Don’t step on the brushes! Don’t step on the

Kong Ling could barely stand steady on his feet from all the jostling, and Yao Wenyu’s
wheelchair proved to be an inconvenience here. It would be bad if Yao Wenyu were to get swept
away into the crowd! Holding Hunu in one hand and pulling at the wheelchair with his other
hand, Kong Ling said around him, “Where are the guards? Hurry over to protect Yuanzhuo!”

The wheels of Yao Wenyu’s wheelchair got stuck on a hard object, making a loud clang and
nearly overturning from the impact. Yao Wenyu turned his gaze and looked at the crowd.
Moonlight, in its untimely silence, cascaded down along his sleeves and robe to the ground.

The slapping on the gate intensified, with yells of “open the gate” everywhere. The memory of
the massacre in Duanzhou was so deeply ingrained that they could not see the light in the
darkness. The more savage the fighting ahead was, the more everyone lost confidence.

“Oh, blast it!” Gao Zhongxiong angrily flung his sleeves. Giving up on his brushes, he reached
out to grab the wheelchair and brought it before himself. Blocking the waves of people, he
cursed, “Stop jostling! People are getting hurt! What’s the hurry? The city hasn’t been breached
yet. His Lordship stands before us!”

Shouts promptly rang out all around. “Where did His Lordship go?”

“Where did Shen Zechuan go?”

“No soldiers. No guards. Did he run?!”

How would Gao Zhongxiong know it would turn out this way? He hurriedly said, “His Lordship

“Shen Zechuan fled!” Someone stomped their feet and fumed, “I don’t see him!”

The atmosphere seemed to have been set ablaze. Cries once inhibited erupted forth among the
crowd, and irascible sentiments ran rampage. Gradually, the slapping on the gate turned into
poundings. Panic and terror pervaded the air. Hysteria abounded all over.

The latent time bomb called “Shen Wei” finally detonated. It was like a sharp sword hanging
over Shen Zechuan’s head all the time. Concealed within was Zhongbo’s resistance to Shen
Zechuan, which could never be eradicated even if Shen Zechuan obtained the Six Prefectures of
Zhongbo. Shen Wei abandoned the city and fled, resulting in a bloodbath in Duanzhou and
Dunzhou. And now, Shen Zechuan still had yet to show himself. Once again, the Shen clan had
cowered back and fled.

“Open the gate, open the gate…” Someone bawled.

The gate protruded forward slightly, opening up a crack from all those crowding. One of the
remaining soldiers on garrison duty, unable to stop the crowd, craned his neck and rebuffed,
“Stop jostling!”

But it was to no avail. The crowd had already been thrown into disorder.

The soldier on garrison duty gasped for breath, not daring to open the gate. The scouts in the east
were all killed. No one would know even if the Biansha Cavalry took a detour around to the
west. If he opened the city gate now, he would be giving Duanzhou a stab in the back. The city
would be really breached then!

The soldier on garrison duty shoved the commoners with brute force. Drawing out the blade on
his waist, he bellowed, “Who the hell gonna jostle again?!”

Kong Ling instantly said, “Oh no.”

Sure enough, as soon as the soldier of the garrison troops flashed his blade, pandemonium
completely broke out all around. Cloth bundles and fists came raining down on him. The tide of
people surged forth and yelled, “Open the gate!”
The garrison troops could not really kill the people. Protecting his head as he retreated, the
soldier on garrison duty sensed someone seizing his blade and could not help but blurt, “Grab my
blade and I’ll start slashing!”

The city gate shook from the banging. Before the soldier on garrison duty could stand steady on
his feet, a massive force suddenly came assaulting from the back. The entire city gate let loose a
muffled “bang” as a battering ram broke the gate from the outside!

“Fuck me!” The soldier on garrison duty lay prone on the ground and got trampled upon a few
times. He crawled to his feet and kicked out at the commoners blocking the way, frantically
pushing them backward. To his own soldiers, he yelled, “Quick, block the gate!”

“The Biansha Cavalry!” The crowd shrieked in fear. Everyone scrambled backward in an attempt
to flee. “The Biansha Cavalry has breached the city!”

Dragging his blade, the soldier on garrison duty pressed his back up against the gate that was on
the verge of collapse. He shouted in unison with dozens of other soldiers as they attempted to
push the battered gate back into place. But then, the huge wooden battering ram outside struck
the gate once more, the impact so forceful it made their backs numb.

Yao Wenyu braced himself against the armrests of his wheelchair. Gao Zhongxiong and Kong
Ling stood on each side, wanting to push Yuanzhuo away. Kong Ling’s hackles were raised.
Through that partially open city gate, he finally heard the long-awaited sound of horses’ hooves.

“I’ll take Yuanzhuo through the alley.” Pushing Yao Wenyu, Kong Ling disregarded the records
and picked up the hem of his robe. “Shenwei, run!”

Gao Zhongxiong’s hands were trembling badly. “I’ll stay with you…”

The city gate was completely destroyed, and wood splinters flew all over. The garrison troops
could not hold up against the onslaught of attacks, and the Biansha Cavalry galloped in over their
heads and swung their scimitars at Gao Zhongxiong.

The garrison troop soldier lunged and suddenly parried the scimitar. With his back to them, he
said, “Run. Report to His Lordship quickly. The west gate is down. Our garrison—”

Before he could finish his words, his head tumbled to the ground.

Gao Zhongxiong involuntarily yelled out. His legs went weak, and he held onto the wheelchair
for support, almost falling to the ground. Yao Wenyu saw the scimitar come attacking once
again. His back was soaked in sweat. All of a sudden, he turned the wheelchair around to shield
Kong Ling and Gao Zhongxiong.

A column of light cavalry passed through the crowd so swiftly they looked like a stream of
mercury in the darkness of the night. A longsword that had been hurled forth stabbed into the
throat of the Biansha Cavalryman. The light cavalry, meanwhile, had already charged to the front
just as the other party toppled off the horse.

Qiao Tianya reined in his horse, pulled out his own sword, and inserted it back into its sheath. He
looked at Yao Wenyu as he gasped for breath and shouted to Ding Tao behind him, “Take the
gentlemen away!”

Yao Wenyu did not move. He gripped the armrests of his wheelchair tightly. As he turned his
head, his eyes looked past Qiao Tianya to see Feng Ta Shuang Yineighing as it raised its hooves.
On its back, Shen Zechuan’s white sleeves flipped over. Yang Shan Xue was like an enraged
dragon, moving with swift efficiency as it passed through the Biansha Cavalry’s throats like a
sudden burst of lightning so quick one could barely get a clear look at it.

Feng Ta Shuang Yi passed over heads as it galloped towards the city gate. The Imperial Cavalry
behind swept towards the Biansha Cavalry, the impact of their blades upon scimitars sending up
a spray of sparks in the frigid wind.

Qiao Tianya made to leave too, but Yao Wenyu looked at him, faint veins bulging on the back of
his hands as he whispered to him, “Bring His Lordship back!”

Shen Zechuan was in ill health, and he had ruined his right hand a long time back in Dunzhou.
What’s more, he was now the master of the six prefectures. If he were to die on the battlefield in
a moment of carelessness, then all the painstaking efforts of everyone in Zhongbo would be all
for nothing.

Qiao Tianya showed no expression.

Yao Wenyu looked pleadingly at him and enunciated, word for word, “The ruler who commands
all doesn’t put himself in harm’s way.”

Shen Zechuan shook off the drops of blood on Yang Shan Xue and reined in his horse in the
open space. With his chest heaving, he faced the wind. The two fingers on his right hand
throbbed faintly with pain. He stood at the very front, looking at the dusky world. He was not
strong, but he would not fall. He was like an obscure grit in the daylight, and also like the shiny
steel blade nailed to the ground right before the city of Duanzhou.

He was insidious, cunning, unscrupulous, and even vindictive.

He was not cut out to be an emperor at all.


Qiao Tianya leaned over and feebly flicked the center of Yao Wenyu’s forehead. Just as Yao
Wenyu thought he would do as told, Qiao Tianya turned his horse around and bellowed, “Unto
death we pledge to follow His Lordship in slaying the enemies—!”
Light instantly broke through the horizon, and the vast expense of darkness dispersed in the blink
of an eye. Shen Zechuan’s blade slipped past the outer side of his thigh, and the sharp edge of his
blade shot straight out in the light.

Like its master, Feng Ta Shuang Yi would only move onward.


The Imperial Cavalry sternly shouted in a chorus of voices, “Unto death we pledge to follow His
Lordship in slaying the enemies!”

In the eyes of these people, he was the sovereign who heralded the dawn of a new era!

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1. 头车 literally head cart according to sources; a

complex siege weapon used for mining which can also be used as a protective cover
during a siege.
2. 包袱, a cloth bundle. In the old days, people
traveled around with their clothes and possessions bundled up with a piece of cloth. The
bundle was then worn across the shoulders and carried around. It also works for carrying
food around.

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 248 : Nameless

Warning: Birds Abuse

The Biansha Cavalry that had come to mount a surprise attack at the west gate did not expect
there to be such a light cavalry concealed within Duanzhou. This cavalry rode ponies that were
similar to theirs, advancing and retreating freely among the dark and gloomy landscape.
Shen Zechuan was a white-feathered bird amidst the flock of crows. The blade he had wiped
clean cut through the first glimmer of dawn. Before the second wave of assaults began, he
commanded. “Retreat.”

Ding Tao guided the commoners into evacuating. The west gate of the city had already been
breached; this place would soon be reduced to a battlefield. Li Xiong hoisted up Gao
Zhongxiong and brought Kong Ling and Yao Wenyu with him as he followed behind the

The Imperial Cavalry stood in order before the gate. They were few in number, but they were
presently the absolute elites of Zhongbo. The surviving garrison troops at the west gate, not
daring to make an oversight, pushed the mobile gable wall wagon that served as a substitute at
the base of the city wall. This kind of movable wall filled with lime mortar was not as thick as
the city gate, although the recessed areas allowed for the placement of powerful bows.

The Hongying banner flapped in the wind. The Biansha Cavalry had already started to beat on
their drums. Those cylindrical drums were deafening, and the ponies dug in their hooves, poised
for action. They did not give the west gate the opportunity to be patched up. Under the beats of
the drum, they launched their second round of attack before the Imperial Cavalry did.

The sound of hooves was like a sudden rainstorm that hammered down with such vehemence
that the ground shook slightly. Gravel bounced all over, and dust went assaulting them in the
faces all at once. The imposing momentum of the Biansha Cavalry came bearing down on them
right in the face, so swift they were like starving jackals and leopards.

Qiao Tianya’s horse was just right behind Feng Ta Shuang Yi to the side. He pulled the reins
tightly and said, “Ready—”

It was as if the Imperial Cavalry had entered a state of meditation. The wind blew across their
cheeks, but no sound followed in its wake. Even their breathing seemed to have vanished.
Galloping on his pony, the head of Biansha Cavalry closed the distance and pressed in towards
Shen Zechuan. Shen Zechuan got a whiff of the strong stench of the Biansha Cavalry’s sweat,
and even saw the hideous expressions on the Biansha Cavalry’s faces.

Time seemed to have stood still.

The next moment, Shen Zechuan flashed his blade and charged. At the same time Feng Ta
Shuang Yi bulldozed its way into the ranks of Biansha Cavalry vanguards, he said, “Slay the

Slay the enemies!

Like a raging tide of dark clouds, the Imperial Cavalry and the Biansha Cavalry collide fiercely
on the passageway of the city gate. Steel blades and scimitars clinked and clanged as they
crossed each other. The west gate had no battle tactics to speak of; the only way was to kill the
enemies. It was only by thwarting the Biansha Cavalry head-on that Duanzhou’s defensive battle
could continue. Shen Zechuan had to charge at the very front, using this kind of crude way to
rally and unite the people of Duanzhou.

The Biansha Cavalry congested the passageway and blocked out the light. It was here both
parties crowded as the sound of combat and killing thundered through the skies. Sprays of
splattering blood from all around soaked through Shen Zechuan’s sleeves. He brandished his
blade and cut down the enemy troops before him. The first light of day penetrating through
shone upon his cheeks, which were trickling with blood and sweat. With a malicious and ruthless
expression in his eyes, the Prefectural Lord knocked down the Biansha Cavalry with unstoppable
momentum and charged right ahead.

This branch of Biansha Cavalry was a sneak attack squad that had circled to the back. They were
no match for the Imperial Cavalry – whose morale was at an all-time high – and repeatedly
retreated into the passageway. Both times they crossed swords, they suffered badly, and
eventually, they had no choice but to withdraw from the passageway. The garrison troops saw
their opportunity and acted, pushing the mobile gable wall wagon in unison to block the
destroyed city gate when Shen Zechuan retreated.

The wheels made clicking sounds as they rotated, and a garrison troop pushing the wall yelled,
“Not enough bows and arrows!”

Shen Zechuan reined in his horse. Yang Shan Xue hung by his side, dripping blood the entire
way. He said, “Let down the backup overhanging gate.”

The garrison troops at the top of the city hauled in the rope, and the overhanging gate crashed
down to the ground amid the rotating sounds of interlocking gears, blocking off access to the
interior of the passageway. This was Duanzhou’s second layer of defensive wall, specifically
designed to deal with situations like what was happening now.

Shen Zechuan’s right hand could not hold his blade tight. He only had to stop, and his two
fingers would throb with pain. He felt in his sleeve pocket and only found Xiao Chiye’s blue
handkerchief. He used it to secure the hilt of Yang Shan Xue to his palm, strapping his two
fingers tightly to ensure that the blade would not slip from his hand.

“Pass the word to the north and south city gates now,” Shen Zechuan said. “Lower all the backup
overhanging gates.”

Amu’er had the Zhongbo’s military map seven years ago, and he could be said to know
Duanzhou and Dunzhou like the back of his palm. Judging from Hasen’s tactics of launching
swift surprise attacks and precise points of attacks, he must have also seen Zhongbo’s military
map. Since Duanzhou had already become an isolated city, it would be unwise to defend just the
east gate alone.

“Lower the backup gates, and we won’t be able to get out anymore.” Qiao Tianya watched the
rays of morning light sweep over the city walls. “The smoke signal towers1 have yet to be lit.”
“There will naturally be people going to light up the smoke signal towers in Dunzhou and Mount
Luo.” Shen Zechuan clenched his fist. “The east gate is still open. As long as the smoke signal
tower near the Bianjun Commandery is lit up again, the reinforcements from the Bianjun
Commandery will arrive.”

Hasen must have used some way to delay Xiao Chiye, but Xiao Chiye would definitely come.
That was why Hasen had opted for a swift surprise attack; he wanted a quick battle, so that he
could breach Duanzhou first before Xiao Chiye led the reinforcements over and looted the
granaries clean before making his escape. He had no wish at all to engage Xiao Chiye head-on in
a battle in Zhongbo.

◈ ◈ ◈

Yin Chang led the garrison troops to kill a bunch of Biansha infantry soldiers before retreating.
As long as he could prevent the infantry soldiers from erecting the passage planks, the east gate
would not immediately face the brunt of the Biansha Cavalry’s assault.

“Retreat, retreat! Don’t risk your fucking life and go all out; we are going to fight a protracted
war with these sons of a bitch.” Yin Chang wiped the blood from his face and kicked out at the
backsides of the slow-running garrison troops.

All four gates of Duanzhou had to be defended and secured, and to the 20,000 garrison troops,
this was a challenge. Yin Chang wanted to stall for time, so his garrison troops had to be able to
withstand the assault of the cavalry. In addition, he had to be able to both hold off the infantry
and preserve his physical strength before the Biansha Cavalry charged.

The garrison troops retreated into the city. Yin Chang was the last batch. He was all prepared to
cross the trench when he heard the sound of horse hooves behind him. He promptly broke out in
a cold sweat. Relying on the foresight of a seasoned war veteran, the old man rolled on the
ground and yelled, “Draw your blades!”

That crescent-like scimitar went slashing through the position where Yin Chang’s head had been

His heart palpitating, the old man rubbed his neck and shouted at the new arrival, “How can you
not even say hello!”

Zhuoli could not understand Yin Chang’s words. His powerful hooves had already stomped its
way in front of Yin Chang. Yin Chang rolled over, covering himself in dust all over.

Zhuoli happily said, “What a nimble prey.”

Yin Chang did not understand what Zhuoli was saying either. He braced himself on the ground
with one hand and grasped the blade backhandedly with the other hand as he faced off against
Zhuoli in a bizarre confrontation beside the trench.

Yin Chang wiped his red nose with his thumb that reeked of the earth and made his assessment
of Zhuoli. The expression in his eyes was as silent as this expanse of sky. Those din from the
artillery bombardment could not sway him. He was one with the mother earth, completely poles
apart from the raucous image his appearance portrayed. He always had with him an unparalleled
composure in times of crisis.

“You,” Yin Chang’s dropping voice was slightly hoarse as the old man said with certainty, “have
been to Cizhou seven years ago.”

On hearing “Cizhou”, Zhuoli gestured to Yin Chang with his scimitar and said in broken Da
Zhou language, “I, been there. With, this blade.”

The strong wind tousled up Yin Chang’s white hair. The old man kicked out against the ground
with legs and sprang up high. He swung his blade towards Zhuoli’s head. Zhuoli held up his
scimitar to block the blow, and the battle pony under him took several steps back from the
impact of Yin Chang’s force.

Perceptive, Zhuoli asked, “You, recognize me?”

Both of Yin Chang’s palms trembled slightly when he landed on the ground. He slid his feet
apart and suddenly burst out laughing. “I recognize you, but you don’t recognize me. Seven
years ago in Cizhou, I watched you people burn down the houses and slaughtered the entire
city…” His expression abruptly turned cold and still.

“You took away their heads.”

Zhuoli half-listened and half-guessed. He waited until Yin Chang was done speaking before he
undid the hemp rope at the side of his thigh, where the heads of the Chashi River scouts were
hanging. He lifted them up and threw them to Yin Chang, then said in the Biansha tongue, “I
don’t want them anymore. I want your head.”

The heads rolled at Yin Chang’s feet. They were all young faces. Yin Chang looked at these
faces, then at Zhuoli.

He watched Zhuoli quietly.

Yet Zhuoli felt that the ferocious beast in this old body was roaring.

“You should accord dignity to those who died in battle,” Yin Chang said. “You beasts.”

◈ ◈ ◈

Fei Sheng followed the garrison troops to disperse the commoners. He stood on the street and
hesitated for a moment, then turned around and ran back to the east gate. Midway through, he
heard the sound of hooves, and Fei Sheng looked back to see Shen Zechuan leading the Imperial
Cavalry towards the east gate.

“Get on the horse!” Qiao Tianya threw the horsewhip hanging at the side to Fei Sheng.

Fei Sheng caught the whip and slowed his pace. When an unoccupied horse galloped past him,
he flipped onto it. Grabbing on the reins, he asked Qiao Tianya, “How’s the west gate?”


The color drained from Fei Sheng’s face.

Qiao Tianya continued, “And His Lordship walled it up again.”

Fei Sheng couldn’t help but curse, “Can’t you fucking finish your sentence in one go?!”

Qiao Tianya burst into laughter. Both of them followed Shen Zechuan and continued to gallop
eastward. When they reached the city gate, they saw the gate wide open. The garrison troops had
yet to completely withdraw.

Shen Zechuan dismounted and took long strides to the top of the city. Midway through, the
intensive bombardment stopped him in his tracks. He brushed away the floating dust and asked,
“Do we still have the parapets?”

“Not for long.” Covering his ears, Fei Sheng shouted, “The Biansha Cavalry switched to single-
branch cannons!”2

Shen Zechuan’s heart sank slightly. Hasen meant to smash down the eastern defense wall of
Duanzhou with continuous bombardment. He looked down along the battlements and saw that
the Biansha Cavalry had already forced their way to within a short distance from the trench.

“Open the sluice gates and release the water.” Shen Zechuan’s expression was heavy. “The
Biansha Cavalry is going to charge.”

“Open the sluice gates—” Fei Sheng dashed towards the south. Midway through shouting, he
choked on the dust. Covering his mouth and nose, he instantly recalled something. Grabbing a
garrison troop soldier at the side, he asked, “Why isn’t the city gate closed yet? The Biansha
Cavalry is about to attack!”

The garrison troop soldier answered as he coughed, “The commander, the commander has not
withdrawn yet!”

Startled, Fei Sheng disregarded the heavy rocks flying all around and held on to the city wall as
he looked down. There were too many soldiers and horses in a jumble down there, and he
strained to find Yin Chang among them.
“Come on, man, return to the city…”

Yin Chang’s blade hooked onto Zhuoli’s scimitar, both of them engaged in a back-and-forth
battle on the ground. The old man’s feet slid. He bellowed and moved backward, his peripheral
vision capturing the sight of the oncoming cavalry.

He couldn’t fight a protracted war!

Yin Chang immediately relaxed his strength, and the blade dropped down along the gap of the
scimitar. He reached out an arm to grab the hilt and broke into a run towards the trench. The
water storage sluice gates on both sides of the city walls had yet to be opened; they were waiting
for the garrison troops to return to the city before releasing them. But Yin Chang felt scalding
heat behind his back while he was dashing like mad, and as he rolled forward, he shouted,

The oncoming Biansha Cavalry behind did not come to storm the city at all. Taking advantage of
the fact that the city gate had yet to be closed, they tipped out the tits with their tails lit from their
bags. These birds panicky rushed around blindly, their bags already in flames. Then they
swarmed across the trench and went crashing towards the city gate.

The overhanging gate within the passageway of the city gate was made of wood. Once it started
burning, the defense of the east gate would be lost.

Yin Chang stopped before the trench and sprang up without warning, but behind him, Zhuoli
followed suit and lunged over to snag Yin Chang’s robe. Under the sound of ripping, he dragged
Yin Chang to the ground.

Yin Chang thrust his blade onto the ground to steady his body, which was being pulled along by
the pony. He shouted himself hoarse at the city gate, “Shut the gate! Release the waters!”

“Fuck, fuck!” Fei Sheng braced himself with his arms and leaped down the stairs, pushing
through the crowd as he ran towards the passageway. “Wait. Fuck your ancestors!”

The flaming birds struck against the city gates. The clothes of the garrison troops were already
on fire. The men rolled on the ground to put out the fire and ran into the passageway. The base of
the inner city wall all had water pouches on standby to extinguish fires, but there were too many
birds on fire. If they did not shut the gate now, the overhanging gate would be set aflame too!

Shen Zechuan’s throat was dry and hoarse under the persisting bombardment. The sunrise in the
east stung his eyes as he stood amidst the dust and gave the order. “Shut the gate.”

The city gate moved with a muffled noise. Fei Sheng was still jostling among the crowd of
people who were surging back. He was like duckweed3 going against the currents, with nary a
lifesaving straw for him to grasp on to for support. The light within the passageway began to
fade. The garrison troops crowding their way in blocked Fei Sheng’s view. He could not see
outside, much less across the trench.
“Don’t shut the gate…” Fei Sheng desperately pushed aside the garrison troops and said the
fastest he had ever spoken, “Don’t shut it!”

The city gate slammed shut, and the passageway went completely dark. The sluice gates on both
sides suddenly lifted, and the unfinished trench held in the water with some difficulty, drawing a
boundary line between the city gate and the Biansha Cavalry.

Shen Zechuan abruptly raised his voice. “Put out the fire!”

Unable to hold up against the force, Yin Chang was dragged backward by the battle pony. He
dragged his blade, scuffing against the ground. Under the sound of hooves, he ripped off the
wine bag at the side of his waist, opened it with his teeth, and poured the wine all over his face.
Then he tossed away the wine bag and wiped his face. With his face to the sky, he laughed,
“Whoa, it’s On Horseback!”

Fei Sheng fell to his knees before the city gate. Clawing at the gap with both hands, he said
through gritted teeth, “Open the gate—!”

Shen Zechuan pursed his lips tightly and watched Yin Chang, his eyes both reddened.

Fei Sheng’s hands had both gone bloody from clawing at the iron-sheet-covered crack. He
pounded on the gate and slammed himself against it. “Open the gate. I’m telling you to OPEN

Zhuoli lassoed his horsewhip around Yin Chang’s neck and hauled the old man up with the
strength of his arms. Yin Chang was still gripping his blade. He could not tread steadily on the
ground from the stranglehold. He looked at Zhuoli, choking as he said, “Make, make it swift!”

Zhuoli held his scimitar against Yin Chang’s neck. He scythed it forward, but Yin Chang
unexpectedly lunged forward. The old man took advantage of Zhuoli’s raised arm and
abandoned his attempts to paw at the whip around his neck. The cutting glint of the steel blade
he was backhandedly gripping flashed suddenly as he practically twisted around half of his body,
using his forearm to bring over the sharp edge of the blade as he roared. Before Zhuoli got to
scythe off his head, he slashed off Zhuoli’s head.

Yin Chang fell to the ground, the horsewhip still tightly secured around his neck. He let out a
ragged breath, then, propping himself up on the ground with his elbows, he crawled a little in the
direction of Duanzhou. Armored hooves thundered behind him like an incoming tidal wave.

Nameless nobody.

Yin Chang laughed out loud.

And started crying.

Taking sharp, urgent gasps for breath, Yin Chang shouted at the city gate, his voice reverberating
through the skies. “Your Lordship, seems to me today is—a resounding victory!”

Thundering hooves engulfed the old man whole.

After a brief moment of dead silence on the other end of the city gate, Fei Sheng pounded on the
iron sheet as he slid down along that tiny ray of light to the ground, where, with both hands
against the gate, he began to bawl.

Author’s Notes: I fabricated the mobile gable wall wagon. Perhaps there indeed was such a
defensive weapon with such a function, but I didn’t see a definite name when I was doing my
research, so I made up one here. (And Lianyin made up the English term ._.)
Thank you for reading.

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1. 狼烟 specifically smoke of wolves’ dung burnt to indicate the presence of hostile forces

2. 单梢炮 Single-component catapults, or one-branch

3. 浮萍 also refer to a person who wanders from place to place; a drifter with an uncertain

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 249 : Warfare Tactic

The flaming birds barging all over were shut outside the gate. Meanwhile, the garrison troops did
not stop. They darted about in the passageway, dragging the reserve water bags to pour the water
over the city gate as a precaution.

The Biansha Cavalry across the trench was infuriated and exasperated as they faced Zhuoli’s
corpse. Zhuoli was a Lizard who followed Amu’er deep into Zhongbo seven years ago, and he
was a gift Amu’er gave to Hasen. It was precisely because of him that Hasen could sever
Duanzhou’s external connections in just a few short days.

“Drag him away!” A Biansha cavalryman looked at the Duanzhou gate. “This reckless, stupid
good-for-nothing… Buck up! Before Hasen arrives, we must think of a way to cross over this

Yin Chang removed the passage planks and even killed the infantry pushing the head cart,
subsequently plunging the Biansha Cavalry into a brief period of anxiety as they faced the
trench. At the same time, he also gave the garrison troops within the city the chance to catch their
breath. But then, the trench of Duanzhou was still not considered a moat. In order to connect the
trench on both the north and south sides, the square bricks on both ends had not been solidly
embedded, so this trench could not be kept filled for a long period of time. The water storage
sluice gates had been opened, and the water had been emptied out. Even if the trench could hold
out, the Biansha Cavalry would soon think of a way to cross it.

Before dark, the Biansha Cavalry would definitely storm the east gate.

“Prepare the heavy rocks,” Shen Zechuan turned his head to the side to say to Qiao Tianya.
“Push the mounted crossbow up the city wall!”

The garrison troops at the foot of the city worked as one and exerted themselves to push the
mounted crossbow up along the wider passageway. The Biansha Cavalry’s single-branch
cannons1 kept up with their onslaught of assaults, and the heavy rocks hurled at the city wall had
already smashed out an opening in the city wall facing east. Broken pieces of bricks fell off
along with pieces of clay and mud. In addition, a few of the battlements had collapsed too. The
garrison troops had no choice but to cover their heads with their arms and dodge the debris as
they pressed their bodies against the mounted crossbow that was sliding downward.

The garrison troops were unable to hold up against the force of gravity, and the mounted
crossbow weighed down on them until their heels scraped against the ground as they slid down
too. All they could do was to shout, “It’s too heavy!”

Qiao Tianya leaped over the stairs, intending to lend a helping hand, but he saw a commoner in
cotton clothes lower his body slightly and raise both arms to hold up the part of the mounted
crossbow that was sliding down.

Ji Gang, with dust on his white hair, bellowed in a deep voice, “Lift—!”

The garrison troops felt the weight on their backs lighten. Bulging veins on Ji Gang’s temple
jumped slightly. He strode forward a step at a time, slowly shifting the mounted crossbow up
along the slope. By the time the mounted crossbow was in position, both of Ji Gang’s arms were
trembling, and his back, too, was all drenched in sweat.

It was now the hour of si, when the sun shone bright. Soldiers ran everywhere, their faces
smeared with a blend of sweat and dust that made them choke. They did not dare to recklessly
fire the arrows on the battlements, as the enemy troops might sway them into depleting their
inventory. They had to save it until the Biansha Cavalry charged before firing the arrows. The
same went for the mounted crossbow too. This killing weapon could not be activated too rashly.
It had to be lethal in one blow and hurt the Biansha Cavalry, just like how Yin Chang killed

“Split up the garrison troops into three squads to defend the three gates. Have the Imperial
Cavalry await their orders at the east gate.” Shen Zechuan raised the hand gripping his blade and
used the back of his hand to wipe the sweat on his cheek. “We have to seal off the remaining
three gates before night falls.”

Duanzhou’s granaries were in full abundance. To attack Duanzhou, the Biansha Cavalry could
lay a long siege to deplete the granaries in Duanzhou. Trap and strand Duanzhou for a month,
and wear down Duanzhou to death. But Hasen wanted a quick battle, so he would not adopt the
strategy of laying a long-term siege. The Biansha Cavalry had been mounting a violent onslaught
of attack since last night. If they were to come to a deadlock at the east gate, then the Biansha
Cavalry would very likely circle around to the other three gates and advance from the side, just
like how they launched a sneak attack on the west gate.

Shen Zechuan had lowered the overhanging gate at the other three gates as a defense, but this
was not a long-term solution, as the Biansha Cavalry had siege weapons. The battering rams
equipped with thick, sturdy woods could directly break down the city gates, followed by the
overhanging gates to let the Biansha Cavalry enter the city unobstructed.
“Kerosene. Rocks,” Shen Zechuan said. “Then tear down the collapsed watchtower in the city
and have garrison troops separately defending the three gates bring whatever they can use for
resistance to the top of the city. As long as you catch sight of the Biansha Cavalry, blow the horn
to sound the signal and throw down the miscellaneous objects to stop them from charging.”

He had to think of a way to get out of the city again as soon as possible.

Shen Zechuan looked at the horizon in the southeast.

The smoke signal tower there was still and silent.

◈ ◈ ◈

All the gentlemen were gathered at the riding stables. This place, being wide and spacious, could
accommodate several groups of commoners from the city. Gao Zhongxiong had only just
regained his composure. He leaned over to rub at his calves as he said to Kong Ling, “Just, just
now, that situation…”

The moment he got anxious, he started to stammer again.

Kong Ling soothed him. “No harm done. Your courage in wanting to bring Yuanzhuo away with
you at that time is already deserving of praise. Back then in my younger days in Dunzhou when I
learned that the cavalry had entered the city, I really couldn’t care about anything else at all.”

Yao Wenyu was clutching at his sleeves when a hand interrupted his train of thought in the
silence. He glanced over and saw that the woman from earlier was calling her child over to return
the handkerchief. Yao Wenyu raised his hand but did not take the handkerchief. Instead, he
extended his dust-tainted fingers and gently touched the child’s cheek.


Yao Wenyu’s chest heaved slightly.

The sound of footsteps along the riding stables intensified as the garrison troops sprinted past
and made to get to the top of the wall.

“Supply the bow and arrows to the west gate!” The junior general in the lead sheathed his blade
and moved the miscellaneous objects with his bare hands. “Leave the collapsed watchtower to

“Not enough,” the soldier at the top of the wall answered. “Just one tower collapsed. It’s not

Duanzhou had quite a number of defensive weapons. The armory had all been emptied, mainly
to support the east gate. The remaining gates could only pick from what was left to share
between them. A wave of their bows and arrows had been depleted by Biansha Cavalry in the
morning, and now they had to make up for the shortfall over at the west gate where the entrance
had been blocked up with the mobile gable wall wagons.

What were they to do?

A man suddenly stood up from the riding stables. Weighing up an old hoe, he asked, “Can this
be thrown?”

The junior general said, “Throw it away, and it won’t be returned to you!”

“Then you take it.” The man tried his best to speak in officialese. “The city is besieged. No point
in keeping this hoe if we can’t beat the Biansha Cavalry to death. Are you short of men?”

The garrison troops did not answer, considering that they had just clashed with the commoners
earlier at the west gate.

Many a number of people then stood up from the riding stables. They were all men in the prime
of their lives, carrying with them their own farming tools. They shouted at the garrison troops.
“Are you short of men? If so, we are all men here!”

◈ ◈ ◈

The Biansha Cavalry’s artillery assault persisted until the hour of you when dusk fell. The east
gate was patched up over and over again, and the spare parapet walls were all about to be
smashed down to nothing. Yet, the Biansha Cavalry did not show any intention of stopping. This
was the real artillery bombardment—they would never stop until the collapse of the eastern side
of the city wall.

“The single-branch cannons are all rocks.” Crouching behind the battlement, Qiao Tianya said to
Shen Zechuan against the sounds of the cannon. “They are out there in the open fields, so they
have no lack of rocks. If this keeps on for two more days, then even if the Biansha Cavalry
doesn’t charge through the trench, the city wall would not be able to hold up any further.”

“Hasen can’t wait two days.” Shen Zechuan’s cheeks were filthy. “The Biansha Cavalry will
definitely attack before nightfall.”

Now that the garrison troops had lost Yin Chang, the Biansha Cavalry had to probe just how far
over their heads the garrison troops were at present. Having endured a day of bombardment, the
garrison troops were already very exhausted, and this was presently an excellent opportunity for
the Biansha Cavalry.

“When they cross the trench, we’ll open the city gate,” Shen Zechuan said. “The garrison troops
will continue to defend the city. Let the Imperial Cavalry fend off the attack.”

“Fei Sheng and I…”

“You and I.” Shen Zechuan raised his eyes. “You’ll alternate with me. As long as you beat back
the Biansha Cavalry’s charge, retreat into the city immediately. Don’t persist in fighting.”

The number of Biansha Cavalry far exceeded that of the Imperial Cavalry. A steel needle could
not face up against a broad ax head-on. Shen Zechuan only had to pierce through the Biansha
Cavalry’s momentum, and he would be able to maintain a defensive posture.

Qiao Tianya licked his lips and said with a stern countenance. “You’re the Prefectural Lord, not
a general.”

Shen Zechuan did not answer. Bracing himself against the wall, he stood up. Under the dim
filament of heaven, he looked past the dense cluster of Biansha Cavalry at the Chashi River. The
Chashi River was like a jade belt2 dipping in the sunset, reflecting the thick, magnificent clouds
where the saker falcons soared among.

The expression in Shen Zechuan’s eyes gradually took on an edge of sharpness.

“I’m the Prefectural Lord of Zhongbo,” he said.

Before the magnificent clouds above the Chashi River had dispersed, the wall beside Shen
Zechuan’s hand quaked with a thunderous crash.

“The catapults!” The garrison troop on the lookout at the watchtower sounded the alarm at the
top of his voice. “Here comes the Biansha Cavalry’s catapults!”

After a full day’s rest, the catapults that had sounded off the prelude to the battle last night were
now back in the game following the single-branch cannons. The Biansha Cavalry started to split
up into squads, pounding on their cylindrical drums to swiftly pass on information on the

Shen Zechuan promptly yanked off his cumbersome wide robe, secured that singular arm guard
tightly, and descended the steps to the base of the city wall where Feng Ta Shuang Yi was
waiting with its chin up. He got onto his horse and said to Qiao Tianya, “Stay vigilant at the
remaining three gates.”

Qiao Tianya bowed, then shouted. “Your Lordship, to a resounding victory!”

Shen Zechuan tugged at the reins and turned the horse around, steering it towards the
passageway. His ravishing appearance was covered with blood and sweat; only his eyes
remained bright. Behind him, the Imperial Cavalry steadied their breathing—they too wanted to
end this battle quickly.

The war steed at a side abruptly sunk slightly as Fei Sheng got on and shifted the Xiuchun blade
at the side of his waist before him. His bloodshot eyes looked at Shen Zechuan. “I am Your
Lordship’s guard.” He paused for a moment, then drew his blade and raised his voice. “We are
Your Lordship’s shields!”
Shen Zechuan nodded slightly, and Feng Ta Shuang Yi started to trod forward. His figure
gradually stepped into the passageway. In the moment of silence as he faced the city gate, Shen
Zechuan proclaimed. “I live and die with all of you.”

The city gates opened once again. That dull thud ushered in the last of the daylight that weaved
in and out of the countless horse hooves.

All at once, the Hongying banner was raised high in the evening glow. A cavalryman hoisted up
the flagpole, and from where he was behind the reorganized infantry, waved it suddenly and
shouted in the Biansha tongue, “Charge—!”

The stray wisp of Fei Sheng’s hair swayed in the wind. His badly scraped fingers gripped onto
the hilt of the blade tightly, and in the instant Shen Zechuan spurred his horse on forward, he
shouted. “A resounding victory!”

Feng Ta Shuang Yi trod on the dust and galloped forth.

The infantry abandoned their shields and kneeled orderly with the passage planks in their arms.
As the Biansha Cavalry was about to cross over them, they started erecting a narrow bridge.
Stepping across the planks, the men with scimitars crossed the trench and came head to head
with the Imperial Cavalry at the foot of the city.

After a full day’s rest outside the city, the Biansha Cavalry was brimming with energy. They
drank their fill of milk tea and ate their fill of dried meat jerky. At first, they thought they would
face up against an already exhausted garrison troop, but who knew that the Imperial Cavalry was
also sufficiently rested and had also stuffed themselves full with dry rations. There was no
opportunity at all for the Biansha Cavalry to take advantage of.

Amidst the disarray of hooves, both parties collided with brute force, like blade striking against

All along, Yang Shan Xue had never met force with force with the scimitars, for Shen Zechuan
artfully went straight for the throats. His arm guard became heavy, and blood that trickled in slid
further down along his arm, staining half of his body red.

The number of men for the Biansha Cavalry’s first charge was not enough, and the passage
bridge that had been hastily erected was too narrow and could not hold up against the Imperial
Cavalry’s combat at close quarters. So the Biansha Cavalry could only retreat temporarily and
hastily end this round of attack.

Shen Zechuan immediately turned his horse around and returned to the city. The city gate shut
again when he entered the passageway. Torches were lit up in the passageway. The hour of
hai was somehow already fast approaching.

Shen Zechuan’s right arm was slow to react. When he was still in the Imperial Bodyguards, he
had never fought with all his might for such a long period of time. Then he had neglected his
martial arts practice after arriving in Zhongbo. He was already now aware of how slow-reacting
his body was.

No sensation in both fingers.

Shen Zechuan lifted his left hand to wipe away the blood on his face without so much an
expression, then swapped positions with Qiao Tianya.

The Imperial Bodyguards had not even rested for two hours when the drums outside sounded
again, and the Biansha Cavalry attacked for the second time. This time, Qiao Tianya led the
troops to resist and fight back, and it was not until the hour of chou that he returned.

“The warfare tactic of taking turns to fight and wear the opponent down.”3 Fei Sheng watched
from the battlements as the Biansha Cavalry moved their torches around. “Their cavalry is
different every round of attack, so the fight won’t stop even if the fight goes on until daybreak.”

“Hasen stashed away a portion of his troops.” Shen Zechuan leaned against the wall for a rest
and stuffed several mouthfuls of steamed buns into his mouth. “Otherwise, there won’t be
complete silence from Ce’an.”

Before Xiao Chiye headed down south, he had done a simulation with Lu Guangbai. The
purpose of his trip down south was to lure Hasen into mobilizing his troops, but the warning sign
to this was that the Biansha Cavalry at the entrance of the battle zone would be reduced. Lu
Guangbai still had yet to come to provide reinforcement, and that meant that the onslaught of
assaults at the battle zone had not stopped. Hasen had long put enough camouflages in place in
order to attack Duanzhou. It was very likely that there were more than the six tribes behind

Gazing at the cavalry, Fei Sheng said, “I have to bring the old man back.”

Shen Zechuan managed with some effort to finish his steamed bun and stood up with Yang Shan
Xue in hand. He had already gone without sleep for a day and a night.

“We have to think of a way to do so…” Shen Zechuan raised his head slightly. “Qiao Tianya
need not retreat during the next round of attack. We’ll head out of the city together.”

Fei Sheng looked back.

The expression in Shen Zechuan’s eyes was somber as he said with clear enunciation, “Fuck.”

Fei Sheng’s stiff facial muscles gradually began to move. He did not know why either, but he
suddenly broke into laughter. He laughed and laughed, and in the midst of laughing, he raised a
hand to wipe his tears as he followed suit and said, “Fuck.”
Credits: Thank you marti803 for spotting the typo! <3

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1. 单梢炮 Single-component catapults, or one-branch

2. 玉带 literally jade belt, or belts made of jade worn by high-level government officials in
the course of duty. It’s also a term in Fengshui where the road surrounds the building,
much like how the jade belt embraces the waist of the wealthy in graceful semicircular
3. 车轮战 the tactic of several persons or groups taking turns in fighting one opponent in
order to wear him down (kind of attrition warfare)

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 250 : Defensive Battle

Warning: Violence

Three quarters past the hour of chou, gloomy clouds concealed the moon.

The Biansha Cavalry withdrew from the front lines after they regrouped, replaced by the elite
forces from the first attack. The torches they raised suddenly went out, and the drums that had
been sounding all night stopped. The outskirts of Duanzhou were abruptly plunged into darkness.
Without the illumination of the torches, the archers along the city wall could not see across the
trench clearly. The sentry climbed up the only remaining watchtower and bravely stepped on the
railing, where he craned his neck to survey from high above the ground.

“Can’t get a clear look.” The sentry’s temples dripped with sweat as he gestured to the top of the
wall. “Too dark!”

The onslaught of attacks from the single-branch cannon and catapults ceased too. Other than a
scattering of sound from hooves, no other news could be gathered from within the city. In this
rare moment of silence, the garrison troops trod lightly, as if afraid of startling something. They
stood up in their respective positions, with some premonition of the rainstorm that was about to
come assaulting.

The garrison troops in the passageway began to withdraw outward, dragging the corpses they
had cleared out to make way for the Imperial Cavalry. Clear water splashed over the green slab
stones and flushed past the hooves of the horses, dissipating the strong, heavy stench of blood.
The ranks of the Biansha Cavalry moved. They planned to pass through the passage planks they
had securely erected, then form a wall before the city gate. They had figured out the ways of the
Imperial Cavalry after numerous attempts at feeling them out. To deal with the steel needle, they
had to form a thick brick to smash it to pieces!

The garrison troops stationed at the top of the city wall did not dare to wipe their sweat. Their
Adam’s apples bobbed as they listened to the sound of hooves and silently counted down in
unison in their hearts.

The Biansha Cavalry dashed towards the trench.

The hooves of the Biansha Cavalry’s ponies stepped onto the passage planks, and the thunderous
sound instantaneously resounded through the trench.


The garrison troops waved their banners and shouted in a hoarse voice, “Shove—!”

The heavy rocks at the top of the city wall started rolling along the small wooden passages,
rumbling as they turned past a few small and short areas, where they bumped against the edges
and went springing out to rain upon the trench. The Biansha Cavalry, who had been hidden in the
darkness, could not block the sudden assault from above, and they were knocked off stride by the
smashing rocks. More than half of the passage planks immediately broke apart, and countless
Biansha Cavalrymen plunged into the trench.

The city gate was already wide open. With Shen Zechuan in the center and Qiao Tianya and Fei
Sheng as the flanks, the three squads charged in unison. The Biansha Cavalry’s formation that
had fallen to pieces left countless voids, and the Imperial Cavalry attacked where they saw
openings, tearing the Biansha Cavalry’s attacking squads into pieces starting from the trench.

Archers replaced the rock pushers at the top of the city wall. Hot oil was poured over the
arrowheads, which were wrapped in tattered rags. The arrows were then fired down at the same
time they were ignited. The Biansha Cavalry did not have the cover of the infantry’s head cart,
nor did they have the protection of armors, so the moment the flaming arrows brushed past their
clothing, they would start burning.

All at once, the entire trench lit up.

Fei Sheng’s right flank had already charged across the trench through the Biansha’s passage
planks. He bent half of his body over in the strong gale and lashed out with his horsewhip to
speed ahead. As he passed by Yin Chang’s position, he suddenly slid over to pull out the old
man’s blade with one arm. The instant he grabbed hold of the hilt of Yin Chang’s blade, he
turned his head aside to wipe his cheek hard on his shoulder and thrust the blade into the vacated
sheath on his back.
In the wind, Fei Sheng pulled the reins to turn the horse aside and continued to gallop towards
the smoke signal tower in the southeast.

The Biansha Cavalry sensed a branch of light cavalry breaking out of the encirclement in the
dimness. Before the cavalrymen they mobilized could close up the opening, Shen Zechuan, who
had similarly crossed the trench, clutched them by the throat and forcibly dragged them over.
The center and left flank of the Imperial Cavalry were all meant to act as a shield and cover.
With their backs to the burning trench, they spared no effort to fight at close quarters under the
rain of arrows.

The scattered Biansha Cavalry speedily regrouped themselves, but the speed of the Imperial
Cavalry was swift too. None of them held an advantage over the other on their mounts; it all
hinged on whose blades were faster.

Qiao Tianya’s original appearance was barely discernible under the splatter of blood. He wiped
his blade with his sleeve and whistled as he followed Shen Zechuan.

“Your Lordship.” Qiao Tianya was done wiping his blade. “Is this blade still good to use?”1

In the darkness of the night, where bursts of sparks erupted all over, Shen Zechuan said, “Just as
fast as Yang Shan Xue.”

Qiao Tianya’s tattered sleeves exposed his arm. He had not even put on his arm guard. He was
just like a blade without a sheath. All of a sudden, he turned around and said in a way which no
one could tell if he was being serious, “Don’t say it like that to Yuanzhuo. It’s a big
misunderstanding. I’m not fast.”

“Then I’m really,” Shen Zechuan suddenly held up Yang Shan Xue that he had been grasping in
a reverse grip at an angle to block the scimitar behind for Qiao Tianya. Blood splashed all over
Qiao Tianya’s face under the slashing sound of a blade. Calmly, Shen Zechuan continued, “…so
very happy for Yuanzhuo.”

The Imperial Cavalry in the back returned to their position, and Shen Zechuan ceased to speak.
With Yang Shan Xue in tow, he turned the horse around to face the direction of the Biansha
Cavalry’s single-branch cannon, then broke into a run.

The man in charge of passing on military intelligence sped through the ranks while waving a
small flag. Pointing at the single-branch cannon, he said, “Withdraw the cannon!”

But the Imperial Cavalry was too fast. The Scorpion guarding by the side of the single-branch
cannon swung his hammer at Shen Zechuan. Just as Shen Zechuan, who was regaining his grip
on Yang Shan Xue, was about to cross swords with the Scorpion, he suddenly rolled off his
horse, and Feng Ta Shuang Yi instantly lifted its hooves to sidestep away. The Scorpion’s
intention to break Feng Ta Shuang Yi’s legs with a swing of his hammer fell short, and as he
turned around, he cursed in the Biansha Tongue, “Cunning—”
Shen Zechuan kicked out at the ground and leaped forth in a pounce. The Scorpion was strapping
tall and sturdy, and Shen Zechuan climbed onto the back of the Scorpion’s shoulders and used a
hand to suddenly crank the head of the Scorpion askew to expose his neck. As the blade met
flesh, Yang Shan Xue slashed across it.

His right hand lacked strength, and he unexpectedly missed, failing to slit the Scorpion’s throat.

Blood spurted out from the Scorpion’s neck. The hammer he was brandishing did not stop. He let
loose a ragged gasp that did not sound human and grabbed hold of Shen Zechuan with his free

A drop of blood on the ridge of Shen Zechuan’s brow trickled down. He resisted the force, and
that blade that had once slashed across the Scorpion’s neck made another attempt. As if he was
slaughtering cattle and sheep, he used a sawing motion to completely sever the other man’s

This relentlessness to persist until the other man’s death sent a chill down the backs of the
Imperial Cavalry behind him.

The Scorpion toppled over to the ground with a crash. His hammer and Shen Zechuan both went

Feng Ta Shuang Yi had already circled back. Shen Zechuan climbed to his feet and mounted his
horse once again. With the tip of his toe, Qiao Tianya lifted the hammer and weighed it in his
hand, then swung it down hard on one of the legs of the single-branch cannon stand. The leg of
the stand promptly splintered and broke, and the entire single-branch cannon tilted over to the

The sound of wood splitting erupted in their ears. Fire instantly started to burn.

Fei Sheng was holding a torch. The right flank had already charged their way close to the smoke
signal tower. Exhaling puffs of air as he dismounted, he stumbled and used the other arm to grab
to the edge of the steps and scrambled up the tower with both hands and legs.

The Biansha Cavalry, who were in pursuit of them, shouted as they came attacking. Once again,
the Imperial Cavalry crossed swords with them at the foot of the tower.

Fei Sheng sprinted along the steps, and when he reached the tower where smoke was to be lit, he
tossed the torch in. The dry tower pit burst into flames. He took two steps back and said, “It’s

Following that, the garrison troops on top of the city wall cried out loud and shouted below, “It’s

Feng Ta Shuang Yi retreated, and Shen Zechuan said, “Withdraw!”

The flames at the smoke signal tower blazed. Just a few more moments, and the smoke signal
towers to the east would all start lighting up in successive order. Fei Sheng held his hand to his
chest, wanting to wipe his eyes. But unexpectedly, the sudden wind sent the ashes fluttering all
over. The sky that had been overcast for half a night began to act up, with a few drops of rain
serving as a forewarning. Before the cheers in Duanzhou could even get going, the torrential rain
came pouring down like cold water all over Fei Sheng’s face.

It was raining.

The flames of the smoke signal tower were just like delicate flowers swaying in the rainstorm,
their heads bowed low from the pounding of the water droplets. Gradually, the fire became

Fei Sheng lunged to the front of the tower. Blocking out the rain with his hands, he raged.
“Bloody heaven!”

No doubt Duanzhou was bound to usher in a bout of rainstorm after several days of clear skies.
This rain poured down in torrents, which meant that the trench at the east gate would not lack
water for the time being, but it would be tough to light up the smoke signal tower again.

“Come on… light up… Fuck your ancestors!” Fei Sheng struck the flint. However, this rain that
had come out of the blue was pouring too hard, and his hands were both soaking wet.

He could not light it up anymore.

This was a sudden rainstorm that came without warning, but it stopped fast too. As long as they
could temporarily retreat back to the city, they would still have the opportunity.

Shen Zechuan steeled himself and brandished his blade towards the southeast. “Withdraw!”

Fei Sheng’s vision blurred. He thought it was because of the heavy rain. He frantically struck at
the flint and watched as the spark spluttered.

Old man.

Fei Sheng’s fingernails that he had badly scraped while clawing at the gate were bloodstained.
His hands trembled as he raked out the hay that had yet to be extinguished in the tower pit.

It’s too hard to be a hero.

Fei Sheng widened his reddened eyes and pulled out the book he had used for information-
gathering from his bosom and stuffed it into the pit. He leaned over and blew with his mouth, the
smoke choking him to the point he almost suffocated.

In all my life—
Fei Sheng blew on the small fire to let the tongue of the flame lick the book. The fire suddenly
flared and almost singed Fei Sheng’s hair. He fell to the ground and spat.

—This is the only time I’ve ever sacrificed myself for others!

The twice-lit smoke signal tower did not blaze high in this downpour, but it was enough.
Following the one tiny spark in the southeast that shone faintly, countless flames lit up in
succession. They spread abruptly along the smoke signal towers into the shape of a long, snaking
dragon that flickered in the heavy rain.

Fei Sheng took a few steps to the front of the tower and prepared to jump down. The voice he
wanted to shout out stalled in his throat, and he stepped back again.

The flood of the Biansha Cavalry before the smoke signal tower was so overwhelming that there
was no opening to be found at all. The right flank of the Imperial Cavalry was just as slender as
an awn of wheat in this sort of large, retracting squad.

Fei Sheng was drenched through. He looked over his Xiuchun Blade that was already chipped
from all the hacking, and said to the rain, “I told you a long time ago that a hero doesn’t come to
a good end.”

The rain pounded on Fei Sheng, the cacophony of noises sounding like it was engaging in a war
of words with him.

The blood on Fei Sheng’s face had been washed away. He tossed away his Xiuchun Blade.
Stepping on the edge of the smoke signal tower, he abruptly pulled out Yin Chang’s blade.
Towards Duanzhou, he shouted, “Your Lordship!” His chest heaved. “Erect a stone tablet for
me. Engrave ‘Loyal and Courageous, Old Fei the Tenth’. I want to face the Chashi River with
the old man and stand guard over Duanzhou for you for ten thousand years!”

Shen Zechuan spurred his horse on. Rainwater splashed across his facial features.



He was no longer the frigid wind coursing through the territories.2 There were countless figures
behind him. That heavy weight lay upon his shoulders, pinning down a Shen Zechuan who once
drifted in the world back onto the ground. As he stepped onto this expanse of land, he couldn’t

The Prefectural Lord lifted his head high under the torrential rain and roared, “Break out of the

Fei Sheng leaped off the smoke signal tower, rolled to the ground, and flipped over to his feet.
Wielding his blade, he hacked off the front knees of the ponies and barged his way in along with
the muddy water. The Biansha Cavalry swarmed over like a colony of ants, breaking up the right
flank with its charge.

The glint of Yang Shan Xue broke through the rain. Hooves trampled over corpses to break out
of the encirclement from the southeast direction.

Fei Sheng held his blade up against a scimitar and was pushed backward. At the critical juncture,
he heard an explosion through the torrential rain. He abruptly fell back into the mud and rolled
once. He was beside himself with joy as he wiped his face. “Reinforcements!”

The sound of explosions on the south end of Duanzhou erupted once again. Following close on
the Biansha Cavalry’s heels, Huo Lingyun relied on the firearms of this Imperial Cavalry squad
to blast out a path for themselves. Exerting himself, he loaded the firearm and blasted away as he
charged his way through the ranks of the Biansha Cavalry, all without wiping the rainwater off

Behind, Tantai Hu could no longer hold himself back. As he drew out his blade, he shouted,
“Motherfucking Biansha baldies. Your Granddaddy Hu is here!”

The vanguard squad of the Dunzhou Garrison Troops that had set off in advance was here!

◈ ◈ ◈

Thick clouds enveloped the canopy of heaven. When the rain stopped, the city gate was once
again tightly shut.

Shen Zechuan gasped for breath. His fingers were already all white from the soaking. When he
dismounted from his horse, the water in his boots gushed out, and his boots made squishy sounds
as he stepped across the ground. “Remove your blades and take a break.”

The Imperial Cavalrymen all dismounted one after another and stuffed themselves with food the
garrison troops delivered. They replaced blades that were bent and went to the shacks at the foot
of the city to rest. Time was precious. They did not even have time to change their clothing;
instead, they just wrapped a thin blanket around themselves and took several sips of hot tea
before leaning against the wall to sleep.

Tantai Hu took off his helmet and followed Shen Zechuan up the city wall.

Huo Lingyun followed closely behind him and reported, “I headed north along the Chashi River,
and midway through, I found that the Luosha Relay Station had been massacred. I originally
wanted to return to Duanzhou to report to Your Lordship, but there were too many of the
Biansha Cavalry, so I headed west and lit up Dunzhou’s smoke signal tower.”

Shen Zechuan’s drenched hair plastered against his cheeks. “How is the situation in the battle
“The bridleway has been cut off,” Tantai Hu said. “Looking at it from the current situation, it’s
not easy going for the battle zone either.”

The few of them reached the top of the city wall and sat on the ground behind the intact
battlements. A rudimentary shed had been erected here, so it was still rather dry.

Shen Zechuan spread open the military map, and in passing, took off the agate on his right ear
that was so dirty it resembled a bead of mud and put it under the clothing on his bosom. He
looked at the map for a moment and said, “It’s raining, and the entrances are all muddy. The
Biansha Cavalry’s military supplies are going to sink and get bogged down in the mud. They will
not attack rashly before the sun rears its head.”

“But they will not stop for too long, either.” Qiao Tianya pointed at Dunzhou. “They already
know that the reinforcements from Dunzhou are coming.”

“The garrison troops are all infantry. They are slow on their feet. It will still take another night
for the majority of the troops to rush over to Duanzhou.” Tantai Hu touched the scar on his eye.
“My advance squad only has two thousand men.”

Fei Sheng was almost lying down. He hugged Yin Chang’s blade in his arms. He no longer had
any strength left to wail, and his voice had gone all hoarse. “The smoke signal tower in the
southeast has been lit. We only need to defend until the night passes…”

“The Biansha Cavalry is fast.” Huo Lingyun interrupted Fei Sheng. “If Hasen wants to intercept
and stop Dunzhou’s reinforcement, he can still make it in time if he mobilizes troops south. We
can’t gamble time on this night.”

Hasen’s advantage lay precisely in his understanding of Zhongbo’s terrains. The Dunzhou
Garrison Troops were not the Imperial Cavalry. They had to run on two legs. They only had to
be obstructed by the Biansha Cavalry, and they would very likely stall behind Duanzhou and
delay the reinforcements.

“We have to hold until reinforcements from the Bianjun Commandery arrive.” Huo Lingyun
traced his finger along the bridle path from the Bianjun Commandery to Duanzhou. “Second
Master said it before when he headed down south. As long as Hasen moves, Commander-in-
chief Qi will circle back to Gedale to launch a sneak attack from behind Hasen. No matter what,
Hasen can’t stay in Duanzhou’s territory for long. The city walls of Duanzhou are solid, and
there is no lack of food. At the very least, we can defend for another two days.”

Defend for another two days.

The hearts of everyone present sank at these words.

Qiao Tianya turned his head and looked out of the battlements. “… A battle to the death, huh?”
Haze shrouded the firmament. The Chashi River, which could still be considered magnificent
last night, was now reduced to a deathly white tattered cotton. After being scoured by the rain,
the city walls would darken. The garrison troops continued to clean up the battlefield at the city
gate. It did not matter which side the soldiers had been on. As long as they had become corpses,
they would all be stacked together. The faces of those people were similarly deathly pale as they
lay in the mire, like lush grass that had dried up from a lack of water.

Shen Zechuan walked down the stairs alone and headed over to the side of the water vat to wash
his face. He braced himself with one arm and looked at his own right hand. He dipped his hand
into the clear water, and the bloodstains on the handkerchief promptly blossomed in the water.

A-Ye’s handkerchief was now dirty.

Shen Zechuan undid the handkerchief. Both of his fingers were swollen from the tight binding.
He turned and sat down, then wrung the blue handkerchief dry and set it out to dry on his knees.
He tilted back his head, fixing his gaze at the top.

The wind caressed the tree beside him, strewing the ground all around with fallen leaves.

And Shen Zechuan, leaning against the water vat, fell asleep.

◈ ◈ ◈

Hasen scooped up the river water with his hands. While facing east, he buried his face in it and
said his farewell. The heads by his feet had been strung together. His scimitar was stained red
with fresh blood, and his newly cut leather clothing revealed both of his wrists. Hidden away in
the pocket of his sleeves was the flower of Chiti3 that Duo’erlan had given him.

The aged wise one cupped the river water in his hands and raised them to pour the water over
Hasen’s head. “May the gods bless and protect the Heroic Eagle of the Hanshe Tribe.”

Hasen lifted his dripping wet face and looked at the wise one as he asked, “Will I win?”

The wise one leaned over and stroked Hasen’s forehead, his cloudy eyes bearing the weight of
the river. He seemed to be even older than the Chashi River was. His wisdom was not one that
Bayin could match. He kneeled, cupped Hasen’s cheeks, and answered slowly, “You are already
standing in a place we have not gone before.”

“There’s still a wolf ahead standing guard,” Hasen said. “I killed his father.”

“The King of Wolves killed your brothers and sisters.” The wise one’s aging face was just like
the barren sand dunes in the desert. “The compassion bestowed upon by the Heavenly God of
Chiti comes accompanied by pain. He took away the grasslands and the blue sky; we are already
committed to fight to the bitter end where only one of us is left standing.”
Water droplets dripped from Hasen’s chin. After a moment of silence, he said in a quiet voice, “I
will win.”

◈ ◈ ◈

Shen Zechuan was startled awake by the sound of artillery bombardment. He felt cold all over
the very instant he opened his eyes. Under the flurry of footsteps, he swiftly secured the
handkerchief back on his hand and rose to his feet.

“Light the fire!”

Torches around him lit up in a flash. Shen Zechuan stepped up the stairs to the top of the city

“There are still Biansha Cavalrymen crossing the river.” Fei Sheng looked out into the distance.
“They are gathering in the direction of Duanzhou.”

Shen Zechuan drank up the ginger soup Qiao Tianya handed him. “Hasen is here.”

“The Biansha Cavalry has split up into flanks.” Cold sweat broke out on Fei Sheng’s back. “This
is bad. They’re going to charge from three sides!”

The Biansha Cavalry seemed like an eagle who was in the midst of spreading its wings open.
The center came together to form a horde, their numbers far exceeded those in the daytime.
Meanwhile, the two flanks of the Biansha Cavalry bearing torches and taking a detour dashed at
lightning speed.

“Notify the south and north gates.” Shen Zechuan smashed the bowl and raised his voice. “Be on
guard and defend to the death!”

Before the words were fully out of his mouth, half of the battlement near him collapsed with a
“bang”. The Imperial Cavalry and Garrison Troops all broke into a run, while the archers hoisted
up their bows on the battered battlement and drew their bows.

Unlike the two flanks, Hasen’s center squad did not move. He put all his catapults and single-
branch cannons to use. Heavy rocks came hurtling over in torrents at the Duanzhou city wall, the
impact so strong it sent debris of the wall flying all over. The archers could not keep a steady
hand on their bows at all.

The Biansha Cavalrymen beside Hasen erected their banners, and the cavalrymen in the rear all
abandoned their drums. Instead, they held up their horns and blew them. The two flanks had
already reached the north and south gates. The north gates released a batch of arrows, although
the south gate could only hurl farming tools.
The advisors in the riding stables were all taking a short break when they suddenly heard a
resounding crash from the gate. The women and children present promptly broke out crying in
alarm as they huddled together.

“They are attacking the city!” Gao Zhongxiong started trembling as he hugged his papers and
brushes close to him.

The battering ram did not succeed the first time, and not a moment later, an even heavier crash
rang out. The outermost city gate broke apart at once, and the shouts of the Biansha Cavalry
permeated through the overhanging gate. The commoners present were all in a panic now as they
frantically jostled their way backward.

A garrison troop soldier at the top of the city wall leaped down and drew his blade, shouting to
the crowd, “Run for the alley!”

He had yet to finish his words when the battering ram slammed into the overhanging gate with a
loud crash, sending forth a spray of wood splinters and creating a hole in it.

The garrison troop soldier raised a hand, his sweat and tears flowing as he gasped violently for
breath. At the very moment the battering ram sent the lower side of the overhanging door flying,
he took the lead and broke into a run, brandishing his blade as he charged and shouted, “Slay the

With Kong Ling pushing the wheelchair, the advisors followed behind the commoners as they
flooded towards the residential areas.

The garrison troops could not hold up against the Biansha Cavalry’s assault. Scimitars scythed
across the garrison troops’ heads as though they were reaping harvest. The sounds of hooves
never stopped at all as they charged right into the running crowd.

The advisors had already dashed over to the entrance of the alley, choked full with commoners
inside. A woman had to pull along several children in tow and carry an elder on her back. All the
young and strong had already taken up their places before the overhanging gate, and all those
who remained here were totally powerless to fight back in the face of the Biansha Cavalry.

Gao Zhongxiong’s papers fell off along his arms. His legs were shaking, as was his body. Before
he could squeeze his way in, a Biansha Cavalryman hooked the back of his collar and dragged
his entire body over. Gao Zhongxiong yelled in terror, his tears and mucus flowing profusely.

The Biansha Cavalryman said something and spat at Gao Zhongxiong.

Gao Zhongxiong, at the end of his rope seeing no way out, summoned up a burst of strength out
of nowhere and spat at the Biansha Cavalryman too. He shouted, “A scholar would rather die
than be humiliated!”
The Biansha Cavalryman fell off his horse with a thud. Swinging a bar of door blot4 he had
picked up at random, Kong Ling urged, “Quick, Shenwei, run!”

Covering the back of his head, the Biansha Cavalryman clambered to his feet and felt for his

Gao Zhongxiong had initially taken a few steps back. Seeing as Kong Ling was about to fall
behind, he yanked over the cloth bundle under his arm, which still had brushes and an ink slab in
it, without even thinking and slammed it right at the head of the Biansha Cavalryman, sending
the cavalryman, who was caught off guard, back to the ground.

Without throwing the bar away, Kong Ling lifted the hem of his robe and pushed Gao
Zhongxiong into moving. Both of them then ran for the alley. Gao Zhongxiong was still turning
his head, looking at his bundle as he cried and said, “That, that ink slab of mine was really

Qiao Tianya galloped past, leading a column of Imperial Cavalry head-on into the Biansha
Cavalry. Both parties start battling and slaying each other in the darkness. The commoners in the
alley covered their mouths, only daring to whimper and not wail as they listened to the violent
sounds of fighting at close quarters. A constant stream of garrison troops ran past.

Yao Wenyu turned his wheelchair, keeping close to the edge, but he could not hear any sound
from Qiao Tianya.

After an hour, torches suddenly lit up at the entrance of the alley.

Wiping his chin that was dripping with blood, Qiao Tianya raised his head slightly at the interior.
His gaze swept past Yao Wenyu to Kong Ling. “May I trouble Mister Chengfeng to lead
everyone back to the residence?”

Kong Ling repeatedly answered in the affirmative. Only then did he throw away the bar in his
hands. He hurried forward and called out the commoners to follow. Gao Zhongxiong hurriedly
bent down to pick up his papers.

Amidst the weaving flames, Qiao Tianya moved aside a few steps and pressed in towards Yao

Yao Wenyu said, “His Lordship—”

The wheelchair bumped lightly against the wall. Yuanzhuo suddenly grabbed the armrest with a
hand to brace himself as Qiao Tianya cupped his cheeks and walled him in this dark, gloomy
corner for a kiss. This kiss was not at all gentle. It blazed with astounding desire under the taste
of blood.
Qiao Tianya abruptly let go of Yao Wenyu. He wiped down Yuanzhuo’s bloodstained chin for
him and stepped back quickly, then got on his horse and left, leaving Yao Wenyu behind,
covering his chin in shock.

◈ ◈ ◈

Hasen cracked his horsewhip. He led the elites to break across the trench and charge towards the
east gate with mud in tow and the battering rams following behind him.

Tantai Hu waved his arm and said, “Get ready.”

The mounted crossbow at the top of the city wall clicked into action. A dozen soldiers from the
garrison troops propped up the long arrows. This mounted crossbow with exceptional destructive
power could only be used to deal with Hasen, but it was tough to find the opportune moment;
they had to first make Hasen retreat.

The water surface in the trench rippled. Hasen’s horse had only just landed on the ground when a
blade came at him head-on. He urgently held up his scimitar and blocked the blow. Through the
flames and dust, he saw Shen Zechuan.

Neither man gained a lead over the other in their first confrontation. At the very instant they
sidestepped each other, they obtained a measure of the other.

Hasen’s red hair inclined slightly as he spun his scimitar and pointed the blade at Shen Zechuan,
as if taking aim at him. He said with precision, “Shen Zechuan.”

Shen Zechuan lightly grazed past the blade. Feng Ta Shuang Yi raised its hooves and stepped
around Hasen, and Shen Zechuan suddenly slashed off the head of the Biansha Cavalry tagging
along with Hasen.

Hasen remembered Xiao Chiye. Xiao Chiye had sent Achi’s head back. This was a humiliation
of sorts, reminiscent of how he too had taken away Xiao Fangxu’s head.

Both sides were at the point of no return, and steel blades clashed several times. The Biansha
Cavalry pushed the Imperial Cavalry back, and the Imperial Cavalry stubbornly pushed them
back again. The hooves of their horses weaved among each other in the mud. Men kept plunging
into the trench, turning into mire.

The garrison troops at the top of the city wall shoved the remaining heavy rocks down, but an
endless stream of replacements kept filling in for the cavalrymen who were knocked down. It
was as if there was no end to it no matter how many they killed.

Shen Zechuan was different from all the opponents Hasen had encountered. He still had his wits
about him even in the face of such a critical assault. Perhaps he was not as strong as Hasen, but
he was sufficiently cunning. All of Hasen’s forceful attacks went smashing into the water. That
was an elusive sense of powerlessness—this was the most thorny opponent.
Hasen retracted his scimitar and drew out his piked dagger.

Kerosene splashed all over at the top of the city wall, and it started burning all around. Hasen
made the first move, blocking the trajectory of Yang Shan Xue’s diagonal slash. The battle steed
suddenly charged forward, pressing up against Feng Ta Shuang Yi as it rammed Shen Zechuan
back towards the city gate with brute force.

Forward charge!

Yang Shan Xue nearly slipped off his hand. The hilt pressed against both Shen Zechuan’s fingers
so hard that his fingers were almost contorted. Shen Zechuan, however, did not feel it. He
forcibly turned the hilt and used his remaining three fingers to grasp it such that the back of the
blade bumped against his forearm. Just like that one move of Yin Chang, he held up the blade
with his elbow at the same time he turned around to slash it towards Hasen’s throat.

Hasen bent over to dodge the blow, and holding his piked dagger in a reverse grip, dealt out a
strike at Shen Zechuan’s chest. With a lightning move of his hand, Shen Zechuan caught hold of
Hasen’s wrist, but his strength was not enough, and in this blink of an eye between life and
death, he abruptly pressed Hasen’s piked dagger down so that Hasen’s forward thrust only
stabbed him at the side of his waist, avoiding the vital points.

“Your Lordship!” Watching Hasen attack from the top of the city wall gave Tantai Hu such a
fright that his soul nearly took leave of him.

Having stabbed Shen Zechuan in the waist, Hasen attempted to retreat, only to realize that the
fingers grabbing him were like steel nails.

Shen Zechuan’s eyes were grim as he said, “Shove.”

The Imperial Cavalry that seemed to be in disarray behind him instantly reorganized and
followed Shen Zechuan to withdraw back to the center, where they then swarmed towards this
one squad of Hasen.

We’ve been had!

Hasen pulled out his piked dagger. The Imperial Cavalry’s battle steeds had already come
barging over. His squad of vanguards was promptly slammed back, and the horses in the rear all
fell butt first into the trench. The mounted crossbow had already been hoisted up; however, it
still was not enough.

Shen Zechuan barked, “Shove again!”

The passage planks over the trench were all more or less broken. River water splashed, and the
rain of fire from the top of the city wall was still falling. Hasen’s assault charge had already
fallen apart. In his retreat, he violently rolled off his horse, taking Shen Zechuan along with him.
Shen Zechuan fell into the mud. Without even pausing to wipe his face, he rolled over first to
draw out some distance between him and Hasen. He was filthy through and through, and there
was no way to tell where he was bleeding. Drops of blood fused into the mud and water, masked
under the surging beats of hooves.

Hasen knew to seize his opportunity. In the few blows he had traded with Shen Zechuan earlier,
he had already seen through him. This man’s physical strength had been exhausted to the point
that he was not his match at all. He pounced, and took advantage of the splattering muddy water
to immediately flash his way in front of Shen Zechuan.

Shen Zechuan parried the blow with his blade and was knocked back half a step by the impact of
Hasen’s force. Before Hasen could stand firm, Shen Zechuan protruded a foot and swept Hasen
off his feet. Hasen braced himself against the ground with one hand and immediately sprang
back. The piked dagger between his fingers twirled around with unusual dexterity. Shen Zechuan
dodged it, and Yang Shan Xue and the piked dagger struck against each other in a collective

With a piece of quick thinking, Tantai Hu raised his hands and bellowed, “Release a fire attack
to cover His Lordship!”

Braving the blasts from the cannons, the garrison troops at the top of the city wall drew their
bows. As expected, Hasen retreated a little. It was only when he got a clear look at the top of the
city wall he knew he had fallen for it again—there was no more kerosene left at the top of the
city wall. Before he could retract his gaze, he felt a sudden weight on his chest as Shen Zechuan
kicked him back. As Hasen fell backward, he grasped hold of Shen Zechuan’s ankle, dragging
Shen Zechuan to the ground as well.

Mud splashed all over. The handkerchief loosened, and the three fingers that could still feel
failed to hold on tight to Yang Shan Xue, which fell over to one side. Shen Zechuan coughed out
blood. He attempted to rise to his feet, but failed.

Hasen agilely straightened up. Seeing that Shen Zechuan was about to grasp his blade, he
dragged Shen Zechuan by the ankle and hauled him backward. From where he was in the mud,
Shen Zechuan grabbed at empty air. He resolutely gave up on Yang Shan Xue. With one hand,
he pressed down on his waist where he was injured, and flipped to his feet, relying on the
physical strength of his waist.

These few moves were really going to be the death of him!

Gasping hard for breath, Shen Zechuan elbowed Hasen in the face hard. The Ji Clan Boxing
Style was fierce and hard-hitting, and the force of it caused Hasen to let go of his hand.
However, he reacted quickly. The piked dagger slipped from his right hand and landed into his
left hand, which he thrust right at Shen Zechuan’s throat, catching him unawares.

Unable to block with one arm, he swiftly clamped down on Hasen’s left hand with both arms and
leaned the upper half of his body slightly. The piked dagger stopped right within a hair’s breadth
of him. Blood spilled between Shen Zechuan’s teeth. With the metallic taste of blood in his
mouth, he twisted over Hasen’s left hand and raised his knee to slam it into Hasen’s chest as
Hasen was leaning over towards him.

Hasen instantly fell to the ground.

Shen Zechuan turned his head side to spit out the blood. When Hasen raised his head, he
smashed a fist into Hasen’s head, knocking it askew. Hasen turned his face away and grabbed
hold of Shen Zechuan’s forearm with his bare hands. At the same time Shen Zechuan retracted
his strength, Hasen flipped over, bringing Shen Zechuan falling down with him into the mud
once again.

Shen Zechuan’s right arm was dislocated. As he fell to the ground, he gripped the side of
Hasen’s collar and called out, “Tantai Hu!”

Tantai Hu roared, “Release the arrows!”

Sparks sprayed all around the mounted crossbow. At the very moment the long arrow sprang
forth, it hurtled right towards Hasen with a trail of swift and fierce wind following in its wake!
Hasen yanked Shen Zechuan up and rolled backward to lunge right into the trench. The arrow of
the mounted crossbow went crashing into the trench, stirring up a billow of waves.

Shen Zechuan gulped in a few mouthfuls of filthy water, which choked him until his head was
swimming. Throughout it all, Hasen did not release his grip on him. Dragging Shen Zechuan
along, he climbed his way to the opposite side of the trench.

“Your head.” Hasen pulled out the scimitar by the side of his waist again. “I’m going to gift it to
Xiao Chiye.”

With his neck tilting up, Shen Zechuan spat out the muddy sediment amidst his gasp for breath
and let loose a laugh. His expressive eyes that were partially closed appeared particularly
nefarious as he said, “The wind is here.”

Hasen scythed his scimitar over, but Shen Zechuan instantly raised a leg to stomp hard on
Hasen’s chest. In the very instant that he did so, he grabbed the dagger at the side of his leg with
his left hand and caught Hasen’s scimitar in its track.

With the scimitar stuck, Hasen strained himself to inch backward.

Shen Zechuan had already landed on the ground. Snagging the scimitar from his dagger, Shen
Zechuan landed another blow right in Hasen’s face when Hasen retreated back. Hasen tilted over
and staggered. Imitating Shen Zechuan’s earlier action, he crouched and swept out a leg without

Shen Zechuan did not fall!

Hasen braced himself against the ground to get up. Right at this moment, a burst of what
sounded like the wind being ripped once again erupted in the air. A sharp arrow followed in the
wake of a burst of muffled thunder and, along with the torrential rainstorm, stabbed into the
ground beside Hasen.

The Conqueror Bow, soaking in the rain.

That was not muffled thunder from the sky, but thunderclaps on the ground. The heavy cavalry
thundered as they stomped across the ground, even crashing away the rainwater as they charged
like an overbearing, ferocious beast pouncing out of the dark night. Lang Tao Xue Jin charged
through the curtain of rain, and Xiao Chiye, awash in blood all over, came killing like a bolt of
jet-black lightning from the horizon to the battlefield.

The passage of heavy frost through the lands.5

The wolf was here.

Credits: Thank you Gale and Natt for spotting the typo! <3

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1. Presumably, it explicitly refers to his blade (“this blade of mine”) but the way it is
phrased also can be read as referring to himself as the blade (“this blade that is me”)
2. Refer to chapter 174
3. 赤缇 also refers to light red.

4. 门闩杖 it’s a bolt in the shape of a horizontal

bar, or rod, that’s used to hold a door closed in ancient days. Could be long or short.
Something like the above.
5. Full line is:
The passage of heavy frost through the lands
leaves not a blade of grass in its wake.
Refer to chapter 211
Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 251 : Resounding Victory

Hasen stood up as the ground quaked and turned back to see the thunderclouds billowing over to
where he was.

The torrential rain washed over the Armored Cavalry and splashed among the hooves along with
the splatter of mud. As the pack of wolves howled and dashed, the intimidating sense of
oppressiveness, which had not made an appearance in a long time, swept across the battlefield.
This was the edge that belonged to the Libei Armored Cavalry.

The moment Xiao Chiye appeared on the battlefield of Zhongbo, Hasen’s swift assault failed. He
did not manage to storm into the City of Duanzhou. Instead, he lost his brave general and elites
here. Staying any longer would be a drain on resources. He ought to withdraw his soldiers at this

The vanguards at the city gate had already turned their horses around, while the messengers at
the back of the trench brandished the Hongying banner in between gallops. The Libei Armored
Cavalry that formed a long dragon intercepted access to the southeast, so the Scorpions pushed
their siege weapons and began to retreat towards the Chashi River in the east.

The city gate opened soon after, and Tantai Hu led the garrison troops, who had been holding
back for two days, out in a charge with blades in hands. With all his might, he shouted, “Second
Master is here!”

With his scimitar, Hasen flipped onto an empty horse. He commanded in the Biansha tongue for
the elites to fall out and split into two barriers bringing up the rear. They were to obstruct the
Imperial Cavalry and Libei Armored Cavalry in the west and southeast, so as to buy time for the
withdrawing military supplies squad in the center.
“Your Lordship!” Huo Lingyun spurred his horse on with one hand and rushed over to Shen
Zechuan with Feng Ta Shuang Yi in tow.

Shen Zechuan picked up Yang Shan Xue with his left hand. He did not mount his horse, but
watched as Hasen led the elites in a gallop south to face Xiao Chiye head-on in a battle.

The Prefectural Lord said, “Ready.”

Huo Lingyun reacted swiftly. From where he was on his horse, he raised his arm and shouted
towards the city wall, “Ready—!”

Hasen’s back figure was just about to disappear into the heavy rain, but his red hair was far too
conspicuous, like an illuminated live target in the rain. Shen Zechuan looked at him as if he was
staring at a moving rabbit.

Hasen seemed to sense something under the raindrops, and he looked back to see Shen Zechuan
saying something through the rainstorm.

The mounted crossbow at the top of the city wall fired at once. Massive arrows, which resembled
an ox cart rampaging in the air, shot its way behind Hasen in the blink of an eye. Hasen was
forced to dismount at this critical juncture as the swift torrents of rain splattered all over. At the
very instant he rolled, those huge arrows crashed into the squad of elite cavalry, knocking them
off to the ground. The ponies could not dodge in time at all, and those that were struck were all
killed on the spot.

The ponies neighed in alarm and tumbled over into the mud. Sprays of blood instantly spurted.
This squad was now broken up. The mounted crossbow struck terror in the hearts of the Biansha
Cavalry. Its superior killing power was not something that one man alone could withstand. Every
time it appeared on the battlefield, it would result in countless casualties.

Hasen crawled to his feet and suddenly swung his scimitar in front to intercept Xiao
Chiye’s Langli Blade! However, Xiao Chiye was not Shen Zechuan. Hasen’s scimitar paused for
only a split second when Xiao Chiye slammed it down to the ground, causing it to nearly slip
from his hand.

This strength was too terrifying!

Hasen’s entire body sank along with it. He steadied his scimitar with both hands and bellowed as
he attempted to lift it.

Xiao Chiye was not wearing a helmet. Rainwater trickled down along his temples, and filthy
blood that had yet to be scoured clean by the rain slid across his facial features. He slowly
dragged Langli Blade, and at this moment when he looked down on Hasen, he flashed a spine-
chilling smile.

“I. Was. Looking. For. You.”

The sound of the rain raged. Dark, gloomy clouds blotted out the sky, threatening to crush down
on the battlefield. Thunder crashed close overhead. In the darkness, Hasen saw the fangs of the

The scimitar slammed sideways, letting Langli Blade slip away.

The instant Hasen retreated, Lang Tao Xue Jin’s front hooves stomped down on the footprints he
had left behind and sent up a splash of dirty filth. The surrounding Biansha Cavalry and the Libei
Armored Cavalry clashed together into a chaotic whole. The Armored Cavalry’s brand new
blades had their fills of fresh blood over at Bianjun, so sharp were they as if they were roaring
right now. As Hasen swiftly retreated, he got on his horse once again. Langli Bladesuddenly
came attacking right in his face, and his horse took several steps back in response. Xiao Chiye
pressed in every step of the way, as if revitalized.

Tantai Hu sprang up and jumped into the Biansha Cavalry, who was attempting to withdraw.
Swinging his blade, he first hacked off the ponies’ legs, then led his men to chase after the
Scorpions who were moving their weapons. He squeezed out a fiendish smile and said, “To hell
with you! Pay with your lives, Baldies!”

Duanzhou finally began to launch a counteroffensive. The Imperial Cavalry raced across the
trench, pushing the surge of the Biansha Cavalry towards the east. The Armored Cavalry squad
near the riverbanks of the Chashi River intercepted along the north of the river, severing the path
right at the riverside where the Biansha Cavalry were dashing back. Together with the garrison
troops and Imperial Cavalry, they formed a three-way encirclement to force the Biansha Cavalry
into gathering at the open space in the center.

The only opening still left now was in the north, but Hasen hesitated to order a retreat to the
north, because the north was close to Shasan Camp. He was worried that this was a deliberate
trap Xiao Chiye left for him, and he was even more worried that Lu Guangbai was lying in
ambush in the north. He was already virtually in a dead-end, besieged on all sides.

Langli Blade cleaved towards his throat, and Hasen nimbly bent over to dodge the blow. At the
same time he parried the blade, he commanded in the Biansha tongue, “Switch vanguards!”

The elites who were meeting the Libei Armored Cavalry’s attack instantly retreated. Seizing
their opportunity, the Scorpions formed a diagonal wall in the southeast. As they spurred their
ponies on, they swung their hammers high.

Langli Blade suddenly lifted, the face of the blade catching the rapidly drumming raindrop as it
lay leveled in mid-air, like the last chain that tethered the Armored Cavalry. Xiao Chiye did not
move, and neither did the Armored Cavalry behind him.

“CHARGE!” Hasen commanded.

The hooves of the Scorpions’ ponies galloped into the mud. At the same time the mix of muddy
water and rainwater hit them in their faces, they yelled out in the Biansha tongue.
Xiao Chiye lowered his arms. Before the garrison troops at the top of the city wall could get a
clear look, they heard the Armored Cavalry simultaneously returning their blades to their sheath
—the Armored Cavalry was actually keeping away their blades at this time.

Standing in front, Xiao Chiye twirled out his new long blade. It was as if the Armored Cavalry
had flung off their iron sheet cover. Loud clangs simultaneously rang out, revealing uniformly-
colored long blades on the flanks of the horses. The long blade had never seen blood back at the
Bianjun Commandery. These blades had only revealed their prowess at the Chashi Sinkhole.
And now, as they soaked in the rain, it was still rainwater dripping off the shiny tips of the

The Scorpions’ iron hammers swung before them, and the Libei Armored Cavalry suddenly
opened up. They broke up the vanguard squad and swiftly shifted over to both sides to allow the
Scorpions to gallop in unimpeded. The Scorpions were midway through when Hasen had a sense
of foreboding. However, his order to withdraw would not make its way here at all, because the
Armored Cavalry vanguard squads on both sides had started to gallop back.

Xiao Chiye charged at the very front and brushed past the Scorpions. Thunder crashed in fury,
and the sound of rain intensified. The Scorpions’ hammers had not even come close when the
long blades slashed off their heads.

The Libei Armored Cavalry at the southeast were just like fortified iron cages as they “ate” the
Scorpions, pushing them even deeper into an encirclement trap. Then they snuffed out the lives
of the Scorpions with their long blades right there and then, just like what Xiao Chiye did.

The Armored Cavalry flashed their blades in unison, followed right after by the sound of heads

Hasen instantly commanded, “Break out from the east!”

He could not continue to battle on. Whatever advantages the Biansha Cavalry had vanished
entirely here. All that awaited the Scorpions when they charged into the Armored Cavalry’s
encirclement was slaughter. Hasen risked a surprise attack on Duanzhou, and he had already lost
too much here. He had to immediately cut his losses and break out of the encirclement and cross
the river as soon as possible.

The Scorpions at the back abandoned their fights. They mounted their horses and urged on the
infantry hauling the weapons as all of them charged eastward.

Hasen galloped in the rain. Icy rainwater pounded on his cheeks. He stared ahead, killing a
bloody way out at breakneck speed, but the sound of hooves suddenly rang out beside him as
Lang Tao Xue Jin kept up in hot pursuit. Hasen’s scimitar chipped as he parried the blow. Xiao
Chiye’s speed was even faster. Both men spared no efforts galloping, charging in the rainstorm
like an artillery shell!
Hasen broke through to the very edge. The Gobi on the banks of the Chashi River was just right
ahead. The Biansha Cavalry that had gone into the water engaged in an intense battle with
the Imperial Army that was lying in ambush here. The shallows were already an expanse of red.

Hasen galloped into the river. Lang Tao Xue Jin slammed into the side of the battle steed’s neck,
knocking Hasen’s horse askew. He had to pull the reins to control it. Xiao Chiye brandished his
blade to cut off Hasen’s reins, and the horse powerlessly turned its body and tumbled into the
shallows with Hasen in tow.

Hasen rolled the moment he landed on the ground. He lost his piked dagger at the edge of the
trench when he fought with Shen Zechuan, and all he had now were his scimitar and dagger. The
sound of killing around him was deafening. He scooped up the river water with his freed hand
and wiped his eyes clean of the dirty blood obscuring them.

Xiao Chiye landed on the ground too, his tall, strapping body blocking off Hasen’s eastward-
looking gaze, becoming the mountain standing between Hasen and the desert. Hasen brought his
bent scimitar before his chest and adjusted his breathing. At the same time Xiao Chiye sprang
towards him, he lunged over.

The sound of blades clashing jarred on the ears.

Xiao Chiye pressed his blade against Hasen’s scimitar and pushed Hasen back. With some
difficulty, Hasen stabilized himself. Rainwater pounded on his blade. At the very instant they
splashed away, he abruptly withdrew his blade and dodged aside to evade the blow as Langli
Blade swept forward.

River water splashed all over along with their footsteps.

Xiao Chiye’s cheeks were still stained with residual blood on them. His combat style of only
advancing and not retreating seemed like the moves of a desperado, revealing an intense desire to
go on the offensive. Every slash of his numbed Hasen’s arms. Under the intensive assault of
Langli Blade, his scimitar near about turned into scrap metal.

Hasen abruptly tumbled over amidst Xiao Chiye’s hacks. As he was about to fall into the water,
he forcibly braced himself with his arms and raised his body. Then he squatted and lifted his
blade to block the blow once again.

Without changing his posture, Xiao Chiye simply pressed down on him with all his might. Under
the force of it, Hasen’s scimitar slowly shifted down close to his shoulder. He could even feel
Langli Blade’s sharpness. A ragged gasp escaped from Hasen’s throat. The downward pressure
from Xiao Chiye was making his legs hurt, and they were already beginning to bend

Hasen would never kneel to Xiao Chiye.

Untold numbers of people had starved to death when the Twelve Tribes kneeled before Da Zhou.
He had come this far all just to find that one way out for themselves. Hasen held Lake Chiti dear.
Yet, for countless years, he had been sleeping among blades and swords. He had never once
bowed to the Armored Cavalry. He was the Heroic Eagle soaring in the blue dome of heaven.

Hasen did his best to hold up against Xiao Chiye’s strength. He bellowed and roused himself to
hoist up Langli Blade. Brazenly, he lunged forward and very nearly sliced Xiao Chiye’s neck.

Xiao Chiye took a sudden step back and bent his elbow to knock away Hasen’s scimitar. The
horse beside him neighed and fell over. Hasen flipped his dagger out and lunged again before
Xiao Chiye could attack. Unable to turn Langli Blade around in time, Xiao Chiye let go of the
hilt and blocked the dagger with the arm guard on his right arm. His left hand clenched into a
fist, and he socked Hasen into the water.

A spray of water exploded forth from Hasen’s fall. He coughed out water and lunged before
Xiao Chiye came up to him. Wrapping his arms around Xiao Chiye’s waist, he hooked his leg
around Xiao Chiye to trip him and knock him down into the water. Water splashed. In a
countermove, Xiao Chiye grasped the back of Hasen’s collar tightly and held him in a chokehold
from behind.

Hasen could barely breathe. He thrust his dagger out and struck heavy armor. He immediately
gave up and jabbed the dagger at Xiao Chiye’s eyes. Xiao Chiye could only let go and moved
back to evade it. Hasen swapped tactics and wrapped his arms around Xiao Chiye’s arm, then he
turned to the side and flung Xiao Chiye over his shoulder.

Hasen held down Xiao Chiye’s face so that Xiao Chiye could not breathe in the fast-flowing
river. He clasped his dagger and made to cut off Xiao Chiye’s head. Xiao Chiye backhandedly
grabbed hold of the dagger. At the same time the blade sank into his flesh, he arbitrarily
straightened up and slammed into Hasen’s jaw.

Hasen’s eyes watered. In this split second of vulnerability, Xiao Chiye elbowed him in the chest.
He did not manage to stop the spurt of blood from his mouth.

Xiao Chiye released the dagger, and clenching his bleeding hand into a fist, he once again
punched Hasen over to the ground.

This one blow was too brutal.

Hasen was bleeding from his nose and mouth. He was even a little dizzy. The sound of combat
and killing alternated close and far. The heavy downpour blurred the scenery. As he braced
himself with his arms, he realized his leather sleeve had split, and the flower of Chiti in his
sleeve pocket drifted away with the water. Hasen did not manage to catch the flower, and in the
blink of an eye, hooves trampled the flower to a pulp.
Xiao Chiye pulled up Langli Blade again, both of his eyes wet. Hasen had seen such a wolf
before. It was with such a gaze that Xiao Chiye had chased him for dozens of li in that heavy

The Libei Armored Cavalry broke up the Biansha Cavalry, leaving them with no way to flee
along the banks of the Chashi River. The river water of the shallows was thoroughly red, and
floating corpses piled up around the corner. The heavy rain soaked everyone’s face white. Hasen
never got to wait until the reinforcements he left at Gedale arrived.

As Hasen gasped for breath, he raised his head in the rain. He could not see over Xiao Chiye’s
shoulder at the opposite bank of the Chashi River. He dejectedly murmured to himself in silence.
“May the gods bless—”

Langli Blade suddenly thrust into the shallows. Blood flowed down along the blade to disperse in
the water. With a thud, Hasen’s body fell to its knees in the rapid currents before falling face-
first into the waters.

Xiao Chiye’s chest heaved under the clamor of the rainstorm. The sounds of hooves behind him
ceased. In the boundless expanse of heaven and earth, the Armored Cavalry all looked at him.
Facing the Chashi River, Xiao Chiye raised his arm that was lifting the red hair.

Only the sound of the rapids could be heard in the long, endless silence.

Tantai Hu waded two steps through the water. He tossed his blade away and cried out straight
ahead, “WE WON!

“We…” The Armored Cavalry’s throats let loose repressed chokes of sobs before they erupted in
earth-shaking roars, “WE ARE WOLVES!”

The shadow of gloom hanging over them for as long as half a year finally ebbed away. Blood of
countless people flowed in the Chashi River that ran through the north and south. In the torrential
rainstorm, Libei reclaimed its dignity.

Xiao Chiye clenched his fists tight, his eyes silently reddening.

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Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 252 : Frontier Lizard

The rain subsided, and Xiao Chiye withdrew back to the city gate of Duanzhou. The garrison
troops started to work nonstop cleaning up the battlefield. The water in the trench, having
already overflowed, soaked the segment of the path before the gate into a soggy mess. Hooves
treading past here were all covered in mud, and everyone was dirty through and through.

Shen Zechuan stood before the city gate and watched as Lang Tao Xue Jingalloped closer. Xiao
Chiye leaned over from the back of his horse, and Shen Zechuan lifted his right arm to trade light
bumps with him. Gazing at Shen Zechuan, Xiao Chiye did not retract his arm. Instead, he turned
his hand over to lift it close to Shen Zechuan’s chin. In the rain, and with his eyes lowered, he
and Shen Zechuan mutually pressed their foreheads together.

The rain enveloped both men deep in its embrace.

Shen Zechuan closed his eyes. Rainwater trickled along his eyelashes and dripped onto the
bridge of Xiao Chiye’s nose. He slowly smiled and gradually laughed out loud.

Qiao Tianya rode his horse over. Midway through, he reined his horse to a stop. Leaning over to
look at Ji Gang, he asked, “Where’s shifu going?”

Ji Gang stood at the entrance of the passageway for a while before tossing the overcoat in his
hands to Qiao Tianya. He looked at the curtain of rain.

Qiao Tianya draped the overcoat over himself. “Shifu, the Ji Clan Boxing Fist’s name will once
again spread far and wide after this battle. The Old Senior Ji can rest in peace if he were to learn
of it.”

Ji Gang looked up at the sky, and rainwater splashed into his eyes. After a long time, he said,
“Duanzhou is going to have a bumper harvest this year.”
Qiao Tianya smiled.

Putting his hands behind his back, Ji Gang turned around and let loose a long sigh. Not looking
at Shen Zechuan any further, he said, “Hurry and summon the physician over!”

◈ ◈ ◈

The rain did not stop until the hour of mao the next day. The bamboo tubes in the courtyard kept
up with its tapping against the mossy rocks. Wrapped in a short-lined jacket, Ding Tao stood
guard with Li Xiong in the hallway and watched as the physicians entered and exited.

“I’m thirsty,” Li Xiong said.

Clutching his book, Ding Tao whispered, “Then go pour yourself some water to drink. I’m going
to stand guard here.”

Li Xiong looked reluctant as he blocked the hallway and shook his head vigorously, unwilling to
go alone.

Inside, Kong Ling lifted the hanging screen and led the physician out with a grave expression.

Fei Sheng had only just woken up and had come over to be on duty. Seeing them emerge, he
immediately stepped forth to take over and had his subordinate lead the physician to the side
hall. He asked Kong Ling, “Mister, how’s Master?”

Kong Ling shook his head and walked into the room again with him. He said in a hushed tone,
“Don’t make a din when you enter later and disturb His Lordship. Second Master is on
tenterhooks right now. He has been waiting inside the whole night without sleeping.”

Fei Sheng did not dare to say a word more and followed Kong Ling into the room, where he saw
the bamboo blinds lowered in the inner chamber.

Xiao Chiye, who had removed his armor, was in the midst of reading the prescription. The
physician who had yet to leave stood primly opposite the Second Master, bowing as he said in a
soft voice, “… It’ll prove difficult for him to hold a blade again in the future… Those two

Fei Sheng had an ill sense of foreboding when he heard these two sentences. His heart sank as he
looked at Xiao Chiye’s grave expression, so oppressively intimidating was it that those waiting
in attendance inside were all as silent as cicadas in winter.

“His waist… and calf…”

And the right arm Hasen almost detached.

Shen Zechuan still looked fine when he had just returned yesterday. It was only when he washed
his face clean that they could see just how ghastly pale his complexion was. The two fingers on
his right hand were already swollen to begin with, and then he had fallen into the trench during
his fight with Hasen, where he had further aggravated it from the grappling and soaking in the
filthy water. His right hand could not move at all. In the end, he even had to use his left hand to
lift Yang Shan Xue. He did not return to the city immediately; instead, he put on a carefree,
laidback act. In truth, the wound on his waist had torn open when he straightened up, and getting
on the horse proved to be too difficult for him, so he could only use all his willpower to hang on
and pretend all was fine while letting Huo Lingyun lead the horse instead.

The instant Shen Zechuan’s nerves that had been stretched taut with tension relaxed, the
aftereffect of getting drenched in the rain kicked in. He thought he was asleep, but in fact, he was
in a semi-coma. Last night’s fever came raging with vehemence, and even now, it had yet to
subside. He vomited everything he ate. His stomach was all stuffed with hard steamed buns, and
after puking them all out, he regurgitated bile.

The lowered drapes were opaque. Xiao Chiye waited for the physician to leave before he opened
up a slit to look at Lanzhou.

Lanzhou’s hair spread out among the bedding. Unable to curl up, he half-laid on the side that
was not injured, revealing a little of his side profile. The upturned corner of his eye did not have
its usual seductive allure. He looked as if he was sleeping normally.

Xiao Chiye touched the corner of his eye. He did not move. As long as Xiao Chiye was by his
side, he would dare to be this unguarded. He looked very, very small, completely enveloped by
Xiao Chiye’s figure.

Xiao Chiye had difficulty breathing. It hurt everywhere in his chest. He leaned over and kissed
Lanzhou on his temple. His fingertips moved ever so lightly, as if he was caressing a baby cub
that was still a fluff of fur.

The physicians in the courtyard came and went. They fed the Prefectural Lord a bowl of
medicine, and Shen Zechuan puked it out again at the hour of si. Seeing that it did not work, Ji
Gang hoisted the physician over to continue taking a look at Shen Zechuan. The side hall was
crammed full of people. The joy of having survived a calamity had not even passed, and already
the residence was shrouded in a cloud of gloom.

During the hour of shen, the military reports from the battle zone arrived. They were stacked
together with the military reports from the Bianjun Commandery, pressing Xiao Chiye to read
them. Xiao Chiye did not dare to leave Shen Zechuan, so he had it all sent to the side hall and
took the time he used to drink water to stand in the side hall, where he read the military reports
while listening to the physicians rattle off the prescriptions all at the same time.

Ding Tao did not dare to stir up any trouble at this moment. Leading Li Xiong by the sleeve, he
said, “There’s a water jar at the foot of the walkway. I’ll pour you a cup.”
Li Xiong did not move his feet. He rubbed his nose and nodded unhappily.

Unable to pull Li Xiong into moving, Ding Tao asked in puzzlement, “Why aren’t you

Li Xiong did not make a sound as he looked at someone coming over from the moon gate. Fei
Sheng was leading a newly arrived physician inside. They crossed the walkway in the blink of an
eye, and with a lift of the hanging screen, they entered the room, where Kong Ling and the other
gentlemen were keeping watch in the outer room.

This newly-arrived physician looked decent and had a Fanzhou accent as he said, “His Lordship
mustn’t get caught in the rain with this body of his. Given the way he’s vomiting, he certainly
won’t be able to keep the medicine down.” He shook his sleeves up and had the apprentice
accompanying him open his medical chest. He then took out the kit of acupuncture needles and
showed it to Gao Zhongxiong, who was standing at the side, “I’ll use a few acupuncture needles
on him.”

Kong Ling stood up and said, “No hurry. Wait for the Second Master to come over before
making a decision.”

The physician spread his hands and said, “Saving a life is like putting out a fire. It cannot be
delayed. How about this? You gentlemen hurry up and send someone to urge the Second Master
over. Meanwhile, I’ll get everything ready.”

Gao Zhongxiong repeatedly voiced his agreement and made his way out. But when he walked to
the door, he found Li Xiong blocking the doorway.

The physician turned his back to them and lifted a portion of the hanging screen to walk into the
inner chamber, at the same time still instructing the apprentice, “Lift the chest in—”

Fei Sheng sensed something the instant the apprentice collected the kit of acupuncture needles.
He suddenly grasped hold of the hilt of his blade and bellowed, “Hold it!”

However, the apprentice instantly swung his hand, and cold glints from inside the kit flashed. Fei
Sheng could dodge, but not the gentlemen, so he could only draw his blade to block the blow.
Under a series of clinking and clanking sounds as the concealed weapon struck against his blade,
he bumped Kong Ling away.

The table and chairs in the outer room overturned with a clatter. Kong Ling lost his balance, and
as he fell onto the rug, he stretched out his hands and shouted with urgency, “Men! Come

The physician had already leaped into the inner room. The bamboo blinds fell with a swoosh,
blocking everyone’s line of sight. Fei Sheng was so alarmed he broke out in a cold sweat. He had
only just taken a stride out when the apprentice swung a chair and blocked him.
Oh, no!

Fei Sheng cried out, “Protect His Lordship!”

It was too late for the guards in the hallway to break in through the windows. All of a sudden,
Gao Zhongxiong was knocked over to the ground. Moving swiftly as if on winged feet, Li Xiong
yelled as he charged into the inner room and lunged at the physician, knocking him over to the
ground. Both of them crashed into the footrest before the bed, sending the lowered bed curtains
fluttering. The steel needles clamped between the physician’s fingers aimed right for Li Xiong’s
eyes. Li Xiong reached out to grasp hold of the physician’s hand and slammed his own head into
the physician’s head, sending it slamming back onto the ground.

The knock made the physician’s head swim with dizziness. He backhandedly wrapped his arms
around Li Xiong’s neck and twisted around to flip Li Xiong over to the ground, holding him in a
chokehold. As they tumbled, they bumped over the short table in the inner room. The teapot
toppled over and shattered, and scalding hot tea splashed all over Li Xiong’s face. Gasping hard
for breath, Li Xiong swung a fist at the other man’s face, but he struck at empty air.

The physician held down Li Xiong. The side of Li Xiong’s face chafed against the broken
porcelain fragments, stabbing him until it was all streaked with blood. He shouted, “Lizard!

The physician lifted his steel needle, but unexpectedly, he felt a sudden weight to his back, and
his entire person went crashing over to the ground where he tumbled. Covering half of his face,
he said something at the top of his voice in the Biansha tongue and swiftly went groping for the
steel needle that had dropped. Xiao Chiye abruptly hauled up the Lizard by the back of his collar
and slammed him face-down to the ground.

Those in the outer chamber heard a few muffled “thuds”, then all was silent within.

The guards held down the apprentice. Fei Sheng had not even caught his breath when the
bamboo blinds swung wildly from being bumped into. The physician with his entire head all
bloodied rolled onto the rug in the outer room, already devoid of life.

Xiao Chiye’s expression was icy and piercing. He forcibly suppressed his fury and said in a
frosty tone, “Seal the place from the courtyard to the main gate with one person every ten steps.
Who screened them? Scram without needing me to tell you to!”

Everyone within and outside of the courtyard fell to their knees.

To think an entire residence of guards could let the other party openly enter the inner room. Fei
Sheng’s cold sweat never once stopped. He kowtowed, knocking his head on the ground, not
daring to even utter a sound.
Credits: Thank you Gale for spotting the typo! <3

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1. Just a note that he literally said 蛇 which is “snake”, although what he meant was 四脚蛇
literally “four-legged snake”, i.e., lizard.

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 253 : Sick from the Cold

Once the hour of chen came around, the atmosphere in the city of Duanzhou underwent an
abrupt change. Soldiers filled the streets and alleys, while the garrison troops and the Imperial
Army took turns to patrol. The four gates remained tightly shut. Everywhere, the clicking sound
of military boots and the clanking sound of blades abounded. The atmosphere in the residence
was heavy. All the guards were on high alert and ready for combat. They no longer dared to
slacken even the slightest.

Xiao Chiye squatted before Li Xiong and asked, “You know him?”

Ointment was being applied to Li Xiong’s injured face as he answered, “Yeah. He’s a Lizard.
They drink Gedale’s milk. Very stinky.”

Xiao Chiye frowned. “Not a Scorpion?”

“Used, used to be a Scorpion.” Li Xiong spoke in such a hurry that he stumbled over his words a
little. “But later, he became a ‘lizard’.”1

Ding Tao could not make head or tail of it. “What do you mean by he used to be but not later?”

“They are the Lizards.” Li Xiong patted his own arm. “My big bro spoke to them before. They
are not the same as Hai, Hai…” He could not remember Hairigu’s name. “Not the same as Hai.
They are not cattle and sheep.”

In the eyes of the Twelve Tribes, the Scorpions were the cattle and sheep of Gedale. Their status
was low and humble.

Xiao Chiye remembered Zhuoli. Zhuoli was a Lizard too, but Zhuoli had clear Biansha
characteristics, so it seemed that a Lizard was still a Scorpion, only that they had a change of

“Lizards.” Xiao Chiye looked up at Li Xiong and guessed, “The Lizards are Amu’er’s Scorpions.
That’s why they have a higher status than Achi and Hairigu.”

Li Xiong gave him a thumbs up and said happily, “Right. They have lands, where they can ride
horses.” As he spoke, he sulked again. “They are all super bad people who love beating others,
and they don’t play with the Scorpions. They are more valuable than the Scorpions.”

Xiao Chiye pressed against his thumb ring and rotated it gently.

Hasen had not even died for three days, and already Amu’er’s Lizards had appeared in the
courtyard. Did they come along with Zhuoli’s squad? Or were they originally here to begin

“You did well.” Xiao Chiye raised a hand and patted Li Xiong on the head. “Keep watch over
His Lordship here. Second Master will give you sweets.”

◈ ◈ ◈

“You’ve always been meticulous when it comes to this kind of matter.” Qiao Tianya’s hair was
not even thoroughly dry when he arrived at the prison. “How could you make such an oversight

Fei Sheng, who was scrutinizing the corpse, shook his head on hearing him. “The assassins had
Da Zhou faces, and they spoke the local language even more smoothly than you and I do.” He
turned his head to the side. “They even had proof of household registration.”

Qiao Tianya turned the corpse to look it over.

Shen Zechuan established the Zhongbo census register,2 so every family’s and every household’s
records could be traced and checked. If these assassins even had household registrations, that
meant that they had very likely laid in ambush in Zhongbo even earlier than Shen Zechuan.

“This makes it a tough one to handle,” Qiao Tianya said in a quiet voice. “There’s no way to tell
them apart if they are hiding among the people.”

“If we were to speak of flaws, there’s only one.” Fei Sheng pointed at the corpse’s arm.


Qiao Tianya’s gaze shifted down. Sure enough, he saw a lizard tattoo on the side of the corpse’s

“Back then, to investigate the Scorpions, Master had the various yamen record down the names
of those who had tattoos.” Fei Sheng folded his arms. “I’ve already sent a letter to Yu Xiaozai in
Dunzhou. If there are no records of these two men’s names, then they snuck their way in when
the city was breached.”

Qiao Tianya nodded. As he retracted his hand, he looked at Fei Sheng. There was no smile on his
face as he said, “Have you ever considered why they would have such obvious marks on them
despite being assassins who sneaked their way in?”

They were all Imperial Bodyguards, and they knew very well the necessity of disguise and
camouflage. The Scorpions had a reason for having tattoos, but what need was there for the
Lizards, who were of even higher status than the Scorpions?

The expression in Fei Sheng’s eyes was grave as he lightly clicked his tongue.


◈ ◈ ◈

Shen Zechuan woke up once at the hour of shen, and Xiao Chiye fed him the medicine. Shen
Zechuan was so feverish he was in a daze. He could hear Xiao Chiye talking, but Xiao Chiye’s
voice kept fading in and out.

“Lanzhou…” Xiao Chiye said something as he brushed aside the hair by Shen Zechuan’s cheek.

Shen Zechuan gasped lightly as if he could not breathe. Taking the spoon into his mouth, he
swallowed the last mouthful of medicine. Xiao Chiye wiped Shen Zechuan’s sweat with a
soaked handkerchief. He tilted his head, and the tip of his nose rubbed against Xiao Chiye’s
bandaged palm. His lips opened and closed.

Xiao Chiye lowered his head to listen.

“Handkerchief.” Shen Zechuan’s words were all over the place. “Mine.”

“It’s with me.” Xiao Chiye covered Shen Zechuan’s soaked palm with his free hand. “Once you
recover, I’ll give it to you.”

Shen Zechuan was so ill he was barely conscious. In his pain, he indistinctly whimpered twice.

Xiao Chiye’s entire person leaned over on his stomach beside the pillow and coaxed him, “I’ll
really give it to you.”

Shen Zechuan did not believe him. He frowned, as if he was struggling, his partially closed eyes
betraying just how sad he was as he buried them into Xiao Chiye’s palm. It was in this way he
tugged at Xiao Chiye’s heartstrings. Xiao Chiye lowered his head and pressed up against Shen
Zechuan’s temple, against his sweat.

The taste of bitterness saturated the tip of Shen Zechuan’s tongue. All his half-opened eyes saw
was a mosaic of bizarre, surreal scenes. Only Xiao Chiye’s scent surrounded him, making him
seem to float among the waves of grass.

In a very, very small voice, he called out, “Xiao’er.”

Xiao Chiye kissed him and answered with a deep nasal twang, “Mm.”

Shen Zechuan frowned several times and said with his voice breaking up, “I want to… eat

Xiao Chiye’s heart that had been on tenterhooks relaxed some. He got up to mix him some
honeyed water. Shen Zechuan only drank two spoonfuls of it, only needing the tip of his tongue
to get a taste of the sweetness. Once again, Xiao Chiye rinsed the handkerchief and wiped down
the sweat on Shen Zechuan’s neck. From the feel of it, his fever seemed to have subsided some.

◈ ◈ ◈

The gentlemen in the side hall were all restless with anxiety. The suffocating smell of smoking
pipes permeated the room, and no one made to get up even when the hour of hai came around.
They had even forgotten about their meals, as concerned as they were about the prefectural lord.

“All these physicians are useless,” Tantai Hu sat on the chair and said to Kong Ling. “Look,
Mister, what if I immediately headed out of the city on my horse and search again in Dunzhou?”

Gao Zhongxiong’s face paled at the mere mention of this. He hurriedly waved his hands. “That
won’t do. The assassins today had clear origins that could stand up to scrutiny. If there really are
spies, no one will be able to tell them apart!”

Kong Ling’s frown did not let up.

The entire room of people fell silent once again. Not long after, they heard the sound of rain
falling again outside. The guards braved the rain and took turns to be on duty. Lanterns that had
been lit up late in the night brightly illuminated the various paths within the residence, leaving no
blind spots for anyone to take advantage of.

Everyone did not get to rest much after the battle, and by the time the hour of chou had come and
gone, those with weaker constitutions could no longer take it. They reclined against the chairs to
doze off, drifting between nodding off and staying awake because they did not dare to sleep, and
so it was in this way they hung in there.

Yao Wenyu took off his fur collar when he entered the room. The sound of the wheelchair
startled quite a number of people awake. He placed the fur collar on his lap and said in a mild
tone, “Second Master is here, so His Lordship is certain to be fine. I know that all of you here are
burning with anxiety, but now the battle has just stopped, the documents from the yamen of the
various prefectures are piling up. It would be inappropriate to wait until His Lordship wakes up
to deal with them. It’s enough for Chengfeng and Shenwei to keep watch here. The rest of you
can go back and rest first. Tomorrow morning, all matters are to be handled normally. Act at
your own discretion for trivial matters, whereas for major affairs you are uncertain about, present
them to the side hall, and we will discuss and come to a resolution together.”

Kong Ling also got to his feet and said, “His Lordship is presently ill. It is indeed inadvisable for
us to pile him with pressing work. Everyone, please head back first.”

Everyone stood up and responded in the affirmative, then filed out of the room one after the

Gao Zhongxiong poured tea for Yao Wenyu and said, “Yuanzhuo is sensitive to the cold. You
should ask someone to accompany you.”

Yao Wenyu took the tea and said his thanks. “I have the fur collar and overcoat, so it’s fine. It
has been raining non-stop these few days. I see that the drainage of the public ditches in the city
is going along smoothly. There has been no incident.”

“The beginning of the new year.” Tantai Hu roused himself up and rubbed his eye with the blade
scar. “Everyone was here at the beginning of the year, fearing that the melted snow would cause
a blockage, so they went out of the way to dredge it once.”

“The ones in Dengzhou are clogged, but it’s not a big issue. His Excellency Yu watched them
being dredged during his tour of inspection,” Gao Zhongxiong said. “There have been plenty of
updates coming in from Cizhou these two days. Other than the letter in which His Excellency
Zhou asked after His Lordship, there are also those discussing the Eight Cities.”

The properties of the Pan clan had been confiscated, and the city of Dancheng missed the spring
plowing. This was already the sixth month. Once the autumn harvest that was just around the
corner came calling, the meals of the commoners of Dancheng would be a matter of worry.
“We are fighting a battle here, and so is Qudu,” Kong Ling said. “I heard the news that the Grand
Secretariat has already instructed the Ministry of Rites to begin preparation for the enthronement

Han Cheng was dead, and while Empress Dowager counted on her connection to Hua Xiangyi to
preserve her life, she was completely imprisoned in the inner court where the harem resided. The
authority to deploy the Eight Great Training Divisions of the Capital Command Troops returned
into the Heir Apparent’s hands. Li Jianting had the Qidong Garrison Troops to act as surety too,
so how could the noble clans who could not even fend for themselves stop her?

“We are besieged with external foes. If everyone works as one to assist His Lordship, Biansha
will not pose a difficult problem. But Qudu of now is torn apart by disunity. Xue Yanqing’s
confiscation and sealing off of the Pan clan’s properties has already caused the eight cities to stir
with restlessness.” Yao Wenyu said in a soft voice, “The enthronement of the Heir Apparent will
prove to come bearing down even more menacingly.”

“Speaking of which,” Kong Ling looked at Chen Yang, “we still don’t know what happened in
the Bianjun Commandery. Has an agreement been reached with the Youxiong Tribe?”

Straightening out the military affairs, Chen Yang said, “Had that been the case, Second Master
wouldn’t have been late. Dalantai of the Youxiong Tribe agreed to our request and promised not
to obstruct Commander-in-chief Qi from moving north. He took Hasen’s thank-you gift and
indeed kept his words not to obstruct Commander-in-chief Qi from mobilizing troops to Gedale,
but he violated the oath of allegiance and mounted a surprise attack on the Bianjun Commandery
just when Second Master was preparing to deploy troops to Duanzhou.”

Just as Qi Zhuyin predicted, Dalantai did not take sides with anyone. He did not want to submit
to Amu’er at all, nor did he want to place himself at Shen Zechuan’s disposal. He saw his
opportunity from Hasen’s and Shen Zechuan’s requests. He wanted to pass through the Bianjun
Commandery to occupy Suotian Pass to the south, which had no other strong and capable general
stationed there after their loss of Feng Yisheng.

The Youxiong Tribe lived on the grasslands in the south. When Dalantai roamed the desert, he
came to understand that there was no room for the bears3 there. They endured the rigors of an
arduous journey, trekking through difficult terrains and rivers, to return to a place near their
homeland, all to seek a new place to live. For this, they were willing to risk their lives and take
up their blades to fight with everything they had.

It was on the yellow sands in the desert that Xiao Chiye’s armored cavalry crossed paths with the
“bear horses”.4

The Bianjun Commandery fought for two days, and Dalantai died there in battle. The Youxiong
Tribe seemed to be forever unable to cross over that threshold, and they could only, once again,
retreat to the desert.
“The reinforcements Hasen left behind in Gedale were handed over to Commander-in-chief Qi.”
Chen Yang raised the military report in his hand. “And going by last night’s urgent report,
Commander-in-chief Qi found out on her return journey that Amu’er is in the midst of deploying
his troops.”

At these words, the entire hall promptly grew tense.

Gao Zhongxiong stammered, “Then, then, we are going to fight, fight again…”

Chen Yang gestured for him to relax. “It’s just a transfer of troops. After all, the commanding
general in the battle zone is gone. Amu’er has to send someone who can take over Hasen… I feel
this person might very well be himself.”

Because Xiao Chiye did not return Hasen’s head.5

“The specific arrangements for military affairs will have to depend on Second Master’s
instructions.” Tantai Hu reassured the various gentlemen. “No matter what, they won’t fight their
way to the base of the city anymore. At the moment, we have the upper hand. Even if Amu’er
heads into battle himself, he might not necessarily be more formidable than Hasen. Besides, if he
wants to cross the Chashi River, he has to ask Second Master for permission.”

Only then did the atmosphere in the side hall ease off a little. As they were discussing, they
suddenly heard a huge commotion in the hallway. Chen Yang lifted the hanging screen and
poked his head out for a look.

Ding Tao cried so hard a snot bubble popped out of his nose. Tugging at Chen Yang, he shouted,
“Ge! Call the physicians in quickly! His Lordship is burning up again!”

The physicians were trembling with trepidation as they gathered in the walkway and discussed
the prescriptions in whispers. The rain washed down upon the jasmine orange in the courtyard,
covering the ground all over with petals.

Qiao Tianya and Fei Sheng braved the rain as they returned, stepping across the flower petals
before swiftly wiping the water off their bodies under the eaves.

“The physicians who saw Yuanzhuo before are all here,” Qiao Tianya threw the handkerchief
back, “as are the physicians Ge Qingqing transferred over from Juexi, and not one of them can
treat the illness?”

“This fever keeps relapsing.” Chen Yang did not dare to speak facing the window. He turned to
the side and said in a whisper, “They said his constitution is a gone case. He’s just like porcelain.
Few dare to prescribe medicine.”

“That’s what they said about Yuanzhuo the last time.” Qiao Tianya did not raise his voice at the
physicians. After a moment’s pause, he continued, “It’s true that His Lordship ruined his body in
his early years consuming that medication, but these days, he has been recuperating at home, so
that shouldn’t be the case at all.”

“Master also wants to be cured deep down in his heart, and he has been taking his medicine on
schedule.” Fei Sheng clutched the handkerchief he used to wipe away the water. He was worried
sick. “… I suppose he must have been too badly injured that day.”

They were going to disperse the smell of medicine in the room, and no one wanted to provoke
the Second Master at this moment, so they stood under the eaves and waited to be summoned.
But within a few moments of the servant carrying the medicine entering, they heard Shen
Zechuan vomiting.

Xiao Chiye, who was partially hugging Shen Zechuan, touched Shen Zechuan’s back, which was
already soaked in sweat. The medicine was all spilled over the ground. Shen Zechuan could not
throw up a thing, and after puking out bile, he dry-heaved. His stomach was in a twist at present,
and his bouts of vomiting were so bad he retched himself awake.

Fog started to materialize in the middle of the night. Deathly white lantern lights swayed in the
rain. The sound of footsteps in the courtyard never once stopped. Rain soaked the courtyard
damp, and the bedding had already been changed once.

Fei Sheng apprehensively said, “Prepare a charcoal brazier and keep the fire going to dry it up a

Chen Yang saw that the bandages being taken out were all soaked in blood. He did not know if it
was Xiao Chiye’s or Shen Zechuan’s.

Li Xiong sat cross-legged by the door and slept for a while, waking up when the hour of
yin came around. Fei Sheng had the kitchen give Li Xiong rice. Li Xiong buried his head in the
large bowl and gobbled it down. Once he had eaten his fill, he continued to sit and stare at the
people entering and exiting.

“Persuade the Second Master to sleep for a moment at the hour of mao.” Qiao Tianya squatted
beside the pillar and struck up a fire to light up his pipe. “Even someone forged in iron like him
can’t take it and just make do and sleep inside. Those of us who guard the door…”

He had yet to finish his words when a hand reached out from the side and gently nudged aside
his smoking pipe.

Qiao Tianya turned back and looked at Yao Wenyu.

“It’s rather suffocating.” Yao Wenyu turned his wheelchair to face the principal room.

Willowy wisps of smoke spiraled, turning into the tiny bit of invisible tenderness in the dripping
wet rainy night. With hands on knees, Qiao Tianya stood up and extinguished the smoking pipe.
It was all silent in the courtyard during the hour of mao. Night fell, and day broke again. The
guards who had been successively taking the night watch were all wearing out, as passive as they
were in their wait. Fei Sheng was leaning against the pillar with his eyes closed to catch a
breather when his ears suddenly twitched. He opened his eyes, and it was a long while later when
there was movement in the doorway.

“He’s back.” Fei Sheng quickly leaped down the steps. “Gu Jin is back!”

One of the lanterns under the eaves went out. Xiao Chiye heard activity, and after a moment, the
hanging drapes lifted slightly.

“Second Master.” Gu Jin, who had braved the elements and hardships the entire arduous journey,
kneeled on one knee in the outer room. “I’m back late! I was midway through my journey when I
heard the Biansha Cavalry besieged the city of Duanzhou. Even when I rushed through the
bridleway, I couldn’t make it in time.”

Xiao Chiye suddenly jolted to his feet and came out of the inner chamber. The few people under
the eaves listened with bated breath and rapt attention.

Without wiping the rainwater off his face, Gu Jin met Xiao Chiye’s gaze and, not daring to
hesitate, reported, “Second Master, the Venerable Master… is indeed dead.”

Credits: Thank you Mooberry for spotting the typo! <3

Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2022


1. 四脚蛇 is also literally translated as “four-legged snake”, aka lizard.

2. 黃冊 Huangce or literally yellow registers/yellow book served during the Ming Dynasty
to provide basic data for taxation and recruitment based on the household’s classification
according to their occupation. It was mainly divided into three categories: civilian,
military, and craftsman.
3. Youxiong is a tribe that takes the bear as its totem. The Biansha Tribes’ names are based
on animals. For a list, you can refer to to the worldmap.
4. Refer to 242
5. For those who forgot, refer to chapter 250, returning of the head to the Biansha Tribes is
considered a humiliation of sorts.
Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 254 : Jiran

Raindrops pelted the fallen flowers into the mud, then pounded its fragile petals to pieces. The
wind swept across the bamboo blinds, causing the scene inside the room to flutter slightly,
making it hard to get a clear look within.

“I went to Hezhou and found the Venerable Master’s layman family. They confirmed that after
the Venerable Master returned to Hezhou, he was taken away by the Yan clan under the pretext
of consulting for an illness.” Gu Jin changed his tone. “But heaven never leaves one in the lurch.

The hearts of the guards at the door all leaped to their mouth at this one word of “Jiran” from Gu
Jin, but then, he did not continue.

Jiran? Since what?1

Li Xiong was in the midst of picking up the candied fruit in the jar to eat when he suddenly saw
a smooth egg popping out from the end of the walkway. All wrapped up in a large and roomy
monk cassock, that egg lifted two long trails of sleeves and trotted over. As he passed by Li
Xiong, he did not forget to cast a glance at the candied fruits, and with this one look, he did not
pay attention to where he was going and tripped over himself and fell into the bamboo blinds
with a “thud”.

“Oops!” The sprawling egg lifted his head and said, “Greetings to Second Master!”

The crowd fixed their eyes on him—turned out he was a fourteen or fifteen years old monk, even
younger than Ding Tao. Dragging his sleeves, the little monk put his palms together and recited
with a solemn and respectful expression, “Amitabha!”
He had a Hezhou accent and could not pronounce the “mi” clearly, so it sounded like “anitabha”.

“Second Master,” Gu Jin said. “It was precisely for this lad that the Venerable Master had been
willing to return to Hezhou.”

“Uh-huh, uh-huh.” Jiran nodded his head as though that was indeed the case. “It’s precisely for
this humble monk.”

“The Venerable Master was getting up in the years, and was well aware that he did not have
much time left before he would soon leave this world. But Jiran was too young, so the Venerable
Master headed back to Hezhou and placed him under the care of his distant layman relatives.
Unexpectedly, it was at that time he crossed paths with the Yan Clan there.”

“Young Master Yan said that he wanted to bring this humble monk out to play,” Blinking his
clear and round eyes, Jiran continued, “This humble monk had to fetch the water. He got
impatient waiting and invited Master away first.”

Xiao Chiye noted Jiran’s young age, and his remaining hope that had just been ignited was
thoroughly extinguished.

Gu Jin seemed to read what Xiao Chiye was thinking and continued. “Even though Jiran is
young, he has acquired the Venerable Master’s legacy, and his medical skills are consummate.
With him consulting for the Prefectural Lord, Second Master…”

“Eh, eh,” Jiran shook his head hard. “No way. How can the light from a firefly even begin to
compare with the brilliance of the moon? This humble monk and shifu are like the small creek
and boundless ocean—there’s no comparison!”

He still had baby fat on his face. Not only did he look innocent, but even his words had an air of

Li Xiong forgot to eat his candied fruit as he tilted his head out from the side of the door with
Ding Tao to size up this soft-boiled egg.

Gu Jin lifted Jiran up by his back collar and said. “Go take a look first!”

◈ ◈ ◈

Jiran took Shen Zechuan’s pulse, frowning at times and mumbling to himself at times.

Xiao Chiye lowered his voice to ask, “How is he?”

Jiran lowered his gaze to look at Shen Zechuan’s wrist. After a long time, he replied to Xiao
Chiye, “His Lordship really is fair.”
There was no trace of probing on Jiran’s fair, tender face. His compliment of Shen Zechuan with
those bright, clear eyes of his was just as natural as if he was complimenting a clear spring or a
white cloud. Xiao Chiye’s terrifying possessiveness found no footing on which to flare.

“His Lordship’s body is weak due to the adverse effect of the medication he was consuming, but
fortunately, he has been meticulously nursed these past six months, and his primordial qi2 still
remains.” Jiran rolled up his sleeves, holding onto his brush as he thought long and hard before
writing a prescription down onto the white sheet of paper.

Xiao Chiye dared not to rest assured just yet, and continued to probe. “He just needs to continue
with the prescription?”

“Of course not. External injuries are still injuries, no less. His waist was even stabbed. If His
Lordship happens to fall into a coma or stop breathing temporarily tonight, Second Master
doesn’t have to fret.” Jiran regretfully continued. “This humble monk must advise the Second
Master not to allow His Lordship to use martial arts again in the future. His Lordship’s body is
simply not suited to use such a forceful and hard-hitting boxing style. He throws a punch out—
yes, the other person will hurt, but His Lordship will feel the pain too. It’s so not worth it. After
he gets through these two nights and his fever subsides, he will have to convalesce for quite
several years.”

Jiran handed the prescription over to Xiao Chiye.

“It is best that His Lordship writes with his left hand these six months.”

Jiran took the opportunity to look at Xiao Chiye’s palm. He said, “Even though Second Master is
fit and healthy, you have to remember to rest as well. This injury must not be soaked in water.”

Xiao Chiye asked, “How long is ‘several years’?”

Jiran rubbed his head. “I’m not sure myself… but you can’t go wrong with convalescing.”

Xiao Chiye tightened his grip on the prescription and looked towards the lowered drapes. Shen
Zechuan’s breathing was even as he lay unconscious. His extended wrist exposed in the slightly
dimmed room was just as fair as Jiran had said, so fair that it seemed as though he would melt at
a single touch.

◈ ◈ ◈

In his drowsy state, Shen Zechuan had a dream. He dreamed he stood before the gate of Qudu at
age fifteen, waiting for his shifu, shiniang, and Ji Mu to take him home. Dressed in the short
padded coat Hua Pingting made, he watched the fine snow stream down along the city walls.

Ji Mu leaned over the top of the wall and shouted at him. “Chuan-er, where are you going?”

Grasping his new coat, Shen Zechuan said in a daze, “I’m going home.”
Ji Mu raised his head and gazed in the direction of Duanzhou together with him. “Then wait for a
little longer. Father is about to come.”

Shen Zechuan could not remember why he had to stand here. He waited from dawn till dusk, and
even though it was snowing, he felt very warm.

Ji Mu rubbed his arms and asked, “Ge is a little cold. Want to come up to warm yourself by the

Shen Zechuan shook his head. “I feel very warm.”

And so Ji Mu started a fire at the top of the city wall. He extended both his hands out for warmth
as he chatted with Shen Zechuan. “When we go back this time, Ge will be able to get married.
Mother has been nagging about it for years.”

They waited for a very long time. Shen Zechuan’s waist was aching, as were his calves. Every
part of him hurt. He wiped his sweat, looking into the horizon ahead throughout.

Seeing as the sky had darkened, Ji Mu suddenly murmured, “Father isn’t coming anymore.” His
fire burned out. He got up to put on the military coat set at the side and leaned over the top of the
wall to flash a grin at Shen Zechuan. “Chuan-er.”

Shen Zechuan raised his head and took a few steps, looking at him.

Ji Mu said, “Ge’s whistle call is sounding. I can’t wait anymore. I have to go.”

Shen Zechuan nodded, already accustomed to it. “Then go. I’ll tell Mother.”

Ji Mu revealed a troubled expression, as if he was having a headache, and said with a sigh, “Ge’s
worried. You…”

“I’ll walk back from here.” Shen Zechuan raised a finger and pointed into the distance. “It’s

Ji Mu looked at Shen Zechuan, the expression in his eyes gentle. “What am I to do about my
little brother?”

Shen Zechuan heard the sound of hooves and leaped a little as he yelled, “Ge, shifu is here!”

Ji Mu said nothing and merely remained that way with his head propped in his hands as he

Shen Zechuan turned his head and saw a gyrfalcon with its wings spread flying out from the
horizon, followed by a galloping horse that was black all over with a patch of white on its front
He stopped in his tracks and watched that horse running over to him.

Sitting on the back of the horse was a youth wearing a helmet. The gyrfalcon landed on his
shoulder. He removed his helmet, revealing his rather displeased face, and bent over to scrutinize
Shen Zechuan. “What are you standing there for? Get on the horse. Second Young Master will
take you away.”

Shen Zechuan ignored him, so he dismounted his horse, knocked his helmet on Shen Zechuan’s
head, and hoisted up Shen Zechuan.

“Ah,” Shen Zechuan said, smothered in the helmet. “I want to go home.”

Xiao Chiye flicked a finger at Shen Zechuan, unreasonably impervious to reason. “You’re
leaving with me.”

He walked a few steps, then asked, as if angry, “Don’t you recognize me?”

“I don’t,” Shen Zechuan answered.

Xiao Chiye made to toss Shen Zechuan into the snow. He threw Shen Zechuan up, and when
Shen Zechuan panicked, caught him again with steady hands. The gyrfalcon landed on his
shoulder, and he burst out laughing as he looked at Shen Zechuan.

Shen Zechuan lifted the helmet and looked at him, baffled.

The originally darkening sky abruptly lit up. Wind tousled Xiao Chiye’s hair, and the
surrounding wall that blocked his line of sight all disappeared to reveal a boundless expanse of
grassland paved beneath his feet. It was in this way he hugged Shen Zechuan and greedily
stroked Shen Zechuan’s cheek.

“I want to hide you away,” Xiao Chiye said aloud in the wind, “or perhaps put you into the
pocket in my bosom.”

Shen Zechuan could not hear him clearly. He tilted his head up and asked, “What did you say?”

Xiao Chiye looked at him and kissed him hard on the cheek.

“I said you’re really good-looking,” he answered. “Too damn good-looking. No one will ever
surpass you in looks, I swear!”

Shen Zechuan covered his cheek and replied loudly, “You’re lying!”

Paying no heed to his struggle, Xiao Chiye hugged him tight and said in his ear, “My bad.”

The wind stopped, and Xiao Chiye swiftly grew up. His broad shoulders blocked out the light as
he embraced Shen Zechuan, looking as if he had just woken up, and at the same time, still in
dreamland. His unraveled hair weaved together with Shen Zechuan’s, spreading out among the
bedding. A tiny little braid lay across in the middle.

Shen Zechuan opened his bleary eyes and zoned out for a while. Tiredly, he said, “It’s all bound

“Mm.” Xiao Chiye lifted the little braid with his long finger. “As they say, they who bind their
hair together become husband and wife.”3

Shen Zechuan had only just woken up and he was still coming around and getting his bearings.

Xiao Chiye rubbed his back for him and said, “Time to get up.”

He rubbed Shen Zechuan until Shen Zechuan turned slightly aside and was now lying on Xiao
Chiye’s chest. Xiao Chiye had calluses on his hands, and his rubs felt very comfortable. Shen
Zechuan’s eyes were almost about to narrow. Still, he did not forget to say angrily to Xiao Chiye,
“You’re so noisy.”

Xiao Chiye nuzzled him hard with his stubbled chin and said, “You’re going to be the death of
me, Shen Lanzhou.”

Shen Zechuan poked Xiao Chiye’s cheek with his right hand that had been wrapped into a
dumpling. Very naturally, both of them shared a tired, listless kiss.

The spell of rain over several days came to a cease, and sunny days took over in Duanzhou.

Jiran might have been a very modest one, but three days later, Shen Zechuan was able to
consume congee on schedule. The little monk stood by the window, piously reciting “anitabha”.
When Xiao Chiye asked what he wanted as a reward, he pointed to Li Xiong’s candy jar without

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief and handed the candy jar over to him before Li Xiong could

◈ ◈ ◈

The window in the room was opened. Shen Zechuan rested against the back cushion and listened
to Fei Sheng finish his report.

“If they were spies, there was indeed no need for them to leave such obvious tattoos on their
bodies.” Shen Zechuan held the report Yuanzhuo wrote in his left hand. It covered all the
important matters these few days which the advisers were in no position to take the decision into
their own hands. “You mean, the reason they still had the lizard tattoo on them was to distinguish
themselves from the ordinary Scorpions?”
“The Lizards all belonged under Amu’er, and they pride themselves on being a branch of the
Hanshe Tribe,” Qiao Tianya said. “Zhuoli has to step onto the battlefield, so it’s not surprising
for him to have the tattoo, but the only possibility for infiltrating Lizards to still have their tattoos
could only be that they are worried about getting confused by others.”

“What did Youjing say?” Xiao Chiye asked.

“The household registrations the assassins used are legitimate. There are indeed these two people
in Fanzhou, but it’s very likely that they have been replaced,” Fei Sheng said. “After all, we only
know their names, but not their appearances.”

“That can’t be helped,” Kong Ling said in a steady voice. “The census register has to be filled in
and reported every year. Even if the various prefectural yamentake down their portraits during
the verification process, they can’t be kept for long.”

But Qiao Tianya was right in his conjecture. Why did the infiltrating Lizards need to have tattoos
on them? That way, there would be no escape for them once they were found out. Amu’er treated
them as his own private soldiers. Even Zhuoli was “loaned” to Hasen, which showed just how
highly Amu’er regarded these Lizards. If it was really to differentiate themselves from the
Scorpions, then it had to do with the Scorpions who roamed Zhongbo’s territories all year round.

“Duanzhou isn’t close to Gedale, and it’s even further away from Amu’er. Even the fastest
horses can’t get the news there instantly.” Xiao Chiye knew the military map to the east like the
back of his hand. “Even Hasen’s saker falcons didn’t manage to fly back. These two Lizards
were not sent by Amu’er.”

Amu-er’s deployment of troops was his contingency plan for the worst-case scenario where Qi
Zhuyin attacked Gedale and Hasen did not return to provide reinforcements. His confirmation of
Hasen’s death could only happen within these two days. This was because the Chashi River was
not easy to cross, so he had no way of giving orders to the Lizards a few days prior. There was
simply no time.

Understanding flashed across Yao Wenyu’s expression. “Since the Lizards are Amu’er’s private
soldiers, they would not easily heed the deployment commands of another person. If Amu’er was
not the one who gave them the order to assassinate, then the only possibility left is that someone
gave them the orders under Amu’er’s name.”

Fei Sheng furrowed his brows. “If so, that means there is still a Scorpion or a Lizard by our side,
and he knows the movements in Duanzhou.”

Always the one who would immediately get nervous, Gao Zhongxiong said, “Then isn’t that
terrible? This person is very familiar with matters concerning Zhongbo!”

“If these Lizards were long-time residents in the territory, then even if they had proof of
household registration, they would also have been recorded down in the book due to their
tattoo,” Qiao Tianya said, “which means they have only just sneaked their way in.”
“The yamen’s checks are so strict,” Kong Ling said. “It’s too hard for them to sneak into the city
unnoticed. They have to be able to evade the guards’ inspections.”

“Then there’s really a place where they can do that.” Chen Yang bowed slightly to the
Prefectural Lord. “The Scorpions of Cizhou are not subjected to questioning within the territory.
They can move freely following Hairigu.”

Hairigu’s Scorpions originally could only remain at the Beiyuan Hunting Grounds under the
strict watch of the garrison troops. It was only until they rendered meritorious services at the
Chashi Sinkhole accompanying the Libei Armored Cavalry that Zhongbo undid their shackles. If
the Lizards were with him, then the issue about the tattoo would make sense.

Fei Sheng promptly said, “Hairigu’s negotiation with the Youxiong Tribe did not work out too.
Master, why not I…”

“What’s the hurry? With the Youxiong Tribe retreating in defeat, the Qingshu Tribe’s territory
has been completely vacated.” Shen Zechuan set down the report and said to Xiao Chiye, “Let’s
give this piece of land to Hairigu.”

Xiao Chiye lifted his brows slightly.

“Hairigu signed an oath of alliance with the Youxiong Tribe on my behalf, but the Youxiong
Tribe reneged on the agreement.” An undercurrent of ruthlessness coursed through Shen
Zechuan’s tired eyes. “There is a price to be paid for betrayal. Let Hairigu collect this debt on my

The reason Hairigu wanted to instigate the Lizards hiding in his own nest of Scorpions was to
ignite the flames of war as soon as possible. He wanted lands, and just like Dalantai, they all
seemed to be wavering, but in truth, they were all working for their own benefits.

Xiao Chiye killed Achi over at the Chashi Sinkhole, so the Biansha Scorpions were now without
a leader, and Hairigu had no more rival to vie with him. If he returned to the desert at this time,
he would be the one and only leader of the remaining Scorpions. He even dared to do Yan
Heru’s business, so he could also turn around and work with Amu’er again owing to the change
in the situation.

If Shen Zechuan killed off Hairigu, he would merely be killing off an exposed Scorpion. Amu’er
had no lack of this kind of Scorpions, so Shen Zechuan would not only spare Hairigu but also
give Hairigu the land he yearned for so much. He wanted Hairigu to stand here and firmly
occupy the Zhongbo battlefield, controlling the flow of Scorpions, thereby becoming the thorn in
Amu’er’s side.

But at the same time, Shen Zechuan also wanted to teach Hairigu a hard lesson.

If Hairigu wanted that piece of Qingshu Tribe’s land, he had to first go and deal with the
Youxiong Tribe. As long as he did so, the Twelve Tribes would no longer accept him easily, and
Amu’er would no longer trust him. He would also have to shoulder the Youxiong’s Tribe’s
hatred, for he was the blade-wielding executioner who carried out the punishment.

The Prefectural Lord wanted to use his resources to the fullest.

Shen Zechuan grew tired from sitting, and as the others were about to retreat, he said, “There’s
no hurry for Yuanzhuo to retire for a rest upon heading back. Jiran will be going over in a while
to take a look at you.”

◈ ◈ ◈

Jiran was still a child at heart, jumping across water puddles as he followed after Gu Jin. Seeing
his smooth, bald head reflected in the water, he could not help but double up with laughter.

Qiao Tianya met them at the entrance. Putting his palms together too, he said to Jiran, “Little
Master,4 please enter.”

Jiran returned the greeting. At this time, the birds were chirping among the trees, and the weather
was pleasantly warm. Dressed in monk robes, he stood in the water puddles of varying sizes that
reflected the blue sky and white clouds, a sight that so entranced one it was hard to distinguish
between heaven and earth.

“Benefactor,”5 Jiran imitated his shifu’s6 example and nodded slowly to Qiao Tianya. “You have
an affinity with Buddha.”

Qiao Tianya found it interesting and said, “When I was young, there was a monk who said the
same thing to me too. But then, to date, I still have yet to renounce the world and become a

Jiran looked at Qiao Tianya. When he was quiet, he had a kind of otherworldly aura. However,
that was not the so-called detachment far removed from the mundane world, but a natural
transcendence. Such was the little monk, pure and untainted, observing the secular world with
his own pair of eyes.

“Worryfree are the clear waters, that creased in a frown because of the wind; Ageless are the
emerald hills, that sport a crown of white because of the snow.7Benefactor’s ‘cause’ already
exists, so would the ‘catalyst’ still be far along?”8The refreshing breeze blew up Jiran’s monk
robe, and the hem of his clothes drooped into the water. He clapped his palms gently, looking in
all seriousness in his naivety, as if already certain of Qiao Tianya’s future path.

Qiao Tianya heard the wind chimes under the eaves swaying in the breeze. He turned his head
and saw Yao Wenyu sitting there. Yao Wenyu’s sleeves instantly swayed with the wind.
Unexpectedly enough, he gave off the same vibe as Jiran strolling among the white clouds in the
water puddles.
Jiran walked to the front of the steps, but did not bow to Yao Wenyu. Under the tinkling of the
wind chimes, he scrutinized Yao Wenyu. Eventually, he shook his head. “I can’t heal your legs.
Even if my shifu were alive, he wouldn’t be able to heal your legs either.”

Yao Wenyu covered Hunu on his lap with his fingers. “All conditioned phenomena are like a
dream, an illusion, a bubble, a shadow, like the dew and a flash of lightning. And thus, it is so we
shall perceive them.”9

The confluence of causes and conditions of this world was in a constant flux of change. Yao
Wenyu was no longer obsessing over this pair of legs. Long when he answered, “I’m still
standing”,10 he had already extricated himself from it all. It made no difference whether he stood
or sat. He was still himself. He was him.

Jiran sighed. “Others want me to speak of the sayings of Buddha, yet you speak of them to me.
Existing in the existential view of your own mortality,11 you’ve seen the end, so why stop and
linger here? Come with me to the mountains.”

Yao Wenyu said, “I still have the forms of all things12 in my heart.”

Looking at Yao Wenyu, Jiran raised a finger to point at Qiao Tianya. “You also have the form of
him in your heart.”

The wind blew against Yao Wenyu’s sleeves, and the red thread on his wrist slid gently. He said,
“That is why I’m still an ordinary mortal.”

The chain of cause and effect, of predestined relationships, was beyond intriguing. When exactly
were its wheels set into motion? Perhaps it was that night when the red thread was bound, or
perhaps it was that one utterance of “I hate you to the core”13, or perhaps even earlier, during the
third month when spring was budding in the air.

Qiao Tianya, Qiao Songyue—he was the swallow that left his mark.

Yao Wenyu understood that all that existed in the world was but mere illusions. Everything he
did today was like the snap of the finger that would swiftly vanish into the long, never-ending

Yao Wenyu, Yao Yuanzhuo—he was the leaf that turned to mud.

“I have nothing to give to you.” Jiran tilted his head slightly.

Yao Wenyu looked at Shen Zechuan’s courtyard and smiled. “You have already given me what I

◈ ◈ ◈
The yellow sand of the Bianjun Commandery brushed past the military banner, sending it
fluttering. Qi Zhuyin removed her helmet. Her mouth was all mixed with gravel and grit. Qi Wei
handed her a handkerchief. She could not strip off her armor and wipe herself down as the male
generals did, so she could only bear the scorching heat and wipe her face with restraint.

“Duanzhou has sent several military reports,” Qi Wei said. “The report from the battle zone is
here too.”

“The one from the battle zone is from Lu Guangbai. What else can it be but the retreat of the
Biansha Cavalry soldiers?” Qi Zhuyin set down Zhujiu and moved behind the wall to cool off.
“Duanzhou is from Xiao Chiye. Go ahead and read it out.”

Only then did Qi Wei open the private letter and read it out to Qi Zhuyin.

Qi Zhuyin’s hands, which had initially been folding the handkerchief, paused. She looked at Qi
Wei and repeated, “Give the Qingshu Tribe’s territory to the Scorpions?”

Qi Wei carefully looked it over again and ensured there was no mistake before he nodded.

That bit of nonchalance Qi Zhuyin had gradually ebbed away. The armor on her shoulders was
already considered light, but wear it for a long time, and it would still be heavy enough to make
the shoulders sore.

“Get a brush,” she said, “and reply to Xiao Chiye now. I do not agree.”

The Qingshu Tribe was taken down and captured by the Qidong Garrison Troops. Qi Zhuyin had
no use for this place, so she could give it to Libei or Zhongbo, but she had no wish to hand it
over to the Scorpions. What did Hairigu’s occupation of the Qingshu Tribe’s territory imply? It
implied that there would be the Scorpions keeping watch at her door from then on, one who
could turn around and bite them back anytime.

It was exactly as Xiao Chiye expected when he received Qi Zhuyin’s reply. He pillowed his head
on his arms and said to Shen Zechuan beside him, “Qidong’s terrains are what give it an
advantage. Expanding eastward would weaken the importance of the Bianjun Commandery. The
two ‘door shutters’ that are Tianfei Watchtower and Suotian Pass would also lose their purpose.
It’s tough to get Commander-in-chief Qi’s nod regarding this matter.”

Shen Zechuan was already about to fall asleep. “Libei is willing to establish a relationship of
subordination with the Huiyan Tribe, and the Armored Cavalry subsequently receives the perks
tea brought them. To Qidong, the advantage of increasing the territory outward from the Bianjun
Commandery will far outweigh the disadvantages. It will also reduce the burden of military
expenses placed on Commander-in-chief Qi in the future.”

More than half of the tea the traveling merchants sold at the harbor from the mutual trade market
came from the Huiyan Tribe. Shen Zechuan gave all this sum of money back to the Libei
Armored Cavalry. It had to be known that the speed at which the Armored Cavalry depleted their
equipment could be said to be ranked first in the world.

Thinking to this point, Shen Zechuan’s drowsiness eased. He could not turn over as he pleased,
so all he could do was to lean back like Xiao Chiye was doing as he continued, “The war can last
a lifetime, then what about the next life?”

“Next life.” Xiao Chiye covered his face with the letter and sighed. “I’d still want to be born in

As both of them lay, Ding Tao and Li Xiong smashed walnuts in the walkway with Jiran, the
boys laughing merrily as they did so. Insects chirped up a ruckus under the blazing sun, one
sound after another.

“Amu’er spent his whole life attempting in vain to unify the Twelve Tribes,” after a while, Xiao
Chiye said. “My father thought he could become the great ruler.”

“You don’t understand the reason Amu’er didn’t become the great ruler of the desert.” Shen
Zechuan turned his head to the side. “I can tell you on the sly.”

Xiao Chiye took away the letter and turned aside. It was so warm he was feeling lazy.

All he said was, “Hm?”

“Because Libei has Xiao Ce’an.” Shen Zechuan raised his eyes and gazed at him. “You want to
cross the river and advance eastward to go looking for Amu’er.”

Xiao Chiye suddenly covered Shen Zechuan’s eyes. The weather was so, so hot. He inched
closer and whispered back, “My wife does understand me so.”

The corners of Shen Zechuan’s lips curved up slightly with a little smugness.

Xiao Chiye loved looking at Shen Zechuan this way. Lowering his eyes, he could not help but
kiss him.

Credits: Thanks to Yen and juuree for spotting the typos! <3!

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1. 既然 jiran literally means “since”

2. 元气 or yuan qi, or primordial qi, or vital energy, is the fundamental qi we are born with.
3. A practice in former times where two locks of hair from the husband and wife are bound
together during the wedding as a symbol of lasting union.
4. 小师父 Little shifu, or Little (Venerable) Master, the shifu here is term of respect for a
monk or nun and is not referring to Jiran as Qiao Tianya’s martial art master.
5. 施主 shizhu, or benefactor, patron; term used by monks or nuns as a general term of
address towards laymen; also used by Buddhist monks or Taoist priests for someone who
has contributed to a monastery or temple.
6. This shifu here is legit his shifu lol. To distinguish between the shifu, we’ll be
using shifu for one’s master and little (venerable) master as the monk address for Jiran.
7. “绿水无忧,因风而皱;青山不老,为雪白头① by Shen Yi-fu (沈义甫)
8. 因缘 in Buddhism, all things, phenomena, and social activities are believed arise out of
the combinations of causes (因) and conditions (緣) (i.e., primary cause and secondary
causes that combines to bring about a result, or effect (果). 因缘 also refers to
predestined relationship or affinity.
9. “一切有为法,如梦幻泡影,如露亦如电,应作如是观。” from the Diamond
Sutra《金刚经》Basically, all phenomena are fleeting and ephemeral, so we should treat
them as such.
10. Refer to chapter 184
11. 向死而生 “being-towards-death”, a concept by German philosopher Martin Heidegger.
According to Heidegger, the human being is a “being toward death” (Being and Time),
one who cannot fully live an authentic life unless one confronts one’s own mortality.
12. 相 in Buddhism at its most basic refers to form or appearance, etc of all things. Sort of
mean how he still has an attachment to all things/phenomena/etc in the secular world and
can’t renounce the world just yet.
13. Refer to chapter 203

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 255 : Qingshan

The gardens in Qudu were all a lush shade of emerald green. Potted plants decorated both sides
of Mingli Hall’s open space. The eunuchs carried basins filled to the brim with ice pieces and
placed them in all corners of the hall to dispel the heat. Meanwhile, the court officials under the
eaves waiting for themselves to be summoned were all so hot they were sweating, yet they could
not breach decorum, and so could only force themselves to endure it and let their sweat soak
through their robes.

The bamboo blinds to Mingli Hall lifted, and Fengquan, with a horsetail whisk in hand, walked
out and bowed in greeting to the ministers. Softly, he said, “The sweltering heat is unbearable,
and it has been hard on the various excellencies attending to official duties. Her Highness has
specially instructed this humble slave to prepare green bean soup.”

The junior eunuchs swiftly came carrying the bowls of soup; the napkin flowers had all been
prepared in advance. Fengquan bowed once more and retreated into Mingli Hall.

“Her Highness shows such consideration to us humble ones.” An official who had come from a
local region said as he sipped the soup, “And for that, we are truly grateful.”

Soup spoons knocked lightly against porcelain bowls. An official from the capital asked Jiang
Qingshan, who was at the side, “Is Wanxiao used to staying at the relay station?”

Jiang Qingshan finished his soup and gave a slight nod of his head. He seemed rather at odds
with his swift and resolute reputation that was the stuff of rumors. His manner was tepid and
lukewarm, as if he was also very perfunctory and not that attentive when it came to other
matters. After an hour, a eunuch called out his name, and Jiang Qingshan lifted the hem of his
robe and entered the hall, where he kneeled and bowed to pay his respect.

“This humble subject, the Provincial Administration Commissioner of Juexi, Jiang Qingshan,
pays his respects to Your Highness.”
“Wanxiao, please rise,” Li Jianting said. “The weather is hot today, and I’ve made you stand
outside long enough. The Grand Secretary and I were just discussing Juexi’s governmental
affairs, and I saw from your memorial that the City of Yongcheng has gone without rain for more
than a month. The local granaries are in short supply, so you wish to borrow grains from

“The grains requisitioned by the imperial court last year were borne by Juexi. The thirteen cities’
granaries are already depleted.” Jiang Qingshan did not raise his head. “I never expected a
drought to hit.”

Kong Qiu said to Li Jianting from the side, “The City of Yongcheng is also the granary of the
southwest. If this drought is severe, I fear it would be hard to sustain just by depending on
Wanxiao to borrow grains. It’s still necessary to rely on the imperial court to transfer the aid
relief grains down.”

The flower embellishment on Li Jianting’s forehead was brilliant red. She pondered it for a
moment, then said, “During the reign of Xiande, you offended the local merchants in order to
provide relief to the disaster victims, causing them to crowd the yamen to make things difficult
for you. This year, you are negotiating with Huaizhou with every means possible for the sake of
borrowing grains. It has been hard on you. The City of Yongcheng being hit by disaster is no
small matter, but there is no need to worry either. The Grand Secretary and I will give you a
solution as soon as possible. The grains will definitely be transferred.”

Jiang Qingshan was already used to hearing words of excuses whenever he entered the capital.
Even the former Emperor Tianchen and Emperor Xiande did not possess such a decisive and
straightforward attitude. Thus, on hearing Li Jianting saying so, he could not help but put on a
solemn countenance and kowtow to pay his obeisances. “This humble subject knows that the
imperial court also has to give consideration to the war in Qidong this year. The military
provisions have priority. Juexi is willing to use natural silk to offset the debt and exchange it for
food with Huaizhou.”

Kong Qiu lost a little of his temper when this was brought up. “The official transfer of public
grains can be implemented right after Her Highness endorses it. Why must the Prefectural
Prefect of Huaizhou, Tao Ming, defy the edict? Huaizhou had a bumper harvest last year.
According to the memorial Tao Ming presented at the beginning of the year, he can afford to
give relief grains.”

“The imperial edict was issued several days ago,” Li Jianting said. “Fengquan, go out there and
ask if the Prefectural Prefect of Huaizhou, Tao Ming, has arrived. If so, summon him into the
hall to give us an explanation.”

Before Fengquan had even stepped out of the hall, Fuman anxiously came to the door and said,
“Your Highness, a letter arrived from the postal relay station, saying that the Prefectural Prefect
of Huaizhou, Tao Ming, has fled with his entire family!”
Li Jianting was taken aback. “Where did he flee to? The imperial court is summoning him over
for a discussion. Why did he flee?”

Fuman stomped his leg lightly. “He defected to Shen Zechuan of Zhongbo!”

Murmurs of discussions promptly filled the hall.

Chen Zhen frowned. “Borrowing grains is a commonplace matter. Why did he run? There has to
be a reason!”

“Your Highness is not aware, but,” Fuman said with urgency, “the official who went to summon
him opened up the granary in Huaizhou and found that there was not much grain left. It’s not
enough to serve as relief grains. Tao Ming acted in collusion with Shen Zechuan and sold the
grains all to Cizhou a long time back. The moment he heard that Juexi wanted to borrow grains,
he was so frightened that he fled on the very same night!”

An uproar broke out in the hall. Cen Yu stood up. “This… why didn’t the local investigating
censor say a word?!”

Huaizhou had no grains, and Hezhou was empty too. They could not count on the Eight Great
Cities either. Then, what about the City of Yongcheng? In the end, Juexi still had to tighten their
belt to save up the money by the skin of their teeth!

The atmosphere in the hall abruptly plummeted. Air so chilly pervaded the hall from the ice
basins in the four corners that Kong Qiu felt a sharp pain in the middle of his back. Covering his
nose and mouth, he coughed for a moment, then stood up when his coughing subsided and
bowed to Li Jianting. “Disaster relief is of top priority and cannot be delayed. The monthly
salaries of the officials in the capital can be reduced accordingly. This humble subject shall get
the ball rolling. We must not let the commoners starve to death!”

The officials in the outer area all looked at each other, then kneeled and echoed, “We humble
subjects are willing to do so. We ask of Your Highness to agree to it.”

The cicadas among the trees were pried off by the eunuchs. Li Jianting rose to her feet too, and
in that brief silence, lamented, “How can I stop all of you when you are going to such an extent?
Since it’s for the sake of Yongcheng’s common folks, the palace should also appropriately cut its
spending. Wanxiao, you are the one who asks for the grains, so you shall be the one to make
arrangements for the aid relief.”

Jiang Qingshan kowtowed and said his thanks.

◈ ◈ ◈

At night, flower lanterns and sheer gauze curtains decorated the courtyard, where a spread of
dishes and chopsticks had been laid out. Only Ya’er1 was waiting in attendance at the side.
Xue Xiuzhuo, dressed in his regular clothes, poured tea for Jiang Qingshan. “Apologies for being
the poor host by having you come to my residence.”

Jiang Qingshan took the tea and said with a sigh, “There have been so many social engagements
since my entry into the capital. All those delicacies cannot compare to your homely fare.”

“The life of the poor.” Xue Xiuzhuo set down the teapot and, in a rare moment, teased, “Which
Provincial Governor is like you? You don’t even use a decent horse carriage when you venture

“I am truly poor, while you are pseudo-poor,” Jiang Qingshan said, “but we are two of a kind
who reek of poverty from head to toe!”

Both men clinked their teacup and burst into laughter.

“I can see that the Heir Apparent is intelligent. She treats those under her with decency, and she
is straightforward in her handling of matters. She takes after the style of Emperor Guangcheng.”
Jiang Qingshan picked up the chopsticks and ate the beancurd with shallot. “It’s just that she’s
rather a tad prim and proper, and her manner of speaking is too mature.”

“She had a rough time in her youth, so naturally, she’s unlike the average girl.” Xue Xiuzhuo
watched Jiang Qingshan eat his meal. “I saw your letter at the beginning of the year. Liu-niang is

Jiang Qingshan slowed down his speed of swallowing and cast a glance at Xue Xiuzhuo. His
smile faded. “The usual.”

So Xue Xiuzhuo did not probe further.

Jiang Qingshan had a wife, but no children. His wife was from the Liu clan in the Prefecture of
Baimazhou, and it was not really considered a rich household. She was on good terms with Jiang
Qingshan, but to date, both of them had still yet to beget a child. Liu-niang was in poor health.
Their firstborn was conceived during the fourth year of Xiande, when Jiang Qingshan was
running all over outside to borrow grains. The merchants who came to their doorstep to demand
repayments gave Liu-niang such a fright that she miscarried. After that, it had been hard for her
to conceive again.

“Why are you so dejected?” Jiang Qingshan set down his chopsticks. “If I’m destined to have no
son, then so be it. I won’t force it.” As he spoke, he looked to the cluster of flowers at the side,
pausing for a moment. “It’s just that my mother has been pushing us pretty hard, and it’s
inevitable that she treats Liu-niang rather… alas.”

Jiang Qingshan’s mother, in her anxiousness to gain a grandson,2 was rather harsh on her
“My mother is advanced in age, and she’s strong-minded by nature. It has been aggravating for
Liu-niang to be attending to her. I’ve been busy with government affairs all these years and
neglected domestic affairs. In the end, I’ve failed to live up to the vow I made to her back then.”
Jiang Qingshan always felt emotional to mention his family affairs. “At the beginning of the
year, my mother had some distant niece stay over at our residence, saying that it was only for the
time being, but even until now, she’s still there. Several times I went back to see Liu-niang
standing primly under the eaves, and yet my mother still wants to match-make me with that

“If you’re unwilling, it’d be better to turn it down outright,” Xue Xiuzhuo poured more tea for
him, “lest the Old Madam thinks it’s feasible and it ends up breaking Liu-niang’s heart.”

Jiang Qingshan stayed Xue Xiuzhuo’s hand. “Let’s have wine instead.”

“I still have to attend to official duties tomorrow morning.” As Xue Xiuzhuo spoke, he looked at
Ya’er and motioned for him to get the wine.

“You live alone in this residence. It’s so empty.” Jiang Qingshan raised an arm and waved it.
“It’s time for you to settle down with someone too.”

“Han Cheng has only just been eliminated, and the investigation of the field taxes has yet to
conclude.” Xue Xiuzhuo took over the wine and poured only for Jiang Qingshan. “If I marry a
wife, I’d be leaving her alone in this empty residence, where she’d be wasting away her youth.
Why sin thus?”

“There is no end to official business,” Jiang Qingshan said. “Don’t tell me you’re going to carry
on like this until you grow old and die?”

Xue Xiuzhuo nodded in all seriousness and started to discuss official matters. “The drought in
the City of Yongcheng is not as serious compared to the one during the reign of Xiande, but it
has already put you in a terrible fix. Qudu’s reduction of salaries alone is useless if this rain still
doesn’t fall after the seventh month, or if a drought hits the rest of the twelve cities. There will
still be fatal casualties in Juexi.”

Jiang Qingshan sipped the wine. “The Grand Secretariat is willing in spirit but lacking in power.
If there is really a surplus of grains, the Grand Secretary will not make such an unwise move.
I’ve been meaning to ask you too. Are the eight cities really empty?”

“Yes. The grains confiscated from the Pan clan of Dancheng,” Xue Xiuzhuo raised a hand and
pointed to the side, “are not even enough to feed the people in this palace.”

“We used to lack money in the past.” Jiang Qingshan shook his head. “And now, we lack grains.
If we had been able to issue the personnel transfer order earlier to reorganize the Six Prefectures
of Zhongbo and recover the vast expanse of fertile lands, Shen Zechuan would not have gone on
to become the local overlord, and Da Zhou would not be in the predicament it is in today.”
Xue Xiuzhuo said at a slow pace, “The most abundant granaries in the world are now in
Zhongbo. If the drought in Juexi worsens after the seventh month, I’ll have to consider buying
grains from Shen Zechuan.”

“I fear that will be tough,” Jiang Qingshan said. “Who would have imagined Shen the Eighth
would be able to bring the six prefectures under his control? The battle in Duanzhou won him the
hearts of the people. This man bears grudges. He will not sell grains to you that easily.”

Xue Xiuzhuo set the wine jar to the side. “If he wants to walk among the world in the name of
benevolence and righteousness, he cannot simply sit back and watch the drought ravage Juexi.”

They discussed some more official business. When it was almost time, Xue Xiuzhuo had Ya’er
help Jiang Qingshan back to rest. As Jiang Qingshan was leaving, he pointed at the front hall and
said, “I met your eldest brother when I arrived at the relay station. He went there to offer
offerings to Chengzhi. I see he has been promoted, presumably benefitting from his association
with you. Yanqing, he used to make things difficult for you in all kinds of ways possible because
he shares the same family name as you. In the end, he still has to survive relying on his
connection with you, yet he’s not even willing to say a good word about you.”

Jiang Qingshan was a little drunk, and so a little unsteady on his feet.

“Seeing how smug he is, I fear he will implicate you in the future… You should watch out for

Xue Xiuzhuo responded in acknowledgment.

◈ ◈ ◈

Ge Qingqing stepped on a stool and shook out the dice as if he was performing magic tricks and
said, “My lord, you lost!”

Xue the Eldest drank until his face was all flushed. He touched his pocket and said, “Oh dear me,
I forgot to bring my money pouch before I left home! Qingqing, put it on the account!”

Ge Qingqing blew on the dice and looked at Xue the Eldest, saying with a laugh, “My lord, why
stand on ceremony with me? It ought to be on my account to begin with. Is the scented tea sent
to your residences a few days ago still acceptable? The goods from Qinzhou have also just
arrived recently. If there’s anything you have your eyes on, don’t hesitate to let me know.”

“No, no, that won’t do.” Although that was what Xue the Eldest said, he still sat to the side and
lit up the pipe. “My residence has everything and does not lack small playthings like this. It’s
just that the Ministry of Personnel wants to swap around the assignments in the imperial court of
late, and going by what the gonggong said, there’s a lucrative post.”

Ge Qingqing shifted his feet and sat down beside Xue the Eldest. “Then our lord is going to
receive a promotion. Congratulations.”
“But the gonggong in this palace all serve the emperor. They have seen a lot and so they turn
their noses up at common objects.” Xue the Eldest appeared somewhat hesitant. “Do you have
any imported merchandise?”

“Yes, I do. Lots of them. I’ll get Xiaowu to bring the book over later for you to look over and
choose.” Ge Qingqing leaned closer. “Whatever you choose, I’ll give it to you. No need to stand
on ceremony!”

“You’re truly my buddy!” Xue the Eldest promptly burst into laughter. He pointed at Ge
Qingqing. “If this official post really falls into my hands, I’ll make sure to return you double the
gift in the future.”

When Ge Qingqing threw the dice, he knocked against the low table at the side, seemingly by
accident. The Imperial Bodyguard at the side in disguise as a servant gave a slight nod of his
head and prepared the stuff for Xue the Eldest, even remembering to lay out a layer of gold

It grew even later outside, but Xue the Eldest had long since been having such a good time that
he did not even notice it.

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1. This is the mute lad mentioned in chapter 221, will use Ya’er (“mute lad”) as his name.
2. Having a son to carry on the family line is considered an act of filial piety in ancient

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 256 : Zuzong (Ancestor)

During the hour of you, Li Jianting went for a walk in the garden, her only time for leisure for
the entire day. With Fengquan accompanying her at the side, the Heir Apparent strolled along the
stone path, still thinking about the government affairs discussed in the hall.

“A few days later, there’s going to be a worshipping ceremony held to pray for rain.” Li Jianting
raised her fingers to brush aside the flower branch by her cheek. “This is a matter of importance.
Nothing must go wrong on that day.”

Fengquan shifted away the flower branch for Li Jianting and said deferentially, “This humble
slave will definitely do his best.”

Li Jianting stood at the edge of the pond and sprinkled fish bait into it. Watching the carps
fighting among themselves, she said, “You used to serve Imperial Concubine Mu in the past and
you were an arrogant and impudent one who did not know to exercise forbearance, which earned
you the censure of the imperial court ministers. Now that you had a close encounter with death,
you are a lot more restrained.”

The Heir Apparent certainly did not bring up this matter in the midst of discussing political
affairs on a whim. There was something else in those words. Fengquan’s gaze flickered, and as
he bowed, he hazarded a guess as to the Heir Apparent’s intent. In a soft voice, he said, “The
servant takes after the disposition of his master. Your Highness treats the others with tolerance
and magnanimity, and this humble slave, having received Your Highness’s guidance, naturally
dare not be as presumptuous as I had been before. I’m ashamed to say that I’ve been impertinent
in the past when I met the various excellencies from the Grand Secretariat, and now that I have
been graced with the favor of my lord, I ought to take the past as a cautionary tale and draw my
lesson from it.”

Li Jianting glanced at Fengquan. “You’re a fine one.”

Fengquan had served Emperor Tianchen before. Li Jianheng was simple-minded, and his
emotions were all clearly written on his face. But ever since Li Jianting entered the palace, she
indistinctly began to exude the regal might of a sovereign that made her hard to predict. She had
no preference when she had her meals here. No matter how delicious the food was, she would
not put her chopsticks to it over three times. Even the delight and fury in her words were tough to

“I heard just how harsh Fuman was on you when you were in prison before, and now you’re both
working together in Mingli Hall,” Li Jianting said, “do you harbor any displeasure?”

Fengquan lifted the hem of his robe and kneeled. “This humble slave is Your Highness’s slave,
and this humble slave is aware that there must be some deeper meaning to Your Majesty’s
arrangement. Although this humble slave and Fuman used to fall foul of one another, he was also
doing his job that time, so this humble slave dare not harbor resentment.”

“He nearly broke your leg.” Li Jianting looked at the carps that were still fighting for food.

Fengquan kowtowed and choked with sobs. In a thin voice, he said, “The gonggong wielding the
flogging rods are all old hands from the Eastern Depot. They know not to go too far.”

Li Jianting focused on watching the fishes and said as if nonchalantly, “Although Fuman is a
long-time eunuch from the former emperor’s reign, he only began to move around in the
emperor’s presence after the Eastern Depot was left idle.” She smiled. “I’ve never heard of the
former emperor ordering him to manage the affairs of the Eastern Depot, and I didn’t expect him
to be that familiar with the old-timers of the Eastern Depot too. Looks like he’s also well-
acquainted with the random dogs and cats1 in my palace too.”

Fengquan made use of the action of wiping his tears to wipe his sweat. He instantly understood
what the Heir Apparent meant. Li Jianting was poisoned in the palace. All her people in the
palace were selected by Xue Xiuzhuo, and even so, they failed to thwart the Empress Dowager,
so the perpetrator must have had the help of someone who was familiar with the ins and outs of
her palace. Li Jianting used Fuman when she hosted a banquet to kill Han Cheng, and now that
the thorn in her side, Han Cheng, had been eliminated, she ought to settle the score.

Fengquan felt a little more settled when he thought to this point. “Since Fuman is an old hand
from the reign of the former emperor, he differs from the others in the inner court and yamen. He
has vast experience, and he’s in the good books of the various excellencies from the Grand
Secretariat, so the number of people he is well-acquainted with is naturally more than this
humble slave. Although he has plenty of ‘descendants’,2 he is cordial to people, attentive to his
work, and stays within the confines of propriety.”

“You’re leaving your words unfinished. Stay within the confines of propriety? He seemed to me
to be a very ambitious one; A lao-zuzong he is.” Li Jianting took the handkerchief to wipe her
hands. “He is but a mere eunuch who has neither the merit in maintaining state stability nor the
courage to remonstrate with his sovereign. Yet he can be a ‘lao-zuzong’ just because he has been
in the emperor’s presence for long. Whose ancestor?”3 She looked askance at Fengquan.

Fengquan only felt this breezily-spoken word to be as heavy as the lofty mountains, crushing
down on him such that he dared not raise his head. He hurriedly kowtowed, “Your Highness is
the noble descendant of the royal family! The glorious legacy of the Great Ancestor4 is all
handed into the hands of Your Highness. Your Highness is the supreme ruler of the world!”

“The eunuch faction threw court politics into a mess during the reign of Emperor Xiande. They
killed off a lao-zuzong,5 but never in my imagination would I expect to come across another one.
Evidently, human greed has no limits, like a snake trying to swallow an elephant. All the kind
treatment in the world can’t get you loyalty. Favoring and trusting someone too much is bound to
lead to disaster.” Li Jianting handed the handkerchief to the palace maid at the side and said,
self-mockingly, “However, he does indeed have the capability to really be my ancestor for no
rhyme or reason.”

Fuman had “children” and “grandchildren” all over, and he also had contacts with the imperial
court officials with the opportunity his working in Mingli Hall accorded him. However, he was
cleverer than Pan Rugui here. He did not dare to mess with the etiquettes when he came face to
face with the Grand Secretariat officials; in fact, he would not even rule out kowtowing to them
once every ten steps if he could. Kong Qiu was previously in ill health, and he had pushed
himself through his illness to go about his official duties. Fuman, who was waiting in attendance
in Mingli Hall, personally tested Kong Qiu’s medicine and meticulously took care of the Grand
Secretary, all to build up a good reputation for Li Jianting. Fuman went to such an extent to win
imperial favor, but he also just so happened to commit a big taboo. He took it upon himself to
curry favor with the imperial censors—but he was a eunuch of the inner palace, so what was he
doing trying to win over the outer court officials? He wanted to be both a lao-zuzong in the
palace and a decent eunuch outside of it. Now that he had garnered himself quite the prestige
inside and outside, it instead held him back from his official duties.

Eunuchs were the slaves of the Son of Heaven, and serving the Son of Heaven was their duty. If
Pan Rugui had not set the precedent of undermining court politics, the rights to endorse
memorials would not have been reduced to a common-use iron plague6 for the eunuchs to line
their own pockets. But Fuman was respectful and modest to those on the outside while
accumulating power on the inside. If Li Jianting wanted to take down Fuman, she needed a
reason that could convince the others.

At this time, the sky was inching toward darkness. A line of people bearing lanterns walked from
the other end of the garden. Fuman had been doing a good job in his work recently, so his
complexion was naturally rosy. From afar, he saw Li Jianting standing by the pond, and the
junior eunuch following by his side whispered into his ear, “Zuzong, Fengquan is kneeling!”

Fuman flicked his horsetail whisk. “He has rendered meritorious service earlier during the
banquet. If he has been willing to know and keep his place, Her Highness will naturally not make
things difficult for him. But that temper of his really leaves much to be desired. It comes as no
surprise if he angered Her Highness over some trivial matters.”
With that, he harrumphed slightly, but he was all smiles as he walked over to greet them and
bowed to Li Jianting.

“You’re here.” Li Jianting smiled. “Is there a matter of importance?”

“This humble slave thinks of Your Highness all the time.” Fuman passed by Fengquan. Knowing
that Li Jianting did not like to be touched, he escorted her down the steps without actually
holding her. “So I grew anxious when I didn’t hear any news while waiting in the hall! This
humble slave saw the clouds gathering on the horizon, and fearing it would rain later, hurried
over to bring an umbrella to Your Highness.”

“You’re indeed a thoughtful one,” Li Jianting said. “Thorough as ever in every matter.”

As if he had only just seen Fengquan, Fuman exclaimed in surprise. “Oh, my, what happened

The sky was silent and still. Amidst the flickering shadows of the light, Li Jianting suddenly hit
on a brainwave. Her expression gradually grew frostier. “Arrogant and conceited thing. I heard
he was disrespectful to the various excellencies while on duty in the hall, so I had him kneel here
as a punishment.”

On hearing this, Fengquan sobbed and prostrated himself over the ground, looking precisely like
someone who had just been reproved. He said, “This humble slave was not discerning enough
and offended the excellencies. I really deserve death for my sins, Your Highness…”

“I know you served as the Brush-holding Director during the reign of the former emperor, but
how can eunuchs be on par with the officials of the previous court? Those local officials who
entered the palace to submit their reports are all tiring themselves out working hard for the sake
of the local civil administration. Who do you think you are to be showing them the attitude?”

The local officials.

Understanding dawned on Fuman. No wonder Li Jianting was angry. The drought in the City of
Yongcheng these days had given the Heir Apparent sleepless nights. Expenditures inside and
outside the palace were all being cut back; even the Heir Apparent herself was eating round-
grained rice every meal, saying that it was not to forget the hardship of the common folks. She
also thought highly of the local officials.

“Your Highness works hard on government affairs in the hall. Coming out to take a stroll in the
garden is a rare moment to relax and destress. You mustn’t let this put a damper on your mood.”
Fuman guided Li Jianting away and said with an apologetic smile, “His Excellency Xue has also
just arrived and is waiting in the hall for Your Highness.”

Fuman cast several glances at Fengquan and said nothing to intercede on his behalf. Li Jianting
did not look at Fengquan again and made a beeline back. He served the tea after Li Jianting
returned to Mingli Hall and withdrew, and as he waited under the eaves, he asked the junior
eunuch in a hushed tone, “Still kneeling?”

The junior eunuch snickered. “Still kneeling.”

“Tell him to get up.”

“Zuzong,” the junior eunuch asked out of curiosity. “Doesn’t he always act all high and mighty?
And he’s so smart-mouthed, too. Why is Zuzong helping him? Just let him kneel until Her
Highness is done discussing government affairs.”

“As slaves, we have to be of the same mind as our sovereign and relieve our sovereign’s
worries,” Fuman said. “He has forged a bond with Her Highness from serving her while she is
still the Heir Apparent. Her Highness only told him to kneel without really punishing him, which
means she’s treating him with leniency. Her Highness forgot about it at this point in time, but
when she remembers it later, and he ends up crying again, then her heart will soften towards him
on account of their old ties. I didn’t plead for mercy for him earlier. If I let him kneel any longer,
Her Highness is going to reproach us slaves for not knowing any better.”

“Zuzong really does think it through.” The junior eunuch said in admiration. “You’re always
reading the master’s mind. Truly brilliant! I’ll go now and get him to stand up.”

Fuman looked back at the dim yellowish candlelight emanating from within Mingli Hall and
subconsciously smiled.

Without that old son of a bitch, Han Cheng, he would no longer have a handle out there that
others could use against him. He only had to serve the Heir Apparent well, then obtain the Grand
Secretariat’s recommendation, and he would enjoy a meteoric rise. Whatever Pan Rugui could
do, so could he, except that he wanted to do an even better and an even more beautiful job of it.

Fuman turned his gaze. The only thing was that the Empress Dowager was still around, and that
made him unable to rest easy. To eliminate future trouble, he would have to make his move as
soon as possible.

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1. i.e., tom, dick, and harry

2. Does not refer to real descendants but the people under his “protection,” just like how
Fengquan was Pan Rugui’s god-grandson and Ji Lei was Pan Rugui’s godson. So this
eunuch has to be someone with high rank and power in the palace who can bring some
benefit to his ‘descendants’, such as better treatment and opportunities, etc.
3. 老祖宗 literally old ancestor or forefather; sometimes the top eunuch in the Ming
Dynasty is privately addressed as such
4. 太祖 Taizu, Great (Imperial) Ancestor ; usually the posthumous title of the first emperor
(or founder) of a new dynasty.
5. Refers to Pan Rugui
6. 铁券 iron plaque, conferred by the emperor on a distinguished minister as a special
honor. It is being used here as a “free-pass”.

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 257: Tea-Talk

Shen Zechuan laid in bed, finding it tough to get up. Xiao Chiye had not left and was still in
Duanzhou. After the twentieth of the month, the Biansha Cavalry’s attacks in the north abated,
and Lu Guangbai personally made a trip to Duanzhou.

“The battle in Duanzhou was perilous. Seems like it will take time to repair this city wall.” Lu
Guangbai dismounted the horse. “Jiming has dispatched military craftsmen over.”

Dressed in his regular wear, Xiao Chiye said, “Eldest Brother is indeed thorough in his
thinking…” He paused and looked at the horse carriage at the back with a surprised expression,
“Eldest sister-in-law is here!”

The maidservant lifted the carriage screen, and Lu Yizhi, clutching her handkerchief in hand,
poked her head out.

With a smile on his face, Lu Guangbai announced, “Xun-er is here too.”

“I’ve been missing Lanzhou back at home,” Lu Yizhi got off the carriage with the help of her
maidservant and said to Xiao Chiye, who had gone over to receive her, “and so I came over for a

Xiao Chiye turned aside and said, “Lanzhou misses Eldest Sister-in-law too.”

Looking at the city walls of Duanzhou, Lu Yizhi continued, “Now that Zhongbo’s victory is
already cast in stone, Lanzhou ought to nurse his injuries.” She turned her head to the side and
pursed her lips into a smile. “I specially brought Xun-er along to relieve Lanzhou’s boredom.”

Xiao Xun followed behind his mother without needing anyone to lead him by the hand. He
bowed to Xiao Chiye, “Second Uncle—”

Xiao Chiye picked up Xiao Xun and hoisted him up mid-air for a closer look. “The little lad has
grown taller.”

“He’s just like you when you were a child.” Lu Guangbai handed the horsewhip over to Chen
Yang. “He worries all day long that he can’t grow taller, and he drinks his milk on time. I asked
him what wish he made during the Spring Festival, and he said he wants to grow as tall as his
Second Uncle.” As he said so, he pinched Xiao Xun’s expressionless cheek. “The nephew is just
like his uncle. Well, you can stop thinking about it and just take after me.”

“Uncle is good too.” Xiao Xun held on to Xiao Chiye’s arm for support and said in a childlike
voice, “Magnanimous of heart, and not given to embellishment. Uncle is a general who is an
equally accomplished man of letters.”

The trio laughed, and Lu Guangbai sighed. “Although you’re talking about your uncle, it sounds
more like you’re complimenting your father.”

There were now many children in the residence. Ding Tao and Li Xiong still had Jiran with
them. Xiao Chiye carried Xiao Xun back, but he struggled, saying he wanted to see Shen
Zechuan. Xiao Xun liked Shen Zechuan, so much that he only wanted Shen Zechuan to hold his
hand and lead him during the Spring Festival. Shen Zechuan’s calves were injured, so he
received them before the steps. After entering the house, the few of them exchanged some
pleasantries, and Lu Yizhi later asked to bring Xiao Xun along to visit and pay their respects to Ji

After Lu Yizhi left, Shen Zechuan said, “The war in the north has eased up some. In coming
here, General Lu has something to discuss with me on Eldest Brother’s behalf.”

Lu Guangbai picked up his teacup and smiled as he lifted the lid. He cast a glance at Xiao Chiye,
then at Shen Zechuan. “Your Lordship is a heroic man who never forgets about military affairs
for even a moment. That’s right. Jiming indeed has a message for me to bring to you. Now that
Hasen is dead, the crisis in Duanzhou has been averted, and the Youxiong Tribe in the south has
been defeated. It’s just the perfect time to resume the war.”
“With Hasen dead, the status of the ‘Great Hero’ Amu’er remains to be seen,” Xiao Chiye said.
“Eldest Brother wants to seize the opportunity to launch a counterattack and seal our victory with
this one move.”

“Brothers of the same mind.” Lu Guangbai sipped his tea. “You were thinking that, too.”

Xiao Chiye’s position was close to the window. As he turned his thumb ring, his slightly tilted
nape exposed his Adam’s apple under the dim light. “Amu’er could maintain the stability of the
various tribes because the Hanshe Tribe’s cavalry has brave and capable warriors, but last year,
the Hanshe Tribe’s elites were all sent into the battlefields, where the fighting went on for a year.
The Hanshe Tribe has long run out of ammunition and food, and they are not as much of an
intimidating deterrent to the other tribes as they were before. With Hasen’s death, Amu’er lost
his right arm. If we don’t strike now, then when?”

“If you want to enter the desert from the east, you will need the cooperation of the three armies,”
Lu Guangbai said. “Commander-in-chief Qi is still subjected to Qudu’s deployment orders, so
this is no easy feat to carry out.”

Xiao Jiming and Lu Guangbai both had a personal relationship with Qi Zhuyin, but this matter
had to be directly discussed with Shen Zechuan in Duanzhou, and that was something a personal
relationship could not resolve. Qi Zhuyin’s successive deployments of troops were all to assist
Libei, but more than half of the Biansha Cavalry had already retreated, and the Youxiong Tribe
in the south had been driven back into the desert. She had no reason to make another trip here
with Libei.

“The Ministry of War agreed to let Commander-in-chief Qi deploy troops to Gedale because
Chen Zhen and the other important, long-time ministers of the state are keenly aware that Libei’s
crisis has a bearing on Qudu. Now that Gedale has been fought and beaten,” Lu Guangbai set
down his teacup, “it’s a different story altogether.”

Qi Zhuyin did not agree to hand over the Qingshu Tribe’s territory to Hairigu, and she also had
the intent to call a temporary halt to the war. It had not been easy for her to borrow grains, and
all the grains from Shen Zechuan had to be returned. Let it fester over time, and it would sooner
or later leave a bad taste in her mouth. Qidong was fatigued from the war this year, and half of
the fields their military troops worked on1 had been neglected. They had to depend on the
imperial court and Shen Zechuan for even the grains needed to survive through the winter, let
alone talk about the military grains. It would not have been such a big deal if Qidong was like
Hezhou, but Qidong still had the garrison troops, and Qi Zhuyin held military power in her
hands. She could not afford to be so slipshod here.

“Commander-in-chief Qi is the Li clan’s commander-in-chief. If she hangs around the rebels, she
will be suspected of conspiring against the state.” Shen Zechuan caressed the frame of his fan.
“When Qidong dispatched troops against the Qingshu Tribe, there were already impeachment
memorials being submitted in the court. If Commander-in-chief Qi attacks the desert together
with Libei again, Qudu will be able to dismiss her from her post as the commander-in-chief.”
Qi Zhuyin’s refusal to return Lu Pingyan back then had already earned her censures from the
imperial court. She was not well-liked by the imperial censors to begin with. Qi Shiyu married
Hua Xiangyi to preserve Qidong’s military power. The Empress Dowager might have fallen
from power again, but this layer of connection still remained. Qi Zhuyin killed Han Cheng for Li
Jianting when she was in Qudu, and this matter could be both interpreted as loyalty and

Shen Zechuan’s eyes were mild and gentle in his sickness, as if all his sharp edges had been
completely eradicated. “The Heir Apparent is about to ascend to the throne, and going by Xue
Xiuzhuo’s intent, she has to confer a reward upon Commander-in-chief Qi.” He drank his tea,
looking as if he was conversing about an anecdote from the countryside. “Then we shall wait and
see. If the Heir Apparent really does not begrudge it, she’ll be doing us a great favor.”

Credits: Thank you juuree for spotting the typos! <3

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1. 军屯 military troops (mostly in border regions) who carry out garrison duties and farm
crops to supply the border garrisons with grains.

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 258 : Small Fish

The Heir Apparent led all the officials to pray for rain, but rain never did fall upon the City of
Yongcheng. Jiang Qingshan traversed all over trying to raise grains, while Liang Cuishan was
still auditing the accounts of the City of Chuancheng. Marquis of Helian, meanwhile, was so
scared witless that he fell seriously ill after Han Cheng’s death and did not dare to step out of his
residence these few days.

“We can’t give them the run-around on this account,” Marquis of Helian sighed with distress as
he lay on the bed, “and Her Majesty is being confined in the forbidden palace. Heaven wants my
Fei clan to perish!”

The junior marquis had also gotten quite the fright from Li Jianting during the banquet that day,
so he did not dare to wander all over town either. Keeping watch by his father’s side, he
reproached, “Why did you have to be that greedy? It’s such a large sum of money. We can’t even
make up for the deficit even if we want to.”

“How can you blame me? Who am I doing it for?” Marquis of Helian was in tears. With some
difficulty, he propped himself up and pointed at Fei Shi. “Had you not fallen so short on
expectations, would I need to plead with the others to such an extent? Look at yourself. You’re
neither accomplished in literary pursuits nor martial arts. Even if you inherit the marquis title,
you’d be just idling around waiting for death. If I don’t pull strings, what’s going to happen to
our Fei clan in the future?”

“Yes, yes, you’re right.” Fei Shi heard his father gasping urgently for breath and helped him to
lie down again. “I’m a rascal, and I’m stupid. Don’t you go making yourself faint from anger.”

Marquis of Helian clutched his chest to compose himself as he lay with his tears streaming. “If
our properties were to be confiscated… I don’t even dare to think about it…”

Commandery Princess Zhaoyue, wearing a white flower behind one of her ears, was holding her
child in her arms. She had been staying at home after her divorce, having grown a lot more
haggard after hearing of the demise of the Pan clan. She handed the baby over to the wet nurse
and motioned for the attendants to leave.

“Had you known it would come to this, would you have acted so—It’s too late for regrets now.”
Commandery Princess Zhaoyue’s almond-shaped eyes1 were slightly reddened. “This account
has caused the death of so many people.”

“That’s right. This account has indeed caused deaths,” Marquis of Helian lamented mournfully,
“but without this account, how could you have been able to marry into the Pan clan? This
prestige and honor of yours were all given to you by this account. When the Hua clan was at the
height of their power, Hua Siqian held sway over the court and the common folks. We were
under their thumbs and had no choice but to board their boat and throw in our lot with them.
After Hua Siqian’s death, I was hoping that Shi-er would be able to get an official post and, at
the very least, have a say in the imperial court, but he was always fooling around all day long. I
was left without a choice.”

The Fei clan of the City of Chuancheng had very few male offspring. There was only Fei Shi of
lawful birth in the legitimate line of descent. If the Marquis of Helian did not plan ahead, they
would become the second Xue clan. However, even though the Xue clan was on the decline, they
had still produced a Xue Xiuzhuo. On the contrary, the Fei clan genuinely had no one else in the

When Marquis of Helian thought to this point, he got up again and asked, “What’s the name of
that child who used to serve in the Imperial Bodyguards?”

“You mean, Fei Sheng?” Fei Shi offered.

“Right, right! Fei Sheng,” Marquis of Helian said. “It was all because I vouched for him that he
could inherit his father’s position, and it was also on my account that Han Cheng promoted him..
He later fled with Xiao Chiye, and now, he’s serving Shen Zechuan in Zhongbo.”

The color drained from Fei Shi’s expression. “Those are rebels! Associating with him is
punishable by death.”

“There’s no way we can make up for such a large deficit.” Marquis of Helian raised his voice.
“Not only will we be confiscated of our properties but also stripped of our noble title. Who
knows? Perhaps we will even be beheaded. Look at the Pan clan. How many of their members
are still alive? Even if they were sent into exile, they would still die midway through the
journey.” The more he spoke, the more his heart grew cold. “We might as well switch allegiance
to Zhongbo… Even Tao Ming of Huaizhou has fled…”

Fei Shi sat, stunned. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and what’s more, he was a
junior marquis. All along, he had been an official of Da Zhou, and yet, he was now suddenly
asked to throw in with the traitors and rebels; he could not help but find it absurd and ludicrous.
After sitting in a daze for a while, he said, “No, that won’t do. How can I be a disloyal turncoat?
Chengzhi did not betray the state even right until the time he died. He and I are bosom friends. I
can’t do such a disloyal and unrighteous thing. Besides, Shen Zechuan is a vicious and ruthless
person who is hard to get along with, while Fei Sheng hankers after fame and power…. No, this
won’t do.”

“Who cares about loyalty and righteousness when disaster is at hand?” Marquis of Helian was
exasperated with his son for failing to live up to expectations. “You wouldn’t learn what you
ought to learn, but you just have to learn all that reeks of Pan Lin!”

“In any case, I’m not leaving.” Fei Shi started to get all bull-headed. “For what it’s worth, you
are a marquis. I don’t believe the Grand Secretariat will really lay their hands on you.”

“Why won’t they dare?” Commandery Princess Zhaoyue wiped her tears. “Without the Empress
Dowager, the Heir Apparent will investigate and deal with the matter according to the law. Once
the memorandum from the Grand Secretariat is issued, it’d be just a matter of one night for the
properties to be confiscated and for the clan to be executed.” She thought of Pan Yi and covered
her face to weep. “That was what happened to the Pan clan.”

“Look at your elder sister. She still has a child.” As Marquis of Helian spoke, he shed a torrent of
tears too. “Can you bear to see your old father executed, your dear elder sister sent into exile, and
the whole family ending up as tombs in mass burial graves?”

“But it won’t do for us to leave either.” Commandery Princess Zhaoyue lifted her head and
wiped her tears clean. “Shi-er is right. When Fei Sheng was in the Imperial Bodyguards, he was
already a master at currying favors with those in authority for personal gains. He hankers after
fame and power. There’s no way to move him if there is no benefit in it for him. Father, please
hear what I have to say. The City of Yongcheng is now hit with a drought, and Jiang Qingshan is
in Qudu raising grains. But Tao Ming has fled, and the imperial court is in a quandary. Why
don’t you sell off our manors and use this sum of money to raise grains for the imperial court?”

“But there are no grains everywhere right now,” Marquis of Helian said. “I won’t be able to raise
grains even if I have the money.”

“Buy back the grains from whoever you sold it to to resell.” Commandery Princess Zhaoyue
tucked away her handkerchief. “As for Fei Sheng, we’ll talk about him again when the need
really arises in the future.”

◈ ◈ ◈

Mingli Hall replaced its ice basins several days later. Li Jianting was reading the memorials,
while Fuman, bowed at the waist, stood in attendance at the side with a fan in hand, gently
fanning the Heir Apparent.

“Your Highness has been looking for two hours,” Fuman said softly. “Please take a break.”

Li Jianting closed the memorial. Before she could speak, Fuman turned his head to shout outside,
“Bring in the chilled sour plum soup—Your Highness, the weather is hot. Please drink some sour
plum soup to dispel the heat.”

Fuman was in Li Jianting’s good graces lately; she still seemed to be angry with Fengquan,
keeping only Fuman by her side to serve her. Fuman was as pleased as punch. In the past, he
would most certainly not have dared to make the decision for the Heir Apparent, but after several
attempts at feeling the Heir Apparent out, he noticed she did not reproach him, and so he grew
increasingly bold.

When Li Jianting wiped her hands, Fuman tidied up the tabletop for the Heir Apparent. Li
Jianting saw him arranging the memorials one at a time, sorting them in successive order by
regions and ministries. Thus, she asked, “Why is this memorial by Ming Zang placed together
with the Grand Secretary? From what I remember, they are not from the same hometown.”
“Your Highness may be unaware, but they are teacher and pupil.” Fuman was all smiles. “The
Grand Secretary was the one who selected His Excellency Ming for promotion.”

Kong Qiu held the post of the Grand Secretary of the Grand Secretariat. The number of officials
from the various ministries he evaluated during the appraisals was too numerous to cite
individually. As per customary, these officials could all address him as “Teacher”. It had not
been long since Li Jianting took over government affairs, so she indeed did not know. There was
such a motley crew of officials from the various ministries in the capital. Unless she paid
particular attention to them, it would be difficult for her to remember it.

At present, Fuman was merely serving in the presence of the future emperor. When the time
came for the Heir Apparent to ascend to the throne, he could very possibly become the Brush-
holding Director, who could hold on to the brush dipped in vermillion ink and comment on or
endorse memorials on the emperor’s behalf.

But Li Jianting was not Emperor Xiande. She personally managed government affairs, and she
was young, so she did not use eunuchs to handle such important and essential governmental
affairs on her behalf at all. In memorizing these relationships by heart, Fuman’s ambition was

It dawned on Li Jianting, who said in understanding, “You know better than I do.”

Fuman was slightly taken aback on hearing that. Reacting quickly, he said, “This humble slave
doesn’t handle affairs in the imperial court. This matter was actually mentioned once by the
Grand Secretary back in the office compound the last time. This humble slave remembered it
while serving at the side.”

“It’s a good thing.” Li Jianting’s expression was mild as she said with a smile, “I just can’t
remember, so I’ll still need you to remind me in the future.”

Fuman stole a glance at Li Jianting as he picked up the bowl. It was only when he saw that the
Heir Apparent looked normal and no different from how she usually was that he felt relieved.
“It’s this humble slave’s great fortune to share Your Highness’s worries.”

“Have the various gentlemen arrived?” Li Jianting asked. “If so, let them in.”

Kong Qiu, Xue Xiuzhuo, and the rest who had just arrived outside Mingli Hall entered on
hearing the summon. They kowtowed in unison and greeted, “These humble subjects pay their
respects to Your Highness.”

“All of you are my teachers.” Li Jianting gestured to Fuman to help Kong Qiu up. “There’s no
need for the Grand Secretary to be so overly ceremonious on entering the hall. It is I who ought
to pay my respects to the Grand Secretary as a student.”

Kong Qiu took his seat and said with a smile, “Your Highness is now different from the past.
There is no need to abide by the formalities between teacher and pupil. Mingli Hall is a place
where affairs of the state are handled. There’s only the ruler and his ministers here. This humble
subject dare not overstep my authority.”

Li Jianting could hardly suppress a smile as she scrutinized Kong Qiu. “There’s good news

Kong Qiu was reticent, experienced, and prudent, so he rarely beamed with such visible joy like
this. Sure enough, the next moment, she heard Kong Qiu say, “Jiang Qingshan reported this
morning that the relief grains for the City of Yongcheng are already all prepared.”

“That’s fast.” Li Jianting was delighted. “Did he borrow grains from Hezhou?”

“It was the Marquis of Helian.” Kong Qiu curbed his delight a little. “Marquis of Helian knew
that there were discrepancies with the field taxes. In the hope that Your Highness will be lenient
on him, he sold his country estates and raised the grains of his own accord to help the common
folks of Yongcheng out of their difficulties.”

The case of the Chuancheng field tax was one everyone tacitly understood. The imperial court
wanted to recover the arrears, and even re-survey the fertile lands to return to the commoners. No
doubt Marquis of Helian would have to bear responsibility for it and accept his punishment. But
by doing what he just did, the Grand Secretariat would now have to use their discretion to make
a judgment in light of his contribution.

“As the saying goes, there is no room for kindness and tolerance in the law. Your Highness must
not take any chances with villains because of this. In this humble subject’s opinion,” Xue
Xiuzhuo kneeled, “Marquis of Helian still has to be investigated and punished according to the
law, even if he has prepared grains for the City of Yongcheng.”

“When all is said and done, our investigation of the field taxes is to restore the people’s
livelihoods in the eight cities. Since Marquis of Helian is willing to raise grains for the City of
Yongcheng, it means he is repentant,” Cen Yu said. “Your Highness wants to govern the world
with benevolence and filial piety, so if you abide strictly by the law and punish the Fei Clan by
confiscating their properties and executing them, I fear you will lose the heart of the people.”

Cen Yu was an old-time minister, and he was an old-time minister who hailed from a humble
origin. Yet he was now trying to preserve the life of Marquis of Helian, and it was all precisely
for Li Jianting. Marquis of Helian raised grains to provide disaster relief. No matter what, he had
made a reputation for being benevolent in the City of Yongcheng. If Li Jianting were to insist on
confiscating and executing their whole clan, then to the remaining noble clans who were still
adopting a wait-and-see attitude, the only way left for them was to fight to the bitter end.

A long time back, while they were investigating the accounts of the City of Dancheng, Cen Yu
had already repeatedly advised Kong Qiu to slow down. The Prefecture of Duanzhou had now
scored a resounding victory, and the six prefectures were now all under Shen Zechuan’s
command. Once Libei has the war under control, the next stop would be Qudu.
As the saying goes, perseverance yields success, much like how constant dripping water could
wear down a stone. Since the noble clans were a long-standing and deeply-rooted malady, they
could not rush it, or they would harm their very core—the heart. How would they have the spare
energy and strength to deal with Zhongbo then?

Besides, with the re-surveyance of commoners’ fields in Dancheng, they still had to recheck the
census register. If the imperial court wanted to focus on treating their malady, then they had to
do so on the premise that there was no external threat.

“During the reign of Xiande, the imperial court gave them some latitude, but the eight cities went
from bad to worse, eventually bringing about the incident of reselling public grains,” Xue
Xiuzhuo said. “If we don’t punish one as a warning to the others, how can we inspire terror in

“The state is now in imminent peril.” Cen Yu kneeled too. “Libei and Zhongbo revolted one after
another, and the rebels are assembled in the countryside. Shen Zechuan—”

“It’s precisely because the state is in imminent peril that we have to strictly enforce court
discipline. If we can’t root out the noble clans as soon as possible,” Xue Xiuzhuo kowtowed
heavily, “then how can we strive to bring peace to the lands?”

Cen Yu raised his head and exhorted earnestly, “The potent medicine has already been
administered. The Pan, Han, Hua, and Wei clans have already collapsed, and the vise grip of the
noble clans is not as it used to be before. If we do not eliminate external threats at this moment, it
will be a great catastrophe in the making. Your Highness, governing a great state is like cooking
a small fish!”3

Li Jianting pondered it over without saying a word.

Waves of heat outside the hall billowed. It was so quiet it was terrifying. After a long time, a
junior eunuch with a look of urgency swiftly made his way before the hall and whispered
something into Fengquan’s ear.

“Your Highness!” The beaded curtain swung wildly. Fengquan announced, “Her Majesty is
critically ill!”

Everyone in the hall turned pale.

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1. 杏眼 almond eyes; a kind of eye shape said to
give off a younger, adorable or pure vibe.
2. 三姓家奴 literally, a slave with three surnames. The term originates from the Romance
of the Three Kingdoms 《三国演义》 and refers specifically to Lu Bu. It’s used
mockingly to refer to capricious, disloyal and unrighteous people who serve traitors.
3. 治大国若烹小鲜 literally, ruling a large state is like cooking/steaming/boiling a small
fish. Just as one should not turn small fish too frequently when cooking lest they break
apart, the ruler of a big country should not make unpredictable changes in policy or
otherwise interfere too much in the lives of the people, but instead should respect the
natural order of society, from Tao Te Ching (Daodejing) 《道德经》by Laozi

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 259 : Rumors

When Li Jianting arrived, the imperial physician in the hall prostrated himself on the ground in
panic. Matron Liu Xiang kneeled by the side of the bed, holding the Empress Dowager’s hand as
she called out softly, “The Heir Apparent is here.”

The Empress Dowager’s breathing was slightly urgent as she turned her eyes and saw Li
Jianting. She was sweating profusely, and her non-makeup face was lined with some wrinkles,
finally belying her old age. Her breath was thin and feeble as she said, “I… want to speak to…
Her Highness.”

Matron Liu Xiang stood up and retreated with the attendants.

The drapes in the hall were hung up on both sides. A fragrant scent wafted from the Buddha
statue niche, while wispy, willowy smoke obscured the statue, rendering its compassionate
expression indistinct.

Li Jianting bent over to pick up the rosary of prayer beads that had fallen between the rug and
caught a waft of rich sandalwood.

“You hosted a banquet to kill Han Cheng.” The Empress Dowager turned her head to the side,
her hair all let down. “And so I knew… you would not tolerate… my existence either.”

“Although I have the intent, I am too powerless.” Li Jianting twirled the Buddha beads. “The
way Fuman is so anxious makes it clear that Your Majesty has lost the heart of all. The end is

The Empress Dowager’s chest heaved, but she forced herself to smile with some difficulty. Her
gaze passed through Li Jianting. “You’re indeed… Emperor Guangcheng’s daughter… How
laughable your Li clan is… Had you been a man…”

“Had I been a man, I would not have lived to this day.” Grasping the prayer beads, Li Jianting sat
on the edge of the bed. “You killed off all the men in the Li clan.”

The Empress Dowager’s soaked hair on her temples stuck to her cheeks, offering one a glimpse
of her unsurpassed beauty in those bygone times. Her lips quivered. “Who could have imagined
that he would be that ruthless? He would rather commit incest and leave such a scourge to me…”
With mirth brimming in her eyes, she continued, “He was the one… who forced Prince Qin… to
his death…”

Looking at the Empress Dowager, Li Jianting said, “You killed your husband and your sons to
get to where you are today. You could have been an unprecedented emperor never seen before in
history, but you handed over the power and authority to others. You trusted eunuchs easily,
allowing them to undermine court politics, and you favored and helped Elder Brother, bolstering
the influence and arrogance of the ministers in power… You can hardly absolve yourself from
blame now that the state is in imminent peril.”

The smile in the eyes of the Empress Dowager gradually waned. She stared at Li Jianting. “It’s
lonely at the top… You don’t understand… I am like a floating duckweed with no one to depend

“I am like a floating duckweed with no one to depend on…” Li Jianting repeated these words.
There was no sorrow on her face, nor was there a smile. She looked away, her gaze gliding past
the drapes before settling on the Empress Dowager’s dressing table. Fixing her eyes on that clear
yellow bronze mirror, she said, “Since you do not have the boldness of vision to dedicate
yourself to the cause, why stir up such havoc in this political storm?”

“You are a woman too,” the Empress Dowager said. “Why do you not understand me?”

“I am neither a woman nor a man.” Li Jianting looked at the Empress Dowager again, her eyes
clear and bright. “I’m merely Li Jianting.”

The Empress Dowager felt at a loss. After a while, she said, “When I saw you, I realized just
how regal the Emperor of the Li clan is… but you too, are also in the control of another.”

“The chessboard lies in no one’s hands, but in the lands of the empire,” Li Jianting said softly.
“Those who think they are holding the chess pieces are merely late to the game.”

The Empress Dowager’s breathing grew weaker, and her voice too, turned softer, “…Poor Xue
Xiuzhuo, for all his scheming and plotting…” She widened her eyes slightly and murmured, “the
lands of the empire, huh…”

The last rays of the setting sun outside the palace faded away. Several birds flew across the blue
sky. A petal dropped off the peony that had not been secured in place and landed on the dressing
table, where a nudge of the wind sent it on its way.

◈ ◈ ◈

The news from Qudu was urgently dispatched to Qidong. Horse hooves crashed through the
silent night, arriving at the Bianjun Commandery several days later. Hua Xiangyi still had yet to
retire for a rest. Seeing the postal report coming in, she asked with a smile, “Is my auntie’s letter
here too?”

Qi Wei’s expression was odd as he hesitated at the door.

As if sensing something, Hua Xiangyi slowly got up. “Did she fall ill?”

Qi Wei avoided her gaze and hung his head down. “To reply Eldest Madam… Her Majesty has

Hua Xiangyi immediately took a step back, and Hongying hurriedly held her to support her. She
looked dazedly at Qi Wei. The tears were already flowing a moment later. Bracing herself
against Hongying’s arm for support, she took several steps towards the door and said in a hoarse
voice, “…Don’t lie to me.”

Qi Wei kept silent.

Hua Xiangyi hastily covered her mouth with her handkerchief and gradually broke into sobs.
“How… how could this be…”
Before Qi Wei could answer, he heard Hongying shout, “Madam!”

Hua Xiangyi, already tilting and sliding down against her, had fainted.

◈ ◈ ◈

The inside of the tent was lit with mind-calming and sleep-inducing incense. When Hua Xiangyi
woke up, Qi Zhuyin was sitting in the chair beside the bed peeling an apple. Sensing that Hua
Xiangyi had awakened, she set it aside on the small table at the side and wiped her hands before
touching Hua Xiangyi’s forehead. “You don’t even know you have fallen sick.”

Hua Xiangyi’s lips were pale. She did not open her eyes as she soaked the side of the pillow

Qi Zhuyin was not adept at comforting others. Seeing how sorrowfully Hua Xiangyi was crying,
Qi Zhuyin hurriedly wiped her tears for her with the handkerchief. It was only when she was
done wiping that she belatedly remembered that this was the handkerchief she used to wipe her
hands. Hua Xiangyi turned her back to her and curled her knees up, sobbing inconsolably until
she was tired and fell asleep in the same position. When she woke up again, Qi Zhuyin was still
sitting in the chair.

“News travels slowly,” Qi Zhuyin said. “…The new emperor is about to ascend to the throne
soon. I’ll take you back.”

“Since auntie is gone, there is no longer any place there that I want to return to.” Hua Xiangyi
blinked her red, swollen eyes. “When we parted, auntie was still in good health. It has only been
two months. To think she has passed away from illness.”

Qi Zhuyin was silent for a spell. “… I promised you not to let her die.”

“Commander-in-chief Qi is far away in the Bianjun Commandery, and the reach of your power is
limited,” Hua Xiangyi said. “The forbidden palace is not the imperial court. Blades are invisible
there. Even the Grand Secretary’s reach does not extend there.”

Qi Zhuyin thought Hua Xiangyi was going to say something, but she stopped right here and
propped herself up.

“Commander-in-chief Qi is busy with military affairs,” Hua Xiangyi said. “So just leave me be.”

Hua Xiangyi’s wrists dipped in the cold, frosty moonlight. The way she looked with her eyes
lowered was very haggard. It would not do for Qi Zhuyin to linger any further, so she felt around
her sleeve for a small scented pouch and set it in her lap.

“Hongying is waiting in attendance at the door.” Qi Zhuyin rose to her feet. “I’ll be in the side
At this time, the night was already drawing to a close. Hongying heard Hua Xiangyi’s summon
during the hour of mao, so she sent someone to the kitchen to get breakfast while she herself
went in.

“Bring my chest over,” Hua Xiangyi said.

Hongying went to the cupboard and took down Hua Xiangyi’s little chest. Hua Xiangyi unlocked
it and instructed Hongying to bring the copper basin over. Then she burned the account books in
the chest.

“Madam, what are you doing?” Hongying anxiously moved to stop her. “These are all accounts
Madam went to painstaking efforts to calculate.”

“The Heir Apparent promised Commander-in-chief Qi not to kill my auntie.” Hua Xiangyi
released her slender fingers and watched as the fire gradually devoured up the account books. “If
she wasn’t the one who did it, then she’s incompetent. If she was the one who did it, then she’s

The breeze flipped the pages open and, under the sound of fire crackling, scattered ashes all over
the ground.

◈ ◈ ◈

The night in Duanzhou was cool, and the courtyard was full of flowers and trees. Mosquitoes
were plentiful too. Fei Sheng lit incense in the newly erected pergola. Shen Zechuan stirred the
ice-cubes in his bowl with the spoon, making a slight noise. As he watched Xiao Chiye guiding
Xiao Xun to pull the bow, he listened to Fei Sheng reporting the updates from Qudu.

“If Xue the Eldest wants the important post of being in charge of the granaries, he has to deal
with the eunuchs. The eunuchs in the palace are fond of the imported merchandise from the Port
of Yongyi. Have Qingqing prepare it for him.”

“Qingqing said it’s already all prepared. When the new emperor ascends to the throne, she is
bound to grant a general amnesty to everyone in the world. When the time comes, Xue the Eldest
will get his chance to make a name for himself,” Fei Sheng said. “Also, with the empress
dowager’s demise, the noble clans are in a precarious situation. However, Marquis of Helian sold
his fields to raise grains, so the Grand Secretariat might very well go lenient on him.”

“The fact that Marquis of Helian could think of raising grains shows that he is already being
forced into a corner. He has no other choice but to sacrifice what he holds dear and start afresh.”
Shen Zechuan sipped the soup. “I have already done my part and fulfilled my moral obligations
in giving him grains.”

The grains Marquis of Helian bought by selling off his family assets were from You Tan, the
Prefectural Prefect of Liuzhou in Juexi. Back then, when Yan Heru said he wanted to build a
new port, Shen Zechuan agreed to it, and You Tan of Liuzhou was their inside man in Juexi.
This Prefectural Perfect was just like his name suggested—he was especially greedy. As long as
he was paid enough, he would dare to take part in even transactions that could cost him his head.
Otherwise, he would not have had any dealings with Yan Heru right under Jiang Qingshan’s

“Xue Xiuzhuo is too radical. If the battle in Zhongbo was still ongoing, Kong Qiu and Cen Yu
could still have agreed to it, but now, I have my hands unoccupied.” Shen Zechuan’s eyes
reflected fireflies on the side. “They naturally do not wish to engage in a life or death fight with
the noble clans anymore. Joining forces to attack the enemies is the top priority. As long as the
Heir Apparent is not a fool, she will pardon Marquis of Helian.”

“Then why are we still giving the Marquis of Helian grains?”

This batch of grains that Shen Zechuan had You Tan give to Marquis of Helian was not only
offered at a fair price but were also all good-quality grains.

“The relief grains have to be given, of course.” Shen Zechuan looked at Fei Sheng. “Just get You
Tan to tell the truth.”

Understanding promptly dawned on Fei Sheng. He laughed, “Master is wise!”

On the other end, Xiao Chiye released his fingers, and the sharp arrow struck the bull’s eye.
Chen Yang and the other guards cheered in unison.

Fei Sheng sighed with feeling, “This arm strength of Second Master.”

Shen Zechuan watched Xiao Chiye for a long time before saying to Fei Sheng, “Elder Yin’s
funeral arrangements are all settled. As for his remaining possessions… you’re the son, so you

“Where would he have a single decent stuff… Just throw away all the tattered mat and blankets.
Burn it to him.1 I’m scared of him scolding me too.” Fei Sheng raised a hand to press down on
the blade at the side of his waist. “I’ll just keep this. This blade is nameless, as is he.”

“Elder Yin is a hero,” Shen Zechuan said. “This blade ought to have a name.”

“He and I both follow Master.” Fei Sheng grasped the blade. “So I’d like to ask of Master to
bestow a name upon it.”

As Shen Zechuan turned the porcelain bowl, he saw moonlight flashing across the side of the
bowl, rendering it bright as snow. He said, “A banner of ten thousand to slay the King of
Hell.2 Let’s name it Zhan Yan Luo.”3

Fei Sheng lifted the hem of his robe and kneeled, saying in a loud and clear voice, “This blade
shall not fail its name!”
◈ ◈ ◈

With the passing of the Empress Dowager, the enthronement of the Heir Apparent could no
longer be delayed any further. The Grand Secretariat drew up the plan, with the date fixed at the
beginning of the eighth month following right after the funeral. The reign title4 selected was

When Xiao Chiye heard it, he said, “The Heir Apparent has drive and spirit.”5

At the beginning of the eighth month, Kong Qiu led the various officials to kowtow before
Mingli Hall and pay their obeisances to the new emperor. Li Jianting thus became the veritable
emperor of Da Zhou.

“Guess what noble rank the new emperor is going to bestow upon Commander-in-chief Qi.”
Shen Zechuan had been cooped up all day in the house teasing Xiao Xun. With Xiao Chiye here
this time, he teased Xiao Chiye instead. “There’s a prize for the correct guess.”

“What’s the prize?” Xiao Chiye looked at his military affairs and let Lanzhou press down on his
back. “The prize has to be enough.”

Wherever Shen Zechuan saw, he used his folding fan to draw over to that spot. He found it rather
comfortable to be pressing down on Xiao Chiye like this. “Anything is fine.”

“Marquis.” Xiao Chiye caught Shen Zechuan’s hand and turned it over in his palm to look at the
scar. “With the commanding sway the Prince of Libei has over the lands following its rise as a
precedent, Qudu will not confer another as the Prince of Qidong.”

Lu Pingyan of the Bianjun Commandery was already a Marquis of Bianbo.6 Qi Zhuyin was the
commander-in-chief of the Five Commanderies’ troops. If she were to be of equal rank with Lu
Pingyan, it would be a gross injustice. But since the reign of Yongyi, Da Zhou only had two
conferred princes of different surnames.7 One was the Prince of Libei, Xiao Fangxu, and the
other was the Prince of Jianxing, Shen Wei. Qi Zhuyin’s meritorious military achievement was
not on par with Qi Shiyu’s, and she was not in the imperial censors’ good graces either. Her
conferment would be beset with difficulties. Weighing the two against the other, it would be
much more appropriate to confer her with the title and rank of a marquis.

“Then I will guess a prince.” Shen Zechuan said into his ear. “If I win, you have to give me a

◈ ◈ ◈

Fuman changed into his new robe. As he headed towards Mingli Hall, all the eunuchs and palace
maids along the way had to pay their respects to him. He was puffed up with pride with his
success, but he did not forget his place here, retreating each time he encountered a minister of the
court, looking even more humble and deferential.
Fuman arrived at Mingli Hall, and the junior eunuch waiting in attendance at the door whispered,
“Her Majesty has just woken up and is currently looking for Zuzong.”

Fuman patted his sleeves and strode in. He took over the tea from the palace maid and presented
it to Li Jianting. “Your Majesty.”

Li Jianting often slept poorly. Pinching the middle of her brows, she accepted Fuman’s tea and
took a sip. “What did the Grand Secretary say?”

“This is the Grand Secretary’s memorandum. Please take a look.” Fuman took out the Grand
Secretariat’s note from his sleeve and presented it to the imperial desk. “If Your Majesty agrees
to it, it can be issued tonight.”

Li Jianting read the memorandum Kong Qiu drafted and pondered over it for a while. “The
preceding Lu Pingyan was a marquis too. If we conferred Qi Zhuyin as a marquis again, I fear it
will incur Qidong’s displeasure.”

Li Jianting often spoke to Fuman about government affairs. Fuman did not steer clear of the
taboo either. Slightly embellishing what he heard in the Grand Secretariat’s office compound, he
said, “Lu Guangbai defected. If Lu Pingyan were to be detained in Qudu, he would have been
stripped of his noble rank, so his Marquis of Bianbo* title and rank no longer stands. Your
Majesty is the new emperor, and Commander-in-chief Qi is a new subject of yours. Conferring
her as a marquis is already a great kindness.”

“You have a point.” Li Jianting set the note on the table. “Then let’s—”

Li Jianting had yet to finish her words, and Fuman was in the midst of preparing the ink when
they heard someone outside the hall announce Kong Qiu’s arrival. With this interruption, Li
Jianting set the matter aside and had Kong Qiu enter first.

Kong Qiu’s face was ashen as he lifted the hem of his robe and kneeled down. After he
kowtowed and paid his respect, he said in a heavy voice, “Your Majesty, there is an issue with
the relief grains sent to the City of Yongcheng. The memorial from Juexi just came in, so this
humble subject dare not tarry!”

Fuman immediately stepped forth to receive the memorial and handed it over to Li Jianting’s

The moment Li Jianting opened it for a look, her heart promptly sank.

“Rumors are now rife in the City of Yongcheng. They are all saying that the relief grains are
provided by Shen Zechuan of Zhongbo, who is helping in secret. Discussions are abuzz, with
everyone speaking with conviction.” Kong Qiu said. “If we let it go unchecked, I fear…”

“If we stop the distribution of the relief grains at this point in time, it will only confirm that these
grains have something to do with Shen Zechuan.”
Qudu had no grains, and there was only this batch of grains that could provide aid relief to the
drought-hit City of Yongcheng. Li Jianting could not let the common folks of the City of
Yongcheng starve to death. But as Kong Qiu said, if they were to let it be, then everyone would
soon take it as the gospel truth; after all, three men could make a tiger.8 And Shen Zechuan
would then benefit wholly at the expense of the imperial court, becoming the benefactor of the
City of Yongcheng.

This one move was underhanded and ruthless.

And Li Jianting finally got a first-hand taste of it.

Credit: Thanks Gale, MaruChan, and juuree for spotting the typos! <3

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1. As offerings. The burning of offerings is considered an expression of filial piety to

provide the deceased with the means to enjoy the comforts of what they once had when
they were alive.
2. 旌旗十万斩阎罗① Original quote “此去泉台招旧部 旌旗十万斩阎罗。” “I shall head
to the netherworld to summon my former [deceased] comrades and, with a banner of
10,000 [soldiers], slay the King of Hell (a reference to the Kuo//min//tang here)” from
“The Three Chapters of Meiling” 《梅岭三章》by Chen Yi (陈毅).
3. 斩阎罗 Zhan Yan Luo, aka, Slay(er of) the King of Hell
4. 年号 reign title a designation for the years when an emperor was on the throne
5. 盛胤 the name Shengyin would translate to “prosperity for posterity“.
6. It says Marquis of Bianbo in this chapter. Previously in earlier chapters, it was Marquis
of Biansha, and then he got “promoted” to Earl of Biansha. Will double-check with the
traditional Chinese copy when it is released.
7. 异姓王 Specifically princes, or lords, with different surnames from the imperial family
These were conferred princes who were bestowed the title by the Emperor.
8. 三人成虎, literally three men make a tiger. i.e., three people spreading reports of a tiger
would make one believe that there is really one around. Basically, a repeated rumor
becomes a ‘fact’.

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 260 : Bestowment Reward

“Reward him.” The gears in Li Jianting’s mind whirled as she shut the memorial. “Marquis of
Helian has made significant contributions in the raising of grains. I1must reward him

Kong Qiu prostrated over the ground, nodded approvingly to himself, and spoke in a respectful
tone. “Your Majesty is wise.”

No matter the situation, the relief grains could not be recalled. If Li Jianting rewarded Marquis of
Helian handsomely now, the rumors would be discredited on their own. Since Shen Zechuan
intended to fight a war of benevolence and righteousness with her, she was all game for it.

“Han Cheng monopolized power and deceived his master, and he even harbored the intent to
usurp the throne. His crimes are too reprehensible and heinous to be pardoned,” Li Jianting said,
“To ensure my safety, Commander-in-chief Qi captured that Han traitor in my stead; it’s indeed
a meritorious achievement. Furthermore, she returned in resounding victory after mobilizing
troops against the Qingshu Tribe. Whether for personal or official reasons, I must bestow upon
her a title.”

“Commander-in-chief Qi has had her fair share of suffering the bitter cold and impoverishment
being stationed at the Bianjun Commandery,” Kong Qiu said. “Long since the reign of Xiande,
she has earned herself laudable merit for sending troops to come to the rescue of the emperor.
How does Your Majesty intend to go about conferring a title on Commander-in-chief Qi?”

“I’ve heard that Commander-in-chief Qi has the reputation of being known as ‘Wind Guiding the
Scorching Plains’,” Li Jianting raised her brush and wrote two neat characters on the paper.
“Why not bestow upon Commander-in-chief Qi the title, ‘Prince of Donglie’?”

Kong Qiu immediately raised his head and responded in astonishment, “That’s…”
“Qi Zhuyin has thrice stepped out of Qidong to come to the emperor’s rescue, burned down the
thirteen camps of Biansha with aid of the wind, and penetrated deep into the enemy’s territory
alone to save her father. Ever since she has assumed the post of the commander-in-chief of
Qidong’s five commanderies’ troops, the commandery and twin passes have been impenetrable.
From the reign of Xiande to Tianchen, not a single soldier from Biansha managed to invade our
Qidong’s territory.” Li Jianting raised her eyes. “So why can’t I bestow the title of a prince upon
such a loyal, steadfast, and valiant general?”

“But Commander-in-chief Qi is a woman,” Kong Qiu replied. “It’s already a breach of protocol
for her to be able to set foot on Yulong Terrace to present herself before the emperor and receive
her conferment. If she were to be conferred the title of prince,2 a public outcry would no doubt
ensue. Your Majesty, please think thrice!”

Li Jianting looked at Kong Qiu and said, “The Grand Secretary once taught me*3during lessons
that ‘the sovereign and his ministers ought to stand together in times of turmoil and peace.’4 I
should accept admonishments borne out of loyalty with graciousness, and treat the valiant and
the virtuous with magnanimity. Qi Zhuyin is now not only able to stand guard at all quarters on
my behalf, but also to capture and kill rebellious traitors for me. She treats me with utmost
sincerity and loyalty, and yet I’m still going to harp on the distinction between men and women.
Won’t that make the hearts of all the heroes and talents in the world turn cold with
disillusionment?” She left her seat and stepped forward to help Kong Qiu up, saying with
sincerity, “Teacher, she is a woman, yet she is willing to don military armor to slay the enemies.
Take away her heartfelt sincerity in dedicating herself to the service of her country, and all that
remains is her righteousness in being loyal to her sovereign. What’s more, I’m* also a woman.
Teacher teaches me* all that I* have to know without reservation, and even assists me* in
governing the state. Is the so-called distinction between men and women really that important?”

Li Jianting swapped from the imperial “I” used exclusively by the emperor to the common “I”
used by all, but Kong Qiu could not switch from “Grand Secretary” to “Teacher”. In addition to
her heartfelt words, the new emperor wanted to confer a title upon Qi Zhuyin also because
Zhongbo and Libei both had well-trained and powerful armies. Relying on just the Eight Great
Training Divisions to defend the city gates of Qudu was akin to throwing an egg against a rock.
Only Qi Zhuyin – a Qi Zhuyin who held in her grasp the 300,000 troops of Qidong – could go
head to head against the rebels.

“Your Majesty’s conferment of a title by imperial decree is already generous to Qidong, but this
noble rank is truly too high a rank.” It was not that Kong Qiu did not understand the situation; on
the contrary, he understood it all too well. Once Qi Zhuyin was conferred a prince, there would
no longer be any other military power in the present Da Zhou that could act as a counterbalance
against Qidong. The rise and fall of the entire dynasty would thus come to depend on these
300,000 forces of Qi Zhuyin. If they scored a victory, what other titles could they confer upon Qi
Zhuyin in the future? She had already achieved the same position as Xiao Fangxu. Not only
would there be nothing else to confer upon her, there was also no longer a Libei that could
mutually hold her in check.
Li Jianting similarly understood this, but Qi Zhuyin was on good terms with the Xiao clan of
Libei, and this was the only thing she had left in her hands to give Qi Zhuyin.

◈ ◈ ◈

“There lies a sharp sword on the tongue, that kills without spilling a drop of blood.”5 Yao Wenyu
held the scissors in hand and did an ugly job of trimming the potted plant on his lap. “Once
rumors start spreading, it’s tough to eradicate them altogether. The new emperor is forced by the
current political situation to reward Marquis of Helian handsomely. Her intent to kill off Marquis
of Helian is already set in stone.”

“It looks to me that the new emperor acts neither like Xue Xiuzhuo nor Kong Qiu in handling
matters.” Shen Zechuan bent over to pick up the broken branch that had fallen to the ground.
“She has her own mind.”

“She has just ascended to the throne, and already she has seen the world,” Yao Wenyu said.
“How would she still be willing to remain a chess piece? She is already staking it all by
conferring Commander-in-chief Qi as the ‘Prince of Donglie’. Although Your Lordship has
slightly gained the upper hand in providing aid relief to the City of Yongcheng, it has also put
You Tan in a dangerous position. If Marquis of Helian were to confess about him under heavy
torture, then our inside man in the Prefecture of Liuzhou would be forfeited.”

“The new future port in Liuzhou will have merchandise moving throughout the entire territory.”
Shen Zechuan tossed the broken branch into the pond in the courtyard. “The handling of the
tariffs has a significant bearing on many matters. You Tan is not a good candidate for it. Tell him
to pay more attention since Xue Xiuzhuo is determined to investigate the accounts. After all, he
has a pile of bad debts at home. I fear he will be too powerless to fend for himself when the time

You Tan was a money-grubber. He was convenient to use, but not convenient to keep around.
The most accessible connection Shen Zechuan had in Juexi was the Xi clan’s contacts, but he
still picked You Tan to do business with the Marquis of Helian.

This was his lord and master’s idea, so Yao Wenyu could not discuss it in depth. Even if he saw
through it, he could not expose it. The potted plant on his lap grew more and more bare.
Yuanzhuo said, “Looks like Xue the Eldest has already gotten what he wanted from Ge
Qingqing’s latest update.”

“A great position indeed in the palace granaries of Qudu, managing the coming and going of
supplies in the capital. As long as he has a mind to bribe, he will be able to line his pockets full.
Xue the Eldest has been the rich young master of a noble clan for all his life, so how could he
stand to suddenly become a small-time, down-and-out official? Xue Xiuzhuo has been
particularly careful when it comes to promoting or conferring titles upon his fellow kinsfolk of
the Xue clan. He’s unwilling to show favoritism and help the Xue clan, and that has long
incurred the disapproval and criticism of those in the same clan.” Speaking to this point, Shen
Zechuan watched Jiran chase after Xiao Xun as they frolicked at the end of the walkway. “After
taking a look at you that day, Jiran has never gone back looking for you?”

“Xue Xiuzhuo is thorough in everything he does. Since he wants to kill me, he will not show
mercy. Even if the Venerable Master is alive, there is no cure for both these legs and this poison.
Jiran is young; Your Lordship need not make things difficult for him,” Yao Wenyu said calmly.
“There is no need to force the matter. Let’s leave it to Heaven’s will.”

Xiao Xun fell on the ground and quickly scrambled to his feet before running with stalks of grass
on him.

Yao Wenyu released his grip on the scissors. He was not particularly fixated on this. He
continued, “The Hereditary Prince is healthy. He is neither arrogant nor delicate. I can tell he’s
naturally talented and intelligent, and he excels in learning. With the teaching and guidance of
the various gentlemen in the future, he is sure to live up to expectations.”

Shen Zechuan said nothing.

Yao Wenyu then smiled. He gifted the potted plant to Shen Zechuan. “Your Lordship is still

Shen Zechuan raised his left, fan-holding hand and pointed towards the west. “The empire is a

Qudu was the freest place of all in the world. It was also the world’s worst prison.

“Even brothers born of the same parents differ from each other, just like the nine sons of a
dragon are different in their own ways,” Yao Wenyu said. “Can the wolves of Libei only run in
the grasslands? The Hereditary Prince is bright and intelligent, so why not Your Lordship ask
him himself?”

◈ ◈ ◈

Xiao Xun was tired of playing, but he still kept his spirit up, wanting Shen Zechuan to lead him
by the hand back. He walked past the pond and pointed to the water as he said to Shen Zechuan,
“Second Uncle, this is a bright mirror.”

He called Xiao Chiye Second Uncle, and so Xiao Chiye taught him to address Shen Zechuan as
Second Uncle too.6

“Yes,” Shen Zechuan said, “by looking into the mirror, you can straighten out your clothes.”7

Facing the water surface, Xiao Xun patted his robe clean.

It had to be known that when Xiao Chiye was of the same age, he was still running after the colts
and yearning to sleep all day long among the grass. Xiao Xun resembled Xiao Jiming in the
looks department, but from what Xiao Chiye had divulged to him, even if Xiao Jiming was not
as prone to getting a beating as Xiao Chiye was, he was not this quiet either when he was this

“Did you come looking for Mister today to teach you to read?” Shen Zechuan asked.

Xiao Xun nodded. “Reading can make one wise.”

“There are so many learned gentlemen in residence.” Shen Zechuan’s folding fan lifted slightly
to point at Yao Wenyu’s room. “Why must you pick this one?”

“Mister Chengfeng said Mister Yuanzhuo is the most learned and knowledgeable.” Xiao Xun
paused for a moment, then raised his head to say to Shen Zechuan, “I want the best teacher.”

After a moment’s silence, Shen Zechuan asked, “What if there is no Yuanzhuo?”

“Mister Yuanzhuo said, he who stands on his toes is not steady, while he who takes long strides
cannot keep up pace.”8 Xiao Xun pointed at himself. “Even if Xun’er wants the best teacher in
the world to teach me, Xun’er must be able to understand too. I cannot reach for what is beyond
my grasp.”

The way he spoke was sophisticated. Merely seven years of age, and he had already far
surpassed his peers. Influenced by Yao Wenyu, the gentlemen in residence would occasionally
engage in philosophical discourses9 when they had no government affairs to attend to. Xiao Xun
did not like those discourses, but he would always sit by the side to listen whether it was Xiao
Chiye handling military affairs or Shen Zechuan discussing political affairs.

“Are you working so hard because you want to become the best teacher?”

With a strange expression, Xiao Xun shook his head at Shen Zechuan and said, “Xun’er is not a
teacher, but Xun’er wants teachers.” Saying so, he pointed at Fei Sheng. “Xun’er is not a
general, but Xun’er wants generals too.”

Of the learned the sage beckons, into my trap the talented walk!10 Whether the civil ministers or
military generals, he wanted all the “best”. This was the grand ambition of recruiting all the
virtuous and talented in the world.

Shen Zechuan squeezed Xiao Xun’s hand and spoke no further.

◈ ◈ ◈

The new emperor granted a general amnesty to all in the world, and personnel from the Six
Ministries were transferred around. On the day of Xue the Eldest’s promotion to the custodian of
the palace granaries, he held a feast on Donglong Street and invited his distant relatives and next-
door neighbors to vindicate himself.
Having drunk himself drunk, he let Ge Qingqing support him as he staggered his way home.
“The tables have turned. I’m a lucky man. What’s more, I’m the legitimate son of direct
descent.” He held up a finger and said to Ge Qingqing, “My courtesy name is ‘Pingjing’. Ping—
Jing! Xue Xiuzhuo’s courtesy name is ‘Yanqing’. Extend whose integrity?”11 He patted his own
chest and said with a smile, “Mine. It’s mine. I’m his eldest brother. I should be standing—burp
—higher than him to begin with!”

Ge Qingqing swayed with him and repeatedly concurred, “Yes, yes, it is as my lord says.”

“Lord,” Xue Pingjing said in a loud voice. “That’s right. I’m the lord! Why do, do I have to take
my cues from him? He’s a mere son of a concubine who seized, seized my head of family
position, and divided up the family property to kick all of us out. He is really, the most, most
cold-blooded and merciless person.” He waved his hand, looking as if he could not deign to
speak about Xue Xiuzhuo. “Look at him. He has become a minister of importance in the imperial
court, yet he isn’t willing to help us financially… Is this, this something a human would do?”

Ge Qingqing did not answer.

“You’re all afraid of him.” Xue Pingjing’s puffs of breath reeked of wine. “What’s so scary
about him? He is of low, lowly birth, born to a concubine! When we went to school last time, I
knew he was one who wouldn’t be content with his lot in life.” On touching upon his sore point,
he unexpectedly started to choke with sobs, “I’m his eldest brother. Who is he to be more
talented than me? He wouldn’t do it when those at home told him to write essays for me… Had
he done so, I’d be an important minister too now.”

The more Xue Pingjing cried, the sadder he was. Eventually, he held on to the wall for support
and, with a “blargh“, puked.

”He said I showed favoritism to my concubine… and neglected my son’s studies… so he

wouldn’t allow us father and son to meet again…” Paying no attention to the wretched mess,
Xue Pingjing covered his face and bawled, “He’s really a heartless one! Even if my son becomes
an ignorant and incompetent ne’er-do-well in the future, he’s still my son! He snatched another
man’s son. He is not fit to be human!”

Ge Qingqing said comfortingly, “Now that my lord has also been promoted, you will be able to
exchange words with the gonggong in the palace. Naturally, there will be opportunities for you
to ask for your eldest son back.”

Xue Pingjing wiped his tears and clutched Ge Qingqing’s arm tightly as he spat with hatred,
“I’ve seen him rise to the height of his power, and I want to see him plunge all the way down
Author’s Note:I made up the position of the palace granaries custodian. ( 内仓典守) There was
indeed a similar position in the Ming system, but I can’t really remember offhand what it’s

Credit: Special thanks to MaruChan for spotting the typo! <3

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1. From here onwards, Li Jianting used “朕” (zhen) to refer to herself (unless stated
otherwise). It’s an imperial term for “I” exclusively used by the Emperor. It differentiates
the monarch from all his people and subjects.
2. 异姓王 Specifically princes, or lords, with different surnames from the imperial family.
These were conferred princes who were bestowed the title by the Emperor.
3. * Li Jianting used the common “I” (我) here (marked with *), then reverted to the
imperial “I” (朕) used exclusively by the emperor.
4. 君臣本同治乱,共安危 from “Essentials of Government in the Zhenguan Reign” 《贞
观政要》is a compendium on statecraft during the Zhenguan reign (627-649) in the Tang
5. 舌上有龙泉,杀人不见血 i.e., Words (of a sharp-tongued person) can do serious harm;
from “Essentials of Government in the Zhenguan Reign” 《贞观政要》is a compendium
on statecraft during the Zhenguan reign (627-649) in the Tang Dynasty. Longquan refers
to a city in southern Zhejiang province where famous Longquan swords are made.
6. 二叔 er’shu (for Xiao Chiye) vs. 二叔叔 er’shushu (for Shen Zechuan). 叔叔 as “uncle”
refers to one’s father’s younger brother and is also a child’s form of address for any
young man one generation older.
7. The full line, “以铜为镜,可以正衣冠;以史为镜,可以知兴替;以人为镜,可以明
得失” by Tang Taizong (唐太宗); He who uses bronze as his mirror can tidy his apparel;
He who uses history as a mirror can know of the rise and fall of a dynasty; he who uses
people as his mirror can understand successes and failures.
8. 企者不立,跨者不行 from 《道德经》Tao Te Ching (Daodejing) by Laozi
9. 清谈 Qingtan is a Chinese philosophical movement and social practice among political
and intellectual elites where the literati engaged in highly sophisticated intellectual and
philosophical discussions on lofty and non-mundane matters.
10. A variant of 天下英雄入吾彀中矣 “all heroes of the world have fallen into my
trap” spoken by Tang Taizong in reference to the imperial examinations, which not only
build a meritocratic government but also replace martial conflicts for civil examinations.
The people, in voluntarily choosing to take the examinations, thus fall into Taizong’s
“trap”, spending their lives dedicated to studying the classics (which instill precisely the
values that keep the emperor in power) rather than rising in rebellions, etc.
11. His name means 延 (extend/prolong/engage) 清 (clear/pure/upright/impartial)
Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 261 : Of Benevolence & Intimidation

The next day at noon, the Marquis of Helian headed over to Mingli Hall to give his thanks for the

Fuman stopped him and advised, “Your Lordship, please hold on. Her Majesty is taking a nap
right now. She will not be able to summon you until a little later.” He turned aside. “If you’re not
in a hurry, you may wait here first.”

The Marquis of Helian made a special trip here today to express his loyalty. The rumors in the
City of Yongcheng had given him sleepless nights, for fear that the Son of Heaven, Li Jianting,
would fly into a rage and seal off all their Fei clan’s properties. He promptly nodded in
acknowledgment and waited under the sun.

It was murderously scorching at noon. A little less than an hour passed. The Marquis of Helian
was sweating profusely from the heat. He did not dare to make any inquiry, but his heart was
gradually sinking. Under the silent gazes of the eunuchs around him, he became aware of the
new emperor’s disciplinary punishment.

“Your Lordship,” Fuman called out to him softly. “Why don’t you wait in the side hall first? It’s
such a hot day.”

The Marquis of Helian squeezed out a smile with some difficulty. Wiping his sweat with his
sleeve, he answered, “It’s fine.”

He was the one who made arrangements for the City of Yongcheng’s relief grains, so he could
not absolve himself of responsibility when things went awry. If Li Jianting suspected him of
colluding with the rebels, his head would definitely roll. As long as he could preserve his life, he
would even be willing to kneel while waiting, let alone stand and wait.

The Marquis of Helian did not know how long it had been, but he felt as if there was a scalding
hot iron plate stuck to his back. His face was ghastly pale, and he was perspiring an abnormally
copious amount of sweat. His vision, too, was swimming. It was all by sheer willpower that he
remained standing.

The beaded curtains swung slightly, and Fengquan leaned partially out of it to announce in a
feminine manner, “Her Majesty is awake. All of you move quickly. Don’t hold Her Majesty up
from dealing with government affairs.”

The eunuchs and palace maids waiting in attendance under the eaves entered with the basins in
hand. Not long later, the Marquis of Helian heard his name. He lifted the hem of his robe and
went up the steps to come before the hall. It was such a spinning blur before his aged eyes that he
had no choice but to hold on to Fuman for support.

“Oh, dear me.” Fuman looked worried. “Your Lordship, what’s wrong?”

The Marquis of Helian felt so oppressively stifled in the chest that it made him nauseous. As it
turned out, he was having a heatstroke. Li Jianting was waiting in the hall, so the Marquis of
Helian hastily steadied himself on his feet, though both his legs were trembling somewhat. He
could only murmur to Fuman, “It’s… It’s nothing.”

“There are basins of ice inside,” Fuman whispered to him. “Just in time for you to go in and
alleviate the heat.”

The Marquis of Helian strode through the door and lowered his head before Li Jianting’s desk to
kneel and pay his obeisance. His voice was weak and feeble. “This, this humble subject pays his
respect to Your Majesty. Blessed is Your Majesty.”

Holding the memorial with her fingers, Li Jianting did not look up.

The Marquis of Helian prostrated himself, not daring to move. Even his breathing grew lighter.
Very quickly, the sweat beside his forehead dampened his sleeves.

“I’ve seen from Liang Cuishan’s memorial that the Fei clan has encroached on the commoners’
fields in the City of Chuancheng.” Li Jianting took a sip of the cooled tea and continued in a
gentle voice, “Do you know of this?”

The sweat all over the Marquis of Helian’s body from the heat turned into cold sweat. “This
humble subject knows. The Chief Surveillance Bureau has impeached this humble subject, while
the memorandum the Grand Secretariat issued has asked the officials from the Ministry of
Justice to work in collaboration with those from the Ministry of Revenue to head over to
Chuancheng to audit the field taxes. It even has Xue Xiuzhuo of the Court of Judicial Review act
as an official to supervise and inspect.”
“The Ministry of Revenue is now saying that the Fei clan of Chuancheng is in cahoots with the
Pan clan of Dancheng and the Han clan of Wucheng. You conspire to deceive the imperial court,
embezzle the field taxes, and even inflict harsh punishments on the commoners in the cities,
causing hundreds of people from Chuancheng to flee the city,” Li Jianting said. “Is that true?”

The Marquis of Helian was burning up inside with anxiety. Propping himself with hands on the
ground, he took a few slight gasps and blurted in a moment of desperation, “This, this humble
subject dares not…”

Li Jianting suddenly flung the memorial onto the Marquis of Helian’s body and said in a frosty
tone, “You dare not? So you are saying no one in Chuancheng died of starvation in winter? You
not only collude with the Pan clan, but also collaborate with the merchant of Juexi to use the
Chuancheng commoners’ grains to ingratiate yourself with the rebels! Do you think I don’t
know? Do you think the Grand Secretary is unaware? The imperial court has been watching the
whole of you cancerous lot for a long time!”

The Marquis of Helian almost slumped to the ground, paralyzed. With tears in his eyes, he cried,
“Your Majesty, Your Majesty! During the reign of Xiande, the Hua faction joined forces with
the Pan faction to monopolize state power, and they had the Empress Dowager on the inside
helping them. This humble subject had no choice but to do so in order to preserve the lives of my
entire family!” He bowed his head and kowtowed, weeping loudly as he knocked his head
against the ground. “The common folks of Chuancheng are just like my own sons. They have
been under the charge of my Fei clan since the Great Imperial Ancestor1established and ruled the
empire. If I had not been pushed to the end of my tether, how would I have dared to commit such
an inhuman act?! As for the grains, Your Majesty, this humble subject saw how troubled Your
Majesty was over the Yongcheng’s grains and could not help but feel anxious too, and that was
how I fell for that traitor Shen’s trap so easily!”

In the face of imminent death, the Marquis of Helian wised up and disavowed himself of
involvement by not bringing up Yan Heru.

“Han Cheng acted tyrannically and coerced this humble subject numerous times to help him
commit regicide and self-proclaimed himself king.” The Marquis of Helian’s face was awash in
tears as he raised his head to look at Li Jianting. “But this humble subject is a court minister of
the Li clan and could absolutely not throw in with him! That night during the banquet, this
humble subject fought at the risk of my life to protect Your Majesty… This humble subject
deserves punishment for my crime. I only ask of Your Majesty to spare my son and daughter in
consideration of the Great Imperial Ancestor’s great kindness…”

Li Jianting seemed to be moved. “In an act of kindness, the Great Imperial Ancestor handed the
eight cities to you people. Yet you commit such a grave mistake for your own interests.”

“This humble subject is deeply aware that my crime is deserving of death.” The Marquis of
Helian choked with sobs “…To be owing several tens of thousands in field taxes… This debt…
Even if the Fei clan has only one person left standing, we will spare no effort to pay it back.”
As long as Li Jianting did not kill the Marquis of Helian, he would not only be willing to return
all the fertile fields, but also make up for the arrears in field taxes. The location of the City of
Chuancheng was more special than the City of Dancheng. It was close to the City of Dicheng,
connected to the waterways, and inextricably linked to Juexi, so he really might just be able to
make up for this sum of money, but the Marquis of Helian was just like the rest of the wily old
foxes from the other noble clans and did not say how long exactly it would take for this sum of
field taxes to be fully paid up.

Li Jianting turned back, as if contemplating it over. After a time, she said, “Your crimes are
unforgivable. On account that you were willing to help Yongcheng out of their predicament and
that you still have a conscience, I shall spare your life.”

The Marquis of Helian immediately felt relieved and hurriedly kowtowed. “Your Majesty is
benevolent of heart…”

“However, you formed cliques for your own selfish ends, and you have failed the Great Imperial
Ancestor for the favor he has shown you. The title ‘Marquis of Helian’ can be retained no more.”
Without giving the Marquis of Helian a chance to gasp for breath, she continued, “And then
there’s the matter of the encroachment of the commoners’ field.”

The Marquis of Helian’s heart leaped into his mouth again.

“Fuman,” Li Jianting said towards the door. “Drag those few lowlifes out.”

Fuman acknowledged his order. Not long later, the guards escorted several detained people to
kneel in the open space before the hall. Propping himself up with his hands, The Marquis of
Helian looked back through the beaded curtain and realized that all these people were the
officials he himself had set up in the City of Chuancheng’s yamen.

“The Great Imperial Ancestor might have handed the eight cities to you people, but the eight
cities still take after the surname ‘Li’. It is by virtue of my amnesty that you could escape the
death penalty. These people deceive their superiors and subordinates, trample over the law, and
commit all kinds of atrocities.” Li Jianting stood beside the Marquis of Helian and reached out a
slender palm to pat him gently on the shoulder. “They caused the common folks in the territory
to be forced into displacement. They deserve death. Fuman.”

Fuman raised his voice. “Flogging paddles in place—HIT!”

The moment the word left Fuman’s mouth, the iron-covered upright rods suddenly struck human
flesh. The sound of it startled the Marquis of Helian so much that he trembled all over.

The few of them had their mouths stuffed. They were not dragged to the Gate of Duancheng in
accordance with the flogging rules, nor were they wrapped in cotton-padded clothes. They were
in their inner garment, their official robes having long been stripped off them. The paddle-
wielding eunuchs were all old subordinates of the Eastern Depot, and they flogged with
everything they had. A few floggings later, the few people were all a bloody mangle of flesh.
The Marquis of Helian’s ears were buzzing. Mingli Hall was very cool, giving him a chill all
over. The sound of flogging continued, and one of them tilted his head back twice, the blood
between his teeth soaking through the white fabric gag as he sobbed and whimpered at the
Marquis of Helian. The entire Mingli Hall was extremely quiet, with the eunuchs all standing in
solemn silence with their hands at their sides. Only the flogging sound of “thud, thud, thud”

After an hour, the acrid stench of blood pervaded the air.

Without looking at the Marquis of Helian again, Li Jianting said, “You may leave.”

The Marquis of Helian tripped over himself as he got up and fell back onto his knees on the cold,
hard floor. Fuman signaled the junior eunuch with his eyes, and both of them hoisted up the
Marquis of Helian to send him out. The Marquis of Helian’s boots stepped into the blood. He
widened his eyes and looked at his feet.

The pool of blood reflected the Marquis of Helian’s official robe.

The Marquis of Helian staggered a few steps and felt the world spinning— so frightened was he
that he literally passed out cold.

Li Jianting reclined in her chair. Through the dark shadow of the window, she could see Fuman
ordering the guards to clear away the bodies on the ground.

Fengquan picked up the memorial that had been flung to the ground and said in a soft voice,
“This scene is truly horrifying.”

“You have never seen a scene of carnage and bloodbath before.” Li Jianting’s eyes were hidden
from view under the darkness. “When the epidemic ran rampant in the City of Dancheng,
refugees crowded the entrance of Qudu, wanting to dig their way in through the ditches.
Eventually, they clogged up the ditch, and the stench of corpses permeated all over… No one
saved them. Now, that was a scene that was truly horrifying.”

Fengquan did not touch her desk and merely set the memorial back lightly.

“Tough times call for tough measures in governance.”2 Li Jianting paused for a long time. “Let
the Marquis of Helian live for a while longer. Has Xue Yanqing come looking for you

Fengquan bowed and answered, “He came to ask about Your Majesty’s daily routine.”

“Cen Xunyi is a long-time elder in the imperial court. He’s far-sighted in having misgivings
about Zhongbo. I did not go along with what Xue Yanqing wanted this time,” Li Jianting said. “I
ought to make it up to him.”
“His Excellency Xue had his hands clean of corrupted practices, and he lives frugally when he is
in official residence. For that reason, he has quite the reputation in the Imperial College. If Your
Majesty were to reward him with money and commonplace objects…” Fengquan lowered his
eyes, and his voice gradually trailed off.

Li Jianting pondered it over for a moment. “Jiang Qingshan has made meritorious contributions
in raising grains, and he treats the people like his sons. Let the Grand Secretary draft up a
memorandum. I heard his wife, Liu, also has a reputation for being virtuous. Reward them

Jiang Qingshan was Xue Xiuzhuo’s capable right-hand man in Juexi, so by rewarding him, she
would be appeasing Xue Xiuzhuo. Besides, Li Jianting still had other uses for Jiang Qingshan.
There was currently no one holding the Prince of Donglie, Qi Zhuyin, in check. The Qidong
Garrison Troops, however, needed military provisions, and Li Jianting had the key to this
granary placed in Jiang Qingshan’s hands.

Fengquan acknowledged his order and retreated, taking particular caution as he did so.

◈ ◈ ◈

“The new emperor has shown her mettle. This move of check and balance is indeed impressive.”
Xiao Chiye pushed aside the military affairs and read over the updates from Qudu again. “To
pacify Xue Xiuzhuo, she rewarded Jiang Qingshan. She can intimidate Commander-in-chief Qi
and at the same time, threaten Xue Xiuzhuo, who holds sway over the practical doers faction and
the way the Imperial College blows.”

“It has been so easy for Xue Xiuzhuo to bring on a change of emperor; she has to be on guard
against him. Jiang Qingshan is a provincial governor who has never received the Li clan’s favor
during the reign of Xiande and Tianchen, and now he is going to enjoy a meteoric rise.” Shen
Zechuan set aside Yu Xiaozai’s letter. “On the contrary, I do find her way of dealing with the
Marquis of Helian unexpected.”

“It is.” Xiao Chiye looked opposite him. “She’s got some guts.”

Shen Zechuan had truly never expected Li Jianting to take the measure of flogging the corrupted
officials to death to intimidate the Marquis of Helian. Dipping his brush in ink, he said, “I
initially thought she would find an excuse to kill him. I never expected her to be able to hold
herself back.”

“The Marquis of Helian originally excused himself, saying that he had no money, and now he
has been so frightened he’s willing to make up for the deficit; he even gave up his manors.” Xiao
Chiye tilted his head back slightly as he slouched lazily in the chair. “The female emperor adopts
a policy of both benevolence and intimidation and applies carrot and stick judiciously, which
allows for more latitude than Xue Xiuzhuo, who would never let it rest. Seeing how she treats
the Marquis of Helian, the noble clans, who have been beaten to this point, will certainly take the
initiative to make up for the deficit in the hope of making amends for their transgressions in
exchange for a slim chance of survival.”

What were the accounts the Grand Secretariat was investigating?

Fields and money.

If there had been no Shen Zechuan and Xiao Chiye in the equation, Li Jianting would perhaps go
along with Xue Xiuzhuo’s way and stick it out to the very end. But she was unbelievably
shrewd, and she understood the truth in Cen Yu’s words. Compared to dealing with the Eight
Great Clans at this moment, Shen Zechuan was far more terrifying.

“How amazing.” Shen Zechuan held up the brush and traced Xiao Chiye’s eyes. “Now, this is a
genuine emperor.”

“I never used to believe that a person is born to be an emperor, but she is indeed gifted and
talented. She has resided in the inner compound for merely five years.” Xiao Chiye grasped hold
of Shen Zechuan’s wrist across the table.

“—Want your reward?”

“I was in Zhaozui Temple for merely five years, too.” Shen Zechuan’s leg under the table kicked
off its wooden clog and inched up along the side of Xiao Chiye’s leg. He loosened his grip, and
the brush fell onto the table, leaving several oblique shadows among the papers.

Lanzhou bent a finger and pressed it down on the bridge of Xiao Chiye’s nose.

“Give it to me, quick.”

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1. 太祖 Taizu, Great (Imperial) Ancestor “; usually the posthumous title of the first emperor
(or founder) of a new dynasty.
2. 乱世用重典, Govern with severe punishments in turbulent times. i.e., the rulers should
impose strict laws and inflict severe punishments in turbulent times, especially as a
deterrent, from “Grand Pronouncements of Ming” (明大诰).

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 262 : Separate Ways

“If I do, I’m afraid your waist will break.” Xiao Chiye said with a ghost of a smile.

Although there had never been explicit instructions, Shen Zechuan had indeed injured his waist
and could not stand up to the torment.

Shen Zechuan held back for a moment and was just about to put his leg back down, but Xiao
Chiye did not permit him to. Instead, he grasped this ankle in his palm, pressing it against

“Oh….” Shen Zechuan drew out the end of his words. “You want me to sate myself by feeding
on fantasy, much like quenching my thirst by looking at plums.”

“It’s getting late.” Xiao Chiye said, but still, he did not let go.

Shen Zechuan initially still meant to say a word or two, but the hand grasping on to him
suddenly began moving.

“If, before the ninth month, Commander-in-Chief Qi is still indisposed to deploy troops, I will
not wait anymore.” Xiao Chiye’s attire was all in order, and nothing seemed amiss looking at his
upper body. Even the way he spoke was no different from how it usually was.

“Given the means the emperor resorts to, she will not agree to the Commander-in-chief’s
deployment of troops. Furthermore—” Shen Zechuan’s voice suddenly went soft, as if he had

Xiao Chiye took off his clean sock.

There was still tablecloth hanging down around the table. Spurred along by the movements of
Xiao Chiye’s palm, Shen Zechuan’s knees pressed gently against the table board. His bare,
treading foot worked through the intricately decorative-patterned robe, and that fabric chafed
against the underside of his foot, belying the hardness blanketed under the softness.

“Besides, Commander-in-chief Qi has to consider the Five Commanderies too.” Xiao Chiye
picked up from where Lanzhou left off. “Penetrating deep into the desert takes time and effort.
She has to weigh her priorities. Even Qi Shiyu might not necessarily be willing to go ahead with
this battle if it drags on.”

The corner of Shen Zechuan’s eyes reddened, prompted by the tidal waves of heat. “You told
General Lu the other day that you were going to wait for Qidong.”

“At that time, the emperor still had yet to show her mettle. Looking at it now, the chances of
Qidong deploying troops is slim.” Xiao Chiye stopped teasing Lanzhou when he spoke to this
point. “This year, you gathered grains from the four prefectures of Huaizhou, Chazhou, Cizhou,
and Hezhou to resolve the dilemma of putting food on the table. Although we made it in time for
the spring plowing, the Huaizhou granary is lost. Now that Tao Ming has fled, the imperial court
will naturally have to send someone else to manage it. It’ll be hard to do business with them
again next year. And with the Port of Yongyi and the Xi clan’s copper mines sealed, Libei’s
mutual trade market business is going to fall by half. Lanzhou, we will not be able to afford to
feed the Qidong Garrison Troops next year.”

Qudu did not give grains when Qidong dispatched troops to the Qingshu Tribe this time, but Qi
Zhuyin still had confidence. But where had her confidence come from? Other than Shen
Zechuan, who else was there in the world who could be so generous as to supply a garrison troop
the military grains they needed? Xue Xiuzhuo was not a fool. He was well aware of who had
given the garrison troops their grains. He just did not expose it right to Qi Zhuyin’s face.

As Qidong had deployed troops to assist external forces this year, the military fields of three out
of five commanderies had no one to farm the land, so it was inevitable that the harvest from
military farming would suffer a drop. This, in turn, resulted in Qi Zhuyin’s military provisions
needs this year being even higher than the previous years. The only thing worth rejoicing was
that the spring plowing of four commanderies’ commoners’ fields was proceeding as usual, so
she only had to worry about the grains for the army. But even so, the military grain expenditure
for 300,000 soldiers was frightfully immense. And this had yet to take into consideration the
invasion deep into the desert, which was a completely different matter from her leading troops to
launch a surprise attack.

After the victory of the Duanzhou battle, the expenditure for fortifications and defenses in the
various prefectures was bound to skyrocket. Not only that, the six prefectures were already
beginning to take shape. Shen Zechuan had to supply year-round military provisions to the
120,000 garrison troops of the six prefectures, as well as continue to supply military provisions
to Libei’s 120,000 Armored Cavalry. Add the Qidong Garrison Troops to the equation, and the
burden of supporting a grand total of 540,000 troops and horses would all fall upon him.
“Wang Xian wrote to me and said that he sent you a letter half a month ago, in which he
elaborated on the stakes involved.” Xiao Chiye switched to a more comfortable posture. “You
didn’t reply.”

The underside of Shen Zechuan’s foot was still sticking to Xiao Chiye’s bulging and erect
member. Leaning against the chair, he said, “The advisors had yet to draw up an estimate for a
budget half a month ago, so I put a hold on Wang Xian’s letter and did not reply.”

“The advisors in residence are good, but they are mostly from the countryside. They are talented,
but they are not as well-versed in the trade as officials like Wang Xian. Wang Xian served as the
Secretary for the Ministry of Revenue and often engaged with the Ministry of War. Every year,
he has to deal with us military officers who enter the capital to ask for our money and grains. He
is well-acquainted with the various regions’ military expenditures and military grains needs.”
Xiao Chiye had been resting at home of late, and the issue that had been on his mind the most
was the military provisions too.

It was all too wonderful for the three armies to join forces as one, but it was also too difficult.

The equipment of the Libei Armored Cavalry wore out too fast, and the back-end squad still had
to bring along the military craftsmen when they were transporting military provisions. Once the
convoy squad stepped out of the battle zone, there was no more bridle path for them to take
further east. The barren sands of the Gobi desert were all the Twelve Tribes’ territories, so they
had to increase the numbers of troops for the transportation of military provisions as a protective
measure, but increasing manpower meant increasing military grains. The farther away the Libei
Armored Cavalry went, the more grains they would consume. Then, there was also the need to
plan for all possible contingencies that might happen along the way. This was much harder than
fighting a defensive battle.

“Last year, Xue Xiuzhuo abandoned the City of Quancheng and Luoxia Pass to defend the
thirteen cities of Juexi alone. At that time, it didn’t feel all that impressive.” Finally looking
awkward, Shen Zechuan sighed. “Only now do I know just how impressive it was.”

Who did not want Qi Zhuyin’s military strength? Shen Zechuan wanted it too. He only had to
take down the Qidong Five Commanderies, and it would be impossible for Qudu to turn the tide
in their favor even if the current emperor was Emperor Guangcheng himself. All along, Xue
Xiuzhuo had been indifferent to Zhongbo and Libei’s battles. He let Shen Zechuan recruit
soldiers and buy horses at the beginning of the year and did not even pursue the matter of
Qidong’s military grains. This was all another way of wearing Shen Zechuan down.

“Jiang Qingshan is truly a great help. No wonder the emperor wanted to use him to contest Xue
Xiuzhuo. This person shouldered the responsibility for the Da Zhou granaries all alone with just
his unyielding dauntlessness.” The expression in Xiao Chiye’s eyes was deep and penetrating.
“Lanzhou, the battle you are going to fight is even harder than mine.”
Shen Zechuan did not reply to Wang Xian’s letter in consideration of Xiao Chiye. Similarly,
Xiao Chiye was also now giving up on the Qidong Garrison Troops in consideration for Shen

Xiao Chiye shifted the chair away and bent over to pick up the wooden clogs. However, he did
not put them on for Shen Zechuan, but set them aside neatly. He released his grip on Shen
Zechuan’s hand and leaned over to stroke Shen Zechuan’s cheeks, whispering, “I’ll go by

The corners of Shen Zechuan’s eyes reddened, but there was no surge of passion in those
expressive eyes of his.

◈ ◈ ◈

The watchman’s clapper struck a few times late into the night. Hugging his legs close to him,
Fengquan leaned against the foot of Li Jianting’s bed. He did not fall asleep, however. After a
little less than an hour, he heard Li Jianting say from within the lowered drapes, “Aren’t you
going to sleep?”

Resting his chin on his knees such that one side of his delicate, refined face was buried,
Fengquan answered, “Your Majesty has had difficulty sleeping for several days. We should
summon an imperial physician.”

With her eyes open, Li Jianting turned slightly to the side so that her back was to the lowered
drapes. “I’m just not used to sleeping here.”

Silence descended in the palace interior for a moment.

“Have you seen Shen Zechuan before?” Li Jianting asked.

“I saw him during the reign of Xiande when he had just emerged from Zhaozui Temple.”

“Rumors have it that his mother was a dancer from Duanzhou.” Li Jianting seemed to be seeking
confirmation. “Is this true?”

“Yes, it’s true.” Fengquan moved his numbed legs. “He’s the eighth son of Shen Wei, born of
common birth. He was not a favored child in the Prince of Jianxing’s manor, and was sent away
to a private residence in Duanzhou very early on. He has relations with Ji Gang, the former Vice
Commander of the Imperial Bodyguards. When Duanzhou fell into the enemies’ hand, he was in
the Chashi Sinkhole too.”

After a moment of silence, Li Jianting said, “Qi Huilian is a veritable extremist to dare to cast
aside his prejudices to impart all he had to him without reservation.”

“But Shen Zechuan is small-minded and vindictive.” Fengquan turned his head to the side. “Ji
Lei had a feud with him, and so he made Ji Lei… suffer a fate worse than death. If Han Cheng
had not been so thick-headed to keep resisting that day at the banquet, Your Majesty could very
well dismiss him from his position and send him into exile in Zhongbo to see how Shen Zechuan
treats him. No doubt he will also make Han Cheng wish he were better off dead.”

The shadows of the trees outside the windows fell upon the ground. The palace in the dead of
night was silent and totally devoid of human voices.

“You are Mu Ru’s younger brother by blood?” Li Jianting changed the topic.

Fengquan’s expression cracked a little, but he did not reply rashly.

“You became a eunuch before Mu Ru entered the palace. At that time, she was already Prince
Chu’s favored concubine. Why did you have to enter the palace to suffer?” Li Jianting’s eyes
turned slightly. “You are not like Fuman, who has been to the Eunuch School, but you are well-
versed in the classics. Given Mu Ru’s family background, being able to read is already not

Fengquan immediately kneeled on the ground. “This humble slave, this humble slave…”

“I can see that both of your ears aren’t newly pierced, but the former emperor has never
rewarded you with ear ornaments, and it’s highly unlikely for him to do so. Those who can wear
pearl or gem earrings at an early age are either of lawful birth or noble blood. So, where…” Li
Jianting propped herself up and paused for a moment before looking at the lowered drapes, “…
exactly are you from?”

◈ ◈ ◈

The zither strings jolted with a hum. Looking as if he had just woken up from a dream, Qiao
Tianya raised his hand with the intent to rub the center of his forehead, only to realize that the
skin on the pulp of his finger was torn.

“The fact that Commander-in-chief Qi has yet to reply means that she’s displeased with His
Lordship for wanting to hand the Qingshu Tribe’s territory over to Hairigu…” Yao Wenyu
stopped talking and looked into the inner chamber through the drapes.

“This matter is a tough one to deal with. The fear is creating a rift with Qidong.” Kong Ling
followed Yao Wenyu’s gaze. “Songyue has been restless. Why not come out and have tea with

Qiao Tianya wiped the bit of blood off with his thumb and leaned back in the rattan chair. With a
smile, he said, “Since it is at your invitation, I shall respectfully comply.”

With that, he set the zither on the table, rose to lift the curtain, and stepped out.

The weather was fine today, and a tea table had been set up under the eaves. They did not seem
to be discussing official business, but more like sampling tea. Yao Wenyu was dressed in a green
robe with wide sleeves, and when he drank his tea, the red thread appeared ever so

Qiao Tianya did not stand on ceremony and sat down on the chair beside Yuanzhuo.

“What fine tea is it?” Qiao Tianya accepted the tea Gao Zhongxiong handed to him. He took
only a sniff before saying, “Oh, the ‘Height of Spring’ from Hezhou.”

“Don’t be misled by how he’s no different from a general, always astride his horse wielding his
blade.” Kong Ling pointed at Qiao Tianya. “He is, in fact, a tea connoisseur.”

“Make merry to the fullest while the going is good.” Qiao Tianya sipped his tea. “If I had money,
I’d want to satisfy my appetite to dine and wine. As long as I can sample all the fine tea and fine
wines, I’d be happy to spend the money regardless of the cost.”

With his eyes lowered, Yao Wenyu said, “You should learn from Shenwei.”

Gao Zhongxiong hurriedly waved his hands. “On the contrary, I envy Commander Qiao. Me, I
just want to save up money to build up the family finances so that I can marry a virtuous wife
when the world is at peace.”

“Songyue isn’t married either,” Kong Ling asked. “Don’t you feel anxious to do so?”

“Look at Old Fei the Tenth. He’s not married either, is he? They are in no hurry, but of course,
I’m burning with anxiety.” Qiao Tianya set down the teacup and said with a straight face, “I’ve
been wanting to earn this sum of gift money1 so much I have been tossing and turning all night.”

The various gentlemen burst into laughter.

Qiao Tianya turned his face to the side to look at Yao Wenyu. “Mister isn’t married, either. Any
urgency to?”

The flowers on the branch fell amongst Yao Wenyu’s sleeves. He turned his gaze to meet Qiao
Tianya’s eyes. When the wind blew off the flowers, it also sent a waft of his slightly bitter
medicinal scent over to Qiao Tianya.

“Used to,” Yao Wenyu answered. “But it doesn’t matter now that I have Hunu.”

Other than Qiao Tianya, everyone present did not know much about Yao Wenyu and the
Commandery Princess Zhaoyue. They had only heard rumors that the Commandery Princess
Zhaoyue wanted to marry him, so naturally, they thought he was referring to her.

“If you ask me, there are three regrets in life. Not being born as Hunu is one of them.” Qiao
Tianya moved to hug Hunu, but grasped hold of Yao Wenyu’s wrist behind Hunu’s plump body.
“Or I could have rested all day and night on your lap, fantasizing to infinity and beyond even in
my dreams.”
Yao Wenyu’s expression shifted slightly. He did not expect Qiao Tianya to be so gutsy, and in
his fluster, he started to cough.

“Commander Qiao often surprises one with his words. It’d be wonderful if he could engage in a
philosophical discourse2 with Yuanzhuo.” Gao Zhongxiong sighed with emotion. “I wonder if I
will ever have the chance to see Yuanzhuo’s literary grace on full display.”

“Philosophical discourses that are mere rhetoric are detrimental to the state.” Yao Wenyu raised
his hand to cover his mouth. His wrist was a little red. “I have yet to finish my words from
earlier. Commander-in-chief’s lack of reply means she’s displeased with Hairigu. When all is
said and done, we were not the ones who fought and took down the Qingshu Tribe territory, so
we can’t force the issue.”

Kong Ling nodded. “I’m worried that Commander-in-chief Qi might bear ill will towards His
Lordship because of this.”

“We want to leverage their military force to fight another, but Hairigu is a Biansha Scorpion,
after all. It’s only reasonable for the Commander-in-chief Qi not to trust him.”

“This is only part of it.” Kong Ling exchanged glances with Yao Wenyu and slowly shook his
head. “The worst fear is Commander-in-chief Qi suspecting His Lordship of threatening Qidong
with this move.”

“The Qingshu Tribe lies close to the Bianjun Commandery,” Yao Wenyu said. “Even if
Commander-in-chief Qi doesn’t think so, the various generals of Qidong will. They have had
enough of being held under duress by the army-inspecting eunuch of Qudu. No doubt they will
not agree to let the Scorpions keep a close watch on them again.”

“If Qidong isn’t willing,” Kong Ling said, “then all we can do is to make other plans.”

◈ ◈ ◈

A candle was lit in the military tent. Qi Zhuyin sat with a leg propped as she squeezed her neck
and listened to Qi Wei speak.

“Tell Lu Guangbai to stop sending letters. He indeed doesn’t have the burden of military
supplies, and his 20,000 infantry soldiers can leave at just the drop of a hat.” She stared at the top
of the tent. “Even Jiming and Xiao Chiye have never brought this matter up again.”

“General Lu has served under the Commander-in-chief for the longest time,” Qi Wei said. “He
knows of your capabilities, so it’s only natural for him to want to persuade you to deploy

“I understand his desire to fight the Biansha Cavalry.” Qi Zhuyin frowned slightly. “But Da
Zhou has never gone deep into the desert. It’s a long journey to make, and danger lurks all
around. Once all the three armies have been mobilized, who is going to ensure the safety of the
encampments? The Scorpion in Qudu is still around.”

Qi Wei knew of the spot Qi Zhuyin was in. After hesitating for a moment, he said, “If you were
to reject them at this moment, I fear you will earn the infamy of forsaking your integrity for

No sooner had Qudu conferred her the title of Prince of Donglie than she turned against Zhongbo
and Libei while the garrison troops were still eating Shen Zechuan’s grains. Anyone who caught
word of this would be inclined to condemn her.

Qi Zhuyin couldn’t care less. “As they wish. There is nothing in the world you can’t control
more than wagging tongues.”

“This account is tough to square off. In Zhongbo’s view, their giving of grains to feed the
garrison troops is an act of great kindness,” Qi Wei said. “But if weren’t for the war in Libei
being at a critical point and Zhongbo needing us to mobilize troops to go to their aid when their
gates were breached, Shen Zechuan’s grains would not have come this easily either.”

“They are people who scheme for world domination. They know how to grasp the opportunity.”
Qi Zhuyin’s side profile was serious. There was no trace of her usual cheeky smile. “I was
helping myself by helping Libei, and now, I’m also helping myself by not deploying troops.
Qidong and Libei are brothers who go through adversities together, but the crisis in Libei has
already been quelled, and Ce’an’s desire to continue pushing further in will smack of militarism.
Refugees abound after the empire started disintegrating. The wars this year and last year were
inevitable. I know Amu’er is already showing signs of fatigue, and this is an excellent time to
crush the alliance of the six tribes. But the eight cities’ granaries are empty, and commoners are
dying on the streets. The city of Yongcheng in Juexi is hit with a drought, and yet Jiang
Qingshan still has to do his best to supply grains to Qudu and Qidong after autumn. These grains
all had to be taken from the people. Of Shen Zechuan’s six prefectures, three have yet to reach
the bumper harvest year, so he also has to rely on the granaries in Hezhou… It’s exhilarating to
be fighting a battle, but I can’t go.”

Amu’er was an exceptional man, and the six tribes of Biansha were the bane of Da Zhou’s
generals. If they were to emerge victorious after penetrating deep into the desert this time, then
no matter who was to rule the state in the future, the names of the Libei Armored Cavalry and
Xiao Chiye would go down in history. And besides, as a general, who would not want to pit
themselves against such an opponent?

Qi Zhuyin snuffed out the candle wick, and the interior of the tent plunged into darkness. She sat
for a moment, then said, “I voice it out; you write it down. Tell Shen Zechuan that even if the
Qingshu Tribe’s territory were to fall into disuse, I will not permit Hairigu to set foot on it. Next,
tell Xiao Jiming that I, Qi Zhuyin, may be acquainted with him since our youth and see him as a
bosom friend, but my Qi clan is still a subject of Da Zhou. Fighting against foreign foes together
is my duty, but empowering Zhongbo is treason. And finally, tell Lu Guangbai, I wish him great
success in his military exploits and in seeking redress for his previous humiliation, but this time,
us siblings3 will no longer be going the same way.”

A solitary lone goose cried at the moon as it flew across the horizon of the Bianjun
Commandery. Qi Wei put the respective letters away and turned to step out of the tent. Yellow
sand rustled under those military boots, and a palm grabbed up a handful of the yellow sand. Lu
Guangbai had his back to the dusky sky, the letter from Qidong still between his fingers. He
squatted for a while, then put the letter away.

The sand in his palm trickled back to the ground.

Commander-in-chief Qi, treat this letter as you would me in person.4

In dereliction of duty, I left the commandery without due authorization, and for that, I have
failed the elders of Qidong. Unless I step onto the battlefield and slay the enemies, my
aspirations will never be realized. I will always be a general subordinate to Commander-in-chief
Qi. We may not be able to tread the same path and fight together this battle, but the moon shines
bright over the lands of the country. I will not let Commander-in-chief Qi down.

Credits: Thank you Ami and Suika for the brainwave, and daisiesfordaze, Zoira for spotting the

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1. 份子钱 gift money that is given during occasions like weddings, birth of a child, etc
2. 清谈 Qingtan is a Chinese philosophical movement and social practice among political
and intellectual elites where the literati engaged in highly sophisticated intellectual and
philosophical discussions on lofty and non-mundane matters.
3. specifically elder sister and younger brother
4. 见字如晤 literally seeing this letter is akin to a meeting in person. It’s commonly used in
old times as an opening, sort of like “I hope this letter finds you well” in modern times.

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 263 : Laohu (Tantai Hu)

In the eighth month, the autumn harvest was sent to the granaries. Acting on Shen Zechuan’s
orders, Wang Xian went on an inspection tour with Yu Xiaozai to the six prefecture granaries,
where he organized Zhongbo’s grains and had the details recorded into books for submission to
Duanzhou. The horse carriage crushed over the gravel. All donned in a round-collared
robe,1 Wang Xian watched through the window as the City of Duanzhou grew gradually closer.

“The moat is still under construction, but the city gates are all repaired.” Yu Xiaozai pointed out
to Wang Xian. “Brother Minshen, this is where His Lordship defended the city.”

Wang Xian nodded and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

When Yu Xiaozai was still in Qudu, he had some contact with Wang Xian, but owing to the
different nature of their duties, he had merely a nodding acquaintance with him. It was not until
the seventh month, when they worked together, that they really became familiar with one
another. He said comfortingly, “His Lordship treats others with magnanimity. Since he is willing
to use you, it means he is willing to trust you. There is no need for you to keep dwelling on what
happened in the past.”

Wang Xian said with a bitter smile. “I was relegated from the capital and exiled to Zhongbo. If
not for Second Master looking out for me, my head would have already rolled. I’m beyond
grateful to His Lordship for letting bygones be bygones, so how would I still bear grudges? I’m
just afraid that I’d be too inarticulate to answer in the hall later.”

Yu Xiaozai knew of Wang Xian’s misgivings. After pondering it over, he said, “Brother
Minshen, look at me. I came to Zhongbo at the behest of my teacher, Censor-in-chief Cen, to
negotiate peace with His Lordship. The talks later failed, and returning to Qudu was no longer an
option. I initially thought of buying a few mu2 of fertile lands in Zhongbo and becoming a
commoner from then on, but His Lordship promoted me, making me a ‘Surveillance
Commissioner’ of Zhongbo. Brother Minshen was demoted and relegated because you were
caught in the crossfire of Second Master’s bribery case and framed by Fu Linye and those
people. Second Master is a man who values ties, and he has always remembered this incident.
This time, Brother Minshen successfully prepared Libei’s military grains without taking the
credits. Whether for official or personal reasons, His Lordship will not make things difficult for
Brother Minshen.”

Feeling slightly relieved, Wang Xian waved his hand and said, “My contribution is too
insignificant to be worth mentioning.”

The horse carriage arrived at their destination and passed through the overhanging gate that had
been lowered. Both of them got off the carriage one after another and saw Fei Sheng, who was
waiting at the entrance of the passageway.

“Both excellencies are fatigued from the long journey. Please go in first.” Fei Sheng led both of
them inside. “His Lordship has prepared a banquet to welcome both excellencies at the

Slightly surprised, Wang Xian said, “This humble subordinate is merely following orders. How
am I deserving of such favor from His Lordship?”

“Don’t worry about it,” Yu Xiaozai said with a smile. “His Lordship is never extravagant when
he hosts feasts. It’s just some common dishes over an invitation of wine and tea.”

◈ ◈ ◈

“Wang Xian is swift and efficient in making arrangements for the military grains.” Shen
Zechuan turned his head to the side and said to Xiao Chiye behind him. “What’s even rarer is
that he is able to successfully negotiate with the yamen of the various prefectures. It’s too gross
an injustice to put him in Chazhou.”

Xiao Chiye secured the bandage for Shen Zechuan and said, “He could even drag out and stall
my account, so of course he’s also in his element dealing with the various
prefectures’ yamen.”

Shen Zechuan sucked in a slight breath at Xiao Chiye’s movements. “The tyrant of Qudu is
going to break my waist.”

“This waist,” Xiao Chiye sized it up and brought his palms around to the front to lead Shen
Zechuan back to his own chest, “is so slender it looks like it’s within my grasp.”3

“That’s why there is the saying ‘shen yao pan bin’—‘slender of frame and graying of
temples’.”4 Shen Zechuan’s back clung against Xiao Chiye’s chest. “So, envy not, my beloved—

“In any case, it’s all mine,” Xiao Chiye said. “The only ones doing the envying here are the
◈ ◈ ◈

Jiran, who was under the eaves, watched as the maidservants entered and exited. Putting his
palms together, he tilted his head and said to Ding Tao, “We have a guest.”

There was more to this little monk’s words than meets the ear. Ding Tao folded his arms and
answered in great understanding. “You will still get your vegetarian dishes. His Lordship has
given the instructions earlier.”

Jiran immediately showed a delighted expression. “Anitabha,6 Ding Tao-gege, you’re so much
smarter than the fishes in the pond!”

Shen Zechuan, who had been in the principal room, had already stepped out. Preparation was all
in order in the side hall, and the various gentlemen had already all taken their seats. When Wang
Xian and Yu Xiaozai arrived, they first paid their obeisances to the Prefectural Lord before
exchanging pleasantries with the gentlemen at the table.

“The depositing of grains in the six prefectures is a major event of utmost importance for the
entire year,” Shen Zechuan said. “Youjing and Minshen have worked hard.”

During the autumn harvest in the eighth month, the various regions would sort out the grains and
put them into storage at the granaries. Following right after in the ninth month, they would
calculate the surplus grain reserves in all localities to prepare for the winter. Going by Zhongbo’s
process, there was no way Libei’s military grains could be prepared this fast, but Wang Xian had
been making preparations as early as the sixth month. Once the defensive battle in Duanzhou
was over, he asked the garrison troops of the various prefectures to allocate manpower to start
harvesting the grains. They made it in time for the lull in the eighth month, giving the six
prefectures that were about to supply military grains time to catch their breath.

Wang Xian hurriedly stood up to bow in return. “This humble subordinate was just following
orders. It is all due to His Lordship’s foresight.”

“I heard Tantai Hu vented his anger on you?” Xiao Chiye, having not moved his chopsticks yet,
said to Wang Xian with a smile.

“General Tantai is concerned about the war, so it’s only natural for him to ask about the
preparations. We had a pleasant talk in Dunzhou.” Wang Xian knew that Tantai Hu was chosen
by Xiao Chiye to head down to Dunzhou. He had military merits to his name, and he was also in
the position to get his say in before Shen Zechuan, so of course Wang Xian could not offend
him. “Those rumors are not to be believed.”

Looks like this incident had really taken place.

This was not the first time Tantai Hu had clashed with the civil officials. He was impatient by
nature, and he was Xiao Chiye’s trusted aide. While in Dunzhou, he and the yamen functionaries
could still mutually tolerate each other at first. His military reports were submitted directly to
Shen Zechuan’s desk, and he had no need to be supervised by the yamen. By all logic, there
should not have been conflicts between both parties. However, the Dunzhou Garrison Troops,
having been rewarded several times, boasted of being a branch of the Imperial Army. By the
time of the Duanzhou battle, they were reveling in the height of their glory among the six
prefectures’ garrison troops. The preparations of military grains were a matter between Wang
Xian and the various prefectures’ Tax Circuit Intendants,7 and despite that, Tantai Hu dared to
interfere and concern himself with it.

When peace reigned in the world, discord between generals and ministers merely meant that they
could not work together, but in times of turmoil, dissension was a critical issue that could affect
the overall situation.

Kong Ling, being the insightful person he was, stepped forth to smooth things over. “General
Tantai comes from the Imperial Army, and he has gone through thick and thin together with
Libei. Long when Second Master decided to fight the Twelve Tribes, he had discussed with me
the issue of military grains. Your Lordship, General Tantai has deployed troops to come to the
rescue several times, so he’s naturally more attentive when it comes to the military grains.” He
turned his head aside to smile at Yao Wenyu. “Yuanzhuo and I often ask about the fortification
of the city walls too after the fright we got from the defensive battle.”

The gentlemen laughed at this, and the atmosphere eased a little.

Yao Wenyu then said to Wang Xian, “Brother Minshen once served as the Ministry of Revenue
Secretary. Censor-in-chief Cen often praised Brother Minshen for being efficient in his work,
and it can indeed be seen from the preparation of military grains just how extraordinary Brother
Minshen’s capabilities are.”

Yao Wenyu’s words were partially true. Wang Xian was indeed capable, but he was not that
conspicuous. Xue Xiuzhuo, who often had dealings with the Ministry of Revenue at that time,
was in Hai Liangyi’s good graces more. In addition, the Ministry of Revenue had always been
under the control of the noble clans. So even when the Ministry of Personnel wanted to promote
Wang Xian after taking the imperial censors’ testimonials into consideration, they could not
manage to do so. But even if what he said was not true, Yao Wenyu had still accorded him the
respect he was due.

Wang Xian had been an official in the capital for a long time, so how could he not understand?
Yao Wenyu’s intent was Shen Zechuan’s intent. Since Yao Wenyu was willing to speak up to
placate him, then he should leave it at that. The incident had already been made known, and His
Lordship and Second Master would naturally have their own follow-up arrangements.

Wang Xian bowed. “How would I dare to accept praise from Yuanzhuo? This humble
subordinate is truly unworthy.” With this, he relaxed a little and continued, “As for the military
grains, this humble subordinate still needs General Tantai’s advice in certain aspects.
Fortunately, the General did not mind and carefully analyzed the pros and cons with me. To tell
Your Lordship and Second Master the truth, this humble subordinate might have managed all
that relates to the military grains back in Qudu, but when all is said and done, I’ve never handled
supplies over a long distance. It was all General Tantai who advised me in detail on issues such
as the consumption of grain wagons and the increase and decrease of military supplies.”

Kong Ling cast a glance at Zhou Gui, who was a short distance away, and inwardly lamented
with a sigh, as expected from an official from the capital; smart and perceptive, he can get his
message across in much fewer words.

Zhou Gui was also here regarding the preparations of military grains, although he had arrived
several days before Wang Xian and Yu Xiaozai. At present, he was sitting in his seat listening
carefully to the conversations, finding this Wang Xian to be measured in his conduct and tactful
with his words. He could not understand why Chengfeng was looking at him.

They discussed a little more about official matters, and Shen Zechuan then invited Wang Xian to
take a seat, thereby signaling the start of the feast.

◈ ◈ ◈

When they returned to their room at night, Xiao Chiye slipped out of his clothes, his expression
one of displeasure.

Shen Zechuan spoke as he switched out of his shoes. “You know how Laohu is; he’s not one to
become arrogant because of his achievements.”

Xiao Chiye was still in the midst of disrobing. “The Dunzhou garrison troops are all soldiers
recruited from the two prefectures of Fanzhou and Dengzhou, and there are a number of bandits
among them. It will not bode well if military discipline is lacking.”

Shen Zechuan saw the candlelight reflected on the side of the wolf on Xiao Chiye’s back,
looking very awe-inspiring indeed, so he stretched out a finger and poked it.

Xiao Chiye backhandedly grabbed hold of it and gave it a squeeze. He continued, “I know Laohu
will not get all puffed up with his achievements, but the fear is that he might get egged on by
others to have the Dunzhou Garrison Troops emulate the Imperial Army.”

The Imperial Army was a slippery bunch who only knew to skive on the job, but that was only
when there was nothing else going on. When there was really a war impending, they were the
first to draw their blade and charge onto the battlefield. The Imperial Army dared to play the
ruffian because they were not ruffians at all. All the 20,000 men were soldiers that Xiao Chiye
went to great lengths to select. They were all from proper military households,8 and they were
naturally a leg above the others when trained. The original batch of soldiers from the Imperial
Army in Qudu were once given the cold shoulder, and that had built up their strength of
character. They knew when to go all out and when to pull back, and that was definitely not
something the Dunzhou Garrison Troops and the like would be able to do anytime soon.
“This time, I’ll lead the Libei Armored Cavalry to advance from the east. If Qudu plans to seize
the opportunity to attack Zhongbo,” Xiao Chiye turned back, “the Dunzhou Garrison Troops are
all that you will have to rely on.”

Yin Chang’s death in battle was undoubtedly a heavy blow. The Cizhou Garrison Troops that
were just beginning to take shape now needed a new commander, but scouting for a suitable
candidate took time. The Duanzhou Garrison Troops had taken a beating and suffered casualties,
while the Fanzhou and Dengzhou Garrison Troops had only been recently established. The only
ones that could be truly put to use were the Dunzhou Garrison Troops and Imperial Cavalry, and
even then, the Imperial Cavalry were low in numbers.

“Tantai Long could die for Dunzhou, and so can Tantai Hu.” Shen Zechuan tilted his head up to
look at Xiao Chiye. “Don’t worry about the rear as you advance eastward. I naturally have my
own means.”

“The Eight Great Training Divisions often carry the reputation for being incompetent, but Han
Cheng is now dead, and the new viceroy is still unknown.” Xiao Chiye’s eyes betrayed his
worry. “If Xue Xiuzhuo has a good candidate…”

Without the vise grip of the noble clan, the Eight Great Training Divisions could re-recruit.

“I’ll leave 5,000 Imperial Army soldiers to you,” Xiao Chiye said.

◈ ◈ ◈

Several days later, Tantai Hu hurried to Duanzhou as he was ordered to. The moment he stepped
into the residence, he fell to his knees before Xiao Chiye.


Tantai Hu had yet to say his piece when Xiao Chiye said, “You are now His Lordship’s

Tantai Hu lowered his head and changed his tune. “Second Master! Did some shitty official
lodge a complaint against me here? They came into the territory to prepare military grains and
still wanted to audit Dunzhou’s grains and land tax ledgers. Wang Xian accused my Dunzhou
Garrison Troops of squandering public funds right in front of so many people in the yamen!” He
raised his head in indignation. “Second Master, of the garrison troops in the six prefectures, our
Dunzhou Garrison Troops is the one that can provide timely assistance. In order to fight the
Biansha baldies, we provide reinforcements all around, so our military expenditure will
definitely be much higher than others! Does he have to go harping on and on and on about this?
His Lordship is aware of this too!”

With one arm propped up on his knee, Xiao Chiye leaned sideways as he turned his thumb ring
and said nothing in reply.
Chen Yang, who was waiting in attendance at the side, signaled to Tantai Hu with his eyes
several times, but the latter refused to look at Chen Yang at all.

Tantai Hu knew what Xiao Chiye’s temper was like, but he was furious deep down. Forcing his
anger down, he continued, “If Wang Xian has something to say, then say it to my face! Why
stoop so low to frame me behind my back? What’s the fucking difference between him and those
officials shamelessly currying favors for personal gains in Qudu? He said I squander public
funds. Bah! And what about him wasting grains in Chazhou with Luo Mu?!”

“You find it a gross injustice.” Xiao Chiye raised his eyes.

Tantai Hu saw Xiao Chiye’s expression and could not help but feel a lump in his throat. “I brave
untold dangers with Second Master, so how can they trample over me like this?! His Lordship
knows of the account too, yet he doesn’t reprimand that Wang Xian. I, I can’t take it lying

“You can’t take it lying down?” Xiao Chiye said in a sudden, frosty tone. “And so you had
someone oust Wang Xian from the yamen? Is that your area of jurisdiction? When I transferred
you to Dunzhou, Lanzhou made it clear that the civil administration doesn’t outrank you, and
likewise, you don’t outrank them either!”

Tantai Hu’s chest heaved. “Even so, he can’t speak that way and cause the brothers under my
command to be disillusioned!”

“I’ve looked through the accounts of the Dunzhou Garrison Troops. After the battle in
Duanzhou, you transferred troops back to the city and did nothing else but first call together the
local gentry to wine and feast.” Xiao Chiye’s expression was gloomily somber. “The money for
the open banquet where guests are served as they arrive comes from Dunzhou’s public funds.
How very impressive of you, Tantai Hu. His Lordship rewarded the Dunzhou Garrison Troops
handsomely back in Duanzhou, but you know not to be content, and you even have to slap your
own face in an attempt to impress beyond your means9by rewarding the soldiers with a feast. If
you ask me, you’re the one who disillusioned me more!”

“Look at how easy it was for Yin Chang to take down Fanzhou back then. When the Cizhou
Garrison Troops returned, His Lordship hosted a banquet to reward them, but when it came to
the Dunzhou Garrison Troops, we only get a monetary reward.” Tantai Hu forced his voice
down. “Second Master, can several taels of silver buy the lives of my brothers? It’s on behalf of
His Lordship that I’m—”

Xiao Chiye abruptly jolted to his feet, and his shadow instantly enveloped Tantai Hu.

“Second Master!” Chen Yang dropped to his knees with a thud. “He’s simple-minded, and he
indeed did it just for that meal! Nevertheless, squandering state funds is wrong of him. Second
Master may just punish him!”
The freedom that Shen Zechuan gave to Tantai Hu was an act of kindness, but Tantai Hu could
not hold this kindness hostage to make demands. Today, he dared to take the decision in his own
hands because of his discontent, so he could very well disregard His Lordship and overstep his
authority to take action tomorrow. He had several conflicts with the civil officials several times,
and each time, Shen Zechuan had suppressed it without so much as a word, all in consideration
for Xiao Chiye.

Tantai Hu knew he had misspoke out of turn in his desperation. He kept his head lowered, but
could not bring himself to plead for mercy.

“Give him the ledger of the sealed granary in Dunzhou.” Xiao Chiye held up Langli Blade and
wore it at the side of his waist. “Let him see this piece of land that Tantai Long defended with his

Chen Yang took down the ledger and presented it before Tantai Hu.

“Your soldiers,” Xiao Chiye stressed these two words, “could eat well because the commoners of
Cizhou and Dunzhou tightened their belts to make every money and every grain count. There are
all kinds of delicacies at the open banquet, but my Lanzhou, in his sickness, is still eating wild
vegetables from Duanzhou with the various advisors.”

Tantai Hu looked at that ledger book in detail, and his eyes could not help but redden. He had
realized the errors of his ways, although he still attempted to argue, “The granaries were in
abundance the last I saw them in Dunzhou…”

Xiao Chiye whistled, raised an arm to receive Meng, and left without so much as a look back.

Credits: Thank you fukixie, AliceLiddell, MaruChan, and juuree for pointing out the wonky
footnote and typos! <3

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1. 团领衫 or 圆领袍 round-collared robe/attire
typically worn by officials in the Ming Dynasty.
2. 亩, mu, or Chinese acre, measure of land equal to 0.0667 hectares
3. 掌中物 literally object in one’s palm, also used to refer to being in one’s control.
4. 沈腰潘鬓 shen yao pan bin (the ‘shen’ here is the same ‘shen’ in Shen Zechuan); refers
to a man with a frail body and premature graying of hair.
5. 萧郎 Xiao-lang (the ‘xiao’ here is the same ‘xiao’ in Xiao Chiye); 郎 –lang, young man;
a form of address that is also used as a term to address a lover or husband. So if your
lover has the surname Zhang (张), you would be calling him Zhang-
lang (zhanglang written in different characters btw, also means cockroach); 萧
郎 Xiaolang as a whole also refers to a male lover or beloved in poetry.
6. Anitabha, or Amitabha, read with Jiran’s accent.
7. The official title is Tax Circuit Intendant,(督粮道) but it’s also a counterpart of Grain
Tax Circuit (粮储道). Literally though, 督粮道 is “Grain-supervisory Circuit”.
8. Households were classified and recorded into the Huangce or yellow registers/yellow
book (黃冊) according to their occupation to provide basic data for taxation and
recruitment. It was mainly divided into three categories: civilian (民户), military (军户),
and craftsman.
9. 打肿脸(充胖子) slap one’s face until it’s swollen (in an effort to look imposing); to do
something beyond one’s means in order to be impressive

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 264 : Shao Clan

The preparations for the military expedition concluded at the beginning of the ninth month, and
Chen Yang and Guo Weili set off first together with the army provisions. The bridleway at
Mount Luo, having already been restored, led the Zhongbo grain wagons directly from Dunzhou
to Mount Luo and then from Mount Luo to the Shasan Camp. Large numbers of troops from the
various camps were mobilized, with Zuo Qianqiu and Zhao Hui stationed at Shayi and Sha’er
Camps for defense. This time, Xiao Chiye took with him 90,000 elites from Libei.

“You are shouldering the army provisions alone this time.” There were no traces of Xiao
Jiming’s illness to be seen from the way he was all neatly dressed in his regular wear. He looked
far into the distance at Hongyan Mountains. “When A-Ye returns in triumph, Libei shall have to
give our proper thanks to Zhongbo.”

“Amu’er has wild ambitions. If we don’t wipe him out in one fell swoop, he will still stage a
comeback again in the future, and when that time comes, Duanzhou will be the first to bear the
brunt of his attacks. This punitive expedition is also for Zhongbo’s sake.” Shen Zechuan turned
aside. “Furthermore, the tenth month is when the common folks have the spare time to
supplement their family expenses and when the six prefectures can focus on the construction of
fortifications. A-Ye’s deployment of troops now will not hold the commoners up from plowing
the lands, at least not until the third month next year.”

The caress of the wind sent Xiao Jiming’s sleeves and robe fluttering, revealing the arm guards
on both his wrists. “He is already a chief commander now.”

Shen Zechuan could often feel Xiao Chiye stroking his cheek every night. No matter what tasks
the latter had, as long as it was unnecessary, Xiao Chiye would rather remain at home.

He wanted all too much to gaze upon Lanzhou day and night.
“The sharp edge of a treasured sword comes from honing it.”1 The expression in Shen Zechuan’s
eyes was complicated as he looked at Hongyan Mountains. “My only concerns are the complex
terrain and bad weather. The expedition will prove arduous beyond imagination.”

“There’s Lu Guangbai at the side to assist A-Ye. You don’t have to over-worry.” Xiao Jiming
looked at Shen Zechuan. “I heard from Yizhi that you were bedridden after the battle of
Duanzhou, having been badly injured. With the sudden decrease in the Libei Armored Cavalry
now, all that’s left to watch over Duanzhou is Wu Ziyu who is stationed in Mount Luo. If
anything were to happen, you can only go to him for reinforcements.”

Of the 120,000 Libei Armored Cavalry, only 30,000 remained. Dajing was a large territory, and
the various camps did not have enough manpower remaining for defense. It was also quite
laborious to mobilize and assemble the forces, so before Xiao Chiye returned, Shen Zechuan
only had the Dunzhou Garrison Troops, Imperial Cavalry, and 5,000 Imperial Army for self-

Shen Zechuan’s brows creased slightly into a frown as he asked, “Has dageheard rumors?”

“When the noble clans interfered in state affairs in the past, they had the exceptional talents
of Qudu suppressed in places you can’t see, and now,” Xiao Jiming smiled at Shen Zechuan,
“it’s time for them to step forth and show their worth.”

◈ ◈ ◈

Dripping the melting candle, Qiao Tianya drew out a rabbit from the edge of the candlestick.
From time to time, he cast a glance at the inner chamber. Gao Zhongxiong was sitting in there

Yao Wenyu was always wielding his brush writing with fervor of late. The time he spent
sleeping grew increasingly shorter. Several times Qiao Tianya lifted the hanging screen to enter,
and all he could see was Yao Wenyu bent over the table until daybreak. The pages on the table
were all a mess, although the bookshelves at the side grew increasingly packed.

“The reason the Imperial College assisted Xue Yanqing is that he removed the noble clans from
office,” Yao Wenyu said. “The situation in the tenth month is still an unknown, but if Second
Master’s expedition goes smoothly, then by the eleventh month, Qudu will no doubt issue an
official denunciation and call to arms.”

Gao Zhongxiong said, “When the time comes, they will definitely make a big issue of Shen
Wei’s troops’ defeat.”

“That’s right.” Yao Wenyu dipped his brush in ink, but did not put it to paper.

The difficulty here lay in the fact that Shen Wei’s military defeat was conclusive beyond doubt.
So unless Shen Zechuan was willing to twist the narrative and shove the responsibility for Shen
Wei’s crimes onto Hua Siqian, he would have to suck up the denunciation in both words and
writing, no matter how he refuted it.

“I spoke to Mister Chengfeng earlier about this matter, but made no headway.” At this point, it
was in the dead of night, and all was silent. With his arm resting on the desk, Gao Zhongxiong
sighed at Yao Wenyu. “If ‘Shen Wei’ were to be replaced with ‘Ji Gang’, we can claim that His
Lordship is Ji Gang-shifu’s youngest son. Back then, when Duanzhou was attacked by the

Yao Wenyu waved his hand and said, “Back then, Xiao Jiming rendered assistance to Duanzhou
and personally verified His Lordship’s identity. The Imperial Bodyguards later went to Dunzhou
to investigate it thoroughly. His Lordship’s name is on the Shen clan’s clan register. Besides, His
Lordship resembles his mother, and there will always be former acquaintances in Qudu who still
remember Bai Cha’s charms.”

“Then what can we do?” Gao Zhongxiong asked. “It will be off to a bad start for us when the
denunciation is released and public sentiment gets whipped up to an all-time high.”

Several times, Yao Wenyu wanted to put brush to paper, but he did not move. Ink dripped onto
the paper.

“Let me think about it,” he said.

It was getting late now, and Gao Zhongxiong could not hold Yao Wenyu up from resting any
further. He stood up and prepared to leave, but on seeing Yao Wenyu deep in silent thought, he
advised, “The cart will find its way round the hill when it gets there.2 Look at how unwilling the
people of the six prefectures were to acknowledge His Lordship initially, but they are now
completely won over, aren’t they? Clearly, there will be a solution to this matter!”

“That’s because His Lordship defended the city gates. He was willing to undergo hardships
together with the six prefectures.” Yao Wenyu set down the brush. “It’s late. You should return
early. It’s not too late to discuss again tomorrow.”

So Gao Zhongxiong bowed and excused himself.

The beaded curtain swayed gently. The candle in Qiao Tianya’s hand was about to burn out.
Seeing Yao Wenyu remaining fixed in place, he said, “It’s true that His Lordship is a descendant
of the Prince of Jianxing, but it’s also true that His Lordship has reclaimed the wastelands in the
six prefectures and implemented the census registers.” Drop after drop, the melted candle
swallowed up the candlestick. He continued, as if off-handedly, “However, the authenticity of
the current emperor’s origins is a different story altogether.”

The gears in Yao Wenyu’s mind clicked in place. He turned his head over.

“The thing about playing chess,” Qiao Tianya blew out the candle, “is that you have to seize the
advantage by making the first move.”
◈ ◈ ◈

Qudu was stiflingly hot in the ninth month. After being dismissed from court session, Cen Yu
saw Chen Zhen at the entrance of the palace. He walked over and said in surprise and doubt, “I
don’t usually see you around, and yet you’re waiting for me here today. Is something the

On hearing him, Chen Zhen raised an arm and gestured for Cen Yu to get on his horse carriage
first. Once both men settled down in their seats, he stroked the beard he had grown and said,
“I’m here to sound you out. A month ago, the Eight Great Training Divisions recruited new
soldiers and enlisted the young and strong from the eight cities. There are currently 40,000
Capital Command Troops. What plans does Boran have for these 40,000 Capital Command

Cen Yu gathered up his sleeves and said curiously, “Then you should go look for him. The
commander of the Capital Command Troops is supposed to be nominated by your Ministry of
War to begin with. Why? You have no candidate?”

“I’ve assumed office as the Minister of War for nearly thirty years. Whether it’s the Four
Generals of Yongyi or the Four Generals of Xiande, they all come recommended by me, so how
could I not have a candidate in mind?” Chen Zhen looked to be in a spot. “It’s just that the
situation is different this time.”

“Different how?”

“This person I’m planning to recommend,” Chen Zhen said, “is a steamed bun seller.”

Even Cen Yu himself looked astonished.

“Xunyi, this matter is of utmost importance. I hope you can work with me to persuade Boran.
Hua Siqian persecuted the loyal and the virtuous, so it indeed can’t be helped that Qudu has no
generals. Now that the new emperor is sensible and wise, she will surely be able to exonerate
former ministers who have suffered injustices!” Chen Zhen had always been cautious and
meticulous when he carried out his duties in the emperor’s presence. He lifted the hem of his
robe and bowed to Cen Yu in the cramped, narrow interior of the carriage. “During the reign of
Yongyi, the Hua and Pan factions colluded with Ji Lei to frame the Eastern Palace for conspiring
against the state. The crown prince slit his own throat in Zhaozui Temple, and there were
countless casualties, injured and dead, among the Eastern Palace subordinates. Former officials
from the Ministry of War also had their entire families executed and properties confiscated for
this reason. Wasn’t that exactly the case for Shao Chengbi and Qiao Kanghai?”

“The empress dowager is already dead. I fear even Her Majesty will have misgivings bringing up
and overturning the verdict for the old Eastern Palace case! Moreover, no one from the Shao and
Qiao clans survived. What are you going to do?” Cen Yu suddenly remembered something.
“Xingzhi, don’t tell me you…”
“Shao Chengbi is my elder brother-in-law.” Chen Zhen set his hands on both knees. His eyes,
when raised, were pitch dark. “When the family properties were sealed off for confiscation, I
bribed a warden from the Ministry of Justice and had him hidden in Qudu.”

The color drained from Cen Yu’s face.

“He endured humiliation and dragged out an ignoble existence for twenty-seven years—all just
for this day.”

Author’s Note: For the relationship between the Shao clan and Chen Zhen, refer to chapter 145.
Thank you for reading.
(Or just use the character search :V)

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1. 宝剑锋从磨砺出 The sharp edge of a treasured sword is the result of honing. i.e., one’s
mettle or abilities have to be honed in order to become useful and outstanding
2. 车到山前必有路 i.e., things will always sort themselves out; cross the bridge when you
come to it.

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 265 : Chengbi

Under cover of night, Ge Qingqing went to the steamed bun stall at Zhaozui Temple he had to
pass by to buy buns. He stood before the stall and set aside a few coins from his palm. “Old sir,
please give me two buns.”

The old man of this steamed bun stall had poor vision, with one eye blinded. He turned his head
aside slightly, as if trying his best to listen to what Ge Qingqing was saying. When Ge Qingqing
was done, the old man lifted the lid of the steamed bun bamboo steamer1 and wrapped up the last
two steamed buns with the oil paper before handing it over.

“Thanks,” Ge Qingqing said.

The old man’s voice was very hoarse as he said, “For an old customer. No charge.”

Ge Qingqing was in the midst of giving him the money when he froze in mid-action. He jerked
his eyes up to stare at the other man. More than half of the lanterns on the streets had gone out,
leaving only a lantern in the last throes of its life hanging a short distance away, casting a long
oblique shadow from the side of the steamed bun stall.

Back then, when Ge Qingqing was in Qudu, he loved to come here to buy steamed buns as a
treat to his fellow comrades. It wasn’t that the steamed buns here were delicious, but because he
could head directly to Zhaozui Temple from here. He had grown himself a short beard stubble
now, and was no longer as delicate and clean-cut as he had been before. Most of all, he carried
himself differently, no different from the common merchants, but this blind old man could still
tell who he was.

“Oh, you remember me?” Ge Qingqing looked as if he was asking off-handedly.

Holding the steamed bun steamer in his arms, the old man hobbled—he was a cripple to boot. He
set the steamer back in place, dragged out the water basin under the table, and bent over to toss
all the dirty bowls and chopsticks in.

“You came here yesterday,” he answered.

Ge Qingqing took a bite of the steamed bun. “You’ve got the wrong person.”

The old man washed the bowls and did not answer again. Ge Qingqing simply stood here and
finished up the buns before fishing out a handkerchief to wipe his hand as he walked. The wind,
carrying with it a faint fragrance of rouge, sent the remaining lantern swinging noisily. Right
before Ge Qingqing’s figure was about to enter the darkness, he turned around and tossed the
copper coins in his palm over. The copper coins clinked crisply as they landed on the greasy
tabletop. He stuffed his handkerchief back in place and left.
The old man washed the bowls alone. Only when it was almost dawn that he put the bowls and
chopsticks neatly away. The vegetable vendor next to him pushing a single-wheel cart2 greeted
him and shouted, “Uncle Cheng, opening for business so early?”

The old man pulled off the towel on his shoulder and wiped his sweat as he said, “I’m quitting.”

“Quitting?” The vendor set down the cart, rested his arm against the edge of the table, and asked,
“Why, though?”

The old man tossed the towel onto the table, but did not touch the money Ge Qingqing left. He
looked at the end of the street. “I have another job now.”

◈ ◈ ◈

Li Jianting dozed off, and the book in her hand slipped down to her lap. A sudden weight on her
shoulders instantly jolted her awake. She slapped away Fuman’s hand and bellowed, “The
audacity of you!”

With the blanket in hands, Fuman kneeled and raised his hand to give himself a slap on the
mouth. “This humble slave deserves a slap for disturbing Your Majesty’s rest! I ought to be

Seeing that it was Fuman, Li Jianting tilted her face back as if relieved.

After Fuman was done hitting himself, he sneaked a glance at Li Jianting and said, “There are ice
basins prepared in this hall, so it’s very cool. If Your Majesty is tired, this humble slave will help
you inside for a rest.”

Without waiting for Li Jianting to answer, Fuman made to stand up to assist her.

”Kneel!” Li Jianting hissed through clenched teeth.

Fuman hurriedly kneeled back in place with both hands carrying the blanket. Aggrieved, he said,
“Your Majesty, Your Majesty, please be appeased. This humble slave only did so in a moment of
anxiety, as concerned as I am for Your Majesty’s esteemed health.”

Hearing Fuman’s voice reminded Li Jianting of men. She moved to pick up the book in her lap,
only to realize that her hand was trembling.

Fuman moved forward on his knees and said in an attempt to ingratiate, “Your Majesty mustn’t
get angry because of this humble slave. Your health is of utmost importance.”

Li Jianting composed herself and schooled her expression, making it such that she would not
need to go to the extent of standing up and withdrawing in avoidance. She clutched the book
tightly, her expression slightly softening as she said amicably to Fuman. “I had a nightmare from
which I had yet to fully wake up from earlier. I must have frightened you. You may rise.”
It was only when Fuman saw Li Jianting’s neutral expression that he set his mind at ease and
stood up. “It’s cold here. The next time Your Majesty feels tired, just summon this humble

“Teacher is coming in a while.” Li Jianting tossed the memorials to the side before Fuman went
up to her. “Why aren’t you waiting in attendance at the office compound?”

All Fuman was thinking of was landing a promotion and making a fortune, so he did not notice
Li Jianting’s actions. He bowed in congratulation. “This humble slave is here to report the good
news to Your Majesty!”

“The grains and tax ledger from Juexi are here?” Li Jianting asked.

“Not yet. The relay station said it’s already on the way, so presumably, these couple of days,”
Fuman said. “What this humble slave wants to tell Your Majesty is that the monthly accounts the
palace granaries worked out reveal an earning of 80,000 taels of silvers for Your Majesty .”

Li Jianting did not expect this. Surprised, she asked, “… Didn’t the custodian of the palace
granaries just assume office?”

“That’s right, Your Majesty, and he was recommended by this humble slave.” Fuman beamed
with joy. “He’s His Excellency Xue Xiuyi, who formerly held a post in the Ministry of

Xue Xiuzhuo’s eldest brother. The expression in Li Jianting’s eyes grew slightly darker.

“If you ask me, the work His Excellency Xue did in the past was really a waste of his talents!”
Fuman said. “He has only just assumed office, and already, he knows to tap new sources of
income and reduce expenses. He even keeps the officials and merchants from the other regions
who enter the capital in line.”

“How so?”

“Your Majesty, anyone who brings goods into the capital has to pay taxes.” Fuman bowed over
to whisper to Li Jianting. “This account is not an easy one to collect. There are too many
dishonest people defaulting on their taxes. But as it turns out, Excellency Xue has a way to deal
with them. He not only collected all the debts, but also made arrangements to bring in many a
number of rarities into the palace.”

The palace granary custodian managed the tributes that the various regions sent to Qudu every
month. Half of the fruits and vegetables that the emperor in the palace ate came from here, and
the custodian had to deal with the various merchants and local officials. The tax that Ge
Qingqing paid when he entered the capital went here too. The palace granary was not high of
rank, and the tax collectors under it were all minor functionaries who had close dealings with the
eunuchs. Over time, the eunuchs came to have the final say.
“So much?” Li Jianting asked.

“This is still too little.” Fuman worked it out for Li Jianting as he counted with his fingers.
“Leaving the merchants from the eight cities aside for the time being. The merchants from the
thirteen cities of Juexi and Hezhou are practically swimming in money, Your Majesty. Now that
the rebels are running amuck, these opportunistic merchants are heading over to Zhongbo to do
business, where they no longer need to be such a stickler for the rules of etiquette and the
distinction between social ranks. They are even more extravagant with their food and clothes
than the officials from the capital. These people bear to spend money on themselves, but they
begrudge handing money to the imperial court. They need someone to teach them a proper lesson
and put them in their places.”

“Xue Pingjing is that impressive?” Li Jianting feigned ignorance. “I never heard of it before.”

“That’s because he was not put to appropriate use in the past.” Fuman flattered, “It’s all thanks to
Your Majesty’s discerning eye for talents!”

Li Jianting saw Fengquan passing by the window and so knew Kong Qiu was here; thus, she said
quietly to Fuman, “You did well on this matter. I shall meet him some other day.”

Fuman visibly beamed with pleasure as he retreated with the blanket in hand. When he stepped
out, he only bowed to Kong Qiu while giving Fengquan a slight nod.

Outside, Fengquan respectfully announced, “Your Majesty, the Grand Secretary is here.”

◈ ◈ ◈

Ji Gang rested his head against the rattan chair and slumbered in the courtyard. Xiao Xun and
Jiran leaned over the sides of the rattan chair, stealthily drawing a mustache on Ji Gang’s face
with a brush.

“Anitabha,” Jiran whispered. “A big tiger.”

“Grandpa is mighty, and the tiger is the mightiest.” Xiao Xun gave the mustache uplifted

Feeling his nose itch, Ji Gang let loose an earth-shattering sneeze, and the two children
immediately hid behind the rattan chair. Not at all anxious to wipe his face, Ji Gang lifted Xiao
Xun by the back of his collar and feigned anger as he pinched his own real mustache.
“Disrupting my sweet dream. Watch how I deal with you both!”

Xiao Xun thought Ji Gang was going to hit him and hurriedly covered his head with his arms.
Unexpectedly, Ji Gang raised him high and nuzzled his mustache that seemed to be dipped in ink
against Xiao Xun’s cheek, smearing it all black.
When Huo Lingyun entered, he saw Xiao Xun and Jiran running wild around the rattan chair. He
made his way under the eaves along the long walkway, where Fei Sheng was watching the
boisterous scene with his arms folded.

“Look at the Hereditary Prince.” He said to Huo Lingyun. “He was so fair and clean when he

Huo Lingyun nodded to acknowledge the sight and asked, “Is the advisor inside the room?”

It was then Fei Sheng retracted his gaze to look at Huo Lingyun. “Something’s the matter?”

Huo Lingyun took out the letter in his sleeve pocket. This was Ge Qingqing’s letter to the
Imperial Cavalry, packed with information on the movements in Qudu. It had already been
opened and read.

“Take a look,” he said.

Fei Sheng took the letter and read it.

Sunlight in the courtyard shone upon the eaves, accentuating the vibrancy and brightness of its
new coat of paint and concealing the agedness of this residence.

Fei Sheng finished reading the letter. His expression was calm as he continued to ask, “Have you
shown it to Qiao Tianya?”

“I haven’t seen him,” Huo Lingyun answered. “He led Squad Three out of the city first thing in
the morning.”

“Hold on.” Fei Sheng folded the letter, then turned around to lift the bamboo blinds. Once he
entered, he bowed and reported, “Master, Ge Qingqing’s letter is here. It’s about the transfer to
the post of Viceroy of the Capital Command Troops3 in Qudu. The Imperial Cavalry dare not
take the decision into their own hands without Master looking it over first.”

Gao Zhongxiong stopped speaking, and Shen Zechuan raised his folding fan to gesture for Gao
Zhongxiong to sit. His right hand, which had seen the bandage removed in recent days, nudged
the folding fan as he said to Fei Sheng, “Present it to me.”

Fei Sheng opened the letter and set it down beside Shen Zechuan’s hand.

“Shao Chengbi…” Shen Zechuan said. “I remember no such person among the appraisals that
were carried out during the reign of Xiande. Was Chen Zhen the one who vouched for him?

“Master,” Fei Sheng turned to the side and reminded him. “It’s Shao from the Ministry of War.”

Shen Zechuan’s relaxed expression curbed a little. He read it again. “Shao from the Ministry of
War during the reign of Yongyi?” He looked at Fei Sheng and swiftly thought back. “… This is
Shao Chengbi, the Vice Minister of the Ministry of War who was thrown into prison when Ji Lei
framed him after the Eastern Palace incident?”

“Master has an excellent memory. That’s him, all right,” Fei Sheng replied. “The Eight Great
Training Divisions changed their name to the Capital Command Troops this time, and all
military officers sixth-grade and above were dismissed from office and replaced. Candidates for
the posts were to be recommended by Chen Zhen, the Minister of War, and vetted by the Grand
Secretariat ministers, and the viceroy position was granted to Shao Chengbi, who has changed
his name to ‘Chengbi’ now. Ge Qingqing said that this man has never left Qudu all these years;
instead, he remained next to Zhaozui Temple selling steamed buns.”

“Shao Chengbi is Chen Zhen’s elder brother-in-law. It’s only reasonable for Chen Zhen to want
to save him. But Shao Chengbi ought to be over sixty years old now.” Shen Zechuan closed the
folding fan again. “Qudu tells him to take up post, but can he still get on a horse and wield a

“Not only that. Master, to pull the wool over others’ eyes, he muted himself with poison and
even blinded himself in an eye,” Fei Sheng said.

As the Minister of War, Chen Zhen had a stable of able generals to recommend. This person was
just like Cen Yu—they were both Bo Le with a discerning eye for talents.4 However, Qudu was
at its most critical period now. Did he give the position of Viceroy of the Capital Command
Troops to the aged Shao Chengbi because Qudu indeed had no general to choose from, or
because Shao Chengbi indeed had the capabilities to speak of?

“By using a former minister,” Zhou Gui looked at Shen Zechuan, “the emperor meant to redress
the injustice the Eastern Palace suffered during the reign of Yongyi.”

“It’s not that easy,” Kong Ling said,

“The eight cities have still yet to eradicate the latent threat. If the emperor were to overturn the
verdict for the Eastern Palace Crown Prince at this moment, she has to first take down the
remaining members of the noble clans.” Yao Wenyu covered the teacup with the lid. “She has
only just stabilized the situation. She cannot take this risk.”

Li Jianting made an example out of others as a warning, using the flogging punishment to
frighten the Marquis of Helian so much he was paralyzed in bed. The other clans, too,
immediately made up for part of their arrears in field taxes of their own initiative. Qudu had just
gotten a breather and was now sparing some energy to rebuild the Capital Command Troops. If
Li Jianting were to overturn the case at this moment, it would only prove to be detrimental
to Qudu.

“The old case of the Eastern Palace implicates countless officials. To overturn the verdict, there
have to be procedures in place and time to spare.” Yao Wenyu continued, “It must not be
By this, he was also tactfully reminding Shen Zechuan not to rush it. The old case of the Eastern
Palace was even thornier than the case of Shen Wei’s troop defeat.

“The Shao clan has been lying in hiding for a long time,” Shen Zechuan said. “We have to ask
Qiao Tianya about this.”

Qiao Tianya returned at the hour of hai and removed his armor in the side hall before heading
over to the principal room to meet Shen Zechuan. He read Ge Qingqing’s letter and said, “If it’s
really Uncle Shao, the Beiyuan military drill grounds will have to increase its troops.”

“The Shao clan is affiliated with the Ministry of War, and Shao Chengbi was even its Vice
Minister. He’s not only familiar with the deployment details of the various lands but also
Zhongbo’s topographic map.” Shen Zechuan brushed aside the tea foam with the lid. “Ce’an just
left, so Qudu will not dare to mobilize troops at this time, but we have to return to Cizhou before
the tenth month.”

If Yin Chang was still alive, Shen Zechuan could remain firmly in place in Duanzhou. Without
Yin Chang, Shen Zechuan had to head over to Cizhou to coordinate the deployment of Cizhou’s
and Dunzhou’s garrison troops.

“That’s right.” Qiao Tianya casually folded the letter into a paper crane. “The Shao clan was
already considered a military general household during the ‘Three Yao’ period. The Ministry of
War is not like the other five ministries. Uncle Shao was promoted by the Grand Mentor to the
position of Vice Minister. He had real capabilities to speak of.”

The “Three Yao” he spoke of referred to the three ministers of importance in the Grand
Secretariat during the reign of Emperor Yong’an, all three of whom came from the Yao clan of
Jincheng. Of them, Yao Wenyu’s paternal grandfather was the mainstay. That was the Yao
clan’s golden age, and also the beginning of the Yao clan’s swift retreat whilst still at their peak.

“In his bid to seek peace and safety, my father switched sides to the Hua clan after the Grand
Mentor was imprisoned. Uncle Shao thus broke off all ties with my father.” Qiao Tianya moved
the paper crane to the side of the candle and burned it. “When I left Qudu, I heard he had already
been beheaded.”

“Since Shao Chengbi was promoted by the Grand Mentor, he should have addressed the Grand
Mentor as ‘Teacher’,” Fei Sheng said. “Master is the Grand Mentor’s pupil. Looking at it this
way, we have some connection to him too.”

“The number of people who have been promoted by the Grand Mentor during the reign of
Yongyi is too many to count. Uncle Shao might be one of them, but he did not have any contact
with the Eastern Palace or with the Grand Mentor. Besides, the Shao clan had a criminal charge
slapped on them because of the Li clan, so naturally, it should also be the Li clan to redress the
injustice they suffered.” Qiao Tianya wiped away the soot on his hands.
“But,” Zhou Gui said dubiously, “didn’t Yuanzhuo say that the emperor can’t take the risk at this

“She is indeed ill-afforded to take the risk at this moment.” The teacup in Yao Wenyu’s palm
had gone cold. “She only has to wait for Shao Chengbi to defeat Zhongbo’s Garrison Troops.
Without external threats, won’t she then be able to get rid of the domestic threat that is the noble

Xiao Chiye was advancing east, Libei was empty, and Zhongbo had no reinforcements.
If Qudu did not attack now, then when?

“If we really come to blows,” Zhou Gui said, “we still have Tantai Hu!”

“Laohu is impatient and rash by nature. He needs someone by his side supervising him.” Shen
Zechuan perked up. “… Fei Sheng, give shifu a heads up. We are heading back to Cizhou.”

Credit: Thank you Lin for spotting the typos! <3

Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2022



2. 独轮车 i.e., a kind of wheelbarrow

3. 都军 it is also used as another name for the Imperial Army during the Song Dynasty, but
to make it less confusing, we’ll use Capital Command Troops, aka troops in active
service in the capital
4. 伯乐 a figure famed for his ability to judge the quality of horses. Refers to someone who
is a good judge of talents.

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 266 : Youjing

Tantai Hu stood with his hand on his blade and listened as the messenger soldier finished his
report, then nodded his head and turned around to enter the military tent. A few Dunzhou
soldiers were inside smoking a pipe, and they were all Tantai Hu’s trusted subordinates.

“His Lordship has orders,” one of them asked, “but why is the general unhappy?”

“Stop smoking the damn pipe now. It’s fouling up the air!” Tantai Hu took off his blade. “His
Lordship wants me to mobilize troops to the Beiyuan military drill grounds.”

The few soldiers did not dare to mess around when they saw Tantai Hu’s dour expression and
quickly snuffed out the pipe. The young man with the brittle, yellow hair who spoke earlier was
called Liu Kong, who had been recruited from Fanzhou. He was a smooth talker, which was how
he got into Tantai Hu’s good graces and ended up following at Tantai Hu’s side.

Liu Kong lifted the tent flap open to disperse the smell and walked over to Tantai Hu’s side.
With a grin, he said, “His Lordship’s willingness to use the general means that he did not take
Wang Xian’s words to heart. He still believes the general.”

“Of course His Lordship believes me.” Tantai Hu set the blade on the table with a clang.
“So why is the general still angry?”

“His Lordship is sending Yu Xiaozai over to supervise the army. He’s already on the way and
should be able to arrive the day after tomorrow.” The blade scar on Tantai Hu’s face twitched
uncomfortably. “Second Master never had this rule before.”

“The general is the second master’s trusted aide.” Liu Kong reined in his merry expression. “Not
quite the same as His Lordship.”

On hearing this, Tantai Hu’s expression turned even more grave. After Xiao Chiye reprimanded
him, he apologized to Shen Zechuan in Duanzhou and even subsidized the yamen’s public funds
on his return to Dunzhou. If there was no war at the start of spring next year, his soldiers had to
help the Dunzhou’s yamen till the land. This was no big deal, but he could not forget that day.
He was always worrying that Shen Zechuan would disdain him because of this incident and stop
using him in the future. But now that Shen Zechuan was continuing to use him, he sent over a
military inspector.

“General,” Liu Kong lowered his voice, “His Lordship is skilled in the art of checks and balance
—that is the art of the sovereign.1 His Excellency Yu Xiaozai is the Surveillance Commissioner
of the six prefectures. In coming here, his authority of office is immense, and he outranks you.
Bear with it first, General. Wait for Second Master to return, and there will naturally be a chance
for you to plead your case.”

Tantai Hu felt increasingly uneasy upon hearing this. “Second Master is wholeheartedly devoted
to His Lordship. He will not listen to me. I fear I might just end up adding fuel to the fire.”

“How muddleheaded you are, General.” Liu Kong laid it out for Tantai Hu. “It is for the precise
reason of having you guard Cizhou that His Lordship transfers you to the Beiyuan military drill
grounds. You are so brave and valiant, you will definitely emerge victorious, and Second Master
will naturally be pleased when you win the battle. When you bring up the subject of removing
the military inspector with Second Master again then, he will surely agree.”

Feeling uncertain, Tantai Hu said, “It will probably be next year when Second Master returns.”

“Isn’t that just perfect? The safety of the six prefectures lies in the general’s hands. What a
meritorious service this is!” Liu Kong saw Tantai Hu’s expression clearing up a little and
continued, “Besides, even if Yu Xiaozai comes, you don’t have to really fear him. He’s an
official from the capital, and he’s a pupil of Cen Yu of the Chief Surveillance Bureau. Who
knows if his loyalty to His Lordship is genuine? I’m not saying that you judge the heart of a
gentleman with the yardstick of a petty man, but with the war at hand, you can’t help but be on

“Youjing…” Tantai Hu was momentarily tongue-tied.

That was right. Yu Xiaozai was Cen Yu’s pupil. Instead of returning to continue serving as an
official of the capital, he remained in Zhongbo. His Lordship had utmost trust in him, but what if
he was a spy sent by Qudu? Wouldn’t His Lordship be in danger?

“You’re right.” Tantai Hu looked at the blade on the table. “Second Master entrusted the six
prefectures to me, so I have to ensure the safety of His Lordship and Cizhou. There can only be
one outcome for this battle, and that is—victory. If there is something amiss with Youjing when
the time comes… I must never, never condone him!”

Liu Kong lit the pipe for Tantai Hu and handed it over to him. “I’ll keep an eye on him for you,

◈ ◈ ◈

With his head pillowed upon his arms, Xiao Chiye lay on the barren, deserted sand and listened
to the lapping sound of the Chashi River. Silently, he counted the stars before his eyes.

He finished counting them once—it was Shen Lanzhou.

He counted them again—still Shen Lanzhou.

Lu Guangbai added a few firewoods to the campfire and turned his head to look to his left, which
was quiet. “Did you bring along the warriors from the Huiyan Tribe to negotiate with Amu’er’s
six tribes?”

“There’s no negotiation to be had with Amu’er.” Xiao Chiye cast a glance at Lu Guangbai.
“Second Master is now invincible. If there’s to be any negotiation, he’s the one who should come
to me.”

“You haven’t grown taller,” Lu Guangbai said, “but you’ve gotten a lot more arrogant with your
manner of speech.”

“Grow any taller, and I’ll be towering into the sky.” Xiao Chiye heaved a long sigh. “I’m already
tall enough.”

“The scout said that the Liaoying tribe stationed near Gedale has also withdrawn.” Lu Guangbai
picked up a taro among the embers. “Amu’er is planning to concentrate his troops deep in the
desert to deal with us.”

“Right?” Catching a whiff of the taros, Xiao Chiye abruptly sat up. Heedless of the scalding heat,
he picked out a nice-looking one. “Amu’er focused his entire army on Hasen as its core. Now
that Hasen is dead, how would the rest of the tribes still be willing to fight battles for him in the
warring zone?”
“Evidently, military grains pose a headache to everyone,” Lu Guangbai said. “Without Hasen,
the Hulu Tribe has to make plans for themselves. Even if they don’t submit to Amu’er, they can
return to the banks of Lake Chiti to continue with their lives—I haven’t eaten yet, man.”

In order to compete with that last taros with Lu Guangbai, Xiao Chiye ate too fast. It was so
scalding hot that both of them were huffing.

“It’s all the same with or without the Hulu Tribe.” Xiao Chiye sucked in a light breath. “The
oasis of the Hulu Tribe can’t afford to feed Amu’er’s troops from the six tribes. Why else would
he be farming in Gedale? He means to have a quick battle as soon as Zhongbo’s supply
transportation route is severed.”

“Same goes for mobilizing troops.” Lu Guangbai propped both hands on his knees, unable to
bear the scalding heat. His tongue felt numb. “This is way too scalding.”

Chen Yang came over, carrying the water bags in his hands. Seeing that there were no more taros
in the fire, he tossed the water bags to them. His expression was indescribable as he said with
mixed feelings, “My dear lords… there are still over ten of us here out in the cold…”

Xiao Chiye downed the cold water and reverted to his usual self. “The moment Hasen died, the
Hanshe Tribe is no longer the same as they were before. If Amu’er wants to regain his
reputation, he has to win battles to prove himself to the other tribes. He wants to be the great
ruler of the desert, but so do others. The Hanshe Tribe has been lording it over in the desert for
so many years. It is also for self-preservation that Amu’er is urgently transferring troops now that
they have suffered a heavy blow.”

Lu Guangbai laughed in understanding. “You meant to have the Huiyan Tribe negotiate with the
rest of the tribes with the intention of cutting off Amu’er’s external assistance while he is
amassing his forces. You want to join forces with the other tribes to encircle and annihilate

“The Huiyan Tribe has been benefitting from the mutual trade market all these years.” Xiao
Chiye sealed the water bag tight. “They are no longer a small tribe.”

Holding his own water bag, Lu Guangbai watched the boundless expanse of wilderness together
with Xiao Chiye. The sounds of waves from the Chashi River roared incessantly—this was the
echo of the lands throughout the ages.

“Once this battle is over,” Lu Guangbai said, “I’ll return to Qidong.”

“What?” Xiao Chiye said with a laugh. “Too used to eating the sands of Biansha?”

Lu Guangbai nodded, as if it was really the case. “The sands of your Libei are mixed with mud.
It’s like drinking gruel.”

Having said that, both men looked aside at each other and promptly burst out into laughter.
Lu Guangbai drank a mouthful of water. “I admired your father the most in my youth. Every
time I saw him, I always wanted to go over to your Libei and become a Libei Armored Cavalry.
A pity my brothers at home all died later. My father was an old man at that time, and he was still
rolling and crawling around in the sand. Other than me, there was no one else willing to remain
in the Bianjun Commandery.”

Xiao Chiye bent his long legs to prop his arms up on them. “If it were me, I’d have long run

“I really had that thought. Every time Qudu refused to give grains, I’d think of running. During
the fourth year of Xiande, when we entered the capital, the emperor made me kneel at the
entrance. At that time, I thought, shit, if this goes on, I will become Shen Wei Number Two.” Lu
Guangbai sighed deeply. “Who knew I’d really run for real in the end.”

Remembering this incident, Xiao Chiye looked at Lu Guangbai. “At that time, Secretariat Elder
Hai transferred grains to cope with the emergency, but the grains Qudu gave the Bianjun
Commandery were all moldy grains. Lanzhou and I can’t figure it out. We thought Xue Xiuzhuo
was the culprit, but the more we thought about it later, the stranger it felt to us.”

“I can’t figure it out either.” Lu Guangbai set down the water bag. “He forced Libei into
revolting. There was no reason for him to force the Bianjun Commandery into revolting again.”

“If the Scorpion has the ability to swap out the grains,” Xiao Chiye said, “you must have come
across them before.”

“I haven’t met that many officials in Qudu,” Lu Guangbai said. “On the other hand, I’ve met a
bunch of eunuchs.”

Both men fell silent for a moment after he was done speaking.

Lu Guangbai jolted to his feet, and the water bag fell onto the ground. “The army-inspecting

◈ ◈ ◈

Xue Xiuyi reclined in the taishi chair.2 There were people beside him doing the accounting. He
only had to sit and watch the entire process, and he would have been considered to have done his
job. He rotated a pair of glass spheres3 in his hand—this was an exquisite little plaything he had
just obtained, a tribute the merchants specially offered to him.

“Soliciting help from potential backers?” Xue Xiuyi said. “Then why are you hiding in the back?
Come over and make yourself clear. Which yamen do you want to work in?”

The eyes of the beardless man with head covering swiveled around. He moved in closer to Xue
Xiuyi and covered his nose and mouth to whisper, “I’d like to implore Your Excellency to pass a
message to the Lao-zuzong.”
On hearing this voice, Xue Xiuyi asked, “You’re a eunuch too?”

The man started acting self-consciously and hemmed and hawed. “Yes…”

Xue Xiuyi straightened up a little and had the people around him withdraw. He scrutinized the
man with suspicion. “Stop covering yourself up. You have to let me see what you look like. If
you look ugly as sin, however, a re-negotiation will be in order.”

The man moved his headscarf away and waited meekly for a moment. He did not hear a sound
from Xue Xiuyi, so he raised his head and said with finesse, “Your Excellency doesn’t recognize
this humble slave? Your Excellency, this humble slave is Yingxi, who served the Lao-zuzong.
During the reign of Tianchen, the former emperor appointed me as the army-supervising eunuch
in Qidong!”

Xue Xiuyi indeed did not recognize him. He was an insignificant, low-ranking official in the
past, so how would he have the chance to come into contact with these eunuchs? Thus, he
hedged his way through, “Oh yes, yes. I’ve seen you before.”

Xue Xiuyi’s eyes twinkled, but then, he recalled in a split second that the army-supervising
eunuch to Qidong had been detained by Qi Zhuyin and had been long dismissed from office after
his return to Qudu. He instantly turned hostile. “Weren’t you arrested by the Ministry of

“Oh, goodness.” Yingxi was so anxious he nearly stomped his foot. “That’s old news. There’s
already a new emperor now. That bit of crime this humble slave had is already ancient history!”

Xue Xiuyi was doubtful. For starters, he was afraid that Yingxi was lying to him, and he would
end up creating trouble for the Lao-zuzong if he were to get Yingxi into the palace. He was also
afraid that Yingxi had yet to be fully exonerated of his crime, and if the Ministry of Justice were
to investigate and trace it back to him later, he would be inviting trouble to himself for nothing,
wouldn’t he?!

“It’s on the Lao-zuzong’s orders that this humble slave has come looking for Your Excellency.”
Yingxi took out an authority token from under the folds of his clothes on his chest and presented
it with both hands to show Xue the Eldest. “Your Excellency, please take a look. This is a token
from the inner court.”

Xue Xiuyi carefully looked over the token with help from the candlelight. There was really the
name “Yingxi” behind it. He clutched the token, and without returning it, asked, “Have you
already cleared the Ministry of Justice? Entering the palace is not like going elsewhere. If
anything goes wrong, even the Lao-zuzong himself can’t save you, much less me.”

“It’s cleared.” Fearing he would not believe him, Yingxi continued, “Can the person the Lao-
zuzong find be fake? If so, this humble slave would not be standing before Your Excellency.”
Xue Xiuyi did not want to offend the eunuchs. If this Yingxi was really Fuman’s adopted son or
grandson, he would be hard-pressed to explain himself to Fuman if he were to stop Yingxi
outside the palace. After a moment of hesitation, he said, “Wait for the time being.
A gonggong will be coming out a few days later to make purchases. He will be coming to our
palace granary to select seasonal vegetables. If it’s convenient then, you can follow him in.”

Delighted, Yingxi nodded repeatedly.

Feeling uneasy, Xue Xiuyi pressed, “This is the Lao-zuzong’s arrangement.”

“Rest assured, Your Excellency.” Yingxi stuffed a bag of gold into Xue the Eldest’s hands. “This
humble slave is clean. I guarantee I won’t give you or the Lao-zuzong any trouble.”

◈ ◈ ◈

A drizzle descended upon Dunzhou a few days later. Rain pelted against the green leaves,
drenching the stone slabs on the bridleway, until they turned a shade darker. Tantai Hu waited at
the entrance for a long while with Liu Kong holding up an umbrella for him. He bristled in
irritation. “They said this morning he’d be here soon; why isn’t he here yet?!”

“Perhaps there was a delay on the way.” Liu Kong craned his neck to look around and saw a
horse carriage coming their way through the rain. “General, His Excellency Yu is here!”

Drenched by the rain, the horse’s mane was dripping wet; it stopped in front of Tantai Hu and
shook its mane. Tantai Hu raised a hand to pat the horse on its neck, then said to the carriage
driver, “It’s been a long journey. Lead the horse to the stable later and give it a good treat.”

As he spoke, he suddenly saw the curtains of the carriage lift slightly. Yu Xiaozai poked his face
out and held his hands out together in greetings4 towards Tantai Hu.

“We are all well-acquainted. There is no need for such pretentious greetings.” Tantai Hu glanced
into the carriage as he spoke. “Wang Xian didn’t come?”

“His Lordship has returned to Cizhou, and Duanzhou still has to supply grains to Second Master.
Someone has to be present to keep an eye on it, so he stayed behind in Duanzhou.” Yu Xiaozai
got off the carriage, and the soldier by the side moved to hold up an umbrella for him. He took it
over and held it up himself, shielding Tantai Hu as both of them walked in together.

“You are a general of Dunzhou, and he is the treasurer of the six prefectures,” Yu Xiaozai said.
“Laohu, you can afford to offend anyone but not the money-keeper.”

As the rain drummed noisily against the oil paper umbrella, Tantai Hu said, “How would I dare
offend him? When he comes to my Dunzhou in the future, I will deploy a procession of troops
ten li5 long to welcome him and ensure that I speak to him with utmost gentleness.”
Yu Xiaozai knew he was still sulking, so he said in persuasion, “Laohu, please don’t think that
we make little of military officers; that’s all on the bad practices in Qudu. Now that the six
prefectures are stabilized, all the various departments have to go by the book. Let me speak out
of turn to say a word to you. When it comes to the military grains preparations, you are too easily
blinded by your own concern for the matter. You take the military grains into consideration
because of your loyalty to Second Master. No one would bear to reproach you had it been
anyone else, but since His Lordship clearly designated Brother Minshen to handle it,” The rain
drenched Yu Xiaozai’s sleeve. He swapped over to the other hand and turned around to continue,
“that means it’s a legitimate assignment he has been appointed to carry out. You asked him on
the court of the yamen, but how can he answer you there? The grains and land tax ledgers are
confidential yamen documents. You can’t lay them out in the open for a discussion.”

Tantai Hu could tell that Yu Xiaozai was here to play peacemaker in an attempt to clear the air
between him and Wang Xian. Not that he had to keep dwelling on this matter; he just felt what
Wang Xian did to be unethical. Couldn’t Wang Xian just say something in Dunzhou itself? He
was still acting all affable when he left, but then he turned around and lodged a complaint about
him to His Lordship!

“Brother Minshen is an official from the capital. He’s new here, and there will inevitably be
some people who can’t accept him.” Yu Xiaozai spoke effusively. “You’re Second Master’s
trusted aide, so he naturally does not dare to contradict you on the spot; he simply spoke the truth
to His Lordship. He has rendered meritorious service in making preparations for the military
provisions, and he is well-versed in economics and governmental affairs. His Lordship will most
certainly put him with military administration. You are bound to run into each other often in the
future. After all, when you mobilize troops in the future, you will have to discuss military
provisions and military expenses with him. It’s inadvisable to let the situation deteriorate to the
point it ends in a deadlock.”

Yu Xiaozai had a point, but his words left a bad taste in Tantai Hu’s mouth. Yu Xiaozai was
clearly speaking up for Wang Xian for the unfair treatment the latter had received. It had not
been easy for Wang Minshen, given that he was new here, but did that mean that he, Tantai Hu,
deserved to suffer such humiliation? Just thinking about the grains and land tax ledger incident
really made him fume. Wang Xian did not say a single word to him before he left, and no one in
the Dunzhou yamen mentioned the public funds when he rewarded the garrison troops with a
feast. He finally realized in hindsight that the Dunzhou yamen was using Wang Xian to
marginalize him.

Yu Xiaozai understood it too. The Dunzhou yamen did not dare to stir up trouble with Tantai Hu
head-on, so they kept humoring him. Tantai Hu was the commanding general of Dunzhou, yet he
had not even seen Dunzhou’s grains and land tax ledger. This was the yamen officials setting
him up for a fall, wasn’t it? He was suffering in silence, unable to voice his grievances before
Shen Zechuan and Xiao Chiye. His reprehensible deed in setting up that ostentatious feast, too,
had mortally ashamed him.

But these were extraordinary times, and it was inadvisable to delve further into this matter.
Yu Xiaozai handed the umbrella into Tantai Hu’s hand and spoke in all earnestness, “Laohu, you
are straightforward by nature, and you only know how to advance but not retreat, so you will
inevitably be on the losing end in matters like this. They are making things difficult for you for
no other reason than because you have military power in hand. Let me give you a word of advice
again. If you have no intention of being an official of the yamen, then don’t mess with them in
these waters. You have illustrious military merits to your name, so His Lordship will not let you
suffer a genuine grievance. Do you think His Lordship can’t see what is going on this time?
Second Master flew into such a rage, but His Lordship still let you return to Dunzhou untouched.
Is he not backing you up by that? His Lordship is giving them a good rap on the head on your
behalf! Don’t you go getting into a sulk with His Lordship. Acknowledge your mistakes with
respect and humility, and make up for the public funds in all conscientiousness. As long as
you’re willing to write a letter to bury the hatchet with Brother Minshen, I guarantee you that His
Lordship will reward you within half a month.”

Was it so easy to be an official of the capital? Those who said being officials of the capital was a
cushy job had all been deceived by rumors in the streets. Any official who could gain a foothold
in Qudu, regardless of seniority and family background, were all figures who had been through
the period during the reign of Yongyi and Xiande when the Hua and Pan clans interfered in state
affairs. They were discerning men who knew best to adapt to current circumstances. Yu Xiaozai
was of humble origins. When the noble clans were in power, he worked in the localities, where
he dealt with all sorts of local lowlifes. His appraisals were all outstanding. Cen Yu had
promoted so many pupils, but only Yu Xiaozai could repeatedly undertake heavy
responsibilities. His words to Tantai Hu were all heartfelt.

Tantai Hu’s lips moved soundlessly, his anger all but choked in his throat.

Seeing Tantai Hu’s gloomy expression, Yu Xiaozai knew he could still not swallow this anger.
Hitting on a brainwave, he said, “If you could humble yourself to make peace with Brother
Minshen, you’d be shutting up the others’ mouth, wouldn’t you? They ridicule you for being an
ignorant and illiterate person like General Lu Meng from the southern state of Wu,6 so don’t let
them get their way and show them what you are made of!”

Tantai Hu was impatient by nature, so it would not do to provoke him. However, he was simple-
minded and bore no ill will. Once he was enlightened, he would be willing to do as advised. He
tightened his grip on the umbrella and said in a rough voice, “Second Master disciplined me, and
I know where my mistake lies. I shouldn’t have held the banquet as I did, and I definitely have to
make up for the public funds. I’ve even kowtowed back in Duanzhou, so apologizing to Wang
Minshen is no big deal.” He raised an arm to rub his scar. “I’ll write a letter to Wang Xian

There were many puddles on the ground, and the clamor of the rain was so noisy Liu Kong could
not hear their conversation. He held up the umbrella, unable to get too close. All he could do was
follow them the entire way. Fortunately, it was not a long journey to make. Before he could keep
away the umbrella upon arrival at the camp, Tantai Hu sent him off to prepare the pot.
“It’s cold, and the journey is arduous. You and I still have to leave again for Cizhou tomorrow.”
Tantai Hu removed his outer robe and rolled up his sleeves. “Let’s have hotpot tonight to warm
ourselves up. Liu Kong, go get those rabbits I’ve hunted ready. Youjing and I will have them
with wine.”

Liu Kong acknowledged his orders. With deft moves, he helped Yu Xiaozai to remove his outer
robe and hang it up on the small clothes rack inside the tent.

Rubbing his hands, Yu Xiaozai surveyed the tent and said cheekily to Tantai Hu, “This living
quarter of yours is a tad too simple, isn’t it?! I thought…”

Liu Kong retreated to the door and let down the tent flap, blocking out Yu Xiaozai’s voice.

◈ ◈ ◈

The roads were wet and slippery on rainy days, and the bridleway was bumpy. Shen Zechuan
was initially playing chess with Yao Wenyu, but midway through the game, he got so dizzy he
felt terrible. Fei Sheng lifted the screen of the carriage a little, and it was only after he leaned
against the window that he regained his composure.

“Youjing is quick-witted and resourceful.” Yao Wenyu looked at the rain. “He’s witty with his
words, and he doesn’t put on airs. There is no better person than him to supervise the army; Your
Lordship had made the right choice in sending him over.”

“Youjing can provide amusement when time permits, but he will never err when it comes to
what’s crucial.” Shen Zechuan had broken out in a bit of a cold sweat as he leaned against a soft
pillow. “He doesn’t speak outright in black and white terms as Zhou Gui does. He’s more

Yao Wenyu gathered up his sleeves to put away the chess pieces.

Shen Zechuan listened to the damp and dense sound of the rain by the window, still pinching a
chess piece between his fingertips as he tapped it against the edge of the table in tandem with the
sound of the rain.

After a while, he said, “Water that is too clean has no fish, but it’s also vexing when it’s too

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1. 帝王之道:制衡之术 art of rulership/governance of ruler: The technique of checks and

balances was one of the most common political tools used by the emperors in ancient
China to govern their officials.

2. 太师椅 Taishi Chair or Grand Preceptor Chair,

is a classical style of a wooden armchair in ancient China.

3. A form of hand exercise using a pair

Baoding balls, designed to help relieve stress while building finger dexterity and wrist
and forearm strength. We all know what you’re thinking though. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

5. 里 li, an ancient measure of length, 1 li is approx. 500m
6. 吴下阿蒙 General Lu Meng (from the Three Kingdoms Period) was originally
uneducated, but he later devoted himself to studying for many years, becoming so
knowledgeable and wise that he surprised Lu Su, who said to him, “You are no longer A-
Meng from Wu”. Now used as a model of self-improvement through diligent study.
7. 水(至)清则无鱼 literally, water that is too clean has no(/few) fish, i.e., one should not
demand absolute purity; you cannot expect everyone to be squeaky clean.

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 267 : Chrysanthemum Tribute

Qudu was due to appreciate the chrysanthemums in the ninth month,1 but as Yongcheng was hit
by a drought and the imperial court still owed part of the capital officials’ monthly salaries,
everyone inside and outside the palace complied with Li Jianting’s decree and did not brazenly
organize a chrysanthemum appreciation banquet.

Fuman had initially found some people to cultivate several hundred pots of precious
chrysanthemums in his own residence, but now, he dared not send them in anymore.

During the third quarter of the hour of yin, Fuman woke up. As the junior eunuch waited on him,
he rinsed his mouth and changed his clothes. Eunuchs had to stay close to their master’s side to
serve at all times, so naturally, they could not have any odor on them. Their collars were all false
collars, so they could immediately swap them out when they got stained with sweat. Their socks
and shoes were velvet with tight openings that did not make any sounds when walking.

Fuman cleaned himself up and dressed neatly, then set his authority token before his waist and
strode out of the door. He saw there were still stars in the sky, so he went to the duty room close
to Mingli Hall and asked a eunuch who waited in attendance in the bedchamber last night, “Did
Her Majesty sleep well yesterday?”

The eunuch was in the midst of having breakfast with tea. Eunuchs like them did not dare to eat
as they pleased while on night watch, for fear they would need the lavatory at night and their
breath would stink, so they only dared to have some snacks to fill their tummies before they went
in. The eunuch was famished, but when he heard Fuman’s inquiry, he hurriedly stood at attention
with hands respectfully by his sides and replied, “To answer the Lao-zuzong, she slept decently
yesterday, turning over four times. Contrary to expectation, she did not call for this humble

Fuman estimated the time and reckoned that Li Jianting ought to have woken up by now, so he
stood under the eaves and waited to be summoned. After a while, he saw Fengquan stepping out.
Even so, Fuman merely smiled and nodded as a greeting of sorts.

As if he did not notice this, Fengquan bowed to him as per etiquette.

“Her Majesty had the mind last night to summon the Lao-zuzong to wait upon her.” Bowing,
Fengquan said unhurriedly to Fuman, “Lao-zuzong, a double blessing is about to descend.”

Fuman could not figure out what Fengquan had up his sleeve. His suspicions were roused, and he
did not dare to answer without thinking, so he merely gave an ambiguous reply, “I hope it is as
you say.”

Having said that, he did not wait for Fengquan to continue before he lifted the hem of his robe
and entered Mingli Hall.

The hanging drapes in the bedchamber had just been bundled up, and the windows all around
were wide open. Fuman could sense the chill from the falling frost in the early morning. With
small, quick steps, he walked over to the bronze mirror, where he saw that Li Jianting was
already done dressing and dolling up. Under normal circumstances, he was most certain to sing
praises at this moment, but he was cautious today and merely said, “Your Majesty, breakfast is

Li Jianting wore her usual expression, the flower embellishment between her brows eye-catching
as she held up the golden hairpin. “Just a light meal is fine.”

“This humble slave dare not forget Your Majesty’s instructions and has specially gotten the
Court of Imperial Entertainments to choose the simple dishes to make.” Fuman bowed and made
to support Li Jianting. “It’s just mini steamed twist rolls and silky jade tofu.”

Li Jianting stepped out of the bedchamber. The memorials on her desk were all newly endorsed
last night. She relooked over the pile that she had specially picked out.

“Tell the Grand Secretary later,” Li Jianting pried apart the twisted roll, “that the Grand
Secretariat can skip the memorials paying obeisances; there’s no need to pass them on to me.
Like this You Tan of Liuzhou in Juexi. He is so tediously long-winded in his memorials, and all
he goes on and on spouting are words of flattery. What a waste of time.”

On hearing this, Fuman, who was serving Li Jianting as she had her meal, said with a smile,
“This humble slave has also heard of this Excellency You. I heard this is how his memorials are.
Even Secretariat Elder Hai couldn’t stand to read them in the past.”
Li Jianting did not answer. She finished her breakfast and hurried to attend the morning
court session.

The topic of Libei’s advancement east was broached during the morning court session. The
scouts in Dancheng had reported the increment of troops at the Beiyuan military drill grounds.
However, before the Ministry of War was done presenting their military report, the Ministry of
Personnel started bickering with the Ministry of Revenue, wanting the Ministry of Revenue to
hurry up and pay out the arrears in monthly salaries. The Ministry of Revenue was at their wit’s
end; they had no money, and they could not push the issue to Li Jianting. All they could do was
endure the scoldings in silence. Midway through the rebuke, an imperial censor from the Chief
Surveillance Bureau impeached the local officials for dereliction of duty in their negligence to
administer public order—the new prefectural prefect of Huaizhou had not even taken office for
half a month, and already a riot had broken out in Huaizhou.

“The monthly salaries were docked to provide aid relief to Yongcheng,” the official from the
Ministry of Revenue said. “In times of national crisis, we ought to work as one for a common
purpose. Your monthly salaries have not been issued, but the same can be said for the rest of us
from the Ministry of Revenue. All of us are starving. How can you just rebuke us?!”

“You people have been auditing the accounts, and you have checked Dancheng and Wucheng.
The properties of the Pan and Han clans have been sealed off for confiscation, and with the Fei
clan of Chuancheng taking the lead, the rest of the remaining cities are now making up for the
field taxes.” The official from the Ministry of Personnel retorted, “Going by the budget at the
start of the year, there is enough to pay out the monthly salaries at this point. So where’s the
money? Where has all the money gone? You have to give us an explanation!”

“First we have the passing of Her Majesty the Empress Dowager, followed by the ascension of
Her Majesty the Emperor, so ask the Ministry of Rites, where has the money gone? They have
all been used right where they are needed! There’s also the renovation of the Imperial Ancestral
Temple, and the reconstruction of the residential district. The Ministry of Works…”

“Stick to the topic of the monthly salaries,” the official from the Ministry of Works butted in
sharply. “Why digress?”

“We are upright men who fear no gossip. The accounts we investigated were all reviewed by the
Ministry of Justice and the Court of Judicial Review, then audited by the Grand Secretariat and
reported to Her Majesty. We have held nothing back.” Liang Cuishan bowed to Li Jianting.
“Your Majesty, the Ministry of Revenue’s accounts are all submitted to the Grand Secretariat
every month, with memorandums issued by the Grand Secretary and endorsement by Your
Majesty. Every process goes strictly by the book and is carried out in stringent accordance with
the rules…”

“Goes strictly by the book? Your Excellency Chongshen, I doubt that’s the case.” The imperial
censor from the Chief Surveillance Bureau raised his hands to pay his obeisances. “Your
Majesty, this humble subject is just about to impeach Xue Xiuyi, formerly of the Ministry of
Revenue, for taking bribes!”
This one shout brought a solemn silence upon the entire hall. The few bunches of people who
had started arguing all turned their heads over.

Xue Xiuzhuo stood silently among the crowd of ministers, his eyes never even twitching once.

Li Jianting cast a glance at Xue Xiuzhuo. After a moment’s pause, she said, “Isn’t Xue Xiuyi
now the custodian of the palace granaries?”

“To reply Your Majesty, that is correct. This person has been bungling his work ever since he
was in the Ministry of Revenue. He has slandered the imperial court repeatedly and has never
been entrusted with heavy responsibilities.” The imperial censor lifted the hem of his robe and
kneeled before continuing, “That is, until a few months ago when Xue Xiuyi colluded with the
merchants and took advantage of the general amnesty Your Majesty granted to bribe the palace
eunuchs and obtain the post of palace granaries custodian.”

The golden butterfly at Li Jianting’s temple swayed lightly as she straightened up on her throne.

“Xue Xiuyi brazenly made a fortune in this position and gained himself three courtyards on
Donglong Street. This person is shameless. He even collaborated with the palace eunuchs to
falsify accounts and resold the treasures he pilfered from the palace granaries for a grand total of
200,000 taels!”

A clamor instantly broke out in the hall. Yongcheng’s aid relief was merely 100,000 taels, and
Xiao Chiye’s bribery case that involved the Quancheng’s silk during the reign of Xiande was
only 8,000 taels. Who could have expected Xue Xiuyi to embezzle 200,000 taels less than three
months after he assumed office?!

“R-rat…”2 The long-time Grand Secretariat officials felt dizzy.

Li Jianting’s expression grew increasingly darker. The treasures Xue Xiuyi resold netted 200,000
taels, but he had Fuman report 80,000 taels to her, which meant that they had misappropriated all
the remaining 120,000 taels.

“This humble subject also wants to impeach the Vice Minister of the Court of Judicial Review,
Xue Xiuzhuo!” The imperial censor switched targets and pointed directly at Xue Xiuzhuo. “Xue
Xiuzhuo abuses his power and exploits public office for private gain! He is high of rank, yet he
reflects not upon himself. He is in Your Majesty’s favor, and yet he understands not Your
Majesty’s heart. He lets a rat into the granaries and acts in cahoots with Xue Xiuyi. He is truly
most abominable, reprehensible, and condemnable!”

“The audacity!” Li Jianting snapped.

Everyone in the hall fell to their knees. It was so silent one could hear a pin drop.

Li Jianting stood up and turned to the side before the throne, saying as she pointed at the imperial
censor, “As an imperial censor responsible for the important task of supervising and impeaching
the various officials, you ought to verify the facts! You are keenly aware that you hold sway over
the narrative presented to the imperial court, yet you use this as an excuse to discriminate against
those who hold dissenting opinions from you. If you ask me, you’re the abominable one!”

The rank of an imperial censor was not high, but he was a deterrent force to behold from top to
bottom. Even Emperor Guangcheng did not dare to rebuke the imperial censors back then; it was
a one-way street where only the imperial censors could reprimand him, not the other way round.
Except for that punk Li Jianheng during the reign of Tianchen who, in order to stabilize the
situation during the bribery case, lost his temper at Fu Linye. Other than that, there had never
been an emperor in Da Zhou who dared to offend the imperial censors on the imperial court.

Sure enough, the imperial censor immediately said, “This humble subject has conclusive
evidence, yet Your Majesty insists on siding with the criminal minister. Is that not a failure to
distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil—”

“Xue Xiuzhuo is the Imperial Preceptor!” Li Jianting said frostily. “How can I allow you to bring
such false accusations against my teacher?!”

Kong Qiu’s heart sank. As he prostrated himself, he exchanged a glance with Cen Yu.

“Xue Xiuyi took bribes and perverted justice. I am now ordering the Ministry of Justice to
investigate. You must get to the bottom of the matter as soon as possible. As for Xue Xiuzhuo,”
Li Jianting left with a flick of her sleeve, “It’s all a bunch of crocks!”

“Your Majesty,” the imperial censor said sorrowfully, “the Xue clan, if not eliminated, will go
on to become a faction! He, Xue Xiuzhuo, is clearly the next Hua Siqian…”

Xue Xiuzhuo lay prostrated over the ground with his head lowered, never once saying a word.

◈ ◈ ◈

As evening approached, it began to rain in Qudu too.

Fengquan waited in attendance outside Mingli Hall and vaguely heard Kong Qiu in the midst of

“Xue Xiuzhuo may be Your Majesty’s teacher, but he’s implicated in Xue Xiuyi’s bribery case.
According to the law, he has to be suspended pending investigation too,” Kong Qiu said. “Your
Majesty rebuked the imperial censor on the imperial court today, which runs counter to the
late Taizong’s3 precepts. That truly should not have happened.”

Li Jianting had remained silent after dismissing the court session. No matter how Kong Qiu
spoke with urgency, she did not answer. Kong Qiu got up and bowed down. Seeing that Li
Jianting had no wish to answer, he straightened up and bowed again.
“I have already made up my mind,” Li Jianting said. “The Grand Secretary need not persuade me
any further. Fengquan, help the Grand Secretary away!”

The drizzle in Qudu continued uninterrupted. Fengquan supported Kong Qiu by the arm and
personally held up the umbrella for him. Kong Qiu strode out of Mingli Hall. The strong wind
stirred up several fallen leaves. He turned all of his exhortations into a single sigh and gently
pushed Fengquan aside. Without even wanting the umbrella, he stepped into the rain by himself.
Fengquan hurriedly lifted the hem of his robe and chased after him, holding the umbrella up high
as he sent Kong Qiu all the way out.

On hearing the wind, Fuman, who was on the other side, hurried to Mingli Hall, where he
kneeled even before he stepped through the door. The instant he kneeled, he wiped his tears with
his sleeves. He wanted to cry injustice through the hanging screen, but he had not even opened
his mouth when a teacup suddenly came hurtling towards him from the interior and smashed to
pieces on the ground before him.

“You hanker after fame and position, and you colluded with an imperial court official to
misappropriate treasures from the palace.” Li Jianting rebuked through the curtain. “Men, drag
this deceitful jerk out!”

Fuman had heard the details of the dispute during the morning court session from his informant
in the duty room. He hardened his heart and kneeled on those shattered porcelain pieces. With
hands on the ground, he hastily kowtowed, “Your Majesty! Your Majesty, please hear this
humble slave out. That Xue Xiuyi was transferred on the recommendation of the excellencies
from the Ministry of Personnel. What has it got to do with lowly people like this, this humble
slave? Oh, Your Majesty,” he cried out miserably, “what have I done to deserve such

Li Jianting brandished her sleeves and said nothing, looking as if she was still furious.

Fuman then kowtowed with loud thuds as he cried, “This humble slave’s lowly life is nothing to
bemoan about. Your Majesty may just go ahead and punish me. However, the lords on the
imperial court are all men well-versed in the classics. How can they trample upon this humble
slave like this?!”

Fuman already had someone to clear away the stuff that Xue Xiuyi had paid tribute to him. He
was usually cautious, so he would not send all the good stuff into the palace; instead, he had
them hidden all in his residence in Qudu, with his godsons looking after them. Now that this had
happened, the Ministry of Justice was definitely going to investigate the case and check him out;
thus, he had immediately sent someone to pass on the tip when he was still back there in the duty

On hearing Fuman’s wretched cries, Li Jianting looked as if her sense of compassion had really
been evoked.
Fuman seized the opportunity and was about to recriminate the Chief Surveillance Bureau for
seeking credit for themselves under the pretense of remonstrating when he saw Fengquan
hurrying back.

Fengquan stood under the eaves and kept away the umbrella. As if he did not see Fuman
pleading his case, he reported to Li Jianting, who was inside the chamber, “Your Majesty, while
on the way, this humble slave saw several junior eunuchs hurrying along with flowers in their
arms. It was only after questioning them I found out they were delivering those flowers to Mingli

Fuman found those few eunuchs familiar. Each of them was carrying expensive chrysanthemums
in their hands. He then looked again at Fengquan, who was standing with head held high, and
suddenly felt an ill sense of foreboding.

Li Jianting lifted the hanging screen and walked out. With a frown on her brows, she asked, “I’ve
already given the instructions not to waste time and energy planting these chrysanthemums. Who
was the one who sent them in as tributes? The duty room never reported them either.”

The eunuchs kneeled and kowtowed, “To answer Your Majesty, Fu-gonggongwas the one who
gave the instructions.”

Fuman was burning with anxiety as he refuted, “How dare you spout nonsense with the Son of
Heaven here! It’s my turn to be on duty today, so when have I ever instructed you to do such a

The palace still owed the outer court ministers their monthly salaries. Li Jianting kept up with the
order she issued when Yongcheng was hit by a drought. The palace still pursued a policy of
frugality, and there were signs of doing away with the customary need for extravagance. What’s
more, Fuman was currently implicated in the pilfering of the palace granaries, and this was right
when he feared getting caught up in trouble. By piteously pleading his case here, he meant to
abandon Xue Xiuyi and make him the scapegoat. He wanted to make a big issue of how he
himself did not dine on delicacies and was instead consuming soybeans every day, but he did not
expect the sudden turn of events and found himself in even more of a predicament.

“Castrated traitor, shut your mouth!” Li Jianting’s expression grew increasingly grim as she said
to the eunuch in an icy voice, “Tell me the truth.”

The eunuch answered in terror, “Last night, Fu-gonggong sent someone to pass on instructions
to this humble slave. He said the chrysanthemums from his manor were sent into the palace
together with the ones purchased by the Court of Imperial Entertainments. These flowers, being
valuable, all have to be well taken care of. Once Your Majesty gets off court session today, we
should send them to Mingli Hall to relieve Your Majesty’s boredom—”

Fuman’s limbs were icy cold. In a flash, he snapped, “How dare you frame me without proof!
Since you say I was the one who sent someone over, where is the note? Where is the authority
The eunuch raised an arm to wipe away the rain. Fuman’s interrupting bellow gave him such a
fright that he nearly slumped paralyzed to the ground. “… The person who came looked familiar;
he is th-the Lao-zuzong’s godson. How would this humble slave dare demand a token?”

Fuman clenched the porcelain piece, which dug into his palm and turned it into a mangled pulp
of flesh and blood. The moment Fuman heard that the eunuch did not have an authority token, he
replied immediately, “So it’s really a load of bullshit! I have served the nobility in the palace for
nearly twenty years, and even though I may be stupid, I know the rules. No one does their duties
and errands without a token. Your Majesty, Your Majesty!” He held up his own authority token
and shuffled forward on his knees, looking at Li Jianting as his cries grew increasingly louder.
“Even if this humble slave dies today, it has to be a justified death!”

“Your Majesty, this humble slave also finds this matter odd.” Fengquan lifted the hem of his
robe to kneel before Li Jianting. “Fu-gonggong helms the affairs within the palace and is Your
Majesty’s trusted right-hand man. It would absolutely not do to let him be framed with false
charges. We have to first ascertain the truth.” He looked at Fuman, “Why don’t we summon that
‘godson’ who passed on the gonggong’s order before Your Majesty so that Your Majesty can see
what’s really going on?”

Fuman deciphered derision in that delicate, handsome face. Without waiting for Fuman to
respond, Li Jianting commanded the guards, “Go. Find and bring the lao-zuzong’s son over.”

She stressed the words “lao-zuzong” so heavily that it chilled Fuman to the bone.

Within a few moments, the guards brought the man to the front of the hall. Rainwater washed
over the steps. This godson lowered his head and prostrated himself over the ground in the rain,
shivering all over.

Unable to get a clear look, Li Jianting said, “Lift your head.”

He let loose a whimper and clung close to the ground, shaking his head frantically as if he had
been given a scare. The guards at the side pressed him down by his shoulders and lifted his head

Li Jianting did not recognize him, but the junior eunuch in the rain said, “That’s him, Your
Majesty. It’s Yingxi-gonggong!”

“Yingxi, the army-supervising eunuch during the reign of Tianchen.” Fengquan quietly reminded
Li Jianting. “The Prince of Donglie held him in custody and brought him into the capital. He has
long been imprisoned in the Ministry of Justice’s prison.”

Fuman looked at Yingxi, stunned. As the guards approached him, he snapped to his senses and
shouted, “This humble slave has been wronged… Your Majesty… this person is definitely
Chafing against the ground, Yingxi started bawling. He clung to the ground, choking and crying,
“Lao-zuzong, Lao-zuzong, save me, save this son of yours!”

Li Jianting yanked away the hem of the skirt that Fuman touched and looked at him. “How very
capable of you. You can even extricate a eunuch the Ministry of Justice convicted. As expected
of the ‘Lao-zuzong’ thousands of people look to for backing.”

A chill spread all over Fuman’s body. He knew death was certain this time. “Your, Your
Majesty,” he murmured, “please show mercy on account of old ties…”

“You and I are merely master and servant in the palace,” Li Jianting said, “so where are there old
ties to speak of? I showed you great favor, yet you do not know to feel gratitude. You committed
such a grave mistake that I am well-justified in killing you.”

As the guards dragged Fuman, Fuman’s round collar choked him by the neck. Panicking, he
kicked out with his legs and struggled. “Your Majesty! Your Majesty—”

Fengquan signaled the guards with his eyes, who promptly gagged Fuman and dragged him out
the fastest they could.

◈ ◈ ◈

“It didn’t work?” Shen Zechuan looked back and glanced at Fei Sheng.

Fei Sheng nodded. “Allegedly, the emperor rebuked the imperial censor in anger on the imperial
court, causing such a stir that it became the talk of the town. Master, didn’t she reward Jiang
Qingshan earlier for the sake of pitting herself against Xue Xiuzhuo? This is such an excellent
opportunity, so how did teacher and pupil become on such good terms again?”

Shen Zechuan looked askance at the bright mirror. The jade earring on his right ear was dark and
obscure. He contemplated it over for a moment. “I have underestimated the emperor.”

Yao Wenyu watched under the eaves as the raindrops dripped. He suddenly brandished his arm
and brushed away the entire chessboard of chess pieces. The black and white pieces instantly
splashed into the rain, where ripples soon covered them up. Feeling the metallic taste of blood in
his throat, he coughed a few times. “The tree that stands above the forest will be blown over by
the wind; the soil that jutted out of the riverbank will be washed away by the rapids.4 From what
the emperor said on the imperial court, she meant to both use anddepose Xue Xiuzhuo.”
Credits: Thank you Neon Starrzzify and MaruChan for pointing out the typo! <3

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1. Chrysanthemums, which symbolize longevity, bloom around the ninth lunar month, also
called “the month of chrysanthemum”. It is also customary to hold chrysanthemums
appreciation sessions during the Double Ninth (Chongyforeang) Festival.
Chrysanthemum is also one of the Four Gentlemen (along with plum, orchid, and
bamboo) in Chinese art, which compares them to the Confucian junzi, or “gentlemen”.
2. 硕鼠 a large rat; a metaphor for a greedy official who levies and collects money.
3. 太宗 taizong, posthumous name given to second emperor of a dynasty
4. 木秀于林,风必催之;堆出于岸,流必湍之 from “On Fortune And Destiny” 《运命
论》by Li Kang (李康). I.e., a person who is too outstanding will incur jealousy and is
easily subjected to attacks and slanders.

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 268 : Bodhi

Xue Xiuyi’s legs felt weak. He braced himself against the doorframe as he slid to the ground,
where he sat and watched as his wife, concubine, and maidservants pack up the valuables with
harried expressions. He muttered, “Can’t leave… I haven’t gotten Jin-ge’er back…”

The sound of footsteps rang out beyond the courtyard. The guard guarding the compound craned
his neck for a look and got the fright of his life when he saw that it was all the Capital Command
Troops. The door to the courtyard slammed open with a crash. As the Capital Command Troops
swarmed in, Xue Xiuyi waved his arms and cried, “The imperial censor slandered me. I was
wrongly accused!”
The newly appointed general of the Capital Command Troops fished out an authority token and
document from under the folds of his clothes and said, “The writ from the Ministry of Justice
comes with Her Majesty’s inked approval.” He surveyed the courtyard. “Take the rest of them

The Capital Command Troops hoisted Xue Xiuyi up, his feet slipping on the ground as they
gagged him.

With Fuman imprisoned, a batch of eunuchs had been removed from office. That very night, Li
Jianting swapped out all the key officials from the palace affairs yamen. The guards who went
knocking on doors did not even wait for the parties involved to refute; they simply gagged them
outright and arrested them, moving even faster than they did the time Li Jianting was poisoned.
The sounds of footsteps prevailed everywhere in the palace, and innumerable guards stood in the
shadows at the foot of the walls. Eunuchs and palace maids who were still on shift duty moved
and spoke with caution. Everyone of them kept their hands to themselves and lowered their
heads, not daring to look around as they pleased.

Xue Xiuzhuo did not sleep. With his clothes draped over him, he stood by the window and
listened to the flurry of running footsteps beyond the high wall. The overcast clouds had just
dispersed after the rain stopped, and the cold, clear moonlight bathed him within. Shadows of the
bamboo before the window fell upon his side profile.

“Uh, uh.” Ya-er rubbed his nose roughly and urged Xiu Xiuzhuo to rest.

Xue Xiuzhuo looked back and asked, “Is Jin-ge’er sleeping well?”

Ya-er nodded and pointed in the direction of Xue Jin’s room as he uttered “uh-huh” in a reply of

Xue Xiuzhuo thus said, “You may go to bed.”

Ya-er was unwilling to. He beckoned to Xue Xiuzhuo with a hand, indicating for him to eat

Xue Xiuzhuo did not answer. He lowered his fingers to pick up the chess piece on the chessboard
and scrutinized it, as if he could not figure out something. Ya-er looked resigned when he saw
Xue Xiuzhuo remaining still in place, but instead of leaving, he sat down at the entrance of the

A long time passed before Xue Xiuzhuo tossed the chess piece back into the chess container.

◈ ◈ ◈

The next day, after the morning court session, Xue Xiuzhuo waited outside Mingli Hall for Li
Jianting to summon him. There were countless memorials impeaching him today. The moment
Xue Xiuyi was imprisoned, the charge of corruption and bribery against him was substantiated.
Rumors on the streets kept in step with the course of events, and subsequently, the number of
students from the Imperial College sending visiting cards1 to Xue Xiuzhuo saw a decline too.

“Xue Xiuzhuo’s taking of another man’s son indeed runs counter to feudal ethics.”2 An imperial
censor kneeled before the emperor’s desk. “No matter what, Xue Xiuyi is his elder brother of
lawful birth. Your Majesty, since time immemorial, there has never been a case where the
younger brother of common birth seized the legitimate first-born son of his older brother of
lawful birth. What’s more, as the Imperial Preceptor, he ought to lead by example. By acting in
such a way, isn’t he teaching the whole world to show contempt for the rules of propriety and to
disregard one’s clansfolk?”

Li Jianting closed the memorial. “Xue Xiuyi favors his concubine and neglects his wife, and he
hankers after wealth and is given to extravagance. On the contrary, I think that in doing so, Xue
Xiuzhuo has acted exactly in accordance with propriety. He is doing it in consideration of his
Xue clan’s legitimate lineage. There is nothing improper with it.”

This imperial censor was almost seventy of age. He tottered unsteadily as he kowtowed and
continued, “This old subject thinks otherwise. If his elder brother has done wrong, he can openly
admonish and exhort him. This is what it means by showing love and respect as brothers

Li Jianting, having heard an entire morning’s worth of tenets on propriety, promptly rose to her

“… As the saying goes, appoint the virtuous, and stability will prevail; appoint the unvirtuous,
and turmoil will reign.3 What is a person of virtue? He is one who can distinguish between the
noble and the humble and abides by the rules of propriety… Your Majesty, just as fine medicine
that cures is bitter on the tongue, sincere advice that benefits is often jarring on the ears.”

Unable to take a stride forward, Li Jianting sat back down.

The sunny weather that followed the rain was stifling hot, so scorching that the flowers planted
before the hall wilted a little. The imperial censor rested for a moment, drank a cup of tea, and
continued with his exhortations all without waiting for Li Jianting to speak, and so Li Jianting sat
there from the time she got off morning court session until the hour of you.

After drinking the nth cup of tea, the imperial censor said genially to Li Jianting, “Your Majesty,
the more intelligent and knowledgeable one is, the more one has to keep their eyes and ears
open…” he smacked his lips and took a couple of breathers, “and hence…”

“Listening to your sermon today trumps studying the classics for ten years.” Li Jianting got up
and came over to personally help the imperial censor up. The flower embellishment on her
forehead made her face appear all the more vibrant and beautiful. With an amicable countenance,
she said, “I shall have to ask you to share these most sagacious, famous sayings with the students
of the Imperial College another day. It’s late today, and I can see the signs of weariness on your
face. You should head back first for a rest.”
The imperial censor answered, “I am not worthy” as he walked, but even right before he stepped
out of the door, he still had to add, “The wise sage nips the trouble in the bud.4 Xue Xiuzhuo…”

Discerning enough to read the scene, Fengquan came over with a bow to help support the
imperial censor. With a smile, he said, “The ground before the hall is slippery. Your Venerable
Excellency, please watch your steps. This humble slave shall support you as you walk.”

The imperial censor let Fengquan support him and walked off into the distance. The sunset glow
of the setting sun cast a reddish-orange sheen over the potted plants before Mingli Hall, its
brilliance causing the golden hairpin by Li Jianting’s temple to sparkle. She turned to the side
and gazed at Xue Xiuzhuo, who was standing at the foot of the hall. Xue Xiuzhuo’s back was as
straight as a ramrod, his shoulders bearing the last of the light, his official robe shrouded under
the remaining rays of the setting sun. Li Jianting could not get a clear look at his expression.

“Teacher,” Li Jianting raised a hand to lift the beaded curtain, “this way, please.”

There were no lamps lit in Mingli Hall, nor was there anyone waiting in attendance. Upon
entering, Xue Xiuzhuo kneeled before the emperor’s desk, but Li Jianting did not return to the
throne. She stood at the side of her desk and looked at the calligraphy painting on the wall.

“Xue Xiuyi’s transgressions have nothing to do with Teacher,” Li Jianting said. “If Teacher is
here to apologize, it is not at all necessary.”

“Xue Xiuyi is corrupt and took bribes. The Ministry of Justice has ordered the arrest of the Juexi
merchants who are involved in this case. They have, however, turned up empty.” Unlike the
others who prostrated themselves over the ground, Xue Xiuzhuo kneeled with his back straight,
just like the way he did when he was teaching Li Jianting in his residence. “Your Majesty has
ordered the Capital Command Troops to assist in this case. Naturally, this has nothing to do with
this humble subject.”

“The numbers of memorials impeaching Teacher of late are as numerous as the numbers of hairs
on an ox. Over ten criminal charges against Teacher are listed. But Teacher sounds to me to be
civilized and composed,” Li Jianting gazed at the painting. “Presumably, you must have long
anticipated it.”

“One tends to think of change in times of adversity,”5

The light in Mingli Hall disappeared, hiding both of them under the obscure darkness. The
palace lanterns hanging under the corners of the eaves outside the hall were not lit, and the entire
palace seemed to be in a deep sleep. The towering palace rested against the backdrop of faint
light on the horizon. There were no songs of the birds to be heard, nor human voices.

“You once saved the thirteen cities of Juexi with Jiang Qingshan, and took down Hua Siqian
with Hai Liangyi. You also went without sleep and rest in order to investigate the eight cities’
field taxes. There is no one else in this world who understands better than you just how tough it
is to eliminate the chronic ailment that is the noble clans.” Li Jianting raised a finger to touch the
calligraphy painting with Emperor Guangcheng’s imperial seal on it. “You insisted on pursuing
the accounts in spite of opposition on the imperial court, and you did it all just to give me an
opportunity to win over the long-time ministers.”

Every matter had an order of importance and urgency. Han Cheng and the Empress Dowager fell
from power one after another, and the noble clans had no one else to take up the mantle. They
were already showing signs of self-defeating fatigue, one that would lead to its own collapse, and
Xue Xiuzhuo understood it better than anyone else.

“You successively submitted memorials requesting to rescind the Fei clan’s former rank of
nobility, seal their properties for confiscation, and execute their entire clan,” Li Jianting slid the
pulp of her finger around, dragging out fingerprints on the painting, “which consequently caused
the noble clans to be particularly resentful towards you, and you did that also to give me the
opportunity to share a common enemy with them.”

The Fei clan of Dancheng, the Han clan of Wucheng, and the Hua clan of Dicheng—these were
the main forces of the noble clans the Grand Secretariat and Xue Xiuzhuo assisted Li Jianting
before and after her ascension to the throne to expel in one go. Now that they were forced to de-
escalate the tension with the noble clans owing to the threat from Zhongbo, someone had to
shoulder the responsibility for their past feud.

Li Jianting looked back and said, “Teacher means to sacrifice himself to help me secure my

The palace lanterns at the corners of the eaves were finally lit, and the faint light peeked through
the beaded curtains to shine upon Xue Xiuzhuo’s back in a mosaic of mottled light. His back was
skinny, and his official robe was old. He was like a pine nailed to Qudu, standing unwaveringly
in the wind.

He gazed at that painting and said, “To safeguard the state, one should not begrudge the
sacrifices made.”

It was said that those who posed a threat to the emperor at the top and lorded it over the imperial
court at the bottom were ministers in power. Majority held a tight grip on an enormous amount
of power and did not comply with the rules of propriety. They overstepped their authority and
formed cliques. In this vein, Hua Siqian was a minister in power. If Li Jianting was just as
indecisive and weak-willed as Emperor Xiande and Emperor Tianchen had been, Xue Xiuzhuo
could have opted to become a minister in power too. However, Li Jianting was not.

Perhaps, at certain points in time, Da Zhou needed a gentle and mild emperor, but not in the here
and now, where the pack of wolves were lying in wait for opportunities to strike. If Li Jianting
could not be strong-willed and decisive, then all she could do was to be a puppet subjected to the
manipulations of the court ministers. In that case, she would be utterly unworthy of sitting here
on the throne.
“There are the imperial censors for admonishments and the court ministers for government
administration. Only the Imperial College is not above the imperial court, yet it can help
facilitate the discussion of political affairs worldwide. If the reputation of the imperial college is
dependent on a single official, then he is the wolf that can influence the sovereign’s policy-
making decisions. That is why this humble subject has to stand isolated from the entire body of
ministers.” Xue Xiuzhuo’s eyes were extremely calm. His calm, however, was not like that of
ordinary people. It was more like he already knew of the path that lay ahead, and for that reason,
he would not budge even if the others were to cast stones at him or spurn him.

A prestigious reputation might seem elusive, but in truth, it was also the key to forming a
political faction. Hai Liangyi never formed cliques when he was alive. He did not even meet the
court officials after returning to his residence every day. But was he really factionless? The
gathering of those of humble origins, the political orientation of the imperial college, and the fact
that Yao Wenyu could recruit all the virtuous talents in the world for Shen Zechuan, all bore the
mark of Hai Liangyi’s prestigious reputation at play.

Xue Xiuzhuo’s appraisals when he served as the Chief Supervising Secretary of the Ministry of
Revenue were all outstanding. He rendered meritorious service in straightening up Juexi and
revitalizing its thirteen cities during the reign of Xiande, and then he made meritorious
achievements by auditing the field taxes and returning the fields to the common folks during the
reign of Shengyin. He used this “reputation”, and he knew very well the power of inciting “social

Li Jianting suddenly turned back and asked, “Does Teacher not fear death?”

To date, no one had ever asked Xue Xiuzhuo this question. He looked at Li Jianting and
answered, “Court officials die for the state.”6

To safeguard the state, one should not begrudge the sacrifices made.

Xue Xiuzhuo did not begrudge this life of his and even this lifetime’s worth of reputation—he
could bear to give them all up.

Li Jianting was silent for a moment. “I respect Teacher, and I, too, do not begrudge it.”

◈ ◈ ◈

“Objects that do not hit its limit will not reverse its course; evil that has not reached its peak
will not meet its demise.”7

Yao Wenyu scribbled rapidly, his handwriting a scrawl. The ground of the inner chamber was all
paved with paper. His brush-holding hand trembled ever so slightly. Finally, he abandoned the
brush and covered his lips to cough violently.

Opportunity, opportunity.
Qi Shiyu wanted the Qi clan to keep inheriting Qi Zhuyin’s “Prince of Donglie” title. He was far
more cautious than Xiao Fangxu, and even at this point, he could still exercise patience to
observe the situation. Shen Zechuan had just won over the hearts of the people from the six
prefectures with the Duanzhou battle. To completely disassociate himself from the two words
“Shen Wei”, he had to be benevolent and righteous to the end. So even when Tantai Hu’s
Dunzhou’s garrison troops arrived at the Beiyuan military drill grounds, he could not take the
first move to mobilize troops. And besides, as long as Qi Zhuyin did not move, the 300,000-
strong Qidong Garrison Troops would be a blade to the south of Zhongbo.

Opportunity, opportunity.

The Prefectural Lord wanted an opportunity to completely eradicate the latent threat.

The sound of Yao Wenyu’s coughs was short and urgent. No longer holding the brush, he merely
covered his mouth with a handkerchief.

Qiao Tianya had only just arrived tonight, and the moment he dismounted his horse and entered
the courtyard, he heard the coughing inside the room.

“Did no one prepare the medicine for Mister?” Fei Sheng asked the maidservant in the courtyard.

“He only took half a bowl,” the maidservant answered in a soft-spoken voice, “then he kept
himself inside the room and said not to disturb him.”

Qiao Tianya pushed the door open. The woolen rug was all covered with fallen paper pages. Fei
Sheng, who was following behind, bent over to pick them up, only to see them crammed with
words all over. He could not help but blurt out in astonishment, “Is Mister planning to author a

Qiao Tianya was already in the inner chamber. Yao Wenyu’s handkerchief was stained red. He
shoved aside the wheelchair and picked Yuanzhuo up in his arms.

To Fei Sheng, he said, “Call Jiran!”

For some reason, when Yao Wenyu tilted his head back, his nose suddenly started bleeding. Qiao
Tianya pulled away Yao Wenyu’s hand, which had been covering his mouth and nose—it was
damp and cold.

By this time, it was already late in the night. Jiran had long gone to bed.

Qiao Tianya did not dare to wait. With Yao Wenyu in his arms, he leaped down the steps and ran
towards Jiran’s courtyard.

With eyes half-closed, Yao Wenyu turned his head aside to burrow into his chest, murmuring,
“… Fei Sheng… pass the message…”
Qiao Tianya ran until he was sweating all over. He reached out a hand to cup the other side of
Yao Wenyu’s face, as if he wanted to hold Yuanzhuo down in his bosom.

Fei Sheng went on ahead and ascended the steps. Pounding on the door, he shouted, “Open up!
Wake the little monk up now!”

The young male servant watching the door did not dare to tarry and ran to shout for Jiran after
moving the latch out of the way. Jiran was bundled up in his monk robe when he stepped out.
With eyes bleary from sleep, he said, “This humble monk does not see patients at night—oh!
What happened to Mister?!”

By the time Shen Zechuan hurried over, it was almost dawn. Dressed in a wide robe, he saw Yao
Wenyu sleep soundly in the inner chamber and motioned for everyone to head over to the side

“Expending yourself mentally can easily shorten your life,” Jiran said. “The poison Mister is
inflicted with is called ‘late return’. As the name implies, it’s just the opposite of ‘swift pursuit’.
This poison is late to come and slow to disperse. It has been over a year now, right?”

“It should be a year and a half now,” Fei Sheng still remembered, “… starting from the time in

Jiran set down the brush, put his palms together, and bowed to Shen Zechuan, saying truthfully,
“When this humble monk first saw Mister, his wrists were already showing shades of blue. Your
Lordship, this humble monk can’t cure this poison and swift pursuit.”

The color drained from all the faces in the side hall.

◈ ◈ ◈

In his trance, Yao Wenyu heard the sound of rain. He dreamed of Mount Bodhi. It was as if he
closed his eyes, all that greeted his sight would be the endless rain. The cloudy fog among the
mountains covered the green bamboo from view. Mud stained his sleeves as he stood in the face
of the wind. He felt damp all over, but he could not tell if it was his sweat, or the rain.

“A spring and an autumn8 have since passed with our last parting.” The soughing of the bamboo
sang behind him. Hai Liangyi stood at a far distance. “And now Yuanzhuo is back.”

Yao Wenyu looked back. The refreshing breeze sent his wide sleeves billowing. He greeted,

Hai Liangyi stood with his hands behind his back. His short beard had already gone white. He
was not wearing his official robe, just like the year he led Yao Wenyu by the hand into the
academy; there was even a zhaowen bag9 hung around his waist. “I heard the wind rouse, and
that was how I knew you were back.”
The soughing of the wind among the bamboo forest was too loud. Hai Liangyi’s figure lay
concealed within, leaving only Yao Wenyu standing alone. The mountain fog was dense. Yao
Wenyu looked into the far distance at the imperial palace in Qudu. He once climbed to a high
spot to look far out, but he only saw the picturesque mountain scenery in the twilight. It was only
now that he realized just how vast and expansive the world was.

“Wait for me, Teacher,” Yao Wenyu said. “Once the rain stops…”

The sound of the zither suddenly rang out. The scene before Yao Wenyu’s eyes vanished, and he
landed back onto this bed of his. The partially covered window kept out the sunlight. He did not
have the sensation of waking up when he opened his eyes; on the contrary, he felt as if he had
fallen into a dream. Several times, he closed his eyes. Eventually, he said, “Songyue, it’s already
the hour of si.”

Qiao Tianya pressed down on the zither strings and said, “You have gone all confused from a
messed up sleep schedule. Don’t you usually call me Qiao Tianya?”

“The moon over the pines10 lends to the chill of the night; the wind and the spring,11 in a
melodious chorus, sing.” Yao Wenyu said. “This name is too lonely.”12

“I once had a friend named Shao Fengquan.” Qiao Tianya strummed the zither strings, which
elicited a series of random sounds but did not form a tune. “A pity he died.”

Yao Wenyu listened to that disarray of zither sounds and asked, “You play the zither. Does he
play it too?”

“I don’t remember anymore,” Qiao Tianya said. “The only one who can play the zither for you,
however, can only be me, Qiao Tianya.”

Yao Wenyu looked at him. “You have yet to teach me the tune you were going to teach me back
then during our first encounter in spring.”

Qiao Tianya stopped and looked at Yao Wenyu as he answered, “It’s still not too late now.”

◈ ◈ ◈

Xue Xiuyi did not give a clear account. The residences of those merchants were all empty. Qudu
required proof of household registration for access in and out of the city. The Capital Command
Troops kept guard for three days, but they never did find those people. These merchants who had
wantonly squandered their money on Donglong Street seemed to have vanished into thin air.

Kong Qiu received Xue Xiuzhuo’s request in the office compound. He set the teacup down and
considered it for a moment. “Let him go.”

When the official returning his reply left, Cen Yu said from opposite him, “I fear it’s
inappropriate to let Xue Xiuzhuo have a hand in this case at present.”
“This matter concerns the inner court, and the amount of silver involved is large. After the
Ministry of Justice formulates the charges, they will definitely want a joint trial by the Three
Judicial Offices.” Kong Qiu picked up the teacup again. “Xue Xiuzhuo is the Court of Judicial
Review Vice Minister. Since he has not been suspended from duty, he has the authority to
supervise and investigate.”

“Xue Xiuyi is his eldest brother, after all. He ought to avoid drawing suspicion to himself.” Cen
Yu held his knees. “Furthermore, the amount of memorials impeaching him are increasing of

“Not that I’m insinuating anything, but Xunyi, the Chief Surveillance Bureauought to be dealt
with too.” Kong Qiu took several sips of tea. “It’s not wrong to impeach Xue Xiuyi for
corruption and bribery that day on the imperial court, but dragging in Xue Xiuzhuo inevitably
makes it look like there’s personal grudge at play too. Look at those words spouted; every single
one is groundless.”

“Xue Xiuzhuo is a man of extraordinary merits, and he comes from a noble clan,” Cen Yu said.
“Those who hate him are only all too anxious to trample on him. If Her Majesty had been willing
to rebuke him a word or two when dealing with Xue Xiuyi, it wouldn’t have gone as far as to
cause such a mass outrage.”

Unable to taste the tea in his mouth, Kong Qiu set down the teacup and said after a moment of
silence, “To begin with, a direct remonstration is not the way to go for this matter. Xue Xiuzhuo
audited the field taxes and returned the fields to the commoners in the cities of Dancheng,
Wucheng, and Chuancheng. Yongcheng suffered a drought this year, and Jiang Qingshan
encountered difficulties in trying to borrow grains, begging from all quarters in Qudu. Even so,
both of them did not touch the grains allocated to the common folks of the three cities. The
people all remember him, and they are even willing to erect a longevity tablet13 to honor him at
home. Her Majesty has only just refuted his memorial to continue pursuing the field taxes, and to
ease the situation, she rewarded Jiang Qingshan. If she were to censure Xue Xiuzhuo now
because of that scoundrel Xue Xiuyi, the people of the three cities would object. Besides, it’s
common knowledge that Xue Xiuzhuo and Xue Xiuyi are on bad terms with one another, and
they have long divided up the family properties to live apart. You imperial censors want Her
Majesty to dismiss Xue Xiuzhuo from office pending an investigation because of this matter, but
if Her Majesty did as you asked, wouldn’t she be cold-hearted and ungrateful for casting him
aside once he has served his purpose? Xue Xiuyi colluded with Fuman to commit embezzlement
and bribery, and Her Majesty immediately ordered the Ministry of Justice to investigate. She has
not shown any intent to shield Xue Xiuyi for Xue Xiuzhuo’s sake either. Investigate what ought
to be investigated and kill those who ought to be killed. You can’t push others into too tight a

Cen Yu could tell from Kong Qiu’s words that he meant to protect Xue Xiuzhuo, so he said,
“The imperial censor remonstrated only because he feared Her Majesty will show favoritism and
side with Xue Xiuzhuo. If Her Majesty listens to Xue Xiuzhuo in every matter, it will mess up
the order of hierarchy between the sovereign and her subjects. Besides, Her Majesty showed
favor towards Fuman a few days ago, but didn’t Fuman forget his place and do wrong still?”
Kong Qiu pointed at Cen Yu. “That’s right. It’s because Her Majesty favored and trusted Fuman
that Fuman would commit one mistake after another, but this time, you’re not seeing it clearly.
Let me ask you, who is Fuman? He was on good terms with Xiao Chiye at the beginning, yet he
could switch allegiances to Han Cheng and lured Xiao Chiye into the palace, and he could also
turn around and kill Han Cheng for the sake of his own future prospects and life—the poisoning
case was left inconclusive; Her Majesty might not have pursued it, but she is no fool. Fuman is
highly reputable among the inner court yamen, and his godsons and god-grandsons are
everywhere. Most importantly, he is a eunuch with power and influence who has served in two
reigns, waiting in attendance by the Son of Heaven’s side. He holds the endorsement rights14 that
will permit him to reject the Grand Secretariat’s memorandums. Right now, Her Majesty is in the
prime of her life, but what about after? Any oversight while retaining such a vile character by the
side will result in physical harm or worse, the ruin of state foundation! Even if Her Majesty
doesn’t kill him, I will kill him!”

As Kong Qiu spoke, he stood up and paced a couple of steps.

“Shen Zechuan mass deployed troops to the Beiyuan military drill grounds. How long can the
40,000 new soldiers in Qudu hold up for? We have to ask Commander-in-chief Qi to mobilize
troops to come to Her Majesty’s aid. When Commander-in-chief Qi sent troops to fight the
Qingshu Tribe the last time, Xue Xiuzhuo was the one who forked out the military salaries and
provisions, and now that we want to get past Tianfei Watchtower to fight Zhongbo, we still have
to ask Xue Xiuzhuo for the military salaries and provisions!”

◈ ◈ ◈

The warden from the Ministry of Justice was familiar with Xue Xiuzhuo and opened the doors
for him. “Is Your Excellency here to see Custodian Xue? As long as you have a memorandum,
I’ll go open the doors now.”

Xue Xiuzhuo looked along the warden’s arm for just a fleeting moment before he withdrew his
gaze and said, “I am here to see Yingxi.”

The warden did not ask too many questions. After looking through the memorandum, he led Xiu
Xiuzhuo inside and unlocked the cell door for him. “As Yingxi-gonggong still has an ongoing
case, he is not locked up with the others. Your Excellency, this way.”

Xue Xiuzhuo lowered his head and entered the cramped, narrow cell.

Yingxi’s prisoner attire was filthy, and he had been tortured. At present, he was lying inside with
his arms and legs curled up. On hearing movements, he shuddered and jolted up into a sitting
position, covering his head as he cowered out of the way and shouted, “I’m guilty, guilty! Don’t
hit me!”

Xue Xiuzhuo looked around.

Yingxi saw Xue Xiuzhuo through the gap between his arms and immediately scrambled off the
bed to kneel at his feet and pleaded, “Your Excellency, is Your Excellency here to investigate the
case? I’m guilty! Guilty!” Shaking the chains, he pointed at his own face. “But this time I was
wrongly accused!”

He clenched at Xue Xiuzhuo’s official robe until it was all creased.

Xue Xiuzhuo lowered his eyes to look at Yingxi. “A final judgment has not been reached for
your crimes yet. I’m going to ask you a few questions. If you can answer me truthfully, I will put
in a mitigation plea to the officials from the Ministry of Justice.”

Yingxi hurriedly nodded, his gaze following Xue Xiuzhuo as he answered, “I will tell you all I
know! Everything I did was all at the Lao-zuzong’s behest!”

“Who was the one who sent you to Qidong to supervise the army?”

“The, the former emperor…” Yingxi answered. “The former emperor sent me to Qidong to
supervise the army, and the Lao-zuzong was the one who recommended me for it. The Lao-
zuzong said with us father and son on the inside and the outside, we will no longer have to worry
about our meals, nor put ourselves at other people’s beck and call.”

Xue Xiuzhuo continued to ask, “Were you the one who swapped out the military grains in the
Bianjun Commandery?”

How would Yingxi have expected Xue Xiuzhuo to ask about this? He released his grip and
started cowering back, his gaze evasive as he hedged, “I’m merely an army-supervising
eunuch… how would I dare to swap the military grains…” He looked at Xue Xiuzhuo’s
displeased expression and unexpectedly blurted out to implicate other people, “I… I did not
force that Lu Guangbai to defect!”

Xue Xiuzhuo bent over to grab Yingxi’s arm. He probed again, “Were you the one who swapped
out the military grains in the Bianjun Commandery?”

Yingxi’s breathing was short and urgent. Unable to avoid it, he could only wipe his tears and
snot and answered with deep remorse, “This matter really isn’t up to me, Your Excellency, Your
Excellency! I only knew that I had to swap the grain wagons, but who knew it was all moldy rice
inside! If I had known it beforehand, I would not have dared to switch it even if you endowed me
with ten guts!” When he spoke to this point, he recalled the constant fear and anxiety he had
been under this year and could not help but shed tears as he sniveled, “The Lao-zuzong has really
put me in hot water! Commander-in-chief Qi took me into custody. I, I’m just the scapegoat
taking the blame for Fuman. He has a guilty conscience, so naturally, he wanted to save me.”

Xue Xiuzhuo had been investigating the Bianjun Commandery’s military grains case all this
time. There were no problems with all the Ministry of War officials involved. It was only until
Yingxi re-entered the palace that he remembered the army-supervising eunuch.

Xue Xiuzhuo stared at Yingxi as he asked, “What are you planning to do by entering the

Yingxi shook his head vigorously, his face a wretched sight as he choked with sobs and
answered, “It’s not me, not me! It was really at Fuman’s behest that I entered the palace this
time. Your Excellency, he wrote a letter to me in the sixth month, wanting me to take care of the
flowers and plants in his courtyard on his behalf. He was waiting to use them in the ninth month
to win his master’s favor! I really came here this time to deliver the flowers!”

“You people have been hiding in Qudu.” Xue Xiuzhuo raised his voice. “Who else do you still
want to kill?”

Yingxi’s arm was hurting from Xue Xiuzhuo’s grip. He bawled, “I don’t know! I don’t know! I
was wrongly accused!”

“How about Shen Zechuan?” The expression in Xue Xiuzhuo’s eyes grew increasingly grim. “Is
Shen Zechuan a Scorpion too?”

Yingxi shook his head haphazardly as he struggled. “I have nothing to do with the rebels! I swear
to Heaven, I’m in no way associated with the rebels!”

“Was Xiao Chiye’s nomination of Fuman into office also instigated by Shen Zechuan?”

In the instant Yingxi pushed and shoved at Xue Xiuzhuo, Xue Xiuzhuo felt a chill creep down
his spine. Things that he could not figure out now all seemed to click together.

“And that relay report that told on Wei Huaigu.” The expression in Xue Xiuzhuo’s eyes was
terrifying. “You eunuchs were the one who swapped the tags and had the Ministry of Justice
switched to the Ministry of Revenue. The aim was to make Wei Huaigu turn himself in. You
were cutting off the tail to keep the Scorpions safe. It was Fuman… It was the eunuchs!”

No wonder there were no traces to be found on the imperial court.

◈ ◈ ◈

Fuman had his head lowered as he gasped for breath when a bucket of salt water suddenly
splashed over his face. He was wounded all over, and the pain caused him to yell out, but as his
limbs were all bound, he could only cuss at the top of his voice, “—You son of a bitch!”

Fengquan threw aside the bucket and scoffed, “You’re no decent cur either.”

“It’s all because of you,” Fuman’s voice was shrill, “that I’m in such dire straits today!”
“You did it to yourself.” Fengquan smacked Fuman’s face condescendingly. “Just a mere few
years old bastard, and you dare to call yourself the Lao-zuzong. Seems to me you’re tired of

Fuman could not hold his face straight from Fengquan’s smack. Such a smack like this that used
moderate strength did not hurt like a slap would, but it was much more humiliating. Blood
saturated Fuman’s mouth. Spewing a mouthful of blood, he said, “Just you wait. Her Majesty—”

“Wait for Her Majesty to raid your properties and execute your family.” Fengquan leaned in and
whispered, “Do you think no one knows you poisoned Her Majesty? You set me up and had me
thrown into prison, so anxious were you for me to die. Do you think Her Majesty can’t see
through you?” He started laughing oddly, as if he loathed Fuman to the death. “Once your family
is wiped, we can move on to all nine generations of your clan.”

Fuman spat out a few mouthfuls of teeth that had come loose and said, “Bull-fucking-shit, you
despicable thing! It wasn’t me…” Gasping heavily for breath, he tilted his head back and
shouted, “It wasn’t me!”

“Who else can it be if not you?” Fengquan took several steps back. “You were the one who
received Han Cheng’s ‘swift pursuit’. Han Cheng gave it to you, wanting you to add it to Her
Majesty’s meal. Once she was killed, the Capital Command Troops would immediately be able
to kill the officials of the Grand Secretariat on grounds of rushing to the emperor’s aid. So you
poisoned Her Majesty’s food and almost killed her.”

“I know my own limits…” Fuman was so resentful his voice trembled. As he looked at
Fengquan’s expression, his eyes gradually widened. “It’s you… You were the one who added the

Fuman was in two minds between Li Jianting and the noble clans. He did not dare to disobey
Han Cheng, but he did not dare to poison Li Jianting for real either; thus, he had “swift pursuit”
swapped over to a common poison, and he only added a little, so it was not all that deadly.

Fengquan, whose face lay concealed in the darkness, revealed his pearly white teeth. “You are
the Lao-zuzong, the great forefather. I am the little zuzong.”15

Fuman wished with a vehemence to tear Fengquan apart with his hands. Clanging the chains
hard, he snapped, “Yingxi is your bitch!”

“Tsk.” Fengquan made nothing of Fuman. “The one who brought him up single-handedly is
the ‘Lao-zuzong’. He’s so overwhelmed with gratitude for you he doesn’t acknowledge me at

“I have been wronged…” Fuman could not hold back his cries as he wailed sorrowfully, “Your
Majesty, I am innocent!”
Unaccustomed to the stench of blood, Fengquan covered his nose as he advised, “Since you have
confessed to it all, I will present your statement as is to Her Majesty.” He turned around and
summoned the warden in. “The Lao-zuzong is advanced in age. Don’t apply any more heavy
torture. The various excellencies have yet to declare him guilty, so we must follow procedures.
He keeps threatening suicide, and I fear he will bite off his tongue to kill himself before he can
even be beheaded.”

That former subordinate from the Eastern Depot was advanced in age too. Bowing to Fengquan’s
wish, he snickered, “We are experts at this, so don’t worry, Feng-gonggong. I guarantee he will
live until his execution. As for biting off his tongue to kill himself, all we have to do is to just
have to cut off his tongue to preempt it, isn’t it?”

Fengquan looked back and replied, “Then I shall have to trouble you.”

Fuman watched the eunuch approach and cried out in terror, “Without permission from the
Ministry of Justice, how dare you, how dare all of you—”

The door slammed shut with a loud clank.

◈ ◈ ◈

It was night.

Xue Xiuzhuo was waiting in the office compound for Kong Qiu’s official reply in writing. He
wanted to see Fuman tonight, so he had to have the memorandum from the Grand Secretary. This
was long past working hours, but the Grand Secretariat had yet to break off for a rest due to the
increase of troops at the Beiyuan military drill grounds.

“Fuman tried to bite off his tongue to commit suicide yesterday, and a merciless official16 took
matters into his own hand and cut off his tongue.” Kong Qiu took time away from his hectic
paperwork and said to Xue Xiuzhuo, “Even if you go now, you can’t get anything out of him.
Fortunately, they recorded his confession statement before they applied the torture. Should you
wish to take a look at it, I’ll get the Ministry of Justice to pass it to you.”

Xue Xiuzhuo froze for a moment when he took the memorial, then frowned and asked, “How
can he take matters into his own hands when it is a matter of this magnitude? Who was the
official who applied the torture?”

“A young man in the prime of his youth.” Kong Qiu frowned too. “That was really one ruthless
move. The Ministry of Justice has already dismissed him from office.”

Such a coincidence?

Xue Xiuzhuo turned his head to the side. “I’ll go take a look—”
“Put everything else aside first!” Cen Yu ran through the door all drenched in sweat; even the
sides of his temples were soaked through. He stuffed a paper he was clenching before Kong Qiu
and said in an urgent tone, “Boran, look. Isn’t this a disaster?!”

◈ ◈ ◈

“The reigning emperor comes from the common people. Who can truly prove without a doubt
that her lineage is authentic? We only have Xue Xiuzhuo’s words for it!” Rumors in the streets
spread fast. In the course of a night, almost everyone was holding that paper of unknown origin.
“Xue Xiuzhuo can’t be trusted either. Just look at his eldest brother, Xue Xiuyi. What is he? The
national rat that almost made the Grand Secretary pass out from anger.”

“Didn’t they all say that the current emperor looks like Emperor Yongyi?”17 An old man with a
walking stick craned his neck. “The various excellencies from the Grand Secretariat have given
the nod too.”

This teahouse was in a mess. Ge Qingqing stroked his newly grown beard as he said, “Yeah, and
the little girl from that butcher household in front looks like the former emperor too! It has been
over ten years since Emperor Yongyi was alive. Don’t they all have two eyes and one mouth
when it really comes down to it? Seems to me like everyone here resembles him too.”

The students gathered around and read that piece of paper through. Each of them had their own
ideas on the topic, and after several disputes, they actually went so far as to come to blows.

“The Xue clan dominates the imperial court, and you people are conspirators who are his
accomplices in evil! You’re all sinners of Da Zhou, condemned through the ages!” A student’s
spittle spewed all over. “The national rat has already shown his face, and Her Majesty still
doesn’t bring the Xue clan to justice. If this is not fear of them, then what?!”

“Xue, Xue…” The other party, who was being yanked by the collar in a crowd so crammed he
was tottering, crumpled the torn paper in his hands and lifted it up high. “His Honorable
Excellency Xue audited the field taxes and returned the fields to the common people. Who
among us here can do that? You are all just despicable people slandering him! You people are
the real sinners of Da Zhou! Her Majesty did not punish His Honorable Excellency Xue

“Screw your motherfucking balls!”

“Why are you people so insufferably vulgar?!”

Tables and chairs were thrown into disarray as the students traded blows with one another.
Brushes and inkstones were knocked all over the ground. One misstep was all it took to end up in
ink from head to toe. Doors and windows clattered noisily as the students bumped into them. A
headmaster hurried in to calm the situation, but he had not even shouted a word when the
repeated bumps and shoves from the students jostled him out of the door.
“Call for the Capital Command Troops,” the headmaster lifted the hem of his robe and stomped
his foot as he urged. He was in such a state of anxiety that his neck was flushed red and he was
sweating profusely. “Hurry, call the Capital Command Troops over! People are going to get

“His Honorable Excellency Xue is the beacon of light whose glory shines throughout the annals
of history; he is a loyal subject!” Shreds of paper fluttered all over the air. A student stepped onto
the chair and table to stand at a high spot, where he pointed all around him. “You people
persecute loyal subjects based on a piece of unfounded nonsense. The state and society will be
ruined at the hands of you vile…” He had yet to finish his sentence when an inkstone hurtling at
him smashed into his head.

“It is indeed true that Xue Xiuyi colluded with the eunuchs to steal and sell treasures from the
palace granaries.” The fired-up students could no longer tell who around them was in whose
camp. “Xue Xiuzhuo is a rat too!”

The table flipped over with a thud, and the student lost his footing and fell to the ground. Before
he could scramble to his feet, he was trampled upon by the jostling crowd of students.

“Don’t hurt others.” A few teachers from the sides pulled at the students. “You must not hurt the

“What’s happening here…” The schoolmaster slapped his thigh, his tears coursing down his
aged face. “Stop it now!”

◈ ◈ ◈

The tinkling sound of the zither lingered in a never-ending loop in the air. Yao Wenyu played
very slowly. The red thread on his wrist swayed at the opening of his sleeves. He had strummed
away at the strings until his fingers turned red.

Qiao Tianya pressed down on the zither strings and said, “You missed a part.”

Without waiting for Yao Wenyu to ask, he plucked a few strings beside Yao Wenyu’s hand. Yao
Wenyu, however, could still not remember it, so Qiao Tianya took Yao Wenyu’s hand and led
him into maneuvering the strings.

Yao Wenyu raised his eyes to look at him. “Have you ever taught others like this before?” He

Qiao Tianya’s palm was scalding hot, although when he smiled, it was still as carefree and
unfettered. He cast a glance at Yao Wenyu and answered, “I did. Many of them.”

“And no one ever told you,” Yao Wenyu said, “that you’re holding too tight?”

“Perhaps someone did,” Qiao Tianya said, “but I don’t remember.”

“You forget fast.” The back of Yao Wenyu’s hand gradually rose in temperature too. “It’s a good
habit to have.”

Qiao Tianya looked back at Yao Wenyu. In this brief exchange of gaze, he suddenly reached
over the small table and kissed Yao Wenyu on the lips. The leaves in the courtyard rustled as
they fell and landed on Qiao Tianya’s back. He raised a hand to secure Yao Wenyu’s chin in

The taste of medicine was bitter, as was Yao Wenyu.

This bitterness sprang from between their lips and tongues and dissolved in his chest, becoming a
piercing pain. Qiao Tianya found it painful, and he thought the same for Yao Wenyu. As they
kissed, he caressed Yao Wenyu’s cheeks, as if he had never touched Yao Wenyu in such a way
before and wanted to make up for it now.

“Do you have something to say to me?” Qiao Tianya stopped and touched the bridge of his nose
with Yao Wenyu’s.

“You’re lying.” Yao Wenyu’s pale face broke into a smile. “I’m your first student.”

Qiao Tianya smiled too.

“Qiao Tianya.” Yao Wenyu raised his fingers to touch Qiao Tianya’s eyes. “Seek not great merit
in life, but a safe and smooth-sailing life blessed with honor, prosperity, and happiness. I wish
you a life of great success18 and longevity.”

Qiao Tianya’s expression remained unchanged, but the rims of his eyes had gone red. “Why
don’t you wish me luck in finding a good match and be blessed with a household full of children
and grandchildren?”

Yao Wenyu did not wish to say.

“You’re lying too,” Qiao Tianya said. “You already knew how to play this tune.”

“Yuanzhuo has kept his spring date with you this life.” Yao Wenyu retracted his hand. “I have
no more regrets.”

The wind brushed past them, sending both of their sleeves and robes fluttering.

They were clearly this close together, and yet, they were so very far apart.
Credit: Thanks to Katie82, fukixie, MaruChan and Maradine for spotting the typo! <3

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1. 名帖 (also 拜帖), a name card (or visitation card) written or paper or wood used by
officials, nobles, or distinguished people to notify the other party of their visit. It would
usually indicate his name, position, and so on.
2. 天理 “Law/Principles of Heaven” i.e., feudal ethics as propounded by the Confucianists
in the Song Dynasty
3. 任贤必治,任不贤必乱 (original line 任贤必治,任不肖必乱) from “Historical Events
Retold as a Mirror for Government” 《资治通鉴》compiled by Sima Guang.
4. 明者,销祸于未萌 from “Historical Events Retold as a Mirror for Government” 《资治
通鉴》compiled by Sima Guang.
5. 穷则思变 literally one will start thinking about changes when he is in extreme poverty
(or when he hits rock bottom or is at the end of his resources).
6. Based on “君王死社稷” the sovereign die for the state from “The Books of Rites” 《礼
7. 物不极则不反,恶不极则不亡 from “Historical Events Retold as a Mirror for
Government” 《资治通鉴》compiled by Sima Guang.
8. 一春秋 also refers to a year
9. 招文袋 a small bag hung at the waist for keeping documents or money.
10. The first two characters for “moon over pines” (松月, literally pine moon) are the same
characters for Qiao Tianya’s name, Songyue.
11. The first two characters for “wind and spring” (风泉, literally wind spring) are the same
characters as the name of the eunuch, Fengquan.
12. 松月生夜凉,风泉满清听 “Overnight at Master’s Mountain Lodge When Ding the
Eldest (Ding Feng) Failed to Arrive”《宿业师山房待丁大不至》by Meng Haoran (孟
浩然), a Tang dynasty poet.
13. 长生牌 Longevity tablet, a tablet used to pray for the blessings of one’s benefactors. (As
opposed to ancestral tablets to pray to one’s dead ancestors.)
14. 批红 compilation of an endorsement on a memorial; chief eunuchs had the right to note
down remarks in red color (pihong 批紅) on the incoming memorials, even before the
Emperor had seen them.
15. 老祖宗, lao-zuzong or old/senior forefather/ancestor is also used to address the top
eunuch. 小祖宗 xiao-zuzong or little/junior forefather/ancestor is also used as “little
brat/little devil”.
16. 酷吏 specifically officials who used harsh laws or torture to brutalize the people.
17. It was Emperor Guangcheng in the jjwxc version but edited to Emperor Yongyi (after the
name of his reign) in the simplified Chinese physical copy. As usual, the final copy will
be double-checked against and based on the traditional Chinese physical copy when it is
released. Please bear with us for now.
18. Specifically to retire after achieving success.
Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 269: Metastasis

Not even the ban imposed by the imperial court could stop the gossip from spreading like
wildfire around Qudu. Everyone in the streets and alleys, pleasure quarters and teahouses were
all discussing the female emperor’s birth origins. The city gates were sealed off, but the rumor
still made its way to the eight cities and was now spreading to Juexi.

“Have the Capital Command Troops seal the gates as soon as possible,” Kong Qiu said during
the discussion in Mingli Hall. “The news must not be indiscriminately spread! The Imperial
College caused such a commotion the Capital Command Troops had to intervene. Chengbi is a
long-time minister. He knows how to handle the situation.”

Shao Chengbi kneeled before the emperor’s desk. The new official robe he was wearing fitted
him, but his hair was all white, and he did not look at all like a military general. His voice was
very hoarse as he said, “It’s not the first time the students have stirred up trouble. It’s hard to get
a right handle on it. My fear is that it might just end up adding fuel to the fire when the soldiers

“Even so, you have to intervene.” Cen Yu stood up. He was an imperial censor, so he naturally
understood the stakes involved. “Public opinions can obscure the truth, and repeated slanders can
bring about one’s ruin!”

Li Jianting did not sleep last night. She sat behind her table and drank strong tea, finishing it in a
few mouthfuls. “I have a clear conscience, but the way the rumors started this time is fishy. Who
exactly wrote that paper? Does the Ministry of Justice still not have a clue?”

“It’s being copied all over now,” Kong Qiu said. “We don’t know whose handwriting it is.”
“It’s true that there is nowhere to trace the handwriting.” Xue Xiuzhuo looked at Cen Yu. “But
Your Excellency Cen, please take a look at this article again carefully.”

Cen Yu was burning up with anxiety when he saw this piece of paper last night, so where would
he have the time to look it over carefully? On hearing Xue Xiuzhuo say so, however, he took
over the article and read it again. After looking at it for a while, he suddenly jolted to his feet and
took a few steps while holding the article in hand. “The article that made paper expensive1 in
Qudu a few years ago was the ‘Lamentation of Chashi’. This article seemed to be from the same
hand as the ‘Lamentation of Chashi’.”

Kong Qiu vaguely remembered such a person and said hesitantly, “Is it that…”

“The ‘Eloquent Brush’ Gao Shenwei.” Cen Yu turned back. “It’s Gao Zhongxiong!”

Gao Zhongxiong had grandiose ambitions but little skill. He served as Han Jin’s aide in Qudu
and caused the Eight Great Training Divisions to end up getting trounced by Xiao Chiye. Han
Cheng meant to deal with him at that time, and Gao Zhongxiong struggled to keep himself alive
in Dancheng. Who could have expected him to eventually throw in his lot with Shen Zechuan?!

“What’s of top priority now is not only to stifle the rumors but also to convince Commander-in-
chief Qi to mobilize troops as soon as possible,” Kong Qiu said. “Shen Zechuan has the 120,000
garrison troops of Zhongbo in his grasp. No matter what, we cannot fight them head-on when it
comes to military strength.”

“I have already issued an edict to Qidong,” Li Jianting said, “telling the Prince of Donglie to
send troops across Tianfei Watchtower to launch a direct assault on Dengzhou.”

Zhongbo had no reinforcements. Shen Zechuan dispatched the Dunzhou garrison troops over to
Cizhou and left the Imperial Cavalry to guard Duanzhou, leaving Fanzhou and Dengzhou
inevitably empty.

“There’s no need to panic just yet,” Chen Zhen said. “The Zhongbo garrison troops are newly
established too. Shen Zechuan only has the Dunzhou and Cizhou garrison troops available for
use. He doesn’t even dare to mobilize the Chazhou garrison troops rashly. Chengbi, the 40,000
Capital Command Troops are at your disposal. We are practically evenly matched with Shen

“I’m worried Shen Zechuan still has something up his sleeve.” Li Jianting rose to help up Shao
Chengbi. “All I can do now is entrust Qudu to Viceroy Shao.”

“This old subject shall sacrifice my life to repay Your Majesty’s kindness.” Shao Chengbi
limped. “There is no time to lose. This old subject will head out of the city tonight on horseback
and hurry over to Dancheng, but before I leave, I have a favor to ask.”

As Li Jianting looked at Shao Chengbi’s aged face, she suddenly felt a surge of emotions for
some unknown reason. Supporting Shao Chengbi by the arm, she said in an emotional moment,
“This battle is dangerous. Regardless of success or failure, as long as I am still here, I will
definitely redress the injustice Viceroy Shao has suffered.”

“This old subject is already old. It’s all because of the favor Your Majesty showed me that I can
still do my utmost for my country. As for the rest, I will leave it to fate.” Shao Chengbi’s
expression was grave and solemn. “This old subject would like to request to open up the
Chunquan Battalion armory.”

Li Jianting was slightly taken aback.

“Chunquan Battalion is equipped with firearms,” Shao Chengbi said. “This old subject would
like to take this batch of firearms with me.”

“You have my approval.” Li Jianting promptly turned around and called for Fengquan to bring
the wine over. She personally poured a cup for Shao Chengbi. “I shall wait in Qudu for Viceroy
Shao to return in victory!”

◈ ◈ ◈

Gao Zhongxiong set down his brush and said to Yao Wenyu, “In Yuanzhuo’s opinion, how will
Qudu fight this battle?”

“First, quell the rumors, then persuade Commander-in-chief Qi to mobilize troops,” Yao Wenyu
turned his wheelchair to the other end of the table and spread out the map, “and have Shao
Chengbi guard Dancheng. Xue Xiuzhuo will certainly make an issue of His Lordship’s
background. He wants a justifiable reason to dispatch troops too.”

“There are indeed 40,000 garrison troop soldiers still left in Fanzhou and Dengzhou, but they are
all new recruits, so we can only wait for Huo Lingyun to rush over to provide reinforcement.”
Zhou Gui was a little worried as he sighed with emotion. “Xue Xiuzhuo returned the fields to the
commoners. He has an excellent reputation in Dancheng. If the imperial court were to bring up
Shen Wei, it’d be hard for us to counterattack.”

Kong Ling then said, “They bestowed beneficence upon the three cities, but our benefactions
extend to the six prefectures. His Lordship’s contributions in the three territories are all tangible
accomplishments. It’s not something the new emperor can compare to. We were also the ones
who joined forces with Libei and Qidong to win over the Chashi River’s line of defense. Second
Master has also made illustrious military achievements in bringing peace and stability to the
Bianjun Commandery and advancing east into the desert. Zhongbo and Libei are unbeatable in
terms of achievements.”

Shen Zechuan sat alone in the principal seat, looking pensive.

“There is one more matter I can’t figure out. The issue of commoners’ fields in the three cities
has just been settled,” Zhou Gui pointed at Qudu. “However, the number of commoners forced to
leave their homes for Zhongbo is still increasing instead of decreasing. What is the reason for

“The noble clans have had jurisdiction over the eight cities for a long time. The so-called
encroachment on the commoners’ fields doesn’t just refer to the eight great clans. The reason
why the Grand Mentor implemented the census register system2 back then was exactly to curb
any attempts at field encroachment. The three cities of Dancheng, Wucheng, and Chuancheng
had indeed straightened out their field taxes, but this sum of field tax was also forcibly imposed
and collected by the Pan, Han, and Fei clans. In other words, there are still many ‘bandits’, who
are affiliated with the noble clans but are not of noble birth themselves, stealing the commoners’
fields, and they continue to make the common folks pay for this shortfall.” Yao Wenyu looked at
Shen Zechuan. “Since the noble clans have the name of ‘chronic ailment’ and ‘deeply-rooted
malady’, they cannot be easily eradicated.”

“Yuanzhuo has hit the nail on the head.” Shen Zechuan lifted the lid to open up the teacup and
covered it again. “It’s not hard to implement the census register. The real difficulty lies in
accounting for the yearly cumulative total, which requires internal regulations of government
affairs and supervision in the data entry and submission of the reports. The selection of local
officials in the various areas is also a top priority. Qudu has been caught up in the tussles
between political factions in recent years, and those from the noble clans and those of humble
origins have each suffered losses. By the time the new emperor ascended to the throne, the
imperial court was empty and the key positions, vacant. Even if Xue Xiuzhuo does his utmost to
turn the tide and save the desperate situation, he cannot do it alone.”

“Qudu can’t even pay the monthly salaries now,” Kong Ling said, “and they still have to bear the
military expenses of the 40,000-strong Capital Command Troops. The longer it stretches on, the
more strapped they will be. The commoners can’t prosper, and the silver treasury in Xue
Xiuzhuo’s hands will not make it past winter this year.”

“At this stage,” Shen Zechuan said, “we are fighting a war of words. Let’s see
how Qudu responds.”

The bamboo blinds rose gently, and Fei Sheng entered with a letter in hand. “Master, a letter
from Second Master has arrived.”

Seeing as it was already late, Kong Ling rose with Zhou Gui and Gao Zhongxiong in tow and
said to Shen Zechuan, “It’s too late today, and Your Lordship ought to retire for the night too, so
we shall take our leave first.”

Shen Zechuan waited for them to leave one after another before opening Xiao Chiye’s letter. The
moment the paper was spread open, a few tiny paper-folded wolves dropped out.

My wife, treat this letter as you would my person.

Shen Zechuan brushed his fingers over this line.

This expedition is dangerless. The Armored Cavalry has already arrived at Mosanchuan. We
can reach Amu’er’s native place in the eleventh month. With the Huiyan Tribe as an example of
the benefits of the mutual frontier trade, I have drawn over three desert tribes to our side,
hoping to exhaust the combined strength of the three tribes to attack the bald vultures together.
The provisions are ample, and the sweet potatoes are filling. The only thing, though, is that Lu
Guangbai is way too noisy. If I can emerge victorious in one battle, I will be able to rush back
home to spend the new year with you. Miss you.

Shen Zechuan looked at the bottom, where Xiao Chiye had used charcoal to scrawl a dark, starry
night sky. Shen Zechuan read the few short lines repeatedly for a very long time. The candlelight
shone upon the paper-cut window decoration. The night in Cizhou could still be considered
refreshingly cool, but autumn was already setting in to the east of the Chashi River. Mosanchuan
– or the Three Rivers of the Desert – were all barren shores with harsh sandstorms. He wondered
if Xiao Chiye would be thin when he returned.

All the thousands upon thousands of words Shen Zechuan had to say dissolved into that phrase,
“miss you”.

There was another official letter sealed with the commander’s seal behind Xiao Chiye’s letter
from home. Shen Zechuan opened it to find that it was a letter from Lu Guangbai.

◈ ◈ ◈

Several days later, the sound of horses’ hooves broke the silence. The cold night had not yet
awoken. The man who reined in the horse produced his own authority token and shouted at the
soldiers guarding the camp. “Tally of urgency3 from the express dispatch station!4 Hurry up and
open the gates. I want to see the Prince of Donglie!”

Qi Zhuyin already had a premonition when she draped her clothes around herself. She lifted the
curtains and stepped out, where she saw the authentication token from the express dispatch
station against the cobalt blue sky.

“Military report?” She asked.

“Military report!” The official from the express dispatch station dismounted his horse and
kneeled to pay his obeisance. In a loud voice, he said, “The Ministry of War has specially
authorized the Prince of Donglie, Qi Zhuyin, to dispatch troops to Dengzhou to crush the
Zhongbo rebels immediately!”

Qi Zhuyin pursed her lips lightly. She did not immediately answer.

The official from the express dispatch station then stood up and lifted the tally high. “As per the
imperial decree, Her Majesty has appointed the Prince of Donglie to dispatch troops! “
“There are 40,000 Capital Command Troops right in Dancheng,” Qi Zhuyin said. “Why is Shao
Chengbi not making a move? Tianfei Watchtower is a key natural barrier of Da Zhou. Each time
my troops pass through, it will deplete several tens of thousands in military salaries.”

“The Grand Secretariat has already given an official reply in writing to the Ministry of War;
Qidong’s military salaries will arrive in a few days.” The official had an oblong face shape.
Formerly Shao Chengbi’s old subordinate, he had come to ask Qi Zhuyin to deploy troops. He
continued, neither obsequious nor supercilious, “The ambitions of the band of traitorous rebels
are all too clear. Viceroy Shao’s stationing of his troops in Dancheng is, in fact, to guard Qudu.
The traitor from the Shen clan is presently diverting his troops to Cizhou. His back is empty. As
long as the Prince of Donglie sends troops, you can attack them from the front and the rear
simultaneously with Viceroy Shao to besiege and annihilate the rebels.”

Qi Zhuyin did not answer.

The official pressed in a step closer. He wore a yellow belt bestowed by the emperor around his
waist, along with a renowned blade bestowed by the emperor. Qi Wei promptly strode forth to
stand before Qi Zhuyin and berated, “Remove your blade on seeing the prince!”

“My blade was bestowed by the Son of Heaven.” The official was not in the slightest afraid as he
said coldly, “The rebels are threatening Qudu, and they have already forced their way before the
emperor, so why is the Prince of Donglie unwilling to deploy troops to come to Her Majesty’s
aid?” He abruptly yanked off the yellow belt. “The Qi clan takes orders from the Son of Heaven;
you are a subject of Da Zhou, so Qi Zhuyin, why are you not heeding the order?”

Qi Wei, having already lost his temper, snapped, “My lord’s honorable name is not something
for you to call!”

The official stood tall and dauntless. “The state is in imminent danger! If the Prince of Donglie
doesn’t dispatch troops, Da Zhou will perish. When that time comes, the emperor is not the
emperor, and the subject ceases to be the subject. You and I will merely be the slaves of a fallen
empire. There will be no status and rank to speak of!”

Qi Wei was enraged. “Take him down—”

“Stand down!” Qi Zhuyin suddenly raised her hand, and the overcoat on her shoulders slid to the
ground, revealing her regular wear and Zhujiu at the side of her waist. “Leave the tally behind,”
she said. “I’ve got the message.”

Under the tense atmosphere, the official took the tally and presented it to Qi Zhuyin with both
hands. He bowed again and said in a quiet voice, “This humble official shall wait in Dancheng
for the Prince of Donglie to return in triumph.”

Having said that, he turned around and got on his horse. Without even drinking a drop of water,
he spurred his horse on and set off on his return journey.
“This man is truly rude!” Qi Wei took two steps after him and looked back at Qi Zhuyin.
“Commander-in-chief, why do you have to put up with it? Qudu is the one begging us to send
troops right now!”

“He’s a decent official, composed in the face of danger and calm in the face of crisis. You should
learn from him.” Qi Zhuyin flipped over the tally for a look. “We have been raising our horses
and training our troops to this day, and all the food consumed has to be repaid.”

“So we are really going?” Qi Wei followed Qi Zhuyin closely. “Second Master is away on an
expedition. Attacking Zhongbo now is to exploit another’s plight.”

“Exploitation is still a thing when you’re fighting a war?” Qi Zhuyin turned around to enter the
military tent. She set the token on the table and looked at the map hanging on the wall. “Shen
Zechuan lacks generals now. There’s only a Huo Lingyun who can temporarily stand in as
Dengzhou’s commander, but the soldiers under his commands are not the best quality. Twenty
thousand soldiers will be enough for us to fight Dengzhou.”

“I just fear…” Qi Wei started.

“Tantai Hu can’t be in two places at once,” Qi Zhuyin continued, “and Shen Zechuan has still yet
to recover from his injuries. Once I make my move, Jiming will come.”

With the interruption from Qi Zhuyin, Qi Wei forgot what he was going to say and instead
exclaimed in surprise, “The Hereditary Prince—I mean, the Prince is going to return to the

“Xiao Chiye left his beloved there.” Qi Zhuyin cast a glance at Qi Wei. “You think he’d dare to
leave without a contingency plan?”

“Libei only has 30,000 Armored Cavalry left.” Qi Wei started to worry for Xiao Jiming. “The
Prince of Libei is still in recuperation. If something were to happen to him, won’t the Princess
Consort drown Qidong in her tears?”

Qi Wei could already imagine what Lu Yizhi would look like as she pounded Qi Zhuyin with her
fists and bawled herself a river with her eyes shut.

“Glacial River Armored Cavalry, Xiao Jiming,” Qi Zhuyin said. “He’s the Xiao Jiming who
sped through the snowy night and crossed the river to head down south to launch a sudden
assault on the Biansha Cavalry. Even if Libei had only 5,000 Armored Cavalrymen left, he
would still dare to come, let alone with 30,000 of them.”

Qi Wei was already at a loss what to do. He was not at all wishy-washy when fighting battles
with the Biansha Cavalry, but with Libei…

“Commander-in-chief,” he said. “If we really come to blows, we will both suffer casualties.
Leaving aside the troops who will sustain injuries and deaths, the common folk in both territories
will also be in a state of panic and unease. Dengzhou did a good job straightening out the grain
fields this year. We cross over, and people will still have to starve to death next year. Aren’t the
officials from the capital all capable? Let them convince Shen Zechuan with their eloquence. The
way it seems to me, Shen Zechuan will not move as long as the Capital Command Troops remain
in place.”

“Then you have to understand one thing.” Qi Zhuyin turned around and said in all seriousness,
“If we don’t fight this battle, you and I will be the slaves of a fallen empire. In the future, you
and I will be subjects of a former reign, and the empire will see a change of surname thereafter.
If we do not bow down to Shen Zechuan, we will have to kneel to Xiao Chiye.”

Qi Wei was struck dumb.

“Since time immemorial, loyalty and righteousness have struggled to co-exist.” Qi Zhuyin
looked at the map again. “And this is a perfect example.”

The sounds of footsteps suddenly rang out at the door. Qi Wei turned his head back for a look.

“I heard an official from the express dispatch station has arrived.” Hua Xiangyi was in the midst
of lifting the flap to enter. She was plainly dressed in white, mourning clothes, the contrast of
which accentuated her delicate, dainty features.

“A-Yin, that’s a military report?”

◈ ◈ ◈

Before Shao Chengbi left Qudu, Li Jianting had Fengquan pack his bags for him. In truth,
however, Shao Chengbi had nothing to pack. All he brought along was a broadsword.

Fengquan washed Shao Chengbi’s hair for him, then tied his hair into a topknot before the
bronze mirror. Shao Chengbi’s white hair was very rough.

He said, “I can’t grow it out when going onto the battlefield to kill the enemies. Might as well
cut off some.”

So Fengquan had a junior eunuch bring a razor, which he used to cut Shao Chengbi’s hair short.

“Her Majesty asked you to see me off.” Shao Chengbi’s voice had gone all hoarse from the
poison he took. It was not damaged to the point he could not speak, but his voice box was
thoroughly ruined. “It is, in itself, a great kindness.”

Soft shaving sounds came from the razor. Fengquan answered expressionlessly, “It is as Father

“This one parting stretches eternal.” Shao Chengbi looked at Fengquan in the mirror. “Us father
and son won’t see each other again.”
“Father is composed and steady in directing military operations. You will not lose.” Fengquan
carefully shaved Shao Chengbi’s hair. “Furthermore, the firearms of the Chunquan Battalion are
all in Father’s hands. They are enough to give Shen Zechuan a headache.”

“He succeeds the Grand Mentor,” Shao Chengbi said. “He is a formidable and ambitious man.”

“The Grand Mentor might have been able to devise strategies from a command tent and score
victories without a trace.” White hair rustled as they fell to the ground. Fengquan wiped the
blade with his thumb. The side of Shao Chengbi’s neck was right within reach. “But he is
afflicted with a disease that all intelligent people possess, and that is, conceit.”

Shao Chengbi’s blinded eye moved with great effort.

Fengquan kept away the razor and swiftly rolled Shao Chengbi’s hair up to secure it in place.

Shao Chengbi sat quietly. The rays of the setting sun penetrated the window and drew a
boundary line between Fengquan and him. Dust motes floated in the air.

“In the next life,” Shao Chengbi said, “I will be your son.”5

After a moment of silence, Fengquan answered, “Spare me.”

◈ ◈ ◈

Qudu took half a month to draft up the official proclamation and public denunciation, and the
various yamens put it up in public. Other than the defeat of Shen Wei’s troops, there were also
mentions of Shen Zechuan’s crimes, such as possessing his own troops under his own banner and
forming a faction to plot a rebellion.

“The imperial court has shown kindness to the Shen clan, but the remaining survivor of the Shen
clan proclaimed himself king in lands he seized with the intention of plotting a rebellion!” The
junior yamen official struck the gong and shouted to those illiterate commoners. “He is now
gathering bandits and pressing in towards Dancheng. He’s a rebel and a traitor! From today
onward, the Capital Command Troops will patrol the city and impose a curfew. No one is
allowed to go out after the hour of you!”

The Capital Command Troops, equipped with superior arms of the finest quality, ran around the
streets and markets regardless of day or night. All the teahouses and wine taverns where rumors
were the most prevalent were closed down. Anyone who gathered in groups was arrested and
imprisoned for slander and libel. In no time, everyone was thrown into a state of alarm. The
sound of stringed and woodwind instruments, as well as reed pipes, no longer permeated the
most prosperous Donglong Street.

“The ascension of the emperor is neither backed by the imperial genealogy records6 nor
authenticated in writing in cinnabar.”7 Gao Zhongxiong stepped on a rock and lifted the article
high. The sun was blistering hot, and his face was all drenched in sweat. “It’s hard to believe
based on Xue Xiuzhuo’s words alone! If she is truly Prince Qin’s legitimate descendent of lawful
birth, then may I ask, where is the cinnabar seal? Prince Qin is without an heir; if he has a
daughter of lawful birth, how could he have allowed her to end up wandering among the
common people?”

“Ever since the Great Imperial Ancestor8 ascended to the throne, Da Zhou has had twenty-one
sovereigns, and there has never been an emperor with such dubious origins in hundreds of years!
Is the one everyone kneels to today a sovereign of the Li clan, or a powerful minister of the Xue
clan?!” Gao Zhongxiong wiped his sweat, his tone somber, “Court politics were undermined
during the reign of Yongyi, its army was defeated during the reign of Xiande. The Li clan is held
captive by the noble clans. They no longer have any grace to extend. They can’t even fend for

◈ ◈ ◈

An urgent flurry of footsteps sounded in the office compound, while the candlelight in Mingli
Hall burned through the night without end.

“The express dispatch station reported back that the Prince of Donglie meant to send troops.”
The mobilization of soldiers and horses was no small matter. Chen Zhen had already been here
for four days; he even had his meals and slept here. “But there is no military report as to the
exact timing for departure and arrival. We have no idea too.”

“The grains were all put together in haste. We can’t wait, and we can’t let it drag on. Issue a tally
of urgency. If Qi Zhuyin doesn’t get into motion, then issue it to Qi Shiyu!” Kong Qiu sat in seat,
so anxious was he that he was fuming. “If we can make it a quick battle in Dengzhou, the
Beiyuan military drill grounds will definitely withdraw troops and turn back to provide
reinforcements. Shao Chengbi will then be able to go into battle and follow up with an attack.
But the imperial court has over ten writers, and yet Gao Zhongxiong still managed to get the
upper hand. Is there no one in the Hanlin Academy and Imperial College?!”

The Grand Secretary was in a rage, and the hall fell silent for a moment. All the officials
standing under the eaves with their hands by their sides kept their mouths shut.

Li Jianting’s birth origin was dubious to begin with. At first, it was said that she was Prince
Qin’s legitimate daughter, but even so, she ought to have a genealogy record, or if not, at least
Prince Qin’s last words in writing or cinnabar seal. When Xue Xiuzhuo verified the identity of
the Heir Apparent, the proof he had produced was in the handwriting of Emperor Tianchen, Li
Jianheng. The bright yellow9 satin-covered folded book was indeed affixed with the imperial
seal, but at that time, Li Jianheng was already dead, and the long-time officials from the Grand
Secretariat all knew nothing of the matter.

And now, Zhongbo was insisting that Li Jianting was definitely not of the Li clan’s bloodline.
Although the various regions strictly prohibited private discussions of state affairs, the rumors
persisted. Even worse, there were also speculations about the female emperor and Xue Xiuzhuo.
“This battle is a tough one to fight,” Cen Yu said. “It’d be far better to go give the Prince of
Donglie another nudge.”

◈ ◈ ◈

Shao Chengbi bumpily hobbled his way up the city wall. He could not see Cizhou from here,
only the continuous stretch of the Dunzhou garrison troops’ military tents. Tantai Hu had
complied with Shen Zechuan’s order and was approaching Dancheng amidst both parties’
increasingly heated cussing.

“Tantai Hu was originally Xiao Chiye’s general, but was later transferred by Xiao Chiye to
Zhongbo, where he began to guard Dunzhou. That Shen Zechuan could successfully defend
Duanzhou was, in part, thanks to Tantai Hu.” The official following beside Shao Chengbi’s side
was the same official who went to Qidong to deliver the tally of urgency. He was the son of a
former subordinate of Shao Chengbi. His name was Xu Yu. After the Shao clan had their
properties sealed off and family members executed, he was dismissed from his military rank. He
stayed in the relay station where he eked a living in a sinecure. He knew the generals from the
various regions like the back of his hand.

Shao Chengbi shifted his crippled leg and moved closer to the battlements. “What is this
person’s relationship to Tantai Long?”

“He’s Tantai Long’s younger brother.”

“Tantai Long is steady and reliable. If he takes after his elder brother’s nature,” Shao Chengbi
looked at the boundless horizon where dusk was creeping up on, “then he probably won’t make a
rash move.”

“Shen Zechuan won over the six prefectures by playing the benevolence and righteousness card,”
Xu Yu said, “and now he is taking the stand that ‘the Li clan is malevolent’, and ‘the Prefectural
Lord has just cause’, so naturally, he would not dare to let Tantai Hu attack the city, lest he gives
the others grounds for gossip. However, the way this humble official sees it, the Dunzhou
garrison troops intend to encircle and block off the city gates to deplete Dancheng’s granary in
an attempt to force Viceroy Shao to open the gates.”

“The treasury is empty, and the army is short on military grains. Besieging the city to force a
surrender is indeed an excellent strategy.” Shao Chengbi walked along the battlements. “How is
Tantai Hu’s management of his troops?”

Xu Yu looked out of the city and thought for a moment. “Relaxed and free handed,” He

◈ ◈ ◈

Tantai Hu ate his meal in the camp. Ever since he had arrived at the Beiyuan military drill
grounds, Yu Xiaozai had been eating and staying with him.
It was already dark now.

“Anything unusual during the night patrol?” Tantai Hu asked.

Liu Kong, who was standing at the entrance of the tent, answered, “All is well. General, that
Shao Chengbi was so scared on hearing of your mighty name that he doesn’t even dare to step
out of the city gates.”

“I heard Shao Chengbi is a cripple.” Tantai Hu cleaned out his meal in several mouthfuls. “I
wonder if he dares to fight on horseback with us.”

“They want to defend the city.” With Yu Xiaozai present, Liu Kong watched his words and
merely said, “If there are any orders from His Lordship, I’ll immediately report it to you, so
please take a rest, General.”

The camp was buzzing with mosquitoes, so the tent flap was lowered. Yu Xiaozai soaked his feet
in hot water and asked Tantai Hu in a quiet voice, “I can see that this person is quick-witted and
bright. How come I didn’t see him on my last tour on inspection?”

“I hadn’t promoted him yet at that time,” Tantai Hu said. “He has had a hard life. He comes from
a farming household in Dengzhou. During the fourth year of Xiande, his family was slaughtered
by the Biansha Cavalry, and he mixed in with the Fanzhou bandits for a period of time. Later, he
joined my troops. I guess he can be said to have turned over a new leaf.”

Meticulous as always, Yu Xiaozai thought about matters as he wiped his feet.

At night, they slept on separate beds. Tantai Hu’s snores were deafening, but unexpectedly, when
the hour of chou came around, his stomach started acting up. Tantai Hu initially thought that the
food was unclean. He was in such pain that his face had turned white. It was only until the latter
half of the night that he felt something amiss.

Outside the tent, Liu Kong reported with urgency, “General! The brothers are all having the

Clutching his stomach, Tantai Hu slipped on his shoes and lifted the tent flap to hear moans
everywhere around the camp. The latrines were all crowded full of people. His expression grew
slightly grim as he said, “Summon the military medics first, then send someone to convey the
news immediately to Cizhou!”

Yu Xiaozai was half-dead sleeping, but he crawled up from bed on hearing the commotion. As
he draped his clothes over him, he walked out and exclaimed in shock, “What’s happening?!”

“Someone poisoned—”

Before Liu Kong could finish his words, the sound of vomiting rang out from the sides as all the
soldiers began to throw up. With such similar symptoms, what else could it be if not a case of
poisoning? Tantai Hu’s heart skipped in alarm as he realized that there was a spy among the

“Summon the military medics, quick!” Tantai Hu commanded with urgency.

◈ ◈ ◈

Xu Yu was already asleep when he heard the scout reporting back. He did not even have the time
to wash up when he went to summon Shao Chengbi. As he led Shao Chengbi up the city gate, he
said, “Viceroy Shao, the garrison troops are in chaos!”

Shao Chengbi looked at the bright lights in the far distance and heard human voices.

Xu Yu was delighted. “The scout reported back that everyone from top to bottom in the garrison
troops ate something bad and are now suffering from stomach upsets, with bouts of vomiting and
diarrhea. That Tantai Hu is now burning with anxiety, like an ant on a hot pan.”

Being prudent, Shao Chengbi said, “Is it true? If it’s a trap to lure the enemies, there may still be
an ambush.”

“Tantai Hu has the runs too. Everyone in the campground is down for the count. It doesn’t seem
to be fake. Besides, Zhongbo has no reinforcements. He would never use 20,000 garrison troops
to put on a show.” Xu Yu held his blade in his hand, feeling a surge of emotions in a rare
moment. “Viceroy Shao, once we emerge victorious in this battle and return home in triumph,
the injustices we suffered will be redressed!”

Shao Chengbi’s breathing was slightly heavy. He braced himself against the battlements, still
hesitating. The junior soldier at the bottom hurried up the steps and cupped his fists at Shao
Chengbi. “Viceroy Shao, the express dispatch station’s tally of urgency—the Prince of Donglie
has mobilized troops!”

Shao Chengbi narrowed one of his eyes and tilted his head back to roar with laughter under the
firelight. He suddenly turned back and said, “Heaven is helping me! Lead the horse over!”

◈ ◈ ◈

Tantai Hu was down with a bad case of vomiting and diarrhea too. His stomach was churning,
and his legs were trembling. There were not enough military medics to go around. The erected
shack was packed full of soldiers lying down. Even Liu Kong had puked a few times.

“Is the message sent?” Tantai Hu asked with a ghastly pale face.

Yu Xiaozai smacked his thigh. “How’d I know?!”

At this moment, it was tough to even form a squad that could still stand on their feet, let alone
lined up in formation. Tantai Hu extinguished half of the torches in the camp to put on a show of
normalcy, but his eyelids suddenly twitched, and he kept having the nagging feeling that
something was going to happen tonight.

Liu Kong said to Tantai Hu, “The ones transporting military grains are all our own men, so
nothing will go awry on the way. We have been eating rice and noodles for a month without
incident, but something just had to go wrong tonight of all times…”

Tantai Hu said through gritted teeth, “There has to be a spy from Qudu among the troops.”

Although Yu Xiaozai tried his best to divert the topic, he was the only one in the entire camp
who was still fine. Cold sweat broke out on his back. It had already occurred to him what the
other party’s intent was. The gears whirled in his mind. His expression unchanging, he said,
“Let’s not lose our heads now. If by any chance—”

He had yet to finish speaking when he heard the sound of hooves from the western side of the
camp galloping their way over. The soldiers on the watchtower struck the drum to sound the
alarm. In an instant, the words “enemy attack!” reverberated through the entire camp.

Liu Kong let loose an exclamation and cried out in a fluster, “General!”

Tantai Hu abruptly jerked to his feet, his chest heaving. Then he yanked up the soldiers who
were in slightly better condition and shouted, “Get into formation!”

The Capital Command Troops had light cavalry as their vanguards, so they could launch a
surprise attack and gather intelligence on the facts of the matter. If the Dunzhou Garrison troops
were indeed laying a trap to lure the enemies in, they would be able to retreat immediately.

The light cavalry of the Capital Command Troops charged their way to the western side. The
drum on the watchtower was pounded with such intensity it was about to break. Tantai Hu raised
his arm and hollered, “Archers!”

The Dunzhou garrison troops often had to face off the Biansha Cavalry, and in order to deal with
the Biansha Cavalry, Tantai Hu had the bows the troops used swapped from longbows to the
strong bows used by the Libei Armored Cavalry. The results had been remarkable the few times
they were used in battles, but right now, soldiers who could still draw a bow were few and far

The bows and arrows failed to wear down the light cavalry. The other party already knew of the
fatigue and frailness of the Dunzhou garrison troops. The infantrymen behind charged swiftly
with shields in hands, their armors glinting in the moonlight. These were the finest gears of the
Eight Great Training Divisions.

The campground’s wooden fences were knocked down. Even if the garrison troops were to run
now, it was too late. Tantai Hu drew his blade to face the enemies head-on, but before he could
get to the infantry of the Capital Command Troops, the light cavalry rushed right into his sight.
He caught a whiff of gunpowder, and his heart went cold as he rolled to the ground.
The bronze firearms instantly blasted into action, sending sparks flying in all directions.

Tantai Hu covered his head and dodged, but both his arms were stinging in searing pain. He
turned his arms over and gasped in alarm.

“By grace of imperial magnanimity, the imperial court will not pursue the heinous crimes of all
those willing to surrender tonight.” Shao Chengbi spurred his horse into the camp. “The
300,000-strong Qidong garrison troops have already made it past Tianfei Watchtower. The Shen
clan’s rebellion has failed to come to fruition and is now at a dead end. This old man advises all
in attendance to wise up and surrender before it’s too late!”

Credits: Thank you Gale and Paj for spotting the typo! <3

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1. 纸贵 literally paper expensive. When a work is so popular everyone is copying it to

circulate it, leading to paper shortage and causing the price of paper to skyrocket.
2. 黃冊 Huangce or yellow registers/yellow book served during the Ming Dynasty to
provide basic data for taxation and recruitment based on the household’s classification
according to their occupation. It was mainly divided into three categories: civilian,
military, and craftsman.
3. 火牌 military token/tally/seal or warrant to identify and authenticate soldiers delivering
urgent messages.
4. 急递铺 urgent delivery station or express post station. Together with the relay (post)
stations, they formed the “arteries and veins” of the Ming Empire, working together to
circulate people, information, and goods throughout the lands.
5. Supposedly, to repay the debt he owes his son in this life.
6. 玉牒 literally jade records; i.e., genealogy record of the imperial family
7. 朱批/朱砂印 literally vermillion or cinnabar seal as authetication
8. 太祖 Taizu, Great (Imperial) Ancestor “; usually the posthumous title of the first emperor
(or founder) of a new dynasty.
9. Yellow was the color of the emperor.

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 270 : Doorstep

Tantai Hu understood that victory would prove hard for this battle. He spat a mouthful of saliva
and cursed, “Son of a bitch, wily old fox. To think you would use such an underhanded trick!”

Unmoved by the cussing, Shao Chengbi looked at Tantai Hu and continued, “By following you
into battle, the soldiers are entrusting their lives to you. You have no chance of victory now. In
resisting stubbornly, you are disregarding the safety of the soldiers. Tantai Hu, this old one is a
former acquaintance of your eldest brother, so let me advise you again to surrender and pledge
allegiances to the side of the righteous.”

“Bullocks.” Tantai Hu said coldly as he rose with his blade. “I followed His Lordship on a
campaign to fight against the Biansha Cavalry, and yet you want me to surrender to you at the
end of the day. Bah! I, Tantai Hu, will not bow!”

The words had yet to be fully out of his mouth when Xu Yu heard the “whoosh” of an arrow
being released from the top of the watchtower. The whistling sound pierced through the darkness
of the night, sounding particularly jarring on the ears. Xu Yu, having long heard about the
smooth passage of the Zhongbo bridleway and great numbers of relay stations, guessed that
Tantai Hu was passing on the news with this one move.

Xu Yu immediately advised, “Viceroy Shao, there is no time to lose. Let’s make this a quick
battle and get it over and done with!”

“We treat you with compassion even though you insist on resorting to arms.” Shao Chengbi
gripped the hilt of his broadsword. “To catch the bandits, first capture their chief. Kill Tantai Hu,
and we will be able to score a victory without fighting tonight.”

The Capital Command Troops had already swarmed in at the drop of his voice. The garrison
troops were too powerless to resist and could only cut a wretched sight as they fled. Yu Xiaozai
saw that Tantai Hu was in no position to do a thing without support. Just as he was about to be
surrounded, a few partridge cries suddenly rang out from outside the camp.


Where on earth were there partridges in Zhongbo?

Right at that time, in the very instant Shao Chengbi drew out his new broadsword, Yu Xiaozai
covered his head and shouted, “Laohu, roll!”

Tantai Hu originally did not want to roll, but at the very moment he was about to lunge forward,
he felt a pain in the back of his knee and his entire body went down with a “thud”, his face to the
ground. Before he could steady himself, he heard the military tent at the side collapse with a
thunderous boom, smashing right into the Capital Command Troops in front.

The catapult!

Tantai Hu subconsciously thought it was the Biansha Cavalry, but then he thought the better of it
and exclaimed with an overjoyed expression, “The Imperial Army!”

With the light from the flames, Xu Yu saw soldiers surging out from the eastern side of the camp
and could not help but curse “shit” to himself. The firelight outside the camp suddenly
intensified. The Imperial Army had even brought along the catapult from the Cizhou armory.
They had been waiting for a long time just to seize the opportunity to fight the Capital Command
Troops tonight.

In the twinkling of an eye, the tables had turned. Shao Chengbi wanted to withdraw his troops,
but the retreat route in the back had already been intercepted and severed.

“Viceroy Shao,” Xu Yu said to Shao Chengbi, “We have played into their hands!”

The collapsed military tent knocked over the torches, and sparks abruptly shot up. The Capital
Command Troops’ light cavalry were only a few hundred in number. As they hastily retreated,
they bumped into the Imperial Army that had come circling around to their backs.

Tantai Hu looked as if he had seen his dear mother the instant he saw the Imperial Army. He
propped himself up and rose to his feet, crying out with joy, “Bloody hell, Qiao Tianya!”

On hearing this name, Shao Chengbi looked back in the firelight. A few strands of white hair
from his slightly loosened bun fell, blocking the sight of his blinded eye. His vaguely hunched
back was not at all strapping tall, but it looked like a steep, protruding hill in the color of the

“Uncle Shao.” Qiao Tianya’s blade-gripping hand slid down, where it rested on the hilt of a
sword that was not easily drawn. After a moment’s pause, he continued, “—Shifu.”
The past materialized in that very instant, but in just a split second, it dissolved away into the
long, endless night. Qiao Tianya was at the age of four when he acknowledged Shao Chengbi as
his master. This sword that he had brought along when he left Qudu had also been a gift from
Shao Chengbi.

Shao Chengbi did not have a sword. He slowly drew out that brand new broadsword of his and
looked at Qiao Tianya as he proclaimed in a hoarse voice, “Traitors ought to be executed.”

◈ ◈ ◈

Huo Lingyun galloped through the starry wilderness, speeding through the lush expanse of grass
as he rushed in the direction of Dengzhou. At the foot of the city wall, he raised his authority
token high and bellowed, “Open the gates!”

The Dengzhou overhanging gate slammed down with a thunderous bang, and Huo Lingyun
galloped across the passageway, dismounted his horse, and sprinted up the city wall. He grabbed
over the torch at the side and thrust it before him to illuminate the way ahead, gasping heavily
for breath as he drove away the darkness. The Tianfei Watchtower mountain chain was still and
silent in the pitch-dark night; the Qidong Garrison Troops mentioned in the urgent report were
nowhere to be seen.

Huo Lingyun asked the general guarding the city, “Any activity from the smoke signal towers?”1

“All as usual,” The general guarding the city answered.

Huo Lingyun’s back was all soaked from speeding the way over. He wiped the sweat off his face
with a palm and returned the torch to the general guarding the city.

“Be on your guard,” he commanded.

◈ ◈ ◈

Dark clouds hid the moon from view, and the stars faded away. All good things were gone in a
flash, fleeting and ephemeral. Sparks flew all over as broadsword and sword collided. The victor
was decided at the moment when Shao Chengbi fell off his horse.

His broadsword was broken, as were his master-disciple ties with Qiao Tianya.

The camp was illuminated by the collapsed and pinned-down torches. The footsteps of the
Capital Command Troops were in disarray. They were no match for the Imperial Army, who
were masters at combat on foot.

Shao Chengbi, too, was no match for Qiao Tianya.

Qiao Tianya was only a few steps away from Shao Chengbi. His sword returned to its sheath
under the firelight, and a disarray of overlapping shadows shrouded the side of his body. In his
trance, he actually bore some resemblance to the Shao Chengbi who drew his broadsword

“Defeat is certain this battle,” Qiao Tianya said softly under the crackling sound of the fire.
“Shifu is not here to crush me.”

With his hand covering his chest, Shao Chengbi struggled to gasp for his dying breath. His pale
lips opened and closed. “I’m already at this age… I’m no longer as valiant as I was in those
days… I came to see you… Your father erred…” Shao Chengbi tried his best to open his eyes
wide as he gazed at the blurry canopy of heaven. “… And so have I… With this battle… I’ve
repaid the debt… on your father’s behalf… Shen… truly lives up to the Grand Mentor’s…

Qiao Tianya looked at Shao Chengbi.

But Shao Chengbi would not look at Qiao Tianya. His hoarse voice was just like a drum that had
been broken. In the last lingering moments of his life, he murmured, “Qiao Songyue. A fine lad.”

Qiao Tianya tightened his grip on the hilt of the sword. He stood unmoving and still in the entire
sky of flying ashes and let the dust settle upon him, his shoulders cutting a sorry sight. The day
he went to the Shao’s residence to acknowledge Shao Chengbi as his master, Shao Chengbi had
patted the top of his head and said the exact words, “Qiao Songyue. A fine lad.”

Tantai Hu, who was on the other end dragging the bodies, whistled at Qiao Tianya and tossed
over the firearms they had just seized.

“Other than the dozen or so equipped by the light cavalry,” Tantai Hu’s expression was odd, “the
others are all malfunctioning.”

◈ ◈ ◈

Qi Zhuyin stood before the Tianfei Watchtower’s beacon tower and overlooked the winding
mountain range. This night was just like a rising tide, trapping not only her but also Qidong. She
had stood here alone countless of times before, watching over the Five Commanderies.

Seeing her lonely back, Qi Wei could not stop himself from calling out, “Commander-in-

At this call, Qi Zhuyin thought of her conversation with Hua Xiangyi before she set off.

Hua Xiangyi sat upright opposite her, the white flower at her temple hidden among hair the color
of raven black, as if floating open on the crystal clear water surface. It was not as conspicuous as
the lady herself, but it gave her a boost of charm. As she brewed the tea, she said, “Looks like
success or failure hinges on this one move, given how Qudu is pressing you so urgently.”
Qi Zhuyin watched her steep tea, her womanly, dainty hands holding up the clay teapot.
Strangely enough, as long as Hua Xiangyi was there, all the strife outside seemed to have
vanished. Hua Xiangyi could always quite manage to make Qi Zhuyin think of the pleasure of

“I saw that your entire army is ready to depart, so I thought of having another cup of tea with

“Tea to send me off?” Qi Zhuyin asked.

As boiling water poured over the tea leaves, wisps of steam spiraled into the air.

“Tea to make you stay,” Hua Xiangyi said.

The tension in the atmosphere turned up a notch. Qi Zhuyin braced herself by the side of her
knees, looking as if she was going to get up.

“By mobilizing troops, Commander-in-chief Qi means to obstruct Shen Zechuan from advancing
west so that he will stay put in Zhongbo and not enter conflict with the Li clan. But if you ask
me, Commander-in-chief Qi is merely deceiving yourself with this one move, much like the thief
who plugs his ears when stealing a bell. Not only is it of no benefit to the common people,” Hua
Xiangyi nudged the tea gently over to the other end of the small table and looked at Qi Zhuyin,
“it also deviates from Commander-in-chief Qi’s original intent.”

Qi Zhuyin stopped mid-action.

The emerald window gauze reflecting the banana leaves blocked out some of the sunlight,
making Hua Xiangyi look like she was sitting in a painting.

She said to Qi Zhuyin, “Food is scarce in Qudu, and the eight cities’ granaries are empty. You
were unwilling to follow Xiao Chiye eastward because deploying troops into war would make it
hard for the common people, but how is your aid towards the Li clan now any different from
sending troops?”

“The cage of the noble clans is already broken. Qudu is now at the time when they are filtering
out all that is inferior and worthless.” Qi Zhuyin decided to speak frankly. “Da Zhou still has the
opportunity to turn things around. But once Shen Zechuan’s troops enter Qudu, this opportunity
will be forfeited.”

“I know best the eight cities’ accounts,” Hua Xiangyi said. “The opportunity Commander-in-
chief Qi speaks of is not an opportunity for Da Zhou or the common people in the world, but
merely for the emperor.”

Qi Zhuyin was slightly taken aback.

“The legitimate lineage of the Li clan’s bloodline has long since been severed with Li Jianheng. I
do not recognize who the one sitting on the imperial court right now is. When my aunt was still
alive, she often said Li Jianting bears a striking resemblance to Emperor Guangcheng, but Xue
Xiuzhuo insisted that she is Prince Qin’s daughter.2 There is one thing mentioned in Zhongbo’s
diatribe that is true. If this woman is really a legitimate descendant of Prince Qin, then why
doesn’t Xue Xiuzhuo produce the precious proof from Prince Qin? Since he is so certain, why
not show the proof to convince the entire world too?”

When Emperor Xiande was still on the throne, he addressed Hua Xiangyi as “san-meimei”, or
“Third Younger Sister”. Everything she used was purchased in accordance with protocols meant
for a princess. Even Li Jianheng had to respectfully address her as “jiejie”, or “Elder Sister”. Li
Jianting ought to have called her “gugu”, the address for a paternal aunt. If there was anyone else
in the world who could verify Li Jianting’s identity now that the empress dowager was dead, it
was Hua Xiangyi.

Hua Xiangyi continued in a soft voice, “If the female emperor lacks legitimacy, then how can
Commander-in-chief deem herself loyal?”

Qi Zhuyin clenched the teacup. Ripples began to form on the surface of the tea. “If she can
achieve peace and stability for the common people, then my helping her is loyalty.”

“If that’s the case, Commander-in-chief Qi might as well assist Shen Zechuan rather than Li
Jianting.” Hua Xiangyi finally showed her mettle amid her gentle words. However, she swapped
back her address of Qi Zhuyin. “A-Yin, you and Xiao Jiming are friends who have been through
adversity together, and you and Lu Guangbai are former superior and subordinate. If you assist
Li Jianting, these two men will have to draw their blades against you, and you, against them.
This is the first reason.

“Shen Zechuan and Xiao Chiye jointly administer military and political affairs in the northeast.
Shen Zechuan’s withdrawal of troops when you attack Dengzhou is a minor matter, but Xiao
Chiye’s military defeat is a major issue. A military expedition afar is arduous. Without Shen
Zechuan, the 90,000-strong Armored Cavalry will undoubtedly be defeated. Should the Biansha
Cavalry stage a comeback at the time, the common people in the three regions to the east would
still have to face this menace. Your loyalty today is to make the expectant common people in the
three regions suffer again. This is the second reason.

“Li Jianting conferred the noble title of ‘Prince of Donglie’ on you not out of gratitude, but
because she was forced by the situation. It is often said that water brims only to overflow, the
moon waxes only to wane.3 Let’s say you really quell the rebellion in Zhongbo. Once Qudu
settles down, Qidong will be crowned with illustrious military service, but there will be no Libei
to mutually hold Qidong in check. Since she can make you a prince today owing to the situation,
then she can also be forced by circumstances someday to strip you of your conferred title.4 This
is the third reason.

“Yao Wenyu serves under Shen Zechuan’s command, and with his eloquence, spurred all the
talents in the world into swarming over to Zhongbo. Shen Zechuan not only entrusted heavy
responsibilities to the former Qudu minister, Yu Xiaozai, but also promoted the former advisor
of the enemy’s forces, Gao Zhongxiong. He does not let family status and past history prejudice
him as he leads the advisors under this command to push ahead with the census registry. In just
one year, he has already rooted out the bandits in Zhongbo and created the world’s grains hub.
Given how he has acted with magnanimity in Zhongbo thus far, he will similarly be able to
accommodate the competent ministers on the imperial court when his troops enter Qudu. This is
the fourth reason.”

Hua Xiangyi gently held up the white flower at her temple and said slowly, “Everything of the
above that Li Jianting can do, so can Shen Zechuan, but all that Shen Zechuan can do, Li Jianting
might not necessarily be able to.”

These four admonitions made complete sense, whether for personal or public reasons. Like a slap
to the head,5 it shattered Qi Zhuyin’s loyalty to pieces.

However, this was still not enough.

Hua Xiangyi’s slender fingers that were holding the flower formed a contrast with the eastern
pearl on her ear. She still looked wan and sallow, her expression several shades downcast. She
spoke slowly and unhurriedly, “A-Yin, the Secretariat Elder once said that ‘men who wield
brushes die in remonstrations, while men who wield swords die in battles’, but look, in these
twenty years of political storms, how many of them are able to die worthy deaths?

“Han Cheng wanted to support a boy of his own clan into becoming the emperor, but the world
wouldn’t let him, not out of loyalty to the Li clan, but because the Han clan was immoral and
was thus unworthy of the throne. Da Zhou’s internal and external strifes are endless, and the one
who can truly end this all has long since ceased to be Li Jianting. Shen Zechuan improves the
lives of the people so that they thrive. He has just cause, and he has the respect and support of the
people—he is the hope of all in the world.” She slowly raised her eyes to gaze at Qi Zhuyin, as if
she was gazing at the stabilizing force6 that would determine the rise and fall of the empire. Her
gaze held both admiration and heartache. “And now, the lives and deaths of the people all lie in
this one decision of yours.”

The thick mist from the tea dispersed among the window lattice.

After contemplating it for a long time, Qi Zhuyin asked Qi Wei, “A hundred years later, will
anyone still remember Qi Zhuyin?”

“They will.” Qi Wei suddenly choked up with emotions. “With this move, the Commander-in-
chief will fulfill the wishes of all in the world. From now on, the people will live in peace, and
the great cause will be accomplished… Who wouldn’t remember Qi Zhuyin?”

“My name cannot be recorded into history, and my memorial tablet cannot be served with
offerings. This is also a violation of the Qi clan’s ancestral teachings. I am, in truth, a traitor of
Da Zhou.” Qi Zhuyin gazed at the landscape. “After my passing, I will be a pile of yellow earth,
a handful of sodden mud.”
With his hand on his blade, Qi Wei kneeled and said, “If Commander-in-chief Qi passes and I
am still alive, I will lay offerings before the Commander-in-chief’s memorial tablet. If I’m not,
then my sons, grandsons, and generations after generations of my family shall light that
everlasting altar lamp7 for the Commander-in-chief.”

Qi Zhuyin looked back and smiled, “In that case, it’s all worth it.”

◈ ◈ ◈

The city of Dancheng was close to Qudu. All the imperial court officials in the capital city were
on tenterhooks. Mingli Hall was brightly illuminated, and the side hall was full of people. The
moment the military report came in, everyone listened carefully with rapt attention.

“What is the update on the battle?” Li Jianting asked.

“To reply Your Majesty,” the back of the military officer kneeling before the door was all
drenched in sweat as he gasped heavily for breath, “the 20,000 Capital Command Troops fell for
the rebel troops’ trap, and Viceroy Shao was caught in a heavy siege—”

“How about the Prince of Donglie?” Kong Qiu stood up.

The military officer wiped his sweat and answered, “The news of the Prince of Donglie’s
mobilization of troops is actually faked. Qidong’s 300,000-strong Garrison Troops have not
moved at all!”

The teacup in Cen Yu’s hand clattered to the ground. A sudden uproar broke out in the side hall.
All the eunuchs and palace maids present were thrown into a panic.

“What about the remaining Capital Command Troops?” Xue Xiuzhuo asked.

“Transfer them back immediately!” Chen Zhen reacted swiftly and strode a step out to say in an
urgent tone, “Transfer the remaining Capital Command Troops back to Qudu immediately!”

“Hold on,” Xue Xiuzhuo suddenly spoke up. He looked at the military officer and said in a low
voice, “When the Capital Command Troops are being transferred back, issue the tally of urgency
to Juexi, Hezhou, and Huaizhou. Say that the rise and fall of the nation all hinges on this
moment. Whoever can deploy troops to aid Qudu, the imperial court will reward them with a
million taels!”

One million taels—with such a heavy reward, there were bound to be brave men stepping

Xue Xiuzhuo was already forced to a dead end. The riot in Huaizhou had yet to stop, and there
were still leftover bandits in Hezhou. With this move, he was dangling the key to the Xi clan’s
money vault at the city gates of Qudu—Shen Zechuan was not invincible without the assistance
of the Libei Armored Cavalry. Whoever could tilt the scale in their favor at this moment would
become the next power of Da Zhou!

Credit: Thank you to Katie82 for the clarification and MaruChan for spotting the typo! <3

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1. 狼烟(台) specifically smoke of wolves’ dung burnt to indicate the presence of hostile
2. For those still confused, Li Jianting is the end result when Emperor Guangcheng forced
himself on his daughter-in-law, aka Prince Qin’s wife, so if you were to really go into it,
she’s both Emperor Guangcheng’s daughter and granddaughter.
3. 水满则溢,月盈则缺。Water brims only to overflow, the moon waxes only to wane.
i.e., things/situations reverse when they reach their extreme or limit.
4. 异姓王 Specifically princes, or lords, with different surnames from the imperial family
These were conferred princes who were bestowed the title by the Emperor, so naturally,
they can be stripped of the title by the emperor too.
5. 当头棒喝 literally, a blow to the head or a loud shout; i.e., a stern advice/criticism or a
severe shock that brings one to a sudden realization of the error of one’s thinking/ways.
From a traditional Chan (Zen) Buddhist teaching method where a monk would often hit a
beginner student on the head or shout loudly at him to shock him out of his erroneous
thinking and help him achieve enlightenment.
6. 定海神针 literally “The Sea-Anchoring Divine Needle”. According to the novel Journey
to the West 《西游记》, this was a divine ‘needle’ (or pole) that could shrink and grow
according to its owner’s wish. At first, it was a treasure of the Eastern Sea Dragon King’s
Dragon Palace, but Sun Wukong (孙悟空) later took it away to use as his weapon and
changed the needle’s name to the Ruyi Golden Cudgel (如意金箍棒). It’s used to refer to
a stabilizing force.
7. 长明灯 changming lamp (or literally eternally bright lamp), an altar lamp that is kept
burning day and night usually set in front of a memorial tablet on the family’s ancestral
altar as a visible aspect of ancestor veneration.

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 271 : Huilian

“Qi Zhuyin has really turned traitor?” Cen Yu was in disbelief. “The Qi clan has guarded Qidong
for a century. With this move, she’s destroying Qidong’s hundred years of prestigious reputation

Da Zhou was surnamed Li. They could remonstrate with their sovereign and die for their
sovereign, but they could acknowledge no one else other than the Li clan as their sovereign. Hua
Xiangyi said that the people did not want the descendant from the Han clan because of the Han
clan’s immorality. That was a pretext. The ministers who really stood in the imperial court were
all ministers of the Li clan. Without the Li clan, they would all be officials of a former dynasty.

If the emperor was bad, he could be changed, but he had to be surnamed Li—This was
legitimacy. Otherwise, why would Hai Liangyi remonstrate with his death? Why would Xue
Xiuzhuo do his utmost to such an extent? Wouldn’t it be better for them to switch allegiances to
another master and declare Libei king? Centuries of the so-called “loyalty” all rested on this one
surname. Overstep that boundary, and they would be treacherous traitors and despicable scums
who violated the ethics of social order.1 So they ran around shouting with arms raised, doing all
they could. What they wanted was a resurgence of the Li clan’s Da Zhou, not to kneel to another

Gao Zhongxiong rose to fame, but even when Qudu read his articles, they still spat on him and
cursed him. This was because he was a turncoat.2 To betray his original master was to be
disloyal. A minister stood by loyalty. If he could not even stay loyal to his master, what kind of
an official was he? He was merely a beast in human clothing!

Yao Wenyu was renowned all over the world for his talents, and yet the virtuous talents he
sought for Shen Zechuan were mostly recluses from the countryside; those that came from Qudu
were few and far between. When the Imperial College discussed him, they lamented him for
being a talent led astray and cursed him for turning his back on his former teacher’s legacy. Hai
Liangyi remonstrated to his death to protect the legitimacy of the throne, and yet he went to serve
Shen Zechuan whose origins lack integrity. He threw in his lot with a traitor, and for that, he had
long been disdained by these Confucian scholars at the core of the Da Zhou empire. He was no
longer that unimpeachable “unpolished jade” of yesteryear.

Tears coursed down Kong Qiu’s face at the way things were now. He sighed, “It is I who have
misjudged Qi Zhuyin!”

“Why was Shao Chengbi so easily defeated?” Chen Zhen collapsed into his chair. “He even took
away the firearms from the Chunquan Battalion…”

◈ ◈ ◈

Shen Zechuan ascended the stairs. Dawn had yet to break, and mist was rolling at the
campground they were originally stationed. He could already get a clear look at Dancheng.

“It’s getting cold.” Fei Sheng followed behind him, holding the overcoat for Shen Zechuan.
“Master, watch out for the chills.”

Thin frost condensed among the mud. Qiao Tianya, Tantai Hu, and the few of them crossed over
with their blades in tow as they followed the Prefectural Lordup. Tantai Hu had just made
another trip to the lavatory, and his face was ghastly pale as he kneeled to pay his obeisances to
Shen Zechuan. After greeting “Your Lordship”, he consciously felt ashamed.

“You did well beating them at their own game,” Shen Zechuan looked askance at him. “Once
Second Master is back, you’ll be rewarded.”

Tantai Hu’s face flushed red. “This… This is because of Your Lordship’s thorough planning… I
fucking… didn’t expect a spy among the troops.” He did not want credit that was not his to begin
with. Pointing at Yu Xiaozai at the side, he continued, “It’s all thanks to Youjing for being

“Then you might as well thank Ding Tao,” Yu Xiaozai teased. “He was the one who struck the
back of your knees and sent you sprawling for cover.”

At other times, Qiao Tianya would have said something to poke fun at him, but today, he looked
depressed as he stood by the side and said nothing.

“How did Your Lordship guess that there was a spy among the troops?” Tantai Hu inquired.

“Weren’t you the one who told me that?” Shen Zechuan asked him in reply. He was in a good
mood today. “You set off for Duanzhou when you heard that Wang Xian had arrived at
Duanzhou. How would you have the guts to do so in the past? Not unless there was someone else
instigating you.”

Tantai Hu admired Xiao Chiye the most, and he feared Xiao Chiye the most too. Although he
was headstrong and obstinate, he wholeheartedly yielded to Second Master. If there was no one
dropping hints in his ears, then given his frank and blunt nature alone, the thought that Wang
Xian would lodge a complaint against him would never have occurred to him.

“The only question is whether this spy,” Yu Xiaozai said, “is a spy from Qudu or Biansha.”

“I wasn’t sure at first,” Fei Sheng said. “But from what he did last night, he is clearly a spy
from Qudu.”

“No,” Qiao Tianya suddenly piped up. “The spy hiding among the troops is definitely not sent by
Qudu.” The rest turned back to look at Qiao Tianya, who continued, “If he was sent by Qudu, the
Capital Command Troops would not have been completely in the dark… Even Uncle Shao was
unaware. Your Lordship, there’s something fishy about this matter. Second Master is in the
midst of pressing in towards Amu’er. If Amu’er had arranged to plant a Scorpion here, he would
definitely not use laxative, but lethal poison. That way, the garrison troops will be no match for
the Capital Command Troops. Once Cizhou is in danger, Second Master will withdraw his troops
and return to provide reinforcement. Only then will Amu’er’s crisis be averted.”

Xiao Chiye had already arrived at Mosanchuan, where he was relying on the Huiyan Tribe to
win over the three tribes to form a mutual frontier trade market alliance and prepare to attack
Amu’er together. Amu’er’s vanguard, Huhelu, and chief general, Hasen, had all died in battle. At
present, he was a trapped beast. If he wanted to break out of the encirclement, killing off the
Dunzhou garrison troops would be the most convenient option.

Tantai Hu, being the artless person he was, said off-handedly, “Then who else can it be? It can’t
be our own people in Zhongbo, can it?”

An innocuous remark on the speaker’s part, but not so on the listener’s end.

The gears turned in Yu Xiaozai’s mind, but he did not dare to continue from where Tantai Hu
left off. Were someone to say that there were no factions in Zhongbo, they would be speaking of
an impossibility. When Shen Zechuan was in Cizhou in the early days, the advisors under Zhou
Gui’s command clashed for this exact reason. To date, officials who held key positions in
Zhongbo belonged to one of two categories. The first was local officials in Zhongbo Shen
Zechuan promoted, and the second was former ministers of Da Zhou who came to throw in their
lots with Shen Zechuan. Although they sat on equal footing with the officials from the six
prefectures, everyone’s interpersonal relationships in private differed, as were their purposes for
serving the Prefectural Lord. Between them, a boundary line existed.

Yu Xiaozai studied under Cen Yu, who was a major official of the Grand Secretariat. He came to
Zhongbo to meditate for peace, but in the end, he did not leave owing to his own selfish desire to
follow and serve the Prefectural Lord. Shen Zechuan treated him well and entrusted him with the
heavy responsibility of conducting inspection tours. He traveled around the six prefectures to
supervise and inspect the government administration, and it was inevitable for him to have
friction with others. However, this had not deteriorated to the point where they mutually fought
each other, because he did not manage the government affairs of a prefecture, had no soldiers in
his command, and reported directly to Shen Zechuan. Shen Zechuan could dismiss him at any
time he so wished. The one who really upset the balance was Wang Xian. Wang Xian was a
criminal official who was relegated out of the capital, yet he still had direct jurisdiction over the
key economic affairs of the six prefectures—he really gave Luo Mu hell when he was in

“Speaking of the spy,” Shen Zechuan asked Tantai Hu, “has he been caught yet?”

“The troops were in disarray last night.” Tantai Hu looked back at the squad in the distance. “We
still aren’t done with the count yet… Your Lordship, the firearms we seized this time are all

Shen Zechuan had only just learned of this matter. With a slight frown on his face, he asked,

Qiao Tianya eased over to Shen Zechuan and reminded him under his breath, “That batch of
firearms from King Yi of Fanzhou. There are a total of one hundred and thirty-five.”

Of Da Zhou’s Eight Great Training Divisions, only the Chunquan Battalion was equipped with
firearms. Back then, when Xiao Chiye wanted it, it was only by virtue of his relationship with Li
Jianheng that he could get his hands on them to fiddle with. Firearms were restricted by the
Ministry of War, and even the Ministry of Works did not have its blueprint, so it was very
difficult for one to get leaked out. Shen Zechuan did not manage to get his hands on one either
when he was in the Imperial Bodyguards. The number of firearms was scarce; excluding the
damaged ones in the armory, there were less than two hundred in total.

Shen Zechuan said in a quiet voice, “Have you checked the serial numbers?”

Qiao Tianya nodded. “Uncle Shao brought along a hundred and fifty firearms. They have the
same numbers as the ones Huo Lingyun handed in.”

No wonder they were malfunctioning. The real firearms had made their way into Shen Zechuan’s
hands a long time ago.

Shen Zechuan was slightly stunned. Reacting swiftly, he said, “The Ministry of War had the
firearms blueprint and the key to Chunquan Battalion’s armory stored away. If Chen Zhen was
the one who swapped them out, he would not have handed them to Shao Chengbi, and Shao
Chengbi would not have been able to deploy troops.” He looked at Qiao Tianya. In the blink of
an eye, many thoughts occurred to him. “Shao Chengbi knew that this batch of firearms had been
swapped, yet he insisted on sending his troops and coming over to send himself to his death,


If Shen Zechuan wanted to send his troops into Qudu, he needed to have an opportunity.
“The Grand Mentor wanted me to conceal myself among the Imperial Bodyguards to wait for
Your Lordship.” Qiao Tianya’s eyes were pitch black. “In the indenture3 he gave to Your
Lordship, there was no mention of my surname or birthplace.”

Qi Huilian only wrote the word “Songyue”.

“In that case, other than me,” Qiao Tianya said calmly and steadily, “is there another

Raindrops pitter-pattered down between Shen Zechuan’s brows, and the strong wind suddenly
came sweeping over, wiping out the smoke in the camp. In the twinkling of an eye, a rainstorm
came pouring down in torrents. Fei Sheng shook the overcoat open to shield Shen Zechuan from
the rain.

“Should there come a day you and I both lose our lives in the midst of this, the arrangement
today will be the killer move that will preserve his life.”

Qi Huilian hugged his legs as he sat under the eaves and watched the torrential rain pour. He set
down the empty wine gourd and grinned at an oblivious Ji Gang beside him.

“You gifted him Yang Shan Xue. I’ll give him Shi Jun Dao—the Blade of Regicide.”

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1. 纲常 i.e., the three cardinal ethical relationships of social order (including the
relationship between the ruler and his subject, father and son, husband and wife) and the
five constant virtues in Confucianism.
2. 三姓家奴 literally, a slave with three surnames. The term originates from the Romance
of the Three Kingdoms 《三国演义》 and refers specifically to Lu Bu. It’s used
mockingly to refer to capricious, disloyal and unrighteous people who serve traitors.
3. 卖身契 more specifically, it’s an indenture or a deed of sale of oneself or one’s family
member to someone else (e.g., into slavery, etc, or in Qiao Tianya’s case, to repay a

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 272 : Twist

Raindrops pelted the military tent. Tea was boiling on the stove. Having already changed his
clothes, Shen Zechuan sat in the chair and asked Ji Gang, “Does shifu know ‘Fengquan’?”

“Yes.” Ji Gang held the teacup in hand and glanced at Qiao Tianya at the side. “But I had no idea
he’s Shao Chengbi’s son, much less knew that Shao Chengbi was selling steamed buns at the
entrance of Zhaozui Temple… When the Grand Mentor said back then that he was going to do
this, he only said that Fengquan was an informer.”

“Since he is Shao Chengbi’s son,” Shen Zechuan wondered, “how did he become Mu Ru’s
younger brother?”

Ji Gang held the tea in his mouth before swallowing it a while later. “Do you still remember that
night when we entered Zhaozui Temple, the Grand Mentor said that Eastern Palace suffered
countless casualties, injured and dead, among its subordinates? It occurred to me at that time that
since the Grand Mentor could feign insanity to survive, there must be several others from the
Crown Prince’s faction who could have also slipped through the net to survive too. I asked the
Grand Mentor later, but he wasn’t willing to speak of it, until one day, I chatted with the palace
eunuch who came every month to deliver food and heard that Prince Chu, Li Jianheng, was fond
of beauties and was racking his brains to scout for them in the local regions.”

Ji Gang told Qi Huilian about it as a joke, and several months later, Li Jianheng sent Mu Ru from
the manor in the City of Jincheng to Qudu.

“I inquired with the Imperial Bodyguards. They said that Mu Ru was raised and trained in the
manor since she was a child, and she barely even saw her younger brother once every five or six
years. Fengquan was able to follow her into Qudu because their former family house was burned
down, and he had nowhere to go except to seek refuge with his older sister.” Ji Gang set down
the tea bowl and said with a serious expression. “I believed it to be true. You saw it too in Qudu.
That Mu Ru really treated him as her younger brother. Who could tell that this was a sham?”
Before Li Jianheng could take Mu Ru into his residence upon her arrival in Qudu, Xiaofuzi
seized the opportunity to offer her to Pan Rugui. Mu Ru was very much favored and pampered
by Pan Rugui, and subsequently, Fengquan got into Pan Rugui’s good graces. However, he was
still not Pan Rugui’s “grandson” at that time, because Pan Rugui still had a Xiaofuzi by his side.

“On the eve of the Dragon Boat Festival in the eighth year of the reign of Xiande, the Grand
Mentor devised a plan to kill Xiaofuzi. You know of this incident too. I thought the Grand
Mentor just wanted to get you out of the temple,” Ji Gang said, “but who would expect a Xiao
Chiye to pop out midway through?”

When Shen Zechuan thought to this point, he suddenly remembered that not long after being
released from Zhaozui Temple, when he was in the Imperial Bodyguards raising elephants, Xiao
Chiye intercepted him to demand his thumb ring back, suspecting that he had planted a spy
around Li Jianheng.

A natural-born talent.

That was how Qi Huilian praised Xiao Chiye. Because his sense of smell was too keen. With just
his understanding of Li Jianheng alone, he sensed that someone was instigating Li Jianheng to
fight for Mu Ru. However, Xiao Chiye also did not expect that Shen Zechuan was not at all the
person who planted the person by Li Jianheng’s side. He pitted himself against Shen Zechuan,
only to turn up for it empty-handed. Qi Huilian, however, had not exposed a single trace at all.
This acuity of Xiao Chiye was simply astounding.

“After Fengquan was sent in,” Ji Gang said, “the Grand Mentor never mentioned him again.”

The sound of drumming rain on the roof of the tent slightly underscored the quietness in the
interior of the tent.

Hunu was lying in Yao Wenyu’s lap, so Yao Wenyu did not feel cold. He broke the silence, “If
it’s him…”

“If it’s Shao Fengquan, why did Shao Chengbi bring along the firearms?” Shen Zechuan propped
up his head with his left hand, his train of thoughts running along smoothly in the warm tent.
“Shao Chengbi knew the firearms were replaced to give to the Fanzhou bandits. He understood
that this batch of firearms is not usable, but he still brought them along.”

Shao Chengbi came to meet death in the face all to give Shen Zechuan a reason to attack the City
of Dancheng. He had hundreds of ways at his disposal; he did not need the firearms to further
compound the issue—unless this batch of firearms was not meant to be used at all.

Qiao Tianya, who had been leaning back in his chair, abruptly sat upright. After a moment of
silence, he said, “Uncle Shao is trying to tell Your Lordship who the Scorpion is.”

The firearms were given to King Yi by the Scorpion in Zhongbo, and this Scorpion in Zhongbo
got them from the Scorpion in Qudu. Chen Zhen could transfer the firearms around, and he held
the blueprint in hand, but strangely enough, he had totally no knowledge of the loss of firearms
from the Chunquan Battalion.

“The one who has eyes and ears everywhere is none other than a eunuch.” A strange feeling
overcame Shen Zechuan. Some of the matters he had been clear on began to blur, while those
that had been obscured started to clear up. “Lu Guangbai told me that the one who swapped out
the Bianjun Commandery’s military grains is the army-supervising eunuch, Yingxi.”

“If that is the case, then Fuman is a scapegoat,” Yao Wenyu said, “and Xue Yanqing is a

“This blade,” Shen Zechuan’s brows creased in a slight frown, “is a little inscrutable.”

◈ ◈ ◈

“Where exactly are you from?”

Xue Xiuzhuo squatted before Fuman and examined Fuman’s expression.

After all the brutal tortures, Fuman was only left with a layer of skin. He had no tongue, and
could only glare at Xue Xiuzhuo with bulging eyes as he opened and closed his lips. Behind Xue
Xiuzhuo, Ya-er attempted to stuff the paper and brush he was holding into Fuman’s hands, but
all ten of Fuman’s fingers were broken. He was already a disabled person on the last legs of his

Xue Xiuzhuo did not expect the Scorpions to move this fast. This was simply the same as the
time they forsook Wei Huaigu back then. He stood up and said, “You are a eunuch who entered
the palace during the reign of Yongyi, who has served Emperor Guangcheng. Later, Pan Rugui
died, and Xiao Chiye recommended you during the public ditches case. Only then did you start
to make your mark. Subsequently, you sent your godson, Yingxi, to Qidong to supervise their
army and indicated to him to switch the Bianjun Commandery’s military grains. You meant to
make the Bianjun Commandery suffer a defeat and open up the Qidong’s line of defense for

Gurgling sounds rang out from Fuman’s throat. He touched the chains with whatever was left of
his fingers and lay on the ground with his eyes staring unblinkingly at Xue Xiuzhuo.

Military and political changes were bound to be inextricably linked. Back then, after the military
defeat case, Hai Liangyi and the other court ministers noticed the aberration in Da Zhou. Since
the beginning of the Yongyi reign, they were fighting tooth and nail with the noble clans, stuck
in a stalemate between the collision of two powers. But after the military defeat case, the
situation no longer developed in the way either party envisaged. The one who unmasked his true
nature and gave himself away was Hua Siqian. He was too overly flustered when Hai Liangyi
was chasing down the accounts, and colluded with the Biansha Cavalry to ink a debt of blood in
the six prefectures. Xue Xiuzhuo, who was then Chief Supervising Secretary for the Ministry of
Revenue, clearly saw the transfer of grains and silvers.
Xue Xiuzhuo turned back and muttered to himself, “But Lu Guangbai did not die. Instead, he
took the Bianjun Commandery Garrison Troops with him and deserted. Qi Zhuyin swiftly
returned to defense mode, and Qidong remained impregnable. Your plan failed, so Amu’er
transferred Hasen away and started to launch a major offensive against Libei.”

This was the entire gist of the Bianjun Commandery’s military grains case.

Fuman exhaled through his nostrils and swiveled his eyes around listlessly as he started to get all
worked up.

The leading factor in the Libei’s military grains case was Wei Huaigu, who colluded with the
Juexi officials to resell the grains to Zhongbo for huge profits. In the process, they replaced Libei
military grains with moldy grains, and this matter was exposed by the relay report from Yang
Cheng. The report was originally meant to be submitted directly to the Ministry of Justice, but
instead, it was sent to the Ministry of Revenue on its arrival at Qudu. Both Xue Xiuzhuo and
Shen Zechuan thought this to be a move to threaten Wei Huaigu, because, at that time, Xiao
Chiye kept his grip on the case and refused to let go, and they had to make a quick decision to
cut their losses and kick Wei Huaigu out. Only then could they ensure that the other Scorpions
hiding in Qudu would not be implicated.

In that case, who else was a part of these “others” apart from Fuman?

Fuman’s bloody palm scraped across the ground as he strained himself to scrawl in an attempt to
tell Xue Xiuzhuo something. Streaks of blood intersected on the ground, and his breathing
gradually grew heavier. All of a sudden, he heard the door to the cell open.

“Your Excellency,” Fengquan stood outside the door as per the regulations. “The relay report
said the defectors have arrived. The Grand Secretary and Her Majesty are both waiting in Mingli
Hall for Your Excellency to head over for a discussion.”

As the cell was dimly lit and the hall was brighter, Fengquan’s bowing shadow crept into the cell
and shrouded Fuman. Fuman looked as if he had been bitten by a snake, his tears and sweating
flowing as he stared at Xue Xiuzhuo’s back. He parted his lips, but could make no sound.

Fengquan made way for Xue Xiuzhuo. After the latter left, his gaze shifted back to Fuman.
Fuman panted for breath heavily, his chest heaving. The corner of his lips was still drooling with
clear fluid that could not be concealed. Fengquan circled around him to size him up. When the
cell door was shut tight, he kicked Fuman with his foot.

“What were you going to tell Xue Yanqing?” Fengquan looked at the criss-cross of bloodstains
on the ground, and understanding dawned on him. “You wanted to write my name.”

Fuman attempted to escape from Fengquan’s shadow, but he could not move.
“Don’t rush it.” Fengquan gripped Fuman’s wrist and led him to write on the ground, stroke by
stroke. “Hush. Listen to me. Even if you tell him, he won’t believe you. When the time is right, I
will tell him myself. All clever people need such a lesson like this.”

Fuman’s entire arm was trembling.

The bloodstains on the ground increased as Fengquan stubbornly persisted in writing. Leading
Fuman, he turned a stroke in the “feng” that Fuman had written into a crooked “kill”.1

“Hang in there,” Fengquan said in a feminine manner. “I will not treat you unjustly.”

◈ ◈ ◈

Tantai Hu finished the headcount of the garrison troops but did not see Liu Kong, so he asked
around, only to realize that Liu Kong had really gone missing.

“That son of a bitch had better not flee before the battle.” Tantai Hu gripped the name roster. “I
must have been blind, putting in all my effort to nurture him!”

“He waited for both sides to suffer casualties, but he didn’t expect His Lordship to have such
incredible foresight. If he stays on any longer, he won’t be able to make his escape.” Seeing no
one else around, Yu Xiaozai whispered quietly to Tantai Hu, “When you report it to His
Lordship later, just say it as it is. Don’t say a word more than necessary.”

It was only then it hit Tantai Hu. He blurted in shock, “You’re saying that Liu Kong is the spy?!
He fought battles too when he followed me to Duanzhou! Besides, as Qiao Tianya said, what’s
the point of him giving us the runs?!”

Unable to explain it, Yu Xiaozai simply said, “Just report to His Lordship as is, and His Lordship
will understand. What I’m worried about now is that the traitor behind him will run too now that
he has fled!”

Tantai Hu felt a chill run down his back. He took a few steps out, then backtracked and said
quietly, “Tell me on the sly, so I know how things stand and prepare myself for it. The advisors
all love to speak incisively in profound terms. If they don’t say the name, I won’t be able to
guess it. I may have a bad temper and erred back in Dunzhou, but I don’t think I have ever
offended anyone. This crook has to have a reason for doing this to me!”

So Yu Xiaozai stretched out a finger to point to the south, looking to be in a spot. “This… sigh,
you just got caught in the crossfire.”

Officialdom was like a spiderweb where every thread and node was intricately connected. Any
single promotion or dismissal could cause repercussions within its range. Yu Xiaozai could not
say it, for he had no evidence. If he spoke up rashly, he would be suspected of ostracizing fellow
Chazhou, which was under Luo Mu’s charge, was the main gate to the trade route between
Huaizhou, Cizhou, and Chazhou. In the earliest days, Shen Zechuan had no one under his
command. As Chazhou’s prefecture perfect, Luo Mu held the three powers – legislative,
executive, and judicial – in hand, and no one other than the Imperial Cavalry censors could
restrain him. In any work he did, he only had to send in a request document to ask Shen
Zechuan; he had no need to seek another’s opinion. Over time, Shen Zechuan would lose the
“eyes” he left in Chazhou. As such, when Wang Xian, who came from the Ministry of Revenue,
made his appearance, Shen Zechuan immediately had him assigned to Chazhou.

Wang Xian had the power and authority to administer the economy of Chazhou, and he took
over the management of Chazhou’s Tax Circuit Intendants and taxation of the commoners’
fields. This, in truth, had already split away Luo Mu’s powers. Luo Mu wanted to take Wang
Xian out of the game, but he could not impeach the latter or stir up trouble. The safest way was
to strike at him by leveraging someone else’s might. The Dunzhou yamen bore ill will towards
Tantai Hu. Tantai Hu was impulsive and prone to causing trouble, and he had no personal
relationship with Luo Mu. Luo Mu arranged for Liu Kong to go over and planted him by Tantai
Hu’s side. It just so happened that Wang Xian had to make arrangements for the military grains.
When both encountered each other, no doubt a dispute would arise. Tantai Hu was also Xiao
Chiye’s trusted aide, and Wang Xian could not afford to offend him, so he could only take the
matter to Shen Zechuan. Were Shen Zechuan to probe into the matter, he would be probing the
Dunzhou yamen and Tantai Hu, which had nothing at all to do with Luo Mu.

With this move, Luo Mu could plant his own man in the Dunzhou garrison troops and, at the
same time, make Wang Xian lose Shen Zechuan’s favor. What was the relationship between
Xiao Chiye and Shen Zechuan? If Wang Xian insisted on stirring up trouble with Tantai Hu, he
would be putting both the Prefectural Lord and Second Master in a spot.

Shen Zechuan assigned Yu Xiaozai to supervise the army, and Yu Xiaozai was an official from
Qudu. If Yu Xiaozai were to screw things up in the Dunzhou garrison troops, he would become a
spy in collusion with Qudu. Then Wang Xian, who was similarly an official from the capital,
would surely be implicated.

This was called “striking a cow from the other side of the mountain”.2

This matter was initially a done deal, but Shao Chengbi proved to be a stroke of bad luck. Luo
Mu himself probably did not expect that the viceroy Qudu had carefully selected was here to
throw his life away. Long before the Capital Command Troops came attacking, Liu Kong sensed
Yu Xiaozai watching him, so of course, he would seize his opportunity during the chaos to run
once the battle started.

“Quick, go and inform His Lordship.” Yu Xiaozai lifted the hem of his robe and walked toward
the other end. “I have to ask Fei Sheng if the Imperial Bodyguards set up in Chazhou have been

Fei Sheng was in the midst of having his meal. After hearing Yu Xiaozai’s question, he replied
in puzzlement as he held his bowl in his hands, “Of course, they had been withdrawn. At that
time, when His Lordship went over to Duanzhou, he wanted to establish the Imperial Cavalry.
We don’t have enough manpower, and there’s you to supervise the various regions’ yamen. So
my men were all withdrawn.”

Yu Xiaozai promptly exclaimed in shock, his face turning pale as he said, “Oh no, Old Fei, this
is bad!”

◈ ◈ ◈

Xue Xiuzhuo braved the rain to make his way over to Mingli Hall. When he entered, he saw
everyone wearing a myriad of expressions.

“News came in earlier.” Cen Yu gestured for Xue Xiuzhuo to look at the letter. “Luo Mu of
Chazhou brought along 20,000 garrison troops to defect to us!”

“I suspect it’s a trap Shen Zechuan laid,” Kong Qiu said. “Why would Luo Mu take such a risk
instead of remaining in his position as the prefectural prefect of Chazhou?”

“Firstly, because of the imperial court’s reward of one million,” Chen Zhen said. “And secondly,
because he is sincerely loyal to the state. He was forced to submit to the rebels against his own
will. From what he said in the letter, he already had the intent to switch allegiances a long time
ago. However, Shen Zechuan had misgivings of him, and that was why it was only until today
that he dared to risk his life to come to the state’s rescue.”

“The garrison troops from Huaizhou are still on the way.” Li Jianting stood beside her desk. “If
Luo Mu is already on his way, then going by the timing, he will arrive a few days later.”

“Dancheng is already lost to us. Assemble the remaining Capital Command Troops,” Xue
Xiuzhuo said. “Together with the men Luo Mu brought with him, we still have 30,000 soldiers.
Qi Zhuyin wants to betray the state. Sure. Grand Secretary, please write a letter to Qi Shiyu and
ask him if he wants to turn traitor too.”

He folded up the letter.

“Midway in his journey, Luo Mu can intimidate Hezhou to make the Yan clan of Hezhou hand
over their remaining grains as well as cut off Shen Zechuan’s grains route. Without Chazhou and
Hezhou, Shen Zechuan would be no different from having an arm severed. We are lacking in
grains, so his grains have to be depleted too—Now that the 90,000 Armored Cavalry soldiers
have penetrated deep into the desert, for each day Xiao Chiye doesn’t return, Shen Zechuan will
be hard-pressed to forge ahead.”
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1. For those interested in the actual characters in Chinese, Fuman wrote “风” which is
the “feng” in “Fengquan”. Fengquan changed the “X”-like stroke into “杀”, or “sha”,
which means kill.
2. A martial arts move where one hits an enemy from a distance away without actually
laying hands on said person. i.e., to deal an indirect strike

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 273 : Reveal

Note:The titles in chapter 273, 274 – Reveal (显山), Unveil (露水) – are from the idiom “显山
露水”. i.e., to reveal or flaunt one’s talents or the facts.

Located to the east of Gedale, Mosanchuan made its name from the three rivers stretching
uninterruptedly into the desert, where several li of barren shores and the Gobi Desert lay,
adorned only by swathes of desert poplar trees.

It was already dark in Qudu at this moment, but here, it was still evening.

Xiao Chiye pillowed his head on both arms and watched the last sunset.

The sky of Mosanchuan was so vast that if one were to lie on the sandy ground and watch for
long, they would have the illusion of being embraced in heaven’s arms. Like flowing syrup, the
viscous glow of the sunset flooded over the earth.
Meng landed beside Xiao Chiye and hopped onto his chest. Xiao Chiye had been holding a straw
of grass in his mouth, which he spat out when he felt the weight on his chest as Meng stepped on

“Hey,” Xiao Chiye said, “You’re so heavy, gege.”

Meng cocked its head and looked askance at him with the eye on one side.

Xiao Chiye could only free an arm and ruffle Meng’s feathers. He whistled at Lang Tao Xue Jin,
which was by the stream drinking water, and indicated for it to come over and take Meng away
to play. Lang Tao Xue Jin, however, trod on its front hooves and turned its ass around to
continue drinking the water.

The Armored Cavalry had been stationed here for a few days already. Lu Guangbai took off his
helmet and patted off the sand all over him as he walked over.

“Commander-in-chief Xiao.” Lu Guangbai’s neck was damp with sweat. He followed Xiao
Chiye’s gaze and looked to the west. “Laid-back, aren’t you?”

“That, I’m not. I’m miserable deep down.” As if that was very much the case, Xiao Chiye
pointed to the west with the hand he used to stroke Meng. “My wife is over there at that end, his
face awash in tears every day as he awaits my return home.”

“Put it on the record.” Lu Guangbai tossed the helmet to Chen Yang. “Go back and tell that to
your household’s prefectural lord, and we’ll see exactly whose face it is that’s awash in tears.”

Xiao Chiye waited for Lu Guangbai to sit down before asking. “What did the Mengtuo Tribe

“Same old words.” Lu Guangbai propped himself on his knees. “Baya’er is determined to betroth
his daughter to you. If you don’t want his daughter, then he will decline to form an alliance with
the Libei Armored Cavalry.”

“Baya’er, that old blockhead of a camel.”1 Xiao Chiye sat up, and some of the sand of his back
slid off. He looked at Lu Guangbai. “He wants to give me his daughter because he’s afraid that
I’ll cast him aside after he has served his purpose, so he wants to trap me with a woman. If I
were really such a disloyal and unrighteous man, I’d still kill him even if he gives me his wife.”

Lu Guangbai pointed at Xiao Chiye and said, “You went and met him with this expression. Of
course he’s scared.”

Xiao Chiye’s eyebrows lifted slightly. “It’s not like I’m there to beg him.”

“Keep on being hard-mouthed.” Lu Guangbai said. “The territory of the Mengtuo Tribe is right
at the western desert entrance of Mosanchuan, blocking it. If we can’t win over Baya’er before
attacking Amu’er, we risk falling into an encirclement trap.”
“Then you tell him,” Xiao Chiye folded his arm, “that I have a ferocious tiger2back at home. I am
but a henpecked husband.”

“He even has his daughter’s dowry ready. He’s just waiting for her to marry into your family and
show proper respect to this ‘eldest madam’.” So troubled was Lu Guangbai that he could not
help but laugh in spite of himself. “Everybody loves Xiao Ce’an.”

The son-in-law that Baya’er had set his heart on was Hasen, but Hasen insisted on marrying
Duo’erlan of the Hulu Tribe, which led to animosity between him and the Mengtuo Tribe. When
Xiao Chiye came to discuss an alliance after Hasen’s death in battle, Baya-er stood on the sand
dunes and took note of Xiao Chiye’s strapping tall height and distinguished air. What’s more,
Xiao Chiye was the alpha wolf of Libei who slew Hasen with his own hands, and so, Baya-er
began to harbor the intent to marry his daughter to him.

“The Hulu Tribe has already retreated to the banks of Lake Chiti, so why are they back again?”

“You killed Hasen,” Lu Guangbai said. “His wife rode east on horseback and brought back the
warriors of the Youxiong Tribe that you broke up and pleaded with her tribesfolk who had
retreated back to Lake Chiti to help Amu’er again. Duo’erlan swore before the Hongying banner
of the great desert she will kill you.”

Xiao Chiye remembered the flower that had floated away with the water before Hasen died.

“Also,” Lu Guangbai curbed his smile. “Duo’erlan was already pregnant before she headed east.
That’s Hasen’s posthumous child.”

Xiao Chiye secured his arm guard in silence. The last light of the setting sun vanished, and a
brief stillness materialized in the sky that had no sun and no moon. That smear of heavy blue
enveloped the dome of heaven, and the cry of the falcon pierced through the banner. Long hair
that fluttered in the wind spread under this blue sky as Duo’erlan supported her lower abdomen
with her hands.

Bayin covered Duo’erlan with thick clothing and persuaded, “The night is cold. You should go

“My husband is in the west,” Duo’erlan said softly with her head tilted high as she watched a
goshawk fly across in the wind. “When will my Heroic Eagle return?”

Bayin could not bear to see her like this and felt the urge to wipe his tears.

“The wolves of Libei bit my elder brother to death, then bit my husband to death.” Hatred settled
in Duo’erlan’s green eyes. “Bayin, he is here to kill my child.” She covered her abdomen, took
two steps back, and said, “I want to protect my child.”

“The Hero will not let Xiao Chiye hurt you.” Bayin softened his voice. “Your father won’t
either. The desert will work together to protect you, because this is Hasen’s child.”
“You’re wrong, Bayin. Look at the desert with your wise eyes. There are already three tribes
following his Armored Cavalry.” Duo’erlan was almost shrinking into the wide outer robe. Her
lean chin lay concealed within, and tears pooled in her heavy-hearted eyes. “In his quest for
peace, Baya’er could even give his own daughter away to our enemy. No one other than Hasen
can protect me.”

Sadness flashed across Bayin’s dark-skinned face. “I failed to accomplish what Hasen entrusted
me with and was deceived by the Youxiong Tribe. I am Hasen’s wise man, yet I did not let him
get the glory he deserved. Now that Xiao Chiye has come to the desert, Duo’erlan, we will take
our revenge.”

Bayin took down the dagger at the side of his waist and held it in his palm as he handed it to

“I swear.”

◈ ◈ ◈

To the wolf pup of my family, treat this letter as you would my person.

The bed in Cizhou has lain untouched in recent days. I’ve been staying in tents with the army,
and sleep has proven elusive thus far.

Xiao Chiye looked at the words by the campfire, the forlorn ache in his chest dissolving away
into a bittersweetness of knowing that he was being pined for. It was all his, Xiao Ce’an’s, chest
that Lanzhou slept on behind closed doors. Without him, Lanzhou would sleep poorly, no matter
how good the bed was. Xiao Chiye picked up On Horseback with his other hand and drank a
mouthful, pouring that feeling onto his chest, lest he became too emotional. He continued
reading as he drank.

Teacher left me a blade. Former minister, Shao Chengbi, was killed in battle. Everything in
Qudu is in order and under control, so don’t worry. An expedition afar is arduous; you must
take care of yourself. Er-lang, if we can win this battle, we will never part again in the years to
come. A warm spring bed awaits homecoming in winter. I shall sleep thinking of you.

Xiao Chiye set down the wine bag and looked at the bottom, where Shen Zechuan had drawn a
fox with drooping ears and a tail with a brush. He could not help but smile in spite of himself.

Lu Guangbai flung a taro at Xiao Chiye, and Xiao Chiye caught it with a lightning move of his

“It’s almost the eleventh month.” Lu Guangbai peeled the taro and started eating it. “What do
you have in mind for dealing with the Mengtuo Tribe?”

The position of the Mengtuo Tribe was special. Its chieftain, Baya’er, had batches of camels. If
they were to throw in with Amu’er, Amu’er’s current food dilemma could be resolved. Horses
from Libei or Qidong were, in fact, not suitable for making long journeys in the desert. If
Baya’er could lead the Mengtuo Tribe into throwing in with the Libei Armored Cavalry, it would
prove not only beneficial to the transportation of military grains during the war, but also prove
advantageous to the mutual frontier trade in the future.

“Since he’s afraid that I’d turn against him after the fact…” Xiao Chiye opened up the bag that
came along with the letter; it was all dried beef jerky inside. He tossed the bag with a “Lu” on it
to Lu Guangbai and continued, “I’ll do just that.”

Lu Guangbai was already being polite, so Xiao Chiye had no need to continue keeping up with
the courtesy. He had 90,000 Armored Cavalry, 10,000 Imperial Army, and 20,000 Bianjun
Commandery Garrison Troops. He did not come here to negotiate peace. He had already handed
them the carrot from the Huiyan Tribe. Continue putting on airs, and he was going to use the

“Tell Baya’er,” Xiao Chiye popped the beef jerky into his mouth and said, “I’m in a hurry to go
home for the new year. If he wants to sink with Amu’er, I will send him on his way tonight.”

Chen Yang nodded to receive his order and called for someone to convey the message as he

◈ ◈ ◈

There were no troops stationed in Dancheng once the Capital Command Troops withdrew. When
the Dunzhou Garrison Troops entered the city, the entire city was dead silent. There were
countless rumors of the Prefectural Lord of Zhongbo, Shen Zechuan, some fearsome, and some
respectable. Commoners converged in the city. Quite a number of them had also fled to Qudu the
same night.

Tantai Hu was well aware of the need to appease the people. This time, he did not dare to be
sloppy and gave strict instructions for the garrison troops to behave themselves. He had come to
grief because of Liu Kong, and so, he specially led his brothers from the Imperial Army, neither
disturbing the commoners at night nor alarming them during the day.

Yao Wenyu, having spent nearly more than a month bent over the table, was taking a stroll near
Dancheng with Shen Zechuan today. Looking at the mottled marks on the city wall, he said,
“Dancheng has had a close call. Luo Mu has already arrived in Hezhou’s territory with his
garrison troops. Qudu will be hard to attack from now on. I heard the news today that Qi Shiyu
sent three letters from home, urging Commander-in-chief Qi, who is still at Tianfei Watchtower,
to return home.”

“Qi Shiyu is paralyzed in bed and can’t lead the troops.” Shen Zechuan basked in the sun; it was
a rare sunny day today. “All the men in the house cannot compare to Qi Zhuyin. Even if he really
wants to dismiss Qi Zhuyin from her commander-in-chief position, he can’t strip her of her
commander-in-chief military power.”
Qidong’s vital point lay in Qi Zhuyin, so they had to be able to go for the jugular with a
psychological attack when it came to Qi Shiyu.

“Qi Shiyu wavers between the noble clans and those of humble origins. As long as Your
Lordship is willing to give him a promise,” Yao Wenyu turned the wheelchair, “the merit in
assisting the new emperor in creating a new reign will far surpass the ability to protect the
current emperor.”

They definitely had to make an issue of it. Shao Chengbi’s mobilization of troops ended in
defeat. Qudu had long been thrown into turmoil. This was just great now. Li Jianting’s
legitimacy was in question, and so was Shen Zechuan.

“Qi Shiyu is experienced, and he understands the stakes involved best. If I speak of the merit in
assisting the new emperor in creating a new reign now, he might not necessarily dare to agree.”
There was no telling the state of Shen Zechuan’s injury from his straightened waist. “Xue
Xiuzhuo wants Luo Mu. I’ll give him to him.”

Qudu wanted the chess piece, Luo Mu. Shen Zechuan would not begrudge the loss.

The grains in Chazhou were distributed by Shen Zechuan, and Cai Yu was eliminated by Shen
Zechuan too. All the revitalization of the various trade that followed after was aided by Shen
Zechuan too. Luo Mu ran so fast precisely because he could not prise Shen Zechuan away, and
since he had followed Cai Yu before, all those he could take away now were the bandits.

“But I want Jiang Qingshan.” Shen Zechuan looked back. “The only question is whether Xue
Xiuzhuo can bear to give him up.”

◈ ◈ ◈

Qudu fell further into desolation. As the eleventh month drew closer, the streets of the market
became a lot more deserted. The news that the rebels had fought their way to Dancheng had
spread. If not for the presence of the Capital Command Troops still stationed in the city, anarchy
would have already broken out. Even so, the people still fretted with restlessness.

Kong Qiu, having already switched into a thicker robe, said to Cen Yu before he entered the
palace, “The snow is going to fall early this year.”

Cen Yu raised his head to look at the sky. At that moment, he could not tell if Kong Qiu was
talking about this sky or Da Zhou. He let out a sigh and raised his arm to urge, “Let’s go.”

“I wrote Qi Shiyu a letter. He had his son answer.” Kong Qiu walked up the stairs. “He says that
he is too ill to even get off the bed.”

“The aggravation of his illness is certainly very timely,” Cen Yu scoffed while lifting the hem of
his robe.
Kong Qiu slowed down and said, “Qi Shiyu is a sly old fox. Rather than say he trims his sail to
the wind, one might as well say he’s wisely playing it safe to save his skin. Even back at home,
he knows very well that Qi Zhuyin didn’t deploy the troops, but he just has to wait for us to write
to him before he starts putting on a show of cursing,” He said with a sigh, “He’s jacking up the
price with us in a roundabout way.”

“Just you watch. When Her Majesty really confers upon him what his heart desires,” Cen Yu
said, “he will then not dare to accept it!”

“We still have to send someone with the gift of the gab over.” Kong Qiu strode over the
threshold. “I originally thought Chongshen would do, but he isn’t experienced enough to be able
to hold down Qi Shiyu. After going back and forth choosing, Wanxiao is still the most suitable

It was only when Cen Yu heard Jiang Qingshan’s name that he remembered. “Wanxiao just sent
a letter saying that his wife is pregnant. He probably won’t make a long-distance journey at this

“There’s no one else left in the imperial court. If he doesn’t go,” Kong Qiu raised a finger to
point at the palace wall, “Shen Zechuan will soon be here. I heard that Wanxiao’s mother highly
values ties. If it really doesn’t work, we will get in touch with the Old Madam. If that doesn’t
work, then we’ll get Wanxiao to bring his wife along.”

Jiang Qingshan’s wife, Liu-niang, had only just gotten pregnant, and what’s more, she was
nursed back to fertile health by a wandering physician from the martial art fraternity and was
being cherished at home. But he could not disobey the imperial court order. The journey was a
long one to make, and he was initially unwilling to bring Liu-niang along and subject her to the
hardship of traveling, but if he were to leave Liu-niang at home, he did not know what kind of
grief his mother would give her. So, after thinking it through, he eventually decided to bring her

The moment Jiang Qingshan set off, Jiran set out too.

Ding Tao brought Jiran to Qidong and paid a formal visit to Qi Zhuyin, who had rushed home to
receive a tongue-lashing.

“His Lordship said that he heard the old commander-in-chief and eldest madam have been in ill
health lately.” Ding Tao bowed to Qi Zhuyin. “His Lordship has nothing to give, so he had me
bring along his own physician to take a look at the old commander-in-chief and the eldest

Qi Zhuyin saw Jiran looking all tranquil and at ease, not at all timid in the presence of others. His
aura was special, and he really had an ethereal air to him. “Shen Zechuan must really lack
manpower. Even you have stepped out to go on errands.”
“Commander-in-chief Qi doesn’t know it, but I have been the Second Master’s guard since a few
years ago.” Ding Tao led Jiran over before Qi Zhuyin. “This is the Venerable Master Yideng’s
last disciple.”

Qi Zhuyin was moved by the words “Yideng”. Seeing as Jiran was young, she said, “… The old
man has already retired for a rest today. I’ll notify the rear yard in a while. Someone will
naturally come to receive him.”

Ding Tao and Jiran bowed in unison.

◈ ◈ ◈

“Eldest Madam is exceedingly intelligent. She is familiar with the accounts, and her mental
arithmetic is outstanding.” Yao Wenyu covered his lips and coughed twice. “It would be best to
have her discuss with Jiang Qingshan.”

Shen Zechuan was in the midst of reading Ge Qingqing’s letter. On hearing that, he only asked
Fei Sheng, “How long has Luo Mengzheng been gone for?”

“Almost half a month,” Fei Sheng answered.

“Even if he’s riding a tortoise, he should have reached Qudu by now.” Shen Zechuan closed the
letter. “If the motley crew wants to guard the city gate, then let them do as they wish. No one can
say for sure whether they are brave men or boors lured by reward. Shenwei should also take a
break these few days. Push them into too tight a corner, and they might be driven to take
desperate measures.”

Shen Zechuan did not fear those 30,000 to 40,000 motley crew of soldiers in Qudu. Even if he
fell short, he still had Xiao Jiming behind him to back him up. A 30,000-strong Armored Cavalry
was enough to intimidate Qudu. Xue Xiuzhuo was indeed formidable, but Xue Xiuzhuo did not
have soldiers. Qudu wanted to coerce Qi Zhuyin into deploying troops, so Shen Zechuan would
force down this blade that was Qi Zhuyin. It did not matter if he could not use her; just let those
300,000 main forces remain in place as decorations. Qudu could also forget about hoping that the
Qidong Garrison Troop would be able to stride past Tianfei Watchtower. For the sake of
maintaining stability in the area, he even had Huo Lingyun placed there.

“Tao Ming has been eating and drinking well in Cizhou. Now that he has grown some fat, he
ought to start moving too.” The prefectural lord’s folding fan tapped gently against the edge of
the table. “He is the prefectural prefect of a prefecture, after all. He’s as close as family to the
people of Huaizhou. The anarchy in Huaizhou is intense. Give him a few thousand Cizhou
Garrison Troops soldiers and send him back to quell the unrest. If he does well, he will be
handsomely rewarded in the future. If not, have him leave his entire family in Cizhou for me to
take care of.”

Xue Xiuzhuo wanted to cut off Shen Zechuan’s Hezhou, so Shen Zechuan would take away his
Huaizhou. Huaizhou was close to Luoxia Pass, which was in turn close to the city of Quancheng,
the native hometown of the Xue clan, the route of which formed an arc-shaped encirclement, just
like the trade route between Huaizhou, Chazhou, and Cizhou.

Everyone, be it Xue Xiuzhuo or the emperor, had already exposed their weaknesses in the
contention for supremacy. Had it been in the past, Shen Zechuan would definitely have nothing
to worry about, but after Shao Chengbi’s death, Fengquan was akin to a thorn stuck in the most
inconspicuous of spots.

One that had already penetrated deep.

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1. Xiao Chiye literally said “old camel” (which is also a colloquial term for blockhead).
Mengtuo has “camel” in the name. The Biansha Tribes’ names are based on animals
and/or nature. For a list, you can refer to Worldmap
2. A 母老虎 (Xiao Chiye used 悍虎 here) back at home usually refers to a man’s wife who
is a tigress or a shrew.

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 274 : Unveil

Notes:The titles in chapter 273, 274 – Reveal (显山), Unveil (露水) – are from the idiom “显山
露水”. i.e., to reveal or flaunt one’s talents or the facts.

The Mengtuo Tribe’s territory was close to the forest of desert poplar trees. From a distance, they
looked like they lived in an inextinguishable bonfire in the desert. The desert poplar was their
symbol. This was where the tributary of the Chashi River lay. They occupied the only water
source of Mosanchuan. Further east along was the hinterland of the desert, dominated by
sweltering heat.

It was here Baya’er, an obese man who had grown himself a grizzled goatee, hosted a feast for
Xiao Chiye. He personally poured wine for Xiao Chiye and said, “I’ve heard of the legend of the
wolf. Your Armored Cavalry is just as cold and grim as the severe frost stampeding through the
Chashi Sinkhole to crush Achi’s elite Scorpions.”

The open-air feast was bathed in moonlight. The nights of the desert were not at all black but a
rich deep blue. Xiao Chiye sat here, different from the swift and brave men of Biansha. He had
the wildness and frivolousness that hailed from Libei, one that was made all the more
conspicuous after he removed his armor.

“Having received the Mengtuo Tribe’s praise,” Xiao Chiye said, “I’m willing to form an alliance
with the tribe to become brothers who can rely on each other, just like the Huiyan Tribe.”

“In that case, why don’t we form a marriage alliance?” Baya’er looked at Xiao Chiye and sighed
with emotions. “Hongyan Mountain produces fine men, and I know you people from Libei are
all tough men. I really admire you, and my daughter truly wishes to marry you. If you are
worried that your wife at home will not agree, then I am willing to give five hundred camels to
this eldest madam.”

The women of the Twelve Tribes controlled the tribes’ supplies. In Baya’er’s view, if Xiao
Chiye’s “wife” was a sensible person, then he should agree to this marriage and minimize the
hassle imposed on his husband.

Far away in Dancheng, Shen Zechuan sneezed softly. Ji Gang, who was in the outer chamber
holding the medicine in hand, shouted, “Chuan’er, take your medicine on time. This weather
changes on a whim. If you are not careful, you’ll get a cough again.”

Xiao Chiye grasped the wine Baya’er toasted him. He had a great capacity for wine, drinking On
Horseback in small sips on the way, and he was unbeatable back at home. But now, he seemed
to be drunk and did not look as severe as he had been the last time he came to discuss with

Baya’er felt this to be an opportunity to exploit. He raised an arm to motion for Xiao Chiye to
look to his right, where his youngest daughter, with her face covered with a thin layer of veil, sat
with her head lowered as if she was shy. Confident that Da Zhou had no girls like this, Baya’er
said, “My Wuya is very loveable and well-behaved. She can take care of the eldest madam like a
younger sister would.”

On hearing this, Lu Guangbai cast a glance at Xiao Chiye as he sliced the beef with a dagger.
“Our Pref—Eldest Madam has no brothers at home, so I think it’s good if there is really a
younger sister in the picture.”

Following along Baya’er’s arm, Xiao Chiye looked over, and the girl hung her head even lower.

Baya’er then said, “Wuya, come over and toast a cup of wine to the chief wolf.”

Wuya stood up. Intricate ornaments hung from her waist, tinkling as she walked, but Xiao
Chiye’s mind was already wandering. He remembered that he had also hung a silver bell on
Lanzhou’s ankle the one time he had taught Lanzhou a “lesson” while he was still in Dunzhou. It
not only tinkled when it swung; there was also Lanzhou’s moist, disorderly panting.

Wuya had already come before Xiao Chiye. She had an exotic fragrance on her, and when she
leaned over, she revealed her fair neck.

Lanzhou’s neck was the most gorgeous drenched in the rain, soaking in the water, and immersed
in sweat. Its arch was exquisite, tilting up and hanging down in tandem with his body that was
being held captive… Xiao Chiye missed Shen Zechuan very much, and it was especially obvious
at this one moment.

Wuya poured the wine to the brim and leaned over to offer it to Xiao Chiye. Her long lashes
lifted, revealing her hatred when she looked at Xiao Chiye. The golden chain around her waist
clattered as the young girl flipped out a dagger with her slender palm and, taking advantage of
her movement as she made a toast, thrust it right at Xiao Chiye’s throat.

Chen Yang had yet to react to the sudden turn of event so close at hand, but Gu Jin had already
heard something amiss. He strode a step out and involuntarily blurted out, “Second Master—!”

The golden goblet smashed onto the tabletop with a “thud”, splashing wine all over. Xiao Chiye
did not even touch Wuya as he used his arm guard to parry the dagger. The next moment, the
short table overturned, and Wuya went rolling. Her dagger that had already slipped from her
hand landed between Xiao Chiye’s palm. Before Baya’er could snap back to his senses, Xiao
Chiye stood up and suddenly nailed the dagger onto Baya’er’s table.

Nearly stabbed in the fingers, Baya’er was so startled that he turned pale from panic and fell
paralyzed to his butt on the ground.

Xiao Chiye wiped the wine off his arm guard. His eyes sober as he said frostily, “I sincerely
came here to befriend the Mengtuo Tribe, but the Mengtuo Tribe are hypocritical and malicious
rats who spout honeyed words but hide swords behind their backs.”
The generals at the feast all jolted to their feet. The three tiers of Armored Cavalry within and
outside all flashed their blades with a “swoosh”, filling the crimson desert poplar forest with
snow-white glints. The atmosphere took a sudden, hostile turn, and tension crackled in the air.

“No!” Baya’er did not expect Wuya to make such a rash assassination attempt. He hurriedly said,
“This is by no means my intention. Please, chief wolf, do not be angry!” He clambered up and
said resentfully as he stomped his foot at Wuya, “I raised you for over ten years, and yet you
made such a grave mistake!”

Wuya’s veil fell off. Propping herself up, she spat at Baya’er. “You betrayed the Hero and gave
me to Hasen’s mortal enemy. You are not worthy to be my father—”

Baya’er flew into a rage, and without waiting for Wuya to finish her words, he stepped forth to
slap Wuya so hard that she fell to the ground. In the Biansha tongue, he snapped, “Hold her
down!” Having said that, he turned around to plead with Xiao Chiye. “She has been bewitched
by Amu’er and has long since lost her mind. She cannot be considered to be my daughter. I’m
willing to kill her for the chief wolf. Please do not take it out on the Mengtuo Tribe!”

Xiao Chiye’s expression did not change in the slightest.

The Libei Armored Cavalry surrounded the Mengtuo Tribe. Baya’er’s elites were all on the
periphery. If they were to really start fighting, whatever little people he had would not be able to
stop the assault of the completely geared-up Armored Cavalry at all. Baya’er was no longer in
the position to negotiate further. All he could do was to draw out the saber of the guard beside
him and raise it high against Wuya.

The silvery moon hung high in the sky, where a saker falcon of Mosanchuan circled alone. The
towering branches of the desert poplar cut into the moon at an oblique angle, while the wind
fluttered the Libei’s wolf banner. Baya’er held the saber up, unable to bring himself to strike. His
goatee trembled for a moment, and under the sound of Wuya’s sobs, he flung down the saber and
turned around to fall to his knees before Xiao Chiye.

Xiao Chiye secured his arm guard tightly. Behind him, Chen Yang came over to put his overcoat
on for him. Xiao Chiye lowered his eyes to look at Baya’er, his hand on Langli Blade beside his

“I only have this one daughter left.” Tears streamed down Baya’er’s aged face. “I wanted to
betroth her to the powerful Libei King of Wolves because our Mengtuo Tribe is always getting
plundered by the other tribes all year round. Amu’er is already old. Who can ensure our

“Take back your five hundred camels.” Xiao Chiye turned around to leave. “Save them for the
Mengtuo Tribe’s own mutual trade market use.”
Xiao Chiye walked a few steps, then turned his head aside to look at Wuya. The night breeze
swayed the little braid that had fallen to the side of Xiao Chiye’s shoulder. He raised his hand to
draw out the dagger and tossed it before Wuya.

“You are the one who handed me the lives of the entire Mengtuo Tribe on a silver platter

Wuya’s face turned ghastly white. The exotic fragrance on her had all dissipated. She covered
her face and wept.

Baya’er prostrated over the ground and shouted, “The Mengtuo Tribe is willing to follow the
King of Wolves to reign in the desert…”

Xiao Chiye whistled, and Meng landed on his shoulder. He looked in front, where the entrance to
Mosanchuan was already open. The narrow path that was paved with moonlight led to his
destination. Behind him, the wolf banner of Libei replaced the eagle banner of the desert.

◈ ◈ ◈

“How did you guess Wuya was going to assassinate you?” Lu Guangbai asked as he left with
Xiao Chiye.

“You said Baya’er wanted to marry her to Hasen.” Xiao Chiye flipped onto the horse. As he
pulled the reins of the horse, he paused for a moment. “My guess was that it was Wuya’s own
wish. Baya’er wanted so badly to marry her to me because she no longer had eyes for the boys in
this desert and considered them beneath her notice.”

“I even suspected that you were intoxicated.” Lu Guangbai followed suit and got on his own
horse. “Gege was on tenterhooks, fearing that you would lose your head. Say, when I return and
face His Lordship, should I speak without reservation, or should I feign ignorance?”

“I won’t lose my head.” Who else was there in this world who could ever compare to Shen
Lanzhou? Xiao Chiye turned his horse around, letting the wind dissipate the heat and
diminishing the effect of the wine. He looked at Lu Guangbai and said solemnly, “The wine and
scent don’t work on me. I’m sober.”

Lu Guangbai saw him looking all serious and thorough in everything he did, so he believed it to
be true. How was he to know that Xiao Chiye had his head full of immodest thoughts about Shen
Lanzhou earlier?

Xiao Chiye changed the subject. “With the Mengtuo Tribe remaining here now, there’s only the
Hulu Tribe left to the east of Mosanchuan to supply Amu’er with grains. Duo’erlan brought back
the remaining warriors of the Youxiong Tribe for Amu’er, which shows that Amu’er doesn’t
have many elites left.”
Huhelu, Achi, Zhuoli, and Hasen—Amu’er’s vanguard, raider, guard, and general were all killed
in battle, and the six tribes in his hands were all on edge after Xiao Chiye began his advance east.
The Mengtuo Tribe was now willing to enter an alliance in order to preserve their lives, and
Amu’er’s golden tent1 happened to be smack right in the hinterland of the desert.

Xiao Chiye wanted the victor to be determined in one battle.

After Hasen’s death, the Biansha withdrew its troops. Going by Da Zhou’s conventional practice,
they would not pursue beyond the Chashi River’s line of defense. But to Xiao Chiye, the lives of
the others could perhaps be spared, but not Amu’er’s.

As the man in the desert who nearly became the Great Ruler of the Twelve Tribes. Amu’er was a
formidable and ambitious man who could fight for supremacy with Xiao Fangxu. What made
him more dangerous than Hasen was that he also had the political means. He not only wanted to
fight victorious battles—that was something he delegated to the others. He spent twenty years
painstakingly bringing about the collapse of a dynasty. As long as he was given the opportunity
to catch his breath and survive, he would have new plans, and his methods would only become
more sophisticated and tough to detect.

This man must die, or Xiao Chiye would not sleep easy at night.

◈ ◈ ◈

Amu’er perched on his throne. His golden tent did not have the curtains closed, and the
moonlight shone through the gap to illuminate the ground at his feet. He sat alone, gazing at the
rolling sand dunes under the moon.

“Many years ago,” Amu’er said in a quiet voice. “I once led my troops deep into the enemy’s
territory and met Xiao Fangxu at the foot of the Hongyan Mountains. At that time, he was still a
nameless junior soldier. I regarded him as a lifelong adversary. I won against him many times
before, and I’ve also lost to him many times.”

The aged wise man who had prayed for Hasen sat in the corner of Amu’er’s golden tent and
dropped the withered branch in his hand onto the blanket before his knees. In a trembling voice,
he slowly said, “You defeated him.”

In the glow of the moonlight, Amu’er closed his eyes. There was no sign of his age to be seen on
this face of his, and he looked so dignified that it was as if he had just ascended to the throne. He
said, “It was my son who killed him.”

“His son killed your son.” The wise man gasped laboriously as he prostrated over the woolen
blanket. After spending a moment to catch his breath, he pushed again all those withered
branches. “But you still have a grandson. Duo’erlan will bear Hasen a healthy and strong child.
We have not lost this battle.”
Amu’er held on to the armrests of his throne, looking like a beast trapped here. His eyes moved,
and eventually, he opened them to look at the unchanging sand dunes. “You told me the same
thing too when I dispatched troops to Luoxia Pass. We walked out of the desert, looking for land
we could live and survive on. But all these years, the battles have not stopped, and the number of
deaths has increased. Da Zhou is like a tree that has already decayed, but the favor of the
heavenly god has yet to tilt towards us. Libei lost Xiao Fangxu, but very quickly, they obtained a
new King of Wolves. I hear him pounding his battle drums as he walks towards my golden tent.
He is far younger and stronger than Xiao Fangxu.”

“You are the last morning light the god bestowed upon the desert,” the wise man said staunchly
as he grasped up those withered branches. “I shall watch you leave this wolf far behind in the

Amu’er left his throne. He stood up, following the trail of the moon as he said, “It’s time to get
the Scorpions to move.”

◈ ◈ ◈

The clothes and hat official secured the cotton-padded coat and hat for Fengquan and took down
a piece of prepared paper from the assembled bamboo. Fengquan wiped his hand with the paper
and listened as the other person spoke.

The clothes and hat official moved deftly, partially concealed in the darkness as he said,
“Zhongbo must be defeated before the gate of Qudu. It’s only by killing Shen Zechuan and
allowing the dynasty to continue lingering on the verge of death can the sun far in the east rise as

“Shen Zechuan has repeatedly been through danger many times in Dunzhou and Duanzhou.”
Fengquan watched the clothes and hat official hung the clothes up to scent2 and said quietly,
“You people have had countless opportunities to kill him, but you didn’t do so.”

“He is far tougher than expected.” The clothes and hat official put away the shoes3 for Fengquan.
He was on his knees on the ground, but he raised his eyes to stare at Fengquan as he said, “You
knew that already.”

Fengquan bent over and enunciated, word for word, “You people are the useless ones.”

The candle of the lamp burned quietly as momentary silence descended upon the duty room.

“I already said two years back not to act presumptuously, but you people still spread the
epidemic into Qudu and gave Shen Zechuan the opportunity to be promoted.” Fengquan’s voice
was gloomy. “Amu’er thinks he has the whole picture in sight, but in truth, he can’t see a thing.”

The clothes and hat official suddenly straightened up and raised a hand to slap Fengquan on the
leg, holding a long, thin earpick in his palm. That sharp, unexpected object pressed against
Fengquan’s leg, making it clear that it could also deal a fatal blow when the time called for it.
“Calm down.” The clothes and hat official had pupils that leaned towards brown. “That epidemic
also gave Mu Ru the opportunity… Xue Xiuzhuo trusts you so much precisely because you were
able to show your loyalty at that time. You are already standing in the center right now, and the
emperor of Da Zhou is well within your reach. After this battle, you will be free.”

Fengquan’s overly cold and detached eyes looked at the clothes and hat official, not believing a
single word of his lie. Ever since the day he left Qudu, he had been loaded into a box, destined to
never escape for the rest of his life.

“Your foolish father is dead. You originally could have stopped him, but you didn’t.” The
clothes and hat official kept away the earpick. “I didn’t tell anyone about this… Do you

Fengquan’s pale face looked a little sickly in the shadow of the lamp. “He wasn’t a Scorpion. No
one could manipulate him. He had long gone crazy, willing as he was to die for others. I was
merely sending him on his way.”

“You let him take away the firearms.”

“Since he wanted to die,” Fengquan’s eyelids suddenly twitched, but without a change in his
expression, he brushed aside the clothes and hat official’s hand and continued, “then giving him
that batch of fake goods worked out just fine, didn’t it?”

“You’re right. Shao Chengbi was a lunatic. He kept vigil at Zhaozui Temple day and night, and
burned incense at home to pray to Buddha to beg for forgiveness. To let him die is to fulfill his
wish. You are a filial son.” The clothes and hat official tidied up his robe and stood up.

“Time for you to take your medicine.”

Credit: Thank you daisiesfordaze, Yen and MaruChan for spotting the typo! <3

Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2022


1. 金帐 literally golden tent, refers to the tent the khan of ancient nomads lives in.
2. 一把莲 During the Ming Dynasty, when the bedchamber doors were shut every night
when the eunuchs of the inner palace scattered back to the duty room, the clothes they
took off were always hung on the rack before their bed and scented with sweet perfumes
3. It was modified from 蝎子 (scorpion) to 鞋子 (shoes) here in the Simplified Chinese
physical copy. Again, will KIV to double check with the Traditional Chinese copy.

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 275 : Gambit

Qudu in the eleventh month was met with an unbroken spell of wet weather. Defensive weapons
were set up everywhere on all sides of the city walls. The Capital Command Troops did not
mingle together with the motley crew of soldiers Luo Mu brought along from Chazhou.
Everyone was clearly separated, like the waters of the Jing and Wei Rivers.

When Luo Mu returned to Qudu, he was no longer the obsequious and servile man he once was a
few years ago. Qudu was now depending on him for support, and when he entered the city, Chen
Zhen personally came to receive him. He changed into a brand new official robe and stood atop
the city wall with Chen Zhen to look out into the distance where Dancheng was.

“The rest of the seven cities’ garrison troops are being transferred back to Qudu and will be here
in the next few days. We can gather 50,000 soldiers in total for you.” Chen Zhen braced himself
against the battlement, exhaling cold air in between breaths. “The armory of the Capital
Command Troops will be made available to you too. Defend for as long as you can.”

Luo Mu was a civil official, but when he headed down to Chazhou, it was to reorganize
armaments and combat banditry, so he was no stranger to military affairs. Holding up his
umbrella, he said, “Shen Zechuan is not a man given to fighting wars. He defended Duanzhou
only because he was compelled by circumstances and had no choice but to guard it. He now has
only 20,000 Dunzhou Garrison Troops. It will be tough for him to breach Qudu even if he wants
Qudu had sealed off the city gate to the east. The commoners who fled from Dancheng were all
gathered at the entrance. While Chen Zhen and Luo Mu spoke, they looked down at the foot of
the city, which was packed with refugees.

“There’s one thing I will have to ask Your Excellency the Minister to report to Her Majesty.”
Luo Mu pointed to the refugees. “Shen Zechuan has the habit of buying the hearts of the people.
If these refugees cannot enter the city and find a place to settle down, then once the snow falls,
he will think of a way to win them over to his side, then make use of the opportunity to spread
the word and blow the matter out of proportion. I fear that will only be detrimental to the
imperial court.”

Cai Yu lost to Shen Zechuan in Chazhou precisely because of the word “benevolence”. Those
who rescued another from extreme misery would be the said person’s great benefactor, like a
second set of parents who have given them a new lease of life. Shen Zechuan could even clear
himself of the charge of Shen Wei’s troop defeat, so why not they follow suit? At present, there
were still rumors in Juexi about Shen Zechuan’s aid relief to Yongcheng. If Quducould not turn
the tables before winter came around, they would be the first to lose out even before they started

“In your opinion,” Chen Zhen looked at Luo Mu, “what should we do? Qudu is already
overcrowded. There are even people sleeping in the public ditches on Donglong Street. If we
take in any more refugees, we will be breaking the regulations of the yamen in Qudu. The
granary can’t afford to feed them too.”

“Take in the refugees for our own use,” Luo Mu said. “I see that most of them are in the prime of
their lives. Why not enlist them into the army to serve the state? As long as they can make
Zhongbo suffer a crushing defeat, there won’t be a lack of rewards from the imperial court in the
future. What is this bit of grain today? There will somehow be enough to go around if we scrimp
on it.”

Luo Mu dared to say this because he had also “borrowed” grains when he transited through

“Look, Your Excellency,” Luo Mu raised his hand and pointed it out for Chen Zhen. “Cizhou is
one of Shen Zechuan’s strategic points. He established a large granary on the trade route between
Huaizhou, Cizhou, and Chazhou, which allows him to supply to the Northeast Provisions Bridle
Path to the north and provide relief aids for Chazhou’s natural disasters to the south. If we can
wrest Cizhou from his control, it will only prove to be beneficial to us. Shen Zechuan’s
mobilization of troops to Dancheng has already stirred panic and unease among the groups of
cities in the west. He has to take a breather at this moment; he can’t act rashly. But we are
different. We can send troops whenever we want to suppress the rebellion and crush the rebels.
All we lack is the opportunity to fight him.”

Chen Zhen looked at Luo Mu and said, “This opportunity is a tough one to seek.”
“On the contrary, it’s not difficult. Shen Zechuan is Shen Wei’s son, after all. He
enters Qudu with his eyes on the throne. If he succeeds, the condemned sinner of all time, Shen
Wei, will be enshrined and worshiped in the Imperial Ancestral Temple.” Luo Mu looked back at
Chen Zhen and smiled, “Who would agree to this?”

◈ ◈ ◈

“Persuasion?” Li Jianting looked back. “It is wartime now. If something untoward were to
happen should we send the students out there, I’ll see how you intend to answer for that.”

“Your Majesty,” Luo Mu prostrated himself against the wool carpet. “Shen Zechuan is shrewd
and sophisticated. He is certain to round them up first and persuade them after to win over the
hearts of the people. If we just sit still and resign ourselves to fate, I fear that situation may
devolve rapidly. It will be difficult to ensure that nothing goes wrong then. Furthermore, Jiang
Wanxiao’s soliciting of Qidong’s support also hinges on the way the wind blows in Qudu. As
such, this humble subject deems it necessary for a war of words to be waged at this moment.

Luo Mu did not speak bluntly. With the passage of time, it was gradually becoming more and
more difficult to convince the people regarding Li Jianting’s lineage. If they continued to drag it
on any further, by the time Gao Zhongxiong regained his strength to deal another blow, it would
be difficult to win back the hearts of the people of Dancheng whom Shen Zechuan had

“Your Majesty, we have already lost the opportunity to take the lead in the Dancheng battle,”
Chen Zhen advised too. “If we can win back a game without using a single soldier, it will be
beneficial for Qudu’s present morale.”

“We ought to unite against a common foe before a formidable enemy,” Kong Qiu said after
contemplating it. “If we can unite the hearts of the common folks in the south and west, it won’t
be tough to defend this winter.”

Li Jianting said, “It’s widely said in Qudu that Shen Zechuan is a narrow-minded person, and
that is, in fact, a rumor. The way I see him act in Dancheng is unhurried and composed. I fear
it’d be hard if all of you are thinking of forcing him into deploying troops with your eloquence.”

“This is not a trap targeted at Shen Zechuan,” Luo Mu composed himself and raised his head,
“but Yao Wenyu.”

Yao Wenyu was Shen Zechuan’s strategist. Not only did he call forth the wise talents of the
world for Shen Zechuan, he also played a pivotal role in implementing the census register in the
six prefectures. What’s even rarer was that he advised Shen Zechuan to take in the former
ministers of Qudu. Gao Zhongxiong and the others could escape the fate of being buried talents
in exile all thanks to Yao Wenyu’s wisdom. Without Yao Wenyu, Shen Zechuan’s Zhongbo
officials would not have expanded to such proportions.
Kong Qiu and Cen Yu had both been taught by Hai Liangyi. Hearing Luo Mu mention Yao
Wenyu now, they could not help but turn aside. Unable to hold back his appreciation for talents,
Cen Yu said, “I… hear Yuanzhuo has been in ill-health ever since arriving in Zhongbo. If so…”

“His Excellency Cen is right!” Luo Mu said. “We’ll line up the scholars at the foot of the city to
persuade them to surrender. If Yao Wenyu doesn’t dare to come, Zhongbo’s morale would
definitely plummet, and Shen Zechuan will only be worthy of being a cowering coward. But if
Yao Wenyu dares to come, returning to his former hometown will definitely kill his arrogance!”

Cen Yu jerked to his feet and pointed at Luo Mu as he blurted, “You’re truly—”

Truly vicious!

Yao Wenyu was incurably ill, and both of his legs were broken. By demanding him to make his
way to the foot of the city wall to respond, Luo Mu meant for him to face his former
acquaintances in Qudu, as well as to show the world the way he looked dragging out a feeble
existence—look, two years ago, this man was still the Unpolished Jade renowned to all in the

“As long as we can deal a blow to Yao Wenyu,” Luo Mu kowtowed deeply, “Shen Zechuan will
no doubt take a battering.”

He did not finish his words. The students would be unarmed when they faced up against an array
of tens of thousands of troops. If Yao Wenyu were no match for the students, he would incur the
indignation of the garrison troops. Weapons had no eyes on the battlefield. The Dunzhou
Garrison Troops only had to injure the students, and Shen Zechuan’s virtuous reputation would
go up in smoke.

Li Jianting looked at Luo Mu. This person devised such a vicious trap to score a victory; he
could already be said to be ungrateful and cold-hearted,

Fengquan quietly cast a sidelong glance at Xue Xiuzhuo, who was hidden at the very back. Not a
moment later, as he expected, Luo Mu said, “His Excellency Xue has a prestigious reputation
among the students, and he studied in the same academy under the same teacher as Yao Wenyu.
This humble subject thinks that His Excellency should take it upon himself for this gambit.”

Xue Xiuzhuo stood up silently and said, “Since Yao Wenyu could assist Shen Zechuan with his
broken legs and flailing body, he is no longer the distinguished young master of intellectual
discourses of the past. By setting this trap, you merely want the whole world to watch fellow
pupils kill each other.” He looked at Li Jianting. “I will not agree.”

Fengquan pursed his lips into a smile as he poured the tea.

Li Jianting gazed at Xue Xiuzhuo with an odd expression in her eyes in that brief moment of
silence. She said, as if in reassurance, “Of course. I can’t bear to subject Teacher to such
hardship too. There is still no news from Jiang Wanxiao, so let the Grand Secretariat choose the
students to go this time.”

Raindrops pounded on the eaves, that pattering of rain giving prompt to something else.

“Where exactly are you from?”

This was what Li Jianting asked Fengquan that night.

Kneeling in the fathomless dark shadows, Fengquan replied, “This humble slave was originally
the descendant of an official in Jincheng. The official convicted of a crime, Shao Chengbi, was
my maternal uncle. Back then, this humble slave’s mother was implicated and sent into exile to
Zhongbo, where this humble slave was born. His Excellency Yanqing later went looking all over
for former officials and saved this humble slave from extreme misery and brought me back
to Qudu.” He raised his head and said in a timid and helpless tone, “This humble slave and my
uncle are as close as father and son, so I was willing to enter the palace for my uncle’s case of
injustice. Under the personal guidance of His Excellency Yanqing, I’ve served two emperors and
one empress dowager in the palace… until Your Majesty, who is the most prudent.”

Xiande, Tiancheng, the Empress Dowager—all of them died in the struggle for power. Of them,
the death of Emperor Tianchen, Li Jianheng, was the fishiest. Mu Ru’s assassination attempt was
no secret in the Xue’s residence. To date, Xue Xiuzhuo was unwilling to replace Fengquan and
still wanted to use him to serve Li Jianting.

“You report all the trifles in my daily life to him.” Li Jianting leaned over. “Is Xue Yanqing
keeping an eye on me because he fears I won’t do a good job as an emperor?”

Fengquan did not dare to answer.

Li Jianting stared at him for a long time, then said, “Was Mu Ru’s assassination of Li Jianheng
on Han Cheng’s or Xue Xiuzhuo’s order?”

Fengquan wanted to avoid Li Jianting’s gaze, but Li Jianting suddenly grasped of Fengquan’s
chin. As she pressed in closer, she said, “He has been watching me ever since I entered the
palace…” Li Jianting suddenly laughed and said mockingly, “No wonder he dared to be the
minister who stands alone. The life of the emperor lies in his hands.”

Xue Xiuzhuo would not begrudge it.

He could even bear to sacrifice himself. Naturally, he could also bear to sacrifice others.

“Shao Chengbi wants to overturn the verdict for the old case,” Li Jianting released Fengquan and
said coldly, “Only I can do that.”

◈ ◈ ◈
Qi Shiyu lay on the bed, looking as if he could not weather being worn down by both illness and
anger. His hair had turned several shades whiter. There was already no sign of the suaveness he
once possessed when he spurred his horse through Qudu and bowled over women. Saliva
trickled down the side of his lips. Qi Zhuyin wiped it off with a handkerchief.

“Jiang,” Qi Shiyu gasped as he spoke, “Jiang Wanxiao is going to arrive, arrive soon. Discuss,
with him. We will send troops to, to Qudu.”

Qi Zhuyin rolled up her sleeves to reveal her arms. Washing the handkerchief in the copper basin
by the bed, she said, “We’ll see.”

Qi Shiyu’s chest heaved. Swiveling his eyes, he said, “When you win merit for, for protecting
the emperor, you, you will be the reign of Shengyin’s…”

“Two borders and three prefectures have already risen in revolt.” Qi Zhuyin conscientiously
washed the handkerchief. “How long can Emperor Shengyin still remain sitting on her throne?
With that 10,000 Capital Command Troops of hers, she can’t even step out of Qudu’s main

“Qi Zhu, Zhuyin!” Qi Shiyu raised his voice abruptly. “Unfilial daughter!”

Qi Zhuyin wrung the handkerchief and said nothing.

Qi Shiyu’s tears soaked his temples. His lips quivered, and he choked with sobs, “You ruined,
ruined the Qi clan. In the future, you won’t even, even be able to be laid to rest in the ancestral

The setting sun at the window shone upon Qi Zhuyin’s back as she focused on drying the
handkerchief, looking as if she had not heard him.

“If Shen, Shen Zechuan fails,” Qi Shiyu shed tears of bitterness, “Can you alone make up for the
entire Qi clan? Everyone in the world will hate, hate you. You forged my, my oral message. Oh,

Qi Zhuyin smoothed out her handkerchief and turned her head aside under the scattered shadows
of the window lattice to gaze upon those overlapping flowers and plants. After a moment’s
silence, she said, “If Shen Zechuan fails, report to Qudu how I forged the message and coerced
my elder brother of common birth to write it on my behalf. Kong Boran is an intelligent man. He
would rather kill me alone to ensure your survival.”

Qi Shiyu’s message to Qudu was fake. That was something Qi Zhuyin forced her older brother
of common birth with her blade to write. But was there nothing Qi Shiyu could do? He was
tacitly giving his consent, wanting to leave the Qi clan with a way out. If Shen Zechuan were to
suffer a defeat. Qi Shiyu would rather hand over Qi Zhuyin in exchange for the lives of the entire
At that very moment Qi Zhuyin decided not to send troops, she ceased to be a daughter of the Qi
clan. The freedom Qi Shiyu gave was limited to the Qi clan. If Qi Zhuyin could no longer seek
honor and glory for the Qi clan, she was no different from those good-for-nothing brothers of
common birth of hers.

Qi Zhuyin did not stay for long. She hung out the handkerchief to dry and withdrew from the
room. Several brothers of common birth were waiting under the eaves. None of them dare to
raise their heads to look at her. She took ZhujiuQi Wei handed her and turned a blind eye to them

Qi Wei followed Qi Zhuyin out of the courtyard and whispered, “His Excellency Jiang should be
here by now.”

“Is the Eldest Madam ready?” Qi Zhuyin asked.

Qi Wei opened his mouth but did not speak. Qi Zhuyin followed his gaze and turned her head to
see Hongying lift the screen and Hua Xiangyi carrying the hem of her skirt as she got off the
sedan. She did not know either where she got the idea to move past Hongying and offer her arm
to Hua Xiangyi.

The delicate fragrance of Hua Xiangyi’s white flower greeted her. Hua Xiangyi set a slender
palm on her shoulder. It was only after she landed on the ground that she belatedly realized it
was Qi Zhuyin.

Qi Zhuyin wanted to say a little something, so she offhandedly said, “Yo…” Having been a little
fatigued lately, she looked at Hua Xiangyi and continued, “the flower is quite pretty.”

Hongying, who was at the side, covered her lips and gave a small cough. Hua Xiangyi’s pink
cheeks blushed a little. She loosened her grip, initially meaning to shift her hand away, but for
some reason, she changed her mind and left it on Qi Zhuyin as she said, “The tea pavilion is
ready. Invite Wanxiao over later to rest his feet there. There is a screen erected in the middle.
Wanxiao’s wife can take a short break here, and we can also let Jiran take a look at her.”

“You are the madam, so naturally, I’ll leave the arrangements at your discretion,” Qi Zhuyin
said. “Jiang Qingshan is an eloquent speaker in Juexi, so it’s better if you aren’t on the losing end
when discussing it over with him. No matter what, military power is still in my hand, so even if
he has a glib tongue, he won’t be able to save Qudu, not unless he kills me.”

The upturned tip1 of Hua Xiangyi’s embroidered shoes peeked out a little. She smoothed the
pleats of her skirt and said to Qi Zhuyin with a smile. “I have a way.”

◈ ◈ ◈

Shen Zechuan grabbed up a handful of the surplus grain from Dancheng and looked at the
furnishings in the granary. “The granary has been in disrepair for years. Winter is right around
the corner, and it has been overcast and rainy for days on end. We can’t continue to keep the
grains here as they will turn damp and moldy.”

Fei Sheng closed the oil paper umbrella and answered, “The advisors have the same intent too,
but it’s not a good time now. Master, if we were to move the grains without careful consideration
and raise the suspicions of the commoners in the city, all our efforts these days will be wasted.”

The Dunzhou Garrison Troops had been stationed here for less than half a month, eating and
sleeping with more reserve than they had been outside the city. Fortunately, Shen Zechuan had
ample grains, so the soldiers did not have to go hungry. Although there was some private
resentment at the bottom ranks, there were no incidents. Many of the common people of
Dancheng had fled west, and in doing so, they blocked Shen Zechuan from moving ahead.

“There aren’t many grains left.” Yao Wenyu’s wheelchair, which was wet with water, left marks
behind as he moved it. “The winter is bitterly cold, and Dancheng still has to provide aid relief
despite lacking grains. Rather than transferring it again from Cizhou when the time calls for it,
why not Your Lordship distribute the grains locally?”

The grains in Dancheng were all grains the Pan clan had left. It was inevitably too much of a
trouble to transfer grains with the grain wagons again. Distributing grains locally onsite could
not only allay the commoners’ fears, but also save a batch of relief grains for the winter.
Zhongbo’s grain reserves were limited. If Qudu could only be besieged but not attacked, then all
both parties could compete on was endurance.

“Jiang Wanxiao headed for Qidong. Using this as a reason, Luo Mu urged the Yan clan to
deliberate it over again and really managed to convince them. Several days ago, the grains from
several cities were delivered to Qudu, where the military drill ground at Mount Feng has already
been converted into storage for grains. The waterway to the south can lead directly to Hezhou.
Master, Qudumeant to fight a protracted war with us.”

“They call it a protracted war, but they are still waiting for Jiang Qingshan.” Shen Zechuan let go
of the grains. “The Qidong Garrison Troops is Qudu’s lifeline. The Grand Secretariat and Xue
Yanqing both know that they can’t stop us with just a motley crew of 50,000 soldiers. They are
staking it all on a single throw by stockpiling grains.”

Yao Wenyu made to speak, but then covered his mouth and coughed.

“There’s wind leaking into the granary,” Shen Zechuan said. “Fei Sheng, give my overcoat to

“Master can’t withstand this cold wind either.” Fei Sheng motioned for the guard at the door to
hand over the clothing. “Qiao Tianya anticipated that Mister would forget to bring his overcoat
and so went to the special effort of sending someone to bring the overcoat over when we were
just about to set off. I’ve been waiting for Mister to ask.”
Even covered with the overcoat, Yao Wenyu’s coughs did not subside. No one brought up the
issue of seeing a physician again before him now. Although he took his medicines on time, one
could visibly see Yuanzhuo gradually grow wan and sallow.

“Jiang Wanxiao has arrived at Qidong…” Yao Wenyu was midway through speaking when there
was a commotion outside the granary.

Tantai Hu entered with his blade over his shoulder, bowed to Shen Zechuan, and reported in a
gruff voice, “Your Lordship, a messenger has arrived from Qudu, saying that they want to
discuss with us as they could not bear to see the people plunged into an abyss of misery. Those
dozens of students have been sent out of the city gates and are now waiting at the erected
platform west of Dancheng. Your Lordship, at this moment, we are strong, and the enemy is
weak, so what’s there to discuss further? Might as well get Shenwei to write a declaration of war,
and we can attack our way into Qudu and save ourselves the trouble!”

Wiping his palm, Shen Zechuan asked, “Who are among those who came?”

“Cen Xunyi is taking the lead. The rest are all students.”

Shen Zechuan only had to think for a moment to know of the dangers involved.

“Jiang Wanxiao has already arrived at Qidong, and the Eldest Madam has to have a long talk
with him. If we do not agree now, we will inevitably be looked down upon by Qidong. Further, a
prolonged siege of Qudu is never the best policy.” Yao Wenyu held up his handkerchief and
turned his head aside to say to Shen Zechuan. “The opportunity has presented itself. Your
Lordship, I’ll be right back.”

◈ ◈ ◈

The sun shone brightly in Qidong. Smoke rose from the tea pavilion.

Hua Xiangyi sat in a dignified manner across the tea table and served tea with cleaned hands.

Qi Zhuyin gestured for Jiang Qingshan to sit. “You have come a long way. This is a reception
feast, so there’s no need to be nervous. Just take a seat.”

The travel-worn Qingshan had just changed his clothes at the side hall earlier. He did not stand
on ceremony as he sat with his sleeves held together. With a smile, he said, “It is my undeserving
honor to be able to drink a cup of tea brewed by Third Missy.”

He addressed Hua Xiangyi as Third Missy, her old address, which meant that he did not regard
Hua Xiangyi as the Eldest Madam of Qidong, but as the former master of Dicheng. That word,
clearly distant and estranged, made it clear that he had no wish to discuss with Hua Xiangyi.
Hua Xiangyi held the tea and said in a soft voice, “The journey is tiring, and Madam is pregnant.
It’s indeed inadvisable to stay at the relay station. I’ve got someone to clean up a courtyard
earlier. If you don’t mind it, you can stay here at home.”

Her “home” was the Qi residence, and she was in charge of all the inner courtyard’s affairs. No
matter what Jiang Qingshan called her, she was the Lady of the Qi clan’s house.

Jiang Qingshan sipped the tea, thereby kicking off their first exchange.

◈ ◈ ◈

It was raining heavily in Dancheng. The soughing of the bamboo rose and fell.

Apprehensive, Cen Yu was on the high platform when he suddenly heard the sound of the flute
entering the waves of bamboo. He let loose a soft exclamation of “ah” and watched as an oil
paper made its way over in the rain along with the trickling streams of water.

A boundary line separated both armies, and Yao Wenyu did not continue to advance. The white
donkey under the umbrella trod upon the water leisurely. The hem of Yao Wenyu’s green robe
draped down over both sides of the donkey’s belly, while the zhaowen bag around his waist was
still the same as before. Amidst the rain and fog around him, he looked no different from he did
in the past.

“I left Qudu in such a hurry back then and did not manage to bid farewell to you.” Yao Wenyu
leaned down to make a bow on the back of the donkey, “So here I am now, upon hearing of your
invitation today.”

Seeing Yao Wenyu bow from the back of the donkey, Cen Yu knew the rumors were true—those
legs of his had really been broken. A multitude of emotions welled up in him as he stood where
he was with his ears buzzing. All he could do was sigh with grief, “You… why subject yourself
to such misery?!”

Credits: Thank you fukixie for pointing out the typos! <3

Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2022


Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 276 : Confrontation In The Rain

Why, indeed.

Yao Wenyu did not have an answer to that. He did not come today to answer the question of why
he was subjecting himself to this “misery”. He knew what Qudu’s intention was by doing this.
Everyone in the world was looking at him, their admiration morphed into compassion. They
would rather look down upon him from above and pity him, as if without this pair of legs, he lost
the courage to stand before the people.

Living was far harder than dying.

Long when Yao Wenyu had laid down, he already clearly understood his life going forward.
This was not the first time he had received such gazes, nor would it be the last. As long as he still
existed in the world, he would forever have to face these pitying. It was an agony he could not
share with anyone else—anyone.

The oil umbrella formed a curtain of rain to conceal the green robe within. Yao Wenyu was so
far away he seemed to be sitting among the clouds. Even when he fell, he was still clean and

“There is one state in life toughest to achieve.” Shen Zechuan stood far away in the watchtower
and said to Qiao Tianya beside him, “and that is, delighted not by external gains, and saddened
not by personal losses.1 If a person can be so sanguine to such an extent, he will not be far from
enlightenment. When I first met him, I thought he was this kind of person, but later, I realized it
was not the case at all.”

To attain enlightenment was to be devoid of feelings—to be merciless to oneself.

Yao Wenyu could not. He had the masses in his heart. He also had him in his heart. He seemed
to be a supermundane wanderer of the mortal world, far removed from the secular realm,
spending his previous twenty years riding a donkey with all the carefreeness in the world. That
was living vicariously, and it was not wrong.

Qiao Tianya looked into the distance at that smear of green, as if he was looking at the emerald
willows and jade bamboo on the horizon. He set down his flute and picked up the wine to take a
sip, then answered, as if intoxicated, “I understand him.”

The rain continued to fall.

Yao Wenyu’s voice was as clear and melodious as jade as he said, “There’s no need for you to
worry on my behalf for now. Qudu seems to be a trapped beast, one that exhausts the strength of
the seven cities to battle to the death with our Prefectural Lord. This is an unwise strategy not
worth adopting.”

“If Shen Zechuan has the intent, he ought to have long surrendered and not established himself
as ‘lord’. You people mass deploy troops to Dancheng to intimidate Qudu, throwing the
commoners in the world into a state of panic and unease.” Cen Yu was here today to induce them
to surrender. He could not hold himself back from taking a step out now to say across the misty
rain, “If Yuanzhuo is willing to persuade him to surrender today, I am willing to vouch for him
with my own head just for his benevolent deeds in the six prefectures of Zhongbo.”

“The situation at present is clear cut, and the outcome is a foregone conclusion. So why deceive
yourself and the others any further?” Yao Wenyu said. “In order to keep the commoners in the
city from having this catastrophe unleashed upon them, His Lordship stayed put in Dancheng
and refused to advance. In truth, the 120,000 Garrison Troops of Zhongbo are already prepared
and raring to go; besieging Qudu will only take a short time. As they say, besiege not the walled
cities, if it can possibly be avoided.2 If the emperor is willing to open the gates and surrender for
the sake of the commoners in the city, I am also willing to vouch for her with my own head.”

“You and I are former acquaintances, so why make such boasts to me? There are merely 20,000
soldiers in Zhongbo available for use. Shen Zechuan is already showing signs of exhaustion
cooling his heels guarding the Cizhou granary. Chazhou and Hezhou have now surrendered and
pledged allegiance to us. Evidently, he has lost the hearts of the people and cannot establish trust
among them. Qudu now has the assistance of the seven cities, and there’s also Qidong serving as
a shield. The 300,000 Qidong Garrison Troops are the real thing. Shen Zechuan wants to obtain
the Li clan’s empire, but no one will possibly yield. You attacked your way into Dancheng,
causing the rise of refugees everywhere.” Cen Yu pointed at Qudu. “All the people before the
gate of Qudu are refugees who have fled there. You can hear infants wailing at night and see
widowed mothers selling their daughters during the day. If you people are really a benevolent
army, how can you turn a blind eye to all these?”

Yao Wenyu did not answer.

A student beside Cen Yu bowed to Yao Wenyu and cleared his throat to speak, “Not only that,
Shen Zechuan rebelled for no reason and brought calamity upon Qudu. Even if he can breach the
city with a strong army, he will be hard-pressed to win the public over with the same army. The
present emperor is rightfully legitimate and is the only candidate to be the Son of Heaven. The
confrontation of two armies will result in countless casualties. So why not bury the hatchet
today? As long as everyone from Zhongbo can surrender in all sincerity, Her Majesty, bless her
wise and virtuous heart, will surely not pursue the grave offense.”

They made it all out to sound so pleasant, but the consequence of disarming themselves to
surrender was something that even Kong Qiu himself could not guarantee, let alone Cen Yu.

Yao Wenyu was about to speak when the wind came assailing in the rain, leaving him with no
option but to temporarily cover his mouth and cough softly.

Cen Yu did not have the heart to watch, but the student beside him thought they had gained the
upper hand. Seeing how frail Yuanzhuo was, he could not refrain from taking another step forth
and shooting his mouth off animatedly, “I know ‘Unpolished Jade Yuanzhuo’ always has the
fine reputation of being unrivaled in Qudu, and I also know that you were born of the Yao clan
and studied under the Secretariat Elder. How lamentable that you failed to live up to your talent
and learning. Instead, you devote yourself to serving the Shen clan and turning your back on the
will of the forefathers! Yao Yuanzhuo, an old hero still holds high aspirations just like an old
steed still aspires to gallop a thousandli if it could, and yet all you can do is submit to a rebel. I
lament the waste of your talents and, even more so, lament the Secretariat Elder for entrusting his
legacy to the wrong person. Your sickly and feeble body of today is a far cry from the dashing
and spirited presence you once cut, but even so, I’d still wish to advise you to realize the error of
your ways and turn back from the path that has led you astray!”
Raindrops landed on the railings, soaking Shen Zechuan’s sleeves and robes. He held the folding
fan between his sleeves to prevent the rain from getting on it. He looked at the green bamboo
from the watchtower, where Yao Wenyu was already partially concealed.

When Shen Zechuan was still in Qudu, he once said to Xiao Chiye that if he were given a choice,
he would rather choose Xue Xiuzhuo than Yao Wenyu. This was because Yao Wenyu was aloof
and far detached from the mundane world; he could not do stuff that would get his hands dirty.
He had such a good station in life, so much that it was also that tortuous when he hurt.

The students’ morale soared, and they all crowded onto the platform, each trying to impart words
of wisdom to Yao Wenyu.

Yao Wenyu’s coughing had already stopped. His expression remained unchanged, as if he had
already anticipated this situation. Shen Zechuan did not lack people under his command; when
Kong Ling was still in the academy, he was also an eloquent master of debate, but Shen Zechuan
still agreed to let Yao Wenyu come. As a bosom friend, he understood that Yao Wenyu did not
need pity, not even a smidgen of it.

“Luo Mu set this trap wanting to kill Yuanzhuo.” Shen Zechuan tilted his head slightly to the
side, and the jade earring by his ear glinted coldly from the reflected light. “Even so, he has to be
worthy of doing so.”

To belittle Yao Wenyu was to belittle Shen Zechuan. The advisors under Shen Zechuan’s
command possessed both integrity and ability, yet Yao Wenyu had always securely retained his
position at the head. Two years ago, Yao Wenyu cut a sorry sight when he left the capital, but
that had been two years ago. It had to be known that the one he assisted was the overlord of
Zhongbo, Shen Zechuan.

It was a tad clamorous on the platform. The students’ voices crowded into the heavy rain, buried
under the waves of bamboo as the cool breeze blew. Yao Wenyu moved down the handkerchief
covering his lips.

“All of you advise me to realize the error of my ways and turn back from the path that has led me
astray, but I wish to advise all of you to repent and seek the salvation at hand.” Yao Wenyu’s
voice was still clear and mellow. It was as if those few coughs were merely a breather he took in
the rain. “May I ask of Teacher Cen, why do you rack your brain to remonstrate with the
Emperor at the risk of death?”

Cen Yu answered, “To deter the villains and set hierarchy right.”

Yao Wenyu showed his true worth when the wind rose. “Not so. You spare no effort to think of
the people’s welfare. You aim for stability and sue for peace, taking the people’s will in mind.
You put the people first in everything you do, regarding the people as the foundation of the state
every single moment. And now you’ve subverted hierarchy and turned your back on the people,
all for your own selfish interest to preserve the imperial court. Cen Xunyu, Kong Boran, Xue
Yanqing—how can all of you still have the face to pay your respects to my Teacher?!”
He rarely looked so solemn, and his words were so cutting Cen Yu staggered back and rasped in
a hoarse voice, “We…”

Still with a composed, unchanging expression, Yao Wenyu continued, “Let me ask you again. Of
the so-called remedy of the malady, return of the commoners’ fields, security of the people’s
livelihood, and rectification of hierarchy, which of these four have you people achieved?”

Cen Yu was already losing steam. “The field taxes from Dancheng, Chuancheng, Wucheng, and
Dicheng have all been recovered, and the fields in the four cities have been returned to the
people, with taxes reduced. It is now a time of rebuilding.”

“To make up for the Chuancheng’s field taxes, the Marquis of Helian had the local gentry under
him extort the people. The fields have indeed been returned, but the Gobi desert was used to pass
off as fertile farmland. Refugees from the four cities are still emerging one after another in a
never-ending stream. Cizhou is already overcrowded. You are merely putting inconsequential
measures over what’s crucial with your so-called remedy of the malady, return of the
commoners’ fields, security of the people’s livelihood. The grains all of you take to distribute as
aid relief are all graciously granted by our Prefectural Lord!”

How could Cen Yu expect Yao Wenyu to state his views with such swift relentlessness? The
dispute over the Chuancheng fields was a proven fact. It was only because of the external threat
that they had no choice but to temporarily put a halt to the investigation, and now, it had become
Yao Wenyu’s sharp weapon!

The student beside Cen Yu reacted swiftly and retorted, “What a load of nonsense! You betrayed
the emperor and brought dishonor to your teacher. You are merely a dying man dragging out a
shameful existence in a wheelchair. What did you do? What can you do?!”

The donkey under Yao Wenyu inched forward a little, and Yao Wenyu answered, “I am but a
strategist. How can I act beyond my authority?”

The student promptly broke out into laughter. “That’s just a perfunctory excuse. You have done
nothing at all! His Excellency Xue denounces the noble clans and assists the Li clan. He is
revered by all in Dancheng, Chuancheng, and the various cities! You question how they have the
face to meet the Secretariat Elder, but Yao Wenyu, seems to me you are the one who is too
ashamed to face the Secretariat Elder!”

Yao Wenyu’s oil umbrella swayed slightly. He laughed too, but this laugh left no trace in its
wake. If it was gone, it was gone. There was not a hint of complacency. “He who holds rank in a
state discusses its policies.3 Shouldn’t it be only right for you to work for the people when you
live on the emperor’s salary? I cannot compare to Xue Yanqing when it comes to administering
Qudu and keeping the empire in balance. He is a minister of the imperial court. I am a

His eyes dimmed slightly. The twinkling starlight in them died out, leaving behind only a heavy,
pitch-black night.
“My lord navigated among the heroes in turbulent times, first quelling the scourge of banditry in
Chazhou and Cizhou, then scouring the six prefectures clean of its sufferings. He established a
thriving trade route between the north and south and spared no effort to help the Armored
Cavalry stamp out foreign threats. In two years, he recovered lost lands, brought stability all
over, and secured the livelihoods of the people, creating tens of thousands of mu4 of fertile lands
in the three prefectures, and leaving not a single wasteland in the three borders. He pushed for
the census registry and implemented household registrations. He advocated freedom of speech to
draw in the virtuous talents in the world, and he does not let family status and past history cut
short a hero’s future. What’s more, he even dared to use himself as a sword to defend the city
gates of Duanzhou!”

The rain pitter-pattered on his umbrella, like the deafening, urgent beats of the battle drums.

“In assisting a good lord, I am the clouds of rain in the sky, gathering and dispersing as I please.
I can have no name to speak of, no virtues to boast of, and no merits to laud. But my master,”
Yao Wenyu was as steady as the mountain as he enunciated his words with clarity, “must shine
in history for a thousand autumns.”


Strategists and court ministers were both people who assisted outstanding masters. Yao Wenyu
dared to belittle himself and his achievements to boost Shen Zechuan because he was Shen
Zechuan’s strategist. It was for Shen Zechuan and not for himself that he sought to conquer the
empire and build up a reputation. With every word he spoke, he was counter-asking everyone
from Qudu, what has Li Jianting done? The lack of achievements to one’s master’s name was all
on the incompetence of the people assisting him.

Cen Yu braced himself to push on. “For all your eloquence and glib tongue, you cannot hide the
fact that Shen Zechuan’s origin lacks legitimacy. His father, Shen Wei, suffered military defeat
in the six prefectures. If we were to let you enter the city, everyone in the world would have to
pay their respect to that shameless traitor Shen Wei in the future!”

“And so,” Yao Wenyu said, “Li Jianting’s origin is legitimate?”

“How audacious!” The student’s face flushed red on seeing how unperturbed and composed Yao
Wenyu was, even more so when he saw that the latter had also gained the upper hand. “Is Her
Majesty’s honorable name something you—”

Yao Wenyu suddenly raised his voice in the rain to ask again, “Who can prove in public today
that Li Jianting is legitimate? You? Xue Yanqing? You people revered her as your lord, kneeling
and kowtowing to her, and yet you can’t even come to a conclusion about her authenticity. What
a joke!”

“His Excellency Xue has the former emperor’s verification in writing…” The student was
already thrown into confusion. “There was an auspicious omen when Her Majesty was born. It
can’t be wrong. It can’t be wrong…”
“Since you people cannot prove it,” Yao Wenyu suppressed a cough, “I can.”

Cen Yu suddenly felt a chill as he looked at Yao Wenyu’s green robe swaying, feeling that this
was not Yuanzhuo, but an enemy who hailed from Zhongbo.

Credits: Thanks to Gale for noticing the oversight! <3

Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2022


1. From 岳阳楼记 (Yueyang Tower) by Fan Zhongyan in Northern Song.

2. 攻城之法,为不得已 from the Art of War by Sun Tzu (孙子兵法)
3. Variant of 不在其位,不谋其政 (He who holds no rank in a state does not discuss its
policies, or meddle not in affairs that are not part of your position) from the Analects (of
Confucius). 论语·泰伯
4. 亩, mu, or Chinese acre, measure of land equal to 0.0667 hectares

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 277 : Intense Battle

“When Xue Yanqing invited the Heir Apparent back to the palace, he produced the former
emperor’s endorsement and Prince Qin’s personal seal to show the Grand Secretariat.” Yao
Wenyu brushed his finger lightly over his pale lips. “But these objects have no relevance
whatsoever to one another. Prince Qin’s personal seal was not stamped on the endorsement itself.
If these objects alone can prove that Li Jianting is Prince Qin’s daughter of lawful birth, then the
writings of the late nobles in the study of my Yao clan are all proof of sovereignty.”

Even if Cen Yu’s limbs were growing increasingly cold, he could not show any more signs of
weakness. All eyes were on this face-to-face talk at the foot of the city today. All it took was one
wrong answer to doom Qudu. He composed himself before saying, “When Her Majesty entered
the palace, the Grand Secretariat carried out a public verification right there and then on the
imperial court. The Empress Dowager also gave the nod to confirm that Her Majesty was of the
Li clan’s bloodline!”

The rain in the wind made a ruckus as it pelted down upon the oil paper umbrella like exploding

“After the passing of the former emperor, the Li clan fell into decline,” Yao Wenyu said. “The
so-called public examination on the imperial court you speak of is merely based on the one-sided
words of Xue Yanqing. The Empress Dowager lived alone deep in the palace, with eunuchs in
power holding her hostage on the inside and sycophantic officials coercing her on the outside.
So, could she have been able to tell the truth?”

Cen Yu felt a punch to his guts. He stepped back in a fluster and sputtered, “Sycophantic… How
can you say I am a sycophantic official… On the day of the public examination, the whole court
of civilian and military officials was present. Whoever dares to coerce the Empress, I will be the
first to kill him with my own hands!”

“Fine. You are loyal. I admire you for it.” Yao Wenyu pulled out a letter from his sleeve pocket
and said to Cen Yu, “I happen to have a confidential letter from Third Missy, which details the
fact that Han Cheng coerced the Empress Dowager with the Dicheng’s accounts, along with a
family letter between the Empress Dowager and Third Missy. All of them are affixed with the
Empress Dowager’s personal seal.”

An uproar arose in the rain the moment this letter emerged.

Cen Yu had never expected Yao Wenyu to have genuine proof. That chill soared up his spine—It
was not Zhongbo that was in danger today at all, but Qudu! Bracing himself against the edge of
the table next to him, he said, “Third Missy has been away from Qudu for a long time. She no
longer waits upon the Empress Dowager. Her words…”

“Third Missy is the eldest madam of Qidong.” Yao Wenyu pressed in hard with each word. “If
her words are not to be trusted, why are Qidong’s 300,000-strong garrison troops still not
deployed to date?”

Muffled thunder crashed in the rain.

Yao Wenyu released his grip and let the letter fall into a water puddle. “The Qi clan would rather
lose their century of prestigious reputation than send troops to the emperor’s aid, because the one
sitting on the throne today is not a sovereign of the Li clan at all. Xue Yanqing deliberately
misrepresented the fact, calling a deer a horse. He not only deceived everyone in the imperial
court, but also fraudulently used a girl from a pleasure quarter to pose as the imperial heir!”

A girl from a pleasure quarter!

“You delude people with rumors and lies…” A student pointed at Yao Wenyu and snapped, “Her
Majesty is the daughter of a farming household in Qudu. She has long had a benevolent
reputation among her neighbors…”

“How muddleheaded.” There was no warmth in Yao Wenyu’s eyes. “Li Jianting has never
summoned her adoptive parents after ascending to the throne. If she is truly benevolent and filial,
she will not be so unconcerned and indifferent to her adoptive parents.”

At this word, Cen Yu and even the students beside him all fell onto their butts on the ground.
The Capital Command Troops of Qudu whispered among themselves in horror. Dark clouds had
already pressed in towards the palace halls in Qudu. Amidst the lightning and thunder, a flash of
lightning illuminated the sinister-looking upturned eaves. That letter was swiftly passed
throughout the various lands in the southwest as Imperial Bodyguards who were still hiding
in Qudu roved the streets and alleys. Ge Qingqing occupied a teahouse and watched as the
raindrops pounded on the window paper.

Li Jianting raised her head and listened to the thunder, well-acquainted as she was with the
pounding of battle drums. She asked the empty Mingli Hall, “Has the Prince of Donglie sent

Fengquan lit an incense stick and replied, “Soon.”

◈ ◈ ◈

The rustling sound of clothes chafing rang out from within the screen. Jiran sat upright across
from the small table, taking Liu-niang’s pulse through a handkerchief.1

“The entire Qi clan is all patriotic and chivalrous people. The old commander-in-chief has an
illustrious record of military achievements to his name and is in Her Majesty’s good graces,”
Jiang Qingshan said, “With the empire now in imminent danger and rife with internal strifes, it’s
time for the Qi clan to restore its position as the treasured weapon of the state. I advise
Commander-in-chief Qi not to corrupt the righteous cause over personal friendships. Revere
your sovereign, and you will be hailed by all. The future glory and honor of the Qi clan are right
at hand.”

“You are a capable minister who governs a territory, so you are more familiar with civil
administration than me.” Qi Zhuyin drank her tea, “Since the time has come when the empire is
in a crisis, we can skip all these cliches.”
Thick steam enshrouded the tea pavilion. Jiang Qingshan let out a wry, bitter laugh for a moment
before continuing, “So the persuasion of honor and glory are all no more than mere platitudes. I
came here just to share a few heartfelt words with Commander-in-chief Qi.” He set down the
teacup and looked at Qi Zhuyin. “Commander-in-chief Qi, if the current emperor is incompetent,
I would not have come today. But now, the revitalization of Da Zhou is right around the corner.
As long as the internal threats are eliminated, the prosperity of the people will not be an absurd

He paused for a moment.

“When the former emperor was on the throne, he did not involve himself in court administration.
There were countless tussles for power between various factions in the imperial court. The year
when Juexi was hit with a drought, I could not gather sufficient grains to distribute as relief aid. I
was at my wit’s end and could only borrow grains hastily, thus incurring a towering debt. It was
Yanqing who hurried overnight to Qudu to implore the Grand Secretariat to give me a way out.
At that time, when Hua Siqian wanted to kill me, it was also Yanqing who kneeled before the
door of the Secretariat Elder and pleaded with him to save me. All these years, he has been
running around in his position as the Ministry of Revenue Supervising Secretary and fighting for
a future for capable local officials. He went to great efforts and pains to build up the so-called
practical doers faction of the present day, one that has allowed Da Zhou to continue to keep
struggling on after the reign of Tianchen. Commander-in-chief Qi, we dare not claim credit for
ourselves, but in order to fight for a way out for Da Zhou, we can even bet our lives and those of
our families!”

Jiang Wanxiao was not lying. The corrupted dynasty of the later years of the reign of Yongyi had
its roots in Qudu, but the local regions were still doing all they could to keep going. Juexi’s
current ability to bear the weight of the burdens exerted on Da Zhou was not something that
could be achieved overnight. It was the result of the cornerstone that people like him had laid
down together over the past decade or so.

“After the reign of Xiande, Yanqing has been making every effort to persuade the imperial court
to allocate manpower to Zhongbo to clean up the mess there. Given the height of Hua Siqian’s
power then, the Secretariat Elder did not dare to act rashly in order to protect the officials of
humble origins in the central administration. It was only finally until Hua Siqian’s fall in the
eighth year of Xiande that the Grand Secretariat had the intent to transfer me to Zhongbo to take
up the post as its Provincial Administration Commissioner, but it was already too late; we had
missed the golden opportunity. Not only were there bandits running rampant in the six
prefectures, there was also the deeply-rooted influence of the noble clans at play.” Jiang
Wanxiao spoke until he was emotionally worked up and could not help but pound the table in
despondency. Letting loose a long sigh, he continued, “We have no troops and no power, so how
are we to get about doing it? The transfer notice alone took the Grand Secretariat half a year to
deliberate over!”

The fragrance of tea was dimly discernible. He composed himself a little before continuing, “I
had originally given up. It was Yanqing who supported Her Majesty and did his best to pursue
the Dancheng’s field taxes. Commander-in-chief Qi, if Her Majesty was an A-Dou,2 an
incompetent weakling like the former emperor, then let Shen Zechuan rebel as he wishes! But
there is now light at the end of the tunnel.” He looked at Qi Zhuyin and said with urgency,
“When Commander-in-chief Qi wanted to send troops to assist Libei at the start of the first year
of the reign of Shengyin, we agreed because of the foreign threat at hand, and we also provided
military salaries and provisions. The situation is no longer like how it was during the reign of
Xiande when the commander-in-chief and the generals had to enter the capital and kneel to beg
for their military salaries. The Bianjun Commandery’s moldy grains case forced Lu Guangbai
into rebelling, yet the Grand Secretariat has still yet to heed the imperial censors’ advice to strip
the Lu clan of their noble title and rank. They wanted to give the imperial court and Lu Guangbai
a chance to start over again. Let’s all start afresh. There will be no interference from the noble
clans this time, only mutual sincerity and frankness between the civilian and military officials.
The resurgence of Da Zhou is right now.”

Everything Jiang Wanxiao said today were heartfelt words that the others could not fathom,
comprehend, or even be willing to understand. They were all turning cogs in the wheel that was
Da Zhou. When mottled signs of rust began to show, they relied on generation after generation of
virtuous talents to keep it oiled and running. This person was not just one person. He could be Qi
Huilian in the early years, Hai Liangyi in the latter stage, and even Xue Xiuzhuo at present. They
differed from the noble clans. Even if their ideologies were in conflict, or even if their
philosophies were contradictory, they all expended their true abilities on civilian affairs without
exception. They were the last gleam of hope for the survival of this old, decaying tree.

“Shen Zechuan introduced the census registry in the six prefectures of Zhongbo, while we have
long since implemented the household registration in Juexi. Ever since I had jurisdiction over the
thirteen cities, the yamen in the various areas have been checking every year that no land was
lost, no field has gone to waste, and the trade at the port is thriving. If Shen Zechuan had not
insisted on interfering, the Port of Yongyi would not have been closed this year!” Jiang Wanxiao
said. “The reason the eight cities’ field taxes were suspended was that Shen Zechuan was
pushing too hard. He self-proclaimed himself the prefectural lord in Zhongbo, and the three
regions all termed him an overlord. The noble clans were going to be driven to take extreme
measures, so there was no other alternative but to stop the investigation—”

Within the screen, Liu-niang suddenly exclaimed softly. Jiang Qingshan’s voice came to an
abrupt stop. He rose slightly. Hongying stepped out from behind the screen and whispered
something in Hua Xiangyi’s ear.

Hua Xiangyi looked at Jiang Qingshan and said, “The madam is weak and frail, and after being
on the go, the fetus is unstable. I fear she will have to stay here for a few days to recuperate.”

Liu-niang had been in ill health since the reign of Xiande. Jiang Qingshan knew that what Hua
Xiangyi had said was true. Even as he was all caught up attempting to convince them with his
fervent rhetoric, he was on tenterhooks worrying about Liu-niang. For a moment, he lost his
voice and could neither stand nor sit.

Jiran said in a small voice, “Anitabha, the madam has to put on medication.”
Jiang Qingshan could not help but ask, “What kind of medicine? She’s frail, and all the
physicians she usually sees have been cautious.”

“I heard you have been married for several years, and yet your mother still wants to make her
stand in attendance every day. Never mind if it had been in the past,” Hua Xiangyi said with a
slightly reproachful tone, “but why does she still have to do so even when she’s pregnant? What
kind of rule is that?”

The hardest thing for Jiang Wanxiao to speak of was his domestic affairs. His mother was
widowed at an early age, and against all the odds, raised him to be a provincial governor. The
Old Madam typically could not be bribed with gold and valuables, nor did she form social
connections with the womenfolk of the eunuchs. She wholeheartedly wanted Jiang Qingshan to
be an uncorrupted official. The only drawback was that she was too strict with the family
regulations in her management of the household, especially when it came to Liu-niang.

Qi Zhuyin originally had no intention to speak up. She had a whole bunch of family troubles at
home to be vexed about too. But then, she felt a nudge to her leg under the table. She came to a
tacit understanding as she drank her tea and put down the cup. “I think you should leave aside
government affairs for now. There’s still no news from Qudu, so let’s have madam settled down

Jiang Wanxiao had already sensed something amiss. Cautiously, he probed, “About the sending
of troops…”

“I’ll think about it for a couple more days,” Qi Zhuyin said with a serious countenance. “Two
days later, I’ll definitely give you an answer.”

◈ ◈ ◈

Fei Shi covered his head as he ran through the rain. He could hear the sound of discussions all
around him; traitor, emperor, bogus. Qudu, with its century of history, tottered precariously on
the precipice in this rainstorm. He ran till his shoes were soaked. Someone knocked into him,
causing him to stagger.

The junior marquis of the past was dressed simply. After Marquis of Helian was paralyzed, his
disreputable friends no longer associated with him. His residence could no longer afford the
upkeep of its help, so they had no choice but to dismiss their older maids and servants. Fei Shi
initially wanted to continue with his idle ways, but when he saw his elder sister Zhaoyue take
care of her child while toiling away all night doing embroidery for a living, he realized then that
his family was thoroughly broke. Now, he was eking out a livelihood by writing letters for

Fei Shi cursed as he picked up the letters, “Damn dog must be blind to bump into me! Do you
know your grandfather me used to lord it over…” He wiped the rain off his face. Finding the
person who had fallen to the ground familiar, he kicked him with his foot. “Hey?”
This person abruptly raised his head. He was so unkempt and disheveled that his face was not
clearly distinguishable. He merely clapped his hands at Fei Shi and giggled in a silly manner,
“Junior Marquis! Junior Marquis!”

Fei Shi pocketed the letter and said, “Yo, you’re an observant one. That’s me.”

This lunatic was filthy all over, and only one of his feet had a shoe on. Shaking his head, he said,
“Junior Marquis, looking, looking for my eldest brother!”

“I’m not your eldest fucking brother!” Fei Shi yanked his clothes back. Disgusted with the man’s
stench, he drove him away. “Shoo, shoo, shoo!”

This lunatic bared his mouth in a grin and really left. He jumped around in the rainstorm, yelling
at everyone he came across, “Eldest brother, my eldest brother is a major official! A major
official with a blade!”

“What bad luck.” Fei Shi muttered as he took two steps forward. He found this voice really
familiar. He took a few more steps where he saw the run-down Han residence across the curtain
of rain and suddenly froze right on the spot.

“The Capital Command Troops are passing through! Move out of the way!”

Military boots stepped on the rainwater, sending them splashing as they ran across the streets of
Qudu. The entire city was on high alert, and the defensive weapons in the armory had all been
taken out and moved to the top of the city wall. The news that Shen Zechuan was about to fight
his way in was even more widespread than news of the female emperor’s origins.

The Capital Command Troops bumped Fei Shi aside. He was still staring blankly in shock as he
turned his head around like a wooden statue.

“Han… Han Jin!”

◈ ◈ ◈

Yao Wenyu retreated unscathed after his verbal sparring with the masses. His donkey switched
direction, and the oil paper umbrella skewed slightly aside, causing the side of the hem of his
green robe to be soaked by the rain.

Still in shock, Cen Yu supported himself against the edge of the table and raised a hand, wanting
to call out to Yuanzhuo again.

A soldier behind soundlessly hoisted up a bow and arrow. The raised arrow pressed against his
fingers, stretching the bowstrings taut. Raindrops, meanwhile, formed strings of beads at the
edge of the oil paper umbrella. Yao Wenyu’s breathing was slightly disorderly. The handkerchief
he had been tightly clutching had long since been soaked red.
Humiliated from the defeat, a student chased a few steps after him and said, “Shen Zechuan
seeks to obtain the empire. Wanting us to honor Shen Wei’s memorial tablet is an act that is
neither virtuous nor righteous. Even if I die, I will not kneel to him!”

The downpour of rain engulfed the sound of Yao Wenyu’s coughing. When he looked back,
however, his tightly pursed lips lifted slightly. The oil paper umbrella slid to the ground. His hair
was soaked through, but he was resolute and decisive as he said, “All this time we rise in power
in Zhongbo, there have only been talks about the defeat of Shen Wei’s military troops. His
Lordship brought peace and stability to the lands for the sake of the common people, neither
marrying nor begetting a son. What’s more, he wants to overturn the old case from the reign of
Yongyi to redress the injustice of the loyal officials. There is no need for you to kneel. When the
country is stable and the commoners’ livelihoods are restored, and when the granaries of the
world are in abundance, His Lordship—”

That arrow suddenly took leave of its bowstring, and the vibration from the bowstring flicked
forth a spray of raindrops. In the blink of an eye, the sharp glint came before Yao Wenyu. No
sooner said than done, a swift sword suddenly came thrusting down from among the green
bamboo. Amidst the sound of collision between sword and arrow, Qiao Tianya landed on the

Shen Zechuan stood afar at the watchtower and looked in Qudu’s direction. The wind brushed
against his overcoat, sending it fluttering. Surprisingly enough, there were bits of ice and snow
mixed in with that torrential rain.

“One does not execute the envoy when two armies are in talks,” the Prefectural Lord said. “By
doing so, Qudu is counting on our lack of people to bully our Zhongbo.”

Qiao Tianya slowly straightened up and stood in front of Yao Wenyu. Locks of his drenched hair
covered his eyes. He pushed his sheath apart with his thumb and commanded, “Draw your

Rainwater covered the Imperial Army’s armors as the glints of the blades instantly flashed in the
bamboo forest.

The incense burned out.

Credit: Thanks MaruChan for spotting the typos! <3

Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2022


1. In those days, it wasn’t really proper for a man to have physical or close contact with a
woman unrelated to him. (男女授受不亲). That’s why he’s doing the reading through a
handkerchief so there’s no skin contact, for propriety’s sake.
2. 阿斗 A-Dou, the infant name of Liu Shan (刘禅), the last emperor of Shu Han (蜀汉),
known for his lack of ability and weak character.

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 278 : Hero

Cen Yu knew it did not bode well the moment he saw the arrow flying, and when he saw
the Imperial Army drawing their blades, he was in such a state of anxiety that he also coughed
out blood. Cutting a sorry sight as he covered his mouth, he demanded, “Who fired the arrow?!”

When he came, he instructed Luo Mu to give strict orders to his soldiers not to make any move.
Now that this arrow had been fired, Qudu was doomed whether or not Yao Wenyu died!

Tantai Hu swiftly charged forward with his blade and hollered in a booming voice, “You went
back on your word. To hell with your talks at the foot of the city!”

The Imperial Army dashed orderly forth in the rain. Muddy water on the ground splattered all
over. They wielded their blades in unison and, at the same time the front row spun around and
slashed, barged into the motley crew of soldiers. Flashes of blades and glints of swords instantly
enveloped the rainstorm. Tables and chairs on the platform overturned noisily with a clatter. The
students helped Cen Yu up and retreated in a panic.

“Stop…” Cen Yu, who still held out false hopes, said in an urgent voice as he wiped his blood,
“Your Lordship, please hear me out!”
The Imperial Army had already charged across the boundary line. No one listened to Cen Yu. He
soaked in the rain, his official robe hanging loosely on his body. Enduring the assault of rain and
snow on his face, he finally broke down and choked with sobs in Qudu’s direction, “I have failed
Her Majesty!”

The bronze bell in Qudu suddenly rang with a thunderous crash. Li Jianting knew that it was not
the sound of thunder. Supporting herself against the pillars, she slowly stepped into the rain. The
flower embellishment on her forehead dispersed on touching water. She looked at Xue Xiuzhuo
at the foot of the stairs, as if she had only just met him.

“You have ten thousand taels of silver,” Li Jianting raised her arm to point in Juexi’s direction,
“and the support of the common people. Go to Juexi and find a new emperor, and you’d still be
able to fight against Shen Zechuan again.”

Xue Xiuzhuo looked at Li Jianting too. After a long while, he raised his hands to take off his
official wusha hat and said, “I am a court minister of the Li clan.”

Li Jianting smiled, and her laughter grew increasingly louder. She laughed until her face was wet
with rainwater, betraying a little of her naivety. She moved closer and asked, “Teacher, have I
succeeded in learning?”

All her life, she had been stuck in a crack.1 It was only after gouging the nails of her ten fingers
rotten that she finally amounted to something. She came from a puddle of mud, yet she bore the
weight of a collapsing universe. She was inquisitive, assiduous, and even a genius of sorts, but
she was all the same too powerless to save the situation.

“Could have been better. It’s all because my qualifications are mediocre.” Xue Xiuzhuo looked
at the wusha hat in his hands. “I am the blade that went off course.”

He had long known that he was not smart. He could not remember the essays on contemporary
politics. All he could do was to memorize them by rote and stay up all night burning the
midnight oil. Even the time he took to drink a mouthful of water was a waste. At the age where
he was at his most impulsive, Emperor Guangcheng dealt a blow to his morale and drive, and he
came to the understanding that the seemingly prosperous Da Zhou was, in truth, a barren

It never occurred to Xue Xiuzhuo that he would take this path. But he witnessed the sudden flash
of light Qi Huilian had sparked, and that momentary light ignited his hope. He followed Qi
Huilian, stubbornly believing that Da Zhou could still be saved, but the reality was always so
disappointing. He revered and respected Hai Liangyi, but then, he gradually went separate ways
with him.

They all wanted to save Da Zhou.

And none of them succeeded.

“You brought me to this position, but no one here is willing to be reasonable. The Empress
Dowager instigated Han Cheng who in turn dropped hints to Fuman. They all wanted to kill me.”
Li Jianting raised her arm and rubbed away at the flower embellishment between her forehead
until it was all red. “Can’t the emperor fight back? If I don’t kill them, I’ll die.” She turned
around. “We exercise caution and stay put in this cage, but even if we have ambitions, we do not
have the power, let alone time.”

Li Jianting was very fair, a facade cultivated from being raised in the Xue’s residence. Under this
layer of attire, she was battered and bruised all over. When she stood here, she was Li Jianting.
No one would ask about Ling Ting’s whereabouts, as if Ling Ting deserved to die.

“In this world, people don’t actually need the law to kill people. The sturdy bodies of men
crushed my bones, and I fell to the ground.” Li Jianting looked back and said to Xue Xiuzhuo.
“The passersby find me filthy. No one would hold them accountable, as if I lay there willingly.
Die once, and I deserve to be treated as discarded shoes, never allowed to stand again before

The toll of the bronze bell grew increasingly longer. Rainwater flooded past the hems of their
robes. The sky was so dark and overcast that the palace could not be clearly seen.

Li Jianting said mockingly, “Was that my fault? Teacher, I heeded the teachings of the books and
did not even kill those scums. The day you took me away from Xiangyun Villa, I thought I
would seek revenge, but you taught me benevolence, justice, morality, and virtue. I had to endure
it to stay in this rotten palace. In all these years, there was not a single moment I’ve let go to
waste. I chased after everyone, trying to catch up, but in the end, we still ended up with nothing
to our name.”

Her chest heaved. There were so many things she could not take lying down. As her forbearance
hit its limits, she finally erupted.

Li Jianting pointed to her eyes and said, “I don’t rely on these eyes to live. I am not like anyone
else. I am Li Jianting.” She suddenly took off the golden hairpin in her hair and flung it into the
rain. Contemptuously, she spat, “To hell with virtues and deference. I am an emperor. I am the
last emperor of the Li!”

Thunder detonated in the vault of heaven, illuminating everyone’s faces snowy-white in the rain.
Li Jianting took off her soaked overcoat and even yanked off the cumbersome hairpins.

Her voice was frosty as she proclaimed, “I live and die with Da Zhou.”

◈ ◈ ◈

Qudu had eight city gates, all of which were now sealed off. The crossbow triggers at the top of
the city wall made clicking sounds as they turned. The armory of the original Eight Great
Training Divisions had been emptied out, and bows and arrows densely lined the battlements.
The Zhongbo Garrison troops, meanwhile, concentrated their attacks on the main east gate.
“With the Eldest Madam holding the fort in Qidong, Jiang Wanxiao won’t be able to return.”
Yao Wenyu’s gasps were slightly urgent as he propped himself up on the edge of the bed and
said to Shen Zechuan, “The path ahead has been paved. I will be here waiting for Your Lordship
to return in triumph.”

Shen Zechuan took off his own Yang Shan Xue and set it beside Yao Wenyu’s hand. “I am
entrusting this blade to you. Give it back to me when I return.”

Yao Wenyu smiled sadly. “Why put me in such a spot?”

“Xun’er is still in Cizhou.” The expression in Shen Zechuan’s eyes dimmed slightly. “You are
still his teacher.”

Yao Wenyu could only answer, “Yuanzhuo shall do his best.”

Fei Sheng took off the overcoat for Shen Zechuan. Shen Zechuan took two steps back and held
Yao Wenyu’s eyes for a moment, then turned around to step out of the tent without another
word. Fei Sheng got his hands on Yao Wenyu’s handkerchief when he tidied up the tent in
passing, and realized that the latter’s handkerchief was soaked through and through with blood.

Amid the damp and dense flurry of snow outside the tent, the wind made its abrupt arrival

Shen Zechuan strode down the steps. The gazes of the Imperial Army on both sides never once
strayed. As he walked, he secured his arm guard, and when he brushed past Tantai Hu, he heard
the latter bellow with his head held high, “Tonight, we shall kill our way into Qudu, and from
here on, the fate of the empire shall be decided depending on which way the scale tips. His
Lordship takes the lead in bringing the soldiers forth in a charge, and we shall repay in kind with
sincerity and loyalty!”

The garrison troops pounded their chests simultaneously with the Imperial Army, their voices so
deafening they drowned out the thunder, “We shall repay in kind with sincerity and loyalty!”

Luo Mu, having heard the bellows, dashed towards the city wall in the pouring rain and yanked
ahold of the assistant commander who had fled back into the city,

“Who fired the arrow?!” He demanded.

The assistant commander had returned wounded from the frenzied surge of the Imperial Army
earlier. Hauling around his injured arm, he answered, “The rain is too heavy, Governor-General.
There was no way to see who it was at all!”

Luo Mu did give his motley crew of soldiers the instruction that they could act, but that had to
be after the garrison troops made the first move. Even Luo Mu himself never expected Yao
Wenyu to make an issue of the emperor’s origins in this battle. This one arrow broke Qudu’s
defense, imperceptibly making it clear to all that even Heaven had turned away from them!
“Shut the gates and fight to the death.” Luo Mu released his hand, then shoved his deputy
general hard and barked all around him in the heavy rain, “If we can’t defend Qudu, you and I
will die!”

The streets were empty, for the commoners all had their doors and windows sealed shut as they
hid away in their courtyard cellar, shivering uncontrollably. Public ditches discharged sewage,
and the gaily-painted pleasure boats on Kailing River swayed with the motions. This was the first
time in hundreds of years that Qudu felt a compelling sense of impending storm.

“The troops of the Shen clan are at the foot of the city.” Pages of paper fluttered all over the
imperial college as the students covered their heads and wailed, “There is no hope left for Da

Luo Mu saw several rows of people from afar while he was urging the pounding of battle drums.
He put down the drooping banner and stepped forth to kneel and kowtow. Loudly, he said, “This
humble subject has failed to live up to Her Majesty’s kindness. Tonight, I shall repay my country
with my death. I vow to never wallow in the same mire as the rebels!”

Kong Qiu hobbled forward and held on to Li Jianting’s arm. He choked with emotions all around
him. “Her Majesty is here, as am I. If we can win tonight, all of you here will be Da Zhou’s most
trustworthy subjects! If we can’t, then I, Kong Qiu, shall be the first to jump off to die for my
country when the city is breached!”

Luo Mu was so startled by Kong Qiu’s bleak and miserable voice he broke out in a cold sweat.
He raised his head and saw each of the Grand Secretariat ministers looking solemn. Clearly, they
were not putting on a show of appeasement; they really had the determination to give their lives
for the cause! Luo Mu did not expect them to be willing to go to such an extent for Da Zhou, and
in that instant, he felt ashamed of himself, but at the same time, he also took his chances.

“Shen Zechuan only has 25,000 soldiers. This battle is doable! Your Majesty and the various

The words had yet to fully leave Luo Mu’s mouth when the stone catapults sprang into action.
The massive boulder smashed into the city gate with a thunderous crash, and the century-old
“Qudu” stone inscription monument promptly exploded apart into smithereens.

Xue Xiuzhuo brandished an arm to stop Li Jianting from moving. “Shen Zechuan has begun his
assault on the city. Protect the emperor!”

◈ ◈ ◈

Holding a dagger in his mouth, Qiao Tianya moved himself with his elbows and crawled in the
dark and damp public ditch.

Back then, after the public ditch case, Pan Lin gave the construction blueprint of Qudu’s public
ditches to Xiao Chiye, who in turn left this blueprint in his Plum Blossom Residence. When Shen
Zechuan rebelled and fled from Zhongbo, Qiao Tianya and Fei Sheng relied on this blueprint to
escape from the heavy siege in Qudu. They had long since committed the public ditches that
intersected Qudu to memory.

Qiao Tianya’s chin was buried in the stinking sewage. He lifted his head slightly and slammed
his shoulder against the slanting wooden planks above him at the end of the ditch.

The chains and lock on the wooden planks shifted away with a clatter. Ge Qingqing, who had
shaved himself clean of his mustache, traded glances with Qiao Tianya and promptly broke out
into a smile as he reached out to pull the latter out.

“It has been over a year since we last met,” Ge Qingqing said. “How is His Lordship?”

Qiao Tianya took off his dagger and answered succinctly, “Fine.”

“We have been keeping an eye on the movements within Qudu these past few days.” Ge
Qingqing cut the pleasantries and fished out a blueprint with areas circled in various colors. “The
‘Scorpions’ are here.’

Qiao Tianya looked at those dense clusters of circles covering the blueprint and felt his blood

“These people can’t put down roots and can only drift around Qudu waiting on standby for their
orders. The majority of them are people of various trades from the three doctrines and nine
schools of thoughts.”2 Ge Qingqing covered up the crossed-out areas. “His Lordship was right in
his guess. They have a ‘leader’ directing the operation.”

Qiao Tianya stared at the position where the “leader” was.

“The Scorpions want to hold off His Lordship for Amu’er.” Ge Qingqing circled the blueprint
with his finger. “Before they make their move, we have to act first. Not a single one must be

Ge Qingqing’s finger stopped at the location where the palace was.

Qiao Tianya did not keep away his dagger. He said in a hoarse voice, “Old profession, old
regulations. Since Master gave the order to kill, then no one will return alive once the Xiuchun
Blade falls. We will split up and act separately.” He nailed the dagger to the palace. “I’ll head

◈ ◈ ◈

The defense of the main east gate had not even hit the hour mark when the garrison troops that
had circled around to the south side gate near the Mount Feng military drill grounds rammed out
a gap in the gate. How were the main forces of the Capital Command Troops guarding the main
east gate to know that Shen Zechuan had learned this speedy assault from Hasen? It was not only
fast but also ruthless.

The Capital Command Troops at the south side gate pressed up against it, but before they could
shout out the signal, a blade was wedged in the gap.

“Pass the word,” a young general of the Capital Command Troop shouted, “the south side gate
has been breached—!”

Another ram instantly caused the city gate to slide sideways, which subsequently knocked the
Capital Command Troops inside the city over to the ground. The Imperial Army, who had been
waiting outside, braced themselves against the gap and spread open their legs like monkeys to
flip in. The archers inside the city readied themselves, but the reactions of the Imperial Army
were even faster. They shrank their heads back and hid behind the city gate.

The Capital Command Troops had yet to breathe a sigh of relief when they heard the gate panel
of the city gate emit a grating, jarring “creak”. To think the Imperial Army had actually climbed
over each other’s shoulders to the top of that properly-mounted, well-crafted, and heavy-duty
city gate and tore it down!

“It works!” An Imperial Army soldier rapped on the gate panel and shouted to his brothers below
him. “Guess what? This gate is the same fucking gate Second Master led us to repair for the
Ministry of Works! Damn handy it is. Hoist it up, and it can block the arrows and smash this
bunch of silly dogs to death!”

The morale of the Capital Command Troops that had seen a sharp boost from the presence of the
emperor existed for only a moment as Shen Zechuan forcibly held it down by the head and
obliterated it clean. The moment the south side gate was breached, the Imperial Army was back
in their elements like ducks to water.

Under the crowding and jostling, Kong Qiu protected Li Jianting. Her hair at the temples was
disheveled, and she was muddied all over. Her ears were also buzzing from the constant
bombardment from the catapults. Amid the wails and urgent cries of countless people, her gaze
moved past the mud and dust and fell upon the Prefectural Lord of Zhongbo who was the stuff of

Two years ago, Shen Zechuan fled through the main east gate, leaving behind a shouting Qi
Huilian with his hands raised at the tightly shut city gate. Now, he rode his horse across the
public roads, bringing along not only his advisors but also his mighty army.

“Traitor!” Li Jianting hissed through clenched teeth.

Shen Zechuan looked at her apathetically, using a sufficiently direct way to tell her—that the
young emperor was no match for a genuine hero with mere designs alone.

From here, he would stomp open the main gates of Qudu.

Credits: Thanks to Katie82 for the feedback and MaruChan for spotting the typos! <3! <3

Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2022


1. Refer to chapter 225 for a recap of Li Jianting And The Crack

2. 三教九流 the Three Doctrines (Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism) and the Nine
Schools of Thought [i.e., Confucianism (儒教), Taoism (道教) and Buddhism (佛教); the
Confucians (儒家), the Taoists (道家), the Yin-Yang (阴阳家), the Legalists (法家), the
Logicians (名家), the Mohists (墨家), the Political Strategists (纵横家), the Eclectics (杂
家) and the Agriculturists (农家)]; also used to describe people in various trades; people
of all sorts

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 279 : Fengquan

Fog shrouded Qudu. Very quickly, Li Jianting’s figure was covered up by the chilly rain. She
was the last piece of the cloud among these towering palaces, dispersing so fast that she could
not even be called an “opponent”. The main east gates shook violently under the creaking
sounds. Luo Mu, who had once again ascended to the top of the city wall, did all he could to
mobilize the soldiers in the city.
“Archers, stand by—”

Before Luo Mu could issue his order, Tantai Hu bellowed, his voice breaking up in the rain,
“Ram the gate!”

Even as he spoke, the single branch cannons1 of Zhongbo had already started blasting away. The
Capital Command Troops, who have lived all their lives in Qudu, could not withstand the attack.
Unexpectedly enough, it was the motley crew of soldiers that Luo Mu had brought along who
could still hang on. Luo Mu was adept at the art of defensive battle back in Chazhou, so he was
not afraid of the bandits at all. In his eyes now, Tantai Hu was a bandit!

“Bah!” Luo Mu spat out the mud in his mouth as he coldly eyed the garrison troops storming the
city at the foot. “Qudu’s city walls have never once fallen in a hundred years. With just those few
single branch cannons, this place will still be impregnable even if they keep smashing away until
next year.” Holding on to the battlement, he shouted to Tantai Hu below him. “Tantai Hu, you
and I have once worked together. If you want to save your dignity today, why not surrender to
the imperial court now? You can’t win this battle!”

Tantai Hu still bore a grudge against Luo Mu for framing him, and he was still fuming deep
down. On hearing him, his fury could not help but blaze even harder. He stomped on the
battering ram’s butt and yelled back, “Shut your trap!”

With this one kick, the soldiers were instantly roused into action. Pushing the battering ram
together with Tantai Hu, they rammed it into the city gate again, causing a loud, thunderous
crash to ring out.

Unexpectedly, Luo Mu sneered for a moment before brandishing his arm to bark, “Release!”

The rocks that the motley crew of soldiers had long prepared went plummeting from the six-
zhang2 tall wall, raining down like hail upon the garrison troops. Even with helmets, they could
not withstand the attack, and those who were hit by the rocks all ended up maimed or worse,
killed. The soldiers near the battering ram covered their heads and dodged. A wheel of the
battering ram got struck, and the entire wagon instantly tilted over. Because of its astounding
weight, it could not be stopped with just a few people, and they could only watch as the battering
ram tumbled into the mud.

Tantai Hu wiped the muddy water off his face, knowing that he had fucking fallen for a trap
again—Luo Mu had been merely provoking him!

“Laohu!” Fei Sheng circled over on his horse, grasping the Zhongbo military banner with one
arm as he shouted to Tantai Hu from afar. “I’m here to pass on His Lordship’s words—Fight to
your heart’s content in this battle!” He suddenly waved the banner and pointed at Qudu,
“Success or failure, you, Tantai Hu, will always be a fine man of Zhongbo!”

A fine man!
Tantai Hu’s blood suddenly pulsed through his veins, firing him up so much that his palms
trembled slightly. He had been personally guided by Xiao Chiye himself, yet he kept making
mistakes after mistakes under Shen Zechuan’s command. Shen Zechuan, however, still gave him
chances. Tantai Hu suddenly raised his hand and slapped himself on the cheeks a few times.

These slaps were so merciless that it was particularly loud and clear in the rainstorm.

Tantai Hu’s cheeks reddened from the slaps. His eye with the scar opened slightly. The drive was
still burning in him, but he was a tad more composed now. Grimly, he answered. “If I don’t
emerge victorious this battle, then I, Tantai Hu, will no longer be worthy of being His Lordship’s
subject and Second Master’s general! Even if I were to be crushed to powder today, I will stomp
this gate open for my master!”

◈ ◈ ◈

The eunuchs and maids in the palace fought over themselves to grab whatever they could. The
sound of fighting and killing at the city gates had spread all over Qudu. They wanted to make
their escape before the city was breached. Only one lamp was lit in Mingli Hall. Fengquan
removed his official eunuch robe and sat all prim and proper by the side of the tea table. His slim
figure resembled that of a young lad among those overlapping, dancing white gauze curtains.

The sound of the rain pitter-pattered swiftly like that of a zither, whilst the color of the sky was
dusky like the long stretch of night.

Fengquan kept that weak flame going and raised his head between those dancing gauzes,
revealing half of his face. He saw a pair of black boots stop in front of the thin gauze. Rainwater
dripped down along the sheath of the other party’s sword, forming narrow rings of rippling light
on the mirror-like floor.

“Who did you think you would see?” Fengquan asked demurely. “Shao Fengquan?”

With soaking wet locks of hair dangling, Qiao Tianya held down the sheath of his sword. He
could not see through those layers after layers of white gauzes. His heavy sleeves dropped to his
side, as if binding the hand that held his sword.

Fengquan stroked that lamp as half of his face slowly broke into a smile. Laughter, too, brimmed
in that eye.

“You’re late,” he said softly.

Qiao Tianya raised his eyes.

Fengquan stood up. They were too far apart. It was as if they never knew each other. All those
childhood friendships slipped them by in those long, endless passages of time. Songyue, who had
circled back to the original starting point, was still holding a seven-stringed zither in his arms,
but gradually, he came to the realization that not one of those who left had ever returned.
“You brought your sword along with you when you left Qudu and became the swordsman you
always spoke of. Qiao Songyue, I hate you so much all these years.” Fengquan tilted his head up
slightly and pointed to his own ear. “And yet all I had with me was this.”

That not-very-conspicuous ear-piercing concealed filth.

“All I had was this…” Fengquan lowered his voice, and his expression grew all the more
gloomy. “Look at me. What do I look like?”

He looked so young, his overly pale face having retained the melancholy of his youth. Even his
limbs looked as though they had yet to develop into adulthood.

“My father gave you the sword, and my paternal grandmother sent me to Zhongbo, where I met
Lei Changming.” Fengquan squeezed the words out through his teeth. “I wanted so badly to
die… I almost broke free, but Lei Jingzhe picked me up from the ditch and took me back, just
like those mutts he raised. He had me live in Gedale for five years. Five years… I was smarter
than those bastards. Amu’er set his eyes on me. He wanted me to be a Lizard and lead the
Scorpions in Da Zhou on his behalf. But, all I wanted was to come back.”

So Amu’er let him go back.

“Go back to your homeland.” Amu’er handed Fengquan a dagger in front of his golden tent. “Go
see your father and friends. If they are still the same as before, you will get your freedom.”

Fengquan took it for real. He returned to Da Zhou and reunited with Shao Chengbi as he wished.
Fengquan looked at Qiao Tianya’s shadow and continued as if he was telling someone else’s
story, “I saw my father, and he was very happy. He stroked my head, then kneeled before me and
cried bitter tears.”

“He sent you,” Qiao Tianya said in a hoarse voice, “into the palace.”

“That was only a step in the plan. My father spent the latter half of his life atoning for his sins. It
was useless begging Buddha; the Eastern Palace was his nightmare. The Grand Mentor did not
die—this fact was the only hope of those former ministers of the Eastern Palace. My father
concealed his identity and kept watch outside the doors of Zhaozui Temple, waiting for Qi
Huilian to start using him. To avoid arousing suspicions, he had me consume those medicines.”
Fengquan pointed to his own chest, the vicissitudes of life in his eyes at odds with his youthful
appearance. He adjusted the expression on his face, looking particularly bizarre at this moment.
“Who would suspect me? Even if my name was Fengquan, no one would believe that I am Shao

Xue Xiuzhuo was so cautious, and yet he had never had doubts about Fengquan’s identity.

Li Jianting was so vigilant, and yet she still believed Fengquan’s lies.
It was not that they were not smart enough, but that Fengquan’s appearance had long ceased to
be consistent with his age. Shao Chengbi’s son was already thirty-six years old this year, but
Fengquan still looked as though he had yet to come of age.3 This discrepancy kept him free from
suspicions in Qudu.

Fengquan’s eyes were drab and gloomy. He was tired of crying and laughing. This face was not
even real.

“What’s the use of Qi Huilian?” He said. “That old lunatic was trapped in Zhaozui Temple for
twenty years. He was like a dog wagging its tail begging for food, yet he still thought about the
success or failure of Da Zhou.”

Qi Huilian initially did not know that Amu’er had made his foray into these murky waters. When
Shen Zechuan left Zhaozui Temple and joined the imperial court in the reign of Tianchen, Qi
Huilian looked back on the case of the Zhongbo’s troops’ defeat and indistinctly sensed that
strange, irresistible force at play. Qi Huilian himself did not expect this to be all a massive,
intricate game, nor did he expect Fengquan to be the Scorpion that Amu’er had sent back.

“You admire Qi Huilian.” White gauze covered Fengquan’s side profile. “You’re really quite
pitiful too. What’s the difference between Qi Huilian and Xue Xiuzhuo? They all pride
themselves on being figures who would die for the righteous cause, and they all treat others as
pawns. My father was even willing to trap me in this shell,” Fengquan looked wearily at the top
of Mingli Hall, “making me neither human nor ghost, male nor female.”

“The Eastern Palace fell victim, and the innocent were caught in the crossfire. Uncle Shao’s debt
had long since been repaid when the family properties were sealed and confiscated.” Qiao
Tianya fixed his gaze on the overlapping figure on the white gauze. “You don’t owe anyone

Fengquan spread his arms open, dragging his wide sleeves across the tea table. He chuckled and
said in a tone that was both envious and mocking, “Qiao Songyue, must be really nice being a
swordsman… Why do you think my father would go to such an extent? Because of ‘loyalty’?”

The tiny candlelight was about to go out.

“What brought on the downfall of the Eastern Palace at that time was the rebellion papers that
the Imperial Bodyguards forged. Who could imitate the handwriting of the Crown Prince and the
Eastern Palace advisors to such striking resemblance? A subordinate of the Eastern Palace
himself.” Fengquan curbed his smile. “Qiao Kanghai dared to defect to the enemy precisely
because he had rendered meritorious service by imitating the Eastern Palace’s handwriting to
bring down the Crown Prince for the Empress Dowager.”

Qiao Tianya abruptly tightened his grip on the hilt of his sword.
Fengquan pressed in a step closer, and his sleeves knocked over the tea table., “In order to
preserve the lives of your entire family, my father implored Hua Siqian to lend a helping hand,
but Hua Siqian refused to, so my father could only go and plead with Shen Wei.”

Qiao Tianya’s breathing was slightly in disarray. “Zhongbo—”

“That’s right!” Fengquan abruptly yanked aside the white gauze before him and cruelly said,
“The military defeat of the Zhongbo troops is connected to the leak of the Ministry of War’s
military terrain map. That was a map my father gave to Shen Wei, who in turn gave it to Amu’er
as a gift for their first encounter!”

Muffled thunder crashed outside the palace hall. The color drained from Qiao Tianya’s face.

“The scimitars slaughtered the cities of the six prefectures.” Fengquan pressed in closer with his
sleeves trailing behind him. Unbridled insanity roiled in his eyes. “It’s all thanks to both your
and my clans that Shen Zechuan’s entire family perished in that military defeat!”

Qiao Tianya’s joints on the hand grasping the sword’s hilt cracked. Fengquan scrutinized his
expression, as if he was scrutinizing the sorry sight Qiao Tianya cut as he retreated again and
again in defeat. Qiao Songyue was weather-worn by the vicissitudes of life, but this was not
enough. He still inspired envy in others, and even when he drifted and led a wandering life, he
was still free.

Fengquan advanced another step, and his face split into black and white sides under the crash of
thunder and flash of lightning. His hatred built up in his chest, burning him beyond recognition.

“I returned to my father’s side,” he continued, “but he turned me into a monster to repay his
debt.” He grabbed Qiao Tianya by the flaps of his clothes and bent over slightly with his head
tilted up to say in an icy tone, “Every day, every single day, I ask myself who I am. I am a
Scorpion, a former subject, and countless people’s dog!” His expression turned hideously
savage. “For his own bullshit penance, Shao Chengbi killed me with his very own hands! Look
at me. Qiao Songyue, can you recognize who I am?! Qi Huilian was too ruthless. He didn’t trust
me, yet he wanted to place me here. I disguised myself as Mu Ru’s younger brother and took
Xiaofuzi’s place, imitating the affectations of a child in his youth. Oh…” He gritted his teeth.
“All these conceited, self-righteous big shots… Wasn’t Qi Huilian’s death wonderful? I did
everything possible to take out Wei Huaigu for him!”

“It was you,” Qiao Tianya raised his hand but did not touch Fengquan, “who replaced the relay
report Yang Cheng sent to the Ministry of Justice.”

“It was me…” Fengquan’s hands were trembling with excitement. “Qi Huilian was so clever, but
even he could not anticipate that he would die here. He was the one who personally sent me up
here. If there were no Shen Zechuan in the equation, the entire world would be a sand table
playground at my mercy.”
Yang Cheng reported Wei Huaigu for reselling the military grains, and his relay report was
originally meant to be sent to the Ministry of Justice. However, the tag was switched to the
Ministry of Revenue’s tag midway through. This move caused Wei Huaigu to suspect that he had
already been exposed, and so, in order to keep the others safe, he opted to turn himself in,
indirectly prompting Xue Xiuzhuo to take action.

“The epidemic during the reign of Tianchen,” Qiao Tianya’s fingers curled slightly, “was also
your doing.”

Back then, Donglong Street’s public ditches were clogged. Ouhua Pavilion collapsed, and an
epidemic broke out. Qiao Tianya had once said during his discussion with Xiao Chiye that the
epidemic did not start from Donglong Street, but from the palace.

“Had Li Jianheng died on that day,” Fengquan hissed like a snake, “I’d have won this game.”

Of the Scorpions, former subordinates, and informers hiding in the inner court, Fengquan was
the one with the upper hand throughout it all. His multiple identities enabled him to possess the
intelligence of all the various parties in the game. He was just like a venomous spider lying in
ambush in the center of its web, contemplating and observing everyone’s movement and actions
every single moment.

Qiao Tianya’s reddened eyes were emotionless. His Adam’s apple throbbed. He did not release
his sword even as Fengquan was hauling him by the front of his clothes. He looked at Fengquan
and said, “But you still let Uncle Shao set out to battle.”

The rainstorm completely cut off the sound of footsteps outside the palace hall. The expression
in Fengquan’s eyes at this moment was numb. His eyes reddened, he lifted his chin slightly and
said contemptuously to Qiao Tianya, “Because I don’t want to play anymore.”

His contorted, bizarre shadow crept on the ground, following him as he crawled deep into this
palace. He gradually lost sight of who he was as the days and nights alternated—he worked for
everyone, but he also betrayed all of them. He was not the winner at all. He was a nobody in the
anarchy. A nobody who broke free of manipulations.

“I waited for you all in Zhongbo for a very long time,” Qiao Tianya said. “All these years, not a
single one turned back.”

Tears coursed down Fengquan’s face as his eyes curved into crescents. Shaking his head, he said,
“Oh, Songyue…” He seemed to have returned to the day they once parted. The expression in his
eyes was complicated, resembling both envy and abhorrence. “That’s because everyone is

Qiao Tianya felt a great stab of pain in his heart. His sword-holding hand trembled
uncontrollably. Under the howls of the torrential rain, he seemed to have woken up, to have
broken free of that never-ending dream.
He finally understood.

Everyone was dead.

◈ ◈ ◈

“The Imperial Army has entered the cities!” With the south side gate wide open, the Capital
Command Troops ran the hardest they could to pass on the news in all directions.

“No reinforcements!” The motley crew of soldiers shoved the Capital Command Troops who
were in the way and looked towards the main east gate in the rain. “The rebels have surrounded

“Huaizhou! Where are the reinforcements from Huaizhou?!” Chen Zhen lifted the hem of his
robe. “The imperial court sent someone over after Tao Ming left, did they not!”

“There was no response to the transfer order we issued.” Liang Cuishan wiped the rainwater
from his face and looked out of the city. “I fear they won’t be coming.”

“There are still horse carriages at the west gate.” Xue Xiuzhuo suddenly turned around and
strode a few steps across the rain to grasp Li Jianting tightly by the arm, “Your Majesty, Qudu is
already beyond defending, but there’s still room to turn things around in Juexi!”

Li Jianting trembled slightly under the sounds of the troops fighting and killing. She grasped Xue
Xiuzhuo back and said with a resolute and steely expression, “I shall defend the city gates
together with Teacher.”

Xue Xiuzhuo gazed at Li Jianting. “When the sovereign is in danger or disgrace, his ministers
ought to be ready to relinquish their lives to serve him.4 There is no reason to make the emperor
guard the gates when the ministers are still around.”

“I cannot abandon Teacher and flee.” Li Jianting’s voice was hoarse. Drenched in the rain with
rainwater on her long eyelashes, she looked as if she was shedding tears. “Even if the city is
breached, I ought to live and die with all of you.”

The hair on Xue Xiuzhuo’s temples was damp. He had changed too much in this one short year.
He seized over the job of defending the old ways from Hai Liangyi’s hands. In the face of a
disunited imperial court where everyone did their own thing, he had already done his best. The
decline of the moderates started and ended with him. He wanted to accompany Da Zhou on the
final leg of its journey.

“With these words of Your Majesty, this humble subject has no more regrets.” Xue Xiuzhuo
lifted his body and slowly straightened his robes and crown in the heavy rain. “This humble
subject and Your Majesty were teacher and pupil once… so, let me walk this last leg of the road
on your behalf.”
Li Jianting involuntarily choked with sobs.

An earth-shattering crash rang out at the last ramming at the main east gate. The gate, unable to
withstand the impact of the force, opened up a narrow passage. The garrison troops had already
thrust their blades in. The motley crew of soldiers and Capital Command Troops on the inside
pushed against the gate panel. Tantai Hu led his soldiers and exerted himself to push and slide
the city gate inward.

Xue Xiuzhuo turned around and waved his sleeves aside. “Escort Her Majesty out of the city!”
He ordered loudly.

Li Jianting was unwilling to leave. The guards had already swarmed over to her. She gazed
despondently at Xue Xiuzhuo in the rain. All the court ministers had their backs to her; no one
looked back.

“Teacher…” She shouted.

Xue Xiuzhuo strode up the city stairs, his expression calm and composed under the deafening
bombardment of the catapults. “Is Shen Zechuan around?” He asked outside the city.

Raindrops pelted upon armors. Feng Ta Shuang Yi cut a particularly conspicuous sight standing
among them. Military flags flapped behind Shen Zechuan. He turned his head slightly towards
Xue Xiuzhuo, as though he was observing this real opponent of his.

The front of Xue Xiuzhuo’s clothes was wet from the rainwater, and the beast pattern on his
mandarin square5 was obscured. He did not wipe the rain on his face. Even at this moment, that
stubbornness of his never diminished. He raised a hand to reveal the authority token he was

“When I helped you become the Imperial Bodyguards’ vice commander,” Xue Xiuzhuo’s eyes
were calm, “I suspected you of being a Scorpion. I was wrong. You are far more terrifying than a
Scorpion. Stride across that gate bearing Shen Wei’s name now that you have returned to Qudu,
and you’d be a sinner through the ages.”

Raindrops trickled down the side of Shen Zechuan’s face. His expression was sinister and
ruthless, and his expressive eyes appeared particularly cold and detached. Finally, he spoke. “I
have been a sinner ever since I stood before this gate. You cannot predict whether I’ll live or die.
If I can put up with being reviled by the masses today, I can shoulder the perpetual infamy for
days to come.”

The gale blew up Shen Zechuan’s hair. His lips moved slowly, revealing an ominous, chilling
smile in the torrential rain.

“Return me my teacher, my strategist, my elder brother. All of them.”

The city gate fell over with a “thud”. Tantai Hu led his men in a charge into the passageway.
Pieces of the battlements went flying all over from being smashed by the rocks. Both gates
within Qudu were breached. The Imperial Army and the Garrison Troops worked in concert
together in the south and the east, battling to the death with the Capital Command Troops and the
motley crew of soldiers on the various streets and alleys.

A broken piece of stone cut Xue Xiuzhuo on the cheek, and blood flowed unceasingly. Gripping
his authority token tightly in his hand, all he could do was watch as the stone monument that was
a symbol of Da Zhou’s dignity collapsed with a thunderous crash.

“You came to collect this debt, and I am willing to pay for it with my life.” Xue Xiuzhuo
suddenly said at the top of his voice in the burgeoning chaos, “I was the one who killed Qi
Huilian and Yao Wenyu. Call it quits now! Where horses trample past fertile farmlands, the
ravages of war spread. Shen Zechuan—I will give you my head!”

Tantai Hu cut down the soldier before him. As he lifted his blade, he noticed a familiar smell. He
wiped away the blood on his face and flipped over the corpse of a soldier with his foot. For some
inexplicable reason, he bent over and peeled away the other man’s clothes.

Shen Zechuan did not reply. The strong crossbows at the top of the city wall suddenly unleashed
a burst of arrow rain. Feng Ta Shuang Yi trod its hooves uneasily.

The sound of the rain was pressing. Fei Sheng’s ears suddenly twitched, and his expression
promptly underwent a change. He practically tumbled off the back of his horse and stomped on a
garrison troop soldier’s shield to spring into the air as he bellowed, “Master, watch out!”

Shen Zechuan had no cover before him. It seemed to Fei Sheng as if he could not make it in time
when he suddenly saw Shen Zechuan slide open his folding fan in the rain to forcibly block the
blow. But its bamboo body was too fragile, and in the next instant, it broke with a “crack”.

However, this one move was already enough!

Unable to draw his blade, Fei Sheng grabbed hold of that sharp arrow with his bare hand and
steadily landed on his feet in the blink of an eye.

◈ ◈ ◈

“Do you know?” Fengquan held up his index finger and pointed it before him. “The smartest
people are also the most foolish. They seemed to me to be having too hard of a time fighting with
each other, so I set up an arena for them here.”

Fengquan hoodwinked Qi Huilian, deceived Xue Xiuzhuo, and made a fool of Amu’er. He made
all these talented and brilliant chess players fail miserably when they least expected it. His
cunning ways were cloaked in invisibility, becoming a sharp blade that revealed none of its
He was not subjected to anyone’s manipulation.

“I shall be the one to toss the dice.” Fengquan spread his arms open and laughed softly in the
empty Mingli Hall. “Whoever can step through the main gates of the palace alive today, will be
the winner of this game.”

◈ ◈ ◈

“Fuck…” Tantai Hu had already seen the tattoo on the corpse. He raised his head to look at the
densely packed motley crew of soldiers ahead and felt his blood run cold.

He spat, “… This mixed bag of soldiers are all Scorpions!”

Credits: Thanks to Katie82 for noticing the typo! <3

Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2022


1. 单梢炮 Single-component catapults, or one-branch

2. 丈 zhang; a measure of length, 1 zhang = ten Chinese feet (3.3m)
3. 及冠 or 弱冠, a man’s 20th birthday, i.e., coming of age at 20 for a male.
4. 主辱臣死 often used as an expression of loyalty from a subject to the emperor.
5. 补子 rank badges or mandarin
squares, was a large embroidered badge sewn onto the surcoat of an official to indicate
the rank of the official wearing it.

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 280 : Exiled

Xiao Chiye woke up from his sleep.

His arms, which he had rested his head on, had gone numb. He opened his eyes and stared at the
tent for a while. He thought he had dreamt of the heavy downpour in Qudu.

Lu Guangbai lifted the tent flap and entered. Standing at the entrance wiping the damp sweat on
his nape with a handkerchief, he said, “The falcons on patrol discovered saker falcons in the
areas towards the east. Gu Jin also found traces of passage from a horse caravan there. They are
the convoy squad from the Hulu Tribe.” He set the handkerchief back into the copper basin to
rinse it. “Amu’er refused to surrender. He means to fight to the death.”

Xiao Chiye stood up and bent his leg to prop up an arm. “It’s nearing winter. The Hulu Tribe
can’t graze sheep. This is the last of their food.”

“Amu’er’s insistence on not making an appearance is because he’s conserving his strength. He
has seen through your intention to wait for him to play into your hand.” Lu Guangbai hung up
the handkerchief. “He’s stalling for time.”

The Hulu Tribe had exhausted their entire tribe’s energy to supply Hasen, and now they are
supplying their entire tribe’s provisions to Amu’er. They would have to slaughter their own
cattle and sheep if they wanted to survive this harsh winter. Amu’er was already a spent force,
like an arrow at the end of its flight, so what was he still waiting for?

With the tent flap at the entrance rolled up, Xiao Chiye stood up and bent over slightly to make
his way out of the tent. He looked out at the endless sand dunes. Meng flew down from the
flagpole and landed on the right arm Xiao Chiye had raised.

“Amu’er is a fine general,” Xiao Chiye said, “but he’s an even better politician.”

Amu’er was a master at keeping the enemy in check. He opened up the North-South battlefield
and formed the Black and White Scorpions all to better contain the enemy. He was already old
and could no longer be as valiant as Hasen on the battlefields, but that did not mean that he was
helpless in the face of Xiao Chiye. Now that the game was as good as lost for him, there was
only one way he could make Xiao Chiye withdraw his troops, and that was, to first crush Xiao
Chiye’s backing, Shen Zechuan.

The expression in Xiao Chiye’s eyes was sharp and cutting as he looked back at Lu Guangbai
and said, “He’s waiting for news from Qudu.”

◈ ◈ ◈

Tantai Hu seemed to have stirred up a hornet’s nest with his words. Before he could dodge, his
bun was slashed off by a scimitar that popped out. His black hair scattered apart, shortened by a
large portion, and with the middle nearly bald!

“Motherfucker.” Tantai Hu grabbed up a handful of his short hair. “Colluding from the inside-
out. The real traitorous bastards are here!”

Raindrops splashed up along with the edges of the blades. Countless soldiers held their blades
level before them and barged over to ram against each other’s armors in the passageway. With a
burst of strength, they advanced. Few of the motley crew of soldiers brought along their
scimitars. This weapon was too conspicuous, so majority of them opted to carry their piked
daggers beside their equipped blades.
“The city gates have already been breached.” Shen Zechuan promptly came to a decision and
snapped his folding fan shut. “Tell Shenwei that there are people from Biansha hiding in Qudu.
We have to enter even if we aren’t inclined to.”

Fei Sheng did not dare to tarry. He threw away the sharp arrows and pointed out the incoming
path to his subordinate at the same time he got on his horse. “Pass on His Lordship’s order—”

Cen Yu still had yet to lead the students back into the city when he saw someone ahead galloping
into the camp and shouted towards the military tent, “There are Biansha soldiers hiding in Qudu.
The lives of the masses are at stake. Gao Zhongxiong, receive your orders!”

Gao Zhongxiong suddenly pushed aside the clutter of paper and grabbed his brush. Under the
urgent sound of the torrential rain, he dipped the brush into the ink and waited with bated breath
and rapt attention.

“Heaven is helping His Lordship.” Yao Wenyu coughed at the window. As he gasped lightly for
breath, he propped himself up and said to Gao Zhongxiong, “This move by Qudu is tantamount
to committing suicide. Shen Wei’s reputation as the national traitor can be relinquished to
someone more worthy now. Shenwei, His Lordship is telling you to tell the world that the
internal scourge is in Qudu.”

The timing of the Scorpions’ arrival was simply too perfect. Just like Shao Chengbi who
previously mobilized his troops rashly, it gave Shen Zechuan sufficient reason. The garrison
troops could not kill living people when they attacked their way into the city, and it was tricky
trying to deal with tens of thousands of a motley crew of soldiers, but once these soldiers turned
into the Scorpions, they were foreign foes!

“The foreign enemies stand before us, and the city gates have been breached. It’s Heaven’s will
that a wise, enlightened sovereign with just cause should come spurring his horse on!” Yao
Wenyu covered his mouth, choking a few times as he coughed. Eventually, he held on to the
edge of the bed for support and laughed out loud with some difficulty. “The pawn who enters the
game on the imperial court acts not of his own volition. The Grand Mentor is truly remarkable.
We’ll gladly accept this Blade of Regicide, Fengquan.” He raised his moist eyes and said in a
hoarse voice as he looked at the heavy rain, “Xue Yanqing has lost!”

Xue Xiuzhuo won a game in the rainstorm and killed Qi Huilian, ousted Yao Wenyu, as well as
drove Hai Liangyi to his death. However, he was similarly constrained by the chess pieces. Lu
Guangbai rebelled, Xiao Chiye returned to his wolf pack, and Shen Zechuan stabilized and
secured his hold on Zhongbo. The so-called foolproof planning was all an illusion. He was
forced to the brink of the precipice by his own self! He went to great lengths to find the
Scorpions, but he never expected the Scorpions to be right beside him.

Qi Huilian had suffered an unexpected setback before. Fengquan could not understand. The
intelligent ones would never repeat the same mistakes. The Crown Prince met his defeat at the
hands of a traitor, so Qi Huilian would never let Shen Zechuan fail again at the hands of a mole.
The Eastern Palace had so many subordinates, so why did Qi Huilian have to choose the Shao
and Qiao clans?

Because they were too conscience-stricken.

Compared to the others who had been doing their best for the Eastern Palace from start to end,
Shao Chengbi was that “dead knot”. He had never done a misdeed when he was under the
Ministry of War, but because he was a sentimental man who greatly valued ties, he let his private
affairs get in the way of his official duties. He bent over backward to save the Qiao clan, but
Qiao Kanghai still died. He betrayed his former master of the Eastern Palace, yet he failed to
save a single person and even lost his son in the process. This was just the beginning. At the very
moment the case of the Zhongbo troops’ defeat broke out, Shao Chengbi made his own prison,
becoming a prisoner of the words “conscience” forever and ever.

This blood debt surpassed all of Shao Chengbi’s personal relationships, and for that reason, he
could blind his own eyes, render himself a mute with poison, and give his own son out. He
kneeled before the Buddha statue and wept bitter tears, but Qi Huilian did not use him.

This was the most ruthless and most brilliant thing about Qi Huilian.

When the Grand Mentor was alive, he did not use Shao Chengbi, and for every day that passed
after his death, Shao Chengbi would fall even deeper into agony. This agony and guilt spurred on
Shao Chengbi, and in turn, Shao Chengbi similarly spurred on Fengquan. Fengquan struggled to
survive in the crack in which he had fallen. No matter whose pawn he was, Qi Huilian dared to
bet the shackles he had on him on the word “father”. Shao Chengbi was Fengquan’s lock, dead
or alive. At that moment Fengquan bade Shao Chengbi farewell, he had the razor pressed against
the side of Shao Chengbi’s neck, but he never did make the killing move.

Xue Xiuzhuo regarded people as his pawns, and Qi Huilian treated his pawns as people. He
taught and guided Shen Zechuan in the art of political power checks and balances back at
Zhaozui Temple, controlling all weaknesses with the word “feelings”.

Shen Zechuan opened his eyes and saw the end of the main east gate.

Amid the curtain of rain and snow, indistinct scenes of the past played out.

Qi Huilian’s figure still seemed to be standing there, his arms held high as he pulled on the
chains, refusing to look back at Shen Zechuan even in his last moments when he tilted his head
back and shouted.


Don’t be afraid.

Shen Zechuan closed his eyes. When he opened them again, Feng Ta Shuang Yisuddenly
charged forth. Shen Zechuan’s sleeves and robes billowed amid the pelting of the frost and snow,
driving the blistering wind on both sides. He was like the icy glint of a blade about to return to its
sheath among the dark clouds, bound to pierce through Heaven and Earth at this moment.

He who has just cause1 is justified!

The sudden thunderclap seemed to explode against his scalp. Luo Mu had already lost control
over the motley crew of soldiers. He hastily retreated amid the chaos of soldiers and shouted to
the officials, “… The troops have turned renegade!”

The rain and snow were blinding. Xue Xiuzhuo could not stand steady on his feet. He stood atop
the city wall with the court officials and watched as Shen Zechuan took the lead. The morale of
the garrison troops was at an all-time high as they followed that figure in white forward, their
momentum unstoppable! The Imperial Army at the south side gate encountered the Capital
Command Troops. They knew the alleyways of Qudu even better than the Capital Command
Troops did, and when it came to fighting on the streets here, they were unrivaled.

Blood spattered on the walls. Tavern banners and random booths tumbled over the ground along
with the fighting and killing.

Shen Zechuan urged his horse into the passageway, and stomped open the main gate of Qudu
from the front just as he wanted. At his side, Fei Sheng raised the Zhongbo banner up high, while
the garrison troops braved the rain of arrows from the top of the city wall and crossed into the
territory one after another.

“The city is breached—!” A shrill, miserable wail rang out from the front of the Imperial College
entrance. Following right after, several thousands of students cried aloud in unison amidst the
spray of broken ice.

Kong Qiu staggered forward, holding on to the battlement for support as he wept, “Oh, the
hundred-year reign of Da Zhou…”

The bronze bell at the summit of Mount Bodhi rang with a clang. The long, drawn-out toll of the
bell stirred up a wave of wind, startling away the birds among the overlapping clouds. The city
gate fell over with a thunderous crash. Countless denunciations and declarations of war tumbled
in the air.

Both of Xue Xiuzhuo’s cheeks were wet and cold. He looked up at the overcast clouds. The
burden that had been imposed upon his shoulders all this time went up in smoke along with the
collapse of the city gates. He raised his hand to wipe away the rainwater on his cheeks, having
already heard the cries that had risen all around him.

It has all come to an end.

Xue Xiuzhuo’s eyes were like deadly still pools of deep water as he silently threw away his
authority token. That token etched with the golden glory of the Li clan fell to the ground, where
the hooves of horses passing by trampled it into pieces that tumbled separately into the puddles
of mud.

Tantai Hu held up against the scimitar and pushed his opponent back into a retreat amid a flurry
of footsteps. He abruptly swung his blade in a diagonal slash, and the sharp edge chafed against
the scimitar and sliced off the other party’s fingers. Tantai Hu kicked over the other man and
brandished his blade to split open a path paved in blood for Shen Zechuan.

“Slay the enemies!” He shouted himself hoarse.

◈ ◈ ◈

The blade of Qiao Tianya’s sword pressed against the pulps of his fingers. The rain outside the
hall was still falling, but the wind had since stopped. Sheer white gauzes hung down to the
ground. The small puddle at his feet reflected glints of the sword’s edge.

Fengquan raised his finger and pushed over that last lamp. The opening of his sleeves brushed
against that slightly bright flame. “You’ve become Shen Zechuan’s blade, and now you’re going
to kill me.”

The lock of hair over Qiao Tianya’s forehead hung down and blocked out the view of his eyes.

He did not know if Fengquan was crying or laughing, but the latter’s shoulders shook as he hid
in the darkness and clapped his palms lightly.

Water droplets dripped along the lock of Qiao Tianya’s hair onto the bridge of his nose. His
sword was so fast that it left its sheath in the twinkling of an eye. At the first flash of the sword
glint, the “clang” of metal against metal rang out as the sword struck away the iron needles that
had come hurtling towards him.

The clothes and hat official stood behind the white gauze and raised an arm to pull off the hat on
his head. There was only the sound of Fengquan cackling in Mingli Hall. The clothes and hat
official who had soundlessly materialized was just like a wraith locking eyes with Qiao Tianya
across the white gauzes.

The water droplet made a soft “plop” sound as it dropped to the ground.

Qiao Tianya had already sprung up like a leopard flying into a sudden rage. All his unwillingness
to take it lying down dissolved into the blade of the sword as it slashed through the sheer white
gauzes and thrust forth with such force that the clothes and hat official retreated swiftly.

The clothes and hat official hid his trump card in his narrow sleeves. As he raised his fingers,
several silver threads lashed out in unison and nailed into the vermillion pillar while Qiao Tianya
was dodging them. The man then kicked himself off the ground and flipped into the air, taking
advantage of the silver threads to move as light as a swallow.
Lamp oil dripped onto the ground, and the tongues of the flame licked the floor, blazing as they
chased after Fengquan’s sleeves and robes.

◈ ◈ ◈

Even if the Garrison Troops did not kill the commoners, the commoners still fled in all directions
in the pandemonium. The streets were so chaotic that Tantai Hu pushed and shoved against the
commoners, fearing that the Scorpions would take advantage of the situation and fish in troubled

“Disperse the people!” Tantai Hu’s palms were slick with blood. It was so slippery he could not
hold his blade.

But it was too late. The people blocking the streets crashed into the formation of Scorpions. It
was so dark, they could hardly make out who the other party was. The Scorpions, with scimitars
in hand, killed the people and lifted the head to say in fluent Da Zhou tongue, “His Lordship
said, slaughter everyone in Qudu!”

Fei Sheng lifted his torch and shouted as he galloped, “The Biansha Baldies have infiltrated the
city. Luo Mu’s soldiers are, in fact, rebels! Run if you don’t want to die!”

Where in the world would the panicking common folks on the road hear Fei Sheng’s voice?
They crowded and jostled before the Scorpions, and after people dropped dead, they turned
around and swarmed towards the Garrison Troops. This street was not spacious enough, and a
battering ram that had fallen over behind was also blocking the path. The swarming of the
rushing crowd threw the Garrison Troops’ formation into disarray.

The Scorpions were not wearing armor. They blended in with the common people running all
over, and when they passed by the Garrison Troops, they unexpectedly threw out stabs. Over ten
of the Garrison Troops in front who were caught off guard promptly fell over.

“The Zhongbo rebels are killing people!”

The commoners who cut a sorry sight fleeing for their lives covered their faces and wailed,
trapped as they were with no way to advance or retreat. Under the overlapping shadows, they
mistook the Scorpions for the Garrison Troops, mistakenly thinking they were already
surrounded by the Garrison Troops. For a moment, deafening cries reverberated through the sky.

What a headache!

Fei Sheng turned his horse around and returned to Shen Zechuan’s side. “Master, what should
we do? Several main roads are all blocked!”

It was dark now. Banners on fire everywhere burned in mid-air. The rain abated some, and those
snowflakes also turned cotton-like and foam-like.
Shen Zechuan held the reins and looked towards the city wall. “Light up the watchtower. Force
open the gate and sound the alarm. Have the Imperial Army who broke through the south side
gate open up the street entrances.”

The Garrison Troops on both sides swiftly passed through. The arrows among the battlements
were running low, and there were combats at close quarters everywhere at the foot of the city.
The torches of the Garrison Troops abruptly lit up. Seizing the watchtower had become
especially important.

Shen Zechuan carried a short blade on him. When his horse passed through the crowd, a gust of
wind materialized at the side. He instantly dodged, and a piked dagger suddenly swiped past the
side of his cheek. The wind trailing in its wake brushed against his cheek, carrying with it a
slight chill.

Shen Zechuan’s short blade suddenly left its sheath, and with a spin of his left hand, he struck
away the piked dagger with a “thud”. However, his wounds had yet to heal, and this one blow
merely knocked the Scorpion’s piked dagger askew. The Scorpion promptly released his grip,
and when the piked dagger dropped, he back-handedly grabbed it and thrust it horizontally at
Shen Zechuan’s neck.

The banner overhead suddenly burst into flames. Ashes all over the sky danced around his head.
At the instant the banner burned, Shen Zechuan flipped off his horse. Feng Ta Shuang Yi got his
intent and started running. Having already evaded the horizontal thrust, Shen Zechuan feigned a
few leaps with Feng Ta Shuang Yi. The Scorpion grabbed onto empty air. In the brief moment
he was disoriented, Shen Zechuan grabbed hold of the arm he had hit out with.

The Scorpion was stunned. Delight followed soon after, and he exclaimed in the Biansha tongue,
“He has no strength—”

He had yet to finish his words when Shen Zechuan released his hand. His left hand struck hard
along the side of the Scorpion’s arm. The Scorpion thought Shen Zechuan was going to fling him
over his shoulder, so he promptly spread a leg and prepared to stabilize his lower body, but Shen
Zechuan unexpectedly whirled around and kicked him right on the chest.

The Scorpion spread both arms and said in a booming voice, “Overrating your own strength like
an ant trying to shake a tree!”

Two of Shen Zechuan’s long, slender fingers went aiming at an angle towards the center of the
Scorpion’s brows. The Scorpion suspected a trap and immediately closed his eyes. Shen
Zechuan, however, let out a very soft laugh. His short blade that had slipped from his hand fell
downward. Putting his weight on one leg, he whirled around again and kicked the blade
sideways at the Scorpion. The Scorpion, caught unprepared, took the short blade right in his
lower abdomen. As a spray of blood splatter, he let loose a blood-curdling scream.

Shen Zechuan turned a deaf ear to it. The flame behind him abruptly flared bright. His figure
elongated along with the movement of the blaze.
Seeing his opportunity, Fei Sheng bellowed, “Luo Mu colluded with the Biansha people, and the
foreign enemies are now in the city. The Garrison Troops are killing the enemies. The rest of
you, get out of the way quickly!”

The torches on the watchtower at the east gate swayed against the sky. The Garrison Troop
soldiers stepping on the railings held up their Zhongbo authority token and shouted downward
with all their might, “By order of His Lordship—Kill the foreign enemies. Kill the rebels. Kill
the traitors!”

Seeing as their incitement was useless and that the passageways were all blocked tight by the
Garrison Troops, the Scorpions could only retreat to their original path. There was complete
pandemonium in the entire Qudu, and a total bloodbath ensued as the Capital Command Troops,
who were still fighting to the death making a last-ditch defense of the city gate, were slain by the
Imperial Army.

Most of the battlements had already collapsed. Xue Xiuzhuo’s official robe was badly shredded,
and he cut a sorry sight until someone yanked him hard in an attempt to move him.

Ya’er was holding Jin-ge’er by the hand, and he had a cloth bundle slung over his shoulder. He
gestured to Xue Xiuzhuo in the din, making “ah, ah” sounds while dragging him towards the

Xue Xiuzhuo staggered a few steps. He braced himself against the wall and looked at Jin-ge’er.
Jin-ge’er was Xue Xiuyi’s son, whom Xue Xiuzhuo had kept by his side to raise. At present, the
boy was so frightened that his face was awash in tears, yet he still held on to the corner of Xue
Xiuzhuo’s clothes and cried out as he held his tears back, “Uncle, uncle, uncle!”

Ya’er stomped his foot anxiously and kept tugging at Xue Xiuzhuo’s official robe and motioning
for Xue Xiuzhuo to run.

Xue Xiuzhuo raised his hand to stroke Jin-ge’er’s cheek. “You’re a good child,” he said.

Jin-ge’er raised his head, feeling the rain on his cheeks.

Xue Xiuzhuo hunched over and turned his back to the light, concealing all of his weaknesses. He
only had this brief moment of interlude in this entire life of his. It was as if this was the only
moment that belonged to him.

Ya’er unwarrantedly started to cry. He shouted “AH” at Xue Xiuzhuo with all the strength he
could muster and tugged at the latter until his fingers were all red.

Xue Xiuzhuo straightened up again and gently broke himself free of Ya’er’s hold on him. He
gave Ya’er a push on his shoulder and said, “Leave, both of you.”

Jin-ge’er sobbed loudly and shouted as he pulled at Xue Xiuzhuo, “Uncle!”

Xue Xiuzhuo paid no heed to him.

The rain tonight was less heavy than it was two years ago, but he saw the same dark and bleak
sky. The lone traveler guarded the city. Long before the daylight was wiped off, he had heard the
echoes of decay, but he really could not take it lying down. The behemoth that once towered here
was going to take its leave of the stage in such a lonesome way.

Xue Xiuzhuo slowly made his way down the steps. He walked in solitude, never looking back
even once.

“So it’s to Yuanzhuo’s credit,” Xue Xiuzhuo halted in his tracks and said to Shen Zechuan, “that
you pushed hard for the census registries in Zhongbo.”

Shen Zechuan did not answer.

In the dim shadows, Xue Xiuzhuo brushed off the dust on his sleeves. “I held Qi Huilian in high
esteem and embarked on the path he took.” He gazed at Shen Zechuan. “But I wasn’t as ruthless
as him.”

It was all too easy to gamble on a life. The hard part was in daring to stake this life on the game.
Qi Huilian dared to do anything, and the driving force behind his insane actions was his trust in
Shen Zechuan.

Lanzhou was not his pawn.

And it was precisely because of this that Qi Huilian left nothing behind for Lanzhou. Shen
Zechuan did not need restraints. Qi Huilian brushed the top of his hair before. In those five years
of being together day and night, he had already pointed out the direction clearly for Lanzhou.

Teacher shall teach you the classics, and bestow upon you the courtesy name Lanzhou.

This was everything Qi Huilian had.

“Da Zhou has been through the era of the heroes. For hundreds of years, even the foreign powers
have not been able to breach through this gate, and now, it’s lost to you.” Xue Xiuzhuo gazed at
Shen Zechuan. “A person whose fate is sealed, much like a fish swimming at the bottom of the

“I have heard plenty of speculations, and even Yuanzhuo has fantasized that I was perhaps a
descendent with the Li’s bloodline that Shen Wei kept hidden.” Shen Zechuan turned his eyes to
look at the palace. “But I am the son of a subject guilty of a crime. The whole world scrambles
over one another for the imperial heir. Only Mister did the exact opposite.”

He who has just cause is not preordained by Heaven.

“Qi Huilian turned the tides with his own strength, and for that, I admire him.” Xue Xiuzhuo
exhaled deeply and continued in a heavy voice, “My sovereign is young, and so it is I, Xue
Xiuzhuo, who has come to surrender today. The city gates are already breached, and the public
roads, opened. Shen Zechuan, do not kill the innocents—I will come to receive you!”

His voice was like a clap of thunder so sudden and deafening that the officials at the top of the
city wall were all paralyzed. Opening the gates to surrender was a humiliation and a disgrace for
all eternity, and now, he, Xue Yanqing, alone had shouldered it!

“No…” Kong Qiu cried out in anguish and beat his chest in sorrow, “Oh, Da Zhou…”

The court officials mutually held each other in support in inconsolable grief, as if mourning the
loss of a parent.

A surrender meant that the war would cease. The remaining garrison troops of Zhongbo no
longer need to advance further. The fact that the thirteen cities of Juexi behind Qudu could still
remain unharmed even though Qudu was breached was a testament to the painstaking effort of
the practical doers’ faction over several years.

They were also the last remaining granary of Da Zhou.

Kong Qiu understood. This was the last wise policy. They were completely wiped out in this
game of chess with Zhongbo, and with this one reception by Xue Xiuzhuo, Da Zhou would thus
cease to exist.

Kong Qiu was about to sag to the ground. He clung on to the battlement, his aged face awash in
tears. “The change of sovereignty today is all down to our incompetence.” He tilted his head
back to look at the flurry of cotton snow in the sky tangling with the official denunciation and
declaration of war. Gradually, a resolute expression came over his face.

Shen Zechuan knew it did not bode well on seeing the change in Kong Qiu’s expression.

The dark, gloomy canopy of the heavens covered up the clouds and moon from view. Raindrops
tumbled and splashed.

Sure enough, Kong Qiu held his head high and bellowed, “I am a subject of Da Zhou, and I will
not kneel to a second master!”

With that, his official robe fluttered, and he made to leap off the city wall to die for his nation.

Oh no, Fei Sheng inwardly cursed in alarm. Xue Xiuzhuo might have surrendered and received
the new sovereign, but he still had yet to hand over the Da Zhou imperial jade seal. If the news of
Kong Qiu’s jump were to spread to tomorrow, the narrative would be twisted such that Shen
Zechuan was the one who forced him into doing so!
“Stop him!” Fei Sheng shouted to the garrison troops who had attacked their way up the city

The officials crowded around Kong Qiu. No matter how fast the garrison troops were, they could
not push away the crowd. All they saw was Kong Qiu’s official robe billowing in the wind. His
body was already leaning over the battlement. Right at this critical juncture, a figure suddenly
pounced from behind and grabbed hold of Kong Qiu’s official robe.

“Grand Secretary, you mustn’t!” Liang Cuishan cried out involuntarily.

Kong Qiu’s figure lurched to a pause, chafing off the broken bricks on the top of the city wall.
He held his arms and started coughing in between wails.

Liang Cuishan was sweating buckets as he dragged Kong Qiu back. Both of his arms were
trembling. He was badly shaken, and his face, through the dark night and flames, was drenched
in sweat.

◈ ◈ ◈

The horse carriage was attacked on its way to the main west gate. All the various street entrances
were packed with carriages and horses. The rich and noble packed up their possessions, wanting
to make use of the chaos to make their escape through the main west gate, thus completely
blocking this particular road.

The guards pulled the reins and brandished their whips to chase away the commoners, bellowing,
“Move away! Get out of the way!”

The carriages and horses at the side came barging over, and startled shouts of alarm promptly
rose. There were so many people it was like a mush of mixed gruel in a pot; there was no way
the horse carriage could get any closer.

The curtain of the carriage swayed. Li Jianting saw the towering palace and heard the toll of the
bronze bell.

“The city’s been breached,” Han Jin ran barefoot through the streets. He jumped and grabbed at
the declarations fluttering all over in the air and burst out laughing like a deranged man. “The
city’s been breached!”

“Xue Xiuzhuo surrendered.” Someone cried bitterly with his head to the sky. “Da Zhou has

Li Jianting felt an acute stab of pain in her chest. Her trembling fingers lifted the carriage curtain
open. Amid her urgent gasps for breath, she suddenly leaned forward and started throwing up.
The strong wind blew against her disheveled hair, and the drizzle masked her face. Bones
indistinctly protruded from her heaving back.
The last leg of the journey Xue Xiuzhuo spoke of was to suffer the humiliation on her behalf.

Li Jianting’s body also started trembling. The chill penetrated deep into her bones, and she
laughed in a raspy voice. She and Xue Xiuzhuo mutually complemented each other, but they did
not have even a smidgen of teacher-pupil bond. Xue Xiuzhuo had no need for it, and so did Li
Jianting. Even to this moment, Xue Xiuzhuo was still doing what he was as a “subject”.

Jiang Qingshan did not return, so even if Li Jianting fled to Juexi, she would merely be
struggling to drag out an ignoble existence. Da Zhou had already perished. Shen Zechuan not
only possessed a powerful army but also public trust. All the painstaking efforts they had made
in the eight cities were handed over on a silver platter to Shen Zechuan. Those unfinished
matters they had yet to work on would, after tonight, become Shen Zechuan’s badges of honor.

“Dragging out an ignoble existence for the remainder of my life, fleeing and hiding left and
right.” Li Jianting raised her eyes and looked at the rain. “… How dull.”

Li Jianting had spent half of her life “hiding”. Her fate was that of a life which could never see
the light. But she did her utmost to struggle. She knew where she stood among the victors and
the losers.

She was defeated, and to that, she conceded.

“Your Maj—” The guard could not maintain his grip on the reins as he watched Li Jianting leap

Soaking in the rain, Li Jianting lifted her arm to tie up her loose hair. Tens of thousands of
people were fleeing to the west. Only she alone headed east, becoming the lone figure going
against the current of the tide of people.

Han Jin grasped the declaration in his hand as he danced and sang merrily among the tidal surge
of people. He pranced joyfully and caught up with Li Jianting.

He grinned, “I’m looking for my eldest brother!”

Mingli Hall blazed with flames.

Li Jianting bent over and picked up a broken drum that had fallen on the road. She tapped it, and
the muffled beats of the drum rang out.

“Going to the palace?”

Han Jin clapped his hands. “Yes, yes, yes!”

Troops thrown into disarray fought desperately to the death. Li Jianting no longer looked at
anyone. She struck that broken drum and laughed out loud without a care together with the
madman, striding in the direction of the palace as she raised her voice.
“Exiled subject I was of yesteryear, a hero too in a turbulent era.
Of the learned the sage beckons, into my trap the talented walk.”2

Amid the backdrop of the bleak, lightless sky, Kong Qiu and the other court officials shed tears
atop the city wall.

“Hark, the nomad flutes3 at the pass of Xiao,4 there goes armored hooves through waters cold.
Into war the veteran general spurs his horse, his military gear heavy in the blizzard storm.”

At the stone monument of Libei that had stood erect for a spring and an autumn, a thin veil of
snow blanketed Xiao Fangxu’s saber. Among the withered grass, the armored cavalry galloped.
Xiao Jiming dismounted his horse and lowered his hand to wipe away the remnants of snow for
the blade.

“Where mountain snow meets starburst glints, of rapacious eagles, the ruthless wolf slays.”5

The billowing waves of the Chashi River churned, as the withered flower of Chiti vanished under
the long stream of current.

“Blade thus sheathed, he dusts his sleeves, scarlet tassel stark against clouds carefree.
With his wine, the ailing immortal roams. Moon over pines, still of zither strings.”

Yao Wenyu leaned over and coughed, and once again, his handkerchief was stained red with
blood. He gazed out of the tent, his vision obstructed by the heavy fog.

Qiao Tianya’s sword had already returned to its sheath. Amidst the fire and the pounding of the
rain, he looked at Fengquan.

“In the ceremonial hall6 the merry feast starts, cups and chopsticks clink,7 we toast and drink.”

Li Jianting struck the broken drum as she threaded her way within the vermillion city walls.

“Relish the wine to the last of its drop, of revelry we indulged within lofty palace walls.”

The fire in Mingli Hall soared into the sky, brightly illuminating the surroundings. A blazing sea
of flames lay right ahead. Han Jin ran with his arms raised, while Li Jianting turned her head
back to take another look at Qudu. Her fingers tapped lightly against the drum, but the drum no
longer made a sound. She looked to be in a trance amid the raging flames as she finished in a
hoarse voice,“… Intoxicated we fall amidst rapturous songs… where honor and rank need
matter not…”

The lacquered pillars of Mingli Hall collapsed with a thunderous crash and splashed forth a wave
of fire. The ambers splatter onto the hem of Li Jianting’s skirt and burn along the decorative

She turned around, and the raging fire engulfed her whole.
Credits: Thanks to MaruChan for spotting the typos! <3!

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1. 得道者(多助,失道者寡助) From “he with just cause (has many to assist him, while he
with an unjust one finds little)” by Mencius; Refers to the sovereign who is wise, just,
and benevolent and thus has the popular support of the people.
2. A variant of 天下英雄入吾彀中矣 “all heroes of the world have fallen into my trap”
spoken by Tang Taizong in reference to the imperial examinations, which not only build
a meritocratic government but also replace martial conflicts for civil examinations. The
people, in voluntarily choosing to take the examinations, thus fall into Taizong’s “trap”,
spending their lives dedicated to studying the classics (which instill precisely the values
that keep the emperor in power) rather than rising in rebellions, etc.
3. 边笳 or 胡笳, also called nomad flutes, reed instrument like the flute, used by the
northern tribes in ancient China
4. 萧关 A real pass in china, Xiaoguan Pass, constructed in ancient times and played a
dominating role in the history of Chinese military affairs, is a strategic pass of vital
significance in the communication lines. The “xiao” is also similar to the “xiao” in Xiao
5. Langli Blade = ruthlessness of the wolf
6. 明堂 Hall of Distinction or mingtang, a ceremonial hall in a palace where the emperor
issued governmental instructions, declared punishments and rewards, and carried out
large ceremonies. Other names used include Hall of Light/Brightness/ Brilliance.
7. Clinking cups and striking chopsticks on cups, etc, as accompaniment for the singing or
recital of poems, etc

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 281 : Of Wolf & Eagle

When dawn broke, the sound of killing in the city had already stopped. As it had just rained,
there were no ashes and dust floating in the air. More than half of the palace was burned down.
Shen Zechuan stepped over the ruins; all he could see were crumbling walls and debris.

“Arson within the palace,” Fei Sheng lamented as he followed at Shen Zechuan’s side. “…
Mingli Hall was burned to ashes.”

“The female emperor did not surrender and gave her life for her country,” Shen Zechuan said.
“The name Emperor Shengyin ought to be on the annals of Da Zhou.”

Fei Sheng had been longing to return to Qudu, and now that he had really returned, the sights he
saw everywhere were all unfamiliar. It was not as exhilarating as it was in Zhongbo. He held his
blade and pushed aside the rubble ahead for Shen Zechuan. “She was a woman of integrity and

“Tell Youjing, Minshen, and Chengfeng to standby for the order.” Shen Zechuan stopped in his
tracks. “Songyue didn’t return?”

Fei Sheng looked in the direction of Mingli Hall and answered after a moment of hesitation. “…
He’s back.”

◈ ◈ ◈

Qiao Tianya was in the midst of washing his hands. His ten fingers were submerged in the
copper basin, dispersing wispy tendrils of red in the water. His sword was still by the side of his
waist, but its hilt was so red all over that its original color could not be made out.
“The Scorpions in the various areas have already been executed. There are a total of a hundred
and forty-seven people, with the majority being eunuchs.” Ge Qingqing flipped through the
eunuchs’ authority tokens. “The leader is Fengquan, who came to take Pan Rugui’s place after
the eighth year of the reign of Xiande.”

“That’s a lot,” Zhou Gui said with horror.

Seeing Zhou Gui’s face go pale, Ge Qingqing could not help but comfort him. “Qudu is already
surrounded by us now. Your Excellency doesn’t have to worry.”

While they were speaking, Qiao Tianya had already washed his hands clean. He lifted the
hanging screen at the door and went down the steps while the sky was still not fully bright.

“If Fengquan could be captured alive…”

Kong Ling soundlessly waved his hand, and Yu Xiaozai did not go on with his words. Looking
at the still swinging hanging screen, Kong Ling whispered, “Report it as is to His Lordship.”

Before Qiao Tianya made his way to the tent, he heard Yao Wenyu coughing. He stood at the
entrance and raised his hand, but he did not lift the tent flap.

Yao Wenyu folded the handkerchief, put it back into his sleeves, and said in an unhurried voice,
“His Lordship isn’t back yet. Come in.”

Qiao Tianya bent over at the waist to enter.

The brazier had already gone out, and it was a little cold inside the tent. Yao Wenyu was cloaked
in his overcoat as he sat on the bed with a brush still in his hand. After Qiao Tianya entered, he
pushed aside the small table.

Qiao Tianya took off his boots by the bed against that bit of morning light. He sagged down in
silence, trapped in the cramped and narrow empty space between the bed and the small table, and
rested his head on Yao Wenyu’s lap. The medicinal scent on Yao Wenyu enveloped Qiao
Tianya, and he closed his eyes, as if he was sleeping in a time long bygone.

Yao Wenyu covered the hilt of the sword with one hand and covered Qiao Tianya with the other.
His wide sleeves spread out all over the bed. In that minuscule bit of morning light, he lowered
his head and looked at Qiao Tianya.

The incense on the table masked the smell of blood that both belonged to Yao Wenyu and Qiao

“I have a courtyard on Mount Bodhi,” Yao Wenyu gently stroked Qiao Tianya’s hair, “where
you can watch the rays of the morning sun at daybreak, and the river of stars formed by the lights
of households in Qudu after sunset.”
Qiao Tianya seemed to see it.

Yao Wenyu turned his head slightly to look at the thin sheet of window paper. “The snow is

The snowflakes outside the window danced gracefully in the air.

◈ ◈ ◈

Amu’er had a gemstone secured before his forehead, and a simple and unsophisticated scimitar
affixed at his waist. He bent his tall and powerfully built body over and helped Duo’erlan to pick
up the Chiti silk flower. He spread his palm open. The silk flower looked just like the real thing.
This was something Hasen once brought back from the borders of Qidong.

“My good lass,” Amu’er said, “follow your father back to the oasis.”

Duo’erlan took the silk flower with both hands and shook her head. “I’m Hasen’s wife. I want to
defend my Heroic Eagle’s father for him.”

“His father is not old yet.” Amu’er straightened up and smiled widely in the evening glow of the
setting sun. “Fighting battles is a man’s business. You allowed me to possess Suhebashou’s bear
warriors.1 You have already done a lot for the Hanshe Tribe. My good lass, silly girl, you’re not
only Hasen’s wife, but also the mother of his child. The precious pearl of the grasslands should
be riding her horse on the shores of Lake Chiti. The yellow sand of the desert here doesn’t suit
you. Go back.”

Duo’erlan’s shoulders shook as she forced herself to hold back her tears, but her face still ended
up wet. Holding the silk flower, she sobbed and asked, “I heard the bugle call of the King of
Wolves. I smelled his butcher’s blade…”

Amu’er lowered his large palm and placed it on the center of Duo’erlan’s head, covering it.
“When I was born together with Xiao Fangxu in the bosom of the Hongyan Mountains, the
Hanshe Tribe was destined to fight it out with Libei until there is a victor between us. In the
decades of war, we have each lost our brothers and sent out our own sons.”

His weathered face, of having been through the vicissitudes of life, was overlaid with golden
light. The sunset glow was so dazzling it was as if it could contend with the morning sun.

The news from Qudu did not come back, which meant that Amu’er no longer had the advantage
within Da Zhou. He missed too many opportunities. Without Hasen, and without the Zhongbo
supply line, the Hanshe Tribe’s future was all too obvious.

“My Heroic Eagle flew over the snow-capped peaks of Libei. His father will not back down
before the blade of the new King of Wolves either. We are a strong tribe among the Twelve
Tribes, and this strong tribe has the Hero. We only have heroes who die in battles, not cowards
who beat a retreat.”
Bayin and the old wise one stood outside the golden tent. The old wise one’s palms were all
creased with wrinkles as he rubbed open the withered and yellow stalks of grasses and gazed at
the setting out in the far distance.

Clutching his precious book, Bayin asked, “Teacher, will we win?”

The old wise one did not answer. When Hasen left, he had also kneeled in the waters of the
Chashi River and asked him the same question—”Will I win?”.2 He let the wind blow the grass
in his palm away into the distance. The old wise one’s snow-white beard and hair fluttered
slightly in the wind. He looked at that orb of setting sun in silence until the dome of heaven

“The wolf is here.”

So said the old wise man.

The strong wind swept across the rolling mounds, and yellow sand brushed against armors. With
one hand supporting his blade, the young King of Wolves slowly rose to his feet, firmly
commanding everyone’s line of sight. The setting sun vanished behind his back, replaced by
innumerable Armored Cavalry soldiers. Meng stood on Xiao Chiye’s shoulder, its sharp,
penetrating gaze piercing through the gale, where it fixated on the spot ahead together with its

Lang Tao Xue Jin galloped forth from behind and did not stop. Xiao Chiye flipped onto the
horse, and Meng flapped its wings to follow by Xiao Chiye’s side. Xiao Chiye led the armored
hooves of his army, stomping on the yellow sands as they charged down in an assault like the
boundless dark clouds shrouding the night.

◈ ◈ ◈

Bayin saw Duo’erlan off. He stood by the horse carriage and gave his treasured book to

“I can’t read Da Zhou characters,” Duo’erlan said. “Keep it for yourself.”

Bayin was bent on placing the book beside Duo’erlan knees. “A gift for the little eagle.”

Duo’erlan covered her stomach. The flocks of sheep behind the horse carriage kept bleating
incessantly. Holding on to the horse carriage, she looked at the clusters of tents and said, “… The
moon tonight is too bright.”

Bayin thought Duo’erlan was worried that the return journey would be a hard one to make, so he
flashed a smile and reassured her, “The Hero has already informed the tribes along the way. With
the warriors from the Youxiong Tribe with you, no one will dare to hurt you.”
There was no hint of a smile on Duo’erlan’s face. She was just like a flower in the midst of
wilting. Bayin could not figure out what she was thinking. Even if he had become a wise man, he
was still a silly lad.

Bayin felt around his wizened pouch and found an old brush. He set this brush by Duo’erlan’s
knees too. Maintaining the smile on his tanned face, he said, “Next year, when you’ve safely
given birth to the little eagle, the Hero will bring you back. When that time comes, you will be
the most honorable woman in the desert.”

Some of the Six Tribes had turned traitor to throw in with Xiao Chiye. The Hanshe Tribe’s status
as the ruler of the desert was already an empty title that existed in name only. Bayin’s clumsy
attempt at comfort could not hide a single thing.

But this time, Duo’erlan made an effort to curve her eyes into crescents. As if she believed
Bayin’s words, she said, “If it’s a boy, I’ll hand him over to you to teach and guide. As for this
book, I’ll return it to you when that day comes.”

Bayin scratched the back of his head rather awkwardly and said, “If it’s a boy, he will surely be
as outstanding as the Heroic Eagle. He’d be the best lad of all in the desert. It’d be better to ask
my teacher and the Hero to teach and guide him.” He smiled again. “Go, Duo’erlan. Your father
is still waiting for you.”

The folks of the Hulu Tribe herded the flock of sheep. These were their last remaining sheep, and
they wanted to send them back to the oasis before the weather got worse. There were not that
many warriors from the Youxiong Tribe, but their “bear horses” stood out among the ponies, and
because they were carrying their sabers with them, they appeared all the more valiant and

The Hulu Tribe was familiar with the sandy desert routes. The man in the lead drove the horse
forward, and the copper bell hung high on the banner tinkled. Amid the rocking of the horse
carriage, Duo’erlan waved to Bayin.

Bayin chased a few steps after her and mustered up the courage to shout, “Duo’erlan!”

Duo’erlan pushed aside the hanging screen of the carriage and looked at him.

Bayin stopped in his tracks and stood in place, waving his hand again without saying a word.

The pitch-dark sky enveloped the desert. A saker falcon in the wind hovered over the Hongying
flag, which flapped noisily in the wind as the tinkling of the copper bell receded further and
further into the distance. Bayin clenched his empty hands tightly into fists and chanted in silence
for victory without retracting his gaze.

The moonlight was flimsy as it paved the path underfoot, looking as if it took just one step for it
to break. Horses’ hooves sank into it and abruptly departed.
The old wise one tossed the withered branch he used for divination in his lap. Putting his palms
together, he lowered his head and silently evoked the Heavenly God of Chiti.

Bayin finally turned around and ran towards the old wise man, shouting, “Teach…”

Before the saker falcon above the Hongying banner could react, a gyrfalcon swiftly swooped
down and suddenly tore it apart. Grabbing the saker falcon’s remnants, Meng flapped its wings
in midair and ripped off the saker falcon’s feathers.

It all happened so quickly that Bayin was not able to snap out of his shock. The din of feasting
and drinking among the tents had yet to stop.

“Wolves!” The Hanshe Tribe cavalry soldier on night patrol sped across the sands and did all he
could to shout himself hoarse in the Biansha tongue. “Surprise attack—!”

A long blade came sliding out with a swish as heavy armor knocked over the cavalryman directly
from behind. The pony was totally powerless in the face of the tidal wave of steel and iron, and
in the blink of an eye, it was completely engulfed.

Bayin stood stupefied in place.

The Libei Armored Cavalry should have only just passed Mosanchuan. The news was that Xiao
Chiye intended to block the exit of Mosanchuan, and his main forces had yet to arrive here, but
the shocking turn of events unfolding before him made it clear that Xiao Chiye had not only
come, but he had also chosen the most direct way of doing it.

“Xiao, Xiao Chiye…” Bayin whipped his head back and hollered, “The Armored Cavalry has
launched a surprise attack!”

Armored hooves trampled over the wooden-made fence at the very edge. Too late to get onto
their horses, the Biansha warriors who emerged from the tents met the Armored Cavalry head-on
with their scimitars in hand.

Xiao Chiye’s Langli Blade was a heavy beast. Coupled with his extraordinary arm strength, he
was practically unrivaled when he cleaved and hacked. Lang Tao Xue Jin was the first to charge
among the Hanshe Tribe’s tents. Several splatters of fresh blood sprayed in between each lift of
his blade.

Heads tumbled to a stop at Bayin’s feet. Bayin’s throat choked up, seized as he already was with
terror. Amid the glares of blade and glints of swords, he saw the eyes of a ravenous wolf.

An eye for an eye.

Bayin hastily stepped back and almost fell.

Gasping lightly for breath, Xiao Chiye raised the arm that was holding the blade and rubbed the
blood off his cheek with the back of his hand. The smile gradually materializing on his face
spoke of extreme danger. After months of enduring the rigors of a long, arduous journey, he
finally arrived at his destination.

“Amu’er—” Amidst the sprays of blood and dancing flames, Xiao Chiye tilted his head back and
demanded in a voice as cold as ice, “where is he?”

The flap of the golden tent lifted open, and a cold glint glided along the edge of the old scimitar
in the moonlight. Amu’er bent at the waist to make his way out of the golden tent. His equally
strapping tall figure obscured the sand and dust beneath his feet, as if he was also the stabilizing
force of the Hanshe Tribe.

Saker falcons surrounded Meng, who was hovering alone on its own.

Xiao Chiye shook off the blood on his blade and heard the beats of the war drums.


1. Youxiong Tribe, a tribe that takes the bear as its totem. The Biansha Tribes’ names are
based on animals. For a list, you can refer to the Worldmap guide!
2. Refer to chapter 250

Qiang Jin Jiu – Chapter 282 : Lofty Palace

Meng barged among the cast of falcons as they attacked him. It hissed at the top of its voice.
Waves of fire followed in the wake of the collapsed tents and leaped onto the banner. The
Hongying banner instantaneously burst into flames.

Langli Blade came cleaving down and struck against the scimitar, letting loose an ear-piercing
screech of friction as blade scraped against blade. Sparks spattered as the blades slipped past.

Amu’er’s arm sank slightly. “Your arm strength is even stronger than your father’s.”

Capitalizing on his height, Xiao Chiye dragged Langli Blade with astounding momentum and
sent Amu’er’s scimitar swinging and smashing down. Amu’er took the blows, and although it
was only a few times, the impact brought on a tearing pain in the area between his thumb and
index finger. Under Xiao Chiye’s forceful attacks, he took half a step back.

Xiao Chiye’s young age was his biggest advantage.

Amu’er was already old. When Xiao Fangxu stepped down after becoming ill, Amu’er retreated
to the desert. He returned anew to the battlefield after many years had elapsed, and even though
he did not appear old, he could no longer physically compare to Xiao Chiye, who was in his

“Have you come here,” Amu’er hoisted up his scimitar, “to give me back my son?”

The attacking Armored Cavalry suddenly dispersed all over. Unexpectedly enough, there was a
mounted crossbow in the golden tent that had been pulled open. The veins of the warriors of the
Hanshe Tribe, who had been waiting for a long time, bulged as they shifted its direction under
the clicking sound of the crossbow trigger turning. Heavy arrow instantly hurtled forth towards
the Armored Cavalry.

There was no movement in the tent that had collapsed in response. Reacting quickly as he rolled
over the ground, Gu Jin reported, “The tent is empty!”

The stables of the Hanshe Tribe had long been raided by Xiao Chiye, but warriors lying in
ambush suddenly emerged from among the night sand. A short while later, whistles rose all

The sound of horse hooves.

Gu Jin prostrated on the ground with his ear to it and immediately reported, “They still have

The terrain where the Hanshe Tribe was stationed was wide and open. There were no defensive
structures installed at its borders. It could not even compare to the Mengtuo Tribe at the entrance
of Mosanchuan. But even when Hasen died in battle and the enemies’ forces were pressing on to
the border, they still did not get attacked by the remaining eleven tribes—because none of the
tribes dared to come.
During the reign of Xiande, Amu’er swept up Zhongbo’s armory. Hasen’s gears and supplies
were funded by his father. As the man most skilled in reforms and revolution in the desert,
Amu’er’s guts and spunk were, most of the time, extraordinary.

The Hanshe Tribe dwelled deep in seclusion in the desert. They had venomous fangs like

The Libei Armored Cavalry had already scattered apart. Chen Yang was about to give his
command when he reined in his horse, but unexpectedly, a pony suddenly came barging from the
side. The battering ram-like force did not provide Chen Yang the chance to exert his strength at
all and directly knocked him off his horse.

With a ferocious expression in his eyes, the bare-chest Lizard spat in the Biansha tongue, “An
eye for an eye.”

Chen Yang rolled a few times after landing on the ground, and the Lizard’s iron hammer
smashed down beside his helmet. Even if it did not hit the target, the reverberations it brought on
when it brushed past still made Chen Yang dizzy.

The Lizards launched a pincer attack from the sides behind Xiao Chiye. His blade that he held
aloft abruptly changed trajectory, passing under his elbow and armpit to pierce through a
Lizard’s chest. A spray of blood erupted forth and splashed onto Xiao Chiye’s shoulders and
arms before flowing down along his armor to the saddle.

A scimitar at the side came swinging down, and Xiao Chiye deflected his head aside to dodge the
blow. His little braid brushed against the other man’s blade. Unable to draw out Langli Blade
immediately, he opted to bend his left arm and elbow the man hard in the face. The Lizard did
not expect Xiao Chiye’s strength to be this terrifying. His entire face felt like it was about to
crack open, his nasal bone broken instantly.

The blade before Xiao Chiye was already pressing in toward him. Langli Bladeclung against his
armor as he pulled it out in time to parry the scimitar with a resounding thud.

Lang Tao Xue Jin abruptly galloped forward, and Langli Blade, which was shouldering the other
man’s force, caused his body to flip over during its advance. Xiao Chiye did not have the chance
to catch his breath, because the moment Lang Tao Xue Jin galloped forth, the mounted crossbow
in the golden tent followed suit and turned around too. At the same time he brought down the
other man, a heavy arrow sliced through the wind and came charging at him!

The mounted crossbow was a siege weapon, and its weight and lethality were enough for one of
it to go up against ten men. It had won countless victories for Da Zhou in its offensive and
defensive battles in the early years. When Shen Zechuan was defending Duanzhou, he also chose
to use it as a defensive weapon, which served to show just how formidable it was—the crucial
thing was that it required several people to work together just to draw the bow, and the force of a
hurtling, heavy iron-headed arrow was definitely not something a man alone could resist. Even
Xiao Chiye himself could not shoulder the force of it alone when he encountered it on a
thousand li long boundary line, let alone at such a short distance.

Gu Jin practically braced himself against the ground and broke into a dash at the same time,
using the fastest speed he had ever mustered in his life, shouting himself hoarse as he ran,
“Second Master!”

Xiao Fangxu was gone. The battlefield was the most unreasonable place in the world. To Libei,
even if half of them were wounded or dead tonight, they could not leave Xiao Chiye behind!

Chen Yang was close to him, and when he straightened up, he encountered the iron hammer
again. This time, he leveled his blade to block the blow. With an unexpected burst of strength, he
shouldered the weight of the Lizard’s iron hammer and lifted it up. Chen Yang’s four limbs were
all trembling. A deep bellow burst forth from his throat as he hissed through clenched teeth,
“Block—the arrow!”

The gale, following in the wake of the heavy arrow, was already a short distance away from Xiao
Chiye. He released the reins, and Lang Tao Xue Xin beneath him neighed as it dropped onto its
front knees. Xiao Chiye immediately rolled off his horse. The heavy arrow hurtled past with
terrifying strength and slammed into the crowd.

The warriors of the Hanshe Tribe dashing madly in the sand flipped onto their horses. Holding
up their scimitars, they came converging from all directions.

Xiao Chiye gasped heavily for breath. The hair by his temples was already drenched in sweat.

“Baya’er of the Mengtuo Tribe is the most untrustworthy bastard in the desert who doesn’t keep
his word.” Amu’er scraped the blood droplets off his scimitar and rubbed his thumb against his
stubble. “And to think you’d believe them. This is a mistake Xiao Fangxu would never make.”

Xiao Chiye teetered as he rose to his feet. The arm guard on his right arm was dented from the
sudden assault of the heavy arrow earlier, but it did not crack. Xiao Chiye stabbed Langli Blade
into the ground at his feet and raised his hand to untie the arm guard and secure it at the side of
his waist.

Under the moonlight smudged by the flames, Amu’er saw Xiao Chiye’s shadow extending all
the way before him. Behind him, the endless, silent desert stretched.

“Stop calling my father’s name.” His words ignited Xiao Chiye’s deeply-seated fury and
resentment. Hatred erupted in his chest; even the wounds on his back were burning.

Xiao Fangxu would never make such a mistake.

Xiao Fangxu would not make many mistakes.

But Hasen left Xiao Fangxu in the blizzard. Every time Xiao Chiye heard Amu’er say a word, it
would evoke his memory of Xiao Fangxu’s body in the accumulated snow.

“Xiao Fangxu, Xiao Fangxu—” Xiao Chiye’s eyes were red as he said in a hoarse voice. “You
people took my father’s head away and trampled the dignity of the King of Wolves under your

Xiao Chiye pulled out Langli Blade.

“Give him back to me.” His expression was slightly malevolent as he violently cleaved and
hacked while advancing with staggered steps. He shouted himself hoarse at Amu’er.


Meng suddenly plunged as if it couldn’t hold up against the assault from all sides. Xiao Chiye’s
bellow reverberated through the night sky. When Meng neared the ground, it suddenly flapped
its wings and circled upward. The saker falcons pursuing it relentlessly from behind were still
continuing with their downward descent. Gu Jin sidestepped them and bent his finger to whistle
at the sky. The next moment, countless falcons’ wings flapped in unison, and, at the same time
they soared into the sky, they pounced on the saker falcons.

Aerial combat was the Libei falcons’ domain to begin with!

Meng drew in its wings and barged its way among the cast of saker falcons. One for bearing
grudges, it found that particular saker falcon that had pursued it the most relentlessly and tore it
to pieces in between circling before it would let the matter rest.

The Libei Armored Cavalry and Biansha Cavalry converged in the space between the tents.
Bayin ran and fell to his knees before the golden tent, where he said to the old wise one,
“Teacher, I’ll help you leave!”

The old wise one still had his head lowered and palms placed together. His aged body was just
like a withered tree. His white hair dangled silently on both sides.

Bayin’s heart went cold. He reached out and placed a hand under the old wise one’s nose, and
the color instantly drained from his face. He could not hold back his sobs and promptly cried out
loud, “Teacher!”

The gushing of blood accompanied the fighting and killing under the curtain of the night. Half of
the Hanshe Tribe’s tents had collapsed. The ambush Amu’er left in the outer perimeter failed to
net him any advantage from the Libei Armored Cavalry. Meanwhile, the Lizards’ iron hammers
found it hard to unleash their full potential in the face of the brand new long blades.

The speed at which Xiao Chiye had grown up was all too fast. This was a fact that even Amu’er
himself had to concede. The Mengtuo Tribe that alone guarded Mosanchuan were indeed
untrustworthy bastards who did not keep their word. They did not tell Xiao Chiye that Amu’er
still had horses and supplies, and they did not come forth to provide reinforcements as promised.
But similarly, Baya’er had even less of an intention of coming to fight the battle for Amu’er. He
was just like the fisherman with blade in hand waiting for the last moment to reap the profits at
the expense of the other two. He was not only afraid that Amu’er still had a card up his sleeve;
he also wanted to throw in with the absolute victor of this duel.

Stars dotted the horizon. A horse suddenly galloped out from the end of the desert. The hem of
Duo’erlan’s skirt fluttered amidst the backdrop of the massive setting moon as she led that batch
of Youxiong Tribe warriors over on horseback.

Bayin was a sorry figure as he wiped his tears. “Duo’erlan, you silly girl!”

Duo’erlan’s black hair danced in the wind as she reined in her horse. Her pretty green eyes
reflected the flames as she said, “I married Hasen. I belong to Hasen’s tribe, and Hasen, too,
belongs to my tribe. Father! You’re right. The strong tribe has the Hero, and Hasen is
my Hero!”

She drew out her own dagger.

“We only have heroes who die in battles, not cowards who beat a retreat! Baya’er, listen,”
Duo’erlan faced the desert and said at the top of her voice, “Duo’erlan won’t blame you for
submitting to the strong! But the desert has its own strong fighters. The Mengtuo Tribe once
possessed the glory of the Hero decades ago. When you kneel before Xiao Chiye’s Armored
Cavalry, it’s the Mengtuo Tribe’s dignity you killed off!”

The harsh rebuke of a woman blended into the sound of fighting and killing under the moon, and
it made Baya’er, who was biding his time, feel terribly inferior and ashamed.

“I heard your daughter, Wuya, dared to make an assassination attempt on Xiao Chiye with a
dagger.” Duo’erlan’s countenance was solemn and respectful. “I admire her, and so does Hasen!
When my son is born in the future, I will have him acknowledge Wuya as his aunt. This is the
backbone of the desert people!” As she spoke, she crassly spat a mouthful of saliva to the side.
“But I will also have my son keep firmly in mind that the Mengtuo Tribe is spineless. The
chieftain, Baya’er, is a coward!”

Duo’erlan’s chest heaved. She cracked her horsewhip and led the warriors of the Youxiong Tribe
into a charge forward. The Libei Armored Cavalry’s numbers were terrifying, but there was no
fear in Duo’erlan’s eyes. She was the most dazzling precious pearl of the desert. Even if she did
not have the strong and sturdy body of a warrior, she was willing to charge toward an invincible
wall of iron.

Hasen did not kneel to Xiao Chiye in his last moments. Duo’erlan understood him. Even if they
were to die in battle, they had to die standing.

“Silly girl,” Amu’er roared with laughter before continuing to say with a reverent countenance,
“You’re wrong. The Hero of the Hulu Tribe is not Hasen. It’s Duo’erlan!”
The Hanshe Tribe’s initial low morale soared. Baya’er was still hesitating, but beside him, Wuya
ran a few steps forth and said to the warriors of the Mengtuo Tribe as she pointed ahead, “We
will guard the main gate of Mosanchuan and leave Xiao Chiye and the Libei Armored Cavalry to
fall on their own! If all of you are going to kneel to him, you’ll never be able to stand up for the
next twenty years!”

Xiao Chiye kicked over the torch as he traded blows with Amu’er. His armor was tarnished with
fresh blood and desert sand. The Youxiong Tribe warriors who had charged their way in amidst
the sea of fire drew their blades and fought valiantly, because Xiao Chiye had killed their leader,
Dalantai, at the Bianjun Commandery. At the very moment when the Mengtuo Tribe also drew
out their blades, Xiao Chiye found himself caught deep in a real siege.

◈ ◈ ◈

Shen Zechuan, who was taking a nap on his desk, woke up with a start. He moved his arm which
had gone numb. The lights in the hall had been extinguished. There was still the sound of the
advisors discussing from the side hall, but it appeared abnormally quiet here.

Shen Zechuan held on to the door frame. The wind outside was so icy that his back felt doubly
cold. Hearing movements, Fei Sheng looked back and could not help but turn pale with fright.
“Master, you are going to catch a cold!”

“The desert.” The jade on Shen Zechuan’s right ear swayed gently. He covered his mouth and
stifled a cough to ask, “No letter yet?”

◈ ◈ ◈

Gu Jin got on his horse, and Chen Yang led the army to assemble. With Xiao Chiye as the center,
they constantly closed in. The armors of the Libei Armored Cavalry were severely worn out.
Only Xiao Chiye was not wearing a helmet.

“In order to mount a surprise attack, you didn’t bring along your main forces.” Amu’er kept
away his scimitar that had been chipped by courtesy of Xiao Chiye at the side of his waist. “The
young are always impulsive.”

The clicking sound of crossbow triggers all around them was intensive. For tonight, Amu’er had
also staked all he had onto this single throw.

Thick clouds obscured the moon. The sandy lands were packed with warriors of the desert. The
warriors of the Youxiong Tribe that Duo’erlan had called upon were all the remaining forces of
the Youxiong Tribe. Thanks to Duo’erlan, they got to recuperate for a period of time in the
Hanshe Tribe, and now, they had recovered from the serious injuries they sustained when they
were crushed and routed by Xiao Chiye a few months back.

“You are a genius,” Amu’er said in admiration. “A genius of Libei.”

The bowstrings of the mounted crossbows were stretched taut. Heavy arrows all aimed at Xiao

The gemstone in the center of Amu’er’s forehead was already loosened. He took it off, appearing
slightly lonely. He looked out into the distance in the direction of the Hongyan Mountains. “But,
you killed my son.”

To the people of Da Zhou, the Chashi River was a jade belt2 in the landscape. However, to the
people of the desert, it was the origin of the rivers – the mother river – far off in the distance. At
one time, they shared the Hongyan Mountains with Da Zhou, but the Libei Armored Cavalry’s
rise to prominence caused them to keep retreating to the desert, where they could only kill each
other for rations.

All his life, Amu’er wanted to lead the Twelve Tribes to the west of the Chashi River.

Plunder. Pillage.

The people of Libei pillowed upon the mountains and rivers, while the desert people slept among
the yellow sand. They made each other acquaintances with blades and swords, and three
successive generations of heroes and heroines all met on the banks of the Chashi River. Spring
came, and autumn went. No one was spared.

“The war has to end, eventually.” Amu’er hung the forehead ribbon on which the gemstone was
secured onto the hilt of his blade. “I will return your head to your elder brother.”

Meng whirled in the air and swooped down. The falcon of Libei was very quiet. Xiao Chiye
raised his left arm to let Meng perch. “I’m afraid you no longer have this chance.”

Grit flew up from the sandy lands. Under the rustling sounds, the Mengtuo Tribe squad that was
running forward saw weapons that had long hilts and short blades.

It was too late for Baya’er to regret. Stamping his foot, he cried out, “Lu Guangbai. There’s still
Lu Guangbai!”

Lu Guangbai, who had once penetrated deep into the desert, was similarly familiar with the
desert routes as the Hulu Tribe was. Xiao Chiye left his main troops behind not because of the
surprise attack, but to lure the snake out of its hole.

Amu’er was unwilling to arbitrarily meet the enemies head-on. Only Xiao Chiye’s rash and
reckless surprise attack could draw him out into the open. If Duo’erlan left with the Youxiong
Tribe, then after tonight, Xiao Chiye would still need to penetrate deeper into the desert. But
Duo’erlan returned. She helped Xiao Chiye accomplish his ploy to round up all of them in one
fell swoop.

“Amu’er,” Xiao Chiye tightened his grip on the hilt of his blade anew. “The war has to end,
Yellow sand billowed. When Lu Guangbai dashed his way before the Youxiong Tribe warriors,
he abruptly withdrew, and the Libei Armored Cavalry behind him charged up. As he brushed
past the Libei Armored Cavalry, he filled in the gaps among the Lizards and brandished his long
blade to brazenly parry the Lizards’ iron hammers.

Powerful forces collided. Lu Guangbai’s military boots promptly slipped backward in the sand.
He braced himself with an arm and grasped a handful of yellow sand. With a smile, he said,
“Great strength there.”

The Lizard spread opened his arms, looking as if he was going to obstruct the Bianjun
Commandery Garrison Troops.

Lu Guangbai’s long blade suddenly passed over his head and struck the Lizard’s iron hammer
with a “thud” in between turns. The Lizard had only traded blows with the Libei Armored
Cavalry and had still yet to encounter this kind of strange weapon, where it was the hilt that was
long. When he swung his hammer, he could not reach Lu Guangbai’s body, and when he parried,
he could not keep up with Lu Guangbai’s speed. All he could do was keep retreating in this
flurry of intense attacks.

The Libei Armored Cavalry, having already broken through the outer line of defenses, joined
Xiao Chiye from the side. Xiao Chiye did not mount his horse again. Instead, he charged in to
fight on foot with the Biansha warriors. This time, the Armored Cavalry was like a black tide
that came bulldozing over with absolutely crushing numbers.

Amu’er killed several people and encountered Xiao Chiye again in the tumble of armors. The
strong wind Xiao Chiye brought up sliced through the air from top to bottom and cleaved apart
the front of Amu’er clothes. Langli Blade wedged itself in the crack of the scimitar, and Xiao
Chiye suddenly pressed in two steps closer with such force that Amu’er retreated.

Amu’er exerted his strength to lift his blade up and overturn the constraint Langli Blade had
imposed on it, but Langli Blade counterattacked swiftly. The long journey did not even deplete
Xiao Chiye’s energy. In this moment, he was unusually focused, so focused that he did not care
about the injuries on his body. Those eyes of his were so calm it was terrifying.

The scimitar bounced off from the impact of the collision, but it did not slip out of his hands.
Amu’er regained his grip on it and turned around to kick Xiao Chiye in the abdomen, but Xiao
Chiye did not retreat as he had hoped. Holding up against the force, he slammed the hilt of his
blade hard into the side of Amu’er’s cheek.

Amu’er did not fall over to the ground. The metallic taste of blood saturated his mouth, and his
teeth were sore from the impact of Xiao Chiye’s blow.

Xiao Chiye’s fighting style was a blend of martial arts from various schools, but not once had he
ever broken away from his original school. He was just as overbearing and domineering as Xiao
Fangxu was. When he really got serious in battle, nine out of ten times, someone would die.
Oh, behold the young King of Wolves.

The vision in Amu’er’s left eye was already a little blurry. He saw the moon burning. The
sorrowful cries of the Hanshe Tribe pierced through the vast, boundless night. All those stars that
once belonged to him fell. The hero who had come to the end of the road had to admit that he
was already advanced in age.


Amu’er’s proud heroic eagle.

Amu’er seemed to see the back of his son when he left. It was also on a moonlit night like this.
Hasen waved his arm, and his bashful red hair was then covered up by the color of the night.

Every time Xiao Chiye swung his blade, Amu’er’s scimitar would emit a cry of pain. Xiao
Chiye’s mettle was on full display, undisguised. Every blow of his struck the sharpest part of the

This battle was no longer evenly matched, but the Libei Armored Cavalry’s one-sided crushing
of their foes.

Duo’erlan’s horse was abruptly knocked to the ground. She fell and looked as the dagger slipped
from her hand and disappeared among the armored hooves. Her cheeks were splattered with
blood, and as she wiped them, she involuntarily burst into sobs.

With his own dagger in tow, Bayin charged into the chaos and shouted to Duo’erlan, “Take my
horse, Duo’erlan. Run!”

Covering her stomach, Duo’erlan shook her head. “You should leave!”

Bayin gasped unevenly for breath. He suddenly grasped Duo’erlan’s arms and said sincerely,
“The little eagle must live.” He could not stop himself from crying. Sobs escaped his throat.
“Silly girl of Lake Chiti, run—”

Blood suddenly materialized. Before Bayin could finish his words, he fell face-first into a pool of
blood. Duo’erlan widened her eyes blankly. “No…”

Chen Yang raised his helmet and looked at Duo’erlan with cold detachment as he said in the
Biansha tongue, “Achi killed our left flank in Duanzhou, and this man was the one who came up
with the plan. I’m just repaying the debt.”

Bayin was still grasping Duo’erlan’s arms. Duo’erlan bent over to hold up the young man’s
body. In a trembling voice that had already changed in pitch, she weakly shouted in a thin voice,
Achi not only killed the left flank of the Libei Armored Cavalry near Duanzhou, he also took
away the heads of all the armored cavalrymen in the left flank squad. They camped on the banks
of the Chashi River, kicking these heads and urinating into the Armored Cavalrymen’s helmets.
Chen Yang could never forget this humiliation.

The fire was blazing, but the moon was cold.


Neighing of horses.

Cries of falcons.

More and more people fell. Armored hooves trampled across tents. After the raging fire came the
endless ashes. The Hanshe Tribe that had been fearsome in the desert for thirty years turned into
mud in this one night, bearing the full weight of Libei’s fury that had been boiling for a very long

The fires before the golden tent collapsed together. The forehead chain of Amu’er’s gemstone
broke as Langli Blade advanced. Meanwhile, the Hongying banner that was a symbol of an all-
powerful strong tribe finally toppled over in the burning. Xiao Chiye’s figure blocked out the
sight of it all.

In taking them by storm, Xiao Chiye forced Amu’er to lose all his routes of retreat. He shouted
loudly in the raging inferno, “Amu’er!”

Amu’er took the blow from his blade with some difficulty. Dripping sweat dampened his eyes as
Xiao Chiye closed in on him.

The more Xiao Chiye fought, the more valiant he was. His unbridled, untamed nature came from
the grasslands. Only the mother earth of the Hongyan Mountains could beget such a man. Sweat
mixed in with his soaring battle spirit. His eyes were just as dazzlingly bright as the glints and
flashes of his blade, a blade which contained a blazing sun within.

Amu’er was tired out from the fierce battle. His scimitar was already slow to react, and it finally
slipped from his hand when Xiao Chiye launched yet another violent attack.

The moon thinned out, and the color of the night dimmed. Day was about to break.

Amu’er’s gemstone tumbled to his feet, where the yellow sand beneath was soaked with blood.
He tilted his head up. There were very few left of the saker falcons in the firmament.

“The heavenly gods have been kind to the heroic eagle.” Amu’er suddenly raised his right arm
high and let out a last roar towards the remnants of the desert. “I, Amu’er, have ruled the Six
Tribes for twenty years and reached the inner parts of Da Zhou. I have not let the Hongying
banner down. The Chashi River we yearned for even in our dreams—”
Langli Blade came cleaving down right at Amu’er’s head, and Amu’er used his arm that had an
arm guard to block the blow.

“—The Chashi River we yearned for even in our dreams,” In the interval, Amu’er laughed
heartily without inhibition at Xiao Chiye and said resolutely, “Xiao Chiye, twenty years later, the
Heroic Eagle of the desert will once again still fly over Hongyan Mountains. You kill me, kill us,
but you can’t kill all the eagles of the desert! Twenty years, forty years,” The arm guard made a
cracking sound under the blade. Amu’er continued in a quiet, solemn voice, “the desert shall one
day welcome its true ruler!”

At the same time Xiao Chiye exerted pressure on his blade, he bellowed, “Twenty years, forty
years, the wolves of Libei will always be stationed on the line of defenses. Bring it on!” With
eyes reddened, he said somberly, “This time, next time, I’ll be waiting for you people on the
banks of the Chashi River. The Twelve Tribes will never stride across the Chashi River!”

Amu’er’s arm guard broke off completely. Following right after, the blade cut through it like a
hot knife through butter and ended his shouts face on.

Duo’erlan’s sobs came to an abrupt halt, and then she let loose a heartbreaking wail. She
clambered to her feet, but stepped on the hem of her skirt and fell to the ground. She clambered
up again, clutching the dagger as she rushed towards Xiao Chiye.

The swift wind swept through the flying sand, and the blade suddenly pointed right in the center
of Duo’erlan’s brows.

Duo’erlan’s hair scattered all over her body. She stopped before the blade, the tears in her eyes
streaming incessantly while she trembled all over. Finally, she gritted her teeth and spat in
abhorrence, “Kill me! Xiao Chiye, kill me!”

The beads of blood on Langli Blade dripped in the center of Duo’erlan’s brows and weaved into
her tears, obscuring this face of hers.

The first rays of the morning sun at the end of the sky pierced through the darkness, and the thin
light of dawn spread over the barren sands. Xiao Chiye’s armor radiated with subtle light. He
lifted his chin slightly, and sweat trickled down. To Duo’erlan, he said, “The Libei Armored
Cavalry do not kill women.”

Duo’erlan’s teeth chattered—that was hatred. Here she stood, but even her dignity of dying in
battle was deprived by Xiao Chiye!

“Get on your horse and get out of this expanse of desert land. In the future, the west of
Mosanchuan belongs to Libei. If the Twelve Tribes dare to overstep the boundary line by even
one step without my command,” Xiao Chiye’s blade shifted down and jabbed heavily into the
ground before Duo’erlan’s feet, as if to draw an insurmountable chasm here, “the severe frost
will slaughter the Twelve Tribes clean.”
The wolf banner of Libei fluttered in the blue dome of heaven. Xiao Chiye’s side profile was
frosty and solemn. This was the last remaining mercy the King of Wolves had. His battle blade
slew the heroes of Biansha, while his Armored Cavalry passed through silently like the severe
frost. Behind him stood the never-changing Hongyan Mountains.

Amu’er once massacred the six prefectures. That was not being powerful. Massacre was a kind
of cowardice and weakness. The truly strong ones dared to face up to the encroachment of the
years. From now on, Libei was no longer alone. Xiao Chiye had the strongest backing in the
world. He was the most unstoppable blade in the world.

Duo’erlan slid to her knees on the ground and bawled out loud.

Xiao Chiye kept his blade away into its sheath. No longer looking at Duo’erlan, he turned around
and got on his horse, facing the countless Libei Armored Cavalrymen.

“We won…” someone said softly.

Xiao Chiye’s back was to the sunrise. At the very moment when the sun shone in all its glorious
radiance, he looked just like the day he scored a victory in his first battle at fourteen years of age
—although covered in dirt and dust all over, the expression in his eyes was unyielding and

He cracked his horsewhip and laughed out loud heartily amidst the caresses of the intense wind.
“A resounding victory!”

The Libei King of Wolves!

Emotions swelled in Lu Guangbai’s heart as he watched Xiao Chiye ride his horse. That kind of
indescribable pride was very much like the moment when the Four Generals of Xiande stepped
across the border.

A war general was loyal to the land. The Four Generals of Yongyi3 had retired, and the Four
Generals of Xiande4 were worn out. The era of traitors and treacherous subjects was about to
end, and the new brave generals would inevitably follow close on Xiao Chiye’s heel and emerge
from among the mountains and rivers.

“Aye,” Lu Guangbai hugged the hilt of his blade in his arms and chased a few steps after Xiao
Chiye, shouting, “We don’t have horses!”

The Libei Armored Cavalry galloped in the great desert, the bursts of the men’s hearty laughter
reverberating through the skies. The dark clouds when they came turned into spring thunder5 on
their homeward journey.

Meng whirled and soared, breaking through that layer of white clouds.

Home was just right ahead.

◈ ◈ ◈

The news of victory arrived in Qudu only two months later. It was a snowy day, and Shen
Zechuan, who was in the warmed hall, jolted to his feet. The advisors on both sides stood up as

“Whoa, we won!” Yu Xiaozai slapped his thigh in his joy. “I knew it. Second Master is
invincible in battle. No problem at all!”

Gao Zhongxiong’s face lit up with delight, and he hurriedly said, “I, I’ll write up the news of
victory! This battle is going to go down in history!”

Owing to the bitterly cold weather, Yao Wenyu rarely showed up these days. Shen Zechuan had
urgently summoned Jiran into the capital, and Jiran was still on the way. On hearing the word
“history”, Yao Wenyu suppressed his cough and traded glances with Kong Ling beside him.

Kong Ling gave a slight nod of his head. “Qudu has no master now. To welcome back Second
Master, we will still have to make preparations early.”

The advisors were all in good spirits. Only Shen Zechuan turned to the side and asked softly, “Is
Ce’an well?”

Fei Sheng had long inquired about it. He reported back softly too, “Don’t worry, Master. Second
Master is fine!”

Shen Zechuan felt a little reassured. There were green and luxuriant potted plants in the warmed
hall that Zhou Gui’s wife had sent over. Shen Zechuan gazed at them for a moment. Surprisingly
enough, he had the impulse to cut a branch and hide it in his bosom.

It was already the hour of xu when the gentlemen left. The hanging screen at the door rose and
fell. Yao Wenyu, however, picked up the teacup and unhurriedly stirred aside the tea froth. His
sickly appearance was all the more obvious when he was deep in thought. On his return to Qudu,
Yuanzhuo did not meet with his old friends, nor did he return to the former residence of the Yao

Shen Zechuan looked at the documents on his desk. “You said this morning that you wanted to
go and see Xue Xiuzhuo?”

It was very quiet inside and outside the warmed hall, so quiet that they could only hear the sound
of snow falling. Gazing at the rising and falling tea froth in the teacup, Yao Wenyu answered,
“We are both men on our deathbeds. I ought to see him.”

Shen Zechuan averted his gaze. No matter how self-possessed and composed he was, he had to
feel emotionally moved by these words.
Yao Wenyu did not drink the tea. He looked to the window where the dim light of the lantern
was seeping through. Shadows of the snow drifted down gently, a piece at a time.

“It’s the new year.” Yao Wenyu smiled. “Your Lordship, may your new year be a smooth-sailing

◈ ◈ ◈

Xue Xiuzhuo was locked up in the Ministry of Justice’s prison. The hair he had bundled up into
a bun was tidy and in order. Even without that layer of official robe, he still maintained his usual

When Yao Wenyu’s wheelchair arrived, Xue Xiuzhuo set down his chopsticks he was using for
his meal, not in the least bit surprised as he looked at him through the door. “It’s cold in the first
lunar month. Has Shen Zechuan sent people to clean up the streets?”

Yao Wenyu turned his wheelchair. There was no snow covering his shoulders. “The Imperial
Army has their own arrangements,” he answered.

Xue Xiuzhuo held his knees and looked squarely at Yao Wenyu. They both once lived in each
other’s shadows. In the first half of their lives, Xue Xiuzhuo was that nameless blade. In the
latter half, Yao Wenyu was that shattered jade.

“The snow on the mountain at the beginning of spring has melted,” Xue Xiuzhuo said.
“Teacher’s burial mound isn’t well-positioned; see if you can fix it.”

“You reside permanently in Qudu,” Yao Wenyu said. “Didn’t you go and take a look?”

Xue Xiuzhuo’s straightened spine was left cooling in the flying snow behind him. He truthfully
answered, “I didn’t dare to go.”

Silence blanketed the cell.

Yao Wenyu lowered his eyes, looking as if he was slightly smiling. He set the white chess piece
he had been grasping in his palm on the table and soundlessly pushed it toward Xue Xiuzhuo in
the dimness.

Xue Xiuzhuo gazed at that particular chess piece. In the long, endless silence, he seemed to have
heard the sound of rain on Mount Bodhi.

“Many years ago,” Xue Xiuzhuo’s voice was calm. “Teacher did not look at me through the
noble clan’s prejudiced lens of those of lawful and common birth and promoted me into the
imperial court to serve as an official. I read Qi Huilian’s essays on contemporary politics and
learned just how vast the world was. There was a kind of people called ‘court officials’. They
busied themselves running around the various lands of Da Zhou, becoming indispensable pillars
of Da Zhou. During the reign of Yongyi when Qi Huilian was imprisoned, Teacher lingered
many times at the watchtower that accorded him a view of Zhaozui Temple. I asked him what he
was looking at, and he answered he was looking at the last ‘official’ in this world. I found it
strange then, because Qi Huilian might be one, but so was he. Then the reign of Xiande came
around, and many a number of us died to collect evidence of Hua Siqian’s guilt. The officials,
the functionaries… all of these people were loyal subjects from the local regions, and they
basically all died out.”

Xue Xiuzhuo thought of these for way too long, so long he grew numb and developed a heart of
stone. He would no longer cry inconsolably in the middle of the night. He respected Hai Liangyi
so much, but the reality was too cruel.

“These people have no graves, no tombs. They all died in the tussle for power between factions,
their existences wiped away clean with a wave of the noble clans’ sleeves.” Xue Xiuzhuo’s eyes
were emotionless. “The remonstration at the hunting grounds during the reign of Xiande was the
hope of countless people whose names you have never heard of. We took down Hua Siqian, but
Teacher did not continue to push on.”

As such, the empress dowager survived, and the noble clans remained indestructible. When Li
Jianheng ascended to the throne, Xue Xiuzhuo had the thought to assist him too, but Li Jianheng
could not shoulder the heavy responsibility at all.

What exactly was Hai Liangyi persevering for?

Xue Xiuzhuo did not understand. He stood at the fork in the road, no longer willing to follow Hai
Liangyi. He could not see the light in this path.

“Even until today,” Xue Xiuzhuo raised his eyes, “I still do not approve of Teacher’s path. No
one can convince me in this game, and you can’t either, Yuanzhuo.”

Yao Wenyu turned his wheelchair around and made his way out of the cell.

Xue Xiuzhuo said as he looked at Yao Wenyu’s back, “Heaven beget me, Xue Xiuzhuo, so take
my life, call me what you will. Between you and me, who has won? I was merely defeated. My
master was born at the wrong time and lost to Shen Zechuan. It was her timing that was wrong,
not her fate.”

Yao Wenyu’s wheelchair braked to a stop. He did not look back but merely just turned his head
aside a little in the shadows to enunciate, word for word, “Timing. Fate. Luck.”

The cell door shut with a “clang”, completely separating them on the sides between light and

Yao Wenyu pushed his wheelchair along the narrow passage. When he neared the front door, he
suddenly started choking and coughing. The light at the entrance was dim. Yao Wenyu held on
to the handles of his wheelchair, gradually losing sight of what lay ahead amidst his gasps for

The warden at the side cried out in alarm.

Timing, fate, luck—none of which is within my control.6

Yao Wenyu’s fingers made a weak, despairing grab at empty air ahead of him as he toppled

When Yao Wenyu woke, it was in a room lit with a dim lamp.

Shen Zechuan watched over him at the side and said softly, “Jiran and Songyue are about to
arrive. Have a chat with me as we wait for them.”

Yao Wenyu looked at the draped curtains and also answered in a soft voice, “I had Songyue go
to Mount Bodhi and plant a Bodhi tree there to wait for me.”

Shen Zechuan lowered his eyes, his eyes stinging hotly as if the tears would fall if he so much as
blinked again.

“The winter really is long,” Yao Wenyu said in melancholy. “Before I entered the capital, I
thought I might be able to wait until the flowers on Mount Bodhi bloomed.”

“Wait for a little longer,” Shen Zechuan implored him despondently. In that instant, his voice
grew hoarse. “Yuanzhuo.”

Yao Wenyu did not answer. He coughed again, and this time, blood soaked his handkerchief. He
could no longer hide it.

After a moment of silence, he said, “The census registers in Juexi have been implemented for
many years. Jiang Qingshan is a good official. Lanzhou, retain him. That’s the father and mother
of Juexi. Commander-in-chief Qi dared to refuse to send troops for the sake of world stability.
With her as a prince, you can get the Qidong Five Commanderies to pledge allegiance to you.
Although Fei Sheng might have some minor flaws, he’s still a talent you can use. Let him back
to Duanzhou, and Duanzhou’s safety can be assured with Yin Chang’s stone monument there.
Chengfeng…” Yao Wenyu’s breathing grew heavier. “Chengfeng initially meant to retire after
achieving our goals… I’ve already left him a letter… Lanzhou, the new emperor cannot be
without a strategic advisor. With Chengfeng’s insights, talents and learning, he… can help you
secure your hold on the empire when I’m gone…”

Yao Wenyu was drenched all over in sweat, as if his illness was acting up again; even his
complexion was turning white. He raised his hand and grabbed hold of Shen Zechuan’s sleeve.

“This empire…” Yao Wenyu made to get up. Both of his eyes reddened as he took his last
remaining breaths, “…you have to take the throne! Xun-er is too y-young… It’s not his time
Shen Zechuan held Yao Wenyu’s hands back and said slowly in the candlelight, “I’m not cut out
to be an emperor.”

“You are an overlord, the valiant overlord of the empire.” Yao Wenyu said firmly. “You can
hand over the empire in the future to come, but at this time, only you, Shen Lanzhou, can sit on
the throne! Overturn the old cases and redress the injustices suffered… Pass a new judgment on
Shen Wei…” As he gasped for breath, his voice broke, and that clear, jade-like tinkling voice of
his turned raspy. Even as he spoke, he was still hastily coughing up blood. “Lanzhou… you’re
open and aboveboard…”

Shen Zechuan’s tears gushed forth. His lips quivered. He couldn’t even say a word.

“Once Ce’an re… returns…” Yao Wenyu tightened his grip, “You will have nothing to worry
about… I wrote some papers half a year ago. All the yamen in the various territories are included
in it, along with some on my humble… opinions of the governance of the people in the eight
cities… Take them… From now on…”

Borrowing on Shen Zechuan’s strength as the latter supported him, Yao Wenyu suddenly
coughed out blood. The splotches of red strains seeped into his sleeves and robe. Not even
wiping his blood anymore, he exerted himself with some difficulty to pull the corners of his

“…The empire and state are in your hands.”

The burden that Hai Liangyi unloaded, Yao Wenyu shouldered. He did not follow the others’
paths; he was his own practitioner. No matter how this world was going to evaluate him, he was
still that banished immortal who came riding his donkey.

All his life Yao Yuanzhuo never joined the imperial court as an official—that, he accomplished;
Yao Wenyu wanted to fulfill his teacher’s wish, and that, he accomplished too. He came to this
world naked, and it did not matter if he was broken.

Other than Qiao Tianya, he owed no other.

“If only we could have met earlier…”

Yao Wenyu gazed at the window, where the colored silk ball that he had still yet to throw away
was hanging. He smiled wearily and moved his hand with the red thread.

“… Ah.”

Qiao Tianya spurred his horse on and galloped through the heavy snow. With his seven-stringed
zither on his back, he broke through the fence and tumbled off his horse under the jeers of the
Imperial Army. Fei Sheng came over to help him up. He pushed Fei Sheng away and clambered
to his feet in the snow. His gaze passed through the long, long corridor, and he saw that the light
at the end had gone out.
Qiao Tianya walked a few steps and tripped over the steps. It was here he fell, and all of a
sudden, his shoulders trembled. He looked up at the heavy snow, laughing even as his face was
awash in tears.

“… Fucking Heaven! You made a fool of me… and trampled over me…” Qiao Tianya cried
uncontrollably. “And I bore it all…”

Why do this to him again?

Qiao Tianya raised his arms and pulled off the seven-stringed zither off his back.

Fei Sheng strode over to stop him, calling out in an urgent voice, “Qiao—”

But it was already too late.

Qiao Tianya abruptly raised his seven-stringed zither high and smashed it down on the steps. The
strings of the seven-stringed zither he had cherished all his life snapped. Then the body of the
zither cracked and broke into two halves that fell into the snow.

The snowstorm obscured Qiao Tianya’s eyes. His untrammeled hair fluttered in the air. With the
breakage of the seven-stringed zither, his heart died, too.

“Since there is no Yao Yuanzhuo in this world,” Qiao Tianya slowly closed his eyes, as if
mocking this absurd arrangement, “then the Qiao Songyue of it is dead.”

Fei Sheng chased after Qiao Tianya and asked in the heavy snow, “Where are you going?”

Qiao Tianya did not answer. As he turned around, he undid the sword laden with past gratitude
and grudges and stumbled towards the incoming path ahead.

The horse carriage came to a stop. Jiran made his way out under the screen of the carriage and
trotted over to catch up with Qiao Tianya. He clapped his hands and expounded the teachings of
Buddha in a child-like voice, “Attachments I have not of all in the secular world, so bothered I
am not by them all around me. Benefactor, the path ahead has not the hardships of life, only the
enlightenment of you. A snap of Buddha’s fingers, and the past is all ashes and smoke.”

Qiao Tianya looked as though he did not hear him. Jiran followed him, and those pairs of big and
small sleeves fluttered in the wind. Together, they disappeared amongst the heavy snow.

Boundless is the sky in the pure land, untainted by worldly concerns.7

◈ ◈ ◈

Shen Zechuan alone guarded the snow-capped eaves, sitting from nightfall until the beckoning of
dawn. He heard the sound of snow falling from the eaves. Time seemed to have frozen. He had
finally returned to Qudu, from where he gazed at the sky, the past still vivid in his mind.
“Do you know why that year,” Shen Zechuan hugged his overcoat and said slowly, “I agreed to
Ce’an’s request to put on the earring?”

Fei Sheng, who was standing very far behind him, answered, “Because Master and Second
Master have a great relationship.”

Shen Zechuan raised his hand to break off the plum blossom blocking his way. “… Because I
know someone would leave, and those who disappear amidst the heavy snow would never, ever
come back again… except for Ce’an.”

Xiao Chiye’s putting on of the earring for Lanzhou was an explicit expression of his dominance
which concealed his affection and love. Every time he cupped Lanzhou’s face, his gaze was
always so scorching hot and blazingly passionate. This was love that could never waver, desire
that could never be concealed.

Shen Zechuan’s wearing of the earring that Ce’an gave was similarly a declaration of possession,
that he still had tenderness amidst his pain and ruthlessness. This was his gentleness, one that he
only gave to Xiao Ce’an.

Fei Sheng did not dare to go too close. After Yuanzhuo and Songyue left one after another, it
was rare for Shen Zechuan to show such a mild and genial expression. Shen Zechuan was
already standing at the peak of the world. Even if he had yet to wear the crown, he was different
from when he was still in Zhongbo. This difference was not because Shen Zechuan or Fei Sheng
had changed, but because the place had changed. It was as if even the stairs in this imperial
capital that had towered for centuries possessed the power to intimidate.

Fei Sheng racked his brain to coax him. “Master, Princess Consort Xiao and Hereditary
Prince are already on the way. They will be able to enter the capital in a few more days.”

Shen Zechuan uttered his acknowledgment. Fei Sheng stood in silence.

Sometime later, Shen Zechuan rubbed away the plum blossom he had plucked off. The juice of
those fragile and delicate petals dampened the pulps of his fingers. At the same time he lowered
his eyes, he took the handkerchief. Squishy noises suddenly sounded from the snow-covered
ground. Shen Zechuan had yet to open his mouth when the top of his head was suddenly covered
by an overcoat.

Shen Zechuan was momentarily stunned. Subsequently, he was picked up in someone’s arms,
and the motion revealed a gap in the overcoat. The back of his head was held down, and then he
was kissed squarely on the lips.

Fragments of snow landed on the top of Shen Zechuan’s nose, but it was all hot between his

Xiao Chiye pulled off the overcoat and laughed. “I—”

Shen Zechuan yanked hard on Xiao Chiye’s fur collar. He turned and lowered his head, almost
crashing onto his lips.

The travel-worn Xiao Chiye promptly tightened his arms around Lanzhou, holding him so tightly
the latter could barely catch his breath.

Shen Zechuan pulled away a little and whispered, “I—”

Xiao Chiye covered the back of Lanzhou’s head and kissed him again, throwing all his pining
over the few months they were separated into the kiss. He showed his true colors after a moment
of masking it and kissed Lanzhou until the tip of Lanzhou’s tongue went numb.

Xiao Chiye had long legs and great strength, so it was not at all a strain for him to hug Shen
Zechuan in such a way. Shen Zechuan’s head was already pushing into the branch of plum
blossoms, and the snow on it fell for all it was worth and dropped onto both men’s napes. It was
so freezing cold they both shivered in unison.

“Man, Qudu is rather cold,” Xiao Chiye lamented.

“You’re rather hot yourself,” Shen Zechuan answered.

The snow on Xiao Chiye’s neck slid down along his back. It was so icy cold he wanted to suck
in a breath, but he could not bear to part with the man before him, unwilling as he was to let go.
All he could do was hop a few times with Shen Zechuan in tow.

With this hop, Shen Zechuan really went right up among the plum blossom branches. For a
moment, all the chunks of snow and pieces of flowers came tumbling down, cloaking both men
with snow all over their heads and shoulders.

“Xiao’er!” Shen Zechuan pressed haphazardly on Xiao Chiye’s face.

Xiao Chiye’s vision was obstructed, and as he took a few steps back, he fell over into the thick
pile of snow. Puffs of snow sprayed onto Shen Zechuan’s face. With his chest heaving, Xiao
Chiye cupped Lanzhou’s cheek and craned his neck for another mouthful.

“My eldest brother wanted me to stay for a few days in Dajing. I threw off the blanket in the
middle of the night and ran away.” The teeth that Xiao Chiye exposed appeared unusually sharp.
“He is certain to enter the capital in a few days to beat me up.”

“Did you come via the Northeast Provisions Bridle Path?” Shen Zechuan suddenly clasped hold
of Xiao Chiye’s wrist and pressed in closer to ask, “Didn’t you see Eldest Sister-in-law and Xun-
er on the way here?”

“I did.” The center of Xiao Chiye’s eyebrows arched up slightly. “But my horse is fast, and it
overtook them right there and then on the spot.”
Xiao Xun, who was still on the bumpy ride over, leaned over the window.

“What are you looking at?” Lu Guangbai asked.

Xiao Xun expressionlessly pointed at the road ahead. “Second Uncle said he’ll be right back
after taking a piss.”

The row of guards before them simultaneously let loose a “pffft” sound.

Lu Guangbai patted Xiao Xun’s head and said, “Your Second Uncle is a jerk, and the words of a
jerk cannot be trusted.”

Lu Yizhi, who was powdering her face inside the carriage, pulled open the curtain with a
“swish”. Cutting an imposing figure as she pointed ahead, she commanded, “Charge. Charge
quickly. Even if we can’t catch up with that brat, we have to make it in time for his dinner!”

Xiao Chiye ran fast, but he still ended up taking a beating from his eldest brother in Qudu.
Surprisingly enough, it was Ji Gang whose heart ached a little and subsequently whisked him

◈ ◈ ◈

A few days later, Shen Zechuan organized the documents on his desk. With a brush dipped in
ink, he narrated on the blank papers. Under the light of the lamp, he looked back upon the past in
the reigning silence and finally straightened out everything that had transpired after the Da Zhou
reign of Yongyi.

“During the reign of Yongyi, the Grand Mentor entered the imperial court thrice to serve as an
official and assisted the Crown Prince in implementing the census registers.” Xiao Chiye took
Shen Zechuan’s hand from behind and wrote it down with him.

In his game of chess with the noble clans, Qi Huilian suffered a defeat because of Qiao
Kanghai’s betrayal. Ji Lei and Shen Wei acted under the empress dowager’s orders and forced
the Crown Prince to his death at Zhaozui Temple. Since then, Qi Huilian feigned insanity and
was imprisoned in Zhaozui Temple. The Eastern Palace’s lineage was thus completely severed.

Later, Shen Wei suspected that the empress dowager was going to get rid of him after he had
outlived his usefulness. After repeated days of turning and tossing, Shen Wei spent a huge sum
of money to bribe Pan Rugui and gained himself the opportunity to be assigned out of the capital
to Zhongbo.

In the same year, in order to save everyone in the Qiao clan, Shao Chengbi exploited the
advantage accorded to him by his own position and stole the military map of Zhongbo as a gift to
Shen Wei. But Shen Wei did not keep his word, resulting in the property confiscation and
eventual execution of Qiao Kanghai, as well as the fall of the Shao clan.
Shao Chengbi’s life was saved by Chen Zhen, and the Old Matriarch Shao8 sent Fengquan away.
From then on, Shao Chengbi concealed his identity and lived incognito in Qudu, waiting for the
right opportunity.

Shen Wei arrived in Zhongbo, and in order to preserve his life, he passed on the military
topographical map of the Zhongbo six prefectures to Amu’er as a gift, at the same time he was
contacting Amu’er on behalf of the noble clans. In the process of contending for Gedale, he
killed his wife, Bai Cha, for Amu’er.

In the third year of the reign of Xiande, Juexi was hit with a drought, and Provincial
Administration Commissioner, Jiang Qingshan, ended up owing a huge debt of tens of thousands
of taels. At the risk of being charged with a capital crime punishable by death, he opened the
granaries and distributed the grains to provide aid relief to the people.

In the same year, Deputy Grand Secretary Hai Liangyi joined forces with Chief Supervising
Secretary of the Ministry of Revenue, Xue Xiuzhuo, and the others from the practical doers
faction in the various regions to call Hua Siqian to account. Hua Siqian’s attempts to ask the
noble clans for money fell through. Subsequently, he took a risk out of desperation with Wei
Huaigu and used Shen Wei’s evasion of war as an opportunity to open up the line of defense at
Zhongbo Chashi River to let the Biansha Cavalry into the territory.

When Xiao Chiye wrote to this point, his eyebrows creased slightly into a frown. As he dipped
the brush in ink, he said, “In evading the battles, Shen Wei actually was the noble clans’
scapegoat. It’d have been better for him to throw in with Amu’er at that time. To date, I still
can’t figure out why he set himself on fire.”

“I originally did not understand it either.” Shen Zechuan turned his head aside to look at Xiao
Chiye. “It was only when Chengfeng re-organized the Shen clan’s genealogical record that I
found the reason—the most obvious reason.”

Xiao Chiye looked at Shen Zechuan.

Shen Zechuan coughed out the three words, “Shen Zhouji.”

Xiao Chiye understood it in a flash. “…That was indeed obvious.”

In order to avoid war back then, Shen Wei and Hereditary Prince, Shen Zhouji, strangled the
Dunzhou Commander, Tantai Long, to death. Even if they returned to Qudu again, they would
be convicted of a crime. He had meant to defect to Amu’er, but Amu’er’s cavalry lassoed Shen
Zhouji behind the horses and dragged him to his death on the public roads.

Shen Wei was an abandoned pawn that both sides discarded. He had no future, no way out of his

“Then, in the fourth year of Xiande,” Xiao Chiye pressed his chin down on the center of Shen
Zechuan’s hair, “our Lanzhou entered the capital.”
In that instant, the past replayed as if it were yesterday.

Shen Zechuan entered the capital alone, and at the same time, Xiao Jiming, who had rendered
meritorious military service, was forced to hand over Xiao Chiye.

The mad dog crushed by hatred and the vicious dog bound with shackles tore into each other in
the gloomy rain of Qudu. The metallic taste of blood saturated each other’s mouths, so hot it
blazed like fire.

Qudu molded and forged Shen Lanzhou and Xiao Ce’an. They were back-to-back blade and
shield, and they were also face-to-face passion and desire.

Day was breaking. Xiao Chiye heard the distant toll of the bell. He stroked Shen Zechuan’s
temple and said with certainty, “From today onwards, my Lanzhou is the common ruler of all in
the world. The 560,000 troops in the empire are all under your command. Enter and exit the
ceremonial hall and the palace as you please. I, Xiao Ce’an, shall stand in the front hall with my
blade in hand to watch over the heroes from all over on your behalf.”

Shen Zechuan tilted his head up, and Xiao Chiye raised the emperor crown with the dangling
tassels of beads9 and secured it for him on his head. That deep red robe was adorned with dark
gold rims. Once again, Xiao Chiye touched the red jade bead earring on Shen Zechuan’s right

Kong Ling, who was outside the hall, knocked thrice on the door.

“And so the hidden blade of talent returns to its sheath.” Shen Zechuan’s expression was a little
indolent. The pulp of his fingers nudged up along the side of Xiao Chiye’s arm before grasping
hold of Xiao Chiye’s chin. He pulled it close, but instead of kissing him, he whispered, “Who
made this prince robe of yours?”

Xiao Chiye whispered back, “My secret lover.”

Shen Zechuan laughed. He took half a step back and stood side by side with Xiao Chiye in front
of the doors. At the very instant the doors opened, Xiao Chiye lifted his hand and gently pushed
Shen Zechuan in the back of his waist.

Shen Zechuan strode out and saw the blue dome of heaven awakening. Between the layers and
layers of eaves, the former subordinates of the three territories of Zhongbo, Libei, and Qidong all
kneeled to the ground. Kong Ling raised the imperial jade seal and took the lead to say, “Long

“Long live, Your Majesty!” Everyone present shouted reverently in unison.

The new sun promptly made an appearance. Rays of light burst through between the eaves and
the dangling beads to shine upon Shen Zechuan’s face. Shen Zechuan was so dazzling amongst
the masses of his subjects no one could look at him directly. He saw the sun rise in the east,
heard the wind chimes stirring in the wind, and in that very instant, all sorts of emotions
overwhelmed him.

◈ ◈ ◈

Shen Zechuan erected a new Cangyun Pavilion at the former site of Yulong Terrace. On the left,
he set up a civil minister registry, with the names of Qi Huilian, Hai Liangyi, and Yao Wenyu
leading the various officials. On the right was the military general register, where the names of
Xiao Fangxu, Xiao Jiming, Qi Zhuyin, Lu Guangbai, and Yin Chang were recorded for all
posterity. At the end of those neatly arranged portraits were the images of two men of equal
standing in the hierarchy.

From then on, all hostilities of war came to an end, and peace ensued. “Jing”10was chosen as the
title of the reigning dynasty, with Shen Zechuan kicking off the “first year of Chunsheng”.11

On this one day, a merry feast was held in the palace. Zhou Gui, who had been simple-hearted
and inarticulate for half of his life, was drunk in front of the hall. As he indulged to his heart’s
content, he struck the chopsticks in his hand against the wine cup and sang, “from the vast blue
sky the egret comes, of waters boundless amongst the mist.”

Midway through, he sighed with emotions and shed tears. Holding Kong Ling’s hands, he said,
“After this, I alone will guard Cizhou. You will be here as your chancellor in white…”12 Having
said to this point, he totally disregarded his dignity and burst out crying. “Oh, how difficult this
journey has been. Chengfeng, I’m too happy!”

At the side, Fei Sheng lifted his wine cup and clinked cups with them. With a smile, he said, “I
will return together with Your Excellency to Duanzhou and be my ‘loyal and courageous’

They burst out laughing, then put their heads together and sobbed.

Wiping his tears, Fei Sheng said, “Blast it. Once I’m gone, who’s going to take care of

“His Lord…” Tantai Hu wiped his tears too and corrected himself in a gruff voice, “With my
Second Master assuming personal command in the capital, not even a fly can get close to His
Majesty. The frick you’re worried for?!”

On hearing them, Gao Zhongxiong suddenly started bawling.

“The heck with you?!” Yu Xiaozai hurriedly asked him. “You’re not leaving anyway!”

“I thought of Yuanzhuo.” Gao Zhongxiong covered his face and wiped his tears. He bowed to
Tantai Hu. “Yuanzhuo wanted me to give Hunu to you. You, you must treat it well!”
“Fuck.” Tantai Hu wiped his face again, but said with a solemn expression, “I understand Mister
Yuanzhuo’s intent. I have a bad temper. By giving me the cat, it’d be like seeing him whenever I
see it in the future, and I’ll think thrice before I act and won’t dare to be reckless.”

Huo Lingyun downed several cups of wine and said in a quiet voice, “I wonder where
Commander Qiao has gone…”

“After Qiao Tianya left, Master sealed Yang Shan Xue away in a chest. This kindness is
enough!” Fei Sheng forced himself to cheer up and asked, “Say, why are Master and Second
Master missing?”

◈ ◈ ◈

The emperor crown did not fall off, but the dangling beads collided against one another, making
an intriguing rocking and swaying sound in the darkness. The throne was mind-blowingly high;
it was the most unattainable place in the world far beyond anyone’s reach. Shen Zechuan was
pinned onto it, his head tilted back.

Sweat intermingled. At every thrust, the jade earring would swing.

Moonlight that shone through the window paved only the ground before the steps. Shen
Zechuan’s gaze melted in the darkness. His robe had not been pried off him. He reached out his
hands and clenched the robe on Xiao Chiye’s back tightly.

This was the most formal and solemn place in the world, and the most coveted position of all in
the world. But Shen Zechuan did not care, and neither did Xiao Chiye.

That blazing, scalding sensual sensation extended all the way down to the toes.

The wolf on Xiao Chiye’s back was hurting from being scratched, but he loved this pain.

It was here Shen Zechuan melted as Xiao Chiye held his jade earring in his mouth. All he could
do was struggle to squint his expressive eyes. Time after time, he called out “A-Ye”, ignorant of
the gravity of his actions.

Xiao Chiye braced himself against the back of the throne with his hand and trapped Lanzhou in
the crooks of his arms. Biting him, he let loose a chuckle amid the roughness of his motions and
responded, “… Lanzhou.”

He secured both of Shen Zechuan’s hands in place.


Oh, Lanzhou.
The crown among Shen Zechuan’s hair finally fell off and tumbled down the throne, the
dangling beads “tinkling” as it rolled along the steps. Shen Zechuan liked this sound. Xiao Chiye
sniffed at him, displaying a hint of aroused ruthlessness at this close distance. “Got you

Shen Zechuan’s fingertips that could still move slid around the area between Xiao Chiye’s thumb
and index finger, as if in compliment and encouragement.

Shen Zechuan was so dangerous and deadly. His slightly dazed and disoriented eyes clung to the
side of Xiao Chiye’s cheek, seemingly hidden in the shadow of the alpha wolf. This was Xiao
Chiye’s jade earring.

Both men trampled on power underfoot, crushing it as they reveled in this long-awaited feverish
passion. All those strife were too far off to be visible.

From now on, they had each other to depend on.

Through weal and woe.

Till time eternal.

Author’s Note:
On the whole, the story adopts the Ming system. The local government system has been
simplified down to the jurisdiction of the prefectural yamen (or office, a form of the
administrative division headed by the prefectural prefect), with the clerks (also known in here as
the functionaries) of the Qing system thrown into the mix and with the role of the group of
advisors and aides emphasized. I’ve slacked off on many details that need closer study, so they
are not all that rigorous. In writing the plot, my enjoyment takes precedence first and foremost.
My estimation for the length of the story was wrong every time, and it took longer than I thought
to tie it all up for the conclusion. I was wrapping up when there was only a page left in the story
outline. It was laborious to write in-depth with the various threads in a jumble, and deciding
between going into detail or simplifying it was another problem. Often, I felt I can finish it in one
go, but when I really started writing, it felt like it was still a long way off. I tried my best to
restrain the melodrama in the later stages when the characters step offstage, and I didn’t rehash
all the hints of foreshadowing I’ve dropped before, but I’m still not that satisfied. I received a lot
of suggestions during the serialization. Thank you very much.
And thank you for the ten months of companionship.

Lianyin’s Note:
Ten(10) months for the serialization of the novel, twenty-nine(29) months for the translation. :V
There will be some extras next (which the author posted on her Weibo before), and then it’ll be
editing time to clean up the translation, revise and standardize terms, weed out typos, improve
parts I feel are still lacking, etc. The final version will be based on the Traditional Chinese
version which will probably be released toward the end of this year. So until then, your patience
and understanding are still much appreciated! Also, feel free to poke me if you have any
suggestions or feedback. Last but not least, thank you for putting up with me/us all this time and
for joining the Cezhou ride! (𓁹‿𓁹)

Jia’s Note:
Hope everyone had a good time following Cezhou’s story! <3 Joining this tl made me realize
how much more I have to go in my tl journey, so thank you everyone for putting up with any
inadequacies on my part. Let’s all give lianyin a big hug and kiss hehehehe see you in the extras!

Note:The last part is the uncensored version combined with newly added text in the censored
version. As mentioned before, final version will be based on the Traditional Chinese copy when
it is released.


1. Hanshe is a tribe that takes the snake as its totem. The Biansha Tribes’ names are based
on animals. For a list, you can refer to the worldmap guide
2. 玉带 literally jade belt, or belts made of jade worn by high-level government officials in
the course of duty. It’s also a term in Fengshui where the road surrounds the building,
much like how the jade belt embraces the waist of the wealthy in graceful semicircular
3. Four Great Generals (Reign of Yongyi): Xiao Fangxu, Lu Pingyan, Qi Shiyu, Feng
4. Four Great Generals (Reign of Xiande): Xiao Jiming, Lu Guangbai, Qi Zhuyin, Zuo
5. 春雷 literally spring thunder, a symbol of the birth of a new age.
6. From the Maxims of Lu Mengzheng 《吕蒙正格言》
7. A pure land is the celestial realm of a buddha or bodhisattva where one could meet with
awakened teachers, practice the dharma, and escape from the suffering of samsaric
rebirth. This pure land here specifically refers to Vaiduryanirbhasa (琉璃境 or 净琉璃世
界), a pure crystal realm in the eastern region, the paradise of the Medicine Buddha,
Bhaiṣajyaguru, who is the Buddha of healing and medicine, described as a doctor who
cures suffering – both physical and spiritual – using the medicine of his teachings.
8. 太君 taijun, title granted to the mother of a feudal official

10. 靖 of peace and tranquility.
11. 淳圣 Chunsheng, literally pure/honest/uncorrupted emperor/sage. This is the name of
Shen Zechuan’s reign.
12. A chancellor/prime minister/premier who has no scholarly honor (obtained through the
imperial exams) or official rank but his status is no different from that of a
chancellor/prime minister/premier.
13. He refers to himself as such in chapter 250

Qiang Jin Jiu – Extra 1 : New Year (Part 1-4)

♢Part 1♢

The boundless expanse of snow hastened the coming of dawn. A quarter past the hour of yin, the
eunuchs of the inner court began to stir. The palace maids of Qinghui Palace stood in attendance
under the eaves, waiting for the summons from inside the palace.

The Chunsheng Emperor rarely needed to be waited on during the night. The inner hall was off-
limits once the drapes were lowered. Ever since his ascension to the throne, this supreme
sovereign of Da Jing1 had been increasingly inscrutable. Sometimes, he could even fall asleep
with his head propped in his hand when he was holding court. But even though his eyes were
closed, he was still the absolute authority on the throne. No policy decision could escape his
sense of smell. To the new court ministers who attended court sessions to participate in
government and political affairs, it was only when the Chunsheng Emperor had his eyes closed
while taking a catnap would they dare to breathe.

The new little palace maid was particularly nervous, and her hands that were carrying the copper
basin kept trembling. She had heard rumors of the Chunsheng Emperor, Shen Zechuan. The most
vicious thing about the emperor was not his appearance, but the alpha wolf of Libei who had
entrenched himself behind him every single moment.
“His Second Lordship2 doesn’t like others making a din,” the old maidservant whom they
addressed as “momo”3 whispered in her ear. “Move nimbly when the doors open in a while.
Keep your movements light.”

The little palace maid nodded and answered in acknowledgment in a thin voice.

The glazed roof tiles in the courtyard were all covered with snow. Plum blossom branches leaned
against the windows, looking rather abrupt. It was said that His Second Lordship trimmed it
himself, and His Majesty wanted to appreciate it every day, so even if it was in the way, no one
dared to object.

Seeing as the lanterns everywhere had already been raised, the little palace maid’s palms started
sweating. Just as she was feeling apprehensive, she suddenly heard the “thud, thud” sounds of
footsteps on the eaves. Following right after, bits of snow showered down all over the passing
palace staff.

The girls exclaimed in surprise one after another and started pouting. Several junior eunuchs
raised their heads and shouted softly at the roof. “Master Taozi, His Majesty and His Second
Lordship are still not awake yet!”

Ding Tao’s robe flapped in the wind, and he landed steadily on his feet on the snowy ground.
With his little book under his arm, he brushed past the little palace maid and took off her token in
passing. The little palace maid exclaimed in surprise and almost lost her grip on the copper basin.
When she got a clear look at Ding Tao, she immediately blushed bashfully.

As Ding Tao walked backward, he scrutinized the token in his hand. “Xinrui… Oh, a
new jiejie4?” He moved in closer to look at the words. “So young. So it’s a new meimei5.”

The old maidservant stomped her foot lightly and shouted in a small voice, “Tao-er, stop fooling
around. Give it back to her!”

“Just taking a look,” Ding Tao flashed a smile at the little palace maid and said generously, “I’ll
give you my token too—eh?”

The hand that Ding Tao used to grope around his waist turned up empty. His expression
underwent a slight change, but before he could turn around, he felt a knock on the back of his

Gu Jin stood like a wall behind Ding Tao, blocking him. Holding Ding Tao’s token between two
fingers, he rapped again on Ding Tao’s turned head and admonished, “Give it back to her.”

Ding Tao only behaved himself after getting a beating. He grimaced as he returned the token. He
was just about to say a word or two to Gu Jin, but before he could open his mouth, Gu Jin made a
move as if to continue rapping him, which scared Ding Tao so much that he leaned back to
dodge the blow.
“Stop hitting me, Jin-ge.” Ding Tao was a very quick-witted one. “I came here to show my filial
respect to you!”

“My good son.” Gu Jin turned Ding Tao’s token over. “Did you go out fighting with
the Hereditary Prince again?”

Having a guilty conscience, Ding Tao averted his gaze. “Nah. Mister Chengfeng wanted the
Hereditary Prince to recite the books from memory. The Hereditary Prince did not dare to go

Gu Jin held up Ding Tao’s token. His thumb edged along the scratch on the inside of the token.
His face was expressionless.

Ding Tao’s back broke out in a sweat. Fearing he would cause trouble for Xiao Xun, he could
only push on and deny it. “I accidentally scratched it.”

“You haven’t grown taller, but your guts sure have fattened.” The door at the side suddenly
opened. Xiao Chiye, who had a wide robe over him, was in the midst of rubbing the back of his
neck. Having been woken up, he looked a little impatient as he said, “Bury him on the spot.”

Gu Jin lifted Ding Tao by the back collar. Ding Tao did not dare to struggle and could only crane
his neck to shout inside, “MAS—TER!”

Xiao Chiye raised his finger, and Ding Tao immediately zipped his mouth and bulged his cheeks.
Gu Jin stuffed the snow down his neck. It was so freezing cold that Ding Tao hopped around the

The old maidservant stepped forward, but Xiao Chiye did not make way for her. There were bite
marks on his slightly turned neck, and the lingering redness had still yet to fade. He casually
covered it with his fingers, not caring if the others saw.

The King of Wolves was indeed tall, and the little palace maid did not dare to look up. She
trembled all over under Xiao Chiye’s shadow, her teeth chattering against one another.

Legends had it that this King of Wolves from Libei could choke several strong men from
Biansha with his bare hands, and he could even run through the night for dozens of li without
showing any signs of exhaustion. The little palace maid used to think that the legends were all
bluffing, but Xiao Chiye was truly too tall. The gaze of the little palace maid, in which she
mustered up her courage to sneak a peek, only dared to stop at Xiao Chiye’s chest.



One punch from him, and you’d be half dead if not dead.
Xiao Chiye saw it was still snowing in the courtyard and the sky was foggy, so he said to the old
maidservant, “Come and knock on the door two quarters later.”

The draped curtains kept out the light, and the charcoal brazier provided inside was still warm.
Shen Zechuan laid prostrate on the pillow. The damp sweat had yet to evaporate, and the bedding
was all a mess. Squinting, he heard the sound of conversation outside, and as if he was throwing
a tantrum, he reached out with his fingers and pushed the pillow onto the rug.

“Call for Fei Sheng,” Shen Zechuan closed his eyes and said in a hoarse voice. “I’ll see him in
two hours.”

His neck was even more pitiful than Xiao Chiye’s. Ring after ring of bite marks decorated his
nape. As it was too hot, the quilt was only halfway up. The dimples on his exposed back were
red, and there were still bite marks further down.

Xiao Chiye wanted to bite him and even take him into his mouth, turning that bit of his pain into
a low, sensual gasp.

The days of winter were short, and its nights, long. With a mouthful of cold wine in his mouth,
Lanzhou could melt in Xiao Chiye’s embrace. He was so sensitive to the cold that it was like
seeking shelter from the cold when he sank deep into the crooks of Xiao Chiye’s arms during the
intermingling of bodily fluids. Even the allure he revealed was all innocent.

Xiao Chiye bent over and pinched Shen Zechuan’s earlobe lightly. His wide robe was very big,
and it was all too easy to cloak it around another Shen Zechuan.

There was still sweat on Shen Zechuan’s neck, and it prickled a little when it trickled across the
bite marks. He reached out his long fingers, ran them along the back of Xiao Chiye’s hand, and
covered Xiao Chiye’s wrist.

“The tide,” Shen Zechuan’s expressive eyes drifted towards Xiao Chiye. He drawled, dragging
out his voice slowly, “is flowing out.”

The voice, which still had a residual tremor to it, was like Shen Zechuan’s outstretched fingertips
gently sliding around Xiao Chiye’s chest as it whispered to him in all seriousness.

Xiao Chiye grabbed Shen Zechuan back. Under the muffled laughter of delight, he dangerously
made a tour of inspection along Shen Zechuan’s neck with the tip of his nose. Eventually, he
said, “Mn—It’s my scent.”

◈ ◈ ◈

Fei Sheng, who had returned to the capital to report on his duties, had long since arrived in the
morning. When the palace gates opened at the hour of mao, he went to the side hall of Qinghui
Palace to wait for the summon. At the third quarter of the hour of mao, Gu Jin came to call for
The snow had still yet to stop. As Fei Sheng stepped out, he touched the clasp on his collar and
asked Gu Jin in a whisper, “Do I look okay?”

Gu Jin cast a glance at Fei Sheng’s boots. “Sell our Libei a batch of these boots after the spring
festival. Chen Yang said they won’t freeze the legs.”

“These are boots from Fanzhou. You have to ask Huo Lingyun.” Having said so, Fei Sheng
thought of doing Gu Jin a favor so the latter would be in his debt. Thus, he raised a hand to pat
Gu Jin’s shoulder. “Never mind. If you ask him, he will only reply several hundred years later.
I’ll help you pass on the message. I guarantee the arrangements will be made for the brothers.”

Knowing Fei Sheng’s temperament, Gu Jin said, “What is Duanzhou lacking? You people are an
affluent and prosperous treasured land. We are a remote and backwater place. We might not
necessarily be able to afford your price.”

“Look at you. How dull can you be? All you speak of is money. That feels so distant.” Fei Sheng
retracted his hand and weighed it over. “The battle steeds at Mount Luo’s stables next year—re-
negotiate the price with us again.”

Gu Jin sighed, lifted the hanging screen, and motioned for Fei Sheng to enter. Fei Sheng signaled
Gu Jin with his eyes, hinting to him not to forget about this matter later.

Fei Sheng strode in, lifted the hem of his official robe, and kneeled down in one nimble move.
Loudly, he announced, “This humble subject, Fei Sheng, pays his respect to Your Majesty!”

“Impressive.” Xiao Chiye, who had his legs propped up and a storytelling book in hand, said
offhandedly. “One shout at the top of your voice and your master’s almost coughing all his
medicine out.”

Fei Sheng lowered his voice and hurriedly greeted, “Greetings to Your Second Lordship!”

Shen Zechuan drank half of his medicine. “Get up and take a seat.”

Fei Sheng kowtowed to give his thanks and rose to take his seat.

“The snow is heavy in Zhongbo this year. Youjing went on a tour of inspection a few days
before. Only Fanzhou and Dengzhou have seen cases of commoners’ houses collapsing.” Shen
Zechuan set down his medicine bowl. “You informed the rest of the five prefectures in advance
to reinforce the people’s houses. Why didn’t you report this?”

It was all too easy for deaths to occur when it snowed every year. The construction of civilian
houses did not fall under the review of the yamen. Especially the houses of the poor, where a
thatched hut was also considered a dwelling, and these kinds of houses could not withstand the
heavy snow and violent gale.
Fei Sheng was on cloud nine, thinking that Yu Xiaozai could really be counted on to play the
game. Had he reported it himself, that would be called claiming credit, and the effect would be
halved. It was necessary to let someone like Yu Xiaozai, who concurrently held the key job of
conducting tours of inspection, broach the topic. Claiming credits without revealing a trace
produced the best effect.

With a serious countenance, Fei Sheng said, “I attend to official duties in Duanzhou on Master’s
behalf, so naturally, I have to think of the people on Master’s behalf. With the new rise of the six
prefectures, all the yamen’s official residences have problems, what’s more the common folks’
residences? This is also what Master taught me in Zhongbo before. We have to…”

Knowing his ways with words, he did not mention his own credit and merely said that it was
Shen Zechuan who taught him well.

Gu Jin, who was standing at the door, looked again at Ding Tao, who was still fishing for candies
to eat, and felt exasperated at the latter for not living up to expectations.

Look, they both started out as guards, but only Old Fei the Tenth was getting along swimmingly
in the official circles like a duck to water.

Zhongbo was a place with a mixed lot of people. When Shen Zechuan was the overlord, the
situation here was far more complicated than it was in Libei. The game that Luo Mu pulled with
Shen Zechuan was, on the surface, to put Tantai Hu in his place, but in truth, it was a conflict
between the local officials of Zhongbo and the officials transferred from Qudu. To put it simply,
it was a struggle for power between factions from different regions.

When Shen Zechuan initially wanted to send Fei Sheng back to Duanzhou, objections were
raised in the imperial court, and Shen Zechuan did not respond to them. Everyone was saying at
that time that Shen Zechuan was going to place his trusted aides and those from his own faction
in important positions. It was by dumb luck that Fei Sheng could leap from a guard to become an
important military and government minister in the strategic area of Duanzhou.

However, things were not that simple.

Fei Sheng came from the Fei clan in the city of Chuancheng. Although he was a child of
common birth born to a concubine, he was also considered an official of the capital and had
served as the vice commander of the Imperial Bodyguardsin his early years. In the eyes of the
local officials from Zhongbo, he was not that different from the capital officials like Wang Xian
and Yu Xiaozai who pledged allegiance to Shen Zechuan. So if he were to just parachute into
Duanzhou, there were bound to be people who could not accept it. But this was also what was
special about Fei Sheng. He was also Yin Chang’s adopted son. He was the man who carried Yin
Chang’s “Zhan Yan Luo”.6 Just with Yin Chang’s name alone, Fei Sheng was also considered
one of Zhongbo’s own.

By putting Fei Sheng in Duanzhou, Shen Zechuan was giving the officials from the capital and
Zhongbo a bridge to facilitate communication. He handed the heavy responsibility of inspection
tours to Yu Xiaozai, placed Zhongbo’s economy in Wang Xian’s hand, and continued to let
Tantai Hu remain in Dunzhou. Yet, he also passed Dengzhou and Fanzhou to Huo Lingyun—
Look at the complex structure of Zhongbo. All these people came from different backgrounds. It
was too difficult to establish a network limited by geographical constraints like Juexi and Qudu.
It completely belonged to Shen Zechuan, and Fei Sheng was Shen Zechuan’s eyes, one who
could still allow Shen Zechuan to single-handedly control the overall situation in Zhongbo even
when Shen Zechuan left Zhongbo to sit on the throne.

“… Laohu is not done with his military tasks yet. He will only be able to move after a few days.”
As Fei Sheng spoke, he looked at Xiao Chiye. “His wife safely gave birth to a pair of boy-and-
girl twins last month.”

“A joyous event.” Xiao Chiye set his book on his thighs and thought for a moment before saying
to Shen Zechuan, “He has done a good job suppressing the bandits these few years he’s guarding
Dunzhou. It’s time to reward him.”

“I haven’t been able to find a suitable opportunity.” Shen Zechuan tapped his folding fan, an act
that showed that he was deliberating over it. “Get someone to come up with a title for approval
this year. Confer his eldest brother, Tantai Long, together.”

These words seemed to be all calm on the surface, but in truth, there were undercurrents
churning beneath.

Da Jing currently had three conferred princes7—Qi Zhuyin, who helmed Qidong; Xiao Jiming,
who stood guard in Libei; and Xiao Chiye, who assumed command in Qudu. The Qidong
Garrison Troops and the Libei Armored Cavalry became the iron locks in the north and south of
Da Jing, keeping a tight watch on the Twelve Tribes of Biansha to the east of the Chashi River
that Xiao Chiye had broken up and scattered. With the simultaneous re-establishment of the
imperial court and the rise of the various regions, the Zhongbo Garrison Troops that had no
commander-in-chief would inevitably appear inferior.

The conferred title was not the key point. What’s crucial was the tripartite balance of military
power in the east of Da Jing. Xiao Xun was now being raised in the palace. Although he was still
addressed as the “Hereditary Prince”, he was, in truth, being taught as a “Crown Prince”. Once
he ascended to the throne, Libei would undoubtedly be the biggest winner of all. To Qi Zhuyin,
who had the sole responsibility for 300,000 troops, this was a threat that would see her on the
point of being suppressed. She could pay it no mind, but the Qidong Five Commanderies might
not necessarily be able to do so. If Xiao Xun wanted to reduce troops when the time came, Qi
Zhuyin would bear the brunt of it.

In the absence of war, it was all too inevitable for the troops in the various regions to be
appropriately reduced. The local garrison troops who also carried out farming duties8 also had to
lighten the burden on the commoners’ fields; otherwise, the effect of conscription of those in
their prime would spread to the commoners. The troops in the east could be reduced, but it had to
be done in a suitable way. Before this happened, the north and the south had to maintain a
delicate balance, and Zhongbo was the latch to prevent one side from tilting the balance over.
Fei Sheng knew Shen Zechuan had been working hard on government affairs all year round, so
he stopped mentioning it and only picked the interesting things he saw and heard on the way to
talk about. He stayed until mid-noon and accompanied Shen Zechuan and Xiao Chiye for lunch
before he took his leave.

The snow stopped in the middle of the night. Meng, who had been hovering among the layers of
clouds, landed on top of the city gate and looked askance at the front. The young general
guarding the gate was huffing into his hands to warm them when he heard the thunderous sound
of horse hooves. A surge of emotions overwhelmed him.

“A respectful welcome to the Prince of Libei—!” announced a loud voice at the foot of the city.

Dark clouds shrouded the moon, and a gale stirred on the horizon. Yu,9 who had been flying at
high speed in that darkness, suddenly sprang out and provocatively passed by Meng. Meng paid
it no attention, instead tilting its head to look at the wolf banner flapping in mid-air.

However, before the Libei Armored Cavalry had yet to gallop over, a light cavalry from another
side was already coming amidst the kickup of snow. Red cloak fluttered noisily in the wind. The
white armor of the Qidong Garrison Troops looked like the silver scales of a massive dragon in
the midst of rolling over.

The neck of the young general guarding the gate had gone all red from the excitement. He
shouted, “Donglie… The Prince of Donglie has also returned to the capital!”

Qi Zhuyin was in the lead. She was not wearing her armor, and she had on a little rouge. As she
pulled the reins of her horse, she greeted Xiao Jiming on her side, “Yo.”

Xiao Jiming, who was wrapped up in an overcoat, sized her up for a moment before turning his
head to say to Lu Yizhi, who was inside the horse carriage, “Would you guess it? She’s wearing

“That’s because she’s all grown up.” Lu Yizhi poked her head out. She could not tell which store
the rouge on Qi Zhuyin’s lips came from either this far away. “That color really looks good!”

Qi Zhuyin leaned over slightly and said smugly to Lu Yizhi. “It’s self-made. Pretty, right?”

Lu Yizhi scrutinized her for a moment, then clapped her hands lightly and said cheerfully,
“Gosh, Eldest Madam’s truly amazing! She should start a shop. I want it all. You won’t do,
though. Quick, let me talk to Eldest Madam!”

Seeing Qi Zhuyin getting the worst of it, Qi Wei quietly steered his horse out of the way.

Commander-in-chief Qi was useless in this battle. They had to count on Eldest Madam to save
the day.
The curtain on the carriage moved slightly, revealing Hua Xiangyi’s bright and beautiful face.
The pearls on her ears slid in the snow-white fur of her fur collar, but it was her eyes that stole
the dazzling limelight.

“New year greetings to you, Princess Consort.” Hua Xiangyi’s makeup was exquisite. Sure
enough, the rouge on her lips was the same as Qi Zhuyin’s. She smiled. “This rouge was already
prepared before A-Yin set off. I’ll personally send it to your residence later.”

“You don’t remember this at all, do you?” Lu Guangbai, who had been silent all this while,
asked Qi Zhuyin on the quiet.

“The number of rouges she can recognize still falls below A-Ye,” Xiao Jiming said.

Qi Zhuyin who was in the middle of it raised Zhujiu and said in all seriousness, “Don’t take the
opportunity to praise your younger brother. The fart he can recognize—Whose side are you on,

Seeing Lu Yizhi and Hua Xiangyi going on about handkerchiefs and rouges, Lu Guangbai pulled
the reins of his horse and retreated several steps. To the two beside him, he said, “I stand

“Stand stake?” Qi Zhuyin repeated.

“Essentially a block of wood—a blockhead,” Xiao Jiming said.

“How old are you again,” Qi Zhuyin quipped.

Xiao Jiming sighed softly, “And still not married yet.”

Without waiting for Lu Guangbai to answer, they all turned their horses one after another and
trod into the city.

Lu Guangbai uttered an “aye”, but it was empty to his left, and there was no one to his right
either. He grasped his horsewhip, feeling rather aggrieved, and spurred his horse on to catch up
with them. “I just haven’t met a suitable maiden yet. Why don’t you both take a look for me?
One with literary talents or battle prowess is both fine by me…”

♢Part 2♢

The Chunsheng Emperor’s crown and robes were all of new designs and styles. Shen Zechuan
was fair, and the Directorate for Royal Clothing wanted to bring out the mightiness of the
emperor, so they went to the special effort of putting a lot of work into the decorative patterns.
Shen Zechuan wanted to wear an earring or ear pendant on his right ear. As to what style he
would wear at which time—that depended on his mood. Even when the Directorate for Royal
Clothing pulled all their hair out and followed close behind the Prince of Qianjun11 Xiao Chiye’s
butt, they still failed to figure out a regular pattern.

Shen Zechuan loved to hold fans, and this fan was very exquisite and intricate. It was specially
supplied by Xiao Chiye, the one and only in the whole world. Like the earring, it was one of a
kind, made by the very man himself.

People were presently entering and exiting the palace. Xiao Chiye leaned back in the recliner
under the eaves, and with his long legs on the ground, he was pretty much in the way.

“Last year’s account books have all been submitted as is to the Ministry of Revenue.” Chen
Yang stood at the side and explained the accounts to Xiao Chiye. “The five camps are newly
established, and the place is remote and near Mosanchuan. Its expenses on military supplies and
provisions are all much higher than the others. This…”

Xiao Chiye looked through the accounts and said, “The military craftsmen have not even been
transferred over. Liang Cuishan has already done an estimation of the cost of equipment repair
last autumn. This amount of silver is more than twice the amount, isn’t it?”

Inside the palace, Shen Zechuan was in the midst of wearing his crown. The dangling beads
clinked against each other. The palace maids all moved softly and gently, not daring to overstep
their boundaries.

Xiao Chiye looked for a long time and handed the account book back to Chen Yang without
shifting his gaze.

Military overspending was the norm during wartime, but the Mengtuo Tribe at the entrance of
the desert was now Da Jing’s ship of the desert. The expenditure of the supplies and provisions
was not that high given the convenience of the mutual frontier trade market. One could use this
account to fool others, but absolutely not use it to fool Xiao Chiye. It had to be known that Xiao
Fangxu was the one who checked the accounts when he was scrambling on the various food
supply routes in Libei.

“Have the commanding general of the five camps enter the city without his armor,” Xiao Chiye
said, “and account for it before me.”

Chen Yang bowed solemnly and took his leave.

The old maidservant came over to the rattan chair. She partially coaxed and persuaded him,
“Your Second Lordship, it’s time.”

Xiao Chiye’s chair rocked slightly as he raised a finger and motioned for the old maidservant to
keep quiet. He scrutinized Shen Zechuan through the faint light. The latter’s shoulders and back
were straight and upright, and when he turned aside, the dangling beads swayed close to the tip
of his nose.
The palace maids lowered their heads in unison and stepped back respectfully.

Shen Zechuan lowered his fingers to pick up the folding fan on the table. The jade earring on his
right ear refracted light slightly. He had caught a bit of a cold recently, and he spoke with a nasal
twang. He was tired and sleepy too, looking like he was going to fall asleep anytime.

“Break them up at the hour of zi.” Shen Zechuan tossed the time tablet12 on which the time was
displayed onto the table. “Then we will light the firecrackers. Everyone will go to Cangyun
Pavilion and watch the displays of lanterns before paying their respects. Pass a message in
advance. Tell them all to bring warm clothes. Don’t end up like last year.”

The old ministers could not stand up to the freezing cold, and they all collapsed even before they
could pay their respects.

“Prepare hot ginger tea in the side hall.” Shen Zechuan thought for a moment. “It’s the thoughts
that count.”

“Your Majesty is considerate.” That eunuch held the time token in hand. “Your imperial grace is

“Xun’er was young in the previous years, and he always follows behind Eldest Brother. That
won’t do anymore this year,” Shen Zechuan said. “He is to stand in front.”

The eunuch understood his intent and hurriedly acknowledged his order.

Xiao Chiye went over to Shen Zechuan’s side and said, “He’s still Chengfeng’s student. You
mustn’t overstep this level of propriety.”

“It’s only by overstepping that it’s called propriety.” Shen Zechuan tilted his folding fan slightly
against the crook of Xiao Chiye’s arms. “Chengfeng is a scholar, a teacher. He has been shown
enough respect on other days. The time is ripe now.”

The old maidservant prompted them again on the other end. Xiao Chiye put on his outer robe.
His belt was not easy to secure, so Shen Zechuan lent him a hand, and Xiao Chiye, going along
with this position, pressed against the dangling beads to kiss Shen Zechuan.

No one noticed.

◈ ◈ ◈

Having begotten himself a pair of newborns, Tantai Hu was so thrilled that he spoke about it to
everyone he came across.

“When are you getting married?” He asked Fei Sheng.

Fei Sheng was envious, but he refused to admit it and answered, “Who knows? I have to marry a
good seventeen or eighteen of them.”

Tantai Hu turned his head to ask Yu Xiaozai, “When are you getting married?”

“What’s the rush?” Yu Xiaozai smacked his lips to savor the wine.

Tantai Hu had nowhere to gush about his encyclopedic knowledge of parenting tips, and he held
it in until he could not stand it, so he stood up and roamed around. When he saw Gao
Zhongxiong, he hurriedly asked, “When are you—”

Qi Zhuyin just so happened to enter. Tantai Hu bowed to her. She removed her overcoat and
said, “A double blessing is a good thing. I’ll make up for it with another gift for you later.”

Tantai Hu scratched his cheeks and asked, “Commander-in-chief, there’s a double blessing?”13

Behind them, Hua Xiangyi laughed and said to Qi Zhuyin, “Make it clear to him.”

Even the bright lights in this hall dimmed some when both of them stood together. Before Third
Missy Hua married, many people had only heard of her name, and the sight of her real looks now
completely had the newly appointed vice minister mesmerized.

“Eldest Madam lives in widowhood at such a young age,” a court minister whispered. “And it
seems like Qidong isn’t willing to let her remarry.”

“She’s still so young…” The vice minister murmured. “How can Qidong…”

A fellow official beside him elbowed him, but it was already too late. Qi Zhuyin, who was on the
other side, swept a glance over and locked eyes with the vice minister.

The vice minister’s hand shook, spilling wine all over.

Hua Xiangyi moved to take her seat, and Qi Zhuyin casually took her handkerchief. As she sat
down, she wiped off the rouge at the corners of her own lips. The vice minister saw that
handkerchief going into Qi Zhuyin’s sleeve. Even Hua Xiangyi’s ravishing figure was
completely blocked from view by the commander-in-chief.

He felt a disappointing sense of loss, but he could not figure it out. All he remembered was that
one glare from Qi Zhuyin.

Shen Zechuan’s taste was bland today. He could not make out the taste of the meal. He was
thinking about the book of storytelling scripts that he had yet to finish this morning. Xiao Chiye
had only read half of that particular story.
Before the Banquet of Officials, the various areas had to present their tributes, all of which were
mountain games and edible wild vegetables; they did not dare to send valuable and expensive
items for fear of being impeached.

Jiang Qingshan, who remained in Juexi, was a former minister of the previous dynasty. Yao
Wenyu and Hua Xiangyi made great efforts to protect and retain him in the first year of
Chunsheng, and although his position was untouched, he was subjected to quite a number of
cursings from the literati.

This year when Jiang Qingshan came to participate in the banquet, the voices of reproach and
censure died down a little. This was because the Port of Liuzhou was completed this year, and
the waterways of the thirteen cities were also running smoothly. Juexi did not suffer floods
during springtime or encounter droughts again during the scorching summer days. His merits
topped everyone else’s; there was no one among the provincial governors who were more
capable than him.

“How do you want to reward him?” Xiao Chiye had drunk quite the amount of wine, but he was
not drunk, just a little relaxed, and when he turned his head to talk to Shen Zechuan, his breath
carried a hint of wine.

Shen Zechuan cast a glance at Jiang Qingshan and said to Xiao Chiye, “He may not necessarily
be willing to accept it.”

“Now that he has accomplished his work in Juexi,” Xiao Chiye set the chopsticks aside neatly,
“he wants to retire.”

Back then, Kong Qiu’s attempt to leap off the wall failed as Liang Cuishan stopped him.
However, he was unwilling to kneel to Shen Zechuan and eventually quit his position and left.
Priding himself on being an old acquaintance of Da Zhou, he went back to his native hometown
to till the land. Yu Xiaozai wanted to retain Cen Yu, but Cen Yu felt he had let down Yao
Wenyu, so he dismissed his residence staff, sold his property, and went to live opposite Kong
Qiu, where he raised fishes.

“Although he is now a subject of Da Jing, his heart still belongs to Da Zhou.” Shen Zechuan
looked displeased. “Since he wants to leave, let him leave.”

Kong Ling, who was sitting below him, could more or less discern his intent. When Yu Xiaozai
came over to toast him, he whispered, “Go over to Wanxiao’s side. He’s going to toast His
Majesty. Pay some attention.”

Yu Xiaozai did not dare to continue drinking the wine he was midway through. He was sharp
and sensitive, especially in this aspect. He only had to listen to Kong Ling’s tone, and he had
already more or less guessed what was up.

After three rounds of wine, Shen Zechuan had to dish out the rewards according to custom.
When it was Jiang Qingshan’s turn, he kneeled and first paid his obeisances to the emperor
before saying, “This humble subject is humble of origins and has little merits to speak of. I do
not dare to receive this imperial kindness. I only have one wish still unfulfilled. Now that the
various trades in Juexi are flourishing and the waterways are running smoothly, this humble
subject hereby request—”

Yu Xiaozai, who was at the side, seized the timing and fell to his knees with a “thud”. As if
drunk, he said, “Your Majesty is wise! Wanxiao’s request is also this humble subject’s request.”
Building up his courage, he continued, “The Port of Liuzhou is newly established, and on such a
scale at that. Your Majesty’s merits and achievements are truly unrivaled in all of history! This
humble subject requests that the waterways be connected to the Kailing River, so that the amount
of time needed for transporting grains may also be reduced in the future.”

Shen Zechuan did not answer when Yu Xiaozai finished saying his piece.

Shen Zechuan’s silence was just like ink dispersing in the water, causing the entire banquet hall
to gradually quieten down. Everyone knew Jiang Qingshan had another request. The atmosphere
was taut with tension amid the fear that Shen Zechuan would suddenly leave with a fling of his

Jiang Qingshan kowtowed and started to say, “Then—”

Yu Xiaozai elbowed him hard with the arm concealed under his body and forced a smile. “But
there is a need to follow procedures. We should draft up a memorial for the Grand Secretariat.
This humble subject encountered Wanxiao when I entered the capital. His wife, Liu, heard that
Your Majesty has been in ill health of late, so she went to the special effort of abstaining from
meat and chanting the sutras at Baisha Temple for Your Majesty. She even instructed this
humble subject to bring along the congratulatory gift from Liuzhou.”

The moment Jiang Qingshan heard “Liu”, he understood Yu Xiaozai’s intent.

Shen Zechuan was a good master. He dared to use Jiang Qingshan, so he had never interfered in
Juexi’s civil administration. He had shown him enough trust, and he was also giving Jiang
Qingshan the respect he was due. Jiang Qingshan wanted to quit now that he had accomplished
his work. Sure he could, but it had to be Shen Zechuan who gave the word, and this was because
Shen Zechuan was his sovereign. Otherwise, he would simply be treating Shen Zechuan as a
springboard to accomplish his wish—with his mission done, he still was a subject of Da Zhou,
one who was unwilling to serve Shen Zechuan.

All the overlords of the world had wrathful means. Shen Zechuan’s Yang Shan Xue might have
been sealed in a case, but he had no lack of blades. Jiang Qingshan was no ordinary court
minister. To a certain extent, he decided whether those of the practical doers faction of Da Zhou
would leave or stay.

Shen Zechuan dared to use him. He also dared to kill him.

The atmosphere stalled. It was so silent one could hear a pin drop.
Xiao Chiye looked as if he was interested and asked playfully, “What congratulatory gift?”

Yu Xiaozai instantly felt a weight lifted off him.

And then he was stumped again.

He had made that up off the top of his head!

♢Part 3♢

“I heard it’s an imported mirror.” Kong Ling smiled. “It’s bright and shiny, and its reflections of
people are extremely clear. The Longyou merchants at the Port of Yongyi used to have them.
Rare items, they are.”

On hearing this, Zhou Gui also became interested. “I have also heard a little about it.”

Jiang Qingshan lowered his head for a moment before saying, “… It’s a glass mirror with four
corners inlaid with treasures. It can be presented as an offering before Buddha and used to
decorate the walls. The ones the Longyou merchants at the Port of Yongyi sold were all palm-
sized mirrors and cannot be compared to this one.”

“A treasure, huh.” Fei Sheng said timely, “Master, let this humble subject broaden his horizon

The beads before Shen Zechuan’s eyes swayed as he held the wine jar and looked into the
amber-colored wine within. “Show it to me.”

The hearts of the thousand or so people in the banquet hall that had been in their mouths finally
relaxed, and the weight building up on their shoulders suddenly vanished.

Yu Xiaozai retreated to his seat in accordance with propriety. He could not help but raise an arm
to wipe his cold sweat away with his sleeve.

And so, the mirror saved Jiang Qingshan from disaster.

A family feast followed after that night. Shen Zechuan initially meant to gift the mirror to Lu
Yizhi, but he was so busy that he forgot about it.

Ding Tao, though, remembered it very clearly. Clutching his book, he asked Li Xiong, “Did you
see that mirror? Jin-ge said it’s valuable. We have to put it in the treasury.”

These days, Li Xiong often tagged along with Chen Yang to the Chashi River. He had grown a
lot taller, and as he stood under the eaves, he really resembled a bear.14
“Mirror. Lots of them everywhere,” he said.

Ding Tao opened his book and drew it for Li Xiong. “They look like this… Four corners inlaid
with treasures!”

All Li Xiong remembered was that the candies at the banquet were delicious. Where in the world
would he remember some mirror?

Shen Zechuan did not remember it either. Celebrating the Spring Festival was like fighting a
war. Bout after bout of snow fell after the new year. Finally, the proper arrangements were made
for the various matters, but even the free time he had was used to down medicine. Once his cold
subsided, he reckoned from the days that it was time to prepare in advance for the spring

At night, Shen Zechuan leaned against the pillow with the memorial in hand and dozed off.
When he heard movement, he set the memorial on the small table and turned over to lie on his
stomach between the pillows. In a muffled voice, he asked, “Where did you go?”

There was snow on Xiao Chiye’s shoulders. He took off his wide outer robe and did not answer.
Shen Zechuan was feeling drowsy when he suddenly felt a chill on his cheek.

“Ah,” Shen Zechuan exclaimed feebly.

Xiao Chiye’s thumb ring was even colder. “You look listless,” he said.

Shen Zechuan liked the coolness of the thumb ring. The chill seeped through in wisps and
tendrils, dispelling his stifling stuffiness from being indoors for long. His cheek clung against the
thumb ring and nuzzled gently against it. It was so comfortable that his eyes narrowed partially.

Xiao Chiye replaced the thumb ring with his palm.

Shen Zechuan opened his eyes and, with this position, said to Xiao Chiye, “Hot.”

When Shen Zechuan said hot, all the wind and snow on Xiao Chiye’s body vanished. That
imperceptible desire simmered Xiao Chiye’s internal organs, making him hot as well.

Xiao Chiye flexed his finger and stroked Shen Zechuan’s cheeks. “I’ll take you to play.”

◈ ◈ ◈

Charcoal braziers were provided in the palace; they were odorless but stuffy, and it was too easy
to feel tired after sitting for a long time. Xiao Xun was midway through reciting his book when
he head-planted onto the table and fell asleep.

Kong Ling took the opportunity to sneak in half a day of leisure time and sat on the taishi chair
to delve into his newly acquired ancient books.
Xiao Xun slept until the end of class. When he woke up, the side of his face was imprinted all
over in ink. He did not notice it and woodenly watched as Ding Tao packed his books for him.

“That group of brats from last time is still waiting.” Ding Tao carried the bag of books in his
arms. “Is the Hereditary Prince still going to play with them?”

The brats he spoke of were all little ruffians with military status registered under the Capital
Command Troops. They were originally descendants of the noble clans who were not literary-
inclined enough to pass the examinations, nor were they well-versed in martial arts. Instead, they
scattered around the streets and alleys in Qudu, idling around doing nothing. All they knew was
to play.

Xiao Xun jumped out of his chair and answered, “Not going.” He was extremely cautious.
“Second Uncle is around.”

Shen Zechuan would close an eye and let him tag along with Ding Tao and Li Xiong to scamper
outdoors and run around, but not Xiao Chiye. Xiao Chiye wanted to play with him. Xiao Xun
could hit the bullseye when he was shooting arrows, but one arrow from Xiao Chiye, and he
would even overturn the entire target, what’s more the bullseye.

What the little ruffians in Qudu played was what Xiao Chiye left behind. With his Second Uncle,
Xiao Xun simply could not have any fun playing at all.

The moment Xiao Xun stepped out of the hall, he ran over to Li Xiong. Li Xiong slipped off the
arm guard and put it on for Xiao Xun. Xiao Xun secured it and blew a few whistles towards the

The clouds were still the same old clouds. No change at all.

On the contrary, Ding Tao’s sparrow was very excited, chattering as it bumped around in his
sleeve. Ding Tao covered his sleeve and comforted, “The wind is so strong today, and the
gyrfalcon is bad of hearing. Whistle a couple more times.”

Xiao Xun nodded solemnly and turned his back to both of them. Mustering all his strength, he
whistled again.

A bird peered out from the eaves, and the newly arrived gyrfalcon looked askance at Xiao Xun,
refusing to come down.

“Jue!” Xiao Xun called its name.

Jue merely looked at Xiao Xun for a moment before looking far into the distance. It was
considered a young falcon among the others in the falcon cage, and it had only just met Xiao
Xun not long ago.
“It’s still too young.” Li Xiong patted Xiao Xun on the back and awkwardly said, “Once it grows
up, you’ll be able to tame it.”

Xiao Xun had a good temper. He moved to take off the arm guard, but as he untied the ropes, he
hesitated. Eventually, he clenched his fist and said, “I’ll sleep with it at night.”

Reckoning that it was time, Ding Tao ushered Xiao Xun to Qinghui Palace. The old maidservant
was about to wipe Xiao Xun’s face for him, but he took the handkerchief and wiped it himself.
He strode across the threshold to look for his uncles, only to realize that there was no one in the

◈ ◈ ◈

The Imperial Army military drill grounds were built on Mount Feng during the reign of Xiande.
This was the place that Xiao Chiye had exchanged for with a few battle steeds. He had, at his
earliest convenience, erected a small thatched cottage at the hot spring on Mount Feng for his
own respite. After the first year of the reign of Chunsheng, this place was still his territory, and
so he had expanded the thatched cottage into a residence with a courtyard.

Shen Zechuan slept until it was dark again. He lay motionlessly, buried between the bedding.
Xiao Chiye was dressed casually in his regular wear as he nested in the chair, picking pearls and

After a long time, Shen Zechuan said, “The Hulu Tribe moved east, leaving Lake Chiti empty.
The remaining tribes will make a grab for it.” He propped his head up, shifted aside the glazed
lampshade on the small table, and moved it around with his fingertip for fun. “You established
the eight camps just before with no reinforcements in front and at the rear. The roads don’t run
smoothly too. Of course, the Ministry of War has their misgivings. The memorial from the Grand
Secretariat was delivered to me; they want you to reconsider it.”

“They’re learning to play it smart now.” Xiao Chiye did not find a gem that caught his fancy. He
set the box to the side and propped up his head too. It was in this way he looked at Shen
Zechuan. “They know they can’t convince me, so they made the special point of circling around
to the back to launch a sneak attack.”

“Only when both the wife and husband are in concordance,” Shen Zechuan said, “can their
wishes be fulfilled.”

Xiao Chiye saw that Shen Zechuan’s collar was only partially closed; the latter had slept until his
clasps were all opened. As his posture was just right, he was able to follow the dim, yellow light
to see Lanzhou’s collarbone and chest. Shen Zechuan stoked the flame, exposing even his neck
as he bent over to take a closer look at the wick.

That was a smooth and tender neck. Every time Xiao Chiye held it in his mouth, Shen Zechuan
would look like he found it hard to bear, as if all the pleasure had built up into a wave, and all it
took was just one bite and he would be completely engulfed by the tide of passion and desire.


Shen Zechuan was in the crooks of Xiao Chiye’s arms and palms. Xiao Chiye nibbled at him,
and Shen Zechuan licked back. Sweat soaked the bedding wet. Shen Zechuan called out Xiao
Chiye’s name in between gasps. The tip of his tongue was all Xiao Chiye’s scent.

Shen Zechuan snuffed out the thin flame. Not hearing Xiao Chiye’s reply, he could not help but
look at him with a questioning expression.


Xiao Chiye maintained his composure as he admired the sight.

This expression was very erotic. It was like he did not understand these wicked and debauched
thoughts and was urging him to go overboard a little more.

“The eight camps have to be built.” Xiao Chiye stroked with the thumb of the hand he was
propping his head-on. The thumb ring rolled against the side of his neck, and the slightly cool
touch tethered Xiao Chiye to an intriguing tipping point. “The roads were only just able to run
smoothly. Let Wang Xian speak on this matter. He understands.”

Holding on to the glazed lampshade, Shen Zechuan suddenly remembered something and asked,
“Where is the mirror from Jiang Qingshan the last time? Once the roads are opened after spring,
have someone send it to Eldest Sister-in-law.”

“It’s troublesome given the long distance.” Xiao Chiye sat up straight. “I’ll take you to look for

The treasure mirror was not missing. Xiao Chiye took a fancy to it and had it moved to this
residence. But it was in a special place, and without him to lead the way, Shen Zechuan would
not be able to find it.

Damp fog covered the mirror, and Shen Zechuan could not get a clear look at himself. He was
clearly so close, yet he could only get a glimpse of a vague figure. That was not his figure, but
Xiao Chiye. Xiao Chiye had completely covered him.

The tip of Shen Zechuan’s nose touched the mirror, and it was at that moment he huffed out hot
air. Water droplets dripped in the fog, making a few meandering streaks on the mirror surface.

Xiao Chiye pinned down Shen Zechuan and asked, “Lanzhou, has Lanzhou found it?”

Shen Zechuan’s fingers curled slightly, finally seeing himself through the gap. He was flushed
all over. When he panted, sweat mingled with water droplets. He was going to be broken from
Xiao Chiye’s fondling.
Shen Zechuan licked his lip. His expressive eyes looked at Xiao Chiye through the mirror. His
curled fingers jabbed lightly, edging down along the scene playing out in the mirror. Eventually,
he voiced wordlessly to Xiao Chiye.


You’re so very feral.

The water droplets on the back of Xiao Chiye’s shoulders trickled down along the contours of his
muscles. He bit down on Shen Zechuan’s earring and forced Shen Zechuan into this extremely
tiny and cramped place.

Shen Zechuan’s forehead was already pressing against the mirror. Trickling sweat soaked his
eyes, and the words “A-Ye” bubbled forth vaguely from his mouth, sounding both like seduction
and a plea for mercy. He had only just recovered from his cold, and his voice still had a nasal
twang. The sound of his gasps in Xiao Chiye’s ears was both damp and wet, with a hint of

Xiao Chiye kissed his neck.

He then grasped the hands with which Shen Zechuan was propping himself up. Securing his
wrists in place, he heard the sound of his palms sliding on the mirror surface.


Shen Zechuan’s waist was all red from being pinched. He couldn’t catch his breath. The jade
earring on his right ear was glistening, but he did not know if that was due to being soaked in
sweat or being taken into Xiao Chiye’s mouth.

“Lanzhou.” Xiao Chiye called out to him.

Shen Zechuan’s sweat and tears never stopped. Xiao Chiye inclined his head to kiss him, and he
tilted his head up slightly to meet him. They were too close together, so close that they were
simply inseparable.

Xiao Chiye was rough as he wiped out a square cun of clear brightness on the mirror. He entered,
took Shen Zechuan by storm, and used his sturdy chest to pin down Shen Zechuan. These arms
were too strong, so strong that Shen Zechuan had nowhere to flee. It was almost as if he was
watching Xiao Chiye invade himself.

Xiao Chiye’s eyes, Xiao Chiye’s breathing. As long as it was Xiao Chiye, it would become feral
and domineering every time. The wolf on his back melted into his bones and blood, as if it
wanted to devour Shen Zechuan.

This expression.
Xiao Chiye grasped Shen Zechuan’s face and moved it back into position. His expression was
both dangerous and ruthless.


The pulps of Shen Zechuan’s fingers pushed gently against the side of Xiao Chiye’s wrist,
circling around in this intense and delirious moment. He touched Xiao Chiye’s sweat and took it
into his mouth, as if he did not know of the danger. Even if he was swallowed up by Xiao Chiye,
the expression in his eyes was also saying,

Anything you want.

♢Part 4♢

Snow landed on the water, startling away the seagulls. The man with white hair on his temple
had on a bamboo hat as he fished. There was nothing unusual with his hand—there were
calluses, and a red thread.

Jiran looked at the water surface, and the water surface looked back at him.

“Where is this boat going?” Jiran asked.

Qiao Tianya remained steadily in place without moving and answered, “To the ends of the

Jiran sighed. “You just have to turn around, and you’d be at the door to Buddhism. From then on,
you’ll forget the past. Is that not clear-cut?”

Qiao Tianya’s gaze traced the first ray of the morning. “There is no shortcut to Buddhism in the
mountains. I can’t find it.”

Jiran ruffled the icy cool water. His sleeve slid on top of it, and it looked as if he was drifting
outside the heavenly realm. He finally gave up trying to persuade Qiao Tianya. “You win.”

When the boat pulled in to shore, Jiran disembarked and bowed to Qiao Tianya. He had followed
Qiao Tianya for quite a number of years, but Qiao Tianya still did not convert to Buddhism as he

Jiran could not figure out his rationale. He was still a child.

After a moment of silence, Qiao Tianya asked, “Where are you heading?”

Jiran put his palms together and answered breezily, “To look for spring.”
In that instant, the wind moved, and snow danced. Jiran turned around, concealed among the
water fog.

Qiao Tianya’s sleeves billowed. He was still fishing. The red thread wound around Qiao
Tianya’s wrist, like how he once secured it on another person’s wrist.

When the wind stopped and the fog cleared, his fishing rod shook.

Qiao Tianya lifted the fishing rod. As silver scales slapped water beads all over, he saw the first
spring bud on the bank.

It was time.

He had to head north for his date in the first march of spring—a spring date where no one would


1. 大靖 Da Jing here refers to the new dynasty Shen Zechuan founded, like Da Zhou (will
revise to Da Zhou) is the dynasty of the Li clan. It’s a different Dajing from the one in
2. Xiao Chiye is now a prince, hence the upgrade in his form of address. Details will come
in part 2!
3. 嬷嬷 momo, a term that refers to an old female servant or a wet nurse.
4. Older sister
5. Younger sister
6. 斩阎罗 Zhan Yan Luo, aka, Slay(er of) the King of Hell. Name of Yin Chang’s blade
that Fei Sheng inherited. Refer to chapter 259.
7. 异姓王 Specifically princes, or lords, with different surnames from the imperial family.
These were conferred princes who were bestowed the title by the Emperor.
8. 军屯 military troops (mostly in border regions) who carry out garrison duties and farm
crops to supply the border garrisons with grains.
9. Xiao Jiming’s gyrfalcon.
10. 站桩 Zhan Zhuang, also called “standing (still) like a
post/pole/tree”, “standing (on) stake”, and similar variants, is a form of standing
meditation practice in martial arts used as foundation training.
11. 乾钧 Qianjun, the Arctic lands; refers to the north in general. Since he’s a prince in his
own rights now, his form of address has been upgraded from Second Master to Second
Lord. (In Chinese, the characters remain the same “er-ye” (二爷), although the “ye” can
be used for “master” (for an official or a wealthy man), or “lord” (for an official or
12. 时牌 ivory boards on which the time of day was displayed
13. 双喜 double happiness/blessing/happy events like childbirth or wedding. Qi Zhuyin was
actually referring to Tantai Hu’s twins.
14. The “xiong” in “Li Xiong” literally means “bear”.

Qiang Jin Jiu – Extra 2: Yesteryear (Part 1-5)

♢Part 1♢

At sunset, a pair of military boots stepped into the brook among the thickets. Xiao Chiye leaned
down and lowered his hand to wash his thumb ring. Tendrils of blood dispersed among the clear
and cool stream water, disappearing at just a swirl.

Xiao Chiye washed it carefully. His serious side profile looked a little obscure in the sunset
glow. His brows too, were locked in a displeased frown.

Zhao Hui, who was leading the horse, patted the dust off his body and looked at Xiao Chiye’s
back. He deliberated it over for a moment before calling out, “Second Young Master…”

The stream water babbled. Xiao Chiye took a small half-step back and looked back at Zhao Hui.

This was a wolf pup. The expression in his eyes was completely poles apart from the Hereditary
Prince’s, even the rest of them.

Zhao Hui began to hesitate under Xiao Chiye’s gaze. The helmet in his hand felt heavier, and it
pressed into his fingers until they hurt. He initially meant to exhort Xiao Chiye, but in the face of
such a gaze, he could not voice out the word “cautious”. It was as if saying it out would
discourage the little wolf who had scored a victory in his first battle.

Xiao Chiye raised his arm and wiped his cheek. His arm guard was made of dogskin. Having
been damaged in the intense battle, it now fell into the water along with his movements. It gave
him an air of awkward childishness, like he did not hold his handkerchief tight while blowing his

Zhao Hui suddenly remembered that the Second Young Master was only fourteen years of age
this year.

Wanting to retrieve the arm guard, Xiao Chiye waded a few steps with the flow of the current,
but before he could touch the arm guard, the sound of wings flapping rang out above his head.
The world before him went black, and Meng clung to his face as it slammed into the stream

“Hey!” Xiao Chiye shielded his face with his arm and drove away Meng.

Meng grabbed his arm guard and kicked out with its claws, tearing the already damaged arm
guard into shreds in its fight with Xiao Chiye.

“You—” Xiao Chiye cursed as he grasped hold of the falling pieces, “—bald bird!”

Meng spread its wings and soared into the sky. Once again, it brushed past Xiao Chiye’s cheeks
and provocatively turned a circle, causing Xiao Chiye to grab at empty air when he brandished
his arms.
“Forget it, Second Young Master,” Zhao Hui said comfortingly from behind him. “Don’t get
angry with it. This arm guard can’t be used anymore, anyway. I’ll get Chen Yang to give you
another pair later.”

“I don’t want it.” Wading through the water, Xiao Chiye walked out and shook off the water
droplets all over his face.

He had won this arm guard fair and square from Zhao Hui and the others. Second Young Master
stood in the camp, drew his bow, and shot his arrows, almost piercing through Zhao Hui and the
others’ targets.

Zhao Hui was just about to persuade him again when he heard Second Young Master say, “We
have no lack of arm guards everywhere at home. Who wants you to give me? Not unless we have
another match.”

Following Xiao Chiye, Zhao Hui sighed. “We can’t. We are using old targets swapped over by
the army. They can’t stand up to those few arrows of yours.”

By this, Zhao Hui was openly grousing but low-key complimenting. Sure enough, the
displeasure between Xiao Chiye’s brows dissipated some.

Xiao Chiye was right at the age when he was being difficult. At home, he would piss off Xiao
Fangxu so much that the latter would chase after him swinging a rod. Everything he did, he liked
to sing a different tune from the others—Just like the surprise attack this time; even Xiao Jiming
did not expect that he would dare to go.

The commanding generals from several camps exercised extreme caution under the premise that
the Hereditary Prince was in distress and dispatched the cavalry to protect and escort Xiao Chiye
home. No one expected this arrogant, dauntless lad to forcibly drag them across the vast river
and crawl for half the night to set fire.

Xiao Jiming’s expression when he looked at Xiao Chiye at that very moment was all too
fascinating. Even Zhao Hui, who had served the Hereditary Prince so many years, could not tell
if the Hereditary Prince wanted to give Second Young Master a few kicks at that moment, or if
he wanted to praise him with a “bravo, A-Ye.”

“Did you bring clean shoes?” Xiao Chiye looked down at his military boots which even spurt
water when he walked a few steps. “I don’t want the arm guard anymore. Give me a pair of
shoes instead.”

♢Part 2♢

“The Prince of Libei doesn’t wear shoes!”

Xiaopangzi1 squeezed against Shen Zechuan, his face ruddy red as he said loudly to the children
crowding around him, “The Prince of Libei wore a bronze fiendish helmet, with a glinting
treasure blade in hand as he spurred his horse to kill his way out of the heavy siege amidst a sea
of blood. He scared the Biansha Baldies so much that each of them wet their pants in terror and
immediately scattered apart like loose sand.”

It was presently hot, and the heat waves on the ground roiled. Those peddlers hawking their
wares along the streets had all disappeared. The outdoors was just like a bamboo steamer so hot
everyone was on the verge of being cooked. Only this spot had an old Chinese scholartree that
could still provide some shade.

The children listened, enthralled by the story. Only Shen Zechuan said, “You clearly said last
time that the Prince of Libei doesn’t take off his armor when he sleeps, so why did he take off his
shoes this time? My elder brother said it’s so cold in Libei after autumn that it could freeze
people to death. He can’t fight battles if he is barefoot.”

Xiaopangzi was speaking with such fervor that his spittle spewed all over, and Shen Zechuan’s
interruption made him so impatient that he slapped his own thigh and said, “Sheesh! The army-
supervising eunuch Qudu sent was already about to be butchered at that critical juncture. The
Prince of Libei leaped onto his horse and, with a raise of his horsewhip, charged into the
battlefield. He has no time to wear shoes!”

“Oh.” Shen Zechuan peeled open the candy wrapper in his hands. “That’s true.”

The children’s gazes were drawn by the sweet smell, and they all looked at the candies in Shen
Zechuan’s hands. Shen Zechuan spread his hands flat and motioned for everyone to eat. The
children cheered and swiped all the candies clean.

Xiaopangzi was so hot he could not stand it. He wiped his sweat as he chewed on the candy and
said enviously to Shen Zechuan, “Your big brother is so nice to buy you candies every day.”

“I was sick these few days,” Shen Zechuan’s pronunciation was unclear with the candy in his
mouth, “and I didn’t like taking medicine, so my mother had my brother buy it for me.”

“Your mother is nice too. She looked like a nice person. Not like my mother, ugh!” Xiaopangzi
liked to play the storyteller, and he promptly adjusted his posture and adopted a higher pitch, “A
ferocious-looking woman popped out of the dilapidated courtyard with one hand lifting her skirt
and another hand grabbing the gourd ladle. She strode a sudden step forward—Heh! One swing
from her, and before we knew it, my elder brother was seeing stars and looking for his teeth on
the ground!”

Shen Zechuan and the children doubled over with laughter.

Xiaopangzi laughed too, speaking with increasing gusto, “That gourd ladle wielding skill my
mother has is no less inferior to the martial arts prowess of a man if she uses it on the battlefield.
Starting from my father back at home, who has she not set straight before? She’s a formidable
one! Look at my elder brother; what a jerk. He even snatched my candied hawthorn.2 Is he still
human? So domineering. But when he goes home, he still ends up getting beaten to tears by my

As soon as he said that, he heard someone holler behind him.

“Little rascal, spending the whole day outside ruining my reputation!”

“Gosh!” Xiaopangzi clambered down the stone in a panic and took to his heels. “My brother is
here. See you next time!”

The children followed suit and scattered noisily after Xiaopangzi. The moment Shen Zechuan
looked back, he saw Ji Mu coming too from afar. He folded the candy wrapper into a frog, and
while waiting for Ji Mu to approach, he pressed the frog to make it hop in his palm.

The weather was too hot. Ji Mu’s forehead was covered in a fine layer of sweat. He slightly
raised the hem on his robe and squatted beside Shen Zechuan, where he saw that frog so ugly it
had no legs and tottered unsteadily as it hopped.

“Where are its legs?” He asked.

Shen Zechuan pointed to the other side. “There are two here.”

Ji Mu tilted his head for a look and could not help but smile. “How capable of you to put them
together.” As he spoke, he stood up and raised a hand to brush aside the branch of leaves
blocking him. With the scorching sun over his head, he said to Shen Zechuan, “Come on, let’s go

Shen Zechuan jumped off the stone seat, picked up the fabric school bag he had set aside on the
ground, and followed behind Ji Mu to make his way home. He was still thinking about the story
he had just heard, so he asked Ji Mu, “The Libei Armored Cavalry has never entered the city of
Chuancheng, so how did everyone know what the Prince of Libei looks like?”

“What they mean by everyone knows, is that everyone doesn’t know.”

Shen Zechuan did not understand, and Ji Mu did not explain either. He looked sideways at his
younger brother. “You did well in classes these days. The teacher chanced upon Father in the
market and praised you. Mother was so happy that she secretly made you a new pair of shoes.”

Shen Zechuan looked up and merely asked, “How do you know if Mother had made it secretly?”

“Can I not know?” Ji Mu sighed. “She altered it out of my new shoes.”

Shen Zechuan pushed his schoolbag over his shoulders, not knowing how to answer. Hua
Pingting doted on Shen Zechuan and gave him everything first. Halfway down the road, Ji Mu
reached out to pat Shen Zechuan on the back. “Wear it a few more times for ge’s sake. Mother
stayed up the whole night to alter it.”

Shen Zechuan looked at Ji Mu and nodded.

♢Part 3♢

“These shoes,” Xiao Chiye pointed out to Xiao Jiming, “are too big, ge.”

“They don’t have it in your size.” Xiao Jiming folded the family letter carefully and tucked it
back in his bosom. “Just make do with them. When we get back, there will naturally be a pair
suitable for you.”

Xiao Chiye took two steps. The heels of the shoes fell off and dragged across the grass, making
muffled “thud” sounds. The more he listened to it, the more irritated he was. Unhappy, he folded
his arms and said as he looked at Xiao Jiming, “For what it’s worth, I have battle merits on hand.
I don’t want anything else but a change of new shoes.”

“As I said,” Xiao Jiming looked at him calmly, “there’s no suitable pair at the moment.”

Meng landed on Xiao Chiye’s shoulder. He was still angry. Xiao Jiming had already turned
around to enter the tent. Xiao Chiye wanted to imitate his elder brother in keeping his
composure, but he could not help but say, “So in Father’s letter,” he asked tentatively, “did he
not mention me?”

Xiao Jiming’s movement paused slightly. After a moment, he turned back.

Xiao Chiye’s eyes brimmed with expectation. He did not want any reward; he just wanted to
hear a word of compliment from Xiao Fangxu. But then, he would only hold back his pride and
refuse to concede.

He’s too much like the old man.

Xiao Jiming sighed in his heart. He was sandwiched in between, yet it seemed like he was more
mature than both of them. He slightly lowered his hand that had been lifting the screen and said
without hesitation. “Even if Father praises you, your merits also balance out your demerits.”

The corners of Xiao Chiye’s lips lifted slightly. He was no longer angry about the shoes. With
his arms folded, he nodded his head as if that was indeed the case.

Xiao Jiming cast a glance at the deep blue dome of heaven in the distance. All of a sudden, he
was not in a hurry to go in and deal with the military affairs. He turned back and sat on the rough
wooden railing and patted the spot beside him.
Xiao Chiye followed Xiao Jiming’s gaze and looked north. The Hongyan Mountains blocked his
field of vision; the continuous rises and falls of the mountains lay at the end, like the exposed
spine of a beast crouching in the night, all of which were blunt protruding spikes.

“What’s behind the Hongyan Mountains?” Xiao Jiming asked.

Xiao Chiye pinched a stalk of grass and answered, “The wind, right?”

Xiao Jiming smiled. “Looks like you’ve learned the true legacy of Qianqiu-shifu.”

Zuo Qianqiu did not look like someone who was a general. When his white hair hung loosely by
his cheeks, he would often gaze at the wind of Libei in silence, as if he was contemplating those
questions that had no answers.

Xiao Chiye pressed down on the railing, still looking at Hongyan Mountains. “Dage, have you
never thought about going over for a look?”

Xiao Jiming was silent. The goshawk above his head cried out, and the wind sent his sleeves
flapping all over. He did not look like a general either. His long, slender fingers partially laced
together, as if he was still sitting on the steps back at home with Xiao Chiye, just making small

“Me?” Xiao Jiming said softly, “I’m just fine staying here.”

Xiao Chiye felt a little regretful, but he did not know why. His young body brimmed with
infinite strength, and with it, his desire permeated every corner of the world. He wanted way too
much. He did not understand the arduousness of the words “to carry on the legacy of one’s
predecessors”. He only wanted to go on the offensive and attack.

“It may be that you are married.” Xiao Chiye bit down on the stalk of grass and got a taste of
something sour-sweet, “but I still want to go and take a look.”

“You say it like you won’t get married.” The expression in Xiao Jiming’s eyes was complicated.
He was already starting to worry for his future younger sister-in-law. “There are all sorts of
women in the world. Which kind do you want? Don’t keep changing your heart every other

Xiao Chiye leaned over and rubbed his face on his arm. He lowered his head and racked his
brain. Finally, he said in a muffled voice, “I want…” He raised his head and suddenly pointed at
the moon. “That kind!”

Zhao Hui, who was standing behind them, closed his eyes, his expression all but saying, “he’s a

This moon looked just like a jade plate.

“I don’t really have any requirements.” Xiao Chiye removed the stalk of grass and ticked off on
his fingers. “Must be good-looking. At the very least, must look like Eldest Sister-in-law, if not
Mother. In any case, must be better-looking than the commander-in-chief. Lack of knowledge in
taming horses is not an issue, but has to be able to ride a horse somehow. No worries about
fighting battles, but still has to learn some martial arts, or too fragile, and I have to give in all the
time. No need to be skilled in needlework; I don’t trust anyone else’s craftsmanship. Aura has to
be outstanding, just like the moon, not too approachable, and I can get a whole glimpse at a

The more he spoke, the happier he was.

“I only have to lay my eyes on this person,” The moonlight shone on Xiao Chiye’s face, and a
determined light gleamed in those eyes as he clenched his fist and continued, “and I’ll want this
person to be my wife. I’ll take this other half of mine horse riding in Libei, and we can ride
however far as my other half desire. I’ll follow along—I can give way a little too… but just a

♢Part 4♢

Shen Zechuan sneezed.

Ji Gang just so happened to be washing his hand in the courtyard. On hearing the sneeze, he
looked over and wondered with a frown, “How is it that you aren’t getting better with this

“He has only been taking it for a few days. Chuan-er,” Hua Pingting beckoned Shen Zechuan
over. “Come here, let Mother stroke your head.”

Shen Zechuan blew his nose with a handkerchief. The tip of his nose was all red from the
rubbing. He stood before Hua Pingting and asked Ji Mu in surprise, “Why do I keep sneezing

Ji Mu was in the midst of slurping his noodles. He wiped his sweat and sniffed all around before
saying to Hua Pingting, “The neighbor next door just planted a row of osmanthus trees. Chuan’er
couldn’t be unaccustomed to this scent, could he?”

Hua Pingting hesitated too. “That’s hard to say. I hope not.”

“He smelled this before.” Ji Gang walked over and picked up his own bowl. “Must be because
the medicine from that wandering physician isn’t good. I’ll go elsewhere tomorrow and buy a
few more prescriptions back.”
Shen Zechuan nodded as he ate. He ate slowly, and the few of them all sat in the courtyard to
enjoy the coolness. Ji Mu sat at the side and played with stones. This was a game Ji Mu had
enjoyed ever since he was a child, and he was well-practiced, with nearly no misses.

It was a beautiful night tonight, but for some reason, Ji Mu did not really speak much.

From afar came the sounds of the few dogs barking. Outside the courtyard, a neighbor who was
on his way home from the fields passed by, and the chirps of long-horned grasshoppers among
the grass followed close on the heels of the silence. Ji Gang finally finished his meal. He put the
bowl and chopsticks down and sat a short distance away to choose among his unfinished

Shen Zechuan was keenly aware that there was something different about tonight. He glanced at
Ji Mu, attempting to get an answer from his elder brother. Ji Mu, who was tossing the stones in
turn and catching them one at a time, merely blinked at Shen Zechuan.

“Today,” Bending his sturdy back, Ji Gang polished the wood in his hand and said nonchalantly,
“your mother made a trip to the Xu household.”

Ji Mu was still catching the stones. He muttered an “uh-huh” to indicate that he had heard him.

Ji Gang rubbed the smooth surface of the stool legs with his thumb and paused for a long time
without continuing.

When Shen Zechuan came out of the kitchen, his elder brother was still playing with the stones.
Shen Zechuan squatted at the side and craned out his neck halfway, only to see Ji Mu looking

Unable to squat in place, Shen Zechuan sat down. He knew which household the Xu household
was. They lived at the other end of the road. Ji Mu would make a huge detour every day when he
returned home, all just to catch a glimpse of the maiden from the Xu household.

Ji Mu began to toss the stones, and up and down they went rhythmically.

“When I was a child, I found this game difficult to play. I couldn’t grab them, so I could only
practice daily.” Ji Mu dodged some of the light from the kitchen. His expression on the
remaining side of his face could not be clearly seen. Even the rims of his eyes reddened ever so
quietly. “But now, I think that anything that can be mastered with perseverance is something that
can be easily resolved, for there are solutions.”

Shen Zechuan’s new shoes were just the right size. He picked up the stone Ji Mu dropped by his
feet and pinched it between his fingertips.

Ji Mu stopped playing. Propping his arms backward, he lamented, “I’ve already tried my best.”
“Didn’t ge also often say you did your best,” Shen Zechuan examined the stone, “when you used
to play with the stones in the past? But you still practice every day, and you didn’t stop even
when Mother scolded you.”

“It’s not the same thing.” Ji Mu started laughing.

Shen Zechuan started playing with the stones. He was not as practiced as Ji Mu, but he had his
own way of catching them steadily in hand. “I’ll stay together with shifu and shiniang,” he said.
“I don’t want anyone else. I don’t want money too.”

Ji Mu shook his head. “People always have to part, eventually. You have to have your own
world. This is something that even Heaven will push you into doing, no matter how reluctant you
are. Father and Mother love and dote on their son, but they can’t stay by your side for life.
Chuan’er will be a fine man in the future. More promising than me, your gege.”

“I’m not as good as ge,” Shen Zechuan grasped the stone and said in all seriousness. “Even if I
learn a hundred or a thousand words, I can never compare to dage.”

Ji Mu gazed fixedly at Shen Zechuan and, a while later, suddenly felt a surge of tenderness for
him. They became brothers in this family. From the looks of it, he was the one giving in to Shen
Zechuan, but in truth, it was Shen Zechuan giving way to him. His younger brother had just
turned twelve this year, and his face still bore an air of childlike naivety, yet he was already
thoroughly familiar with the art of survival. It was as if from the very moment he came to
Duanzhou, he had lost his innocence.

Ji Mu lamented again. “My younger brother is so silly. What is he to do in the future? Don’t
compare yourself to ge. Ge won’t compare with you either. We are kin brothers. I put Father and
Mother in an awkward situation today, which I ought not to, and that is all on me. I’ll not let you
land in such a predicament in the future. Silly Chuan’er. I’m really afraid you’d find a shrewish
wife and become the docile, henpecked husband who let your wife walk all over you.”

There were only so few women Shen Zechuan knew of, and the only shrewish one was
Xiaopangzi’s mother. He thought of it, and his expression could not help but undergo several
changes. He shook his head in a fluster. “I don’t want anyone that shrewd either.”

Amused, Ji Mu smiled and asked, “Then, what kind do you want?”

Shen Zechuan rubbed the pulp of his fingers against the spot where the mosquitoes had bitten
him and tilted his head up, stumped by the question. Practically racking his brain, he said, “…
Has a gentle personality, I guess? More or less like Mother. Able to wrap dumplings. Doesn’t
have to be too good-looking… though a little good-looking is fine. Doesn’t have to be too tall;
we don’t have that big of a bed at home.”

The more he spoke, the more troubled he was.

“… Won’t wield a ladle. A little slim would be best. I can do all the cumbersome work at home
to lessen the burden. Speaks a tad more gently too…”

Ji Mu slapped the back of his own head. He understood it now. “I get it. You like a pretty girl of
humble birth who looks all delicate and slender, and is agreeable and gentle. Right then, we’ll
pick one like this in the future. Ge promises to organize a grand wedding for you.”

♢Part 5♢

Shen Zechuan sat until his back was sore and aching. He threw the chess piece back into the
container and listened as Ding Tao and Li Xiong muttered among themselves outside.

Ding Tao raised a porcelain bowl, from which he had just finished eating his shaved ice, and said
in all seriousness, “This is the crown meant to be worn for the wedding. His Second Lordship
wore it that day as he walked around, toasting wine to everyone he came across and drinking all
of them from the three lands in the north and south until they went down.”

Li Xiong, feeling unbearably warm in his armor, was still digging into his bowl of shaved ice.
“You’re lying. It’s just a bowl. His Second Lordship won’t want it.”

“Really!” Ding Tao thought the crown Xiao Chiye wore that day was really too ugly, and he
never dared to speak of it to anyone. Instead, he held it back until Li Xiong returned. He said
anxiously, “Aren’t we buddies? Believe me!”

“But His Majesty ought to look better, right?” Li Xiong asked.

Ding Tao thought for a moment and said reluctantly, “That’s because His Majesty is too good-
looking. Sigh, I told Jin-ge the ceremonial robes they sent are so awkward. Old Fei the Tenth has
better taste, but he is too cunning, lauding His Second Lordship to the skies, so much that His
Second Lordship just went up his horse and left without even looking into the mirror.”

Li Xiong thought about it. Surprisingly enough, he understood. “He’s smart enough not to make
His Second Lordship angry.”

“Forget it.” Ding Tao dejectedly put the bowl on his head and said despairingly, “It’s over. Let’s
wait for next year.”

“You drew it all into the book?”

“With no one to tell, of course I have to draw in the book.” Ding Tao touched the small book in
his bosom. “I drew lots. I’ll show them to you in a while.”

Shen Zechuan lifted a corner of the beaded curtain. “Let me see it first.”
When Xiao Chiye returned at night, he saw Shen Zechuan lying on his stomach on the bed,
turning pages. He initially paid it no mind, but when he changed his clothes, he noticed Shen
Zechuan kept glancing between him and the book.

With his clothes stripped midway, Xiao Chiye wondered suspiciously, “Looking at memorials?”

Shen Zechuan distractedly muttered “uh-huh” as he made a few strokes on the paper from time
to time. Not pleased at all with his split attention, Xiao Chiye bent over to cover his eyes while
he himself glanced down.

He saw a clearly drawn little figure in red with a bowl on his head sitting haughtily on a fat horse
with a round head and a round body. A pitch-black bird chased after the figure from behind.

“What’s this Ding Tao drew?” Xiao Chiye asked in surprise.

Shen Zechuan’s eyes were covered. The brush hanging from his fingertips shook slightly, and he
suddenly burst out laughing. “Xiao Ce’an.”

“What?” Xiao Chiye said.

Shen Zechuan laughed until he bowed over. Pointing to that little figure, he shouted again, “Xiao

Ding Tao was all sniffles and sobs as he stood close to the corner of the wall. Hearing the door
slammed open, he could not help but take to his heels.

Xiao Chiye sneered. “Drag him back—Never mind, throw him into the lake to feed the frogs!”

Shen Zechuan smoothed out the crumpled paper and considered it over.

There was actually not that much discrepancy between being strong and sturdy and being
delicate and slender.

He folded the paper and thought in all seriousness.

Not too bad, dage. Ce’an fits the bill—except for being a pretty girl of humble birth.


1. 小胖子 Xiaopangzi also means “little fatty”.

2. 糖葫芦 Tanghulu, aka. candied hawthorn that
comes on a stick. It is a traditional Chinese snack.

Qiang Jin Jiu – Extra 3: The Emperor’s Grand Wedding

“A grand wedding is difficult,” Ding Tao said as he shook his head, “and that’s even more so for
the grand wedding of the emperor. The Ministry of Rites is going to have a headache too once
the Directorate of Astronomy arrives at an auspicious day and timing from their calculations. Do
we people from Libei go over to Qudu to deliver the goose, or do those from Qudu come to our
Libei to send the goose?”1
“Of course, it’s from Qudu to Libei.” Fei Sheng wanted to straighten out this protocol for
Ding Tao. “The so-called ‘proposal’2 is the discussion and arrangement of marriage, so His
Majesty must take precedence in this matter.”
“But this marriage is to take place in Libei,” Chen Yang stood between them and stressed
over it, “How are we to find the venue? Dajing doesn’t have a place like Qudu.”

“Tell the ceremonial guards of honor squad to stand on the grasslands.” Gu Jin folded his
arms. “Our Libei is plenty vast and spacious.”

“Hey,” Ding Tao enthused. “Jin-ge is right. That’s what it truly means to ‘bow to Heaven
and Earth’!”3

“The weather is so hot, and there will be many people.” Yu Xiaozai waved his hand. “How
can anyone stand it? Should everyone collapse when the time comes, the imperial censors are
going to drown you in their spittle!”

“We have to follow the rites when it comes to this, but the ‘six rites’4 has nothing that covers
our situation…” Gao Zhongxiong was in a spot too. “When the time comes for the various
officials to pay their obeisances to His Majesty, the imperial envoy has to head over to the Libei
residence to ask for the bride’s name and eight characters.5 This is the process of crowning the
empress. To send or not to send the imperial register and imperial seal,”6 He spread his hands,
“but how to send?”
The five of them who were sitting around the table lapsed into silence.

While they were discussing affairs on this end, Li Xiong on the other end was still scooping
up honey.

Xiao Xun came in from the front after his class and handed his bag to Li Xiong. “What are
they talking about?”

“Marriage.” Li Xiong smacked his lips. “They are talking about His Majesty’s wedding.”

So Xiao Xun did not go over. Seeing as the time was just right, he said to Li Xiong, “Wait
here for Ding Tao. I’ll go over to Second Uncle7 to pay my respects.”

“No way.” Li Xiong got all anxious. “His Second Lordship said I have to follow you

Xiao Xun nodded in consent. With Li Xiong in tow, he strolled past this side to Qinghui
Palace and waited for someone to announce his arrival. Not a moment later, the bamboo blinds
were lifted.

The palace maid named Xinrui curtsied in greetings to Xiao Xun and said softly, “Greetings
to Your Highness,8 His Majesty has summoned you.”

Xiao Xun entered the palace with a solemn expression and heard Xiao Chiye’s voice inside.

“I said it was hot on the way, so take your time, but no one answered my letter.” Xiao Chiye
teased the bird in the cage. “Am I getting married or are you?”

Holding his tea in hand, Lu Guangbai answered, “You, you, you. You’re the one getting

The parrot in the cage imitated his intonation. “You, you, you. You’re the one getting
married. You’re getting married!”

“Well said.” Xiao Chiye rewarded the bird. “Say it again for Your Second Lordship.”

The parrot flapped its wings. “You’re getting married! You’re getting married!”

“Xun’er, sit with your uncle.” It was as if Shen Zechuan had eyes on his back. “You have not
seen each other for several months.”

“It has indeed been several months. Come here.” Lu Guangbai was happy to see Xiao Xun.
“Your parents have a letter for you.”

Xiao Xun was happy too. He sat next to Lu Guangbai. Having studied under Kong Ling, he
took great care to carry himself like a gentleman and conduct himself with dignity and poise.
“Boys grow up really fast these days.” Lu Guangbai patted Xiao Xun’s head. “Xun-er keeps
changing every day.”

Shen Zechuan’s folding fan rested on the edge of the small table. He looked at Xiao Xun.
“He grows tall really fast too.”

“Grows too fast, and the legs will hurt.” Lu Guangbai looked as he remembered something.
“A-Ye was whining every day at this age.”

Now that Lu Guangbai had spoken to this point, Xiao Chiye remembered it too. He used to
be afraid of being short, so he had the mess cook from the kitchen boil milk for him every day,
and when he really started growing taller, he couldn’t sleep at night because of the pain.

He cast a glance at Lanzhou, not planning to continue this thread of conversation.

The Second Lord was a tough and unyielding man. He never whined.

“Humph!” The parrot puffed out its chest. “Whine!”

“A grand wedding costs public money. Ce’an and I think,” Shen Zechuan finished reading
the protocols drawn up by the Ministry of Rites, “a small ceremony will do.”

But even a “small ceremony” needed hundreds of officials in Qudu to deliberate over.

See, the wedding was in Libei. Whether or not the officials followed him over, they still had
to pay their obeisances to Shen Zechuan at the auspicious time. The Ministry of Rites, the Court
of State Ceremonial, the official in charge of announcing the emperor’s edict, the ceremonial
guards of honor all had to be in attendance. Going by the protocols, once the imperial envoy
brought the wedding gifts to the Libei’s residence, Xiao Chiye still had to sit in a sedan chair.
Before the first of the six rites, Shen Zechuan had to offer sacrifices to his ancestors. But who
was he to offer offerings to? What’s more, Xiao Chiye was also the Prince of Qianjun. It was
pointless for him to hold on to the empress’s seal. If they were really to give it to him, he would
also be using it to crack walnuts.

Not only did this marriage give Qudu sleepless nights, it also gave Libei sleepless nights. Lu
Yizhi’s eyes were still wide open in the middle of the night as she shook Xiao Jiming hard, all
but wishing to ask him eight times “really?” Xiao Jiming said really, and so Lu Yizhi wrote
letters to Qidong. After the fifth or sixth letter, even Qi Zhuyin could not stand it anymore.
Hurry up and get this wedding over and done with!

“Let’s schedule it on this day.” Shen Zechuan made a circle in red in the book. “The jasmine
orange will be in bloom too by that time.”

Xiao Xun thought they would discuss it for a while. How was he to know that the deal would
be sealed with just a circle and a word from Shen Zechuan? But he did not know that the
moment the Ministry of Rites received the approved document, they did not dare to sit on their
asses any further and immediately stood up to swiftly pass on the message.

Chen Yang had only just drank a mouthful of water when he heard the servant report that the
wedding date had been fixed. Nearly spewing out the water, he choked out a cough, attempting
to suppress it until he went red in the face.

The few of them around him who had just sat down all jolted to their feet again. Only Ding
Tao was giddy with laughter as he clenched his fist and shouted, “Daxiong! We’re going back to
Libei to ride horses!”

“Aw, man.” Yu Xiaozai smacked his palm. “We’re really going to faint from the heat this

◈ ◈ ◈

Half a month later, when the imperial carriage arrived in Libei, Shen Zechuan had to stay
separately from Xiao Chiye.

The officials from the Ministry of Rites paid no heed to anything else and stuck close to
Prince of Qianjun first thing they could. Wherever the Prince of Qianjun went, they went, fearing
that the Prince of Qianjun would somersault over the wall to enter the residence where the
emperor was staying and breach propriety.

Annoyed by all the constant following, Xiao Chiye mounted Lang Tao Xue Jin and ran. He
wanted to flip over the wall in the middle of the night, but when he was at the wall, there were
still men shadowing him at the foot.

Xiao Chiye pointed at them, utterly speechless. All he could sputter was, “Just you wait!”

On the day of the proposal, they had to send gifts. Shen Zechuan sent a wild goose to the
Libei residence. Xiao Chiye found it acceptable, and returned the gift with a Meng—he even tied
a red ribbon on Meng. The imperial envoy who had come on imperial orders to carry out the
second rite of asking the bride’s name and eight characters exclaimed inwardly in surprise and
coaxed him with an obsequious smile, “That’s not how it works, Your Second Lordship!”

But His Second Lordship did not want to listen. He whistled, and Meng flew by its own self
to Lanzhou.

◈ ◈ ◈

Ding Tao rapped on the bowl and said in all seriousness. “The grand wedding is today.
Follow me, and I guarantee you won’t go hungry.”

Li Xiong rapped on the bowl too and replied after him, “Won’t go hungry!”
While both of them were making such a ruckus in the walkway, the window upstairs opened,
and Qi Zhuyin poked her head out.

“What a din—” Commander-in-chief Qi looked like she was still half-asleep. She pointed to
her own head. “So noisy I’ve got a headache.”

“Commander-in-chief!” Ding Tao was not afraid of Qi Zhuyin, because Qi Zhuyin was not
that very fierce towards children. “Is Grandpa here yet? We are going to have the capping

“It’s still early.” Qi Zhuyin felt around for a few pieces of candies and distributed them to the
two lads, while she herself also ate a piece. “What’s the hurry? The ‘master of human relations‘
isn’t here yet.”

“What’s that?” Ding Tao asked.

“He teaches you to look at pictures.” Qi Zhuyin bullshitted.

“You still have to look at pictures when you get married?” Ding Tao touched his own little
book. “I know how to do it too.”

Gu Jin could not bear to listen any further. He picked Ding Tao up from behind and shut the

“Hey,” Ding Tao held his book to his bosom and said in puzzlement, “I’m not done talking
to Commander-in-chief Qi!”

“I told you a long time back to teach him a little about the ways of the world.” Chen Yang
raised the hanging screen. “Why is he still like a little blockhead? And thanks to his influence,
Daxiong is now another little blockhead!”

◈ ◈ ◈

Shen Zechuan did not wear a crown as he sat behind the screen and waited for the incense to
burn. He heard Chen Yang enter and inform him of Ji Gang’s arrival. He made to get up to
welcome him, but Ji Gang motioned for him to remain seated.

“According to the rites, when shifu puts on the crown for you, there should be a family elder
present to observe the ceremony.” Ji Gang stroked the top of Shen Zechuan’s hair. “A pity there
are only now the two of us left to depend on each other.”
Shen Zechuan bowed his head to kowtow in respect to Ji Gang. “Although shifu and I are not
related by blood, we are as close as kin. This one bow is to thank shifu for the many years of
raising me.”

Ji Gang looked at Shen Zechuan’s hair. His lips quivered. All his words stalled in this very
moment, dissolving away into heartache. He slowly leaned down and stroked Shen Zechuan’s
head once again. “My son has had a rough time for half a lifetime. For all that Heaven has been
unfair to you, from now on…” He started to choke with sobs. “From now on, you have to be safe
and sound, and live in conjugal bliss to a ripe old age with that Xiao the Second.”

Shifu’s rough hand trembled ever so slightly.

Shen Zechuan felt his heart ache. With a lump in his throat, he called out, “Shifu.”
Ji Gang hurriedly turned his head aside to wipe his tears. “We shall not shed tears on your
wedding day. Get up. Shifu will put on the crown for you.”
The capping ceremony was the rite of passage into adulthood. The emperor’s was called the
“shangzhong ceremony”; it was a necessary ceremonial rite before the wedding. The various
officials were originally supposed to be present, and once Shen Zechuan had put on his crown,
they would kowtow nine times to congratulate him. But Shen Zechuan wanted to keep what was
complicated simple, so he had screened out the others.

Once Ji Gang had put on the crown for Shen Zechuan, he took two steps back.

Shen Zechuan bowed to Ji Gang again. After the rite was concluded, he was led by Hua
Xiangyi with the jasmine oranges in the outer room to the entrance to receive the kowtows of
congratulations from Kong Ling, Fei Sheng and the other old subordinates. Then it was time for
the ancestral sacrifice, which he did not go through with. Instead, he merely kneeled to Heaven
and Earth. Having bowed to Heaven and Earth, he bowed to Qi Huilian as an expression of his
undying gratitude to his teacher’s kindness. Once this was done, Shen Zechuan still could not
leave. He had to return to his room and wait for the “master in human relations”.

The so-called “master of human relations” was someone who brought along erotic arts to
impart to the emperor knowledge on “human relations”.9

The master who entered did not dare to look directly at Shen Zechuan, who was sitting in the
main seat. He spread the pictures out on the rug, but before he could start his speech, he saw a
gyrfalcon enter from the window and treat his pictures as feet-wiping cloth.

Shen Zechuan bent over to undo the red silk ribbon on Meng—there was a fine-toothed
comb10 hanging on it.

◈ ◈ ◈

Xiao Chiye did not wear a crown as he sat without inhibitions in the middle of the room.
“I’ve been waiting for two hours, shifu.”

“The auspicious hour isn’t here yet.” Zuo Qianqiu held the book on military strategy in hand.
“Wait a little longer.”

Xiao Chiye rotated his thumb ring as he turned his head to look at the birds flying around
outside, but his was not among them. He looked for a moment, then suddenly said, “Shifu, once
we part today, I’ll be a man with a wife—a family. I never forgot how Father used to say that I’d
have to race horses with him when I get married. Shifu, why don’t you have a race with me?”
Zuo Qianqiu looked at Xiao Chiye and felt tender compassion for him. He watched Xiao
Chiye grow up. When Xiao Chiye was still a wolf pup, he always stayed close to him and
followed him around. The little wolf wanted to ride a horse, tame a falcon, and traverse all over
the Hongyan Mountains. That little lad who asked him “what is desire?” in the wind had already
become a man with a wife and a family.

“Of course.” Zuo Qianqiu smiled. “Once you’re done drinking, we’ll race.”

Xiao Chiye smiled too. He stood up and leaned over the top of the screen to say to Lu
Guangbai and Xiao Jiming, who were holding their breath in rapt attention in the outer room,
“I’m getting married today, so both of you gege please do me a favor and ward off the wine for
me later, will you?”

“Not an issue for me,” Lu Guangbai propped up his arm. “It all depends on how you
convince your eldest brother.”

Xiao Chiye was quick to adapt. “Dage.”

Xiao Jiming merely drank his tea and said nothing.

So Xiao Chiye dragged out his voice. “Da—ge— if you don’t agree, I’ll shout for dasao.”

“Alright.” Xiao Jiming sighed and said with the teacup in hand. “I got it.”

Someone outside announced that it was time. Zuo Qianqiu adjusted his clothes and crown
and stood up with a solemn expression. Xiao Jiming lifted the crown for Xiao Chiye and held it
out to Zuo Qianqiu, who then put it on for Xiao Chiye.

“A-Ye.” Zuo Qianqiu looked into Xiao Chiye’s eyes. After a moment, he said, “Go.”

◈ ◈ ◈

It started to drizzle when Shen Zechuan stepped out of the door. The ceremonial guards of
honor outside did not hold up umbrellas. Only Fei Sheng was waiting at the foot of the veranda.
He made to open an umbrella for Shen Zechuan, but Shen Zechuan motioned to him to put it

“Master,” Fei Sheng bowed and whispered, “It’s a long journey. If we don’t use an umbrella,
His Second Lordship will get all anxious when he sees us.”

“Heaven sends me a congratulatory wedding gift.” Shen Zechuan raised his eyes to look at
the sky. “I have to accept it.”

So Fei Sheng set the umbrella at the side and held on to his blade. “I will follow however
Master decides to go.”
Lu Guangbai rode his horse in the rain. He initially wanted to ask if they should swap into a
sedan chair, but before they could arrive, he saw the cavalry opposite them galloping over. They
did not look like the ceremonial guards of honor—more like the Imperial Bodyguards. He
abruptly reined in his horse. Before he could shout out a word, the wails opposite him cut him

“Your Majesty!” The official from the Directorate of Astronomy lifted the hem of his robe
and kept up his pursuit as he yelled the entire way, “There’s still some time left before the
auspicious, auspicious hour…”

Shen Zechuan’s sleeves and robes were like a low-flying mythical bird of prey in the rain.
He passed by Lu Guangbai and suddenly laughed out loud. Raindrops splashed as Feng Ta
Shuang Yi crashed through the strong wind like a swift streak of lightning.


Shen Zechuan shouted with all his might.


Xiao Chiye was still within the compound of the main gate. On hearing the shouts, the
copper basin with which he was using to wash his hands nearly overturned. He dubiously poked
his head out and asked Zhao Hui, “Is it my time yet?”

Zhao Hui answered with certainty, “Not yet.”

“Your Majesty!” Holding up the book in hand, the official from the Directorate of
Astronomy ran until he could barely catch his breath. “Oh good heavens me, the auspicious hour
is still, still not…”

Shen Zechuan’s horse threw the ceremonial guards of honor squad opposite him into
disarray. Chen Yang and Tantai Hu bumped into each other amidst the crowd. Every one of them
was utterly confused.

“We still haven’t gone over yet!” Tantai Hu said in bewilderment. “Why did you people
come over?”

“Where is His Second Lordship?!” Chen Yang was so anxious he stomped his foot. “Call for
His Second Lordship!”

“Your Second Lordship!” Fei Sheng rolled off his horse and took the lead in hollering across
the wall. “Your Second Lordship!”

Xiao Chiye pressed down the head of the man blocking him and saw Lanzhou on his horse.
He promptly lifted the hem of his robe to go and meet him, but a Ministry of Rites official at the
side fell to his knees with a “thud” and hugged his thigh. “Your Second Lordship! It’s not time

“Your Second Lordship!” Another “thud” to grab on to Xiao Chiye’s arm to stop him. “The
ceremony isn’t completed yet!”

Xiao Chiye grabbed the other party up by the back of the latter’s collar. As he tore the latter
off himself, he said to Ding Tao, “Haul him away!”

“At your command!” Ding Tao shouted without moving. “Daxiong, go!”

Li Xiong spread his arms open and shouted too as he charged into the crowd and completely
wrapped his arms around the other man and pushed him all down.

“Whoa!” The officials being jostled among the crowd staggered and tottered unsteadily on
their feet.

“What the fuck.” Tantai Hu rolled on the ground. “Is this a wedding or a bride snatching?!”

The official from the Directorate of Astronomy had already run up beside Shen Zechuan’s
horse. He could barely even speak clearly. “Your, Your Maj…”

The raindrop on Shen Zechuan’s ear glistened. He dismounted from the other side and
skirted around the official from the Directorate of Astronomy. Who of them at the entrance dared
to stop him? They had not even drunk the wine yet, and already every one of them was
pretending to be drunk.

Xiao Chiye grabbed hold of Shen Zechuan’s hand and pulled hard to bring the latter into his
arms. He covered Shen Zechuan and raised his fingers to blow a whistle. “Meng, we’re

The Ministry of Rites official slapped his thigh. The crowd of people jostled their way out of
the door again and chased behind them. “Your Second Lordship! You have not done the
ceremonial bows yet!”

“Your Maj, Majesty…” The official from the Directorate of Astronomy held on to the door
for support and panted like a bull as he feebly shouted, “The ceremony hereby concludes…”

Meng spun around and broke through the rain. It abruptly spread its wings apart and cut
through the gale as it flew towards the mist-shrouded Hongyan Mountains in the far distance.

Raindrops pitter-pattered on both men’s heartily laughing faces as Lang Tao Xue Jin cast
everything that was of the mundane world behind.

Their overlapping sleeves and robes billowed in the wind, dancing together with the blades
of grass fluttering in the air as they vanished into the rain.

1. It was the custom in ancient time for a man (the husband) to offer a wild goose – a symbol of
marital harmony and fidelity – as a betrothal/marriage gift. The wild goose (大雁) here is also
another name for swan goose, or Hongyan (鴻雁) as in the Hongyan Mountains.
2. 纳采 the first of the six rites of marriage, the offering of presents to the parents of the bride and
the request to marry her.
3. 拜天地 Ritual bows by the bride and groom in a traditional wedding ceremony. There are three
bows to perform before they are considered formally married. “一拜天地,二拜高堂,夫妻对
(交)拜” “First bow to heaven and earth; second bow to the parents; third bow to each other.”
4. 六礼 the Six Rites of marriage, the proposal (纳采), birthday matching (问名), divining an
auspicious wedding day (纳吉), sending of the trousseau (纳征), choosing a ceremony date (请
期), and the big day (亲迎).
5. 问名 Second rite of marriage, in which name as well as date and time of birth (for horoscope) are
formally requested of the prospective bride’s family
6. 金册金宝 gold-leafed book or register and imperial seal, confirming the title bearer’s status as
“the empress”
7. 二叔叔 Er-shushu, refers here to Shen Zechuan
8. Using highness instead of lordship since he’s being raised as the crown prince.
9. 人伦 human relations according to feudal ethics; one of the basic concepts of the ancient Chinese
Confucian ethics. There are five human relationships: father and son, ruler and subject, husband
and wife, between siblings, and between friends. But we know what “human relations” really
mean here ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). These “arts” are typically used as instruments of sex education for the
newlyweds/new brides for the wedding night.
10. Combs symbolize a couple growing old together. Giving a comb to a loved one is a romantic
promise to be together until a ripe old age.

Qiang Jin Jiu – Extra 4: Notebook

When Fei Sheng was in Qudu, he did not have the opportunity to interact with the guards from
Libei. Now that he had the mind to gravitate towards Xiao Chiye, he had to ingratiate himself
with them for his personal gain.
Playing dumb, Chen Yang merely touched on trivial matters when he drank wine with
the Imperial Bodyguards and paid Fei Sheng no attention. Only Ding Tao was still a silly lad
who was won over by a few candies from Fei Sheng to the point he was all chummy with

“Can you Imperial Bodyguards endure it?” Ding Tao washed his brush and tilted his head to
say to Fei Sheng. “I heard the guards of the army-supervising eunuch who went to Qidong even
dared to rebuff the Grand Commander-in-chief, Qi Shiyu. A glory like this sure is something us
guards from Libei don’t have.”

Fei Sheng tossed a few peanuts into his mouth. “That’s glory bestowed upon by the Son of
Heaven. We have been keeping a low profile after Ji Wufan’s death.”

Ding Tao set the brush aside to dry and continued, “Leaving everything else aside, just the
ability to ‘gather information and take records’ is already very impressive. My father often
mentioned it when he was still alive.”

Remembering Ding Tao’s photographic memory, Fei Sheng said, “Silly lad, if you want to
learn, I’ll teach you. Now that we are out of the palace, the rules aren’t as rigid as before. I’ll just
have to let Master know later.”

He did not expect Ding Tao to flash a grin as he fished out the little book that rarely left his
side from his bosom. “No need to learn,” Ding Tao said. “I know how to do it! My father taught
me personally!”
Qiao Tianya, who was on the other end of the courtyard, rolled the tobacco and said to the
wood-like Gu Jin beside him, “Your Hereditary Prince really looks at that book of Ding Tao?”

“He had to hand it in for the previous years,” Gu Jin said, “but he doesn’t have to now. Since
we are following Second Young Master, it’s all good as long as Second Young Master looks it

Qiao Tianya bit down on the smoking pipe and tilted his body. He smiled and said, “Alright

Gu Jin pulled at the front of his clothes. After a moment’s pause, the tip of his ears suddenly
twitched. He turned his head to look at Qiao Tianya and wondered with a frown. “Did you take a
peek before?”

Qiao Tianya knocked the pipe and said slowly in between blowing out puffs of smoke, “I…
His little figures are really ugly.”

Ding Tao always wiped his little cowhide book clean every day. Bizarre strips of notes were
sandwiched everywhere among the pages. This lad was even so meticulous to scrawl a red frame
around relatively important information. Several days later, he handed over his little book to
Xiao Chiye’s desk as usual.

Shen Zechuan just so happened to pass by. He thought the book was the Imperial
Bodyguard’s book for information-gathering and record-taking, so he offhandedly flipped
through it while he was discussing affairs with Gu Jin and saw the shocking words written on
last page:

First year of the reign of Tianchen. Great Snow.1 Second Young Master owed the jewelry
shop on Shenwu Street in Qudu 3,600 silver taels.

Xiao Chiye was just entering the door when he sneezed. Before he could say a word, he
raised his head and saw Shen Zechuan with a book in his hand.

“When we go out in a few days,” Shen Zechuan closed the book and sighed, “bring along
several thousand silvers.”

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