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Convolutional neural network case studies:

(1) anomalies in mortality rates

(2) image recognition
Daniel Meier∗ Mario V. Wüthrich†

Prepared for:
Fachgruppe “Data Science”
Swiss Association of Actuaries SAV

Version of July 19, 2020

We provide a general introduction to convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in this tutorial.
CNNs are particularly well suited to find common spatial structure in images or time series.
As an insurance related example for life & health insurance we illustrate how to use a CNN
to detect anomalies in mortality rates taken from the Human Mortality Database (HMD);
the anomalies are caused by migration between countries and other errors. As a second
example, we study a CNN to classify images of handwritten digits taken from one of the
most widely used benchmark datasets, the Modified National Institute of Standards and
Technology (MNIST) dataset. Our aim is to explore and discuss the building blocks and the
properties of these CNNs, and we showcase their use.

Keywords. Convolutional neural network, CNN, regression, classification, mortality rates,

image recognition.

0 Introduction and overview

This data analytics tutorial has been written for the working group “Data Science” of the Swiss
Association of Actuaries SAV, see

The main purpose of this tutorial is to provide a general introduction to convolutional neural
network (CNN) architectures. We describe the building blocks used in the architectures of
CNNs, we list problems for which CNNs are particularly well suited, and we showcase this more
explicitly on two examples in this tutorial. The complete underlying code and data is available
on GitHub.1

Swiss Re Institute, Swiss Re Ltd, daniel

RiskLab, Department of Mathematics, ETH Zurich,

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Despite the origins of CNNs dating back to as early as 1980, see [7], CNNs are one of the most
important contributors – maybe even the most important one – for the tremendous success of
deep learning over the recent years. Problems that have been considered to be not feasible
two decades ago have essentially been solved with very high accuracy (or some other relevant
metrics), often exceeding performance of humans where this criterion is applicable, see, e.g. [9].
The main area of problems where CNNs usually outperform other algorithms by far – boosted
by massively increased availability of labeled data and computing power, including GPUs, see,
e.g. [3] – is image recognition and classification. In Section 3 we try to partly demystify why
CNNs are so successful in this area. However, the main justification for using CNNs for this kind
of problems will remain the striking empirical evidence of success because there are only very
few mathematical results that give analytical proofs to these empirical findings. Other areas
where CNNs have been applied very successfully are:

• natural language processing (NLP), see, e.g. [11],

• time series modeling, see, e.g. [1, 8, 16],

• anomaly detection, e.g. fraud, see, e.g. [6, 24],

• health predictions based on electronic health records, see, e.g. [2, 22],

• games like Go, see, e.g. [18].

There is a big library of pre-trained CNNs available for image classification, for example,
AlexNet, GoogLeNet, ResNet, Inception, MobileNet, VGG, DenseNet, NASNet. These pre-
trained models can either be directly used and applied to classify images into the categories
provided, e.g. AlexNet offers 10 000 categories like ”goldfish”, ”kite”, ”goose”, etc., or these
pre-trained CNNs can be used for transfer learning, e.g. by replacing the last 40 096 × 10 000
fully-connected layer of AlexNet by a 40 096 × 10 fully-connected layer for 10 (other) categories
and only training the weights (parameters) of this last layer. By keeping the first pre-trained
layers one can benefit from the fact that these layers have already been calibrated to find struc-
tures in images, for instance, sharp edges, and by only training the last layer we give the right
interpretation to these sharp edges in our modeling context.
In this tutorial we follow the notation in [5] for feed-forward networks, using mappings
 
z1 (x)
 (k)
 z2 (x) 

(k−1) (k)
z (k) : Rn → Rn , (k)
x 7→ z (x) = 
 ..  (0.1)

 
zn(k) (x)

to define the k-th (hidden) layer of a feed-forward network. The input into the first hidden layer
(0) (kmax )
is denoted by X ∈ Rn , and the output of the last hidden layer kmax is denoted by Y ∈ Rn .
Additional subscripts as needed illustrate individual cases, e.g. of training samples. Most of the
(k) (k) (k)
time in this tutorial we will work in higher dimensions, e.g. using Rn1 ×n2 instead of Rn ,
but this is mainly to simplify notation and to better highlight the structure of the convolutional
(k) (k)
layer(s) of CNNs, because our CNNs act on two-dimensional arrays of size n1 × n2 in contrast
to one-dimensional vectors of size n(k) of fully-connected feed-forward networks.

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A feed-forward network based on layers (0.1) is then obtained by composing these layers, i.e.
(0) (kmax )
X ∈ Rn 7→ Y = (z (kmax ) ◦ · · · ◦ z (1) )(X) ∈ Rn , (0.2)

for the moment this assumes that there is no noise term involved. We will give a detailed
description of CNN layers in Section 2.1, below.

Organization. This tutorial is organized as follows. In the next section we describe the
datasets used. In Section 2 we introduce CNN architectures and we describe their features.
Moreover, we explore these CNN architectures on our two datasets. In Section 3 we discuss
main properties of CNNs, these help to better understand the functioning of CNNs. Finally, in
Section 4 we conclude.

1 Datasets
We start by introducing the two datasets we will be working on, defining the inputs X to the
CNNs and the outputs (also called labels) Y .

1.1 Human Mortality Database

The Human Mortality Database (HMD), see, is maintained by the
University of California, Berkeley, and the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research,
Rostock. It offers mortality rates qx,t,c,g for ages x in calendar years t (see Figure 1) as well
as the corresponding population numbers (exposures) Ex,t,c,g (see Figure 2) for more than 40
countries c split into males and females (denoted by gender g). It regularly collects updates
from the national statistical offices, applying a uniform set of transformation procedures to the
data. Despite the efforts made to ensure consistency across different countries we see various
patterns emerging when analyzing anomalies due to migration and other errors. Such anomalies
of mortality rates can result in substantial under- or overestimation in life insurance products.
Two further data preparation steps are necessary on our side.
• In years of territorial changes the data on population numbers is given both before and
after the change. We use the average of both values in such cases.

• Some mortality rates are missing. In case neighboring (in terms of ages x and calendar
years t) values are available we interpolate linearly, otherwise use the value of the nearest
neighbor (both methods in the sense of the Python scipy package).

Inputs. For the inputs X into the CNN we will follow a Computer Vision approach, i.e. we
take moving windows W of mortality rates qx,t,c,g as input, and we aim at detecting whether (or
how strong) anomalies due to migration and other errors are present in each window. In more
detail, for a given country c and i = 0, 1, 2, . . . we define window Wi,c ∈ R10×10×3 by

Wi,c,·,·,1 := (logit (qx,t,c,males ))xi <x≤xi +10,ti <t≤ti +10 ,

Wi,c,·,·,2 := (logit (qx,t,c,females ))xi <x≤xi +10,ti <t≤ti +10 ,
Wi,c,·,·,3 := Wi,c,·,·,1 − Wi,c,·,·,2 ,

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Figure 1: Subset of mortality rates qx,t,GBR,males by age x and calendar year t from the HMD.

Figure 2: Subset of population numbers (exposures) Ex,t,GBR,males by age x and calendar year t
from the HMD.

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where xi := 20+5(i mod 11) and ti := 1950+5bi/11c. Thus, starting with ages x = 21, 22, . . . , 30
and years t = 1951, 1952, . . . , 1960 we move in 5-year age and time steps over the available
mortality rates until age x = 80 and year t = 2015. See Figure 5 for a schematic overview.
For some countries c less years of observations are available and we generally exclude years
before 1950 since for some countries population numbers (exposures) are given only for civilian
population during war times, while mortality rates are always given for the whole population.
Also note that the step width of 5 years is selected due to clear 5-year patterns in the underlying
data, e.g. from censuses in 5-year intervals or groupings into 5-year age buckets. The last
dimension in windows Wi,c is used for taking into account males, females, and their difference.
The latter set of values Wi,c,·,·,3 is actually redundant and we mainly use it for the analogy to
color images, i.e. each Wi,c can be considered as a 10 × 10 color image with 3 channels. We
apply two additional data preparation steps to conclude the definition of inputs.
• In some cases qx,t,c,g = 0 and, thus, logit(qx,t,c,g ) is not defined. In these cases we apply
linear interpolation or using the nearest neighbor (in terms of ages x and calendar years
t) as already done above for missing qx,t,c,g .

• Along each channel we normalize values into [0, 1] by subtracting minima and dividing by
maxima less minima, i.e. we apply a MinMaxScaler.
After application of these two steps on each window Wi,c , we call the result X i,c ∈ [0, 1]10×10×3 ,
which are the final inputs of the CNN; across all countries, these are about 4’000 input samples.

Outputs. For the outputs (labels) of the CNN – in contrast to the second dataset below,
where labels are part of the dataset – we first need to go through a few preparation steps. The
goal is to define an output value Yi,c ∈ [0, 1] for each input X i,c that measures the anomaly
severity due to migration and other errors in the chosen window. We start with the following
identity in case there is not any migration nor other error present

Ex,t,c,g = Ex−1,t−1,c,g (1 − qx−1,t−1,c,g ) ,

i.e. the population number for age x at time t is equal to the population number for age x − 1
at time t − 1 times the observed survival rate (1 − qx−1,t−1,c,g ). We can measure how strong this
identity is violated in case of errors by defining normalized residuals rx,t,c,g (see Figure 3) as
Ex,t,c,g − Ex−1,t−1,c,g (1 − qx−1,t−1,c,g )
rx,t,c,g := .
Values rx,t,c,g < 0 indicate emigration (or errors), and values rx,t,c,g > 0 indicate immigration
(or errors). In order to define the outputs Yi,c we first apply the two preparation steps from
above – linear interpolation/using neighboring values, and MinMax normalization into [0, 1] –
on rx,t,c,g , call the result rx,t,c,g . Then, we define the outputs Yi,c , the severity of anomalies, as
rx,t,c,males + rx,t,c,females
Yi,c := max ∈ [0, 1]. (1.1)
xi <x≤xi +10, 2
ti <t≤ti +10

The goal of our analysis is to see whether we can detect (predict) anomalies Yi,c based on
observed mortality rates X i,c . Note that the latter inputs are only based on mortality rates
qx,t,c,g that do not consider any exposures Ex,t,c,g , and we would like to understand whether we
can find irregularities solely based on X i,c using CNNs.

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Figure 3: Normalized residuals rx,t,c,g for Norwegian, Russian and US males. Note the different
structures along years (horizontal lines), cohorts (diagonal lines) and ages (vertical lines). Blue
defines negative values (emigration/errors), red positive values (immigration/errors). The most
intense colors are around ±15%.

1.2 MNIST dataset

The Modified National Institute of Standards and Technology (MNIST) dataset contains 700 000
images of handwritten digits 0, 1, . . . , 9 in the format of 28 times 28 grayscale pixels and is
widely used as benchmark for various classification algorithms. Inputs and outputs are readily

Inputs. Grayscale images X i ∈ [0, 1]28×28 after normalization via division by 255, for i =
1, . . . , 700 000.

Outputs. The actual digits Yi ∈ {0, 1}10 represented by each image as one-hot encoding, i.e.
component j + 1 of Yi is equal to 1 if the i-th digit represents j, and 0 otherwise; for one-hot
versus dummy coding we refer to [5].

Figure 4: Some examples of the MNIST dataset containing 28 times 28 grayscale pixels images
of handwritten digits.

2 Convolutional neural networks

In this section we introduce CNN architectures and we discuss their building blocks and features.
Moreover, we apply these CNN architectures to the two datasets introduced above.

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2.1 Typical layers in convolutional neural networks
2.1.1 Convolutional layer

The main building block of a CNN is a convolutional layer. Strictly speaking the layer rather
applies a moving dot-product instead of a convolution. But by applying zero-padding (or crop-
ping) and reversing indices of filters, the moving dot-product is equivalent to a convolution and,
thus, the name convolutional layer is justified.
In order to explain how a convolutional layer works, i.e. how inputs and outputs of the con-
volutional layer are connected, 2-dimensional inputs are typically used because they can nicely
be illustrated. This is also the set-up we are going to present in the following. However, 1-
dimensional inputs (e.g. time-series, see for an example [8]) and higher dimensional inputs are
also frequently considered in CNNs, and the definitions that we introduce below can easily be
carried over. In fact, when working with several channels or filters, see below, we are already
applying 3-dimensional inputs.
A convolution layer is a mapping
 (k) (k)

z1,1 (x) · · · z (k) (x)
 1,n2 
(k−1) (k−1) (k) (k)
z (k) : Rn1 ×n2 → Rn1 ×n2 , x 7→  .. ..
, (2.1)
 
 . . 
(k) (k)
z (k) (x) · · · z (k) (k) (x)
n1 ,1 n1 ,n2

(k) (k)
with n1 n2 hidden neurons in the k-th hidden layer. The special characteristics of a convolu-
tional layer are given by the fact that each x 7→ zi1 ,i2 (x) typically only considers a small subset
of components of x and weights (learnable parameters) (wj1 ,j2 )j1 ,j2 are shared by defining

(k) (k)
f1 f2
(k) (k) (k)
x 7→ zi1 ,i2 (x) := w0,0 + wj1 ,j2 xi1 +j1 −1,i2 +j2 −1 , (2.2)
j1 =1 j2 =1

(k) (k)
where f1 and f2 define the filter size in the two directions considered in this two-dimensional
case – a filter being defined as the matrix of weights (excluding the weight w0,0 for bias/offset)

(k) (k)
 
w1,1 ··· w (k)
 1,f2 
.. .. (k) (k)
 ∈ Rf1 ×f2 . (2.3)
 

 . . 
(k) (k)
w (k) ··· w (k) (k)
f1 ,1 f1 ,f2

(k) (k)
Thus, a convolutional layer has f1 f2 + 1 learnable parameters (weights) including the bias.
(k−1) (k−1) (k) (k)
Usually, this is substantially less compared to the (n1 n2 + 1)n1 n2 weights a fully-
connected layer would have, see [5]. This reduction is received because (1) common weights
(k) (k)
are shared across different places in the input array x, and (2) the filter sizes f1 and f2 are
usually taken not too big to identify common local structure at different locations in the inputs x.
(k) (k−1) (k) (k) (k−1) (k)
Moreover, note that these choices imply that n1 = n1 −f1 + 1 and n2 = n2 −f2 + 1.
The double sum in equation (2.2) can be considered as a moving dot-product of weights and
In a more general setup of convolutional layers three extensions of the above are often used.

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(k−1) (k−1)
1. Padding: Considering the input of the k-th layer x ∈ Rn1 ×n2 as an image, padding
(k) (k)
with parameters p1 , p2 means to horizontally and vertically add p1 and p2 pixels with
(k−1) (k) (k−1) (k)
value 0 (typically) on each side, increasing the input size to (n1 +2p1 )×(n2 +2p2 ).
We will use this later to show the connection to convolutions, while in practice padding
(k) (k)
can for example be useful to preserve image sizes, i.e. for uneven f1 , f2 the use of
(k) (k) (k) (k) (k) (k−1) (k) (k−1)
p1 = (f1 − 1)/2, p2 = (f2 − 1)/2 leads to n1 = n1 and n2 = n2 .
(k) (k)
2. Strides: Parameters s1 , s2 can be used to shift parts of the dot-product in equation (2.2)
by using instead
(k) (k)
f1 f2
wj1 ,j2 xs(k) (i (k) .
1 1 −1)+j1 ,s2 (i2 −1)+j2
j1 =1 j2 =1

(k−1) (k) (k−1) (k) (k−1)

This reduces the output size from (n1 − f1 + 1) × (n2 − f2 + 1) to (b(n1 −
(k) (k) (k−1) (k) (k)
f1 )/s1 c + 1) × (b(n2 − f2 )/s2 c + 1). The stride should be thought of as the step
size with which the filter is moved across the input.
(k) (k)
3. Dilation: Parameters d1 , d2 can be used to shift parts of the dot-product in equa-
tion (2.2) by using instead
(k) (k)
f1 f2
wj1 ,j2 xi (k) (k) .
1 +d1 (j1 −1),i2 +d2 (j2 −1)
j1 =1 j2 =1

(k−1) (k) (k−1) (k) (k−1)

This reduces the output size from (n1 − f1 + 1) × (n2 − f2 + 1) to (n1 −
(k) (k) (k−1) (k) (k)
d1 (f1 − 1)) × (n2 − d2 (f2 − 1)) and can be useful for large inputs (e.g. high
resolution images where neighboring pixels can be expected to have very similar values) as
another way to reduce the number of parameters and, thus, increasing model calibration.
Note that the filter size is enlarged by dilation by emptying some positions within the filter
window to zero, e.g. for d1 = 2 we only consider every second input component.

All three extensions can also be combined and applied together. The general output size is
$ % $ %
(k−1) (k) (k) (k) (k) (k−1) (k) (k) (k) (k)
n1 + 2p1 − d1 (f1 − 1) + s1 − 1 n2 + 2p2 − d2 (f2 − 1) + s2 − 1
× (k)
s1 s2

Applying (pre-defined) filters is also widely used in image processing for tasks like edge detection,
blurring, sharpening, etc., we refer to transfer learning mentioned in Section 0, above. A major
advantage of CNNs is that these filters get automatically estimated/optimized, which sometimes
results in filters with an intuitive meaning like edge detection, but most often lack an easy
explanation why these particular filters do a good job. Figure 15 illustrates results of applying
the estimated filters of the digit recognition CNN.

Channels. The generic definition of a convolutional layer in (2.1) has considered 2-dimensional
(k−1) (k−1)
inputs x ∈ Rn1 ×n2 , i.e. in terms of images we are considering monochromatic images.
Color images, however, have 3 channels for, e.g. red, green, blue (RGB) components of the

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(k−1) (k−1)
image2 , i.e. x ∈ Rn1 ×n2 ×3 . For color images, or c channels in general, the layer mapping
(k−1) (k−1) (k) (k) (k)
becomes z (k) : Rn1 ×n2 ×c → Rn1 ×n2 with weights (wj1 ,j2 ,c1 )j1 ,j2 ,c1 and a single bias/offset
weight w0,0 that is shared. Note that channels typically only refer to the inputs of a layer.

Number of filters. One hyperparameter we still need to introduce is the number of filters
m(k) . So far we have only been considering a single filter, i.e. a single set of weights (wj1 ,j2 )j1 ,j2 ,
see (2.3), while typically m(k) > 1 many filters are used in parallel, such that the general layer
mapping becomes
(k−1) (k−1) (k−1) (k) (k) (k)
z (k) : Rn1 ×n2 ×m → Rn1 ×n2 ×m , (2.4)
(k) (k)
with m(k) (f1 f2 + 1) weights/parameters being used. Note that from a structural point of
view filters in the input layer m(0) are equivalent to channels, i.e. in the input layer we call
multiple dimensions m(k−1) (input) channels, whereas in the output we call multiple dimensions
m(k) (output) filters. Table 1 provides an overview of all hyperparameters involved.

Table 1: Overview of typical hyperparameters of a convolutional layer.

(k−1) (k−1)
Input size n1 × n2
Number of channels m
(k) (k)
Padding p1 , p2
(k) (k)
Strides s1 , s2
(k) (k)
Dilation d1 , d2
(k) (k)
Output size n1 × n2
Number of filters m(k)

(k) (k)
Connection to convolutions. Ignoring bias/offset weight w0,0 or setting w0,0 := 0, the
remaining moving dot-product in equation (2.2) is given by
(k) (k)
f1 f2
wj1 ,j2 xi1 +j1 −1,i2 +j2 −1 , (2.5)
j1 =1 j2 =1

which very much resembles a (discrete) convolution

X X (k)
(w ∗ x)i1 ,i2 := wj1 ,j2 xi1 −j1 ,i2 −j2 , (2.6)
j1 j2

where j1 , j2 run over those indices such that weights w and inputs x are defined. Using weights
with reversed indices, i.e.

∗(k) (k)
wj1 ,j2 := w (k) (k) , (2.7)
f1 −j1 +1,f2 −j2 +1

For humans, the linear combination of 3 channels is sufficient to cover the full range of perceivable colors from
3 different types of receptor cells in the human eye. For some animals, e.g. pigeons and some butterflies, actually
up to 5 channels are needed.

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for the moving dot-product of equation (2.5), and either using zero-padding parameters p1 (k) =
f1 (k) − 1, p2 (k) = f2 (k) − 1 on x in equation (2.5) or cropping, i.e. padding with negative
parameters p1 (k) = 1 − f1 (k), p2 (k) = 1 − f2 (k) on w ∗ x in equation (2.6), shows the equivalence
of both approaches and, thus, justifies the name convolutional layer.

Fast Fourier transform (FFT). Having established the connection to convolutions in the
previous paragraph, an immediate thought is whether the FFT could be used for the evaluation
(k) (k) (k) (k)
of the moving dot-product, which requires in total f1 f2 n1 n2 multiplications. The general
answer is yes. The necessary steps are:

• zero-padding weights w such that inputs x and weights w have the same size,

• reversing indices of weights, see (2.7),

• FFT of w∗ and x,

• element-wise product (Hadamard product) of FFT(w∗ ) and FFT(x),

• inverse FFT and cropping results.

(k) (k) (k) (k) 
The number of multiplications required in this set of operations is in O n1 n2 log(n1 n2 ) ,
(k) (k) (k) (k)
which corresponds to a speed-up for large filter sizes f1 f2 > log(n1 n2 ). But since filter
sizes, in practice, typically are small, the use of the FFT does not improve computation times.

2.1.2 Pooling layer

A max-pooling layer is defined by

(k−1) (k−1) (k) (k)
×n2 ×n2 (k)
z (k) : Rn1 → Rn1 , x 7→ zi1 ,i2 (x) = max xi1 +j1 −1,i2 +j2 −1 , (2.8)
1≤j1 ≤f1 ,
1≤j2 ≤f2

(k) (k)
i.e. it takes maxima over areas (windows) of size f1 × f2 . A max-pooling layer is mainly used
for reducing size of data. Replacing maxima by averages is commonly used as well and known
as average-pooling. The same extensions (padding, strides, dilation) as above are also applied
(k) (k) (k) (k)
in pooling layers, and the strides are typically set to s1 = f1 , s2 = f2 to prevent from
overlapping windows. No weights/parameters are estimated in a pooling layer, it is purely a
fixed mapping. Note that pooling layers can also be interpreted as convolutional layers, where
the convolution operation is replaced by extracting the maximum (max-pooling) or the average
(average-pooling) out of a window of the same size as the filter.

2.1.3 Fully-connected layer

Fully-connected layers are discussed in detail in [5]. Just like for neural networks in general, one
or more fully-connected layers are frequently used in CNNs, typically as last layers to reduce
the output sizes to e.g. the number of categories for classification problems. For layers closer
to the inputs of the CNN a fully-connected layer would require too many weights/parameters
(k−1) (k−1)
because it connects every neuron of the input x ∈ Rn1 ×n2 to every neuron of the output
(k) (k)
Rn1 ×n2 . For example, using a fully-connected layer for the first layer of the digit recognition

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CNN would require 282 · 262 + 262 = 5300 660 weights/parameters, while a convolutional layer
with 10 filters of size 3 × 3 only uses 9 · 10 + 10 = 100 weights/parameters due to its sparse
connections and weights sharing. We are going to use fully-connected layers as last layer to
bring the CNN processed input X into the right structural form to predict the output Y , see
e.g. line 12 in Table 2.

2.1.4 Batch normalization layer

A batch normalization layer acts quite differently than other layers. First, during training, it
normalizes (subtracting empirical mean and dividing by empirical standard deviation) the inputs
of each filter of a mini-batch. Thus, this introduces dependencies between the input samples
of a mini-batch and it is therefore important that mini-batches use randomized samples, e.g.
by randomizing the order of inputs X. Then, for each filter the outputs are shifted and scaled
by two learnable parameters (the same across all mini-batches). For predictions, the input is
first shifted and scaled via the average of parameters during training across mini-batches (these
are considered as non-learnable parameters), and then shifted and scaled by the latter two
(learnable) parameters, learned during training. This results in 4m(k) parameters of which half
of them are learnable in the sense that they are optimized in the overall loss minimization, while
the other half are simple averages calculated during training.
We use batch normalization layers for the purpose of addressing the problem of vanishing or
exploding gradients and because of their empirical evidence to improve our results. Getting
insights into other consequences of using batch normalization layers and expressing this in simple
rules of thumb is surprisingly challenging, see, e.g. [20].

2.1.5 Flatten layer

The flatten layer performs a simple transformation by rearranging dimensions and preserving
(k−1) (k−1) (k) (k−1) (k−1)
all values, e.g. it flattens an array Rn1 ×n2 to a vector Rn with n(k) = n1 n2 . This
is mainly used if we compose a CNN layer with a fully-connected layer, the former having, e.g.
2-dimensional outputs and the latter using 1-dimensional vectors as inputs.

2.1.6 Softmax and sigmoid output layers

Just like for neural networks for classification in general, we are using a softmax layer to turn the
final output vector Y into a categorical probability distribution, this is equivalent to multinomial
logistic regression. The softmax layer is defined by
 
exp(x1 )
 exp(x2 ) 
 
(k) n(k−1) n(k) (k) 1
z :R → [0, 1] , x 7→ z (x) = P (k−1)  .. , (2.9)
exp(x ) .
 
i=1 i  
exp (xn(k−1) )

and, thus, n(k) = n(k−1) . If we have only two classes, i.e. if we have a Bernoulli prediction
problem, then we only need to model one output x 7→ p(k) (x) = z (k) (x) ∈ [0, 1] because the
probability of the other class can simply be obtained by 1 − p(k) (x) ∈ [0, 1]. In this Bernoulli

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case one usually uses the sigmoid/logistic function, that is, assume n(k) = n(k−1) = 1 and set
x ∈ R 7→ p(k) (x) = . (2.10)
1 + e−x
The softmax and sigmoid output layers address classification problems. In case we consider
regression problems we may select any reasonable link function to connect the output with the
last hidden layer. For instance, if we predict claim counts, we typically choose the log-link which
results in the exponential output function

x ∈ R 7→ z (k) (x) = exp(x) > 0.

2.1.7 Activation layer

We emphasize that in the network layers discussed above (convolutional layer and fully-connected
layer) all operations have been linear, but the full power of network modeling only comes into
play by using non-linear activations of these linear operations. Instead of including the non-
linear activations into the convolutional and the fully-connected layer, respectively, we treat the
activation as a separate layer
(k−1) (k)
z (k) : Rn → Rn , x 7→ φ(x), (2.11)

where typically the activation function φ is non-linear (e.g. ReLU, sigmoid, tanh, etc.) and it is
applied element-wise, thus n(k) = n(k−1) . This separation of the activation is required because
of using batch normalization between convolution and activation layers, see Table 2.
We remark that these non-linear activations are crucial for receiving the so-called universality
theorems, e.g. in [15] it is proved that multi-layer fully-connected feed-forward networks with
non-polynomial activation can approximate big classes of functions arbitrarily well (in some
norm) supposed that these networks have sufficiently many neurons.

2.2 Two example CNN architectures

After introducing the typical layers of CNNs in the previous section we provide a full overview
of all layers of the two examples considered in this tutorial in Tables 2 and 3. The first one is a
regression problem with a single output, and the second one is a classification problem with 10
We describe in detail the first network architecture given in Table 2. We start by applying a
batch normalization step on line 1 to ensure that all input components live on a comparable
scale. Then, we stack three convolutional layers (lines 2, 5, 8), also see Figure 5, each of these
convolutional layers is followed by a batch normalization layer (lines 3, 6, 9), and then it is
non-linearly activated using the ReLU activation (lines 4, 7, 10). This processes the m(0) = 3
channels of the 10 × 10 input to m(8) = 64 filters of 4 × 4 outputs. These outputs are flattened to
a 4 × 4 × 64 = 10 024 dimensional vector which serves as input to a (last) fully-connected layer on
line 12 having a 1-dimensional output. Finally, we apply the sigmoid function to this output to
ensure that the final network output is in [0, 1], which is exactly the domain of our (continuous)
responses Y . Remark that the original input is already quite low-dimensional, for this reason
we do not use max-pooling layers in this example.

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Table 2: Structure of a CNN to detect anomalies in mortality rates, with 240 839 learnable
weights/parameters and 230 non-learnable parameters (given in brackets).
(k) (k) (k) (k)
Layer input size output size f1 , f2 s1 , s2 m(k) #parameters
1. Batch norm. 10 × 10 × 3 10 × 10 × 3 – – – 6 (+6)
2. Conv. 10 × 10 × 3 8 × 8 × 16 3, 3 1, 1 16 16 · 3 · 32 + 16
3. Batch norm. 8 × 8 × 16 8 × 8 × 16 – – – 32 (+32)
4. ReLU φ 8 × 8 × 16 8 × 8 × 16 – – – 0
5. Conv. 8 × 8 × 16 6 × 6 × 32 3, 3 1, 1 32 32 · 16 · 32 + 32
6. Batch norm. 6 × 6 × 32 6 × 6 × 32 – – – 64 (+64)
7. ReLU φ 6 × 6 × 32 6 × 6 × 32 – – – 0
8. Conv. 6 × 6 × 32 4 × 4 × 64 3, 3 1, 1 64 64 · 32 · 32 + 64
9. Batch norm. 4 × 4 × 64 4 × 4 × 64 – – – 128 (+128)
10. ReLU φ 4 × 4 × 64 4 × 4 × 64 – – – 0
11. Flatten 4 × 4 × 64 10 024 × 1 – – – 0
12. Fully-conn. 10 024 × 1 1×1 – – – 0
1 024 + 1
13. Sigmoid output 1×1 1×1 – – – 0

Table 3: Structure of a CNN for digit recognition of the MNIST dataset, with 150 710 learnable
weights/parameters and 140 non-learnable parameters (given in brackets).
(k) (k) (k) (k)
Layer input size output size f1 , f2 s1 , s2 m(k) #parameters
1. Conv. 28 × 28 26 × 26 × 10 3, 3 1, 1 10 10 · 32 + 10
2. Batch norm. 26 × 26 × 10 26 × 26 × 10 – – – 20 (+20)
3. ReLU φ 26 × 26 × 10 26 × 26 × 10 – – – 0
4. Max-pooling 26 × 26 × 10 13 × 13 × 10 2, 2 2, 2 – 0
5. Conv. 13 × 13 × 10 11 × 11 × 20 3, 3 1, 1 20 20 · 10 · 32 + 20
6. Batch norm. 11 × 11 × 20 11 × 11 × 20 – – – 40 (+40)
7. ReLU φ 11 × 11 × 20 11 × 11 × 20 – – – 0
8. Max-pooling 11 × 11 × 20 10 × 10 × 20 2, 2 1, 1 – 0
9. Conv. 10 × 10 × 20 8 × 8 × 40 3, 3 1, 1 40 40 · 20 · 32 + 40
10. Batch norm. 8 × 8 × 40 8 × 8 × 40 – – – 80 (+80)
11. ReLU φ 8 × 8 × 40 8 × 8 × 40 – – – 0
12. Max-pooling 8 × 8 × 40 4 × 4 × 40 2, 2 2, 2 – 0
13. Flatten 4 × 4 × 40 640 × 1 – – – 0
14. Fully-conn. 640 × 1 10 × 1 – – – 640 · 10 + 10
15. Softmax output 10 × 1 10 × 1 – – – 0

2.3 Loss functions

2.3.1 Loss function for CNN on mortality rates

By I ∗ we denote all indexes (i, c) in the training/test/validation data. As loss function for
the CNN on mortality rates – without any further considerations or assumptions on (normal)

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   
     ···   1 0 0 0 0 ··· 0  
    ···  1 1 0 0 0 ··· 0 −3 −3 −1 · · · 0
     
 
  −1 0 1 
     

     ···  
  1 1 1 0 0 ··· 0  −1 −3 −3 · · · 0 
 7→  ∗  −2 0 2 
 = 
    
    ···  1 1 1 1 0 ··· 0

 .. .. .. ..
   
 . . . .
  

 .. .. .. .. ..

  .. .. .. .. .. ..  −1 0 1 
. . . . . . 0 0 0 ···
 

 . . . . . 
   0
    ···  1 1 1 1 1 ··· 1
qx,t,c,g x (wj1 ,j2 )j1 ,j2 z (2) (x)

Figure 5: CNN on mortality rates: Schematic overview of moving windows Wi,c over mortality
rates qx,t,c,g (red, only one channel), where each square  represents a 5 × 5 block of mortality
rates. The following moving dot product/convolution (blue, only one channel) similarly moves
over values of x.

distributions of the errors – we use mean squared errors, i.e.

1 X
b(X); I ∗ ) :=
L (Y, µ b(X i,c ))2 ,
(Yi,c − µ (2.12)
|I ∗ | ∗

where µb(X i,c ) denotes the prediction of the i-th window in country c, and where Yi,c ∈ [0, 1] is
the corresponding (continuous) response, see (1.1). The minimization is performed by Keras’/
TensorFlow’s stochastic gradient descent (SGD) method, see Figure 6 for losses on training and
validation set during model training.

Figure 6: Mean squared error during training phase of the CNN on mortality rates: the plot
shows training and validation losses, the latter being used to track over-fitting.

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2.3.2 Loss function for CNN of digit recognition

For the digit recognition CNN we choose the categorical cross-entropy/multinomial logistic (de-
viance) loss as loss function, i.e.
b(X); I ∗ ) := −
L (Y, µ (Yi )j log (b
µ(X i )j ) . (2.13)
i∈I ∗ j=1

Recall that Yi ∈ {0, 1}10 is a one-hot encoded vector that represents the actual digit of the image.
As minimization algorithm we select the AdaDelta algorithm, a variant of SGD with specific
adaptive learning rates, see Figure 7. For a detailed description of different SGD algorithms we
refer to [10].

Figure 7: Categorical cross-entropy during training phase of the digit recognition CNN.

2.4 Metrics
Apart from the losses above, we consider some other metrics for measuring model performance
(which are not necessarily metrics in a mathematical sense). Unlike losses these metrics are
not minimized or maximized by the model, but are very useful to assess the overall model
performance and quality.

2.4.1 Metrics for CNN on mortality rates

First, the CNN on mortality rates, which has been setup as a (continuous) regression problem,
can a posteriori also be considered as a (binary) classification model by defining a binary variable
1, Yi,c ≥ q0.95 (Y ),
bi,c := (2.14)
0, otherwise,

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where q0.95 (Y ) defines the empirical 95%-quantile of the set of all observations Yi,c . We define
that an anomaly is present in window Wi,c iff bi,c = 1, i.e. if Yi,c belongs to the 5% most extreme
observations. Remark that a value of Yi,c close to 1, means that rx,t,c,males and rx,t,c,females are
close to 1, thus, this reflects large migration/errors. By applying the same approach to pre-
dictions µ
b(X i,c ), sweeping over all quantiles, we can derive the receiver operating characteristic
curve (ROC) by plotting true positive rates vs. false positive rates. A metric frequently used
for such (binary) classification problems is the area under the curve (AUC), see Figure 8.
Note that due to the different migration/error structures across countries, see Figure 3, we are
using AUC also to pre-select countries for the final CNN by applying the following steps.

• For each country c, train a (simpler and thus faster) CNN only on input from c and define
the square matrix A by setting Ac,c∗ equal to the AUC of the prediction for country c∗ .

• Partition the countries into 4 clusters by methods also discussed in our tutorial [17] and
in [4], i.e.

– normalize A by defining Ā := R−1/2 AC −1/2 , where R and C are diagonal matrices

with diagonals equal to c∗ Ac,c∗ and c Ac,c∗ ,
– apply a singular value decomposition (SVD) Ā = U ΣV 0 , where singular values in Σ
are sorted non-increasingly,
R−1/2 U·,j
– apply the K-means algorithm on the resulting 2 vectors for j = 2, 3 to
C −1/2 V·,j
obtain 4 clusters of countries.

The final CNN on mortality rates is then only applied on the largest cluster, where migration/
error structures are more homogeneous.3

2.4.2 Metrics for CNN of digit recognition

As metric for the digit recognition CNN we use accuracy, i.e. the ratio of correctly classified
images, which is 99.65% on the training set, 99.04% on validation, and 99.01% on test data in
our example. In Figure 9 we provide the full confusion matrix on the test data.

2.5 Results
In this section we summarize and discuss the main results of the two example CNNs, the first
one a priori being a regression model, the second one being a classification model.

2.5.1 CNN on mortality rates

The primary goal of the CNN on mortality rates is to predict the severity of anomalies (in the
sense of equation (1.1)) in a given window of mortality rates. Note that population numbers
(exposures) are not used for the prediction, only mortality rates are considered as input. Actual
severities Yi,c versus predictions Pi,c := µ
b(X i,c ) are shown in Figure 10 for Switzerland (based
The largest cluster consists of the 22 countries Australia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Canada, Czech Republic, Estonia,
Finland, Greece, Hong Kong, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia,
Spain, Taiwan, UK, and Ukraine.

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Figure 8: Receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) of the classification problem on mor-
tality anomalies on test data. Area under the curve (AUC) is 93%.

Figure 9: Confusion matrix of the digit recognition CNN on test data. Overall accuracy is

on the simpler CNN used for clustering) and for all populations of the largest cluster. In an
ideal model all samples would lie on the diagonal given by the identity P = Y . We observe
that, in particular, for the largest cluster of population predictions for larger anomalies (red
dots denote the top 5%) are better than for smaller anomalies, which could be explained by the
fact that only larger anomalies result in a sufficiently large footprint in mortality rates exceeding
usual random fluctuations. However, if we focus on Switzerland in Figure 10 we observe a fairly

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strong diagonal picture, which illustrates that this prediction task is done quite successfully
on country-specific data. Figure 11 shows outputs and predictions arranged by age and year
As a secondary goal, we use the CNN on mortality rates to detect anomalies as defined in
equation (2.14). This turns the original regression problem into a (binary) classification problem.
The preferred way to tackle this problem would be to introduce a new CNN and train this on
binary data. However, since we treat detection only as a secondary goal, we directly use the
predictions of the original CNN as described above to obtain an already quite strong AUC of
From Figure 3 we observe for example that for Russian males, the window t = 1961, . . . , 1970,
x = 71, . . . , 80 contains quite some anomalies, in particular locally for x = 80, which are most
probably due to errors. These could be driven by errors in population numbers (exposures) or
in mortality rates. In this case, the major driver are mortality rates, where q79,1968,RUS,males =
8.98% is a local single outlier being surrounded by values above 10% along time, age, and cohort

Figure 10: Actual output Y (severity of anomalies) versus prediction P of the CNN on mortality
rates for Switzerland (left) and the test set of all population of the largest cluster. Red dots
denote the 5% largest values of Y .

2.5.2 Digit recognition CNN

The website where the MNIST dataset can be obtained4 provides an overview of several meth-
ods (linear classifiers, K-nearest neighbors, support vector machines (SVMs), etc.) and their
performance in terms of error rates (i.e. 1 less accuracy) on the test dataset. We observe that the
simple CNN in this tutorial already achieves quite a remarkably low error rate of 0.99%, which
means that out of the 100 000 images of the test dataset, only 99 are not correctly classified, see
off-diagonal values of the confusion matrix in Figure 9. The overview also clearly shows how well
CNNs perform on this kind of classification problems and that CNNs outperform most other

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Figure 11: Actual output Y (left) versus prediction P (right) of the CNN on mortality rates for
Switzerland (left) arranged by age and year buckets.

3 Insights into convolutional neural networks

In this section we try to demystify how CNNs work by providing insights from several angles.
This is more tangible on the digit recognition CNN which we will use throughout this section.
We start with some (desired) properties.

3.1 Shift invariance

Convolutions are shift invariant, i.e. for a Dirac matrix δi1 ,i2 (which means a shift by (i1 , i2 )
when convoluted)
δi1 ,i2 ∗ (w ∗ x) = (δi1 ,i2 ∗ w) ∗ x = w ∗ (δi1 ,i2 ∗ x). (3.1)
This might suggest that CNNs are also shift invariant in the sense that µ b(δi1 ,i2 ∗ x) for some
small i1 , i2 would deliver similar predictions or predictions that are ”shifted” in some sense.
For some special cases this is indeed true, e.g. assume a single convolutional layer with zero-
(1) (1)
padding p1 = p2 = 5 (and strides and dilation (1, 1)) followed by a global max-pooling layer
(1) (0) (1) (0)
f1 = n1 , f2 = n2 . Furthermore, assume that all inputs x have a 5-pixel border of 0-valued
pixels, such that non-zero pixels ”remain” in the image for all δi1 ,i2 ∗ x with −5 ≤ (i1 , i2 ) ≤ 5.
Then, clearly µ b(δi1 ,i2 ∗ x) = constant for all −5 ≤ (i1 , i2 ) ≤ 5.
In general, however, CNNs are not shift invariant, as can also be seen in Figure 12, where we
shift the first 20 images of the MNIST dataset given in Figure 4 by values −5 ≤ (i1 , i2 ) ≤ 5
and plot the component of the correct digit of the output of the softmax layer, black equals 1,
white equals 0. Still, in particular for Computer Vision, shift invariance is a desired property
and Figure 12 also reveals that this property holds at least to a certain extent. Improvements
can be made for example by data augmentation, i.e. extending the training dataset by shifted
variants of the original training images, or also by antialiasing (see, e.g. [23]), e.g. replacing max-
pooling layers with non-overlapping areas by overlapping max-pooling and a non-overlapping
convolutional layer. Another approach is to increase the depth of the network, see, e.g. [21],
where this is proven in a more general framework of scattering networks and wavelet transforms

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on images considered as Lebesgue-measurable functions L2 (R2 ).

Figure 12: Shifting the first 20 images of the MNIST dataset by all values −5 ≤ (i1 , i2 ) ≤ 5.
In the images of the lower two rows green equals 1 (correct prediction) and red equals 0 for
each (i1 , i2 ). The shifted images of the upper two rows correspond to the upper left corners,
i.e. (−5, −5).

3.2 Rotation invariance

Rotation invariance might be desired in some cases, e.g. detecting floods in satellite images,
but is not desired in other cases like for example digit recognition where a 6 and a 9 should
be treated as different numbers. In Figure 13 we provide (some of) the outputs of the softmax
layer of the digit recognition CNN under various rotation angles. Clearly, rotation invariance is
not given.

Figure 13: Outputs of the softmax layer when rotating the digit 6, the lower graph shows the
softmax probabilities for digits 6, 9, 8 and 5 in blue, red, yellow and green colors.

3.3 Scale invariance

In Figure 14, we provide the outputs of the softmax layer (of the correct digit) when scaling the
first 20 images of the MNIST dataset by values ranging from (0.5, 0.5) (upper left corner) to

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(1.5, 1.5) (lower right corner). Although scale invariance in general is not given by a CNN, digits
are still very well recognized in our example across a wide range as can be seen from Figure 14.

Figure 14: Scaling the first 20 images of the MNIST dataset by values ranging from (0.5, 0.5)
(upper left corner) to (1.5, 1.5) (lower right corner), green equals 1 (correct prediction), red
equals 0. The scaled images of the upper two rows correspond to the lower left corners, i.e.
scaling by (1.5, 0.5).

3.4 Layer visualizations

One way to obtain further insights into CNNs is by visualizing the outputs of each layer, see
Figure 15. While the first layer still can be analyzed whether the applied filters are similar to
commonly used filters like edge detection or blurring, the later layers do not seem to provide
further insights in an easily understandable manner. In particular, the structure of the 10
dot-products represented by the fully-connected layer remains very intransparent.

Figure 15: Visualization of the outputs of the 3 convolutional layers (on rows) with 10, 20
(displayed as 2 × 10), and 40 (displayed as 4 × 10) filters.

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3.5 Trying to invert CNNs
Another way to obtain insights into (classification) CNNs is by trying to invert them, i.e. con-
sidering the CNN as a mapping from inputs to categories and then finding the pre-image of each
category. We present three approaches to formalize this idea.

1. Backtracking along maximum weights. We briefly sketch the algorithm behind this
idea. Starting with a given category from the fully-connected layer, there are 640 weights
(excluding the bias/offset) connecting this category to the previous layer. Pick the, say,
1% largest weights and follow them to the previous layer, where this corresponds to a
subset S of the 4 × 4 × 40 input of the flatten layer. Let the elements of x ∈ R4×4×40 be
equal to the corresponding weight if in S, and be zero otherwise. Continuing this approach
by duplicating values (or picking a single value) for max-pooling layers and multiplying
with the, say, 1% largest weights starting from each non-zero value of convolutional layers
(averaging across overlaps), we eventually get to the first layer to obtain a 28 × 28 image
for the category we started from, see, e.g. [14] where essentially this approach is applied.

2. Activation maximization. The idea behind this approach – also known as deep dream
– is to maximize the CNN output µ
b(·)j for each category j, i.e. find

x(j) := arg max (b

µ(x)j ) , (3.2)

(0) (0)
where B1 is a unit-ball with respect to a suitable norm, e.g. maximum norm on Rn1 ×n2 .
The maximum is not necessarily unique but performing a simple gradient ascent algorithm
will provide a single x(j) for each category j. Often, additional regularization is applied
to derive more ”meaningful” images, see e.g. [19] as one of the first papers to apply this

3. Decoder network. Another approach is to design an inverse network, i.e. considering

the original CNN as an encoder from images to one-hot vectors of digits, and design a
decoder network that maps digits to images. Both networks together can be considered an
autoencoder, however, of course, with the restriction that the encoding should be one-hot
vectors of the digits. In Table 4, we provide the structure of a decoder network, where
two additional types of layers are used – a reshape layer to change the input dimensions,
analogous to a flatten layer, and an upsample layer to reverse max-pooling – and Figure 16
shows the predictions of all 10 digits.

Figure 16: Predictions of the decoder network for all 10 digits.

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Table 4: Decoder network that tries to invert the CNN given in Table 3 with 20 590 learnable
(k) (k) (k) (k)
Layer input size output size f1 , f2 p1 , p2 m(k) #parameters
1. Fully conn. 10 × 1 49 × 1 – – – 49 · 10 + 49
2. ReLU φ 49 × 1 49 × 1 – – – 0
3. Reshape 49 × 1 7×7 – – – 0
4. Conv. 7×7 7 × 7 × 20 3, 3 1, 1 20 20 · 32 + 20
5. ReLU φ 7 × 7 × 20 7 × 7 × 20 – – – 0
6. Upsample 7 × 7 × 20 14 × 14 × 20 2, 2 1, 1 – 0
7. Conv. 14 × 14 × 20 14 × 14 × 10 3, 3 1, 1 10 10 · 20 · 32 + 10
8. ReLU φ 14 × 14 × 10 14 × 14 × 10 – – – 0
9. Upsample 14 × 14 × 10 28 × 28 × 10 2, 2 1, 1 – 0
10. Conv. 28 × 28 × 10 28 × 28 2, 2 1, 1 1 10 · 22 + 1

4 Summary
In this tutorial we have provided a general introduction to convolutional neural networks (CNNs),
i.e. feed-forward networks with specific structures and properties given by convolutional layers.
For image recognition and similar problems to detect patterns in (typically) multi-dimensional
data, CNNs perform extremely well, and they can be considered as one of the major contributors
for the success and popularity of deep learning over the past years.
We used two example CNNs, a regression model on mortality rates and a classification model
on images of hand-written digits to demonstrate the strengths and properties of CNNs. We
provided a list of commonly used pre-trained CNNs that can also be used for transfer learning,
and we tried to demystify how CNNs work by analyzing properties like shift, rotation and
scale invariance. The presented approaches to visualize a trained CNN provide further useful
insights. Despite these insights we conclude with the remark that there remains a substantial
gap to theoretically explain and grasp the reasons for the striking empirical success of CNNs.

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